HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM I - VAR11-0001 . ~ , , • cinroF AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FOR9VI WASHINGTON ) ' AQenda Subject, Public Hearing Application No. VAR11-0001 Date: 2/17/2011 " Department: Planning and Attachments: Please refer to Exhibit Budget Impact: NA Development List Administrative Recommendation: Hearing Examiner to approve the Variance<to allow an off-site freestanding sign in the RO, residential , Office zonin district based u on the Findin s:of Fact, Conclusions and Conditions as outlined. Backaround Summarv: OWNER/APPLICANT: Jacob Sweeting, Project Manager City of Aubum Public Works Department REQUEST: Application for a Variance to Aubum Gity Code (ACC) section 18.56.040B , to allow an off,-site sign in the Residential Office (RO) zoning district. The _ off-site freestanding sign for the Park Apartments complex is necessary as : part of the City originated M Street SE grade separation project. The grade - separation project will require the,removal of the existing signage for the apartmenf eomplex. . LOCATION: The subject properties are 510 M Street SE (Park Apartments), and 600 M Street SE (owned by the COA) (S18, T21 N, R5E) (parcel number . 1821059281) EXISTING ZOMING: Residential Office (RO) EXISTING LAND USE: Multiple family residential - Apartment complex GOMFREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Residential Office SEPA STATUS: The variance and sign permit themselves are exempt from SEPA however, a Combined Adoption of Exis6ng Documents and Determination of Non- Significance was previously issued for the M ST SE grade separation project on November 19, 2010 (SEP10-0010). viewe y ouna ommi es: viewe y epa me ivisions: Arts Commission UNCIL COMMITTE S: Building M&O Airport Finance Cemetery Mayor Mearing Examiner MunicipaP Serv. Finance Parks Human SerVices • Planning & GD Fiit Planning Park Board Public Works Legal Police Planning Comm. Other Public Works Human Resources Action: Committee Approval: Yes No , Council Approval: ByeseNo Call for Public Hearing Referred to Until Ta61ed Until l / Councilmember: Staff: Ta lor Meetin Date: March 9 2011 Item Number. . AjBj jM ~k MORE THAN YOU 1v1AGINED I i ~ :Aqenda Subiect Public Hearing VAR11-0001 Date: . 2/17/2011~'~°~~~0~~ The Comprehensive Plan designation, zoning designation and land uses of the surrounding properties are: Address Comprehensive Zoning Land Use Plan Site(s) 510 M Office residential RO, Residential Apartment Street SE Office buildings, the and 600 M City parcel is Street SE vacant and is surrounded by a ~ fence. North No physical Moderate Density R7; Residential Railroad tracks address Residential BNSF South 702 M Office Residential RO, Residential Eagle Lodge Street SE Office East 525 R Ofifice Residential R5; Residential Muckleshoot Street.SE Indian Tribe West 11106... Moderate Density T R10, Residential T Residential Street SE Residential EXHIBIT UST Exhibit 1 Staff Report Exhibit 2 vcinity Map -ExhibiY3 Completed Application Form and application materials Exhibit 4 Notice of Application and Notice of Public Hearing Exhibit 5 Affidavit of Posting Exhibit 6 Affidavit of Mailing FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The City of Aubum has applied for a variance to allow the placement of an off-site freestanding sign for the Park Apartments. Park Apartments are located in the Residential Office (RO) district. Placement of an off-site sign is not permitted in the RO district pursuant to Section 18.56.040B. Off- . site signs are only allowed in the C3, Heavy Commercial zoning district (ACC 18.56.040(F)). 2. The Cityof Auburn has applied for this variance due to City acquisition of the right-of-way and the resulting displacement of the existing sign resulting from the City initiated M Street SE grade separation project. 3. The M Street SE grade separation project, is located on M Street SE between 3rd and 8th Streets SE in the vicinity of the Washington State Roufe 18 overpass and. the at-grade BNSF Stampede Rail crossing in Aubum. The projecf includes lowering M Street SE below the existing BNSF railroad, constructing a new railroad bridge, widening the roadway #rom 2 to 5 lanes, and adding bicycle lanes and sidewalks. 4. This project was identified in the 1997 Auburn Stampede Raii Traffic fmpa4t Siudy as r:ecessary to mitigate the impacts .from BNSF expanding operations on the Stampede Pass rail line. The study identified that up to 22 daily trains may operate in the future on the Stampede Pass line and create perpetual gridlock throughout the City and on nearby State highways. M Street SE has also been identified as a freight Action Strategy (FAST) corridor project. FAST is a multi-agency coalition dedicated to improving freight mobility.throughout the Puget Sound Region and mitigafing the impacts of freight movements on local communities. 