HomeMy WebLinkAbout6341 ORDINANCE NO. 6 3 41 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTERS 13.41, 19.02, 19.04, 19.06 AND 19.08 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE, REGARDING DEFERRAL OF UTILITY SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGES AND IMPACT FEES WHEREAS, RCW 82.02. authorizes the City Council to establish and implement impact fees for parks, transportation, school and fre to ensure that new development bears a proportionate share of the cost of capital expenditures necessary to meet the demands for park, transportation, schools and fire services associated with new growth and development.; and WHEREAS, the City Council has previously determined through ordinance action that it is reasonable. and in the public interest to enact and impose a utility systems development charge for the purpose of recovering a fair share of the costs of providing existing utility system infrastructure to serve new customers or revised uses of existing customers for the purpose of reimbursing the city's utility for the cost of construction of available capacity sanitary sewer, water and storm drainage facilities from those properties, which as part of their development and use create direct or indirect needs for those facilities; and WHEREAS, as a resulf of the. current downtum in the local economy, a diminishing number of residential units are being built, a diminishing number of new i non-residential projects are being.6uilt and a diminishing number of expansions of existing non-residential developmenfi are occurring, all of which adversely impact the City's residential and non-residential development inventory, employment opportunities and revenue for government services; and Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2041 ' Page 1 of 67 WHEREAS, unless the: City acts, the residential and non-residential markets within the City may continue to languish and adverse consequences of decreased revenues, limited residential and non-residential :permit activities, abandoned projects, and underutilized land will occur; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that a need exists to. amend certain chapters of the Auburn City Code to provide more flexibility to applicants for residential and non- residential development on the timing of payment of impact fees and system development charges; and WHEREAS, the ordinance amendments are procedural in nature and therefore exempt from 8fate Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposed amendments to the-Aubum City Code to be consistent with and to implement the intent of the City's Comprehensive . Plan; and WHEREAS, the Aubum `City Council finds that it is in the interest of the public health, safety and welfare to adopt this ordinance to promote continued economic development in the City; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN as follows: . , Section 1. Amendment to City Code. That Chapter 13.41 of the Auburn City Code, entitled 'Utility Systems Development Charge,' regarding the imposition of utility systems development charges within the City of Aubum, is hereby amended to read as follows: Ordinance Na 6341 March 10; 2011 Page 2 of 67 Chapter 13.41 - UTILITY SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE Sections: 13.41.010 Definitions. 13.41.020 Purpose. 13.41.030 Utility systems development charge imposed - Rates - Review. 13.41.040 Collection. 13.41.050 Credits. 13.41.060 Segregation and use of revenues. 13.41.070 Appeals. 13.41.080 Scope. 13.41.010 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: A. "Capacity facilities" includes but is not limited to: 1. Water system infrastructure including: water sources, treatment facilities, interties, pump stations, pressure reducing stations, standby generators, reservoirs, distribution, and transmission mains and appurtenances needed for distribution, fire protection and pressure. 2: Sanitary sewer sysfem infrastructure including: lift stations, standby.generators, force mains, conveyance lines and appurtenances needed to collect and transport sewage for treatment and disposal or to eliminate a storm and sanitary sewer cross connection. 3. Sform drainage system infrastructure including: pump stations, standby generators, storage facilities, water quality facilities, stream, creek or river improvements and conveyance lines needed to collect, transport and dispose of storm drainage, eliminate storm and sanitary sewer cross connections, eliminate storm and surface water flooding. and water quality problems, and treatment and disposal facilities. B. "Impervious surface," for the purpose of calculating a system development charge and only as it pertains to this chapter, rneans a hard surFace area that prevents the entry of water into_ the soil mantle. Common impervious surfaces include, but are not limited to, roof tops, walkways, patios, concrete or asphalt paving. Open, uncovered, retention/detention facilities shall not be considered. as impervious surfaces for the purpose of SDC fee calculation. Ordinance No. 6341 March 10,2011 Page 3 of 67 C. "Utility systems development charge" is a charge imposed on new customers, or existing customers revising use of their property, in recognition of the previous investment of the c'iiy and its customers in the utilify systems. (Ord. 6283 § 2, 2009; Ord. 5801 § 1, 2003; Ord.4830 § 1, 1996; Orcl. 4479 § 2, 1990; Ord. 3510 § 2, 1980,) 13.41.020 Purpose. The city council has determined that it is reasonable and in the.public interest to enact and impose a utility systems development charge for the purpose of recovering a fair share of the costs of providing existing utility system infrastructure to serve new customers or revised uses of existing customers. The intent is to reimburse the city's utility for the cost of construction of available capacity sanitary sewer, water and storm drainage facilities from those properties, which as part of their development and use create direct or indirect needs for those facilities. The c ity council finds #hat the public would benefit from a logical long-range approach to the financing of necessary general facilities. Experience has demonstrated that the lack of such provision casts an unfair and unexpecfed burden on taxpayers and cesidences in the form of utility rates, taxes, bond interest costs and assessments when core, general or central facilities become inadequate causing a crisis. Operating from crisis to crisis is wasteful, unsafe and not an acceptable method of operating local government; and debt financing should be minimized wherever possible. (Ord. 5801 § 1, 2003; Ord. 4830 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4479 2, 1990; Ord. 3510 § 1, 1980.) 13.41.030 Utility systems development charge imposed - Rates - Review. A. A sanitary sewer, and water utiliiy systems development charge is imposed upon all lands inside the boundary of the city, and all lands outside the boundary of the city which utilize either sanitary sewer facilities or water facilities or both of the city, and a storm drainage utility systems development charge is imposed upon all lands in the city, , except those lands exempted under this chapter, which fees and charges shall be as set forth on the city of Aubum fee schedule. B. The utility systems development charge as set forth in the city fee schedule will be computed to consider the future and/or current value of the utility system's fixed assets, excluding confributions by developers, and outstanding bonded indebtedness, and will also consider an appropriate service unit. C: The utility sysfems development charge imposed shall be, reviewed annually by the city council and the charges may be revised to reflect changes in utilify asset value, depreciation of the utility system fixed assets, bonded indebtedness, and the number of ERU, RCE or ESU customers served. (Ord. 5819 § 4, 2004; Ord. 5801 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5709 § 1, 2002; Ord. 5619 § 2, 2001; Ord. 5125 § 2, 1998; Ord. 4830 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4479 § 2, 1990; Ord. 3510 § 1, 1980.) Ordinance No. 6341 Marcli 10, 2011 Page 4 of 67 13.41.040 Collection. The water, sanitary sewer and storm drainage utilities systems development charges are immediately due and_ payable upon obtaining a permit for connection to the city utility. Systems development charges for parcels that will utilize infiltration for storm water disposal are immediately due and payable upon obtaining a building permit to develop the parcel. (Ord. 5801 § 1, 2003; Ord. 4830 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4479 § 2, 1990; Ord: 3610 § 2, 1981; Ord. 3510 § 4, 1980.) For residential development fot new-.development, redevelopment or a chanqe in use, during fhe effecfive period of April 4. 2011 throuqh April 4, 2013 and qrior to issuance of a permit aqplication, the applicant may elect to record a. covenant aQainst title to the propertv on forms qrepared and provided bv the Citv that requires pavment of: water,. sanitarv sewer and storm drainaQe development charqes due and owinq, less anv . credits awarded, by providinQ _jor automatic pavment throuQh escrow of these development charqes due and owina to be paid no iater than at time of.closina _of the - sale of the unit or at final inspection or issuance of certifcafe of occupancv or 18. months from the date of issuance of the oriQinal buildinQ permit, whichever comes frst. Failure to pav shall resulf in the followinq: 1. If 30 davs after the c'ity has sent the responsible partv written notification __of . its obliaation to pav_ the charqes established in this chaqter the full amount remains unpaid the responsible party shall be subiect to the enforcement provisions of ACC - 1 25:030 and 1.25.065. Writfen notification shall be bv reqular and certified mail and to the most current ava'ilable contact information on file with the citv. For the purqoses of aqplvina ACC .1.25.030 and 1.25.065 the. responsible _ partv -shall constitute a qropertv owner, the proaerty(ies) for which a permit(s) has been issued shall constitute the qroqertv(ies) on which the violation. is occurrina, and the impact fee amount remainin4 unpaid shall constitute a violation occurrinq on the peRnitted propertv(ies) under these sections. 2. Any unpaid charges adopted bv this chapter that are outstanding 30 days from the date the charges are due shall consfitute a lien against the propertvlies) for which a permit(s) have been issued in the amount of the unqaid, charqes. In addition to the acfions authorized in subsection 1, the citv may. record a lien. aaainst the permitted property(ies) in the amount of the unqaid charqes and mav immediatelv suspend anv qermits qreviouslv issued for the lot or unit associated with the current develoament activitv and shall limit the Qrantinq of any.future ciermits for the lot or unit until such, time that. aIL outstanding water, sanitarv sewer and storm drainaQe development.charqes are paid in fulL 3. The appeals process authorized _in Section 13.41.070 shall not aqplv to determinations made pursuant to this section. Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 5 of 67 For non-residential development comaosed of new development, redevelopment or a change in use and inclusive of commercial office and _retail uses, liqht and heaw manufacturing uses, but excludinq warehousing and distribution uses, and institutional development includinQ but not limited to public and public schools and colleqes and hospitals, durinp the effective period of April 4, 2011 through April 4. 2013 and qrior to the issuance of any permit application and and followina the execution of a aavment . aqreement on focros prepared and qrovided bv the City, the applicant mav elect to pav water, sanitary sewer and sform drainaqe development charqes due and owinQ, less any credits awarded, no later than at prior to issuance of oertificate of occupancv or 18 months from the date of issuance of the oriqinal buildina qermit, whichever comes first. Failure to pav shall result in the followina: 1. If 30 davs after the citv has sent the responsible partv written notification of its obliqation to pav the charges established in this chapfer the full amount remains unpaid the responsible partv shall be subiect to the enforcement provisions of ACC 1 25.030 and 1.25.065. Written notification shall be bv repular. and certified mail and to the most current available contact information on file with the citv. For the. purposes of applvinq ACC _1 25 030 and 1.25.065 the responsible qartv shalf constitute a aroperty owner, the propertv(ies) for which a qermit(s) has been issued shall constitute the property(ies) on which the violation is occurrina, and the imQact fee amount remaininq unpaid shall constitute a violation occurrinq on the- permitted qropertv(ies) under fhese sections. 2. Anv unpaid charQes adopted by this chapter that are outstandinQ 30 davs from the date the charqes are due shall constitute a lien aqainst the qropertv(ies) for which a permit(s) have been issued in the amount of the unpaid charqes. In addifion to_the actions authorized in subsection 1, the citv mav record a lien aQainst the aermitted propertv(ies) in the amount of the unpaid charQes and mav immediatelv suspend anv qermits . previouslv issued for the lot or unit associated with the current , development activitv and shall limit the qrantinQ of anv future permits for_the`lot or unit until such time that all outstandinq water, sanitary sewer and storm drainaqe development charaes are paid in full. 3. The appeals process authorized in. Section 13.41.070 shall not applv to determinations made qursuant#o this section. 13.41.050 Credits. If a developer provides a capacity facility that benefits other properties as identified within the appropriate utility comprehensive plan, a systems development charge credit may be granted under the provisions of this chapter, and as negotiated between the land developer and the city engineer. Any systems development charge credits granted will be documented in writing. (Ord. 5801 § 1, 2003; Ord. 4830 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4479 § 2, 1990; Ord. 3510 § 5, 1980.) ' Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 6 of 67 13.41.060 Segregation and use of revenues. All funds derived from the utility systems development charge are to be segregated by appropriate approved accounting practices ftom all other funds of the city, and that portion of the utility systems development charge calculated and collected on account of a utility shall be used for no other purpose than replacement, major repair, installing, constructing, and extending capacity facilities of the utility. (Ord. 5801 § 1, 2003; Ord. 4830 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4479 § 2, 1990; Ord. 3510 § 6, 1980.) 13.41.070 Appeals. - Appeals of the public works director's determinations made pursuant to this chapter shall be filed with #he public works .department and shall be heard by the city's: hearing examiner pursuant to Chapter 18.66 ACC. Determinations on appeals shall be based on - whether the decision being appealed was consistent with applicable state law and city codes. The hearing examiner's determination shall be final unless appealed to the superior court of the county_ in which the property subject of the utility system development charges is located within the city of Auburn in accordance with the procedures in RCW 34.05.510 through 34.05.598, and with the appeal being filed with . the city clerk within 30 days after issuance of the decision of the hearing examiner. (Ord. 6182 § 3, 2008; Ord. 5801 § 1, 2003; Ord. 4830 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4479 § 2, 1990; Ord. 3510 § 7, 1980.) 13.41.080 Scope. The utility systems development charge provided for in this chapter is separate from and in addition to any applicable tax, assessment charge, or other fee. otherwise provided by law. (Ord. 5801 § 1, 2003; Ord. 4830 § 1, .1996; Ord. 4493 § 2, 1991; Ord. 3510 § 8, 1980.) Section 2. Amendment to City Code. That Chapter 19.02 of the Aubum City Code, entitled 'School Impact Fees,' regarding the imposition of school impact fees within the City of Aubum, is hereby amended to read. as follows: Chapter 19.02 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES Sections: 19'.02.010 Purpose: 19.02.020 Definitions. 19.02.030 Determination of the amount of the impact fees. 19.02,040 Interlocal agreement beiween the city and district. Ordinance No. 6341 March 10; 2011 Page 7 of 67 19.02.050 Submission of distcict capital facilities plan and data. 19.02.060 Annual council review. 19.02.070 Fee collection. 19.02.080 Exemptions. 19.02.090 Adjustments, exceptions and appeals. 19.02.100 Impact fee accounts and refunds. 19.02.110 Impactfee formula. 19.02.115 Impact fee calculation and schedule for the Dieringer School District. 19.02.120 Impact fee calculation and schedule for the Auburn School District. 19.02.130 Impact fee calculation and schedule for the Kent School District. 19.02.140 Impact fee calculation and schedule for the Federal Way School District. 19.02.010 Purpose. The city council hereby finds and determines that continuing growth and development in the city of Aubum will create additional need and demand for schoof facilities, and that new growth and development should pay a proportionate share of the cost of developing new facilities needed as a result. Therefore, pursuant to Chapter 82.02 RCW, the council adopts this chapter to address identified impacts of new residential development on schools and.to ensure that new development bears a proportionate share of the cost of capital. expenditures necessary to meet demands foc schools in order to protect the public health, safety and welfare. (Ord. 5078 § 1, 1998.) 19.02.020 Definitions. - For purposes of this chapter; the following terms shall have the indicated meanings: A. "Capacity" means the number of students the district's facilities can accommodate district-wide, based on the district's standard of service, as determined by the district. B. "Capital facilities plan" means the district's facilities plan adopted by the school board consisting of: 1. A forecast of future needs for school' facilities based on the district's enrollment projections; 2. An identification of additional demands placed on existing public facilities by new development; 3. The long-range construction and capital improvement projects of the district; 4. The schools under construction or expansion; 5. The proposed locations and capacities of expanded or new school facilities; Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 8 of 67 6. An inventory. of existing school facilities, including permanent, transitional and relocatable facilities; 7. At least a six-year financing component, updated as necessary to maintain at . least a six-year forecast period, for financing needed for school facilities within projected funding levels, and identrfying sources of financing for such purposes, including bond issues authorized. by the voters; 8. An identification of deficiencies in school facilities serving the student populations and the means by which existing deficiencies will be eliminated' within a reasonable period of time; and 9. Any other long-range projects planned by the district. C. "Capital improvement" means land, improvemenfs to land, structures and relocatable structures (including site planning, acquisition, design, pecmitting and construction), initial fumishings and selected equipment. Capital improvements have an expected useful Jife of at least 10 years. Other capital costs, such as motor vehicles and ' motorized equipment, computers and office equipment, office fumishings, and, small tools are considered to be minor capital expenses and are not considered capital improvements. D. "City" means the city of Aubum.. E. "Classrooms" means educational facilities of the districf required to house students for its basic educational program. The classrooms are those facilities the district determines are necessary to best serve its student population. Specialized facilities as identified by the district, including but not limited to gymnasiums, cafeterias, libraries, administrative offices, and child care centers, shall not be counted as classrooms. F. "Construction cost per student" means the estimated cost of construction of a permanent school facility in the district for the grade span of school to be provided, as a function of the district's design standard per grade span. G. "Design standard" means the space required, by grade span and taking into account the requiremenfs of students with special needs, that. is needed in order to fulfill the educational goals of the district as identified in the district's capital facilities plan. H. "Developer" means the person or entity who owns or holds purchase options or other development control over property forwhich development activity is proposed. 