HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM II-A * . CI'iY OF * DRAFT PLANNING COMMISSION January 4, 2011 WASHINGTON MINUTES L CALL TO ORDER Ghair Judi Roland called ttie meeting to order at 7.02 p.m. in the Council Chambers located on the first floor ofAubum City Hall, 25 West Main Street, Aubum, WA. Commission Members present were: Chair Judi Rola. nd, Vice Chair Kevin Chapman, Bob Baggett, Ron Copple, Michael Hamilton, Joan Mason, Wayne Osborne, and Dave Peace. . • _ Staff present included: Planning Managec Elizabeth Chamberlain, and Planning & Development Support Clerk'Fina Kriss. II. APP- ROVAL OF MINUTES . A. October 5, 2010 Member Mason stated she was present at the October 5, 2010 meeting. Staff will amend the minutes to reflect Member Mason'was present. Commissioner Chapman moved and Commissioner Mason seconded to approve the minutes from the October 5, 2010 meeting a`s amended: MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 8-0 III. PUBLIC COMMENT . There were no members of the public present for comments. IV. . PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT Flanning Manager Elizabeth Ghamberlain discussed the progress of various active projects within the City. Planning Commissioners asked several questions about City properties, sites, and projects; Ms. Chamberlain provided updated information. Commissioner Baggett asked if the new traffic signal at 8"' & R Street NE had a traffic . study, he expressed his concem that traffic will be more congested with the new light. Ms. Chamberlain stated she will' check with staff on the study and report back to the Commission. Commissioner Peace inquired on the status of the VVaI-Mart empty building previously occupied. Ms. Chamberlain stated there was an agreement in place between the City of Auburn, Wal-Mart, and Glimcherwhich provided options ofaction after Wa1-Mart vacated. Ms. Chamberlain stated she will provide the details at the next meeting. Commissioner Hamilton asked the status ofthe Howard Hanson Dam and how long the sand bags would need to be in place. Ms. Chamberlain stated would provide an update at the next meeting. Page 1 of 3 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes January 4, 2011 V. PUBLIC HEARINGS There'were no items for public hearing. VI. OTHER BUSINESS A. Election of Planning Commission Chair.& Vice Chair Chair Roland called for nominations for the Election of Chairperson for the City of Auburn 2011 Planning Commission. Member Baggett nominated Commissioner Roland as Chair; no other ' Commissioners were nominated. By majority vote of Commissioners, 8-0, Commissioner Roland was elected as the Planning Commissioner Chairperson for 2011. Chair Roland called for nominations forthe Election of Vice-Chairperson of the 2011 Auburn Planning Commission. Member Mason nominated Member Chapman as Vice-Ghairperson; no other Commissioners were nominafed. By majority vote of Commissioners, 8-0, Commissioner Roland was elected as the Planning Commissioner Vice-Chairperson for 2011. . B. Review of 2011 Planning and Development Work Plan Planning Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain discussed the 2011 Planning and Community Development Work Plan. Ms. Chamberlairr stated there will be expected text amendment activity, policy discussions and considerations, and the.annual comprehensive plan update effort. Planning Commission members and Ms. Chamberlain reviewed the various changes anticipated for the 2011 Phase Il code update that will be brought 6efore Planning Commission at various stages of the process with potential foc joint meetings with the Rlanning and Community Development Committee. ` Ms: Chamberlain also explained at the end of October 2010 Autiurn City Councif conducted a retreat which focused on 20-year visioning to 2030 which provided several items staff•will be working on in 2011. Ms. Chamberlain reviewed details of some of those items with the Planning Commission members. Ms. Chamberlain and the members discussed the outcome of the Urban Core Task Force and Bicycle Task Force work. Ms. Chamberlain stated she would provide details at the. next meeting. Page 2 of 3 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes January 4, 2011 Chair Roland asked if the third Tuesday should_ be held open for possible code changes and Ms. Chamberlain confirmed holding the third Tuesday open for possible code changes. Chair Roland stated the next Planning Commission meeting will be held February 8, 2011. VII.ADJOURNMENT . There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission, Chair Roland. _ adjoumed the meeting at 7:35 p.m. Page 3 of 3