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ORDIIdANCE N0. 6352 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. ~ 6339, THE 2011-2012 BIENNIAL BUDGET ORDINANCE AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 6351 AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF AUBURN 2011-2012 BUDGET AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE "A" WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of December 6, . 2010, adopted Ordinance No. 6339 which adopted the City of Auburn 2011-2012 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of February 22, 2011, adopted Ordinance No. 6351 which amended Ordinance No. 6339 which adopted the City of Aubum 2011-2012 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS,. the City of Aubum deems it necessary to appropriate additional funds to the various funds of the 2011 budget; and WHEREAS, this Ordinanoe has been approVed by one more than the . majority of all councilpersons in accordance with RCW 35A.34.200. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Amendment of the 2011-2012 Biennial Budget The 2011- 2012 Biennial Budget of the City of Auburn is amended pursuant to Chapter 35A.34 RCW, to reflect the revenues and expenditures as shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The Mayor of the City of Aubum, Washington is hereby authorized to utilize revenue and ezpenditure amounfs Ordinance No. 6352 March 15, 2011 ' Page 1 of 3 shown on said Schedule "A". A copy of said Schedule "A" is on file with the City Clerk and available for public inspection. Section 2. $everability. If any provision of this Ordinance or the applicafion thereof to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid, the remainder of such code, ordinance or regulation or the application thereof to other person or circumstance shall not be affected. Section 3. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ~ . , INTRODUCED: APR 4 2011 PASSED: ' APR 4 2011 APPROVED: 20 i P ER B. LEWIS, MAYOR . Ordinance No. 6352 March 15, 2011 Page 2 of 3 ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: , ~ i D iel B. He City Atforney o-611 PUBLISHED: Ordinance No. 6352 March 15, 2011 , Page 3 of 3 Schedule A Summary of BudgetAdjus6neMs by Fund Budget AmendmeM # 2 Ordinanee 8352 Beg. Fuml 2011 Ending;Fund (ieneralEund'(p0011 BalanceRevenues 2011 Expenditures Balance OeneralFund AdoptedAudgef 11 763,368 48,883 903 65,138,320 8,487,958, BA#1 (Adopted• ordinanca i16381) 46,000 138,360 (89,580) BANZ`Iprovosedl~ Beginoing Fund Balance 850,000 650,000 Stete DisUibution - Cominal Justice 74,700 74,700 Federal GraM - Edwerd Byme 42,700 1. 42.700 FederelGreM-Emergency:Mgmt 40,810 4 40,810 State G►ard - WASPC for RSO program 15,000 1 15,000 Federel GraM - JAG eqLipmeM 14,900 2 14;900 Federel Grant - Traffic sa(ely,commission 9,000 1 9,000 Federal'GfaM - Target Zero proglam 7.800. 1 7:800 Court lnterpreterreimbursemetn 8,840 6,840 Mayor'! Coundl eoMributlons 5,900 . 