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WHEREAS; The Washington State Department of Ecology issued a
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Westem Washington Phase II
Municipal Stormwater Permif that regulates the discharge of stormwater from
municipal stormwater systems; and
WHEREAS, the City operates a municipal stormwater system and is
regulated under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Western
Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit; and
WHEREAS, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Westem
Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permif requires development and
implementation of a Stormwater Management Program; and
WHEREAS, the Stormwater Management Program is required to be
updated annually; .
WHEREAS, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Westem
Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permifi requires submittal of an
Annual Report which is to include a copy of the updated Stormwater
- Management Program:
Resolution No. 4679 March 1, 2011
Page 1
_ Section 1. That the updated Stormwater Management Program is
approved for implementation in the City of Auburn in substantial conformity with
the copy of the Program attached hereto, marked as Exhibit "A" and
incorporated herein by this refetence.
Section 2. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such _administrative procedures as may. be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation, including submitting a copy of :the Program with the City's
Annual Report to the Department of Ecology. Secfion 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force
upon passage and signatures hereon.
Dated and Signed this ~ day of 2011.
Da. ` Ile E. Daskam,
City Clerk
' I B. Heid, _
Ci Attorney ,
Resolution No. 4679
March 1; 2011
Page 2
Resolution No. 4679
Exhibit "A°
City of Auburn, WA
March 2011
~ .
s~ ~d"►=
Table of Contents Ciry of Aubum Compliance Strategy and Work Plan :
1. INTRODU CTI ON ...................................................................:..........:.................................:.............................:......1-1
1.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Regulatory Background ................................................................................................................................1-1
1:3 City of Aubum Regulated Area .............................................................................................................:.......1-2
1.4 Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Compliance 1-2
1.5 SWMP Implementation Responsibilities ...........................................................................................:.......:...1-2 .
1.6 Document Organization 1-3
2.1 Permit Requirements 2-1 .
2.2 Current Compliance Activities .......................................................................................................................2-1
2.3 Planned 2011 Compliance Actiyities
3.1 Permit Requirements 3-1
3.2 Current Compliance Activities ...................................:..........................:........................................................3-1 '
3.3 Planned 2011 Compliance Activities
4.1 Permit Requirements .41
4.2 Current Compliance Activities.......................................................................................................................41
4.3 Planned 2011 Compliance Activities .............................:...............................................................................41 "
5.1 Permit Requirements .5-1 . .
5.2 Current Compliance Activities .....................................:........................................................:....::........:.........5--1
5.3 Planned 2011 Compliance Acbvities .....................................:.:..............................:................................:....5-2
' 6.1 Permit Requirements ` .........................:....:......6A
6.2 Current Compliance Activities..::............................:.:::....::.....................:......:.........:.....................................6-2
6.3 Planned 2011 Complianee Activities 6-2
7.1 Permit Requirements ...........................................................:......................................................:.................7-1
7.2 Current Compliance Activities ................................................................................................:.:.:.:....,:........:.7-1
7.3 Planned 2011 Compliance Activities .................................................:......................................................::..:7-2
8. MONITORING ................:..........................................................................................:.....~........................,..............,8-1 `
8.1 Permit Requirements ,
8.2 Gurrent Compliance Activities ...............................................................................:.......................................8-2 ;
8.3 Planned 2011 Compliance Activities .:8-2
H:TUB._WRKBkUti6;iys15iormiNPDES IRAcmini;Ua6oniS9UMPsi201' 54NMP'.2041 AuGUrn SWMP 201100104.tlac
' . ' . . . . . - . .
Table ofContents City of Aubum Compliance Strategy antl WorkPlan
Acronyms and Definitionsfrom Permit A-1
H:iPUB NIRKS\Utili;ies!SEam':NPpES 111A.Ctrihi;V26an1SWMPs!2011 SWMP\2011 Aiibum S4VMP 20111u2Q4,dac
. Table 2-1. 2011 Stormwater ManagementAdministration Program Work Plan ..................................:........:2-2
~ Table P. 2011 P-ublic Education and Outreach'Work Plan ................................................:..............::..:.3-2 -
Table 41. 2011 Public lnvolvement Work Pian .......42
Table 5-1. 2011 Illicit Discharge Detection and Eliminatipn Work Plan ...........................:...........................5-2
Table 6-1, 2011 Controlling Runoff from Development, Redevelopment, and Construction Sites Work Plan...... 6-3
; Table 7-1. 2011 Pollution Prevention and Operations and Maintenance INork Plan .............................:........7-2
Table 8-1. 2011 Water Quality Monitoring Work Plan .............................................................................8-2
iy .
H.'IPU9_N1RKS!U*,IlifiesiSlomi•.NPDF.S II mini;Va6or•.S'vNMPsi2011 ;WMP;2011 Auoum SWMP 20110D204.doc
1.1 Ovenriew
This document presents the City of Auburn's Stormwater Nlanagement Program (S)XIIVIl'). Preparation and
maintenance of this SWN1P is requixed by the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) as a
condition of the Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit (the Phase II Permit). The
Phase II permit covers discharges from regulated small municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s).
Based on criteria outlined in the Phase II Permit, Ecology considexs the Ciry of Aubum to be an opera.tor of
a small M54, and therefore required to obtain perxnit coverage.
Each municipaliry's permit for discharging stormwater is designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants,
protect water quality, and meet the requirements of the federal Clean Water Act.
Appendix A includes acronyrns and de£uutions from the Permit to help the reader understand the City's
Stormwater Management Program.
1.2 Regulatory Background
The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program is a requirement of the
federal Clean W'ater r1ct, which is intended to protect and restore waters for "fishable, swimmable" uses. The
federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPr1) has delegated pernut authority to state environmental
agencies, and these agencies can set permit conditions in accordance with and in addition to the m;ni*„um
federal requirements. In Washington, the NPDES-delegated pemut authority is the Washington State
Department of Ecology (Ecology).
Municipalities with a population of over 100,000 (as of the 1990 census) have been designated as Phase I
communities and must comply with Ecology's Phase I NPDES Nlunicipal Stormwater Pexrnit. With rluburn's
1990 census falling below the 100,000 threshold, the Ciry must comply avith the Phase II NTunicipal
Stormwater Permit. About 100 other municipalities in Washington must now comply with the Phase II
Pernut, along with Auburn, as operators of small municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s). Ecology's
Phase II Nlunicipal Stormwater Permit is available on Ecology's website at
http: / /www.eg.wa.gov/12rograms/wg/stormwater/municipal/12haseIIww/w=hiipermit.html
The Permit allows municipalities to discharge stormwater runoff from municipal drainage systems into the
state's water bodies (e.g., streams, rivers, lakes, wedands) as long as muniupalities implement progratns to
protect water quality by reducing the discharge of "non-point source" pollutants to the "maximum extent
pxacticable" (MEP) through application of Permit-specified "best management practices" (BMPs). The BMPs
specified in the Permit are collectively xeferred to as the Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) and
gtouped under the following Program components:
■ Public Education and Outreach
■ Public Involvement
■ Illicit Discharge Detection and Elixnination
N:;PJ:9 V`rRKSlUi''.lijes!S'ormiNPDFS Ii!t-.cfir,ini;dalionlSJvkiPs`,201' Wv1P12011 Aubum SNVtviP 201 110204.doc
1: Introduction Ciry of Aubum 2011 SWMP
° Controlling Runoff from Development, Redevelopment, and Construction Sites
■ Pollution Prevention and Ntunicipal Operation and Maintenance
m Monitoring
The Permit issued by Ecology became effective on February 16, 2007, was modified on June 17, 2009 and '
expires on February 15, 2012. The Permit requires the City to report annually (tYlarch 315C of each year) on .
progress in SWN1P ixnplementation for the previous yeax. The Permit also requires>submittal of documentation that describes proposed SWi1~II' activities for the coming year. This document contains the
City'sproposed activities for 2011. Implementarion of various Permit conditions is stagge=ed throughout the
five-year Permit term from February 16, 2007 through February 15, 2012. The Permit will be revised and
reissued at the end of this period.
1e3 City of Atebum /tegula#ed Area
The Western Washington Phase II Permit applies to operators of regulated small MS4s that discharge
stormwater to waters of Washington State located west of the crest of the Cascade Range (west of the eastern
boundaries of Whatcom, Skagit, Snohomish, King, Pierce, Lewis and Skamania counries). For ciries, the
Pemut requirements extend'to those areas of each City that drain to MS4s: Most of Auburn drains to MS4s
that ultimately discharge into the Green River, the White River, or NIill Creek: In additioa; some portions of
the City drain to regional infiltration basins.
1.4 Tcetal aximum aily Load (T'1VIDL.) Comp/iance
The federal Clean Water Actsequires that Ecology establish "Total Maximum Daily Loads" (TblDL) for
rivers, streams, lakes, and masine waters that don't meet water qualiry standards. A TMDL is a calculauon of the maximum amount of a pollutant that a water body can receive and still meerwater quality standards:
After the TMDL has been calculated for a given water body,;Ecology, determines how much each source
must reduce its discharges of the pollutant in order bring the water body back into.compliance with the water
quality standatds. The Clean, W'ater Act requires that T~1fDL requiretnents must be included in the NPDES
permits for dischargers into the affected water bodies.
Stortnwater discharges covered under this pemut are required to implement actions necessary to achieve the '
pollutant reductions called for in applicable TNfDLs. Applicable TNiDLs are those,approved by the EPA before the issuance date of the Pertnit or which have been approved by the EPA prior to the date the ,
permittee's applicauon was received by Ecology. Informauon on Ecology's TNfDL program.is availa6le on
Ecology's website atvw*.egy.wa.gov/12rograms/wq/trn
The current permit does not contain any TiMDL requirements for the City of Auburn. Howeyer, Ecology
has identified several water bodies that do not appear to meet the water quality standards: If Ecology .
establishes TNTDLs for one ormore of these water bodies prior to 2012, the next versio,n of the Permit may
contain addirional requirements specified in the Z'MDL.
9:5 SWMP /mp/ementatiorr Responsibilaties
The Utiliries. Engineering Division in the Public Works Deparrment coordinates the overall administrarion of
efforts to comply with Pertnit requirements. The work plan tables in each Chapter provide the lead
departments for the associated task. Other major departments/divisions included ifl the 2011 SWMP
implementation include Maintenance and Operations (M&O), Human Resources (HR), Deyelopmenr
Engineering, Permit Center; Information services (IS), and Parks.
H:`t'UB..WRKS'.Ut'!l: ,s`:Siam'.NPDF..S 8;r,uministraioa`•S'sNhiPsl201^: S:Nhin''201 1 At€burn S4VMP 2011U0204,doc
1: Introduction City of Aubum 2011 SWMP
1.6 Document Organization
The contents of this documeat are based upon Permit requirements and Ecology's "Guidance for City and
Couaty Anaual Repoxts for Western Washingtoa, Phase II Muaidpal Stonnwater General Pesmits." The
remainder of this SWMI' is organized similarly to the Permit:
• Section 2.0 addresses Permit xequirements for adtninistering the City's Stormavater Ntanagement
Program for 2011.
• Section 3.0 addresses Permit requirements for public education and ourreach for 2011.
■ Section 4.0 addresses Permit requirements for public involvement and partiapation for 2011.
■ Section 5.0 addresses Permit requirements for illicit dischazge detection and elimination for 2011.
• Section 6.0 addresses Permit tequirements for controlling nuioff from new development,
redevelopment, and construction sites for 2011.
■ Section 7.0 addresses Permit requirements for pollution prevention and operations and mainteaaace
for municipal operations for 2011.
■ Section 8.0 addresses Permit requirements for the monitoring secrion of the Permit for 2011.
Each section includes a summary of the relevant Permit requirements, a description of curreut activities, and
a table showing the planned activities for 2011. This document also includes aaonyms and definitions from
the Permit in Appendix r1 for easy reference.
N:,PUB `v'dRKSiU^li:iesiS!orm:NPDFS U'J;dmini;traUaniS"JdhiPsi1.01 i SIMPM?1 Aubum S`vtiMP 2011F,0204.duc
, .
This section of the SWMP describes Permit requirements related to overall $tormwater Management
Program admuustrauon, including descriptions of the City's current and planned compliance activities foi
2011. .
2.1 p'ermet Requerements .
The Perinit (Secrion SS.A) requires the Ciry to:
° Develop and implement a Stormwater Management Program and pzepare.written documentation for
submittal to Ecology on March 31, 2008, and update the SWMP annually thereafter. The purpose of
the SWMP is to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the municipal stormwater system tb the
maximum extent practicable and thereby protect water quality.
o Submit annual co:npliance reports (for the previous calendar year) to Ecology on Nlarch 31, beginll'trig
in 2008 that §ummarize the status of implementation and provide infortnauon from assessment and :
evaluarion procedures collected during the reporting period.
■ Coordinate with other permittees on stormwater related policies programs, and projects within
adjacent or shased areas.
2.2 CL/PP'E'nt C061?jJ/0a/fCe /4Ct%VBt%eS .
The City has activiries and programs that meet many of the Permit requirements. T'he current compliance
acuvities associated vvith the Permit include:
■ The Ciry is on track to comply with Ecology requirements for submittal of SWNIP documentation by
March 31, 2011. The Utilities Engineering Division is curre.ndy leading Ehe development of the future
planned activities with input and support from several other. departments. •
■ Tke City created an NPDES implementadon management group.
, a The City set up the systems for uacking uaining. Training attendance is zecorded and kept on file with
Human Resources.
■ The Ciry has defined its strategy for cost tracking. Cost tracking is managed by staff recording time
spent on Permit elements on their timecards using project coding numbers. Reports can be generated
by the Finance Department to determine annual costs by element. °"The Ciry has defined and implemented a strategy for managing SOPs. SOPs are available for staff use
on the City's Intranet. ;
° T'he City is participating in a regional educarion and outreach consortium. Staff has ensured that the
City's education and outreach program will work in concert with regional efforts such as the Puget
Sound Starts Here campaign.
■ The City is on track to comply with Ecology's requireme.uts far submittal of the fourth rlnnual Reporr
by nlarch 31, 2011.
H:tPiJB_tNRKS!U*:fiiest5icrm'sNPpF.S Il.l'.dn~ini;vaUon;SWMPs'.2011 5WMP'•.201:1 Fltibum S'vVAi(' 2011U"204.doc
2. Stormwater Management Program Administration City of Aubum 2011 SWMP
203 Planned 2019 Comp/iance EActivigies
Aubuxn has posirioned itself well to maintain compliance as Ecology phases in the future Permit deadlines.
Table 2-1 presents the proposed work plan for.the 2011 SWN1P administration activiries.
• i . . • . .
T tctDescnp~ori~ ~~Leadl ~ ..C
o ~ Timef~ame ~ s
Summarize annual activities for'Stormwater The SWMP and Annual
SVVMP_l Management Program° component of Annual Report; . Utilities Compliance Report submittal
identify any updates to Program document Define Engineering is due on or before March
process and roles for annual up8ates•for SWMP. 31 st of each year. '
Permit condition S9.E.4 requiresthat the City indude with the annual report submitted no later than March
31,, 2011 a summary of identified bamers to the use of
low impact development (LID) and measures to
address the bamers. Also, the Ciiy is to indude a The S9.E.4 summary and
Permit report describing; i) LlDpractices currently available report are required to be ,
' Utilities
Condition that can reasonably be implemerted within this permit - included with the annual
S9.E.4 term, ii) potential o.~ planned non-structural actions Engineering report submitted no later than
, and LID techniques to preyent stormwater impacts, iii) - March 31, 2011 goals and meVics to identify, promote and measure
LID use, iv) potedal or planned schedules for .
requiring and implementing the non-sUvctural and LID ,
techniques on a broader scale in the future.
