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5715 Ordinance No 5819 Resolution No 3797 Resolution No 3953 Resolution No 4070 Resolution No 4117 Resolution No 4143 Ordinance No 6077 Resolution No 4272 Resolution No 4424 Ordinance
No 6276 and Resolution No 4552 1 APPLICATION FEES Applications for any action identified below shall not be accepted for f1ing unless otherwise noted until the fees per the below schedule
have been paid to the City Application Type Fee Additional Meeting Fee 40500 per meeting occurrence Address Assignment 10004 per address Administrative Use Permits application fee covers
1 meeting with 80800 staff after which additional meeting fees apply Appeal of Administrative Decision fo Heacing Examiner 001000 Binding Site PIan2 application fee covers 2 meetings
with staff after 101309l06o02t which additional meeting fees apply Boundary Line Adjustment Residential 50108 RNesiodenntial includes mixed use projecYs 80504 Boundary Line Elimination
50000 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments3 application fee covers 002700incl meetings with staff after which additional meeting fees apply rezoning application Comprehensive Plan Text
Amendments3 Application fee covers 0012000 meetings with staff after which additional meeting fees apply Conditional Use Permits applicafion fee covers 2 meetings with staff after which
additional meeting fees apply Residential 001000 All Other Uses includes mixed use projects 002000 Conditional Use Permifs4 Minor Adjusfinent application fee covers 1 meeting with staff
after which additional meeting fees apply Please note that the City of Aubum may collect a review fee on behalf of the Valley Regional Fire Authority for certain land use aondrenvironmenfal
ireewvs uVhich fee is collected in iaoddni to the Csity required fees Z PerAubum City Code a modification to an approved binding site plan shaU be processed in the same manner as the
original binding site plan approvaL Therefore the specified fee shall apply to anew or modified binding site plan approval request 3 Fees for amendments to text or maps of the Comprehensive
Plan apply only where an applicant seeks an amendment affeeting speafic properties rather tharr the City generally or property within the City generally Per Auburn City Code a major
adjustment to an approved conditional use permit shall be processed in the same manner as the original conditiflnal use permit approval Therefore the specified fee shall apply to a new
request for Page 1
Application Type Fee Residential 40104 All Other Uses includes mixed use projects 50504 Critical Areas Ordinance sOitne monitoring reporting required of wetlands other 30000per monitoring
environmentally sensitive areas5 event Reasonable Use Determination 20509 Review of critical areas report not associated with land use 50000 approval request or SEPA threshold determination
request Review of reports and plans submitted to comply with 20509 condition of land use approval or SEPA threshold determination Vcareian administrative 20509 Variance hearing examiner
001000 rCenut Use Taxation application fee will cover 1 meeting with staff 80000 after which additional meeting fees apply Development Agreement Amendment 202000 l06o0t or dwelling unit
Downtown Urban Center Design Review application will cover 101309 meeting with staff after which additional meeting fees apply Environmental Reviews application fee covers 1 meeting
with staff after which additional meeting fees apply SEPA Checklist review includes City issuance of DNS 80002 20509 per MDNS or DS as appropriate required special study Revised or Supplemental
SEPA Checklist review includes 30500 20509 per City issuance ofAddendum if appropriate special study Environmental Impact Statement EIS or Supplemental EIS 80002 acfual costs includes
scoping process preparation and issuance of draft to prepare conduct and final SEEISIS and issue SEPA 3 party review Actual costs Environmental lmpact Statement 80002 actual costs for
preparation of draft final sfatements including labor materials mailing other actual costs relating to the drafting circulating of the EIS Fee for Posting Public Notice Boards 2x4 Notice
rBdoa 080 4x4 Notice Board 10306 Final Plats Subdivisions application fee will cover 2 meetings with 5013030502per staff after which additional meeting fees apply lot conditional use
permit approval ora request for a major adjustment to a previously approved conditional use permit approvaL 5 For monitoring required over multiple years the total monitoring fee forthe
required monitoring period shall be paid prior to final plat approval or issuanceof Certficate of Occupancy or acceptance of required bond Page 2
Application Type Fee Final Plats Short Plats application fee will cover 1 meeting with 705000205per staff after which additional meeting fees apply lot Flexible Development Alfematives
Review application fee will cover 101309 1 meeting with staff after which additional meeting fees apply Hearing Examiner Conduct of Hearing and Preparation of Decisiong Total hourly
charge for hearing examiner plus associated expenses to be paid by applicant prior to issuance of final decision Mining Permifs application fee covers 3 meetings with staff after 603203
which additional meeting fees apply Miscellaneous Adminisfrative Decisions ie sign area deviation 50000 written inferpretafions etc FMMaixumeliltdyi Use Design Standards Compliance Review
101309 application fee will cover 1 meeting with staff after which additional meeting fees apply APlteIraationtor Vacation application fee covers 1 meeting with staff 001000per request
after which additional meeting fees apply Plat Modification application fee covers 1 meeting with staff after 001000per request which additional meeting fees apply Preliminary Plats
Subdivisions application fee covers 3 meetings 003000 with staff after which additional meeting fees apply l10o200t Preliminary Plats Short Plats application fee covers 1 meeting with