5,900 Federai Grant - gang entorcement 5,000 3 5,000 State Distribution - Populatlon (27.180) (27,180) SCORE slaAup eoste (2070 certytorward project) 850,000 (650,000) Eledronic hwne monRaing - Human Resouroes 85,500 (65,500) Overtime - Police Depi 26,800 1 (28,800) Miscellaneous expenses emergency mgmt - Pdice Dept 18,010 4 (18,010) JAG equipmeM - Pdioe Dept 14,900 2 (14,900) PaA tlme wagea and benefits emergency mgmt - Pdice Dept 11,800 4 (11,800) Professional services emergency mgmt - Police Dept 10,000 4 (10,000) K-8 unR - Pdice'Dept 8,000 • (8,000) ' Overtime inveaUgaUoris - Pdioe Dept 7,700 1 (7,700) Overtime communily program Police Dept 5,000 3 (5,000) Unpaid furbugh day adjustment / VEBA coMribuUon Parks (45;700) 45,700 Planning ! (40,860) 40.860 Engineering (34;790) 34,790 Human Resources (21,350) 21,350 Legal (19,080) 19,080 Streeta (17:170) 17,170 ' Finance (12:110) 12.710 PoGce (4,520) 4,520 Mayor/Council (3,050) 3,050 BAp2 Total_ 650,000 195,270 820,080 228,180 Revised!Budget - _ - , 12,417,355 - 50;708,778 55,884;760 6;823,788 To1a1 Resources / Expenditures 82,518,878 62,618,828 Page 1 Beg. Furul 2011 Ending Fuml Arterlal Street Fund 02 8alanee Revenues 2011 Expeoditures Balance A pted Bu gat 383,718 15,210,200 19,328,300 285,018 BAY1 (Adopted; ordinance q6361) SM Iprot+osedl Beginning fund balance 738,300 738,300 Grants - Fedetal 7,219,910 1,219,910 (3rants - Wa. Slate LffC 130,320 130,320 GraMs - Wa. State DOT 94,400 84,400 Operetlng trensfers in from REET2, Impad (ees, Mitigation fees 1,613,430 6,8,7 1,813,430 Grants- irdergovPl iunding 91,140 87,140 Grents - Reduce graM funding (1,307,000) (1,307,000) 2070 Cartyforvvard Projeds 3,885,500 (3,885,500) ncrease DLMgBl ot SCflE a~n Rc 9n 30,000 (301000) BA#2 Total 738,300 1,842,200 2,808,500 (30,000) Revised Budget 1,119,418 18 Ob2,400 15,936,800 256,018 Total Resources Ezpendkures 18,171,818 18,171,818 Beg. Fund 2011 Ending Fund Local Street Fund (#103) Balance Revenues 2011 ExpendiWrea Balance Adopted Budget 840,808 2,188,000 2,000,000 1,098,808 BAp1 (Adopted; ordinance 06361) eAU2 lwnposedl Beginning fund balance 400,000 400,000 2010 Cartyforward Projeds 400,000 (400,000) 0~9 aY (1.784) 1.784 BA1Y1 Total 400,000 398,218 1,784 Revised Budget 1,340,806 2,155,000 2,388,216 1,097,690 Total Resources / Expendkdres 3,488,808 1,488,808 Beg. Fund 2011 Ending Fund Hotel Motel Fund (#104) Balanee Revenues 2011 Expenditures Balanee Adopted Budget 118,126 106,600 209,000 15,726 BA#1 (AdopEed; oMinancei16161) ProP~ BA#2 Total Revised Budget 118,128 108,800 209.000 18,728 Totel Resources I Expenditures 224,728 224,728 Page 2 Beg. Fund .2011 Ending Fund . Artedal Shee2 Preservation Fund (#106) Balance.' Revenues * 2011 Expenditures.: 8alance' . Adopted Budget - 33,589 11501,500 1,800 000 ,S 5~089 BA#1 Ad ; ordManca 0e161 Wo ' BeginNng fund balance 6,000 8;000 . 2010 Cartytaward Projects 8.000 (8;000) BA82 Total 6,000 81000 . RevlsedBudget 59,688:: 1,601;500 1,808,000; • 36,089 Total Resources 1 ExperMitures 1;841,089 1,641;089 Beg.,Fund ^ 2011 Ending Fund Drug•Forfeifure!Fund(#117) Balance Revenues . 201UExpenditures . Balance Adoptedi8udget 710,547._ 298,700 498,010 813,237 BA#1 Ad ;.ordinaoceq8381 Pro Beginrdng fund balanoe 47,000 47,000 Oeobase.oonversioNUainirg (2010 cartyforwerd projed) 7,000 (7,000) . Goplogic interfece project (2010 certyforwafd projed) 10.000 (10.000) Sedor irrteAmce projeet (2010 caqyfoiward projed) 30,000 (30,000) BA#2 Tofal 47,000 47,000 Revlsed Budget . 