HomeMy WebLinkAboutCBS Radio Holdings Inc7 ~`~T This: agreement ~th~ "i~.~~e~~o~~~} da~~ed a~ o~ Janua 20~ 0 i b ~ an ~ y ~ I~etween ~ad~a ~aldings fnc., Owner and operator Q~ ra~dia ~ta~ion~ ~i~1K-~y ~~w~i ~ . ~ ar~~ ~T~~Ai~~, ~00~ ~e~t~r ~ve~~~ i~~rth, u~te ~Op, e~~~e~ ~ ~ ~ r ~dio'~ and ~i~t - ~ ~ ~ e~nater ~ of Auburn wasf~~ngton f~ark~, A~ & ~ecrea~~an t~e~~a ~ 9~0 Nin ~ th street August, ~ 9~SOOZ~O~DO wath respect to adv~rti~in ~ , rvmeti~rr~l and ~ p sponsorship ae~r~oes~~or Pet-~-Pafooza and~~r Petpalooza ~~ha "Fv~r~~'}scheduled ~a tike Ice on p i~a~ ~0 0 ~t the a.me Farm dark in Auburnr ~IIfA ~e~~~" . } Thy ~ern~ a# ~h~is Agr~en~ent ~tl~e ~F~"Err~"} shall ~e~ i~ ~s the d~~e ~ ~ ~ ooh above .nd oc~~tinue thraugf~ the leer o~ conolusion o~ tl~e last ~i~ent, which is curr~ntl ~ sch l Z~, 0, or the date can ~wf~' ~ edu ed far Bch all~abli~~tion~s o~the ~a~i~s ~~t ~ortt~ har~ir~ f~a~te Been luli"i11ed. ~~~ir~in~urn 3OO ~li~r~~~a:nd retarded prornati~o~~~l ~nnoun°o~en ~ ~ is to air 1~~~ ~ ~0~10. ~ran~o~ioal Announcemar~~s ~e e~ual(~r ~~r~a~d ~c~~~ ~CJ~~f=i ~dA ~ ~ . ~ ~1~., ~~f~ a:nd PTf~. fnclus.ign in three ernai~ls for each st~tian, ~~Oinni~~ ~i~r~o wanks ~ri~r to event p ~~ate, ~vf~ich will include I~~~~er links ~o ~i~y ai" Auburn Petpalaaz~ website. Teal ofi ~ emarls ~n~ to opt in subs.cr~bers ~currentl~r ~ OO,Q04 subscribers per week}. . event details inofud~ed~ on f~K, ,JA~~~, ~Ii~P and ~K~~"~ web~site ~ . home pages .ANA evan~ pages I~ay ~ ~ .~0~ 0. Li~re~~rc~adc~st ~rpn~ P~ midday hose ~~b anirnaf `~acti~'it end lover tul~bs d r' } u Ong ~~~~~~t, from ~~:~~:a:r~. Pa~cii~~lme ~"PT"} ~ x;00 p.rn. ~T. werk with pron~ote~ ~a gen~era~t~ new ideas far event. ~o~sibillt~e:s include: Jack will .f~o~t ~ `Jack l~us~s~il Ter~ler' ~a.ntest on~lirte rior to oven# and h f~ r 4 ~ ~~~C~~v~ ~~ll ~~~d du~~n(~. ~~fi~palaa~a. . a~nd~ Kf~.P talent will bring tf~e~ir ~e~sa~al~ ets the v A .p ~ ent far a raefe~r~ty' ia~sf~ion sf~ow. l~la,scots ~1it~ i"rar~ the eahawfss, I~~~riner 11~aose eto. ~o lead ~~l~e Pet P~ra~.e}. Pro~ate~r and Radia will caardlii~ate ~ta~. ~ ~ir~e, ~a Tutu ~ afl~r agreed u~~n ~y bofih pa~ies. Attempt to secure ~o~k fags to be a featured part' a~ ~tho~ event, thra~. h a third. ~ a sponsor who will cover the 00~.0~ ~ ~ ~ a Q ~o~ 0 Petpal~aza event dale will be included an tho 20~ Q dab divers `Pet o~ ~ ha r~or~~h' alenda,r. l~istri~utlon ~o aver ~,DDO V11es~ern v4~asl~ing~on ~~siden~ts. 2?~~~5.'~BS Radi€~~~~ent ~►p-eCmmtfa~c ?(?~5 '~~na~~rgs ~ or~~~~l[~~es. ~'enc~r ar~rees ghat rs sail res~~r~s~~le fir f~sl~~r~~ng: Nadia to be named the exclusive radio partnership for Pena-Palaa~a andlor P~tpa~oo~ in Auburn. p felling rights to brim in 3rd party prorraotional partner spending promoter appr~v~.l, ~~h approval not to be unduly delayed ar denied} for Presenting ponsar. City of auburn to receive ~S,o4o if saki. Presenting sponsor will also receive the fallowing support fr~rn City of Auburn: Nm~ aided to event title as presenting sponsor. - t/ page advertisement in 38,QQQ I~ecreatior~ ~u~d~s - Logo listed an City-produced rnarke~ing rat~~~als i~cludif~g ~~entflyers, event. posters, and nevwspap~r ids, utility bill staffers, and all other promoti,anal items related t~ P~t~a~ . P~ldoza andlor ~etpal:oo~a. M leoagnitiar~ at main event entrances entertainment sta~~, and stert~fipish of dog Trot racy. - l~'ress releases an~auncing and promoting presenting s~ansorship hi~me and Logo an City of Auburn website, ~vith the option of iinki~g to c~wn far duration cif event - ~l~~oac~nitian..on the City of Auburn's government a~~es c~ann~l and. ~n any pre- pr~rnotional event-ro~lated videos Pr~r~tational booth space ~~Q, x ~Q'} at the evert with exclusivity rights ~4bility to: provide u~ to sib banners. tQ be posted throt~gho~rt tie event - Abilify to. provide event bads to be handed ©ut ~o all evert ~articipaots M ~l~ame listed in AuburnPLAY electronic newsletter e-mailed to over ~,QDQ pragrarn part~c~pants, April and ~iay ~Q~ Q ~d~tions - Four ~4} camplim~nt~ry VIP parking .passes - Teo ~,~}complimentary entries. into Dog Trot ~registratior~ r~q~i~ed} KI~P~~FI~, KJAC~-FIVI, I~PTI~C-AIVI and I~.ZQI~.