HomeMy WebLinkAboutTechnical Systems Inc AG-C-401 CITY OF AUBURN AGREMENT FOR CONSULTANT AND TECHNOLOGY SERVICES, AG-C-401 FOR SCADA SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS (Project C524A) N THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into on this -E day of , 2011, by and between the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the State of Washin on, ("City") and Technical Systems, Inc., a Washington for-profit company with offices located at 23030 - 196`h Street SW, Lynnwood, WA, 98036 ("Supplier.") RECITALS: 1. The City is engaged in or readying itself to be engaged in its project of upgrading Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition ("SCADA") System, and is in need of services of individuals, employees or firms for the design, procurement, integration testing, and installation of equipment and software on said project and; 2. The Supplier has developed, integrated and licensed, among other things, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Energy Management Systems, using the Wonderware® System Platform, used primarily by utility companies and; 3. The Supplier also customizes and implements the Wonderware® Historian and the Win-91 IR as may be required by its customers for use in their respective computing environments and; The City wishes to license the Wonderware® system and to obtain certain customization, integration, implementation and other related services from Supplier under the terms and conditions of this Agreement and; 4. The City issued a Request for Proposal Project No. C524A on October 13, 2009, (Exhibit "D"). The Supplier timely submitted the proper documents in response to the RFP, attached hereto as Exhibit "F" (the "Response") and; 5. The Supplier is qualified and able to provide such services in connection with the City's needs for the above-described work/project, and is willing and agreeable to provide such services upon the terms and conditions herein contained and 6. The City desires that Supplier coordinate and manage the design, integration and installation of the proposed SCADA master station, the remote utility sites, and testing and implementation of that system. IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promise contained in this Agreement, the parties hereto agree as follows: ARTICLE I. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1.1 Agreement. The terms, covenants, and provisions of this Agreement and its Exhibits, in order of precedence which include: Agreement AG-C 401 Page 1 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 1) This City of Auburn Agreement For Consultant and Technology Services, AG-C-401 For SCADA System Improvements, exclusive of attachments and exhibits; 2) Exhibit A, Scope of Services 3) Exhibit B, Cost by Task 4) Exhibit H, Wonderware® License Agreement 5) Exhibit B 1, Schedule of Values 6) Exhibit B2, Standard TSI Professional Rates for 2011 7) Exhibit C, Organizational Chart 8) Exhibit D, Project Schedule 9) Final Functional Design Specification (hereinafter referred to as "FDS"), 10) Exhibit J, License Fees Schedule 11) Exhibit E, Preliminary Design Report ("The Report") 12) Exhibit F, Supplier's response to RFP materials 13) Exhibit G, Access Agreement 14) Exhibit 1, Known System Date Sensitivities Constitute the entire contract between the parties, and no understandings or obligations not therein expressly set forth shall be binding upon them. Collectively, these documents are referred to as the "Agreement." 1.2 No modification, amendment, or alteration of this Agreement shall be valid unless it is writing and mutually signed by the Parties' designated representatives. No verbal agreements, representations, email or conversations with any officer, agent, or employee of Supplier or City, either before or after the execution of this Agreement, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations contained herein. ARTICLE II. SCOPE OF SERVICES 2.1 Services. Supplier agrees to perform in a good and professional manner the tasks described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. (The tasks described on Exhibit "A" shall be individually referred to as a "task," and collectively referred to as the "services.") Supplier shall perform the services as an independent Contractor and shall not be deemed, by virtue of this Agreement and the performance thereof, to have entered into any partnership, joint venture, employment or other relationship with the City. 2.2 Additional Services. From time to time hereafter, the parties hereto may agree to the performance by Supplier of additional services with respect to related work or projects. Any such agreement(s) shall be set forth in writing and shall be executed by the respective parties prior to Supplier's performance of the services there under, except as may be provided to the contrary in Agreement AG-C 401 Page 2 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 Article 2.3 of this Agreement. Upon proper completion and execution of an addendum (agreement for additional services), such addendum shall be incorporated into this Agreement and shall have the same force and effect as if the terms of such addendum were a part of this Agreement as originally executed. The performance of services pursuant to an addendum shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement except where the addendum provides to the contrary, in which case the terms and conditions of any such addendum shall control. In all other respects, any addendum shall supplement and be construed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2.3 Performance of Additional Services Prior to Execution of an Addendum. The parties hereby agree that situations may arise in which services other than those described on Exhibit "A" are desired by the City and the time period for the completion of such services makes the execution of addendum impractical prior to the commencement of Supplier's performance of the requested services. Supplier hereby agrees that it shall perform such services upon the oral request of an authorized representative of the City pending execution of an addendum, at a rate of compensation to be agreed to in connection therewith. The invoice procedure for any such additional services shall be as described in Article 10.1 of this Agreement. ARTICLE III. DEFINITIONS "Acceptance" means written agreement by persons designated in Article 18 confirming that the designated provision and/or FDS modification is acceptable to both Parties. "Approved Sub-Contractors" mean those sub-Contractors who have been approved by City's designated representative in writing for performance of specified Services per Article 18. "Billable Expense" means any work conducted or performed by Supplier not included in the Agreement documents. "Budget Estimate" means itemized estimates of the Contract Price for all phases of the Project. "Change Order" means a document (as described in Section 6.7) issued after the Effective Date and signed by authorized representatives listed in Article 18 for both Parties authorizing an addition, deletion, or revision in the Project Schedule, Services, Deliverables, or an adjustment in the Contract Price. "Commissioning" means certification by Supplier that the Development System or Entire System (as is appropriate) is on-line and that the system appears to function normally (as defined in the FDS), and is ready to be placed in service by City under the direction of Supplier's representative at City's Site. "Consultant" is synonymous with "Supplier," "Design Team," and/or "Team" and shall mean TSI and its sub-Suppliers and sub-consultants. "Contract Price" means the total of all moneys authorized by the City of Auburn, documented herein under Exhibit B 1, and payable to Supplier by City for Services and Deliverables. If not included in the Schedule of Values as initially authorized by the City of Auburn, items may be added to the Contract Price at a later date as outlined by the Change Order Procedure. "Contract Execution Date" means the date of signing of this Agreement by authorized representatives of the Parties. All obligations hereunder of the Parties shall begin on the Notice to Proceed Date and the dates found in the Project Schedule shall be calculated from the Notice To Proceed Date. "CPU Reboot" means component restart at operating system level. Agreement AG-C 401 Page 3 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 "Crash" means the system fails to acquire data or execute critical programs that require manual intervention to repair by no fault of City. "Days" mean calendar days including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays unless otherwise specifically stated. "Deliverables" mean all equipment, documents, reports, manuals, all custom computer software, and all mass-marketed software to be used or licensed by Supplier as part of the Project. "Development System Acceptance" means written agreement by persons designated in Article 18 that Development System Deliverables have been accounted for, performing data acquisition and the complete Development System is operational. "Derivative Work" means any modification, change, enhancement or recoding of the logic of Supplier Software. City Developed Software is not a Derivative Work. "Designated Environment" means a specific computer environment, consisting of a specific operating system and CPU architecture, used by City and as described in the FDS. "Development System" means a complete SCADA development system, as defined in Section 6.6. "Effective Date" means the latter of. (i) the date of Supplier's receipt of the Notice to Proceed letter which will follow City of Auburn approval of the Agreement, or (ii) the date of signing of this Agreement by authorized representatives of the Parties. All obligations hereunder of the Parties shall begin on the Effective Date and the dates found in the Project Schedule shall be calculated from the Effective Date "Entire System" and/or the "SCADA System" means the system deliverable hereunder, installed and interfacing into City's electrical network (replacing the Existing System), that will be commissioned in its final state immediately prior to start of Site Acceptance Test. "Existing System" means the S&B SCADA Master Station presently in use by City that will be replaced by the Entire System. "FAT" means Factory Acceptance Test which will be developed and accepted as outlined in Exhibit A and is facilitated by Supplier, primarily conducted by Supplier at Supplier's office in Lynwood, WA, and witnessed and verified by the City. "FDS" means the Functional Design Specification which is jointly developed by Supplier and City and upon approval of both becomes the technical specification portion of the Agreement. Initially the FDS is the Scope of Services (Exhibit A), but will be refined to include all technical memoranda, specifications, designs, manual, reports, etc., that are developed during this Agreement. During any subsequent phases of the project, the FDS may be refined upon mutual written agreement of both parties. "Intellectual Property Rights" means, collectively, patent rights (including patent applications and disclosures), copyright rights (including, but not limited to, rights in audiovisual works and moral rights), trade secret rights, and any other intellectual property rights recognized by the law of each applicable jurisdiction. "Licensed Software" means, collectively, the Third Party Licensor Software and the Supplier Software. "City" means end user or the City of Auburn, its employees, staff, or designated representative(s). Agreement AG-C 401 Page 4 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 "City Developed Software" means original development software developed by the City for City's exclusive use, excluding software that is a Derivative Work of the Licensed Software. City Developed Software may incorporate system calls or system interfaces to the Supplier Software. City Developed Software is not a Derivative Work. "Maintenance and Support Agreement" means a separate written agreement, between Supplier and City for the maintenance and technical support by Supplier of the Licensed Software and the provision of Upgrades beyond what is required by the Agreement. "Non-Date Sensitive" means that the delivered system, components and subsequent revisions, when used in accordance with its documentation and when processing data containing dates, will (a) initiate and operate normally, (b) correctly store, represent and process dates, and (c) not cause or result in an abnormal operation, termination or ending including data transfers. Any known potential date sensitivities in any portion of the system (even third party products) will be identified in writing by Supplier and attached to this contract as Exhibit I. For any date sensitive components discovered by or brought to the attention of Supplier after the Effective Date, Supplier will notify City's designated representative in writing of the date sensitivity and possible system impacts within 10 days of the date of discovery of the date sensitivity. "Notice to Proceed" means receipt by Supplier of written notice from the City's representative designated in Article 18 to proceed with the specified stage of the Agreement and specifying the moneys authorized by the City of Auburn for said stage. "OEM" means original equipment manufacturer. "Parties" means Supplier and City. "PW" means individually either Supplier or City "Persons Qualified" means any person certified in writing by Supplier as being qualified to maintain such System or Software either through (i) Supplier's training, or (ii) prior experience and knowledge, acceptable to Supplier, which acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld. Upon completing Supplier training class and receiving certificate of same, City Staff member shall be deemed qualified in the area training was provided. "Project" means the total of all Services and Deliverables as required by this Agreement. "Residuals" shall have the meaning found in Section 12.2. "Retainage Period" means the time period between successful completion of the 2200 hour site availability test and payment of retainage which signifies final acceptance of the Supplier's delivered SCADA System. "RTDB" means Real-Time Data Base. This database, as defined in the FDS, contains information including data retrieved from field devices. Not to be confused with Historian, Oracle or other databases provided by Supplier. "RTU" means remote terminal unit. "SCADA" means supervisory control and data acquisition. Agreement AG-C 401 Page 5 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 "SCADA S, sy tem" and/or the "Entire System" and/or the "System" means the system deliverable hereunder, installed and interfacing into City's electrical network (replacing the Existing System), that will be commissioned in its final state immediately prior to start of Site Acceptance Test. "Services" means all technical, production, and professional services required to be furnished pursuant to this Agreement. "Site" means the location within City's service area specified in the Data Sheet in which Deliverables and Services, as defined herein, shall be installed or implemented. "Site Acceptance Test" and/or "SAT" means the mutually agreed tests as defined in the FDS to be conducted at the delivery Site to determine compliance with City's functional and operational requirements of the System. "Software" means software deliverable to City hereunder for example, including Supplier Software, Third Party Licensor Software and mass marketed software. A group or set of predefined logically related instructions as well as related embedded data deliverable hereunder to control the operation of digital computers in order to produce some result or operation. Logical groups of such software may be referred to as programs, or modules or subroutines, or objects. Such definition of software shall include its existence in any and all media, including but not limited to documentation, source listing, source programs in any form, whether machine readable or human readable, and those resulting machine instructions, whether in a format referred to as object code, or any other form of media, whether intermediate results or final machine executable form. "Sub-Suppliers" means, excluding vendors of standard, City-supplied products (including for example, but not limited to: Dell, Oracle and Microsoft), all independent entities providing Deliverables or performing Services on the Project pursuant to the Agreement. "Supplier Software" means Software developed and provided by Supplier necessary to fulfill FDS requirements that is not developed by a third party. "System" tem" and/or "SCADA System" and/or "Entire System" tem" means the replacement SCADA system deliverable hereunder installed and interfacing into City's electrical network (replacing the Existing System), that will be commissioned in its final state immediately prior to start of Site Acceptance Test. "System" shall have the preceding meaning when not qualified by usage to the contrary; such as Development System, or Existing System, which do not mean the System. "System Commissioning" means complete installation of equipment and certification in writing of the equipment being suitable for operation by Supplier. "Third Party Supplier" means any individual or entity other than Supplier, who provides services pursuant to this Agreement. "Third Party Licensor Software" means Software provided by a third party licensor, such as Wonderware® from Invensys Systems, Inc., modified to fulfill FDS requirements. "Upgrades" means any error corrections, work-around solutions to the Licensed Software, and shall also include any modifications, improvements, revisions, new versions and enhancements to the Licensed Software; excluding system functions not provided herein, that can be provided subject to additional fees. "Warran . Period" shall have the meaning found in Section 11.2 Agreement AG-C 401 Page 6 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 ARTICLE IV. CONSTRUCTION OF AGREEMENT 4.1 Sections and Articles. Unless provided otherwise in this Agreement, either expressly or by the context of its use, any reference to a Section or Article shall mean and refer to a Section or Article of this Agreement. 4.2 Choice of Law. A. Parties agree and stipulate that in the event any litigation should occur concerning or arising out of this contract the sole venue of any legal action shall be the Washington State Superior Court for King County, and the interpretation of the terms of the agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington. B. This Agreement is the product of negotiations between the parties hereto represented by counsel and any rules of construction relating to interpretation against the drafter of an agreement shall not apply to this Agreement and are expressly waived. 4.3 Timely Action. All causes of action hereunder arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the performance or breach hereof shall expire according to applicable statutes of limitation under Washington State Law. ARTICLE V. LICENSE GRANT 5.1 License Grant. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement (including all of City's payment obligations hereunder), Supplier hereby grants City a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license, to the Third Party Licensor Software for use solely at the Site in the Designated Environment; to use, copy, modify, and have modified by Third Party Suppliers, performing services solely for the benefit of City. City agrees to abide the terms and conditions outlined in the Wonderware® License Agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit H, and to terms and conditions for any of the other Third Party Software License Agreements integrated into the System. ARTICLE VI. SCHEDULE, DELIVERY, AND CUSTOM DEVELOPMENT 6.1 Project Schedule. Supplier shall promptly commence performance of Services upon the Effective Date, and all Services shall be completed and delivered to City in accordance with the Scope of Services, Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties. All work under this Agreement shall be completed by December 31, 2012, and can be amended by both parties for succeeding years. The Project Schedule is included in the contract as Exhibit C. The Project Schedule shall be prepared using the 2003 version of Microsoft Project, a commercial, PC-based project management program, which shall continue to be used throughout the Project. This project management program shall be used to plan and schedule Project activities including design, integration, testing, shipment, installation, and site availability testing, from the inception of the Project until the final contract payment. City activities which impact the schedule, such as the review and approval of documents, supplying database information, etc., shall be explicitly included in the schedule. Payment milestones shall also be shown. Agreement AG-C 401 Page 7 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 The Project Schedule shall be updated at least once a month by Suppliers' Project Manager and (generally in preparation for a project meeting) discussed at scheduled Project meetings and included in the monthly Project report sent to the City. To facilitate the review of Supplier's progress, a list of important Project Tasks is contained in Exhibit B of this document. At a minimum, these milestones shall be maintained as part of the schedule. Milestones shall be listed in chronological order, with the expected completion date shown for each milestone. Completed milestones shall be marked whenever the schedule is updated. The list shall include two sets of milestone completion dates. The original dates, entered when the list is first submitted, shall always be retained. In addition, actual completion dates shall be shown for completed tasks, and presently expected completion dates shall be shown for the remaining milestones. Progress payments to Supplier shall be based on the milestones provided in Article 10. 6.2 Progress Reports. Supplier shall deliver to City progress reports with respect to Services performed and in progress, and other information as required by the FDS. The report frequency may be adjusted to a mutually acceptable schedule at any time but is currently due by the 10'h calendar day of each month. The report shall include: a. A description of work completed in the reporting period. b. Work expected to be completed in the next reporting period. C. Actual progress relative to the schedule and an updated Project Schedule. d. Identification of the Supplier's staff assigned to the Project during the reporting period and next period, their specific duties and total hours spent on City's Project, or projected hours in the case of next period. e. Major outstanding problems, identified by either Supplier or City. f. Procedures in place and/or progress and efforts being undertaken to resolve these outstanding problems. g. Log of Supplier and City correspondence will be maintained by City. 6.3 Other Reports. Verbal reports may be used where necessary in the event immediate action is required or unusual events have occurred; however, a written or emailed report shall be transmitted by US mail, fax, or email following such event not later than the next scheduled project report. All written reports shall be dated and signed by the person preparing the report and, where applicable, by the person who witnessed the situation being described. Emailed reports of this nature shall be signed and numbered as described for written reports and faxed to the Parties' appropriate designated representatives. 6.4 Changes in Project Schedule. The Project Schedule may be changed only by a written Change Order approved by both Parties. Upon the approval of a Change Order, the Project Schedule shall be revised accordingly. Any accommodation of a change in the Project Schedule which is not memorialized in a formal Change Order shall not constitute a waiver of any rights or remedies of the Parties under this Agreement. Supplier will be responsible for failures to meet the Project Schedule which are caused by Supplier's own failure to deliver or provide services, Third Party Suppliers hired by Supplier, Sub-Contractors hired by Supplier and those upon whom they rely. Agreement AG-C 401 Page 8 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 Supplier shall have no responsibility for any delay caused to the Project Schedule by the City, Third Party Suppliers hired by the City or those upon whom they rely. 6.5 Change Order Procedures. During any phase of the Project, any and all changes in the Services, Deliverables, Project Schedule or Contract Price shall require a written Change Order signed and dated by both the City's and Supplier's Project Manager. In the event that both parties can not agree on an equitable cost for a change order, City may optionally request that the change order be implemented on a "time and materials" basis utilizing Supplier's provided hourly rates (Exhibit F). This Agreement shall be deemed to be amended by any Change Order authorized in accordance with the provisions of this Article. Any change greater than $25,000 of the Contract Price may require City Council approval. Either party may request changes to the Agreement or any deliverable specified therein. At City's sole discretion, notice of all Change Orders hereunder shall be given to Supplier's bond Surety and approved by such Surety prior to such Change Order becoming effective. The Project Change Order Procedure specified herein will control Project changes. The purpose of the Project Change Order Procedures is to control: a. Deviations from the Contract and/or FDS, including changes to the Project Schedule. b. Deviations from Supplier designs after their approval by City. The Project Change Order Procedure includes the methods to be used by Supplier in requesting and seeking authorization for any project changes. The following information shall be included in all change order requests: a. The reason for the proposed change. b. A description of the proposed change. C. A definition of the base. (including original budget) from which the proposed change has been evaluated. d. A definition of the scope of the proposed change. e. A discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed change and alternatives that were considered. f. Supporting technical documentation suitable for evaluation by City. g. Full impact on price with only sales tax broken out and shown separately. h. Impact on schedule. It is City's intent to process minor change orders within 10 days after receipt, and to expedite the decision on change requests that are small in scope and have no cost or schedule impacts. Change Orders that require City of Auburn Mayor approval may take 4-6 weeks. A Change Order shall not be considered accepted until written approval has been provided by the Supplier and by the City's Project Manager (or Mayor approval received as required). Unless otherwise specified therein, an accepted Change Order shall not relieve Supplier from responsibility for accuracy, adequacy, and suitability of the Entire System as described in this Agreement. 6.6 City Cooperation. The City shall cooperate fully with Supplier during all phases of the Project and provide Supplier with any information, on-line computer access to the Development System and/or Agreement AG-C 401 Page 9 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 Supplier installed SCADA System, and equipment and facilities that are reasonably required by Supplier in performing its services under this Agreement. City shall perform those tasks assigned to it in the FDS. 6.7 Supplier Cooperation. Supplier shall also provide City access to key personnel as reasonably required by the City during any inquiries or investigations in which the City requires information in any reasonable way related to the Agreement, proposed or potential changes to the Agreement, proposed or potential upgrades, or enhancements or improvements to any aspect of the Entire System. 6.8 Ci y Delays. City shall be responsible for any delays caused by City and any third party with whom it contracts in Supplier's activities under this Agreement. Supplier shall promptly notify City's authorized representative in writing of any such delays. When the underlying reason for the delay has been resolved and the scope of the effect of the delay can be assessed, Supplier and City shall negotiate by mutual agreement an equitable adjustment in the schedule and price, which adjustment shall be promptly acknowledged by both parties in writing and adopted as a contract amendment. If the parties are unable to agree on an equitable adjustment the matter may be referred to dispute resolution in accordance with Article 17 of this Agreement. 6.9 City's Physical PropectX. All physical property, if any, provided to Supplier by City, including but not limited to materials, equipment and any replacement thereof, shall remain the property of the City. Supplier shall use City's property only for performance under this Agreement and the Maintenance and Support Agreement, if any, and shall return the same to City in good condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted, when such property is no longer needed by Supplier to carry out its obligations under this Agreement or the Maintenance and Support Agreement, as the case may be. 6.10 SCADA Project Overview. Project Phases: The City will implement the SCADA system in four phases: Phase 1 - System Development: This phase covers the period up to and including the delivery and system commissioning of the SCADA System as further described in the FDS. The SCADA System shall be developed by Supplier during this phase. The Development System will be on-site at City's location. City personnel will be trained by Supplier on the maintenance, expansion, and upgrading of the System, RTDB and display construction and training as required in the FDS. Phase 2 - Transition: This phase will begin when the master station has been delivered and commissioned, and will include the initial 3 utility sites and continue until all remote sites have been cut over and the Existing System retired. The Site Acceptance Test and Availability Test will be conducted in this phase, additional substation controllers and RTUs will be added to the system, and more applications from the Existing SCADA will be integrated into the new SCADA System. Supplier shall complete these activities with assistance from the City as defined in FDS. Phase 3 - Post Commissioning Services: The Supplier shall provide up to 80 hours of on-going support for City, post-Final Acceptance changes. The Supplier shall develop a training plan for City staff using and maintaining the SCADA System as well as provide training for software hardware to operate the System to the FDS. Phase 4 - Physical Site Improvement Development: The Supplier will provide site plans for physical site elements of remote site security. These improvements include modifications and/or replacement of existing fencing, bollards, windows, doors, shelters, vegetation management, clearing, grubbing, and landscaping elements on identified sites. Products and conditions identified Agreement AG-C 401 Page 10 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 in Section 13 of the Preliminary Design Report (Physical Security), exclusive of electronic security and lighting elements will be addressed for incorporation into the design. 