HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM IV-Br CITY nF AGENDA BALL APPROVAL FARM - ~ ~ASHINGT~N .Agenda Subject: Date: Leak Adjustment Re uest ~ March 21, 2011 ~ . Department: ~ Attachments: Letter of Request, Budget Impact: Public Vllorks Utility Leak Adjustment Policy and Procedure 100-52A Administrative Recommendation: City Council approve an additional water utility adjustment to account number 006230, for Guadalupe Garcia, in the ~amaunt of $782.11. ~ . Background Summary: Utility Billing noted a large increase in water consumption.for this account in mid November 2014 and . placed a service request for a technician to. check for a leak and notify the owner of a possible water leak. The technician left a door tag regarding the possible leak. Upon returrling home a few weeks later, the Garcia's found the tag and had their service line replaced. Copies of the repair invoice show the repair cost to be approximately $5,3DO.DD. ~ . The utility account was billed $1,3D5.~3.6 for water services and consumption on December 15 for 491 units due to the' leak. The owner submitted a request for leak adjustment on December~21. A - subsequent billing for water services and consumption in the amount of 819.39 was generated Feb. 9, 2011. The total calculated. available adjustment was $2,Dfi5.53 abased on the leak occurring over more than one billing period; but the leak. adjustment policy limits the credit to $500.40 for-water only adjustments. The account was credited~for $504.OD on February 2011. The owner submitted a leak . adjustment appeal on February 10, 2011. Per.the policy, the customer maybe considered ,for an . additional leak adjustment up to 50°/0 of the remaining water portion~over $500.00, which is $182.71. ND321-3 F4.5.2 ~ ~ . .'Reviewed by Councii & Committees: ~ ~ ~ Reviewed by Depar~rnents ~ Divisions: Arts Commission COUNCIL COMMITTEES: ❑ Building. , ❑ M8~C . ❑ Airport ~ x Finance ❑ Cemetery , ❑ Mayor ~ - ❑ ,Hearing Examiner ❑ Municipal Senv. - - ~ x Finance ❑ Parks ❑ Human Services ❑ Planning 8~ CD ❑ Fire ~ ❑ Planning ❑ Park Board ~ x Public Works ❑ Legal ❑ Police ❑ Planning Comm. ❑ ether ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Resources . I~formatian Services Action:. Committees Approval: ❑Yes ❑No Council Approval: ❑Yes ❑No Call for Public Hearing 1 1 Referred to ~ ~ Until 1 1 Tabled - .Until 1 1 Councilmember: Wa ner ~ ~ ~ Staff: Coleman INeetin Date: March 21, 2011 Item Number: V.D . ~ w~ ~ ~~RE THAN YOU ~N~AGINED t • ~ car aF . * ~ Intera~ice Memorandum ~ ~ . ~IVASHIN~TON To: Finance Committee From: Shelley Coleman, Finance Director CC: Date: March 15, 2011 Re: AIC OD6230, Garcia Leak Adjustment Appeal - Chronology of LeaklFix 1 On Nvv.1 fi, 2010; Garaa's~:meter is read, showing a large increase in water consumption since the last. read. ~ Units used are 491. 2 ~ On Nova ~ 2010, ~~e, utii;~ .billing dept. issues a service request o check far a leak and to confirm the meter read. 3 ; On Nov. 18, 2010, our service tech. confirms the reed and checks to see if anyone is home. No one .answers the knock, sa he hangs a tag on the door warning of a water leak. 4 On Dec. 15, 2010, Utility Billing issued an ~ invoice for $1,383.55, of which $'1,305.36 was for water ~consumpfion and flat fee}. This invoice. included the 491 units of water used since the prior read in Sept 2010. ~ ~ ~ . 