HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM II-A c[nr oF DRAFT W _1 . . PLANNING COMMISSION 4 WASH[NGTON _ March 8, 2011 MINUTES L CALL TO ORDER Chair'Judi Roland called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. in the Councif Chambers located on the first floor of Aubum City Hall, 25 V11est Main Streef, Auburn, WA. Commission Members present were: Chair Judi Roland, Vice Chair Kevin Chapman, Bob Baggett, Ron Copple, MiChael Hamilton, Joan Mason, Wayne Osborne, and Dave Peace. Staff present;included: Planning Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain, Principal Planner Jeff Dixon, Planner Stuart Wagner, Economic Development Manager poug Lein and Planning Secretary Tina Kriss II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Commissioner Peace moved and Commissioner Mason seconded to approve the minutesfrom the February 8, 2011 minutes as submitted." ' MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY8-0 • IIL PUBLIC COMMENT ~ There were no members of the public present for comments. IV. PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT . Planning Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain provided a briefing on actiyities of the Planning & Development Department. Ms: Cham6erlain teviewed various active projects. . . Ordinance No. 6341 would allow the voluntary deferral of the payment of water, sanitary sewer and storm drainage system development charges and fire impact fees, park impact fees, school impact fees and transportation impact fees. Staff is recommending _ that this ordinance be effective for a period of two years from ordinance passage. This item is being forwarded'to PCDC for action at the March 14, 2011 meeting. City Council authorization of use.of portable and temporary.signs in certain zoning districts was extended for an additional year at their March :7; 2011 meeting. This requires a no fee permit for fracking purposes. Staff has been working with representatives from the Robertson property group. Staff is scheduled to start a draft of the development agreement through committees in late April. . Staff has conducted discussions with Planning & Community,Development Committee on Electric Vehicle Infrastructure. The City is required to meet minimum code amendments as required by state law by July=11., 2011~without the provisions for capacity. Planning & Community Developmenf Committee requested staff provide code Planning Commission Meeting Minutes March 8, 2011 amendments to meet the minimum requirements and then at a later time bring this back for discussion once we understand the technology and capacity details. Committee and staff reviewed the status on the old ilValmart Building agreement; the property off 104t" along Green River owned by King County and the King County Library permit. Committee asked sfaff to provide information on the potential water front park off of 1041h along Green River after checking in with Parks Director Daryl Faber. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS There are no items for public hearing. VI. OTHER BUSINESS A. Code Update Project and Scheduling . Planner Stuart Wagnef provided information on the code update project and scheduling. Staff originally provided the schedule to'the Planning and Development Committee '(PCDC) at their February 14, 2011 meeting and then the next step was to share the schedule with the Planning Commission. " - The Code Update Project is intended to meet four broad objectives: ' • Improve the readability of the deyelopment regulations and design standards and make them easier for property owners, applicants, and Cify residents to,use; • Update the development regulations and design standards technical content to address known issue areas and better support the City's development review and quasi judicial decision process; o Ensure that the development regulations and design standards are coordinated and consistent with Auburn's Comprehensive Plan and other state land use and environmental requirements. o Promote sustainability concepts where feasible The Code.Update;Project includes a series of City initiated code-changes and one privately initiated code change. They are summarized below: City initiated code changes Phase 1 Carryover Code Work (cottage housing and cluster subdivision) • Phase 2 Code: Update.Work - Part I(non-res. zones, parking, landscaping, and variances) ° - • Phase 2 Code Update Work - Part II (non-conforming uses, other procedures) • Miscellaneous code changes (microbreweries, compressed natUral gas; master plans; forest practice regs) ~ Electric Vehicles • Site Plan Review Privately initiated code changes • Mosby Farms (agricultural enterprises) The Commission and staff reviewed the schedule. Ms. Chamberlain stated the tract 4 changes have some time constraints. _ Mosby Farms would IiKe to be finished by -May so fhey can begin business by the first part of June. The Electrical Vehicle 2 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes March 8, 2011 Infrastructure updates need to be finished to meet the requirements of the mandate by July 11, 2011. Staff asked Commission to be available for both meetings in April, the first meeting for a work session then the second April meeting for a public hearing. Staff will also be scheduling join4 sessions with Planning & Community Development Committee. A: ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission, Chair Roland adjourned the meeting at7:28 p.m. 3