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_ WHEREAS, RCW 35.77.010 requires that the legislative body of each City .
prepare and adopt a comprehensive Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the
ensuing six years, but only after conducting a public hearing; and :
, VI/HEREAS, a public hearing to review the 2011-2016 Transportation
Improvement Program for the City of Aubum was held on September 7, 2010 at the
hour of 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Auburn City Hall, pursuant to notice
published in the legal newspaper of the City of Auburn on August 24, 2010; and
WHEREAS, saitl amendment to the 2011-20167ransportation Improvement Plan
of the City of Auburn was approved by the City Council by motion duly made and
carried in said hearing.
Section 1. There is attached hereto and denominated as Exhibit "A," the terms
of which are incorporated herewith by reference as though fully set forth, a designation
of the streets within the corporate limits of the City of Auburn to be improved in the
manner therein set forth during the year set for the improvement of such street or
Section 2. That the City Engineer of the City of Auburn is hereby directed to
forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Washington State Department of
Transportation for filing not more than thirty (30) days after the adoption of this.
Resolution No. 4614
August 30, 2010
Page 1
Section 3. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such
administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this
Section 4. That this Resolution shall take effeet and be in full force upon
r passage and signatures hereon.
Dated and Signed this day, of , 2010.
Danielle E. Daskam,
City Clerk
. niel B. 'd,
City Attorney
Resolution No. 4614
August 30, 2010
Page 2
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Improvement Program
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Department of Public Works
Transportation Section
~ Approved September 7, 2010
('ili' of.ltrhuria lruizspurlcrlrun lnt/)r•rnTM C171 Pru,(11-nrll
Transportation Improvement
Appror•cd by Auhurn City ('ouncil
Septcmhcr 7, 2010
('itv uf Auburn
25 West Main Street
Auburn, VVA 98001
( 2 53 )-931-3010
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City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
WHEREAS, RCW 35.77.010 requires that the legislative body of each City prepare and adopt a.
comprehensive Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the ensuing six yeazs, but only after
conducting a public hearing; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing to review the 2011 2016 Transporta.tion Improvement Program for
the City of Auburn was held on September 7, 2010 at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of
the Auburn City Ha11, pursuant to notice published in the legal newspaper of the City of Auburn on
August 24, 2010; and
WHEREAS, said amendment to the 2011-2016 Transportation Improvement Plan of the City of
Auburn was approved by the City Council by motion duly made and carried in said hearing.
Section 1. There is attached hereto and denominated as Exhibit "A," the terms of which aTe
incorporated herewith by reference as though fully set forth, a designation of the streets within the
corporate limits of the City of Aubum to be improved in the manner therein set forkh during the year set
for the improvement of such street or streets.
Section 2. T'hat the City Engineer of the City of Auburn is hereby directed to forward a certified
copy of this Resolution to the Washington State Departinent of Transportation for filing not more than
thiriy (30) days after the adoption.of this Resolution.
- Section 3. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as
may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation.
. Resolution 4614 iii
City ofAuburn,Transportation Improvement Program
Section 4. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures
hereon. '
DATED this _ day of September, 2010
Danielle E. Daskam,
City Clerk
Daniel B. Heid,
City Attorney
iv Resolution 4614
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
Transportation Improvement Program
Table of Contents
Ezecutive Surnmary l
Introduction l
Projects & Financing Plan Summary 3
Financial Constraint & Fund Balance Summary 13
Roadway Improvement Projects ......................................:....................................................................15
~ A Street NW, Phase 1 15
P 16
Auburn WaY Comdor Im
I Street NE Corridor 17
M Street Gra.de Separation .....................:................................................:................................:............18.
South 277th Street 19
15th Street SW Reconstruction 20
A Street NW, Phase 2 ...........................................................................................................................21
D StreetNW 22
F Street SE 23
M Street NE 24
BNSF Railyard Grade Crossing 25
West Va11ey Highway Imp 26
8th Street NE Widening 27
49th Street NE 28
Traffic Calming Improvements 29
124th Ave SE Corridor Imp. Phase 3 30
124th Ave SE Corridor Imp. Phase 1 31
124th Ave SE Corridor Imp. Phase 2 32'
SE 320th Street Corridorlmp . 33
Downtown Promenade Imp . 34
Intersection Improvement Projects 35
Harvey Rd. & 8th Street NE Imp 35
8th Street NE & R Street NE 36
Auburn Way North & 1 st Street NE 37
Auburn Way South & M Street SE 38
C Street NW & West Main Street 39
F Street SE & 4th Street SE 40
Railroad Crossing Imp . 41
Auburn Way Soutti & Riverwalk Dr SE 42
Traffac Signal & Intelligent Transportation Systems Projects 43
South Auburn ITS Expansion 43
Traffic Signal Improvements
ITS Dynamic Message Signs 45
East Valley HWY ITS Expansion 46
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
Transportation Improvement Program
2011-2016 ~
Table of Contemts (cont.)
Non-Motorized & Transit Improvement Projects ................................................................................47
Auburn Way South Corridor Imp. Ph.l 47
Skinner Road/ 3rd Avenue Trail 48
BNSF/ East Va11ey HWY Ped. Underpass 49
Academy Drive Class 1 Trai1 ,50
Metro Shuttles 51
Citywide Pedestrian Crossing Program . 52
Citywide Arterial Bicycle and Safety Imp 53
Citywide Sidewalk Improvements 54
A St NE Ped. Imp
Interurban Trailhead Imp..:..:............................:. 56
37th Street SE & R St SE Ped Connector 57
Lea Hill Pedestrian Improvements 58
Preliminary Engineering & Miscellaneous Projects 59
41 st Street SE & A St SE Access Study 59
S 277t' St Wetland Mitigation 60
104tli Ave SE & Green River Rd Study 61
Environmental Park Study 62
Downtown to Les Gove Non-Motorized Study 63 _
S 316th Bike and Ped Study 64
Kersey Way SE Study 65
Mary Olson Farm Imp . 66
ltoadway Preservation Projects 67 ~
Annual Bridge Preservation Project 67
Annual Arterial Street Preservation 68
Anriual Arterial Crack Sea1 Program 69
Loca1 Street Imp. Program (SOS) 70
Project Summary Spreadsheet . . . . . . . . . . , . ..Appendix A
2011-2016 TIP Project Map ..........................................................................:..Appendix Bvi
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a 6-year plan (2011-2016) for transportation.
improvements that supports the City of Auburns current and future growth. The TIP along with 'the
Comprehensive Transportation plan serve as source documents for the City of Auburn Capital Facilities
Plan which is a Comprehensive Plan element required by Washington's Growth Management Act. The
program may be revised at any time by a majority of the City Council after a public hearing. The 2011-
-2016 TIP recognizes approximately $111 million worth of transportation improvements (including Non-
Motorized and roadway preservarion) over the next six years.
Purpose -
_ _The purpose, of the TIP is to identify, priority transportation projects and assure that the city has
advanced plans as a guide in carrying out a coordinated transportarion program. There are always more
projects than available_ revenues., Therefore, a primary objective of the TIP is to integrate the two to
produce a comprehensive, realistic program for the orderly development and maintenance of our street
system. Projects are required tobe included in the TIP in order to be eligible for state and federal grants.
Grant funding for projects listed may not yet be secured.
Statutory Requirements
Six Year Transportation Improvement Program - RCW 35.77.010 requires that each cifiy prepare and
adopt a comprehensive transportation improvement program for the ensuing six calendar years
consistent with its Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Tliis six-year Transportation Improvement
Program (TIP) shall be filed with the Secretary of the Washington State Department of Transportation
(WSDOT) each year within 30 days of adoption.
Projects of Regional Significance - RCW 35.77.010 also requires each city to specifically set forth those
projects and programs of regional significance for inclusion in the transportation improvement program
for that region. The 2011-20167IP includes 6 projects of regional significance:
TI~P Pro'ect Nuinber'?. ~ Pro ect Trtle; {
TIP #5 ` iVI Street Grade Se aration
TIP # 6 S' 277 St Widenin
TIP #13 South Auburn ITS Ex ansion
TIP #14 West Valle Hi wa Im rovements
TIP #50 ITS D mic Messa e Si s
TIP #51 East Valle Hi hwa ITS Ex ansion
~ Executive Summary & Introduction 1
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
Annual updates of the TIP begins with developing a revenue forecast to provide a reasonable estimate of
funding available to accomplish the transportation improvement needs. Since the desire to construct
transportation improvements typically exceeds the available forecast revenue, it is necessary to establish
some method of prioritizing the needs. ,
Transportation needs are identified by, examining the latest information concerning level of service,
safety and accident history, growth trends, traffic studies and the City's adopted Comprehensive
Transportarion Plan. The _likelihood of receiving federal or state grants for various improvements,
community interests and values are also considered. All of these factors yield a prioritized list of
transportation improvements.
Projects are placed into one of the following categories; Roadway Improvements, Intersection
Improvements, Signal & Intelligent Transportation System Improvements, Non-Motorized & Transit
Improvements, Preliminary Engineering & Miscellaneous projects and Roadway Preservation Projects,
Each project is identif ed as a Capacity or Non-capacity improvement and those that lay within the limits
of a defined Arterial LOS Corridor per with Table 2-2 of the City's Comprehensive Transportarion Plan
are identified accordingly. '
Detailed project costs and funding sources are identified and provided for each project listed in the
proposed TIF. The prioritized list is then fma.ncially constrained in the first three years to reflect the
financial projections to yield the six-year Transportation Improyement Program. After completing all
reviews and compiling the document staff makes final. recommendations to the Planning and
Development Committee and City Council for approval. 2 Executive Summary & Introduction
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
Proj ects & Financing Plan Summary
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
TIP# Roadwav Improvement Projects
1 'A Street NW, Phase 1($4.1 Million 6cpended Prwr to 2011)
Capital Costs 7,368,500 - 7,368,500
Fundirtg Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Grants 6,652,000 - - - - - 6,652,000
Traffic Im pact Fees 216,500 - - - - - 216,500
Other(Devefo,pmenfl 500,000 - - - - - 500,000
3 Auburn Way Corridor Imp. ($78,000 Expended Prior to 2011)
Capital Costs - - 818,700 3,000,000 - - 3,818,700
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - 110,000 600,000 - - 710,000
Grants - - 708,700 2,400,000 - - 3,708,700
Other - - - - - - -
4'C Street NE Corridor ($12,000 Ezpended .Prior to 2011)
Capital Costs - - 460,000 1,020,000 4,280,000 - 5,760;000
, Fundirtg Sources:
UnresfricEed Street Revenue - - - - - - -
- - - Grants
Traffic Im pact Fees - - - - - - -
.Other(OtherAgencies) _ - • ' - ' 150,000 ' . . 150,000-
Other(Development) 460,000 1,020,000 4,130,000 5,610,000
5'M' Street (Yade Separation ($5.5 Million Expended Prior to 2011)
Capital Costs 2,115,000 12,985,000 1,800,000 - - - 16,900,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Grants 615,000 5,385,000 - - - - 6,000,000
REET2 - - - - - -
TrafficlmpactFees 1,500,000 661,400 - - - - 2,167,400
Traffic N6tigation Fees - - - - - - -
Other (OtherAgencies) - 6,938,600 1,800,000 - - - 8,738,600
6 South 277th - Aubum Way North bo GYeen tSver Bridge {$19,000 6cpended Prior to 2011)
_ - -os- - - - -
Capital Cts - 276;500 803,500 3,000,000 - - 4,080,000
Funding 5ources: Unrestricted StreetRevenue - - - - - - -
Grants - - - - 1,500,000 - - 1,500,000
Other(Development) - - - 1,500,000 - - 1,500,000
Ofher(OtherAgenaes) - 276,500 803,500 - - - 1,080,000
7 15th St SW Reconstruction
• Capital Costs - - 375,000 3,000,000 - - 3,375,000
Funding Sources:
. Unrestricted Street Revenue - - 75,000 500,000 - - 575,000
Grants - - 300,000 2,500,000 - - 2,800,000
Other - - - - - - -
8'A' Street NW, Phase 2($175,000 Expended Prior to 2011)
Capital Costs 75,000 162,000 2,288,000 - - - 2,525.000
Funding Sources: '
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Grants - - 2,119,300 - - 2,119,300
Traffic Impact Fees 75,000 162,000 168,700 - - - 405,700
Other - - - - - - -
Projects & Financing Plan Summary 3
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
TIP# Roadwav Imurovement Proiects (Cont.)
9'D' Street NW, 37th to 44th ($6 Million beyond 2016)
Capital Costs - - - - 200,000 200,000 400,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - _
Grants - - - - 160,000 160,000 320,000
Traffic Im act Fees - - - - 40,000 40,000 80,000
10 'F Street SE, 4th to AWS ($8,000 Expended Prior to 2011)
Capital Costs - - - 200,000 1,000,000 - 1,200,000
Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - .
Grants - - - - 780,000 - 780,000
Traffic Im act Fees - - - 200,000 220,000 - 420,000
11 'M' Street NE, E. Main to 4th
Capital Costs 50,000 - - 275,000 1,000,000 - 7,325,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - .
Grants - - - 225,000 897,500 - 1,122,500
Traffic Im act Fees 50,000 - - 50,000 • 102,500 - 202,500
12 Grade-Separated Crossing of BNSF Ratlyard ($31 INitlion beyond 20t6)
Capital Cosis - - - - - 1,000,000 1,000,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - .
Grants - - - - - - -
Other Davelo ment - - - - - 1,000,000 1,000,000
14 West Valley Hwy Improvements ($465,000 Expended Prior to 2011)
Capital Costs 4,535,000 - - - - - 4,535,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue 55,000 - - - - - 55,000
Grants 2,730,000 - - - - - 2,730,000
Traffic Mitigation Fees -
Traffic Impact Fees 530,000 - - - - - 530,000
Other (Storm Fund 432) 1,220,000 - - - - - 1,220,000
15 Sth Street NE Wiclening (Pike Street to R Street NE)
Capital Costs - - 450,000 1,000,000 - - 1,450,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted SUeet Revenue - - 90,Q00 200,000 - - 290,000
Grants - - 360,000 800,000 - - 1,160,000
Traffic Im ct Fees - - - _
16 49th Street NE from Aubum Way North to M Street NE
Capital Costs 850,000 2,500,000 - - - - 3,350,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - _
Traffic Impact Fees - -
Other Develo ment 850,000 2,500,000 - - - - 3,350,000
33 Traffic Calming Improvements
Capitai Casts 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Cap. Imp. Funds - - - - - - _
Grants - - - - - - -
REET2 - - - - - -
Other Redflex in Fund 328 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 112D0,000
4 Projects & Financing Plan Summary
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Progf-am
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
TIP Roadwav improvement Proiects (Cont.)
39 124th Ave 3E Corridor Improvements Phase 3
Capitai Costs - - - - 100,000 750,000 850,000
Funding Sources: Unrestricted 5'treet Revenue - - - - - - -
Grants - - - - 85,000 650,000 735,000
Traffic Im act Fees - - - - 15,000 100,000 115,000
40 124th Ave SE Corridor Improvements Phase 1
Capital Costs - 50,000 150,000 1,750,000 - - 1,950,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Grants - - 125,000 1,565,000 - - 1,690,000
Traffic Im ct Fees - 50,000 25,000 185,000 - - 260,000
41 124th Ave SE Corridor Improvements Phase 2
Cap"rtai Costs - - 30,000 150,000 1,000,000 - 1,180,000
Funckng Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Grants - - - 100,000 865,000 - 965;000
Traffic Im act Fees - - 30,000 50,000 135,000 215,000
42 SE 320th St Corridor Improvements
Capital Costs - - - 30,000 60,000 580,000 670,000
Funding Sources:_ _
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Grants - - - - 51,500 502,100 553,600
Traffic Im act Fees - - - 30,000 8,500 77,900 116,400
52 Downtawn Promenade Improvements ($1.2 61lithon Expended Prior to 2019) -
Capitat Costs 6,800,000 - - - - - 6,800,000
Funding Sources
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - -
GTartts 2,544,000 - - - - - 2,544,000
Other GO Bortds 4,256,000 - - - - - 4,256,000
Subtotal. Roadwav Imorovement Proiects:
Capital Costs 21,993,500 16,173,500 7,375,200 13,625,000 7,840,000 2,730,000 69,737,200
Funding Sources
Unresficted Street Revenue 55,000 - 275,000 1,300,000 - - 1,630,000
Grants 12,541,000 5,385,000 3,613,000 9,090,000 2,839,000 1,312,100 34,780,100
Traffic Impact Fees 2,371,500 873,400 223,700 515,000 521,000 217,900 4,722,500
Other (Other Agencies) - 7,215,100 2,603,500 - 150,000 - 9,818,600
Other (Storm Fund 432) 1,220,000 - - - - - 1,220,000
Other (Redflex in Fund 328) 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000
Other(Development) 1,350,000 2,500,000 460,000 2,520,000 4,130,000 1,000,000 11,960,000
Other (GO Bonds) 4,256,000 - - - - - 4,256,000
Total Funding 21,993,500 16,173,500 7,375,200 13,625,000 7,840,000 2,730,000 69,737,200
Projects & Financing Plan Summary 5
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
TIP# Intersection Imorovement Profects
17 Ftarvey Rd. & 8th St NE Intersection tmprovements ($2.1 Million Expended PMor to 2011, $996K beyond 2016)
Capital Costs 87,700 87,300 87,000 86,500 86,000 86,000 520,500
Funding Sources: .
UnresVicted Street Revenue - - - - - 86,000 86,000
Grants - - - - - - -
PWTF - - - - - - -
Traffic Im act Fees 87,700 87,300 87,000 86,500 86,000 - 434,500
18 8th Street NE and R Street NE Traffic Stgnal ($647,000 Expended Prior to 2071)
Capital Costs 1,000 - - - - - 7,000
Funding Sources:
UnresUicted Street Revenue 1,000 - - - - - 1,000
Grants - - - - - - -
Other - - - - - - _
19 Au6um Way North / 1st Street NE Signal Improvements
Capital Costs - 20,000 580,000 - - - 600,000
Funding Sources:
. Unrestricted Street Revenue - 20,000 130,000 - - - 150,400
Grards - - 450,000 - - - 450,000
Other - - - - - -
20 Aubum Way South and M Street St Intersection Improvements ($25,000 Expended Prior to 2011)
Capital Costs 75,000 - 900,000 - - - 975,000
Funding Sources: ,
Unrestricted Street Revenue 75,000 - - - - - 75,000
Grants - - 765,000 - - - 765,000
Traffic Miti ation Fees - - 135,000 - - - 135,000
21 C Street NW and West Main Street
Capital Costs - - 100,000 1,000,000 - - 1,100,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted SVeet Revenue - - 20,000 200,000 - - 220,000
Grants - - 80,000 800,000 - - 880.000
Other - - - -
25 F St SE and 4th St SE Traffic Signal ($396,000 Expended Prior to 2011)
Capital Costs 1,000 - - - - - 1,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue 1,000 - - - - - 1,000
Grants -
Other - - - - - - .
38 Raiiroad Crossing Safety Improvements
Capital Costs - - 150,000 850,000 - - 9,000,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - 25,000 110,000 - - 135,000
GraMs - - 125,000 740,000 - - 865,000
Other - - - _
43 Aubum Way South & Riverwalk Intersection Improvements
Capital Costs - - - - 150,000 2,250,000 2,400,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - .
Grants - - - - 125,000 1,951,000 2,076,000
Traffic Impact Fees - - - - 25,000 299,000 324,000
Subtotal. Intersection Imo. Prolects:
Capital Costs 164,700 107,300 1,817,000 1,936,500 236,000 2,336,000 6,597,500
Funding Sources
Unrestricted Street Revenue 77,000 20,000 175,000 310,000 - 86,000 668,000
Grants - - 1,420,000 1,540,000 125,000 1,951,000 5,036,000
Traffic Impact Fees 87,700 87,300 87,000 86,500 111,000 299,000 758,500
Traffic Mitiga6on Fees - - 135,000 - - - 135,000
Total Funding 164,700 107,300 1,817,000 1,936,500 236,000 2,336,000 6,597,500
6 Projects & Financing Plan Summary
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2076 Total
TIP# Trafflc Siqnal and Intetliaent Transaortation Svstem (ITS) Proiects
13 South Aubum fT3 Expansion ($803,000 6cpended Prior to 2011)
~ Capital Costs 1,000 - - - - - 1,000
~ Funding Sources:
Unrestricted 5treet Revenue 1,000 - - - - - 1,000
Grants - - - - - - -
Trdffic Mitigation Fees - - - - - - -
L Other - - - - - - - !