6.11 Responsibilities of City. City will furnish facilities for the installation of the SCADA System, consistant with Exhibit A, will review Supplier designs, memorandums and work orders and approve them if satisfactory, will participate in the preparation of the database, displays, and reports, and will actively participate in System testing. Specific responsibilities of City are listed below: a. Provide space in existing the City's M&O SCADA Control Center. b. Power supply to receptacles according to Supplier's specifications. Supplier shall provide power cords from the equipment to City's receptacles. C. Monitor the physical installation of the Supplier provided SCADA System and Development System. d. Review and approval of Supplier documentation developed for this Project (see also Section l 1.l.b.v), including software and hardware design documentation, user's guides, memorandum, drawings, progress reports, factory and Site Acceptance Test plans and procedures, and as-built documentation of the System. e. Assist in the development of supplemental, mutually approved Factory and Site Acceptance Test requirements and procedures (with unstructured testing as specified in the FDS), for incorporation by Supplier into test plan and procedures and assist development of any test procedures required to resolve system deficiencies (failure to meet System requirements) throughout the Project. f. Assist in the preparation of the City RTDB and City custom SCADA displays, including system map displays, under Supplier's direction and for integration by Supplier for FAT. g. Furnishing of information required by Supplier to allow Supplier to build databases, displays and reports, as such responsibility is defined in the FDS. h. Review and approval of Supplier-built system and diagnostics displays and reports defined in the FDS. I. Furnishing, upon request by Supplier, necessary documentation, interface information, engineering drawings, and schematic diagrams of City furnished equipment that will be required for direct interface with Supplier furnished equipment. j. Coordination of Project work at City's facilities, such as external equipment connection, site testing, and availability testing. k. Provide the Master Control Station workstations operating system software, and servers. 1. Participating and observing the Factory Acceptance Tests, using the mutually agreed test procedure, with Supplier's support using, in part, Development System displays, RTDB and configuration tables as constructed on the Development System. Also, review and approval of test results. Agreement AG-C 401 Page 11 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 M. Participating and observing the Site Acceptance Test, using the mutually agreed test procedures, and Availability Test, using the mutually agreed procedures, with Supplier's assistance, as specified in the FDS. 6.12 Responsibilities of Supplier. Other than the responsibilities of the City described in the previous section, Supplier shall assume complete responsibility for the design, assembly, delivery, installation, integration, implementation and for meeting the functional requirements of the FDS of the delivered System in accordance with the Agreement. Supplier's responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Supply of all System equipment, including RTUs, radios, Historian, physical electronic security site devices, and related support material functioning as an integrated System. b. All System engineering and required software design, integration, development and implementation as necessary to meet FDS requirement for a fully operational SCADA System. C. Supply of System software and applications software to satisfy all requirements (as specified in this Agreement). d. Integration of the SCADA System with FDS specified external equipment. e. Supply of hardware interfaces to City's equipment as specified in this Agreement. f. Furnishing of all interconnecting cables and wiring, including power wiring, between all Supplier-furnished equipment. Supplier shall provide the manufacturer type and catalog number for the power plugs, communication interface connectors, other connectors to external equipment. g. Supply of specified documentation on Supplier Software, System maintenance, and operation, including data sheets and technical documentation for OEM equipment and software. h. Training of City staff on SCADA System maintenance, expansion, and upgrading. i. Delivery, installation and Commissioning of a Development System for use by City at City's site. j. Furnishing the hardware and software to perform within the required levels of activity for performance testing during FAT. The Supplier is still required to warrant system performance to meet the FDS requirements. k. Support site acceptance tests as defined in this Agreement. 1. Providing repair or replacement of defective software, parts or components, and test equipment during the Acceptance and Availability Test periods to support the specified System availability parameters. in. Furnishing all required System documentation. n. Furnishing the required software including source code for all Supplier Software. Agreement AG-C 401 Page 12 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 o. Furnishing site planning information provided by the equipment manufacturer, such as air conditioning, power, grounding, containing electro-magnetic interference, seismic protection, dust protection, and other requirements as recommended by manufacturer for the proper environmental control and operation of all equipment supplied by Supplier under this contract. p. Shipment of all project deliverables to the Site specified herein. q. Delivery, installation and Commissioning of the System at City's Site. r. As required in the FDS, developing and leading the Site Acceptance Test and Availability Test, and correction of all defects discovered during these tests. S. Preparation of all the required reports, guides, memorandums and all the standard displays, using City support, as required by FDS. ARTICLE VII. PROJECT ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURES 7.1 City Project Manager. All project contacts and coordination with City shall be through the City's Project Manager. All correspondence with City, review and approval of documents, scheduling of project meetings, City's participation in the project, training and system testing, as well as other project activities shall be coordinated through the City's Project Manager. City will inform Supplier in writing if there is a need to change the City Project Manager. 7.2 Supplier Project Manager. Supplier shall designate a Project Manager who shall be the single- point contact for coordination of all the Project work and communications between Supplier and City. City shall have approval rights on Supplier's selection of such Project Manager and any subsequent Project Manager(s) appointed hereunder. The Project Manager shall not be changed or substituted by another person without express written consent by City's Project Manager. If City, in its sole opinion, determines that Supplier's Project Manager or the Project Manager of a sub- supplier is not meeting generally accepted performance criteria for people with comparable responsibilities in comparable companies, City shall give Supplier written notice specifying the problem and identifying City's requirements. Supplier shall provide the resumes of other potential Project Managers for the City to select a new Project Manager. The written requests for a new Project Manager must come from City's Project Manager. A written response by Supplier to City's request for new Supplier Project Manager must be received by City within seven working days. The replacement manager must assume all the responsibilities of the position within ten working days of a written request by City for Supplier Project Manager replacement. No more than a fifteen working day delay in the project schedule shall result from this action. Supplier will inform City in writing if there is a need to replace the Supplier's Project Manager, specifying the problem and identifying Supplier's requirements. 7.3 Design Team Staff. City shall also have approval rights on the selection of Design Team Staff in the event that the original or subsequent leaders appointed by Supplier have been removed from such position due to procedures initiated by City. The current Design Team Staff is listed on the The Organizational Chart, Exhibit C, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The Design Team shall not be changed or substituted without the City's express written consent. If the City in its sole opinion determines that one or more of Supplier's or subSuppliers' Design Team is not meeting generally accepted performance criteria for people with comparable responsibilities in comparable companies, City shall give Supplier written notice specifying the problem and identifying City's requirements, Supplier shall provide the resumes of other potential Agreement AG-C 401 Page 13 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 Design Team Staff for City to select new Team Staff. Their replacement and impact of this action on the project schedule as described in Section 7.2. 7.4 Project Meetings and Minutes. Scheduled project meetings shall be held to review project status, to ensure correct interpretation of the FDS, to review progress, to perform workshop activities as outlined in the Scope, and to maintain general coordination between City and Supplier's Project personnel. Supplier's Project Manager, or a substitute appointed by Supplier's Project Manager, shall attend all the meetings, as will City's Project Manager, or a substitute appointed by City's Project Manager. Supplier's Project Manager shall not miss two (2) consecutive meetings, except with City approval. He may attend by telephone conference call if a substitute is also designated to attend in person. Project meetings shall be held at a designated City office in Auburn, Supplier's facility in Lynnwood or any location mutually agreed by Project Managers. Supplier's Project Manager shall prepare an agenda for each meeting and deliver it to City's Project Manager by email seven days in advance of the meeting for review and approval by City. The City's Project Manager shall have the right to add agenda items and change the order in which agenda items are to be discussed. Supplier will prepare minutes of the meetings, and submit them for review by and comment by the City. The final minutes and any comments shall become the official minutes for the given meeting. Meetings will be structured such that all meeting minutes will be developed, reviewed and initialed for approval by each attending Project Manager and/or their designated representative prior to the meeting's completion. 7.5 Project Correspondence. Correspondence between City and Supplier shall adhere to these rules: a. All formal correspondence, including fax transmittals, shall be dated and numbered in sequence. The sequence number shall be accompanied by a Supplier ID code indicating the source and destination of the correspondence, e.g. Auburn-001 would indicate the first correspondence from City to Supplier. E-mail and voice mail are not considered to be formal modes of correspondence. E-mail may be used for quick information transfers, but must be followed by FAX or other formal correspondence and numbered as specified herein to gain formal written status. b. In order to avoid confusion, each transmittal shall be limited to one topic. c. The topic of each transmittal shall be described in a "subject" line that precedes the text. The description shall both indicate the general area (e.g. administration or database contents) but shall also be specific (e.g. Project Report for October); "generic" subject lines shall be avoided. Supplier shall address all project correspondence to City's Project Manager. Delivery service may be specified by City when necessary to avoid unnecessary delays or to insure receipt. Supplier shall copy project correspondence to the Consultants as directed by City. The same delivery service (first class mail, courier service, fax, certified mail with return receipt, etc.) shall be used to send correspondence to the City's Project Manager and to the Consultants. 7.6 System Design Process. The procedures outlined in Exhibit A shall be met for acceptance of design reports/memorandums, specifications, installation, and acceptance, Agreement AG-C 401 Page 14 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 7.7 Substantial Completion. The following conditions defined in the Agreement that must be met before the SCADA System will be considered substantially complete by City include the following: a. The design, integration, and commissioning of the system are complete, and all the functional and performance requirements of the FDS and the contract are met. b. Factory and Site Acceptance Testing have been successfully completed and the results have been approved by City in writing. c. All hardware deliverables, including spare parts, have been received by City. d. Training has been completed by Supplier or provided for as defined in this Agreement. 7.8 System Acceptance. Conditions that must be met before the SCADA System will be accepted by City include the following: a. All the requirements of Section 7.6 (Substantial Completion) b. "As Shipped" revisions of all documentation have been received and approved by City. No differences or inconsistencies should exist between the delivered hardware/software documentation and the delivered hardware/software that documentation describes. C. All software deliverables have been received and approved by City. The software deliverables must include any changes that resulted from the Acceptance and Availability Test. d. Successful completion of the 2200 hour Availability Test as defined in the FDS. 7.9 Acceptance and Testing of Deliverables - Testing Procedures. The FDS shall include a detailed description of Deliverables (including Third Party Licensor Software) and detailed requirements for test procedure documents. For each Deliverable for which City's acceptance is required, the FDS shall specify the testing procedures for the Deliverable to be used to determine if the Deliverable conforms to the FDS. The City intends to attend most testing at Supplier's facility in Lynnwood and testing dates will be mutually agreed allowing sufficient advanced notice (10 calendar days at a minimum) for City to attend. Deliverables subject to an acceptance procedure shall be deemed approved for shipment upon successful completion of its respective acceptance test which includes signed acceptance by the City's Project Manager. Acceptance test scenarios and test data shall be prepared by Supplier with the assistance of the City. Deliverables that are not subject to an acceptance procedure shall be deemed to be accepted upon delivery, installation and written verification of Agreement compliant operation of City. Other than the Development System components, no part of the system hardware or software shall be shipped to City without City's prior written approval until completion of the Factory Acceptance Test as specified in this Agreement. 7.10 Acceptance and Testing of Deliverables - Re-Testing. In the event the Deliverable does not successfully pass its acceptance test, the City shall, within (14) calendar days of such test, provide Supplier with a written statement of errors to be corrected. Supplier shall promptly commence work on corrections and thereafter shall use diligent commercial efforts to correct such errors within a reasonable time and, in coordination with City, arrange to re-test the Deliverable using the same acceptance test as previously used. Agreement AG-C 401 Page 15 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 7.11 Acceptance and Testing of Deliverables - Re-Testing Supplier Software. In the event the Supplier Software Deliverable, including Third Party Licensor Software, does not successfully pass its acceptance test, City shall, within twenty (20) calendar days of such test, provide Supplier with a written statement of errors to be corrected. Supplier shall promptly commence work on corrections and thereafter shall use diligent commercial efforts to correct such errors within a reasonable time, redeliver the Deliverable to City and, in coordination with City, arrange to re- test the Deliverable using the same acceptance test as previously used. This acceptance procedure may be repeated up to three times. If the total time needed to correct an error is expected by Supplier to exceed thirty (30) calendar days, Supplier shall promptly notify City of that fact, shall provide an estimated time of completion of corrections, and, when appropriate, identify means of working around errors. Supplier and City shall then appropriately and equitably attempt to adjust any affected schedules, failing agreement, City shall determine schedule revision. 7.12 Remedies for Failure to Pass. In the event Supplier does not successfully correct any material error stated on the statement of errors delivered to Supplier by City during the Site Acceptance Tests, and the Deliverable or Entire System does not pass the agreed acceptance test, City may, by written notice, require that Supplier cease work on the Project. In such event, this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, except with respect to Supplier's development and delivery obligations hereunder and City's obligation to pay for work that has not passed, and City shall be entitled to any legal remedies then available to it. 7.13 City's Data. City acknowledges and agrees that City shall participate in the development of the test scenarios and test data for the testing procedures described above. City shall verify the completeness and correctness of the data and its consistency with the FDS. 7.14 Force Majeure. If either Supplier or City is prevented from or delayed in complying with any provisions of this Agreement by reasons of strikes, lockouts, power shortages, wars, acts of God, governmental regulation restriction of normal operations, or any other reason or reasons beyond the reasonable control of such Party, including but not limited to: unforeseeable circumstances, the acts (including delay or failure to act) of any governmental authority (but excluding the parties to this Agreement), war (declared or undeclared), riot, revolution, fire, labor disputes, sabotage or epidemics or inability to perform due to causes beyond such Party's reasonable control including but not limited to substantial inability to obtain timely instructions or information from the other party, necessary and proper labor, materials, components, purchased equipment, facilities or transportation, or from defects or delays in the performance of its suppliers or sub-contractors due to any of the foregoing causes; then any time limit for performance shall be extended by a period of time equal in length to the period of such prevention or delay provided the Party exercised due diligence in endeavoring to avoid the delay. The Party affected by any prevention or delay shall promptly give written notice to the other Party specifying the reason for such prevention or delay and indicating action taken and projected length of the delay. 7.15 Final Acceptance Date: The date upon which the Auburn City Council accepts the work as complete and approves the final payment due the Supplier is the final acceptance date. The Warranty Period, as outlined in Section 11.2, shall begin on the date of the City Council's approval of final payment. ARTICLE VIII. MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT AGREEMENT 8.1 Maintenance and Support Agreement.. Maintenance and support of the Licensed Software by Supplier is not included in this Agreement. Agreement AG-C 401 Page 16 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 ARTICLE IX. COMPENSATION, FEES, TAXES, AND PAYMENT TERMS 9.1 Compensation. The CITY agrees to pay Supplier in accordance with the fees and costs specified in Exhibit B for work performed under this Agreement. Exhibit B is attached hereto and by this reference made a part of this Agreement (or as specified by addendum). The compensation to be paid to The Supplier shall not exceed $2,700,000.00 for the year 2011. Compensation to be paid to Supplier for authorized work in succeeding years will be contingent upon availability of funds. Supplier will not undertake any work or otherwise financially obligate the CITY in excess of said not-to-exceed amount without a duly executed Addendum issued by the CITY. The total compensation for this agreement shall not exceed $ 4,099,621.43, plus appropriate state sales and use taxes. Project milestones are described in Exhibit B of this document and relate directly to FDS requirements. Supplier shall submit to the City a monthly invoice or statement with a Report for time period consistent with the requirements described in Section 6.2. The City will provide notification of milestone acceptance, acceptance with modifications required or rejection by email, hand delivery or courier within 10 days of receipt. Acceptance with modifications required, or rejection shall be certified by City's representative designated in Article 18. The City shall process the invoice or statement for milestones accepted in the next billing/claim cycle following receipt of the invoice or statement, and shall remit payment to the Consultant thereafter in the normal course, subject to any conditions or provisions in this Agreement or addendum. 9.2 License Fees. All license fees for System use and operation through the warranty period and thereafter are included in the Contract Price. Supplier shall identify in Exhibit J any component that requires license fees thereafter and not initially included therein and will provide written notification within 10 days of Supplier becoming aware of any system components that will require such additional license fees. 9.3 Federal Taxes. Supplier acknowledges that it is responsible for the payment of all charges and taxes applicable to the services performed under this Agreement that may be assessed or otherwise charged pursuant to federal law, and agrees to comply with all applicable federal laws regarding the reporting of income, maintenance of records, and all other requirements and obligations imposed pursuant to such applicable federal law. If the City is assessed, made liable, or responsible in any manner for such charges or taxes, Supplier agrees to hold the City harmless from such costs, including reasonable attorney's fees and reimburse City for any payments made. 9.4 State Taxes. Supplier shall pay any state sales, use and other taxes which may be imposed by any applicable law or regulation as a result of the payments under this Agreement. Supplier will provide City with written documentation of any and all taxes paid in connection with this Agreement, including without limitation, copies of receipts. City will include in compensation to Supplier sales and use taxes, if any, imposed on the Products and Services acquired hereunder. Supplier must pay all other taxes including, but not limited to, Washington Business and Occupation Tax, other taxes based on Supplier's income or gross receipts, or personal property taxes levied or assessed on Supplier's personal property. The City, as a municipal corporation, is exempt from property tax. Supplier shall complete registration with the Washington State Department of Revenue and be responsible for payment of all taxes due on payments made under this Contract. All payments accrued on account of payroll taxes, unemployment contributions, any other taxes, insurance, or other expenses for Supplier or Supplier's staff shall be Supplier's sole responsibility. If City is assessed, made liable, or responsible in any manner for any state charges Agreement AG-C 401 Page 17 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 or taxes, Supplier agrees to hold City harmless from such costs, including reasonable attorney's fees and reimburse City for any payments made. 9.5 Licenses and Permits. Supplier, at its expense, shall obtain and keep in force any and all necessary licenses and permits. As required by Title 5 of the Auburn City Code, Supplier shall obtain an appropriate business license. 9.6 Deduction. In the event Supplier fails to pay any taxes, assessments, penalties, or fees due pursuant to these provisions and demand for payment of same is made upon City, then City shall give written notice to Supplier identifying such demand(s). It is agreed that this provision shall apply to taxes and fees imposed by existing City ordinance. Supplier authorizes City to deduct and withhold or pay over to the appropriate governmental body those unpaid amounts when required by law fifteen (15) business days after Supplier receives said notice from City. Any such payments shall be deducted from the Supplier's total compensation hereunder. 9.7 Interest. Supplier may charge, and City agrees to pay, monthly interest of one and one-half percent (1.5%) on any undisputed amount owed under this Agreement or the maximum rate permitted by applicable law, whichever is less, to commence running from forty-five (45) days after the invoice is received by the City until paid. ARTICLE X. MILESTONE ACCEPTANCE 10.1 Milestone and Payment Acceptance Procedures. Project milestones are described in Exhibit B of this document and relate directly to FDS requirements. Progress payments to Supplier are based on the completion of the milestones/tasks. Supplier must formally submit a written or email request for a milestone payment or any other payment to the City's Project Manager within thirty (30) days of milestone test, event, or submission of documents. This request will include a description of the milestone or acceptable percentage of completed task and shall be included with the Progress Reports as described in Article 6.2. The City will provide notification of milestone acceptance, acceptance with modifications required or rejection by email, hand delivery or courier within 10 days of,receipt. Acceptance with modifications required, or rejection shall be certified by City's representative designated in Article 18. 10.2 System Development, Installation and Testing. City may (i) accept, (ii) accept with modifications required, or (iii) reject Supplier claim of milestone completion as follows: a. Milestone acceptance shall signify completion of that individual milestone and authorize Supplier to invoice City for corresponding progress payments. b. Milestone acceptance with modifications required shall operate via change order process to provide mutually agreed upon modifications to FDS or other applicable documents so that they can be made to agree with the accepted or modified milestone. Failure to achieve mutually agreed upon modifications shall result in milestone rejection by City. C. Milestone rejections shall require Supplier to rework the requirements of the milestone, at Supplier's own cost, as necessary to meet the milestone. Continued failure will operate to terminate this Agreement per Article 16. 10.2.1 Upon receiving written confirmation from City Project Manager that a project milestone or billable task has been accepted by City as successfully completed, Supplier may invoice City for the appropriate amount as specified in the Agreement. Supplier invoices shall not be honored and shall be returned to Supplier unless applicable milestone, milestones or billable task have Agreement AG-C 401 Page 18 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 been achieved per contact documents. There is a general order of milestone completion given in this section of this contract, although some may be completed early depending on Supplier resources at the time. With the City's approval, Supplier may invoice, and be paid for milestones completed outside the listed order of tasks as presented on Exhibit B. 10.3 Retainaae. The milestone invoices in Section 10.2.1 total 95% of the Contract Price. A Retainage of 5% shall be held by the City. Release of the final 5% of Retainage shall constitute final System acceptance by City. Increases to the Contract Price subsequent to the Effective Date shall have a 5% retainage which will be part of the final Retainage payment. All retainage remaining at the end of the Availability Test will be invoiced 90 days after the successful completion of the Availability Test and System Acceptance by City per Section 7.8. If during the retainage period, a failure of a SCADA system component delivered by Supplier occurs, or is detected, that precludes or seriously restricts standard SCADA functionality as described in the FDS, or impairs system performance such that operational performance requirements as described in the FDS can not be met, payment of retainage shall be postponed until Supplier repairs, replaces or otherwise provides a solution meeting the requirements of this Agreement and the FDS. 10.4 Material on Hand. The City may reimburse the Supplier for materials purchased before their use in the Work if they: 1. Meet the requirements of the FDS; 2. Are delivered to and stored in a secure, clearly delineated area of the Supplier's Facility as approved by the City or other City-approved storage site; Reimbursement will be as follows: i. Fifty percent of material cost when the equipment is received as a shipment, prior to any testing or programming. ii. One hundred percent of material cost when the equipment has passed the Factory Acceptance Test. The Supplier shall provide sufficient written evidence of equipment costs; the Supplier shall provide invoices from material suppliers. Each invoice shall be detailed sufficiently to enable the City to determine the actual costs. Payment for materials on hand shall not exceed the 75% of total Task cost for the task item (equipment cost plus labor and markup for the installed item). If payment is based upon an unpaid invoice, the Supplier shall provide the City with a paid invoice within 60-calendar days after the Contracting Agency's initial payment for materials on hand. If the paid invoice is not furnished in this time, any payment the Contracting Agency had made will be deducted from the next progress estimate and withheld until the paid invoice is supplied. The City will not pay for material on hand when the invoice cost is less than $2,000. As materials are used in the Work, credits equaling the partial payments for them will be taken on future estimates. Partial payment for materials on hand shall not constitute acceptance. All material will be rejected if found to be faulty even if partial payment for it has been made. 10.5 No Waiver. The approval or payment of such invoices, including the invoice for final payment, shall not in any way relieve Supplier of any liability to City for any errors, omissions, or other Agreement AG-C 401 Page 19 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 deficiencies in the performance of the Services or operate as a waiver of any rights or remedies of City under this Agreement or a waiver of any cause of action in favor of City arising out of the performance of this Agreement by Supplier. 