401409 staff after which additional meeting fees apply Preliminary Site Plan ReviewPnUonD application fee will cover 001305 meeting with staff after which additional meeting fees apply
aPpplircaetion Meeting application fee covers 1 meeting with staff 20509 fee will be after which additional meeting fees apply applied towards any related application madewin 6 months
of the date the pre application meeting was held PUD Major Adjustment application fee covers 2 meetings with 502808 staff after which additional meeting fees apply Rezone map a8mendment
701600 School Impact Fee C9ollection Per Single Family Dwelling Unit 0502 Per FMaumliltyi Dwelling Unit 0206 Shoreline application fee covers 1 meeting with staff after which 6 The total
cost for the Hearing Examiner is in addition to the relevant application fee for applications requiring a public hearing before the Hearing Examineregconditional use permit A prior City
Code amendment eliminated Planned Unit Developments PUD The PUD fees included herein are applicable only to the existing previously approved PUDs 8 Application fee covers 2 meetings
with staff after which additional meeting fees apply 9 The City imposes aniaopplnica fee to cover the reasonable cost of administration of the impact fee program Page 3
Application Type Fee additional meeting fees apply Exemption Determination 20105 Conditional Use Permit 101309 Substantial Development Permit 101309 Variance 101309 Short Plat Application
Preliminary application fee covers 1 meeting 401409 with staff after which additional meeting fees apply Short Plat Modification application fee will cover 1 meeting with staff 20509
per requested after which additional meeting fees apply modification Sign Permit 10000 ite Plan Approval PUD Ftesidential9 application fee covers 101309l06o02t meeting with staff after
which additional meeting fees apply or unif Site Plan Approval PUD rNesidoentinal9 application fee covers101309l6Oo2Ot meeting with staff after which additional meeting fees apply or
unit Special Home Occupation Permits 20509 TPharretye Outside Utility Extension Agreement Site Specific 001305 plus the Review application fee covers 1 meeting with staff after which
Csity actual costs in additional meeting fees apply perForming under the terms of the agreemenfi as negotiafed between the parties Type I Temporary Use Permit 09060408per extension request
Type II Temporary Use Permit 104040408per extension request Variance inclusive of Special Exceptions Per each residence on asingle family lot 20509 All Other 50705 SWeawteerr Certificate
outside of city limits for other than single 30101 family Zoning Certification letter Residential 0502 RNesiodenntial includes mixed use development 10004 Zoning Code Text Amendment
application fee covers 1 meeting with 001305 staff after which additional meeting fees apply 2 BOOKS MAPS MATERIALS pursuant to Resolution No 3953 Descriation Fee ComprehensiVe Plan
Cost of Production Downtown Plan Cost of Production Downtown Plan Appendices Cost of Production Copies of codes and ordinances Cost ofProduction Maps Cost of Production 10 Prices for
printed materials do not include any taxes Page 4
3 LAND CLEARING GRADING AND FILLING FEES Per Ordinance No 6146 Resolution No 4272 and Resolution No 4424 Land Clearing Fees Base Fee for up to 1 acre 30101 Additional Fees 1 to 5 Acres
Base Fee 10104per acre Over 5 Acres Base Fee0803per acre Grading and Filling Fees Base Fee 30101 Additional Fees For 500 to 02050 Cubic Yard CY Base Fee102per GY Over02050 Cubic Yards
CY Base Fee002per CY 4 Permit Fees per Ordinance 5715 Omlinance 5819 Resolution No 3773 Resolution No 3797 Resolution No 3818 Resolution No 3953 Resolution No 4143 OrcJinance No 6146
Resolution No 4272 and Resolution No 4424 a Building Permit Fees The fee for each Intemational Building Code Intemational Residential Code Washington State Energy Code or Washington
State Indoor Air Quality Codebuilding permit shall be as set forth in Table 1A below Table1A BUILDING PERMIT FEES TOTAL VALUATION FEE 010to 50000 0302 50001to 002000 0302for the first
50000 plus 060 for each additional 10000 or fraction thereot to and includin 002000 00201to0020050 10104 10104 for the first 002000plus 1608for each additional 001000or fraction thereof
W and includin 0020050 0020051to 005000 50404 fo the first0020050plus0104for each additional001000orfraction thereof to and includin 005000 005001to 010000 90003 for the firsf005000plus
010for each additional001000or fraction thereot wand includin l0U 00000 0100001to050000 301907 for the first010000plus 090foreach additional001000 or fraction thereof to and includin
050000 0500001to001000 904102forthe first050000plus080foreach a001dd0iti0o0nalor fraction thereof to and includin 001000 001000and 6 708609for the first 001000 lus060foreach additional001000
or fraction thereof Ot6er Inspecdoos Faeneds 1 Inspections outside of normal business hours 0603per hourl minimum charge two hows 2Reinspection fees assessed under provisions of Section
114039 0603per hour 3 Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated 0603per hour minimum charge one halfhour 4Additional plan review rgquired by changes addidons or revisions
to plans 0603per hour minimum char eone halfhoar Please note thaf the City of Aubum may collect a review fee for the Valley Regional Fire Authority for certain permit applications that
is collected in addition to the Csity required fees Page 5
5For use ofoutside consultants forplan checking and inspections orboth Actual costs2 FOOTNOTES Or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction whichever is the greatest This cost shall
include supervision overhead equipment hourty wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved Z Actual costs includeadministrative and overheadcosts b Mechanical Permit Fees The