757,847 298,700 643,010 619,237. Total Resources / Expemlitures 1,058,247 1,068,247 . Beg.Fund 2011 Ending;Fund Local Lsw:EnforeemeM B1ock GreM Fund'(#118) Balance Revenuea 2017 Expeeditures Balance . Adopted Budget 16,488 • 16,468 . BA#1(AdePted; ordinance q8361) propommi BAN Total" ' Revised Budge! _ 18;466' - 16,488 Tofal Resources / Expeadi6ures 18,488 18,C88 _ Page 3 ' . Beg: Fund 2011 EtMing Fund. Housin am! Commun Develo ent Grant Fund 19 : Balance !Revenues 2011 F.xpenditures' . Balance, Adopted;Bu get 98,288 510,000 842;410 88,878 , BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance 08361) BAM2 (aroposed) - - n~paa ur~nu iunerd c~.aeo) 1.4e0 BAN Total (1r480) 1,480 Revised:Budget. ' . 88,288 610,000 _ 540,930 88,568 Total Resources / Expenditurea - 809,288 809,288 - - - Beg,,Fuml 2017, EndingFund Recreatloo:T►aUs!Fund(#120) , Belance , Revenues. 2011, Expendibures Balance' Adopted Budget 8,177 7,200 16,377 RA#1 l14doptedCordinanceK6381) . ' - . Pro 17 BAN Total _ Revised Budget 8,777: 7,200. 16;377 . : Total Resources / ExperMftures 18,377 15,377 \ . Beg. Fwul 2011 Ending Fund , Business Improvement Area Fund (#121). Balance. . Revenues 2011 Expenditures Belance : Adopted Budget 44,388 65.100 84,000 41,498 BAft(Adoptedt oMinance 118351) . BAN lr,roposedl Beginning fund balance . 512 ' 512 Businesa tmP~meM essessments : 9,252 8,252 u (18.500) (18.500) uperati adjW-mni n9 re 26,000 (26,000) BAN Total 512, (8,248) 28,000 (34,736) Revised.8udget 44;908 43,852 _ 80,000 8,780 Tofal Resources / Expendkures 88,780 88,780 Page 4 • ~ Beg.Fund 2011' . ;Enilingi,Fund . . . ; . , . _ Cumulatlve'.Reserve Fund (#122) ' ' Balance Revenues . : ' `2011iExpend6res . Balance= . AdoPted Bud9et 5,825,464 23,000 44,900 8,601;684 BA#1 (Adopted• ordlnanee 08361) , BAtrt (Pronosed) nd oe 78,450 ' 78,450 8 inning fu balan ran er o o, or u um n ronme 78,450. p8,450) - BAq2 Tofal 78,450 78,460 RevlsedBudget' ' • 6,701;814... 21,000 125,360 8,801584 Total Resources / Expenditures 6,724,814 8,724;914 . . . , . Beg. Fund 2011. Ending.Fund. - MidgadorrFees;Fund (1124), , ' . 8alance: Revenues ' 2011 Expendkures : ;Baldnee Adopted'Budget 3444,973 900,000 2,679,200 1,688,773 ' BA#1(Adopted.ordlnancep6351) Bp#2 (propoaed) _ Beginning fund! balanoe 601,170 801,170 Transfer:out to F102 for A StrNW Cortidw Phase 1 495;700 8 (485,700) Tra er o, o Fluz or 5. u um S expansion 105,470,7 (105,470) BA#2 Total 601.170 601,170 ' Revised Budget 4,046,143 900,000 3,280,370 . 1,888,775 TotalResources Expenditures 4,946.147 4,948,145 . Beg. Fund,:. . 2011 Ending Fund , 1998iLlbrary;Fund!142291, Balance_, Reveeues' 2011, Expeoditures_ : Balance Adopted Budget 338,120 287,200 288;200 338,120 ' BAfN Ado •ordinencep&151 . P. BA1Yl Total _ Revlaed'Budget 336,120 287,200: . 288,200 339,120 Total Resources / Expenditures 828,720 626,520 Page 5 Beg: Fund 2011 Ending Fund " 'UDGuaraMee'Fund(O248)' . " Belance Revenues:. 2011!Expenditures : - Balanee . Adopted Budget 63,200 300 11.000 62,600 BA#1~ Ado ;ordlnancep8351 propose 17 ' BA112 Total Revfsed Budget - 8U00 300 11,000 82,500 ToffiI Resources! Expendkures 63,500 63,500 Beg, Fund . 2011; Ending Fund . Cky Ha11 Annex 2010:A86!bond Debt'Fund (#210) Balance. , Revenues' 2011 Expeqditures Balance Adopbed Budget 11685.600 1,895,800 BA#1 Ad ; ordinance !6181 Wa BANTotal. Revised Budget; 1;885,600 . 