H:1PUa_t4+RK51Utili(ieslSlamINPDF..511lAi^rinis;ra5of=.+SWAdPs:201': SNbdf'42011 Auburn 5WM1P 2011UUNAec
This sectiori describes the Permit requirements related to public educarion and outreach, including
descsiptions of the City's cuirent and planned complia.nce activities for 2011.
3.9 Pereriit Reqeeirements '
The Pemut (Section:S5.C.1) requires the Ciry ta
■ Prioritize and target educarion and outreach activities to specified audiences, including the general
public, businesses, residents/homeowners, landscapers, property managers, engineers, contractors,
developers, review staff and land use planners; and other City.emplopees to-reduce or elimiriate
behaviois and practices that cause or contribute to adverse stormwater impacts...
■ Have an outreach program that is designed to improve the taxget audience's undersfanding of the
problem and what they can do to solve it.
• Track and maintain records of public educarion and outreach acuvities.
3.2 Current Compleance e4ctiv6ties
The City has activiries and programs that meet many of,the Pemut requirements. The currerit compliaace .
acrivities associated with the Pennit include:
~ Collaboration with other NPDES municipalities through involvement in the Stormwater Outreach for
Regiona1N1unicipalities (STORl`~ integrated public education campaign, Puget Sound Startrt.r Here
(PSSH). This campaign includes public service ads broadcast locallq and on cable tv and the website ~
www.pugetsoundstartshere.arg~. The Ciry of rluburn broadcasts PSSH commercials on the City's
government TV channel M' 21). .
Many of the current education and outreach acrivities that address stormwater management are
targeted at the general public, residents/homeowners, and some industries. Some of these programs
are listed below:
• Natural yard care workshops
• Car wash kits
O Used motor oil and household hazardous waste program
' o Residenual hazardous waste newsletter
e Kids day booth
• Water Fesrival
• Green Schools program (district-wide)
e Household hazardous waste mobile
• S ' Clean-uP (curbside aPPliance Picku
P~ p)
' H:;PUR_WRKS•U*i6lies`,51wm'•.Y?DE.S II.Admiri;VaUOr'.SWtt4f's'•2011 SWM('011 At;bum SWW1P 24111€1;204,dec
3: Public Education and Outreach City of Aubum 2011 SWMR
a News letter (quarterly ox biannually) for business
~ The City tracks its education and outreach efforts.
3.3 Planned 2091 Ccamp/iance Acteerft6es
While the City has an existing stormwater public education and outreach program that meets most of the
- Permit requixements, some additional elements will be required. The Permit requires prioritization of specific
target audiences and subject areas. The target audiences are to include:
~ T'he general public
B Businesses (including home-based and mobile businesses)
~ Residents/homeoavners
~ Landscapers
° Properry managers
■ Engineers, contractoxs, and developers
■ Ciry plan review staff, land use planners, and other Ciry employees.
Table 3-1 presents the work plan for the 2011 SWMP public education and outreach acrivities.
. .e .
~ . T°~' ga a. ~s
,~T ~Compiiance~
'V ~escnpbon
ask tft'N * ~ ~.Task
Continue colla6oration with oUier NPDES
EDUC-1 municipalities to idenbfy appropriate program Utilities
evaluation techni ues. Engineering
EDUC-2 Refine educaUon and ouVeach strategy to supplement UUlities
existing education activities. Engineering
EDUC-3 Implement new or modify existing education and Utilities
outceach acctivities. Engineering Refinements to existing
Staff training related to Surface Water Management public education and
Manual Impleme.ntation/Technical Standards outreach activities are on-
• Permitting going.
EDUC-4 • Plan Review Utilities
• Site Inspections Engineering
• Maintenance Standards
EDUC-6 Develop strategy and process to evaluate Utilities
understanding and adoption of target behaviors. Engineering
Establish baselinemeasure o.f public understanding U6lities
EDUG6a by participation in King County Environmental Engineering August 2011
Behavior Index survey
Irrform public employees, businesses and the general . UtiliUes
EDUC-7 public of the hazards associated with illegal August 2011
' discharges and improper di'sposal of waste Engineering
. 3-2
H:tPUS '0JRKSUt7:'EiesiS1orm'•,NPGES If.A.dmini;;ra6oii'u`"NMPs`261' S'shA4P`.i~?? Aabom SWhtP 2011 D004.der.
3: Public Education and 0utreach City of Aubum 2011 SWMP
Summarize annual activities for'Pu.blic Education and The SWMP and Annual
EDUGS Outreach° comPonent of Mnual Report identify any Utilities Compliance Reportsutimittal updates to S.WMP. Engineering is due on or 6efore March
31 st of each year.
3-3 ,
H:'nPU9 ,_`v1+RKS'.Ut:l:'iesiSiorm'•,NPDES II~S.~rini;tra6ar:iS4NhAF's~.2G?': S:h'htl".21-?1 Ai!bum S4VMiF' 20MO~04,dac
_ .
This section describes the Permit requirements related to public involvement, including descriptions of the
City's cunent and planned compliance activiues for 2011. -
4.9 Perm' ig /7equirements
The Permit, (Secrion S5.C.2) requires the City to;
■ Provide ongoing opportunities for public involvement thxough advisory boards or commissions and
watershed committee"s, and public participarion in developing rate structures and budgets, stewardship
programs, environmental actions, or other similar activities. The public must be able to partidpate in the
decision-making processes, includiag development, implementation, and update of the SWMP.
■ Make the SWVIi P and rlnnual Compliance Report available to the public, by posting on the City's website.
Make any otlier documerits required to be submitted to Ecology in response to Permit conditions
available to the public.
4.2 Current Compliance. Ac#6vi#ies
The Ci.ry has acrivities arid progxams relevant to.the public involvement requirement. These acuvities axe
summarized below.
• The Ciry has defined a series of public involvement acrivities intended to meet the Permit requirements
for public involvement in development of the Stormwater'Nlanagement Program. This process involves
presenung the draft SWMI',to .the Planning and Communiry, Development (PCDC) and Public Works
(PWC) Committees. The Giry_will then have a public hearing and presentaaon to the Ciry Council.
° The City will make the Stormwater Management Program documerit and Annual Compliance Report
available to the public on the City website.
4.3 . Pdannec/ 2011 Compliance ,4ctivitiaes
The City of rlubum has a history of including the public in decision making. Table 4-1 below Presents the
work plan for the 2011 SWMP public involvement activities.
H:tPU.9 WRKSiUtil:fissiSiomi:NBDFS IltAcminisq'a!ion'.SJJMP5l2G1': S:1VMf"•.20? 1 Aubum 5`vYMP 20110u:04.doc '
4: Public Involvement City of Aubum 2011 SWMP
• ~ . . .
~Task~l~~~ ask~ esonk ~~imefra
ln;~ ~ ; §15
PI-1 Provide public involVement opportunities for annual Utilities
SWMP update. Engineering Publicinvolvement
Make SWMP document and Annual Compliance . opportunities will be available
PI-2 Report available to public by posting on the City es before 3/31/2011 submittal.
, we6site: Engineering
Summarize annuai activities for 'Public InvolvemeM The SWMP and Annual
PI-3 and Participation° component of Mnual RepoR; Utilities Compliance Report submittal
identify any updates to SWMP. Engineering ' is due on or before Maroh
31 st of each year.
- H:tPU,S.;~1'RKS.U';I ies':5'.orm':PlP!"iES II Aamini;Va6om5hhdfls'.201? :VrMP.201:' At:burn S4VMP 2011U0204.dac
This section desarbes the Permit requirements related to illicit disctiarge.detection andeliminauon (IDDE);
iacluding descriptions of the Ciry's current and planned compliance activiues.for 2011.
5.9 Perrnig faequire,reents
The Permit (Section,S5.C.3) reqiures the Ciry to:
° Implement an ongoing program to detect and remove illicit discharges, connections, and improper
disposal, including ariy.spills into the municipal separafe storin sewers owned.or, opeiated by the City.
■ Develop a.storm sewer system:map, have ordinances that prohibit_ illicit discharges, and create a
program to detect and address illicit discharges.
■ Publiclylist`and publicize-a hotline or otherlocal telephone number far public reporting of,spills and ,
other illicit discharges. Track.illicit discharge reports and actions taken in response through close-out,
including enforcement actions.
° Train staff on proper IDDE response SOPs and municipal°field staff to recognize and report illicit
discliarges., _
a Summarize all illicit discharges and connecrions reported to the City and response acrions taken,
including enforcement actions, in the Annual Compliance Report; identify any updates to the SWMP.
5.2 Cur're»t CompOiance Activitees, : . The City has activiries and programs°that meet many of the Permit requirements. The current compliance
acdvities associated with the Pemut include:
" The Ciry has completed some of the mapping required for the Permie. The City also has an SOP for
keeping the muriicipal separate; storm sewer system map and' inventory up-to-date.
° Ciry codes and standards already have sections that address the required illicit discharges and civil
infractions. '
■ Citizens can report illicit discharges or illidt dumping using the published spill -hotline number or any
of the phone numbers published by'the Ciry. The calls are rouEed to Operarions and Maintenance
where they aze recorded and distributed to the appropriate response authority.
■ The Ciry tracks spills, illicit discliarges, and inspections.
• The City has chosen to.use GarteGraph as its issue tracking and resolurion system.
■ The Ciry created an IDDE response and enforcement SOP. "
H'•~PUB UJRKS`,U~6;ies:S(orm•.NPDE.s' II~,P.Bmini;na!iortS4NAdPsi2Qt? SS'VYiP~.iO 11 Au6uni SN'MP 2011U^.:(!?.dec
5: Illicit Discharge Detection and Efimination City of Aubum 2011 SWMP
5.3 PAanned 2011 Coenpliance Active#ies
The City will need to update curreat IDDE efforts in oriier to maintain compliance as the Permit
requirements take effect. Table 5-1 presents the work plaa for 2011 SWW illicit discharge detection and
elimiaarion acriviries.
~ ...9w,. , I 1 . 9• • • . . • , z
NlsffllComplia~ criead~
IDDE-1 Define and implement City-wide IDDE Program and Utilities Program developmert to be
develop any necessary supplemental IDDE activities. Engineering" completed 6y 8/19l2011.
Continue to revievu and update storm system map to - Utilities ongoing
IDDE-2 address data gaps and Permit requiremerft. Engineering
iDDE-2a Map location of aU known outfalls and structural BMPs, Utilities Map to be completed by .
owned/operated by the City Engineenng 0211612011
~ IDDE-2b For outfalls 24" and Iarger, map the Vibutary Utilities _ Map to be completed by . ,
conveyance, assoaated drainage area, and land use Engineering 02116/2011
Conduct a field assessment of one high priority water Utilities Complete assessment field
- IDDE-5 work for one high priority
body Engineenng
water body this year.
" Implement procedure for IDDE program evaluation Utilities
IDDE-6 including feedback received from public education Engineering BY'August 2011
Summanze annuai activities for "Illicit Discharge The SWMP and Annual
IDDE-7 Detection and EliminaUon" component of Annual Utilities Compliance Report submittal
Engineering is due on or before March
Re ort; iden ' an u dates to SWMP. ,
p ~ y p 31 st of each ear
5-2 .
N:tPUS„WRKS'.Utililic)s`Siorm':Ur UE.S II':A;im€ni,TaionlS"J1Pst20,` S6vMP`2011 Aubum SN~h4P 2011UO:04.doc
~ CITY 4F AUBU.RN 201 1
This section describes the Pexmit requirements related to controlling iunoff from new development, iedevelopment, and construction sites; including descriptions of the Ciry's cunent and planned complia.nce
activities for 2011. '
6.1 I9ei'/9'1Of ReElgBll'dme'I'0$S
The Permit (Section 55.C.4) requires the City to:
° Develop, implement, and enforce a:program to reduce pollutants in stoxinwater runoff (i.e., illicit
discharges) to the municipal sepazate storm sewer system from new developineat; redevelopmeut, and
construcrion site acriviries. The program must apply to both private and public projects, ittcluding
roads, and address all construcrion/development-associated pollutant sources.
m rldopt regularions (eodes and standards) and 'unplement plan reyiew; inspecrion, and escalating
enforcement SOPs necessary to implement the program in accordance with Perniit conditions,
including the minimum technical requirements in Appendix. l of the Permit.
a Develop provisions (plan review; inspecrion, and enforcement) and SOPs to, allow non-structural
preventive actions and source reducrion approaches such as Lowlmpact Development techniques to
min;rr,ize the crearion of unpervious surfaces and the disturbance of narive soils and vegetation.
° tldopt regulauons (codes and standards) and processes to verify adequate long-term operarions and
maintenance of new post-constrixction permanent stormwatei facilities. and BtiII's in accordance with
Permit conditions, including an annual inspection frequency arid/br approved alternative inspection
freyuenry and maintenance standards for private drainage syscems as protectiv'e as those in Chapter I`'
. of the 2005 `Ecology Stoxmwater llanagement Nlanual for Western Washington.
° Provide copies of the Norice of Intent (NOI) for construcuon or industrial activities to representatives
of the proposed new development and redevelopment. _
■ Provide training to staff on tTie new codes, standards, and SOPs and create public education and
outreach materials.
■ Develop' and define a process to record and maintain all inspections and enforcement.actions by staff.
■ Sutnmarize annual acuviues.for the "Controlling Runoffl', component of the Annual Compliance
Report; idenrify any updates to tlie SWNiP.
' NTU:?. WRKS!U"1 iestSiormkNPpES Ilh.dmini;~ra!icr.'•.S~NR~i=s~.2Qt? 5NMF12'111 ,4ubum 54VMP 20110010~4.doc
6: ControAing Runoff from New Development, Redevelopment
and Construction Sites City of Aubum 2011 _SWMP
6.2 Currenf CompBearrce Activif6es
The City has acrivities and pxograms that meet many of the Perinit requirements. The current compliance
activities assodated with the Pexmit include: ° The Ciry has existing programs, codes, and standards;that address thePernut requirements for .
management of stormwater runoff from development, ,redeveloprnent, and construction sites. The City
reviews all stormwater site plans for proposed development.
° The City adopted a stormwater management manual approved by Ecology as equivaleat to the 2005
Stormwater:Nlanagement Manual for Western Washington.
■ The City has a site planning process fo= BiVIP selection and design criteria. ■ The Ciry inspects all permitted development sites dnring construction and afrer construction. ~
• The Ciry clearly identifies the party responsible for operauons and maiatenance (0W and requires
long-term O&1VI of pemutted facilities and BMPs.
° The Ciry tracks and records inspecuons and enforcement actions by staff. `
° The City provides copies of Norices of Intent (NOn for construction aud industrial activities in.the.
pre-application meeting with developers.
° Construcrion inspectors and most building inspectors have the required erosion control usining:
603 Plannetd 2011 Compleance `4cgivi#ies .
The Ciry has a program to help reduce stormwater runoff from new development and construcrion sites.