fee for each permit issued under provisions of the Intemational Mechanical Code Intemational Fuel Gas Code NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code or the
mechanical device provisions of the Intemational Residential Code shall be as set forth in Table2A below For new fsainmgilley dwellings a flat rate permit fee of10805 may be charged
in lieu of fees as prescribed in Table2A Table2AMECHANICAL PERMIT FEES Yermit Issuance and Heaters 1 For tlie issuance of each mechanical permit 0206 2 For issning each supplemental
pemvt forwhichthe original permit has notexpired been canceled or finaled 900 UnitFee Schedule Note Thefollowing Thefollowing do not includeipsesurmingitfee 1 Furnaces For the installation
or relocation offaorcierd ortgyrapviety furnace or bumer including ducts and vents attached to such appliance up to and including 1000000Bhtu32k9V 0108 For the installationorelocation
offsorcierd ortgyrapviery furnace or bumer including ducts and venu attached to such appliance over 0100 BUilh32kV91 0202 For itnshtallaetion or relocation of each floor fumace including
vent 0108 For the installation or relocation of each suspended heater recessed wall heater orfmloounotedrunit heater 0108 2 Appliance Vents For the installation relocaUOn or replacement
of each appliance vent installed and notincluded in an appliance permit 900 3 Repairs or Additions For the repair of the alteration of or addition W eachheating appliance refrigeration
unit cooling unit absorQtion unit or eachheating cooling absorption orevaporative cooling system including installation ofcontrols regulated by the Mechanical Code 0106 4 Boilers Compressors
and Absorption Systems For the installation orrelocation of each boiler orcompressor to and including 3 horsepower 160kW oreach absorption system to and including 0100Bhtu239kW 0108
For the installation orrelocation of each boiler orcompressor over 3 horsepower 61kV01 to and ilnc5luding horsepower572koVr1eachabsorption system over 0100Bhtu239kW to and includiag
0500 Bhw 1646 kW 0301 For the installation or relocation of each boiler orcompressor over 15 horsepower75k2V to and including 30 shepoower 1505 kVl oreach absorption system over0500
Btulh61k4W6to and including 0100 Bhtu 12k9V31 0401 For tfie installation orrelocation of each boiler orcompressor over 30 horsepower l5OkV51to and including 50 horsepower1k7V6or each
absorpdon system over 0100 Bhtu 2193 kW to and inclqding071050Bhtu 5912 kW 0602 For the installation or relocation ofeach boiler orcompressor over 50 horsepower 176 kVl or eachabsorPtion
sYstem over 071050 Bhtu 5912 kVl 10002 5 Air Handlers For each air handling dnit to and including 01000 cubic feet per minute cfm 4719Ls including ducts attached thereto 0102 Note This
fee does not apply to an haandilinrg wuhnicihtis a portion of a faasscectnobrleyd appliance cooling system evaporative cooleror absorption dnit for which a permit is required elsewhere
in ihe Mechanical Code For each hsandilinrg unit over 01000cn4719 Us 0202 6 EvaporaNve Coolers For each ev orative cooler other than a ortable type 0102 Page 6
7 Ventilation and Ex6aust For each ventilation fan connected to a singte ducd 900 For each ventilation system which is not a portion of any heating orcaonditioinirng system authorized
by a permit 0102 For the installation of each hood which is served by amechanical ex6aust including theducts for each hood 0102 8 Incinerstors For ite mstallation or relocation ofeach
dtoympesetic incinerator 0202 For the installation oi relocation of each wmmercial or itnydupstreial incinerator 0108 9 11Tiscellaneous eFaochrappliance orpiece of equipment regulated
by the Mechanical Code butnotclassed iri other aPPliance categories or for wfiich no ottier fee is listed in the table 0102 Other Inspections and Fees 1Inspections outside ofnormal business
hours per hour minimum charge two hours 0603 2 Reinspection fees assessed under provisions of Section 114039 06013 Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated per hour minimum
charge ohnaelfhour 0603 3 Addidonal plan review required by changes additions orrevisions to plans orto plans forwHich an initial review has been completed minimum charge hoanlefhour
0603 Or the total cost to thejurisdiction whichever is greatest This cost shall includesupervision overhead equipment hourly wages and fringe benefits of the em lo ees involved c Plumbing
Cotle Permit Fees For new fsainmgilley dwellings a flat rate permit fee of 10805 may be charged in lieu of fees as prescribed in TableA3 i Page 7
Table3APLUMBING PERMIT FEES Permit Issnance 1 For issuing each pertnit 0204 2 For issuing eachsupplemental permit 0102 Unit Fee Schedule inaddition to items 1 and 2 above 1 For each
additional plumbing fixture on oneuap ora set of fixtures on one trap including water drainage piping and backflow protection therefore 900 2 For eacfi building sewerand each trailer
park sewer 0109 3 Rainwater systems perdcain inside building 900 4 For each water heater ancUor venf 900 5 For each industrial waste pretreatrnent interceptor including its trap and
vent excepttkyitcpheen grease interceptors functioning as fixnue traps 090 6 For each installation alteration or repair orwater pipingaondrwater treatment each 090 7 For each repair
or alteration of a drainage or vent piping each fixture 900 8 For each Iawn sprinkler system on any one meter including backflow protection devices therefore 900 9 For aftymosppheeric
vacuum breakers inncluodetd in item 12 1 to 5 600 over 5 each 020 10 For each backflow protective device other than atrnospheric type vacuum breakers 2 inch 51 mm diameter and smaller
900 over 2 inch 51 mm diameter 0107 11 For initial installation and testing for a rectaimed water system 0305 12 For each annual ccornnoecstiosn testing of a reclaimed waster system
excluding initial test 0305 13 For each medical gas piping system serving one to fiveiosnultelettfor a specific gas 0507 14 For each additional medical gas iosnultleett 060 Ot6er Inspecdons
