HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM VI-A crrxoF Memorandum * . WASHINGTON To: Planning Commission From: Stuart Wagner, Planner Planning and' Developmenf Department CC: Elizabeth Chamberlain, AIGP, Planning Manager Date: March 8, 2011 Re: Code Update Project - Schedule Background At the January 10, 2011.PIanning and Development Committee (PCDC) meeting a discussion was held on the topics; issues, and priorities related to the continued modification of Title 18 - Zoning of the Auburn City Code. After gathering input from the Committee, a schedule was presented by staff _ at their February 14, 2011 meeting showing how the various code changes will be handled in 2011. The purpose of this meeting is to review.the schedule witli the Planning Commission. Prior to discussing the schedule it's worth mentioning the broad objectives of The Code Update. again because they continue. to be relevant and staff will consider them when preparing and . evaluating any new code sections.. The Code Update Prbject is intended to meet four broad objectives; . Improve the readability of fhe development regulations and design standards and make them easier for property owners, applican#s, and City residents to use; • Updatethe developmenf regulations and design standards technical content to address known issue areas and better supportthe City's development review and quasi judicial decision. process; • Ensure.that the development regulations and design stan.dards are.coordinated and consistent , with Auburn's.Comprehensive Plan and other state land use. and enVironmental requirements. . Promote sustainability concepts,where feasible Discussion The Code Updafe Project includes a series of City initiated code changes and one privately initiated code change. They are summarized below: City initiated code changes • Phase 1 Carryover Code:lNork (cottage housing and cluster subdivision) • Phase 2 Code Update Work -'Part I(non-res: zones, parking; landscaping, and variances) 0 Phase 2 Code Update Work - Part 11 (non-conforming uses, other procedures) • Miscellaneous code changes (microbreweries, compressed natural gas, master plans, forest practice regs) , • Electric Vehicles • Site Plan Review Privately initiated code changes • Mosby Farms (agricultural enterprises) When creating the schedule it became apparent that some of the City initiated code changes could be considered at the same fime. As such, staff chose to incorporate the code changes into four separate tracks. These tracks can be identified in the schedule enclosed with this memorandum. Track 1 will consist of the Phase I carryover work together with miscellaneous code changes. Track 2 will be the Phase II code update work (Part I) together with the new site plan review process. Track 3 will be a continuation of the Phase II code update work (Part II). Track 4 will be the code changes proposed by Burr Mosby of Mosby Farms and the electrical vehicle ordinance. The subject matter and timing of each track is summarized below: Subject Matter Timing City Council Action Track 1 Phase 1 carryover code work 5 months July 5, 2011 Miscellaneous code changes Track 2 Phase 2 code update work - Part I 6 months August 15, 2011 Site Plan Review Track 3 Phase II code update work - Part II 10 months November 21, 2011 Track 4 Mosby Farms (privately initiated) 4 months June 6, 2011 Electric Vehicles Also within the schedule are the steps needed to accomplish each track. Generally each track will hold two PCDC meetings to review general concepts and changes to the format of code as well as a PCDC and Planning Commission Joint working session before the actual code changes go to a public hearing held by the Planning Commission. Finally, after the public hearing is held the code changes will go back to the PCDC and Public Works Committee for review, before a decision is made by the City Council. Attachment A: Schedule 2 ~ ' ~ 1- - - - - . Task Deseription 2011 feb March April May Jkme July August Septamber October Novem6sr December Phase l- Code Update Carryover 14th 21th 28th 7th 141h 21s1 281h 4th 111h 18th ' 251h 2nd ~ 9th 