HomeMy WebLinkAboutItems Submitted at the Meeting 15694, City of Auburn, Expedited Review Granfed, DevRegs Page 1 of 1 . EXHIBIT Kevin Snyder From: COM GMU Review Team [reviewteam@commerce.wa.gov] Senf: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 10:51 AM : Toc Kevin Snyder Cc: NwanKwo, Ike (COM); Andersen, Dave (COM) Subject: 15694, City of Aubum, Expedited Review Granted, DevRegs - ~ Dear Mr. Snyder: • ' The City of Auburn has been granted expedited review for the proposed 2009 Internationai Codes issued by the Washington State Building Code Council to com:ply with RCW 19.27.031. This proposal was submitted for the requii-ed state agency review under RCW 36.70A.106. As of receipt of this email, the City of Auburn has met the Growth Management Act notice to state agency require_ments in RCW 36.70A.106 for this submittal. Forthe purpose of documentation, please keepthis email as confirmation. If you have any questions, please contact Paul Johnson at 360J25.3048 or by email at _ paul.johnson@commer.ce.wa.gov: ' Thank you. Review Team, Growth Management Services r De artment ofCommerce I PC 06.08.10 Exhibit 09 Pages: 1 ' p , Submitted by Kevin Snyder ! In Reference to Discussion Item V.A. - Proposed P.O. Box 42525 Amendments to Aubum Gity Code Title 15 i , Olympia WA 98504 2525 : - - - - - (360) 725-3000 . . . . . , . , FAX (360) 664-3123 ~ 6/2/2010 ~~j~ ~~~a.~~~i111.eS c~-~ c~~~~ ~ ~1~1~' rl ~1~~lC~ S~s1't't'@'tl~it '~s~:01'~'1 . :R~~~i~~ 1. ~~T~ PO Box 70, Seattle; WA 98111 AUBURN CITY OF-FINANCE DEPT ; ATTN CITY CLERK ' ' 25 WEST MAIN . PC 06.08.10 Exhibit 10 Pages: 1 , AUBURN, WA 98001 Submitted by Kevin Snyder In Reference to Discussion Item V.A. - Proposed Amendments to Auburn City Code Title 15 ' Re: Advertiser~Account #30785204 . - - _ Ad 789524000 . . ~ Affidavit of Publication ~ ~ 4078067 / 3 STATE OF WASHINGTON Counties of Kng and Snohomish ' The undersigned, on oath states that he/she is an authorized representative of'The 8eattle Times Company, publisher of The Seattle Times of general circulation: published daily in King antl Snohomish Counties, State.of Washington. The Seattle Times has been approved as-a legal newspaper by orclers of the Superior Court of' King and Snohomish; Counties. ' The notice, in t{ie exact form annexed, was published in the regular and entire issue of said paper or papers and distributed to its subscribers during all of the said period. - e s e , y ' u i on D ; , ~ ~ ~ ~ . j. ~ 2;0 4 _ y . ' ~ ~ . . . The Seattle Times V 05/24/10My ~.~~`.y4~11 ~~i T~:~l,a~"~ ~''0~~`~~^~, Signature ~u~ G~u.~c . ' ~~p:.~a~~tt~;;~'~~~',s!"',~,~4~~~ _ \~giON C,~, r~~~ i~~ a o tARSu~t~4d and sw m to 6efore me on ~ _ ~ '2 N~~' ~ , ~ U:v - • ~ ' , . ~lyp ~F~ _ N RE) Notary Public n an . f8r the te of Washington, residing at Seattle i i A ~ ~~'~i~~I'q j~►~~ ~ 29.~~~r~C~ = rq~~~~~`~ij~~~~~~ . ~~t~ e ~ea~te Z~imes c!-iY ~J►= AU~3Ufi~N seattietimes.com CIlY 1:w~ ~c'PCE Re Advertiser Account #30785204 Ad # 789524000 y~lls. ' ACI TEXT'NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING of ' resources, and the financial , The Ptanning Commission of ability of the City to provide the the City of Auburn. Washing requested services or equip ton, wiil conduct e public hear meM. ing on Tuesday, June 8, 2010 be g(nntng at 7:00 P.M. In the DescrfpUon of Proposed Amend Councli Cham6ers of the Au ments. RCW 1927.031(Sfate burn Ctty Hall located at 25 bullding code - Adoptlon - Con West Main Street on the foltow flicts - Opintons) directs the Ing metter. adoptlon ot specified codes per tatNng to bu(Iding and ftre regu • Proposed amendments to Titte lattons stendards tssued by In 75 (Bu(Iding and Construction) tema#tonal Code Coundt. lnc of the