and Fees 1 Inspections outside of normal business hoius 0603 2 Reinspection fee 0603 3 Inspections for whichno fee is specifically indicated 0603 4 Additional plan review required by
changes additions orrevisions to approved plans minimum charge ohnaelfhour 0603 Per hour for each how worked or the total hourly cost to the jurisdicdon whichever is greater This cost
shall includesupervision overhead equipment fiourly wages and fringe benefifs of all theemployees involved Fees Permit fees shall be assessed in accordance with this section Fees specified
shall be adjusted for inflation each year based upon the Seattle Consumer Price Index Fees shall be rounded down to nearest whole dollar Appeal Fees The fee for appeals of codes adopted
pursuant to ACC Chapter 15 shall be 10100plus total hearing examiner costs Plan Review Fees When submitted documents are required by Section 1306 of the Construction Administrative Code
a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of submitting the submittal documents for plan review Said plan review fee shall be 65 percent of the building permit fee as shown in Table
1AThe plan review fees specified in this section are separate fees from the permit fees and in addition to permit fees Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Fees There shall be a fee equal
to ten percent of the bailding permit fee for issuance of a temporary certificate ofioccupancy 5 Administrative procedures and miscellaneous inspections In addition to any other fees
specified in this chapter there shall be a fee schedule for certain administrative procedures not otherwise included as set forth in the following schedule of fees Page 8
Adult Family Home Inspection 10600 Demolition permit and inspections Per Table1A Relocation ipnsprecetion Per Table A1 Housing inspection Actual city cost minimum0201 Change of use Per
Table 1A Sign permits Unless except by Ch 1568ACC the fee shall accompany each application for a sign permit The amount of the fee shall be based upon the value of the sign pursuant
to Table 1A 6 Rental Housing LBiucseinnesses Fees Per Resolution No 4601 Ordinance No 5882 Resolution No 4272 and Resolution No 4424 1 The fee for a license to operate rental housing
businesses in the City as defined in Chapter522 of the Aubum City Code ACC shall be based on the total number of units as follows a One to four wtellling units0503 per year b Five to
24 dwelling units 10006per year c fTiwvenety or more dwelling units 20102 per year 2 The fee for a license to operate rental housing businesses in the city shall be for the license year
from January 1 to December 31 and each applicant musf pay the full fee for the current license year or any portion thereof during which the applicant has engaged in the operation of
rentaf housing businesses 3 The rental housing business license fee required by this chapter is in lieu of and not in addition fo the general business license fee required by C05fiap5ters
and 150 of the Aubum City Code ACC provided however that any person required to obtain a rental housing business license must also obtain a general business license at no cost pursuant
to Cfiapters505and510 of the Auburn City Code ACC 4 Notwithstanding the provisions of sseuctiobn 1 of this section the fee for operating renfal housing facilities for any single individual
partnership corporation or entity shall not exceed 40204 per license period For the 2010 calendar year only rental housing business license renewals shall be valid for the period July
1 2010 to December 31 2010 subject to the payment of foianelf tohef specified fee For the 2011 calendar year and subsequent calendar years rental housing business license renewals shall
be for the period January 1 through December 31 Page 9
B AUBURN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT FEES Per Ordinance No 5707 amended by Ordinance Na 5715 and Ordinance No 5819 and amended by Resolution No 3784 Resolution 3797 Resolution No 3841 Resolution
No 3953 Resolution No 4117 Resolution No 4270 and Resolution No 4414 1 Lease Fees Lease Tvpe Fee Open Singie 10719 Open Twin 29056 Closed2R 29712 Closed9R 10 35811 Outside Tiedowns 1605
Storage Rows 38 16013 Storage Units 185 sq ft Buildings 9 10 2923 Storage Units 298 sq ft 11151 Storage Units 380 sq ft Buildings 9 10 17481 The West End Hangars located on Hangar rows
9 and 10 have an additional 298 square feet each There shall be an additional 10000 per month surcharge for tfie additional space A security surcharge of500 per month is charged in addition
to the base monthly rental fees proyided in this section for each dtoiwen each hangar door and each storage rental area which security surcharge fees are to 6e used for the provision
of increased security at the Aubum Municipal Airport approved by Ordinance No 5500 on January January 16 2001 For the purposes hereof each dtoiwen consists of the fsatrcuicltiutireess
necessary to accommodate one 1 regular sized lighf aircraft Furthermore the hangar doors to which the security surcharge applies includes all hangars located at the Aubum Municipal Airport
including those hangars built on land owned by the Cify but leased to private parties and those hangars owned in a condominium type ownership The above lease and security surcharge amounts
are subject to applicable leasehold taxes which shalf be paid by the tenant The total charges including the above lease rates plus lease hold tax and surcharge shall be reflected in
monthly billing rates Tenants shall be given notice as required by Ordinance or lease agreements The Airport Lease rates shall be effective January 1 2008 Payments Payments are due on
the first of each month past due as of the 5t and late as of the 15th Payments not received by the 15th incur01a0late fee Payments not received after 30 days from the due date incur
an additional 0205delinquency fee Automatic gate electronic cards One automatic gafe electronic card will be issued to each tenant free of charge Any additional electronic cards requested