10.6 Records and Audit. For purposes of monitoring compliance with Articles 9 and 10 herein, Supplier shall permit City, from time to time (but not more frequently than every 6 months) as City deems reasonably necessary, to have a third party certified public accountant ("CPA") (subject to an appropriate Financial Confidentiality Agreement as shown in Exhibit K), inspect and audit all pertinent books and records of Supplier, or portions thereof, to verify the accuracy of accounting records. Said CPA may copy and disclose to City any documents discovered in such audit that demonstrate non-compliance with this Agreement. Supplier shall contractually require that such inspection, audit and copying rights of the City is also a condition of any contract with Sub-Contractors. The City agrees to a $1,000.00 fee each time the City exercises this option. 10.7 Increase Or Decrease In Quantities. City reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantities of any tasks under this Agreement and allow Supplier to adjust prices for items that quantity changes are requested accordingly (with no additional adjustments for increased profit). City may ask for items to be re-quoted and Supplier agrees to re-quote those prices with no additional adjustments for increased profit. 10.8 Failure To Complete The Work On Time/Liquidated Damages. Should the completion of any critical milestone designated herein and required under this Agreement be delayed beyond the expiration of the period herein set for the completion of said critical milestone, or such extension of said period as may be allowed by reason of Force Majeure, there shall be deducted from the total Contract Price the sum of $1,000, for each calendar day, beyond a 14 calendar day grace period, by which such completion shall be delayed beyond said period of such extension thereof up to a limit of 15% of the Contract Price. The following milestones are considered critical and subject to these terms: (1) Completion of tasks totaling 85% of Original Contract Price or combination of payment for Material on Hand and completed tasks totaling 85% of Original Contract Price - May 31, 2012 and (2) Start of 2200 Hour Site Acceptance Test - December 31, 2012. Said sum shall be considered not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages which the City will suffer by reason of the failure of the Supplier to perform and complete the work within the period herein fixed or such extensions of said period as may be allowed by reason of unavoidable delays. The amount of liquidated damages owed by Supplier to City hereunder may be retained by the City to cover said liquidated damages, and should such money not be sufficient to cover such damages, the City shall have the right to recover the balance from the Supplier or its Sureties. Such liquidated damages constitute the sole and exclusive obligations of Supplier due to failure to meet delivery schedules. Execution of this Agreement shall constitute acknowledgment by the Supplier that it understands, agrees, and has ascertained that the City will actually suffer damages to the amount hereinabove fixed for each and every calendar day during which the completion of the work herein required shall be delayed beyond the expiration of the period herein fixed for such completion or such extension of said period as may be allowed by reason of unavoidable delays. THE FOREGOING LIQUIDATED DAMAGES PROVISIONS SHALL APPLY NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER LIMITATION ON DAMAGES OR REMEDIES EXPRESSED IN ARTICLES 11, 15 AND 21. Agreement AG-C 401 Page 20 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 10.9 System Stability. Excluding problems deliberately induced by City, after Availability Test, should an individual component of the Delivered system reboot more than twice per month or the System crash more than once per month, for each month this occurs the City will receive a choice of 1 week of on site senior level engineering support or 2 weeks senior level engineering support from Supplier's office fully at no cost to City (there shall also be no cost to City for any clerical, administrative or other labor expense incurred by Supplier as required to support or assist this effort). Said Supplier furnished support personnel shall work expeditiously to resolve the problem(s) that caused such reboots and/or System crashes. ARTICLE XI. WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES 11.1 Warran . Supplier makes the following warranties: a. Non-Infringement Warranty. Supplier represents and warrants that it has the corporate authority required to enter into this Agreement and that the Licensed Software will not infringe any copyright or any U.S. patent issued prior to the Effective Date or incorporate any misappropriated trade secrets. b. Supplier warrants and covenants to City that: i. Services. All Services provided under this Agreement by Supplier, Supplier's sub-consultants and agents shall be performed in a skillful and workmanlike manner and that all stages of work on the Project will comply with the Agreement, FDS and other Contract Documents; ii. Deliverables. All Deliverable(s), when delivered to City shall comply with all specifications set forth in this Agreement, FDS and other Contract Documents. iii. FDS. Supplier has read and understands the FDS and warrants that Deliverables shall be in compliance with the FDS. iv. System. The Entire System will perform in accordance with the Agreement. V. Documentation. All Supplier system documentation will match the deliverable release version (including third party supplied equipment). 11.2 Deliverable Warranties. This warranty is issued by Supplier for all Deliverables supplied for the SCADA System by Supplier. Deliverables manufactured or licensed by parties other than Supplier carry the warranty provided by the manufacturers or licensers thereof, supplemented by Supplier to meet warranty requirements of this section. Supplier shall assign to City any Third Party manufacturer warranties, to the fullest extent assignable, in furtherance hereof. Supplier warrants to City that all SCADA System Deliverables will be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of two (2) years ("Warranty Period") from the first occurring of (i) successful completion of the Site Availability Test as defined herein and in the FDS or (ii) 36 months from date of delivery to City and productive use (substantially performing the required purpose hereunder, including but not limited to AGC). Defects shall be corrected as specified herein; and the warranty period shall in all cases extend for a minimum of ninety (90) days for the repaired or replaced part even where the original warranty period would have expired sooner. Subject to the terms and conditions of this warranty, and upon the prompt written notification by City of a defect in material or workmanship and/or a determination by Supplier of the defect in workmanship or materials, Supplier will repair or replace such defective components Agreement AG-C 401 Page 21 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 at Supplier's cost (excluding City's participation costs as further defined in this Section 11.2). If it is mutually agreed in writing, Supplier may authorize City to repair or replace such components at no cost to Supplier. In the absence of mutually agreeable terms, the defect shall be remedied such that City shall only bear the cost of performing diagnostic work to determine problems under direction of Supplier and for Licensed Software and City- supplied equipment, City shall perform de-installation and re-installation under the direction of Supplier with both Parties responsible for their labor costs. For Supplier-supplied equipment, Supplier shall bear all other costs including but not limited to, de-installation and re-installation. If in City's sole opinion, after consultation with Supplier, the defect is of sufficient significance and Supplier is unable to correct or sufficiently ameliorate (through telephone support or supply of replacement parts) the impact of such defect to the satisfaction of the City, then the defect shall be corrected by the City's choice of either Supplier staff at City Site at no cost to City, or by City staff under the direction of Supplier staff at City Sites with City fully bearing the cost of City's associated labor and miscellaneous materials. Supplier time in directing such diagnostic and/or corrective work shall not be chargeable to City hereunder. Any hardware components requiring repair will be either repaired or replaced (when such part can be provided by the manufacturer within 15 business days) at Supplier's discretion and shipped to City's premises, prepaid and at the cost of Supplier within 20 business days from the receipt of the defective components at Supplier repair facility. If such part cannot be provided by the manufacturer within 15 business days, Supplier shall provide recommended alternative solutions and list of options within an additional 5 business day period. In such an event, Supplier shall provide manufacturer's documentation of when the part will be available and will attempt to expedite delivery to meet requirements as stated herein. If solely due to Supplier's negligence or inaction, satisfactory repair or replacement is not achieved within 5 business days thereafter, liquidated damages shall begin to accrue pursuant to Section 10.8 (under these circumstances, the Parties' agree that the 14 day grace period stated in said Section 10.8 shall not apply and such liquidated damages shall accrue immediately). Regardless of the reason, the City may demand at any time that Supplier do work that is related to this Agreement, but is not warranty work and/or is separate from the scope or schedule defined in the FDS, at the Site or at Supplier facility. If this happens, then the City will compensate Supplier at the standard Supplier rates attached in Exhibit F, including any necessary travel time, plus all actual and reasonable expenses with expenses other than labor or travel time marked up 15% for the administration. 11.3 Performance Warranties. Supplier warrants that the Entire System will perform in accordance with the Agreement. During the Warranty Period, Supplier shall, upon written request of City, make reasonable efforts to correct any errors which cause the System or any portion thereof to not perform in accordance with the Agreement. Supplier will also correct any errors in the documentation developed by the Supplier that are identified in writing by City. In the performance of services under this Agreement, Supplier and its employees agree to exercise the degree of skill and care required by customarily accepted good practices and procedures adopted by contractors rendering the same or similar type of service. Supplier shall, at its own expense, correct any Services furnished by it or its sub-contractors or agents which do not conform to the Agreement. 11.4 Exceptions. The provisions of this Article (Warranties and Remedies) shall not apply to any error or deficiency that the Parties agree in writing was caused by (a) City's or City's Third Party Contractor modifications; (b) operation of software other than the Licensed Software (for example, operating system or database software); (c) the SCADA System not being used and/or serviced in accordance with written instructions provided by Supplier; (d) the SCADA System Agreement AG-C 401 Page 22 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 not being properly stored in accordance with Supplier's specifications; (e) the SCADA System being altered or repaired outside of Supplier's specifications; (f) the SCADA System being used in conjunction with defective or inferior products not supplied by Supplier which results in damage to the System; (g) misuse by City of the Licensed Software (h) any unreasonable failure of City to comply with Supplier's required updates, modifications or service bulletins which are critical to ensuring safe and normal System operations provided to City by Supplier (not including system revisions), (i) a failure or malfunction due to any causes external to the System, or 0) repair or maintenance of the System by any person except Persons Qualified. The occurrence of such a warranty exclusion shall not void the warranty obligations provided herein except for that specific occurrence. Parts, components, or articles of an expendable or consumable nature, including but not limited to minor supplies, indicator lamps, fuses, magnetic recording tapes and diskettes, are specifically excluded from the warranties contained in the Agreement. In the event Supplier provides error correction services and, it is subsequently determined that the error was not caused by the Licensed Software, Supplier shall be entitled to charge and City shall pay for the time and materials expended at Supplier's rates as stated in Exhibit F. Any failure of the parties to agree on a determination to be made under this Section 11.4 shall be resolved as provided in this Agreement for Dispute Resolution. 11.5 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN THIS ARTICLE 11, SUPPLIER MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON INFRINGEMENT WITH REGARD TO ANY LICENSED SOFTWARE, PRODUCT, SERVICE, OR RELATED MATERIALS PROVIDED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. SPECIFICALLY, SUPPLIER MAKES NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO THE SUPPLIER SOFTWARE'S OPERATION IN CONJUNCTION WITH, OR MANIPULATION OF CITY'S DATA WHERE IT IS PRESENTED WITH BAD DATA. 11.6 THE REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO CITY UNDER THIS ARTICLE ARE THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES OF CITY WITH RESPECT TO MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP DEFECTS, AND ALL OTHER REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO CITY RELATED THERETO ARE HEREBY WAIVED AND EXCLUDED. FURTHERMORE, ALL OF CITY'S REMEDIES ARE SUBJECT TO THE LIMITATION OF LIABILITIES SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 10.8 (LIQUIDATED DAMAGES), CORRECTION OF NON CONFORMITIES (SYSTEM DEFECTS) IN THE MANNER SPECIFIED AND FOR THE WARRANTY PERIOD SHALL CONSTITUTE FULFILLMENT OF ALL LIABILITIES OF SUPPLIER, WHETHER IN WARRANTY, CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO OR ARISING OUT OF THE EQUIPMENT PROVIDED AND/OR THE WORK PERFORMED HEREUNDER. ARTICLE XII. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 12.1 Supplier Ownership. Except as provided in Section 12.2, as between the parties, all right, title and interest in and to the Licensed Software and all Intellectual Property Rights therein and of all derivative works derived there from are the sole and exclusive property of Supplier or the third party licensor, as applicable. Agreement AG-C 401 Page 23 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 12.2 City Intellectual Property Rights. All drawings, computer discs, documents, records, books, specifications, reports, estimates, summaries and such other information and materials Supplier may have accumulated, prepared or obtained as part of providing services under the terms of this Agreement (the "Work Products"), shall belong to and shall remain the property of the City of Auburn. In addition, Supplier agrees to maintain all books and records relating to its operation and concerning this Agreement for a period of six (6) years following the date that this Agreement is expired or otherwise terminated. Supplier further agrees that the City may inspect any and all documents held by Supplier and relating to this Agreement upon good cause at any reasonable time within the six (6) year period. Supplier also agrees to provide to the City, at the City's request, the originals of all drawings, documents, and items specified in this Section and information compiled in providing services to the City under the terms of this Agreement. City shall own any City Developed Software and the Intellectual Property Rights thereto; provided that, such developments shall be subject to City's confidentiality obligations as set forth in Article 13 (Confidentiality) as if City's developments constituted Confidential Information owned by Supplier. City agrees that Supplier may use hereafter the Residuals (as defined at the end of this Section 12.2) without any financial or other obligation to City for any purpose hereafter, except that any such use shall remain subject to Supplier's obligation of confidentiality. City agrees not to sue or bring any legal action against Supplier for infringement of any copyright, trade secret or other Intellectual Property Rights based on or related to Supplier's use of the Residuals. For purposes of this Agreement, "Residuals" means that information in intangible form that may be retained in the memories of Supplier employees who have had rightful access to any materials or information about City's developments related to the Licensed Software. This provision regarding use of Residuals is not intended to diminish City's rights to financial credit in the event Supplier includes City Developed Software in a future release of WONDERWARETm. 12.3 Notice and Enforcement. City shall promptly inform Supplier in writing of any infringement of Supplier's ownership rights in the Licensed Software or any unauthorized use or disclosure of the Licensed Software of which City becomes aware. City shall use all reasonable means to enforce the non-disclosure obligations of its Affiliates, employees and Third Party Contractors. ARTICLE XIII. CONFIDENTIALITY 13.1 Definition. "Confidential Information" means confidential and proprietary information of either party ("Disclosing _Party") that is disclosed to the other party ("Receiving Party") which, in the case of written information, is marked "confidential" or "proprietary" and which, in the case of information disclosed orally, is identified at the time of the disclosure as confidential and proprietary and will be summarized and confirmed in writing as such by the Disclosing Party within ten (10) calendar days of the disclosure. Confidential Information shall not include information that: (i) is now or subsequently becomes generally available to the public through no fault or breach of the Receiving Party; (ii) the Receiving Party can demonstrate to have had rightfully in its possession prior to disclosure by the Disclosing Party; (iii) is independently developed by the Receiving Party without the use of any Confidential Information; or (iv) the Receiving Party rightfully obtains from a third party who has the right to transfer or disclose it. Any combination of features disclosed hereunder shall not be deemed to be within the foregoing exceptions merely because some individual features are separately in the public domain or in the Receiving Party's possession, but only if the combination itself and its principles of operation are in the public domain or in the possession of the Receiving Party. City acknowledges that the Licensed Software shall be deemed "Confidential Information" for the purposes of this Agreement. Agreement AG-C 401 Page 24 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 13.2 Nondisclosure. Each party shall not disclose, publish, or disseminate the Confidential Information of the other party to anyone other than those of such Receiving Party's employees and consultants with a need to know, or as may be required by legal process, and each party agrees to take reasonable precautions, but in no event less than due care, to prevent any unauthorized use, disclosure, publication, or dissemination of the other party's Confidential Information. Each party agrees to accept the other party's Confidential Information for the sole purpose of carrying out such Receiving Party's authorized activities under this Agreement. Each party agrees not to use the Confidential Information of the other party for its own or any third party's benefit without the prior written approval of an authorized representative of the Disclosing Party in each instance. In the event a Receiving Party is required to disclose Disclosing Party's Confidential Information by an order of a court or governmental agency, the Receiving Party shall first give written notice to the Disclosing Party to allow the Disclosing Party to make a reasonable effort to obtain a protective order or other confidential treatment for the Confidential Information. 13.3 Verification of Compliance. Excluding Supplier's financial books and records, disclosed under the terms of Section 10.6, Supplier agrees that upon reasonable notice to Supplier and not more than once per twelve month period (year), City's Consultant and/or third party (jointly, "Representatives") may, subject to an appropriate confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement, inspect Supplier's premises and other Supplier Confidential Information to verify Supplier's compliance with the terms of this Agreement. A copy of City's Representative's compliance findings shall be promptly provided to Supplier by City, upon request. 13.4 Exception for Compelled Disclosure. The City shall take all reasonable steps to prevent disclosure of Supplier's proprietary information that is not compelled by the order of a court of competent jurisdiction. In connection with any effort to compel disclosure of such information through the use of the State of Washington's Public Records Act, Chapter, 42.56 RCW, City agrees to make every lawful effort to resist disclosure of designated proprietary information up to, but not including, the defense of any action filed pursuant to said statute to compel release; If the City receives a request for Supplier's proprietary information, the City will initially claim that such information is exempt from disclosure and will not disclose it. Additionally, City will notify Supplier of the request. However, if in City's reasonable legal opinion disclosure is mandated by said statute, City shall give written notice thereof, and its intent to not claim an exemption for those records. and will give Supplier 15 calendar days to obtain a court order preventing disclosure. Supplier shall bear all costs incurred therein including payment of any judgment awarded for failure to disclose any records containing Supplier-claimed proprietary information. In connection with the defense of a suit filed under said statute, Supplier agrees to cooperate with City's defense thereof, and to provide at Supplier's expense such expert and factual witnesses from its staff as shall be needed to establish the proprietary nature of the information sought. Supplier at its own expense may at its option intervene in any action brought against the City, or file such other action as it may deem appropriate to enjoin or otherwise prevent release of information, and City will cooperate with Supplier in the conduct of any such action, supplying City witnesses as Supplier shall require, without charge. The rights and obligations of City and Supplier, above described, shall apply to the appeal of any Superior Court decision in favor of disclosure, taken to the Court of Appeals, or to the Supreme Court of the State of Washington, as appropriate. The City shall not be liable under the license agreement for any disclosure compelled from it after it has complied with this Section. 13.5 City understands and agrees that because of the unique nature of the Confidential Information, Supplier will suffer irreparable harm in the event the City fails to comply with its non-disclosure obligations under this Agreement and that monetary damages will be inadequate to compensate Agreement AG-C 401 Page 25 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 Supplier for such breach. Accordingly, City agrees that Supplier, in addition to any other remedies available to it at law or in equity, shall be entitled to injunctive relief where applicable to enforce the terms of this Agreement. 13.6 Suppler understands and agrees that because of the unique nature of the Confidential Information, City will suffer irreparable harm in the event Supplier fails to comply with its non-disclosure obligations under this Agreement and that monetary damages will be inadequate to compensate City for such breach. Accordingly, Supplier agrees that City, in addition to any other remedies available to it at law or in equity, shall be entitled to injunctive relief where applicable to enforce the terms of this Agreement. ARTICLE XIV. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDEMNIFICATION 14.1 Intellectual Property Indemnification. Supplier agrees, at its own expense, to defend and indemnify City against any suit, claim, proceeding or loss, cost or expense brought against or incurred by City in the United States alleging that the Licensed Software infringes any registered copyright or U.S. patent issued prior to the Effective Date or incorporates any misappropriated trade secrets; provided that, City (a) promptly notifies Supplier in writing of such suit, claim or proceeding, (b) allows Supplier, at its own expense, to control the defense or settlement of such suit, claim or proceeding, and (c) gives Supplier all information and assistance necessary to defend such suit, claim or proceeding. 14.2 Other Remedies. Following written notice from City of a suit, claim or proceeding, or of a threat thereof requiring indemnification under this Article 14 (Intellectual Property Indemnification), Supplier may, at its option and in addition to the indemnification: (a) procure for City the right to use the Licensed Software as contemplated by this Agreement, (b) replace or modify the Licensed Software to make the same non-infringing without materially impairing the performance or functionality of the Licensed Software, or (c) accept the return of the infringing Licensed Software and refund the fees paid by City for the Licensed Software, including design and development fees as well as licensing fees, subject to reasonable depreciation, calculated on a straight line, fifteen year life basis. Supplier shall use its best efforts to satisfy this indemnification through options (a) or (b). City shall cooperate fully with Supplier's implementation of any of the actions described in this Section. In the event the performance or functionality of the System is materially impaired and cannot be corrected through the foregoing remedies within 90 days following City's notice of suit, claim, proceeding or threat thereof, City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and receive upon return of the terminated goods delivered hereunder, the depreciated value of the payments made to the date of termination for: (i) the terminated hardware, depreciated on a straight line basis from the date of purchase by Supplier, based on a five year life, and (ii) the terminated Licensed Software, including design and development fees as well as licensing fees, calculated on a straight line, fifteen year life basis. 14.3 Exclusions. Supplier shall have no liability for any claim to the extent that it results from City's modifications or the incorporation of non-Supplier provided software or other components, when the claim would not have been valid without said incorporation. 14.4 Sole Remedy. SUPPLIER'S INDEMNIFICATION OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS ARTICLE CONSTITUTE THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR ANY CLAIM OF INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 14.5 To the extent that the System or any part thereof is modified by City, or combined by City with equipment or processes not intended to be furnished hereunder (except to the extent that Supplier is a contributory infringer) or said System or any part thereof is used by City to perform a process Agreement AG-C 401 Page 26 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 not intended to be furnished hereunder by Supplier, and by reason of said modification, combination, performance or production, an action is brought against Supplier, City agrees to defend and indemnify Supplier in the same manner and to the same extent that Supplier indemnifies City in this "Intellectual Property Indemnification" Article. ARTICLE XV. GENERAL INDEMNITIES 15.1 Supplier Indemnity. To the extent permitted by law, Supplier shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, agents, and employees from and against all claims, demands, suits, cost of defense, reasonable attorneys' fees, witness fees of any type, losses, damages, expenses, and liabilities for injury to or death of any person or persons, including but not limited to employees of City and Supplier, or damages to property, to which City or its officers, agents, or employees may be put or subjected as a result of any negligence or willful misconduct including employee defalcation by Supplier or any of Supplier's directors, officers, agents, employees, sub-consultants, or persons employed by them in connection with this Agreement, provided that Supplier receives prompt written notice from City of the assertion of any such claim against City, whereupon Supplier may at its option assume the defense and dispose of the claim in any manner of its choice (following which assumption Supplier shall have no further obligation to City for costs or expenses in connection therewith). 15.2 City Indemnity. To the extent permitted by law, City shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Supplier and its directors, officers, agents, employees and sub-contractors from and against all claims, demands, suits, costs of defense, reasonable attorneys' fees, witness fees of any type, losses, damages, expenses, and liabilities for injury to or death of any person or persons, including but not limited to employees of Supplier and City, or damages to property, to which Supplier or its directors, officers, agents, employees, or sub-contractors may be put or subjected as a result of any negligence or willful misconduct by City or any of City's officers, agents, and employees or,persons employed by them in connection with this Agreement, provided that City receives prompt written notice from Supplier of the assertion of any such claim against Supplier, whereupon City may at its option assume the defense and dispose of the claim in any manner of its choice (following which assumption City shall have no further obligation to Supplier for costs or expenses in connection therewith). 