5 On Dec. 21, 2010,; a request for leak adjustment is Bled, by the Garaa's, stating that the leak was noticed on Dec. 14, 2010 and repaired by Sau~hwest Plumbing 6 On Dec. ~21,~ 2Q10, our service technician confirms tha# the leak is fixed and that he can see where the customer dug up the.yard~and replaced the service line. Meter read is 4,993. l On Dec, 21, 2010, Gar~aa's paid $200.00 against the account 8 On Jan. 13, 2011, meter read is 4,995. Additional ~ consumption since the read that first indicated a possible leak iri Nov. 2010 is 304 unit. 9 On Feb. 1, 2011, a credit of $5Q0.00 is posted to Garaa's account in response to the initial leak adjustment ~r~equest. - 10 On February 9, 2011, Utility Billing issued an invoir~ for $903a6, of which $819.39 was far water . - consumption and flat fee}. This invoice included the 304 units of consumption from the Jan 13~' read:. . 11 ~ On February 10, 2011, Gar~a`s~.filed a .leak adjustment appeal, indicating in their ~le~er, that they were out of town when the nvtic~ aF the leak. was pasted, and that they completed the `re~irs as soon as . they returned and became aware of the s~uatian. ~ ~ ~ , Page 1 of 1 . At]BURN ~ MOR,~ THAN YOU 1MAG [ N E D • , CTT°Y' aF ~ . ~ - Interaf~ce ~l~m~randum~ ~ ~ I ~ . ~ , ' ` l i Ta: Shelley Coleman, Finance Director ~ ~ , . ~ From: I~a~ic Gregg, U~li~e$ & Accountlrig~Servlces Manager ; ~ . C~. ~ . . Date: February ~ 8, ~0~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . Re: Leak Ad'us#ment A~ eal for ~~aount ~Q~230 ~ p~ - . ~ ~ adalu Gard who resides at 1615 33`~ Stf 5.~., is appearn~ the maximum leak adjustment of Mr., Gu . pe a, $60D:04. illlr: Ga~ia is the property owner. ~ . - • On December 15, 2D14, Mr. Garcia, was mailed a bill which included $1,345.35 for service and vrrater consump~on. Gn~ February 9, 2411, he was mailed abill which indud~ for $903.76 for . service and wader consump~on. The account. history shows tnat 'a typic~~ war cansump~en billing would be in the range of $34.40 to $100.40. This account has an excellent payment history. . ~ Mr. Gana submitted a uest for a leak adjustment on pecember 21,.2010. His request sued . . , - - . . the leak was nattc~ an December 14, 2414,. and repam~ on December 21, 201D. The repairs~~ . included installing a rre~u 5err~ce line from the meter to the house. The invoice from the plumbing company was for $5,32.74. + The tots! calculated ad ustment was $2,Ofi5.53, but the leak adjustment policy i'~mits the ca1edit to j $500.00 .far .water only ~aaljusfrnen~. Nir. Garrcia s. acoour~t was" credited $50D.44 on Irebruary 47, 2011, leaving a balance of $1,5fi5:53 related to the leak. r . ~ fir. Garcia submitted an apnea! letter recelved February 11,.2011. His appeal letter and addittonal~ doq~men~tion are ached. ' Section 4,8 of the leak adjustment policy states~p...add~onal leak adjustments w~l be considered . - by the Public VIl~drks oornmitfiee up to 54~a of the remaining water por~on aver $540.00 ~ The maximum potential adust~ent of 50~/0 of the rernaining balari~ of $1;5fi5.53 would be $782.77, Page ~ of 1 . ~ . AUBURN ~ MURE THAN YOU 1MAC~NED ' ~ , February la, 2~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ . .Shelley Coleman ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . ~ ~ Finance Dept. ~ . Z~~` W. Main S~, ~ . Auburn, dash. 9$4D~ ~ . ~ . ~ ~ . RE: Water Leak Agpe~ ~ t ~ . OVe ~i~are a ealin bus water leak bi~Il because we feel that i~ is unjust . ~ ~ , ~ . , . ~ . Since we were aut of town and eve were nat aware ofthe problem. ~ . ~'e are #wo senia~s an incases and we lax the problem right away ~ ~ ~ . ~ . 