Table 6-1 presents the work plan for 2011 SWNII' acfivities related to runoff control for new development, .
redevelopment, and constxuction sites. _
• 1 s ~ ~ ' • ~ I• • • ~ ~ ~ ~ '
N ~
Track and repoR construction, new developmem, and planning/ Permit
CTRL-1 redevelopmeM permits, inspections and enforcement Center On-going. _
Conduct annual inspection of all treatment and flow Utilities
CTRL-2 , conVol (other 4han catch basins) - pnvate systems Engineering On-going
Summarize annual acctivities for "Controlling Runoff The SWMP and Annual • -
CTRL-3 from New Development, Redevelopment, and Utilities Compliance RePort submittal
ConstrucUon Sites" component of Annual RepoR; Engineering is due on or before March
identify arry updates to SWMP. 31st ofeach year.
H:',i'US,_WRKS:U^liiies'.S!erm:N?pF.S If;•.timini;tra!ior.S'sb'h•i~s`.2Gt i SWA".2011 Aubum S'vVMf' 2011130<04.der.
This section describes the Perinit requireuients related to polluuon prevenuon and operations and
maintenance for mnniapal operarions, including descriptions of the Gity's current and planned compliance
acriviries.for'2011. 7.1 Permit Reepuirements
The Pemut (Secrion S5.C.5) requires the Ciry to:
° Develop and implement an O&M program, with the ultimate goal of preventing ar reducing pollutant
runoff fxom municipal separate stounwater system and munidpal 08uM activities.
■ Establish maiuteaance standards for the municipal separate stormwater system. that are at least as
protective as those spedfied in the 2005 Stormwater Nlanagement Manual for Western Washington.
° Perfornn required inspecuon frequency- of stormwater flow contxol and treattnent facilities and catch
basins, unless previous inspection data show that a reduced frequenry is justified.
■ Have SOPs in place to reduce stormwater.impacts associated with runoff from municipal0&M
activiries, including but not limited to streets, parking lots, roads, or highways owned or maintained by
_ the City, and to reduce pollutants in discfiarges from all lands owned or maintained by'the Ciry.
■ Train staff to implement the SOPs and document that training.
` 0 Prepare Stormwater Pollurion Prevenrion Plans (SWPPPs) far all heavy equipment maintenance or
storage yards idenrified for year-round facilities or yards, and.material storage facilities owned or
operated by the City.
° Summarize annual activiries for the "Polluuon Prevention and Operations and Maintenance for
iMunicipal Opexations" coriiponent of the Annual Compliance Report; idenrify any updates to the
7.2 Cterreeat Ca+mptiance Activat6es
The City has activities.and pxograms that meet many of the Perxnit requirements. The current compliance
activities assodated with the above Pertnit requirements include:
° The Ciry operates an O&M prograxn intended to minimize pollutanrrunoff from muniapal
■ The City adopted, the stoxmwater tnaintenance standards listed in Ehe Stormwater Nfanagement
Manual. .
a The City conducts and records.the necessary mainteriance operarions identified based on inspections
of stormwater control Facilities. The City performs spot checks of potentially damaged permanent
treatment and flow coritrol faciliues after storm events.
H:1PU9tNRK&UtlftiestS!orm~,NPDES i!`,Adrrini;na(ion`•.S"JJMPs'•2O11 SWA1P1201 1 At:bum SWM(' 2011C0204.01
7. Pollution Preven4ion and 0&M for Municipal Operations City of Aubum 2011 SWMP
~ M&O staff involved with pesticides, pest management, and erosion and sediment conuol, receive
uaining in these areas. The Ciry has developedprocedures for these activities.
° The City has developed Stormwater Pollution Pxevenrion Plans for,applicable Ciry facilities.
7e3 Planned 2091 Comp/iance e4ctevities .
Auburn performs many of the Permit required activities to limit stormwater pollurion potential related to its
municipal O&Mprogram. Table 7-1 presents the work plan for 2011 SWNIP activiues related to polluuon
prevention and operations and maintenance for munidpal operations.
- i . . . . . . ~as I~~ - ~ ~ Ts Descipt~on;%~ ~Responsible . ~ hedule Notes~~ :n~
..u~ . A ~ ,~,~re~m,~ ...~~z .~3~ .c. -
Conduct annual inspection of all treatment and flow Utilities
PPOM-1 control (other than catch basins) - public system . Engineering On-going ,
, Inspect all public catch :basins at least once during the PPOM-2 pertnit cyde and perfortn maintenance as Viggered by , M&0 On-going
the maintenance standards
Summarize annual activities for °Pollution Prevention Tlie SWMP and Annual
' PPOM-3 and Operation and Maintenance" component of UUlities Compliance RepoR submittal
ennual report; identify any updates to SWMP. ` Engineering is due on or before March
31st of each ear.
H:',PU:?..,'v'r~tKS'.Utifii~sS;ormlPlPbF..S II.A:9n~ini;tra!ion'S;ti!WPs12~11 S4NMf'~.2p11 AuCUm SWfvi~ 2011U0^0?,dar.
This section desciibes the Pemut requirements related to water qualify monitoring, including descriprions of
the City's current and planned compliance acrivities for 2011. `
8.1 Permit Requerements
The Permir (Secrion SS) does not iequire munidpalities to coriduct water qualiry sampling or other testing
during this pertnit texm; witk the following exceptions:
m Sampling or testing required for characterizing illicit discharges .pursuant to the SWi'~II''s IDDE
a Water qualiry monitoring'required for compliance with Total Maximum Daily, Load (17VIDL)
condirions (water quality clean up plans). The cutrent Permit does not require tliat Auburn petform
TMDIrrelated monitoring because Ecology has not establislied 1MIDLs for waier:bodies that receive
stormwater runoff from the Ciry.
a Preparing future comprehensive, long-term water qualiry monitoring plan including two components:
1) stormwater monitoring and 2)-targeted Stoxmwater bfanageinentProgram effectiveness monitoring.
0 By the 4th rlnnual Compliance Report (iblarch 31, 2011); Auburn is required to idenrify two outfalls or
conveyances where permanent stormwater sampling starions:can be installed and operated for future
- monitoring. The Ciry is also required to develop plans to monitor storcnwater, sediment, and receiving
water for physical, chemical, and/or biological characteristics. One outfall must represent high-densiry
residential land use, and the other commercial land use.
° To monitor SWNIP effectiveness,, the City will need to identify two suitable Program quesuons and
sites where targeted Program effecuveness monitoring can be conducted and develop a monitoring
plan for these quesEions and sites. The proposed effectiveness monitoring is required to answer the
following rypes of quesrions:
o How effective is a speafic targeted action or a narrow suite of actions?
• Is the Stormwater ibla.nagement Program achieving a targeted environmental outcome?
In addition, the Ciry is required to provide the following monitoring and/or assessment data in each annual
■ r1 description of any stormwatex monitoring or studies conducted by the City during the reporting
period. If stormwater monitoring was conducted on behalf of the City, or if studies or inyestigarions
conducted by other enriues were reported to the City, a brief description of the type of informarion
gathered or received shall be included.in the annual report:
° r1n assessment of the appropriateness.of the best management pracrices identified by the City for each
component of the SWNiP; and any changes made, or anticipated to be made, to the BMI's that were
previously selected to implement the SWN1P and why.
H:,PJ3 I;+RK51Util~tiestS:orrilMnC~F..S II;Admini;aa!ior:ShMF's'.2~,? ~.NMf~124?1 Auhurn S41~!~1f~ 2Q110D:'04.dec
8: Monitoring City of Aubum 2011 SWMP
8.2 Caerrent Corrppliance Activities
The City developed a map of the significant municipal stormwater outfalls and has developed a monitoring
plan to implement future Permit water qualitp monitoriag xequirements.
8:3 Planned 2011 Cornpleaetce Activi#ies
Auburn will submit the Water Quality Monitoring Program document developed in 2010 with the rlnnual
Report for 2010 (by March 31, 2011). Except for summarizing monitoriag activities no acrions are required.
Table 8-1 presents the work plan for 2011 SWMP monitoring activiries.
• i a . ~ . . . r~ ~ y~'~ ~
~Ta k~1D~~ ~~Tasfe;Desenption ~Compl~ance~`X, I a ~ z9E
Participate in regional and state monitoring foNms •
MNTR -1 and future legislative actions in order to influence Utilities Continue participation:
development of feasible and effectiVe altematiye Engineering
future monitoring requirements: .
Summarize annual monitoring activities for the Annual 7he SWMP and Annual
Report; identify any updates to SWMP induding Uti(ities Compliance Report submittal
MNTR -2 identification of sitesselected for monitoring and a Engineering is due on, or before March
summary of proposed questions for effectiVeness
monitorin , u ose, desi n and methods: 31st of each year.
H`•PUE.. WRKS'.Uttli!iesi5:orm':NPDFS !I',Aclmini,maUor:',S~NMPs'•ZQ11 SWh4h`01:1 F ubum 5WM1P 2011 D0204,dac
. . ~ ~ APPENDIX A
Acronyins and Definitions from Permit
H:'.F•U.P. '~iRKSiUE!li_ies;SeormINPCJES il'P.di~ini;tra!ior:.S'v'dhi'-'s~2011 S'sNtviP1201:1 Rt:burr SWM(' 2011, r'wiQ».doc
Appendix A: Acxonyms and Definitions City of Aubum 2011 SWMP
The following definitions and acronyms aze taken direcdq from the Phase II Permit and are reprodiaced here
for the reader's convenience.
ABART means all known, available, and reasonable methods of prevenuon, control and treatment. All
known, available and reasonable methods of prevention, control and ueatment refers to the State
Water Pollurion Control Act, Chapter 90.48.010 and 90.48.520 RCW.
Basin Plan is a surface water management process consisting of three parts: a scientific study of the basin's
drainage features and their quality; developing actions and recommendations for resolving any deficiencies
discovered during the study; and implementing the recommendations, followed by moaitoring.
Best Management Practices ("BMPs") are the schedules of activities, prohibirions of practices,
maintenance.procedures, and structural and/or managerial practices approved by the Department that; when
nsed singly or in combinarion, prevent or reduce the release of pollutants and other adverse impacts to waters
of Washington State.
BMP means Best Management Practice.
CFR means Congressional Federal Register.
Compoaent or Program Component means an elemeat of the Stoxmwater Management Program listed in
SS Stormwater Management Program for Ciries, Towns, and Counties or S6 Stormwater Management
Program for Secondary Permittees of this permit.
CWA means Clean Water Act (formerly referred to as the Federal Water Pollution ControlAct orFederal
Water Pollution Control Act Arnendments of 1972) Pub.L. 92-500, as amended Pub. L. 95-217, Pub. L. 95-
576, Pub. L. (6-483 and Pub. L. 97-117, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.
Discharge for the purpose of this permit means, unless indicated otherwise, any discharge from a MS4
owned or operated by the permittee.
Ecology's Western Washington Phase I Municipal Stormwater Permit regulates discharges from
municipal separate storm sewers owned or operated by Clark, King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties, and the
cides of Seatde and Tacoma.
Ecology's Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Pertnit covers certain "small"
municipal sepazate stormwater sewer systems.
Enrity means another governmental body, or public or private organization, such as another permittee, a
conservation district, or volunteex organization.
Equivalent document means a technical stormwater management manual developed by a state agency, local
govemment or other entity that includes the N-Iinimum Technical Requirements in Appendix 1 of this Permit.
The Department may condiuonally approve manuals that do not include the Minimum Technical
Requirements in Appendix 1; in general, the Best Management Practices included in those documents maq be
applied at new development and redevelopment sites, but the Atinimum Technical Requirements in Appendix
1 must still be met.
Heavy equipmerit maintenance or storage yard means an uncovered area where any heavy equipment,
such as mowing equipment, excavators, dump trucks, backhoes, or bulldozers are washed or maintained, or
where at least five pieces of heavy equipment are stored.
Illicit connection means any man-made conveyance that is connected to a municipal separate storm sewer
without a pemut, excluding roof drains and other similaz tppe connecrions. Examples include sanitary sewer
H':nUE._t,RK~`.U"G[ies`•.Siwm'.NPDES Ii;;dminist1a!i-011'*hMPsk2011 : S:'dW.2011 A.uburn S4YhAP 20'1D0.:0.4.d:x
Appendix A:, Acronyms and Definitions - City'of Aubum 2011 SWMP
connecuons, floor drains; channels, pipelines, conduits, inlets, or oudets that are connected directly fo the
municipal separate storm sewer system.
Illicit discharge means any discharge to,a munidpal sepazate storm sewer that is not composed entirely of
storm water egcept discharges pursuant to;a NPDES permit (other than the N.PDES permit: fo"r discharges
from the municipal separate storm sewer) aad discharges resulting from fire fighting activiti.es.
IDDE means Illicit discharge detection and eliminarion. ,
Low Impact Development (LID) ,means. a stormwater management and land development strategy applied.
at the pazcel and su}idivision scale that emphasizes conserdation and use of on-site natural features integrated
. r
with engineered; small-scale hydrologic controls to more closely mimic pre-development hydrologic
functions. .
Major Municipal Separate Storm Sewer. Outfall means a municipal separate storm sewer outfall from a
single pipe with an inside diameter of 36 inches or more, or its equivalent (dischazge from a single conveyance
other than circular pipe which is associated with a drainage area of more than 50 atres); or for municipal
separate storm sewers that receive stormwater from lands zoned for indusuial activity (based on
comprehensive zoningplans or the equivalent), an outfall that discharges from a single pipe with an inside . .
diuneter of 12 inches or,more or from its equivalent (dischaxge from other than a circular pipe associated
with a drainage area of 12 acres or more). .
Material Storage Facilities;means an uncoveted area where bnik materials (liquid, solid, granulaz, etc.) are
stored in piles; barrels; tanks, bins, cra'tes, or other means.
Maximum Extent Practicable. (MEP) refers to paragraph 402(p)(3)(B)(iu) of the federal Clean Water Act
which reads as follows: Perriuts foi discharges from municipal stoxm sewers shall require controls to reduce
the discharge of pollutants to the maxunum extent pracdcable, including managemenrpractices, conuol
techniques, and system, design, and engineering methods, and other such provisions as the rldministrator or.
the State detemiines appropriate for the control of such pollutants,:
MEP means Maximutn Extenf Practicable.
MS4 - see Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. MTRs.means 14inimum Technical Requirements.
Municipal Separate Stotm Sewer System (MS4) means a conveyance, or system of conveyances (including
roads with drainage systems; muriicipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches; manmade channels, or
stoxm drains):
(i) owned or operated by a state, city, town,.borough, counry,parish, district, association, or other public body
(created by or pursuant to state law) havingjurisdiction over.
disposal of wastes, storm water, or other wastes, including special districts undex state law such as a sewer
district, flood control district or drainage district, or similar entiry, or, an Indiari txibe or an authorized Indian
tribal organizarion, or a designated and:approyed management agenry under secrion 208 of tlie CWr1 that
discharges to, waters of the United States, ,
(u) designed or used for collecting ox convey-ing stormwatex. (iu) which is not a combined s.ewer; and ('iv) which is not part of a Publicly.Owned Treatment Works ,
(I'OTV;) as defined at 40 CFR 122.2.