15.3 Exclusions. Notwithstanding Sections 15.1 and 15.2, neither Supplier nor City shall be liable to the other for indirect, remote, or consequential damages related to the foregoing. Such indemnification shall include all costs of defending any such suit, including reasonable attorney's fees. Neither party shall be required to indemnify the other for loss or damage which a court of competent jurisdiction determines was occasioned by the sole negligence of such other party, and with respect to partial negligence each party shall bear liability to the extent that party is deemed negligent by a court of competent jurisdiction. 15.4 Immunity. Supplier acknowledges that it may be waiving immunity under Title 51 R.C.W. (Revised Code of Washington), Industrial Insurance Law, and also acknowledges that this provision has been mutually negotiated. 15.5 INDEMNITY. INDEMNITY SHALL AT ALL TIMES AND FOR ALL PURPOSES, BE LIMITED TO NO MORE THAN THE GREATER OF (a) THE CONTRACT PRICE OF THE SCADA SYSTEM PURCHASED BY CITY PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT OR (b) INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS OF ARTICLE 18. THIS LIMITATION ON INDEMNITY SHALL NOT APPLY TO THIRD PARTY ACTIONS WHERE SUPPLIER IS DETERMINED LIABLE BY A COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION. Agreement AG-C 401 Page 27 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 ANY ACTION AGAINST SUPPLIER OR ANY SUB-CONTRACTOR BY CITY MUST BE BROUGHT WITHIN SIX YEARS AFTER FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROJECT, WHICH IS SIGNIFIED BY THE PAYMENT BY CITY OF RETAINAGE AS DEFINED HEREIN, PROVIDED THAT THIS DEADLINE SHALL BE EXTENDED BY A TIME EQUAL TO ANY EXTENSION OF THE TWO (2) YEAR WARRANTY PERIOD UNDER ARTICLE 11. 15.6 Indemnification Against Changes to the Licensed Software by City. To the extent permitted by law, City shall indemnify and hold harmless Supplier and its directors, officers, agents, employees and sub-contractors from and against all claims, delays in performance, demands, suits, costs of defense, reasonable attorneys' fees, witness fees of any type, losses, damages, expenses, and liabilities for injury to or death of any person or persons, including but not limited to employees of Supplier and City, or damages to property, to which Supplier or its directors, officers, agents, employees, or sub-consultants may be put or subjected as a result of any City modifications to Licensed Software, provided that City receives prompt written notice from Supplier of the assertion of any such claim against Supplier, whereupon City may at its option assume the defense and dispose of the claim in any manner of its choice (following which assumption City shall have no further obligation to Supplier for costs or expenses in connection therewith). ARTICLE XVI. TERMINATION 16.1 Term. This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and continue in full force until terminated under the provisions of this Article 16 (Termination). 16.2 Termination for Convenience b, City_. Subject to the provisions of this Section, City may, for convenience, request in writing that Supplier cease work at any time. In the event of such termination, City shall pay Supplier as set forth below: a. Time and Materials. If, due to Change Order or as specified Section 11.2, Supplier performs work on a time and materials basis, then as to such work, City shall pay Supplier for all work performed to the date of notice of such termination. In addition, City will pay a fee equivalent to the lesser of either: (i) 20 days of billable time for up to 5 Supplier staff or (ii) billable time for such staff until reassigned to a new billable project. Such fee being intended to fully compensate Supplier for the time required to re-deploy any staff that were assigned to the project as of the date City notified Supplier of their decision. b. Fixed Price. As to work performed on a fixed price basis, City may only terminate such work for convenience if it immediately pays Supplier all of the following amounts: i. As to completed work, any amounts due under existing invoices, including payments for completed milestones; ii. As to commenced, but uncompleted work, the lesser of: (1) Supplier's time and materials rates for work performed to the date of notice of termination, plus an early termination payment of 10% of the price of such milestones, or (2) The fixed price for such milestones; and Agreement AG-C 401 Page 28 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 iii. As to milestones on which Supplier has not yet commenced work, an early termination payment equal to 5% of the Contract Price. The early termination payment provided for above is not intended as a penalty, but to ensure that Supplier will be compensated fairly for, among other things, Supplier's lost benefits expected from this Agreement and the risks Supplier took in agreeing to perform the work for a fixed price. 16.3 Termination for Default. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, upon breach of any material obligation under this Agreement by one party, the other party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty days written notice to the defaulting party if such cure of breach has not been initiated and pursued with due diligence to be cured within that thirty day period. No breach will have been considered to have occurred if written notice is not provided within 30 days of discovery of the breach. Should the Supplier be the offending party (commit breach) for a breach that City (solely at City's discretion) considers minor, City may initiate a Change Order to remedy the breach and receive City's choice of l week of on site senior level engineering support or 2 weeks senior level engineering support from Supplier's office at no cost to City (there shall also be no cost to City for any clerical, administrative, travel or other labor required to support or assist this effort) as compensation for the breach. 16.4 Termination for Insolvency. If either party: (a) becomes unable to pay its debts when due, (b) makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors, (c) files or has filed against it a petition in bankruptcy or seeks re-organization, (d) has a receiver appointed over any of its assets, or (e) institutes any proceedings for liquidation or winding up, then the other party may, in addition to other rights and remedies it may have, terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice. 16.6 Effect of Termination. Upon any termination of this Agreement: (a) Supplier shall promptly discontinue all terminated Services; and (b) Supplier shall promptly deliver to City all City's documents acquired, accumulated, or possessed by it in connection with the performance of the terminated Services; provided, Supplier has been paid in full for Services properly rendered up to the date of termination. Upon any Termination of this Agreement for City's default or insolvency, all Software licenses granted under this Agreement will terminate and City shall promptly (a) pay Supplier all amounts due and (b) return or destroy all copies of Supplier's Confidential Information within thirty (30) days of the termination and deliver written certification by an officer of City that City has complied with the terms of this Section. 16.7 Survival of Obligations. ions. The following obligations and rights shall survive any termination of this Agreement: Section 10.6 (Audit Rights), Section 11.6 (Disclaimer of Warranties), Article 21 (Limitation of Liability), Article 12 (Intellectual Property Rights), Article 13 (Confidentiality), Article 14 (Intellectual Property Indemnification), Article 16 (Termination), Article 17 (Dispute Resolution) and Article 18 (General Provisions). ARTICLE XVII. DISPUTE RESOLUTION 17.1 Mediation. If any dispute arises concerning either Party's rights or obligations under this Agreement, the parties shall attempt in good faith to resolve the dispute through negotiations. If any dispute cannot be resolved between the respective project managers of the parties within twenty (20) days following the date that the matter in dispute is identified by either Party to the other Party, the matter shall be submitted to non-binding mediation under the auspices of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services/Endispute ("JAMS") in Seattle, Washington, or such other location serviced by JAMS which is mutually acceptable to the parties, in accordance with Agreement AG-C 401 Page 29 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 JAMS commercial rules of mediation. The parties shall request a mediator with at least ten (10) years experience in the software industry and who has knowledge and experience in the software industry sufficient to comprehend the technical and economic issues raised and shall share in the mediation costs equally. If JAMS cannot provide a mediator who meets these requirements, the parties shall request a list of mediators with experience which is as close to the above stated requirements as is possible. Each Party shall select a representative, who is not an employee of the Party. The Party's selected representatives shall meet and agree on a mediator from the list. Both parties agree to participate in such mediation and attempt to resolve the dispute in good faith at all times. ARTICLE XVIII. GENERAL PROVISIONS 18.1 Insurance. Supplier shall be responsible for maintaining, during the term of this Agreement and at its sole cost and expense, the types of insurance coverages and in the amounts described below. Supplier shall furnish evidence, satisfactory to the City, of all such policies. During the term hereof, Supplier shall take out and maintain in full force and affect the following insurance policies: a. Comprehensive public liability insurance, including automobile and property damage, insuring the City and Supplier against loss or liability for damages for personal injury, death or property damage arising out of or in connection with the performance by Supplier of its obligations hereunder, with minimum liability limits of $1,000,000.00 combined single limit for personal injury, death or property damage in any one occurrence. b. Such workmen's compensation and other similar insurance as may be required by law. c. Professional liability insurance with minimum liability limits of $1,000,000. Supplier shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Contract, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property that may arise from or in connection with the performance of the Contract work hereunder by the Supplier, its agents, representatives, employees or sub-contractors. Before beginning work on the project described in this Contract, the Supplier shall provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing the coverages listed below. The policies of insurance for general, automobile, and pollution policies shall be specifically endorsed to name the Contracting Agency and its officers, elected officials, employees, agents and volunteers, and any other entity specifically required by the Agreement, as additional insured(s). A. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles with limits no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. B. Commercial General Liability insurance written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate, and a $2,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. Coverage shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, stop gap liability, independent Suppliers, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. The Commercial General Liability insurance Agreement AG-C 401 Page 30 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement form CG 25 03 11 85. There shall be no endorsement or modification of the Commercial General Liability insurance for liability arising from explosion, collapse or underground property damage. The City shall be named as an additional insured under the Supplier's Commercial General Liability insurance policy, with respect to the work perfonned for the City using ISO Additional Insurance endorsement CG 20 10 10 01 and Additional Insured- Completed Operations endorsement CG 20 37 10 01 or substitute endorsements providing equivalent coverage. C. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. D. Other Insurance Provisions. The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability: 1. The Supplier's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Supplier's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. The Supplier's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. E. Supplier's Insurance for Other Losses. The Supplier shall assume full responsibility for all loss or damage from any cause whatsoever to any tools, Supplier's employee owned tools, machinery, equipment, or motor vehicles owned or rented by the Supplier, or the Supplier's agents, suppliers, or Suppliers as well as to any temporary structures, scaffolding, and protective fences. F. Waiver of Subrogation. The Supplier and the City waive all rights against each other, any of their subcontractors, Sub-subontractors, agents and employees, each of the other, for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extent covered by Builders Risk insurance or other property insurance obtained pursuant to Section XV of this Contract or other property insurance applicable to the work. The policies shall provide such waivers by endorsement or otherwise. G. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with authorized insurers in Washington State with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A-:VII. H. Verification of Coverage. Supplier shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance of the Supplier before commencement of the work. 1. Subcontractors. Supplier shall ensure that each subcontractor of every tier obtains and maintains at a minimum, the insurance coverages listed in this section. Upon request of the City, the Supplier shall provide evidence of such insurance. Any payment of deductible or self insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of the Supplier. Agreement AG-C 401 Page 31 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 The City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all the required insurance policies 18.2 Removal of Supplier Personnel. Based on its reasonable opinion, City shall have the complete and final right to remove any Supplier personnel assigned to perform Services under this Agreement; provided however, that if such removal shall negatively affect the Project Schedule or cost, Supplier shall have the right to a reasonable adjustment to the Project Schedule and Contract Price. Any corresponding adjustments to the Contract Price shall be mutually agreed to in writing. City shall notify Supplier, in writing, of its request for removal of any Supplier personnel and the reason therefore. If City requests removal of an employee, Supplier shall propose an alternative employee for such performance of the required Services within two (2) weeks of such notice. 18.3 Other Contracts. City reserves the right to let other contracts in connection with this Project to which the Services hereunder relate. In such event Supplier shall coordinate its services with all other consultants so as to facilitate the general progress of the Project. 18.4 No Solicitation of Personnel. Neither Party shall solicit any employee of the other Party for work directly related to the SCADA System as defined herein (or a person who was an employee within twenty-four months prior to the proposed employment) at any time during the term of this Agreement and for the period extending twelve (12) months thereafter without mutual approval of the Parties. 18.5 Assignment. Except as provided in this Section, this Agreement may not be assigned by either Party without the prior written consent of the other Party and any purported assignment without such consent shall be null and void. Supplier may not delegate its obligations hereunder to any Affiliate of Supplier without the consent of City as stated herein. Subject to the foregoing restrictions, this Agreement will inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Parties' permitted successors and assignees. 18.6 Independent Contractors. The parties shall perform their obligations under this Agreement as independent contractors. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to imply an employer/employee, master/servant, joint venture and/or principal and agent relationship between the Parties and neither shall have the right to create any obligation, express or implied, on behalf of the other. 18.7 Compliance. Supplier and City each agree that it will perform its obligations under this Agreement in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations now or hereafter in effect, including without limitation the export controls imposed by the U.S. Export Administration Act of 1979, as amended, and the regulations promulgated thereunder. The Contract Price is based on the applicable laws, rules and regulations in effect as of the date ninety (90) days prior to the Effective Date. The effect of any change to the applicable laws, rules and regulations that affect the performance hereunder shall be reasonably compensated through a Change Order. 18.8 Administration of Agreement. This Agreement shall be administered by, Gary Conley on behalf of TSI, and by the Mayor of the City, or designee, on behalf of the City. Any written notices required by the terms of this Agreement shall be served on or mailed to the following addresses: City of Auburn Technical Systems, Inc Attn: Robert Lee Attn: Gary Conley 25 W Main Street 2303-196 1h Street SW Auburn WA 98001 Lynnwood, WA 98036 Agreement AG-C 401 Page 32 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 Phone: 253.804.5071 Phone: 425.678.4112 Fax: 253. 931.3053 Fax: 425.775.9074 E-mail: rlee@auburnwa.gov E-mail: garycktsicontrols.com 18.9 Notices. All notices or communications permitted or required to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, for mailing by certified mail, return receipt requested, and addressed, if to a party of this Agreement, to the address for the party set forth above, or if to a person not a party to this Agreement, to the address designated by a party to this Agreement in the foregoing manner. Any party may change his, her or its address by giving notice in writing, stating his, her or its new address, to any other party, all pursuant to the procedure set forth in this section of the Agreement. 18.10 Attorneys' Fees. If either Party employs attorneys to enforce any rights arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the prevailing Party in such disputes shall be entitled, in addition to its other rights hereunder, to recover reasonable attorneys' fees and all related expenses. "Prevailing Party" means that Party in whose favor any monetary or equitable award is made, regardless of. settlement offers. 18.11 Modification and Waiver. No modification of this Agreement, nor any waiver of any rights, will be effective unless assented to in writing by the Party to be charged, and the waiver of any breach or default shall not constitute a waiver of any other right hereunder or any subsequent breach or default. 18.12 Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity. In performing under this Agreement, Supplier shall not discriminate against any worker, employee, or applicant, or any member of the public, because of race, creed, color, religion, sex or national origin, nor otherwise commit an unfair employment practice. Supplier shall take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are dealt with during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, religion, sex or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment; upgrading; demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training including apprenticeship. Supplier shall incorporate this clause in all contracts entered into with suppliers of materials or services, and all labor organizations furnishing skilled, unskilled, and union labor, or who may perform any such labor or services in connection with this Agreement. 18.13 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be illegal or unenforceable, such provision will be enforced as nearly as possible in accordance with the stated intention of the parties and the remainder of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect. 18.14 Supplier's Duty to Examine. Supplier agrees to responsibly review material supplied by City related to the installation of equipment by Supplier at City's Site. City does not warrant accuracy of facility drawings. If Supplier is performing any installation at City's Site, Supplier will first perform a Site visit and Supplier will be responsible for competent visual examination of said Site and for anticipating non-hazardous difficulties. No allowance in adjustments for Site installation prices will be allowed for any conditions apparent to competent visual inspection after the Site visit. Supplier shall not be liable for any conditions at the Site not apparent to competent visual inspection. Agreement AG-C 401 Page 33 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 It is understood and agreed by the Parties that nothing herein shall be interpreted as placing any responsibility or liability on Supplier for existing hazardous conditions at City's Site including, but not limited to, pollution, contamination, hazardous waste or toxic material; or for the generation, emission, or disposal of such substances. City shall protect and indemnify Supplier against any and all claims or liabilities based on such hazardous Site conditions. 18.15 Sub-Contractor Approval. The City permits subcontracts for those items of work necessary for the completion of the project. Supplier shall not subcontract for the performance of any work under this Agreement without prior written permission of the City. No permission for subcontracting shall create, between the City and Sub-Contractor, any agreement or any other relationship. If the City requests, Supplier shall provide proof that the Sub-Contractor has the experience, ability, and equipment the work requires. The City will approve the request only if satisfied with the proposed Sub-Contractor's record, equipment, experience and ability. Approval to subcontract shall not relieve Supplier of any responsibility to carry out the agreement, relieve Supplier of any obligations of liability under the Contract, convey to the subcontract any rights against the City. If dissatisfied with any part of the subcontracted work, the City may request in writing that the Sub-Contractor be removed. Supplier shall comply with this request at once and shall not employ the Sub-Contractor for any further work under the Contract Compensation for any Sub-Contractor work is included in Section 9 of this Agreement and all reimbursable fixed fee costs for the Sub-Contractor shall be substantiated in the same manner as outlined in Section 10.1. All subcontracts shall contain all applicable provisions of this Agreement. This section does not create a contractual relationship between the City and any Sub-Contractor. Also, it is not intended to bestow upon any Sub-Contractor, the status of a third-party beneficiary to the Contract between the City and Supplier. 18.16 Application. The words "herein" "hereof"'hereunder" and words of similar import refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to a particular article, section, paragraph or other subdivision unless otherwise specifically stated. 18.17 Plurali . Any reference to the singular shall be taken to include the plural and vice versa, as the context may require, and the masculine includes the feminine and vice versa, unless the context requires otherwise. Words connoting persons or parties shall include firms, corporations and government entities. 18.18 Nuclear Exclusion. City shall not use the System provided hereunder or any part thereof in connection with any activity, function or process involving the control of nuclear fission or fusion, or the handling of any source, special nuclear or by-product material, as such terms are defined in the United States Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, until and unless City, at its expense, has procured insurance coverage, indemnities, waiver of liability, recourse and subrogation, all acceptable to Supplier and fully adequate in the sole reasonable opinion of Supplier, to protect Supplier, its officers and stockholders, its subcontractors and suppliers, against liability of every kind, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise. 18.19 Headings. The headings and titles to the articles, clauses and subclauses of this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and shall not be deemed a part hereof or affect the construction or interpretation of any provision hereof. Agreement AG-C 401 Page 34 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 18.20 Exclusion: Excluding contract documents referenced in Article 1 and any subsequent amendments to this Agreement mutually signed by the Parties, no terms appearing on any of City's documents related to this Project, including any of City's purchase orders and/or Supplier invoices shall operate to add to or vary the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 18.21 Consents and Approval: Where agreement, approval, acceptance, consent, or similar action by either Party is required under this Agreement, such action shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld. An approval or consent given by a Party under this Agreement shall not relieve the other Party from responsibility for complying with the requirements of this Agreement, nor shall it be construed as a waiver of any rights under this Agreement, except as and to the extent otherwise expressly provided in such approval or consent. 18.22 Sure 1y Bond. Supplier shall furnish a faithful performance or surety bond, including power of attorney, for 100% of the amount of the total Contract Price (including applicable taxes) determined as of the Effective Date to insure complete performance of this Agreement including the guarantee. The bond must be executed by a surety company licensed to do business in the State of Washington. Within ninety (90) days following successful completion of the Availability Test, as determined by City, City agrees to accept a reduced bond from Supplier in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the total final Contract Price (including all Change Order increases) to secure performance during the Warranty Period. Upon acceptance of said reduced bond, City agrees to immediately release the original bond. Upon expiration of all applicable warranty periods hereunder, and upon all necessary and proper lien releases being filed with City's City Clerk, City shall release the remaining Bond to Supplier. 18.23 Integrated Document. Except as specified to the contrary, all provisions of this Agreement shall apply to all other provisions of this Agreement. The Agreement shall be read as a whole. 18.24 Publici . a. The award of this Agreement to Supplier is not in any way an endorsement of Supplier or Supplier's Products and Services by City and shall not be so construed by Supplier in any advertising or other publicity materials. b. Supplier agrees to submit to City, all advertising, sales promotion, and other publicity materials relating to this Agreement and Products and Services furnished by Supplier wherein City's name is mentioned, language is used, or Internet links are provided from which the connection of City's name therewith may, in City's judgment, be inferred or implied. Supplier further agrees not to publish or use such advertising, sales promotion materials, publicity or the like through print, voice, the World Wide Web, and other communication media in existence or hereinafter developed without the express written consent of City prior to such use. ARTICLE XIX. COMPLIANCE WITH THE IMMIGRATION AND CONTROL ACT OF 1986 (IRCA) REQUIRED 19.1 Supplier understands and acknowledges the applicability of IRCA to it. Supplier agrees to comply with IRCA in performing under this Agreement and to permit City inspection of its personnel records to verify such compliance. This right of inspection notwithstanding, City shall have no obligation to verify compliance and Supplier shall be, wholly and solely liable for any violation of said Act. ARTICLE XX. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Agreement AG-C 401 Page 35 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 20.1 No officer, employee or agent of the City who exercises any function or responsibilities in connection with the planning and carrying out of the program to which this Agreement pertains, nor any member of the immediate family of any such officer, employee or agent as defined by City ordinance, shall have any personal financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, either in fact or in appearance. The Supplier shall comply with all federal, state, City Charter, and City ordinance conflict of interest laws, statutes and regulations as they shall apply to all beneficiaries under this Agreement, as well as to officers, employees or agents of the City. The Supplier represents that the Supplier presently has no interest and shall not acquire any interest, direct or indirect, in the program to which this Agreement pertains which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the Supplier's services and obligations hereunder. The Supplier further covenants that, in the performance of this Agreement, no person having any such interest shall be employed. 20.2 Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters-Primary covered Transactions. The Supplier certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it and its principals: (a) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or agency; (b) Have not within a three-year period preceding this Agreement been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission or fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) transaction or agreement under a public- transaction; violation of federal or state antitrust statues or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; (c) Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal, state, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph "(b)" of this certification; and (d) Have not within a three-year period preceding this Agreement had one or more public transactions (federal, state, or local) terminated for cause or default. Where the prospective primary participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal. 20.3 Nondiscrimination. Supplier may not discriminate regarding any services or activities to which this Agreement may apply directly or through contractual, hiring, or other arrangements on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, or where there is the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap. ARTICLE XXI. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 21.1 SUPPLIER'S TOTAL LIABILITY TO CITY ON ANY AND ALL CLAIMS IN CONTRACT, TORT, OR OTHERWISE FOR INJURY, LOSS OR DAMAGE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES FOR BREACH, DELAY, PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY OR DEATH TO PERSONS (INCLUDING CITY'S EMPLOYEES) AND FOR ALL SUCH TOGETHER, ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH THE MANUFACTURE, SALE, LICENSE, DELIVERY, RESALE, REPAIR, REPLACEMENT, POSSESSION, USE OF THE SYSTEM AND ITS PARTS, PERFORMANCE OR THE FAILURE TO PERFORM ANY OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, WHETHER CAUSED BY CITY'S SOLE OR Agreement AG-C 401 Page 36 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 CONCURRENT NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE, SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ALL FEES PAID UNDER THIS AGREEMENT BUT IN NO EVENT LESS THAN $2,000,000.00 FOR CLAIMS MADE IN THE FIRST YEAR OF THIS AGREEMENT, $3,000,000.00 FOR CLAIMS MADE IN THE SECOND YEAR OF THIS AGREEMENT, AND IN NO EVENT LESS THAN $3,000,000.00 FOR CLAIMS MADE THEREAFTER. SUPPLIER'S LIMITATION OF LIABILITY SHALL BE CUMULATIVE AND ALL OF SUPPLIER'S EXPENDITURES WITH RESPECT TO ANY LIABILITY RELATED TO THIS AGREEEMENT SHALL BE AGGREGATED TO DETERMINE SATISFACTION OF THE LIMIT. 21.2 EXCEPT FOR BREACH BY EITHER PARTY OF ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER ARTICLE 10 (LIQUIDATED DAMAGES), ARTICLE 11 (WARRANTIES), ARTICLE 13 (CONFIDENTIALITY) AND BREACH BY CITY OF THE SCOPE OF ANY LICENSE GRANTED TO CITY HEREIN, IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF REVENUE, BUSINESS PROFITS, LOSS OF CAPITAL, CLAIMS OF CUSTOMERS FOR SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS OR FAILURE OF SUPPLY, AND COSTS AND EXPENSES INCURRED IN CONNECTION WITH LABOR, OVERHEAD, TRANSPORTATION, SUBSTITUTE FACILITIES OR SUPPLY SOURCES, OR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE DAMAGES OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (WHETHER DIRECT OR INDIRECT), RELATED TO OR ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT, HOWEVER CAUSED, ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION FOR CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) OR OTHERWISE, AND WHETHER OR NOT THE PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed effective the day and year first set forth above. Agreement AG-C 401 Page 37 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 CITY OF AUBURN Technical Systems, Inc. 1 Peter B. Lewis, Mayor Name: MAY 18 2011 Title: Federal Tax ID # Atte t: \ SI~E,~,, Ca~9~~ r Danielle E. Daskam City Clerk Approved as to form: Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney Agreement AG-C 401 Page 38 of 38 SCADA System Improvements 4/28/2011 Exhibit A Agreement AGC-401 C524A SCADA System Improvements Scope of Services This Exhibit A defines the Professional and Installation Services for the upgrade of the City of Auburn's SupervisoryControl and Data F.cquisition (SCADA) System. The upgraded SCADA system will provide for a Computer based Master Telemetry Unit (MTU) and Programmable Logic Control (PLC) based Remote Telemetry Units (RTUs) to monitor and control the City's utility facilities. The overall project design will be based on the recommendations in the Preliminary Design Report (The Report). The engineering design and installation will include written standards, plan schematics, SCADA hardware, programming and transition plan for the water, sanitary sewer and storm drainage systems; also included is the design of physical site security recommendations from The Report. The sites for this project are identified in the Site Improvements Summary Sheet of The Report. Design will be provided for all of the sites on this list. A separate pricing schedule shall include the future sites of Dogwood Lift Station, Ellingson Lift Station, Stuck River Pump Station, Lakeland Hills Booster Pump Station, Academy Booster Pump Station, Terrace View Booster Pump Station, Verdona Lift Station and Reservoirs 5 & 6. 'Project components include: 1. Design only of the physical site improvements; design and installation of electronic security and lighting improvements in accordance with the security improvements list identified in the Site Improvements Summary Sheet. 2. Replacement of the existing telemetry with new PLC based RTUs at the locations listed on the Site Improvements Summary Sheet. a. The system will be designed such that the upgrade of the system will keep existing field devices, conduit, and wire undisturbed to the maximum extent possible. b. The system will also include additional devices included in the Site Improvements Summary Sheet and 10 Lists. c. Development of computer and PLC software routines to provide for the control, monitoring and data storage of the City's sewer, storm and water processes and facilities. d. Procurement of hardware for control panels, electronic security, physical security, site improvements and instrumentation as detailed in the Site Improvements Summary Sheet and fabrication and testing of control panels and associated equipment. e. Installation of control panels, 'electronic security, physical security, site improvements and instrumentation as detailed in the Site Improvements Summary Sheet and startup and testing of control panels and associated equipment. The terms "consultant", "Design Team" and/or "Team" throughout this scope shall mean TSI and its subcontractors and sub-consultants. The term "City" shall mean the City of Auburn Task 1 Project/Management Administration The Design Team for the SCADA upgrade project will consist of TSI, who will be the Prime Contractor, and it's Subcontractor Tetra Tech. The Electrical Subcontractor will be Totem Electric. The Design Team will manage and coordinate all engineering and architecture disciplines and related services required for project completion. See Exhibit C for block diagram of Project Team. 100.1 Design Team Conference Calls.and Action Items The Design Team shall attend a conference call every two weeks through project completion with the City's Project Representatives and other staff to discuss project status, action items, and potential areas of concern. The minutes from these calls will be published by the Design Team with action items that require a response by team members or other staff identified in the meeting notes. The Design Team AGC-401 Page 1 of 8 Exhibit A shall develop and maintain a rolling Action Item list updated at least biweekly and as needed. Resolved Action Items shall be removed from the active list and kept in a historic register. A Representative from the Design Team shall attend all calls. The City Project Representative shall approve attendance by other Consultant staff prior to the call. 100.1.1 Deliverables • Meeting minutes • Action item list • Historic register 100.2 Project Management, Process Reporting, Cost and Schedule Control The Design Team shall track time and budget, work elements accomplished, work items planned for the next period, manpower, scope changes, time and budget needed to complete this scope. The Design Team shall prepare monthly project progress reports, identify accomplishments for the month, anticipated work items for the next month, and identify current or potential problems or changes. The progress report shall contain a summary of all task costs to date and remaining budget and an updated schedule; see Exhibit E for sample invoice format. 100.2.1 Deliverables • Monthly progress reports, to include all elements described above. 100.3 Quality Control The Design Team will provide quality assurance of all project deliverables. To support the Design Team's QA/QC program, an independent Principal Engineer from TSI will conduct a review on all engineering and design deliverables; hardware components will be reviewed by a certified industry professional. 100.3.1 Deliverables • QA/QC sign-off sheet from internal QA/QC process. Task 2 Master Control Station Upgrade The objective of this task is to design the Maintenance and Operations Center (M&O) SCADA communications network, including modems, radios, computer, and network equipment. The Design Team will work with the City's Information Services Department (IS) to refine the computer detailed system network depicted in The Report list of required equipment. 200.1 Design Master Control Station Master Station Hardware and Software Design The Design Team will incorporate the recommendations of Section 5 (SCADA System Core Components) of The Report to develop a SCADA Block Diagram and supporting Bill of Materials (BOM) and Catalog Cut Sheets for the SCADA Master Station hardware. The hardware and software will include SCADA servers, Wonderware, Historian, WIN911 Alarm, and Reporting Tools. The design will include functional descriptions of major components, a transition plan for cutover of the SCADA Master Station, Factory Acceptance Test (FAT),Site Acceptance Test (SAT) procedures, and documentation requirements. The computer hardware and software TSI and will be shipped to TSI's Lynnwood office for software configuration and programming COA IS staff will perform all network configuration/installation. COA IS will confer with consultant to develop IP addressing scheme. The City will procure and/or supply all server equipment and network equipment. Master Station (M&O) network equipment is already in place or will be procured by Auburn IS; the Consultant will provide minimum recommended hardware and operating system requirements for all COA provided workstation, server, and network hardware and software components. All computer operating systems, network configurations and Microsoft Office software will be configured by the Design Team prior to SCADA configuration work, with the concurrence of the City's Network Communication Engineer; the City will provide City network schema, including network security protocols. The Design Team will coordinate with the City's Project Manager and Network Communication Engineer AGC-401 Page 2 of 8 Exhibit A f to ensure that software on SCADA System computers shall be a fully-functioning installed operating system and MS Office. The City will need 3 weeks lead time to coordinate network integration. Application Software Design Guide The Design Team will utilize Section 6 of the Preliminary Design (SCADA HMI and Local OIT Screen Development), the existing SCADA programming, and the Design Team's Object Library to define the SCADA application guidelines for the HMI database, graphic standards, alarm management, and reports. The Design Team will then submit draft Software Design Guide for the City's review and approval before proceeding with the SCADA Master Station application development. The draft Software Design Guide will include an HMI Database List, navigation schemes, graphical objects, and graphic templates. 200.1.1 Deliverables • Draft SCADA Block Diagram, Bill of Materials, Functional Descriptions, Transition Plan, SAT Procedures, Documentation Requirements, Application Software Design Guide. • Final SCADA Block Diagram, Bill of Materials, Functional Descriptions, Transition Plan, SAT Procedures, Documentation Requirements, Rack Layout Diagram, and Application Software Design Guide • Workshop for network configuration. 200.2 Configure SCADA Application Application Software Development The Design Team will perform initial system setup including communication drivers, access privileges, etc. The Design Team will convert the HMI database using information from the existing SCADA system. The proposal is based on defining up to 1,400 1/0 points in the HMI database. HMI database set-up will include defining the following parameters for each 1/0 point: • Tag name • Point descriptor • PLC address • Alarm/event status • Up to 4 alarm limits for analogs • Alarm priority • Range and engineering units for analogs • Active state for discrete The Design Team will develop new HMI Graphic displays to depict the existing remote facilities. Assumed are up to 94 graphic displays to be developed and that standard graphic templates will be used for similar equipment. Alarm Management Based on the alarm management guidelines in the Application Software Design Guide, SCADA alarms will be assigned one of 3 priority levels, depending on the severity of the alarm: • High: potential hazardous or permit compliance condition, requiring immediate response • Medium: potential performance deviation, requiring prompt attention • Low: alert to abnormal condition, requiring acknowledgement Once the alarms are identified, the Design Team will configure the HMI software to provide local alarm display, annunciation and remote notification. The alarm system will call-out to designated City employee contacts (email, text, or voice). Historian Configure the historical archive software to record data from the system for future use by the City. Develop five (5) reports for City use. There shall be one each hourly, daily, monthly and annual, user selected date range, report per facility and the remainder of the reports shall be as designated by the City (i.e. Total Water Production, DOH / DOE reports, etc.) including: • Sewer or storm lift station data • Siphon data • Well data • Reservoir / pump station / reservoir - pump station site data AGC-401 Page 3 of 8 Exhibit A • Spring source / chlorination station data • CCTF data • PRV data • Intertie data • Total water production / inflow - outflow (calculated by data from Source Meters and reservoir level change) / Total usage data • "All reservoirs" data • Water quality report (One for all Analytical devices) data • Other City designated report information 200.2.1 Deliverables • SCADA Master Station application software, including HMI database, 94 graphic displays, alarm management system, communication drivers, access privileges, historian, and 5 reports. 200.3 Perform Master Station Factory Acceptance TSI will conduct a Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) of the completed HMI application at the Lynnwood, WA office. The City PM and representatives of their project team should attend the FAT. At the conclusion of the FAT, The Design Team will address any punch list items and then prepare the system for delivery to the M&O facility. Assumed is the City will be responsible for shipping costs to TSI's office; TSI staff will transport accepted equipment to the M&O facility. The City will be responsible for carpentry and other architectural modifications to their M&O facility, while TSI will be responsible for wiring, electrical work and installation / integration of racks and cabinets. 200.4 Perform System Cutover and Site Testing TSI will assist the City to install the new Master Station hardware and software at the M&O facility. Then, following the transition plan defined in Task 200.1, TSI will cut over the SCADA application software to operate the City's remote sites. Once the cutover has been completed, TSI will conduct a System Acceptance Test using the procedures defined in the Master Station Hardware and Software Design. 200.5 Prepare Master Station O&M Manual The Design Team will prepare an Operations and Maintenance Manual (Part 1) for the upgraded Master Station SCADA system. The O&M Manual (Part1) will detail the Master Station Hardware and Software Design to reflect as-built configuration of the Master Station; it will also contain the Application Software Design Guide to reflect as-built system configuration at the time of final acceptance. SCADA Master Station maintenance procedures will be added to the as-built documentation to complete the O&M Manual. Other items to be included in the manual are: • Operator Interface and Supervisory Control: "Screen dump" images of each operator interface screen. Information shall describe color scheme, mouse button use, function key controls and communication protocol with PLCs. Information shall include a flow diagram showing screen navigation, sample event and alarm log outputs. • Data Collection: Details of data structures, communications protocols, data exchange formats, sampling intervals, and file storage space management. Information shall include "screen dump" images of historical trending. • Data Management and Reporting: Information shall include information on all process data management and reporting. Information shall include data definitions, customization of base software, data entry screens, menus, and report formats. Information shall include data entry, collection, and reporting scenarios, and data file storage management including backup and archive operations. 200.5.1 Deliverables • As-built Master Station Design • As-built Application Software Design Guide • Master Station Maintenance Procedures • Operations and Maintenance Manual (Part 1), inclusive of the above deliverables; Six (6) hardcopies, one (1) pdf electronic copy, one (1) electronic copy in native document format. • One (1) hard copy and one (1) electronic copy of all programming in native format. AGC-401 Page 4 of 8 Exhibit A • One (1) hard copy and one (1) electronic copy of letter size of Standardized Specifications of the Master Station. Task 3 Remote Site SCADA Design and Upgrade 300.1 Conduct Site Workshops Prior to developing the final design documents, the Design Team will conduct 2 one-half day workshops to review the operation, functions, existing inputs/outputs, additional inputs/outputs, etc. for the representative sites (1 Sewer, 1 Storm & an integrated Water facilities) being undertaken in this task. Review current control and diagnostic strategies and propose any improvements based on current industry protocols or greater capabilities of the upgraded system as opposed to existing system. Section 2 of The Report (Remote Telemetry Unit (RTU) Platform) as well as Appendices C, D, & E will be reviewed during the workshops and will provide the initial starting points for design development. 300.1.1 Deliverables • Memorandum of Site Control Strategies Improvements, prior to site workshop. • Finalized RTU Platform Report, inclusive of the aforementioned Appendices C, D, & E 300.2 Prepare Radio Path Analyses The Design Team will review previous data of the radio path assessment completed by TSI and prepare radio-path profiles for entire radio network to support conversion of the leased lines connections to the proposed Ethernet radio system. Each radio path will be categorized in one of three ways: 1) reliable, 2) marginal, or 3) blocked. A summary table will be produced that detail for every path, the end points, length, and clearance category. The radio path profiles will show bandwidth anticipated, clearance between each path, the terrain along the path, and any blocking structures. From this, recommendations will be made for alternate rerouting of pathways and/or the necessity for intermediate radio locations and/or the need for additional antenna heights at a particular location(s). As part of the design portion of the project, TSI will make a substantial effort to study the use of differing available radio technologies for the CCTV or SCADA systems; TSI will provide recommendations for using at a minimum, one alternative technology for data transmission. TSI will evaluate the feasibility of using higher speed and bandwidth radio systems based on the terrain, range, and site density within the City to increase SCADA communications rates or CCTV image throughput. 300.2.1 Deliverables • Radio Path Profiles for entire network. 300.3 Design Communication System The Design Team will conduct a half-day workshop to discuss the requirements for the redesigned radio system. Items that will be discussed include: • Recommendation of position of radios and type of use for each radio (SCADA vs. video transmission) • Redundant paths to key sites • Data update rate requirements • Potential repeater sites The requirements identified in the workshop will be included in the Communication System Design Technical Memorandum. The Design Team will utilize the information gathered in the Site Visits, Radio Path Profiles, and Design Workshop to develop the Technical Memorandum (TM). The Technical Memorandum will include the following: • A summary of the design criteria established. • Radio path profiles and summary spreadsheet. • Summary of findings during the Site Visits. • Discussion of alternatives available to resolve path reliability and throughput issues. • The recommended steps to establish reliable communications for those paths that are marginal or blocked. AGC-401 Page 5 of 8 Exhibit A • TSI will submit a Draft Technical Memorandum to the City for review and comment. The Design Team will conduct a two-hour review workshop to develop the Final Technical Memorandum. 300.3.1 Deliverables • Draft Communication System Design TM • Two hour review workshop • Final Communication System Design TM 300.4 Develop Remote Site Hardware Design Technical Memorandum. The Consultant will develop a technical memorandum that outlines the design requirements for the remote site hardware improvements. Also incorporated into the design will be elements identified in Section 12 (Electronic Security) and 13.1 (Lighting) of The Report. The Technical Memorandum will contain a Remote Site Block Diagram and supporting Bill of Materials (BOM) and Catalog Cut Sheets for the Remote Site PLC, electronic locks, CCTV, lighting and radio equipment. Sites where CCTV and lighting improvements are required, a scaled drawing of the site shall be included in the Technical Memorandum that depicts their location and any necessary conduit pathways. The Technical Memorandum will also include functional descriptions of major components, wiring diagrams and panel layout drawings for remote telemetry panels, Site Acceptance Test (SAT) procedures, and documentation requirements. 300.4.1 Deliverables • Draft Remote Site Hardware Design TM • Final Remote Site Hardware Design TM • Video Security Design TM • Lighting Design TM 300.5 Develop Remote Site Programming Design Guide TSI will conduct a'/2 day workshop with the City to define the Remote Site programming and configuration for the PLC controls and radio communications. TSI will submit a draft Remote Site Programming Design Guide for the City's review and approval. The draft Remote Site Programming Design Guide will include a PLC Database List, control program objects, and communication configuration settings. 300.5.1 Deliverables • Workshop preparation and materials • Draft Remote Site Programming Design Guide • Final Remote Site Programming Guide 300.6 Develop Implementation Plan Based on the Communication System Design TM, the Remote Site Design TM, and the Remote Site Programming Design Guide, The Consultant will develop a Remote Site Implementation Plan. This plan will include prioritization criteria for sequencing of remote sites for upgrades and schedule to upgrade each site. TSI will submit a draft and a final Remote Site Implementation Plan for the City's review and approval. It is assumed that certain hardware products specified in the BOM (network hardware servers, etc) will be procured by the City and shipped to TSI's Lynwood office for installation and programming. A plan will be developed to handle interactions concerning City supplied hardware between TSI and the City. 300.6.1 Deliverables • Draft Remote Site Implementation Plan • Final Remote Site Implementation Plan • Hardware Bill of Materials for City Procurement • City Supplied Hardware Interaction Plan 300.7 Configure and Test Remote Site Controls AGC-401 Page 6 of 8 Exhibit A Upon receipt of equipment from manufacturer, TSI will setup SCADA equipment in its shop and test all control functions, display, alarm, and OPC server functionality as well as PLC 1/0, control and programming. Test SCADA, RTUs, and communications equipment for end to end data transmission integrity and accuracy. Test all SCADA screens, including data monitor screens, and trend screens, for connectivity, completeness, and accuracy of information displayed. Test SCADA control, alarm, navigation, and security configurations and functions. The Design Team shall provide results of factory test procedures for the system, witness the factory test to assess the progress of the work, authorize shipment to the site and verify all components, instruments, equipment, appurtenances meet or exceed the specifications. 300.8 Startup Remote Site Control Programs Following the Implementation Plan defined in the Remote Site design, TSI will restart and cutover each of the remote site controls. System Acceptance Procedures defined in the Master Station Hardware and Software Design will be followed at the site acceptance test at each Remote Site. 300.9 Develop Remote Site Controls O&M Manual The Design Team will prepare the Operations and Maintenance Manual (Part 2) for the upgraded Remote Site Controls. The O&M Manual (Part 2) will contain an update of as-built configuration at time of acceptance. The Manual should also include information for: • Programmable Logic Controllers: Lists of input and output assignments, data file structures used, and internal data points. Information shall show points used to communicate between PLCs and the operator interface and data collection segments. Information shall include complete, fully annotated ladder logic diagrams complete with cross-reference listings. • PLC and instrumentation maintenance procedures. 300.9.1 Deliverables • As-built of the Process & Instrumentation Diagram • As-built of the configuration of the RTU Operator Interface Terminal • As-built Remote Site Programming Guide • Operations and Maintenance Manual (Part 2), inclusive of the above deliverables; Six (6) hardcopies, one (1) pdf electronic copy, one (1) electronic copy in native document format. • One (1) hard copy and (1) electronic copy of all programming in native format. • One (1) hard copy and one (1) electronic copy of As-built Remote Site Technical Specification. This specification shall include all elements of the Final Remote Site Hardware Design TM, all elements of the Final Remote Site Programming Guide and all specifications necessary for bidding documents to construct a new remote site SCADA system. This specification shall be categorized by site type (reservoir, pump station, well, corrosion control facility, etc.). Task 4 Post Commissioning Services 400.1 Post Final Acceptance Support The Design Team will provide up to 80 hours of on-going support for City requested, post-Final Acceptance changes. TSI will maintain a separate log of time exhausted supporting changes to programming and equipment configurations after Final Acceptance of that particular equipment or its programming. Support beyond this initial 80 hours will be provided at the rates included in the Fee Proposal. 400.2 System Training The Design Team shall develop a training plan for City staff using and maintaining the SCADA system to achieve the City objectives as well as to provide training for software and computer hardware to operate the system according to the training plan. Operations Provide training on all manual, automatic, programmed, communications, hardware and software operation aspects of the system. Utilize the O&M Manual as a training document. Maintenance Operations AGC-401 Page 7 of 8 Exhibit A Provide training on all manual, automatic, programmed, communications, hardware and software operation aspects of the system. Utilize the O&M Manual as a training document. 400.2.1 Deliverables • Training Plan • 2 day workshop for staff training for operation of the Master Control Station operation • 2 -'/2 day workshop for staff training for Remote Site system operation Note: These training workshops are of basic or fundamental nature and do not include advanced capabilities (i.e. programming). If this level of training is required, TSI recommends that the City contract with a manufacturer's representative for the appropriate system training. Task 5 Physical Site Improvements Development 500.1 Physical Site Security Design The Design Team will provide design site plans for physical elements of remote site security. These improvements include modifications and/or replacement of existing fencing, bollards, windows, doors, shelters, vegetation management, clearing, grubbing, and landscaping elements on identified sites. Products and conditions identified in Section 13 of the.Preliminary Design Report (Physical Security), exclusive of lighting elements will be addressed for incorporation into the design. The Design Team will produce Physical Site Security plans for review and comment by the City, and after comments are addressed produce a final set of design drawings. 500.1.1 Deliverables • Draft Physical Site Security plans and specifications; four (4) hardcopy, % sized plans (11" x 17") and four (4) hardcopy, letter sized specifications. • Final Physical Site Security plans and specifications in the following formats: o An engineer's estimate of cost for the construction contract with sufficient backup information to substantiate lump sum, estimated, or non-standard items on the estimate. o One electronic copy of the Contract Special Provisions complete with merge field links intact and including the data file complete. o One hard copy set of the Contract Special Provisions for construction with Engineer's stamp and signature. o One electronic set of drawing file(s) in AutoCAD 2009 format including all external reference files and any custom fonts and plot settings. o One full sized (36" x 22") set of 4 mil mylar drawings of all sheets comprising the set of plans for the construction contract, complete with Engineer's Stamp and signature on each sheet. o One electronic, pdf version of the completed mylar drawings. AGC-401 Page 8 of 8 Exhibit A Exhibit ,13 Agreement AGC-401 C524A SCADA System Improvements Cost By Task Item Description Amount 1 Core SCADA System with Head End and 3 Core Sites $1,052,986.00 1.1 Project Management; Engineering $540,000.00 1.2 :Submittals $48,000.00 1.3 Programming $59,520.00 1.4'Equiprrient Purchase - Software, Control Panels and Misc. Instrumentation $191,066.00 1.5 Fabrication $21,600.00 1.6 Witnessed Factory Acceptance Testing $10,000.00 1.7'Installation $102,000.00 1.8 Startup.& Training $40,000.00 1.9 Final Documentation,(As-BuiIts, O&Ms) $26,400.00 1.10 Final Acceptance $14,400.00 2 Remaining Water Sites $1,499,500.70 2.1 Project Management, Engineering $175,570.00 2.2 Submittals $58,000.00 2.3 Programming $390,000.00 2.4'.Equipment Purchase -Control Panels and Misc. Instrumentation $311,730.70 2.5 Fabrication $78,000.00 2.6 Witnessed Factory Acceptance Testing $28,000.00 2.7 Installation 285,000.00 2.8 Startup & Training $120,000.00 2.9 Final Documentation (As-Builts, O&Ms) $36,000.00 2.10 Final Acceptance $17,200.00 3 Remaining,Storm Water and Sewer Sites $1,086,227.00 3.1 Project Management, Engineering $116,000.00 3.2 Submittals $36,500.00 3.3 Programming $187,000.00 3.4: Equipment Purchase - Control Panels and Misc. Instrumentation $293,727.00 3.5 Fabrication $45,000.00 3.6 Witnessed Factory Acceptance Testing $22,000.00 3.7 Installation $184,000.00 3.8 Startup & Training $153,000.00 3.9 Final Documentation (As,Builts, O&Ms) $33,000.00 3.10 Final Acceptance $16,000.00 4 CCTV Adder $178,092.00 4.1 Project Management, Engineering $27,000.00 4.2 Submittals $1,800.00. 