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WHEREAS, the City of Auburn Arts Commission, on behalf of the City of
Aubum, submitted an application to the Cultural Development Authority of King County
(4CULTURE) for a Cultural Facilities Program Grant; and
WHEREAS, the City has 'been advised that it has been approved to receive a
grant from said program in the amount of Seventeen Thousand and No/100s Dollars ($17,000.00); and
WHEREAS, acceptance of the grant will benefit the citizens of Auburn.
Section 1. Acceatance of Grant and Authorization of Contrac-L The City
Council hereby accepfs the Sustained Support Program Grant from 4CULTURE, in the
amount of Seventeen Thousand and No/100s Dollars ($17,000.00), and authorizes the
Mayor and City Clerk to. execute the Confract with 4CULTURE in substantial conformity
with the Contract marked as Exhibit ``A" attached hereto and'incorporated herein by this
reference. Section 2. lmalementation. The Mayor is further authorized to implement
. such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this
Resolution No. 4695 "
March 22, 2011
Page 1 .
legislation, inclu.ding assuring that the grant #und appropriation is included in the
appropriate budget documents of`the City.
Section 3. Effective Date. That this Resolution shall take effect.and be in full
force upon passage and signatures hereon.
SIGNED and DATED this day of April, 2011.
D' Ile E- : Daskam, Gity Clerk
b-Shiel B. Hei , City Atto y ,
Resolution No: 4695 .
March'22, 2011
Page 2
Agreement No. 111018A
Contractor's Federal Taxpayer ID No. (kast 4 digits)
Contractor City of Aubum •
Project Tr0e: 2611:Programs -
Contract Amount: $ 17,000.00 Fund Source: CP - Arts Sustained Support
Contract Period From: 01 /01 /2011 To: 12/31 /2011
("4Cu. iture°), whose address is 101 Prefontaine Place South, Seattle, WA' 98104-2672 and telephone
number is (206) 296-7580 and the Citv_of Aubum (the "Contractor"), whose address is 910 Ninth St SE.
AUbuin. WA 98002 and telephone number is 1253)804-5043. Contrador'is an art, cultural or historical
organization or specialisf qualified to receive #unds pursuant to EGng County Code Sections 2.48 and 4.42
and RGW 67.28.180 and as here'rnafter may be amended. The 4Culture Board of Directors approved
providing funds for this project by Mofion No. 2011-08. ,
4Culture desires to provide funds_ w+th which.tfie Contractor shaU render certain services to King County
citizens; Such seniices are.for the benefit of art museums, cultural museums, heritage museums, the arts,
and/or tFie pertorming arts and are consistant iivith those deftned in RCW 67.28:180 (°Pubiic Benefit
4Cultuce is organized pursuant to lUng County Qrdinance 14482 and RCW 35.21:730, et seC. RCW
35:21..750 provides as follows:. "[Afl] fiabilities incurred by such public corporation; commission, or
authority shall be satisfied •exclusively-from the assets and properties of such public corporation,
commission or authority and no creciitor or other person shall have any right of action against the aty,
town, ot county creating such corporation, commission, or authority on account of any debts, obligations,
or liabilities of such public corporation, commission, or authority."
The legislative authority of 4Culture has found and declared that providing funds to Contractor to
reimburse Project cosfs in consideration of services provided hereunder constitutes a public purpose with
the meaning of Article VII, Section 1 ofithe Washington State Cflnstitufion for whieh public funds may
properly be expended or advanced.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of payments, covenants, and agreements hereinafter merrtioned, to
be made and perFonned by the parfies hereto, the parties covenant and do mutualiy agree as follows:
AG SVC 2011 Page 1 of 7
A. The Contracfor shali provide services and comply with the requirements set forth hereinafter and
. in the following attached exhibits which are inoorporated herein by reference:
~ Specific Scope of Services & Reimbursement Schedule Attached hereto as Exhibit A
~ P"r_oject Proposai and Budget Attached hereto as Exhibit B
Insurance R uirements Attached hereto as Exhibit C
❑ Personnel InVentory (K.C.C 12.16.060A)( In combination with Attached hereto as Exhibit D
other a reements,'in excess of $25,000 in a calendar ear
❑ Affidavit and Certificate of Compiiance (K.C.C 12.16.060B) Attached hereto as Exhibit E for A reements in excess of $25 000
0 Disabilify Assurance of Compliance/Section 504 (KCC Attaclied heceto as Exhibit F
B. Purehase of Services. Funds awarded under this Agceement shaA be used solely to reimburse
the Contractor for expenses ineurred expressly and solely in accordance with the Project Proposal and.
