HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM VI-B L . . * crrY oF - - IlAemorandum WASHINGTON To: ~ Planning and Community Development Committee From: Hillary Taylor, Senior Planner Planning and Development Department - CC: Elizabeth Chamberlain, AICP, Planning Manager . Date: - Mareh 28, 2011Re: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure proposed new Chapter 18.47 language Background: , During the 2009 session the Washington State Legislafure passed 'House Bill 1481 (HB 1481), an Act relating to electric vehicles. The Bill addressed electric vehicle infrastructure including the structures, machinery, and equipment necessary and integral to support an:electric vehicle, including batterycharging stations, rapid charging stations, and batfery exchange stations. The associated RCW 35.63:126, requires that The City of Aubum must allow electric vehicle infrastructure as a use in all areas except those zoned for residential or resource use or critical areas by July 1, 2011. Staff proposes the following amendments to the Aubum City Code to respond to the legislature mandated by the State. Due to the technical nafure of the proposed amendments many definitions will be added to Chapter 18:04. The numbering in Ghapter 18.04 will be determined , once the language has been approved by this workshop, before the public hearing. The, regulations regarding the i'mplementation of electrical vehicle infrastrucfure will be added as Chapter 18:47. Chapter 18:47 is currently blank. The proposed language.is provided after the definitions. Proposed amendments: Chapter 18.04 - DEFINITIONS Batterv charqing station means an electrical component assemblv or cluster of component assemblies designed saecificallv to charne Eiatteries within electric vehicles. _ _ .ions'set forth by chapter 19.28 which meet or exceed anv standards,-codes, and requlat. RCW and consistent with rules adopted under RCW 19.27.540. Batferv.electric vehicle (BEV) means anv vehicle fhat operafes exclusivelv on electrical enerqv from an off-boartl sautce that is stored in the Vehicle's batteries, and produces zero tailpine emissions or poll'ution when stationacv.or oqeratinq. . Batterv exchanne station means a fully automated #acilitv that will enable an_electric vehicle with a swaoaable battery to enter a drive lane and exchan4e the depleted batterY with a fullv charQed battery throuQh a fully. automated orocess: which meets or exceeds anv standards..'codes: and reQUlations set forth by chapter 19.27 RCVN and consistent with rules adopted under RCW 19.27.540; Charaing levels means the standardized indicators of electrical force or voltaQe at which an electric vehicle's battery is recharaed. The terms 1. 2 and 3 are the most common EV charging Jevels, and include the following specifications` • Level 1 is considered slow charginQ. • Level 2 is considered medium charqinQ. • Level 3 is considered fast or rapid chaminQ. Electric scooters and_motorcvcles means anv 2-wheel vehicle that operates exclusivelv on electrical enerpv from an off-board source that is stored in the vehicle's batteries and qroduces zero emissions or pollufion when stationary or operating_ ~ Electric vehicle means anv vehicle that operates. either partiallv or exclusivelv on electrical enerqv from the qrid, or an off-board source, that is stored on-board for motive pumose. "`Electric vehicle" includes: (1) a batterv electric vehiele- (2) a alua-in hybrid electric vehicle: (3) a neiQhborhood electric vehicle: and (4) a medium-speed electric vehicle. Electric vehicle charainct station means a public or arivate parkinq space that is served by batfery cliarping station eauipment that has as its arimarv aurqose the transfer of electric enerciv (bv conductive or inductive means) to a battery or other energv storaQe device in an electric vehicle. An electric vehicle charaing station. eauipped with Level 1 or Level 2 chamin4 eauipment is permitted outriQht as an accessory use to any princiqal use. Electric vehicle.charaina sfation - restricted means an electric vehicle charainct sfation that is (1 privately owned and restricfed access (e q-sindle-familv fiome executive parkinq desiqnated emplovee parking) or (2) publ'iclv owned and restricted . (e.4.. fleet parkina with no access to the Qeneral public). Electric vehicle char4ina station - public means an electric vehicle charqinq station that_is (1) Qubliclv owned and publicly available (e.a. Park & Ride parkin4 public libtary parkina lot, on-street parkinp) or (2) arivately owned and publicly available (e q shoppinq center aarkinq, non-reserved parkinp