'tae repair bill vas $~;~~O.~a p~us1 for the pluming, this is causing a ~ ~ ~ . ~ardsh~p~to aur-budget, ~ V~'e have paid air wai~r bill on tithe fax the pass 34 years to the city. - . '~'e are asking the city ~ for additional "adjustment. ~ ~ ~ , . - So we can pad for the leak repairr,. Sincerely, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . , ~ - ~ Guadalupe Garcia . ~ ~ . 115 ~3R~ ~ST SE Auburn, ~wash.98U02 ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - . ~ . ~ r , . ~ ~ , . CITY OF - Rifer ~~v~s, ~lay~r - 25West Fain Street ~ Aubvm i~A 98~ 1-d~~8 * www,auburnwa.gov ~ X53.431-3~~0 . ~VA~S~~I~GTt~N ~ - G • 4 . ~ebruary~'l, 2p t l - . Guadalu Garcia ~ ~ ~ . 16 ~ 5 3.3 St SE - Auburn ~V'A 9$002 ~ . .R~: beak Adjustment Request ~A~ount #0~~6230-044 . Ta whorn Yt hay Concern: - Cit of Auburn Uti~it De - artment his a raved your request ~ for a leak adjustment, ~'vur The y Y u pP account has been credited 504 00 far water ~cansurnptian~.attributed to a beak, The ad~us~m~nt . w~ili appear on~ your next billingstatement. . Zf you have any questions or wouid Tike to discuss payment arrangement, please contact meat . ~253~ 93 x 303 8. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - Sincerely, ~ . .,Y Madonna Doucette . Accounting Specialist City vfAuburn - , . .t ~ M~R~ TITAN 1~~U Ih~~~1N1rD ~ . . U~UR . , .t y ~ r ~ WASH11dG~N ~ . ~#i!i#y~B1lEing Ad~usfinen~ . Single Family ~ ~ _ . Date; 21111 ~ -Acct#: ~ OOfi234-040 Name: Guadalupe Garcia ~ ~ Service Location: ~16~5 33rd St SE r, . . , IlVater $ X544.40} Cvnsump~on Adjustment: ?7l . Cit Sewer y $ ~ - Adjust Sewer Consumption; 0 y_. Me#ro Sewer $ Storm Uvater $ Re~uSe $ . Yard Waste ~ $ ~ . Refuse Tax $ HHW ~ ~ Miscellaneous $ ~ ~ ~ . T~?TAI. $ {500.00} Explana~on for adjustrnen~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . Leak ad justment, X500.40} Maximum adjustment t`ar water per City Policy. PPROVALS: ~ ~ SF~~4B s $50D.00 -Customer Care Supervisor ~ ..Date; ~ $1,444'- Utility Accounting Mgr Date:. ~ ~o d $1,000 end ~ $10,040 -Finance Director ~ Date: . >$1 o,Dfl4 -Mayor Date: POSTED BY: - , D ~ . ~ _ , . Date: ~ 7 . . - • r'~~ • ~i~ Vii • ~ Sj+ r~ ~ ~ Uti~i ~►c~~ur~t Leak Ad`ustment ,,a ~ , . ' • ~ ased on Inside City Limits ~ ~ ~ ~ Rates b . ~ WASHxNGT~N _ Customer Name: Cuadalu a Garcia Accouii~ Number. Q4~Z34-Q00~ Prop eat Address: ~6~~ 33rd St SE ~ ~ ~ . .Total Cansum tiara Biiied~on 12115110 491 Cans~mp#ian used same period ~ .12 p. . previous year ~ . Cons Unit _ Total Adjusted .Cans . ~ Unit..$ Total - Btlled $ 94 $ 9,93 27.02 12 ~ $9193 $ 23.~fi- 16 $ 2.36 $ 37.?6 0 $ 2.36 $ - . . 461 $ 2.fi? $1,234.8? _ 0 $ 2.fi7 $ 4g~ $1,95,65 ~ 72 $ 23,9fi Tatal ad~us#ment Bail Cycle 1 $~1,272.49~ ~ . Total Consum tivn Biiled ~n 219111 3~4 Consumption used same. period 6 p . ~ previous year 4 ' . ~Billed~ ~ ~ Cons , Uni# $ ~ Total Adjusted Gans Unit $ Total . - ~ 10.85207 $ 1,93 ~ $ .20.96 ~ 0,214383 $ ~ 1.93 $ 4.41 ~ . 