, Budget and/or the Specific Scope of Services attached. Any amendment or modfication to the Project
- Proposal and Budgef or the Specific Scope of Senrices and Payment Schedule must be approved in
writing by 4Culture. The work described generally by the Project Proposal and Budget and more
specificaliy;by the Specific Scope of Services shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Project". .
C. In addition to performing the Project, Contractor shall provide any Public Benefit Provisions that
may be specified in the Specific Soope of Services attached.
D. Contractor agrees to adcnowledge 4Culture support with inclusion of the approved 4Culture logo
in all marketing and promotional materials during the period this contract is in force:
I '
_ Approved logos are available for download in a variety of formats at
C U LT U R E http:/hn►wvr►•4culture-orglpartner/logos
ouxa couwTr woaiao ax
~ E. The Contractor agrees to notify 4Culture in advance of any public Project activities, induding but
not fimited to ground breaking events, dedications, and other public programs.
~ This Agreement shall commence on Januarv 1. 2011 and shall terminate on December 31. 2011:
~ This Agreement, however, may be terminated earlier as provided irt Section (V hereof.
; .
i - -
i •
. A. 4Culture shall reimburse the Confractor for its actual and authorized expenditures incurred in
satisfactorily completing the Speafic Scope of Servicss attached and othenwise fulfilfing all requirements
specified in this contract in an aggregate amount not to exceed $17.000.00.
t AG SVC 2011 Page 2 of 7-
B. Contractor may apply to 4Culture for reimbursement upon completion of'specfied phases as detailed in the Specfic Scope of Services and Reimbursement Schedule attached to this contract.
C. Contractor shall submit an invoice and all accompanying reports in the forms attached hereto
as "EXHIBITS", not more than 30 days after the completion of each speafied phase identified in the -
Specific Scope of Services and Reimbursement Schedule. 4Gulture will initiate authorization for payment
after approval of corrected invoices and reports. 4Culture shall make payment to the Agency not more
than 60 days after the appropriate invoice is received. .
D. Contractor shall submit its final invoice and all outstanding reports within 30 days of the date this Agreement terminates. If the Agency's final invoice and reports are nof submitted by the day speafied
in this subsecfion; 4Culture will be relieved of all liability for payment to the Agency of the amounts set
forth in said invoice or any subsequent invoice
E. Accompanying the fnal invoice for the project, the Contractor shall also submit .
1. A project evaluation report upon the form provided by 4Culture.
• 2. If 4Culture requests, at least two images (prints, slides, or digital images accompanied .
by a high-quality print-out) ofipubfishable qualityfor use by 4Culture to publicize its funding programs. .
Photos shall have credits, caption information, and permission to publish. ~
F. If the Contractor fails to comply with any terms or conditions ofthis contract or to provide in arry
manner the work or senrices agreed to herein, 4Culture may withhoid any payment to the Contractor urrtil
4Gulture is safisfied that correcfive action, as speafisd by 4Culture, has been completed. This right is in
addition to and not in lieu of 4Culture's right to tenninate this contract as provided in Section IV, any other
rights of4Culture under this Agreement and any other right or remedy available to4Cutture at law or in
A. If, through any cause, the Contractor shall fail to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its
obligations under this Agreement or if the Contractor shall violate any of its oovenants,, agreements or
stipulations of this Agreement, 4Culture may terminate this Agreement and withhold the remaining
allacation. Prior to so terminating this _Agreement, 4Culture shall submit written notice.to the Contractor
describing such default or violation. 4Culture shall not so teRninate this Agreement if 4Culture determines
that Contractor has, within twenty (20) days of the date of such notice, fully corrected sudh default or
A. The Contractor shall maintain acxounts and reoords, induding personnel, property, financial,
and programmatic recorcts and other such records as may be deemed necessary by 4Culture to ensure
proper accounting for all contract funds and compliance with this Agreement. All such records shall
sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs of any nature expended and services provided •
in the performance of this Agreement. -
B. These recorcfs shall be maintained for a period of six (6) years after terminafion ofthis ,
Agreement unless a longer retention period is required by law.
AG SVC 2011 Page 3 of 7
, A. :The recorcls and documents with respect to all matters covered by #his Agreement shall be
subject at ali times to inspection, review or audit by 4Cufture and/or federaUstate officials so authorized by
law during the performance of this Agreement and six (6) years after termination hereof.