H:tI~US V`rRKS;U,il;iiesl:;ion±r•.NPtiES II°,":cmirti;nafi~r:~SVJE~l~si2Q':': 5MP',201:1 Aubum S4VFiF 20110^'04.r,'r,c
Appendix A: Acronyms and Definitions City of Aubum 2011 SWMP
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) means the narional program for issuing,
modifying, revoking, and reissuing, terminaring, monitoring and enforcingpermits, and imposing and
enforcing pretreatment requirements, under sections 307, 402, 318, and 405 of the Federal Clean Water Act,
£or the dischazge ofpollutants to surface waters of the state fiom p'oint'sources. These:permits are referred to .
as NPDES permits and, in Washington State, are administered by the Washington Department of Ecology.
Notice of Intent (NOI) means the applicauon for, or a request for coverage undex this GeneralPe.xinit
pursuant to Wr1C 173-226-200. ' -
Outfall means point source as defined by 40 CFR 122.2 at the point where a municipal separate storm sewer
dischaiges to waters of the State and does not include open conveyances connecting tbvo municipal separate
storm sewer systems, or pipes, tunnels, or other conveyances which connect segments of the same streafn or
other waters of the State and are used to convey waters of the State.
O&M means Operarions and Nlaintenance.
Permittee unless otherwise noted, the term "Permittee" includes Pexmittee, Co-Pernuttee, and Second.at-y .
Permittee, as defined below:
(i) A "Permittee" is a city, town, or countq owning or operating a regulated small MS4 apply-ing and receiving .
a pexxnit as a single entity.
' (ri) A"Co-Pecmittee" is any opezator of a regulated small MS4 that is applying jointly with another applicant
far coverage under this Permit. Co-Permittees own or operate a regulated small MS4located within or
adjacent to another regulated small MS4.
(ui) A "Secondary Permittee" is an operator of regulated small MS4 that is not a ciry, town, or counry.
Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System or Small MS4 is a conveyance or system of conveyances
for munici alities havin o ularions of less that 100,000 accordin to 1
p g p p g the 990 US census. Such sYstems
include road drainage systems, municipal sueets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made chaiinels,
and/or storm drains that are:
a. Owned or operated by a ciry, town, county, district, association or other public body created
pursuant to State law having jurisdiction over disposal of sewage, industrial wastes, stormwater, or other
wastes, including special districts under state law such as a sewer:districts, flood control districts or drainage
districts, or sunilar entity. `
b. Designed or used for collecting or conveying stormwater. .
c. Not a combined sewer system, d. Not part of a Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTV() as defined at 40 CFR 122:2.
e. Not defined as "large" or "medium" pursuant to 40 CFR 122.26(b)(4) &('7) or designated under
40 CFR 122.26 (a)(1)(v). ~
Small NIS4s include systems sixnilar to separate storm sewer systems in municipalides such as: universities;
large publicly owned hospitals, prison complexes, highways and other thorougHfares. Storm sewer,systems in
_ very discrete areas such as iridividual buildings do not require coverage under this Permit.
Small MS4s do noZ include. stortn drain systems operated by non-governmental entiries such as: individual
buildirigs, private schools, private colleges, private universities, and industrial and commercial enriries. .
H:'.P!J6 WRK StUtiliiies S!orr;,;NP0F..8 11 ':r: 4min1;Va1Jcr`.SttihiPs:2011': SiNMR.2011 AuGum 54VM!:. 2011 U":t0?.doc
Appendix A: Aaonyms and Definitions City of Aubum 2011 SWMP
Sformwater means runoff during.and following precipitation and snowmelt events, including sutface runoff
and drainage.
Stotmwater Associated with Industrial and Construcrion Activity means the discharge from any
coaveyance whicli is used for collecting and coaveying stormwater, wlvch is directly related to manufactuting,
. processing ox raw materials storage axeas at aa industrial plant, or assodated with clearitig grading and/or
excavarion, and is required to have an NPDES permit in accordance with 40 CFR 122.26.
Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington means the 5-volume techaical manual
(Publication Nos. 99-11 througfi 15 far the 2001 version and Publication,Nos. 05-10-029-033 for tfie 2005
version (The 2005 version replaces the 2001 version) prepared by Ecology for use bq local governments thar
contains BiNIPs to prevent, control,,or treat pollurion in storm water.
Stormwater Maaagement Program (SWMP) means a set of acuons and acriviries designed to reduce the
discharge of pollutants from the regulated small MS4 to the maximum extent practicable and to p=otect water
- quality; and comprising the,components listed in SS or S6 of this Perinit and any additional actions necessaxy
to meet the requirements of applicable.
Total Maximum Daily Load. (TMDL) is a calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant that a
waterbodp can receive and still meet water qualiry standards,
WPUr ',;+RK5~,Utlliiies'S(omi'•.NPDF..S IIIA.r'mini;,ra!ior,S,'4hiPs',201' S:hMPO':1 A.i:burn,4VMP 20110:204.dnc
i. Permittee Information
Permittee Name Permittee Coverage Number
Ci of Auburn, WAR04-5502
Contact Name Phone Number ~
Ghris Thom 253-804-5065 '
Mailing Address
25 Vllest Main
City Stafe Zlp + 4
Aubum IWA 98001-4998
Email Adddress cthom@auburnwa.gov
11. Regulated Small MS4 Location
_ Entity Type: Check the box thai applies
' Jurisdiction Coun - Ci fTown Other
Ci of Aubum X
- Major Receiving Water(s) ~
Vllhite River, Green River, Mill Creek
III: Relying on another Governmental Entiiy
If you are relying on another governmental entity to satisfy one or more of the
permit obligations, list the eritity and briefly describe the permit obligation(s) they -
are implementing on your behalf below. Attach a copy of your agreement with the
other entity to provide additional defaiL Name of Entity: Perinif Obligation(s):
~ .
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.I .
I . . ~ . . . , .
IV. Certification
All annual reports must be.signed and certified by the responsible official(s) of permittee or co-
permittees. Please print and sign this page of the reporting form and mail it (with an original
signature) to Ecology at the address noted below. An electronic signature will not suffice.
I certify under penalty of law, that this documenf and all attachments were prepared under my direction or .
supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that Qualified Personnel properly gathered and
evaluated the information submitted: Based on my inquiry of the<person or persons who manage the system or
those persons directly responsible for gathering information, the information submitted is, to the best of my
knowledge:and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that tliere are significant.penalties for submitting .
false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for willful violations.
Name Title Date
Name Title Date
Name Tit1e ' Date
~ Name . Title Date
Name Title Date
i . . '
I .
' ` . _ _ .
I ; '
i :
~ ~
i .
~ ~
; .
VI. Status Report Covering Calendar Yr: 2010 Jurisdiction Name: City of Auburn
PLEASE indicate reporting year and your jurisdiction in Line 1, above.
PLEASE refer to the INSTRUCTIONS tab for assistance filling out this table.
NOTE: Items that have future compliance dates must still be answered to indicate status. NOTE: For clarification on how to answer questions, place cursor over cells with red flags.
NOTE: Highlighted items indicate requirements that are due in 2009. .
PLEASE review your work for completeness and accuracy. Save this worksheet as you go!
YIN1 Comments (50, word limit). ` ; Nam~. ~f At#~~men~ &
NA Pa~+~
, , . . . . _ .
1. Attached aririuaf '~vi7tten iipdate:of Periiitttjtee~'s; Y~~"~~~-.~ -
Stormwa#ei:Managernerit•Progran (SVV1V1P);
including ap~lic4ble requireme'nts under
2. Attadhe~ ~.;CO~► ~fany at~ne~ations, NA
incorpora:tions orboundary. changes resulting
in aniricreA0-e 6r de~r~~e ~in the Permittee's z °j
eo h~.c ar~ea o# er~,~:~over:~. d~in ~h
g ~p , . :g..
repotting ~ieriocf, a:tid irnpltc~.tians t'or: the . ' SWMP as ~r S9 E
3. Impl~rnent~ti an ongoing>progr~tm for : Y SWMP implementation and permit compliance
is evaluated during annual SWMP update.
gathering, ~x'a.cktng; maC~tWnuig; and usi;ng
infartnattoil;to evWuate 5W1VII''development,:
impl~on a-cl p~~rmit eoriiplianrce and to
set ri onties? 05 A 3}
4. Began tra4ing cosfs or estunateci costs of the ` Y~~,~~,p !
devetopment iinplementatton vf tlie'
SWMP? fRequtred no later tlian Jantiyaiy :1,
20Q9, $5 A 3 a)._ 'a~ _ m.
Page 1 of 21
. . .c
~ Question YIN/ # Comments
_ - _ _ ~ `;`:z.._' _..`!~t.... .
: : _ . :
5. SVVIYfFuYC1~S ~i progcam aimed Y ~
~ .
r .i S\ 1.. _ . . ~ ~,C•.
at.resi~en,s~~~~"`s~~> ,~elCct-
offcia,~s,~c~~ T~n#iing,~
~ ~ ~ • k ~~~~,.f
other ~#(Reqyied
tabeg~~e : ~yIF~~i- 2Og; g~;~ l } ~~-35V-6, ~
..r s Y .
~ 6. I7ism,~~ Y
7. Ti~c~C~~~~ ~uca'ti~n and ~ Y;~ ~4 City of Aubum 2010 Public
Education Summary
outreach activit~~s~ ~plemiputed (:Requ3red to
begrn b Fei~
7b. Number of ~ vt~i~si~n 8
8. 1Vleaswv tT~e ~ex~~ng and a~lqpt~on of Y~;~~.t~` `3' i
tke ta~g~t~1 ~~~~a~-am~ng at least one;
targeted~~d}ei~~e ~t.le.ast one ~ti~ject arEa - .
(Required,4o heg~#x
SS>C 1 b ~
9. Pro'vided'vP~~► es'far t1~e pu~iic to Y
participate ~..#1~~ dec}sicin making piocesses
irivo11~i19;0 Ic~~na~nt, :irnpIeax~entatto~n
and updat~s q.Perriube~'s ~~IP~ c • '
(Requl~,ed by F~br~xary; ~5, 2008, S5.C 2
.r.J~.. . . . ,
10. Dtevelapeid -da pro~ess ~c~ } ~ Y
public -iav,db6fippt~~lk,
~ Page 2 of 21 ~ ~
4uestion Y/N/ Carnments (50 word;limit) , Narr~~ of A#a~cl~m~nt$~,
Page, Aabafr~abl~e. '
_ . .
11. Made the iiiost current Version of the SWMP Y W
avallable to:the ,utiiic (S5 C ~.b. . . . : # :..41
12. Posferl ttxe -SWNTP and st anuiual report on ` Y~~`
your website, (SS C.I
12b. INOTP, website address inAttachment field www.auburnwa.gov/community/
utilities/storm/stormwater permit
13. Initiated or implemented an ongoing program NA ~JV Requirement is not due yet.
to detect and remove illicit connections and ~~'r'~ •
illegal discharges into the Permittee's MS4?
(Required August 19, 2011, S5.C.3
14. Developed and currently maintain a map of NA Progress is under way to achieve compliance.
your MS4? (Required by February 16, 2011,
14b. Iriitiated a'program to develop: aizd maintain a;. Y
map of a11 e6nnections toAhe M54 authdrized
or allowed ;by the Permittee after the Permit p~ •
effective date? (SS C,1A. , . . . . , , ~ -
15. Map shows the location of all known NA Progress is under way to achieve compliance.
municinal senarate storm sewer outfalls,
r 1-
receiving waters and structural stormwater
BMPs owned, operated, or maintained by the a=;o:-..nt. ~Y
.A Permittee? (Reguired by February 16, 2011,
16. Map shows all storm sewer outfalls with a 24 NA ~'sT,~Progress is under way to achieve compliance. '
inch nominal diameter or larger, or an
equivalent cross-sectional area for non-pipe
s stems and includes tribut
y ary conveyances, ~•3
associated drainage areas and land use? :.x
(Requfred by February 16, 2011, S5.C.3.a.i)
:{yQ• i~. 4~
Page 3 of 21
. . . , . .
Question YIN/ # Cornments; {50 word flotl
N i
. .
; _ . : : . . :
.t •
. . . . .
. . . . _ : . . . .
17. Map shows geographic areas served by the NA a.Z~ eIr; Progress is under way to achieve compliance.
Permittee's MS4 that do not discharge ~~~~Y~ ~ i
stormwater to surface waters? (Required by
Februa 16, 2011, S5.C.3.a.iii)
18. Map has been made available upon request? Y~~
_ ',0 rY ~
19. D"eveloPesi a~nc~. en~c~ r to acY',~
necess to ~~ct~ ~1 ~o bit A0i~~- `6~"`
~ 5! h
stormwater, zlti~it-d~sch~t'g~s inta fihe
2009 SS Ct~
. . . _ .:y , - :~g.~~
20. Developed and implemented an ongoing NA Requirement is not due yet. ~
program to detect and address non-stormwater
illicit discharges, including sPills, and illicit
connections into the Permittee's MS4?
(Required by August 19, 2011, S5.C.3.c)
f~~r3,.ytb+;.i .
21. Developed procedures for locating priority NA Requirement is not due yet.
areas likely to have illicit discharges, including
. at a minimum: evaluating land uses and
associated business/industrial activities
present; areas where complaints have been
registered in the past; and areas with storage of
large quantities of materials that could result in
illicit discharges, including spills? (Required
by August 19, 2011, S5.C.3.c.i)
t rE'~~}~ ~
. ~
, Page 4 of 21 !
(luestion ' YIN/ Cvmmen#s (50 worc~ ~rmit~: WQf;A ,~=.1 i
. , .
NA ; 'pa~e1~` ~~~e
_ _ _ : _ ...::...r. .
22. Implemented field assessment activities, NA Requirement is not due yet.
including visual inspection of priority outfalls
identified during dry weather, and for the
purposes of verifying outfall locations,
identified reviousl unknown outfalls, and
P Y 1~~
t x~
detected illicit discharges? (Required by
August 19, 2011, S5.C.3.c.ii)
e~ y }`~~;a
. <i.
23. Pnontized receivin~ wa~eis for:visual Y
ntspecttonl~ ~(itequired by February 16, 201U;
s$.C3 C.11Y
24. Conducted field assessments for three high NA Progress is under way to achieve compliance.
' ~r y,.
priority water bodies? (Required by February
16, 2011,S5.C.3.c.ii) ; ~;-25. Conducted field assessments on at least one NA Requirement is not due yet.
high priority water body? (Required annually
after February 16, 2011, S5.C.3.c.ii)
26. Developed and implemented procedures for NA ,3,Requirement is not due yet.
characterizing the nature of, and Potential
public or environmental threat posed by, any
illicit discharges found by or reported to the
Permittee? (Required by August 19, 2011,
27. Developed and implemented procedures for NA `r~ Requirement is not due yet.
Ztracing the source of an illicit discharge; i
including visual inspections, and when
necessary, opening manholes, using mobile
f~ ~~i~ ,
cameras, collecting and analyzing water ~i}
samples, and/or other detailed inspection
procedures? (Required by August 19, 2011,
S5.C.3.c.iv) ;Y~,
Page 5 of 21
Question ; YINI Comments (50 word Irm~~)
' `NA I?~a. ie-.,~
. . . ' . , . _ F:'i 3 . _r~,w.? :'..t..4~;..xtls.~L? i.,l.. ~ r.'~.v. :.a'_~
. . . . '
_ - . . . . . . . ° - - -
28. Developed and implemented procedures for NA Requirement is not due yet.
{ ~ ~k
removing the source of the discharge,
including riotification of appropriate
authorities; notification of the property owner; technical assistance for eliminating the ~;A r~:h
discharge; follow-up inspections; and
escalating enforcement and legal actions if the
discharge is not eliminated? (Required by
August 19, 2011, S5.C.3.c.v.)
