HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM III-B * * DRAFT CITY OF- PLANNING & COMMUNITY JBUR DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE I ~ N WASH I NGTON January 24, 2011 MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Lynn Norman called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. in Annex Conference Room 2 located on the second floor of One Main Building, 1 East Main Street, Auburn, WA. Committee members present were: Chair Lynn Norman and Vice Chair Nancy Backus and Member John Partridge. Staff members present included: Director Kevin Snyder, Environmental Protection Manager Chris Andersen, Finance Director Shelley Coleman, Planning Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain, and Administrative Support Clerk Tina Kriss. II. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND AGENDA MODIFICATIONS III. CONSENT AGENDA A. January 10, 2011 Member Backus moved and Member Partridge seconded to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0 IV. ACTION A. Auburn Environmental Park Wetlands Trail and Associated Enhancements Environmental Protection Manager Chris Andersen presented the staff report and background on the Auburn Environmental Park Wetlands Trail project. Mr. Andersen provided details about Amendment No. 1 for consulting services with AHBL, Inc. Committee and Mr. Andersen discussed the scope of work and budget for the completion of the design work. Mr. Andersen requested Committee forward this Amendment No. 1, Agreement for Consulting Services with AHBL, Inc, dated December 8, 2010, to the City Council February 7, 2011, for approval. Member Backus moved and Chair Norman seconded to approve Amendment No. 1, Agreement for Consulting Services with AHBL, Inc. dated December 8, 2010. Chair Norman thanked staff for their hard work on this project. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2-0 Planning and Community Development Committee Minutes January 24, 2011 V. DISCUSSION and INFORMATION A. Ordinance No. 6347 Finance Director Shelley Coleman presented the staff report on Ordinance No. 6347. Ordinance No. 6347 levies the .021 % sales tax credit against the state sales tax for local revitalization financing. SB 5045 authorizing the tax credit was passed by the state legislature during the 2009 regular session. The intent of the legislation was to provide financial assistance to cities to assist with financing infrastructure improvements. The Department of Revenue approved the application September 16, 2009 granting the project award of $250,000.00. The tax credit is available to the City for up to 25 years. Committee and Ms. Coleman discussed the 25 year availability. Committee expressed their approval of the levy. B. Resolution No. 4671 Finance Director Shelley Coleman provided details of Resolution No. 4671 to Committee. Resolution No. 4671 levies the .1 % sales tax credit against the state sales tax for annexation of the Lea Hill Area. SB 6686 authorizing the tax credit was passed by the state legislature during the 2006 regular session. The tax credit will provide sufficient funding, along with the other revenues of the area, to provide urban levels of services for annexed areas. Committee and Ms. Coleman discussed the 10 year availability time period of the tax credit; Ms. Coleman stated the credit is limited to the maximum of. 1 % credit against the State tax or the difference between the City's cost to provide, maintain, and operate municipal services for the annexation areas and the general revenues that the City receives from the annexation area during a given year. Committee stated they are in support of Resolution No. 4671. C. PCDC Matrix Committee asked that Brew Pubs be changed to Microbreweries (page 1, section 2) and add this will be part of the Phase II code changes. VI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Planning and Community Development Committee, Chair Norman adjourned the meeting at 4:50 p.m. APPROVED THIS DAY OF Lynn Norman, Chair Tina Kriss, Administration Support Services Page 2 DRAFT CITY OF N,~ * PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE, DOWNTOWN r ♦ . 70 K REDEVELOP-Br MENT COMMITTEE & PUBLIC WORKS ry WASHINGTON COMMITTEE JOINT MEETING January 24, 2011 JOINT MEETING MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER Councilmember Wagner provided a short introduction regarding WSU IDeX project to begin the joint meeting with Planning & Community Development Committee, Downtown Redevelopment Committee and Public Works Committee at 5:00 p.m. at 2 First Street SE (the former City Information Services Office Space). Director Snider gave a brief introduction on the layout format of the students sustainable design projects to be review by Councilmembers and staff at the 2 First Street SE site. Councilmember Wagner called the second half of the joint meeting with the Planning & Community Development Committee, Downtown Redevelopment Committee and Public Works Committee to order at 6:30 p.m. in Annex Conference Room 2 located on the second floor of One Main Building, 1 East Main Street, Auburn, WA. Committee members present were: Councilmember/Chair Lynn Norman, Councilmember/Vice Chair Nancy Backus, Councilmember/Member John Partridge, Councilmember Wagner, Councilmember Singer, and Councilmember Peloza. Staff members present included: Director Kevin Snyder, City Engineer Dennis Selle, Utilities Engineer Dan Repp, Traffic Engineer Pablo Para, Planning Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain, Public Works Director Dennis Dowdy, Environmental Planning Manager Chris