B. The Contractor shall proVide right of acce.ss to its faalities, induding by any subcontractor to
4Cuiture, the King County, state and/or federai agencies or officials at all reasonabls times in order to
monitnr and evaluafe the services provided under this Agreemerrt. 4Cuiture will give advance notibe ta the Contractor in the case of fiscal audits to be conducted by 4Culture.
` C. The Contractor agrees to cooperate with 4Culture in the evaluation of the Contractors
performance under this oonfracf and to make available all information reasonably required by any such
evaluafion process. The results and records of said evaluations shall be maintained and disclosed in
accordance with RCW Chapter 42.17 (Pubtic'Reoords Act).
if any patentable or copyrightabie material or artide shouid result from the Project, aIF rights
accxuing from such material or article shall:be the sole property of Contractor. Contractor agrees to and
does herebygrant to 4Culture, an irrevocable, nonexclusive, and royalty-free license to use, according fo
law, any material or article.and use any.me#hod that may be developed as part of the work under this
Agreeinent. The foregoing license shall not apply to existing training materials, consulfing aids, checkfists,
and other materials and documents of Contractor which are modified for use in the perFormance of this
. 4Culture makes no commitment to support the seryices contracted for herein nor guarantee regarding the success of the services and assumes no obligation for future support of the Project except
as expressly sef forth in this Agreement. IX. HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFICATION
A. In providing services under this Agreement, the Contractor is an independent oontractor, and
' shall.determine the means of acxomplishing the results contemplated_ by this Agreement Neither the
i Contrador noc its officers, agents or employees are employees of 4Culture for any purpose. The
Contractor shall comply with all appficable federal and state laws and regulations regarding employment,
; minimum wages and hours, and discrimination in employment The Contractor is responsible for
determining the eompensation of its employees, for payment of such compensation, and for all federal
and/or state tax, industrial insurance, and Social Security liabiliiy that may result from the perFormance of
; and compensation for these services. The Contractor and its officers, agents, and employees shall make
no claim of career service or civil service rights which may accrue to a 4Culture employee under state or
local law. 4Culture assumes no responsibility for the payment of any compensation, wages, benefits, or
taxes by, or on behalf of the Contractor, its employees and/or others by reason of this Agreement. To the
~ extent allawed by law, the Contractor shall protect, defend, indemn"ify and save harmless 4Culture and, its
j officers, agents, and einployees from and against any and all claims, costs, and/or losses whatsoever
; occLirring or resulfing from (1) the Contractor's failure to pay any such compensation, wages, beneftts, or
~ taxes; (2) the suppfying to -the Contractor of work, senrices, materials, or supplies by Contractor
employees or other suppliers in connection wifh or support of the perfoRnance of this Agreement. The
Contractor shall also defend, indemn'ify, and save hannless 4Culture, and its officers, agents, and
; employees, from and against any and all claims made by Contractoes employees arising from their
' empbyment with Contractor.
~ .
AG SYC 2011 Page 4 of 7
B. To the futl extent proVided by applicable law, the Contractor shall protect, defend, indemnify,
and save harmfess 4Cu(ture its officers, employees, and agents from any and atl costs, daims, judgments,
and/or awards of damages, arising ouf of or in arry way resulting from the acts or omissions of the .
Contractor, its officers, employees, and/or agents, excepf to the extent resulfing from 4Culture's sole
negligence. If thisAgreement is a"a covenant, promise, agreement or understanding in, or in oonnection .
writh or collateral to, a contract ar agreement relafive ta the construction, alferation, repair, addition to;
subtraction from, improvement to, or maintenance of, any building, highway, road, railroad, excavation, or
oifier structure, project, developmerrt, or improvement attached to real estate" within the meaning of RCW
4.24.225, the Contractor shall so protect, defend, indemnify, and save harmless 4Culture, its officers,
employees, and agents only to the extent`ofi#he Contractor's, its offcers', employees', and/or agents'
negligence. The Gontractor agrees that its obligations under this subparagraph extend to any claim,
demand, and/or cause of action brought by or on behalf of any employees, or agents:--In the event
4Culture incu-rs any judgment, award and/or cosf arising there from including attomeys' fees to enforce the
provisions of this article, all such;fees, expenses, and costs shall be recoverable from the Contrador.
Claims shall include, but are not limited to, assertions that the use or transfer of any software, book, '
document; report, film, tape or sound repraiuction or material of any kind, delivered hereunder, consfitutes
an infringement of any copyright.
The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement insurance as .
described on the Exhibit labeled as Insurance Requirements attached here to.