5. Completing the M Street SE Grade separation will not only impeove freight mobility for train and truck traffic, it will also eliminate the significant traffic back-ups that overtax the City's arterial street system. . Page 2 of 61 , . AQenda Subjecf Public Hearing VAR11-0001 Date: 2/17/2011 t~ ;v,a~,bey. Of p~/~, • , These backups impact emergency vehicle access, the 53 daily school bus crossings, residentiai and business driveways, and local neighborhood streets. The project; will also provide secondary 6enefits that include improved travel times; reduction of cut-through traffic on neighborhood streets; airquality along the corridor; and beautificat'ton of one of Aubum's key gateways. By separating #his existing at- grade/street-rail crossing from the railroad safety will be substantially improved. Replacement of fhe at-grade crossing will eliminate the possibility of fatalities and injuries that oiten result frorr cvllis;cns between trains, vehicles, and pedestrians. It will also eliminate blocking delays that cause traffic congesfion/delays; reducing the intrusive noise from train homs and automatic waming devir.es, and will improve emergency response times. 6. The City initiated M Street SE grade separation project will eliminate an at grade railroad crossing on M Street SE. Burlington Northern 3anta Fe Railway Company will be re-opening the railroad tracks in this area. Due to the planned volume and length of trains that will occupy these tracks the road would . be blocked for long periods of time, therefore to maintain this part of the roadway system it is necessary for the City to eliminate this at grade road crossing. The project will require the City to change the grade of M Street SE reducing the grade in this area by 10 to 15 feet. 7. Phase 1 of the M StreetSE grade separation project will begin by the end of 2011 and is projected to be completed by the end of 2013. Phase 2 bf the projecf is cuRently on hold pending funding . availability and the availability of WSDOT plans to construct a new interchange from SR18 near the proposed Auburn Black Diamond By-Pass Road. Phase 2 is not likely to be underway for several years. 8. Phase 2 would result in again moving the sign from M Street SE to the proposed new road, identified as "future road" by the exhibit attached to the variance application dated January 21, 2011. 9. Phase 1 of the M Street SE grade separation project will lower the roadway across the entire roadway fronfage of the Park Apartments 10 to 15 feet below the existing grade, making the re-establishment of a driveway at current location directly from M Street to the Park Apartments unfeasible. 10. The driveway for the Park Apartments will be r.elocated before the grading begins associated with the M Street SE grade separation project. 11. The driveway will be relocated on M Street SE approximately 350 feet south from the current driveway access. . 12. An easement for the sign will be granted to the property owner. The easement will include language. that allows the easement to be removed by the City once'Phase 2 is constructed and the sign needs to be relocated again to make way for the new road. 13. When the driveway is relocated the sign will not serve to correctly direct traffic to the re-located driveway access. It makes sense for the sign to be re-located near the re-located driveway to the apartments. 14.. The sign is proposed to be moved south on M Street SE by approximately 350 feet. It will be moved on to property owned by the City, currently addressed as 600 M Street SE. 15. The sign may be moved again in the future as part of Phase 2 improvements. , 16. The existing sign is 8 feet wide by 4 feet tall and is supported. 6y side posts that are 6 feet talL The sign reads "The Park at Aubum 735-6394". The sign is double sided and there is one spot light per side of the sign. A new sign is not proposed, the existing sign will be relocated. Page 3 of 6 , :Agenda Subject Public Hearing VAR11-0001 Date: ~+,7aambea~ ~f Fftges.~ w 2/17/2011 17 The City will acquire, as right of way, the area where the existing driveway and sign are located on. 510 M Street SE. The City will acquire 22 feet of ROW width from 510 M Street SE with another 10 feet behind that for easement for waterline:and wall supports. This area will be cleared, excavated, and re-constructed as sidewalks and retaining walls. The existing signage that serves the Park Apartments will be removed as part bf fhis project. 