Aubum City Code for the (ICC) thet are referred to as the adoptlon of the 2009 Irrtema I-Codes. The ICC issues tional Codes, adoptlon of specif updeted Ic local amendmeMa and to re versions of the I-Codes every _...nd . _ _ . duce reduancy and vague three years. The Washington ness In applicebte text of Tkle State Bullding Code Councit 15. hae adopted the updated 2009 I- Trie public heartng wlll be hetd Codes • In the CouncU Chembers, Au for the State of Washington that ` bum Ctty Ha11,1ocateil et 25 becomes etfective on July 1, . . West Matn Stieet The publlc is 2010. The Council's adoption In irrviUed to attend to express ' cludes the IiMematlonal Buitd commeMs or oplnions. Wrltten ing Code, the IMematlonal Resl ' wmmerits m.ay be submltted dentlal Code, the Uniform upurrtll and atthe public hear Plumbing Code, the Intemation Ing to Chrls Andersen, Sentor aI Mechanlcal Code, the lrhema ' Planner, Planning, Butldlng, tional Flre Code, and the Wash and Communlty Department, fngton_State Energy.Code 25 West Maln Street, Aubum, (Chapter 5111 WAC). Amend WA 98001=4968. B you have fur meMs to_Title 15 (Building and ther commerrts or questlons, Construetion) of the Aubum I~ please call Chrfa Andersen at City (253) 876-1962 Code are propo§ed to adopt the , updated 2009 I-Codes, adopt For cltlzens wRh epeech, slgM spe or hearing.disabtlltles wlstiing cffic loeal amendments and re to revlew dowmerKS perfainlnB duce redundency end to thls hearing, should contact vagueness ttie Citjr of Au6um with(n.7 cal In eppltcabte text of Title 15. ' endar days peior to the meet Ing, ea to the type of servlce or PLANNING AND DEVELOP epuipmeM needed. Each re MENT OEPARTMENT quest w(II be consldered Indl 25 WE$T MAIN STREET, vldually acCOrding to the type AUBURN, uua 98001 _ ot reyuest, the availabniry (2M) 931-3090 . . Publlshed In the Seattle Times . on May 24,2010 Tacoma ~ Pierce County ~y EXHIgUIL PER'r;IT 0;:P9TER ~ Haffi De"artm@WUN 7GRU*ned bgocal Board ofHealtlz ~ `Healthier. Safer. Smarter. - - - www.tpchd.org PC 06.08.10 i June 04, 2010 ' Exhibit 11 Pages: 1 Submitted by Kevin Snyder ~ ~ In Reference to Discussion Item V.A. - Proposed Kevin Snyder, AICP Amendments to Aubum City Code Title 15 City of Auburn I - - - 25 West Main Sfreef - - Aubum, WA 98001. RE: Title 15 Building & Construct; SEP10-012; SR0141387 Dear Kevin Snyder, AICP: The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department's (Health Department) Environmental Health Program received the above mentioned checklist on June'03, 2010 and has the following comment(s): Chapter 15.64, Swimming Pools, may have some language that conflicts with state and Iocal hea/th regulations: Please contact Dave DeLong of the Health Department's Pool Program, at (253) 798-6499, to clarify the language and intent of this chapter amendments. Thank you for the opportunity to respond: If you have further questions, please contact me at 253 798 2851 or by e-mail at bharp@tpchd.org. Sincerely, ~ ~ Brad D. Harp Environmental Health Program • BDH:sfr • ` . _ . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . 3629 SouthD Street Anthony L-T Chen, 1M, MPH, Director of Health 253 798-6500 , Tacoma, WA 98418-6813 800 992-2456 ~ Printed oa recycled paper TDD: 253 798-6050 - PC 06.08.10 Exhibit 10 Pages: 1 ~ Submifted by Kevin Snyder EXII1bIt 19 In Reference to Discussion Item V.A. - Proposed Amendments to Aubum City Code Title 17 ~F - . . cmr oF Memorandum WASHINGTON To: , Planning Commission From: Kevin Snyder, AICP, Interim Director, Planning & Development Department Date: June 1, 2010 . Re: Revised Title 17 (Land Adjustrnents:.