Chapter 42.23 RCW (Code Of Ethics For• Muniapal Officers-Contract Interests) is incorporated by,
reference as if ful.fy set forth herein and the Contractor agrees to abide by aIl the conditions of said
Chapter. Faiiure by the Contractor to comply with any requirements of such Chapter shall be a material
breach of oontract. In addition, Contractor represents, waRants and covenants that no offcsr, employee, or agent of
4Culture who exercises any functions or responsibilities in oonnection with the plann'ing and
implementation ofthe Specfic Scope of Contract Senricss funded herein, has or shall have any benefiaal
interest, directly or indirectly, in this oontract. The Contractor further represents, warrants and covenants
neither it nor any other person; beneficialfy'interested in this Agreement has offered to give or given any
such offioer, employee, or agent'of 4Culture, directly or indirectJy, any compensation, gratuity or reward in
connection with this Agreement The Contractor shall take all appropriate steps to assure compliance with
this provision.
AG SVC 2013 ' Page 5 of 7
During the performance of this Agreement, Contractor shail comply with state, federal and local
legislation requiring nondiscrimination in emplbyment and the provision of services to the pubtic, induding,
buf not limi#ed to: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; chapter 49,60 RCW (the Washington state law ;
against discrimination); K.C.C. chapter 12.16 tegarding discrimination and affirmative action in
employment by contractors, subcontractors and vendors; K.C.C. chapter 12.17 prohibfing discrimination
in confracting; K.C.C. chapter 12.18 requiring fair.employment practices; K.C.C. chapter and 12.22
prohibiting discrimination in places of pubiic accommodation.
The Confractor shall maintain, until 12 months after compietion of all work under.this oontract, all .
written quotes, bids, estimates or proposals submitted to the Contractor by all businesses seeking to
participate in this Agreement. The Contractor shall make such documents available to 4Culture for
inspection and copying upon request.
, „ , •
Whenever this Agreement provides for notice ta be provided by one party to another, such notice
shall be in,writing and direded to the chief executive officer of Coritiactor and the Executive Director of
4Culture at the addresses first written above. Arry time within which a party must take some action shall be
computed from the date that the notice is received by said party. ,
No modfication or amendment to this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed
6y the parties hereto. Proposed changes which are mutualiy agreed upon shall be incorporated by written
amendments to this Agreemerrt. 4Culture's failure to insist upon the strict perFormance of any provision of
this Agreement or to exerase any right based upon a breach thereof or the acceptance of any
performance during such breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any right under this Agreement In the
event any term or condition of this Agreemenf or application thereof to any person or circumstances is
nela ~nvtira, such invalidity shall not affect other terms, conditions, or applications of this Agreement which .
can be given effect without the invalid terrn, condition, or application. To this end, the terms and
oondifions of this Agreement are dedared severable. The parties agree that this Agreement is the
complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral or wriiten representations or understandings not
! incorporated herein are exduded. Both parties- recognize that time is of the essence in the performance of '
~ the provisions of this Agreement. . f XV. ATTORNEYS' FEES: DCPENSES
I ~ Contractor agrees to pay upon demand all of 4Culture's costs and expenses, induding attomeys'
' fees and 4Culture's legal expenses, incurred in connection with the ertforcement of this Agreement 4Culture
; may pay someone else to help enforce this Agreement, and Cortractor shall pay the costs and expense.s of
such enforcement. Costs and expenses indude 4Culture's attomeys' fees and legal expenses whether or
! notthere is a lawsuit, induding attomeys' fees.and legal expenses for bankruptcy proceedings (and including
~ efforts to modify or vacate any automatic stay or injund9on), appeals, and any antiapated po"stjudgment -
~ collection senrices. Contractor also shalt pay all court costs and such additional fees as may be directed by
~ the Court. I
~ .
~ .
; .
~ ~ AG SVC 2011 Page 6 of7
Tfie ferms and condfions of Secfiorts III,.V, VI; VII, VIII, IX, XI, XII, XIII, XIV and XV shall sunrive the
termination of this Agreement and shall be continuing obligations of the parties.
4Cultu DA Executive Dire r aYure
Date Name (Please type or print)
Al2Ec7ZR- PARr-S , ARTS { 125ct2c-j"--70&j
Tifle (Please type or print) `
14 M /cecH 20l/
AG SVC 2011 Page 7 of 7
Exhibit A
Ciry ofAuburn and 4Culture, the Culxural Development Authority of King Counry, mutually agree that the
following services be provided in accordance with the applicadon and contraa work sheet submitted to and
approved by the 4Culture Board of Direaors.