34 Traffic Signal Improvements
Capital Costs 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 1,050,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Cap. Imp. Funds - - - - - - -
Grants • - - - - - - -
Other REET 2 in Fund 328 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 1,050,000
50 ITS Dynamic Message Signs ($880K beyond 2016)
Capital Costs - - - 220,000 - 220,000 440,000
Funding Suurces:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - 30,000 - 30,000 60,000
Grants - - - 190,000 - 190,000 380,000
Traffic Mi ' ation Fees - - - - - - -
51 East Valley Highway ITS Expansion
Capital Costs - - - 800,000 - - 800,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted SVeet Revenue - - - - - - -
Grants - - - 692,000 - - 692,000
Traffic Impact Fees - - - 108,000 - - 108,000
Subtotal. Trafric Sianal 8 fTS Proiects:
Capital Costs 176,000 175,000 175,000 1,195,000 175,000 395,000 2,291,000
Funding Sources
Unrestricted Street Revenue 1,000 - - 30,000 - 30,000 61,000
Grants - - - 882,000 - 190,000 1,072,000
Traffic Impact Fees - - - 108,000 - - 108,000
Other (REET2 in Fund 328) 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 1,050,000
Total Funding 176,000 175,000 175,000 7,195,000 175,000 395,000 2,291,000
Projects & Financing Plan Summary 7
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
TIP# Non-Motorized 8 Transit Imorovement Pro(ects
2 Auburn Way South Corridor Improvements Phase 1
Capital Costs 160,000 680,800 - - - - 840,800
~ Funding Sources:
Unrestricted SVeet Revenue 40,000 60,000 - - ' - - 100,000
Grants 720,000 620,800 - - - - 740,800
L Other - - - - - - - I
22 Skinner Road to 3rd Avenue (Aubum Paciflc Trail Phase2) ($762,000 Expended Prior to 2011)
Capital Costs 1,000 - - - - - 1,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue 1,000 - - - - - 1,000
Grants -
Other (OtherAgencies) - - - - - _ .
23 BNSF/E. Valley Highway PedestNan Underpass ($224,000 Expended Prllarr to 2011, $5 Million beyond 2015)
Capital Costs - - - - - 4,800,000 4,840,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - .
Grants - - - - - 4,550,000 4,550,000
Other OfherAgencies - - - - - 250,000 250,000
24 Academy Drive Multi-Use Trail
Capital Costs - - 10,000 150,000 425,000 425,000 1,010,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - 10,000 150,000 42,500 42,500 245,000
Grants - - - - 382,500 382,500 765,000
Other - - - - _ _ _
26 METRO Shuttle: Aubum Community and Lakeland Shuttles -
Capital Costs 220,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 1,320,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Stteet Revenue 220,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 1,320,000
Grants - - - - - - -
Traffic Im act Fees - - - - _ _ _
30 Citywide Pedestrian Crossing Program
Capital Costs - 100,000 - 100,000 - 100,000 300,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - 100,000 - 100,000 - 100,000 300,000
Grarrts - - - - _ _
Other - - - - - - -
31 Citywide Arterial Bicycle and Safety improv.
Capital Costs 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue 100,000 10000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100.000 600,000
Grants - - - - - - -
Other - - - - - - -
32 Citywide Sidewalk Improvements Capital Costs 180,000 20,000 180,000 20,000 180,000 20,000 600,000
Funding Sources
Unrestricted Cap. Imp. Funds 180,000 20,000 180,000 20,000 180,000 20,000 600,000
Grants - - - - - - -
Other (REET2 in Fund 328)
8 Projects & Financing Plan Summary
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
TIP# Non-Motorized & Transit Imorovement Proiects (Cont.)
44 A ST NE Pedestrian Improvements I
'i Capital Costs - - 150,000 - - - 150,000
! Funding Sources:
~i Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - -
j Grants - - 150,000 - - - 150,000
~ Traffic Im ct Fees - - - - - - -
45 Interurban Trailhead Improvements
Capital Costs - - - 210,000 - - 210,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted SUeet Revenue - - - - - - -
Grants - - - 185,000 - - 185,000
Traffic Mitigation Fees - - - 25,000 - - 25,000
I 53 37th St Se & R St SE PedestNan Connedor ($124,000 Expended Prior to 2011)
i Capftal Costs 1,000 - - - - - 1,000 ~
~ Funding Sources:
Unrestric4ed Street Revenue 1,000 - - - - - 1,000
Grants - - - - - - -
Traffic im act Fees - - - - - - -
56 Lea Hiil Pedestrian Improvements
Capital Costs 57,080 296,820 - - - - 353,900
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Grants 57,080 296,820 - - - - 353,900
Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - - -
Subtotal. Non-Motorized & Transit Proiects:
Capital Costs 779,080 1,417,620 660,000 800,000 925,000 5,665,000 10,186,700
Funding Sources
Unrestricted Street Revenue 362,000 480,000 330,000 570,000 362,500 462,500 2,567,000
Grants 177,080 917,620 150,000 185,000 382,500 4,932,500 6,744,700
Traffic Mitigation Fees - - - 25,000 - - 25,000
Unrestricted Cap. Imp. Funds 180,000 20,000 180,000 20,000 180,000 20,000 600,000
Other (Other Agencies) - - - - - 250,000 250,000
Total Funding 719,080 1,477,620 660,000 800,000 925,000 5,665,000 10,186,700
Projects & Financing Plan Summary 9
City, of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
TIP# Preliminarv Ennineerina and Miscellaneous Proleets
27 41st Street 5E and A 3treet SE Access Management Study
Capital Costs 10,000 - - - - - 10,000
Funding Sources:
UnresUicted Street Revenue 10,000 - - - - - 10,000
Grants - - - - - - -
Traffic 1m act Fees - - -
29 So. 277th, Wetland MiUgation ($204,000 Expended Priorto 2011)
Capital Costs 25,000 25,000 25,000 - - - 75,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue 25,000 25,000 25,000 - - - 75,000
Grants - - - - - - -
Other - - - - - - -
46 104th Ave SE 8 Green River Road Study ($2,000 Expended Prior to 2041)
Capital Costs 3,000 - - - - - 3,000
Funding Sources: Unrestricked Street Revemie 3,000 - - - - - 3.000
Grants - - - - - - -
Traffic Im ct Fees - - - - - -
47 Environmental Park Roadway Improvements Study
Capital Costs 5,000 - - - - - 5,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue 5,000 - - - - - 5,000
Grants - - - - - - -
Traffic Im ct Fees - - - - - - -
48 Downtown to Les Gove Non-Motorized trnprovementr. Siudy ($2,000 Expended Pr7cr to 2011)
Capital Costs 8,000 - - - - - 8,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue 8,000 - - - - - 8,000
Grartts - - - - - • - -
Traffrc Im act Fees - - - - - -
49 S 316th St Bfcycle & Pedestrian Improvement Study ($1,000 Expended Prlor to 2011) •
Capital Costs 4,000 - - - - - 4,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue • 4,000 - - - - - 4,000
Grants - - - - - - -
Traffic Im act Fees -
54 Kersey Way Study
Capital Costs 100,000 - - - - - 100,000
Fundirtg Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revewe - - - - - - _
Grants - - - - - - -
Traffic Im ad Fees 100,000 - - - - 100,000
55 Mary Olson Farm Improvements ($137,000 Expended Prior to 2011)
Capital Costs 1,000 - - - - - 1,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue -
Grants - - - - - - -
Other (341 Park Funds) 1,000 - - - - - 1,000
Subtotal. Prel. Ena. and Misc. Proiects:
Capital Costs 156,000 25,000 25,000 - - - 206,000
Funding Sources
UnresVicted Street Revenue 55,000 25,000 25,000 - - - 105,000
Traffic Impad Fees 100,000 - - - - - 100,000
Other(341 ParkFunds) 1,000 - - - - - 1,000
Total Funding 156,000 25,000 25,000 - - - 206,000
10 Projects & Financing Plan Summary
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
TIP# Roadwav Preservation Proiects
- - -
i 28 Mnuat Bridge Preservation Project ~
, Capital Costs 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 I
' Funding Sources: I
Unrestricted Street Revenue 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 5U,000 50,000 300,000 ~
! Grants - - - - - - - ~
~ Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - - - i
35 Annual Arterial Street Preservation
Capital Costs 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 8,400,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted StreetRevenue - - - - - - -
Grants - - - - - - -
Arterial Street Fund 105 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 8,400,000
36 Annual ArteNal Cradcseat Program
CapiFal Costs 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000
Funding Sources:
~ Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Granfs - - - - - - -
Arterial Street Fund 105 100,OD0 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000
37 Local Street Preservation Program SOS
Capital Costs 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 13,200,000
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - -
Grants - - - - - - -
Local Street Fund 103 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 13,200,000
Subtotal. Preservation Proiects:
Capital Costs 3,750,000 3,750,000 3,750,000 3,750,000 3,750,000 3,750,000 22,500,000
Funding Sources
Unrestricted Street Revenue 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000
Arterial Street Fund 105 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 9,000,000
Local Street Fund 103 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 13,200,000
Total Funding 3,750,000 3,750,000 3,750,000 3,750,000 3,750,000 3,750,000 22,500,000
Roadway Projects 21,993,500 16,173,500 7,375,200 13,625,000 7,840,000 2,730,000 69,737,200
Intersection Projects 164,700 107,300 1,817,000 1,936,500 236,000 2,336,000 6,597,500
Signal & ITS Projects 176,000 175,000 175,000 1,195,000 775,000 395,000 2,291,000
NonMotorized Projects 719,080 1,417,620 660,000 800,000 925,000 5,665,000 10,186,700
Prel. Eng. and Misc. Projects 156,000 25,000 25,000 - - - 206,000
Roadway Preservation Proj. 3,750,000 3,750,000 3,750,000 3,750,000 3,750,000 3,750,000 22,500,000
Total Costs 26,959,280 21,648,420 13,802,200 21,306,500 12,926,000 14,876,000 111,518,400
Unrestricted Street Revenue 600,000 575,000 855,000 2,260,000 412,500 628,500 5,331,000
Traffic Impact Fees 2,559,200 960,700 310,700 709,500 632,000 516,900 5,689,000
Traffic Mitigation Fees - - 135,000 25,000 - - 160,000
Local Street Fund 103 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 13,200,000
Arterial Street Fund 105 7,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 9,000,000
Grants 12,718,080 6,302,620 5,183,000 11,697,000 3,346,500 8,385,600 47,632,800
Other (GO Bonds) 4,256,000 - - - - - 4,256,000
Other (Storm Fund 432) 1,220,000 - - - - - 1,220,000
Other (Parks Fund 341) 1,000 - - - - - 1,000
Unrestricted Cap. Imp. Funds 180,000 20,000 180,000 20,000 180,000 20,000 600,000
Other (Redflex in Fund 328) 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000
Other (REET2 in Fund 328) 175,000 775,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 1,050,000
Other (Other Agencies) - 7,215,100 2,603,500 - 150,000 250,000 10,068,600
Other(Development) 1,350,000 2,500,000 460,000 2,520,000 4,130,000 1,000,000 11,960,000
Total Funding 26,959,280 21,648,420 13,802,200 21,306,500 12,926,000 14,876,000 711,518,400
Projects & Financing Plan Summary 11
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
2011-2016 Funding Allocation By Category
Projects, Signal & ITS
$6,597,500 Projects,
NonMotorized -
. . $10,186,700 y
Roadway Projects, Prel. Eng. and
. $69,737,200 : - . Misc:Imp.,
- $206;000
_Preservation Proj.,
2011-2016 Project Funding Sources
Other (Parks Fund Unrestricted Cap.
Im Funds, Other (Redflex in
341), $1,000 p' Fund 328),
Other ($torm Fund $1;200,000 Other (REET2 in
- 432), Fund 328),
$1,220,000 Other(Other $1,050,000
Other (GO Bonds), Agencies),
$4,256,000 I $10,068,600 . Other (Development),
' $11,960,000
Unrestricted Street
$47,632,800 $5,331,000
, . ; Traffic Impact
Traffic Mitigation
Arterial Street Local Street Fund Fees,
Fund 105, 103, $160,000
$9,000,000 $13,200,000
12 Projects & Financing Plan Summary
City of Aubum Transportation Improvement Program
Financial Constraint & Fund Balance Summary
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Unrestricted Street Revenue
Begirining Fund Balance 592,000 527,000 487,000 177,000 (1,538,000) (1,395,500)
Annual Revenue 535,000 535,000 545,000 545,000 555,000 555,000
Project Expenses 600,000 575,000 855,000 2,260,000 412,500 628,500
End of Year Fund Balance 527,000 487,000 177,000 (1,538,000) (1,395,500) (1,469,000)I
Traffic Impact Fees
Beginning Fund Balance 2,680,500 921,300 760,600 1,249,900 1,340,400 1,508,400
Annual Revenue 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000
Project Expenses 2,559,200 960,700 310,700 709,500 632,000 516,900
End of Year Fund Balance 921,300 760,600 1,249,900 1,340,400 1,508,400 1,791,5001
Traffic Mitigation Fees
BeginningFund Balance 235,000 235,000 235,000 100,000 75,000 75,000
AnnualRevenue - - - - - -
Project Expenses - - 135,000 25,000 - -
End of Year Fund Balance i 235,000 235,000 100,000 75,000 75,040 75,OU0
Local Street Fund 103
Beginning Fund Balance - - - - - -
Annual Revenue 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000
Project Expenses 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000
End of Year Fund Balance - - - - - '
Arterial Street Fund 705
Beginning Fund Balance - - - - - -
Annual Revenue 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000
Project Expenses 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000
End of Year Fund Balance ' - - - - - - ,
Secured Grants 8,726,000 - - - - -
Unsecured Grants 3,992,080 6,302,620 5,183,000 11,697,000 3,346,500 8,385,600
Project Expenses 12,718,080 6,302,620 5,183,000 11,697,000 3,346,500 8,385,600
Other (GO Bonds)
Annuai Revenue 4,256,000 - - - - -
Project Expenses 4,256,000 - - - - -
Other (Storm Fund 432)
Annual Revenue 1,220,000 - - - - -
Project Expenses 1,220,000 - - - - -
Unrestricted Cap. Imp. Funds
Annual Revenue 180,000 20,000 180,000 20,000 180,000 20,000
Project Expenses 180,000 20,000 180,000 20,000 180,000 20,000
Other (Redflex in Fund 328)
Annual Revenue 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
Project Expenses 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
Other (REET2 in Fund 328)
Annual Revenue 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000
Project Expenses 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000
Other (Other Agencies)
Annual Revenue - 7,215,100 2,603,500 - 150,000 250,000
Project Expenses - 7,215,100 2,603,500 - 150,000 250,000
Other (Development)
Annual Revenue 1,350,000 2,500,000 460,000 2,520,000 4,130,000 1,000,000
Project Expenses 1,350,000 2,500,000 460,000 2,520,000 4,130,000 1,000,000
Projects & Financing Plan Summary 13
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
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14 Projects & Financing Plan Summary
. City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capitai Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Titie: A Street NW, Phase 1(3rd St. NW to 14th St. N" TIP # 1
Project No: C207a0
Project Type: CapaCity
Project Manager. Ingrid Gaub LOS Corridor ID# 18
Construct a multi-lane arterial from 3rd St. NW to 14th St. NW. This project wili improve mobility and is tied to corridor
development. It is consistent witM the Comprehensive Plan and contributes to the completion of a north/south arterial cortidor.
The project length is approwmately three-quarters of a mile. The City purc.hased ROW from the northem properly owner. If the
property develops, some or a portion of those funds may be reimbursed to the City (total cost was $251,000).
Progress Summary:
Pre-design was completed prior to 2007. Final design will be completed in 2010 along with the environmental process.
Significant ROW purchase will begin in 2010. Construction is expected to be completed in 2011.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
The annual maintenance cost for this project is,estimated to be $25,830.
Budget 2010 vrDaauai 2011 10 eud9et
Budget Ezpandtdires Budget Balance
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget Amandmerns - -
. Adjusted Budget - - - -
(Previous Yrs) 2010 YE 2017 Yee[ End Total Project
Funding Sourees: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Bud et 2012 Budget Project Total Cost
Unreshicted Street Revenue 277,457 - - - 277,457 277;457
, GraMs (Fed,State.locao 800,360 2.328,000 6,652,000 - 9,780,360 9,780,360
TrafficlmpactFees 20.5,259 503,300 216,500 - 925,059' 925;059
Other Sources (Developel' - 500,000 500.000 500,600
Totat Funding Sources: 1,283,076 2,831,300 7,368,500 - 11,482,876 17,482,876
Capihal ExpendiWres:
Design 1,032,090 344,300 253,600 - 1,629,990 1,629.990
, , 2,647.986
RightofWay 250,986 2,397,000 - - 2,647,986,
ConsWdion 90,000 7.114 900 7,204.900 7,204.900
7otal Expenditures: 1,263,076 2,831,300 7,368,500 - 11,48T,876 11,482,876
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Expendkures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-1016 B nd 2016 _
Funding Sources:
UnrasMcted Sheet Revenue - - - - - -
Grants (Fed,State.Locaq - - - 6,652,000 - ~
Trafic Impact Fees - - - - 216,500 -
OtherSouices(Deve/oper)• 500,000 -
Total Funding Sourees: - - - - 7,368,500 -
Capital Ezpenditures:
Design - - - - 253,600 -
RightofWay - - - - - -
Cortsbuction 7,114,900 '
Tafal Expendltures: - - - - 7,368,500 -
Grerrts / Other Sources: 'Other funds indude developer contributions, ROW dedicadons, and consWction completed by others.
Other funds shoum never go through the City. Approximately $3.2 Million of grdnts is stiq unsecured.
Roadway Improvement Projects - 15
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program .
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facii'fies Plan, 2011-2016 Speaal Revenue Fund
Project Titie: Auburn Way Corridor Imp. (4th St NE to 4th St SE) TIP # 3
Project No: c409a0
Project Type: Non-Capacity
Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID# 2-3
This project is based on a pre-design study and is intended to improve pedesfian accessibility, appearance, and link the
downtown area along Aubum Way South between 4th St NE and 4th St SE. This project may inGude some pavement
repairs. Hawever, an overlay was completed as part of the City's Arterial Pavement Preservation Program in 2007. Afthough
this, was consider!ed a temporary fix, the scope has been modified to account for the pavement woric. The project length is
approximately a haff mile.
Progress Summary:
The pavement portion has been minimized due to the work completed in 2007 under the Arterial Pavement Preservation
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance.
Budget: 2010 riv aeeuai 2011 10 suagec
Budget Ecpenditures Budget Batanee
Adopted Budget • - - - -
Budget Amendments
Adjusted Budget - - - -
AGt1Vlty: .
2010 YE 3011 Year End Total Projeet
Funding Sourees: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Project Total Ccst
Umes6icted Street Revenue 78,251 - - - 78,251 788,251
Grdnts (Fed.State.Local) - - - - - 3,108,700
REET - - - - - -
Treffic Impact Fees
Other Sources
Total Funding Sources: 78.251 - - - 78,251 3.896,951
Capital Expenditures:
Design 78,251 - - - 78.251 696.951
RigMo/WaY - - - - - 200.DDO
Consdvction - - 3,000,000
Total ExpendiWres: 78,251 - - - 78,251 3.896.951
Forecasted Project Cost:
Totat Expenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Beyond 2016
Funding Sources: _
Unreshicted Sbeet Revenue 110,000 600,000 - - 710,000 -
Grants{Fed,State,Local) 708,700 2,400,000 - - 3,108,700 -
REET - - - - -
Tiaffic Impad Fees
Other Sources
TotalFunding Sources: 818,700 3,000,000 - - 3,818;700 -
Capital ExpendiWres: .
Design 678.700 - - - 618.700 _
RigM of Way 200,000 - - - 200,000
ConsUuetion - 3,000,000 3,000,000
Total ExpendiWres: 818,700 3,000.000 - - 3,818,700 .
Grants / Other Sources: GraM tunding is not secured.
