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_ ORDINANCE NO. 6 3 3 9
Section 1. That pursuant. to the provisions of Chapter 35A.34, the Mayor of
the City of Auburn has heretofore duly completed and placed on file with the City Clerk
of the City of Aubum, a preliminary biennial budget for 2011-2012, and that notice was
thereupon duly published, as required by law, stating that the Mayor had completed and
placed on file such preliminary budget and a copy would be furnished to any taxpayer
who would call therefore at the office of the City Clerk, and that the City Council of the
City of Aubum would meet on November 15, 2010 af 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of fixing
the budget and any taxpayer might appear at such time and be heard for or against any
part of such budget, and designafing the place' of su.ch meetings as the Council
Chambers of Aubum City Hall; 25 West Main Street, Aubum; Washington; That the
Mayor of the City of Auburn duly provided a suitable number of copies of such detailed
preliminary budget to meet the reasonable demands of taxpayers therefore; That ttie
Mayor and the City Council of the City:of Auburn duly met at the time designated in said
notice in the Council Chambers ofi the Aubum City Hall, 25 West Main Street, City of
Auburn, on November 15, 2010 at 7:30 p.m.; That any and- .all taxpayers of the City of
Aubum were given full opportunity to be heard for or against such budget; Tha# the City
Council has conducted public hearings on September 20, 2010 and November 15,
Ordinance No. 6339
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December'1, 2010
2010 to consider this preliminary budget; That at said meetings said budget was
considered; and that, at the meeting held by the City Council on the 6th day.of
December 2010 the City Council considered modifications of said budget and thereafter
approved the 2011-2012 biennial budget for the City of Aubum as herein adopted by
this Ordinance as follows, to wit:
Etimated fSimated
Beginning Souroesof Uaes Ending
Fund # Fund Name Fund Balanae Revenue Bq)enditures Fund Balanae
General Fund:
001 General $ 11,763,355 $ 49,863,903 $ 55,139;320 $ 6,487,938
ecial Revenue Funds
102 Arterial 3reet . 383,118 13,210,200 13,328;300 , 265,018
103 Local 3reet 940,806 2,155,000 2,000,000 1,095,806
104 HotellMotel Tax 118,126 106,600 209,000 15,726
105 Arterial 3reet Resarvffiion 33,589 7- 7,501,500 1,500,000 35,089
117 Drug Forfeiture 710,547 298,700 496,010 513,237
118 Ju3ioeAsi3anae 16,468 = 16,468 -
119 Housn Communit Develo men4 99,286 510,000 542,410 66,876
120 Reaeational Trails 8,117 7,200 - 15,377
121 Busnesa lm rovementArea 44,396 53,100 54,000 43,496
122 Cumulffiive Resgrve 5,623,464 23,000 44;900 5,601,564
124 Miti ion Fees' 3,444,973 900,000 2,679;200 1,665,773
Debt Srvioe Funds .
229 1998 Ubrery Bond 338,120 287,200 286,200 339,120
230 Gt Hall Mnex 2010 A8.6 Bond - 1,695,600 1,695,600 -
' 23 Local Revitalization2010 C&D, Bond 62,500 594,500 594;300 62,700
249 CID Guarantee 63,200 300 11,000 52,500
250 LJD #250 347 56,500 56,400 447
275 L1D #350 - 7,300 7,300 -
. .
Capital: Roject Funds _
321 M uniapal Park Construdion 374,368 19,089,200 19,261,700 201,868
328 ital Improvements 3,792,206 - 1,571,000 2,972,500 2,390,706
330 Local Revitalization 5,335,300 2,553,000 7,888,300 -
Fidudary Funds
61 Fre Penson 2,789,842 90,000 146,910 2,732.932
Plarmanent Funds
' 70TCemetery Endowment 1,528,962 54,500 31,300 1,552,162
Tota12011 GovemmertaI Funds $ 37,471,150 $ 94,628,303 $ 'q8 961,116 $ 23,138;335
Proprietary Funds .
Enterprise Funds
430 Water $ 19 168,199 $ 10,918,400 27,509,320 $ 2,577.279
43 S!uver - 10,818,244 17,956,300 ' 25,602;100 3,172,444
432 3orm Drainege 7,695,982. 7,213,700 13,066,950 1,842,732
434 SDlid Wa4e 800,406 9,513,800 9,883,470 430,736
435Ai ort 708,342 639,380 769,190 578532
" 436 Cemetery 300,328 924;800 1,078,930 146,198.