29. Informed public employees, businesses, and NA Requirement is not due yet.
the general public of hazards associated with
illegal discharges and improper disposal of
waste? (Required by August 19, 2011,
30. Distributed appropriate infortnation to target 'W ~Requirement is not due yet.
a u d i e n ces i d e n t i fi e d p u r s u a n t t o S S. C. 19 (Required by August 19, 2011, S5.C.3.d.i)
31. Nbiic12eil a he telephon~ Y
number fi~ put~~i~. ~'e}~orhng of spill's and other ; ~
illicrt ~ixsc~arges~ (~tequtred`by ~ebruary
2009, SS~-~~ud,~){~...._..
31b. Nurnber`,o~~ioi,n'e.±~alis ' .12 . . . ~
31c. 1Vtimber o~"f b11c~:~:u~~p a~tians t4ken;in res~onse 12
.1.0 _iI~1~Yi . ::R.. .,i r _ _ • ° ~ '
32 ~iinY
h _ . - - 4 e •
for publ~c p~or~i~~
~v1~~z~~~l rualy
2001 I'l $:?-~i ~~,~"u~' s ,-s`~~ ; ~ ~ •
32b (253)931-3048
Page 6 of 21 . I
4uestion : Y/NI Comments fi50 ward l~mit)' ~~larne
NA . ' Page if a#a~ie
_ . . . . . . _ ,
. :
. . : . . .
33 Tra.cked the number of illicit discharges, NA Requirement is not due yet. ,
including sPills, identified? Re uired b
9 Y
August 19, 2011, S5.C.3.e)
33b. Number of illicit dischar es identified: o
34 Tracked the number of inspecrions made for NA Requirement is not due yet.
illicit connections? (Required by August 19
2011, S5.C.3.e)
34b. Number of ins ections: ~ O
35 Received feedback from IDDE public NA ~Requirement is not due yet.
education efforts. (Re9uired bY Au~st 19
~ ,
2011, SS.C.3.e) 36 lAttached report on IDDE public education NA Requirement is not due yet.
efforts? (Required by August 19, 2011,
S5.C.3.d, S5.C.3.e
37 Miumeitia~'fiel0 staff ~es~~~i`n~~tYle~ Y~`~
ideritif cation, ~vest►gat~vn, terniinatiori,
cleanup, and reporting of ilhcit discharges,
improper disposal and ifficit connectigns are a=t ~
trained to corid~cf these achvities? (Requfred
- bY August2O09, ~5.
Trainin9 was conducted in 2009
37b. Numlier of WqOrigs ro'v~c~ed: 0
' 37c. NumUer ofstafftr00e4. ?k 0 Training was conducted in 2009
38 Provideci follow 4 tr~itiitig as :ri~eded ~to Y address changes i-ti ptocedures; teclin'tques or, 'M~`~ ;
requirement`s"7 (Requrred -by August 15; ~~09, , NA
S5.C,3_f i)..:. . . _ . : .
38b. Number of trairiirigs rovided 0 No foliow-up training was needed.
38c. Numbor,Of sta~`f trained, 0 No follow-up training was needed.
Page 7 of 21
Quesfion . ; YlNi # Combents (50 word t~mit) ~Vat~''e of~~1►~#a ~ ' e~~.~ ` :
_ N_
_ A
~ . t. .
:.r '~xr
_ ...~+s'?u4t. ...e., i..... .
_ . .
39 Mvdopi~,i~. anc~ implioi~n~ecl an o~orng
~ pi'~ d~T giden~ifi~a~tion
prop~~" o~4,~~.:~
p ;r tS - F r;t v~ C`~ .
'it.iTli~'~j~~ f
~heIr 110mial
nl~.oit 41sE~rg~
illic~t co;inne.~~ian fiA tl~e storrii sew~Y systetn~ ~,=n FI A
(Reryur~d ~i ~ Feb f ~010 SS C 3 fii ) `'~'~~'s~$ \ 7 ~ ~ Y4
i ha
39b NiuMber;oftratriinks &aVidecl
3 9c. Nurnber ~o€ sta~ tra~ned _ 79
4~~, ~ 40 Develr~e~, ~~iP~~~i~ed Xnd_ fo°r~ed a Y
prograrn to xec~0tce Poi.Iuta~~ts in storinwater xy~t1l,
roff ~~s ~
Feb~uary •
, Y . .m...s... ~41 Appliec~ stdrm~catez~ rogrdrn ~o ~1t sites Y
` ` ` 4 .
that distur~ a~aric~ a~~~ 1 aci~ ot` greater,
. ~ 6~SY . . .
includ~g:~ro,~~etsUss tf~~ 9ne acre, that are
part of a l~er conunan plam of tT~e
5 = {I T .
devefog~e~ d by F'pbru~r~
s._ _ ~
42 A~~~i~'d`~~~`~~.~i~g~ )AVate : Y r~n ~Fr h".
f y .
ari~ p~€~13 „19
{i~e`qui~e-d' " 2~Q,ln, SS ~f~t~
Page 8 of 21 '
Question Y/NI # Comments (50 wordiim~t) N.
11 @ ~ 1~~t7f~[IC~~~~B
; . : -
_ : . :
43 Appliedfi.~.e-T'ec~eal Tl~e~~iolds in A endi~t: Y;~`-:
1 to a11 ss `1 ~.cre :or grea.ter; `includmg
proj ects less #hau one acre:that are partof a -
largei common p~ari af the` de~elopr~ent: ar ~
sale? ~(Required l~y Febfuaiy 16,.2010, SS C.4)
2•+~ Xi1~ti$~'i
44 Adopted and unplemented regulatory y
mecliarusm (sueh as an ordinauce) necessary to
address run=off from new.developmen#,
redevelopment 6nd canstruction site activiti
as?` ~ =
(Required liy february 16, 201(~;.SS.C.4
, . . .
45 Reta.iried e~isixng ldcal r+~q~urements to apply, Y
stormwater:coriti~ols at smalier si~tei or 4t lower
thresholds _._.t}ian requued pursuarit to SS,.C 4? ;
46 The o:rdrnance or.other enforceable mechanism Y s~` r~~.a T
, , : . ~
ancludes t~e ininimwm requioments, tecl~cal
thresholds, a.nd defimttons. iri Appendix l(or
an equivalent approved by EcoIogy utrder;the. .4Ka
NPDES Phase I N1r.u~~ipal Storinwater:Permit)
for new develoPmen~ redeveloPment, and
construchon sites7 (Requrred by February 16,
201,04 S5 C:4.a.i)
~=4 ~f~ff'
47 The orclinarice or. other enforceable meehanism Y includes excepUnsand variancecriferia
equiv~lent to,those in Appendix 1? (Reguired..
by February. 120I U, SS.~C 4 a..i.; and Section rj~~f
6 of Apperidix 1)
. f ,
Page 9 of 21
_ (5Q
' Y1Nl # _
Question Commenfis worc~,li'~n~~ ~
iNA _ Pag l ~u`~'>~ ~
.z. ~
. . ~
. : . . . . . . : . : . . - -
48 '~Nere excep~~~ts s~~'w~a~~es'~`o N~~-~~ No variances to the minimum requirements
were granted.
Omen~ ~ Oppen, P4xI~
(Requtred" ~y`Fe~i~ti~ ~,6, ~tll>a, ~'S C.~
5 Y; ~ t t;-t ~~i
48b If ' O
so, haw,man ~►~xe .5,..: =
49 The otd~o~ ri mechaf~s~: Y
mclude~ a iid`
selectiqn d desip~,c~i#~~ n
Wtmplemen~ fi~~ rtun}~ ~~t~~ireme R
ns Y s t - ~ ~ ,
Appendix: V (or €~t~i~v~~er►t ~.~pro'v~ by
Ecology INe P%d.se I P6'mi`t) WIll protect
water uAry ~ reduoe the discharge of
pcillutants to the r~iaaam~m extent practicable
}u ~ement urider i
and sa.tis~y the ~W -~6
Cliapter 96 A8} RCW to apply a11 known,
. _
avatlable and reasonable imetliotis of
reyenhon, con~o -`80d1rea fini ent (A. TZART
. , Y
pri or to ~ischarge~~ i~Requixeii by ~ebruwy:16;
2010'S5 C 4 aii)
' . P L f ~ ~1'v1
49b Cite dokuftf6nt~~tion~ to 44e~ktlits req~ueinent Ordinance 6283
. . 1 ~ ~S~ t
Attac~imerrt ,i~eic~ _ : ~
_ • 1 j~_.,
50 The o"~~r~ Y'~' N1
provzde~ th~ ,[qgad ~u~h~, throiigl~ ih~
approval prooiss fof new ~~z,lpvelop-uneut, to
inspect ~Sr~t~#~ ~tormv►fia#~r~~~itt~ ~a~
dis~h~rge -it~ee s 1VISfl-Requirec~
Page 10 of 21
4uestion Y/NI # Comments (50 worct 4►nit) A~c~~iment
NA , . : ,
F~age:~#, ~f:at~pk~able. : .
51 Tlie ordxnance vr other enforceable mecha.rusrri_ Y`~r'~
a11oWS non=s~ctural preventive-actiorisand x~~~ •
source reduct~on approaches such as Low.
Impact Developmeiit (LTD) Techruques to
minimize the creation of impervious surfaces
and rriinimi7w ttie distutbance of native`soils
and veg6toion? (Ite9uWd, bYFebru 1.6
2010; S5 ~.4ta.iv) :
, . . : . . ' : •c,
. ' . . . : ._...._~~y.a
~Erosivity waivers not allowed.
52 If tlie, orcfiifiice o~ regulatt~ry mech antsm NA 5
allows constru6tion srtes to apply the~Erosivity ~ •
, .
~«~y ~
Requiremerit. #2, does it include appropriate, =
escaiating i'rifOreeirient setibns for
canstruEtton $ttes ttiat provide notice to the
~Perrnittee of thet r :iriterition' to. apply tYte wa'iver.
but do: ~c~t meet fh& iet~ui3e~ients` (mclucl~ng
4 . . r r NL
tuneframe 'restric`'csns, lirruts on acavities #hat
result in rion-stormwater discharges, and
implementatian 'of;appropMate BYVIPs to
prevent violations of water quality staiidards)
to qualify for the warver? (If waiver. is allowed,
the qualification is required by F.ebruary 16,
2010; S5.C:4.a..v)
.u .
Page 11 of 21
Question _ :Y/Nf # . ' Comrrienfs (30 word l~mi~j ~ M af~ w ~fi ~ ~ :
. . . . . . . . . . t~~a~ i~f,~~ +SR /~Q te ~j >
NA ry■ J~
. . . ' . . . ' . .
. . . . . . : , . . . . .
. _ . . . . . . . . . : . .
. . . . . . :
..i„ s.
-~a.:~ rc • '
53 Develop.ed ~rpl~rn~a~ed a perrriitimg Y
deveiop~eu~, ei~aprn~n~
sife activffids witli pfixi re- ew,
enforceflieril oa:p0ifit~~` iiired`by
Februaxy, SS b)
54 Appi~ted ~~r~t~n~rpxocess ~o a~l ss~tes that, Y'~
dxshutr a: 2arid ~ea ~ acre ~sr eateuicl~i31n
« g
pro~ects less ~ o~e aere ~a't are 'jart pf
larger commcn.pl'an bf the d.~velap~riient or;
(sal~? ~ZO4uired b ~~b
3' rt~a~c 16, .~~fl 10, s,
55 R' viewed Sbbrmwater S~te Plans for new Y
. . ~ ~ •
developriie~t redeveln~iment
(Required b'y Febhat.y. 42010, S45:C 4 b:4
SSb Numbo'VitWetl d~g
56 Inspecte.& phor tc~f" an-c6figtrucfion3 I
a11 knowri dev~~o~~nt sifes tha~ ~~.ve a
p pkit ~'rattsgoxt as A~te~ed
o.ten~ia~ €~t~ se4a ~ ~ .
through plaa rev~ew fa's~ o~►.defu~~,nns ana
requi~em.~an~ts 1w Ap~~en~ix
CiunstrOet~b~ Fote~t~al~
(hequirgz~ b.y ~e~b~a~!
. ,
. K... ,3
Page 12 of 21 '
Question _ Y/NI # ! Camments (50 word' fiiinit)_ . ; N~at~i~of~►~~~imer~t
NA ' `Page?A, if app~~l~ab~e
. . . . .
57 Tnspeeted coristritctiart-phase s~o~tnwater Y
controls at all lhoWn flernnitted developrnent
sites cluriWcC,`tinnto venfy pro`per
install'attr~tt aiid mainte~~rice of r~quired
erosion and sedunent controls? (Itequired by E~, ~ f
Feb~]a/~ l~i ) ` .,20i(~, ;~5 C 4:b iiij
57b. Nuxnbor c~f:site~. tn~spee'~dd~ing'~e 174
construct~on:phase;~or reporting peri~d
58 Enforced as:~tecaegory based ont~ie iuspection. Y~~~.~`,~'
at nevv development ar►d redevelopment
0, lc N.n~f
projects? ~~equtred by F6brt►ary 16; 201
S5:C,4 b
58b. Nuniber df enfbrcement atcttons~ takEn during 2
the re ortuig:
59 Inspected quahfyi~g permitted development ` Y
srtes ;up~on Eomplet~on of const~ruct~on and pt'tor
final provalflr'oacupancy ~i ensure.proper:
to 4p
installation of permarleAt stormvvater contrals
sucfi as storm.wate~ facilities and structtiral
BMPs? (Required by Febrtiary 16, 2010,
S5.C:4.b'.i`v arid v)
59b. Number of qualffying sites kriown during the . ;.x 90
Ireporting' , "nod, : ~ T xr~
59c. Number ofq` ualifying sites insPected,during 90
I'the re orCing eriod
60 Verified d matntenance plan is eompleted and Y_4' `
responsibilil.y for riiaintefiance rs assigried for:
qualifying -p"eets? (Reqiiiredby February 46,
2010, S5.C.4 b
Page 13 of 21 . . . , • . , •
Question , YINI ' # Comments (50 word licnit) . , Nanhe of Attadfilmer~t
. : . . .
: .
. . . . . : . W na _
t Y
_ s ~..~s..tt~.•.~ri%,> . Nf.. ..vr.J ~"~d•.
61b. Nux~be-y'." o~'~~q`~~~iz~~s ~en dunng p~
p.. .--:-'_~.~~',;G~^'.. ~ ,t~~~ ? g ~?~S~ .
62 Deveid~.~~ ~,~~4~~►'1~~:~i emforce~~z~~ Y
~coinpYi~(~~ vn~ regulatxorxsqiaa irig:;
pro~ec,ts~ ~l~qu~rre~i ~y F~bruary
SSc~ 4~b:vi~ _ ° ~ r • ~r~~ ~
63 Di~ th~ e ~hQ~~~ ~ al~ow► ~~nst~i~r► N
sites to apply the ~rt~s~v~~y `VY~~er u~
Appenc~ #2?
