HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM V-B . • ~k CTTY OF - 6Viernorandurn * WASHINGTON To: Judi Roland, Chairperson, Planning Commission Planning Commission Members From: Kevin Snyder, AICP, Planning & Development Director Date: February 1, 2011 Re: PFtESENTATION: Bicycle Task Force Recommendations to Auburn City Council Backqround: Mayor Lewis established a Bicycle Task Force in March 2010 comprised of 12 individuals plus representatives from Auburn School District, Green River Community College & Cascade Bicycle Club. In August 2010, the co-owner of Cycle Therapy Bike Shopthat opened at 104 East Main Street in November 2010 joined the Task Force. Mayor Lewis requested that the Bicycle Task Force's work focus on three major themes. These themes are: , o Connections - for example, how do you get from the north end to the south end of the City or from Lakeland to Lea Hill? m Recreation Opportunities - for example, how do we,further build and capitalize on a bicycle network to support and enhance the recreation options for our citizens? • Economic Development- for example, how do we capitalize on the Interurban Trail as a conduit of customers for existing and new businesses? The Bicycle Task Force met 14 times between April 2010 and November 2010 including a 3-hour communify tour on Saturday, July 24, 2010 and a joint meeting with Aubum Tourism Board and Aubum Downtown Association on August 12, 2010. Current Status/Next Steps: Terry Davis, Chair of the Bicycle Task Force, presented ;its recommendation to the City Council at the City CounciPs November 29, 2010 Committee ofthe Whole meeting (refer Page 1 of 2 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU [MAGWED I • to attached presentation). At the conclusion of the presentation and the City Council's discussion of the recommendations, Mayor Lewis requested that the Task Force continue to meet and work on its key recommendations. At the Planning .Commission's February 8, 2011 meeting staff will review the Bicyde Task Force's recommendations with the Commission. Rage 2 of 2 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED * • CITY UF ; * WA.SHINGT0N Auburn Bicycle Task Force Reco m mend ations Presentation to Cof the Whole November 29, 2010 AUBURN * M01~E THAN YOu IMAGINED CITY Of Aii • WASHINGTON Introduction • Bicycle Task Force formed in March 2010 by Mayor Lewis • 12 individuals + representatives from Auburn School District, Green River Community College & Cascade Bicycle Club invited to be part of Task Force: - Chair = Terry Davis; Vice-Chair = John Calnan - Smaller core of invited participants met regularly - Added co-owner of Cycle Therapy to Task Force members in August 2010 - Special thanks to: Bob Smith (Cycle Therapy), Dennis Grad (Auburn School District), George Frasier (Green River Community College), Jerry Carpenter, John Calnan, Jon Breiling, Richard Gordon, Stephanie Norton-Bredl & Tessa Greegor (Cascade Bicycle Club) • Met 14 times between April 2010 & November 2010 - including 3 hour community tour on Saturday, July 24, 2010 & joint meeting with Auburn Tourism Board and Auburn Downtown Association on August 12, 2010 * . CITY OF * * # WAsH~~GToN Key Terms • Bike Boxes are a traffic control device at signalized intersections that require motorists to stop a short distance before the crosswalk and allow bicyclists to stop in the area between the cars and the crosswalk. Bicycle boxes give bicyclists priority by allowing them to go to the head of the line. • Bike Lanes provide a marked space - often through striping and/or coloring of pavement - along a length of a street for exclusive use by cyclists that creates separation between cyclists and automobiles. • Sharrows also known as shared lane markings, are on-street legends that reinforce the existing