12141379. $ 2.3$ $ 29.30 0,245409.. ~ 2,36 $ 4.58 ~ ~ 2~2.5$~~1 $ ~ 567.61 ~ 4.195?8 $ 2,~? $ ~ 1,Za ~ . 235.8620T **Pro-Rated $ 511,81 4.655172 *~Pro-Rated $ ~12.~9 . ~ _ 3.13793 $ 2.48 ~ $ 5.45 0,x61933 ~ 2.06 $ ~.~~3 3.55621 ~ $ .2:52 $ 9.04 - 4.0'078 2.52 ~ $ , 4.18 61.41379 $ 2.86 $ 175.64 ~ 1.212114 2,8fi_ $ 3,47 ~ . • 68.13?939 **PraRated $ 191,14 1,344828 **Pra-Rated $ 3.77 Total 304 $ 8x9.41 ~ 6 ' $ 15.97 ~ . Total Adjustment Bill Cycle Z $ ~793.04~ ~ Rate of Probation - s ~ . ~ ' did Rate 7'7.586 1 °lo ' ~ New Rate 22.413790 , Total Leak Adjustment on Acc~un#. ~ ~ ~ $ 2,08.53 ~5DD,4D~ Max adj per City Policy X ~ ~ Leak Repair Verified - ~ Lot is Inside City Limits . ~ ~ . , lot is Outside City Limns X ~ Rates are l aside City li~rii~s Rates are Cutslde ~ ~iiy Liml~ X G~ of Receipts ar Repair Bii# ~ o & ~ ~ Baling ~ycie ~ ~ . 1 t ~ ~ ~ ~ 2010 .r ciTY ~F AUBURN _ REQUEST FAR WATER LEAK AQ~USTMENT 1~ail fax or deliver this completed form to: city ofAuburn Finance ~eparrrnent, ~5. Wesr 1~aln Street, At~hurn, W~4 9~~o r fax: ,~53-8?6-19A~ Phone: 25393 r 3o~B ~ , T Customer Larne ~ rrrrw~rww Rate _rr . pww_ rrr_~rwrrrr , ~ ' ~ ~ ~~i ~ ~ r~rrr ddress where leak occurred .~..w~.r_wwMrw~r.rr.~rwr_Mwrrrrrrrw•rwww A . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cit a count nv rrrwr.rwnrwww.rr...rrrrrrr~www + •~~Il~ n0 wwww• wrrrwwr+w~w_rrr Yc . ~ I hereby notify the City of Auburn Finance Department tf~at !have sustained a water leak . ax the above address and that it has been repaired. I am enclasfng a copy of the . re ~a(r bi~~ andJor mate~~ais rece~pt~ I am requesting an adjustment to my . ~ . utility .billing per Clty_Pa~lcy, I ~und~rstand that signing this form does nat guarantee. a billing adJustment will be made, I further understand teat ~ai~ure tv provide receipts will . ~ ~ result in an automatic denial of this leak adjustment request. roximate date leak noticed~~~~' _rr _ ~ ate leak repalred_~_r MM..wr_.._ App • ~ . i.eak repaired by _ r ' _rrr w►w w wrrrrrrr/.wwwwwrrr r Exact location of leak ~ ~ ~ ~ _--~~j~~` .~sJ~_ ! f r ~l ~ ~ , [[11~~~~llfjj r~rw J(~ V ~r ~ w~__r i r rifs~ . ~ r,~wrrTrrr w.~wr_wwnww rr _wrr~~ . Signature of Customer ~c~R CITY U5E QNi,Y ~ Date Visual inspection of water meter perFarmed by ___rrrrr~rs►ww w CVs"~f~~ntJ _____w_rwr►w►wwr_r_w_wwrrrwwMwrwwrr.r.~.++..iw.ww...r.niw..rr~+rwww...~.++.+.rr^rr.r~wrrww~rwww . wrrrrrwrrrwswrrw+wr rrrwrrM r+++rMwwr....w....w~rr.~.~►r~.rww~w_w__rw•rrrwww+rr~wr_wr . ~ Bill .Cycles Adjusted ,.r__.,......,w______r_....~_~..,,_,...r...~.r.~. Adjust: WATER SEWER BATH Reviewed jCalchlated by ,~r..r..,~---~.....,.r-r------~..Date__~___rr....__«__..r,.r~__.. ' District rr.wrwrrww_wwrr •r»ww•wrrrwrwwrrr~.w F:~ut~les~farmsJleakJ Rtvlsed R~QIlESF FOR IEAKAnJtISY~dENZ' - • . - . z4~~ 51N ALASKA ST.; ~ SFATTLE,INA 9845 ~ . . ~za6~ Paz-~ ~ FAx ~zQS~ 9~~-~ s7s _ ~ CC#SUUTHWP~71 Cs ~ - • ~uta Ci~R~ Cc~ot►~prtor~ Ida. ~Rwc~ ~ r~~ctc ❑ c~vrrca~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ - cJ _ a~;~~vos~s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ . . ~ ~ r . h ~ ~t~ _ . ~ ~ ~ - - rl . ' h f w ~ 1 ~ ~ . 4 rA 1 r - r - ~ M ~ ~ M~F • • PAID ~Y. ~ HACK fNITiAL , AODiI'l NAL'R CREa~T CARa ❑ CASH ~ SUS ~ . - 'fQTAL ~ ~ CHECK# ~ ~ ~ ~ AUTN'.# .TAa( ~ ~ . 