16ih 23rd 30th 6th 13th 201h 271h 4th 111h 18th 25th 1s1 8th 151h 22nd 29ih 5lh 12th 19th 261h 3rd 10ih 17th 24th ist 7th 14th 21st 281h 5th 12th 19th 26ih Drafl Code Amendmenis on Cottage Housing and Clusler Sub PCDC Council Committee Mtg lo Review Code FormaVOutline and Planning Commision Joinl Work Sessions Code Amendinent Revisions 4-T--- PCDC - - - - ~ Nonpraject SEPA - ~ State 60-Day Review Period TRACK 1 - - - - -I - ~ - Planning Commission Public Hearing - - - - -PCDC Council Committee Review PC Recommendalion * * T - - - - - PW Council Committee Review PC Recommentlafion ~ -t - - - -r__ City Council Actlon * ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - I Phase 2 Cotle Uptlale Work (Non-Residential Zones Parki(ig, Landscaping, and Variances) - -I_ - Research and Draft Code Amendmenls ~ PCDC Council Committee Mig to Review Code FormaVOutline PCDC and Planning Commision Joinl Work Sessions - - L- * Public Open Houses on Nonresitlential Issues * - f I - Revise Draft Code Sections Based UPon Feetlback ~ -`-fl-- I ~ Nanproject SEPA - State 60-Day Review Period TRACK 2 Planning Commission Public Hearing on Nonresidential Cotle y~ PCDC Council Commitiee Review PC Recommendation PW Council Committee Review PC Recommendation ~ * - - City Council Action Phase 2 Cotle Update Work Conl (Non-Conforming Uses, Sepcial Exceptions, Atlminislralive Appeal, Other Procedural) i ~ - Research and Draft Code Amendments PCDC Council Commitiee Mig to Review Code FormaUOutline * * * PCDC and Planning Commision Joint Work Sessions * Revise Draft Code Sections Based Upon Feedback Nonprojed SEPA State 60-Day Review Period TRACK 3 Plannin g Commission Public Hearin g on Nonresidential Code PCDC Council Coinmitlee Review PC Recoinmendation * * PW Council Commiilee Review PC Recommendalion ~ -r-~-~ -F - * City CoLmcil Action * m• -11 : 11 _ 01- . _ . : , e 'ee ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ : e, . u a ~ - 7. . ~ s , s~ ,-r 9 A a . ~ u~- ~~c • Legend * Meefing Daie„ ~ TimelinE i(.c~i,i....In;..,h . , TaskDescription 2011 Feb March April May June July August September October November December SitePlanRevievr I14th 21ih128th 7fh I14thl21stl28ih 4ih I11thl18thj25th 2ndl 9lh I16thI23rdI30thl 6th 13th~20ihi27thl 4th 11th 18th 251h 1sl 8th 15ih 22nd 291h 5th 12th 19th 26th 3rd 10ih 17th 24th 1st 7fh 141h 21st 28th 5lh 12ih 191h 26th Research and Drafl Code Amendmenis PCDC Council Commillee Mlg to Review Code FormaUOulline * * PCDC and Planning Commision Joinf Work Sessions Revise Draft Code Sections Basetl Upon Feedback Nonprojecl SEPA 5tafe GO-Day Review Period 7RACK 2 Planning Commission Public Hearing on Nonresideniial Cotle * PCDC Council Committee Review PC Recommendation * * * PW Council Committee Review PC Recommendation City Council Action I,1isc. Code Changes (Microbreweries, CNG, master plan, forest practice regulations) Research and Draft Code Amendmenis PCDC Council Commiilee Mtg io Review Code FormaVOufline * * PCDC and Planning Commision Joint Work Sessions Revise Draft Code 5ections Basetl Upon Feedback Nonproject SEPA Stale 60-Day Review Periotl TRACK 1 Planning Commission Public Hearing * PCDC Council Commiltee Review PC Recommendation * PW Council Commiltee Review PC Recommendation Cily Council Action hiosby Farms Privafe Inifaled Code Amentlment Review Draft Code Amendments PCDC Council Commiltee Mtg to Review Code FonnaVOufline Slate 60-Day Review Period Planning Commission Public Hearing * PCDC Councii Committee Review PC Recommendalion TRACK 4 * * PW Council Commiltee Review PC Recommendation * Cily Council Action Ele:ctric Vehicles (July 11, 2011 adoplion da(e required) Research and Draft Code Amentlments PCDC Council Committee Mtg lo Review Code FormaVOutline * * Revise Draft Code Sections Based Upon Feedback Nonpraject SEPA State 60-Day Review Period Planning Commission Public Hearing 7~C PCDC Council Committee Review PC Recommenda(ion TRACK 4 * 7~i' PW Councll Committee Review PC Recommentlation City Cauncil Action or .1 R11111 t.r.:,i.l.....eq.ol„7..ae..7'.:4•J71.7. ..-ae~c.,,..1 I ,.':~..s ?rtno~,:.~.~7~,iP,•.-... , Legend Timeh