by a tenant are subject to a 0205 non refundable fee02A05replacement fee will be assessed against the tenant for all lost or damaged electronic cards All electronic cards must be returned
to the airport at the time of lease expiration Page 10
Each lease shall include an initial payment of first and lmaonsthts rent plus a damage deposit in the amount of two times the monthly base rate Each Jease agreement shall also include
ferms thaf authorize the city to apply the damage deposit to outstanding charges on termination 2 Daily Transient Parking overnight Rate Tie Down 500 Open T 0205 Enclosed Hanger 0305
3 Additional Airport Fees Aeronautical Business License includesilnisgof your business on 20500 airport signs and airport webpage Hanger Waitlist Fee this is a fee and is non refundable
or applicable to 050 rent Page 11
C POLICE DEPARTMENT FEES Per Ordinance No 5715 amended by Ordinance No 6216 5819 Resolution No 3797 Resolution No 3953 Resolution No 4117 Resolution No 4272 Resolution No 4424 Ordinance
6216 Ordinance 6276 ancl Resolution No 4552 Type Fees Police CRoellpisoiornt Report fee not charged where requested by 1235 victim or party involved Visa Letter 500 Fingerprinting Fees
fee not charged where taking of fingerprinfs is 0105per card required by city Health Seryices to be collected from persons confined in the Auburn 800 City Jail who requests health services
Elecfronic Home Monitoring per inmate per day with fee set by 1505 PWCA Page 12
D CITY CLERK FEES Per Ordinance No 5715 Ordinance No 5819 uRteiosno No 3797 and Resolution 4244 Type Fees Fees for public records Collection cNertoifiend copies of public records 105
per page cNerotifiend color copies letter and legal sized 505per page cNerotifiend eolor copies 11x17 110 per page Certified copies of public records 400 per page cNerotifiend copies
of public records where a search or 040 for 1 St page and documentation is required 020 each aIdd page Fees for Auburn City Code book and supplements Copy ofAubum City Code book with
latest supplement 10000 per code book Supplements to the Aubum City Code book 0101per copy Page 13
E CITY CEIVIETERY FEES Per Ordinance 5715 Resolution No 3797 uRfeiosno No 3953 Resolution No 4027 Resolution No 4103 Resolution No 4117 Resolution No 4272 Resolution No 4424 and Resolution
No 4552 GRAVESSection 9A and 9B 102905 Ail other adult graves 701905 Cshild Place 30000 Double Depth includes 2 burial spaces 2 liners 903905 Section 9A and 9B Upright monumenf plofs
903905 GROUND CREMATION PLOTS Centennial Um Garden single 50905 Centennial Um Garden double 101900 Section 9 UprightSection Urn Plots 6 ums 103905 NICHESMausoleum top rows available
only Single 40905 Centennial Columbarium II 1 or 2 urns Row 1 Top SOLD Row 2 Middle SOLD Row 3 Middle 601905 Row 4 Bottom 501405 CHAPEL OF MEMORIES INTERIOR NICHES Niche Dimensions 12
x 12 Single 102905 503905 12 x 18 Double 203905 905905 12 x 24 Family up to 3 ums 806905208905 The aboVe niche prices include one bud vase per niche Inumment will be 30705 per occasion
See guidelines for additional pertinent information A single inscription on the glass front is 050 plus tax Usrn to be purchased separately CHAPEL OF MEMORIES EXTERIOR NICHES Rows 4
5 6 Rows23 Rows 1 78 Niche 602905 202905 801905 Ifthe niche extemal is fo be used as a double niche the inumment inscription and tax will be due when a second um is placed Row 1 is the
LAND USE 40905 MEMORIAL PLAQUE 125 additional for inscription tax 20905 SERVICES Opening and Closing Ground Burials Forest Walk 30905 LinerNault 101905 Cshildren Place 20905 Opening
and Closing Cremation Cremation Plot 40205 Page 14
Niche 10205for additional inscription tax 30705 Opening and Closing Entombment 10205 inscription tax 60905 Vault Installation tax 30905 Marker Services Flat Grass Setting Fee tax 20905
Resetting Fee tax 10500 Upright Setting Fee tax 30905 Resetting Fee 30205 Vase Setting Fee tax 0405 Recording Fee 0505 Oyertime Charge per hour 10705 Saturday iSceerv Fee Full lnterment
40905 Cremation 20905 MATERIALS Flower Vases prices include vase setting fee Standard 0905 Deluxe Cast Zinc gray or bronze zinc 10500 Deluxe Wall brass 10705 Liners Concrete Liner 40905
Mountain View Vault installation fee tax 30905 Double Depth 70900 Infant as required Um Encasement 10905 Vault Installation tax 30905 ForestWalk Informal Cremation Garden Single 3 Double
4 Single Ground Plot 40905 Double Ground Plot 80905 Feature Site 4 Wishing Well Double Ground Plot 401905 Scattering 20905 monument and tax Biodegradable Urn 0805 tax Add for2d Inumment
30705 Granite Memorials Start At 20905 tax Add for2dMarker Inscription
10205tax Page 15
F PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FEES 1 Transportation Impact Fee Rate Schedule Per Ordinance No 5763 as amended by Resolution No 3953 Ordinance No 6005 Resolution No 4103 and Resolution No
4424 Land Use ITE Land Use Measure Trip Rate Fee Rate Code Residential SF residential 210 dwelling 011 863812 MR residential 220 221 230 233 dwelling 602 552189 Senior housing 251 dwelling
206 75999 Mobile home in MH park 240 dwelling 509 841154 Commercial Services iDnrive bank 912 GsFfA 4745 2415 Day care center 565 GsFfA 138 2712 Hotel 310 room 509 502972 Motel 320 room
407 082674 Library 590 GsFfA 079 993 Posf office 732 GsFfA 1809 1525 Service station 944 VFP 1836 3155071 Service station with mini mart 945 GsFfA 3967 5938 Auto care center 942 GsFAf
338 752 Movie Theater 4445 seat 007 13510 Health Club 4923 GsFfA 042 1304 lCnosmtitumtieorncaial Elementary school 520 GsFfA 119 718 Middle sJchorol High 522 GsFfA 119 822 High school
530 GsFfA 907 135 Assf Living Nursing Home 262504 bed 202 65776 Church 560 GsFAf 606 628 Hospital 610 GsFfA 118 159 Commercial Restaurant Restaurant 931 GsFfA 479 2328 High tumover restaurant
