HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM III-A11 1 Memorandum ~~x~~~~ To: Councilmember Lynn Norman, Chair, Downtown Redevelopment Committee Councilmember Nancy Backus, Vice- Chair, Downtown Redevelopment Committee Councilmember Rich Wagner, Member, Downtown Redevelopment Committee From: Elizabeth Chamberlain, AICP, Planning Manager Ingrid Gaub, PE, Assistant City Engineer Date: May 18, 2011 Re: Proposed Projects for Local Revitalization Funding -Expending Remaining Balance Discussion The City Council passed Resolution No. 4502 which authorized the use of local revitalization financing and authorized the submittal of applications to the Washington State Department of Revenue. On May 3, 2010, the City Council passed Ordinance No. 6305 which authorized the issuance of limited tax general obligation bonds a portion of which would fund downtown infrastructure improvements. As a result of the favorable bidding climate and project budget contingency, there is a remaining Local Revitalization Funds (LRF) balance of $1,076,000 that is not committed to other projects. Attached to this memo is a list of staff recommended projects (Tier 1) that accomplish several goals: 1. Projects that can be put out to bid in a relatively short time frame with minimal design efforts to meet the bond required expenditure schedule of 75% by November 13, 2011 and 100% by May 13, 2011. 2. Projects that continue the downtown infrastructure improvements along Main Street connecting Historic Main Street with the Promenade and Plaza projects by replacing street lights to our new standard and providing additional street furniture consistent with the Promenade and Plaza. 3. Complete the northwest corner of the City Hall block to be consistent with the new Plaza improvements. The second list of projects (Tier 2) may be implemented if the favorable bidding climate continues for Tier 1 projects and there continues to be a LRF fund balance. Staff requests that the Committee select their top 5 projects from the Tier 2 list and prioritize these projects. Page 1 of 1 ~lJ~ 0 T~ SOU I~r~1~D ~ * ~r~ Local Revitalization Funds (LRF) Expending Remaining Balance Remaining LRF Balance not committed to other projects = $1,076,500 Staff recommended options for expending remaining LRF 1. Replace the existing teal downtown pedestrian lighting (62 total) _ $485,000 2. Design and construct improvements to the City Hall North Plaza = $475,000 3. Install Pedestrian Kiosks (additional 2-3) _ $30,000 4. Provide Additional Street Furniture in Downtown = $35,000 Subtotal $1,025,000 Other options if there are funds remaining after completing the above recommended projects. Please select the top 5 options in order of preference: 1. Provide and install a signature art piece for downtown = $TBD 2. Design and construct additional arch Gateways ($225,000 per EA) _ $TBD 3. Replace downtown banners = $TBD 4. Provide aesthetic upgrades to the B St Plaza $TBD 5. Replace downtown traffic signals (E Main Street and Auburn Ave) _ $250,000 EA 6. Pavement Reconstruction - 2"d St SE (A St SE to AWS - by Safeway) $525,000 Remove/Replace existing boardwalk sidewalk ($150 per LF) _ $TBD