HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM II-A 4 . CIn OF . DRAF7' ' PLANNIIVG COMMISSION * WASHIAIGTON February 8, 2011 MINUTES I: CALL TO ORDER Ghair Judi Roland called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. in the Council Chambers locafed qn the first floor of Aubum City Hall, 25 Wesf Main Street, Aubum, WA. Commission Members present were: Chair Judi Roland'; Vice Chair Kevin Chapman,. Bob Baggett, Michael Hamilfon; Joan Mason, Wayne Osbome, and Dave Peace. ' Gommission Member Excused Copple. Staff present included: Planning Director Kevin Snyder, Planning Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain, and Admin Support,Tina Kriss. Audience Members Present: Terry Davis, Chamber of Commerce (Urban Core Task Force & Bicycle Task Force Member) . II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. January 4, 2011 Commissioner Osborne pointed out an error on page two, VI. A. Election of Officers; Commissioner Roland sfiould be changed to Comrnissioner Chapman as the elected ` Planning Commission Vice-Chairperson. Commissioner Osbome moved and Commissioner Hamilton seconded to approve - the minutes from the January 4, 2011 meeting as amended. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7-0 III. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no members of the public present for comments. IV. PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT Planning Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain updated the Commission on the progress of the Promenade and Cify HaII,Plaza projects. Ms. Chamberlain stated the Promenade is in final design stage and soon to be out for bid and ready for construction possibly at the end of May. The landscaping and pavers for City Hall',Plaza will start next week for about four weeks: Staff.ezpects to be finished wifh the City Hall Plaza at the end`of March to beginning of April: Chair Roland asRed.if the Promenade encompasses just the intersection at Main and Ms. Chamberlain stated it starts at-Main and extends to Third Street 8E. The signal at the intersection of Main and Division (Promenade) has been redesigned to integrate with'the new street light standards. With the change in the signal the consultant provided tlie design for a gateway at the end of Third and Cross Street fo create a book-end look. The City agreed to install the gateway and may possibly install and locate these in other areas of downtown to create entrance points into Downtown. 1 . Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 8, 2011 . Director Kevin Snyder updafed Commissioners on the three party agreement between Wal-Mart, Glimcher, and the City. The agreement sfated within 90 days the new V1/al- - ,Mart opening one of the. parties must move forward to present a plan for either reuse or demolition of the old existing sife. .Glimcher opted not to purchase the old existing building Ieaving Wal-Mart with the responsibility of going forward with a plan. To date we have_not received a solidifed plan#rom Wa1-Mart,.the City continues to work with Wa1-Mart to bring forward a development plan for the existing old site. They have identified potential developers and the City continues to work with them: Tlie City, has the ability to weigh in on the tenant mix forthe site or building. Mr. Snyder also discussed an ordinance for fee defeRals and a construction sales tax exempfion for specific businesses with the Planning Commission. V. PUBUC HEARINGS ' There are no items for public hearing. VI. OTHER BUSINESS A. Urban Core Task Force , Planning Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain provided the'Planning Commission with reco"mmendations of the Urban Core Task Force (UCTF) which was appointed by Mayor , Lewis in January 2010.. The task force, along with facilitator Kathryn Rogers Merlino and' Chair Terry Davis created the following mission statement: °Creating a vibrant, green walkable urban core with connections to multiple activities and destinations in Aubum°. The task force released a report summarizing the work in the form of Six Guiding Principles forthe City of Aubum. Each of the six principles is detailed with sub-principles and action items, giVing recommendations for future projected growth and development for up to 50;000 more residences in the urban core by 2050 and beyond. Ms. Chamberlain and ChairTerry Davis provided'the following details of the Six Guiding Principles which were guided by the UCTF mission statement: 1. Gapitalize On Aubum's Uniqueness 2. Promote Mixed-USe - M'ixed-Income Residential Development and Urban Infill in the _ Proposed Urban Core Bounda_ry Ms. Chamberlain pointed out a map, page 18, showing the current core boundary in blue and the new largerproposed boundary in red. Commissioner Chapman asked if the areas that are commercial or Jight industrial will . be in an urban downtown. area, will rezoning need to take place. " Ms. Chamberlain , answered stating that:rezoning of property may be needed in the future but not now. ~ The UCTF was charged with developing a vision 40=years out and recommendations for implementation. Implementation of those recommendations will be discussed with the City Council and eventually the Planning Commission through comprehensive plan policies and potentially zoning changes. 2 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 8, 2011 , Commission and staff discussed the growth in the urban center. Most of the growth would be directed to the urban center, see map on page 22. Commission members and staff discussed the variations of increased density in urban core as well as the fufure height of buildings in the downtown area and future infrastructure. 