4.3 Programming $6,800.00 4.4 Equipment Purchase - Control Panels and Misc. Instrumentation $74,380.00 4.5 Fabrication $16,200.00 4.6 Witnessed Factory Acceptance Testing $3,600.00 4.7 Installation $26,500.00 4.8 Startup & Training $12,000.00 4.9-Final Documentation (As-Builts, O&Ms) $8,012.00 4.10 Final Acceptance $1,800.00 5 Physical Security Design $202,431.06 5.1 Project Management, Engineering $182,191.00 5.2 Submittals $20,240.00 6 Bonding $80,384.73 6.1. Bonding Costs $80,384.73 Subtotal $4,099,621.43 Sales Tax (9.5%) $389,464.04 Total Consultant Services $4,489,085.47 Exhlbd 81- City of Aubum SCADA Upgade . , . . s. . . s. . 0 0 xx= SCHEDUROF-VALUES a:: , . . , : . _ . . _ . _ f0#:iux QVI'fIALCOWTRAC7'AMOUNT f4,099,621.43 Pmmt lovadce0 ImdreMi lovaittq3 Imvicett4 Imvicep5 Imorcep6 Invoiaq7 lovai«p8 IoroittA9 Imroke@IO Imoice611 loroiaq17 ImuceY13 Invdcek14 Inrokekl5 InvoiaN16 lmdcepll Tdel ......IiEM.......:.., :-;-~'hIlCB CmWIGe dllll ddll x/Alll dtfll dx/ll N/xM ddll dx/II ddll dAltl mhJll A/dll e7d11 dwll x+alll tJ.Jll dxlll Rmaining 1 Cbre SCADA6demap6NeWEodmd3Cbre5Mn SI.Ol2,936A0 31IA57,9116.UU 1.1 'atM1tum E ' f540,000.00 $540,000.00 1.2 Subouneb S48,000.00 E48,000.00 1.3 Progmmmiiig $59,570.00 E59,120.00 EquipmmtPurcheee • Software, Cwhol Pamk end Miu. 1.9 fnstnurcmmim $191,066.00 E191,066.00 1.5 Fa6riwim 521,60000 521,600.00 1.6WimwsdFed mce Testial; SIQ000.00 f10,000.00 IJ Imtalhtian SI02.000.00 1102.000.00 I.BS 8Tn ' S10,000.00 S40.D0D.00 1.9 Fiual Donwmuiiw (Aa-Builu, 0.QMc $16p00.00 S26AOO.00 I.IOFimIA nce 514,400.00 SI4.400.00 i Remdahm wmersno siA",wavo sIA"Aaa.vo 2.1 Projmt ' EI75,570.00 $175.570.00 2.2 SubmGeb &58,000.00 S78,00D.00 23 ftopummng 5390,000.00 S390,000.00 2.9 PivcMx-CanmlPene9seodMise.InsWmmWlwn $311,730.70 S311,730.70 2.5 Fe6riu~iw $78,000.00 578,000.00 Fooory Ac mttTa' E28,000.00 578,000.00 zi trmu.rion a295,000.00 sles,aoo.oo z.estartup & rn ' $120,000.00 s120,000.00 2.9 Fwal Docwxvuiioo (AsBuiAs, o&M.,) 136,000.00 s36,000.00 7.10 Fiml A nce $17,200.00 517,200.00 ) RemRialog Slwmwahrend8"er5itn 91,086,227.00 f1,086,227A0 3.1 'aiMem SI16,000A0 ' $116,000.00 3.2 3ubnittal.s $36,500.00 S36,500.00 33 ProgrammiAg S187,000.00 $187,000.00 Equiprnent i Purchece-CanwlPenebendMuc.lmwrtenuiion 5293,727.00 $493,127.00 3.5 Febricelion $45.000.00 S45,000.00 3.6 Wiuinsed Factcry Acc tentt Taf S22,000.00 S22,000.00 3.1 Iustdlerim 5184,000.00 EI84,OUO.00 3.11S1ertu 3Trv ' SI53,000A0 fI33,000.00 39 Finel Docwmitetion(AsBuilte, 0&Ms) 633,000.00 f31,000.00 3.I0FinalA V- $16.000.00 SI OOD.00 4 CCTYAdder f178,09].00 $1711,092.00 4.1 Projwt Mem #1,000.00 f27,000.00 42 Subouneh $1.800.00 fI,900.00 43 Prograinaming $6.800.00 $6,900.00 EquipmeM ' Pure6eu-ConimlPanelsendMiu.lnstluvmtelion n4,3e0.00 $74,380,00 43 FebriceGon $16,200.00 516,200.00 4.6Witnesmi Faa Tatigkg ' f7,600.00 " $3.600.00 4.7 WulletMn j26,500,00 526,500.00 4.8St &Tre ' $12.000.00 $12.000.00 4.9 Fiaalllucwrcvafim (As-Buil6, OQMs) E8,012.00 f8,012.00 4.I0 FimIA enu $I800.00 SI,800.00 s physkw sSnaft pnign S201A31.00 n02A31.00 5.1 Projmt Mma SI62,191.00 EI92,191.00 52 Submdleb f20,240.00 370,140.00 6 Bctudlog S80,381.73 S90,384.77 QI Bmding Cmu t80,389.73 $80,384.73 : . . - ~::DATE:Ne. I)ESCRIPTIOD. . ,.:f. . ~ CHANCETOTAL CIIIiRENT CONTRACI AMOUNT 54,099,621A3 56099.62lA3 3ALE3 TAX (9,5% ) $789,469.04 S~A64.o4 NOTES: TOTAL REMAMR7G: 54A89A83A7 TDiALINVOICER Aubum SCADA SOV.xIa Pege 1 of 1 Printed I/I0/20I1 EXHIBIT B2 M Technical Systems Inc. 2303 196th Street SW Lynnwood, WA 98036 Tel 425.775.566 ax 425.775.9074 Standard TSI Professional F TSlcontrols.com Rates for 2011 The following is a list of hourly rates for Project Management, Professional and Project/ Software Engineering, Field Service, Shop Fabrication and Repair, Drafting, and Engineering Support Services. Principal $175.00 per hour Project Manager/ Registered Professional Engineer $140.00 per Hour Senior Engineer $135.00 per hour Project Engineer/ Software Engineer $125.00 per Hour Field Engineer/ Technician $ 105.00 per Hour Shop Technician/Shop Repair $ 80.00 per Hour Auto-Cad Design & Drafting $ 70.00 per Hour Documentation $ 70.00 per Hour Clerical $ 60.00 per Hour Services in excess of 10 hours per day, Monday through Friday, will be billed at 1.5 times the hourly rate. Saturdays, Sundays, and all business holidays will be billed at 2 times the hourly rate. Emergency services are billed at a minimum of four (4) hours plus $100.00 which is paid to the on call technician or engineer. All travel time will be billed, portal to portal, at the hourly rate in effect on the day of travel. General Terms and Conditions Services will be billed via invoice, with field service reports, every two (2) weeks. All vehicle travel and meal expenses are included in the hourly rate. All other expenses, (subconsultants, materials, hotel, airline, rental car, etc.), will be billed at documented cost plus 10% service charge. All invoices are Net 30 days. Mileage will be billed at $0.50/mile or current IRS rate. Panel fabrication is F.O.B. Lynnwood, Washington. All prices are net prices and do not include any State, local or use taxes. Prices are valid for a period of 60 Days unless specified. Standard Warranty Policy Technical Systems Inc. warrants defects in material and workmanship for all systems supplied by Technical Systems, Inc. for a period of one (1) year beginning on the date of shipment. Individual component warranties will be limited to the published warranty for the component purchased and supplied by Technical Systems Inc. All published warranties provided by the component manufacturers will be assigned, in their entirety, to the end user. No warranties are verbally expressed or implied. Defective materials or workmanship will be repaired or replaced free of charge during the warranty period. Labor, travel and other expenses to repair or replace components at the end user's facility will be billed to the end user in accordance with the above Standard Labor Policy. Expect Excellence Leadership in control systems for over 35 years EXHIBIT C - ORGANIZATIONAL CHART CITY OF AUBURN Proiect Manager Robert E. Lee, III TECHNICAL SYSTEMS, INC. TETRA TECH Project Manager Lead Engineer Andrew Palmberg, P.E. Bryan Kawamura i 4 r Principals-In=Charge TOTEM ELECTRIC Gary Conley, P.E. Electrical Contractor Technical Systems, Inc. Dave Bloxom, P.E. Devon Duval Tetra Tech Available Staff Richard Hensel / Tetra Tech Brian Carter/ Tetra Tech Steve Kennedy / Tetra Tech Tim Hecox / TSI Brent Miller /TSI Exhi6it D - City bf Autium SCADA Pmjeci - Preliminary Schedule I I . : . : , - , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . ' . . I wwom " ~ . - ' ~ ' . . . . . ~ . . . . . ' . . . . 1 7 I , ~.C~84dp1~' QM~O,MN~v4W Yai0i1 . Cd1tN'H ~ - ' ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ CMk4~~'+MRrM~ Tu11L11 iuiMN11 t ' ~ ~ va~ntMtaww rwuone mwnt i m+oramoW* aawsu mav+~ ~ ~ I*WbXHT . IMm~W~Lh~.vsirlpm~e~dblOYuYI•FBP~'+~~, k&Ti1Mi .TuWUH - . . . ' ( i . . . . WaIM&A 7hw*p - Fl1711%1 M177"H 3 I Wdld1iW YmVtqYT fdA'M47 ' - ' . , ~ ~ - . . . . ' . . . _ . . t ~ IA- IWiYM-m11r6 p-vul4v121 hn1•16 M-MMd. ' Tr{697 . ~ fYn6i1441 I 7 I _ u E v p BuiwWVlf . a ' ' . . . ' . . U-SAIMI • . . . . . , . ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ YwDnni pMFH ~ 4 ' ~ ~ . . . . . . . . mr-b At-aant mmrmni o~rruera.~ ~ ~ntmni rawFnI . . . ~ . , ~ . ~ ~ . . . . . . . - . . . ' ~ ~ . M.Umell ft*-k ad-di-111-ka-1 1l.W@i.d FftlWR.P-ftnnITW 6niWm-.l~~ ' . " , . . ' . ' ~rn.m+n, - mm.y IPMEOMW. "m'°wMaimo'0 ow ; F %daL..w U_mr j~ M Technical Systems Inc. 2303 196th Street SW Lynnwood, WA 98036 Tel 425.775.5696 Fax 425.775.9074 TSicontrols.com Preliminary Design Report on City of Auburn City Wide Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System and Physical Improvements Design and Implemenation by Technical Systems, Inc. 2303 -196th St. SW Lynnwood, WA 98036 (425) 775-5696 for City of Auburn Auburn, Washington TSI Job 7249 Project Manager: Andrew Palmberg, P.E. Date: October 1, 2010 Expect Leadership Excellence CITY OF AUBURN SCADA PROJECT Pre design Report 1. CITY OBJECTIVES Discussions, meetings, and other coordination with City of Auburn personnel have indicated that the City is interested in achieving, among other items stated elsewhere, the following objectives in the replacement of the existing water, storm drainage, and sanitary sewer utility Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system: 1. Implement an "open source" generic system that is composed of common "off the shelf' components that are maintainable and expandable by unrestricted sources of qualified professional engineering service providers, technicians, programmers, and contractors. No part or aspect of the system shall be legally restricted from the City to use, maintain, and modify in any way the City desires. No aspect of the system shall be uncommon to the industry in any way that tends to limit the availability of local qualified service and maintenance resources to less than 10 independent organizations. All components used to implement the system shall be among the most common, highest quality, best understood components typically used to implement similar systems of the best quality in the region. No aspect of the system shall be restricted by any form or degree of intellectual copy write protections or hardware patents which in any way restrict the City's rights to use, modify, and maintain the system by any means of the City's choosing. 2. Provide a system that provides all desired functionality with the maximum achievable reliability, the greatest degree of standardization, and the lowest probable lifecycle cost. Provide enhanced functionality as needed and defined by the City of Auburn. 3. Incorporate all aspects of system security and reliability in the basis of design and implementation of the system. Considerations shall include the physical security of facilities and system components, capabilities to detect and report anomalous conditions of facility occupancy and system operation, component and subsystem redundancy as a means of increasing reliability and security, and the redundancy, fault tolerance, and security of computing and network systems and infrastructure. 4. Provide remote telemetry capabilities that are superior to and less costly on a life cycle basis than the existing leased telephone lines presently used. 5. Provide a greater degree of site autonomy which allows individual sites to perform their mission to the greatest extent practical when telemetry and SCADA systems are not fully functional. 2. REMOTE TELEMETRY UNIT (RTU) PLATFORM 2.1 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) The existing system utilizes several types of remote telemetry equipment including DAQ Electronics Inc. audio tone frequency multiplex systems (tone telemetry) and several types of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC's). The DAQ devices are antiquated technology and should be replaced. The existing PLC's are at various stages in product support life cycle. PLC's should be provided at each remote site to perform communications as well as local logic control. Providing local logic control supports the objective of greater remote site autonomy stated above. Interfacing new SCADA "head end" and telemetry equipment to existing PLC based Remote Telemetry Units (RTU's) is possible but not practical or advisable for the following reasons: E CITY OF AUBURN SCADA PROJECT Pre design Report 1. This approach would leave in place a mixed bag of PLC's of varying vintages which will go out of manufacturer support over the desired lifetime of the new system which can reasonably be expected to be on the order of 20 to 25 years. The ultimate result would be lower reliability and functionality and increased lifecycle cost. 2. This approach would also leave in place a variety of PLC's which use several different programming software packages. This condition does not support the goal of higher levels of standardization and would ultimately result in higher lifecycle cost and lower levels of performance and reliability. 3. This approach would also leave in place PLC programs protected by intellectual property rights agreements. This would leave the City in a state of dependency on the original system supplier or require the City to purchase the rights to the installed programs. Purchasing the rights to the installed program offers few advantages over simply reprogramming the PLC's. The existing proprietary system would require significant reverse engineering for reprogramming options. All of these issues ultimately result in lower functionality, lower reliability, and higher life cycle cost. A single style of PLC is recommended for telemetry and local logic control for the following reasons: 1. A single common Remote Telemetry Unit platform provides the highest degree of hardware and software standardization and commonality between sites. This approach will provide the greatest ease of maintenance and system expansion and will ultimately achieved the lowest lifecycle cost available for the desired functionality. 2. Providing local logic control at each site supports the objective of greater remote site autonomy stated above. Standard industry practice is to provide all site operational logic in the onsite PLC with remote operational command and process variable communication capability, remote set point adjustment ability, and local hardwired override functions such as high wet well level float switches. This scheme provides the widest range of operational options for operators and would require minor modification to existing local control panels and Motor Control Centers (MCC). There will be a number of new field instruments and devices added to the sites (level transmitters, floats, current transformers for motor current, etc.) as well as recommended future field instruments and devices. These items are detailed in the Site Improvements Summary Sheet and I/O Lists in Appendices C; D and E. Spare terminals will be provided in the RTU panels to land these future field devices. 2.2 Remote Site Operator Interface Standard industry practice provides a touch screen operator interface terminal with each control panel which includes a PLC. Color or non color versions are available. Color operator interfaces were selected to match the style of the existing local displays. The programmed screens can be used for set point viewing and adjustment, equipment status viewing, and local manual control if desired. Local screens can also be set up to display the status of other remote site RTU's as well as allow writing set points and sending operational commands to other RTU's when a peer to peer Ethernet radio network is used which is the current assumption. Touch screen OIT's (Operator Interface Terminals) are anticipated for all RTU installations. 2.3 Remote Site Operational Control Current and practical technology allow a multi-tier equipment and process control scheme to be implemented which can interface to existing hardwired Local Control Panels (LCP) and MCC's, provide ® 2 CITY OF AUBURN SCADA PROJECT Pre design Report manual control from the LCP, the RTU panel, the OIT, and the SCADA. This type of tiered control scheme can be. particularly useful when an LCP is located underground and operators wish to operate the equipment from an above ground RTU without entering the underground location. Local control logic programming is anticipated for all remote site RTU locations. Set points can be entered at Operator Interface Terminals (OIT) installed at RTU panels or at SCADA Human Machine Interface (HMI) workstations. Existing system operational set points as well as revised or added set points for the new system will be identified during the system design phase. Discussions with operations staff indicated that hardwired backup controls are desired for lift stations. This is particularly needed to provide secondary level control and to prevent pumps running dry. Secondary level control is anticipated to be provided by float switches hardwired to motor controls. Pump run dry protection is anticipated to be provided by float switches and timing relays hardwired to pump motor controls. Water well protection controls and devices may also be desired. Details of the control strategies for each process, system, and facility will be coordinated with the City of Auburn operations staff during the detailed system design phase. It is advisable to develop control strategies during the system design phase in order to thoroughly coordinate process control requirements with operations staff and the contract drawing development effort. 2.4 Remote Site Discrete Hardwired Operator Interface Devices: LCP's and MCC's currently provide hardwired discrete operator interface devices such as selector switches, pilot lights, push buttons, numeric displays, etc. These devices provide typical functions such as HAND-OFF-AUTO selection, fault RESET, etc. These functions can be augmented as needed with interface devices that can also be paralleled at the RTU panel where the local controller and the RTU are in different locations. RTU panels can provide all selection and indication functions on their OIT but could also provide discrete hardwired devices such as selector switches for functions that are considered too critical to rely on PLC and OIT devices. Some level of modification of LCP's and MCC's is anticipated to provide some of these functions. 3. STANDARDIZATION OF HARDWARE AND PROGRAMMING RTU hardware configurations will be standardized where practical. Many sewer lift stations, several well sites, a couple of booster pump stations, and to a certain extent the two corrosion control treatment sites have a good deal of commonality of field devices and logic. Physical commonality will allow standardization of fabrication where new RTU equipment is installed outdoors or in wall mount indoor applications. Non standard installations will be required where new RTU equipment needs to be installed in existing panels but RTU back panel assembly commonality could still be achieved. Reducing the total number of physical configurations supplied may have cost benefits, reduces the number of needed spare RTU's in storage, and may reduce the life cycle cost of the system. Software standardization is most practical where Input/Output (10) and functional similarity exists between stations. Additional programming standardization can be achieved by configuring standard functional programming blocks and routines that will be used for similar equipment across the system. The same applies to the development and functionality of local OIT and SCADA HMI (Human-Machine Interface) screens. Standard field device IO addressing schemes will be used to maximize the degree of hardware and programming commonality. ® 3 CITY OF AUBURN SCADA PROJECT Pre design Report 4. TELEMETRY COMMUNICATIONS 4.1 Preferred Protocol and Media Ethernet telemetry communications are preferred for this project for its flexibility, its simplicity, its peer to peer communications capabilities, its bandwidth potential, and its remote programming capabilities. Discussions with the City of Auburn staff indicate that a radio network is their first choice for telemetry. Additionally, the City prefers that all telemetry links to remote sites be by the same method if practical. One significant goal of the system is to enable remote PLC programming without interrupting SCADA telemetry operation to the target or other RTU's. A preliminary radio survey has shown that licensed Ethernet radios communicate effectively based on the City's terrain and will be used to implement the telemetry network. 4.2 Radio System and Antenna Installation The intended Ethernet radio system will operate in the 450MHz licensed frequency band. This will allow communications to work effectively despite line-of-sight limitations. Radios will be installed in the telemetry panel and antennas will be installed on each site. Where buildings or reservoir towers are present, the antenna will be mounted on top as appropriate to the site. If no building is present on the site, the antenna will be mounted on top of a lighting pole (either an existing one or one that is added as part of the project). This radio system is similar to the one that is likely to be used for the proposed video surveillance system; however, the two systems will need to remain separate to prevent higher bandwidth video streams from negatively affecting the SCADA communications. The communication network's radios include a built-in web server for configuration and status monitoring using a web browser on a network connected computer. 5. SCADA SYSTEM CORE COMPONENTS 5.1 Software The City is a long time Wonderware user and is happy with the product. The most current version of Wonderware System Platform/ Application Server is the anticipated SCADA application software platform. Wonderware licensing is complicated and the details are not needed for this report. Wonderware licensing will be provided for all needed functions and users including Application Server as the system core, Intouch for HMI, INSQL Historian for historical database logging and trending, Active Factory for report generation, trending, and database queries, and Kepware Kepserver OPC server software for communications to the RTU PLC's. OPC provides the most flexible and convenient data acquisition method. Wonderware currently uses and ships with Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Sufficient software licenses will be provided for redundant data acquisition server installation and the required number of concurrent SCADA client read only or read/write sessions. Two licenses are assumed for redundant INSQL Historian installations. Sufficient data base client access licenses will be provided for the required number of concurrent database users. Microsoft SQL Server is included with the SCADA software and does not require licensing. WIN 911 is recommended and assumed as the remote alarm notification software package (software auto dialer). The primary advantages of WIN911 over competitor Invensys SCADALARM involve better integration of WIN911 with the Dialogic telephony card which is the best available telephony card. Two ® 4 i i CITY OF AUBURN SCADA PROJECT Pre design Report licenses for WIN911 are assumed to provide redundancy. There is no practical limit to the number of alarms and the complexity of call out groups; shifts, and call sequences that can be configured in WIN911. WIN911 software can be installed on any network attached workstation which is connected to + an analog phone line. The pre-design intent is to have 3 such computers, one to call the Water System maintenance staff, one to call the storm drainage and sanitary sewer maintenance staff, and one to call the Police department. WIN 911 is not a distributed application and is primarily configured on the local machine. j All software license and concurrent user counts will need to be verified with the Cities functional requirements. A typical licensing configuration has been defined for this project which is described in more detail on the Recommended System Architecture Diagram in Appendix B. Computer operating system specification will need to be verified to be supported by the SCADA software manufacturer. Not all computer operating systems are supported by the technical support contracts offered by SCADA software vendors. It is not uncommon for the most current operating systems and/or associated service packs not to be approved by software manufacturers. The most current operating system and service packs that are supported by the software manufacturer for the purchased software components will be verified and specified. The consultant will coordinate this issue with the software manufacturers and the City of Auburn Information Services department. 5.2 Hardware The recommended best practice for "head end" SCADA computers, network appliances, and communications equipment is rack mounted best quality IT grade server or high end workstation class computers, Cisco or equal network appliances, and head end communications equipment. SCADA head end equipment should be installed in separate restricted access areas such as data closets or IT rooms for enhanced security and reliability. "Head end" SCADA computers are machines that have core SCADA system software components installed on them and are not used as SCADA "client" workstations by operations, engineering, and management staff for HMI access. Computers used for SCADA HMI access by operations, engineering, and management staff are typically standard office grade workstation computers which meet the minimum SCADA software and hardware requirements. Operations, engineering, management, and other SCADA access workstations should be used in applicable work areas. SCADA client licensing will be specified to support the number of concurrent sessions projected to be needed. Head end SCADA computers should be of a physical configuration that supports installation of a sound card, a Dialogic telephony card, and should provide or accommodate a good quality graphics card which supports 1920x1600 minimum resolution. The sound card and the Dialogic telephony card support WIN911 functions. The Computers hosting SCADA core components, data acquisition components, historical database components, and WIN911 alarm software components should provide RAID I HDD configuration. The City of Auburn IS department has indicated they intend to be involved in the specification and supply of computer hardware to maintain IS department standards compliance. The recommended computer hardware is typically specified during the design phase of the project due to the fact that commercially available computer specifications and SCADA software specifications are constantly and sometimes quickly changing. Examples from previous similar systems are available on request but are likely to be out of data to some extent. The existing multi bay control panels in the operations facility will not be needed for the new system and will be gutted, removed, or demolished as preferred by the city. ® 5 CITY OF AUBURN SCADA PROJECT Pre design Report The City of Auburn Information Services (IS) department has indicated that all computer and network equipment shall be supplied by the City of Auburn for this project. This includes all new rack mount or workstation computers, network switches, firewalls, routers, or other network appliances and devices that the IS department typically supplies and administers for the City. A complete list of these items will be coordinated during the design phase of the project. 6. SCADA HMI AND LOCAL OIT SCREEN DEVELOPMENT SCADA HMI screen development will replace the existing SCADA screens and add screens and functionality desired by the City. Among the items discussed thus far with City operations staff are the following: I . Multi level HMI screen read and write security levels and event tracking 2. Screens for indicating communications status information 3. Manual control functions for field equipment operation such as pumps and valves. 4. System overview graphical navigation screen 5. Station diagnostics information for each station Local OIT screen development is typically site specific but can be configured to acquire data from multiple sites. The recommendation is to provide interface terminals at all remote sites and coordinate screen functionality needs with operations staff. 7. HISTORICAL DATABASE DEVELOPMENT Typically all analog instruments, tags, and alarm points configured in the SCADA system are logged to the historian. The application can be configured to display trends of historian data. The programmer will coordinate with operations staff to confirm the historian point list. 8. HISTORICAL REPORT DEVELOPMENT Invensys Active Factory is recommended for rendering reports from data stored in INSQL Historian. Active Factory provides IN SQL report plug-in's for Microsoft Word and Excel. Active factory also provides a trending and a query tool. Active Factory Reports allows Microsoft Excel to query the INSQL Historian database and allows manipulation and display customization of the data in desired report formats and is typically the most useful of these components. The consultant anticipates generating two reports each containing no more than 50 tags and 5 workbook sheets each for the first phase of the project. Any level of training required by the City in the use of the historian and historical report development tools can be provided. The current scope of work includes 2 days of training in this area. If additional training is believed to be necessary, the needed level of training can be coordinated with the Project Manager prior to finalization of the contract. The consultant will provide training in the use of consultant developed reports as well as training in the development of additional reports. The consultant will also provide training on topics such as how to add tags to the INSQL Historian. The greatest variety and depth of training on these topics is available from the software vendors and could be provided under the contract of the project if desired by the City. ® 6 CITY OF AUBURN SCADA PROJECT Pre design Report 9. WIN911 ALARM NOTIFICATION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION WIN911 is the recommended remote alarm notification software. There is no practical limit to the number of tags that can be configured in WIN911. Likewise there is no practical limit to the complexity of the alarm grouping, call out lists, shift schedules, or call out timing and sequences. The programmer will coordinate details of alarm system configuration and functionality needs with City of Auburn staff. 