1. "Development activity" means any residential construction, including the placement of a mobile home; or expansion ofi a building, structure or use, any change in use of a Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 9 of 67 , building or structure, or any change in the use of land that creates additional demand for school facilities. J. "District" means the Auburn, Kent, Federal Way, or Dieringer School District or successor entities. K. "Elderly" means a person aged 55 or older. L. "Encumbered" means to reserve, . set aside, or otherwise earmark the impact fees to pay #or commifinents, contractual obligations, or other liabilities incurred for public facilities as set out in the adopted capital facilities plan. M. "Grade span" means the. categories into which the district groups its grade of students; e.g., elementary, middle or junior high school; and high school. N. "Impacf fee" means a pa,yment of money imposed upon development as a condition of development approval to pay for school facilities needed to serve new.'growth and development that is reasonably related to the new development that creates additional demand and need for public facilities, that is a proportionate share of the cost of the school facilities, and that is used for such facilities that reasonably benefit the new development. 4lmpact fee" does.not include a reasonable permit or application fee. 0. "Impact fee schedule" means the impact fees to be charged per dwelling unit of development that shall be paid as a condifion of residential development within the city. P. "Interlocal agreement" means the agreemenf between the district and the city goveming the operation of the school impact fee program and describing the relationship, duties and liabilities of the parties. Q. "Net fee obligation" means,the maximum impact #ee obligation that may be assessed as determined in the school district capital facilities plan. The net fee obligation is based on a formula that takes into consideration factors such as site acquisition costs, - permanent and temporary facilities construction costs, state match credits, tax credits, developer-provided facility credits (if applicable) and a local share discount factor. R. "Permanent facilities" means facilities of the district with a fixed foundation which are not relocatable facilities. S. "Relocatable facilities" means any structure, transporfable in one or more sections, that is intended to be used as an education space to meet the needs of service areas within the district, to provide specialized facilities, or to cover the gap befinreen the time that families move into new residential developments. and the date that construction is completed on permanent school facilities. Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 10 of 67 . T. "Relocatable facilities cost per sfudent" means the estimated cost of purchasing and siting a relocatable facility in the district for the grade span of the school to be provided as a function of the district's design standard per grade span. U. "Site cost per student" means the estimated cost of a site in the district for the grade span of the school to be provided as a function of the district's design standards per grade span. V. "Standard of senrice" means the standard adopted by the district which identifies the program year, the class size by grade span and taking into account the requirement of students with special needs, the number of classrooms, the types of facilities the district believes will best serve its student population, and other factors as. identified by the district. The district's standard of service shall not, be adjusted for ahy portion of the classrooms housed in relocatable facilities which ar.e used as transitional facilities or any other specialized facilities housed in relocatable facilities. W. "Student factor" means the number derived by the district to describe how many students of each grade span.are expected to be generated by a dwelling unit. Student factors shall be based on district records of average actual student-generated rates for comparable developmenfs consfructed over a period of not more than five years prior to the date of the fee calculation; provided, that if such information is not available in the district, data from adjacent districts, or districts with similar demographics or county- wide averages may be used. Student factors must be updated on an annual basis and separately determined for single-family and multifamily dwelling units and for grade spans. X. "Transitional facilities" means those school facilities that are being used pending the construction of permanent facilities; provided, that the necessary financial commitments are in place to construct the permanent facilities. (Ord. 5950 § 1, 2005; Ord. 5078 § 1, 1998.) 19.02.030 Determination of the amount of the impact fees. The amount of the impact fees shall be determined for each school district as agreed to by the city and the applicable school district. The methodology to determine the fees will be based upon what other jurisdictions have used to determine their "school impact fees and will address the terms and concepts defined in ACC 19.02.020, Definitions. The city shall only consider requiring impact fees for any school district upon receipt of a written request duly executed from the applicable school district. The city shall adopt by a separate ordinance an impact fee schedule foreach applicable school district. A. If the city annexes property and #he affected school district has an impact fee. schedule, approved by the applicable county, then if the affected school district has Ordinance Na 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 11 of 67 adopted a capital facilities plan which has been incorporated into the city's -comprehensive plan under the Growth Management Act that schedule shaU continue in effect.on an interim basis and the city shall consider adopting by reference the fee amounts that the county has imposed together with any formulas or methodologies used to arrive at the fee amounts. B. If residential development occurs within a school district that is within the c'ity of Aubum, and an impact fee schedule has been approved for that school district by another, legislative authority, other than the city of Aubum, then if the affected school disfrict has adopted a capital facilities plan which has been incorporated into the city's comprehensive plan under the Growth Management Act that schedule shall continue in effecf on an interim basis and the city shall consider adopting by reference the fee amounts that have been imposed by the other legislative authority together with any formulas or methodologies used to arrive at the fee amounts. C. Any impact fee imposed shall be reasonably related to the impact caused by the development and shall not exceed a proportionate share of the cost of system improvements that are reasonably related to the new development. The impact fee formula shaU take into accounfi the future revenues the district will receive from the development, along with system costs related serving the new development. D. The impact fee shall be based on a capital facilities plan adopted by the district and incorporated by reference by the city as part of the capital facilities element of the city's , comprehensive plan, adopted pursuant to Chapter 36.70A RCW, for the purpose of establishing the fee program. E. Separate fees shall be calculated for single-family and multifamily types of dwelling units; and separate student generation rates must be determined by the district for each type of dwelling unit. For the purpose of this chapter, mobile homes shall be treated as single-family dwellings, and duplexes and attached single-family dwellings shall be treated as multifamily dwellings. F. The fee shall be calculated on a district-wide basis using the appropriate factors and data to be supplied by the district. The fee calculations shall also be made on a district- wide basis to assure maximum utilization of all available school facilities in the district which meet district standards. G. Credit shall be given for school facilities or sites offered by the developer which the district accepts and approves as meeting district needs and standards, consistent within capital facilities plan. (Ord. 5078 § 1, 1998.) Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 12 of 67 : 19.02.040 Interlocal_agreement between the city and district. As a condition of the city's authorization and adoption of a school impact fee ordinance . , the city and the applicable district shall enter into an interlocal agreement governing the operation of the school impact fee program, and describing the relationship and iiabilities of the parties thereunder. The agreement must provide that the-district shall be liable and hold the city harmless for all damages which may occur as a result of any failure by the district to comply with the proVisions of this chapfer, Chapter 82.02 RCW . or other applicable law. The agreement must provide that#he district shall be liable, hold the city harmless and reimburse the city for defense and payment of all claims, including claims for damages, which may occur or arise as a result of any failure or allegedi failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter, Chapter 82,02 RCW or other applicable law in the adoption, administration, or implementation of this chapter and any actions related to it, (Ord. 5078 § 1, 1998.) 19,02.050 Submission of district capital facilities plan and data. A. Dn an annual basis (by July 1st or on a date agreed to by district and the city and stipulated in the interlocal agreement) any disfrict for which the city'is collecting impact fees shall submit the following materials to the city council: 1. The district's capital facilities plan (as defined herein) as adopted by the school board; 2. The district's enrollment projections over the next six years, its current enrollment and the district's enrollment projections and actual enrollment from the previous year; 3. The district's adopted standard of service; 4. The district's overall capacity over the next six years, which shall take into ~ account the available capacity from school facilities planned by the district but not yet built and be a function of the district's standard of service as measured by the number of students which can be housed in district facilities; and 5. An inventory of the district's existing facilities. B. To the exCent that the district's standard of service identifies a deficiency in its existing facilities, :the district's capital facilities plan must identify the sources of funding - other than impact fees for building or acquiring the necessary facilities to serve the . existing studenf population in order to eliminate the deficiencies within a reasonable period of time. , Ordinance No. 6341 March 1012011 Page 13 of 67 ; C. Facilities to meet future demand shall be designed to meet the adopted standard of service: If sufficient funding is not projected to be available to fully fund a capital facilities plan which meets the adopted standard of senrice, the district's capital facilities plan should document the reason for the funding gap, and identrfy all sources of funding that #he district plans to use to meet the adopted standard of ser vice. , D. The district shall' also submit annually to the city a report showing the capital improvements for which the impact fees have been used. E. In its development of the financing plan componenfi of its capital facilities plan, the district shall plan on a six=year horizon and shall demonstrate its best efforts. by taking the following steps: 1. Establish a six-year financing plan, and propose the necessary bond issues, levies, and/or financing measures required by and consistent with that plan and as approved by the school 6oard consistent with state law; and 2. Where applicable, apply to the state for funding, and comply with the state requirements for eligibility to the best of the district's ability. (Ord. 5078 § 1, 1998.) 19.02.060 Annual council review. On at least an annual basis, the cify council shall review the information submitted by the district pursuant to ACC 19.02.050. The review shall be in conjunction with any update of the capital facilities plan element of the city's comprehensive plan. The city .council may also at this time determine if an adjustment to the amount. of the impact fees is necessary; provided, that any school impact fee adjustment that would increase the school impact fee shall require the submittal of a written request for the adjustment by the applicable school district: concurrent with the submittal of the annual capital facilities plan pursuant to ACC 19.02.050. In making its decision to adjust impact fees, the city council will :take into ' consideration the quality and completeness of the information provided in the appl'icable school distdct capital facilities plan and may decide to enact a fee less than the amount supported by the capital facilities plan. (Ord. 5950 § 1, 2005; Ord. 5078 § 1, 1998.) 19.02.070 Fee collection. The school impact fee shaU be imposed, based on the impact fee schedule, at the time of application to the city for a development activity permit. The school impact fee shall be imposed based on the impact fee schedule adopted for the applicable school district. The impact fee and the application fee shall be collected by the city and maintained in separate accounts, All schoof impact fees shall be paid to the district from the school impact fee account monthly. The city shall retain all application fees associafed with the city's administration of the impact fee program. ; Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 14 of 67 A. Impact fees shall be imposed upon development activity in the city concurrent with the issuance of a building permit. The fees are based upon the adopted fee schedule and collected by the city from any applicant where such development activity requires issuance of a residential building permit or a building permit for a manufactured or mobile home located on platted lots within manufactured/mobile home parks, and the fee has not been previously paid. Impact fees are only collected and disbursed within the boundaries of a school district that has executed an interlocal agceement with the city ofiAubum. B. Applicants for single-family and multifamily residential building permits and for manufactured/mobile home building permits shall pay the total amount of the impact fees assessed before fhe building permit is issued, using the impact fee schedules then in effect. The owner of the manufactured/mobile home park shall be responsible to pay the fee. C. The city. shall not issue the required building permit or manufactured/mobile home building permit unless and until the impact fees set forth in the impact fee schedule have been paid. D. The city will impose an application fee, as provided for in the city's adopted fee schedule, per dwelling unit which is subject to and not otherwise exempt from this chapter to cover the reasonable cost of administration of the impact fee program. The #ee is not refundable and is collected from the applicant of the development activity permit at the time of permit issuance. (Ord. 6077 § 2, 2007; Ord. Z261 § 1(Exh. A), 1999; Ord. 5078 § 1, 1998.) E For complete sinqle-family buildina permit applications for new development redevelopment or a chanqe in use dur'ing the effective period-of Aqril 4 2011 throuah Aqril 42013 and qrior to or at the time of issuance of anv_sinQle-familv residential buildinq permit for a dwelling unit that is beinq constructed the applicant mav elect to record.a covenant aQainst fitle to fhe proqertv on forms prepared and provided bv the City that reQUires payment- of_ school imaact fees due and owin4 bv providinq for automatic pavment throuqh escr.ow_of_ these school impact fees due and owinp to be paid no later than at time of closinq of the sale of the-unit or at final inspection or _ issuance of certificate of occuqancv or 18 months _ from the date of issuance of the oriqinal buildinQ permit whichever comes first. Failure to pav shall result in the followinq: 1. If 30 davs after the ciiv has sent the resaonsible partv written notification of its obli4ation to pay the charqes established in this chapter the full amount remains unpaid the responsible partv shall be subiect to the enforcement provisions of ACC - - - - 'fiication shall be bv reQUlar and certified mail and 1.25.030 and 1.25.065. Written not- to the most cuRent available contact information on file _with the citv. For the purqoses of aqplVinq ACC 1.25.030 and 1.25.065, the responsible partv shall . Ordinance No. 6341 March.10, 2011 Page 15 of 67 constitute a property owner, the propertv(ies) for which a qermit(s) has been issued shall constitute fhe propertv(ies) on which the violation is occumng, and fhe impact fee amount remaininq unqaid shall constitute a violation occumng on the permitted proaerty(ies) under these sections. 2. Any unpaid charqes_adopted by this chapter that :are outstandinq 30 davs from the - date tt~e charges ate_due shall constitute a lien aQainst the propertv(ies) for which a permit(s) have been issued in the amount of the unqaid charges. In addition to the actions authorized in subsection 1, the city may record a lien against the permitted propertv(ies) in the amount of the unpaid charqes and mav immediatelv suspend anv -permifs_ qreviously issued for the- lot or unit associated with the current. development activity_and shall.limit the granfing of anv:future permits for the lot or unit until such time that all outstanding water, sanitary sewer and storm drainaQe development charaes are paid in full. F. For complete multi-familv buildina permit applications for new development, ' redeveloqment or a chanqe_in _use, durinQ the effective period of April 4, 2011 throuQh April 4 2013 and prior to or af the time of _issuance. .of _ anv multi-familv residential buildi'nq permit that is beinq constructed, the aqplicant mav elect to record a covenant against title fo `the property on forms prepared and provided bv the Citv that requires pavment of school impact fees due and owing by providing for automatic payment through escrow of these school impact fees due and owina.to be paid no later than at time of closing of the sale of the unit or at final insqection or issuance of certificate of occupancv or 18 months from tl~e date of issuance of the oriqinal buildinq qermit, whichever comes first. _Failure to'paV shall result in the followin4: 1. If 30 davs after the cfir has sent the responsible qartv written notification of its obligation to pav the charQes established in . this chapter the full amount. remains unpaid the resqonsible partv shall.be subject to the enforcement qrovisions of ACC 1 25 030 and 1.25.065. Written notification shall be by_ regular and certified mail and to the most current available contact information on "file with _ the citv. For the purposes of applyinQ ACC 1 25 030 and 125.06 - 5 the responsible partv shall constitute a property owner, the propertv(ies) #or which a permit(s) has been issued shall constifute the property(ies) on which the violation is occurrinq, and the impact fee amount remaininq unpaid,shatl constitute-a violation occurrinq on the qermitted propertv(ies) untler these sections. 2. Any unpaid charqes adopted bv this chapter that are outstanding 30 davs from the date the charges are due shall constitute a lien aQainst the propertv(ies) for which a permitfsl have been issued in the amount of the unpaid charqes. _ In addition to the _actions authorized 'in subsection _1; the city may record a lien aqainst the permitted property(ies) in the amount of the__unaaid charpes and mav immediatelv suspend anv permits previouslv issued for the lot_ or unit associated with the current development activitv and shall _ limit the arantinp of anv future permits for the lot or unit until such time that all _outstandinq water, sanitarv sewer and storm drainaqe develoqmenf charqesare paid in full. Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 , Page 16 of 67 - 19.02.080 Exemptions. The following development activities are exempt from the requirements of this chapter: A. Reconstruction, remodeling or construction of housing projects for the elderly, including nursing homes, retirement centers, assisted IiVing facilities or other types of housing projects for persons age 55 and over,_ which have recotded covenants or recorded declaration of restrictions precluding school-aged children as residents of those projects This' exemption - does not include ind'ividual single-family homes on platted lots unless the subject plat has such recorded covenants. Where ~such covenants have not already been recorded, but the exemption is sought, #he city may require the recording of a covenant or recorded declaration of restriction precluding use of the property for other than the exem.pt purpose. If property using this exemption is subsequently used for a nonexempt purpose, then the school impact fees then in effect shall be paid. B. Rebuilding of legally established dwelling unit(s) destroyed or damaged by fire, flood, explosion, act of nature or other accident or catastrophe; provided, that such rebuilding takes place within a period of one year after destruction and that no additional dwelling units are created. C. Alteration, expansion, reconstruction, remodeling, or rebuilding of existing single- family or multifamily dwelling units; provided, that no additional dwelling units are created. D. Condominium projects in which existing dwelling units are converted into condominium ownership and where no new dwelling units are created. E._ Any development activity that is exempt from the payment of an impact fee pursuant to RCW 82.02.100. F. Any development activity for which school impacts have been mitigated pursuant to a condition of a plat, PUD or similar approval to pay fees, dedicate land or construct or improve school facilities, unless the condition ofi the plat or PUD approval provides othenrvise. The condition of the plat, PUD or similar approval must also predate the efFective date of fee imposition by the city or its predecessor in interest as provided herein and/or was actually imposed by the city or its predecessor in interest, specifically as a mitigation for impacts addressed in this chaptec. Proof must also be submitted to the city that the required mitigation has been tendered for the development activity which would otherwise be subject to this chapter. Ordinance No. 6341 MarcFi 10, 2011 Page 17 of 67 G, Any development activity for which school impacts have been mitigated pursuant to a voluntary agreement entered into with the district to pay fees, dedicate land or construct or improve school facilities, unless the terms of the voluntary agreement provide otherwise. The agreement and development activity application must also predate the effective date of fee imposition by the city or its predecessor in interest as provided herein. Proof must also be submitted to the city, prior to issuance of the development activity permit, that' the required mitigation has been tendered for the development activity which, would otherwise be subject to this chapter. H. The replacement of a mobile home with another mobile home within an existing mobile home park. (Ord. 5261 § 1.(Exh. B), 1999; Ord. 5078 § 1, 1998.) 19.02.090 Adjustments, exceptions and appeals. A. Arrangements may be made for later payment of the impact fee with the approval of the district only if the district determines that it will be unable.to use or will not need the , payment untif a later.time; provided; that sufficient security, as defined by the district, is provided to assure payment. Security shall be made to and held by the districf, which will be responsible for fracking and documenting the security interest. B. The fee amount established in the schedule shall be reduced by the amount of any eligible payment previously made for the lot or developmenf activity in question, either as a condition of approvaP or pursuant to a voluntary agreement. C. Whenever a development is granted approval subject to a condition that the development actually provide a school site or facility acceptable to the district, the developer shall be entitled to a credit for the value of the facility, based on the actual cost of providing the facility, against the fee that would be required by this chapter. The value of the facility shall be estirnated at the time of approval, but.must be documented, and the documentation confirmed after the facility is completed fo assure that an accurate credit amount is provided. If facility value based on actual costs is iess than the calculated fee amount the difference remaining shall be chargeable as a school impact fee. D. The standard impact fees may be adjusted by the planning director, if one of the following circumstances exist: 1. The developer demonstrates that an impact fee assessment was improperly calculated; or 2. Unusual circumstances identified by the developer demonstrate that if the standard impact fee amount was applied to the development, it would be unfair or Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 18 of 67 unjust taking into account the purposes and intent of this chapter and Chapter 82.02 RCW. E. In cases where a developer requests a fee calculation adjustment, exception or a credit pursuant to subsection (C) of this section, the planning director shall consult with the district and the district shall advise the planning director prior to the planning director making the final. impact fee determination. F. A developer may provide, and the planning director shall review, studies and data as a part of a request for a fee calculation adjustment, exception, or credit. G. Any appeal of the final decision of the planning director with regard to fee amounts may be made by the developer, district, or other aggdeved party and shall follow the process for the appeal of the underlying development application, as set forth in the ' Aubum City Code. The planning director's decision shall be given substantial weight and the,appellant shall have the burden of proof that the fnal fee determination is unfair, taking into account the purposes and intent of Chapter 82.02 RCW and this chapter. H. Impact fees may be paid under protest in order to obtain a permit or other approval of development activity. However, such payment under protest shall not excuse the applicant's obligation to timely exhaust all administrative remedies and to comply with all applicable time limitation periods. (Ord. 5078 § 1, 1998.) 19.02.100 Impact fee accounts and refunds. A. Impact fee receipts shall be earmarked specifically and retained in a special interest- bearing account established bythe district solely for the district's school impact fees. All interest shalF be retained in the account and expended for the purposes or purposes for which impact fees were imposed. Annually, the district, based in part on its report prepared pursuant to ACC 19.02.050, shall prepare a report on the impact fee account showing the source and amount of all moneys collected, eamed or received, and capital or system improvements for which impact fees were used. The distcict shall submit a copy of this report to the city.. The city finance director shall maintain separate school impact fee and administration fee accounts pursuant fo ACC 19.02.070, and shall prepare, for the c'ity council, a report on the source and amount of all school impact fees collected and transferred to the district. B. Impact fees for the district's capital improvements shall be expended by the district only in conformance with the capital facilities plan element of the c'ity's comprehensive plan. C. Impact #ees shall be expended or encumbered by the district for a permissible use within six years of receipt by the district, unless there exists an extraordinary or Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 19 of 67 compelling reason for fees to be held longer than six years. Such extraocdinary or compelling reasons shall be identified to the city by the district in a written report: In any decision approving such an extension, the city council shall identify the district's extraordinary and compelling reasons for the fees to be held longer than six years in the written findings. Provided that any aarty that voluntarilv elects to use the altemative. fee pavment method specified in Section 19.02.070 shall sian as a condition of use of the altemative fee qayment method a waiver of riqht on a form prepared and provided bv the Citv to recoverv of school impact fees not spent with the statutocv six-yeac timeframe. D. The current owner of property on which an impact fee has been paid may receive a refund of such fees if the impact fees have not been expended or encumbered within six years or an extension granted under subsection (C) of fhis section of receipt of the funds by the district on school facilities intended to benefit the development activity for which the impact fees were paid. Impact fees shall be considered encumbered on a first in, first out basis. The district shall notify potential claimants by first-class mail deposited with the United States Postaf Service addressed to the current owner of the property as shown in the county tax records. E. An owner's request for a refund must be submitted to the district in writing within one year, of the date the right to claim the refund arises or the date that notice is given, whichever date is later. Any impact #ees that are not expended or encumbered. by #he district in conformance with the capital facilities plan within these time limitations, and for which no application for a refund has been made within this one-year period, shall be retained and expended consistent with the provisions of.this section. Refunds of impact fees shall include any interest earned on the impact fees. F. Should the city seek fo terminate any or all school impact fee requirements, all unexpended or unencumbered funds, including interest eamed, shall be refunded to the current owner of the property for which a school impact fee was paid. Upon the findings that any or all fee requirements are to be terminated, the city shall place notice of such termination and the availabilify of the refunds in a newspaper of general circulation at leasf finro times and shall notify all potential claimants by first-class mail addressed to the owner of the property as shown in #he county tax records. All funds available for refund shall be.retained foc a period of one year. At the end of one year, any remaining . funds shall be refained by the disfrict, but must be expended by the district, consistent with the provisions of this section. The notice requirement . set forth above shall not apply if there are no unexpended or unencumbered balances within the account or accounts being terminated. Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 20 of 67 G. A developer may request and shall receive a refund, including interest earned on the impact fees, when: 1. The developer does not proceed to finalize the development activity as required . by statute or cify provisions including the Uniform Building Code; and 2: No impact on the district has resulted. "Impact" shall be deemed to include cases where the district has expended or encumbered the impact fees in good faith prior to the application for a cefund. In the event that the districfi has expended or encumbered the fees in good faith, no refund shall be forthcoming. However, if with a period of three years the same or subsequent owner of the property proceeds with.the substantially similar development activity, the owner shall be eligible for a credit. The owner must petition the district and provide receipts of impact fees paid by the owner for a development of the same or substantially similar nature on the same property or some portion thereof. The district shall determine whether to grant a credit and such defermination may be appealed by . following the procedures set forth in ACC 19.02.090. H. Interest due upon the refund of impact fees required by this section shall be calculated according to the average rate received by the district on invested funds " throughout the period during which the fees were retained. (Ord. 5078 § 1, 1998.) 19.02.110 Impact fee formula. The impact fee calculation and schedule shall be based upon the formula set forth below. The formula is the city's determination of the appropriate proportionate share of the costs of public school capital facilities needed to serve.new growth and development to be funded by school impact fees based on the factors defined in ACC 19.02.020. Separate fees shall be calculafed for single-family and multifamily dwelling units. because of their different impact on school facilities. Separate student`generation rates (student factor) must be determined by the district for each type of dwelling unit. Given the, following variables: A= Full cost fee for site acquisition costs = A1 + A2 + A3 A1 = Elementary school site cost per student x the student factor A2 = Middle school site cost per student x the student factor A3 = High school site cost per student xthe student fiactor Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 ` Page 21 of 67 B= Full cost fee for school construction = B1 + B2 + B3 B1 = Elementary school construction cost per student x the student factor B2 = Middle school construction cost per student x the student factor 63 = High school construction cost per student x the student factor C= Full cost fee for temporary facilities maintenance = C1 + C2 + C3 C1 = Elementary school temporary facility cost per student x the student factor C2 = Middle school temporary facility cost per student x the student factor C3 = High school temporary facility cosf per studenf x the student factor D= State match credit = D1 + D2 + D3 D1 = Boeckh Index x SPI square footage per student for elementary school x state match % x student factor D2 = Boeckh Index x. SPl square footage per student for middle school x state match % x student factor D3 = Boeckh Index x SPI square footage per student for high school x state match % x student factor TC = Tax payment credit = the. net present value of the average assessed value for the dwelling unit type in the school district, <(1+1)n>-1 I(1=1)n x the current school district capital property tax levy rate, I(1+1)n, where I= the current interest rate for outstanding bond issues n= the number of years left before the bond or capital levy is retired, up to a maximum of 10 years FC = Facilities credit = the per dwelling unit value of any site or facilities provided Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 22 of 67 directiy by the development subject to ACC 19.02.090 FC = Value of fee payer's contribution Number of dwelling units in the development Then the unfunded need (UN):. UN=A+B+C-D-TC The Fee Obligation: Total Unfunded Need x 50% = Fee Calculation Where, in addition fo the definitions in ACC 19.02.020: - A. "Boeckh Index" means the area cost allowance for school construction determined under WAC 180-27-060. B. "SPI square footage per student" means the space allocations per grade span determined by WAC 180-27-035. C. "State matching credit" means the calculation set forth in Attachment A of : the district's Boeckh Index times SPI. square footage per student per grade span times state match percentage times applicable student factor. D. "State match percentage", means the percentage of school construction costs for which a district is eligible to receive state funding pursuant to RCW 18A.525.166 and the rules of the State Board of Education. E. "Tax payment credit" or "TC" means the calculation in the formula of the district's average real property tax-determined value for single-family dwelling units or multifamily dwelling units times the district's capital property tax rate as adjusted by the current interest rate for any bonds being retired by a capital fax and the number of years each capital levy tax shall be imposed up to 10 years. The disfrict's capital tax rate consists of authorized #ax levies to retire bonded indebtedness incurred for school district capital purposes under Chapter 28A.530 RCW and school facility levies for construction; remodeling,, and modemization under RCW 84.52.053. (Ord. 5950 § 1, 2005; Ord. 5096 § 1, 1998.) Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 23 of 67 19.02.115 Impact fee calculation and schedule for the Dieringer School District. The impact fee calculation and schedule below is based upon a review of the impact fee calculation for single-family residences and for multifamily residences set forth in the most recent version of the Dieringer School District Capital Facilities Plan adopted by the Auburn city council as an element of the Aubum comprehensive plan. The calculation is the determination of the appropriate proportionate share of the costs of public school capital facilities needed to serve new growth and development to be funded by school impact fees based on the factors defined in ACC 19.02.020. Effective January 1, 2011, the school impact fee shall be as follows: Per Single-Family Dwelling Unit. $3,500:00 Pec Multifamily Dwelling Unit $0.00 19.02.120 Impact fee calculation and schedule for the Aubum School District. The impact fee calculation and schedule is based upon a review of the impact fee calculation for single-family residences and for multifamily residences set forth in the most recent version of the Auburn School District's Capifal Facilities Plan, adopted by the Auburn city council as an element of the Aubum comprehensive plan. The calculation is the determination of the appropriate proportionate share of the costs of public school capital facilities needed to serve new growth and development to be funded by school impact fees.based on the factors defined in ACC 19.02.020. Effective January 1, 2011, the school impact fee shall be as follows: Per Single-Family Dwelling Unit $5,266.33 Per Multifamily Dwelling Unit $1,518.22 19.02.130 Impact fee calculation and schedule for the Kent School District. The impact fee calculation and schedule is based upon a review of the impact fee and calculation for single-family residences and for multifamily residences set forth in the most recenf version of #he Kent School District's Capital Facilities Plan adopted by the Aubum city council as an element ofthe Aubum comprehensive plan. The calculation is the determination -of the appropriafe proportionate share of the costs of public school capital facilities needed to serve new growth and development to be funded by school impact fees based on the factors defned in ACC 19.02.020. Effective January 1, 2011, the schoof impact fee shall be as follows: Per Single-Family Dwelling Unit $5,486.00 , Per Multifarriily Dwelling Unit $3,378.00 Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 24 of 67 19.02.140 lmpact fee calculation and schedule for the Federal Way Schoof District. The impact fee calculation and schedule is based upon a review of the impact fee and calculation for single-family residences and for multifamily residences set forth in the - most recent version of the Federal Way School District's Capital Facilities Plan adopted by the Auburn city council as an element of the Aubum comprehensive plan: The calcufation is the determination of the appropriate proportionate share of the costs of public school capital facilities needed to serve new. growth and development to be funded by school impact fees based on the facfors defined in ACC 19.02.020. Effective January 1; 2011, the school impact fee shall be as follows: Per. Single-Family Dwelling.Unit $4,014.00 Per Mulfifamily Dwelling Unit $2,172.00 Section 3. Amendment to City Code. Thaf Chapter 19.04 of the Aubum City Code, entitled `Transportation Impact Fees,' regarding the imposition of transportation impact fees within the City of Auburn, is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 19.04 TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES1 Sections: 19.04.010 Findings and authority. 19.04.020 Definitions. 19.04.030 Reserved. 19.04.040 Assessment of impact fees. 19.04.050 Independent fee calculations. 19.04.060 Credits and adjustments. 19.04.070 Exemptions. 19.04.080 Appeals. 19.04.090 Establishmenfi of an impact fee account for#ransportation. 19.04.100 Refunds. 19.04.110 Use of funds. 19.04.120 . Review and upd_ate of impact fees. 19.04.130 Miscellaneous provisions. 19.04.010 Findings and authority. , The council of the city of Auburn, (the "counciln) hereby fi.nds and determines. that new. growth and development, including but not limited to new resitlenfial, commercial, retail; office, and industrial development, in the city of Aubum will create additional demand Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 25 of 67 and need for transportation facilities in the city of Auburn, and the council finds that new growth and development should pay a proportionate-share of the cost of transportation facilities needed to serve the new growth and development. The city of Auburn has conducted extensive studies documenting the procedures for measuring the impact of new developments on transportation facilities. These studies have contributed to the rates as established in the fee schedule of the city ofi Auburn. Therefore, pursuant to Chapter 82A2 RCW, the council adopts this chapter to assess impact fees for transportation facilities. The provisions of this chapter shall be liberally construed in - order to carry out the purposes of the council in establishing the transportation impact fee program.. (Ord. 5763 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5506 § 1, 2001.) 