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~ 1NAS H I NGTON September 8, 2010
Chair Judi Roland called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers
located on the first floorof Aubum City'Hall, 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA.
Gommission Members present were: Chair Judi Roland, Vice Chair Kevin Chapman,
Bob Baggett, Ron Copple, Michael Hamilton, Wayne Osbome, and Dave Peace.
Commissioner Member Excused: Joan Mason.
Staff present included: Planning Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain, Principal Planner Jeff
Dixon, Senior Planner Hillary Taylor, and Administrative Support Clerk Tina Kriss.
A. July 7, 2010
Commissioner Peace moved and Commissioner Chapman seconded to approve the
minutes from the July 7, 2010 meeting as submitted.
Michael Hamilton and Robert Baggett abstained from voting due to their absence at the
at the July 7, 2010 meeting.
There were no members of the public present for comments.
Planning Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain briefed the Commission on both the South
Division Street Promenade and Cify Hall Plaza projects and provitled a handout to the
Ms. Chambeclain informed Committee the bid for City Hall Plaza was advertised on
August 12, with the bid opening August 26, 2010. R.L. Alia was awarded the bid on
September 2, 2010: The pre-construction conference will be held on Friday, Sepfember
17, 2010 with construction commencing soon thereafter.
Ms. Chamberlain stated the Marvel building and Charlie Wong building will be
demolished; the City does not own Charlie Wong it is bank owned: The Liquidation
Outlet is bank owned and will nof be demolished atthis time.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes September 8, 2010
Ms. Chamberlain briefed the Commission on the urban design concept for the
promenade; the design is about 30% completed with KPG Inc. selected as the
Ms. Chamberlain explained the promenade was funded with a$3M Economic
Development Administration grant with the remaining funding from Local Revitalization
Funding through the Sfate of Washington; a percentage of the state sales tax is refumed
to the City ($250,000.00 a year for 25 years which the City can bond against). The local
revifalization funds are specific to downtown and are unable to be used elsewhere.
Commissioners asked if there is a current plan to develop in the Auburn Junction area.
The goal of the project is to relocate the utilities from the alleyways to the street and
upsize utilities for the future redevelopment. With the improvements and design
complete the City feels it would be setting the stage for development and be providing
substantial incentives for developer proposals. Spencer Alpert of Alpert Capital currently
has a Development Agreement through October 2010 but there are no specific plans for
development at this time. The City's economic development team is pushing and
marketing the City of Aubum as a prime location to invest in for developers as well as for
residential use due to the convenience of the train station and other amenities.
Principal Planner Dixon discussed some of the City's development activity and status on
projects/plats nearing completion or beginning development which will provide the City
with several additional residential lots ordevelopment. The following list provides status
of City projects nearing completion or beginning construction:
o Kersey 1 B Plat is near completion - 167 SF lots
o Auburn 40, now called Monterey Park - 239 MF & SF lots
o Jovita Heights, now called Vista Pointe is near completion -107 SF lots
o Centoili Plaza, north ofi KFC on Aubum Way North is a commercial project just
receiving final short plat and is ready to start the civil improvements; there is an
additional deVelopment starting shortly on this short plat
o Quality Inn (name may change) has begun the development process for a 70
room hotel located south of SR 18 and north of 6t"Street befinreen A Street SE
and Aubum Way South
V. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. 2010 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Changes
Principal Planner Jeff Dixon presented a brief staff report summary; School Districts are
required to update their 6-year Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) on an annual basis.
Information contained in the school district's CFP serve as the basis for the City's
collection of school impact fees on behalf of the school district. The CFP is adopted as
part of the City's Comprehensive Plan and the actual impact fee assessed is subsequently set by ordinance by the City Council. Capital Facilities Plans are subject
to environmental review (SEPA) and a Determination of Non Significance (DNS) was
issued foreach CFP by each school district and incorporated into the City's
environmentaP determination.
Plann6ng Commission Meeting Minutes September 8, 2010
The Commission determined they would consider the Map Amendment (CPM) #1 prior
to considering the Comprehensive Plan policy/text amendment changes of#he School
Districts CFPs.
Maa Amendment (CPM) #1
Principal Planner Jeff Dixon stated the twenty-five map changes are all to reflect a
change in city limits due to an annexation and thus are represented by a'single map
change number and Policy/Text (P/T) Amendments P/T #1 through #5, will be
considered separately. The action requested is the Planning Commission incorporation of Map Amendment (CPM) #1 into the City's Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Dixon stated the City adopted Ordinance No. 6261 which annexed a piece of
property located on fhe east side of Green River Road SE for municipal purposes that
was intended to be ased with the Mary Olson Farm, the annexation of this property
required the City to amend maps 1.1 through 14.2 in the comprehensive plan. These
maps are being revised to show a minor change in the City limit boundaries.
Chair Roland opened the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. to receive comments about Map
Amendment (CPM) #1.
There being no one present to speak regarding Map Amendment (CPM) #1, Chair
Roland closed the hearing at 7:51.