Andersen and Administrative Support Clerk Tina Kriss. Audience Members in Attendance were: Wayne Osborne, Green River Community College Students Lauren Carter, Trevor Bowles, Courtney Kindell, Ida Ayu Kusumastuti, Hoi Man Hayman Wong, and Matt Anderson. II. JOINT STUDY SESSION WITH PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE & DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE A. Washington State University Institute of Sustainable Design Projects Review & Study Session for the WSU IDeX Project Councilmember Wagner reminded Councilmembers and staff the meeting will be about focusing on the things that are implementable in the next few years rather than a long term range. Planning & Community Director Snyder presented a PowerPoint Presentation showing each of the projects designed by the students; Councilmembers and staff provided the following direction, prioritization, issues and ideas for the 26 projects:' 1. Project: Flow Management Thru Auburn - Gina Usher: • The brewery concept received positive feedback • The reuse of materials was a good idea, what would this cost • Concerns were raised with the bike path crossing the railroad • Interested in looking at this the long term l Indicates projects the Committees and/or staff commented during the meeting that they would recommend the students work on during the second semester of WSU IDeX Project work Planning and Community Development Committee Joint Minutes January 24, 2011 2. Project: Uniting Auburn Thru Repetition - Betsy Humbert: Review other cities, other codes can work for urban agricultural • The group liked the urban agricultural concept and the pervious concrete use, adding more verbiage would explain the concept further** • The analysis of old/new buildings was useful along with the retrofit of roof trusses for warehouses; large roofs need to be identified** 3. Project: Agriculture Is A Skin for Urbanism - Jeff Leudeman: • This concept is a good idea; provide more information on the mechanics and how this would work • The group expressed concerns over building load, safety, maintenance and upkeep, rain overflows and the impact of high winds (these will be over the City right-of-way); provide more information on these concerns** • Provide more analysis for the type of plants species to be used for these containers in inclimate weather conditions necessary to implement this concept** Short break taken at 6:46, meeting resumed at 6:49. 4. Project: Renew, Reuse, Recycle - Laura Uskevich: • Provide more information on the roof truss retrofit for a one story building, explore other project ideas like this; what is the practicality** • The group is supportive of wind turbines (connect with 3 Phase Energy); provide more detail on upkeep, access and sensitivity of the turbines** • Provide suggestions for code changes for this innovation so the City will be in a position to encourage and support this type of project development 5. Project: Blurring the Boundaries - Nic Haupt: • Like the concept of interconnected park; suggest expanding into downtown** • Would like more information on the moveable solar panels, the group liked how it was incorporated** • The wind turbine idea was interesting 6. Project: Meshing Auburn - Jessalin Deford: • The group liked the usable public space (chess board) and roof space as a park (soccer field)** • Structured parking was a good idea with the different density options** • Exploring underground/subsurface parking downtown would be beneficial** • Councilmembers liked the meandering paths throughout downtown; a smaller practical version downtown connecting existing open space would be more practicable; look at the City own property under SR 18 adjacent to the bus look road** • Staff would like more information and analysis on the technical side of meandering paths as an incentive in code 7. Project: The City as a Body - Gerry Schneider: • The group loved this software capabilities; provide more analysis from multiple perspectives** • "A New Perspective" is a great concept if shallow and not very deep minimizing safety concerns and maintenance 8. Project: Attraction Suzanne Lei (Cox): • Provide more continuous high mixed use verses one block of high density residential (which may create a wall effect) and one block of commercial; concerns raised about blocking off historic downtown with this concept Page 2 Planning and Community Development Committee Joint Minutes January 24, 2011 • Focus on third category; what does Auburn have today to build upon** • "What makes you turn into Auburn" is a great area to explore further** 9. Project: Fun Legibility Uncertainty Circulation - Brian Lim: • Great architectural work; this could be an interpretive/educational center rather than a museum; please provide additional information** • Liked the preservation of historic buildings; conduct a historic building analysis within the area west of C Street and south of Main Street creating transition** 10. Project: Re-interpreting A Vital Past - Hung Ngo: • Great concept, providing structured parking outside of downtown; it would be difficult without shuttle or transit services • Liked the solar street/pedestrian light idea; how could this fit in the transit station and theme of the promenade design 11. Project: Patchwork -Laurin Durrant: • Great architecture and modern transition between downtown and the area west of C Street SW; would not want parking to merge into neighborhoods** • Staff liked the vegetation downspouts (explore); this idea can be used in other types of development** 12. Project: Attraction In Interaction - Rose