rules of the road. They are not separate bike lanes: a motorist can still drive over the sharrows. Motorists should expect to see and share the lane with bicyclists. Sharrows indicate to bicyclists the best place to ride in the lane. Sharrows are typically used in locations where the roadway width is not adequate to provide dedicated bike facilities or on downhill lanes where bicyclists might travel a similar speed as motor vehicles. ALJBLJRN * MORE °rxAN YOu iMAG«ED cf 1 ''I' ur ~k Task Fo rce Charges ~ ' pppw-- A . . : - - - Communify ~tl~+f (lI ~ BicycleTask Force Recommendations AU BU RN* POO K L 11 i A N 0 1_~ 1 NA A6 I X L D ~ . ~ IT'~` 'Of Connections & Recreation * WASHINGTON Recommendations Bicycle Task Force Mapping ~ . z*d . - . * , Trails . 1 • " • d. d)' Recommended TroibMap Existing Recommended = included in November 29, 2010 Committee of the Whole Packet A[JB►URN* N-10IZIE; 1l lAr~ YOU oNIAU«LID t: c I 1 C) ( * RN SProgram + WASHINGTON Recommendation #1 BTF Recommendation: ~ Fr Use Sharrows/Share The Road Signage in residential and some $4fOd Tm1+61 ftred TreaO PAfkitlp non-residential areas of City Lafl$ . : ~ , ► 4~ I f,+• SHARE THE ROAD AU BURN *mL71~ E`rHAN YOU IN1AL lNIT) ~ . CITY OF 1i RBU Sharrows - Advantages A * VIfASHINGTC)N and Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages ■Low cost/high impact ■Higher maintenance ■Helps bicyclists position themselves requirements in lanes too narrow for a motor ■Public perception vehicle and a bicycle to travel side by side within the same traffic lane ■Clarifies lane use for motorists and cyclists ■Mimics the effect of bicycle lanes on streets with constrained rights - of - way and alerts road users of the lateral location bicyclists may occupy AUBLJRN * MOi~E THAN Yc)U iMAGNEu * CfTY OF ~ * Sharrows/Share the Road - Signage - Recommended Pilot * WASHINGTON Program Locations Pilot Program Concept. ■18-24 month program period ■Pre-established performance measurements ■Pre-established reporting protocols ■Future policy consideration opportunity for City Council ■ Recommended pilot program locations: ■ Green River Road ■ F Street - Les Gove Ca m p us to Ma i n Street ■ Main Street Corridor ■ Oravetz Road SE from A Street SE to lakeland Hills SE bike lanes AUB[1RN#- 11,1i_aRL 1I1AN`r`0l_! I~1ri.i.yl~:f_L, ~ CITY 'OF Short=Term Program * . WASHINGTON Recommendation #2 BTF Recommendation: , Continue installation of bike ~ ~ lanes in parts of City where there is existing/adequate right-of- way (refer to Priority Segments PO- . Matrix) * „ „ ~ dV t .~l►e ~ ~R~ I ~ ~ ~~r- ~ ' °r 1 d t !~.'I„FI~ ~ I~ ~ 1 ~ A . . , ~i . . . , . . ~::'R _ r . ~ ~ ; , . ~44~d • AUBLJR.N* Mc.~~~E THAN YOU iMAU«ED CITY OF ~ 4 i Bke Lanes - AdvantageAs WASHINGTON and Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages • Low cost/high impact ■Space requirements can • Provides bicycle access on preclude other possible uses major through street like parking or excess travel . Clarifies lane use for motorists lane and cyclists ■Colored lanes have higher maintenance requirements • Increases cyclist's comfort through visual separation • Colored lanes increase awareness and safe behaviors by both cyclists and motorists ~'~uBURN ~ . C[TY OF * Short=Term Program * . WASHINGTON Recommendation #3 BTF ~ ' ~ ~ lh ~ k1 , 4 ~ ~j f ~'y { ` 1' },~'j' ♦ ~ ` ~t~' ~ , ,,h Recommendat~ ~on. Develop Auburn specific bicycle signage program to highlight corridors, x - connectors and in- city/out of city 4 } destinations ~ . , _ Source: City of Berkeley, CA ' ALJBUR.N ~ MORETt iAN ~~OU iPOAGINED ~ c;rT AUBURN Y Or * * Bike Signage - Advantages WASH[NGTON and Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages • Low cost/high impact ■Higher initial start up costs • Create recognizable program identity • Increase awareness