16 Roadway Improvement Projects
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
, ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Title: 1 Street NE Corridor (40th St. NE to 52nd St NE) TIP # 4
Project No: c415a0
Project Type: CBpaCity
Pmject Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID# 21
The final alignment of the I Street Corridor is being analyzed as part of the NortheastAubum Speaal Area Plan
Environmental Impact Study. A partion of tfie ROW and Construction will be developer funded. The cross section will likely
be a 54ane arterial per the citys Comprehensive Plan. The project lengfh is approximately three-quarters of a mile. This
project may be split into two phases. Phase 1 would be 40th Street NE to 45th Street NE. Phase 2 would be 45th Street NE
to 52nd Street NE (S. 277th Street).
Progress Summary: This project is development driven. The project has been delayed due to the delay of the nearby pending development.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
. The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $25,200.
Budget: 2010 YTD Actual 2011 10 Budget
Budget Expernlltures Budget Balance
Adopted Budget
- - - -
Budget Amendmerrts - - -
Adjusted Budget - - - -
ACtIVIty: . . . . .
(Previous Yrs) 2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Project
Funding Sources: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Bud et 2012 Budget Pro' ct Total _ Cost _
Unrestricted Sbeet Revenue 11,827 - - - 11,827 11.827
GraMS (Fed.State.t.ncao - - - - - -
TraN'ic lmpad Fees -
Other Sources (PoR ol Seattle) - - - - - 150,000
. OBrer Sources (Devebpmeirt) - - - - - 5,610,000
Total Funding Sources: 11,827 - - - - 11.827 5.771;827
Capital Expenditures:
Design 10,957 - - - 10,957 470,957
RigM of Way 870 - - - 870 1,020,870
Construction 4,280 000
Total Expenditures: 11,827 - - - 11.827 5.771.827
Forecasted Project Cost: `
Total Ezpendkures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Beyond 2016
Funding Sourcea:
Unreshicted Sbeet Revenue - - - - - -
Grants (Fed.State,LocaQ - - - - - -
TraRC lmpad Fees - - - - - -
Other Souroes (PoK of Seattle) - - 150,000 - 150,000 -
. Other Sources (Development) 460,000 1,020,000 4,130,000 5,610,000 -
Total Funding Sourees: 460,000 1,020,000 4,280,000 - 5,760,000 -
Capital Expenditures:
Design 460A00 - - - 460,000 -
RigMofWay - 1,020,000 - - 1,020,000 -
Construc0'on 4,280,000 4,280,000
Total Expenditures: 460,000 1,020,000 4,280,000 - 5,760,000 -
Grarrts / Other Sources:
Roadway Improvement Projects 17
City of Aubum Transportation Improvement Program
, ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Faciuties Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Title: M Street Grade Separation (3rd St SE to 8th St SE) TIP # 5 .
Projed No: C201a0
Project Type: Capacity
Froject nnanager. Jacob Sweeting LOS Corridor ID# 6
Construction of a grade separated railroad crossing of M St SE at the BNSF Stampede Pass tradcs.
Progress Summary:
The pre-design has been completed. 60% Design Drawings were completed in 2010. Right of way acquisition will occur in
2010 and construction is expected to start in 2011. Design work includes the lengthy environmental process and
coordination with BNSF.
Future Impact on Operating Budget
The annual maintenance cost for this projed is estimated to be $21,827.
Budget 2010 YTD actusi 2011 10 euaget
Budget Expenditures Budget Balanee
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget Amendments
Ad%usted Budget - - - -
2010 YE 2071 Yeaz End Total Projed
Funding Sou~tes: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Bud et 2012 Bud et Pro' Total Cost ,
Unresbicted Sheet Revenue - 150,000 - - 150,000 150,000
GraMs (Fed,State,LocaQ 122,500 749,900 615,000 5,385,000 1,487,400 6,872,400 ,
REE7'2 - 1,140,000 - - 1,140,000 1,140,000
TrafficJmpact Fees 893,321 1,547,700 1,500,000 661,400 3,941,021 4,602,421 '
Traffic Mi6'gation Fees - 660,000 - - 660,000 660,000
Other Sources (OMerAgencies)' 40,679 194,400 6,938,600 235,079 8,973,679
Total Funding Sourees: 1,056,500 4,442,000 2,115,000 12,985,000 7,613,500 22,398,500
Capkal Expenditures:
Design 1,056,500 1,124,000 248,000 - 2,428,500 2,428,500
Right ofWay - 3,318,000 1,252,000 - 4,570,000 4,570,000
. Conshuction - - 615,000 12 985 000 615,000 15,400,000
Total Expenditures: 1,056,500 4,462,000 2,115,000 12,985,000 7,613,500 22,398,500
Forecasted Project Cost: `
Totat ExpendRures
2013 2014 2015 2016 - 2011 - 2016 Be nd 2016
Funding Sources•
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - _
cranrs (Fed,srare.Locaq - - - - 6,000,000
REE7'2 - - - - - -
TrafficlmpactFees 2,161,400 -
Traffic Mifigetion Fees -
OfherSources(OfherAgenmes)' 7,800,000 r 8,738,600
Total Funding Sourees: 1,800,000 - - - 16,900,000 -
Capltal Ezpenditures:
Desi9n - - - 248,000 -
Right af WaY - - - - 1.252,000 ConsWdion 1,800,000 15,400,000
Totai Expendifuras: 7.800.000 - - - 16.900,000 _
GraMs / Other Sources: 'Fund'mg partners indude Port oF Seatde, Port of Tacoma, BNSF, PSE and more.
18 Roadway Improvement Projects
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Faciitties Plan
Six Year CapiYal Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Title: South 277th (Auburn Way North to Green River Bridge) TIP # 6
Project No: C222a0
Projed Type: CapaCity
Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID# 15
This project includes major widening on S. 277th Street, inGuding the addition of three lanes, one westbound and two
eastbound; a Class 1 trail, stortn, sewer and water improvements. The project length is nine-tenths of a mile. The final
configuration will include three lanes eastbound and two lanes westbound.
Progress Summary:
The majority of this roadway is currently in the City of KenYs jurisdidion. Because the property served from the roadway is in
the City of Aubum, the plan is to annex this portion of the roadway from Kent into the City of Aubum. The majority of this
project is expected to be completed by adjacerrt developments.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
The annual maintenance costs for this project is estimated to be $27,250.
Budget: 2010 YTD Aetual 2011 10 Budget
Budget Expenditures Budget Balance
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget Amendments - -
Adjusted Budget - - - -
(Previous Yrs) 2010 YE 2011 Year End ToffiI ProJed
FurMing Sources: Prlor to 2010 EsUmate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Project Totat Cost
Unieshicted Street Revenue 19,085 - - - 19,085 19,085
Grants (Fed,State,locaq - - - - - 1,500,000
Tralf'ic Impad Fees - - - - - -
Other (Developmern Funds) ' - - - - - 1,500,000
Other (Port of Seatt/e)"' - - 276,500 1,080,000
Total Funding Sources: 19,085 - - 276,500 19,085 4,089,085
Capltal Expendltures:
Design 18,510 - - 276,500 18,510 498,510
Right of Way 575 - - - 575 350,575
Constnrction 3,250.000
Total Expendkures: 19,085 - - 276,500 19,085 4,099,085
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Expenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2071-2016 BeyorM 2016
Funding Sources:
Un2sdicted Sheet Revenue , - - - - -
Grarrts (Fed,State,locan - 1,500,000 - - 1,500,000 -
Trafric /mpad Fees - - - - - -
Other (Deve/opmerit Funds)' - 1.500,000 - - 1.500.000 -
Other (Port of Seaft/e)" 803.500 - - ' 1,080,000 -
Total Funding Sources: 803,500 3,000,000 - - 4,080,000 -
Capkal EzpendlWres:
• Design 203.500 - - - 480,000 -
Right of Way 350,000 - - - 350.000 -
ConsWction 250,000 3,000,000 3250,000
Total Ezpendkures: 803,500 3,000,000 - - 4,080,000 -
Grants / Other Sources: 'Developer Tunds or in kind services. °Port of Seattle Wetland Mitigation Funds. GraM funding is not secured.
Roadway Improvement Projects 19
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facitities Pfan
Six Year Capital Facilities PIan,2011-2016 Special Reqenue Fund
ProjectTitie: ` 15th Street SWReconstruction TIP # 7 ~
Project No: Cp7oooc
Project Type: Non-Capacity
Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID# 12
Description: •
This project was origina[ly scoped to include pavement preservation. The pavement preservation component could still be
combined with this project, but is also eligible for the Arterial Pavement Preservation Program. This project should look to
improve the railroad crossing grades as well as the vertical sight distance to the interurban trail to the west of the tracks. The
cost estimate listed below is planning level cost.
Progress Summary:
Fbture Impact on Operating Budget:
This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance.
Budget: 2010 . trro aetual 2011 10 sudget
Budget Ezpenditures Budget Balanee
Adopted Bud9ef - - - -
, • Budget Amendmerrts _
Adjusted Bud9et - - - -
Activity: .
2010 YE 2011 Year Fsd Total Projed
Funding Sources: Prior to 2010 Estlmate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Projeet Total Cost
Unrestricted Sheet Revenue - - - - - 575,000
Grams (Fed.State.Locaq - - - - - 2,800.000
REET - - - - - -
TraA'ic M'digatlon Funds
Total Funding Sourees: - - - - - 3,375,000
Capital Expenditures:
Des9n - - - - - 375.000•
Righi of WaY - - - - - -
Construdlon - 3.000.000
Total Ezpendkures: - - • - - 3;375,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total ExpendiGrms
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016, Bq~ond 2016
Funding Sources:
Unrestrided Street ReJenue 75,000 500,000 - - 575,000 -
Grarrts (Fed;State,Local) 300,000 2,500,000 - - 2,800,000 -
REET - - - - - -
Tiatfic Mitigation Funds
Total Funding Sourees: 375,000 3,000,000 - - 3,375,000 -
Capital Expendltures:
Design 375,000 - - - 375.000 _
Right of WaY - - - - - -
Cons6ucdon - 3,000,000 3,000,000 -
Total Expendldires: 375,000 3,000,000 - - 3,375,000 -
Grarrts / Other Sources: GraM funding is unsecured.
20 Roadway Improvement Projects
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Fac~litJes Plan
Six Year Capital FacilRies Plan, 2011-2016. Special Revenue Fund
Project Title: A Street NW, Phase 2(W Main to 3rd St NVI) TIP # 8
Projed No: Cpxxxc
Project Type: CapaCity
Project Manager: . TBD LOS Corridor ID# 18
Construct a muki-lane arterial from W Main to 3rd St NW. This projed will conned A St NW, Phase 1 to the Sound TransR
Station and the Central Business Distrid. This project may end up being funded all or in part by developers. The project
lengfh is one fifth of a mile.
Progress Summary: •
The parking garage constructed by the Aubum Regional Medical Center completed a portion of this projed in 2009. Design is
anticipated to begin in 2010.
Futu.re Impact on Operating Budget:
This projed will have no impact on the operating budge4 for street maintenance.
Budget: 2010 YTD Adual 2011 10 Budget
Budget Expenditures Budget Balanee
- Adopted 8udget
. Budget AmendmeMS - -
Adjusted Budget - - - -
2010 YE 2011 Year End Tofal Project
Funding Soureas: Prior to 2010 Estlmate 2011 Budget , 2012 Budget Proect Total Cost
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - -
Grants (Fed,SYate,Loca!) - - - - - 2,119,300
REET - - - - - -
Trdflk /mpad Fees - 25,000 75,000 162,000 100,000 430,700
Other (Developer)' - - -
- TotalFUnding Sources: - 25,000 75,000 182,000 100,000 2,550,000
Capifal ExperMiWres:
Design - 25,000 75,000 162,000 100,000 262,000
Right of Way - - - - - -
Conshudion 2.288,000
Total Expend'rtures: - 25.000 75,000 162,000 100.000 . 2,550,000
Forecasted Project Cost
Total Expenelitures
2018 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Be nd 2016
Funding Sourees: -
Unrestricted S6ee1 Revenue - - - - - -
crams(Feai.srare.Local) 2,119,300 - - - 2.119.300
REET - - - -
Traihc Impact Fees 168,700 - - - 405,700 ' -
Other (Developer)' - -
Total Funding Sources: 2,288,000 - - - 2,525,000 -
Capital Ezpenditures:
Design - - - - 237,000
Righf of Way - - - - -
Construction 2,288,006 2,288,000
Total Expenditwes: 2,288,000 - 2,525,000 -
Grants / Other Souroes: Grarrt fund'mg sFiown is unsecured. 150K Developer in kind fundslservices support this project but do not pass though
Roadway Improvement Projects 21
City ofAubum Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) capnal Facilrties Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special. Revenue Fund
Project Titte: D Street NW (37th St NW to 44th St NVI) TIP # 9
Projed No: Cpxoooc
Projed Type: Cap2city
Projed Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID# 20
. DeseMpdon:
ConsUuct a four-lane arteriai per the aty Comprehensive Plan. It will improve north/south mobility. ,This projectis tied to
potential future development and will complete a majornorth/south arterial corridor from Ellingson Road SW (41 st Street SE)
to S.:277th St. The D StNW project lengfh is approximately 0A2 miles.
Progress Summary: -
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
1'he annual maintenance cost for this projed is estimated to be $11,450.
Budget 2010 Y7D Aewal 2011 10 Budgat
' Budget Expenditures Budget . . Balance
Adopted Budget - - - -
8udget Amendmertts
Adjusted Budget i - - - -
2010 YE ; 2011 Year End Total Project
FurMing Sources: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Bud et 2012 Budget Project Total Gost
Unresficted SYreet Revenue - - - - - -
Grarns (Fed,SYate,LocaQ - - - - - 4,320,000
, REET' - - - - - -
Trafllc /mpact Fees - - - - - 2;080,000
` Other _
Total Funding Sources: - - - - - 6,400,000
Capifal Expendifures:
Desi9n - - - - - 1,150,000
Right of WaY - - - - - 1:750.000
Construdion 3 500 ODU
Total EzpaMilures: - - - - - 6AO0.000
Forecasted Project Cost: - -
rotal ExpenMitures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Beyond2016
Fundirtg Sources:
Unresbicted Sheet Revenue
Grants (Fed,Stete,locel) 160,000 160,000 320,000 4,000,000
REET - - - - - -
TralTic Impect Fees - - 40,000 40,000 80,000 2,000,000
Total Funding Sourees: - - 200,000 200A00 400,000 6,000,000
Capital Expenditures:
Design - - 200,000, 200,000 400,000 . ^ 750,000
Righto/Way - - - - - 1,750,000
Conshuction 3 500 000
Total Expenditures: - - 200,000 200,000 400,000 6,000,000
Granis / Other Sources: Grant Funding shown is unsecured.
22 Roadway Improvement Projects
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Faciiities Plan `
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project 7itle: F Street SE (4th St SE to Aubum Way S) TIP # 10
Project No: cp0911
, Project Type: CapaCity
Project Manager: TBD
The F St SE project includes pavement reconstruction, installation of curbs, gutters, an 8-foot wide sidewalk on both sides,
parking on one side, and a center tum-lane, as well as crash attenuation at the supports for the BNSF railroad bridge. This
project improves mobility and safety along the corridor. The project length is approximately 0.3 miles.
Progress Summary:
Preliminary design and survey work was completed in 2009. Final design and construction are planned to be completed
foltowing construction of the M Street grade separation project. .
Future Impact on Opereting Budget:
The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $4100.
Budget: 2010 YTDActual 2011 10 Budget
Budget Expenditures Budget Balanee
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget Amendmerrts - -
Adjusted Budget - - - -
2010 YE 2011 Year End 7ota1 Project
Funding Sources: Prfor to 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Proeet Total Cost
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - -
Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - 780,000
REET - - - - - -
, Tralfic /mpact Fees 7,620 - - - 7,620 427,620
Total Funding Sources: 7,620 - - - 7,620 1,207,620
Capital Expenditures:
Design 7,620 - - - 7,620 207,620
Right of Way - - - - - 60,000
r Construcdon - - - - 940,000
~ Total Expenditures: 7,620 • - 7,620 ' 1,207,620
Forecasted Project Cost:
~ Total Expenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Be ond 2016
Funding Sources: Unresbicted Sbeet Revenue - - - - - -
Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - 780,000 - 780,000 -
REET - - - - - -
Trafhc Impad Fees - 200,000 220,000 - 420,000 -
Total Funding Sources: - 200,000 1,000,000 - 1,200,000 -
Capital Expenditures:
Design - 200,000 - - 200,000 -
Righiof Way " - - 60,000 - 60,000 -
Construc0ron 940,000 940,000
Total Expenditures: - 200,000 1,000,000 - 1,200,000 -
Grants I Other Sources: Grant funding is unseared.
Roadway Improvement Projects 23
City ofAuburn Transportgtion Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capitel Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project TiUe: M Street NE (E Main St to 4th St NE) TIP # 11 ~
Project No: CplOOOc
Project Type: Capacity
Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID# 5
This project will construct a complete 4 lane street section on M St NE between E Main St and 4th St NE.
Progress Summary: -
Pre-design will be done in 2011 to refine project scope, alignment, and cost.
Future Impad,on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $1,500.
Budget: 2010 YTO aetuai 2011 10 eua9et
~ Budget Expenditures Budget Balanee
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget Amendments
Adjusted Budget - - - -
' 2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Projeet
" Funding Sources: ' Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012 Bud et Pro ed Total Cost
Umes6icted Sfieef Revenue - - - - - -
Grarrts (Fed.SYate,Local) - - - - - 1,122,500
REET - - - - - -
Tiaffrc Impad Fees - - 50,000 , - 50,000 202,500 '
Total Funding Sourees: - • 50.000 - 50,000 1,325,000
Capital Expenditures:
Design - - 50,000 - 50,000 125,000
RigMofWaY - - - - - 200,000
ConshucUon - 1,000.000
Total Expanditures: - - 50,000 - 50,000 1,325,000
Forecasted Projeat Cosf:
Total Expenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 B d 2016
Funding Sources:
UnresVided SUeet Revenue - - - - - _ _
Grents (Fed;State,Local) - 225,000 897,500 - 7,122,500 -
REET - - - - - -
7rafl'rc Impad Fees - 50,000 102,500 - 202,500 -
Total funding Sources: - 275,000 1,000,000 - 1,325,000 -
Capltal Expendkures:
Design - 75,000 - - 125;000 -
Right of Way - 200,000 - - 200,000 -
Construction - 1,000,000 1,000,000
Total Expenditures: - 275,000 1,000,000 - 1,325,000 -
Grants / Other Sources: Grant funding is unsecured.
24 Roadway Improvement Projects
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project TiUe: Grade-Separated Crossing of BNSF Railyard TIP # 12
Projed No: Gplooot
Projeet Type: CapaCity
Project Manager. TBD
This project consists of a grade-separated crossing of the BNSF Railyard, either from SR-18 to 6th Street SE or from 15th
Street SW to A Street SE. The first altemative would entail realigning the SR-18 eastbaund ramp, grade separating the main
north/souffi line and the Stampede Pass line, and connec6ng to 6th Street SE. The second altemative would provide a new
corridor from 15th Street SW to A Street SE in the vianity of 12th Street SE and 17th Street SE, either via an overpass or
underpass of the BNSF Railyard. This project improves traffic flow significarrtly due to the potential developmeM of the
BNSF yard as an intertnodal freight facility.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
Not scheduled for completion. until atter 2015.
, Budget: 2010 YTD Aetual 2011 10 Budget
Budget 6cpendiWres Budge! Balance
Adopted Budget
8udget Amendments
Adjusted Budget - - - -
(Previous Yrs) 2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Projed
Funding Sources: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Proeet Total Cost
Unrestricted SUeet Revenue - - - - -
Grarrts (Fed,State.LocaQ - - - - - -
REET - - - - - -
Traffio Impact Fees - - - - - -
Other 32.000 000
Total Funding Sources: - - - - - 32,000A00
Capital Expenditures:
Design - - - - - 3,500,000
, Right of Way - - - - - 4,000,000
Conshuction 24 500 OUO
, Total Expenditures: 32,000.000
Forecasted Project Cost:
rot~ai ExPenaia,*
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Be ond 2016
Funding Sources:
Unresdicted Sheet RevenuB - - - - - -
Grants (Fed.SYate.LocaQ - - - - - -
REEf - - - - - -
Traffic lmpad Fees - - - - - -
Other(Developer) - 1,000,000 1,000,000 31,000,000
Totat Funding Sources: - - - 1,000,000 1,000,000 31,000,000
Capital Ezpenditures:
Design - - - 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,500,000
RigM of Way - - - - - 4,000,000
Constroction 24,500,000
Total Ezpenditures: - - - 1,000,000 11000,000 31,000,000
Grarrts / Other Sources:
Roadway Improvement Projects 25
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERWL STREET FUND (102) Capital Faciiities Pian
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Projea Title: West Valley Hwy Improvements (SR-18 to West Main Street) TIP # 14
. Projed No: cp0916 -
Projed Type: CBpaCity
Project Manager. Jacob Sweeting LOS Corridor ID# 35
• Deseription:
This project will widen the roadway to accommodate an extension of the two way left tum lane, add curb 8 gutter; stortn drainage,
repair failing roadway surface; install sidewalkon one side of the roadway, install city standard street lighting, improve bicycle
accomodations, and install a new traffic signal at the intersection of West Main Street and West Vatley Highway. This project will
improve the capaaty, safety, and driving comfort of the corridor as weli as reduce the amounYof time maintenance staffspends
doing temporary repairs.