Support for 2011 Progruns, including LTniquely Aubum Qanuary 201,1), ArtRageous (August 2011), Auburn ,
Valley Creative Arts Art Walk (May and August 2011), Small Works/Big Presents Small Works Exhibicion
(November 2011), and the BRAVO performing arts season artlie Aubum Avenue Theater an& Performing
Arts Genter (Sept 2011- Decernber 2011). Events aze open and publiciZed to the community.
AMOUNT $17,000.00
For artist fees and program expenses. Payable upon completion, submittal of invoice and documentation
regarding* .
• Final budget, actual
• Completion of evaluarion form
~ Final report of program aaivities
• Progsams, brochures, flyers if available
Programs are accessible to a broad range of -King Counry residents. Programs are accessible to a broad
range of.King County residents. With the exceptian of ticketed presentations as part of the BRAVO
Performing Arts Season (which offer subsidized ticket prices, and $5. rush tickets) all the programs listed .
above aze free-admission to patrons. Accessibiliry and public benefit is: the paramount purpose and goal
. of all our municipally sponsored programs.
Prominent: acknowledgment of 4Culrure/ King Counry Lodging Tax Fund is required of all recipients for use
in all publiciry and promotional materials, including, but not limited to brochures, press releases, programs,
posters, public service announcemenrs, flyers and advertisements. Please contact your 4Culture contract
adminisrrator or go to hrm://4culnue.orgLoaiEner/index.htm to download the appropriate logo credit
Final 12&vment will not be made until aeknowled=ent is subautted on printed material
Arts- Sustained Support 2011 Exhibrt B
City of Auburn
Address Website .
25 W Main• St www.auburnwa.gov/arts
Washington - Email
98001 erts 8auburnwa,gov -
Phone King County CounNl District #
(253) 804-5053 7
WA State Legisiative District # ,
Date incorporated
Federal Tax ID
WA State UBI# 171-00-010 '
Reven. ue last fiscal year
Revenue 2nd to last fiscal year , $75,941
Organization Director
Director of Parks, Arts and Reaeation, Mr. Daryl Faber
Director Email
Director Phone
(253) $04-5044 -
Organization Descriptlon
A local government agency founded by ordinance, comprised of an appointed (by Mayor and Council) 12-member
advisory board whiose purpose is to advise staff in order to offer quality arts programs and services for the dtizens
of Auburn. ,
Mission The City of Aubum Arts.Division's purpose is to serve the citizens of Auburn by fostering cuitural growth and
enrichment, sponsori ng programs represeritatiye ofi the entire arts spectrum and providing programs that are
reflective of the growing diversity of the population of the City of Aubum.
Contact Person
Arts Coorclinator, Ms. Maija MdCnight
Contact Phone ~
(253) 804-5043
Contact Email
mmcknight@aubumwa.gov "
How do you define your community? (Consider audiences, content producers, and
. fiie:///Rl/...AA%20Appfiotiors%20=%ZOind.%20pdf°i620portfofio/Aubum%20Arts%20Division/Aubum_0011 WData.htrnl[2/24/2011 6:10:26 PM]. '
Auburn is described as a city of "twos": two nations (USA and Mudcieshoot Tribe), two counties (King and Pierce), two legislative dishicts (47 and 31), and two rivers (White and Green) and these unique distinctions define much of
the city's character. Aubum serves as both a commuter bedroom community, as well as a 100+ year old
community that has a strong sense of self as well as regional identity and history. The current population of 68,000
has gcown from 49,000 in 2006 with the annexation of previously unincorporated sumounding communities.
Outside city boundaries, Aubum regularly serves audiences northward to Kent, East to Enumclaw, West to Federal
Way and South to Puyallup. Auburn's audiences are diverse in badcground, ethnicity and age.
Ethnic minorities make up 19°k of Aubums population, with large communities of Ukranian, Meacican, Mexiqn
indigenous Tribes, Native American (Muckleshoot), and ]apanese.
The Cultural Arts D'ivision works to provide a wel!-rounded comprehensive arts programs that indude vlsual art
displays, live perFormanc;es, concerts, festivals, and public art program,.fn order to provide acxess to art through •
various interests as well as free and ticketed opportunitles.
In a professional survey.conducted in Spring 2009, residents of Auburn valfey gave the City's arts and recreational
programs the highest rating above ali other City services for °quality of programming" and approval of "public funds .
dedicated" to these program (from °City Opinions of Ctty Govemment," 7une 2009, Elway Research, Inc.) This
supports what the Ckfy tielieves is the, purpose behind its mission In support of the arts: Aubumites don't consider their aty just a commuter town in which they happen to live. They consider Aubum their home where they live,
woric and play. '
What have been your organization's most signiFcant programmatic accomplishments In the last
two years?