10. REMOTE ACCESS TO SCADA SYSTEM Process control SCADA and telemetry systems are typically isolated systems and are most secure to the extent that they are isolated. Outside access to SCADA systems is a typical exception. Remote access can be achieved by dial up connection to the network or by WAN (Wide Area Network) access. The City IS department has indicated that no dial-up will be used. All remote access methods must be secured by means that are acceptable to the system developers and the City of Auburn 1S department. City of Auburn operations, engineering, and management personnel may be granted access to the SCADA LAN (Local Area Network) resources from within the City's network or remotely via the internet, etc. The City of Auburn Information Services (IS) department has indicated that they will specify, install, configure, and administer all network devices and appliances that interface the SCADA LAN to the City of Auburn enterprise/ business network. This is typical and standard practice and is usually preferred by IS departments as it allows network configuration control and hardware standardization by the IS department. The City of Auburn IS department will configure and manage any other standard IS networking devices such as fire walls or other network security appliances for securing access to the City WAN or the SCADA LAN for remote access modem pools or other similar needs. The City of Auburn IS department will install, configure, and manage any required network security scanning software or network configuration auditing software. These items are typically in the domain of IT departments and are recommended to be configured and controlled by these departments. The City of Auburn Information Services department has communicated the following requirements: The SCADA system will be integrated into the existing LAN and can be logically segmented via VLAN. User access shall be controlled via Active Directory user and group permissions. No dial up will be supported. Off site remote access will be achieved via the City VPN standard which is NetMotion. No network security scanning or auditing software is needed for this project. 11. SCADA SYSTEMS AND SECURITY Security enhancing features and policies are discussed below. The scope of the discussion covers equipment, features, and functions that play a role in remote site alarm detection, telemetry, head end SCADA functionality, alarm processing and notification, SCADA networks, and remote access to SCADA functions. The ultimate goal of system security is system reliability. The concept of security applied to SCADA system components relates to the imperviousness of system components to unauthorized access and resultant compromise of system reliability. It also encompasses the ability to detect and subsequently respond to instances of unauthorized access and system disturbance in order to prevent compromise of system reliability. ® 7 CITY OF AUBURN SCADA PROJECT Pre design Report 11.1 Intrusion Detection and Alarming Features: Intrusion, motion, fire, and smoke detection devices and logic are designed into the SCADA system at most sites. These features and related response policies increase the security and reliability of the SCADA system. It is good practice to standardize these functions across similar sites. 11.2 Physical Security of Remote Site SCADA Components: Physical security measures contribute to the overall security of the SCADA system. Potential breaches can result in damage to components resulting in loss of system function as well as unauthorized network access from remote sites with network connectivity. Additional details will be discussed in the physical security below. 11.3 Password Policies and Administration: The following password and administration policies are recommended. 1. Password protect all PLCs. This will be done by the contractor. 2. In compliance with City Of Auburn network policy verify and ensure secure login and password administration policy for SCADA network, computers, applications, and remote access. 3. Provide multiple levels of user privileges for various SCADA user groups. Limit user group access and functionality to the needs of group members. 4. In compliance with City Of Auburn network policy, ensure that a robust and rigorously administered password strength and rotation policy is followed. a. Minimum password complexity requirements b. Rotate passwords on a schedule. c. Change passwords when key personnel leave the organization. The IS department has communicated the following requirements: Password policies on the LAN/WAN for application and server access will follow City standard policies. Non administrators will not be given direct access to server operating system functions for any reason. Application access and functionality via client server model must not require local administrator rights on user workstations. Password protection of PLC units at telemetry sites will need to be evaluated for remote management staff authorization for password change, reset, etc. Note that developers will need administrator rights on all machines that the developers are expected to configure and deploy. 11.4 SCADA System Head End Equipment Security: The following policies are recommended for SCADA computer deployment, configuration, and administration. 1. Locate SCADA workstation displays so they cannot be viewed by unauthorized people or the general public. ® 8 CITY OF AUBURN SCADA PROJECT Pre design Report 2. Configure automatic inactivity logout of SCADA view applications. Automatically log out administrator, supervisor, and operator level SCADA users and login a default view only user after a specified period of inactivity. 3. Automatically switch SCADA computers to locked screen saver display after a period of inactivity and require an authorized Windows user to unlock the computer to bring the display up. If this is not acceptable to Operations staff, then switch to locked screen saver after hours. 4. Configure SCADA server and WIN911 auto dialer software for redundant automatic backup. This increases the reliability of remote site intrusion notification as well as overall system function. 5. Locate core SCADA and telemetry hardware components in a physically secure location. Provide client workstation computers. Core components include SCADA server computers, Historical data server computers, SCADA network equipment, remote access equipment, and head end telemetry equipment. 6. Provide uninterruptible power systems for head end SCADA and telemetry equipment. This enhances the reliability of security functions as well as overall system function. 7. Antivirus software is updated automatically via domain policy on SCADA computers by the City. 8. Read-write remote access to the SCADA system is planned. Read only remote access will not be used. 9. Software update functions on all SCADA computers will be pushed by the City Of Auburn in accordance with the cities polices. 10. Redundant service, media, and equipment for WfN911 would enhance reliability of alarm notification functions. An alternate dial-out channel such as a cell modem could provide a back up call out communications channel. The IS department has indicated that SCADA head end computers and telemetry equipment will be located in the existing server room at M&O. 11.5 SCADA Network Security The following policies are recommended for SCADA network security enhancement. 1. Firewall all SCADA system remote access methods with virtual private network (VPN) connection and existing firewall policies. Comply with IS department security standards. 2. Do not use PC Anywhere or anything like it for remote access to SCADA computers. 3. Do not directly connect data modems to SCADA computers. Use voice telephony cards for WIN911. ® 9 CITY OF AUBURN SCADA PROJECT Pre design Report 12. ELECTRONIC SECURITY As part of the efforts undertaken for the pre-design of the SCADA project for the City of Auburn, the current electronic security at the City's water, sewer, and storm water sites has been reviewed. The following is a discussion of the current conditions, alternatives and recommendations for improvements. 12.1 Current Conditions There is a great deal of variability in the electronic security in the existing conditions at the City's sites. One of the main purposes of the work being done is to bring to the systems some standardization so that all of the sites meet some minimum security level, and then only certain essential sites will have expanded electronic security. Several of the sites investigated had no electronic security at all. Many sites had some basic intrusion alarms with bypass switches to disable the alarms. This was especially true of the sewer/storm sites. A number of water sites had existing door intrusion switches and some even had motion detectors; however, it appeared that this equipment was not being used, and it was not clear if this equipment was even functional. There were a few "decoy" cameras to use as deterrence, but no actual video systems were installed. With regards to the key control situation, the City explained that it does not currently follow a well developed key issuing/retrieval policy or have any method of tracking keys that have been issued for accessing sites. Key control is vital to maintaining site security for all sites. The planned key management system is discussed below. 12.2 Proposed Improvements A variety of improvements to the City's security systems at the various sites covered in this project will be recommended. These improvements will be discussed in the following paragraphs. The overall goal is to have some consistency throughout the City's Water/Sewer/Storm facilities such that the sites are all brought up to a basic level of security, with some sites having additional security improvements based on their prioritization. 12.3 Access Control The foundation of the access control portion of the project will be built around the SCADA system. The SCADA system will include inputs for the door/hatch or panel open (intrusion) switches. There will also be motion detectors installed to detect the presence of personnel within buildings and vaults. These inputs will be monitored by the SCADA system for alarm and access control. The intention is to use the Operator Interface panel to control access. When access is needed at a site, a technician entering the site will have a pre-set amount of time to enter an access code at the control panel to disable the intrusion switches and motion detectors. This will prevent them from sending an alarm in the SCADA system. The security system alarms will be able to alert various people in a programmed sequence, similar to the way the SCADA system alerts will work. ® 10 CITY OF AUBURN SCADA PROJECT Pre design Report 12.4 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) The City has requested that certain sites be equipped with additional security in the form of a video system with recording and transmission capabilities. These sites are indicated in the site improvements summary sheet. The main purpose of the camera system is to allow indication and identification of un- authorized persons or activities on site. This function will be done either live or on a forensic basis, depending on the site and radio bandwidth limitations. A secondary purpose is for above grade reservoir hatch inspections, where Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) cameras will be installed so that the hatch can be examined without having to send personnel to the top of the reservoir. There are a few specific models that will meet or exceed the City's needs. In particular, the plan will be to use cameras that are appropriate for outdoor installations, with heatersiblowers installed as needed to provide an adequate operating temperature range. The cameras will be sensitive in very low light situations, switching to black-and-white video when light levels drop too low for the color video pick-up to work adequately. Currently, there is no intent to install active or passive infrared cameras (for no light, moon-less night situations), especially since site lighting is being added to most of the sites. The cameras will be vandal resistant and entirely (Internet Protocol) IP based, rather than analog. The cameras will also be Megapixel for higher resolution video. The camera system will be built around the use of a radio-based Ethernet network separate from the SCADA radio network. Based on the line of site issues that were established by another report, higher bandwidth radio systems will probably not work due to the terrain and vegetation within the City. Therefore, streaming live video at full frame rate and resolution is not feasible. The current design intent is to record video locally and use a similar radio system as the SCADA system, operating at approx. 450MHz to transmit video. It is likely that this system will not support full motion (full frame rate, 30 frames per second) video; however, some video will be able to be sent via this network. The precise frame rate / resolution transmission details of this system will be established during the design of the project as it will depend heavily on the details of the components selected for the video system. Based on components reviewed during the pre-design for this project, frame rates could be as low as I frame every 10 seconds (for one camera's video stream) due to the lower frequency bands and channel bandwidth involved. Streaming additional cameras simultaneously will reduce the frame rate proportionally. As part of the design effort for the CCTV system, additional radio technologies will be researched in an effort to improve this frame rate. It is important to note that the local recording will still have the highest frame rate and resolution from each camera for video review. TSI recommends that local recording be performed on local computers rather than using dedicated NVR/DVR appliance type video recorders due to better cost, higher flexibility and improved ease of updating hardware and software. The current expectation is that these computers are to be supplied by the City. These computers will be installed within the control panels for protection and ancillary equipment (i.e. network switch, UPS, etc.) and will be configured with video recording software. The use of computers rather than NVR/DVR also helps avoid using proprietary packages that depend on manufacturer support. The local recording can be set up to occur on motion detection or on additional ® II CITY OF AUBURN SCADA PROJECT Pre design Report external triggers (i.e. door open). The recorded or limited live video will be viewable via the City's network. This will be done either over the radio connection, or by connecting a laptop directly to the network switch in the panel that has the local recording computer. Detailed specifications of these computers will be established during the design phase of the project due to the rapid pace of change and improvement within the computer market. The local recording system will be capable of exporting recorded video clips, which will be compatible with Windows Media Player 9 and/or Quicktime. All IP cameras will support at least two video streams simultaneously, and the video format will be H.264, The cameras will be compatible with the City IS department video software, OnSSI NetEVS, and will be listed on the supported devices list for this software. 12.5 Electronic Locks With the current key control situation, the City has requested to investigate and plan to provide a product called CyberLock from Videx. This product uses an electronic key that powers an electronic cylinder. Since the key provides the power, no wiring or battery is required at the locks. The key is loaded with a list of which locks it is allowed to access and what times it is authorized. The keys can also be set up to expire after a set period of time such that they will not work without being re-loaded at the head-end station. This would allow the City to issue the "Cyber" keys to a contractor and make them expire at the end of the contract, or perhaps after a set period (like every two weeks). The CyberLock system has been included in the proposed pricing for the design/build portion of the project. Lock and key quantities for each site are indicated in the site improvements summary sheet. 13. PHYSICAL SECURITY The existing sites have various levels of security risks and current measures in place to counter any perceived threat. Each site will need to be upgraded to meet the minimum security levels determined. It is recommended that these upgrades be standardized for future maintenance and economy of scale. Physical security upgrades have been evaluated for preliminary design purposes, but will be constructed by separate contract from the greater SCADA upgrades. 13.1 Lighting Existing lighting at each site is recommended to be replaced with Energy Efficient LED lighting. The existing lighting at most sites is inefficient and does not adequately light the area needed. In some cases the existing lighting is not enough to light the entire area whereas at other sites the lights produce more light than needed and are bothersome to the surrounding properties. Energy Efficient LED lighting can also be focused on the site dimensions without any "spill light" to surrounding structures. Energy Efficient LED lighting is more efficient than most other types of lighting. Energy Efficient LED lighting has a built in redundancy in case of failure due to vandalism or length of time in operation because it is actually many points of light. Energy Efficient LED lighting is also instant start and does not have any delay or warming time. Energy Efficient LED lighting output can be dimed so light intensity can be ® 12 J r 3 i CITY OF AUBURN SCADA PROJECT Pre design Report adjusted to different conditions as needed. Motion detection should be installed at select sites to automatically adjust the lighting levels for maintenance crews and respond to intrusion. i 13.2 Perimeter Fencing j Existing fencing at each site varies in type and condition. If fencing is required by perceived risk level at the site, each fence type should be standardized in height and material for easy maintenance and I replacement. A minimum of 8 inch wide concrete mow strip should be placed at each fence to prevent undermining from animals or intruders. Vegetation along fence lines will need to be cut back a minimum of 3 feet away from fencing to allow personnel to walk both sides of the fence to monitor its condition and perform maintenance when needed. To accommodate this maintenance the fencing will need to be installed at the minimum distance away from the property line. Where area is sufficient install a new fence parallel to the existing fence to create a double barrier at high risk locations and maintain the interior fence. 13.3 Bollards Existing bollards at some sites may not prevent intrusion by vehicles. A standard bollard will need to be installed to protect existing structures from out of control vehicles at vulnerable sites. All bollards shall be painted hazard yellow to increase visibility and at high traffic areas additional reflectors that meet DOT standards are recommended. 13.4 Clearing / Grubbing As indicated on the site improvements summary sheet, certain sites will have excess vegetation cleared from fences or buildings to improve security on site by making it more difficult to get over fences or climb up walls. 13.5 Shelters For those sites that do not have buildings present, shelters will be added to cover the equipment panels that are being installed. This will serve to improve the comfort of technicians -working on site but also will help protect the equipment from inclement weather when work is being done on site. The shelters that are planned will be similar to the ones found at the North Lake Tapps and Area 19 Sewer sites. ® 13 CITY OF AUBURN SCADA PROJECT Pre design Report 14. TYPICAL SITE IMPROVEMENT LIST The RTU sites will be updated based on the Site Improvements Summary Sheet and the IO Lists. The major steps for upgrading an RTU are listed below. • Replace existing S&B panel with a new RTU enclosure or remove and replace the backpan in the S&B enclosure with a new backpan with updated RTU components. • Provide redundant control operators in new above ground RTU panels to interface with the control panels at the Smith and Loveless sewer sites. • Install antenna for radio. • Install new motion detectors and intrusion switches. • Install new cameras • Add enclosure shelter. • Install site lighting. • Install bollards. • Provide fencing additions or improvements. • Clear and grub and trim trees. • Wall up windows that present security issues in control structures. • Install Cyberlocks. • Install new motor current transformers, floats, level transmitters or other specified field devices. • Install new contact blocks on existing starters, overloads, and control operators (push-button and switches) to interface those signals to the RTU. • Program the PLC and OIT at each site per agreed functionality as discussed in the design process. ® 14 CITY OF AUBURN SCADA PROJECT Pre design Report 15. GLOSSARY The following terms and abbreviations may be used at various places in this document. Al Analog Input. AO Analog Output. ATS Automatic Transfer Switch. CCTV Closed Circuit Television. The use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a specific place, on a limited set of monitors. DI Discrete Input. DO Discrete Output. HDD Hard Disk Drive. Computer hard disk. HMI Human Machine Interface. The graphical operator interface for all system components. INSQL Industrial SQL (Structured Query Language) Server. Wonderware data historian software product. IO Input/ Output. IS Information Systems. Department name or technical discipline depending on context. Roughly synonymous with IT. IT Information Technology. Department name or technical discipline depending on context. Roughly synonymous with IS. IP Internet Protocol. A message format used for communicating data across a packet- switched intemetwork using the Internet Protocol Suite, also referred to as TCP/IP. LAN Local Area Network. Smaller in scope that WAN. Many LAN's can make up a WAN. LCP Local Control Panel. Usually an existing hardwired motor control panel such as an S&L lift station pump control panel. MCC Motor Control Center. Electrical gear which contains motor starters, VFD's, soft starters, feeder breakers, service entrance breaker, power monitoring devices, etc. NVR Network Video Recorder. An electronic device which allows the simultaneous recording and remote access of live video streams from IP cameras. OIT Depends on context. When used as a tag name means Operator In Trouble. When used in an operator interface context means Operator Interface Terminal or touch screen panel device. PLC Programmable Logic Controller. A device which provides telemetry communications, operational logic for equipment control, and status monitoring for equipment. PTZ Pan/Tilt/Zoom Camera. A closed-circuit television camera with remote directional and zoom control. RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks. Computer hard disks in redundant fault tolerant configuration. RTU Remote Telemetry Unit. A PLC, specifically referring to its communications functions. ® 15 CITY OF AUBURN SCADA PROJECT Pre design Report SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System. The entire system that allows gathering of field device status data, allows sending of set points and commands to field devices, allows logging system data to a historical data base, provides remote alarm notification functions, and provide graphical operator interface (HMI) for all system components. UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply. WAN Wide Area Network. Depending on context includes multiple separate facilities operated by the City and in some contexts, includes the internet. ® 16 CITY OF AUBURN SCADA PROJECT Pre design Report 15. APPENDICIES A. Typical Site Cost / Cost Comparisons for Similar Projects B. Recommended System Architecture Diagram C. Site Improvements Summary Sheet D. Sewer & Stormwater IO Lists E. Water IO Lists ® 17 CITY OF AUBURN SCADA PROJECT Pre design Report APPENDIX A. TYPICAL SITE COST / COST COMPARISONS FOR. SIMILAR PROJECTS i TYPICAL SITE COSTS FOR AUBURN SCADA IMPROVEMENTS TSI is providing the following typical site costs for the Auburn SCADA Improvements project. This summary does not qualify as a formal proposal, as specific site details will determine the exact cost of improving any particular site. Typical Cost to improve a Corrosion Control Facility: $177,100 Typical Cost to improve a Large Site: $105,700 Typical Cost to improve a Waste Water or Storm Water Site: $61,900 Typical Cost to improve a Water Site: $70,200 The sites being improved in this project are categorized as follows for determining the typical costs: Corrosion Control Facilities: Fulmer Field CCTF and Howard Road CCTF Large Sites: Brannan Park PS, Intertie PS & Reservoir 4A/B, and Well 56 Typical Waste Water or Storm Water Sites: D Street LS, F Street LS, R Street LS, 8th Street LS, 22nd Street LS, Valley Meadows LS, Rainier Ridge LS, Riverside LS, Green River Sewer Siphon, Peasley Ridge LS, Terrace View LS, North Tapps LS, Area 19 LS, Emerald Storm PS, Auburn Way Storm PS, A Street Storm PS, and West Main Storm PS Typical Water Facilities: Well 2 & 6, Coal Creek Springs & Chlorination, Academy PS Reservoir 1), Academy Reservoir 8A & 8B, West Hill Springs & Chlorination, Green River PS, Well 4, Well 7, Lea Hill PS Reservoir 2), Well 5, Well 5A, Well 3A & 3B, Well 1, Braunwood Well Reservoir), and Game Farm PS TSI is also providing the following estimated cost range for providing design, equipment, installation, and programming of the SCADA system for upcoming sites. This estimate is for budgetary purposes only, not as a formal quote. Price Estimate for Dogwood, Ellingson, and Stuck River: $55,000 to $65,000 Price Estimate for Lakeland Hills Booster PS & Reservoir 5: $62,000 to $75,000 SCADA Design Comparison Casne Re ort TSI Recommended TSI Design Advantage General Approximately 32 hours of programming budgeted per site for RTU/PLC and Hours for RTU/PLC and OIT programming fully documented which justifies the panel mounted Orr. Not documented how this number was developed and hours and explains the higher budgeted hours appears to be unrealistically low. Headquarters 2 SCADA Operator Interface computers 1 always usable 2 SCADA Operator Interface computers, both always operator accessible. Provides improved usability, especially during emergencies. SCADA operator Interface computer used for development. This configuration Two separate development computers (incorporated with data servers) that Allows the Operators and maintenance to use the SCADA system would make unusable to operations while work on the SCADA system for allows operations full access to both SCADA computers. simultaneously for system operation and trouble shooting, especially during improvements and troubleshooting. emergencies. 2 Data Servers 2 Data Serves Single Historian Redundant historians. Improves data storage reliability & integrity Reuses phone lines All radio communications. Eliminates monthly phone line charges. Radio system is easier to troubleshoot and is more reliable than phone lines. Water Sites Reuses phone lines Radio communications Eliminates monthly phone line charges. Radio system is easier to troubleshoot and is more reliable than phone lines. DAQ & Small PLC replacement with "20+ year PLCs". Leaves existing large non- Replaces all existing DAQand all PLCs with 20+year life standard PLCs Eliminates need for knowledge, spare parts and software maintenance for standard PI-Cs multiple makes/models of RTU/PLCs, increasing troubleshooting & maintenance ease of use and reduces troubleshooting time and costs. Mix of PLC manufacturers & types All PI-Cs the same Eliminates need for knowledge, spare parts and software maintenance for multiple makes/models of RTU/PLCs, increasing troubleshooting & maintenance ease of use and reduces troubleshooting time and costs. No provision for radio antenna mounting Radio antenna mounting poles, etc. included Addition of intrusion detection / monitoring Improved utility system security in providing better protection of the public. Addition of process monitoring devices Improved water quality monitoring and control increasing reliability of water system to deliver safe drinking water and more reliable source of water for fire fighting. Comparsion spread sheet Page 1 SCADA Design Comparison Casne Re ort T51 Recommended TSI Design Advantage Sewer Sites PLC control of pumps PLC Control of pumps Control stations for pumps brought to surface at all sites. Improves operations & maintenance safety by elimination of the need for entering confined space to check the station operation. Also increases routine station checking rounds time by eliminating the time to test air quality for confined space permit. Eliminates the need for additional staff during pump station rounds since no one will be entering confined space which eliminated one above ground staff for rounds. Reuses phone lines Radio communications Eliminates monthly phone line charges. Radio system is easier to troubleshoot and is more reliable than phone lines. Replaces all existing DAQ and all PI-Cs with 20+year life standard RTU/PLCs Replaces all existing DAQ and all PI-Cs with 20+year life standard RTU/PLCs All RTU/PLCs the same All RTU/PLCs the same No provision for radio antenna mounting Radio antenna mounting poles, etc. included Addition of intrusion detection / monitoring Improved utility system security in providing better protection of the public from sewage spills from tampering with the sewerage system. Addition of process monitoring devices Improved system operation monitoring and control increasing reliability of system to pump collected sewage and reducing the potential for sewage spills from failed pump station. Storm Sites RTU/PLC control of pumps RTU/PLC Control of pumps Reuses phone lines Radio communications Eliminates monthly phone line charges. Radio system is easier to troubleshoot and is more reliable than phone lines. Replaces all existing DAQ and all PI-Cs with 20+year life standard RTU/PLCs Replaces all existing DAQ and all PI-Cs with 20+year life standard RTU/PLCs All RTU/PLCs the same All RTU/PLCs the same No provision for radio antenna mounting Radio antenna mounting poles, etc. included Addition of intrusion detection / monitoring Improved utility system security in providing better protection of the public from flooding from tampering with the storm water pumping systems system. Reduces annual maintenance costs by reducing the chance for vandalism. Addition of process monitoring devices Improved system operation monitoring and control increasing reliability of system to pump collected sewage and reducing the potential for flooding from failed pump station. Comparsion spread sheet Page 2 COST COMPARISONS FOR SIMILAR PROJECTS 1. Alderwood SCADA upgrade Design/Bid/Build project -completed 2008 2 SCADA masters Re-used existing phone lines Added T1 to 6 sites (in addition to existing leased line) 12 Sewer Lift Stations (New PLC & retrofit of S&L stations) 4 Reservoir Sites (New PLC/RTU) 2 Reservoir & Pump Station Sites (New PLC/RTU) 3 PRV's (New PLC/RTU) 3 Water Interties (New PLC/RTU) 26 sites total Total Design, Engineering, Programming, Materials and Installation = $2.456 Million 2. Port of Long Beach SCADA project Design/Bid/Build project -currently active 1 SCADA master Cellular router/radio network 3 Sewer Lift Stations (New PLC/RTU) 3 Stormwater Sites (New PLC/RTU) Installation of new field devices at each site (flow meters, pressure transmitter, etc.) 6 sites total Total Design, Engineering, Programming, Materials and Installation = $1.4 Million CITY OF AUBURN SCA0A, PROJECT Pre-desegn~ Report APPENDIX B. RECOMMENDED SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE DIAGRAM t 'i , "i. ids'. a 't B E F G RFYORALTfma RnOIEAtL484 OES[IOP L1IfOP PIISI WN%1 5 19EfNORE BGMtReuRxOE IBT GfIRfEER~ y V91 H1 AS GEYFILRBR FETREETIB AUIOPMIfli AERIMAE: RERY£f l! 