1,898,600 . Tota1 Resourees / Expenditures 1,895,600 1,688,800 ' Beg. Fund 2011. Ending Fund Local Revitalizatbn'2010 C8D Bond Debt Fund (9231) Balance Revenues 2011 Expenditures Balance Adopted Budget 82,500 694,500 584,300 82,700 BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance q8951) - ~F~ropos BAq2 Totaf . . . . . Redsed Budget , - _82,500 594;500_ 684,300 8$700 Totai Resoumea / Expenditwas 657,000 867.000 Beg: Fund 2011 ErWing Fund UD #280.1#'l601, Balance Revenues 2011 E:pendHures Balance sa,aoo aa~ aaoptea Budget 347 66,500 BAri1 (Adopted; ordinanee p6361) _ P. BA#2Tota1 Revised Budget 347 58,800' S6,400 447 Total Resources /.ExperMftures 58,847 68,847 Page 6 " 6e9: Fund;. 201111! Enain9 Funa, UD A360 (0278) Balance • : , Revenues 2011 Expenditures Batance ' Adopted,Bud9at 7.300 7,100 BA#1 A ; ordinance #6351 P►a BA112 Total 7,100 : 7,300' _ Revised Budget . Tota1 Resourc ea l Expendkures 7.300 7,300 -Beg.:Fund' 2011. Endi~!Fund . Munlelpal Par1i Co~tructlon Fund (0521) , Balance . Revenes 2011 Expenditures Balance . ' Adopted Budget 374.388 19,089,200 19,281,700 201.868 BAt{'1 Ado ; oMinanee 116961 P►aP~ Beginning tund balance 219,120 219,120 ; `State lAC grent - 78;450 78.450 Boys end i~ls"dub donation 780,000 780;000 re nster rom , or muo an er _ 1,253;380,8 1,253;380 ►a en n frorn orm. .u or. i-OWer, Levee 35.000 9 35,000 ranaw in rom umu ve eserve u u m nHronmen a 78,450 10 78,450 Project 'expe ures 2,444,400 (2,444,400) BA#Z Total 219,120 2,228,280 2,444,400 Revlsed Budget 683A88 21,314;480, 21,708,100 201;888 . Total Resources / Expenditures 21,807,988 21,807,988 Beg. Fund:. . 2011 . Ending Fund CapMal.ImpcovementsFund (#328) Balance Revenues. 2011:ExpendiWres Balance Adopted Budget 3,792,208 1,671,000 2,972,500 2,390,706 BA#1 Ad ;ordlnance~18361 17 Pro BeginNng fund balance 2,780,840 2,780;640 ' TraRc signal improvemeM (2010 certyfonvard projed) 50,000 (50,000) Aubum Ave NE and 3rd St NE Pedestrian (2010 carryforward projed) 25,000 _(25,000 Mohawks cs tzulu onva pro. 15,000 (15,000) ca orwa pro. 43,000 (43,000) ran er. out o aze 382,000 11 (382,000) ra er out o 1-321 or mun an ei 1,253;380 8 (1,253,380) ran er out o or capiM pros 1.012.260 b (1,012,260) " BA#2 Total 2,780 840 2,780,840 Revised!Budget 8,672,848 1,671,000 8,783,140 2,390,708 Total Resourc.es / Eupanditures 8,143,848 8,143,846 Page 7 1 . . Beg: Fund , : . 2011'. " Endino;Fund' LocalRevitalizadon Fund'P30) . iBalance Revenuea= 2011iExpendkures _ Balance Adopted Budget . 5,338,300 2,653,000 7,888,300 8A#1 Ad ; ordlnaece p6351 - Pro_ Beginning (und balanoe (217.710) (217,710) EDA Federel Grant 456,000, 456,000 . Trens(er in from F328 for City Hall' Plaza 382,000 11 382,000 . i.on btreat men e orwa prol , (31,710)r 31,710 aza orvva pro , 650:000 (850;000)- . , ommera i mg on ca orvva pro, 2;000 (2,000) BA#2 TaRal (217,710) 858,000 820,290 - Revlsed Budget - 8;117;E90 3,381:000 _ 8,508,680 " Total Resourr.es / Expendkures 8,808,680 8,508,680 ' 'Beg. Fund,. , i2011 . ' ' EnMIng Fund!. WatecFund'IfF4SU): , Belance Reves.:' 2011;ExpendHures Balance . AdoPted 6udget 18.188,199 10,918,400 27,509,720 2,877,279 ; BA#1 Ad C ordinance p8S51 ' Pr"oPo. Beginning fund balance 2,113,700 2,113,700 Hydraulic model update 30,700 (30,700) Tokey Software feplaoemerrt 15,000 (15,000) 2010 certy(orward projeds 2,083,000 (2,083,000) npm u ug ay ju men (47,430) 47,430 BA#2 Total 2,115,700 2,081,270 32,410 Revlsed Budget . 21;281;898 _ 10,818,400 28,690,580, • 2,809;708 TotalResources! Expenditures 32,200,299 32,200,298 . • Beg. Fund 2011i • Ending Fund SewerFund (1f0.11) ' Balance. Revenues . 