Progress Summary:
Design sterted in 2010 and construction is planned for 2011.
Future Impact on Operating Budget: ,
This projed will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance.
BUdgBt: 2010 YTD Actual 2011 10 Budget
Budget Ezpendkures Budget Balanee ,
Adopted Budget
- - - -
Budget AmendmeMS Adjusted Budget - - - -
(Pravious Yrs) 2010 YE 2011 Year End ' Total.Projeet
Funding Sources: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2017 Budget 2012 Budget ?ro eet Total _ Cost
Unreshicled Strset Reveriue - - 55,000 - 55.000 55,000
GreMS (Fed.Stete.Loca!) 8.700. 261,300 2.730.000. - 3,000,000 3.000.000
REET 2 - 95,000 - - 95,000 95,000
Tralfic Mitigation Fees - 75,000 - - 75,000 75.000
' TraJfic Impect Fees ~ - 25.000 530,000 - 555,000 555,000
Other (SYorm Fund) - - 1.220000 - 1 220,000 1,Y10 000
Total Funding Soureas: 8.700 456,300 4,535,000 - 5.000.000 51000,000
Capltal ExpendiWres: ,
Design 8,700 401.300 . 117,000 - 527,000 527,000
RigMolWaY - 55,000 - - 55.000 55,000
' ConstrucNon - - 4,418,000 4,418,000 4,418,000
Total Ecpenditures: 8,700 456.300 4,535.000 - 51000.000 51000.000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total E:pendltures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2018 Beyond 2016 .
Funding Sourees:
_ Unrestricted.SUeetRevenue - - - - 55,060
GrarRS (Fed.Stete.Local) - - - - 2.730,000 -
REET 2 - - - - -
Tralfic Mitigation Fees - - - - - -
TiafAc hnped Fees - - - - 530.000 -
Other (Sform Fund) 1.220,000
Total Funding Sourcea: - - - - 4,g35.000
Capifal Ezpendkures:
Dest9n - - - - 117;000 -
Righf of Wey - - - - _
Consbuction - 4,418,000
Total Fxpenditures: - - - • 4,535,000 -
Granfs / Ottrer Sources: TIB Grant (secured). Other funding source is Storm 432 Fund.
26 Roadway Improvement Projects
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
, ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Title: 8th Street NE Widening (Pike St to R St NE) TIP # 15
Project No: Cp7oooc
Project Type: Capacity
Project Manager: TBD LOS Corridor ID# 19
Add eastbound lane to Southside of 8th St NE. Currently the lane exists from M St NE and drops as a right tum only lane at
' the intersection ofi8th St NE and Pike St. This would extend the lane to R St NE where it would then be a right tum only lane
onto R St NE southbound. This is a planning level cost estimate.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance.
Budget: 2010 YTD Aewa1 2011 10 Budget
Budget Expenditures Budget Balanee
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget Amendmertts - -
Adjusted Budget - - - -
2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Projeet
Funding Sourees: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Project Total Cost
UnresUicted Sheet Revenue - - - - - 290,000
Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - 1,160,000
REET - - - - - -
Traffic /mpact Fees - - - - - -
Total Funding Sourees: • - - - ~ 1,450,000
Capital Expenditures:
Design - - - - - 150,000
Right of Way - - - - - 300,000
Conshuction 1;000,000
Total Expenditures: - - - - - 1.450.000
Forecasted Project Cost: rotal Expenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Beyond 2016
Funding Sources:
Unreshicted Street Revenue 90,000 200,000 - - 290,000 -
Grarrts (Fed,SYate,Loca/) 360,000 800,000 - - 1,160,000 -
REET - - - - - -
Traffic lmpact Fees
' Other
Total Funding Sources: 450,000 1,000,000 - - 1,450,000 -
Capital Ezpenditures_
Design 150,000 - - - 150,000
Rightof Way 300,000 - - - 300,000 -
Construction 1,000,000 1.000,000
Total EzpendiWres: 450,000 1,000,000 - - 1,450,000 -
GrarMs / Other Sources: Grant funding is unsecured.
Roadway Improvement Projects 27
_ City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program -
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Pi-an
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Title: 49th Street NE from Aubum Way North to M Street`NE TIP # 16
Project No: cpxooc
Project Type: CapaCity
Project Manager: TBD LOS Corridor ID# 29
Construd easUwest carridor from Aubum Way North to M Street NE. The existing 49th Street NE extends westerly to B
Street NE. This project also indudes a traffic signal at the intersection of Aubum Way North and 49th Street NE. This
roadway was evaluated and recommended in the NE Special Planning Area. It is antiapated that this witl be constructed by
future development. It is approximately 3/4 of a mile in length.
Progress Summary: ~
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
The annual maintenance cost for this projed is estimated to be $27,050.
Budgef: 2010 rTOaetusi 2011 10 sud9ec
Budget Expenditures Budget Balance
Adopted Budget
Budget Amendmerns
Adjusted 8udget - - - • _
(Previous Yrs) 2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Project
, Funding Sources: Prfor to 2010 Estimate 2071 Bud et 2012 Budget Pro'ecfTofal Cost
Unres6icted Stieet Revenue -
6rerhs (Fed,State.Locall
REET - - - - - -
TiatfiaMitigation Funds
Othei (Deve/opmeM)' - 850,000 2,500,000 850,000 3,350,000
TotalFunding Sources: - - 850,000 2,500,000 850,000 3,350,000
Capltal Expenditures:
Design - - 200,000 - 200,000 200,000
RigM of Way - - 650,000 - 650,000 650,000
' Construdion - 2,500,000 2.500,000
Total Expenditums: - - 550,000 2,500,000 850,000 ' 3.350,000 .
Forecasted Project CosL-
Total Expenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2018 doyonci 2016 _
Funding Soureas:
Unrestrided Street Revenue _
Grar7s (Fed.State,Locaf) - - - - - -
Trafl)c Mitigation Funds _ _
Other (Deve/opmenf)' 3,350.000
Total Funding Sources: - - - - 3,350,000 -
Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 200,000 -
Right of Way 650,000 -
Conshuction 2,500,000,
Total Expenditures: - - - 3.850,000 -
Grarrts / Other Sources: "Future developmerrt is expeded to tund and construct this projed.
28 Roadway Improvement Projects
' City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Y.ear Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Capital Projects Fund
ProjecrTide:. Traffic Calming Improvements TIP #33
Project No: Cp)oooc
Project Type: Non-Capacity (Annual).
Project Manager: Pablo Pard "
The Gitys Neighbofiood Traffic Calming Program was adopted by City Caunal in November of 2005. Staff receives complainls from
, cit¢ens and then gathers data to confirtn that a speeding issue and/or cut through traffic issue is present. This money is for physical
improvemeMS to the streets once ali ofher options have been exhausted. Physipl improvements may indude items such as lighitng,
signing, striping, speed humps, speed tables, chicanes, traffic arcles, and median VeaUnents.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
BUdg6t: 2010 YTD AcWal 2011 10 Budget
Budgef. Expenditures Budget Balanee
Adopted.Budget - - - -
Budget Amendmerrts - -
Adjusted Budget - - - -
. . ACt1V1ty: , . . . . . '(Previous 2 Yrs) 2010 YE 2011 Year End Total ProJeet
Funding Sources: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012 Bud et Project Total Cosf
Unresbicted Cap. improv. Revenue - - - - - -
Grants (Fed.SYate.LOCaq - - - - - -
REE'T 2 - - - -
Other(Redflex) 477.900 225,000 200.000 200,000 842,900 1,842,900
Total Funding Sources: 417,900 225,000 200,000 200,000 - 842,900 1,842,900
Capital Expenditures:
Design 42,000 25,000 20,000 20,000 87,000 187,000
Right ol Way - - - ' _ '
Constnuction 375,900 200,000 180,000 780,000 755.900 1,655,900
Total Expenditures: 417,900 225,000 200A00 200.000 842,900 1.842.900
Forecasted Project Cost: ~
Total Expenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Be ond 2016
Funding Sources:
Urtrestricted Cap. Improv. Revenue - - - - - -
Grants (Fed,SYate.Loca!)
REET2 - - - - - -
Other (Redllex) 200,000 200.000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 -
Total Funding Sourees: 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 -
Capifal Ezpenditures:
Design 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 -
Right of Way - - - - - -
ConsUUCtion 180,000 180,000 180,000 480,000 1,080,000
Total Expenditures: 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 -
Grants ! Other Sources: RedHex money transferred from General Fund.
Roadway Improvement Projects 29
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
' ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six YearCapital Facilities Plan, 2011 2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Title: 124th Ave SE Corridor Improvements Phase 3 TIP # 39 ProjeCt No: CplOOOc
: Project Type: CapaCity
Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID# 23, 25
This project will fund the design, rigM of way acquisition, and consUuction of improvements to the signal¢ed intersedion ofSE 320th St
and 124th Ave SE. Improvements. indude consVucting bike lanes, sidewalks; dual southbound left tum lanes into GRCC, and ITS. A
porGon of this project is the main entrance to Green River Community College and.will require additional on-sRe improvements by
~ .
: Progre§s Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This project will have no impad on the operating budget for streef maintenance.
Budget:' 2010 YTD Actual 2011 10 Budget
suaget Expenaiwre8 Budget Bel8nee
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget Amendments - -
Adjusted Budget - - -
2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Projeet
Funding Sourees: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012 Bu et Pm eet Total CosE
Unres6ided Sbeef Revenue - - - - - -
GraiKs (Fed,SYate.Local) - - - - - 735.000
Tralfic Jmped Fees - - - - - 115.000
Other ,
Total Funding Sourees: gyp ppp
Capltal ExpandlWres:
Desi9n - - - - - -
RfgM of Way - - - - - 135,000
Cons6uc6on 715,000
Total Expendkures: ' - - - - • 850,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Fxpenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011 - 2016 Beyond 2016
Funding Sources:
Unrestrided Street Revenue - - - - - -
Grants (Fed,SYate,LocaQ - - 85,000 650,000 735,000 -
Trafficlmpad Fees - - 15,000 100,000 115,000 -
Total Funding Souroes: - - 100,000 750,000 850A00 -
Capital Expenditures: '
Desi9n - - - - -
Rightof Way - - 85,000 50,000 135,000 -
Construction 15,000 700,000 . 715,000
Total Ezpendttures: 700,000 750,000 8501000 -
Grants / OthecSources: GraM Funding is unsecured.
30 Roadway Improvement Projects
City of Aubum Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Title: 124th Ave SE Corridor Improvements Phase 1 TIP # 40
Project No: Cpxocx
Project Type: CapaClty
Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID# 23
, This project wiil fund 4he design, rigM of way acquisition, and construction of a 41ane section with bicycle and pedestrian faalities on
124th Ave SE between SE 318th St and SE 312th St.
Progress Summary:
, Pre-design is planned for 2012.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This project wiil have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance.
BudgBt: 2010 YTD Actual 2011 10 Budget
Budget Ezpemlkures Budget Balance
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget Amendments -
Adjusted Budget - - - -
2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Project
Funding Sourees: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Bud et 2012 Bud et Project Total Cost
Unrestnded Street Revenue - - - - - -
Grants (Fed,State,LocaQ - - - - - 1,690,000
Traffic lmpact Fees - - - 50,000 - 26D,000
Total Funding Sourees: - - - 50,000 - 1,950,000
Capital Expendihures: -
Design - - - 50,000 - 200.090
Right of Way - - - - - 250,U00 '
Construction 1,500,000
Total Expenditures: • - 50,000 - 1,950,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Experrcl'Rures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 ond 2016
~ Funding Sources:
. Unrestrtded Sbeat Revenue - - - -
G2rns (Fed.State.Local) 125,000 1,565,000 - - 1,690,000 -
Traffic Impact Fees 25,000 185,000 - - 260,000 -
Total Funding Sourees: 150,000 1,750,000 - 7,950,000 -
Capital Expenditures:
Design 150,000 - - - 200,000 -
Right of Way - 250,000 - - 250.000 -
Conshuction 1.500,000 1.500.000
Total Expendihires: 150,000 1,750,000 - - 1.950,000 .
Grants / Other Sources Grant funding is unsecured.
Roadway Improvement Projects . 31
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Title: 124th Ave SE Corridor Improvements Phase 2 TIP # 41
Project No: Cpxooc ;
Project Type: C8p8C'tty
Project Manager: TBD LOS Corridor I.D# 19, 23
This project will fund the design, right of way acquisition, and construction of improvements to the signalized intersedion of SE 312th St
and 124th Ave SE. Improvements inGude adding bike lanes, dual westbound left tum lanes, dual southbound thru lanes, northbaund
right tum pocket, ITS and pedestrian safetyimprovements.
Progress Surrmmary:
Pre-design is scheduled for 2013.
Future Impact on Operating Budger ,
This projed will haye no impad on the operating budget for street maintenance.
Budget: 2010 YT'D Actual 2011 10 Budget.
Budget Expenditures Budget Balanee
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget Amendmerrts
Adjusted Budget - - - -
2010 YE 2011 Year End Totai Projeet
Funding Sources: Pdor to 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Pro'ect Totai Cost
Unres6icted Sbeef Revenue - - - - - -
Grarrts (Fed.State.Loca1) - - - - - 965.000
Traffic lmpad Fees - - - - - 215,000
Total Funding Sources: - - - - - 1,180,000
Capital Expenditures:
Design - - - - - 80,000
RigM of Way - - - - - 100,000
Eonstrudion 1,000,000
Total Expenditures: - • - - - 1,180,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Expenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011 - 2016 Beyond 2016
Funding Sources:
Unrestrided.Slraet Revenue - - - - _
Grants (Fed,Stafe,Locaf) - 100,000 865,000 - 965,000 -
Tialfic lmpad Fees 30,000 50,000 135,000 - 215,000 -
Total Funding Sources: 30,000 150,000 1,000,000 - 1,180,000 -
Capital Ecpenditures:
Design 30,000 50,000 - - 80,000 -
Right otWay - 100,000 - - 100,000 -
Constroction 1,000,000 1,600,000
Total Expenditures: 30,000 150,000 1,000,000 - 1,180,000 -
Grants / OtherSources: Grant tunding is unsecured.
32 Roadway Improvement Projects
City of Aubum Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Ptan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Projea Titie: SE 320th Street Corridor Improvements TIP # 42
Projed Na Cploooc
Project Type: Capacity
Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID# 23, 25
. Description:
This project will fund the design, right of way acquisition, and construction of a 3 lane roadway with bicyGe and pedesVian faali4ies on
SE 320th St between 124th AveSE and the westem enVance to GRCC.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This project will have no impad on the operating budget for street maintenance.
; Buaget: zoio . rro nca,ai zo„ ,o sud9et
Budget EzparMitures Budget Balance
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget Amendments - - - -
Adjusfed 8udget - - - -
2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Projeet
Funding Sourees: Prior to 2010 Estlmate 2011 Budget 2012 Bud et Pmject Total Cost
Unreshided.SdeetRevenue - - - - - -
Grants (Fed.SYate.LocaQ - - - - - 553.600
Tralfie Impad Fees - - - - - 116,400
Total Funding Sources: 670,000
Capital EzpendiWres:
Design - - - - - 90.000
' Right of Way - - - - - 60,000
Construdion 520,000
Total Expenditures: 670,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Ezpenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Beyond 2016
. . Funding Sources:
UnresUided Sdeet Revenue - - - - - -
Grdnts (Fed,S[ate,Locan - - 51,500 502,100 . 553,600 -
Traffic Impad Fees - 30,000 8,500 77,900 116,400. -
PWTFL - - - - - -
' Other
Total Funding Sourees: - 30,000. 60,000 580,000 670,000 ,
Capital Ecpenditwes:
Design - 30,000 60,000 - 90,000 -
Right of Way - - - 60,000 60,000 -
ConsUtlcBon 520,000 520.000 -
Total Expenditures: - 30,000 60,000 580,000 670,000 -
Granis / Other Sources: Grant funding is unsecured.
Roadway Improvement Projects 33
City ofAuburn Transportation lmprovement Program
LOCAL REVITALIZATIOiV FUND. (330) Capital Facilities Plan
, Six Year Capital, Facilities Plan, 2011:2016 Capital Projeds Fund
Project Tiue: Downtown Promenade Improvements TIP # 52
Projed No: Cp1005
Projed Type: Non-Capacity
Project nnanager. Ryan Vondrak/Elizabeth Chamberlain
This project will fund the design, coordination, perrnitting and constniction of Downtown Promenade improvements. Projed indudes
stortn, sewer, water and roadway improvemeMS of Division Street between Main St and 3rd 8t SW/SE.
- -
P~oqress Summarv: .
Design and construction will be completed in 2011.
Futu?e Impact on Operating Budget:
This project will have no impact on.tFie operatingbudget.for street maintenance.
Budget: 2010 rro aawai 2011 10 sudget
Budget Expendkures Budget Balanee
~ Adopted Bud9et. - - -
Sudget Amendmerts -
Adjusted Budget
/1Cdvity: -
(Previous Yis) 2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Projeet,
Funding Soureea: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Bud t 2012 Budget Pro ed Total _ Cost
Unrestricted SUeet Revenue - - - _
Grarrts (Feder4, 456,000 2,544.000 - 3,000.000 3.000,000
REET2 - - - - _
OUier (GO Boncg - 744 000 4,256 000 5,000 000 5.000,000
Totsl Funding Sources: - 1,200,000 , 6,800.000 8,000,000 8,000,000
Capitat Expenditu►es:
Deslgn - 1,200,000 131,000 - 1,331,000 1,331,000 ~
Right of Way - - ' _
Conshuetion - 6,669,000 6,669,000 6,669,000
Total Expenditures: - 7,200,000 6,800,000 - 8,000.000 8,0OO,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Ezpendftures
2013 2014 ' 2015 2016 2017-2016 ond 2016
Funding Soureea:
Unrestricted S6eet ReVenue _ _
Grants (Federal) - - - - 2,544.000 -
REET2 - - - -
Other (GO Bond) - - 4,256,000
Total Funding Sources: - - - - 6.800,000 _
Capltal EzpendlWres:
D-9^ - - - - 131,000 -
, Right of WaY - - - - - _
ConsUUCfion - 6,669.000 Total Expendltures: - - - - 61800,000 -
Grants / Otlier Sources: Grant Funding is Federal EDA GraM. Other Funding is Local Revitaf¢ation Funding GO Bond revenue.
34 Roadway Improvement Projects
Gity ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital FacllfUes Pian, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Taie: Harvey Road & 8th Street NE Intersection Improvements TIP # 17
Project No: cp0611
ProjectType: CBpacity
Project nnanager. Jacob Sweeting LOS Corridor ID# 5,19
Add one eastbound throughlright tum lane on 8th St NE approaching Harvey Rd. Modify traffic signais and traffic
channel¢ation to accommodate the new lane. The additional lane will improve traffic delays and vehicle queuing at the
intersection of liarvey Rd and 8th St NE in all directions. This projed will reconstruct M St NE from 4th St NE to 8th St NE, a
segment of roadway approximately 0.3 miles in length with four travel lanes. The reconstruction will fix the existing poor
pavement condition and fill in any gaps in the sideviralk network..
Progress Summary:
Project was completed in 2010. Ongoing budget is for PWTFL debt payments.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance.
Budget: 2010 YTD Aetual 2011 10 Budget .