18: Other City departments and divisions have reviewed the variance application. The proposal originated in the City Public Works Department. No concerns were disclosed by other deparfinents/divisions based on their review of the proposal. FINDING OF FACT: CONCLUSIONS Staff`has concluded fhaf the requested variance should be approved as the applicant has met the burden of proof in demonstrating that they are consistent with all of the following criteria necessary to grant avariance as outlined in Section 18.70.010 (A)(1-10) ofthe Zoning Ordinance. An analysis of the application supporting the variance criteria follows. 1: T,hat there are unique physical conditions including narrowness or shallowness of lot size or shape, . or exceptional topographica/ or other physical conditions peculiar to and inherenf in the particu/ar lot; and that, as a resu/t of such unique physica/ conditions, practica/ difficulties or unnecessary hardships arise in complying with provisions of fhe Zoning Ordinance. The Park Apartments currently have a sign located on their parcel that complies with the zoning ordinance. The existing sign'is 8 feet wide by 4 feet tall and is supported by side posts that are 6 feet tall. The sign reads "The Park at Aubum 735-6394". The sign is double sided and there is one spof light per side of fhe sign. A new sign is not proposed, the existing sign will be relocated. Due to changes in the street resulting from future actions to be initiated by the City of Auburn the sign needs 'to be relocated and the proposed relocated sign will no -longer comply with the zoning ordinance since it will no longer be located on the same parcel as the use it advertises. The City is ehanging M Street SE as part of a grade separation project If left in its current location the sign would be approximately 10 to 15 feet in the air above the re-established road when constFUCtion is complete. This is a unique physical condition; the City is excavating the current road to sink it below the rail road tracks. The• changes resulting from this project, will reduce the visibility and safe placement of the current sign, and it will' need to be moved in order for the sign to be visible and safely placed. The City proposes to allow the Park Apartment to place a sign off of the property, on the adjacent prope_rty located at 600 M Street SE and owned by the city. An easement for the sign will be granted to the property owner. The easement will include language that allows the easement to be removed.by the City once Phase 2 is constructed and the sign needs to be relocated again to make way for the new road. 2. That, because of such physical conditions, the deve/opment of the lot in strict conformity wifh the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance will not allow a reasonab/e and harmonious use of such lot. The Park Apartments are subject to a project initiated by the City of Aubum that is resulting in a unique physical condition. When the M Street SE grade separation project will sink the existing road grade 10 to 15 feet in this area. The current location of the sign would then be 10 to 15 feet above the street when the street imProvements are completed, and the sign would not longer be located by the driveway providing access into the apartments. Due to the proposed construcfion the City is proposing to. move the access driveway associated with the Park Apartmenfs. Strict application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would deprive the Park Apartments of reasonable signage. 3. That the variance, if granted, will nof alter the character of the neighborhood, or be detrimental to Page 4 of 6 . ,AQenda Subject Public Hearing VAR11-0001 . Date: \n,I,~~~~, Sl~,. 2/17/2011 surrounding properties in which the lot is located. For nonconforming sing/e-family homes, this frnding is determined to be met ifthe features of the proposed Variance are consistent wifh other , comparabie features within 500 feef of the proposaL . Granfing a variance to allow the placement of an off-site sign on 600 M Street SE will not alter the character of the neighborhood. The existing sign will be relocated and a different type of sign is not being proposed, the character of the neighborhood or roadway corridor will not be changed; Other similar signs are present along M Street Se, senring adjacent properties including the Eagles Lodge; King County Housing Authority° housing, and other apartment complexes: The off-site sign will be placed close to the proposed new access driveway that will serve the Park Apartments during the Phase 1 of the