&:Divisions) Amendments Please find attached an updated version of the proposed amendments to Title 17, (Land , Adjustments & Divisions). Following additional consultafion with the City Attomey's Office, staff has revised the recommended amendments to further clarify the time limited applicability of the provisions of Substitute Senate Bill 6544. Please use the attached amendments in . , place ofithe amendments in Exhibit 2 of your June 8, 2010 public hearing paeket. Page 1 of 1 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU tMAG1NED r ! ~ 1 17.09.110 Time limitations. 2 A. Preliminary approvals for short subdivisions shall be valid for a period of 3 five years, following the date of the notice of final decision. Provided:_that if the 4 date of the notice of the final decision is between June 10. 2010 and December . 5 31, 2014 the approvals shall be for a qeriod of seven vears following the date of 6 the notice. ? 8 B. Extensions. The director or designee may administratively authorize 9 through a Type I land use action extensions to preliminary short subdivision 10 approvals. For purposes of this section, the authority to issue extensions shall 11 apply to p- reliminary short subdivision approvals previously issued by the city. 12 Extensions shall be issued in one-year increments up to a maximum of three 13 years, subject to the following criteria and conditions: 14 1. An applicant for an extension shall make a written request for the 15 extension a minimum of 30 calendar~days prior to expiration'of the-preliminary 16 short subdivision'approval. 17 2. The director or designee shall in consideration of granting an extension 18 find` 19 a. There have not been any substantial changes in the laws goveming the 20 deyelopment of the short subdiyision, with which lack of compliance would be 21 contrary to the public health, safety and welfare; or 22 b. The applicant has pursued final platting in good faith: Good faith shall be 23 evidenced by progress on final surveying, engineering, consfruct'ion or bonding of 24 improvements; or 25 c. There have been substantial changes in economic conditions and market 26 forces that have substantively timited the ability of the applicant#o pursue final 27 platting. 28 3. A condition of any extension approval shall be that the subject shoct 29 subdivision shall comply with state or federal mandates required of the city 30 and/or life, health and safety requirements of the city in effect at the time of any 31 extension approval. 32 C. At the.same time the director or designee is considering the extension, he 33 or she may add conditions or requirements upon factual.determination that the 34 addition of conditions or requirements will benefit the public health, safety and 35 welfare. 36 D. A short subdivision granted preliminary approval, but not filed forfinal 37 short subdivision approval within the applicable time period or extended time 38 period, shall be void. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.) 39 40 17.10.110 Time limitations. 41 A. Preliminary approvals for subdivisions shall be valid for a period of five 42 years, following the date of the notice of final decision. Provided, that if the date 43 of the notice of the final decision is between June 10 2010 and December 31 44 2014 the approvals shall be for a period of seven years following the date of the 45 notice. 