Budget Expenditures Budget Balanee
Adopted Budget - - - -
8udget Amendments -
Adjusted 8udget - - -
ACtlvity: •
2010 YE 2011 Year EM Total Projeet
Funding Sources: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Pro d Total Cost
Unrestrided Street Revenue - - - - - 1.082,000
GraMS (Fed,State.Locao - - - - ` -
Traffic Impact Fees 199,509 91.000 87,700 87,300 378.209 725,009
PWTF 1,506,873 20,400 - - 1,527,273 1,577,273
Other (430,431,432 Funds) 310,060 - 310,060 310,060
Total Funding Sourees: 2,016,442 111,400 87,700 87,300 2,215,542 3,644,342
Caplfal Fxpendltures:
Design 326,496 - - - 326,496 326,496
RightofWay 186,479 10,000 - - 196,479 196,479
Cons6udion 1,503,467 15.400 - - 7,518.867 1,518,867
~ Long Tertn De6t - PWTF - 86.000 87,700 87.300 173.700 1,602.500
Total Expendkures: 2.076,442 111,400 87,700 87,300 2,215,542 • 3,664,342
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Expenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 B nd2016
Funding Sourees: .
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - 86,000 86,000 996,000
Grarrts (Fed.State.Local) - - - - - -
TratBc Impact Fees 87,000 86,500 86,000 - 434,500 -
PWTF - -
Total Funding Sourees: 87,000 86,500 86,000 861000 520,500 996,000
Capkal Expenditures:
Design - - - - - -
RightofWay - - - - - -
ConsVUdion - - - - - -
Long Term Debt - PWTF 87.000 86.500 66.000 86,000 520,500 996.000
Total Fxpenditures: 87.000 86.500 66,000 86,000 520.500 996,000
Grants / Other Sources: Ofher funding is Ciry Sewer, Water 8 Stortn Funds
Intersection Improvement Projects 35
Ciry ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
I ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Title: 8th Street and R Street NE Traffic Signal TIP # 18
Project No: cp0701 Project Type: Non-Capacity Intersection Improvement
Projea Manager. Ryan Vondrak LOS Corridor ID# 19
, This project inGudes the construction of a new traffic signal at the intersection of 8th St NE and R St NE. Intersection
improvements will indude crosswalks and pedestrian signals. This project was selected on acadent history, surrounding
land uses; and pedestrian flow pattems.
Progress Summary:
The design began in 2007, with construdion scheduled for 20.10.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
The annual maintenance cost for this projed is estimated to be $6,600.
Budget: 2010 vro noeuai 2011 10 eud9et
Budget Expendltures Budget Balance
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget Amendments
Adjusted Budget - - - -
, Activity:.
2010 YE 2011 Year End Total P►41'eet
Funding Sourees: Prior to 2010 Estlmate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Projeet Total . Cost
UnresVicted SYieef Revenue . 12,300 385;100 1,000 - 398,400 398,400
GrarRs (FederaQ 129,500 120,500 - - 250,000 250.000
REET - - - - - -
Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - -
Total Funding Sourees: 141,800 505,600 1,000 - 648,400 648,400
Capital Expenditures:
Design 138,950 65,000 - - 203,950 203,950
RigM of Way 2,850 - - - 2.850 2.850
Conshudion 440,600 1,000 441600 441600
Total Expendlhires: 141,800 505.600 1,000 - 648,400 648,400
Forecasted Project Cost:
, Totaf ExpendiNres
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Beyond 2016
Funding Sourees:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - 1,000 -
G2nts (Federal) - - - - - -
REET - - - - - -
Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - -
Total Funding Sources: - - - - 1,000
Capital Ezpenditures: .
Desf9n - - - - - -
RigM of Way - - - - - -
Constrttdion 1,000
Total Expenditutes: - - - - 1,000
Grants I Other Sources: Grant is Federal Intersection 8 Cortidor Safety Grant. 36 Intersection Improvement Projects
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
' ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six YearCapital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project TiUe: Auburn Way North / 1st Street NE Signal Improvements TIP # 19
Project No: Cp7oooc
Project Type: NOn-CapaCity
Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID# 2
This project will consUuct a new complete traffic signal with controller cabinet and battery backup along with necessary
intersection improvements.
. Progress Summary:
Predesign will be completed in 2012. Final design and construction is planned for 2013.
. Euture Impact on Operating Budget:
This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance.
Budget: 2010 YTD Actual 2011 10 Budget
Budget; Expenditures Budget Balanee
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget Amendmerits - - -
Adjusted Budget - - - -
2010 YE - 2011 Year End Total.ProJeet
, Funding Sourees: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012 Bud et Project Total Cos! .
Unresdicted Sheet Revenue - - - 20,000 - 150.000
Grants (Fed,Stafe,Local) - - - - - 450,000
Traffic lmpacf Fees - - - - - -
Other .
ToYal Funding Sourees: ~ - - 20,000 - 600,000
Capkal EzpendiWres:
Design - - - 20,000 - 100,000
Right of Way - - - - - 50,000
ConsUuction 450.000
Total Expenditures: - - - 20,000 - 600,000 .
Forecasted Project Cost: Total EzpendiWres
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Beyond 2016._
. Funding Sources: , . Unresbicted SYreet Revenue 130,000 - ' - - 150,000
Grants (Fed,State,Local) 450,000 - - - 450,000 -
Tra(fic Impad Fees - - - - - -
Total Funding Sources: 580,000 - - - 600.000 -
Capital Expendlturesr
Design 80,000 - - - 100,000 -
Right of Way 50,000 - - 50,000 - '
Construction 450,000 450,000
ToYal Expenditures: 5130,000 - - - 600,000 -
Grants / Other Sources: Grant funding is urisecured.
Intersection Improvement Projects 37
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2076 SpeciaP Revenue Fund
Project TiUe: Aubum Way South and M Street SE Intersection Imp. TIP # 20
Project No: Cploooc
Project Type: CapBCity Project Manager. TBD LOS Comdor ID# 3,4
Gonstruct a westbound to northbound rigM tum pocket at the irrtersection of Aubum Way S and M St SE. This projed would
also improve the tuming radius at this same comer allowing drivers to make a safe right tum on red (after stopping and
yielding to oncoming vehides). Currenty the intersection geometry has necessitated the Gity plaang a legal restriction on
this movement.
Progress Summary: . . .
Pre-design is antiapated to begin in 2011 and be completed in 2011. Construction will be completed when funding is
Future Impact on Operating Budget: ,
This project>will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance.
Budget: 2010 rm accuai 2011 10 sud9et,
Butlget . Expenditures Budget Balance
Adopted Budget ' - - - -
Budget Rmendmerrts -
Adjusted Bud9et - - - ,
`2010 YE . 2011 Year Enif Totel ProJeet
Funding Sourees: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget PmjeG Total ' Cost
Unresbicted Street Revenue, - 25,000 75,000 - 100,000 100,000
Grerrts (Fed,SYate.Loca/) - - - - - 765,000
REET - - - - - _ .
Tiafl'ic MIBgaGon Funds - - - - - 135,000
Total Funding Sourees: - 25,000 75,000 - 100,000 1,000,000
Capital Fxpenditures:
Design - 25,000 75,000 - 100,000 100,000
RigM of Way - - - - 100.000
Constructlon - 800.000
Total Expenditures: - 25,000 75,000 - 100,000 1,000,000
Forecasted ProjectCost:
. Total Fxpenaip,res
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 B ond 2016
Funding Sourees:
Unres6icted Streei ReDenue - - - - 75,000 -
GrarKS (Fed,SYate,Local) 765,000 - - - 765,000 -
REE7. -
Tralfic Mitigation Funds 135.000 135,000 -
Total Funding Sources: 900,000 - - - 975,000 -
' Capltal Expendlturas:
Desi9n - - - - 75,000 -
RrgM of Way . 100.000 - - - 100,000 -
' Conshuction 800,000 800,000
Total Expendlturesc 900,000 • - - 975,000
Grants / Other Sources: Grant funding is unseared.
38 Intersection Improvement Projects
Ciry of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET fUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011+2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Tine: C Street NW and West Main Street TIP # 21
Project No: Cploocx
Project Type: Non Capacity
Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID# 11
Reconstruct intersection at G St NW and W Main St. Project would inGude a new traffic signal and modifications to the
tuming radii at each comer to help faalitate vehicular movements. Ttie new traffic signal would allow for protected left tum
phasing for northbound and southbound left tum movements. This would also provide additional safety related to the rdilroad
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This project will have no impact on the opera6ng budget for street maintenance.
Budget: 2010 YTD AeWal 2011 10 Budget
Budget EzperMitures Budget Balance
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget Amendments
Adjusted Budget - - - -
2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Projeet
Funding Sourees: Prior to 2010 Estimabe 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Projeet Total Cost
UnresMcted Sbeet Revenue - - - - - 220,000
Grants (Fed,State,LocaQ - - - - - 880,000
REET - - - - - -
Traffic /mpact Fees - - - - - -
Other -
Total Funding Sources: - - - - - 1.109,000
Capital Ezpenditures:
_ Design - - - - - 100,000
Right of Way - - - - - 550,000
Construction 45D 000
ToWI Ezpendltures: - - - - - 1,100,000
Forecasted Project Cost: . Total. Expenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2077 -20'IB Beyond2016
Funding Sourees:
Unrestricted Shaet Revenue 20.000 200,000 - - 220,000 -
Grants (Fed,State,Local) 80,000 800,000 - - 880,000 -
REEf - - - - - -
Traffic /mpact Fees - - - - - -
7otal Funding Sources: 100,000 1,000,000 - - 1,100,000 -
Capital Expenditures:
Design 100,000 - - 100,000 -
Right of Way - 550,000 - - 550,000 -
ConsWction 450,000 450,000
Total Ezpenditures: 100,000 1,000,000 - - 1,100,000 -
Grants / Other Sources: Grant Funding is unseaired.
Intersection Improvement Projects 39
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan ,
Six Year Capital Eacilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund.
Project Title: F Street SE & 4th Street SE Traffic Signal TIP # 25
Project No: cp0914
Project Type: Non-Capacity Intersection Improvement
Praject Manager. JaCOb Sweeting
This projecfincludes the construction of a new Vaffic signat at the intersection of 4th St SE and F St SE. Intersection improvements wili
indude crosswalks and pedestrian signals. This project was seleded based on accident history, traffic wlumes, and pedestrian flow
Progress Summary:
Preliminary design will begin in 2009. Final design and construction will be completed in 2010.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
The annual mairrtenance cost for this projed is estimated to be $6,600.
Budg@t: 2010 YTD Aetual 2011 10 Budget
Budget Expenditures Budget Balance
Adopted 8udget
Budget AmerodmeMs
Adjusted Budget - - - -
2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Projeet
Funding Sourees: Prior to 2010 Estimabe 2011 8udget 2012 Budget Projeet Total Cost
Unreshicted S6eef Revenue - - 1,000 - 1,000 1,000
GranGs (Fed,SYate,Loca!) 4,155 392,545 - - 396,700 396,700
REET - - - - - -
PWTFL - - - - - -
Total Funding Sources: 4;155 392,545 1,000 - 397,700 397,700
Capital Expendkures:
Design 4,155 55,845 - - 60,000 60,000
Right of Way - - - _ _ _
Constroction 336,700 1,000 337,700 337,700
Total Expanditures: 4;155 392,545 1,000 - 397,700 397,700
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Expenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011 - 2016 Be nd 2016
Funding Sources:
Unrestnded Street Revenue 1,000 _
Grants (Fed, State, Local) REET - - - - - -
PWTFL - - - - -
Total Funding Sourees: - - • - 1.000 .
Capital Expendkures:
Right of Way _ _
Construction , - 1,000
Total Expendkures: 1.000 -
Grants / OtherSources: Grarrt a Federal HSIP Tunded and does not require a city match.
40 Intersection Improvement Projects
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Title: Railroad Crossing Safety Improvements TIP # 38
Project Na Cp70cxx
Project Type: Intersection Safety (Non-Capacity)
Project Manager. TBD
This project will fund the design, coordination, permitting and construction, of Quad gates at the W Main St, 3rd St NW, and 37th St NW
BNSF Railroad crossings.
Progress Summary:
Future:lmpacf on Operating Budget:
The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $1,000.
Budgef: 2010 YTD Actual 2011 10 8udget
Budget ExpendiWres Budget Balance
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget AmendmeMS - - - -
Adjusted Budgef
2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Project
Funding Sources: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Projeet Total Cost
Unrestncted Street Revenue - - - - - 135,000
Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - 865,000
REET - - - - - -
ToWI Funding Sources: • - - • • 7,000,000
Capital ExpendiWres: - Design - - - - - 150,000
Right of Way - - - - - -
Conshuction 850,000
Total Expenditures: 1,000,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Expenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Beyond 2016
Funding Sources:
Unrestdcted Street Revenue 25,000 11p,000 - - 135,000 -
Grants (Fed,Stafe,Local) 125,000 740,000 - - 865;000 -
REET - - - - - -
TotalFunding Sources: 150,000 850,000 - - 1,000,000 -
Capital Expenditures:
Design , 150,000 - - - 150,000 -
Right of Way - - - - - -
Construction 850,000 850,000
Total ExpendiWres: 150,000 850,000 - - 1,000,000 -
Grants ! Other Sources: Grent funding is unsecured. _
Intersection Improvement Projects 41
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL $TREET FUND (102) Capitai Facilities Plan
Six Year CapiYal Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Reqenue Fund
Project Tifle: Auburn Way South & Riverwalk Intersection Improvements TIP # 43
Project Nca CpX)ooc
Project Type: CapaCity
Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID# 4
This project will fund the design, right of way acquisition and construction of intersedion capacity and safety improvements at Aubum
Way S and Riverwalk Dr SE. This project will include creating eastbound/westbound dual left tum lanes, auxiliary signal heads and
pedestrian safety enhancements:
Progress Summery:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This;project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance.
Budgetc 2010 YTD Actual 2011 10Budget
BudgM Expenditures Budget Balance
° Adopted Budget
Budget Amendments
Adjusted Bud9et - - - -
ACtivity: -
2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Projed
Funding Sources: Prior W 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Projeet Total Cost
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - ' - - - -
Granfs (Fed,State.LocaQ - - - - - 2,076,000
Tratfic /mpact Fees 324,000
Total Funding Sources: - - - - 2,400,000
CapiWl Ezpenditures:
Desi9n - - - - 150,000
Right of Way - - - - - 200,000
Construction - - - 2.050.000
Total Ezpenditures: 2,400,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total ExpendiWres
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 B ond 2018
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - _ _
Grants(Fed,State,Local) - - 125,000 1,951,000 2,076,000 -
Trafhc Impad Fees - - 25,000 299,000 324,000 -
PWTFL - - - - - -
Total Funding Sourees: - - 150,000 2,250,000 2,400,000' -
Capital Expendkures:
Design - - 150,000 - 150,000 -
Right of Way - - - 200,000 200,000 -
Conshuction - - 2,050,000 2,OSD.000
Total Expendkures: - - 150,000 2,250,000 2,400,000 -
Grants / OtherSources: Grarrt funding is unsecured:
42 Intersection Improvement Projects
City o, f Aubum Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL'STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
ProjectTiGe: South Auburn Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Expansion TIP # 13
Projed No: cp1004
Project Type: CapaCity
Project Manager. Jacob Sweeting LOS Corridor ID# 10,12,13,
The S Aubum ITS Expansion project includes connecting and providing new ITS infrastrudure on 15th St SW, C St SW and A St SE. It
also includes 6th St SE, A St SE and 41st St SE, (Ellingson Road). This ITS expansion will be acxomplished through existing conduits
recently installed under capital improvement projects, and with wireless line of sight options. With this extension and additional
equipment the project adds an additional 14 signals to the exis6ng central signal system and brings back new cameras along 4hree
heavily congested comdors.
Progress Summary:
Project will be designed and constructed in 2010.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be.$5000. In addition, staff time will be required upon completion of the
qroject to monitor the system.
Budget: 2010 rro aca,at 2011 10 eudset
Budget Expenditures Budget Baiartce
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget AmendmeMS - - -
Adjuffied Budget - - - -
2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Projeet
Funding Sources: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Project Total Cost
UnrestridedStreetRevenue - - 1,000 - 1.000 1,000
Grants (Fed,SYate,Locao - 693,400 - - 693,400 693,400
REET - - - - - -
Traffic Midgation Fees - 710,000 - - 110,000 110,000
Total Funding Sources: ' • 803,400 1,000 - 804,400 804,400
Capital Expenditures:
Design - 40,500 - - 40,500 40,500
Right o/ Way - - - - - -
Construction 762,900 • 1,000 763,900 763,900
Total Expenditures: - 803,400 1,000 - 804,400 804,400
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Expenditures
2013 2014 . 20'15 2016 2011 -2016- Beyond 2016.
Funding Sources:
UnreshictedS6eetRevenue - - - - 1,000 -
GranGs (Fed,State,Locaq - - - - -
REET - - - - - -
• Traffic Mitigation Fees - - - - - -
Total Funding Sources: - - - - 1,000 '
Capital Ecpenditures:
Desi9n - - - - - -
Righf of Way - - - - - -
Conshudion - 1,000
Total Eupenditures: - - - - 7.000 -
Grarrts ! Other Sources: Grant Funding is CMAQ and requires a 13.5% city match.
Traffic Signal & Intelligent Transportation Systems Improvement Projects 43
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Capital Faciiities Plan ~
Six Year Capital Facilities.Plan, 2011-2016 Capital Projects Fund
Project'rrtle: Traffic Signal lmprovements TIP #34
Project No: Cploooc .
Project Type: Non-Capacity (Annual)
Project Manager. Scott Nutter
This project inGudes procuring and instaliing traffic,signal equipment uprades for exisfing signals as well as safety/capacity
improvements for existing and/or new signals. The City uses accident and traffic count data to identify intersections in need if
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget
Budget: 2010 vTO aou,ai so„ ,o eoaget
Budget Expenditures Budget Balance
Adopted Budget
Budget AmerMmeMs
Adjusted Budget - - - -
, (Previous 2 Yrs) 2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Project
Funding Sourees: Prior M 2010 EsGmaEe 2011 Bud et 2012Budget Project Total Cost
Unrestricted Cap.. lmprov. Revenue - - - ~ _
GrarRS (Fed,State,Local)
REET 2 - 175,000 175,000 175,000 350,000 1,225,000 ,
Othei `
7otal Funding Sources: - 175,000 175,000 175,000 350,000 1,225,000
Capital ExpendRures:
Desrgn - 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 70,000
Right of Way - - -
ConsGudion 165,000 165,000 165,000 330,000 1;155,000
- Total Expenditures: - 175,000 175,000 175,000 350,000 1,225,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Expenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Beyond 2016 '
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Cap. Improv. Revenue - - - - _ _
GraMS (Fed,SYate,Locaf) - - - _ _ _
REET2 175,000 775,000 175,000 175,000 1,050,000 -
Total Funding Sourees: 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 1,050,000
Capital Expenditures:
Design 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 60,000 -
RigM of Way - - - - _ _
Construction 165,000 165,000 165,000 165,000 990,000
Total Expenditures: 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 1,050,000 -
Grants / Other Sources
44 Traffic Signal & Intelligent Transportation Systems Improvement Projects
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Speciai Revenue Fund
Project Title: ITS Dynamic Message Signs TIP # 50
Project No: Cp7aXx
. Project Type; NOn-Capacity (ITS) Project Manager. TBD
. This project will fund the design and construction of Dynamic Message signs at various locations throughout the city. Dynamic message
signs are an important tool in ITS for informing roadway users. Priority locations for sign installations are based on the Comprehensive
Transportation Plans ITS map and include Aubum Way N, Aubum Way S, W Valley Highway, E Valley Highway and Lea Hill Rd.
Progress Surnmary:
The first phase of this project is scheduled to begin in 2014 or sooner if grant funding becomes available.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $5000.