Chair Roland opened discussion with Commissioners.
Commission Member Chapman asked the difference between the downtown and urban
center maps, Map numbers 3.3 8 3.4. Principal Plannec Dixon answered Commission
member Chapman stating the urban center maps and downtown maps referto different
designations; the urban center designation, Map No. 3.4 refers to a designation thaf
came from the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) where a specific area meets
certain performance standards and then can be given priority for grant funding from the
PSRC for meeting that criteria. The City then sought out this designation pursuant to
PSRCs standards and was established as the planning area for the Auburn Downtown
Plan adopted in May 2001. The downtown designation pursuant to Map No. 3.3 is for the
purpose of implementing the goals and policies that refer to applying to Aubum's
Commissioner Peace moved and Commissioner Copple seconded to recommend
inclusion of the Map Amendment (CPM) #1 into the City's Comprehensive Plan
Policv/Text Amendments PIT #1 - Auburn School District Capital Facilities Plan
The Aubum School District provided the City with its annually updated CFP covering
2010-2016 which was adopted by the School Board on May 10, 2010. The School
district has provided the City with their updated capifal facilities plan as required annually
to include a six-year period: The School District issued a Determination of Non-
Significance (DNS) for the adoption of their capital facilities plan. The action requested
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes September 8, 2010
by the Planning Commission is the incorporation their capital facilities plan into the City's
Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Dixon informed the Commission that Council takes a subsequent step to establish
the amount of school impact fees and the reason for the adoption of the schooPs capital
facilities plans are to give the city the authority for collecting those school district impact
fees on behalf of the school districts. The impact fees for single-family dwellings is
$5,266.33, a decrease, and for multi-family dwellings $1,518.22, an increase. The fee
has decreased slightly from previous years for single family; however, an increase was
requested for multi-family dwellings. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission
recommend approval to the City Council of Policy/Text Amendments P/T #1 - Auburn
School District capital facilities plan.
Chair Roland opened the public hearing at 8:00 p.m. to receive comments about
Policy/Text Amendment (P/T) #1, Aubum School District.
There being no one present to speak regarding Policy/Text Amendment (P/T) #1,
Auburn School District, Chair Roland closed the hearing at 8:01.
Commissioner Copple moved and Commissioner Chapman seconded to recommend
inclusion of the Policy/Text Amendment (P/T) #1, Auburn School Disfrict, into the City's
Comprehensive Plan amendment.
PolicY/Text Amendment IP/Tl #2, Kent School District Caaital Facilities Plan 2010 -
2011 throusth 2015-2016
Principal PlannerJefF Dixon briefed the Commission regarding this amendment for the
Kent School District; the Kent School District provided the City with its annually updated
CFP covering 2010-2011 through 2015-2016 which was adopted by the School Board
on June 23, 2010. The School District issued a Determination of Non-Significance
(DNS). The proposed impact fees for single-family dwelling are $5,394.00 and for multi-
family dwelling $3,322.00; the same impact fees as the previous years. City staff is
recommending that Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council of
the Policy/Text Amendment (P/T) #2, Kent School District Capital Facilities Plan 2010 -
2011 through 2015-2016.
Chair Roland opened the public hearing at 8:03 p.m. to receive comments about
Policy/Texf Amendment (P/o #2, Kent School District Capital Facilities Plan
2010 - 2011 through 2015-2016.
There being no one present to speak regarding PolicylText Amendment (P/T) #2, Kent
School District Capital Facilities Plan 2010 - 2011 through 2015-2016, Chair Roland
closed the hearing at 8:03.
Commissioners stated information regarding this text amendment, from page 31 of the
CFP shows an increase in the single family impact fee by $92.00 and an increase in
the multi-family by $56.00,. Mr. Dixon answered the Commission stating page 31
indicates the correct change in the fees and the staff report is inaccurate. Mr. Dixon
pointed out the City's code specifically requires a letter be written and submitted by the
District to the City when an increase is requested.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes September 8, 2010
Commissioners asked Mr. Dixon to correct the fee structure to agree with page 31 of
the CFP and suggested the materials should include the letters from the District
showing the requested fees.
Commissioner Chapman moved and Commissioner Osborne seconded to recommend
inclusion of Policy/Text Amendment (P/T) #2, Kent School District Capital Facilities Plan
2010 - 2011 through 2015-2016, into the City's Comprehensive Plan.
Policv/Teut Amendment (PIT) #3, Dierinqer School District Caaital Facilities Plan
2011 throu4h 2016
The Dieringer School District provided the City with its annually updated CFP covering
2011-2016 which was adopted by the School Board on May 20, 2010. The School
District issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS). The proposed impact fees
for single-family dwellings is $4,296.00, an increase, and shows the payment exceeds
the impact fees calculations for multi-family indicating they keep the same multi-family
rate. However, the District is proposing same impact fees as the previous years. The
actual fee is determined by the City Council. City sfaff is recommending that Planning
Commission recommend approval to the City Council of the Dieringer School District
Capital Facilities Plan.