In 2009, the arts department coordinated three very suaessful events that were created to celebrate and
recognize the 25th Anniversary of the Aubum Arts Commission. These included: p5mall Works, Big Presents" and
adjuGipted art show in partnership with the White River Valley Museum, °ArtRageous: Artists in Action Fair; and
"Walk the Talk: Publlc Art in Aubum° featuring presentation by 4Culture Public Art to City of Aubum Public Works
employees, a docent led downbown 'public art walk, and a moderated panel discussfon featuring nine artists whose
woric is part of Aubum's wllection. Small Works and ArtRageous are two programs that are now part of regular
In 2010, the traditional BRAVO Performanc.es (traditionally nationally touring groups hosted at the larger 1100 seat
Pertorming Art Center), perFormances offered at the Auburn Avenue Theater, and the youth perFormances and
theater camps that occur throughout the year were combined to aeate a new serles. The perForming art serfes In
2009 had suffered frorn low attendance and had been reduced to 4 perFormances. By combiNng programming
dollars through a variety of separate budgets that were working towards the same goal, we were able to create a
season that highlights 29 perFortnances throughout the year which offers a w(de variety of arts opportunities to
various interests and audiences and publidze it as a cohesiye arts season. Additionally In thIs past year, Auburn is undergoing major efforts for the revitalization of it's historic downtown and Les Gove Community Campus. With the
variety of new construction, public art is a key aspect and three concurrent projects are in the works: Vtrginia
Paquette (Les Gove Community Center), Bruce Myers (Les_Gove Activity Center), and Sheila Klein (City Hall Plaza).
What have been your organization's most significant administrative accomplishments in the last
two years?
While the City of Aubum had significant staff layotfis in 2009 due to the budget realities, over the past year, staff
and commission members have worked towards continuing the qualixy and quantity of arts programming In fight of
the elimination of one arts position. The BRAVO Performing Arts Series was revitalized. This was done for the
reasons mentioned above, but also as a necessrty to have various staff share the responsibility for specific aspects
of programming. Instead of three separate staffi working on BRAVO, Aubum Ave, Youth PerFormances, we have
woiiced c{osely together to combine efforts where it makes it more efficient (marketing, pr, ticketing, volunteers) as
well as inform others decisions to ensure a diversity of progrdmming and take advantage of opportunitles that
arise. '
• Implementation of the i% Percent for Arts Resolution .
file:///Rl/...AA%20Appiications9b20--%20ind.%20pdP%20porlfotio/Auburn%20Aris°y620Dfvision/Aubum_0011 fieldData.htrnl[Z/24/Z0118:1026 PM]
• Arts and Gulture Regranting to the following organizations: Auburn Symphany Orchestra, Uniquely Aubum, White
River Val{ey Museum
• Community Mural Projeds atl funded.by Community Based Senrices Grants (and all artist led): ,
o Clean Sweep = Volunteers painted a mural to be placed on the side of the Auburn Avenue Theater
o ArtRageous - Festival attendees painted tempora_ry mu:rals to be placed on constnution fencing
o UrlSao Artworks - Seattle non-profit that works with youth to ueate murals. Hosted an 8-week program in which
tfiey painted murals that are installed on the Les Gove Community Campus Construction fenang. .
o Downtown Biisiness DisErict - Community members were invited to paint on the boarded up windows of an :
abandoned building In the downtown core.
What do you hope to accomplish In the next two years and what are your challenges2 .
Aubum faces the same economic challenges as the rest of IGng County. Aubum's Mayor and Coundl, however, are
very supportive of the arts and understands the importance of a vibrant arts community to the quality of life for its
atizens. That being said, with these economic times, working towards maintaining funding, seeking new '
funding/sqonsorship resources is paramount, while also strategically planning to ensure quality of all programming
A vibrant arts community requires investrnent and involvement of the dtizens. Various arts o[ganizations and arts ^
groups are acfive In Aubum in which we seek to continue to financially support. In the past two years, a large
percentage of the 4Culture Sustained Support funding has been dedicated to the presentatlon of ArtRageous. This
festival..has been incarporated into the budget decision padcage for 2011-2012 In considerdtion of being fulty
funded by the.City budget and not grant dependant. This wili aliow us to use 4Culture funds for regranting to many
of the.smaller arts organizatfons in need.