M Streefi SE grade separation project. The re-location of the existing sign will . provide needed direction to drivers and will result in fewer I_ost drivers in the neighborhood. The re- loeation of the sign will alleviate potential detriment to surrounding properties, which may otherwise have to bear the turn around, or slow and distracted activities of lost or confused drivers. ' 4. That the specia/ circumstances and conditions associated with the variance are not a resu/t of the actions of the applicant or previous owners. The relocation of the sign is necessitated by the street grade separation project initiated by the Gity of Auburn. The special circumstances are not the result of actions taken by the applicant qr, previous property owner. The need to sink the road 10 to 15 feet, and thereby shifting the existing . grade below where the existing sign functions, arises from the need to eliminate this at grade railroad track crossing. The need to eliminate this at grade railroad track crossing is the result of actions taken by the Burlington Northem Santa Fe Railway Company. The BNSF Railway . 'Company proposes to re-open the railroad tracks just north of 510 M Street SE. The re-opening of the railroad tracks will increase the frequency and length of trains that utilize them. The applicant (the City), the owners of the Park Apartments, and the penrious owners of both the Park Apartments and 600 M Street SE did not create the situation that has ultimately led to the need for a code variance for the sign location. 5. Literal interpretation of the provisions of the Zoning Code wou/d deprive the applicant of rrghts - commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning districf. Citeral inferpretation of the provision of the Zoning Code would deprive Park Apartments of the, rights to adequate signage to the property. As an apartment complex the Park Apartments have occasional vacancies and needs for advertisement. Without adequate signage the Park Apartments will be deprived of the rights of signage commonly enjoyed by similar uses and other properties in the RO district. - 6. The approva/ of the variance will be consistent with the purpose of the Zoning Code and the zoning district in which the property is located. The existing sign is 8 feet wide by 4 feet tall and is supported by side posts that are 6 feet talL The sign reads "The Park at Aubum 735-6394". The sign is double sided and there is one spot light per side of the sign. A new sign is not proposed, the existing sign will be relocated. The purpose of the Zoning Code is to regulate signage to create a safe and harmonious visual pattem on the street The stated purpose of the RO, Residential Office zoning district is intended for those areas that are . in transition from residential to commercial uses along arterials or near the hospital. The approval ofi the variance will be consistent with each of these purposes by allowing the re-location of the existing sign to an off-site location that will be more harmonious, and safe, than the current location of the existing sign currently located at the Park Apartments. 7. The variance will not allow an increase in the number of dwelling units permifted bythe zoning Page 5 of 6 •Agenda Subject Pubiic Hearing VAR11-0001 , Date: • 2/17/2011 district . . Not applicable. The authorization of such variance wi!l notadversely affect the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan will not be adversely affected by this variance request. - 9. The variance shall not allow a land use that is not permifted under the zoning district in which the property is /ocated. The variance does not affecf the allowed uses. Both, the site of the apartments and their existing sign and the proposed sign location.are located in the RO; Residential Office zoning district. , 10. The variance shall not change any regulafions or conditions established by surface mining permifs, _ conalitiona/ use permits or,contracf rezones authorized by the Cify Council. . There are no other regulations or conditions related.to previous approvals that apply. " RECOMMENDATION , Based on the applicanYs submittal and on the Facts, Findings and Gonclusions of the staff report, staff recommends that the variance requests for:an off-site freestanding sign be APPROVED with 2 conditions. 1. The City shall grant an easemenf on 600 M Street SE allowing the placement of the sign described as 8 feet wide by.4 feet tall supported by side post5 that are 6 feet tall. The easement shall be conditioned to allow the sign to remain on the City owned property, 600 M Street SE throughout the duration of~Phase 1 of the grade separation project. The easement language shall address the termination of the easement agreement. 