46 Revisions to Title 17 (Subdivisions) - SSB 6544 Response 1 ' City of Aubum, Washington 1 B. Extensions. The director or designee may adminisfratively authorize 2 through a Type I land use action extensionsto preliminary plat approvals. For 3 purposes of this section, the authority to issue extensions shall apply to 4 preliminary plat approvals previously issued by the city. Extensions shall be 5 issued in one-year increments up to a maximum of three years, subject to the 6 following criteria and conditions: 7 1. An applicant for an extension shall make a written request for the 8 extension a minimum of 30 calendar days prior to expiration of the preliminary 9 plat approvaL 10 2. The director or designee shall in consideration of granting an extension 11 find: 12 a. There have not been any substantial changes in the laws goveming the 13 development of the plat, with which lack of compliance would be contrary to the 14 public health, safety and welfare; or 15 b. The applicant has pursued final platting diligently, as evidenced by 16 progress on final surveying, engineering, construction or the financial security of 17 improvements; or 18 c. There have.been substantial changes in economic conditions and market 19 forces that have substantively limited the ability of the applicant to pursue final 20 platting. 21 3. A condition of any extension approval shall be that the subdivision shall 22 comply with state or federal mandates required of tfie city and/or life, health and 23 safety requirements of the city in effect at the time of any extension approval. 24 C. At#he same time the director or designee is considering,the extension, he 25 or she may add conditions or requirements upon factual determination that the 26 addition of conditions or requirements will benefit the public health, safety and 27 welfare. 28 D. A plat granted preliminary approval, but not.filed for final plat approval 29 within the applicable time period or extended time period, shall be null and void. 30 (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009; Ord. 6186 § 6, 2008; Ord. 5140 § 1, 1998; Ord. 4840 § 1, 31 1996; Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988. Formerly 17.06.110.). 32 33 17.12.040 Terms of approval. 34 A subdivision shall be governed by the terms of approval of the final plat, and the 35 zoning ordinance and regulations in effect on the date of preliminary plat 36 approval for a period of five years, after final plat approval unless the hearing 37 examiner finds that a change in conditions creates a serious threat to the public 38 health or safety in the subdivision. Provided, that if the date of final plat approval 39 is between June 10, 2010 and December 31, 2014 the terms of approval shall be 40 for a period of seven years following the date of the notice. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009; 41 Ord. 6186 § 8, 2008; Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988. Formerly 17.10.040.) Revisions to Title 17 (Subdivisions) - SSB 6544 Response 2 City of Aubum, VNashington 15703, City of Auburn, Expedited Review Granted, DevRegs Page 1 of 1 - . ` allIBIT ~ ~ - Kevin Snyder From: GOM GMU Review Team [reviewteam@commerce.wa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 10:51 AM To: Kevin Snyder Cc: Nwankwo, Ike (COM); Andersen, Dave (COM) Subject: 15703, City of Aubum, Expedited Review Granted, DevRegs Dear Mr. Snyder: The City of Auburn has been granfed expedited review for the proposed amendments to Title 17 (Subdivisions) of the Auburn City Code for compliance to SSB 6544. This proposal was submitted forthe required state agency review under RCW 3630A:106. . I As of receipt ofthis email, the City of Auburn has met the Growth Management Act notice to state agency require'rnenfs in RCW 36.70A.106 for this submittal. For the purpose of documentation, please keep this email as confirmation. Ifiyou have anyquestions, please contact Paul Johnson at 360.725.3048 orby email at paul.johnson@commerce.wa.gov. Tliank-you. Review Team, Growth Management Services Department of Commerce P.O. Box 42525 - - - Olympia WA 98504-2525 PC 06.08.10 Exhibit 11 Pages: 