63b. If ' es, p
NA • ~
64 D~velope~i ~t~1 i~iplmen! - ci a long term ' Y, 1'-
, ~
operatlon;arrtimanten P
ari~ O&~ ro
for post=construedon stormwater facilYties.and
B1VIPs? (Requrred b4
~S.C 4 .C)~ ~
65 Adopted'a~ o~anc~ ~ otlerregttIatory ' Y;'~=,~~f,~
mecl~arusm that tdegtrf ws ~1ie party
~.~f ~
responsi~le for "'~~►~nat~..~e, rec~~res ;
irispeeti~ t~ ~aci~li#~es M. cstabiishes
enforce~ire~~ A d
Februarq ~~~~~;1:~,~~,ts ~1;~~i• . ~ : ~i J
66 ~rispected:post coW~ct~on~ s~armIvater
controls, l0~~,
• C d
de~vefo~fn~~t~`~~~ bee#s'?
~f}~>e HWC
• '
Page 14 of 21
Question YINt t_ Corfimenfs (5Q word limi§ ; iVame arf Attacitmeht
NA Page
. . . . . . ,
66b. Number of'sites inspected dur'ing the reporting 368
period: ;
j01 66c. Number-of structural jBMPs inspeeted during 3. 699
the reporhn periocl:
66d. INumbdr of enfarcement actions taken during 49
the reporting period.
67 EstablisHed mairttenance standards that are as Y~~
s ta
protective, or more°prcsteetive, of'facihty
function ~ts tnose s~tee~fiecl; m Cha.pter 4 of
Volume V of the.~ObS Stormwater ;
~i x
t-1 9 v 4Managemo~t~ 11~anaa1"for Western ~
sl~Yngton'~ ~Re~utrea liy February 16
VVa Yt,;
; .
68 Performed fs~ely maifttenatiee os per ` Y wa ~ s
S5.C:4 c u? ~Reguired by February 16, 2010, ~•A~`
S5XA C.11) a Fr
68b. Attictied 4ocwneftta~61 of atiq main#eiiance, NA
delays: (Requit-ed by Fpbnta~ 16, 2Q 10, -
69 Established program to annually inspectail `Y1f17T 'z ,1;_A~";
stormvVate~ 'trea~ient aiid;.fl~~v' co~trol . ~ r ' .
w r ~s
facilities (cjtlier than catcli basins) permitted:by
the Permittee according. to S5.C.4,b. unl'ess.'
there are maintenarice records to justify:a ` x~• F~:~`
different frequency? (Required' by February
16, 2010, SS:C4:c;iii)
70 If using redaee~ whsip'ec tibn fregdency, , NA
p,;.'?4 t`' z• s..:
Attache~d ddcumO~tat~on as per-~5 C 4:0 iii?
(Itequired by Februaty 16, 201 U; S5 C.4 c Page 15 of 21
Quesfion YINI # Co~nrnents (60
_ . ~ . . . . . .
. . : ,..:I . . : . . .~..;.~-a..,~..? ~..a
71 Inspeded '1
~1 B~``~~#ormv~a#er frea~nen~ ~c~ Y
flbvv cMvc~~-or a~era#ed,
iricludnqw.re'sa ridiltial •~~fr:
coirimo~ o~~ieve~o~~i~nt or sa~e, every 6
rnonths ;~i~g t~`ezperf7 ,l~e~tvios house. ~ a= .
coiistnic~o~ ~ ~ to}~ y~axs f6~~~x~~g = ' ~'~.,.~,;~Mj • •
sulid~vis~nn`~~~rbv~1~ ance z .
needs and . th
main#enitAce r~eeded? Wguired
by:Febriaary 16, 2.0Qs ~WX,4= c rv)
71b. Niunber o~ the 3 ~
. . . _ , . ~ . -u s.-3.»??
72 T~iplernei3tted a p~~c~u~ ~or k~epg reeords Y~~_
T ~ : ~ . 4 xr }
of.iuspe~tiu~s and ~~a~c~rnrn~nt ~ons by;
staff; including ins~~e~ionrreports, warnmg ~
letters, noti~~s of v~~oiat~or~s, vther enforcement
rtcoTds, maintenoce inspections atii~
maintenan~e aEti~~i'es~ (Re'quared by February;
~ . ~ .
.r,.....z.-.. ~ ~i~ T' e~. .
73 Provided;capies: of~ie 1Voti'ce of Intent
~ •
Constructt~q~[ A+c~i~ an~ N"otlce of lkiiCil:
for Indu~~ri~I Act~vi~;~a r~presentat~ves
proposeil~i~w capinon~
Page 16 of 21 . .
Question Y/N/ # Comments (50 wQrd limMlarne nf A#ta+~hment
NA , i~ aaW
. _ _
. . , _
. , . .
74 All staff respoitsible for implementing the Y~~i
pragram to coo#roi` sto3ri~v~ate'r~runoff from..
new developiner►t re&velopmerit arid
: ; , . . F fi .
coristruchon sites; incltiding permitting, plan
: . . . . .f . 4.
review, coristruction site:inspeetions; arid
enforcement wexe trothed ta eonduct these
activihes1 (Required by February 16; 20.10,
S.,S C:4 f.
74b. Nutnber e.C,gs M+~i~ied.
74c. Nurriber ofstaff tr~lned-
75 Developed~aitd implemerit6-d ari~operations arid' Y~~~t~,~ z g
maintena&e (08c1Gf~ progx~m that ~cludes a `
ttair~ing cqinponent and l~s the ult~mate goa1-
of pre'ventuig or redu~ing poll~itant rutio~f f`ro r
m r,~,~.~
municipai aper~.tioi~s? ~Reqtt:red by February
76 Aclo}ited maintentanee st'dards as pro'Cect~ve; - Y~"~ zu ,~r ;
or mare proteGxive,: offacihty function :as those.
. specif ed in Chapter 4 Qf Volume Y of the ktzr
2005 Stormwater Mariage"ment Manual for
Western W~'shihgtanY(Required byFebruary j :
16, 2010, 35.C S.a)
. .
_ . _ _ _ . =.,:._:a
77 Performed tirnelq maintenance`as per ' Y~~,~
SS.G.S a i'i? (Requared hy February 16; 2010;
ts ~
77b. Atti t ehed rlocument atiori;af any maintenance . NA
dela s. Re it~ed b~e6 16 2010
Y ( 9`~ Y r~5' > >
SS.C.S a ii
Page 17 of 21
. . 6 . ' . . ' 1 1 '
Question YINI # Cori~m~en~ (50 worc~ lim~i~ : Narne
NA _
_ . ;
, . . .
. . _ .
a~~ogr~~tpS, inspect a~i~ Y
78 besigneci uwlY
.z~ . ~~~g .2,~f . .
3 ~ P3
maintauiedl ~11'stom~~at~~ treatment a.r~d flow; 63PNE .
control 1~c~l~t~e's liasins}?
Re u~rdd b Fe " ifs ~Q1Q S`5 C.
C R' x 4xqm_~~
78b. Numbet,.di_6~k~
78c Nu,mbe~ Qf ~iUttp irO tt~r~t~g th~ : 181
freqt~ency, ' - NA V~; -
79 I€ using ireI d *~peetf M.
Attachikd db,c',et~#~ic~,~%r~sP~r
(Req~er'rei~ bp Fe~ruary 12E)
r ~ ~krt.
Ri . S.
~ ~ No ma'or storms recorded in 2010.
80 Conducted sP ot c ~h ' ks o~ stormwater _facilines NA ~
after majorstoffnv, (Req~irred by Febr~~ry
80b. Numbett'`o~~ior~vri~aeil~~3es 181
80c. 1Vumberof ,'iaeilihes irispe-ted dr~ring the'-.` tp No major storms recorded in 2010. ,
~ 4r
ireport~ eno~,..a~. ~ ~
81 InspeCted m'lOcipal~y avVned or bp6ra#ed c~tch YF, r~ ~Y Progress is. under way to achieve compliance.
basins at;le~st ance b~foXe tlie end af the ~ r°~`
Permitt~rin~ '.Refilzt~e~l,~lla~' FAruary 16, 201~„
81 b Niambei :a~~t~►vi+r~ `E~Y~~~i~is 6829 ~
. a _ . . :
81 c. Numt~~r_~a~,~ns~~_ec~,ns' ~W s , ";2014
81 d. iVtiiffiUMM" Elt~a~s 1157
Page 18 of 21 '
Question Y/N/ # Commen#s (50 word liroit) N~me of Atta(~fim~ant &
NA: Page If apble `
82 Estatslislied and implexneiited practices to Y~: ' g• reduce storrnwMer iinpaets asgociated with
runofffrom streets, parking lots, roads or
highways ovviied ar mamWned by the
Permittee, and road maintenance activit'ies
condizcted by the P~uitee? (Required by
February 16; ~610, -S5 C S.
83 EstaYilishd'd 6d iinplemen"ted policies artci Y
procedures to reduce pnll" in discharges
froM all lands b~ned orniatntained by the
Permittee 41d sub~Oct to tfus Peiiniincludilig • .
~ .
but not hmi~ed to. p~rks, opfen space,,road nght
of way, t~na~~e yards, ~nd
treatmen~ arid flo~v c~introl facilities? O~~~~~~ t~
(Required by February 1,6; 2010,:S5.G:5,g)`
. .
84 Implemented an operatioi~s and ma.intenance Y~
O&1V1 ro~'am that includes a trainin
~ ) P g
componerit and has'the uitimate goal of
preventmg or, reducing,pollutant runoff from
municipal operations? (Required by February
16, 2010, SS:C S.h:)
84b. Nurnber 40a7Ws ro.y,ided 3
M1111 r
84c. Nurritier af staff `trainod 79
Page 19 of 21 .
, . .
• . . ~ : . _ . _ - _-----a---
Gtuestion ' Y1NJ Cornments (50 w.oM
..:':n..uv. ~f
. . 4_~~~~..-iv ~ ..t'.L.:~~....,.~1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
85 Irnpiement~ a~to~wr~t~a~ Bpll~tzc~n ' Y;,~,°~..: ' .
Prevent~iin ~S~PP"I far,alY he~vy .
~ , or stoxWr ardsi a,t~ti'
e~~z~pr.ent e
ed~ ope rated
matertal st+~x~e ~q~~~i~~~,~wr~r
that arreq~u6d Co kfav&'eq'verage under
the Ind~strkal
86 Is there am ap'provw `To#a1 um DaiTY: N
Load T~~ aiaie f~ sto~wa~~r
discharges f`rom a~VlS4s d or operatecl by' ~ 4~.~~
the Pern~itte±~?
87 Complied with the spec~fic iequirements NA
identified in A" endix 2?' 57:A
88 Atta~chei~'sXa~ils iepo~C~
i TNIDI;' . NA
rn lementa~ioti? S?.A
89 't?Uliere mbhitorti~g vvas reqw~ec~ m Appericli~ 2; NA Ie-
did you ~nqm~nmg according~ to ~an
approvedQu~.lzty Assui~ar~~e Project P. `
(S.'1 A} ~ W,
90 ToQk approp~tat~ at~#k6o~rect or miY •
dis~harg8~ ~e l~'I84 whi~h
ccinst~t,u~e a fi~~t t4 h~ l~eal~, w~lfare; or
the enviionn~eSn#'? ('G~):_
. . . . : .
90b. At`t"a c~i°"a sc~nizxary af t~e ~tat~ of ' NA
imple~nenta~c~~ ns tak~n~purs~a'~t
N , 1 N
to ~4 ~ an~. monfr'onng, Y ta ~
assess~~; ~r i~ti`~i
during ~h~ r~R~-X~
_ f \ S'J+yr v ? ~'S`F3~~~
~ . ~
Page 20 of 21
Question YJNI Comments (50 word lim~t) ~~i~r~nt & .
NA , , Pa e.#, ~ app i~able
91 Notified Ecoiagy,of the failure to comply with Na
~ '~G~•9.>'
the permit terms and conclitior►s within 30. days rr~''~"
A L~
of becoming aware of the non-compliance?
92 Notified Ecology immeiliafely in cases where Y
the Permittee beeomes aware of a discharge
from.the.Pernuttees Ms4 v~hich may cause or b
contribute to an imminent threat to.human
health ar the environmeiit?. (G3) ~
93 Attac6ed' a su~arnary of identified barriers to Y f City of Aubum Low Impact
the use of low impact development (LID).and Development Barriers
measures to address the barriers (Required to
be submitted bY March 31, 20:1S9.E.4.4) . t T, s¢<<
94 Attachbcl a repo~t describing;LID practiees. Y Ciry of Auburn Low Impact '
currently avaiTalile.and tliat can be reasonably Development Barriers
implemented, potential or plarined nori-
structural acTirins and LTD techniques to prevent stormwater impacts, goals and metrics .
to identify,.promote, measure LID; and schedules to; require and implement. non-
structureal and LTD techniques on a broader
scale (Required to be submitted by March 31,
2011, S9.E.4.b) ~ .
Page 21 of 21
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1 , ~
1 .
. i
VIL Information Collection, BMP Evaluation, and Monitoring Gomplete Part B for_ all annual ceports.
B. SWMP Evaluation (S8.6 & S9) You are required to assess the appropriateness of the BMPs you have selected to implement your SWMP.. This
evaluation is necessary to evaluate whether the MEP standard set by the permit is protective.of water quality in your
receiving:~water bodies: This assessment may be.entirely qualitative. Answer NA if you are not yet implementing
BMPs foc a component of the SWMP. (S8.B.2 and S9)
Question Y/N/NA Comments (6O word Iimit)
Current BMPs are appropriate.
Are the,BIvlPsselected and implemented for Public Outreach Y
4. appropriate.to minimize pollutants in the MS4 to the MEP? Are the BMPs selected and implemented for Public Current BMPs_are appropriate.
Tnvolvement appropriate to minimize pollutants in the MS4 to Y
2. the MEP?
Are the BMPs selected and implemented for Illicit Discharge Current BMPs are appropriate.
Detection and Elimination appropriate to minimize pollutants Y . .
3. in the IvIS4 to the MEP? Are the BMPs selected and' implemented for Construction Current BMPs are appropriate.
Stormwater Pollution.Prexention,appropriate to minimize Y '
4. pollutants in the MS4 to xhe MEP? •
Are'the BMPs selected and implemented for Post- Current BMPs are appropriate. '
Construction Runoff Management appropriate to minimize Y
5. pollutants.in the MS4 to the MEP? ~
.Are the BMPs selected and implemented for Good Current BMPs are appropriate. -
Housekeeping for Municipal Operations appropriate to Y 6. minimize ollutants in the MS4 to the MEP?
Page 1 of 1
. . , .
~ .
~ _
I ,
VII. Information Coliection, BMP Evaluation, and Monitoring
Complete Part C for all annual reports.
C. Changes in BMPs or objectives (S8.6)
If any of the BMPs or objectives is being changed, list the old BMP and objective, the new BMP and objective, and a justification for the
change below. (S8.B.2., and S9)
NOTE: You may choose to attach additional documentation justifying Changes in BMPs or objectives. Note such attachments in the .
Justification for change field.