2. The lifetime of fhe variance will be Iinked to the easement as granted by the City on 600 M Street . SE. Pursuanf to Section 18:70.010 of the ACC the variance shall be vested at the time the easement is granted. , Staff reserves the right to supp/ement the record of the case fo respond to matters and information raised subsequentfo the writing of this report. Rage 6 of 6 Ngetber d !a~\ ~LC'isM r~etir- t ' • ~ . ~ ~ : • 1 ~ : ~ S yL `.i ~`'t i • r ` ' r: i~. C• .r.. ~ ~_ti•. , f ••'i 171 ~y - •t r ~ ~'1 ~ e•a. '~a~d {^e .:i ~ d 'i.•' C ' :7 ~ r J~' . t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . ' ' . W~ • - ~ -'o- ~ ; ~ ti ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ . /y • ~ r 'i • * t ~ i t' t . .,4 1 f,a s~' ~a aaa~~.y:.,... ,.w----~;,:;.._ ~ - ~~ti y , . . .~...~..,.M_.w... . . . . , : . . ~ ~ . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . - - e. - "--''''~y~~" ~`i""y-:.'"`• , _ . :,r ' . ;tiY _ K . i°„~--f: •:_,;,ti~;~,'~'.: '~"..~•7"~yw` ~.ti~.:~• . t Wil tK . k;~.~~;'~,`~~ ~ -r . ~ ~~'.r'.~~'4 ~ ~ ~y~ res~y.;ye. 'L'it ~s:f'F. L'r ~y,w .'z+.~ti ` + _ . : , ~.rT,7~~ Ti Y;5':~ '~...f~:r TFF' •.~S ~~ef.~t _ . ~y t• aj" _ p l7~.~ `uo~, ~ . -i~.ti ~`~i~~. .l.~r S ~ A~~ ~ ,2~ fit ~('J.} ! ~ ~9 ~ ~r-3 M. .F.3 ~ A~ ~ - .a t ~ ,:,:.Y~~ ,,y•~~; ,i - ~ ~r.:..:...._.~ f„~ , ';t~~.{,+r•~ •s~w. yq`r~ ` ~•'Ey'~ Q • ~ ~ ` ~ , ~r+~ ` f uIt _l!r<';% % '2172 10 7~ I t rs . f'•;~•ys+'''~ + r s...' : _ J ~.r, ' a e e. : ,cr, .~s! ~ 192 ~ ~ 1072 ~ . . _ '""~f y~ ; ~L o~,' v ~ 2~~1 C~~~~?7~3 • , t ' . . :~?Yl'~ ` L ~ •fr: ~ rte ? , • ~°'s ' ~ '4.'~.. ~ f.'•7 f°! W'i. •,E S.. - 1:rS2 5-938rr ~L1L AVV~i:~Jy _ c ~ - . crv . c.zoi.9 ; .PoryAY, <tsi~~tr° y,z" Gs" • • "crrxoF U-A I - 000 f . Pl.antring, Building, and Cofnmufzity Departirrent MASTER LAND USEAPPLICATION-PLANNINGAPPLICATIONS , Project Name M Street SE Grade Separation (Phase 1) nate 1/14/2011. Parcel Na(s) 1821059281 Site Address 510 M Street SE - Legal Description (attached separate shcet"if necessary) PorEiort of SE 9/4, SE 114, Sec. 18, _ TWN 21N.. RG 5 E.. W.M. Appltcant Name: Jacob Sweetinq, Proiect Enqineer, Citv of Auburn `Mailing Address: 25 West Main Sfreet; Auburn. WA 98001 Telephone and Fax: Phone: 253-804-5059 Fax: 253-931-3053 Email: isweetin , rnwa.qov , Si nature: Uwner (if more t aa dfie atfach inother sheet) Name: The Park at Aubum LCC (Eli Moreno, Manaqinq Partner) Mailing Address: 3702 Sou#h Fife Street #24 - Telephone and Fax: 253.279.0776 . Email: moreno.el[ aCD.comcast.net Si nature: Enginecr/Architecture/Otlier Namc: Maiting Address: • Telephone and Fax: Email: Description of Proposed Action: Allow an off-site sign forthe Park Apartments (510 M Street SE) on 600 M Street SE property (owned by the City of Auburn), e of A 13cation Re tilred Check allthat A I Adminishative Appeal*' Rezone (site specific)* Aret► Wide Administrative UsePernut* Short Plat Anaexation* Speeial Exception* Line Adjustment SpeciRl Home Occupation Percnit* Boundary Comprehensive Pian Amendment (Text ar Map)* Substantial Shoreline Developnient* Conditional Use Permit* Surface Mining Permit* Criticai Areas Variance* Temporary Use Permit Development Agreement* ✓ Variance* Environmental Review (SEPA)* *Please note that public notification is Final Plat required. A separate cost is charged Preliminary PIaE* for the signs. City prepares signs but PUD Site Plan Approval applicant responsible for sign posGng. H-HReasonable Use Bxcc tion# B'ECEIVEP Page 1 of2 JQN 21 2011 AiJBURN *MOO THAN XoU livtAG1.NED GiTY UF AUBURN PE-RMT CENTER ~ ' • C. t'CY OF_ * . '1NA5HtNG7'ON pjanniyig, Burlding, anrl Coninrrrnity Depat•trnent LETTER FROM PROPERTY OWNER GRANTING AUTHORIZATION TO ACT (A copy af thts letter must be su6mitted for each property owner involved) L The Park at Auburn LLC , being duly sworn declare that I am the owner of the property (PROPERTY OWNER) Involved in the application. I hereby grant, Jacob Sweetinq of the City of Auburn to act on my behalf. I further declare that alt statements, answers, and informarion herein submitted is in ali respects true and correct to the ' best of my knawledge and belief, ~ - . , ; ~-~f--j~.~.f Y ~--~,y 4• -J' ~~-r+-- . . . ~ ~ . Signature . Date . , 3,;7'192 , d _~~r~~: , Address Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~ day of i Notary Pubiic in and for the Staate of Washington, ~ Residing at . ~•~``'`1t3A Y`'`'~., . p~50~... 