Golino: • The concept of a sound wall with integrated art is great but not practical, the sound wall creates a tunneling effect; explore this further so the sound barrier is not linear and confining (something creating a natural crossing for animals)** • The one-way mirror is a good concept for a sound wall (screening viewers from birds/wildlife at observation points); adding vegetation and/or discontinuous barriers may be a good option for noise attenuation, check options** 13. Project: Exploring Urban Outdoors - Michael Ashinay: • The group liked the planting analysis, what a planting today would look like in 50 years; other projects including landscaped areas should provide this analysis; please provide more analysis • The windmill and boardwalk were both great ideas; please provide more information** • Would like more information on what vegetation would grow best in this environment • The AEP needs a destination feature; what should that be** 14. Project: Green Distribution - Jamie Little: • The group liked the green space and agricultural vacant lot concept; this could be used in auburn, provide more information • The concept of solar garbage is a terrific idea; a combination of solar recycling, trash and advertising (using the exterior of the garbage can for advertising) to create conservation and revenue may be an idea 15. Project: POP! Bicycle Parade - Marisa Hagney: • The kiosk was misleading, would like to explore the bike stations concept at AEP** • The Bicycle Task Force is working on organizing a bike ride/bike route to correspond with one of Auburn's events 16. Projects: A City of Frequencies - Erick Alvarex: • Explore further grasscrete options (e.g. what strong enough for traffic); incentives for developments to use in projects; what materials are available** Page 3 Planning and Community Development Committee Joint Minutes January 24, 2011 • Provide code updates to for these types of concepts; how would this affect the storm standards 17. Projects: Infiltration - Sharaya Hays: • The center media and landscape buffer idea and the suggested native plant material staff liked; this is something that can be incorporated into city standards today'" • The bus stop art work is a great idea; draining more at an angle to prevent clogging may make this more functional" • Example of how West Main could have retrofitted, or other street projects Staff took a short break at 8:00 p.m., meeting resumed at 8:03 p.m. 18. Project: Green Screen - Tim Clark: • No substantial comments 19. Project: Filtered City - Esther Yuen: • Staff and Councilmembers liked the architectural work here; this is an example of rain gardens, ponds and solar features attractively and effectively integrated into a project • Please provide a portfolio with land diagram analysis of some of these concepts; the software creating the keyed analysis is very useful"" 20. Project: Soccer Center of Washington State - Biruk Mulgeta: • Great soccer field concept; indoors but not within downtown utilizing valuable land • Look into green retrofit; convert existing industrial buildings • Staff and students can review code to allow for these ideas 21. Project: Energy Greens (Playground) - Dong Nguyen Dinh: • A natural vegetation wall was a good idea, it would not require a lot of maintenance (without the energy portion); good sound barrier" • Combine this project with the "What Makes You Turn Into Auburn" project; develop a feature that advertises to freeway drivers and visitors to the AEP that you are entering a park area (should create a sense of identity for both the park and the City)"' 22. Project: Stormwater Strategies - Roofs (Structures) - Rob Borden, Camille Pirou, Kevin Ryan, Jack Butler, Mark Lo: • Councilmembers liked the canopy concept as an entrance feature for the proposed AEP boardwalk the City will be building next summer; if spanning the street right-of- way, what are the structural, safety, maintenance, lighting, bird control, plant irrigation, access, ect. issues*" • What are the economic and technical challenges to collect and treat roof water from several buildings, discharge to a single point aquifer recharge pipe/pump that the City manages*" • How can the City be prepared to allow green walls? What code would need to be in place" 23. Project: New Construction Strategies: • Great idea, building code does not currently support these new materials; fire concerns raised Page 4 Planning and Community Development Committee Joint Minutes January 24, 2011 24. Project: Auburn Environmental Park Strategies - Julie Trump, Eric Palmer: • Staff would like more economic analysis on manhole retrofit; the materials being cleaned out; can it be recycled or dumped in a landfill? Is this a cost effective approach** • Could this be a pilot project opportunity, please provide more information on the flow capacity of this system** • Provide long term maintenance costs, is this cost effective; we currently have simpler infiltration systems, please provide more information on why this was chosen*" • Would Utility Vault be interested in this idea 25. Project: Auburn Environmental Park Strategies: • H Street City is where City has a drainage easement; have project team apply their concept for a constructed wetland to this bioswale area.** 26. Community Supported Agriculture: • No Comments for this III. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Planning and Community Development Committee, Chair Norman adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m. APPROVED THIS DAY OF Lynn Norman, Chair Tina Kriss, Administrative Support Clerk Page 5