~ New Objective ' Justification,fqr
OId BMP Old Ob'ective New BMP
Page 1 oT 1
I _
~ . .
I .
I~ .
I .
VII. Information Collection, BMP Evaluation, and Monitoring
D. Preparation for future, long-term monitoring
Complete section D for the fourth annual report only.
Name o# At#a cM
4uestion YIN(NA Comments (50:word `limit) Page 'Numlqer'~
Identified outfalls or conveyances for
long-term stormwater monitoring? Y
1. . (S8.C.2.a)
K•~~ti~ ~~Y ~f~~ r~`~-~~; ~ r'~~ 6~ City of Aubum Stormwater Monltoring and
Targeted Stormwater Management
Attach site ma s and descri tions. , a
p p Program (SWMP) Effectiveness
1b. (S8.C.2.a) MOflltOrlll 8 @2
Identified at least two questions for Y
S WMP effectiveness monitoring and
2. developed monitoring plans? (S8.C.2.b)
5 r' r•; l~,~~~~.~ City of Auburn Stormwater Monitoring and
Attach the ProPosed questions and
i;kh Targeted Stormwater Management
monitoring plans for S WMP
Program (SWMP) Effectiveness Monitoring
Zb. effectiveness monitoring. (S8.C.2.a.ii)
Monitoring plan developed for each Y
3. question? (S8.C.l.b.iii)
of Aubum Stormwater Monitdring and
Targeted Stormwater Management
Program (SWMP) Effectiveness Monitoring
3b. Attach a copy of the monitoring plan
Identified sites in preparation for future, long-term monitoring? (S8.C.l.a., and Y
4. S8.C.2.b)
Page 1 of 2
Attach a summ of the status, of site Clty of Aubum Stormwater'Monitoring and '
~ Targeted Stormwater Management
identification for long-term stormwater Program (SVVMP) Effectiveness Monitoring
monitoring; proposed questions for
SWMP effectiveness monitoring; and - , -
status of developing the S WMP ~ -
4b. effectiveness monitorin lans. ~ ' •
. 1
Page 2.of.2
Westem Washington Phase li Municipai Stormwater Permit
201 O Annual Report Attachment .
~ C6ty of Auburn Pubiic Education Summary
i , . . , . ~ . ~ ~ ~ .
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. j.. ~ ~ ~ . . .
I _ . ~ ' . . _
City of Aubum 2010 Public Education Summary
Public Education ActiVi : Tar et Audience Comments
City Storm Drainage Web Sfte General Public City website provides general information :
~ on the City's storm drainage program;
links to the City's SWMP and annual
- rep.orts and lists the Spill Reporting
. hone number.
Stormwater Outreach for General public Aubum partiapated in this regional public
Regional Municipalities , education program. Links between the
_ (STORM) Gity'Stormwaterweb page and the
°Puget Sound Starts Here" web page
were established.
EGOSS Spi11 Kit Program Businesses that use products 76 businesses were provided with spill
that are' potential stormwater response: training and spill kits.
pollutants Individualized spill response plans were'
- developed and provided to each
buslness. Pre=education suryey was
com leted.
Water Festival Fourth and fifth grade students 471 Aubum students attended Water
Festival where theyleamed about .
stormwater, poltution prevention;
. wetlands, salmon, d(inking water and
_ sanitary sewer issues through hands on
activities and resentations..
Natural Yard Care Workshops Homeowners ' Tfie three iniorlcshops were attended by
113 people from the Lea:Hill
neighborhood on average. Attendees
leamed that they could have beautiful,
healthy yards while reducing their ,
' de endence on esticides and fertilizer.
Kd's Day School. children and their One day fair where approximately 1,000
parents . children visited the Aubum Utilities booth
and leamed about stormwater pollution
prevention and other water resource
Powertul Choices for the 816- grade students 29 dassiroom presentations to 763
Environment students taught students to consider
"VVhat are the connections between my
personal choices and the health of the
Pu et.Sound ecos stem?'
IDDE Response Homeownets 103 °Rain Drain° postcards were mailed to
two neigfiborhoods where eVidence of illic'
; discharges was detected. No additional
evidence of illicit discharges has been
noted. _
Carwash Kit Program / IDDE Property owners / managers Mailed letters to 57 potential charity car
wash host sites with a remintler that car
• wash runoff cannot enter the storm
drainage system, and that the Ciry has car
wash kitsavailable for fundraisers to use:
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Westem Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit .
2010 Annual Report Attachment
' City of Auburn Low-Impact Development Barriers
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- City of Auburn Low Impact
Development Barriers
Prepared for the City of Auburn's
Nfarch 31, .2011, NPDES Municipal -
Stormwater Perrrfit Annual Repoct
submtttal to the Washington State
Department of Ecology :
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Table of Conten#s ~
1.: Introduction.... .........w....._............... ........1:1
1.1 Background »...11
- , ~ 1.2 Purpose ...W,. zws.i
2. PotentiaL UD Barriers and Measures to Address Them..... ....2-1
3. UD Reportc Practices, Goals, Planned Actions, and Timelines.» ...w........:3-1 .
3.1 LID Practices Currentty Available ..........................................:................~.._...........~................3-1
3.2 Potentlal or Planned Non.Structural Actions and LID Techniques
3.3 Goals and Metrics .........3-2
3-2 . .
3.4 Schedules
List of Tables
~ Table 1. LID Barriers and Potential Measures in Auburn 2-2
. i
. I ~ . - . . ~ . ~ , ~ . . ~ . ~ . _ . .
~ . . ~ . . , . ~ .
I ' . ~ - . . ~ . . ~ ~ . . . . . .
~ • ~
~ .
~ ,
~ .
; ~
, -
Section 1
The Western Washington Phase ll Munlcipal Stormwater Permit (Phase fi permit) regulates stormwater
discharges for small municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) as estabflshed In Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) Title 40, Part 122.26. The Phase II permit, issued in 2007 and modified in 2009,
includes requirements (S9.E4.a) forpermittees to summarize identified barriers to the use of low-
impact development (LID) in their jurisdictions and measures to address these barriers. These are
described in Section 2.
Permit conditfon S9.E.4.b requires that the permittee complete a report that describes currently
availaBle LID practices; potential or planned non-structural L!D techniques, goals,.and metrics; and
schedules for implementation. This report can be prepared indlVidually or in cooperation with other
permittees. This report is provided"in Section 3.
The City,of Aubum (City) prepared this document to meet the Permit S9.E.4.a and S9.E.4.b
1.1 Background .
L1D techniques can help sites mimic the hydrology and water quality of pre-developed conditions.
However, due to site conditions or other obstacles, LID cannot be implemented everywhere. The .
Washington State Departmen# of Ecclogy (Ecology) has required permiftees to implement LID
fechniques "where feasible." This docurtient is the first step in'determining where LID implementation
appears feasible. Although the City. cannot control barriers such as soil infiltration rate, high
groundwater table, or ateep slopes;.it can manage codes and "standards to allow for LID
implementation where feasible.
1.2 Purpose
Spectal Condition S9.E.4 of the Phase II permit requlres permittees to submit an LID barriers report
with the annuai report by March 31, 2011, that includes the following information:
. a summary of identified barriers tothe use of LID within the area covered by the permit and
measures to address these barriers
• a report describing:
- LID practices that are currently availa6le and that can reasonably be implemented within this
permit term
- potential or planned non-structurat actions and LID techniques to preventstormwater impacts -
- goals and metrics to identify, promote, and measure_ UD use '
- potential or planned schedules for the permittee(s) to require and implement the non-structural
and LID techniques.on a broader scale in the future.
Ecology suggests that permittees focus this task on preparing to implement LID requirements expected
in the next permit cycle.
1 '
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~ _
; .
; .
i .
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i .
~ .
~ ~ :
i _ .
7 . -
Sectioro 2
Potential LID Barriers and Measures to Address Them
This section discusses some barriers that could apply to Auburn to make LID implementation
infeasible. Thts section also inctudes suggested acUons to remove those barrters and includes potential
actions by others (e.g., Ecology, contractors, and developers) as well as the City.
Many current City codes and standards were written before current L1D practices were developed. A
portion of the City's codes and related documents have been reviewed to identify challenges to
implementing. The documents reviewed included:
. Auburn City Code (ACC) .
. Auburn Design Standards (ADS)
• 2009 Auburn Stormwater Managemerrt Manuai (ASWMM)
• Internationai Buildfng Code (IBC).
Several codes and sections may need to be revised to remove barriers to LID implementation. As the
City moves forward with LID implementation, the identified barriers will be addressed during the
expected timelines set forth in the forthcoming 2012 Phase 11 permit. The identified codes, barriers,
and potential measures to remoVe those barriers are summarized In Table 1.
All potential measures must still be evaluated to ensure that they remain consistent with City
objectives, including transportation, safery, and economic goals.
City of Auburn Low-Impact Development Barriers Sectlon 2 ~
. ~ . f . .
Ram rf=
ADS Private Street Minimum of 34' of pavement width. Deaease wiidth to albw for street side LID:;indude pemieable
pavement as an option.
ADS 10.01.4 Alleys Minimum of 20' of asphall pavement. Decrease width to allow for street side UD. include pertr►eable . •
pevement es an optlon.
ADS 10.01.5 Private Access Roads on Minimum oi 24' of pavement widih. Decrease width to allow for street side LID. Irxlude pertneable
Access Tracis,or pavement as an option.
ADS inside Through Lanes and Minimum of 14' wide. Decrease width to albw for street side UD. Include petmeable ~
Curb Lanes pavement as an optlon„
ADS Residential Driveway Driveway widths shafl be a minimum oi 10' and be Decrease widih to allow for LID. Include permeable pavemenCor ,
Widihs coiutructed using a minimum thickness of 6' of non- pavers as an option.
reinfaced concrete.
ADS CommerciaU Industrial Construct using a minimum thickness of B' of reinforced Decrease widih to allow far street side LID. Indude permeable
Driveway Widths concrete. pavement as an oplbn. .
AOS 10.05.1 Sidewalk Widths Minimum of 5' or 10' wide dependirtg on street type. Decrease widih to allow for UD. Include pemmble pavemeni asan option:_
ADS 10.05.2 Structural Sectlon Minimum of 4" thick concrete over-2' of crushed source lop Indude permeable pavement as an option.
course. _
ADS Class I Bikeway Widih Minimum of 10' paved width. Decrease width to albw for LID. . ~
ADS Class I Bikeway Structural Minimum of 6' of gravel base, 2° of crushed source top • Include permeable pavement as an option.
Section course, and 2° Class °B° asphalt concrete pavement.
ADS Class II Bikeway Widih Minimum of 6' paved width. Decrease wldth to elbw for LID. `
AD510. Class III Bikeway Widlh Minimum of 14' paved width. • Decrease width to allow for LID. .
ADS 10.07:1.3 Street Pavement Sections Minimum fhickness of asphalt will be 2' leveling course with Indude permeable pavement as an option.
a 2' overlay of class °B' asphalt.
ADS 10.07.2 Pavement Section Design Minimum allowed pavement designsbased on traffic Iridude permeable pavement as an opdon: Charl volumes and California Bearing Ratio (G6R).
ADS 10:07,3.2 Pavement Minimums Minimum allowed thickness of, peJement seclions. Include permeable pavement as an option.
ADS Asphaft Concrete Asphalt conaete pavemenf shall be in accordance with Include permeable pavement as an option. •
Pavement WSDOT Standards Spec'rFicaUons and the Citys - ~
Engine.ering ConsGucfign Manual.
- 22
City of Auburn Low-Impact Development Barriers Section 2
. .n s . s. . + _ , _
Reference . Section . Batrier
ADS 10.08.1 General Landscaping Purposes of landscaping sirips include improving Also include UD as a purpase.
Requiremenis pedestrian safety, providing the perception of a narrower
travel corridor, improving air quality, and improving
aesthe8cs. '
Minimum width required is 5' of landscaping strip. Increase width to allow for more UD opQons. Addidonal
languege wuld be added to require a portion of the landscaping
to be native vegetation. Indude LID as an opUon for
ADS D Median Island Design Minimum width required is 6. Median paving shall be Increase width to allow for more LID options. Indude petmeable
stamped asphalt. pavement as an option.
ACC 12.12.170 Sidewalk Permit Fees Permit processing and inspection includes sidewalks and Inspection could include associated LID.
associated curb and gutler.
ACC 12.16.050 Sidewalk Construction Sidewalks must be at least 4' wide. Decrease to allow for more UD op6ons.
ACC 12.16.060 Sidewalk Construction All sidewalks shaA be of concrete consUuction. lndude permeable pavement as an option. .
Requirements Generally
ACC 18 Zoning Each zoning type has speciflc setback values, mawmum lot Standards could be reevaluated to require more pervious
coverages, minimum landscape open space, etc. surface, increase setbecks, or provide clustering regulatlons.
ACC 18.52.020 Offff-Street Parking and Minimum standards fur each land use type are sei. Could reduce parking area requirements for each zoning type
Loading- Minimum andlor encourage impervioussurface parking/slruciured
Standards parking.
• Paved with asphalt concrete or cement concrete pavement Indude permeable pavement as an opdon.
ACC 18.52.050 OffStreet Parking and A 6" exhuded curb shall be provided around landscaped Should not conflict with LID BMP requlrements. Allow cutb
Loading- Developmenl and islands. breaks so water can reach LID facilities.
ACC 18.52.060 OffStreet Parking and All single-family residential (SFR)Iduplexes except R-R include permeable pavement as an op6on.
Loading- Single Family require conaete driveways. ,
Dwellir►gs and Duplexes Nat more than 50% of the front yard can be off-street Decrease requirement to encourage less fmpervious surface.
parking surface.
ASWMM 3.4.5 General storm water Minimum requirement 5: Onsite Stormwaler Management Where roof runaff dispersal is impractfcal, lhe water should be
requirements, On site where infiliration or dispersion is not feasible because of captured (and stored if necessary) for other uses such as
storm water management very small lot size (<8,000 square feet), impermeabie soils, landscape irrigation or toilet flushing. Roof runoff from pollutant
or where there is a potential for creating drainage problems genereUng imperoious surfaces (e.g., roofs with unisolated
on adjacent lots, downspouts shall be conneded to the City HVAC systems) should be directed to an approved treatmeol
stormwater system. If the stomiwater system is not directly system Consider a permit fee or storm utility fee incenthre to
adjacent ta the property, the system shall be extended et erxourage LID usa
the proponent's expense.
Ciry of Auburn Cow=lmpact'Developmeot Barriers . 5ection 2
1 ~ ~ ~
- `
ASWPAM 3:4.6 Minimum Requirement #6 Does not address Imw CID:techniques can be used to Ecobpy is eddressing this Issue with en update of ihe '
Rynoff Treatment address this minimum requirement. Stormwater Management Manual: ~
ASWMM 3.4.7 Minimum'Requirement #7 Does not address how LID.techniques can.be used to . Ecobgy is addressing this issue wiUi an update of the ,
' Flow Control'. address:this minimum requirewnt. _ StormwateaManagement Manual.. .