19.04.020 Definitions. The following words and terms shall have the following meanings for the purposes of this chapter, unless the context clearly requires otherwise. Terms ofherwise not tlefned herein shall be defined pursuant to RCW 82.02.090, or given their usual and customary meaning. - A. "Act" means the Growth Managemenf Act, Chapter 36.70A RCW, as now in existence or as hereafter amended. B. "Building permit,° for the purposes of this chapter only, means an official document or certification which is issued by the city and which authorizes the construction, alteration, enlargement, conversion, reconstruction, remodeling, rehabilitation, erection, demolition, moving or repair of a building or structure. In the case of increased impacts on transportation facilities caused by a change in use or occupancy of an existing building or structure, and where no building permit is required, the term "building permit" shall specifically include business registrations. C. "Capital facilities plan" means the capital facilities plan element of the city's comprehensive plan adopted pursuant to Chapter 36.70A RCW, and such plan as amended. D. "City" means the city of Aubum. E. "Council" means the city council of the city of Aubum. F. "Department" means the department of public works. G. "Development activity" means any construction or expansion of a building, structure,. or use, any change in use of a building or structure, or any change in the use of land _ that creates additional demantl and need for transportation facilities. Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 26 of 67 H. "Director" means the director of the department of public works or the director's designee. L"Downtown plan area" means the study area as identified and. adopted in the City of Auburn Downtown Plan dated May 2001 that is defined by the boundary of the Union Pacific Railroad on the west and Sfate Route.18 on the south. The eastern boundary is defined as "F" Street SE from State Route 18 to East Main Street, East Main Street from - "F" Street SE to "E" Street SE, and "E" Sfreet NE from East Main Street to 4th Street NE. The nocthern boundary is defined as 2nd Street NW from the Interurban Trail to "D" • Street NW, 3rd Street NW/NE from "D" Street NW to Auburn Avenue, and 4th Street NE from Aubum Avenue to "E" Street NE. For the purposes of this chapter, the downtown plan area boundary has been slightly modified to avoid bisecting properties. J. "Dwelling unit" means a building, or portion thereof, designed for residential occupancy, consisting of one or more rooms which are arranged, designed or used as living quarters for one family only. K. "Encumber" means to reserve, set aside or otherwise earmark the impact fees in order to pay for commitments, contractual obligations or other liabilities incurred for public facilities. L. "Feepayer" is a person, corporation, partnership, an incorporated association, or any other similar entity, or departrrient or bureau of any governmental entity, commencing a land development activity or land use change which creates the demand for additional transportation facilities, and which requires the issuance of a building permit. "Feepayer" includes an applicant for an impact fee credit. " M. "Gross floor area (GFA)" means the total square footage of any building, structure, or use, including accessory uses. N. "Gross leasable area (GLA)" means the total floor area designed for tenant occupancy and exclusive use. For the purposes of the trip generation calculation, the floor area of any parking garages within the building shall not be included within the GLA of the entire building. GLA is the area for which tenants pay rent; it is the area that produces income. 0. °Hearing examinec" means the examiner who acts on behalf of the council in considering and applying land use regulatory codes as provided under Chapter 18.66 ACC. Where appropriafe, "hearing examiner" also refers to the office of the hearing examiner. ' Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 27 of 67 ' P. "Impact fee" means a payment of money imposed by the city of Auburn on development activity pursuant to this chapter as a condition of granting development approval in order to pay for the transportation facilities needed to serve new growth and development. Q. "Impact fee account" or "account" means the account established for the transportation impac# fees collected. The accounf shall .be established pursuant to ACC 19.04.090, and comply with fhe requirements ofRCW 82.02:070. R. "Independent fee calculation" means the transportation impact calculation prepared by a feepayer to support the assessment of an impact fee other than by the use of the attached schedules. S. "Interest" means the interest rate eamed by local . jurisdictions in `the State of Washington Local Government Investment Pool; if not otherwise defined. T. "Multiple-family dwelling" means a building designed exclusively for occupancy by three or more families living, independently of each other, and containing three or more ~ dwelling units. U. "Owner" means the owner ofi record of real property; provided, that if the real property is being purchased under a recorded real estate contract, the purchaser shall be considered the owner of the real property. V. "PM peak hour" -means the hour of the highest transportation demand for the entire , Aubum transportation system which, befinreen noon and midnight, typically occurs befinreen the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. W. "Single-family dwelling" means a detached building designed exclusively for occupancy by one family and containing one dwelling unit. A manufactured home may be considered a one-family dwelling, if sited per Chapter 18.31 ACC. X. "Square footage" means the square footage of :the gross floor area or gross floor leasable area of the development. Y. "State" means the state of Washington: Z. "Transportation project improvements" means site impcovements and facilities that are planned and designed to provide service for a particular development or users of the project, and are not transportation system improvements. No transportation improvement or facility included in a capital facilities plan approved by the council shall be considered a transportation project improvement. Ordinance Na 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 28 of 67 AA. "Transportation system improvements" means transportation facilities that are , included in the city of Auburn's capital facilities plan and are designed to provide service to service areas witliin the community at large, in contrast fo transportation project . improvements. BB. "Grandfathering" means that existing land uses of a property in effect on July 1, 2001, the initial effective date of the impact fees ordinance, are entitled to system . capacity credits determined by the adopted impact'fees rate~schedule. CC. "Surplus credits" means credits over and above those calculated as an impact fee. For example: ' 1. In grandfathering calculations, if the difference between a proposed use fee minus existing use credit results in a positive number, the result is the impact fee due. 2. In grandfathering calculations, if the difference between a proposed use fee minus existing use credit results in a negative number, #he result is the surplus credit and no impact fee would be due. Current practice is to not pay out in real dollars the calculated sucplus credit. In off-site system capacity improvements or ROW dedication it is also possible to create sufficient value that results in a su:rplus credit. DD. "Change in use" for the purposes of this chapter means a different use as set forth in the identification of uses for the various fees for uses in the ITE Manual. EE. "ITE Manual" means the manual promulgated and published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. . FF. "Downtown catalyst area" means the areas def ned by (1) ..the boundary of West Main Street/East Main Street to the.north, "A" Street SE to the east, 2nd Street SE/2nd Street SW to the south, and "A" Street SW to the west; and (2) the boundary of East Main Sfreet to the south, Auburn Avenue to the east, 1st Street NE to the north, and North Division Street to the west: GG. °Downtown catalyst accessory area° means the area defined by the boundary of 1st Street NW to the south, "A" Street NW to the west, 2nd Street NW to the north, and North Division Street to the east. HH. "Emergency public, interest area" means the area defined as King County Tax Parcel No. 0721059053, located at 901 Auburn Way N., Auburn, WA 98002, described , more particularly as follows: Ordinance No. 6341 . March 10, 2011 Page 29 of 67 Lots 1, 2 and 3 of City of Aubum Short Plat No. SPL0009-98, according to short plat recorded April 20, 1999, under recording No. 9904202125, in King County, Washington, a ~ avwaa5 .AUV UM a~aoacrn ~ ar7i3lhtOr n ~d7q . Co NorM---. and as shown below: (Ord. 6199 § 1, 2008; Ord. 6197 § 1, 2008; Ord. 6089 § 1, 2007; Ord. 5763 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5604 § 1, 2001; Ord. 5506 § 1, 2001.) 19.04.030 Reserved. (Ord. 5763 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5506 § 1, 2001.) 19.04.040 Assessment of impact fees. A. Effective July 1, 2001, the city shall collect impact fees, based on the fee schedule of the city of Auburn, from any applicant seeking a building permit from the city for any development activity within the city. B. Effective May 19, 2003, where a change in use increases the trip generation by more than one whole PM peak hour trip, the director shall calculate a transportation impact fee based on the increases in the trip generation rate. C. The director shall apply a heavy truck adjustment factor to the transportation impact fees for industrial land uses, addressing the percentage of vehicle trips for such uses made by trucks of three or more axles and the street capacity used by such trucks in comparison to other vehicles. D. The amount of impact fees shall be determined at the time an applicant submits a complete application for a building permit, using the impact fee schedules then in effect, or pursuant to an independent fee calculation accepted by the director pursuant to ACC 19.04.050, and adjusted for any credits pursuant to ACC 19.04.060. E. Payment of impact fees shall be made by the feepayer at the time the building permit is issued. The amount to be paid shall not be increased for any applicant that submitted Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 30 of 67 a complete application for the building permit before the city established the impact fee rates. F. Applicants that have been awarded credits prior to the submittal of the complete building permit application pursuant to ACC 19.04.060 shall submit, along with the complete building permit application, a copy of the letter or certificate prepared by the director pursuant fo ACC 19.04.060 setting forth the dollar amount of the credit . awarded. Impact fees, as determined affer the application of appropriate credits, shall be collected from the feepayer at the time the building permit is issued. G. The department shall not issue a building permit unless and until the impacf fees have been paid or credit(s) awarded. (Ord. 6005 § 1, 2006; Ord. 5763 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5506 § 1, 2001.) H. For complete single-family building aermit aqplications for new development, redevelopment or a chanae in use, durinQ the effective qeriod of April 4, 2011 throuph April 4, 2013 and prior to or at. the _ time of issuance of anv sinale-family residential building permit for a dwellinq unit that is beinQ consfrucfed, the applicant mav elect fo record a covenant aqainst title to the aroqertv on forms preqared and arovided bv the City that requires qayment of transportation impact fees due and owinQ bv providinq #or automatic paymenf through escrow of these transao"rtation impact fees due and. owinQ to be paid no later than at time of closina of the sale of the unit or at final inspection or issuance of certificate of occuqancv, or 18 months from the date of issuance of the oriqinal buildinq permit, whichever comes first. Failure to aav shall result. in the followinq: - 1. If 30 days after the citv has sent the responsible partv written notification of: its obliqation to pav the charges established in this chapter the full amount remains ; unpaid the resqonsible qartv shall be subiect to the enforcement arovisions of ACC 1.25.030 and 1.25.065. Written notification shall be bv regular and certified mail and to the most current available contact information on file with the citv. For the purRoses of applyin4 ACC 1.25.030 and 1.25.065, the responsible partv shall constitute a propertv owner, the properlv(ies) for which a permit(s) has been_ issued shall constitute the. proqertv(ies) on which the violation is occurrinQ, and the impact fee amount remaininq unqaid shall constitute a violation occurrinQ on the qermitted propertv(ies) under these sections. 2. Any unpaid charaes adoqted by this chapter, that are outstandina 30 davs from the date the charAes are due shall constitute a lien aqainst the propertv(ies) for which a permit(s) have been issued in the amount of the unpaid charQes. In addition to the actions authorized in subsection 1, the citv mav record a lien against the permitted proqertv(ies) in the amount of the unaaid charqes and mav immediatelv susqend any permits previously issued for the lot or unit associated with the current development activitv and shall limit the qranting of any future permits for the lot or Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 31 of 67 unit until such time that all outstanding water, sanitary sewer and storm drainaAe development charqes are paid in full. 3. The appeals process authorized in Section 19.04.080 shall not applv to determinations made qursuant to this section. 1. For complete multi-familv buildina aermit applications for new development; redevelopment or a chanqe in use, during the effective period of April 4. 2011 throuQh , April 4. 2013 and qrior to or at the time of issuance of anv multi-familv resitlential , building permit that is being constructed, the applicant may elect to record' a covenant aqainst title to the proaerty on forms qrepared and provided by the City that reduices pavment of transportation imqact fees due and owina bv qrovidinp for automatic pavment through escrow of these fransportation impact fees due and owinQ fo be aaid no later than at .fime of closinq of the sale of the unit or at final inspection or issuance of certfficate of occupancv or 18 months from the date of issuance of the oriAinal buildinq permit, whichever comes first. Failure to pav shall result in the followinp: 1. If 30 davs after the city has sent the responsible partv written notification of its obligation to pay. the charqes established in this chapter the full amount remains unqaid, the responsible party shall be subject to the enforcement arovisions of ACC 1.25.030 and 1.25.065. Written notification shall be bv reqular and certified mail and to the most current available contact information on file with the citV. For the purposes of applvinq ACC 1.25.030 and 1.25.065, the responsible partv shall constitute a propertv owner, the property(ies for which a permit(s) has been issued shall constitute fhe propertv(ies) on which the violation is occurrinq, and the impact fee amount remainin4 unpaid shall constitute a violation occurrinq on the aermitted propertv(ies) under these sections. 2. Anv unpaid charqes adopted bv this chaqter that are outstandinq 30 davs from the date the charqes are due shall constitute a lien aQainst the property(ies) for which a permit(s) have been issued in the amount of the unpaid charges. In addition to the actions authorized in subsection 1, the city may record a lien aQainst the permitted property(ies) in the amount of the unaaid charqes and mav immediately suspend , any permits previously issued for the lot or unit associated with the current development activifir and shall limit the grantinQ of any future permits for the lot or unit until such time that all outstanding water, sanitary sewer and storm drainaqe development charqes are paid in full. 3. The aqqeals process authorized in Section 19.04.080 shall not apaly to determinations made pursuant to this section. J. For non-residential development composed of new development, redeveloqment or a change in use and inclusive of commercial office andjetail uses, liqht and heavy manufacturinQ uses, but excluding warehousing and distribution uses, and institutional develoqment includinQ but not limited to public and public schools and colleges and hospitals, durinA the effective period of April 4, 2011 fhrough April 4, 2013 and prior to Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 32 of 67 the issuance of any permit aqplication and and following the execution of a pavment agreement on forms arepared and provided bv tlie Citv, the aqplicanf may elect.to pav transaortation imaact fees due and owing, less any credits awarded, no later than prior to issuance of certificate of occuaancy or 18 months from the date of issuance of the oriQinal building permit, whichever comes first. Failure to pav shall result in the followinq: 1. If 30 days after the citv has sent the responsible qartv written notification of its obliaation to pay. the charges .established in this chapfer the full amount remains unpaid, the. responsible qartV shall be subject to the enforcement arovisions of ACC - - - - 1.25.030 and 1.25.065. Written notification shall_be bv reqular and certifed mail and to` the most current available contact information on file. with the citv. For the purposes of applying ACC 1.25.030 and 1.25.065, the responsible party shall constitute a property owner, the property(ies) for.which a permit(s) has been issued shall constitute the propertv(ies) on which the violation is~ occurrinQ, and the impact fee amount remaininq unpaid shall constitute a violation occurring on the permitfed property(ies) under these sections. 2. Anv unqaid charges adopted bv this chaater that are outstandina 30 days from_the date the charges are due shall constifute a lien against the aroperfV(ies) for which a permit(s) have been issued in the amount of the unpaid charqes. In addition to the actions authorized in subsection 1, the city may record a lien aqainst the permitted proqertvfiesl in the amount of the unqaid charges and mav immediately susqend anv permits previouslv_ issued. for the lot or unit associated with the cu"rrent development activitv and shall limit the rq antinq of anv future permits for fhe lot or unit until such time that all outstandinq water, sanitary sewer and storm drainaqe development charaes are paid in full. 3. The appeals process authorized in Section 19.04.080 shall not apply to determinations made pursuant to this section. 19.04.050 Independent fee calculations. A. If in the judgment of the direcfor, none of the fee categories set forth in the attached schedule accurately describes or captures the impacts of the new development, the applicant shall conduct an independenf #ee calculation and the director may impose altemative fees on a specific development based on those calculations, once accepted by the city. B. Feepayers may opt not to have the impact fees determined according to the attached, schedule. Such feepayers shall prepare and submit to the director an independent fee calculation for the development activity for which a building permit is sought. C. The documentation submitted and supporting an independent fee calculation shall clearly show PM peak hour trip generation characteristics of the proposed development based on industry-accepted sfandards as articulated in the ITE trip generation manual. Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 33 of 67 The modified fee shall be based on the average cosf per trip established in the fee schedule of the city of Auburn, and shall consitler the alternative trip generation data. D. A nonreimbursable administrative fee shall be charged for each independent fee calculation. The fee shall be deposited with the city to pay for city review of the independent fee calculation upon submittal of the documented independent fee sfudy. E. After the city completes its review, the actual fees and expenses will be determined and the cash deposit shall be adjusted to provide for a refund by the city or additional payment by the feepayer. F. While there is a presumption that the calculations set forth in the attached schedule are valid, the director shall consider#he documenfation submitted by the feepayer, but is not required to accept such documentation which the director reasonably deems to be inaccurate or not reliable, and may, in the alternative; require the feepayer fo submit ; additional or different documentation for consideration. The director is authorized to adjust the impact fees on a case-by-case basis based on the independent' fee calculation, the specific characteristics of the development, and/or principles of faimess. G. Determinations made by the director pursuant to this section may be appealed to the office of the hearing examiner subject to the procedures: set forth in ACC 19.04.080. . (Ord. 5763 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5506 § 1, 2001.) 19.04.060 Credits and adjustments. A. A feepayer can request that a credit or credits for transportation impact fees be awarded to him/her for transportation project improvements provided by the feepayer in . excess of the standard requirements for the feepayer's development if the land, improvements, and/or the facility consfructed are identfied as transportation system improvements that provide capacity to serve new growth in the capital facilities plan, or the director, at his/her disccetion, makes the finding that such land, improvements, and/or facilities would serve the transportation goals and objectives of the capital facilities plan. B. For each request for a credit or credits, the director shall determine the value of dedicated land by using available documentation or selecting an appraiser from a list of independent appraisers maintained by the department to determine the value of the land being dedicated. The value of the improvements will be determined through documentation submitted by the feepayer. C. The feepayer shall pay the cost of the appraisal and shall deposit on account the estimated , cost of the appraisal as determined by the city at the time the feepayer requests consideration for a credit. Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 34 of 67 D. After receiving the appraisal, the director shall provide the applicant with a letter or certificate setting forth the dollar amount of the credit,. the reason for the credit, where applicable, the legal description of the site donated, and the legal description or other adequate description of the project or development to which the credit may be applied. The applicant must sign and date a duplicate copy of such letter or certificate indicating , his/her agreernent to the terms of the letter or certficate, and retum such signed document to the direcfor before the impact fee credit will be awarded. The failure of the applicant to sign, date, and retum such document within 60 days shall nullify the credit. E. Any claim for credit must be made no later than the time of application for a building permit. Any claim not so made shall be deemed waived.. F. No credit sliall be given for. transportation project improvements or right-of-way dedications for direct access improvements to and/or within the development in question. G.. Determinations made by the director pursuant to th'rs section shall be subject to the appeals procedures set forth in ACC 19.04.080. H. Pursuant to and consistenf with the requirements of RCW 82.02.060, the fee rate in the fee schedute for the city of Auburn has been reasonably adjusted for other revenue -sources which are earmarked for, or proratable to, funding transportation facilities. 1. In order to grandfather the capacity rights of existing land uses, the director will utilize the adopted rates to calculate any impact fee credits'and to determine any surplus credits for off-site system improvemenfs made by the property owner. Only in a sifuation when a property owner makes off site system capacity improvements that qualify in accordance with subsection A of this section will any surplus credits (value computed during the permit year and not adjusted for inflation) remain with the property or any subdivision of that property to benefit future development where a traffic impact fee is determined to be due. (Ord. 5763§ 1, 2003; Ord. 5506 § 1, 2001.) 19.04.070 Exemptions. A. The following shall be exempted from the payment of fransportation impact fees: 1. Replacement of a structure with a new structure of the same PM peak hour trip , generation and use at#he same site or lot when such replacement occurs within 12 months of the demolition or destruction of the prior structure. 2. Alterations, expansion, enlargement, remodeling, rehabilifation or conversion of an existing dwelling unit where no additional dwelling unifs are created and the use is not changed. Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 35 of 67 3. Alterations of an existing nonresidential structure that does not expand the useabie space. 4. Miscellaneous improvements, including but not limited to fences, walls, swimming pools, and signs. 5. A change in use where the increase in PM peak hour trip generation is less than the threshold stated in ACC 19.04.040(B). 6. Demolition, or moving ofi a structure out of the city. 7. Any building permit application that has been submitted -to the department before 5:00 p.m. the business day before the first effective date of the transportation impact fee rate schedule and subsequently determined to be a complete application bythe city. . 8. All development activity, within the "downtown plan area" as defined in ACC 19.04.020(I); provided,,that this exemption shall sunset on June 30, 2007, unless otherwise extended by the city council. 9. All development activity within the "downtown catalyst area" as defined in ACC 19,04.020(FF); provided, that this exemption shall sunset on June 30, 2010, unless otherwise extended by the city council. 10. Fifty percent of all development activity within the "downtown catalyst accessory area" as defined in ACC 19.04.020(GG), to the effect that the exemption , provided hereby shall be for 50 percent of the applicable transportation impact fees; provided, that this exemption shall sunset on December 31, 2008, unless otherwise extended by the city council. 11. All development activity within the "emergency public interest area" as defined in ACC 19.04.020(HH); provided, that this exemption shall sunset on December 31, 2008, unless otherwise extended by the city council. B. The director shall be authorized to determine whether a particular development activity falls within an exemption identified in this section. Determinations of the director shall be subject to the appeals procedures set forth in ACC 19.04.080. (Ord. 6199 § 2; 2008; Ord. 6197 § 2, 2008; Ord. 6178 § 1, 2008; Ord. 6089 § 2, 2007; Ord. 6068 § 1, 2006; Ord. 5763 § 1, 2003; Orcl. 5604 § 1, 2001; Ord. 5506 § 1, 2001.) 19.04.080 Appeals. A. Any feepayer may pay the impact fees imposed by this chapter under protest in order to .obtain a building permit. Appeals regarding the impact fees imposed on any Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 36 of 67 development activity may only be made by the feepayer of the property where such deVelopment activity will occur. No appeaF submitted under protest shall be permitted unless and until the impact fees at issue have been paid. Alternatively, any feepayer may appeal the impact fees determined by the director without first paying the fees, providing the applicant is willing to provide a satisfactorysecurity of the appealed fee amount in accordance with the requirements of ACC.17.08.010(A) prior to issuance of the building permit. Alfematively, any feepayer may appeal the impact fees determined by the public works director without first paying the fees, providing the applicant is willing to postpone issuance of the building permit until after the appeal process when J the revised final fee is known. . B. Appeals of the public works director's determinations made pursuant to this chapter shall be filed with the city's public works department and shall be heard by the city's hearing examiner pursuant to Chapter 18.66 ACC. Determinations on appeals shall be based on whether the decision being appealed was consistent with applicable state law and city codes. The hearing examiner's determination shall be final unless appealed to the superior court of the county in which the property subject of the fransportation impact fees is located within the city of Auburn in accordance with the proceduces in RCW 34.05.510 through 34.05.598, and with the appeal being filed with the city clerk within 30 days after issuance of the decision of the hearing examiner. (Ord. 6182 § 5, 2008; Ord. 5763 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5506 § 1, 2001.) 19.04.090 Establishment of an impact fee account for transportation. A. Impact fee receipts shall be earmarked specifically and deposited in special interest- bearing accounts. The fees received shall be prudentty invested in a manner consistent with the investment policies of the city. B. There is hereby established a separate impact fee account for the fees collected pursuant to this chapter the transportation impact account. Funds withdrawn from this account must be used in accordance with the provisions of ACC 19.04.110. Interest earned on the fees shall be retained in the account and expended for the purposes for which the impact fees were collected. C. On an annual basis, the financial director shall provide a report to the council on the transportation, impact account showing the source and amount of all moneys collected, eamed, or received, and the fransportation improvements that were financed in whole or in part by impact fees. D. Impact fees shall be expended or encumbered within six years of receipt, unless the . council identifies in written findings extraordinary and compelling reason or reasons for the delay. Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 • Page 37 of 67 E. In order to comply, with RCW 82.02.060(2), impacf fees for development activity in the downtown plan area shall be paid for with public funds other than from impact fee accounts during the exemption period set forth in ACC 19.04.070 (A)(8). (Ord. 5763 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5604 § 1, 2001; Ord. 5506 § 1, 2001.) 19.04.100 Refunds. A. If the city fails to expend or encumber the impact fees within six years of when the fees were paid, or where extraordinary or compelling reasons exist, such other time periods as established pursuant to ACC 19.04.090, the current owner of the property on which impact fees have been paid may receive a refund of such fees. 'In determining ~ whether impact fees have been expended or encumbered, impact fees shall be considered expendecl or encumbered on a first-in, first-out basis. Provided that anv partv that voluntarilv elects to use the altemative fee pavment method specified in Section 19.04.040 shall sign as a condition of use of the altemative fee payment method a waiver of ri4ht on a form prepared and provided by the City to recovery of transportation impact fees not spent with the statutocv six-year timeframe. 6. The city shall notify potential claimants by first class mail deposited with the United States Postal Service at the last known address of such claimants. A potential claimant or claimant must be the owner of the property. C. Owners seeking a refund of impact fees must submit a written request for a refund of the fees to the director within one year of the date the right to claim the refund arises or the date that notice is given, whichever is later. D. Any impact fees for which no application for a refund has been made within this one- year period shall be retained by the city and expended on appropriate transportation system improvements. E. Refunds of impact fees under this section shall include any interest earned on the impact fees by the city. F. If and when the city seeks to terminate any or all components of the transportation impact fee program, all unexpended or unencumbered funds from any terminated component or components, including interest earned, shall be refunded pursuantto this seetion. Upon the finding that any or..all fee requirements are to be terminated, the city shall place notice of such termination and the availability of refunds in a newspaper of general circulation at least finro times and shall notify all potential claimants by first class mail to the last known address of the claimants. All funds available for refund shall be retained for a period of one year. At the end of one year, any remaining funds shall be retained by the city, but must be expended for appropriate transportation system Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 38 of 67 improvements. This notice requirement shall not apply if there are no unexpended or unencumbered balances within an account or accounts being terminated. G. The city shall also refund to the developer of property for which. impact fees have been paid all impact fees paid, including interest earned on the impact fees, if the development activity for which the impact fees were imposed did not occur. (Ord. 5763 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5506 § 1, 2001.) 19.04.110 Use of funds. A. Pursuant to this chapter, transportation impact fees: 1. Shall be used for transportation improvements that will reasonably beneft. the new development; and 2. Shall not be imposed to make up for deficiencies in transportation facilities , serving existing developments; and 3. Shall not be used for maintenance or operations. B. As a general guideline, transportation impact fees may be used for any transportation improvements which could otherwise be funded by a bond issue of the city. C. Transportation impact fees may be spent for transportation improvements, including but not limited to planning, land acquisition, right-of-way acquisition, site improvements, necessary off-site improvements inctuding mitigation, construction, engineering, architectural, permitting, financing, and administrative expenses, applicable impact fees or mitigation costs, and any other expenses which can be capitalized. D. Impact fees may be used to recoup transportation improvement costs previously incurred by the city to the extent that new growth and development will be served by the previously constructed improvements or incurred costs. : E. In the event that bonds or similar debt instruments are or have been issued for the advanced provision of transportation improvements for which impact fees may be expended, impact fees may be used to pay debt service on such bonds or similar debt instruments to the extent that the facilities or improvements provided are consistent with the requirements of this section and are used to serve the new development. (Ord. 5763 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5506 § 1, 2001.) 19:04.120 Review and update of impact fees. A. The fee rate schedules set forth in the fee schedule of the ciiy of Aubum shall be reviewed periodically by the counciL Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 39 of 67 B. The fee schedules set forth in the fee schedule of, the city of Auburn shall be reviewed by the council as it may deem necessary and appropriafe in conjunction with . the annual update of the capital facilities plan element of the c'ity's comprehensive plan. (Ord. 6050 § 1, 2006; Ord. 5763 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5506 § 1, 2001.) 19.04.130 Miscellaneous provisions. . A. Existing Authority Unimpaired. Nothing in this chapter shall preclude the city from, requiring the feepayer or the proponent of a development activity fo mitigate adverse environmental impacts of a specific development pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act, Chapter 43.21 C RCW, based on the environmental documents accompanying the underlying. development approval process, and/or Chapter 58.17 RCW, goveming plats and subdivisions; provided, that the exercise of this authority. is . consistent with the provisions of RCW 82.02.050(1)(c). B. Captions. The chapter and section captions used in this chapter are for convenience only and shall not control or afFect the meaning or construction of any of the provisions of this chapter. C. Severability. If any portion of this chapter is found to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, such finding shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other section of this chapter. D. Short Title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "The City of Auburn Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance." (Ord. 5763 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5506 § 1, 2001.) Section 4. Amendment to City Code. That Chapter 19.06 of the Auburn City Code, entitled `Fire Impact Fee,' regarding the imposition of fire impact fees within the City of Auburn, is hereby amended to read as follows Chapter 19.06 FIRE IMPACT FEE Sections: 19.06.010 Findings and authority. 19.06.020 Definitions. 19.06.030 Reserved. 19.06.040 Assessment of impact fees. 19.06.050 Independent fee calculations. 19.06.060 Credits and adjustments. . 19.06.070 Exemptions. Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 40 ofi 67 19.06.080 Appeals. 19:06.090 Establishment of impact fee account for fire protection. 19.06.100 Refunds. 19.06.110 Use of funds. 19.06.120 Review and update of impact fees. 19.06.130 Miscellaneous provisions. 19.06.010 Findings and authority. The :council of the city.of Auburn (the "council") hereby finds and determines that new growth and development, including but not limited to new residential, commercial, retail, office, and indusfrial development, in the city of Auburn will create additional demand and need for fire protection facilities in the city of Auburn, and the council finds that new growth and development should pay a proportionate share of the cost of fire protection facilities needed to serve the new growth and development. The city of Auburn has conducted a study documenting the procedures for measuring the impact of "new developments on fire protection facilities. This study has contributed to the rates as esfablished in the fee schedule of. the city of Auburn. Therefore, pursuant to Chapfer 82.02 RCW, the council adopts this chapter to assess impact fees for fire protection facilities. The provisions of this chapter shall be liberally construed in order to carry out, the purposes of the council in establishing the impact fee program. (Ord. 5977 § 1, 2005.) 19.06.020 Definitions. The following words and terms shall have the following meanings for the purposes of this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise. Terms otherwise not defined herein shall be defined pursuaht to RCW 82.02.090 or given their usual and customary meaning. A. °Act" means the Growth Management Act, Chapter 36.70A RCW, as now in existence or as hereafter amended. B. "Building permit," for the purposes of this chapter only, means an official document or certification which is issued by the city and which authorizes the construction; alteration, enlargement, conversion, reconstruction, remodeling, rehabilitation; erection, demolition, moving or repair of a building or structure. In the case of increased impacts on fire protection facilities caused by a change in use or occupancy of an existing building or structure, and-where no building permit is required, the term °building permit" shall specifically include business registrations. C. "Capital facilities plan" means the capital facilities plan element of the city's comprehensive plan adopted pursuant to Chapter 36.70A RCW, and such plan as amended. Ordinance No. 6341 March.10, 2011 Page 41 of 67 D. "City" means the city of Aubum. . E. "Council" means the city council of the city of Auburn. F. "Department" means the department of planning and development. G. "Development activity" means any construction or expansion of a building, structure, or use, any change in use of a building or structure, or any change in the use of land, that creates additional demand and need for fire protection facilities. H. °Director' means the director of the department of planning and development or the director's designee. l. "Downtown plan area" means the study area as identfied and adopted in the City of Aubum Downtown Plan dated May 2001 that is defined by the boundary of the Union Pacific Railroad on-the west and State Route 18 on the south. The eastern boundary.is defined as F Street Southeast from State Route 18 to East Main Street, East Main Street from F Street Southeast to E Street Southeasf, and E Street Northeast from East Main Street to 4th Street Northeast. The northern boundary is def"ed as 2nd Sfreet Northwest from the Interurban Trail to ° Street Northwest, 3rd Street Northwest/Northeast from D Street North1Nest to Aubum Avenue, and 4th Street Northeast from Aubum Avenue to E Street Northeast. For the purposes of this chapter, the downtown plan boundary has been slightly modifed to avoid bisecting properties. J. "Dwelling unit" means a building, or portion thereof, designed for residential occupancy consisting of one or more rooms which are arranged, designed or used as living quarters for one family only. K. "Encumbered" means to reserve, set aside or otherwise earmark the impact fees in order to pay for commitments, contractual obligations or other liabilities incurred for fire protection facilities. L. "Feepayer" is a person, corporation, partnership, an incorporated association, or any other similar entity, or department or bureau of any govemmental entity commencing a land development activity which creates the demand for additional fire protection facilities, and which requires the issuance of a building permit. "Feepayer" includes an applicant for an impact fee credit, M. "Fire protection facilities" means fire trucks and apparatus, and fire stations, and any furnishings and equipment that are used with fire trucks and apparatus or fire stations and which can be capitalized. Ordinance No. 6341 March 10; 2011 Page 42 of 67 , N. "Fire protection project improvements" means site improvements and facilities that are planned and designed to provide service for a particular development or users of the project and are not fire protection system improvements. No fire protection improvement or facility included in a capital facilities plan approved by the council shall be considered a fire protection project improvement. 