Budget: 2010 rm aacuai 2011 10 sua9ec
Budget Ecpenditures Budget Balance
Adopted Budgef - - - , -
8udget Amendmerrts - - -
Adjusted Budget - - - -
Activity: '
2010 YE 2011 Year End Total ProjecY. '
Funding Sources: Prior to 2010 Estlmate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Proed Total Cost
Urnes6ided Sheet Revenue - - - - - 180,000
Grants (Fed.State.local) - - - - , - 1,140,000
REET - - - - - -
PWTFL - - - - - '
Other - -
Total Funding Sources: - - - - - 1.320,000
Capital Ezpendiluresc
Design - - - - - 120,000
Right of Way - - - - - -
ConsVuction 1,200 000
Total ExpendiWres: 1,320.000
Forecasted Project Cost:
: Total Expenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011 -2016 Be ond2016
, Funding Sources: Unrestrided Sbeet Revenue - 30,000 - 30,000 60,000 120,000
Grants (Fed,SYate,LoCal) - 190,000 - 190,000 380,000 760,000
REET - - - - -
PWTFL - - - - - -
Total Funding Sourees: • 220,000 - 220,000 440,000 880,000
Capital Eupendituras:
Design - 20,000 - 20,000 40,000 80,000
Right ol Way - - - - - -
' Construction 200,000 200,000 400,000 . 800,000
Total Expend'rtures: - 220,000 - 220,000 440,000 880,000
Grants / Other Sources: Grant funding is unsewFed:
Traffic Signal & Intelligent Transportation Systems Improvement Projects 45
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program `
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Faciiities P1an
Si_x Year Cap_i_tal_Facitifies Plan; 2011-2016 . Special Reqenue Fund
' Project Titie: East Valiey Highway ITS Expansion TIP # 51
Project No: Cplooa
Projed Type: Capacity ~ .
Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID# 10
DescripUon: -
This projeot will fund the design, coordination, permitting and consWction of ITS faalities from 41st St SE to Lake Tapps Parkway.
Progress Summary:
i Future Impact6n Operating Budget
The annual tnaintenance cost for this projed is esUmated to be $5000.
Budget: 2010 _ ttD aetual 2011 10 Budget
Budget Expenditures Budget Balanee
Adopted Budget Budget AmendmehLs Ad%usted Budget AGtivity:
2010 YE 2011 Year Erid Toql Projed
Funding Sourees: Prior to 2010 Estimabe 2011 Bud et 2012Bud Budget Project Total Cost
Unrestrided Streef Revenue -
Gradts (Fed.SYete.Loca/) - - - - - 692.000
Traffic Impad Fees 108,000
Total Funding Sources: - - - - 800,000
Capital Expenditures:
Desi9n - - - - - 85,000
, Right of Way
Construction - 715,000
Total Expendkures:. - - - - 800,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Ficpenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011.e2016 Beyond 2016
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Street Revenue - -
Grarrts (Fed.State.locaq - 692,000 - - 692,000 -
REET - - - - - -
Trafic lmpad Fees - 108,000 - 108,000 -
Total Funding Saurees: - 800.000 - 800,000
Capitaf EzpendiWres:
Design - 85,000 - - 85.000 -
RigM of WaY - - - - - _
Construction - 715,000 715,000
Total Expandkures: - 800,000 - - 800,000 -
Granis / Other Sources: GraM tunding is unsecured.
46 Traffic Signal & Intelligent Transportation Systems Improvement Projects
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016. Special Revenuefund
ProjectTitle: Aubum Way South Corridor Improvements Phase 1 TIP # 2
Project No: CplOOOc
Project Type: Non-Motorized
Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID# 4
This project will construd pedestrian improvements aiong Aubum Way South between Dogwood St SE and Fir St SE that are consistent
with WSDOTs SR-164 Route Development Plan. This projed includes sidewalk improvements, access managemeM, a mid-block
pedesfian crossing, construction of a u-tum wedge at Fir St SE and street lighting.
Progress Summary:
Future ImPact on Operating Budget:
This project will tiave no impact on the operating budget for street maintenanoe.
Budget: 2010 vrDaewai 2011 10 suaget
Budget Expenditures Budget Balance
AdoptedBudget - - - -
Budget Amendments
Adjusted Budget - - - -
2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Projeet
Funding Sourees: Prfor to 2010 Estimabe 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Project Total Cost.
UnresVided Street Revenue - - 40,000 60,000 40,000 100,000
Grants (Fed,State,Locaq - - 120,000 620,800 120,000 740,800
TrafFic fmpact Fees - - - - - -
- - - - - -
Other Sources
Total Funding Sourees: - - 160,000 680,800 160,000 840,800
Capital EzpendiWres:
Design - - ~ 157,000 6,000 157,000 163,000
Right ol Way - - 3,000 - 3,000 . 3,000
Construction 674,800 674,800
Total Ezpenditures: - - 160,000 680,800 160,000 ' 840,800
Forecasted Project Cost:
ToYal Expenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Be nd2016
Funding Sources:
Unresdicted Sheet Revenue - - - - 100,000 -
Grdnts (Fed,SYate.LocaQ - - - - 740,800 -
Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - -
REET'2 - - - - - -
Other Souroes
. Total Funding Sourees: ~ - - - - 840,800 -
Capital Expenditures:
Design - , - - - 163,000 -
, RightofWay 3,000 -
Construetion 674,800
Total Expenditures: - - - - 840,800 -
_ GraMs / Other Sources: Federal grant funding is unsecured, but applications have been submitted. Other sources are city funds to be
Non-Motorized & Transit Improvement Projects 47 '
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facit'ities Plan, 2011-2016 _ Special Revenue Fund
Project Titie: Skinner Road to 3rd Ave (Auburn Pacfic Trail Phase 2) TIP # 22.
Project No: c507B0
Project Type: Class 1 Trail f Sidewalk (Capacity)
Projed Manager. Leah Dunsdon
This projed will oonstrud minor road widening and bicyde lane striping on Skinner Road and 3rd Aye SE from Ellingson Rd
SW to Pacific Park. Sidewalks will be constructed along the westem side of Skinner Road where there are gaps in the
sidewalk network. The project length is approximately 12 miles. The project will connect to the Phase 1 improvements
constructed in Aubum in 2007.
Progress Summary:
Phase 1(portion in Aubum) was constructed'in 2007. Phase 2(portion in Pacific) will be constructed in 2010.
Future Impact on Operating Budget
This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. .
Budget: 2010 rro naual 2011 10 Budget
Budget Expendihues Budget Balanee
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget AmendmerKs
Adjusted Budget - - -
Activity: ~
2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Project
Funding Sourees: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Projeet Total Cost
Unrestrided Sheet Revenue 3,300 3,600 1,000 - 7,900 7,900 ~
1Grants (Fed,State,Local) 9,557 101,500 - - 111,057 111,057
REET2 7,920 - - - 7,920 7,920
Tiaffic Impad Fees - - - - _
Other (Ciry of Pacifrc) - 36,200 36,200 36,200
Total Funding Sources: 20,777 141,300 1,000 - 163,077 163,077
Capital Expenditures:
Design 20,777 10,000 - - 30,777 30,777
Right o/ Way - - - - - _
ConshucUOn - 131,300 1,000 132300 132;300
Total Expertdkures: 20,777 141,300 1,000 - 163,077 165,077
Forecasted Project Costc
Total Expendltures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Beyond 2018
Funding Sourees:
Unresbrded Sbeet Revenue - - - - 1,000 -
Grants (Fed.State.Local) - - - - - -
REETZ - - - - - -
Tiaffic Impact Fees - - - - - -
Other (City of Pacihc)
Total Funding Sourees: 1,000
i ,
Capital Expendkures:
Desi9n - - - - - -
' Right of WaY - -
Cortstrudion - - 1,000
' . Total Expendkures: - - - - 1,000 .
Grants / Other Sources: Other is a reimbursable commitment of funds from City ofPacific:
48 Non-Motorized & Transit Improvement Projects
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
' ARTERIAL STREET FUPID (102) caPital Facilwes Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 8peaal Revenue Fund
ProjectTiUe: BNSF/E. Valley Highway Pedestrian Underpass TIP # 23
Project No: c229a0
Project Type: Class 1 Trail (Capacity)
Project Manager. TBD. _
Deswiption: Project to construct an undercrossing of the BNSF Railroad in conjunction with a pedesVian bridge to allow a safe, direct,
attractive non-motorized access'between neighborhoods in the City of Pacific and schools in the City of Aubum. .
Pmgress Summary:
The design is, on hold. Funding source is most Iikely a federal earmark. CuRently this project is on hold pending some
discussions with BNSF RR. They are in the process of planning for a third rail which would significantly impact the design.
Future Impact on Operetlng Budget:
Ttie annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $240.
Budget 2010 YTD Aetual 2011 70 Budget
Budget Expenditures Budget Balanee
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget Amendmerns - - -
Adjusted Budget - - - -
2010 YE 2071 Yesi End TotalProject
Funding Sourcas: Prfor to 2010 EstimaEe 2011 Bud at 2012 Budget Pro ect Total Cost '
UnresUicted SYreet Revenue 53,900 - - - 53.900 53,900
GraMS (Fed,State,Local) 170.400 - - - 170.400 9.720,400
REE7 -
Traffic Impect Fees -
OtAer 250.000
Total Funding Sourees: 226,300 - - - 224.300 10,024,300
Capihal Expenditures:
Design 724,300 - - - 224,300 974,300
Right of Way - - - - - 50,000
ConsWCBon 9,000,000
Totai ExpendKures: 224,300 - - - 224,300 10,024,300
Forecasted Project.Cost:
Total , Ezpandltwes
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016. B nd 2018
Funding Sources: ,
Unrestricted 57reet Revenue - - - - - -
. GraMS (Fed,State,Loca/J 4.550,000 - 4,550,000 5.000,000 .
REET - - - - - -
Traflic /mpact Fees - - - - -
aner(orr,er ayer,cres)• 250,000 250,000
Total Funding Sources: - - - 4,800,000 4,800,000 51000,000
Capital Expenditures:
Design - - - 750.000 750.000 ~ -
RigM of Way - - - 50.000 50,000 _
Cpnshuc8on 4,000 000 4,000,000 5 000 000
Total Ezpenditures: - - - 4,800,000 4,800,000 5,0001000
Grarrts ! Other Soutces: 'KC Open Space Bond and High Spaed Rail Safety Money:
Non-Motorized & Transit Improvement Projects 49
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Progrdm
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011 2016 Special Revenue Fund '
Project TiUe: Academy Drive Multi-Use Trail TIP # 24_
P~ojed No: Cpxoooc
Project Type: Class 1 Trail (Capacity)
Project Manager. TBD
Description: ,
This project will use existing right-of way to repair the damaged roadbed to a usable multi-use trail on Academy Dr from the
Greeri River Rd to Aubum Way S.
Progress Summary: _
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $1,680.
Budget: 2010 YTD Actual 2011 10 Budget
Budget Ezpenditures Budget Balanee .
Adopfed Budget
Budget Amendmenrts '
Adjusted Bud9et - - - -
ACtIVIty: ' . . .
2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Project
Pundi_ng Sourcea: Prior to 2010 Estimabe 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Project Total Cost
UnresUided Street Revenue - - - - - 245;000
Grams (Fed,State.Loca!) - - - - - 765;000
' rralfic Impact Fees - - - - - -
Orirer Soumes
Total Funding Sourcea: - - - - 1,010;000
Capital Expenditures:
Design, - - - - - 160,000
Right of WaY - - - - - -
ConstrucGon 850,000
Total Ezpendkures: - - • - . 1,010;000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Fxpendltures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Beyond 2016
• Funding Sources:
Unrestrided Street Revenue 10,000 150,000 42,500 42,500 245,000 -
Grartts (Fed,State,Locan - - 382,500 382,500 765,000
REET - - - - - -
Traffic tmped Fees
Other Sources
Total Funding Sources: 10,000 150,000 425,000 425,000 1,010,000
~ •
Capital ExpendRures:
Design 10,000 150.000 - - 160,000
RigM ol WaY - - - - - -
Conshuction 425,000 425,000 850,000
Total Expenditures: 10,000 150,000 425,000 425,000 1,010,000 -
Grants / Other Sources: Grant Funding is unsecured.
50 Non-Motorized & Transit Improvement Projects
Ciry of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital FaciliGes Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Title: METRO Shuttle: Auburn Community and Lakeland Shuttles TIP # 26
Projed No: NA
Project Type: Other
Project Manager. TBD
Description: , .
Operation oosts associated with two new Metro routes: a Commuter Shuttle from the Lakeland Hills neighborfiood to Aubum Station and
a Community Shuttle linking 2sidential neighborfioods with commercial and service centers.
Progress Summary:
Lakeland Hill Service began in 2009. The community shuttle will begin senrice in 2010. Funding assistance will be requested
through the Transit Now Partnership Program.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance.
Budget: 2010 YTD Adual 2011 10 Budget
Budget ExpendiWres Budget Balance
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget AmendmerRs - -
Adjusted 8udget - - - -
(Previous Yrs) 2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Projeet
Funding $ources: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012Bud et Proiect Total_ _ __Cost
Unreshicted Street Revenue 100,628 200,000 220,000 220,000 520,628 1,620,628
Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - -
REET - - - - - -
Other (TBD) - - -
ToWI Funding Sourees: 100,628 200,000 220,000 220,000 520,628 1,620,6Z8
Capital Expenditures:
Design - - - - - -
- Right of Way - - - - - -
OperaNng Costs 100,628 200,000 220,000 220,000 520.628 1,620,628
Total Expendltures: 100,628 200,000 220,000 220,000 520,628 - 1;620,628
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Expenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2076 Beyond 2016
Funding Sources:
UnresUicted Stieet Revenue 220,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 1,320,000 -
Granfs (Fed.State,LocaQ - - - - - -
REET - - - - - -
Other (TBD) - -
Total Funding Sourees: 220,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 1,320,000 -
Capital Ezpenditures:
Design - - - - - -
Right of Way - - - - - -
OperatingCosts 220,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 1,320,000 -
Total Ezpenditures: 220,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 1;320,000 -
GraMs / Ocher Sources:
Non-Motorized & Transit Improvement Projects 51
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan:
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Tdle: Citywide Pedestrian Crossing Program TIP # 30
Project No: CplDOOc
Project 7ype: Non-Capacity (Bi Annual) .
Project Manager. Pablo Para
Tfiis is a bi-annual level of effort project used to fund small pedestrian safety studies and improvement projects. This project
provides for pedestrian safety studies and improvements at various IocaUons atywide. Projects are prioritized annually
based on safety issues and pedestrian demands.
Progress Summary:
Projeds for2010 are 3rd St NE & Aubum Ave Intersection improvements and 15th St SW Interurban Trail X-ing
Future Impaet on Operating Budget: •
This project will have no impact on the operating budgeYfor street maintenance.
Budget: 2010 YTD Aecual 2011 10 BuHget
Budget Ezpenditures Budget Balanee
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget Amendments
Adjusted 8udget ' - - - -
Activity: - -
• 2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Project
Funding Sourees: Prior to 2010 EsUmate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Project Total Cost
Unrestrrcted Sheet Revenue - 100,000 - 100,000 100,000 400,000
Giants (Fed.State.Local) - - - - - -
REET - - - - - -
Trafficimpad Fees
Total Funding Sources: - 100,000 - 100,000 100,000 400,000
CapiWl Expenditures:
Design - 10,000 - 70,000 70,000 40;000
Right of WaY - - - - - -
ConsVUCtion - 90,000 90,000 90,000 _ 360,000
Total Expenditures: • 100,000 - 100,000 100,000 400,000 '
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Ezpenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2076 Beyond 2016
Funding Soureas:
Unrestrrcted Street Revenue - 100,000 - 100,000 300,000 -
Grant§ (Fed,State,Locaf)
REEf - - - - - -
Traffic /mpad Fees
TotalFunding'Sourees: - 100,000 - 100,000 300,000 -
Capital ExpendiWres:
Design - 10,000 - 10,000 30,000 -
, Right of WaY - - - - - -
Conshuction 90,000 90,000 270,000
Total Expenditiires: - 100,000 - 100,000 300,000 -
Grarrts / Other Sources:
52 Non-Motorized & Transit Improvement Projects
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Title: Citywide Arterial Bicycle 8 Safety Improvements TIP # 31
Projed No: CplooE7t
Project Type: Non-Capacity (Safety)
Project Manager: Various
This is an annual level of effort projed focused on funding bicyGe and safety improvements on Gassified roadways. Projects
are prioritized annually based upon field stutlies. Project was previously called "Citywide Roadway Safety Infrastructure
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance.
Budget 2010 trt'o acq,al 2011 10 Budget
Budget Expenditures Budget ' Balanee .
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget Amendmenfs -
Adjusted 8udget - - - -
2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Project
Funding Sourees: Prior W 2010 Estimate 2011 Budge! 2012 Budget ProJect Total Cost
Unrestrided Sdeet Revenue 19,300 - 100;000 100,000 179,300 619,300
Grants (Fed,SYate,loca!) - - - - - -
Tratfic Impad Fees - - - - - -
Total Funding Sources: 19,300 - 100,000 100,000 118,300 619,300
Capital Expenditures:
' Design 19,300 - 10,000 10,000 29,300 79,300
Righf of Way - - - - - -
' Construc6on 90.000 90,000 90,000 540,000
Total bcpenditures: 79,300 - 100,000 100,000 119,300 619,300
Forecasted Project Cost:
Totat EzpendRiires
" . . 2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Beyoed 2016 Funding Sources:
UnresUicted Sbeet Revenue 100,000 100,000 100.000 100,000 600,000 -
Grants (Fed,State.Locaq - - - - -
REET - - - - -
Tratric Impad Fees ' - - - - - -
Other -
Total Funding Sourees: 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 -
Capital Expenditures:
Design 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 60,000 -
Right of Way - - - - - -
Consttiction 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 540,000
Total Ecpenditures: 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 -
GraMs / Other Sources:
Non-Motorized & Transit Improyement Projects . 53
City ofAuburn Transportation ImprovementProgram ,
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Capital Projects Fund
Project Titie: Citywide Sidewalk Improvements TIP #32
Project No: vafies
Project Type: Non-Capacity (Mnual)
Projea Manager: Seth Wickstrom
Projed will fund sidewalk improvements to a variety of locations throughout the city. A sidewalk irnentory was completed in
2004. Annual projects are selected based upon criteria such as: gap closure, safe walking routes to schools; completion of
downtown pedestrian corridor or "tinkage", connecti4ity to transR services, ADA requirements, and "Save our Streets" (SOS)
project locations.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
Budg@t: 2010 YTD Aetual ' 2011 10 Budget
Budget Ezpenditures Budget Balanee •
Adopfed Budget - - - -
Budgat Amendmerrts
Adjusted Budget - - - - '
(Previous Yrs) 2010 YE 2011 Year ErM Total ProjeG
Funding Sources: Pdor to 2010 EsUmate 2011 Budget 2012 Bud et Pro eet Total Cost _
Unreshicted Cap. Improv. Revenue 71,700 154,400 180,000 20,000 40¢,500 825;500
Grams (Fed.State.Local) - - - - - -
REET2 - - - - - -
Total Funding Sources: 71,100 154,400 180,000 20,000 • 405,500 825,500
Capital Expenditures:
Design - - 10,000 2,000 10,000 ' 36,000
RigM of WaY - - - - - -
ConsVudion 71,700- 154,000 170.000 18,000 395,100 789,100 . Total Expenditures: . 71.100 , 154.000 180.000 20,000 405,100 825.100
Forecasted Project Cost: _
ToWI ExpenditMres
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Beyond 2016
Funding Sources•
Unreshicted Cep. fmprov. Revenue 180,000 20,000 180,000 20,000 600,000 -
Grants (Fed.State.Locel) - - - - - -
REET 2 . - - - - -
Total Funding Sourees: 180,000 20,000 180,000 20,000 600,000 -
Capital Ezpenditures:
Design 10,000 2,000 10,000 2,000 36,000 -
Right of WaY _ - - - - - -
Constniction 170,000 18,000 170,000 78,000 564,000
Total Ezpenditures: 180,000 20,000 180,000 20,000 600,000 -
Grarrts / Other Sources:
54 Non-Motorized & Transit Improvement Projects
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Tiue: A Street NE Pedestrian Improvements TIP # 44
Project No: cpxtxc
Project Type: Sidewalk Improvements (Non-Capacity)
Project Manager. TBD
This project completes a pedestrian connection between Downtovm Aubum and the 8th St NE business disfict. This project will improve
a pedestrian crossing at 3rd St NE, and construd sidewalks/access ramps along the.A St NE corridor.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
The annual maintenance cost for this projed is estimated to tie $500.
Budget: 2010 rro neeuai 2011 10 sudget
Budget Ezpenditures Budget Balance
Adopted Budget - - -
Budget Amendmems - - - -
Adjusted Budget - - - -
2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Projeet
Funding Sourees: Prior to 2010 Estimabe 2011 Bud et 2012 Bud et Projed Tofal Cost
Unrestricted Sheet Revenue - - - - - -
Grents (Fed,SYate.Locan - - - - - 750,000
. REET -
PWTFL - - - - - -
. Other
7otal Funding Sources: - • - - - 150,000
Capital EzpendiWres:
Design - - - - - 15,000
Right of Way - - - - - -
Construction 135,000
_ Total ExpendiWres: - - - - - 150,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Ezpenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011•2016 Beyond 2016
Funding Sources: .