in multi-family parkin4 lots) Electric vehicle infrastructure means structures machinerv and eauiament necessarv and inteqral to supqort an elecfric vehicle includin4 battery charQina stations rapid char4inq stations: and batterv ezchange station"s. Electric vehicle aarkina sdace means anv marked aarkina space that identifies the use to_be exclusively for the parkin4 of an el_ecfric vehicle. Medium-saeed Electric Vehicle means a self-propelled electricallv nowered four- wheeled motor vehicle ectuiqqed with a roll cage or crush-proof bodv design whose ' ~ . saeed_attainable in one mile is more than 25 miles per hourbut not more than 35miles - per hour and otherwise meefs or exceeds the federal requlations set forth in 49 C.F.R. Sec. 57_1.500. , Neiphborhood Electric Vehicle means a;self-propelled: electricallv.qowered four- _ wheeled motor_vehicle whose speed attainable in one m"ile is more than 20 miles per - - hour and not more.tfian _ 25 miles per hour and co _ nforms to federal re4ulations under Title.49-C.F:R. Part 571.5000 Non-Electric Vehiclemeans anv_motoc_vehicle that does not meet the definition of ' "electric vehicle." Plua-in hvbrid_electric vehicle (PHEV) means an.electric.vehicle that (1) contains an infemal combastion enQine and also allows power to be delivered to drive wheels by an electric motor; (2) charges. its batterV arimarily by_connecting to the arid or o#her off- board electrical source; (3) mav aclditionally be a61e to susfain battery charge usinQ an ` on-board internal-combustion-driven caenerator: and (4) has the abilitv to travel powered bv electricitv. Rapid chargina station.means.an_.industrial qrade electrical outlet that allows for.faster. . . rechamin4 of electric vehicle batteries throuqh hidher aower levels and that meets or. exceeds anv standards, codes, and reQUlations set forth bv chapter 19.28 RCW and consistent with rules adopted under RCW 19.27.540: DesiQnated Accessible Space A VNAC 51-50-005 reauiced accessible parkina space designated for the exclusive use of parking vehicles witli,a State Disabled Parkin4 Permit'. Accessible Electric Vehicle Charaina Station An electric vehicle charQin4 station where the battery charging station eQUipment is located within accessible reach of a barrier-free access aisle (m'inimum_44-inch width) and the electric vehicle. - Chapter 18.47 - Electrical Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVU CHAPTER- not underlined) Sections: 18.47.010. Purpose 18.47.020. Permitted locations 18.47.030. Required facilities 18.47.040. General requirements 18.47.050. Accessible facilities - 18.47.060. Charging and parking 18:47.070. Signage 18.47.010 Purpose The purpose of this section is to eliminate obstacles to a transition to electric vehicle use ' by. allowing the establishment of a convenient and cost-effective electric vehicle infrastructure. - J 18.47.020 Permitted locations - - - , Zonin District , PUD, R7, R10, . - . . . . , EVI Type . RC,,R1, -R96, C1,, C2; M1, M2, , __R5 . . _ R20 CN, RO 'DUC C3, . BO,.EP I; P-1 ! EV Charging P3 P3 P v~P P. " -P ' P Station 1.2 . . , , Rapid Charging P5 PS P p _ P P P Station 4 - Battery Exchange X X X ~ X I - P~w . P- ~ P Station - P: Use is permitted. X: Use is not allowed in the given zoning district. Development Standards 1. Level 1 and Level 2 charging only. 2. Level 1 and Level 2 charging are permitted in aquifer recharge areas and in other critical areas when serving an existing use. 3. Allowed only as accessory to a principal outright permitted use or permitted conditional use. 4. The term "Rapid" is used interchangeably with Level 3 and Fast Charging. 5. Only "electric vehicle charging stations - restricted° as defined in 18.47.028. 18.47.030 Required facilities: Electric Vehicle Charging Station Spaces None at this time. 18.47.040. Electric Vehicle Charging Stations - Generally A. Electric vehicle charging stations are reserved for parking and charging electric vehicles only. B. Electric vehicles may be parked in any space designated for public parking, subject to the restrictions that would apply to any other vehicle that would park in that space. 18.47.050 Accessible Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Quantity and Location Where electric vehicle charging stations are provided in parking lots or parking garages, accessible electric vehicle charging stations shall be provided as follows: , A. Accessible electric vehicle charging stations shall be provided in the ratios shown on the following table. ; Number of Minimum Accessible 'i EV Char in Stations _ E,V Cha.rgin Stations__ • 1-50 1 51-100 2 . 