932 GsFfA 1902 0227 Fasf food restaurant 934 GsFfA 384 2378 Espresso Stand drive thru NA site 060 602306 Commercial Retail Shopping Shopping center 820 GsLfA 735 066 Page 16
Supermarket 850 GsLfA 1405 018 Convenience market 851 GsLfA 4512 3638 Freestanding discount store 813 815 861 863 864 GsLfA 543 371 Hpaardwinaretstore 816 GsLfA 844 632 Specialty retail
center 814 GsLfA 721 523 Furniture store 890 GsLfA 406 502 Car sales New 841 GsLAf 624 1607 Car sales Used NA space l 208 171321 Commercial Office General office 710 715 750 GsFfA 419
571 Medical office 720 GsFfA 732 1714 Industrial Lightimnanduufacstutrrinyg 110 140 GsFfA 806 062 Heavy industry 120 GsFfA 806 353 Industrial park 130 GsFfA 806 062 wsMatorerhiaonguseei
151 GsFfA 201 315 Notes A Basic trip rates are based on the ITE Trip Generation Manual 7th Edition B Impact fee rate calculation is based upon the following methodology Basic Trip Rate
PM Peak Hour Trip Generation per unit of ineasure Basic Trip Rate x Percent of New Trips x Trip Length Adjustment x Per Trip dFiveidee by 0100 for rate per square foot where applicable
Impact Fee Rate per unit of ineasure C For land uses not specifically identified here trip generation rates could be derived from ITE or a special study by the applicant D sf GFA Square
feet Gross Floor Area GsLAfSquare feet Gross Leasable Area VVeFhicPle Fueling Position 2 DTerpuencdaknt Land Use Supplementary Transportation Impact Fee Rate Schedule Per Resolution
No 4122 and Resolution No 4424 Land Use ITE Land Use Unit of Measure Truck Trip Impact Fee Code Rate Rate per sf Industrial Light IMnandufuacstutrrinyg 1130 140 GsFfA 006 101 Heavy Industry
120 GsFfA 004 009 CRomemtearciiall Shopping Center 820 GsLfA 001 001 Space is individual vehicle sales space 70 vehicles for sale 70 vehicle spaces Page 17
Supermarket 850 GsFfA 303 604 SFtarnedineg Discount Store 813 815 861 863 864 GsFfA 100 109 Home Improvement sf GFA Superstore 862 037 070 Cat Sales New 841 GsFfA 009 106 Gommercial
Restaurant Restaurant 931 GsFfA 603 210 Fast Food Restaurant 934 GsFfA 827 551 Notes A ITE Land Use Code based on ITE Trip Generation 7th Edition B Impact fee rate calculation is based
upon the following mefhodology Truck Trip Rate Daily Truck Trip Generation per unit of ineasure TruckTrip Rate x Per Trip Fee Impact Fee Rate per unit of ineasure C For land uses not
specifically identified in the table trip generation rates could be derived from a special sfudy by the applicant D sf SGquFaAre feet of Gross Floor Area GsLAfSquare Feet of Gross Leasable
Area 3 Impact Fees By Land Use Revenue Credit 20 Per Ordinance No 5977 Resolufion 3953 adr Resolution No 4022 Tofal Adjustment Fire and EMS Fire and EMS Revenue Impact Fee Cost Credit
At Per Land Use Per Unit Of 20 Unit of Development Development Residential Single Family puplex Mobile Home 36662 5723 21930 per dwelling unit fMamuilltyi 30893 6726 34076 per dwelling
unit RNesidoenntial HMootteell 503 101 402 per sq ft HColsinpitiacl 015 201 804 per sq ft Group Living 263 053 210 per sq ft Office 029 006 023 per sq ft Retail 062 012 050 per sq ft
RLBeosutaanurgarnet 612 302 310 persq ft IMnadnuufasctturriiangl 101 002 009 per sq ft LOeutidsouorres 018 202 806 per sq ft Agriculture 071 014 057 per sq ft Church 038 008 030 per
sq ft CSochlleogoelss 017 201 806 per sq ft GPovuembmleicnt Buildings 811 306 415 per sq ft Page 18
Casino 378 077 301 per sq ft Jails 2919 440 1579 per sq ft 4 Facility Extension Fees Per Ordinanee No 5791 and amended by Ordinance No b819 Resolution No 3953 Resolution No 4272 and
Resolution No 4424 The Facility Extension Application Fee is 50502 plus 10607 for each Ftaycili Vllater Sanitary Sewer Storm Drainage Street private street and private storm systems
within private streets Facility Extension Fees are the summation of the following categoriesabdcor601600 whichever is greater a For the combined linear footage of water sewer storm drainage
and private storm drainage within private streets The first 0 lineal feet LF to 1000 LF is charged at550 per LF plus The next 1001 LF to 2500 LF is charged at280 per LF plus Any additional
over 2500 LF is charged at165 per tF b For the linear footage of streets and private streets The firsf 0 LF to 500 LF will be charged at690 per LF plus The next 501 LF to 1000 LF will
be charged at410 per LF plus Any additional over 1000 LF will be charged at110 per LF c For lninoeanr extensions such as pump stations or traffic signals the extension fee will be determined
by the City Engineer based aonestimate of the Csity labor Cost associated with the plan review inspection and administration of the application d For that portion of the water or sewer
facility located outside City Limits but within existing County King or Pierce rwoigahfyt an additional fee of40404 plus500 per LF of the combined water and sewer extension located in
the existing County rwoigahfyt applies Facility Extension Fees will be paid as follows 1 Forty percent 40 at the time of execution of the facility extension agreement 2 Sixty percent
60 upon the Csity approval of the construction drawings and prior to the start of construction 5 RoighftWay Use Permit Fees Pec Ordinance No 6125 Type A Banner 030 Page 19
Type B Short term 060 TypeCLong term 100 for the 1 gt year30 for each additional year TypeDHauling 10000 estimated staff time5@0 per hour treet Closure Type B or C 090 Sidewalk Closure
Type B or C 060 Parking Closure Type B or C 060 6 Flood Control Zone Permit Per Orrlinance No 5819 Base permit fee 050 7 Street and Alley Vacations Per Resolution No 4143 70500 8 Utility
System Development Fees Per Ordinance No 5819 and amended by Resolution No 3797 Resolution No 3953 Resolution No 4272 and Resolution No 4424 For all utilities a charge in lieu of assessment
or payback charges may be applicable for the proportional share of the utility line being connected to a Water Utility Connection fees are comprised of a Water Service Installation Permit