0. "Fire protection system improvements" means fire protection facilities that are included in the city of Aubum's capital facilities plan and are designed to provide service to service areas within the community at large, in contrast to fire protection project improvements. P. "Hearing examiner" means the examiner who acts on behalf of the council in considering and applying land use regulatory codes as provided under Chapter 18.66 ACC. Where appropriate, "hearing examiner" also refers to the office of the fiearing examiner. Q. "Impact feen means a payment of money imposed by the city of Auburn on development activity pursuant to this chapter as a condition of granting development, approval in order to pay for the fire protection facilities needed to serve new growth and development. R. "Impact fee account" or "account" means the account established for the fire protection facilities' impact fees collected. The account shall be established pursuant to ACC 19.06.090 and comply with the requirements of RCW 82.02.070. S. "Independent fee calculation" means the fire protection impact calculation prepared by a feepayer to support the assessment of an impact fee other than by the use of the fee schedule. T. "Interest" means the interest rate earned by local jurisdictions in the State of Washington Local Government lnvestment Pool, if not otherwise defined. U. "Owner" means the owner of record of real property; provided, that if the real property is being purchased under a recorded real estate contract, the purchaser shall be considered the owner of the real property. V. "State" means the state of Washington. (Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 5977 § 1, 2005.) 19.06.030 Reserved. (Ord. 5977 § 1, 2005.) Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 43 of 67 19.06.040 Assessment of impact fees. A. Effective January 1, 2006, the city shall collect impact fees, based on the fee schedule of the city of Aubum, from any applicant seeking development approval from the city for any development activity within the city. B. The amount of impact fees shall be determined at the time an applicant submits a complete application for a building permit using the impact fee schedules then in effect, or pursuant to an independent fee calculation accepted by the director pursuant to ACC 19.06.050, and adjusted for any credits pursuant to ACC 19.06.060. C. Payment of impact fees shall be made by the feepayer at the time the building permit is issued. for each unit in the development. The amount to be paid shall not be increased for any applicant that submitted a complete application for the building permit before the city established the impact fee rates. D. Applicants that have been awarded credits prior to the submittal of the complefe building permit application pursuant to ACC 19.06.060 shall submit, along with the complete building permit application, a copy of the letter or certificate prepared by the director pursuant to ACC 19.06.060 setting forth the dollar amount of the credit awarded. Impact fees, as determined after the application of appropriate credits, shall be collected from the feepayer at the time the building permit is issued. E. The department shall not issue a building permit unless and until the impact fees have been paid or credit(s) awarded. (Ord. 5977 § 1, 2005.) . F._ For _.complete single-familv building permit applications for new development, redevelopment or a chanpe in use, durinQ the effective period of April 4. 2011 throuqh April 4, 2013 and prior to or. at the time of issuance of anv sinQle-family residential buildinq permit for a dwelling unit that is being constructed, the applicant mav elect to record a covenant aaainst title to the propertv on forms prepared and provided by the Citv that reauires pavment of fre impact fees due and owing by providin4 for automatic pavment throuqh escrow of fhese fire impact fees d'ue and owinQ to be paid no later than at time of closin4 of the sale_ of _the unit or afi fnal insqection or issuance of certificate of occupancv or 18 months_from the date of. issuance of the oriQinal buildinQ permit, whichever comes first. Failure to qav shall result in the followinq: 1. If 30 davs after the citv has sent the responsible party written notification of its obliqation to pay the charges established in this chapter the full amount remains unpaid, the responsible party shall be subiect fo fhe enforcement provisions of ACC 1.25.030 and 1.25.065. Written notification shall be by reqular and certified mail and to the most current available contact information on fle with the citv. For the pumoses of applving ACC 1.25A30 and 1.25.065, the resqonsible party shall constitute a aropertv owner, the property(ies) for which a permit(s) has been issued shall constitute the proqertv(ies) on which the violation is occurrinq, and the impact Ordinance No. 6341 Marcfi 10, 2011 Page 44 of 67 fee amount remaining unpaid shall constitute a violation occurring on the permitted propertv(ies) under these sections. 2. Any unpaid charges adopted bv this chaater that are outstandinq 30 davs from the date the charges are due shall constitute a lien aQainst the propertvfies) for which a permit(s), have been issued in the amount of the unaaid charqes. In addition to the actions authorized in subsection 1, the citV mav record a lien against the permitted propertv(ies) in the amount of the unpaid charqes and mav immediately suspend anv aermits qreviously issued for the lot or unit associated with the currenf. development activitv and shall limit the Qrantinq of any future permits for the lot or unit until such time that all outstanding watec, sanitarv sewer and storm drainaQe development charqes are paid in full. 3. The appeals process authorized in Section 19.06.080 shall not apply to determinations made qursuant to this section. G. For complete multi-familv building permit' applications for 'new development, redevelopment or a chanqe in use, during the effec#ive period of April 4, 2011 throuah April 4, 2013 and prior to or at the time of issuance of anv multi-familv residential building permit that is being constructed, the aqplicant mav elect to record a covenant ama'inst titleto. fhe propertv on forms qrepared and arovided bv the Citv that requires payment of fire impact fees due and owinQ by providinq for automatic pavment throuqh escrow of these fire impact fees due and owinq to be qaid no later than at time_of . closing of the sale of the unit, or at final inspection or issuance of certificate of occupancv_ or 18 months from the date of issuance of the original buildinq qermit, whichevercomes first. Failure_to pay shall result in the followina: 1. If 30 davs after the city has sent the responsible party written notification of its oblipation to pav the charqes .established in this chapter the full amount remains unpaid, the responsible party_ shall be subject to the enforcement provisions of ACC 1.25.030 and 1.25.065. Written notification shall be bv regular and certfied mail and to the most current available contact information on file with the citv. For the purposes of annlving ACC 1.25.030 and 1.25.065, the resaonsible aartv shall constitute a propertv owner„ the property(ies) for which a permit(s) has been issued shall constitute the property(ies) on which the violation is occurring, and the impact fee amount remaininq unpaid shall constitute a violation occurrina on the qermitted propertv(ies) under these sections. 2. Any unqaid charQes adopted bv this chapter that are outstandinq 30 davs from the date the charges are due shall constitute a lien aQainst the aroaertv(ies) for which a permit(s) have been issued in the amount of the unpaid charges. In addition to the _ actions authorized in subsection 1, the citv mav record a lien a4ainst the permitted property(ies) in the amount of the unpaid charqes and mav immediatelv suspend any permits previouslv issued for the lot or unit associated with. the current development activitv and shall limit the qrantinq of anv future permits for the lot or Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 45 of 67 unit until such time that all outstandin4 water, sanitary sewer and storm drainaqe development charges are qaid in full. 3. The appeals process authorized in Section 19.06.080 shall not apply to determinations made pursuant to this section. H. For non-residential development composed of new development, redevelopment or a. chanQe in use and inclusive of commercial. office and retail uses; liQht . and heaw manufacturing uses, but excludinQ warehousinq and distribution uses, and institutional develoqment including but not limited to public and public schools and colleqes and fiospitals, durinQ the effective period of April 4. 2011 through Aqril 4. 2013 and_prior to the issuance of any permit application and and followinq the execution of a pavment apreement on forms prepared and provided by the City, the applicant may elect to 'qay fire impact fees due and owin4, less anv credits awarded: no later than prior to issuance of certificate of occupancv or 18 months from the date of issuance of the oriQinal buildingperrnit, whichever comes first. Failure to pav shall result in the followinq: 1. If _ 30 davs after the citv has sent the responsible partv written notification of its obliqation to pay the charqes established in this chapter the full amount_ remains unpaid, the responsible qarty shall be subject to the enforcement provisions of ACC . 1.25.030 and 1.25.065. Written notification shall be by regular and certfied mail and - to the most current available contact information on file with the city. For the pumoses of aqplvinq ACC 1.25.030 and 1.25.065, the resqonsible aartv shall constitute a qroqertv owner, the propertv(ies) for which a permit(sl has been issued shall constitute the property(ies) on which the violation is occurrinq, and the impact fee amount remaininq unpaid shall constitute a violation occurrina on the qermitted propertv(ies) under these sections. 2. Anv unpaid charges adopted bv this chapter that are outstandinq 30 davs from the date the charqes. are due shall constitute a lien against the property(ies) for which a permit(s) have been issued in the amount of the unpaid charqes. In addition to the actions authorized in subsection 1, the citv mav record a lien aQainst the permitted proqerty(ies) in the amount of the unqaid charqes and mav immediatelv susqend anv qermits previouslv issued for the lot or unit associated with the current develoqment activiiv and shall limit the qranfinq of anv future permits for the lot or unit until such time that all outstandin4 water, sanitarv sewer and stocm drainaqe development charqes are qaid in #ull. 3. The aaaeals qrocess authorized in Section 19.06.080 shall not applv to determinations made aursuant to this section. 19.06.050 Independent fee calculations. A. If, in the judgment of the director, none of the fee categories or fee amounts set forth in the fee schedule accurately describes or captures, the impacts of the new development, the applicant shall conduct an independent fee calculation and the Ordinance No. 6341 March 10; 2011 Page 46 of 67 director may impose altemative fees on a specific development based on those calculations, once accepted by the city. B. Feepayers may opt not to have the impact fees _determined according to the fee schedule. Such feepayers shall prepare and submit to tlie director an independent fee - calculation for the development activity for which a building permit is sought. The documentation submitted shall show the basis upon which the independent fee calculation was made. C. A nonreimbursable administrative fee shall be charged for each independent fee _ " calculation. The fee shall be deposited with the city to pay #or city review of the independent fee calculation upon submittal of the documented independent fee study. D. After the city completes its review, the actual fees and expenses will be determined and the cash deposit shall be adjusted to provide for a refund by the city or additional . payment by the feepayer. E. While there is a presumption that the calculations set forth in the fee schedule are valid, the director shall consider the documentation submitted by the feepayer, but is not required to accept such documentation which the director reasonably deems to be inaccurate or not reliable, and may, in the alternative, require the feepayer to submit additional or different documentation for consideration...The director is authorized to adjust the impact fees on a case-by-case basis based on the independent fee calculation, the specific characteristics of the development, andlor where adjusfinent is deemed by the director to be appropriate based on principles of fairness under the circumstances of the case. F. Determinations made by the director pursuant to this section may be appealed to the office of the hearing examiner subject to the procedures set forth in ACC 19.06.080. (Ord. 5977 § 1, 2005.) 19.06.060 Credits and adjustments. A..A feepayer can request that a credit or credits for fire protection impact fees be awarded to him/her for fire protection system improvement projects provided by the feepayer in excess of the standard requirements for the feepayer's development if the land, improvements, and/or the facility constructed are identified as fire protection system improvements that provide capacity to serve new growth in the capital facilities plan, or the director, at his/her discretion, makes the finding that such land, improvements, and/or facilities would serve the fire protection goals and objectives of the capital facilities plan. Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 47 of 67 B. For each request for. a credit or credits, the director shall determine the value of dedicated land by using available documentation or selecting an appraiser from a list of independent appraisers maintained by the department fo determine the yalue of the land being dedicated. The value of improvements will be determined through documentation submitted by the feepayer. C. The feepayer shall pay the cost of the appraisal and shall deposit on account the estimated. cost of the appraisal as 'determined by the city at the time the feepayer requests consideration for a credit. D. Affer receiving the appraisal, the directoc shall provide the applicant with a letter or certificate setting forth the dollar amount of the credit, the reason for the credit, where applicable, the legal description of the site donated, and the legal description or other adequate description of the project or development to which the credit may be applied. The applicant must sign and date a duplicate copy of such letter or certificate indicating his/her agreement to the terms of the letter or certifcate and retum such signed document to the director before the impact fee credit will be awarded. The failure of the applicant to sign, date, and return such document within 60 days shall nullifythe credit. E. Any claim for credit must be made, no later than the time of application for a build'ing permit. Any claim not so made shall be deemed waived. F. Determinations made by the director pursuant to this section shall be subject to the appeals procedures set forth in ACC 19.06.080. G. Pursuant to and consistent with the requirements of RCW 82.02.060, the fee rate in the fee schedule has been reasonably adjusted for other revenue sources which are earmarked for, or proratable to, funding fire protection facilities. (Ord. 5977 § 1, 2005.) 19.06.070 Exemptions. A. The following shall be exempted from the payment of fire protection impact fees: 1.. Replacement of a structure with a new structure of the same size and use at the same site or lot when such replacement occurs within 12 months of the demolition or destruction of the prior strucfure. 2. Alterations or expansion or enlargement or remodeling or rehabilitation or conversion of an existing dwelling unit where no additional units are created and the use is not changed. 3. Alterations of an existing nonresidential strucCure that does not expand the useable space and that does not involve a change in use. Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2014 Page 48 of 67 ' 4. Miscellaneous improvements, including but not limited to fences, walls, swimming pools, and signs. 5. Demolition or moving of a structure. 6. Any building permit application that has been submitted fo the department , before 5:00 p.m. the business day before the first effective date of the fire . protection impact fee rate schedule and subsequently determined to be a complete application by the city. 7. All development activity within the "downtown plan area° as defined in ACG 19.06.020(I); provided, that this exemption shall sunset on December 31, 2006, : . ~unless otherwise extended by the city council. In order to comply with RCW 8.02.060(2), impact fees for development activity in the downtown plan area shall be paid for with public funds other than from impact fee accounts during the exemption period set forth herein. B. The director shall be autho'rized to determine whether a particular development activity falls within an exemption identified in this section. Determinafions of the director shall be subject to the appeals procedures set forth in ACC 19.06.080. (Ord. 5977 § 1, 2005.) 19.06.080 Appeals. A. Any feepayer may pay the impacf fees imposed by this chapter under protest in order to obtain a building permit. Appeals regarding the impact fees imposed on any development activity may only be made by the feepayer of the property where such development activity will occur. No appeal submitted under protest shall be permitted unless and until the impact fees at issue have been paid. Alternatively, any feepayer may appeal the impact fees determined by the director without first paying the fees, providing the applicant is willing to provide a satisfactory security of the appealed fee amount in accordance with the requirements of ACC 17.08.010(A) prior to issuance of the building permit. Alternatively, any feepayer may appeal the impact fees determined by the director without first paying the fees, provided the applicant is willing to postpone . issuance of the building permif until after the appeal process when the revised final fee is known. B. Determinations of the director with _respect to the applicability of the impact fees to a given development activity, the availability or value of a credit, or the director's decision with respect to the independent fee calculation, or.any other determination which the director is authorized to make pursuant to this chapter, can be appealed to the hearing examiner. Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 49 of 67 C. Appeals shall be taken within 10 days of the director's issuance of a, wrrlten determination by filing with the office of the hearing examiner a notioe of. appeal specifying the grounds thereof and depositing the necessary fee, which is set forth in the existing fee schedules for appeals of administrative decisions. The director shall transmit to the office of the hearing examiner all papers constituting the record for the determination, including, where appropriate, the independent fee calculation. D. The hearing examiner shall fix a time for the hearing of the appeal, give notice to: the parties in interest, and decide the same as provided in Chapter 18.66 ACC. At the. hearing, any party may appear in person or by agent or attorney. E. The hearing examiner is authorized to make findings of fact regarding the applicability of the impact fees to a given development activity, the availability or amount of the credit, or the accuracy or applicability of an independent fee calculation. The decision of the hearing examiner shall be final, except as provided in subsection (G) of this section. F. The hearing examiner may, so long as such action is in conformance with the provisions of this chapter, reyerse or affirm, in whole or in part, or may modify the determinations of the director with respect to the amount of the impact fees imposed or the credit awarded upon a determination that it is proper to do so based on principles of fairness, and may make such order, requirements, decision or determination as ought to - be made, and to that end shall have the powers which have been granted to the director by this chapter. G. Any feepayer aggrieved by any decision of the office of the hearing examiner may appeal the hearing examiner's final decision as provided in Chapter 18.66 ACC. (Ord. 5977 § 1, 2005.) 19.06.090 Establishment of impact fee account for fire protection. . A. Impact fee receipts shall be earmarked specifically and deposited in special interest- bearing accounts. The fees received shall be prudently invested in a manner consistent with the investment policies of the city. . B. There is hereby established a separate impact fee account for the fees collected pursuant to this chapfer: the fire 'protection facilities impact fee account. Funds withdrawn from these accounts must be used in accordance with the provisions of ACC 19.06.110. Interest earned on,the fees shall be retained in the account and expended for the purposes for which the impact fees were collected. - C. On an annual basis, the financial director shall provide a report to the council on the fire protection impact fee account showing the source and amount of all moneys Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 50 of 67 collected, earned, or received, and the fire protection system improvements that were financed in whole or in part by impact fees. D. Impact fees shall be expended or encumbered within six years of receipt, unless the council identifies in written findings an extraordinary and compelling reason or reasons for the delay. (Ord. 5977 § 1, 2005.) 19.06.100 Refunds. A. If the city fails to expend or encumber the impact fees within six years of when the fees were paid or; where extraordinary or compelling reasons exist, such other time periods as esfablished pursuant to ACC 19.06.090, the current owner of the property on which impact fees have been paid may receive a refund of such fees. In determining whether impact fees have been expended or encumbered, impact fees shall be considered expended or encumbered on a first-in, first-out basis. Provided that anv partv that voluntarilv elects to use the alternative fee payment method specified in Section 19.06.040 shall sign as a condition of use of the altemative fee payment method a waiver of riqht on a form prepared and arovided bv the Citv to recoverv of fire impact fees not spent with the statutorv six-vear timeframe. B. The city shall notify potential claimants by first class mail deposited with the United States Postal Service at the last known address of such claimants. A potential claimant or claimant must be the owner of fhe property. C. Owners seeking a refund of impact fees must submit a written request for a refund of the fees to the director within one year of the date the right to claim the refund arises or the date that notice is given, whichever is later. D. Any impact fees for which no application for a refund has been made within this one- year period shall be retained by the city and expended on the appropriate fire protection facilities. - E. Refunds of impact fees under this section shall include any interest earned on the impact fees by the city. F. If and when the city seeks to terminate any or all components of the fire protection impact fee program, all unexpended or unencumbered funds from any terminated component or components, including interest eamed, shall be refunded pursuant to this section. Upon the finding th,at any or all fee requirements are to be terminated, the city , shall place notice of such termination and the availability of refunds in a newspaper of general circulation at least two times and shall notify all potential claimants by first class mail to the last known address of the claimants. All funds available for refund shall be retained for a period of one year. At the end of one year, any remaining funds shall be Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 51 of 67 retained by the city, but must be expended for the appropriate fire protection facilities. - This notice requirement shall not apply if there are no unexpended or unencumbered balances within an account or accounts being terminated. 0. The city shall also refund to the developer of property for which impact fees have been paid all impact fees paid, including interest earned on the impact fees, if the development activity for which fhe impacfi fees were imposed did not occur. (Ord. 5977 § 1, 2005.) 19.06.110 Use of funds. A. Pursuant to this chapter, impact fees: 1. Shall be used for fire protection system improvements that will reasonably benefit the new development; and 2. Shall not be imposed to make up for deficiencies in fire protection facilities serving existing developments; and 3. Shall not be used for maintenance or operations. . 6. As a general guideline, fre protection impact fees may be used for any fire protection system improvements which could otherwise be funded by a bond issue of the c'ity. C. Fire protection facilities impact, fees may be spent for fire protection system improvements, including but not limited to fire trucks, apparatus, and fire stations, including planning, land acquisition, site improvements, necessary off-site . improvements including mitigation, construction, engiheering, architectural, permitting, financing, and administrative expenses, applicable impact fees or mitigation costs, and any other expenses which can be capftalized. D. Impact fees may be used to recoup fire protection system improvement costs previously incurred by the city to the extent that new growth and development will be served by the previously constructed improvements or incurred costs. E. In the event that bonds or similar debt instruments are or have been issued for the advanced provision of fire protection system improvements for which impact fees may be expended, impact fees may be used to pay debt service on such bonds or similar debt instruments to the extent that the facilities or improVements provided are consistent with the requirements of this section and are used to serve the new development. (Ord. 5977 § 1, 2005.) Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 52 of 67 19.06.120 Review and update of impact fees. A. The fee rate schedules set forth in the fee schedule of the city of Auburn shall be reviewed by the council no later than finro years after the effective date of the attached : fee rate schedule, and' no more than every finro years thereafter. B. The fee schedules set forth in the fee schedule of the city of Aubum shall be reviewed by the council as it may deem necessary and appropriate in conjunctiorr with, the annual update of the capital facilifies plan element of the city's comprehensive plan. _ (Ord. 5977 § 1, 2005.) 19.06.130 Miscellaneous provisions. A. Existing Authority Unimpaired. Nothing in this .chapter shall preclude the city from requiring the feepayer or the proponent of a development activity to mitigate adverse environmental impacts of a specific development pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act, Chapter 43.21 C RCW, based on the environmental documents accompanying the underlying developmenf approval process, and/or Chapter 58,17 RCW, goveming plats and subdivisions; provitled; that the exercise of this autho(ity is consistent with the provisions of RCW 82.02.050(1)(c). B. Captions. The chapter and section captions used in this chapter are for convenience only and shall not control or affect the meaning or construction of any of the provisions of this chapter. , C. Severability. If any portion of this chapter is found to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, such fnding shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other section of this chapter. (Ord: 5977 § 1, 2005.) Section S. Amendment to City Code. That Chapter 19.08 of the Auburn City Code, entitled `Parks Impact Fees,' regarding the imposition of parks impact fees within the City of Auburn, is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 19.08 . PARKS IMPACT FEES Sections: 19.08.010 Findings and authocity. 19.08.020 Definitions. 19.08.030 Assessment of impact fees. 19,08.040 Independent:fee calculations. 19.08.050 Credits and adjust_menfs. 19.08.060 Exemptions. Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 53 of 67 19.08.070 Appeals. 19.08.080 Establishment of impact fee account for parks and recreation. 19.08.090 Refunds. 19.08.100 Use of funds. 19.08.110 Review and update of impact fees. 19.08.120 Miscellaneous provisions. 19.08.010 Findings and authority. The council of the city of Auburn (the "council") hereby finds and determines that new growth and residential development in the city of Auburn will create additional demand and need for parks and recreation facilities in the city of Aubum, and the council finds that new growth and development should pay a proportionate share of the cost of parks and recreation facilities needed to serve the new growth and development. The city of Aubum has conducted a study documenting the procedures for measuring the impact of new developments on parks and recreation facilities. This study has contributed to the rates as established in the fee schedule of the city of Auburn. Therefore, pursuant to Chapter 82.02 RCW, the council adopts this chapter to assess impact fees for parks and recreation facilities. The provisions of this chapter shall be liberally construed in, order to carry out the purposes of the council in establishing the impact fee program. (Ord. 6063 § 1, 2006.) 19.08.020 Definitions. The following words and. terms shall have the following meanings for the purposes of this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise. Terms otherwise not defned herein shall be defined pursuant to RCW 82.02.090 or given their usual and customary meaning. A. "Act" means the Growth Management Act, Chapter 36.70A RCW, as now in existence or as hereafter amended. B. "Building permit," for the purposes of this chapter only, means an official document or certification which is issued by the city and which authorizes the construction, alteration, enlargemenf, conversion, reconstruction, remodeling, rehabilitation, erection, demolition, moving or repait of a building or structure. C. °Capital facilities plan" means fhe capital facilities plan element of the city's comprehensive plan adopted pursuant to Chapter 36.70A RCW, known as the city of Aubum parks, recreation and open space plan, and such plan as amended. D. "Change in use," for the purposes of this chapter, means a different use that qualifies as a single- or multiple-family dwelling as defined in this chapter. Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 54 of 67 E. "City" means the city of Aubum. F. "Council" means the city council of the city of Aubum. G. "Department" means the department of parks, arts, and recreation. H. "Development activity" means any construction or expansion of a building, structure, or use, any change in use of a building or structure, or any change in the use of land - thaf creates additional demand and need for parks and recreation facilities. 1. "Director" means the director of the department of parks, arts, and recreation or, the director's designee. , J. "Dwelling unit" means a building, or portion. thereof, designed for residential occupancy consisting of one or more rooms which are arranged, designed or used as living quarters for one family only. K. "Encumbered" means to reserve, set aside or otherwise earmark the impact fees in order to pay for commitments, contractual obligations or other liabilities incuITed for parks and recreation facilities. L. "Feepayer" is a person, corporation, partnership, an incorporated association, or any other similar entity, or department or bureau of any governmental entity commencing a land development activity which creates the demand for additional parks and recreation facilities, and which requires the issuance of a building permit. "Feepayer" includes an applicant for an impact fee credit. M. "Grandfathering" means that the existing land use of a developed property in effect on January 1, 2007, the initial-effective date of the impact fees ordinance, is entitled to system capacity credits determined by the adopted impact fees rate schedule. N. "Hearing examiner" means the examiner who acts on behalf of the council in considering and applying 'land use regulatory codes 'as provided under Chapter 18.66 ACC: Where appropriate, "hearing examiner" also refers to the office of the hearing examiner. 0. "Impact fee" means a paymenf of money imposed by the city of Auburn on development activity pursuant to this chapter as a, condifion of granting developmenf approval in order to pay for the parks and recreation facilities needed to serve new growth and development. Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 , Page 55 of 67 P. "Impact fee account" or °account" means the account established for the parks and recreation facilities' impact fees collected. The account shall be established pursuant to ACC 19.08:090 and comply with the requirements of RCW 82.02.070. Q. "Independent fee calculation" means the parks and recreation impact calculation prepared by a feepayer to support the assessment of an impact fee other than by the use. of the fee schedule. ` - R.''Interest" means the interest rate eamed by local jurisdictions in the State of Washington Local Govemment Investment Pool, if not othen+vise defined. ` S. "Multifamily dwelling" means a building designed exclusively for occupancy by two or more families living independently of each other, and containing finro or more residential dwelling units. - T. "Owner" means the owner of record of real property; provided, that if the real propert y is being purchased under a recorded real estate contract, the purchaser shall be considered the owner of the real property. U. "Parks and recreation facilities" means neighborhood and community parks, open space, recreational trails, athletic fields, swimming pools, and community centers, and any fumishings and equipment that are used at such locations and which can be capitalized. V. "Parks and recreation project improvements" means site improvements and facilities that are planned and designed to provide senrice for a particular development or users of the project and are not parks and recreation system improvements. No parks and recreation improvement or facility included in a capital facilities plan approved by the council shall be considered a parks and recreation project improvement. W. °Parks and recreation system improvements° means parks and recreation facilities that are either included in the city of Auburn's capital facilities plan and/or are designed to provide service to service areas within the community at large, in contrast to parks and recreation project improvernents X. "Single-family dwelling" means a detached building : designed exclusively for occupancy by one family and containing one residential dwelling unit. A manufactured home may be considered a one-family dwelling, if sited per Chapter 18.31 ACC. Y. °State" means the state ofi Washington. Z. "Surplus credits" means credits over and above those calculated as an impact fee. For example: Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 56 of 67 1. In grandfathering calculations, if the difference befinreen a proposed use fee minus existing use credit results in a positive number, the result is the impact fee due. 2. In grandfathering calculations, if the difference befinreen a proposed use fee minus existing use credit results in a negative number, the result is the surplus credit and no impact fee would be due. (Ord. 6063 § 1, 2006.) 19.08.030 Assessment of impact fees. A. Effective January 1, 2007, the city shall collect park impact fees, based on the fee schedule of the city of Aubum, from any applicant seeking development approval from the city for any development activity that includes dwelling units within the city. The park impact fees established hereby shall be listed on the city of Aubum fee schedule. B. Effective January 1, 2007, where a change in use increases housing capacity by more than or equal to one dwelling unit, the director shall calculate a parks and recreation impact fee based on the increase in the housing capacity. C. The amount of impact fees shall be determined at the time an applicant submits a complete application for a building permit using the impacf#ee schedules then in effect, or pursuant to an independent fee calculation accepted by the director pursuant to ACC 19.08.040, and adjusted for any credits pursuant to ACC 19.08.050. D. Payment of impact fees shall be made by the feepayer at the time the building permit is issued for each unit in the development. The amount to be paid shall not be increased . for any applicant that submitted a complete applicafion for the building permit before the city established the impact fee rates. E. Applicants that have been awarded credits prior to the submittal of the complete building permit application pursuant to ACC 19.08,050 shall submit, along with the complete building permit application, a copy of the letter ot certificate prepared by the director pursuant to ACC 19.08.050 setting forth the dollar amount of the credit awarded. Impact fees, as determined after the application of appropriate credits, shall be collected from the feepayer at the time the building permit is issued. F. The department shall not issue a building permit unless and until the impact fees have been paid or credit(s) awarded. (Ord. 6063 § 1, 2006.) G. For complete sinQle-familv build'inq permit apqlications for new development, redevelopment or, a clianqe in use, during the effective period of April 4, 2011 through APril 4, 2013 and qrior to or at the time of issuance of anv sinQle-familv residential buildinqpermit for a dwellinq unit that._is being constructed, the apqlicant mav elect to record a covenant aQainst title to the qropertv on forms preqared and provided by the Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 57 of 67 Citv that requires aavment of qarks impact fees due and owinq, less any credits awarded, bv providinq for automatic payment throuQh escrow of these development charqes due and owinq to be qaid no later than at time of closing of the sale of the unit or at final inspection or issuance of certificate of occuqancv or 18 months from the date of issuance of the original buildinq permit, whichever comes first. Failure to pay shall result in the followina: 1. If 30 days after the city has sent the responsible party written notification of its obliqation to pav the charges established in this chapter the full amount remains unpaid~ the responsible qartv shall be subiect to the enforcement provisions of ACC 1.25.030 and 1.25.065. VNritten notification shall be bv reqular and certified mail and to the most current available contact informafion on file with the citv.._ For the purposes of applving ACC 1.25.030 and 1.25.065, the responsible partv shall. constitute a propertv owner, the property(ies) for which a permit(s) has been issued shall constitute the proberty(ies) on which the violation is occurrinA, and the impact fee amount remaininq unqaid shall_ constitute a violation occurring on the permitted propertv(ies) under these sections. 