ASWMM 3.4.8 Minimum Requirement #B Does not address how LID techniques can be used to Ecalogy is addressing ihis issue with en update of the '
Basin Rlanning address this minimum requirement, Stormwater Management Manual
. (
• - 2-4 ~ .
qty of Auburn Low-impact Development Barriers Sedion 2
The following barriers are more general and not necessarlly specificalty called out In City codes or
UD deflnitions: There is some uncertainly about what activitles and best management practices
(BMPs) are included in UD, so it woutd be beneflcial if Ecology prov(ded more clarification on defining
LI D. Perceptlons of compromised public safety and property damage: Some people percetve certain LID
techniques as potentiaUy compromising pubiic safety. Some concerns include reduced emergency
vehicle access/response by using "narrow" streets to reduce impervious area, and exacerbating
landslide potential and causing water damage on adjacent properties by using infiltration and
dispersion. Ecology and the Puget Sound Partnershlp should consider mnunting a public awareness
campaign to inform the public about the benefits and risks of LID techn(pues.
UD credit calculations: Ecology is working to refine LID credits to be used In reducing detention storage
volume and for other potentfal LID incenttves. Some LID credits may be available only on lots with an
area greater than 1 acre and relatively few such lots are located In residential neighborhoods withtn
the city. Ecology should complete its work to deflne the ailowable LID credit calculation. LID credits
against local stormwater management fees could significantly reduce available funding for utility
operation and maintenance activlties.
City incentives: Current codes do not allow for incentives for property owners or developers to
implement LID measures.
Insufflclerrt areas on smaller lots: Certain LID techniques may not be appropriate for application on
smaller lots. The City should develop a strategy for assessing small-lot feasibility.
Poorly draining soils: Many areas of the City have solls that are Inappropriate for imptementation of LID
measures that require infiltration. To assist property owners, the City should consider developing a
strategy for identifying such areas (perhaps invoiving definition of appropriate soil conditions, mapping
areas of suitable soils, and/or defining how to perform onsite soii suitability analyses).
Moderate and steep slopes: Some areas of the city have slopes that might be too steep for certain
infiltration and flow attenuation LID options. To assist property owners, the City should conslder
developing a strategy for identifying such areas (perhaps involving definition of appropriate slope
conditions, mapping areas of suftable slopes, and/or defining how to perform onsite slope suitability
Unstable slopes: Some areas of the city might be inappropriate for certain infiltration and flow
attenuation LID options due to slope instability. To assist property owners, the City should consider
devetoping a strategy for identifying such areas (perhaps Involving definitlon of apprapriate slope
stability conditions, mapping areas of suitable slope stability, and/or defining how to perform onsite
slope suitability analyses).
Aquifer and wellhead protection areas: Some areas of the city require aquifer and welihead protection
to ensure adequate suppHes of safe drinWng water. To assist property owners, the"City should consider
developing a strategy for identifying such areas and measures to protect them consistent with Code
sections addressing critical areas building requirements.
City of Auburn Low-Impact Development Barriers Sedion 2
High groundwater and ground/surface intetflow: Some areas of the city have high groundwater and
ground/sueface interflow conditions that may predude certain infiltration, flow attenuation, and flow
reductfon LID options. To assist property owners, the City should consider developing a strategy for
identtfy[ng such areas (perhaps invotvtng definitions of approprtate groundwater conditions,- mapp(ng
areas of sultabie conditions, and/or defining how to perform onsite goundwater suitabtlity analyses~
Local LID designer and contractor expertise: Local experience with LID design and construction is
Ilmited. The State should provide train(ng to increase the pool of knowiedgeabie LID deslgners,
installation and maintenance contractors, and local government permit reviewers.
Pertormance, rellability; Ilfa-cycle cost, and unintended lmpactm Early stormwater management efforts
i using some LID techniques (such as infiltration) achieved limited success: Perceptions exist that UD
technique performance may be difficult to predict and that LID facilities may be susceptible to failure,
~ may have relatively high repfacement costs over tlme, and may negativety affect groundwater quallty.
Moreover, fallure of LID measures on private land could lead to public drainage and water quatity
problems that require expensive capital tmprovement projects to address. The State should provide
monitoring to better understand UD pertormance and heip with LID education efforts.
Property owner education: Marry property ou►mers do not clearly understand the maintenance
~ requirements for LID facilities. Local govemments need the resources to provide those property owners
with necessary information on LID systems and local conditions affecting those systems.
' Code developmert: Current codes do not cover all of the potential LID BMPs, so new codes may need
; to be developed. Potential code gaps include green roofs and cistems. ~ Training and code develoPment The codes, standards, manuals, and standard o eratin
~ p g procedures
~ may need to be updated to address the barriers discussed above. New train(ng programs wtll be
~ necessary to teach City staff about updates.
! 2-6
Section 3 .
~ LID%- Re' -
port Practic0s, Goals; _ Pi'a'nned ActJons, and Timelines; -
Thls section addresses the requirements of Phase ll permit;conditions $9:E.4.b.i through S91.41.iv:
These are: UD practices available.now; potential future LID practices; goals, and metrics; and
schedules. The information contained in thls sectton does not constitute commitments or.,;
requtrements. .
. 3.1 LID Practices Currentiy Available - °LID practices" broadly refer to UD as deflned in the Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit. LID .
practices include both non-structura„1 actlons and UD teclinfques. The qty of Aubum` is open to aIF UD
practices where feasible as allowed kiy local codes and standards. This report section Iists LID practices
currently employed, al,lowed, or requlred, as well as those that could be implemented in the future:
Auburn LID projects include: .
• parking lot permeable pavement, concrete, and asphalt
• public project rain gardens
. private project rain gardens `
• public roadway (in design),
The Clty of Auburn makes development project proponents aware of LID options at pre-application
meetings and encourages the use of UD where feasible.
3.2 Potential or Planned Non-Structural Actions and LID Techniques
This section of the report looks beyond the'current permif cycle and explores opportunities for actions
and techniques that could be enhanced in the future or are not currently 1n use.
Potential actions for future enhancement of LID practices includethe following:
• assess lot coverage requirements for opportunities to take advantage of clustering and reducing
impervious surfaces
• assessthe feasibility of reduced roadway widths
. employ lot setbacks totaling 15 feet on both sides of lot lines
• implement a credit transfer program '
. install green roofs . install cisterns
. install permeable pavement ro.adways. The City will continue to encourage small-scale engineered facillties and devices or installations that
are builtfor the purpose of mimicking pre-development hydrologic functions through its projecE pre-
application process. lt is anticipated that Ecology wilf:be revising the Western Washington Stormwater
Management Manualto update and br(ng more clarity to ~implementation of LID techniques. The City
wilf update the Auburn manual to reflect any changes.
' - ' . ' .
~ City of Aubum Lovwimpad Development_Banters Sedton 3
I _ -
~ 3.3 Goals and Metrics
To identlfy, promote-and measure UD use the City, intends to: _
• encourage LID at all pre-appllcation meetings
~ . aHow LID techniques to be constructed on sites requesting LID, where feasible
1 .
• develop a method for tracking LID implementation.
3.4 Schedules
~ The City'of Auburn is already encouraging and implementing LID.practices.: All.future LID. actions wiil
I be schedufed to be-implemented as required by the Washington State Department of: Ecology.
; Future plans for LID includec . • review the Auburn City Code for opportunlties to further enhance UD practices in 2011
. revising the Aubum City Code to take advantage of, identified opporturilties to enhance LID practices
in 2011
I • revise the Auburn Design Standards to reflect and `facilitate implementation of changes in the ~ Auburn: City Code, the Munictpal Stormweter Permit, and the Auburn Stormwater Management .
Manual in 2011' ~
• implement new LID requfrements through revisions to the Auburn Stormwater management Manual
(anticipated in 2012 and 2013) '
~ •
~ . .
~ .
i ,
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Westem Washington Phase 11 Municipal Stormwater Permit
2010 Annual Report Attachment
City of Auburn Stormwater _Monitoring and Targeted Stormwater.
IVlanagement Program (SWMP) Effectiveness Monifo:ring
I '
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December 29, 2010
City of Auburn
Storrnwater Monitoring and Targeted Stormwater ,
Management Program (SWIUIP) Effectiveness Monitoring
This moniforing plan has been prepared to comply with the requirements of Section S8
ofithe Westem Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit effective February
16, 2007 and modified June 17; 2009. The Permit includes`requiremenfs for permittees
to prepare to conduct a,.monitoring program in future permits; The Phase II Monitoring
Program described in Section S8.C includes two types of monitoring:
1. Stormwater Monitorin4 iS8.C.1.a1: requires permittees to idenfify sites suitable
for monitoring stormwater discharges based on jurisdictional size and Jand use
types, and on known water quality problems and/or targeted areas of interest for
future monitoring.
2. Tarqeted SWMP Effectiveness Monitorina (S8.C.1.b): requires permittees to
identify questions that monitoring may answer fo determine the effectiveness,of ;
specific camponents of their Stormwater Management Program (SVNMP): The
permittee must identify sites for monitoring and create monitoring plans to ' .
answer at least two-effectiveness questions.
The following sections describe the City's plan to meet each of the above requirements. V1lhile the City prepared this plan to complv with'its pecmit conditions, the Citv reserves `
the riqht to modifv tlie plan (in part or in its entiretv) to reflecf potential chanQes in Citv
priorities The Citv is concemed that areparin4 a stormwater monitorina plan without a
clear problem statement: and supportinq experimental desiqn mav lead to collectinq the wronq data and/or inconclusive results. The Citv will diseuss anv potential chanaes with
EcoloQV before modifications are made to this plan.
Permittees shall select outfalls or conveyances based on known water quality problems
and/or targeted areas of interest forfuture monitoring. The Permittee shall document:
. Why sites were selected;= ; ; .
e Possible site const raints for installation of and access to monitoring equipment;
• A brief description of the contributing drainage ~basin including size in acreage,
dominant land use; and'other contributing land uses; •
o Any water quality concerns in the receiving water of each selected outfall or
conveyance. •
December 29, 2010
i The City has selected finrQ sites for stormwater sampling to meet the requirements of
~ S8.C.1.A. One Iocation represents high-dens'ity residential land use and the second
represents commercial land use.
Site 1: Mill Pond Outfall to the White River
This site represents high-density residential fand use and was selected because of suspected fecal coliform bacteria contamination. Sampling at this location will be
~ accomplished using grab sampling methods because automated sampling is not
I suitable for fecal coliform analyses. The City does not anticipate any constraints to grab.
~ sampling at this site.
If flow weighted composite sampling is deemed necessary for some reason, triis site
( would require installation of a stable, measurable channel.cross'section, power would
~ need to be brought to the site, and a method to secure equipment from theft and
; vandalism would be needed.
j The drainage basin is soufh of the White River in the Lakeland Hills neighborhood of
~ Aubum. It is approximately 495 acres. The primary land use is high-density residential
(approximately 318 acres). The basin also.includes approximately 94 acres ofi
commercial and 83 acres of mostly wooded open space.
The water quality concemsfor this site stem from TMDL work on the White River.
' Water quality sampling by Ecalogy in 2006 and 2007 suggest the concentrations of
fecal coliform bacteria at the Mill Pond outfall exceed water quality standards.
Site 2: H Street NW Ditch Line
; .
! This site was selected, because it meets the criteria for commerciai land use and is a
' suitable location for permanent installation and operation ofiflow-weighted composite ; sampling equipmenf. The site conveys stormwater drainage from the downtown
i commercial district and the adjoining residential and industrial areas. There are no ~ . .
known water qualiry problems at this site. This site is expected to have water quality `
j comparable to the water guality of other commercial urban land uses.
' To perform flovwweighted composite sampling this site would require installation of a" ~ stable, measurable cxiannel cross section. Power would need to be brought to the site,
and a method to secure eguipment from theft and vandalism would be needed.
7 The drainage basin encompasses approximafely 373 acres. Land use within the basin j is approzimately 44% commercial, 40% industrial; 10% pu6lic_ / open space, and 6%
~ high-density residential.
~ 2
i .
: . ,
December 29, 2010
Special condition S.8;C.1.B requires that the Permittee develop a monitoring plan
designed to answer two questions pertaining to the effectiveness of the SWMP. For
each question; tlie plan must contain the following elemen#s:
A statement of the question, an explanafion of how and why tlie issue is
significant to the PeRnittee and a discussion of whether and how the results of
the monitorin'g.may. be significant to other MS45.
_ • A speciftc hypothesis about the issue or management actions that will be tested. .
Specific parameters or attribufes to be measured.
Expected modifications to management actions depending on the outcome of
. hYPothesis testing.
The following table summarizes .the two. questions and the types of monitoring to be _ performed. . ,
Question Monitorin -
Are current flow control requirements appropriate Physical channel monitoring at key cross section
for preventing channel erosion in Mill Creek? locations.
Do stormwaterdischarges from`Mill Pond exceed Grab samp►es of water entering 4iie MiII Pond vault
water qua(ity criteria forfecal coliform? and water entering the White River from the Mill
Pond outlet ,
Question 1; Are current flow,control requirements appropriate for preventing
channel erosion in MiII-Creek?
Substantial portions of the Mill Creek basin, particularly the lower areas along the valley
floor, have been developed for many years. Howevec, erosion and channel instability
have not been o6served in the lower portions of MiU Creek, perhaps because of the flat
gradient and/or unique geology of the area. The purpose of this monitoring is to assess
the stability of Mill Creek and to`evaluate the need forflow control criteria to protect the
channel. '
Hypothesis: The current flow control standard is unnecessari/y stringent for
preventing erosion in Lower Mill Creek.
This is a significant issue to the City of Aubum because most of the highly urbanized
areas located in the City's. downtown discFiarge fo Mill Creek. The development and
redevelopment of these core areas of the City is vital to its existence and requiring an
unnecessarily stringent flow control sfandard places a huge financial burden on
i ~ .
December 29, 2010 Physical channel characteristics will be measured and recorded periodically at selected
i locations along the Mill ;Creek main stern. Cross-sections.wi0be established to monitor
~ channel geometries and:bed slope:~Addifional'.characterizations will be made with t
regard to channel incision, chanriel su6strate; composition, and bank stability.
( Procedures for phys'rcal channel monitoring would be based on Appendix C of the
Pierce County Countywide Water Quality Monitoring Plan (Brown and Caldwell, 2007)."
The expecfed modifications to managemenf actions would be'to.,develop.a basin-
specific standard for flow control in the areas 'draining to lower Mill Creek. `
i Question 2: Do stormwater discharges from: MiU Pond exceed water quality
criteria for fecal coliform? , . . .
~ This is a significant issue to the City of Aubum because fecal coliform data collected for
i the White River TMDL are inconclusive as to the source ofi potential contamination. The
~ City wants to measure fecal, coliform levels for- discharges from the MiII Pond outfall to
j evaluate whether they exceed water quality standards.
; Hypothesis: Mil! Pond stormwater discharges do not exceed water quality" criteria for fecal coliform. -
The City will use grab samp[ing methods_to collect thg,samples from the outfall fo the
pond. Samples will be analyzed using a comme'reial laboratory.
' If sampling determines that discharges from~the City's MS4 exceed water quality
standards for fecal coliform;`then the City'rriay conduct a more detailed investigation
; into the source of the contamination. The;City anticipates that.additional investigations,
if needed, will include microbial source tracking methodologies,.and source tracking to
~ try and determine where the contamination is coming from and how#o reduce it
~ :
~ Brown and.Caldwe11,.2007. Countywide Water Quality Monitoring Plan (CWQMP).
I Prepared for Pierce County Water Programs. May 2007.
; j -