Fee and the System Development Charge as follows Meter Water Senrice Installation Permit Fee System Size Existing Water Water Service Meter Box Installed b Ci Developmenf In Inches Service
Meter Box Paved Street Un aved Street Charge SDC orless 20102 102705 101700 402204 1 20800 302800 401705 004408 12 40500 203100 302005 008702 2 50600 403808 502808 9012020 3 Actual Cost
Actual Cost Actual Cost 2024040 4 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost 404008 6 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost 708902 8 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost 12028009 10 Actual Cost
Actual Cost Actual Cost 19037015 Installation of a water meter done by the Gity and the service either already exists or has been installed by the developer Installation of the entire
water service is done by the City b Sanitary Sewer Utility Connection fees are comprised of a Permit Fee and the System Development Charge as follows T e Permit Fee S stem Develo menf
Page 20
Existing Sewer New Service Line Charge SDC Stub Re uired Single Family 0808 10505 80500 Per Parcel Parcel Other Parcels 0808 10505 80500 Per RCE Side sewer repair 0602 on rivate property
Side sewer repair 10005 in ri whoaf Except that for multifamily residential units with separate water meters for each family unit the sewer utility systems development charge will be
calculated as one RCE pec family unit RCE Residential Customer Equivalent an RCE shall be as defined by the King County Department of Natural Resources In addition to City sanitary sewer
connection fees there shall be a sanitary sewer connection fee imposed to pay Capital Improvement fees to King County per the King County Rate Schedule c Storm Drainage Utility Per Resolution
No 4566 Connection fees are comprised of aPermit Fee and the System Development Charge as follows SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE SDC Type System Development Charge SDC Single Family Residence
Duplexes on 101602per Parcel Individual Parcels Other Parcels 101602per ESU ESU Equivalent Service Unit A confguration of development of impervious surfaces estimated to contribute an
amount of runoff to the Csity storm drainage system which ls aeppqroxuimaafetly to that created by the average single family residential parcel One ESU is considered equal to2600 square
feet of parcel coverage by impervious surFaces Per ACC0141380 When calculating the total SDC acredit will be applied for fhe existing impervious area New total SDC minus calculated SDCfor
existing impervious area using the new definition of impervious surface as given in ACC0141130 PSETROMRIMT FEE Permit Level Permit Fee Level 1 20100 Level 2 40000 Level 3 Base Fee the
Cumulative Additional Fees as indicated bNow Page 21
Base Fee401400 for up to 01000SF of disturbed area e Cumulative Additional Fee 1 Base Fee O4O0fo0r 01001 SF up to 54630SF 1 Acre of disturbed area Cumulative Additional Fee2 Cumulative
Additional Fee 1 10000per Acre for each additional disturbed Acre over 1 Acre Permit levels are determined as follows Level 1 permits are for all projects that are not tocated in a Critical
Area and o add or replace less than 0200 square feet of impervious surface area aonrd disturb less than7000 square feet of land Level 2 permits are for all projects that add or replace2000
to4999 square feet of impervious surface area or disturb7000square feet or more of land Level 3 permits are for all projects that add5000 square feet or more of impervious surface area
or convert acres or more of native vegetation to llaandswcapned area or convert25acres or more of native vegetation to pasture or the new plus replaced impeniious surface area is5000
square feet or more and the value of improvements exceeds 50of the assessed value of existing improvements 9 Other Utility Fees Per Ordinance Na 5819 Ordinance No 5944 Resolution No
3797 Resolution No 3953 and Resolution No 4424 Fire SerVice Line Permit 10305 Fire Hydrant Permits Fire Hydrant Permit and Inspection Fee 20308 Hydrant Meter Monthly Rate 0301 Hydrant
Meter Weekly Rate 0301 Hydrant Meter Wrench Refundable Deposit 0206 Deposit Hydrant Meter with RPGA Wrench and Valve 401409 Water Main extension purity test fee 10801 Water Meter test
fee 2 orless 20107 Water Meter test fee greater than 2 At Actual Cost Storm Drainage Repair Permit Private Storm System located on Private Property 0301 Storm System located in PublicERWoasiegamhefyn
tt 0507 Payback Administrative Fees Per Ordinance No 5954 Application Fee 50000 Page 22
Processing Fee 001000 Area or Special Benefit Analysis 50000 TransactioNCollection Fee 30000 Outside Professional Services Time and Materials 10 Construction Permits Per Ordinance No
5817 Resolution No 3953 Resolution No 4272 and Resolution No 4424 The fees for Construction Permits are as follows Basic Fee BF 10500 Hourly Inspection Rate HIR Normal Business Hours
0502 After Hours after hours work includes weeknights weekends 080 and holidays and will be at the after hours HIR x the duration of the work For Excavation Type Work Length of Excavation
feet Additional Fee AF 31 100 0502 101 250 10505 251 500 20509 501 750 30602 751 1000 40606 Permit Fee BF AF for the aapptreop length of excavation If the excavation exceeds 1000 linear
feet the following will be used Permit Fee BF 40606HIR Lxength of Excavation1100000 For ENxcaovatnion Type Work This work includes any work in the public rwoigahfytthat is not coveced
by any other permits and includes such things as overhead utility work geotechnical borings horizontal directional drilling and vaulf installation Permit Fee BF HIR x Permit Duration
in days In Lieu of Fee In lieu of the above standard rates the city engineer or hheisr designee may calculate the fee based upon curtent labor rates for administtative and inspection
staff after developing an estimate of staff effort involved For projects that are expected to involve significantly more than1000 feet of street excavation or when the scope or duration