We hav.e an engaged group of oommissioners; rriany of whom are relatively new and passionate about continued
arts funding even in a tight economy: A strategic planning retreat as well as some tr'aining sessions will be key for
_ prioritizing future potential deasions.
With the City investment in downtown redevNopment infrastructLire, working with the Economic Development staff •
as well as providing additional programming will be a priority. A potential art walk, events, festivals, and working
with businesses to display ari.work are ongoing conversations.
file:///Rl/...AA%20Apptications%ZO-°Yo2Uincl.%20pdfO/o20portFolio/Aubum%20Arts°r620D'ivision/Aubum_0011 fleldData.Mml[2/24/20118:10:26 PM]
2011 LAA Sustained_Support Operating Budget
r(NANciAL - Fb • •
NNE oF uw: Gty of Auburn Arts Commission Fiscei vear Enas: oeoember 31
ncNnL nCNnL qiRRM ,
FINANCIAL Flr 2oe • os Fr 2M = io FY m10 • 11
. 1 Arts Program Expenses:
2 PersonneL•
3 Art'stic pemranent. 4 tempaary
5 Produdion pmmrent ,
6 temporery 12,100 22,000 12,000
7 AdmhlisUetlve p@mmnent 223,800 188,800 152, 000
8 ternporary
9 EducaSon permaneM
10 temporary -
11 ProdudordE*Ybtl expBflses 245,400 • 228,500 241,200
12 25,500 21,000 21,800
13 Fimdraising experses -
14 EduCation mtpenses _
15 Oxup2nGyexpenses(crrortgagehenUu6fities) 81,600 82.900 91,700
16 Adminift5ve e7penses 16,700 15,100 19,100
17 Subtotal 605,100 558,300 527,000
18 htaCind eAenses (muet= Inldnd ConHwdme)
18 TOTALARTPROGRAMEXPENSES 605 lOQ_ 556,300. - - - --527,000
2o Eamed Income:
21 Bmc0lfioelAdRi~on 112, 360 63,991 55,529
22 UdtiadWorWhops .
23 SaleslConmdonslReMels ` 10, 500 ' 11,950 1010.00
24 InEeiest & Ewap (savings, morm, ft) _
25 Other Egrtled Inoome . 2,000
26 TOTAL EARNED REVENUE:_ ` 324,860 75.941 65.529
27 Confiibuted Income: -
28 federW Govemment 29 State Govemment
30 4Culprre 75,600 21,000 17,000
31 (SryGoyemmerd 4403,059 418,200
32 COrpafl6ons
33 Rxmdatm34 Indrviduals
35 Fundraising Evenls (ONet or OGmss inoome?)
36 1ftc. crofttfions 5,000
37 SUBTOTAL CON7RI13UTED lNCOME 460,246 929, 059 435,200
38 Ir4GrM CorlkW6om 20,000 58,300 92,800
38 TOTAL INCOME , 605,100 55e.300 ._327,000
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8udgef nofes, are va%uab/e in explaining }rour organization's operations: Please use this area to hetp us understand
your operafions, ar►d focus on any cetegories thaf sh_ow a significarrt veriance from year to year. Make sure fo explain
what makes up your in-kind revenue if it represents more than 10% of your total income
~ Bieanial budget cycle. City Council will approve 2011-2012 budged in Dec~nber 2010. '
Figures include both Arts and Aubum AyeAUe Theaier budgets. Pub Art aot mcluded.
Reduced hours for part-time arts AQgcomr -
Eliminatcd one artsposition and reassignod management duties to anothar sta8'member,
7 a portion of who's salary is part of Arts & Theater budgets. (F't'E cotmt is 2.5)
Production expenses include peaforming srts faes, rentals, commimity arts support, art
11 . eduoatibn, gallery aud public art administtation. (Public art is a separate capital fimd). •
, - Lease paymeats and general repairs for Auburn Avenue Theater.
Administrative Expenses mclude supplies, sinall tools & minor equipment,
16 , . communicatioas, haining, and travel charges.
Program teductions, lower than average BRAVO Performing Arts series aueudance, aad .
21-25 loss ofreatal revenue due to economy:
FY 2009-10 includes LAA sustained support and equipment grant; FY 2010-I 1 includes
30 L.AA sustainod support only
Interfund Ciry Services inc}uding Mulrimadia 8c Information Services
. I
. ~ , . . .