14 or G: ' A.p~ • N = ♦ M . • ocC • _ 20i . . • • ♦ ,P . I, • , a U$LIC • 4•., o,~• • • c~'~••~' ~ ~ , wA Page 2 of 2 . AUBURN'k MOI1i THAN YOU 1MAGINEU ' M Street SE Grade Separatlon - Request for Variance to allow Offsite Sign for 518 M Street ' SE (Park Apartments) on 600 M Street SE (C1ty of Auburn vacant property) January 21, 2094 RE: Written Explanation a) Unique conditions regarding the retocation of a sign serving 570 M Street SE (Park . Apartments) make It difficulf to comply wlth Auburn Ci[y Code. Phase 9 of the City's M Street SE . Gratle Separafion Project (Praject) is scheduled to start construction this year and wil! Iower and widen M Street SE along the Park Apartmenfs roadway frontage such tiiat the apartment's exis#ing access driveway and adjacent sign require relocation. Please see attached Exhibit. The areas where the existing driveway and s9gn are lacated are being acquired as rlghf of way and will be cleared, excavated, and re-consfructed as sidawalks and retafning walls. Ahase 2 of the Project will construct a roadway fhat connects M Street SE to Auburn Black Diamond Road (to be calied 6t' Street SE) and is currently on-hold pLending potenUal WSDOT pians for a new ~ . J interchange from SR18 near Black Diamond Road and funding avai(abiiity. • Phase 1 of the Project will iower the roadway across the entire roadway frontage of the Park Apartments 10 to 1.5 feef below the existing grade, making the re-establishment of a driveway directly from M Street to the Park ApartmenEs anfeasible: Instead, a new driveway will be constructed that connects to a partial roadway segmen# of fhe future 6'h Street SE (Phase 2 roadway) being cons#ructed on an adJacent properEy owned by fhe City (600 M Street SE). . Eventually, Phase 2 of the Project wiit complete the new roacfway segment and the Park Apartmen#s access wfff be shifted again. Iff, during Phase 1 of ths Project, the re(acated sign was piaced on the M Street fron#age on the remaining Park Apar#ment properfy, the sign would be focated 10 to 15 feet aboye fhe roadway, outside a comfortable line of sits for traffic. Furthermore, the sign currentEy serves as an access point marker for the apartments and keeping, the sign on the M Street frvntage of the Park Apartments property while the access driveway is relocated would deter from its effectiveness in serving this function. Moving the s9gn to the relacated property access point on 600 M Street during Phasa 1 would allow the sign to cont►nue serving its current funcfion as it would be visible from M Street SE and would mark the access point to the apartments. However, Aubum City Code requires that signs be focated on the property they serve. b) Because of uniqus conditions described aboveT relocation ofithe Park Apartments sign in s#ric# conformity with Aubum City Code will not allow for reasonable and harmonious use of the Parfc Aparfinents property. Without a visible sign near the apartmenYs new access paint, vacancy and retention rates at the Park Apartments could increase and emergency services couid Be delayed in Ioca#ing and accessing the property. Reiocating the sign to fhe Park ApartmenYs new access point would allow the sign to contfnue serving its current func#ion. c) By granting this variance, the surrounding area will not be impacted negatively. The proposed Phase 1 sign Iocation is in arr area of future right of way and will eventually be relocated to a location on the ParkApartments property on new roadway frontage created by Phase 2 otthe Project, and would then become compliant with City Code. In fhe in#erim, the sign would be located afong M Street SE on the City ownetl 600 M Street SE, wh'rch is off-sife from the Park Apartments but adjacent to the Park Apartments new access point from M Sfreet, as it currentiy is. Since the existing sign will be relocafed and a different fype of sign is not being proposecl, the character of the neighborhaod or roadway corridor wili not be changed. Other similar signs are present along M Street SE, serving adjacent properties including the Eagles Lodge, King County Housing Authority housing, and other apartment complexes. No detrimental effects are anticipated to be associated with this sign. , d) The special circumstances and conditions associated with the requested varianca are a result of the need to eliminate the at-grade railroad crossing on M Street SE. The need to eliminate this at grade crossing is due to Burlington Northern Santa Fe Rai(way Company's•(SNSF) re-opening of the raifroad tracks and future plans to increase the frequency and length of trains #ha# utllize ` them: The applicant (City), owners of fhe Park Apartments, and previous owners of both _the Park • Apartments and 600 M Street dld not create the sitc►atlon that has ultimately led to the need for