Unresiricted Street Revenue - - - - - -
Grants (Fed,SYate,Locan 150,000 - - - 150,000 -
REET - - - - - -
PWTFL - - - - - -
Total Funding Sources: 150,000 - - • 750,000 -
Capital Expenditures:
Design 15,000 - - - 15,000 -
' Righf ofWay - - - - - '
Conshuction 135,000 135.000
Total Ezpenditures: 150,000 - - - 150,000 -
GraMs / Other Sources: Grant iunding rs unsecured:
Non-Motorized & Transit Improvement Projects 55 ,
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan '
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue:Fund
Project Title: Interurban Trailhead Improvements TIP # 45
Project No: Cplooo(
Projea Type.: Class 1 Trail (Non-Capacity)
Project Manager. TBD
Description: ,
This project provides funding for enhancemeMs to existing trailheads and construction of new Vailheads. Improvements include bike
radcs, kiosks, parking and access.
Progress Summary: -
Futqre Impact on Operating Budget
This project will haye no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance.
Buaget: 2010 r,v nctual 2011 iD Budget
Budget Expenditures Budget Balanee
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget AmendmerKs
Adjusted Budget - - - -
2010 YE 2011 YearEnd Total Projeet •
Funding Sources: Prior to 2010 Esdma6e 2011 Bud t 2012 Bu eY Project Total Cost
Unres6icted Sbeef Revenue - - - - - Grarrts (Fed.State.Local) - - - - - 185,000 Tralfic Mitigafron Fees - - - - - 25,000 •
PWTFL - - - - - -
Total Funding Sources: - • . - - 210,000
Capital Expenditures:
Desi9n • - - - - - 20,000
RigM of Way , - . - - _ _
Construcfion - - 190,000
Totat Expenditures: - • - - - 210,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Expenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Beyond 2016
Funding Sourees:
Unreshrded Street Revenue - -
crerns (r-ied,srare.Locaq - 185,000 - - 185,000
' TialFie Mitigation Fees - 25,000 - - 25,000 -
PWTFL - - - - - -
Total Funding Sources: - 210,000 - - 210,000 -
Capital Expenditures:
Design - 20.000 - - 20,000 -
Right of WaY - - - - - -
Conshudion - 190.000 190,000
7otal EzpendiWres: - 210.000 - - 210,000
Grants / Other Sources: Grarrt funding is unsecured:
56 Non-Motorized & Transit Improvement Projects
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program -
ARTERIAL STREET fUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
SixYear Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Title: 37th Street SE 8 R Street SE Pedestrian Connector TIP # 53 .
Project No: cp0803
Project Type: Ciass 1 Trail (Capacity)
Project Manager. Leah Dunsdon
This project wilf construct a pedestrian connection between 37th ST SE & R St providing a link between south Aubum and the White
River Trail and Game Farrn Park.
Prog'eess Summary:
Future Impact on Opereting Budget:
This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance.
BUd9et; 2010 YTD Actual 2011 10 Budget
' Budget Expenditures Budget Balance
Adopted 8udget - - - -
Budget Amendments - -
Adjusted &idget - - - -
2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Project
Funding Sources: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Project Total Cost .
UnresGicted Sheet Revenue - - 1,000 - 1,000 1,000
_ Grarrts (State) 21,327 102,973 - - 124,300 724,300
Traffic MitigationFees - - - - - -
PWTFL - - - - - -
Other -
Total Funding Sourees: 21,327 102,973 1,000 - 125,300 125,300
Capital Ezpenditures:
Design 21,327 15,000 - 36,327 36,327
Right of Way - - - - - -
Constructlon 87,973 1,000 88,973 88,973
Total Eupenditures: 21,327 102,973 1,000 - 725,300 125,300
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Expenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Beyond 2016
. Funding Sources: . .
UnresMctedStreetRevenue - - ~ - - 1,000 -
Grants (State) - - - - - -
Tra/fic Mitigation Fees - - - - - -
PWTFL - - - - -
Tofal Funding Sources: - - - 1,000 -
Capital Ezpenditures:
- Design - - - - -
RigM of Way - - - - -
Construcfion 1,000 -
Total Expenditures: - - - - 1,000 -
GrantsJ Other Sources: Grant funding is State Ped & Bike $afety Grant.
Non-Motorized & Transit Improvement Projects 57
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital_Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Speciaf Revenue Fund
ProjecrTide: Lea Hill Pedestrian Improvements TIP # 56
Project Na CpXXXX
Project:Type: Non-Motorized
Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID# 19
Description: This project will construct pedestrian improvements along the south side of SE 312th St east of the intersection with 124th Ave SE,
intersection improvements at 116th Ave SE & SE 304th St, painf bike lanes on 116th Ave SE between SE 312th St and SE 304th St and
improve curb rampsadjacent to Rainier Ridge Middle School. ProgPess Summary:
Future lmpact on Operating Budget:
This project u4ill have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance.
Budget: 2010 YTD Adual 2011 10 Budget
Budget Expenditures Budget Balance
Adopted BudgeY., - - - -
Budgef AmendmeMs
. Adjusted Budget - - - -
ACtIVIty: ~ . .
(Previous Yrs) 2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Project
Punding Sources: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Project Total Cost
Unrestrided Street Revenue - - - - - _
Grants (Fed,State,LocaQ - - 57,080 296,820 57,080 353,900
Tratfrc Impact Fees - - - - - _
REET2 - - - - ~ - . _
Total Funding Sources: - - 57,080 296,820 57,080 353,900
Capital Expenditures:
Design - - 57,080 - 57,080 57,080
RigM of INay - - - -
Consduction 296,820 296,820
7otal Ezpenditures: - - 57,080 296,820 57,080 353,900
Forecasted Project Cost: i
Total Expendi~res
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2076 Be ond 2016
Funding Sources:
Unres6ided Shaet Revenue _
GranRS (Fed.S[ate.LocaQ 353,900 _
Tia/fic /mpad Fess
REET2 - - - - - -
ToWI Funding Sources: - • - - 353,900 -
Capital Ezpenditures:
Desi9n - - - - 57,080 -
Righf of Way
Conshuction - 296,820
Total.Ezpenelitures: 353,900
GrantslAther.Sources: Grant funding is unsecured.
58 Non-Motorized & Transit Improvement Projects
Ciry ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 3011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project T'rUe: 41 st Street SE and A Sfreet SE Access Management Study TIP # 27
Project No: cpxoooc -
Project Type: Safety (Non-Capacity)
Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID# 10,33
Study the area from 37th St SE to the White River on A St SE including 41st St SE from D St SE to C St SE. The study
should review the safety and access needs of the traveling public and the adjacent properties.
Progress Summary:
Pre-design will be done to refine project scope, alignment, and cost.
Future Impad on Operating Budget
This study will have no impact on the aperaUng budget forstreet maintenance.
Budget: 2010 rTn aotuai 2011 10 sua9ec
Budget Expenditures Budget Balance
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget Amendments - -
Adjusted Budget - - - -
2010 YE 2011 Year End Total ProJeet
Funding Sources: Prior to 2010 Estimate . 2011 Bud et 2012 Budget Projeet ToffiI Cost
Unreshided Street Revenue - - 10,000 - 10,000 10,000 ,
Grants (Fed,S[ate.Loca4 - - - - - -
REET - - - - - -
Trafhc M'tbgation Fees - - - - - -
TotalFunding Sourees: - - 10,000 - 10,000 10,000
Capital Expenditures: -
Design - - 10,000 - 10,000 10,000
Right of Way - - - - - -
• Total EzpendiWres: - - 10,000 - 10,000 10,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Expenaltures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Be ond 2016
Funding Sources: "
Un2sVicted Street Revenue - - - - 10,000 -
GrdMS (Fed,State.Locan - - - - - -
REET - - - - - -
Traffic Impad Fees - - - - - -
Total Funding Sources: - - - - 10,000 -
Capital EzpendiWres:
Design - - - - 10,000 -
Right of Way - - - - - -
ToWI Ezpenditures: - - • - 10,000 -
Grants / Other Sources:
Preliminary Engineering and Miscellaneous Projects 59
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Title: South 277th - Wetland Mitigation TIP # 29
Project No: c410a0
Project Type: Non-Capacity
Projeat Manager. Leah Dunsdon
Description: ~
Wetland mitigation for the 277th St Grade Separation project.
Progress $ummary:
This is a 10-year obligation, which began in 2004.
Future Impaet on Operating Budget
This project will have no impact on the operating 6udget for street maintenance.
Budget: 2010 vTo aauai zo„ ,o euager -
Budget Expenditures Budget Balanee
Adopted 8udget ' - - - -
Budget AmendmeMs
Adjusted 8udget - - - -
2010 YE • 2011 Year End Total Projeet
Funding Sources: Prior to 2010 Esfimate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget ProeG Total CosE _
Unrestricted.Sdeet Revenue 90,140 113,500 25,000 25,000 228;640 278,640
GraMs (Fed.S7ate,LOCa!) - - - - - -
REET - - - - - -
Tralfic fmpacf Fees.
' Other
Total Funding Sourees: 90,140 113,500 25,000 25,000 228,640 278,640
Capital Expenditures:
. Design 57,394 95,000 15,000 15,000 167,394 197,394
RigM of Way - - - - _ _
Conshuction 32,746 18,500 10,000 10,000 61,246 81,246
Total Expenditures: 90,140 113,500 25,000 25,000 228;840 278,640
Forecasted Project Cost: Total F~cpenditures '
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Beyond2016
Funding Sourees:
Unres6icted S6eet Revenue 25,000 - - - 75,000 -
GrarRs (Fed.State.Loca1) - - - - - -
REET - - - - - -
TratFic Impad Fees
Total Funding Sources: 25,000 - - 75,000 -
Capital Ezpenditures:
Design 15,000 - - - 45,000 -
Right of Way - _ _
Cons6uction 10,000 30,000
Total ExpendiWres: 25,000 - - - 75,000 -
Grants / Other Sources:
60 Preliminary Engineering and Miscellaneous Projects
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Title: 104th..Ave SE & Green River Road Study TIP # 46
Project No: Cp7oooc
Project Type: Non-Capacity (Intersection Safety)
Project nnanager: Seth Wickstrom LOS Corridor ID# 24
This project will fund a pre-design study to determine the right of way, environmental and wnstruction requirements for intersection
" safety improvements. This safety project scope will indude sigh4 distance improvements, constructing tum lanes, channelization, '
environmental mitigetion, signage and clear.zone improvements.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This project wiil have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance.
Budget 2010 vm neeuai 2011 -110 eud9et
BudgeY Ezpenditures Budget Balanee
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget Amendmerrts - -
Adjusted Budget - - - -
• Activity:
2010 YE 2011 Year End Totai Projeet
Funding Sources: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Proeet Total Cost
Unrestricted Street Revenue - 2,000 3,000 - 5,000 5,000
Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - -
REET - - - - - -
PWTFL - - - - - -
Total Funding Sourees: - 2,000 3,000 - 5,000 5,000
Capital Expenditures:
Design - 2,000 3,000 - 5,000 5,000
RigM of Way - - - - - -
Total Fxpenditures: - 2,000 3,000 - 5,000 • 5,000
Forecasted Project Cost: '
Total Expenditures
2013 2014 2015 . 2016 2011-2016 Beyond 2016
Funding Sourees:
Unrestrtcted Street Revenue - - - - 3,000 -
Grarrts (Fed.State,Local) - - - - - -
REET - - - - - - PWTFL - - - -
ToWI Funding Sourees: - - • - 3,000
Capital Ezpenditures: Design - - - - 3.000 -
Right of Way - - - -
Total Expenditures: - - - - 3,000 -
Grants / Other Sources:
Preliminary Engineering and Miscellaneous Projects 61
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Eacilities Plan
Six Year Capital_ Faalfies Plan, 20_11-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Titie: Environmental Park Roadway Improvements Sfudy TIP # 47
Project No: . Cpxcioc
Project Type: Capacity
' Rroject Manager. TBD
This project will fund a study to detertnine the feasibility, scope and cost of low impact roadway, bicycle and pedestrian improvements in
the Enyironmerrtal Park area. Included in this study scope is a wnnectiori between Clay St NW and Westem StNW.
Progress $ummary: Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This project will have no impad on the operating budget,for street maintenance.
Budget: 2010 rro aceuai zo„ ,o suagec -
~ Budget Ezpenditures Budget Balance
Adopted Budget
Budgef Amendmertts - - -
Adjusted Budget - - - - '
Activity: -
, 2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Projeet
Funding Sources: Prior to 2010 Estima6e 2011 Bud et 2012 Budget Pro'eG Total Cost
Unres6ided SYreei Revenue - - 5,000 - 5,000 5,000
73rdnts(Fed;State,Loca!) - - - - - -
REET - - - - -
PWTFL - - - - - -
Total Funding Sourees: - - 5,000 - 5,000 5,000
Capiql Ezpenditures:
Desfgn - - 5,000 - 5,000 5,000
Right of Way - - - - -
Total Expendkures: - - 51000 - 5.000 5.000
, Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Ezpenaiaees
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011 - 2016 B`ond 2016
Punding Sources: - - - -
Umes6icted SYreef Revenue - - - 5,000 -
Grams (Fed.State.Locaq - - - - - -
PWTFL - - - - - -
Total Funding Sources: - - - - 5,000 -
Capital Expenditures:
Design - - - - 5,000 -
RigM of Way - - - - -
Total Expenditures: - - - 51000 -
Grants / Other Sources:
62 Preliminary Engineering and Miscellaneous Projects
Ciry ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011 2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Title: Downtown to Les Gove Non-Motorized Improvements Study TIP # 48
Project No: Cplooa
Project Type: Bike Lanes, Sidewalks and Transit Improvement Study (Capacity)
Project Manager: TBD
This project provides funding to complete a studyof the 2nd StSE & F St SE corridor between Les Gove Park and Downtown Aubum. .
' Improvements may include pavement reconstruction, sidewalks, access ramps, signal modifications and route signing.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance.
Budget: 2010 rTnneeuai 2011 10 sudget
Budget Expenditures Budget Balance
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budgef Amendments - - -
Adjusted Budget - - - -
2010 YE. 2011 Year End Total Projed
Funding Sourees: Prior to 2010 EstimaLe 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Project ToffiI Cost
Unreshided Street Revenue - 2,000 8,000 - 10,000 10,000
Grants (Fed,State.LocaQ - -
REET - - - - - -
PWTFL - - - - - -
Total Funding Sourees: - 2,000 8,000 - 10,000 10,000
, Capital Ezpenditures:
Design - 2,000 8,000 - 10,000 10,000
RigM of Way - - - - - -
Total Ezpenditures: - 2,000 8,000 - 10,000 10,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Expenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Beyond 2016
Funding Sources:
UnresLided Stceef Revenue - - , - - 8,000 -
Grants (Fed.SYate,LocaQ - - - - - -
REET - - - - - -
PYVTFL - - - - - -
Totai Funding Sources: - - - - 8.000 -
Capital Expenditures: .
Design - - - - 8.000 -
Right ol Way - - - - - -
Construction -
Total Ezpenditures: - - - - $,000 -
Grants ! Other Souroes:
Preliminary Engineering and Miscellaneous Projects 63
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011 2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project TiUe: S 316th Street Bicycle 8 Pedestrian Improvement Study TIP # 49
Project No: Cplooa
Project Type: Class 2 Bike Lanes / Sidewalks (Capacity)
Froject Ma.nagee TBD LOS Corridor ID# 37
This project provides funding for completing a study to add bicycle and pedestrian facilities on S 316th St from east of Evergreen Heights Elementary to 51 st Ave S.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget: -
This project wili haye no impad on the operating budget for street maintenance.
BudgBt: 2010 YTD Actual 2011 10 Budget
Budget ExpendiWres Budget Balance
Adopted Budget
Budget Amendments
Adjusted Budget - - - -
2010 YE 2011 Year ErM Total Projeet
Funding Sources: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Bud et 2012Budget Projeet 7otal Cost
Unres6idedSbeetRevenue - 1,000 4,000 - 5,000 5,000
Grents (Fed,Sfate.Loca/) - - - - -
REET - - - - - -
Total Funding Sources: - 1,000 4,000 - 5,000 5,000
Cap'rtal Expenditures:
Design - 1,000 4,000 - 5,000 5,000
RigM of Way - - - _ _ _
Total Ezpenditures: - 1,000 4,000 - 5,000 5,000 ,
Forecasted Projeet Cost:
Total ExpendiWres
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2015 Be ond 2016
Funding Sources:
Unrestricted Sheet Revenue - - - 4,000 -
GranRs (Fed,SYate,Local) _ _
REET - - - - - -
PWTFL - - - - -
Otlier "
Total Funding Sources: - - - - 4,000 =
Capital Ezpenditures:
Desi9n - - - - 4,000 -
RigM ol WaY - - - - - -
Total Expenditures: • - - - 4,000
Grants ! Other Sources:
64 Preliminary Engineering and Miscellaneous Projects
City.ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
, ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan,:2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Title: Kersey Way Study TIP # 54
Project No: Cpx)Oqc
, `ProjectType: Capacity
Project Manager. TBD LOS Corridor ID# 4
Description: `
• This project will study improvementsto the Kersey Way SE corridor from the White River Bridge to the southem city limits: The
study will develop the scope and costs for horizontal/Vertical geometric roadway improVements, roadside hazaM mitigation, street
lighting and non-motorized trail construation. 'fhe project length is approximately iwo miles:
Progress Summary:
Pre-design will begin in 2011 to refine budget and scope.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
The annual maintenance cast for this project is estimated to be $14,056.
Budget: 2010 rrDactuai 2011 10 Bud9ee
Budget Expenditures Budget Balance '
Adopted BudgeP - - - -
BudgetAmendments - -
Adjusted Budget - - - -
2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Project
Funding Sources: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Projed Total Cost
UnresMc[ed Street Revenue - - - - - -
GraMs (Fed,State,Local) , - - - - - -
REET - - - - - -
Traflic Impad Fees - 100,000 - 100,000 100,000
Total Funding Sources: - - 100,000 - 100,000 100,000.
Capifal Expenditures:
Design - - 100,000 - 100,000 100,000
Rigbt of Way - _
Total Expenditures: - - 100,000 - 100,000 100,000.
Forecasted Projed Cost:
rocai ExPendtwres
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016_ Be nd 2018
Funding Sources:
- Unrestnc[ed StreetRevenue - - - - - ,
Grants (Fed.Stete,Local)
REET - - - - - -
- Traffic lmped Fees ' _ - - . - - 100.000
Other (Developer)' - - -
Tofal Funding Sources: - - - - 700,000 -
CapiWl ExpendiWres:
, Design - - - - 100,000 -
Right ol Way - - - - - -
Construction ~ -
Total Ezpenditures: - - - - 100,000
Grants / Other Sources:
Preliminary Engineering and Miscellaneous Projects 65 _
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital_Facilities Plan, 20_11-2016. Special Revenue Fund
Project Tine: Mary Olson Farm Improvements TIP # 55
Project No: cp0815
Project Type: Non-Capacity
Project Manager. Leah Dunsdon '
' This is a historical preservation projed required as mitigation for S 277th Reconstruction Project.
Progress Summary:
PFiase 1 of project was completed in 2009 and Phase 2 is scheduled to be completed in 2010.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This project will have no impact on !he operating budget for street maintenance. .