2011' Ezpendkures . Balance Adopted Budget . 10,818,244 17,856,300 25,802,100 3,172,444 BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance i~6S51) 37,000 (37;000) pro' Beginning fund balance 2,166,900 2,158,900 Trench shoring equipmeM (2010 carryforvvard projed) 8.500 (8;500) . 2010 ca►ryforvvard projeds 2,748,400 (2,148,400) _ ~a,u oug ay u (33,090) 33,080 BA#2 Tofal 2,188,900 2,123,810 33,090 . Revisad Budget• 12,978,144 17,968,300 27.782,910 3,188,634 . Total Resources / Fxpendltures 30,837,444 30,931,444 Page 8 Beg: Fund _ 2011 .EndingfUnd StormDrainage'Fundl(#4Z2)I Balanee.: Revenues 2011.Expenditures Balarwe Adopted Budget 7,686,982 7,213,700 13,088,950 1,842;732 BA#1 (Adoptsd: o►dinance 1f63B1) - - - Pro~ Beginning fund balance 1,304,260 1,304;280' CoMraded services 379,760 (379;760) Transfer to F321 for Fenster Levee Setback 35,000 8 _(35;000) 2010 carryforvverd projecta . 889,500 (889;500) Un-paid runougn aY aujusimem (39.850) 39;850 BAp2 Total 1,504,260 7,284A10 38,850 Revlsed-Budget . 9,000,242, 7,215;700 14;131;360 1;882,682 Total Resources / Expenditures 18,213,842 16,213,842 , . Beg.;Fund ; 2011 Ending Fund' , SoIM,Waste Fund' (#434) Balance Revenues - 2011 Expenditures Balance Adopbed Budget 800,406 8,813,800 8,883,470 430,738 ;BA#1i Adopted; ordlnanceq6381) P►o unpaid u ou9 eY aajustment ' (8,990) 8,990 BA#! Total (81990) 8,990 Revised.Budgef 800,408 9,813,800, 9,874,480 439,728 Total Resources / Expenditures 10,314,206 10,314,208 , Beg. Fund, 2011 Ending,FUnd Alrportf.und (9436). . Balance Revenues 2011'F.xpenditures < Balance Adopted Budget 708,342 839,580 789.190 678,532 RA#1 (AdopEed; ordlnance M8161) Wo Beginning fund balanoe 191;700 191,700 Federal G,aM - runway ligMing 395,930 395,830 Slate Grerd - rumNay Ughting 10,420 10,420 2010 ProJect Carry forvrerd 466,210 (468,210) Airportrunway Ii9~~9 incxease project e~. 142,260 (142,260) n u ug ay aujusunani (390) 380 BA11Y Tota1 191,700 408,380 808,080 (10,080) Revlsed Budget 900,042 1.046,730 1,377,270 588,802 TotaI Resources / Expenditures 1,945,772 1,945,772 Page 9 - 8eg: Fund • r 2011, Ending Fund . , Cemebery, Fund (0438) Balance Revenues 2011Ezpenditures 'Belance AdoPted Bud9et . 500.328 824,800 1.078,810 1 .198 BA#1 do ;:ordinance#6351 Pro unpaid u oug ay adjustment (9,080) 9,080 BA#2 Tota) (81080) 8,080 . Revisedi8ud9et . , 300:328 92O00. 1,069.880_ 186,278 Total Resources / Expenditures 1,225,128 .1,228,128 Beg. Fund 2011 Ending Fund ' GoHCourse Fund (~14s7) Balanee . Reventies 20111'Expendltuies: Balance Adopbed Budget 228,888 1,806,200 1,839,380 96,488 BAM (Adopted~ ordinance p8361) a~ I ausedl -~d~u ~9 ayadiu (10,840) 10.840 ' BA#2 Total (10;840) 10,840 ' Revised 8udget : 228,888 1,806,200 1;959;980 85,488 Total Resources / Expendkures 2,034,888 2,034,888 Beg. Fund 2011 Ending Fund Insurancefundi(N801): 8alance Revenues. 2011 Expenditures Balanee _ Adopted Budget 2,403,088 3,700 ' 88,700 2,348,088 BA#1 (AdoPted; ordinance q8Z51) BA#21ProPosedl . Revised'Budget. 