101-150 3 151-200 ` .4 - 201-250 5 251-300 6 B. Accessible electric vehicle charging stations should be located in close proximity to the: building or facility entrance and shall be connected to a`barrier-free accessible route of travel. It is not necessary fo designate the accessible electric vehicle charging station exclusively for the use of disableii persons. 18.47.060. Charging and parking " 18.47.061 Off Street Parking - Electric Vehicle Charging Stations . To ensure an effective installation of electric vehicle charging stations; the regulations in , this subsection provide a framework for when a private property owner chooses to provide electric vehicle charging stations. A. Purpose. For all parking lots or garages, except those that include restricted electric vehicle charging stations. B. Number. No minimum number_of charging station spaces is required. C. Minimum Parking Requirements. An electric vehicle charging station: space may . be included in the calculation for minimum required parking spaces that are required pursuant to other provisions of code. D. Location and Design Criteria: The provision of electric vehicle parking will vary based on'the design and use of the primary parking lot. The#ollowing required and additional locational and design criteria are provided in recognition of the various parlcing lot- layout options. - `1. Where provided, parking for electric vehicle charging purposes is required to include the following:. a. Signage. Eacfi.cfiarging station space shall 6e posted with signage indicating the space is only for electric vehicle charging purposes. Days and hours of operations shall be included if time limits'or tow away provisions are to be enforced. b. Maintenance: Charging station equipment sha(f be maintained in all respects, including fhe functioning of the charging equipment. A phone number or other contact information shall be provided on the charging sfation equipment for reporting when'the equip'menf is not functioning or - other problems are'encountered. - c. Accessibilify: Wheee charging station e.quipment is provided within an . adjacent pedestrian circulation area,'such as a sidewalk or accessible route to the building entrance, the charging equipment shall be located so as not to interfere with accessibility requirements:of WAC 51-50-005: d. Lighting. Where charging station equipment is installed;. adequate site lighting shall exist, `unless charging is for daytime purposes only: - 2. Parking for electris vehicles should also consider the following: ` a: Notification: Information on ttie charging station, identifying voltage and amperage levels and any #ime of use, #ees, or safety information. . . J b. Signage. Installation of directional signs at the parking lot entrance and at . appropriate decision points to effectively guide motorists to the cfiarging station space(s). E. Data Collection. To.allow for maintenance and notification; the local permitting agency will require the owners of any private new electric vehicle infrastructute station that will be publicly available (see definition "electric vehicle charging station - publicto provide information on_the station's geographic location, date of ; installation, equipment type and model, and owner contact information. 18.47.062 On-street Electric Vehicle Charging Stations : To ensure an effective installation of electric vehicle charging stations, the regulations in this subsection provide a framework for the voluntary election to provide on-street electric vehicle charging stations. ~ _ . A. Purpose. Curbside electric vehicle charging stations adjacent to on-street parking spaces are reserved for charging electric vehicles. B. Size. A standard size parking space may be used as an electric vehicle charging . station. C. Location and Design Criteria. 1:;, Where provided, parking for electric.vehicle charging purposes is required to: include-thefollowing: , a. Signage. Each charging station space shall be posted with signage indicating the space isonly for electric.vehicle charging purposes. Days and hours of . operations shall be included if time limits or tow away provisions are to be enforced. . . . b. Maintenance. Charging station equipment shall be maintained in all, respects, including the functioning of the charging equipment. A phone. number.or other contact information shall be provided on the charging station equipment for reporting when the equipment is not functioning or.other problems are encountered. " c.. Accessibility. Charging station equipment located within a sidewalk shalt not interfere with accessibility