1 Submitted by Kevin Snyder In Reference to Discussion Item V.A. - Proposed • . (360) 725-3000 Amendments to Auburn City Code Title 17 FAX (360) 664-3123 672/2010 Cimes . ~EXHIBIT IL seattletimes.corn PO Box 70, Seattle; WA 98111 AUBURN CITY'C RKFINANCE'DEPT ATTN 25 WEST MAIN PC 06,08.10 Exhibit 12 Pages: 1 ~ AUBURN, WA 98001 Submitted by Kevin Snyder i In Reference to Discussion Item V.A. - Proposed j Amendments to Auburn City Code Title 17 Re: Advertiser Account #30785204 Ad 789523500 - Aff6clavit of Publacat6on - 4078061 / 3 STATE QF 1NASHINGTON Counties of K'►ng and Snohomish The undersigned, on oath states thaf he/she:is an authorized representative of The Seattle Times Company, publisher of The Seattle Times of general circulation published daily in King and Snohomish Counties, State of Washington. The Seattle Times has been approved as a legal newspaperby orders of'#he Superior Court of , King and Snohomish Counties. The notice, in the exact form annexed, was published in the regular and entire issue of saidpaper or papers and distributed to its subscribers during all of the said period. e s ~"WE ~ ~ 1`~n., v~ ^h ~•~..~>>~5~:r:u~~si ~ _ s~ _y,m;.:.. The Seattle Times 05/24110 ebbRe (C~limi:e's Signature Q•~~~~~~~~r~:«ti~,•. i~ • ~spN EX~'j~r,i'`~~ ~~~i, . . . . , . . . ~ Gs,~ uhs~ib~d a d swom to before me on ~ z . . s E . . . 14 V%,;~ t$ A RE) Notary Public in nd foMbil State of Washington, residing at Seattle ~0r2 h~~,4TqTE p;~~~~~= c~ f'~o~` seattletamesocorro Re Advertiser Account #30785204 Ad # 789523500 Ad TEXT''NOTICE OF PUBLICHEARING of resources, and the financial abiltty of the City to ~("k The Planning Commtssfon of provide the the Ciry of Auburn, requested servlees or Washington, wili conduct a equipment. . public hearing on Tuesday, June 8, 2010 DescripUon of Proposed ' beginntng at 7:00 P.M. In Amendments. Senate Substitute the Council Chambers of the Bili 6544 approved Aubum City Hail by the Wash(ngton State located at 25 West Mafn Street Legislatqre on March 17, on Uie following . 2010 and effective June 10, 2010 metter. extends fhe preliminary plat approvai period Proposed amendmerHs to Title and the tinal 17 (Subdtyisions) ptat velidity period from 3 to 7 of the Aubum City Code for years..Proposed compllance to Sente amendments to T(tle 17 a Substitute Bi116544 of the (Subdivisions) of the - ` Wesh7ngton State Aubum Ctty Code would, for Legislature extending the compilance to Senate prellminary plat Su6stltute BiII.6544 of the ' approval petiod from 5 to 7 Weshington State years and the Legistature, extend the validity pertod of a flnal plat prelimiriaryplat from 5 to 7 aPProval perlod from 5 to 7 yeam years and the validtfy period ot a final plat ` The public hearing witi be heid from 5 to7 In tlie Councll years. Chamtiets, Aubum Ctty Hall, located et 25 West PLANNING AND Maln Street The public is DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT imrited to attend to 25 WESt MAIN STREET, . express commeMs or op[nlons. AUBURN, WA 98001 ` WrItten commerits (253) 931-3090 . may be submltted up untll and at the pubifc Pu6ltshed In the Seattie Times hearirig to Chris Andersen, on May 24, 2010 SeniorPlanner, Planntrig, Building, and . Commun(ty Department, 25 West Main Street, Aubum, WA 96001-4888..If you have further commeirts or questtons, piease cali ChNs Andersen at (253) 876- 1962. For c[tizens.with speech, sight , or hearing - . disabflit[es wlshing to review , • ; ; docainents pertaining to this hearing, should coMaG the C(ty of Aubum within 7 ealendar days Prior to the meeting, as to the type of service or e.yutPment needed._ Each request wflibe considered individually . ' according to the type of request, tF►e ava0abillty '