3. Provide for Economic Growth in the City through a Diversity of Means The UCTF discussed areas of growth forfuture economic development and among ' the areas discussed was the Aubum Airport. The UCTF considered expansion of the Auburn Airport through extension of the runwayto 5,000 would allow.the airport to accept larger cargo planes. The hospital also has great potential for growth; the City would like to work with the hospital on future visions and staff will be working on this. The Council would like'to look into a medical overlay which ties into the future goals. 4. Provide a Variety of Connectivity Choices Widening sidewalks fo provide improved and pleasant accessibility from parking and fransit to retail destination.s, as well as in between retail`and entertainment yenues themselves: The UCTF worked to find what the City's pedestrian enVironment is and what connective choices provide for pedesfrian moVement. The task force also looked at how to connect downtown to other locations throughout the City (e.g. Les Gove Campus, Emerald Downs). 5. Expand, Protect and Enhance.City Open Space Ms. Chamberlain discussed the vision of providing the Urban Core with a centrally located urban civic park and smaller parks (play parks, dog parks, pocket parks) with the newly identified boundaries. Page 34 provides two of the UCTFdeterminations of where new open spaces would work and be beneficial. 6. Encourage Developmental Practices that Lessonthe Impact on the Environment and Encourage Economic Growth, Everyone is moving towards sustainable development and the UCTF needed to look at greener, low impact development. In 40 years there will be a lot of technologies to be incorporated into construction. Many types of deVelopment were looked atfor sustainability effort in the future. Commissioners asked abouf the railroad property and the Muckleshoot properties for potential growth and development. Staff stated at this time there has been no discussions with either group for future plans. Planning Commissioners expressed their concem to make sure we also look ahead to the needs of our disabled citizens and work towards goals of the future in providing safety as they frequent our local businesses. B. Bicycle Task Force Director Snyder explained the Bicycle Task Force (BTF) was esfablished in March of 2010 by Mayor Lewis. The BTF is comprised of 12 individuals plus representatives from Auburn School District, Green River Community College and Cascade Bicycle Club and the owner of Cycle Therapy Bike Shop. - , 3 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 8, 2011 The BTF focused on possible improvement on Connections, Recreational Opportunities, and Economic Development. The BTF provided the #ollowing short-term recommendations: • The BTF determined a short-term program recommendation would be to use Sharrows/Share the road signage in residential and some non-residential areas of#he City. If was recommended that a sharrows pilot program be started for 18 - 24 montfis. Possible locations are Green River Road, F Street - Les Gove Campus to Main Street, Main Street Comdor and Oravetr Road SE from A Street SE to Lakeland Hills SE bike lanes. • Continue installation of bike lanes in parts of City where there is existing/adequate right-of-way. e Develop Au6am specific bicycle signage program to highlight corridors, connectors and in-c'ity out of City destinations. • Make improvements to existing Interurban Trail signage, pavement conditions, vegetation maintenance; grade crossings, and upgrades to user facilities at main . Street crossing. o Develop Capital improvement program project with cost estimate for design and construction of bicycle/pedestrian bridge at southem terminus of M Street west of ezisting Stuck River Vehicle Bridge: • Develop, a capital improvement program project with cost estimates for the design and,construcfion ofi innovative and safe pedestrian/bicycle crossing at M Street Auburn Way South intersection. • Install_one or more bike boxes through "pilot program" approach to test effectiveness and public response - possible locations West Main Street / C Street intersection, M Streef /Aubum Way South intersection, Ellingson Rd / A Street infersection. • Install bieycle / pedestrian crossing waming systems along Interurban Trail at all crossing locations - 277, 37h Street NW, West main Street and 1e Sfreet SV1/. Lon4-Term Proaram recommendations a Develop 0fficial Auburn Bike Map Planning Commissioners exp'ressed their concern that our parking is not reduced to the ~ point where;the balance befinreen cars; pedestrians, and bicycles are not equal. Commission members stated'the City should provide more education to promote safety for both the riders and drivers: Chair Roland also brought up the overall cost of these ideas. Mr. Snyder stated this will not be immediately implemented, small steps will be taken first to create complete streets. Council is supportiVe of bringing forward elements yet being cost conscience. Prior to implementing these recommendations'the capital improvemenfi plan will come before the Planning Commissionfor your ideas and.thoughts. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being nafurther business to come before the Planning Commission, Chair Roland adjourned the meeting at 9:02 p.m. 4