a • code variance fot the sign relocation. e) The literal interpretation af the zoning code wou[d deprive the Park Apartments of rights cammanly enJoyed by other parties in the same zoning district. Other apartment complexes and a community center (Eagles Lodge) have adequate signage viss6le from the roadway and enjoy fttie right to create awareness and canvey'informatlon about their properties. ~ Q, Approva( ofthis variance is consisfent with the purpose of the zoning code and the zoning district in which the property ts located: The zoning code intends #o ailow propeities signage . along roadway frontage(s) that would be effective in promoting and iden#ifying the properties. In this case, construction, of Phase of the Project wTl: teave the Park Apartments without roadway. _ frontage that would ailow effective sign placemenf. Approvaf of a variance to allow fhe-sign fo be . placed an City property located at 600 M Street as an interim location untii Phase 2 of the Project is constructed would.allowthe sign to be effective and woald be eonsistent wifh the parpose of fhe zoning eode. • g) 7his variance wlll`not allow an increase in the number of dwefling units permitted by the zoning district. ' - h. The authorization of this varianse wifl not adversely affect the Comprehensive Plan. . SEC. 98,T 21 N, R 05;E, W.M. ~ v _ LEGEND I. . ~ ~ , axaPOSrs °O~sroTUS'o~Is~ . ~ ' P144SE 1 ROADWAY ' ~ i ' ~ ~ i ' ~ • ~ I ~ .i . . PHASE 2 ROADWAY .-r i• , . i . i ~ ~1a ;pyK G ff PARCELLNES ~ . ~ ~ 1 ~ 'i~:l, ~ . r ~ E)USTINO ROADWAY i : ~ . i ~'1 ~ i T„_~ •.I ~ . i KCHOUSIIdGAlJ11iORITY 1 196 ST SE .1 ' , : : , r-------- . `'~'G~ EXISTINGSIGN , , , . . 7_~ ..~-.rt','~~ B~Etn.~vunREwJ - ~ r `f _T•-•~ f"_]~,..f _C=] ~ ~ I i _-r,/~---"rIC ~ ~ ° kARQdI •~i i'I • . , } ~.i ' ~I, ~1'1128 8TH ST SE I+ ~J \ ~l'• ~ ) -III'~~^_a T1 ~'t f'i I"~'f~ I I .I - • ~ - i.._~~~.~ l . : r ~ .t . .1 I~ ~ . ~ a~r . ~_.~___~~~.y_' ~.•~.,s~•_~~__._ * ..~E-w~~'~___ ~..•I .~e~ ~ ~_..~I, m:-•-~•}~ ~ ~.-~~.~w.L 11 = r~--_'-_ ~.~G1Y WVf\~~~~~~~~ ~-A~I.(1."~~~~~.~~~~y-.,~ir'~ t 1 ~ ~ 1 -I ; ~i w ~ • j ` _ . • ~YIVIN~VG S~'N 0 EXISTIyG 51 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i -7RW7CaL~ - -P 6 . . _ 8 a' ~7)TO RELOCAXED c--^---- - 't . I ED 1GN~i'46E ` . ~ i ~ u..ii . - - - - • - - ! ~-•-e.~---~------- L-F._.... BYPNO,SE1 i r--_-.---`- I )`c7~r'•~ -----~--~'-:11---------%q°. 4 ~ ~ , ;~`r=." ; y'~,-~.. ~ , : ~ . -:r =1~,:-.._ , ~ I j ~ '1 y'S1 ~N' ' • - . . -4\ -i;), ♦ I . ~ ~f ~ ~ •i ~ - ~ r ( v-. NEW ACCESS 70 L-; ' , + : ~ ~ , y ~ ( ; pOS~1NG AOCE3S TO ~821~9Q~ 610MSTFtEgTTOBE ~ . i .r r--_'-~ ~-v ~ • ~ , , ~ ~ PHI4BE1 ti ~ t o r i : ! 510 M STREET TO BE ' W .AUBURNAERIE ~;CREATEDBYgHASE RaADINAY j4.: r EEJNIINATEDBI'PHASEI ' I I r Z ~ 72~ INC ` ~ ~ ~ • , r_'--~ ~i ~ . . ~ I it'. 702 M sr se ; ~ ? ~ 1i i : r • . ; ' ~V ~ ' ~ . . ~ -n `G T------- , . , ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ 099043 . • ~ ' I , ~ co -,tf7YOF IL Tr AU8URN ~ ~ ir- ~ ~•~ti`' :ic 600M&SE ~ ' ~..~_~_r ' . ~ . f j a ~ . ` ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ' O I , incCEss roixr %fWrREEr I + t~ ~ ~BJMWATFDBYPt1~ASE21;~ .r=-,:; ~ • i JARKATAUBIhRN.LLC ~ { : , •i ~ . 0 SO 700 190 510 M ST i ~•^~p'17 j ~ ~I. NE1N LOCAl10M OF ~ cwwrrx sr.uF s,~zc,~~uw►~naa n!9 STREET SE cmtoF mm 4~,~ DE SE6'ARATION "p ~ : • To s o ACCESS PO1 o se ' 510 M STREET SE cr~n~rEO sr ~nse z I~ . WASITYNGTON I ' p ~ , ~ • 6aaaROwMv+,rE7 SIGN RELOCATION CITY OF _ ....:lAy < Peter B. Lewts, IVlayor, , . . . WAS H I N GTO N 25 West Main Street * Aubum WA 98001-4948 * www.aubumwa.gov * 253-931-3000 NOTICE OFAPPL1CATlON & Rkwr PUBLI C HEARlNG PUBLIC HEARING: March 9, 2011 at 5:34 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS,AUBURN CITY HALL APPLICATION REQUESTED: VARIANCE APPLICATIDN NUMBER & NAME: VAR11-0001 / Off-site sign for the Park Apartments APPUCANT: Jaco6 Sweeting ' 25 West Main Street Aubum, WA 98001 PROPERTY LOCATION: The subject properties are 510 M Street SE (Park Apartmenfs), and 600 M Street SE (owned by the COA) (818, T21 N, R5E). Parcel Number: 1821059281 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Application for a Variance #o section 18,56.040B to allow an off-site sign in the Residential Offce. (RO) zoning distric#. The sign will be for the Pack Apartments complex. The off-site sign is necessa_ry as part of the Cify ariginated M Street SE grade separafion project. The grade separation project wili require the removal of the existing signage for the apartment complex. The City initiated this yariance request to ailow tiie apattment complex to move the. signage. to a Iocation that will not be