-I~i~ Logos included in event guides, posters, w~bsite and promotional material produced by City of Auburn, ~et~a~P~looza andlar Petpalooza. GBH Radio to receive eight boflth spaces. per station} at. no charge to secure fihir~ pai*t~ s~ensarships, at na Tee to C~ radio. Potential partners will b reviow~d pith prorr~oter and secured by lay ~ , 2Q 1 Q. In addition, four ~4} boa#~ spaces {ene for each station for p~omvtion end broadcasts}. a ~ partner for ~g~ Q, we'd like first right of refusal far ~Q~ ~Q~~ . 4. ~e.~~~~u~s. The parties agree t~ the following:. felling rights to bring in 3rd party promotional partner ~pendir~g prometer appro~ral, ~sucl~ approval nit to be unduly delayed or denied} far ~reser~tn ~~r~svr. City of Auburn to receive ~B,OQQ if sold, Payment due to Cit~r of Auburn 5~~Io~o. C~~ .Radio wi11 attempt to secure Dock Dogs through a thirdwpartY sponsor, wl~o will ~av~r the oust. Payment of $a,QQO.OQ will be~made, by the ~p~ansor, direotly to Dock Dogs. The City of Auburn will provide reasonable support ~bl~achers, v~ater truck .electricity, fork lift, fencing, etc} far Dock fags as needed. ~ponsorwill also pay the City of Auburn ~~,OQQ to assist with rental fees associated with equipment to support dock Digs.. ~~«GY~~lr~•iJJ ~~dt~~~v~Flt ~1~C0CIIt~t~t~{~CC ~UV~ . • CAS Radio to retain 1 Q~°lo of revenue far any booth spaces 5, Re re~entafiio~s and warrar~~ie~. ~a.ch party hereto represents warrants and. covenants to the others as foll~aws: a. each party has the full right and legal authority to eater into end fully perform this ~greer~enfi in accordance with the teas and canditi~ns hereof; and b. The e~ecutian, delivery and ~perrorrnance of this ~gre~ement lees not and ' will not violate or cause a breach of any other agreements or abi~ation~ to which it is a party ar by which it is bound, and na approval or other action by a.ny ~overn~ental authority or agency, or any other individual or entity, is required in connection herewithi Insurance. each party will purchase and maintain insurance of tl~e fcllowirig t}rpe and with the foll~wi~g n~inimurn limits A. Comprehensive enar~l liability bodily Injury & Rrope~r~y ~ama~~: 1,~q~.,g~g each occurrence Carnprehensive ~utorr~Q~ile l..iabi(ity bodily Injury ~ ~ropert~ carnage: ,~O~,p~O each occurrence C, workers' Cornpensatiop; ~~tatutory Benefits required in the stake aper~~i~n. Vendor will furnish evidence of such insurance try C~ ~R~ad~o prig to~ the st~~ of the went. The evidence should be in the form of a. Certificate of insurance which shill name Cl~~ Radio Ir~c, and station Kl1~P~~~'I~, Ki~TI~~AI~, K,~QtC~~~i and ~~C;~AQ-~~ a~ additio~ai insured. The certificate should contain a clause indicating: that a 3~-da.y notice of cancellation ar ma.terial change will be provided tc~ C~~ Radii. Vendor shall keep. such lnsuran~e in effect during the Terms of the ~greernent, t~er~nifi . ~:ach of G~ la~io and Vendor shall indemnify,. deferi~tr and ho(d harmless the other parity the "~r~de~r~r~e~ Pare'}, its affiliates and their r~~ecti~re a~icers, directors., e~~loyees and representatives, and the succes~or~ and assigns of any of them, from and against, and reimburse them liar, all claims, dan~ag:es, cosh. and expenses, including, without limitation, interest, penalties, court costs and reasana~ble ~ttorne~s' fees and expenses, resulting from ~a~ any breach Qf any representation, warranty, c~venarit, e~ligation ar aver agreement contained in this agreement; fib} out of any failure of such party to comply with. any applicable laws, statues, ordinances o.r regulations ~~:d}, any.~c~~ or e`r~`tt~n or ne~ligerice of such party or its employees, agents, contractors ar invitees; ~nd~or ~c~.} any claim for personal injury ar property damage ar otherwise brought on behalf" o~ ~~~~thi~~ party persoh, firm car corporation against the Indemnified party as a result ol: ar irk connection with ,services provided by the. indemnifying party under this agreement, which claim d~o~~ nvt~re~uit fr~rn the intentional acts or the gross negligence of the Indemnified Warty. (n addition, Vendor's indemnities under this paragraph shall extend to claims against CAS Radio resulting tram ~i~ any announcements, advertisements or tither cQmrnercial copy produced, provided ar approved by Vendor for broadcast on a station awed by C~~ radio Inc. or its a#l~iliates, including proceedings or litigation al(egi•ng %nfringem~nt, unlawful use ar violations of copyright; andlor ~ii~ any defect, alleged or real, in any product of Vendors sold or provided as samples to third parties by Vendor ar by CBS R~~dia as part of such party's z?29?S;~C$S 6tac~.it~l~v~~at A~etme~u'Dec ?{l4 respansi~ilities under this .g~eerr~ent. dill of the faregc~ing inderr~nities shall sur~ri~re the termination of this ~green~ent. Tra~~~na~k~. 'vendor i~ereby grants to radio, and radio here acce is fr m V ~ p a endorfor the Term of this agreement the right to use the names, designs, iliustratiQn~s, logos and traden~arl~s of llendar in canne~~ic~rt`~rith t~~ ~arr~otian of the ~~ent; provided, ha~nre~rer, that ~B~ Radio shall lie ~c~und ~y ar~y ~etrictiaawhich 1l~nd~ar inforrns Radio o~ in advance ar~d in writing. It is pro~rided, hflwever, that this grant to to use ~fendor's narr~es, designs, illustrations, lows aid ~radernar.s, does not preclude the 1lendor from usir~~ the ~ar~es., designs, ill~s~~~tiar~s, lag~os and trademarl~s far its ether prematianai ac~ivittes. n~~~'e ~ ~ee~~. ~~~~ce ~.~~r. ~~rera~~~~~ . This ~4gr~en~~nt canstit~t~s the entire a,greernent bet~reen the parties a.nd shall supersede end ail other agreements; ~l~ether oral or otherwise, bet~veen the patios. any amen~rnent ar ~:odffit~oh o~ this ~ r~e~rr~ent m st he xn ~ i ~ g ~ ~ r tang and signed by authQr~zed re.presentafi~ves of both pa~~es. The Agreement will be governed by and construed accardir~g to the lbws of the ~tat~ of V~~I~ingtan. if any term Qr prov~s~on of this Agreement, ar the a~plioation ther~o ~o any :~~~san ~r cicurnstance shah, to any extent be held invalid or unenfo~ce~ble, fhe remainder al~ th€~ Agreement, ar tl~e application of such term or provision to perspns ar cir~~~stances other than those as to ~hieh it is held invalid or dnenforcea:hle, shall nod be aft~c~~~ th~r~y, ~~d ~o~ s~cl~ form and provisiar~ of this Agreement steal! be valid and ~e enfarced~~to~te.fdll~st e~tnt permitted by lain. ~s. 'his Agreement may ~e.~ e~ec~~~~ in ~~n~~~r mire caa~~erparts and by facsimile signature, each of ~rhich shall ~e deemed Qriginel, aid alb ~rhich together ~riil constitute one and the same instrun~ent~. In ~vitness whereof, this Agreement is executed of tie date set farts ~~ove. 'Ra~~a oidif~gs ~~~er +ape~rat~~ ~ ra~~~ ~~~lr ~~~»F, 1~ F ti ✓ ~ ( t`' q(~f ~.~.,i' Z~~ r~ ~ t ~ £ 1 "'~.`w4aderou~ ~x~4w'.` 11nF V r ~ ~ 4 ' Lisa ~e~ci~err ~~1l~ pity Abp f~~rne: ~ Title. ~ r ~ c"~ 2n"9?S;'~:SS ~,adi0~~ivc'.nE ~~cmt~nt~~cc~?OGS