2. Anv unpaid charqes adopted bv this chapter that are outstandinq 30 days from the date the chames are due shall constitute a lien aqainst the proaertv(ies) for which a permit(s) have been issued in the amount of the unqaid charqes. In addition #o _the actions authorized in subsection 1, the city may record a lien apainst the permitted propertv(ies) in the amount of the unpaid charQes and mav immediatelv susaend anv permits previouslv issued for the lot or unit associated with the curcent development activity and shall limit the qranting of anv future permits for the lot or unit until such time that all outstanding water, sanitary sewer and storm drainaqe development charqes are paid in full. 3. The aqpeals qrocess authorized in Section 19.08.070 shall not applv to determinations made pursuant to this section. I H. For comqlete multi-family buildina permit applications for new development, redevelopment or a chanae in use during the effectiVe period of April 4, 2011 throuQh April 4 2013 and prior to or at the time of issuance of anv multi-familv residential buildina permit that is being constructed, the aqplicant may elect to record a covenant aqainst title to the propertv on forms prepared and provided bv the Citv that requires pavment of parks imqact fees due.and owinp less anv credits awarded, bv providinq for automatic pavment throuQh escrow of these development charges due and owinq to be paid no later than at time of closinq of the sale of the unit or at final inspection or issuance of certificate of occuqancv or 18 months from the date of issuance of the original buildinq permit whichever comes first. Failure to pay shall result in the followinq: 1. If 30 davs after the citv has sent the responsible partv written notification of its obliqation to pay the charaes established in this chaqter the full amount remains unpaid, the responsible qartv shall be subiect to the enforcement qrovisions of ACC . Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 58 of 67 1.25.030 and 1.25.065. Written notification shall be bv reqular and certified maii and to the most current available contacf information on file with the city. For the pumoses of applying ACC 1.25.030 and 1.25.065, the responsible partv shall constitute a aropertv owner, the_ property(ies) .for which a.aermit(s) has been issued shall constifute the aroperty(ies) on which the violation is occurrinQ, and the impact fee amount remaininq unpaid shall constitute a violafion occurring on the permitted , qroperty(ies) under these sections. 2. Anv unpaid charges adopted by this chapter that are outstandinp 30 davs from the date the charQes are due shall constitute a lien aqainst the qroperty(ies) for which a permit(s) have been issued in the amount ofthe unpaid chames. In addition to the acfions authorized in subsection 1, the citv mav record a lien aQainst the permitted - - - property(ies) in the_ amount of the unpaid charges and mav immediatelv susqend anv permits previouslv issued for the lot or _unit associated with the current development activitv and shall limit the granting of anv future permits for the lot or unit until such time that all outstandinQ water, sanitary sewer and storm draina4e development charges are aaid in full. . 3. The appeals process authorized in Section 19.08.070 shall not aqply to determinations made pursuant to this section. 19.08.040 Independent fee calculations. A. If, in the judgment of the director, none of the fee categories or fee amounts set forth in the fee schedule accurately describes or captures the impacts of the new development, the applicanfi shall conduct an independent fee calculation and the director may impose altemative fees on a specffic development based on those calculations, once accepted by the city. B. Feepayers may opt not to have the impact fees determined according to the fee schedule. Such feepayers shall prepare and submit to the director an independent fee calculation for the development activity for which a building permit is sought. The documentation submitted shall show the basis upon which the independent fee calculation was made. C. A nonreimbursable administrative fee shall be charged for each independent fee calculation. The fee shall be deposited with the city to pay for city review of the independent fee calculation upon submittal of the documented independent fee study. D. After the city completes its review, the actual fees and expenses will be determined and the cash deposit shall be adjusted to provide for a refund by the city or additional payment by the feepayer. E. While :there is a presumption that the calculations set forth in the fee schedule are valid, the director shall consider the documentation submitted by the feepayer, but is not Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 59 of 67 required to accept such documentation which the director reasonably deems to be inaccurate or not reliable, and may, in the alternative, require the feepayer to submit additional or different documentation for consideration. The director is authorized to adjust the impact fees on a case-by-case basis based on the independent fee calculation, the specific characteristics of the development, and/or where adjustment is deemed by the director to be appropriate based on principtes of faimess under the circumstances of the case. F. Determinations made by the director pursuant to this section may be appealed to the, office of the hearing examiner subject to the procedures set forth in ACC 19:08A70. (Ord. 6063 § 1, 2006.) 19.08.050 Credits and adjusfinents. A. A feepayer can request that a credit or credits for parks and recreation impact fees be awarded to him/herfor packs and recreation improvement projects provided by the feepayer in excess of the standard requirements for the feepayer's development if the land, improvements, and/or the facility constructed are identified as parks and recreation system improvemenfs that provide capacity to serve new growth in the capital facilities plan, or the director, at his/her discretion, makes the finding,that such land, improvements, and/or facilities would serve the parks and recreation goals and objectives of the capital facilities plan. B. For each request for a credit or credits, the director shall determine the value of dedicated land by using available documentation or selecting an appraiser from a list of independent appraisers maintained by the department to determine the value of the land being dedicated. The value of improvements will be - determined through documentation submitted by the feepayer. C. The feepayer shall pay the cost of the appraisal and shall deposit on account the estimated cost of the appraisal as determined by the city at the time the feepayer requests consideration for a credit. D. After receiving the appraisal, the director shall provide the applicant with a letter or certificate setting forth the dollar amount of the credit, the reason for the credit, where applicable, the legal description of the site donated, and the legal description or other adequate description of the project or development to which the credit may be applied. The applicant must sign and date:a duplicate copy of such letter or certificate indicating his/her agreement to the terms of the letter or certificate and retum such signed. document to the director before the impact fee credit will be awarded. The failure of the applicant to sign, date, and return such document within 60 days shall nullify the credit. Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 60 of 67 E. Any claim for credit must be made no later than the time of application for a building permit. Any claim not so made shall be deemed waived. F. Determinations made by the director pursuant to this section shall be subject to the appeals procedures set forth-in ACC 19.08.070. G. Pursuant to and consistent with the requirements of RCW 82.02.060, the fee t ate in the fee schedule has been reasonably adjusted for other revenue sources which are earmarked for, or proratable to, funding parks and recreation facilities. H. In order to grandfather the capacity rights of existing developments, the director will , utilize the adopted rates to calculate any impact fee credits and to defermine any surplus credits for off-site system improvements made by the property owner.. Only in a situation when a property owner makes off-site system capacity improvements that qualify in accordance with subsection A of this section will any surplus credits (value computed during the permit: year and not adjusted for inflation) remain with the property or any subdivision of that property to benefit fut:ute development where a parks and recreation impacf fee is determined to be due. (Ord. 6063 § 1, 2006.) 19.08.060 Exemptions. A. The following shall be exempted from the payment of parks and recreation impact fees: 1. Replacement of a structure with a new structure of the same use at the same site or lot when such replacement occurs within 12 months of the demolition or destruction of the prior structure. 2. Alterations or expansion or enlargement or remodeling or rehabilitation or conversion of an existing dwelling unit where no additional units are created and the use is not changed. 3. Miscellaneous improvements, including but not limited to fences, walls, swimming pools, and signs. 4. A change in use where_ the increase in housing capacity is less than #he threshold stated in ACC 19.08:030(B). 5. Demolition or moving of a structure. 6. Any building permit application that has been submitted to the department before 5:00 p.m. the business day before the first-effective dafe of the park impact Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 61 of 67 fee rate schedule and subsequently determined to be a complete application by the city. B. The director shall be authorized to determine whether a particular development activity falls within an exemption identified in this section. Determinations of the director shall be subject to the appeals procedures set forth in ACC 19.08.070. (Ord. 6063 § 1, 2006.) 19.08.070 Appeals. A. Any feepayer may pay the impact fees imposed by this chapter under protest in order to obtain a building permit. Appeals regarding the impact fees imposed on any . development activity may only be made by the feepayer of the property where such development activity will occur. No appeal submitted under protest shall be permitted unless and until the impact _fees at issue have been paid. :Altematively, any feepayer may appeal the impact fees determined by the director without first paying the fees, providing the applicant is willing to provide a satisfactory security of the appealed fee amount in accordance with the requirements of ACC 17.08.010(A) prior to issuance of the building permit. Alfernatively, any #eepayer may appeal the impact fees determined by the director without first paying the fees, provided the applicant is willing to postpone issuance of the building permit until after the appeal process when the revised final fee is known. B. Determinations of the director with,respect to the applicability of the impact fees to a given development activity, the availability or value of a credit, or the director's decision with respect to the independent fee calculation, or any other determination which the director is authorized to make pursuant to this chapter, can be appealed to the hearing examiner. C. Appeals shall be taken within 10 days of the director's issuance of a written determination by filing with the office of the hearing examiner a notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof and depositing the.necessary fee, which is set forth in the existing fee 'schedules for appeals of administrative decisions. The director shall transmit to the office of the hearing examiner all papers constituting the record for the determination, including, where appropriate, the independent fee calculation. D. The hearing examiner shall fix a time for the hearing of the appeal, give notice to the parties in interest, and decide the same as provided in Chapter 18.66 ACC. At the hearing, any party may appear in person or by agent or attorney. E. The hearing examiner is authorized to make findings of fact regarding the applicability of the impact fees to a given development activity, the availability or amount of the credit, or the accuracy or applicability of an independent fee calculation. The Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 62 of 67 decision of the hearing examiner shall be final, except as provided in subsection G of ~ this section. F. The hearing examiner may, so Iong as such action is in conformance with the provisions of this chapter, reverse or affirm, in whole or in part, or may modify the deterrninations of the director with respect to the amount of the impact fees imposed or #he credit awarded upon a determination that it is proper to do so based on principles of faimess, and may make such order, requirements, decision or determination as ought to be made, and to that end shall have the powers which have been granted to the director by this chapter. ' G. Any feepayer aggrieved by any decision of the office of the hearing examiner may appeal the hearing examiner's final decision as provided in Chapter 18.66 ACC. (Ord. 6063 § 1, 2006.) _ 19.08.080 Establishment of impact fee account for parks and recreation. A. Impact fee receipts shall be earmarked specifically and deposited in special interest- bearing accounts. The fees received shall be prudently invested in a manner consistent with the investment policies of the city. B. There is hereby established a separate impact fee account for the fees collected pursuant to this chapter: the parks and recreation facilities impact fee account. Funds withdrawn from these accounts must be used in accordance with the provisions of ACC 19.08.100. Interest earned on the fees shall be retained in the account and expended for the purposes for which the impact fees were collected. C, On an annual basis, the financial director shall provide a report to the council on the parks and recreation impact fee account showing the source and amount of all moneys collected, eamed, or received, and the parks and recreation system improvements that were financed in whole or in part by impact fees. D. Impact fees shall be expended or encumbered within six years of receipt, unless the council identifies in written findings an extraordinary and compelling reason or reasons for the delay. (Ord. 6063 § 1, 2006.) 19.08.090 Refunds. A. If the city fails to expend or encumber the impact fees within six years of when the fees were paid or, where extraordinary or compelling reasons exist, such other time peciods as established pursuant to ACC 19.08.080, the currenf owner of the property on which impact fees have been paid may receive a refund of such fees. In determining whether impact fees have been expended or encumbered, impact fees shall be considered expended or encumbered on a first-in, first-out basis. Provided that anv Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 63 of 67 partv that voluntarilv elects to use _the altemative_ fee payment method specified in Section 19.08.030 shall sign as a condition of use of the altemative fee qavment method a waiver of riqht on a form prepared and qrovided bv the Citv to recoverv of park imqact fees not spent with the statutorv six-veartimeframe. B. The.city shall notiiy potential claimants by first class mail deposited with the United . States Postal Service at the last known address of such claimants. A potential claimant or claimant must be the owner of'the property. C. Owners seeking a refund of impact fees must submit a written request for a refund of the fees to the director within one year of the date the right to claim the refund arises or the date that notice is given, whichever is later. D. Any impact fees for which no application for a refund has been made within this one- year period shall be retained by the city and expended on the appropriate parks and recreation facilities. E. Refunds of impact fees under this section shall include any interest earned on the impact fees by the city. F. If and when the city seeks to terminate any or all components of the parks and recreation impact fee program; all unexpended or unencumbered funds from any terminated component or components, including interest eamed, shall be refunded pursuant to this section. Upon the finding that any or all fee requirements are to be terminated; the city shall place notice of such termination and the availability of refunds in a, newspaper of general circulation at least two times and shall notify all potential claimants by first class mail to the last known address of the claimants. All funds available for refund shall be retained for a period of one 'year. At the end of one year, any remaining funds shall be retained by the city, but must be expended for the appropriate parks and recreation facilities. This notice requirement shall not apply if there are no unexpended or unencumbered balances within an account or accounts being terminated. G. The city shall also refund to the developer of property for which impact fees have been paid all impact fees paid, including interest earned on the impact fees, if the development activity for which the impact fees were imposed did not occur. (Ord. 6063 § 1, 2006.) 19.08.100 Use of funds. A. Pursuant to this chapter, impact fees: Ordinance No. 6341 - March 10, 2011 Page 64 of 67 - 1. Shall be used for parks and recreation system improvements that will ` reasonably benefit the new development; and . 2. Shall not be imposed to make up for deficiencies in parks and recreation facilities serving existing developments; and 3. Shall not be used for maintenance or operations. B. As a general guideline, parks and recreation impact fees may be used for any parks and recreation sysfem improvements which could otherwise be funded by a bond issue of the city. C. Parks and recreation facilities impact fees may be spent for parks and recreation system improvements, including but not limited to neighborhood and community parks, recreational trails, athletic fields, swimming pools, and community centers, including - planning, land acquisition, site improvements, necessary off:site improvements . including mitigation, consfruction, engineering, architectural, permitting, financing, and administrative expenses, applicable impact fees or mitigation costs, and any other expenses which can be capitalized. D. In the event that bonds or similar debt instruments are or have been issued for the' advanced provision of parks and recreation system improvements for which impact fees may be expended, impact fees may be used to pay debt service on such bonds or similar debt instruments :to the extent that the facilities or improvemenfs provided are consistent with the requirements of this section and are used to serve the neV►r development. (Ord. 6063 § 1, 2006.) 19.08.110 Review and update of impact fees. A. The fee rate schedules set forth in the fee schedule of the city of Aubum shall be reviewed by the council no later than two years after #he effective date of the fee rate schedule attached to the ordinance codified in this chapter, and no more than every two years thereafter. B. The fee schedules set forth in the fee schedule of the city of Auburn shall be reviewed by the council as it may deem necessary and appropriate in conjunction with the annual update of the capital facilities plan element ofthe city's comprehensive plan. (Ord. 6063 § 1, 2006.) 19.08.120 Miscellaneous provisions. A. Existing Authority Unimpaired; Nothing in this chapter shall preclude the city from requiring the feepayer or the proponent of a development activity to mitigate adverse environmental impacfs of a specific development pursuant to the State Environmental Ordinance No. 6341 March 1,0, 2011 Page 66 of 67 Policy Act, Chapter 43.21C RCW, based on the environmental documents accompanying the underlying deyelopment approval process, and/or Chapter 58.17 RCW, goveming plats and subdivisions; provided, that the exercise of this authorify is consistenf with the provisions of RCW 82.02.050(1)(c). B. Captions. The chapter and section captions used in this chapter are forconvenience , only and shall not confrol or affect the meaning or construction of any of the provisions of this chapter. C. Severability. If any portion of this chapter is found to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, such finding shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other section . of this chapter. D. Short Title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as "the city of Aubum parks and recreation impact fee ordinance." (Ord: 6063 § 1, 2006.) Section 6. Imulementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this . legislation. Section 7. Severabilitv. The provisions of this. ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Ordinance No. 6341 March 10, 2011 Page 66 of 67 Secfion 8. Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force on April 4, 2011 after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. . INTRODUC,ED: MAR 2 1 2011 PASSED: ~„+11r2n1_ APPROVED: ( OF N ~ ~ . . PETE B. LEVNIS MAYOR ATTEST: G~l Dan Ile E. Daskam, City Clerk ' APP /RMED . TO FORM: , - ni.el ei ity ttorne . , Published: , Ordinance No. 6341 . March 10, 2011 Page 67 of 67