HomeMy WebLinkAboutFloodplain Development Permit Exemption Application
PLEASE NOTE: City land use application forms are being revised and may be periodically updated over the next several months. Prior to any application submittal, please contact the Auburn
Permit Center to confirm that you have the latest application form. CITY OF AUBURN FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT EXEMPTION Planning & Development Department APPLICATION PACKET Auburn
Customer Service Center, 2nd Floor 1 East Main Street Auburn, WA 98001-4998 Tel: 253.931.3090 Fax: 253.804.3114 permitcenter@auburnwa.gov www.auburnwa.gov FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT
EXEMPTION APPLICATION Exemption General Information Projects can be exempt from floodplain development permits either due to their location or due to the type of activity proposed. The
application requirements vary by the type of exemption sought. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS – Please indicate exemption type you are requesting and attach the required application materials
for that exemption. LOCATION EXEMPTION: Project Located Outside Protected Area and Above Base Flood Elevation (ACC 15.68.130.B) A. WRITTEN MATERIALS (3 copies) 1. Floodplain Development
Permit Exemption Application Form. 2. Floodplain Development Permit Exemption Application Certification. B. SITE PLAN (3 copies) At a minimum scale of 1” = 50’ showing the following
information: 1. The elevations of the 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year floods, where the data are available. Additionally, for property located within the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA),
base flood elevations shall be included as required in ACC 15.68.060.B.3. 2. The boundaries of the Regulatory Floodplain, SFHA, floodway, riparian habitat zone, and channel migration
area, delineated in accordance with ACC 15.68. (The riparian habitat zone shall be delineated on the site plan for all development proposals within 300 feet of the ordinary high water
mark of any stream or shoreline). (OR) ACTIVITY EXEMPTION: Non-Development Activities (ACC 15.68.130.C) A. WRITTEN MATERIALS (3 copies) 1. Floodplain Development Permit Exemption
Application Form. 2. Describe the project activity and which of the following categories best matches the project activity: a. Routine maintenance of landscaping that does not involve
grading, excavation, or filling. (continued on next page) AUTHORITY: INTERIM FLOODPLAIN REGULATIONS – ORDINANCE 6295, Revision date: May 3, 2010
FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT EXEMPTION APPLICATION PACKET b. Removal of noxious weeds and hazard trees and replacement of non-native vegetation with native vegetation. c. Normal maintenance
of structures, such as re-roofing and replacing siding, as long as such work does not qualify as a substantial improvement. Projects proposing to use this exemption must include valuation
information for the structure and the proposed repair, reconstruction, addition, replacement or improvement to the structure to provide justification that the work does not qualify as
a substantial improvement. d. Normal maintenance of above ground public utilities and facilities, such as replacing downed power lines. e. Normal street and road maintenance, including
filling potholes, repaving, and installing signs and traffic signals, but not including expansion of paved areas. f. Normal maintenance of levee or other flood control facility prescribed
in the operations and maintenance plan for the levee or flood control facility. g. Plowing and other normal farm practices (other than structures or filling) on farms in existence as
of the effective date of this ordinance. 3. Describe how your project will comply with all other applicable federal, state, and local requirements. 4. Floodplain Development Permit
Exemption Application Certification. PLEASE NOTE: This application should not be used as a substitute for codes and regulations. Applicants are responsible for complying with all applicable
City Codes and ordinances and should review all City regulations that may be applicable to their proposed project. For assistance in determining which regulations are applicable, please
contact the City of Auburn Permit Center. QUESTIONS? PHONE 253.931.3090 or E-MAIL permitcenter@auburnwa.gov AUTHORITY: INTERIM FLOODPLAIN REGULATIONS – ORDINANCE 6295, Revision date:
May 3, 2010
CITY OF AUBURN FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT EXEMPTION Planning & Development Department APPLICATION PACKET Auburn Customer Service Center, 2nd Floor 1 East Main Street Auburn, WA 98001-4998
Tel: 253.931.3090 Fax: 253.804.3114 permitcenter@auburnwa.gov www.auburnwa.gov FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT EXEMPTION APPLICATION APPLICANT: Use mailing address for meeting notification.
Check box if Primary Contact COMPANY: ADDRESS: (CITY, STATE, ZIP) PHONE: _____________ FAX: __ __ E-MAIL: __ ______________________ SIGNATURE: PRINTED NAME: (Signature Required) APPLICANT’S
REPRESENTATIVE (if different): Check box if Primary Contact COMPANY: ADDRESS: (CITY, STATE, ZIP) PHONE: _____________ FAX: __ __ E-MAIL: __ ______________________ SIGNATURE: PRINTED
NAME: (Signature Required) PROPERTY OWNER(S): Attach separate sheet if needed. Check box if Primary Contact COMPANY: ADDRESS: (CITY, STATE, ZIP) PHONE: _____________ FAX: __ __
E-MAIL: __ ______________________ SIGNATURE: PRINTED NAME: (Signature Required) Required) Note: Applicant or representative must have property owner’s consent to file this application
REGULATIONS – ORDINANCE 6295, Revision date: May 3, 2010
CITY OF AUBURN FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT EXEMPTION Planning & Development Department APPLICATION PACKET Auburn Customer Service Center, 2nd Floor 1 East Main Street Auburn, WA 98001-4998
Tel: 253.931.3090 Fax: 253.804.3114 permitcenter@auburnwa.gov www.auburnwa.gov FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT EXEMPTION APPLICATION CERTIFICATION I, ______________________________ declare
under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington as follows; 1. I am the owner of the property that is the subject of the application. 2. I [__] have not appointed
anyone, or [__] have appointed ____________________________________ , to act as my agent regarding this application. 3. All statements, answers, and information submitted with this application
are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 4. I understand that my project and/or property may still be subject to the flood insurance purchase requirements unless
I receive a Letter of Map Amendment from FEMA. 5. I hereby grant permission for representatives of the City of Auburn and any other Federal, State, or local unit of government with regulatory
authority over the project to enter onto my property to inspect the property as required in connection with this application and for compliance with the terms and conditions of permits
and approvals issued for the project. 6. I understand that my application is being reviewed and, if appropriate, approved under interim regulations that are subject to final approval
by the Federal agencies. Therefore, any approved terms and conditions associated with a decision on this application may be modified by the City based on direction to do so by the Federal
agencies. __________________________________ Signature __________________________________ ____________________________________ Printed Name Date City and State where signed AUTHORITY: