HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM V-A-1 CITY OF_ * * CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 18, 2011 7:30 PM WASHINGTON d~ - I. CALL TO ORDER A. Flag Salute Deputy Mayor Singer called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. B. Roll Call Councilmembers present: Rich Wagner, Sue Singer, Nancy Backus, Lynn Norman, Bill Peloza, Virginia Haugen, and John Partridge. Staff members present: City Attorney Daniel B. Heid, Public Works Director Dennis Dowdy, Economic Development Manager Doug Lein, Assistant Police Chief Bob Karnofski, and Deputy City Clerk Cathy Richardson. C. Announcements and Appointments 1. Announcements There was no announcement. 2. Appointments a) Airport Advisory Board City Council confirm the appointment of Wayne Osborne to the Airport Advisory Board for a three- year term expiring December 31, 2013. Councilmember Wagner moved and Councilmember Backus seconded to confirm the appointment of Wayne Osborne to the Airport Advisory Board. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0. Page 1 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes January 18, 2011 b) Urban Tree Board City Council confirm the appointment of Maggie Greenslit to the Urban Tree Board for a three-year term expiring December 31, 2013. Councilmember Wagner moved and Councilmember Backus seconded to confirm the appointment of Maggie Greenslit to the Urban Tree Board. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0. c) Cemetery Board City Council confirm the reappointment of Warren Olson to the Cemetery Board for a three-year term expiring December 31, 2013. Councilmember Wagner moved and Councilmember Backus seconded to confirm the reappointment of Warren Olson to the Cemetery Board. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0. d) Urban Tree Board City Council confirm the reappointments of the following to the Urban Tree Board for a three-year term expiring December 31, 2013: Lonnie Sundal Karen Wright Councilmember Wagner moved and Councilmember Backus seconded to confirm the appointments of Lonnie Sundal and Karen Wright to the Urban Tree Board. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0. D. Agenda Modifications Agenda modifications included the addition of the appointments and removal of Resolution No. 4674 from the agenda. II. CITIZEN INPUT, PUBLIC HEARINGS & CORRESPONDENCE Page 2 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes January 18, 2011 A. Public Hearings No public hearing was scheduled for this evening. B. Audience Participation This is the place on the agenda where the public is invited to speak to the City Council on any issue. Those wishing to speak are reminded to sign in on the form provided. No one in the audience requested to speak. C. Correspondence There was no correspondence for Council review. III. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS A3.7.6 A. Municipal Services Chair Peloza reported that the Municipal Services Committee met on January 10, 2011 at 3:30 p.m. The Committee discussed Ordinance No. 6345 related to false alarm service fees, which provides that the first false alarm is free, and Resolution No. 4674 regarding surplus property. The Committee also received a report on animal control and rescue services. There has been a dramatic increase in the licensing of pets within Auburn since the City's involvement. The City currently contracts with King County for animal services but anticipates contracting with a private entity for services by 2012 in an effort to save costs. Councilmember Partridge is representing the City in this endeavor. The Committee also discussed Resolution No. 4673 regarding tourism promotion services, the Municipal Services Committee matrix, and graffiti abatement. Chair Peloza encouraged citizens to report graffiti issues to 911. The next regular meeting of the Municipal Services Committee is scheduled for February 14, 2011 at 3:30 p.m. B. Planning & Community Development Chair Norman reported that the Planning and Community Development Committee met on January 10, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. The Committee discussed and recommends approval of the contract administration for the Mary Olson Farm restoration project, which includes improvements to the parking lot and connecting trail system, and Resolution No. 4668 for acceptance of a $130,000 grant from King County for the Smith/Fenster levy setback improvement project. The Committee also discussed Resolution No. 4665 which sets a public hearing date to consider a franchise agreement with New Cingular Wireless and Phase 2 code updates Page 3 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes January 18, 2011 and prioritization process including a master plan, an electrical vehicles evaluation, establishment of an administrative variance process, and cottage housing and cluster subdivisions. The Committee also discussed Ordinance No. 6342 regarding , an economic incentive in the form of a construction sales tax credit and Ordinance No. 6341 regarding fee deferral to later in the development 'process for impact fees and system development charges in, an effort to encourage development during this trying economic period. Chair Norman reported that the Committee will conduct a joint meeting ,on January 24, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. with the Public Works Committee; Planning Commission, and Downtown Redevelopment Committee to review the twenty-six projects that Washington State-University (WSU) Institute of. Sustainable Design students have been working on. The next regular meeting of the Planning and Community. Development Committee is scheduled for January 24, 2011 at 4:30 p.m. C. Public Works Chair Wagner reported that the Public Works Committee met this afternoon -at 3:30. : TheCommittee approved a Right-of-way Use Permit for a hotdog cart vendor in the downtown area. The Committee also discussed and recommends approval of contract administration items including granting permission to advertise for project CP1004, . South Auburn ITS Expansion project, and approval of final estimate -for project CP1012, 2010 Arterial and Collector. Pavement Preservation .project. The' Committee also discussed Resolution. No. 4665 which. calls for a .public hearing for a franchise agreement with New-Cingular Wireless and-Resolution No.' 4672 regarding contracting' with King County for installation of thermal plastic, products for various purposes, bridge inspection and minor bridge repair services, and road-striping services. The Committee received updates on. the use of speed cushions as traffic calming .devices and the-capital projects status report. The next regular,. meeting of the Public Works Committee is scheduled for February 7, 2011 at 3:30 p.m. In response to questions from Deputy Mayor Singer, Chair Wagner reported that the hotdog cart vendor will- be located in the parking lot-on the north side ofd Main Street. across from Rottles. Chair Wagner stated that. the 'applicant was so organized that the Committee included in the- Right-of Way Use Permit that City staff can make administrative changes to her location 'if deemed appropriate. - r , Page 4 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes January 18, 2011 D. Finance Chair Backus reported that the Finance Committee met this evening at 6:00. The Committee approved claims and payroll vouchers and Resolution No. 4673 regarding an agreement with ChevaYEA Group for tourism promotion services. Chair Backus noted that an agenda modification removed Resolution No. 4674 from the agenda. The Committee also discussed Resolution No. 4672 regarding an interlocal agreement with King County for road services and Ordinance No. 6345 related to false alarm service fees. The Committee also received the November 2010 financial report via agenda modification. The next regular meeting of the Finance Committee is scheduled for February 7, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. E. Les Gove Community Campus Committee Chair Wagner reported that no meeting of the Les Gove Community Campus Committee has been scheduled. F. Downtown Redevelopment Chair Norman reported that the Downtown Redevelopment Committee met on January 11, 2011 at ,4:00 to discuss the Committee work plan for the upcoming year. The Committee also discussed prioritization of projects including pedestrian oriented wayfinding signage, downtown sidewalks and continuity between the City Hall Plaza and promenade projects and other areas within Auburn, and an examination of traffic impact fee exemptions and other incentives to encourage new and diverse businesses to locate within Auburn's downtown core. The Committee also discussed providing a speaker to address current and future trends, challenges, and realities of development in the current economic environment and reviewed the gateway signage being installed for the promenade and other potential locations throughout the urban core. The Committee also discussed possibilities of an Arts and Culture district such as "Art on the Ave" in the downtown core. The Committee reviewed the Downtown Task Force recommendations, providing a seamless transition of the downtown area with regard to the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe (BNSF) rail lines, easing of natural barriers along Auburn Way North and Auburn Avenue for ease of crossing for pedestrians, development of an international area and what it might contain and possibilities such an area would bring to the downtown core, and mitigation of noise issues in mixed use areas. The Downtown Redevelopment Committee will join the Planning and Community Development and Public Works Committees for a joint meeting on January 24, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. The next regular Page 5 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes January 18, 2011 meeting of the Downtown Redevelopment Committee is scheduled for February 8, 2011, at 4:00 P.M. G. Council Operations Committee Chair Wagner reported that there has been no meeting of the Council Operations Committee. - Deputy. Mayor Singer reported that Committee of the Whole will meet on January 31, 2011- at 5:00 p.m. - IV. REPORTS Af this time the Mayor and City Council may report on significant items associated with their appointed positions on state, regional and local organizations. A. From the Council Councilmember . Wagner.: reported that he attended a RAMP (Regional.-Access arid-Mobility Partnership) meeting, which is Pierce County's -transportation. forum, to discuss legislative issues and funding. for projects in the south, Pierce. County .area. He also attended the South County: Chamber Coalition legislative breakfast at which Attorney. General McKenna was the keynote speaker. The Coalition provided an opportunity for discussion, and networking with regard to bringing items before the legislature in a coordinated manner. Councilmember Partridge reported that he attended the Suburban Cities 'Association Orientation Caucus, at-which he. was elected as vice chair of the 2011- Regional Law, Safety and Justice Committee. Councilmember Norman reported that she attended the South County : Chamber Coalition legislative breakfast and the Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce luncheon at which she heard the State of. the City address- by.Mayor Lewis. She also attended the Growth Management Policy Board meeting and reported that she is the caucus chair for the Suburban Cities Association, representing 900,000. members. Councilmember Norman reported that she will attend the Transportation Prioritization Group meeting to discuss the 2040, transportation vision and prioritization. Councilmember Backus reported that she represented the City at the :Valley Regional Fire Authority (VRFA) Board of Governance meeting-. Councilmember Backus also reported that there will be a Page 6 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes January 18. 2011 presentation by Valley Communications at the February 10, 2011 VRFA Finance Committee meeting, of which Councilmember Wagner is chair. Councilmember Backus invited interested parties to attend the meeting which begins at 5:00 p.m. Councilmember Peloza reported that the National League of Cities (NLC) has a prescription discount program which is available to City of Auburn residents. The City of Auburn is thirteenth out of the NLC top twenty cities in the United States for prescription savings enjoyed by its citizens. To date, the program has saved residents approximately $56,000. The discounts may be used towards prescriptions not covered by insurance. Councilmember Peloza also reported that he attended the South County Chamber Coalition legislative breakfast meeting. Among the top priorities of the ten Chambers of Commerce was transportation, including the State Route 167 and Interstate 405 interchange extension and expansion. Also among the top priorities were business and job growth and flood control infrastructure. He also attended the Senior Center coffee hour, wherein citizens requested a rendering and fact sheets of the M Street Underpass and City Hall Plaza Projects, and the King County Solid Waste Management Committee meeting to discuss the extension of the closure of the Cedar Hills Landfill from 2016 to 2024. Councilmember Peloza stated that it may be possible to extend the closure date even more if box springs, mattresses and building demolition materials were recycled rather than deposited into the landfill. Approximately 25% of the items going into the landfill are from demolition materials. Efforts are being made to encourage contractors to recycle those materials. Councilmember Peloza also reported that King County will sell landfill gases to Puget Sound Energy for carbon emission credits of approximately $500,000 annually and in addition will receive $500,000 in landfill gas sales annually. Councilmember Wagner reported that he was asked by Comcast to be interviewed for their News Makers segment shown on CNN with regard to the WSU project sponsored by the City of Auburn. V. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed on the Consent Agenda are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed. Page 7 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes January 18, 2011 A. Minutes 1. Minutes of the January 3, 2011 regular City Council meeting. B. Vouchers F4.9.2, F4.9.5 1. Payroll Payroll check numbers 530601 to 530706 in the amount of $866,670.85 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,243,275.35 for a grand total of $2,109,946.20 for the pay period covering December 30, 2010 to January 12, 2011. C. Contract Administration 1. Public Works Project Number CP0715 05.2 CP0715 City Council approve Final Pay Estimate No. 3 to Contract 10-14 in the amount of $38,326.63, for a total contract price of $153,747.70, with Rodarte Construction, Inc. and accept construction of Project No. CP0715, Mary Olson Farm Restoration. 2. Public Works Project Number CP1004 04.10.2 CP1004 City Council grant permission to advertise for bids for Project No. CP1004 -South Auburn ITS Expansion. 3. Public Works Project Number CP1012 04.9.1 CP1012 City Council approve Final Pay Estimate No. 5 to Contract 10-18 in the amount of $14,479.52, for a total contract price of $1,026,374.35, with Northwest Asphalt, Inc. and accept construction of Project No. CP1012, 2010 Arterial & Collector Pavement Preservation. Councilmember Wagner moved and Councilmember Backus seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. Page 8 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes January 18, 2011 Councilmember Haugen requested removal of the claims vouchers from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. MOTION TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA EXCEPTING THE CLAIMS VOUCHERS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0. VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. 2010 Claims Claims check numbers 401010 through 401012 and 401014 through 401248 in the amount of $2,221,772.42 and dated January 18, 2011. 2. 2011 Claims Claims check numbers 401013 and 401249 through 401393 in the amount of $2,557,334.38 and dated January 18, 2011. Councilmember Wagner moved and Councilmember Backus seconded to approve the claims vouchers. Councilmember Haugen expressed opposition to claims voucher 401129 and the City Hall Plaza project. MOTION CARRIED 6-1. Councilmember Haugen voted no. VII. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business. VIII. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS A. Ordinances There was no ordinance for Council consideration. B. Resolutions 1. Resolution No. 4665 A3.14 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, setting a public hearing to consider a Franchise Agreement with New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Page 9 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes January 18, 2011 Councilmember Wagner moved and Councilmember Peloza seconded to adopt Resolution No. 4665. Councilmember Wagner stated that New Cingular Wireless currently has a large tower on Auburn Way North which is located on top of a power pole. The franchise agreement is up for renewal and Resolution No. 4665 calls for a public hearing to consider the new agreement. The Public Works Committee requested greater specificity on the agreement with regard to the scope and legal description of the land within the City's right-of-way. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0. 2. Resolution No. 4668 05.4 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, amending the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between King County and the City of Auburn for open space acquisition projects and accepting a Conservation Futures grant related to the Smith/Fenster Levee Setback Project Councilmember Norman moved and Councilmember Backus seconded to adopt Resolution No. 4668. Councilmember Norman explained that Resolution No. 4668 accepts a $130,000 grant from King County. The grant funds provide for reimbursement of the total cost of the purchase of the Smith property which will enable the completion of the Fenster Levee Setback and salmon habitat project. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0. Deputy Mayor Singer pointed out that this project has been completely funded via grant funds. 3. Resolution No. 4672 A1.3 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Interlocal Agreement with King County for the purpose of providing road services Page 10 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes January 18, 2011 Councilmember Wagner moved and Councilmember Peloza seconded to adopt Resolution No. 4672. Councilmember Wagner reported that the City has contracted with King County for road services for a couple of years. King County is, by far, the most qualified entity to provide bridge inspections and repairs. King County also offers a thermal plastic road marking service that is competitive with private contractors and has more experience in traffic control and road devices. Councilmember Wagner explained that, due to time restraints, King County was unable to order sufficient materials to provide all the services that the City wanted to complete last year, therefor, some of the signage is badly deteriorated and needs replacing. The Public Works Committee has requested that, if King County is unable to complete 100% of the deteriorated markings by mid-year, staff request a budget amendment to complete the safety improvements. Councilmember Wagner stressed the importance of moving forward with Resolution No. 4672 to avoid delays. Councilmember Partridge expressed concerns with the contract and moved to table Resolution No. 4672 until the February 7, 2011 City Council meeting. Councilmember Haugen seconded the motion. MOTION FAILED. 2-5. Councilmembers Wagner, Singer, Backus, Norman, and Peloza voted no. Councilmember Partridge stated that he is particularly concerned that this is a biddable project and King County was unable to fulfill the project last year. He feels that the bidding process might provide a more competitive contract for road services. Councilmember Haugen expressed concerns regarding the funds needed to complete the project and whether King County will have the necessary supplies. Councilmember Peloza stated that the Public Works Committee discussed costs for road services provided by Page 11 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes January 18, 2011 King County for year 2010 this afternoon. Councilmember Peloza pointed out that King County encountered delays due to the weather and indicated that costs for 2010 did not approach the $150,000 provided for in this year's contact. He is comfortable with the terms of the contract with King County and feels that Council should proceed. Councilmember Wagner expressed concerns about going to bid for the project as the City previously had a bad experience with a private contractor and the bidding process could take up to three months, which would again delay the project. These are very important safety devices and the longer the project is delayed the less likely the project will be completed prior to the start of the next rainy season. Deputy Mayor Singer inquired regarding the delays experienced with King County. Councilmember Wagner stated that delays occurred as the City began the process late in the year and also had to wait until the contract was approved by King County Council, which takes some time. This caused a delay for King County in the ordering of materials. Once King County was able to begin the project we were already experiencing inclement weather. There was also a national shortage of the product needed for the project and King County was unable to obtain the necessary supplies. Councilmember Wagner stated that the work performed by King County was satisfactory and the delays were not due to poor performance. Deputy Mayor Singer expressed concerns that the contract could exceed $150,000 and the provision for a mid-year budget adjustment. Councilmember Peloza stated that the contract is not to exceed $150,000. Anything over $150,000 would require approval from Council. Councilmember Wagner pointed out that engineering staff will be indicating all locations for work to be done and will monitor costs closely to assure that the City receives equitable services for the $150,000 contract. Councilmember Wagner stated that he is confident that staff Page 12 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes January 18, 2011 will not allow King County to charge more for the necessary products than is competitively available via contractor. Councilmember Partridge expressed displeasure that the process was not begun earlier to allow for the project to go out to bid and to allow more time for Council review. Councilmember Wagner stated he feels that staff is doing a good job in light of staff shortages. MOTION CARRIED 5-2. Councilmembers Partridge and Haugen voted no. 4. Resolution No. 4673 A3.8.23 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract between the City of Auburn and its Tourism Board with ChevaYEA Group for tourism promotion services Councilmember Backus moved and Councilmember Norman seconded to adopt Resolution No. 4673. Councilmember Backus reviewed the contract terms and pointed out that the contract is funded via the hotel lodging taxes collected in Auburn which, by state law, must be used for tourism purposes. The contract will include services for graphic design, web maintenance, an updated tourism map, and to create materials for the autumn wedding show at Emerald Downs Racetrack. Councilmember Haugen spoke in opposition to Resolution No. 4673 as she feels that the Chamber of Commerce has had ample opportunity to promote tourism in Auburn. Deputy Mayor Singer pointed out that, when the he staff member Auburn staff layoffs occurred, it included providing the services for the Tourism Board at that time. Resolution No. 4673 will provide for funds to be used from the tourism budget rather than the General Fund for the services under the proposed contract. Page 13 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes January 18, 2011 Councilmember Backus reiterated that the funds being used for the contract are those collected via lodging taxes and they may only be used for tourism purposes per state law. Councilmember Haugen thanked Councilmember Backus and Deputy Mayor Singer for clarification on Resolution No. 4673. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0. IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. APPROVED THE DAY OF JANUARY 2011. Peter B. Lewis, Mayor Cathy Richardson, Deputy City Clerk City Council agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City Clerk's Office, on the City website, and via e-mail. Complete agenda packets are available for review at the City Clerk's Office and at the Library. Internet: http://www.auburnwa.gov Page 14