437 Golf Course 228,668 11806,200 1,939,380 95;488
438 Commerdal Ftetail - -
Internal Sarvice Funds "
. _
5011nsuranae . 2,403,069 3,700 58,700 2;348,069
505 Fadlities 307,539 3,999,300 3,960,400 346,439
518 Information S3rviaes 3,546,577 4,271,670. . 5,720,450 2,097;787_
550 ui menf Rental 4;857,654 2,827,100 4,825;800 2,858,954
Tota12011 Proprietary Funds $ 50,835,008 $ 60,074,350 $ 94~444,690 $ 16,494 668
Total 2011 BudgEit for All Funds $ 88,306,158 $ 154,702,653 $ 203,375,808 $ 38,633,003
$ 243,008,811 $ 243,008,811
Ordinance No. 6339
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December 1, 2010
2012 BUDGET '
FSlmated Ettmated
Beginning 3)uraesof Uss 6Ming
FurM # Fuml N ame Fund Balano9 Revenue Bpenditures Fund Balanoe
Generai Fund:
001 General $ 10,487,938 49,252,800 $ 54,612,340 $ 5,128,398
lecial Revenue Funds
102 Artenal 3rcet 265,018 14,715;500 14,806,900 1/3;618
103 Cocal 3reet_ 1,095,806_ . 2,155,000 2,000;000 1,250,806
104 Hotel/Motel Tac _ 15;726 79,400 85;000 10,126
105 Arterial 3reet Reseivation 35,089 1,501,500 1,500;000 36,589
117 Dru Fortdture 513,237 298;700 298,230 513,707
118 ,AutioeAssstanoe. . -
119 Housin & Communit Develo ment 66,876 450,000 439,220 77,656
120 Reaeational'frails 15,377" 7;200 - - 22,577
121 Business im rovement Area 43,496 54;100 54,000 43,596
122 Cumulative IZeserve 5,601,564 24,000 5,625,564
124 Miti ation Fees 1,665,773 902,000 1,120,700 1,447,073
Debt Serviae Funds 229 1998 Ubr Bond 339;120 288,100 286;900 340,320
230 G Hall Annex 2010 A&B Bond - 1,696,100 1,696;100 -
23 local Revitalization 2010 G&D Bond 62,700 . 595,600 595,400 62,900
249 LID Guararrtee 52,500 500 11,000 42,000
250 UD #250 447 55,600 55,500 547
275 L!D #350 - 71200 7,200 -
Capital Ro'ect Funds ,
32 Munio al Park Con3rudion 201,868 1,874,100 1,979,100 96,868 .
328 ital Im rovements . 2,390,706 1,737,700 1;159,100 2,968,306 '
330 Loral Revitalization. - - -
Fidudary Funds
61 Fre Penson 2,732,932 90,000 147,450 2;675;482
Permanent Funds
70ICemetery Endowment 1,552,162: . 54,700 22,300 1,584,562
Tora12012 GovemmeMai FuruJs ' $ 27138 335 $ 75,839,800 $ 80 876 440 f$ 22,101,695
Proprietary Funds
Ent rim Funds
430 Water $ 2,577;279 $ 11,624,400 $ 12,867,420 1,334,259 43 3wer 3,1/2,444" 18,361,600 20,472,820 1,061;224
432 3orm Drainage 1,842;732 7,923;300 8,323;710 1,442,322
434 Sblid Wage' 430,736 9,513;800 9,910,560 33,976
435 Ai ort 578;532. . 652;380 738,610 492,302
436 Cemetery 146,198 942.600 1,075,880 12,918
43 Golf Course 95,488 1,877,700 1,943,550 ' 29,638
438 Commerdal Retail - - - -
, Intemal SlBrviae Funds
50 Insuranoe 2,348,069 3,800 58,700 2,293,169
505 FaCilities 346,439 . 3,658,200 3,548,540 456,099
518 lnformation Sarvioes 2,097,797 4,351,070 5,006,990 1,441,877
550 ui ment Rental 2,858,954_ . 3,073,250 ';3,098,660 2,833.544
Total 2012 Proprietary Funds__ $ 16,484,668 $ 6 982100 $ 67 045 440 i$ 1 431328_
Tota12012 Buii for AlI Funds S 43 633 003 $ 137 82 800 $ 147 92 880 ' $ 33,533,023
- - $ 181,454,808 $ 181,454,903
Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized fo implement such administrative
procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation.
Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from,
and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law.
Drdinance No. 6339
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December 1, 2010 -
DEC 6 2010
AP DEC 6 2010
ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam
City Clerk
_ .
Daniel B. H , .
City Attorney.
Ordinance No. 6339
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December 1; 2010