Chair Judi Roland opened the public hearing at 8:08 p.m. to receive comments about
Policy/TextAmendment (P!T) #3, Dieringer School District Capital Facilities Plan 2011
through 2016.
There being no one present to speak regarding Policy/Text Amendment (P/T) #3,
Dieringer School District Capital Facilities Plan 2011 through 2016, Chair Roland closed
the hearing at 8:09 p.m.
Commissioner Peace moved and Commissioner Baggett seconded to recommend
inclusion of PolicylText Amendment (P/T) #3, Dieringer School District Capital Facilities
Plan 2011 through 2016, into the City's Comprehensive Plan.
PolicY/Text Amendment (P/T) #4. Federal Wav School District Caaital Facilities
Plan 2011 `
The Federal Way Public School District provided the Gity with its annually updated CFP
covering 2011 which was adopted by the Federal Way School Board on May 25, 2010.
The school district issued a Determination of Non-Signficance (DNS). The proposed
impact fees for single-family dwellings is $4,014:00, and increase and for multi-family
dwellings $2,172.00, also an increase. City staff is recommending that Planning
Commission recommend approval to the City Council of the Federal Way School District
Capital Facilities Plan.
Chair Roland opened the public hearing at 8:11 p.m. to receive comments about
Policy/Text Amendment (P/T) #4, Federal Way School District Capital Facilities Plan
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes September 8, 2010
There being no one presentto speak Policy/Text Amendment (P/'T) #4, .Federal Way
School Disfrict Capital Facilities Plan 2011, Chair Roland closed the hearing af 813 p.m.
Commissioner Copple moved and Commissioner Osborne seconded to recommend
inclusion ofiPolicy/Text Amendment (P/T) #4, Federal Way School District Capital
Facilities Plan 2011, into the City's Comprehensive Plan amendment.
Policv/Text Amendments (P/T) #5. Miscellaneous Policv/Text Amendments to
Various Comqrehensive Plan Chaaters (Chaater 9. Aaaendix B)
Policy and Text Amendment #5 is seven City initiated comprehensive plan policy and
text amendments largely for the purpose of minor updates such as changes to some of
the titles of#he doeuments that are cited within our comprehensive plan, and other
changes to create consisfency between the current document in relation to some
previous comprehensive plan and zoning code and regulation changes that the City
made. This policy and code amendment consists of two paits; the first part is six strike
through and underline changes to Chapter 9 which is titled The Environment; the second
part of policy and code amend #5 is a change to Appendix B to incorporate by
reference the City's preparation of a greenhouse gas inventory.
Chair Roland opened the public hearing at 8:14 p.m. to receive comments about
Policy/Text Amendments (P/T) #5, items A-G, Miscellaneous Policy/Text Amendments
to Various Comprehensive Plan Chapters (Chapter 9, Appendix B).
There being no one present to speak Policy/Text Amendments (P/T) #5, items A-G,
Miscellaneous Policy/Text Amendments to Various Comprehensive Plan Chapters
(Chapter.9, Appendix B), Chair Roland closed the public hearing at 8:15 p.m.
Commissioners asked Mr. Dixon if the City Council commissioned the Greenhouse Gas
Inventory by Cascadia Consulting Group, dated August2010 under Resolution Na
4368-. Mr: Dixon answered the Commission by stating the resolution itselfidid authorize
the preparation of Greenhouse Gas inventory because Resolution No. 4368 was done
June 30, 2008, and in 2009 the City contracted with the Cascadia Consulting Groupto
conduct the Greenhouse Gas Inventory. Dueto the considerable amount of dafa
collected for this inventory it took several months to prepare so, the inventory was not
specifically authorized by the Resolution. Instead, the Resolution expressed general
support for local, regional and national sustainability.
Commissioners asked Mr. Dixon why the inventory was completed at this time. Mr.
Dixon answered Commission stating that is increasing awareness and concem for the
effect of carbon dioxide emissions on climate change. The City is not required to report
at this time but there are efforts in the legislature to have jurisdictions report on
emissions of greenhouse gases and to set specific targets. The City has cond'ucted the
inventory in anticipation of these future requirements and the desire to have a baseline
of information to wock from.
Planning Commission Meeti,ng Minutes September 8, 2010
Commissioner Hamilton moved and Commissioner Peace seconded to recommend
inclusion of Policy/Text Amendments (P/T) #5, items A-G, Miscellaneous PolicyJText
Amendments to Various Comprehensive Plan Chapters (Chapter 9, Appendix B), into
the Cify's Comprehensive Plan amendment.
Chair Roland stated the next meeting will be held Tuesday, October 5, 2010. The
November meeting wilf be held Wednesday, November 2, 2010 due to Election Day.
Chair Roland and Mr. Dixon determined no meeting will be held September 21, 2010.
There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission, Chair Roland
adjourned the meeting at 8:22 p.m.