Gallery (City Hall -'Monfhly rotation & Senior Cenber - 2 month rotation) 1,000
BRAVO Performing Art Serfes (5) 3,027 - - - -
Comedy at theAve (10 Shows) 1,874
Avenue Kids.(8 Sfiqws) 528
Youth Theater Camp at the Ave 1,269 CiVe at the Ave (15 shows) 1,764
Community Theater 550
Public Art Projecis: (3) Commun'ity Center, Activity Center, City Hall Plaza
Event ArtRageous: Artists in Action Fair 1,500
Kids Summerstage (5) 1,500
Mural Project(s): Clean Sweep, Urban Ariworks, ArtRageous . 1,000
Art with Artist Ciasses 200
Support of Community Art Events
- Aubum Symphony Orchestra - Small Works; Big Presents: The Gift ofArt - Exhibition and Sale
. - Uniquely Aubum 800 :
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City of Aubum ' •
Parks, Arts and Recreation
Arts Commisslon
Name & Officer Titlss Professional or Communityr Affiliation
Lesl.ie Moore, Aubum Arts Cqmmission Chair Dean Green River Community College,
Continued Educa6on.
- Patricia Judd, Aubum Arts Commission Vice- Aubum School District Administration.
Chair, and 2011 Chair `
Tanya Rottle, Public Art Committee Chair Elementary Educator (5 Grade)
Debby Deal, Visual Art Committee.Chair Artist/Gommunity Advocate
Donna Smart, Arts Education Committee Ehair Reference Li6rarian/Gommunity Asivocate
David Sader, Peiforming Arts Committee Chair MusiciaNCommunity Advocate
Linda Elfiott Retired Efementary Music Teacher, Aubum
S hon Orchestra Board Member
Nancy Colson Real Estate Broker; Au6um Symptiony
Orchestra Board, FoRner 4Culture Advisory
Board Soro timist
Cary Davidson Secondary Education. TeachedGraphic Artist
Greg Watson ; Secondary Education;Teacher/Historian
Rich Wagner (ex=officio/nor►-voting) City Council Liaison
Daryl Faber, Director . Aubum Parks Arts and Recreation
Maija McKnight; Arts Coordinator Aubum Parks, Arts and Recxeation
Julie Brewer, Speaal Eve.nts and Marfceting Mana er, Aubum Parks, Arts and'Recreation
Contractonshail procure, at its sole cost and expense, insurance against claimsfor injuries to persons or damages to
property which rtiay arise from, or in connection, with the performance of work hereunder by the Contractor, his agents,
representatiVes, employees, and/or subcontractors. 7he costs of such insurance shall be paid by the Contractor or
For All Coverages; Each insurance po(icy shali be'written on an °OccuRence" form.
1. Minimum Scope of Insurance needed for this contract is as follows .
~ Commercial General Insurance Services Office form number (CG 00 01 Ed. 11-88)-Mlinimum
Liability Combined Single Limit of $1,000,000 BI & PD with a General Aggregate
er ro ect
~ Automobile Liability Covering all owned and non-ovmed and hired automobiles - Combined
Sin le Limit of $1,000,000 BI & PD
2. Deductibfes and Seff Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to, and approved by, 4Culture: The deductible and/or seif-insured retention of the policies shall not apply to the Contractor's liability to 4Culture and shall be the sole responsibifity
of the Corrtractor.
3. Other Insurance Provisions
A. The insurance policies are to contain, orbe endorsed to contain, the following provisions:
(a) General Liability Poficies
(1) 4Culture, its officers, employees and agents are to be covered as primary additional insureds as
respects liability arising out of activides pertormed by or on behaff of the Contractor in connection with this Agreement
(2) To the extent of the Contractors negligence, the Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary
insurance as respects 4Culture, its officers, employees, and agents. Any insurance and/or self-insurance maintained by
4Culture, its officers, employees, or agents shall not contribute with the Contractor's insurance or benefit the Corrtractor in :
any way.
(3) The Contractor's insurance shall appy separately to each insured against whom claim is made and/or
lawsuit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurers liability.
(b) All Policies
(1) Coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled, reduced in coverage or in limits, except as
reduced in aggregate by paid claims, at any poirrt,during the tife of this contract. No material change, or canceltation or
nanrenewal of any policyrequired by this contracYshall occurwithout thirty (30) days' prior written notice to 4Cufture.
4. Acceptability of Insurers •
Unless otherwise approved in wridng by 4Culture, insurance is to be placed with insurers with a BesYs rating of no
less than A:VII1, or, if not rated with BesYs, with minimum surpluses the equivalent of Bests' surplus size VI II.
5. Verrfication of Coverage 4Culture, reserves the right to request that cflntractor submit the certificate(s) of insurance evidencing compliance
with all requirements set forth above.