impacted by the grade sepatation project. The sign wil[ eventually be moved when phase 2 af the grade separation project is completed. AUBURN CONTACT: APPLICATION FILED: January 21, 2011 Hillary Taylar, Senior Planner COMPLETE APPLICATION: February 7, 2091 htaylor@auburnwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION: February 17, 2019 253-288-7412 STUDIES SUBMITTED.WiTH APPLlGA70N: None OTHER PERMITS AND PLANS WHICH MAY-BE REQUIRED: - STATEMENfi OF CONSISTENCY AND LIST OF APPLICABLE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS: This project is su6ject to and shail be consistent with the City of Aubum•Zoning Code, Surface and Stormwater Management Ordinance, Streef Sfandards, International Building Code and lnEernationat Fire Code. For citizens with speech, sight or hearing disabitities wishing to revlew documents pertaining to this hearing, shouid cantac# the City of Auburn within 10 ;calendar days prior to fhe meeting, as to the type of service or equipment needed. Each reques# will be corisidered individually according ta the type of reques#, fhe availability of resources, and tha financial ability of fhe Cify fo provide the requested senrices or equipment. . 1 . You are Invited to express comments up until and at the public hearing. Written comments may be submitted: to Taylor, Senior Pianner, Deparfinetit of Ptanning and Development at the mailing address 25 West: Main, Hillary Auburn, WA 98001-4998 and tocated a~ 1 East Main Street, Auburn WA 98001 or via email at htavlor ,ataburnwa.mv. P[ease do not hesitate to contact the departmen# at the contact information listed if you , have further comments or questions related fo tttts appftcafion. !f you cali or write, please reference the application number noted above. AUBURN'~ MORE THAN YOU [MAGINED . CnYOF * s~ ~ du - t.a~E~lt°~L , ✓ WASHINGTON I"~~mber off Plw AFFIDAVIT'OF POSTIfVG NOTICE OF APPLICATION anci/or NOTICE OF HEARING App[ication Number: VAR11-0001 Applicant: Jacob Sweeting, City of Auburn Locatian of Posting - Board # 1: Required Date of Posting Notice on or before: February 18, 2011 Date of Public Hearing (if applicable): March 9, 20'i1 [ certify that on February 17, 2011 f did erect the land use posting notice board(s) at the focation(s) above, which included a , Notice of Application, posted within 14 days after the applicafion was determined complete (ACC 14.07.020) and posted a minimurn of 15 days prior to a schetluled open hearing per 14.07.030 (if applicable), And/Or, . Notice of Public Hearing,, posted a minimum of 10 days prior to a scheduled open hearing ACC18.66.110 and ACC18.66.130. _ i declare under penalty of perjury of fhe laws of the Stafe of Washington that the . forego'►ng is trcae and correct. Hillary Taytor , Name (please print or type) Date Signature - - - - NOTE: This affidavil musf be retumed to fhe Planning anc! Development Deparfinent within one wesk of fhe notice date to assure thi.s applicafion doss naf continue on hold and to assure fhat a . schedulsd hearing is nof posfponed ACC 1.27.070. Pl.arini.ng and Develapment One East Main Street, Aubum, WA 98001 (253) 931-3090 www.aubumwa.gov , • CITYOF . ~ ~ Or ~`m~~ G ~ ~~~fl$~►~~ ~ Ktr?°EbeB' 0f PW~ WASHINGTaN AFFIDAVfT OF MAtL1NG OF LEGAL fVOTICE Application No.: VAR11-0009 ' Applicant: Cfty of Auburn - Public Works ProposalApplication for a Variance to section 18.56.0408 to altow an off-site sign in fhe _ Residentia{ Office (RO) zoning district. The sign will be for the Park Aparfinents complex. The off-site sign is necessary as part of the City origina#ed M Street SE grade separation project. The grade separafion projecf will require the removal af the existing signage for the apartment compiex. The • Cify inifiafed this variance request fo allow the apartment complex to move fhe signage to a tocation thatwtlf not be impacted by the grade separation project. The sign wilt evenfuaIty be moved when phase 2 of the grade separation project is completed. Loca#ion: 'T'he subject properties are 510 M Sfreet SE (ParkApartments), and 600 M Street SE (owned by the COA) (S18, T21 N, R5E). Date of Public Hearing: Not applicab[e I certify that on 2/1612011 I did send a Public Notice for the abave referenced appfication, as required by Auburn City Code 14.07.040 and 18.66.130, to all property owners located within $00 feet of the affected.site. Said Notice was mailed pre-paid s#amped through fhe United States Postaf Service. . I declare under penalty of perjury of the (aws of the State af Washington that the foregoing is true and correet. h Signature: pyog/ Printed name: Darcie Hanson Title: Administrative and Business Services Manager