2;403,089 3,700 68;700' . , 2;348,089 ' TotalResou►cea f Expenditures 2,406,768 2,406,789 Beg. Fund; 2011 Ending Fund Facilitles Fund (M608) Balance Revenues 2011 Expendl'tores Balance Adopted Budget 307,619 3,998,300 - 3,980,400 346,458 BA#1 (Adopted; ordlnance N8.757) . BA#2(proaosed) Beginning fund balance 30,000 30,000 Intedacal graMs for Resouroe Conservation Manager 26,790 26;790 Resouroe Conservation Manager-,increase salarieslbanefits 10,870 (70,870) Cedar Lenes slrudure abatemeM and demolition 30,000 (30,000) Public parking video camera system (2010 carryFonrard projeG) 30;000 (30,000) n u oug ay ~u e (9160} 81760 BA#2 Total 30,000 28,790 81,110 (4,120) Revlsed,Budget . 337;538 - 4,026,080 • 4,021,510' 312,118 Total Resources / Expenditures 4 63 628 4,363,629 Page 10 Beg. Fund . 2011 Endingfund Infomiatlon.Services Eundi(p618): ealanee Revenues. 2011 Expenditures Balanee: Adopbed Bud9et 3,646,677 4,271,870 8,720,460 4,097.797 BAft(Adopted; ordlnance tf8351) 8,800 5,600 BA#Z(ProPosed) Beginning fund balanee 108,000 108;000 COPS:techndogy greM 150,000 150,000 Federal ARRAIEdward Byme GfaM 87,000 87;000 Phone system upgrede (2010 carrylorwaM project) 16,000 (18;000) Pudic parldng,garage video camera (2010 cartyforvvard projed) 55,000 (55;000) New parldng facilily. video surveillance (2010 carryforvvard project) 45,000 (45,000) Video surveillance syatem for Md's lot (2010 carrytorvvard project) 22,000 (22,000) Discovery Playground securitysystem (2010 cartyForward projea) 41,000 (41;000) 277ih to Valley Comm Fber Optic projed (2010 cartyforweM projed) 150.000 (150,000) Unpgdd u ay 1u (26,820) 28,920 _ ' BA#Z Total 108,000 217,000 302,080 22,920 Revised Bud9et 3,884,677, 4,484,170 6,028,030 , 2,120,717 Total Resources / Expandlturea 8,148,747 8,148;747 Beg. Fund: 2011 . Ending,Fund E ui eMRerftlFund~. Balanee Revenues 2011 Expenditures Balance A opted Budget 4,887,854 2,827,100 4,825,800 2,868,864 BAYi (Adopted: ordinanee f16351) - BM (proposed) Beginning fund balance 151,600 151,600 AMNdng eqLripment (2010 carry/orvvard project) 23,300 (23,300) Trudc (2010 carryforward proJed) 88,300 (88;300) M&O fuel system upgrade'(2010 carryforward projed) 40,000 (40,000) n u ug ayr~a 'ju (7,530) 7,53D BAp2:TotaL 161,800 144,070 7,650 Revised!Budget; 5,009,254. 2,847,700 4,989,670 2,888,484 Total Resources / Expenditures 7,858,354 7,858,384 - Beg. Fund 2011 ~ Ending,Fum! Flre Penslon Fund (0811) Balance Revenues, 2011 Expenditures Balance AdopEed:Budget 2,789,842 90,000 146,9% 2,752,832 BA#1 (Adopbed; ortlinance 06381) e~IP►onoseal ~n u ay adjustff*M (240) 240 BAtl2 Totsl (I40) 240 ReWsed BudgeY 2,788,842;. 90,000 148,870 2,753,172 To1a Resources/:Ezpendkures 2,879,842 2,878,842 Page 11 . ' BeglFund .2011 Ending Fund Cemetery,EndowmeMFund (#701) Balanoe Revenuea > 2011 Expendttures . !Balance. qdcpted gadget 1,528,982 84;800 37,300 1,552,182 BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance f18381) 9A#Z'IproPosed) . Ravlsed Budget ' 10528,982 54,600 31,300 1;652,187 ' Total Resourees'I Expendiburea 1,683.482 ' 1,583,482 . Beg. Fund 2011 ` Ending Fund', . Cirand7ota1,Al1'Eunds Balance Revenues 2011 Expendilures Balance Adopted Budget 88;306,188 154,702,863 203,191,185 39,817,828 BA#1(AduPted; ordinance#6381) - - - 51,500 777:860 (126:380) BAN (P►oPosed) 11.357,842 5,741,642 16,784;846 314.338 Revised Budget . 89;663;800.. 160;486,798 220,583i881 39;805.804 Total Resources ! Expenditures 280,159,686 280,169;698 . , Marth 21, 2077 Prepered Dy Aubum Fneneial Planninp . . . . . . , . F:IBudps107rodoryW011!BudpalWrandmen1s18Af21FuAouphFiscallmp"PoaltionButlgelDataEzporWa]Counal3ummery . I _ . _ Page 12