3 ~ PRODUCT INFD 1 hereby d ine tie above wo rearmed at fhe sfated flat rete prlca. TOTAf~ • ~ ~ ~ . MDQEL - '~lranlt Yaa far capht~ SERIAL # ~ Slgrmture: S~U~,'~ P~.rI~~G WpRK~[t1rHQ~4r1~N 1VoTES I r~RN~~: ~ ~ ~ . AlR'Fit3RI~A~ION Tb PRoCEED WITH ABOtf~ DlAONGSE3 I SOLUTION ~ i, the w~lersl~r~d, am ~ 1 ownerlauihorixet~,re~reser~tativelle~nt of i~e.~rem~ses at whfclt the work mentioned above is ~i tie - ' dose, l hare~y~aulh~rFxa you to ~erforrn f~agrra~lsl5alution, ar~'ty use es~h labor aatd materiels as you ' . deem ac~lsab~; A monthly aen~ty~ charge of .f X596 w~l be added aftei 90 days I agree io pay reasana~te al~me~s fees and wart costs to me evens of legal act~or~. ti your ~ectc bounces, you c~uid'be Ueb~e br 3 times the amount of Ehe check or S1 w~Ichover la more, pl~ra the isra velae of the d~eck~ and ' court gists. I ts~ r$ad tl<e front and beck.afthls Imoiae aid a~tee to aD the tsrmB and condlt~rtia set A ANCE WORK PERFO . ! the.... end m~ for~► grid have rncehrad e copy of file contd. ~ pandered sod irsd m aontte~ion with the aGova work mentldned tc H~REBYAI;~'HORmEYOU T1DPR~ W13H T1~A~, . ~ .1~KATAFIATRATE 0>": have heart compfelad iri ssatie~ctary rr~ertrrer, q Ebel amount set forth on this contract fn dte ~ iabefed "i'Dl"A1.' ~ he ~ t~~snd . Autha~hed S_ larta#ure ~ - campiete that ratelrrti age. I a~ ~ aa~~a altor (CEf~Tt~f ~'H~.WA ER ~ 1 dor~Sa~a~e~o~reworkbars bccn im~ted~ awalvnard~e niani+er: ie88 ar~dcourt i1t alf8gai t~brt nthiy PIZESSUR~ IV~Ast~~m'ra Btz ~ ~ ~ 'I•t~lit'.114M8 6IL~►1'U14~ DATE ~ t •b~ w1~1 _ afar ~0 days: i a . i,gg,~ ~ received a copy o~ contred. - , sin aartn Ci Atib Water ~ B1~~lri ~ P~rinted:12~21120I0 ~4:SS.I? P11d . ty ~Y . g angieb S e~Ce ReC~UeSt .C Or11'1, . Re nest ~ Number: OU4~39-12*201 ~ Last CJpdated By: madonnad , . q . - ~ Dn: 121211214 , Account N~ur~ber:. O~b2~0-~Oa ~ . Account Status: Active ~ , _ , ~ . Name; ' ~ . GUADLUPE CxARCIA ~ Horne Fhene ~253~ 735-3487 ~ ~ . Bi1lin Address, :1 ~ 15 33RD ST SB Business Pone:. ~ . ~ ~ . . g ~ 1615 33RD~~ ST S~ . AUBURN, wA X8002 Service address. • . Request Dafie ..1212112010 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . Re hest Descri tion; Received re nest for leak adjustment. Please verify beak is feed. Leak not faund, installed new ~ . pipe Barn meter to hvnse• Service Date: ~ ~ 12122/2014 • • WaterlGas Meyers Raute-Seq ~eria~ No ~ ~ ~Rc~ster ~D MXU ID .Manufacturer Mabel Na ~ , Reading ~ ~ ~ ~ . Read Dt ~ Cons ~ No Df Digits ~ . ~zisting water 1 iG-OOS434 82140393 ~ ~ Unknown F-314.4-1 ~ ~~~1 Meter ~ 491 4 1111~12~IQ . Location: ~ . . ~ D . V • . - ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ , ow u needed? es~~~' no ~ ~ Serviced By: Date:._ Foll p - , y - p . r ~ W C 4~- ' ~ p - ~ Qr °o ~ ° ~ c c ~ ~ - . . ~ ~i - - N N ..r rr r.w r•• ~ ~ N r•+~ w r•+ r+ w .-r r .r w ~:.i r*r o~~ooC~aoC=C~oc~CVOc~c~C]cr~QoO o OO . t_ ~ ~ . _ ~ J~t ~ Q C Vl t/ti V"1 IA V! X1'1 V'1 V1 ~f1 ~"1 ~!'1 V1 ~ ill Vl V1 Ill I~1 ~ Ill If1 ~ W ~ a, v+~t ~~~~:~t~~~~~ret~t~~r~r~~~r~~~ j . ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ Q Qo OvpppoCVpoooaogOoC70Q0 . M Q ~ 1'"1 ~`I ~ ,r+ 1~ rr r++ r+ .•r .r w w w w r r• w r. w i1~ ~ ~N c~Nh~NI~NNNt'VNC+1Nr1N[VNNM[VewN r ' ~ M ~ ~ ~ ~ • 40 OQ Il`I M by 00 Op GO QQ 00 00 ~D OQ OD G! QC 00 DO DC OQ Od 04 Od .a ~b y ~ ~++1 b 1D . 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