of community attributes/destinations • Public education/information opportunities • Connects Corridors and Connectors Ai _i BU RN ~ . CITY Of * Short=Term Program * WASHINGTC~~1 ~ Recommendation #4 BTF Recommendation: Make improvements to Iy ~~1~~` ` ;~~,~1 existing Interurban Trail - signage, pavement ~ ~A~ ~ • . ~ y~~~ ~ conditions, vegetation r._-. , . . maintenance, grade crossings, upgrades to user facilities at Main Street _ crossing " - J , I ~ ~ , • r~G" . - a ~ ~ ~ • - ~ ~ AUBURN * MORE ~-HAr~ YOU iMAG«ED C[T Aii Y {aF ~ + Interurban Trail Improvements - Bu,, Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages • Low cost/high impact •Costs • Provide tangible/noticeable •Maintenance requirements benefits to current and future users • Partnership opportunities with private and public sectors AUIitJR.N # rti-1c_~1"I a i 1,~~;N 'y OU ~ . C[TY tJF * Long=Term Program *AD B-U- RN WASHINGTON Recommendation #1 BTF Recommendation: Develop capital improvement program project with cost estimate ; ' : ' for design and construction of bicycle/pedestrian bridge at 4111~~ ~~~~~~,~-r.~en■~.._ _ ;:,~4 f.~ southern terminus of M St. west of ,~►~-1@.~.3 existing Stuck River Vehicle Bridge k ~.~!~R•'^ ~ Please Note: Pictures presented are • examples only and are not intended ~ --~...~L-. to reflect any specific design for the bridge crossing in the City of Auburn . IF . a. ~ a: wty ~,''g- __S•q,~~, y,~..'°~`.1H,,,~„ _ . .,,y.~ ~ . , r?,. " • . ~ _ " ' . - 4 . _ __.~~..---•~~--.i, J UBU~.N'k t~~1C~I~E 'I1 1.~N 'r'~~L! I.MAUNEL) CITYOF ~ M Street Bike/Pedestrian Bridge JklljBURN _ Crossing Over White River- WASHINGTON Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages • Dedicated ■Environmental permitting pedestrian/bicycle bridge issues crossing connecting Central &■Private property ownership North Auburn to South Auburn obstructions Alternative to A Street ■Cost connection • Eliminates need to expand Stuck River Bridge ~.~_1 ~ ~ - , ~ i i r, ' ~ ' ~ 'i~-~~ i fi , . C[TY [JF * Lon g=Term Program - ~ WBU ASHIh1GT(~I'~ ~ Recommendation #2 BTF Recommendation: . ~ Develop capital ~ improvement program project with cost estimate for design and construction of innovative ; and safe pedestrian/bicycle crossing at M St./Auburn y Way South intersection ~_~dj~6,~ ' ~ , . -x; r, , . s ~ r q ' r + ~ J ~ L-~. . `+y y' F~ ~ v_ 'Jo AUBURN* MOi~E T~iA~ INIAGINIEu ~ - - * eITY oF ~ * M Street/Auburn Way South AliBURN Crossing - Advantages and * WASHINGTON Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages • Dedicated ■Right-of-way limitations pedestrian/bicycle crossing ■State right-of-way (SR- connecting Central & North 164)/WSDOT coordination Auburn to South Auburn ■Private property ownership • Safety enhance opportunity obstructions Provides opportunity for •Cost innovative design ' A~~ ~ U RN eIrY oF 'K * Long=Term Program * . WASHINGTON Recommendation #3 BTF Recommendation: Install one or more bike _ . boxes through "pilot „ , . . ~ - - , program approach to test , - effectiveness and public response - possible locations West Main Street/C Street ' intersection, M ~ Street/Auburn Way South intersection, Ellingson Rd/A Street intersection w r'i i.~~ ~UU iJMAUNLD ~ CIT~ OF ~ * - Bike Boxes - Advantages and WASHINGTON Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages • Gives bicyclists priority and ■Right-of-way limitations makes them more visible to ■State right-of-way (SR- mitigate "right - hook" threat 164)/WSDOT coordination • Gives bicyclists on bike ■Private property ownership boulevards priority when signal obstructions has a short green phase ■Cost • Enables left - turning bicyclists to position themselves to the left prior to getting a green signal (works vise - versa if bicyclists turning right from left side bike lane) • Lessens nuisance from exhaust C[T Y OF + Long=Term Program AtiBuRN * WASH I NGTON ~ Recommendation #4 BTF Recommendation: : Install bicycle/pedestrian crossing warning systems along Interurban Trail at all crossing locations - 277t", 37t" St. NW, West Main St. and 15th St. SW - - , - ~ _ . _ 1 ~ ~ ; _ ~s .