requirements of WAC 51-50-005. d. Clearance. Charging station equipment mounted. on pedestals, light posts, bollards or other devices shall: be a minimum of 24: inches clear from the face . . of curb. ~ e. Lighting. Where charging station equipment is installed, adequate site lighting shall exist, unless charging is for daytime purposes only. f: Charging Station Equipment. Charging station outlets and connector deyices shall :be no.less than 36 inches or no higher than 48 inches from the top of _ surFace where mounted; and shall contain a retraction deVice and/or a place to hang permanent cords and connectors sufficiently aboye the ground or paved surface.; . . g. Charging Station;Equipment Protection. When the electric vehicle charging station space is perpendicular or`at an angle to curti'face and, charging equipment, adequate equipment protection, such as wheel stops or concrete- filled steel bollards shall be used. Appropriate signage indicating if backing in is allowed or not shall be posted. 2. Parking for electric vehicles should also consider the following: . a. Notification. Information on the charging station identifying voltage and amperage levels and any time of use, fees, or safety information. b. Signage. Installation of directional signs at appropriate decision points to effectively guide motorists to the charging station space(s). c. Location. Placement of a single electric vehicle charging station is preferred at the beginning or end stall on a block face. C os w I Sidewalk:~=:~:i.:.:.:..... . . . . . . . . . . . Streetlight ~ ~ E No Parking Giq,OCE Near Corner EV CHARGING PEDESTAL r ~ STATION ~ _ : MOUNTED ~ CHARGING ~ EV EQUIPMENT i ~ i i r ---i M ~ ~ C.:F m I ~ a ~ R7-108 I I Figure: Electric Vehicle Charging Station - On Street D. Data Collection. To allow for maintenance and notification, the local permitting agency will require the owners of any private new electric vehicle infrastructure station that will be publicly available (see definition "electric vehicle charging station - public°) to provide information on the station's geographic location, date of installation, equipment type and model, and owner contact information. E. No person shall park or stand any non-electric vehicle in a designated electric vehicle charging station space. Any non-electric vehicle is subject to fine or removal. B: Any electric vehicle in any designated electric vehicle charging station space and not . electrically charging or parked beyond the days and hours designated on regulatory signs posted at or near the space, shall be subject to a fine and/or removal. For purposes of this subsection, "charging° means an electric vehicle is parked at an electric vehicle charging station and is connected to the charging station equipment. 18.47.063 On-street parking violations-penalties A. Violations of this chapter shall be punishable as infractions. Punishment shall be by a fine. Each day such violation is committed shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such. B. In addition to a fine; a person who has parked or left a vehicle standing upon a street, alley, or City of Auburn parking lot or garage in violation ofithis article is subject to haVing the vehicle removed from the street; alley, or City of Aubum parking Iot or garage by any mernber of the police department authorized by the police chief or designated law offcial , . in the manner and subject to the requirements ofthe Aubum City Code. 18.47.070. Signage Noticing of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations A. Upon adoption, the City shall require appropriate signs and marking to be placed in and around electric vehicle charging station spaces, indicating prominently thereon the packing regulations. l"he signs shall define time limits and hours of operation, as applicable, shall state that the parking space is reserved for charging electricvehicles and that an electric vehicle may only park in the space for charging purposes. volators are subject to a fine and/or removal of their vehicle. B. Public use stations Electric vehicle charging stations available for public use shall have posted signage, as identified in this subsection, allowing only charging electric vehicles to 'park in such spaces. For parposes of this subsection, "chargingn means that an elecfric vehicle is parked at an electric vehicle charging station and is connected to the charging station equipment. Example of possible signage to demarcate an Off-street Parking Space with Charging Station Equipment: ' • ELECTRIC VEHICLE ~ CHARGING EXCEPT FOR . . ~ ELECTRIC . VEHICLE ~ CHARGING