eannot be accurately estimated the city engineer may establish a deposit account to manage permitee deposits in advance of permit issuance for reimbursing actual labor costs of administering
the permit Such deposit accounts will not be interest bearing and will be closed at the end of the permitted work when a final accounting of the permit administration cost shall be calculated
and a final bill or credit issued to the permitee 11 Memorial Sign Program Per Ordinance No 6137 and Ordinance No 6149 Page 23
Memorial Sign 10500 12 Special Permits Per Ordinance No 5817 and amended by Resolution No 3953 Resolution No 4272and Resolution No 4424 Permit Tvpe Base Fee Additional Per Linear Foot
Fee Sidewalk 0504 110 per foot for each foot oyer 25 Linear Feet Residential Driveway 0504 615 per foot for each foot over 20 Linear Feet Commercial Driveway 10007 220 per foot for each
foot over 48 Linear Feet Driveway widths are based on the width of the driveway apron in the rwoigahfyt 13 Street Payback Agreements Per Ordinance No 6319 and Resolution No 4624 Application
Fee 50000 Processing Fee 001000 Assessment Reimbursement Area Analysis 001000 TCroalnlesacctitoionn Fee 30000 Outside Professional Services when needed Time and Maferials Page 24
G PARKS AND RECREATION Per Resolution No 3797 and amended by Resolution No 3953 Resolution No 4117 Resolution No 4272 Resolution No 4424 Ordinance No 6276 and Resolution No 4552 Resident
RNesoidennt Les Gove Building h1o5ur h2o0ur 3 hour minimum Seven da s a week 9am11 m Resident RNesoidennt Parks Arts Recreation Administration Building h3o0ur h3o8ur 3 hour minimum Frida
530 11 mSaturda and Sunda 9am11 m Basic Kitchen 25 25 Resident RNesoidennt Senior Activi Center Full Facility includes basic kitchen use h8o0ur h1o0u0r Available Friday evenings Saturday
and Sunday Tables and chairs for up to 200 people max 3 hr minimum13501mp Friday eve 5 hr minimum 9am11pmweekend Additional cleanu time is available after 11 m Rental Package Friday
night Saturday 4 hours Friday and 1200 1500 u to 12 hours of active use on Saturda Rental Package Full Day Saturday orFull Day Sunday up to 0100 31010 12 hours of active use on either
da Millennium Rooms h2o0ur h2o5ur Friday only 3 hour minimum530 11pm63 people per room maximum 3 rooms available weekend options available within 30 da s or less Weese Rotary Rooms h1o5ur
h2o0ur Monday Friday 2 hour minimum530 11pm40 people er room maximum Damage Cleaning Deposit for Full Facility and Millennium 300 300 room rentals without alcohol Damage Cleaning Deposit
for Full Facility and Millennium 500 500 room rentals with alcohol 0100excess liability insurance re uired Optional cleaning fee fee required with use of alcohol in 200 200 facilif Commercial
kitchenauonsrdeof dishes tableware ots efc 50 50 Kitchen with Millennium Room 3 25 25 Page 25
Resident RNesoidennt Veterans Memorial Buildin 3 hour minimum h3o0ur h3o8ur Seven da s a week 9am 11 m Resident RNesoidennt BSGaorsfatebbsaasllllFields Reservations made in 15hour increments
Youth h5157o0ur 01590hour Adult 1158 hour 251502hour Field Li hts 3150 hour 3150hour Field Maintenance 25 er field 25 er field BSaosftebbaalllll Fastpitch Tournaments 1 Day 2 Day Reservations
made for 1 or 2 da toumaments Youth 600 900 Adult 800 1200 Field Li hts 3150hour 3150hour Resident RNesoidennt Synthetic Turf Fields Reservations made in 15hour increments Youth 3156
hour 4155 hour Adult 458l1 hour 650l1 hour Field Li hts 3150 hour 3150hour Resident RNesoidennt Game Farm Wilderness Park Campgrounds n2ig0ht n2ig5ht Daily Open year round 7 ni hts maximum
Game Farm Wilderness Park Day Camp Area d5a0y d7a0y Daylight hours April 1October 15 Minimum Rental 1 da Picnic Shelters Auburn residents rNesidoennts Game Farm Park Half Day Full Day
Half Day Full Day Single quadrant max 25 Monday Friday 20 40 25 50 Saturday Sunday NA NA NA NA Full day SMuonn Full Shelter 919 80 160 100 200 Page 26
SMuonnFuU Shelter 10909 120 240 150 300 SMuonnFull Shelter 200 must also rent AN 300 AN 375 amphitheater Amphitheater 50 100 65 130 Isaac Evans Park 40 80 50 100 Roegner Park 40 80 50
100 Game Farm Wilderness Park 40 80 50 100 Sunset Park SMuonnSingle Quad 20 40 25 50 SMuonn Full Shelter 919 80 160 100 200 SMuonnFuII Shelter 10909 120 240 150 300 SMuonn Full Shelter
200 NA 300 NA 375 Rental Rate Schedule for Auburn Ave Theater Resident ReNenosindt Weekda s TMhounr 10700 20000 Weekend Da s Fri Sat and Sun 20700 30200 CleaningLDamage deposit The terms
and 30000 30000 conditions for full or partial refund of deposit apply to approval of COheucktList including theater e ui ment lot restoration Hourly commercial rafe for meetings 3h5r
3h5r 2 hour min for4waP only of lobby auditorium and sta e Equipmerrt not included Use of any theafrical 3h0r 301hr e ui menf additional char e 0100exeess liabilit insurance re uired
U on re uest U on re uest Impact Fees Park lmpact Fees 503000per residential dwelling unit Page 27
H MULTIMEDIA DUPLICATION PerResolution No 3953 and Resolution No 4552 DVD coqv CD COpy 010 per disc 050 per disk l Page 28
I INFORMATION SERVICES AND GIS12 Per Resolution No 4272 Ordinance 6276 Resolution No 4552 anduRteioson 4N59o3 Much of the Csity geographic data is available for sale per the prices below
plus Washington State sales tax A signed public records request form is required Most public records requests can be completed within seven to ten business days and will be delivered
in ESRI tiapefile format without Metadata Maps Existing Map 500 tax Custom Maps any enxiostinng map 050 per hour13 tax Data Digital Data Requests 050 per hour tax Muiscellsaneo RCoDm
500 tax All other requestsfor data or information not specifically listed 50A0 per hour tax 12 Hourly charge to complete anyof the below one hour minimum charge 13 Hourly charge includes
the cost ofprocessing and providing custom map reyuests 14 Hourly charge includes the cost of processing and providing digital data requests Page 29