`.f • ~ t - = ~~y` s+,-F - ~ . . . . . _ . , _ _ _ AUBURN* N-10RE TI l.A,N YOU CIT Ali Y OF ~ ; Interurban Trail Crossings - BU-RN * 'VVAS H I NGTON Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages • Improves safety of crossings ■Cost • Highly visible ■False "sense of security issues " - bicyclists may have false • Informs motorists of potential for bicyclists and pedestrians sense of security ■Public education challenges l iU LSL+ P, l \ ~"L'~0 1 \I. 11 I,Sil`.. . CITY CyF Long=Term Program AtjBu:RN * WASHINGTO'N Recommendation #5 King County Bike Map Pierce County Bike Map f ~Y~ 'Ij 1 -J_'. 1 _ • ~r. ~ r r''': ~ ~i, }tt - ~~rt` ~ i Develop Official Auburn Bike Map . . - : i~;.,.~~-~ . . . : _ _ . _ '..7 ; i • ' s~~ ti.~♦ . , c . r I : i mc-, ' ..''a ~t' l_;~ ' r'~~'l ,~tl_~ ~ , AlJ 17 URN* r','ll_T. E. J, I 'K cIrY oe * . Economic Development ~ AtiBURN WASHINGTON Recommendations • Attract bicycle shop to the City - DONE! - Welcome Cycle Therapy, 104 E. Main St. • Incorporate bicycle program into City's short-term and long-term economic development strategies • Develop Sounder Station as "starting point" for Cascade Bicycle Club and other bike club rides • Rally Auburn Downtown Association and Auburn Tourism Board to develop business support for bicycle riders/create bike-friendly businesses • Create perception of Auburn as "Bicycle City of South King County" • Use social media to advertise Auburn as bicycle friendly community • Connect with different types bicycle organizations about bicycling opportunities in Auburn including Cascade Bicycle Club, Tacoma Wheelmen, Washington Mountain Biking Association • Establish annual bike event in Auburn similar to Redmond Criterium and Enumclaw Days that offer bike awareness and other events such as time trials, road races and multiple terrain racing • Develop annual road race on Auburn streets - work with promoters to have different levels of road racing to appeal to multiple types of riders • Tie in with bicycle racing events at Pacific Raceway like weekly criterium races, mountain biking and Cyclocross • Cyclocross - major event that draws riders from all over Pacific Northwest, California, etc. Multiple venue opportunities needed - could include Pacific Raceway, GRCC, Game Farm Park and/or Roegner Park Al_J RN ~ CITY OF Recommended * - V1~',~SHINGTON Next Steps Retain Bicycle Task Force to advise Mayor and City Council on bicycle planning and implementation including: - Implementation of recommended pilot programs - Incorporation of longer-term capital improvement recommendations into City's Comprehensive Transportation Plan and Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program - Development of Auburn Bicycle Map - Development of Auburn specific bicycle signage program - Preparation of citywide bicycle master plan - Development of a public information/education campaign including but not limited to: • Establishment of a dedicated City web site • Establishment of city staff resource to oversee on-going bicycle education & information efforts • Development public information & education toolkit for use at community events • Development of a targeted presentation for School Districts, churches and other service organizations o Work with Auburn Chamber of Commerce, Auburn Tourism Board and Auburn Downtown Association on business targeted outreach effort to build business support AUBU " * 1~~1012,E -i l I,~N YOU INIAUNED CIT Y OF A.ijBURN WAS H i NGTON THANK YOUI. QUESTIONS? ~ _ . A-L) BU RN moi w E I ~ i