BUdgCY:, 2010 YTD Actual 2011 10 Budget ,
Budget Expenditures Budget Balanee
Adopted Budget
Budget Amendments. -
Adjusted Budget
2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Projeet
Funding Sources: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Projeet Total Cost
Unrestrrcted Streef Revenue - -
Grants (Federa!) 54.749 46,363 - - 101,112 101,112
REET - - - - _
PWTFL - - - - - -
Other 25,973 10,000 1,002 36,973 36,973
Total Funding Sourees: 80,722 56,363 1,000 - 138.085 158,085
Capital Ecpenditures:
Design 25,973 10,000 - - 35,973 35,973
Right of Way - - - _ _ _
Constntction 54;749 46,363 1,000 102,112 102,112
' ToWI Expendftures: 60,722 56,363 1,O00 - 138,085 138,085
Forecasted Project Costc
Total Expenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 . 2071-2016 ' Be ond 2016
Funding Sources: Unres6icted SUeet Revenue _
Grants (Federal) - - - - - -
, REET - - - - -
Other - 1.000
Total Funding Sources: - • - - 1,000 -
Capital Expenditures:
Right of Way - - - - _ _
Construction - - - 1,000
Total Expenditures: , - - - - 1,000 _
Grants / OtherSources Federal grant is FHWA Mitigation Funds. Other Funds are 321 Municipal Parks funds, General Engineering iunds or Parks funds
66 Preliminary Engineering and Miscellaneous Projects
City of Auburn Transportation Improvement Program
ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Capital Facilities Plan ,
Six.Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Fund
Project Taie: Annual Bridge Preservation Project TIP # 28.
Project No: Various
Project Type: Non-Capacityr (Annual)
Project Manager. Seth Wickstrom
This is an annual level of effort projed used to fund bridge improvements as identified by the aty's annual bridge inspedion program.
Progress Summary:
Future lmpact on Operating Budget:
This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance.
Budget: 2010 YTD Actual 2011 10 Budget
Budget Expenditures Budget Batance
Adopted Budget
Budget Amendments - - -
Adjusted Budget - - - -
2010 YE 2011 Year End Total Projeet
Funding Sou►ces: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012 Bud t Proed Total Cost
Unreshrded SYreet Revenue - 50,000 50,000 50,000 10D,000 350,000
Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - -
REET - - - - - -
Tralfic Mi0'gafion fees - - - - - -
Total Funding Sources: - 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 350,000
Capital Expenditures: '
Design - - - r -
Right of Way - - - - - -
ConstrocBon 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 350,000
TotalExpenditures: - 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 350,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Expendiwres
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Be- nd.20'IB Funding Sources:
Unres6icted Street Revenue 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 -
Grants (Fed.SYafe.Locaq - - - - - -
REET - - - - - -
Traffic Mitigation Fees - - - - - -
Total Funding Sources: 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 -
Capital FxpendiWres:
Design - - - - - -
Right o1 Way - - - - - -
Construction 50,000 50,000. _ 50,000 50,000 300,000
Totai Expenditures: 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 -
Grards / Other Souraes:
Roadway Preservation Projects 67
City ofAuburn Transportation Improvement Program
STREET FUND (105) Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Funds
Project Title: Mnual Arteriat Street Preservation
Project No: cpxcxx TIP #35
Project.Type: Non-Capacity
Pmject Manager. Seth WiCkstrOm
Description: Implement regular payement maintenance and/or rehabilitation of various classfied streets citywide. These
projects may include overlays, rebuilds, spot repairs, or a combination of these. It is arrtiapated that this program will be
funded through bond proceeds that will be, repaid by the 1°/a utility tax that was adopted by Counal in 2008.
Progress Summary:
This program is being expanded from previous years. Prior years this program provided approximately $675,000 from the
REET funding to go towards the purpose of p'eserving Gassified streets. •
Future Impactbn Operating Budget:
Budgetc 2010 rrD aen,al 2011 10 Budget
Budget Expendltures Budget Balance
Adopied Budget
- - - -
Budget Amendmerns
Adjusted Budget Activity:
(Preyious Yrs) 2010 YE 2011 Year End Totaf ProJeet
Funding Sources: Prior toZ010 Estlmate 2011 Budget 2072 Bud et Pro eet Total Cost
Unrestricted SYreet IFevenue - - - - -
PropeRy Tax - - - - - -
Uti!'rtyTax - 1,505;000 1,400,000 1,400,000 2,905,000 9,905,000
REET2 - - - - - -
Bond Proceeds
Total Funding Sourees: - 1,505,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 2,905,000 9,905,000
Capital Ezpenditures:
Design - 85,000 50,000 50,000 135,000 385,000
RigM of Way - - - - _ _
Construction 1,420,000 1,350,000 1,350,000 2,770,000 9,520,000
Total Expenditures: - 1,505,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 2,905,000 9,905,0U0
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Expenditures
2013 2014 20`15 2016 2011 - 2016 Be ond 2016
Funding Sourees:
Unreshicted Sheet Revenue _ _
ProPenY Tax - - - - - -
Cltility Taz 1,400,000 7,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 8,400,000 -
REET2 - - - - - -
Bond Proceeds - - - -
Total Funding Sources: 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 8,400,000 -
Capital Expenditures:
Design 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 -
RigM of Way - - - - _ _
Constrvetion 1,350,000 1,350,000 1,350,000 1,350,000 8,100,000
Total Expendleiues: 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 8,400,000 -
Grants / Other Sources:
68 Roadway Preservation Projects
City ofAubum Trdnsportation Improvement Program
STREET FUND (105) Capital Facilities Plan
~Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Special Revenue Funds
Project Tide: Mnual Arterial Crack Seal Program
Project No: cpxoooc TIP #36
Project Type: Non-CapaCity.
Project Manager. Seth Wickstrom
' Descriptionc
Implement regular maintenance of various classified streets by sealing newly formed cxacks. Sealing the cracks wili prolong the life of
the pavement by stopping water from draining into the subbase of the road.
Progress Summary:
Fufure Impact on Operating Budget:
Budget: 2010 rrv actuai 2011 10 audget
Budget Expenditures Budget Balanee
Adopted Budget - - - -
Budget Amendmems - -
Adjusted Budget
(Wevious Yrs) 2010 YE 2011 Year End , Total Projeet
Funding Sources: Prfor to 2010 Estlmate 2011 Budget 2012 Bud et Proect Total Cost .
Unrestncted SYreet Revenue - - - - - -
umrty rax - 100,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 700,000
rzEer . - - - - -
- Bond proceeds -
7ota1 Funding Sources: - 100,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 700,000
Capltal Expenditures: .
Design - 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 70,000
Right of Way - - - - - -
Construction 90,000 90,000 90,000 180,000 630,000
Total Expenditures: - 100,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 700,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Tolal Ezpenditures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Be d 2016
Funding Saurces:
Unreshicted Sheef Revenue - - - - - -
Upifity Tax 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 -
REET - - - - - -
Bond proceeds - - -
Total Funding Sources: 100,000 100,000 ' 100,000 100,000 600,000 -
Capltal Ezpenditures:
Design ' 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 60,000 -
RigM of Way - - - - -
Construction 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 540,000
Total Expenditures: 100,000 100,000 100,000. - 100,000 600,000 -
Grarrcs ! Other Sources:
Roadway Preservation Projects 69
City of Auburn Tr. ansportation Improvement Program
LOCAL STREET FUND (103) Capital Facilities Plan
Six. Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2011-2016 Speaal Revenue Funds
Project Title: Local Street Improvement Program '
Project Na Various TIP #37 Project Type: Non-Capacity
Project Manager. WiCkstrom
, Description: '
This program was created after passage of Proposition 1 on the November'04 ballot, setting the City's property tax levy limits and
creating a dedicated bcal street fund to be used soleiy for local street improvements. The program will focus on the preservation of local
streets (undassified streets) within the City of Aubum. The work will include crack sealing, asphalt patching, pre-leveling, asphait
overlays and roadway reconstruction. The property tax levy lift may also be used to repay bonds should they be util¢ed to fund this ,
Progress Summary: This program has successfully completed overlays since 2005. In 2011 and 2012 the program will focus on major street
reconstruction where street surFaces and the underlying base has failed.
Future Impact on Operating Budget: .
Budget: 2010 r7n aetual 2011 10 eua9et
Budget Expenditures Budget Balanee
Adopted Bud9et
Budget AmendmeMs
Adjusted Budget
(Prewous Yrs) 2010 YE 2011 Year End Total ProJeet
Funding Sources: Prior to 2010 Estimate 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Proct Total Cost
Local, Street Fund 703,800 - - 703,800 703,800.
PropeRyTax 3,905,100 7,500,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 7,605,100 18,605,100
Utility Mdigation - -
Bond Proceeds
Total Funding Sources: 3,905,100 2,203,800 2,200,000 2,200,000 8,308,900 19,308,900
Capital Ecpenditures:
Design 396,400 250;000 200,000 200,000 846,400 1,846,400
Right of Way - - - _ _ _
ConsWction 3.508.700 1.953.800 2.000.000 2.000.000 7.462.500 17,462.500
Total Ficpenditures: 3.905.100 2,203.600 2,200.000 2,200.000 8,308.900 19.308.900
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Ezpendkures
2013 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 B ond 2016
Funding Sources:
Loca/ Sheet Fund - - - - _ _
PropertyTax 2,200,000 2.200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 13,200,000 -
Util'dy M'rtiyation - - - - - -
Bond Proceeds - - - - -
7otal Funding Sources: 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 13,200,000 -
Capital Ezpenditures:
Design 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 -
Right of WaY - - - - -
ConsWction 21000 000 2,000 000 2,000,000 2,000,000 12,000,000
Tota( Expenditurea: 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 13,200,000 -
Grants i Other Sources:
70 Roadway Preservation Projects
c20; no i a St Nw, Pna,a i (5rd St Nw to 14in si riw) Ps
C409A0 3 Aubum Way Imp (4th 3l NE to 4lh St SE) A'12 1'8,251 - - if 1;i,7Gu 3,00n'l,00i' - - 3.t;5c.951
C415A0 4 I St NE (AOth St NE to S:nd St NE) NIA 11,6-1! 4ti0,000 1,020,00(1 d,280,000 - 5,771.827
C201A0 5 M St SE Grado Soparatian (E Mein to AWS) PS 5.498,500 2.115,000 12,085,000 11000,000 - • - • 22,390,500
C222A0 G 5 277th 5[reet (AWN lo Grcen Rivcr Bridgo) A'11 II~,0;16 276,500 803500 3,000.000 - - .:,G99,OB5
cpxxxx 7 15th St SW Roconstruction (C 3t SW [o UPRR) A'12 - - - 375,000 3,000,000 - - - 3.375,000
cpzxxx 8 A St NW. Phasc 2(W Main t0 1rd St NW) A'10 25,0 CC 75.000 162,000 2,2,98,000 - - 55p pOG
cpuxxz 9 D St NW (37th St NW to 44th St NW) A'14 - - - - - 200,000 200,000 6,000,000 6,400,000
CP0911 10 F St SE (Jth St SE to AWS) A'13 7.620 1,110C.000 - - 1.2 Oi,p2G
cpxxxx 11 M St NE (E Maln St to ath St NE) A'13 - 50,000 - • 275,000 7,000,000 - - 1.325.000
cpzzxx 12 Grade-Soparated Crossing of 13NSF Railyard NIA - - - I 1.C00.000 31.000 ,OC.6 . 2.OC0.0~11
~ CP0916 14 W Valley Nwy (SR 18 to W Main St) S 465,000 4,535,000 • - • - - - 5,000,000
cpxaxx 15 B:I7 St NE ~Plku St to R SI NEi A'l : - ~ - :60.CLU I.uUD.[YUU - - I.1~O,JGO
I cpxxxx 16 49tD St NE Irom Aubum Way North lo M St NE N/A - 850.000 2,500,D00 • - - - - 3,350,000
~ Varios 33 Trat(c Calming Improvomunts NIA 1142,906 OGIi 200,000 200,0qG 200.000 ~ 200.JUG 20r:1.9e2,50C
cpxux 39 124th Ava SE Cortidor Imp Phasu 3 A'14 - - - - • 100,000 750,000 - 850,000
~ cpzxxx AO 124ih Ave SE Corridor Imp Pha5e 1 A'17 - ~ :~0.000 1 ~QOClO 1.'b0,000 - 1.950.00C
cpzzzx 41 124th Ave SE CoMdor Imp Phasn 2 A'12 - - - 30,000 150,000 1,O013,000 - - 1,180,000
~ cpxxxx d: SE 120th St Corridor Imp A'13 I .sC,C.^.~"i SCO.L'Cl:
cpxxxx 52 Oowntown Promenada Imp S 1.2C0,000 11.800,000 - - - - - - S,OCQGOC
Subtotal 12.062,559 21.993,500 16.173,500 7,375,200 13,625,000 I 7,840,000 ~ 2,730,000 37,000,000 118,799,759
CP0611 17 FlarvoyBth SVCet Imp - Debt Service N!A 76 ,50C
CP0701 18 8th StreetlR Street NE TraMc Signal S 647,400 s;g,qpp
cpzzzz 19 Au6urn Way Nortlti'f Strcet NE Signal Imp A'11 - 2U,0 ~0 i:0:i - - ~ - 6'?9,: =
~ cpnxxx 2D Aubum Way South and M Stroet SE A'12 25,000 75,000 - BOO,OOp - • - 1,000,000
cpxxxa 21 C Strect NW antl West Mafn Streei A'12 - - - - - - - - 1017.000 1,000,00P - I 1,16D,000
cpxxxx 25 F Streot SE S 4th St SE TmMc Signal S 396?00 7000 - • - - - 397,700
I cpxxxx 38 Railroad Crossing Safaty Improvomonts A'12 1.01110 ,0011
cpz~ 43 Auburn Way Sou[h 8 Riverwalk Imp A714 - - - - - 750:000 2,250,000 2,400,000
Subtotal 3,196,942 164,700 107,300 1.817.000 1,936,500 236,000 ~ 2,336,000 996.000 10,790.442
Cpxxxx i SOUth Aubum ITS Exp:insVUn S 1..
Varies 34 Tra(ficSigrtallmp N/A C;00 175.000 775,u,^,0 775.00U 775.600 17'.'.100 175.000 1.225.O00
cpazzx 50 ITS Dynamlc Mossaga Si9ns A'11 - I - ~ I . - Hf'O.: I n
cpxxxx 57 East Vallcy Hwy ITS Expansion A93 - • - - Ao6,0Ci0 - - gp--,ppo
Subtotal 978,400 176,000 ~ 175,000 ~ 175,000 ~ 1,195,000 175,000 395,000 880,000 4,149,400
cpxxzx 2 Aubum Way South CorriAor Improvemenis Phaso 1 A"IO I-,t;i!fI _ . I . -
C507B0 22 Skinner Rd to 3rd Ave (Auburn Pacific Trsll Ph 2) S 102,077 1.0OU -
C229A0 23 6NSFIEast Valley liwy. Ped Undurcrossin9 PS 224.;siiU - 4,800.000 ;,OGO.OOG 1G,J24.30c
cpxxxx 24 Academy Drive Multl Use 7ra{I A'12 • - - 10,000 150,000 425,000 425.000 1,010,600
NA 116 Aubum Cornmunily and Lakuland SBultles NiA 30C,t„'t 22p.000 ~:u.C>JO I :20,1100 220,000 120.7f)0 220,006 1.tiZQ6"<8
Varios 90 Citywidu Padoshlan Crossing Program NIA 100,000 - 100,000 • 100,000 - 100,000 400,000
Varies 11 Citywidc Artenel l3icycle 8 Safnty Imp N1A iCl.3!10 1i)O,O;lO W0.000 1C0.1t70 100,000 619,30D
Varles 32 Cltywide Sitlowalk Improvements NfA 225,100 180,000 20,000 180,000 20,000 180A00 20,000 825,100
cPxxxx 44 A St. NE Pedos[rinn linprovcrnonts A'12
cpxxxx 45 Intorurbnn irailhoad Improvomonts A'13 • - • • 210,000 • - 210,000
cpzxxx 53 57th St SE & R St SE Pednsln;in Conneclor 5 .i:lu - - 125,3~0
cpxaxz 57 Lvn Mill Pudastrlan Improvamonts A'70 - 57,080 296,820 - - - - 353 '00
5ubtolal 1,155,705 719,080 1,417,620 660,000 800,000 925,000 5,665.000 5,000,000 16,342,405
cvxxxx 27 aist s; sE.pid a St Se ncca- m;-.,cn•~=~,~~tsn.dy N?n
C41 OA 29 S 277th Struot -Wetland Mitigntion N!A 203,840 25,000 25,000 25,000 - - - 276,640
cpxzzx 46 1 OAth Avc SE & Grvun Rivwr 5tudy NIA 7,00n0 3,000 5,000
cpxxxx 47 Envlrammental Park Roadwaylmprovamonb Stutly MIA - 5,000 5,000
cpxxxx 48 Dowotnwn to Los Gove Non-Mocorir,ocl Imp Shuly NIA
cpxzxx 49 S. 316th St Oicyclo 8 Padeetrian Imp Study N1A 7,000 4,000 - • - _ - 5,000
cpxxxx 54 Karsoy Way Study NIA IL'O,C00
cpxxxx 55 Mary Olson Farm ImprovomanW NIA 137,05 1,000 - - - • 738.085
Subtotal 345,725 156,000 25,000 25,000 - - - - 551,725
cpxxzx ?a Amwal6ridryeMelntenmico WA 6Citll1(1 I.~.)01: 'Ii,Yi,
Varios 35 Artorinl Slreots (105 Fund) NIA I,5O5,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 I,40p,o(iU 1,4110,000 1.400,000 1,100,000 9,905,000
Vafios 36 Artorial Crack Soal (105 Fund) N1A IUO UCl(I 100,00I7 tDii Dn0 lir',,iiiin 100.0110 100.1Of~ ~ ICL':,DOiI 7011) il00
Varies 37 Lowl Streets -SOS (103 Fund) NIA 6,108.900 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200.000 2,200,000 2,200,000 19,308,900
I Subtctai 7,765,900 3.750,000 750,000 3,750,000 3,750.000 5,750.000 ~ 7,750,000 29.913,900
~ TOTAL 25,503,231 26,959,280 I 21.648,420 ~ 13,802,200 21,306.500 12,926,000 I 14,876,000 43,876,000 180,547,631
from I-f05 to Sr-I a. ndd onv N6 and SB {lunural purpasc lano; from SR-1tl tu SR-161, ,idd onu NB HOT lunu and onu SC3 HOT lanc, aUtl diract
N!A 80 SR-iG7 Expanswn (I405-SR5091 WSDOT N6150 hIOWHOT lono connoction rantps bulw4en SR-167 8 I405; add Nf3 nncl SF3 :iuailiary lanes betwuun SR516 and S 277th 5trcet; extend 4 .
Sr 167 from FiR. 161 (o SR-509.
N/A 81 SR•18 6 SR-767 Intnrehange - W5007 Comploto treoway intorchanpm by adding aaat6ountl SR•18 rnmp W soulhbountl SR-187, oddlnfl northhound SR•I87 ramp to WB SR-18 antl 45,000,000
Gosing SR•18 accose to Woat Vallay Hlphway.
I NIA 82 SR-164 Corri(lor Improvomunes (SR-18 to Awdomy Onvo) - Construct corrltlor improvomonts conr.ifilont wllh WSDOT SR-164 Corndor Improvemunt StuAy. Pro)oct incluUCS Inlorsection irnprovomonts, ii 1,000.000
WSOOT roadway wideniny and roadside improvamenls.
NfA 85 SR•164 Aubum Bypasa Road (SR•764 to SR•18) - W90flT Construct Auburn bypaas rood eannacdng SR•164 and SR-18 oait of R ST conidor. 65,000,000
NIA gp Graon Rivor Class I Trail. (SR-79 to Northem City limiq - King Construcc Class 1 Treil alonU Greon Rivcr Gom SR-18 to Northcrn Cily hmits. ?.p J~Counl
WA BS 51st Ave S 3 S 316tb 5t Signal - King Counry Conetruct naw traMc siynal et Intanocdon af 51at Ava S and S 316th St with tum larns. 550,000
N!A BG Stewart Roatl Widnning (EVH to SR-167) Pierce County Camplete a tive lane soction roadway with now 6ritlgo over thu whita rivor ond rallroad grade separetion Irom EVhi to SR-167. 3'~,30U,Ji_S
NfA 87 Aubum Transit SWtion Parking GaraqeSoundTransit Conatruct a now parking qarapo at tha Aubum Tonslt Shtlan 31,60D.OL'L'
TOTAL 4.637,550.000
'Grant 5 =
Status PS = FarU[,b.y
l A= ApPlied or wnl anuly
f 10 = Yeer
W E City of Auburn 2011-2016 AUB URN
Transportation Improvement Program
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~ Intersection Improvements Recommended Regional Projects ~ Potential Annexation Areas
Non-Motorized Improvements ~ Prelim Eng and Misc improvements A/ywndix B
Water Feature
~ Roadway Improvements ~ Signal Et ITS Projects ;
Auburn City Limits