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GTY REOUOI B M _ eR11O1 5 PEER M PEER NADIR WM~081( lSf OF R7U9 A SEE SITE E14f FORA COM111 Q MIE: eDEY 3DID , CRY OF AIIBU N fRE Rp: 6 pEyDYEO; O TETRA TECH SCADA SYSTEM PROJECT ND: oRAwx: 11 E.nw.-1mnm~n.mm CACD: GomeA «.n AAw. s.m.:ep SYSTEM DIAGRAM p"G N0' 1AO~F. CRE LIER . @e Fc' YleJe]aAW An n IuX eve .nen N er a rmmee ~0 11 sox APPRDlE6. Pro IbNeE We.nngmn eaot7 mvrnFin ]eoe 1 inn em.ng u IWI eve .pn AA i1J'IX~ rt['y[cu CITY OF AUBURN SCA®A PROJECT Pre design Report APPENDIX C. SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUMMARY SHEET. ' i • i i Appendix C • SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUMMARY SHEET Cyber- Field Physical Security Locks Electronic Security Controls Devices w w a _ N u m H m 2 w rn m L Eo m @) o d E w W 'm N 3 ` m - a - - - u a w N p m a m a_ m m o~ 5 E c o v .-°a U U U F r E u m c o U a - o a U n u O F o U v u Q c ° N of 2 n a 3 a U E = a o Util. Facility Name u m° 3 ¢ 'r>Si ~a z ¢ z Z ¢ a a¢ ¢ ¢ a' J a¢ `m a¢ Sewer D Street LS x x 0 5 1 1 x x x M x x 3 x x x Sewer F Street LS x x x 0 6 1 1 x x x M x x 3 x x x Sewer R Street LS x x x 0 5 1 1 x x x M x x 3 x x- x Sewer 81h Street LS x x x 0 5 1 1 x x x M x x 3 x x x Sewer 22nd Street LS x x x 0 5 1 1 x x x M x x 3 x x x Sewer Valle Meaddows LS x x x 0 5 1 1 x x x M x x 3 x x x Sewer Rainier Ri a LS x x x 0 5 1 1 x x x M x x 3 x x x Sewer Riverside LS x x x 0 7 1 1 x x x M x x 3 x x x Sewer Green River sewer siphon x 0 2 1 1 x x M Sewer Peasle Rid a LS x 0 7 1 1 11 x x x M x x 3 x x Sewer Tertace View LS x x 0 4 1 1 x x x M x x 3 x x x Sewer North Ta s LS x x 0 7 1 1 x x M x x 3 x x x Sewer Area 19 LS x 0 7 1 1 x x M x x 3 x x x Storm Brennan Park PS x x 2 3 x 3 2 1 1 x x x x L x x x x Storm Emerald PS x x 0 6 1 x x x M x 2 x x Storrs Auburn Way South PS x x x 2 2 2 x x x M x 3 x x Storm A Street PS x x 2 1 2 x x x M x 3 x x x Storrs West Main PS x x x 0 6 1 x x M x 3 x x Water Fulmer Field CCTF + Wells 2& 6 x x x 6 5 x 12 8 4 2 x x x L x x Water Howard Road CCTF + Cud Valves x x x x 3 5 x 6 3 3 1 x x x L x x Water Coal Creek Springs & Chlorine Stn x x x 2 24 2 2 1 x x x M Water Acade PS and Reservoir 1 x x x 3 4 3 2 1 1 x x x M x x x Water Academy Reservoir 8A & 8B x x x 0 10 1 2 x x x M Water West Hill Springs & Chlorine Stn x x 2 4 2 2 x x M X Water Lea Hill Intertie PS + Res 4A & 4B x x x 3 8 4 3 2 x x x M x x Water Green River PS x 3 1 2 2 x x M x x Water Well4 x x 2 1 2 2 x x M x x x Water Well7 x x 2 2 1 2 x x M x x Water Lea Hill PS x x 1 1 1 1 x x M x x x Water Reservoir2 X Water Well5 x x 0 2 1 1 x x M x x x Water Well 5A x 2 0 2 2 x x M x x x Water Well 5B x 4 5 5 3 x x M X Water Wells 3A & 3B x 3 1 3 2 x x M x x x Water Well1 x x x 2 2 2 1 x x M x x x Water Breunwood Well & Reservoir x x 2 3 2 1 x x M x x x Water Wlderness (Game arm) ark S x 0 1 1 1 x x M x x x All Maintenance and Operations All Old Radio Site X NO WORK WILL BE DONE TO THE FOLLOWING SITES AS PART OF THIS PROJECT Sewer Ellingson LS Sewer Dogwood LS Sewer Auburn 40 LS Sewer Verdana LS Water Lakeland Hills Booster PS and Res 5 Water Terrace View Booster PS Water Lakeland Hills Reservoir 6? Water Tacoma Intertie - B Street Water acoma lntertie- ea i Sewer Rainier Shadows LS Sewer White Mountain TrailNO-. Storm lvvhite River S (aka River) M=Small/Medium PLC type L=Large PLC type Based on meetings with the City, seven (7) sites were determined to be high security (i.e. requiring cameras). More sites can be added to this list it needed. Technical Systems, Inc. E CITY OF AUBURN SCA®A PROJECT Pre d esl9 Report APPENDIX D. SEWER ANWSTORMWATER10' LISTS : - 1. - , a , _ c i . e ; { t , I x . 1. i t. ~ " APPENDIX D - SEWER AND STORMWATER 10 LISTS D Street Lift Station Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Fire - SD x High Wet Well - LSHH x Pump Start - LSH x Pump Stop - LSL x Low Wet Well - LSLL x Float System Control Indication x Dry Well Flood Ex Intrusion - sensor (vault) x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Motion - sensor x Operator in Trouble x Compressor Fail x Vent Fan Running x Pump x Running x Pump x Fail x Pump x Moisture Alarm x Pump x Overtemp Alarm x Pump x Hand @ LCP x Pump x Remote @ LCP x Pump x Hand @ RTU x Pump x Auto @ RTU x Pump x Check Valve Open x Pump x Check Valve Close x Power Fail - LCP x Power fail - RTU x Phase fail alarm x Battery/UPS fail x Generator Running x Generator Fail x Generator Trouble x Generator Not in Auto x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR X ATS GEN PWR x Generator Low Fuel Level x Max Runtime Time Delay Relay x Power OK - 24 VDC x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Pump x Call X ANALOG INPUTS - Al Wet Well level x Pressure x Motor x current x Flow x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point lx=pump 1,2,3,etc. Page 1 of 19 APPENDIX D - SEWER AND STORM WATER 10 LISTS F Street Lift Station Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Fire - SD x High Wet Well - LSHH x Pump Start - LSH x Pump Stop - LSL x Low Wet Well - LSLL x Float System Control Indication x D Well Flood x Intrusion - sensor (vault) x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Motion - sensor x Operator in Trouble x Compressor Fail x Vent Fan Running x Pump x Running x Pump x Fail x Pump x Moisture Alarm x Pump x Overtemp Alarm x Pump x Hand @ LCP x Pump x Remote @ LCP x Pump x Hand @ RTU x Pump x Auto @ RTU x Pump x Check Valve Open x Pump x Check Valve Close x Power Fail - LCP x Power fail - RTU x Phase fail alarm x Battery/UPS fail x Generator Running x Generator Fail x Generator Trouble x Generator Not in Auto x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x Generator Low Fuel Level x Max Runtime Time Delay Relay x Power OK - 24 VDC x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Pump x Call x ANALOG INPUTS - AI Wet Well level x Pressure x Motor x current x Flow x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = .new point = suggested future point x= um 1,2,3,etc. Page 2 of 19 APPENDIX D - SEWER AND STORM WATER 10 LISTS R Street Lift Station Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Fire - SD x High Wet Well - LSHH x Pump Start - LSH x Pump Stop - LSL x Low Wet Well - LSLL x Float System Control Indication x D Well Flood x Intrusion - sensor (vault) x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Motion - sensor x Operator in Trouble x Compressor Fail x Vent Fan Running x Pump x Running x . Pump x Fail x Pump x Moisture Alarm x Pump x Overtemp Alarm x Pump x Hand @ LCP x Pump x Remote @ LCP x Pump x Hand @ RTU x Pump x Auto @ RTU x Pump x Check Valve Open x Pump x Check Valve Close x Power Fail - LCP x Power fail - RTU x Phase fail alarm x Battery/UPS fail x Generator Running x Generator Fail x Generator Trouble x Generator Not in Auto x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x Generator Low Fuel Level x Max Runtime Time Delay Relay x Power OK - 24 VDC x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Pump x Call x ANALOG INPUTS - AI Wet Well level x Pressure x Motor x current x Flow x ANALOG OUTPUTS-AO = new point =suggest d future point x= um 1,2,3,etc. Page 3 of 19 APPENDIX D - SEWER AND STORM WATER 10 LISTS 8th Street Lift Station Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Fire - SD x High Wet Well - LSHH x Pump Start - LSH x Pump Stop - LSL x Low Wet Well - LSLL x Float System Control Indication x D Well Flood x Intrusion - sensor (vault) x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Motion - sensor x Operator in Trouble x Compressor Fail X Vent Fan Running x Pump x Running x Pump x Fail x Pump x Moisture Alarm x Pump x Overtemp Alarm x Pump x Hand @ LCP x Pump x Remote @ LCP x Pump x Hand @ RTU x Pump x Auto @ RTU x Pump x Check Valve Open x Pump x Check Valve Close x Power Fail - LCP x Power fail - RTU x Phase fail alarm x Battery/UPS fail x Generator Running x Generator Fail x Generator Trouble x Generator Not in Auto x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x Generator Low Fuel Level x Max Runtime Time Delay Relay x Power OK - 24 VDC x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Pump x Call x ANALOG INPUTS --AI Wet Well level x Pressure x Motor x current x Flow x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = sug ested future point x= um 1,2,3,etc. Page 4 of 19 APPENDIX D - SEWER AND STORM WATER 10 LISTS 22nd Street Lift Station Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Fire - SD x High Wet Well - LSHH x Pump Start - LSH X Pump Stop - LSL x Low Wet Well - LSLL x Float System Control Indication X Dry Well Flood x Intrusion - sensor (vault) x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Motion - sensor x Operator in Trouble x Compressor Fail x Vent Fan Running x Pump x Running x Pump x Fail x Pump x Moisture Alarm x Pump x Overtemp Alarm x Pump x Hand @ LCP x Pump x Remote @ LCP x Pump x Hand @ RTU x Pump x Auto @ RTU x Pump x Check Valve Open x Pump x Check Valve Close x Power Fail - LCP x Power fail - RTU X Phase fail alarm x Battery/UPS fail x Generator Running x Generator Fail x Generator Trouble x Generator Not in Auto x ATS Utility PWR OK X ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x Generator Low Fuel Level x Max Runtime Time Delay Relay x Power OK - 24 VDC x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Pump x Call x ANALOG INPUTS - Al Wet Well level x Pressure x Motor x current x Flow x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point =suggest d future point Ix=pump 1,2,3,etc. Page 5 of 19 APPENDIX D - SEWER AND STORM WATER 10 LISTS Valley Meadows Lift Station Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Fire - SD x High Wet Well - LSHH x Pump Start - LSH x Pump Stop - LSL x Low Wet Well - LSLL x Float System Control Indication x D Well Flood F---x Intrusion - sensor (vault) x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Motion - sensor x Operator in Trouble x Compressor Fail x Vent Fan Running x Pump x Running x . Pump x Fail x Pump x Moisture Alarm x Pump x Overtemp Alarm x Pump x Hand @ LCP x Pump x Remote @ LCP x Pump x Hand @ RTU x Pump x Auto @ RTU x Pump x Check Valve Open x Pump x Check Valve Close x Power Fail - LCP x Power fail - RTU x Phase fail alarm x Battery/UPS fail x Generator Running x Generator Fail x Generator Trouble x Generator Not in Auto x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x Generator Low Fuel Level x Max Runtime Time Delay Relay x Power OK - 24 VDC x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Pump x Call X ANALOG INPUTS - AI Wet Well level x Pressure x Motor x current x Flow x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point Ix=pump 1,2,3,etc. Page 6 of 19 APPENDIX D - SEWER AND STORM WATER 10 LISTS Rainier Ridge Lift Station Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Fire - SD x High Wet Well - LSHH x Pump Start - LSH x Pump Stop - LSL x Low Wet Well - LSLL x Float System Control Indication x Dry Well Flood x Intrusion - sensor (vault) x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Motion - sensor x Operator in Trouble x Compressor Fail x Vent Fan Running x Pump x Running x Pump x Fail x Pump x Moisture Alarm x Pump x Overtemp Alarm x Pump x Hand @ LCP x Pump x Remote @ LCP x Pump x Hand @ RTU x Pump x Auto @ RTU x Pump x Check Valve Open x Pump x Check Valve Close x Power Fail - LCP x Power fail - RTU x Phase fail alarm x Battery/UPS fail x Generator Running x Generator Fail x Generator Trouble x Generator Not in Auto x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x Generator Low Fuel Level x Max Runtime Time Delay Relay X Power OK - 24 VDC x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Pump x Call x ANALOG INPUTS - Al Wet Well level x Pressure x Motor x current x Flow x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point lx=pump 1,2,3,etc. Page 7 of 19 APPENDIX D - SEWER AND STORM WATER 10 LISTS Riverside Lift Station Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Fire - SD x High Wet Well - LSHH x Pump Start - LSH x Pump Stop - LSL x Low Wet Well - LSLL . x Float System Control Indication x D Well Flood x Intrusion - sensor (vault) x Intrusion disarm (from OJT) x Motion - sensor x Operator in Trouble x Compressor Fail x Vent Fan Running x Pump x Running x Pump x Fail x Pump x Moisture Alarm x Pump x Overtemp Alarm x Pump x Hand @ LCP x Pump x Remote @ LCP x Pump x Hand @ RTU x Pump x Auto @ RTU x Pump x Check Valve Open x Pump x Check Valve Close x Power Fail - LCP x Power fail - RTU x Phase fail alarm x Battery/UPS fail x Generator Running x Generator Fail x Generator Trouble x Generator Not in Auto x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x Generator Low Fuel Level x Max Runtime Time Delay Relay x Power OK - 24 VDC x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Pump _x Call x ANALOG INPUTS - Al Wet Well level x Pressure x Motor x current x Flow x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point x= um 1,2,3,etc. Page 8 of 19 APPENDIX D - SEWER AND STORM WATER 10 LISTS Green River Siphon Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Fire - SD x Intrusion - sensor (building) x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Compressor Running x Power fail - RTU x Battery/UPS fail x Power OK - 24 VDC x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO ANALOG INPUTS - All ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point x= um 1,2,3,etc. Page 9 of 19 APPENDIX D - SEWER AND STORM WATER 10 LISTS Peasley Ridge Lift Station Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Fire - SD x High Wet Well - LSHH x Pump Start - LSH x Pump Stop - LSL x Low Wet Well - LSLL x Float System Control Indication x Dry Well Flood x Intrusion - sensor (vault) x Intrusion - sensor (MCC doors) x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Motion - sensor x Operator in Trouble x Compressor Fail x Vent Fan Running x Pump x Running x Pump x Fail (Overload) x Pump x Moisture Alarm x Pump x Overtemp Alarm x Pump x Hand @ LCP x Pump x Auto @ LCP x Pump x Hand @ MCC x Pump x Auto @ MCC x Pump x Check Valve Open x Pump x Check Valve Close x Power Fail - LCP x Power fail - RTU x Phase fail alarm x Battery/UPS fail x Generator Running x Generator Fail x Generator Trouble x Generator Not in Auto x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x Generator Low Fuel Level x Max Runtime Time Delay Relay x Power OK - 24 VDC x Reset - SD and PLC x Door Open - Dry Well x Wet Well Blower Running x Wet Well Blower Overload x Wet Well Blower Auto x Pump x PS x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Pump x Call x Run Wet Well Blower x Pump x Fail Light x Wet Well Blower Fail Light x All Systems Good Light x Wet Well Level Alarm Light x ANALOG INPUTS - Al Wet Well level x Pressure x Motor x current x DC Voltage x Flow x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point ,x=pump 1,2,3,etc. Page 10 of 19 APPENDIX D - SEWER AND STORM WATER 10 LISTS Terrace View Lift Station Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Fire - SD x High Wet Well - LSHH x Pump Start - LSH x Pump Stop - LSL x Low Wet Well - LSLL x Float System Control Indication x Dry Well Flood x Intrusion - sensor (vault) x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Motion - sensor x Operator in Trouble x Compressor Fail x Vent Fan Running x Pump x Running x Pump x Fail x Pump x Moisture Alarm x Pump x Overtemp Alarm x Pump x Hand @ LCP x Pump x Remote @ LCP x Pump x Hand @ RTU x Pump x Auto @ RTU x Pump x Check Valve Open x Pump x Check Valve Close x Power Fail - LCP x Power fail - RTU x Phase fail alarm x Battery/UPS fail x Generator Running x Generator Fail x Generator Trouble x Generator Not in Auto x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x Generator Low Fuel Level x Max Runtime Time Delay Relay x Power OK - 24 VDC x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Pump x Call x ANALOG INPUTS - Al Wet Well level x Pressure X Motor x current x Flow x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point Ix=pump 1,2,3,etc. Page 11 of 19 APPENDIX D - SEWER AND STORM WATER 10 LISTS North Tapps Lift Station Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Fire - SD x High Wet Well - LSHH x Pump Start - LSH x Pump Stop - LSL x Low Wet Well - LSLL x Float System Control Indication x Dry Well Flood x Intrusion - sensor (vault) x Intrusion - sensor (MCC doors) x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Motion - sensor x Operator in Trouble x Compressor Fail x Vent Fan Running x Pump x Running x Pump x Fail (Overload) x Pump x Moisture Alarm x Pump x Overtemp Alarm x Pump x Hand @ LCP x Pump x Remote @ LCP x Pump x Hand @ RTU x Pump x Auto @ RTU x Pump x Check Valve Open x Pump x Check Valve Close x Power Fail - LCP x Power fail - RTU x Phase fail alarm x Battery/UPS fail x Generator Running x Generator Fail X Generator Trouble x Generator Not in Auto x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x Generator Low Fuel Level x Max Runtime Time Delay Relay x Power OK - 24 VDC x Reset - SD and PLC x Door Open - Dry Well x Wet Well Blower Running x Wet Well Blower Overload x Wet Well Blower Auto x Pump x PS x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Pump x Call x Run Wet Well Blower x Pump x Fail Light x Wet Well Blower Fail Light x All Systems Good Light x Wet Well Level Alarm Light x ANALOG INPUTS - AI Wet Well level x Pressure x Motor x current x DC Voltage x Power Meter KW x Flow x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point x= um 1,2,3,etc. Page 12 of 19 APPENDIX D - SEWER AND STORM WATER 10 LISTS Area 19 Lift Station Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Fire - SD x High Wet Well - LSHH x Pump Start - LSH x Pump Stop - LSL x Low Wet Well - LSLL x Float System Control Indication x Dry Well Flood x Intrusion - sensor (vault) x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Motion - sensor x Operator in Trouble x Compressor Fail x Vent Fan Running x Pump x Running x Pump x Fail x Pump x Moisture Alarm x Pump x Overtemp Alarm x Pump x Hand @ LCP x Pump x Remote @ LCP x Pump x Hand @ RTU x Pump x Auto @ RTU x Pump x Check Valve Open x Pump x Check Valve Close x Power Fail - LCP x Power fail - RTU x Phase fail alarm x Battery/UPS fail x Generator Running X Generator Fail x Generator Trouble x Generator Not in Auto x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x Generator Low Fuel Level x Max Runtime Time Delay Relay x Power OK - 24 VDC x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Pump x Call x ANALOG INPUTS - Al Wet Well level x Pressure x Motor x current x Flow x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point Ix=pump 1,2,3,etc. Page 13 of 19 APPENDIX D - SEWER AND STORM WATER 10 LISTS Brannon Park Storm Water Pump Station Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Fire - SD (Electrical Room) x Fire - SD (Generator Room) x High Wet Well - LSHH x Pump Start - LSH x Pump Stop - LSL x Low Wet Well - LSLL x Float System Control Indication x Building Flood x Discharge Manhole High Level x Swale High Level Switch x Intrusion - sensor (Elec. Room) x Intrusion - sensor (Gen. Room) F x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Motion - sensor (Elec. Room) x Motion - sensor (Gen. Room) x Operator in Trouble (Wet Well) x Operator in Trouble (Panel) x Swale Pump 1 Running Low x Swale Pump 1 Running High x Swale Pump x Running x Swale Pump x Fail (MCC) x Swale Pump x Ready x Swale Pump x Hand @ MCC x Swale Pump x Auto @ MCC x Swale Pump x Moisture Alarm x Swale Pump x Overtemp Alarm x Pump x Check Valve Open x Pump x Check Valve Close x Power Fail - MCC x Power fail - RTU x Phase fail alarm x Battery/UPS fail x Generator Running x Generator Fail x Generator Trouble x Generator Not in Auto x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x Generator Low Fuel Level x Generator Low Cooling Water x Max Runtime Time Delay Relay x Power OK - 24 VDC x Alarm Ack/Reset x Earthquake x Electrical Room Fan Run x Electrical Room Heater Run x Generator Room Fan Run x Generator Room Heater Run x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Swale Pump 1 Call to Run Low x Swale Pump 1 Call to Run High x Swale Pump x Auto Call to Run x Swale Pump x Fail Light x System Alarm x Horn x Page 14 of 19 APPENDIX D - SEWER AND STORM WATER 10 LISTS ANALOG INPUTS - Al Wet Well level x Motor x current x Discharge Manhole Level x River Level x Elect Room Temp x Generator Room Temp x Flow x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point ,x=pump 1,2,3,4,5 Page 15 of 19 APPENDIX D - SEWER AND STORM WATER 10 LISTS Emerald Storm Water Pump Station Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point High Wet Well - LSHH x Pump Start - LSH x Pump Stop - LSL x Low Wet Well - LSLL x Float System Control Indication x Intrusion - sensor (panel) x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Motion - sensor x Operator in Trouble x Pump x Running x Pump x Fail x Pump x Overtemp Alarm x Pump x Hand @ LCP x Pump x Auto @ LCP x Pump x Check Valve Open x Pump x Check Valve Close x Power Fail - LCP x Power fail - RTU x Phase fail alarm x Battery/UPS fail x Generator Running x Generator Fail x Generator Trouble x Generator Not in Auto x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x Generator Low Fuel Level x Max Runtime Time Delay Relay x Power OK - 24 VDC x Reset/Ack x System Active x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Pump x Call x ANALOG INPUTS - Al Wet Well level x Motor x current x Flow x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point ,x=pump 1,2,3,etc. Page 16 of 19 APPENDIX D - SEWER AND STORM WATER 10 LISTS Auburn Way Storm Water Pump Station Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point High Wet Well - LSHH x Pump Start - LSH x Pump Stop - LSL x Low Wet Well - LSLL x Float System Control Indication x Intrusion - sensor (enclosure) x Intrusion - sensor (vault) x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Motion - sensor x Operator in Trouble x Pump x Running x Pump x Fail x Pump x Moisture Alarm x Pump x Overtemp Alarm x Pump x Hand @ LCP x Pump x Auto @ LCP x Pump x Check Valve Open x Pump x Check Valve Close X Power Fail - LCP x Power fail - RTU x Phase fail alarm x Battery/UPS fail x Generator Running x Generator Fail x Generator Trouble X Generator Not in Auto x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR X ATS GEN PWR x Generator Low Fuel Level x Max Runtime Time Delay Relay X Power OK - 24 VDC x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Pump x Call x ANALOG INPUTS - Al Wet Well level x Pressure x Motor x current x Flow x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point x=pump 1,2,3,etc. Page 17 of 19 APPENDIX D - SEWER AND STORM WATER 10 LISTS A Street Storm Water Pump Station Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point High Wet Well - LSHH x Pump Start - LSH x Pump Stop - LSL x Low Wet Well - LSLL x Float System Control Indication x Intrusion - sensor (enclosure) x Intrusion - sensor (vault) x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Motion - sensor x Operator in Trouble x Pump x Running x Pump x Fail (Overload) x Pump x Moisture Alarm x Pump x Overtemp Alarm x Pump x Hand @ MCC x Pump x Auto @ MCC x Pump x Check Valve Open x Pump x Check Valve Close x Power Fail - LCP x Power fail - RTU x Phase fail alarm x Battery/UPS fail x Generator Running x Generator Fail x Generator Trouble x Generator Not in Auto x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x Generator Low Fuel Level x Max Runtime Time Delay Relay x Power OK - 24 VDC x Reset x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Pump x Call x Pump x Fail Light x All Systems Good x ANALOG INPUTS - AI Wet Well level x Pressure x Motor x current x Current Phase A x Current Phase B x Current Phase C x DC Voltage x Flow x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = su ested future point x= pump - 1,2,3,etc. Page 18 of 19 APPENDIX D - SEWER AND STORM WATER 10 LISTS West Main Storm Water Pump Station Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point High Wet Well - LSHH x Pump Start - LSH x Pump Stop - LSL x Low Wet Well - LSLL x Float System Control Indication x Intrusion - sensor (enclosure) x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Motion - sensor x Operator in Trouble x Pump x Running x Pump x Fail (Overload) x Pump x Moisture Alarm x Pump x Overtemp Alarm x Pump x Hand @ LCP x Pump x Auto @ LCP x Pump x Check Valve Open x Pump x Check Valve Close x Power Fail - LCP x Power fail - RTU x Phase fail alarm x Battery/UPS fail x Generator Running x Generator Fail x Generator Trouble x Generator Not in Auto x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x Generator Low Fuel Level x Max Runtime Time Delay Relay x Power OK - 24 VDC x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Pump x Call x ANALOG INPUTS - Al Wet Well level x Pressure x Motor x current x Flow x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point -x=pump 1,2,3,etc. Page 19 of 19 CITY OF AUBUiN SCADA PROJECT Pre:desigp,Report : E APPENDIX E. WATER IO LISTS li5 7 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Fulmer Field Corosion Control Facility Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Pulse Flow FE-101 x Pulse Flow FE-102 x Pulse Flow FE-103 x CV-101 Open x CV-101 Close x CV-101 Auto x CV-102 Open x CV-102 Close x CV-102 Auto x CV-103 Open x CV-103 Close x CV-103 Auto x CV-101 Closed x CV-102 Closed x CV-103 Closed X Tower Pad Flood x Clearwell Pump x Hand x Clearwell Pump x Auto x High Level X Low Level x Earth Quake x Pulse Flow Clearwell FT104 x Tank 1 Outlet Valve Closed x Pulse Flow Metering Pump 1 - FT113 x Tank 1 Hypo Inlet Valve Closed x CL2 Generator Alarm x Tank 2 Outlet Valve Closed x Pulse Flow Metering Pump 2 - FT114 x Tank 2 Hypo Inlet Valve Closed x Station Flood x ATS Normal X ATS Transferred x Gen Run x Gen Fail x Low Fuel x Power Fail - LCP x Battery/UPS fail x Gen Exercise x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x ATS transfer signal x ATS Transfer Fault x 24 VDC Power Supply status x Operator In Trouble 5 ea. x Reset - PLC and SD x Smoke 6 ea., HT 1 ea x Intrusion System Enable x Intrusion MD 5 ea. x Hypo Tank 1 Inlet Valve Called to Open x Page 1 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Metering Pump 1 Called x Hypo Tank 2 Inlet Valve Called to Open x Metering Pump 2 Called x Hypo Generator Called x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Open V-101 x Close V-101 x Open V-102 x Close V-102 x Open V-103 x Close V-103 x Open Hypo Tank 1 Inlet Valve x Call Metering Pump 1 x Open Hypo Tank 2 Inlet Valve x Call Metering Pump 2 x Hypo Generator Call x ANALOG INPUTS - Al Flow FM-101 x Flow FM-102 x Flow FM-103 x Position VO-101 x Position VO-102 x Position VO-103 x Tower Inlet Pressure x Clearwell Pump Discharge Pressure x Clearwell 1 Level x Clearwell Flow Rate x Hypo Tank 1 Level / Volume x Hypo Tank 2 Level / Volume x Chlorine Residual x Carbon Monoxide x DC Voltage x Motor x current x VFD x Speed FB x Modulating Valve Position FB x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO Hypo Metering Pump 1 Speed Ref x Hypo Metering Pump 2 Speed Ref x VFD Speed REF x Modulating Valve Position REF x Profibus Slave EF-101 FVNR x EF-102 FVNR x EF-103 FVNR x EF-106 FVNR x CWP-103 SSRVS x CWP-104 SSRVS x BLW 101 FVNR x BL-W-102 FVNR x BLW-103 FVNR x Power Monitor x CWP 101 VFD x CWP 102 VFD x Page 2 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Wells 2 & 6 Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Well 2 Pump Hand x Well 2 Pump Auto x Well 2 Pulse Flow X Well 2 Pump CV SS Auto x Well 2 Pump Control Valve Closed x Well 2 Waste Valve Call To Close x Well 2 Waste Valve SS In Auto x Well 2 Waste Valve Opened x Well 6 Pump Hand x Well 6 Pump Auto x Well 6 Pulse Flow x Well 6 Pump CV SS Auto x Well 6 Pump Control Valve Closed x Well 6 Waste Valve Call To Close x Well 6 Waste Valve SS In Auto X Well 6 Waste Valve Opened x RESET x Well 2 Smoke x Well 6 Smoke x Intrusion System Enable x Clearwell Enclosure Intrusion x Intrusion - Motion 2 ea. x Manual Fire Alarm 2 ea. x Well 6 Station Flood x Operator in Trouble 2 ea. x Louver Open x Power Fail x Battery Low X Exhaust Fan In Auto x Exhaust Fan Run x Unit Heater 1 Run x Unit Heater 2 Run x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Open Well 2 Pump Control CV x Close Well 2 Pump Control CV x Well 2 Waste Valve Close x Well 2 Flowmeter P2R x Open Well 6 Pump Control CV x Close Well 6 Pump Control CV X Well 6 Waste Valve Close x Well 6 Flowmeter PZR x Clearwell Pre Lube SV x Cooling Water SV x Station Alarm x Alarm Beacon x Exhaust Fan Call x Unit Heater 1 Call x Unit Heater 2 Call x ANALOG INPUTS - Al Well 2 Flow x Well 2 Level X Page 3 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER,10 LISTS Well 6 Flow - x Well 6 Level x Well Discharge Pressure x Building Temperature x Motor x current x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO, Profibus Slave Well 2 VFD x Well 6 VFD x = new point suggested future point x= um 1,2,3,etc._-- i N 4 . i Page 4 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Howard Road Corrosion Control Facility Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Open CV-201 SS x Close CV-201 SS x Auto CV-201 SS x CV-201 Closed ZS X Pulse Flow FE-201 x Open CV-202 SS x Close CV-202 SS x Auto CV-202 SS x CV-202 Closed ZS x Pulse Flow FE-202 x Open CV-203 SS x Close CV-203 SS x Auto CV-203 SS x CV-203 Closed ZS x Pulse Flow FE-203 x Zone 245 Control Valve Open SS x Zone 245 Control Valve Close SS x Zone 245 Control Valve Auto SS X Zone 245 Control Valve Closed ZS x Tower Pad Flood x Clearwell Pump x Hand SS x Clearwell Pump x Auto SS X High Level x Low Level x Earth Quake X Clear Well Flow Pulse FT204 x Station Flood x ATS In Normal x ATS Transferred x Gen Run X Gen Low Temp x Gen Fuel Low x Power Fail - LCP x Battery/UPS fail x Generator Fail X Gen Exercise x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x ATS transfer signal x ATS Transfer Fault x Operator In Trouble 4 ea. x Reset - SD, PLC x Smoke SD 5 ea., HTD 1 ea. x Intrusion System Enable x Intrusion sensors MD 4 ea. x Power OK 24VDC PS x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Open CV-201 x Close CV-201 x Page 5 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Open CV-202 x Close CV-202 x Open CV-203 x Close CV-203 x Open Zone 245 Valve x Close Zone 245 Valve x Alarm x Open CV-200 x Close CV-200 x ANALOG INPUTS - AI Tower 1 Flow Rate FT201 x Tower 2 Flow Rate FT202 x Tower -3 Flow Rate FT203 x Valve Position CV-200 x Valve Position CV-201 x Valve Position CV-202 x DC Voltage 24VDC PS x Tower Inlet Pressure x Clearwell Pump Discharge Pressure x Clearwell 1 Level x Clearwell Flow Rate x Reservoir 1 Level x PRV Valve Position CV200? x Chlorine Residual x Carbon Monoxide x Down Stream Pressure x Motor x current x VFD x Speed FB x Modulating Valve Position FB x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO VFD Speed REF x Modulating Valve Position REF x Profibus Slave CWP-201 VFD x CWP-202 VFD x CWP-203 SSRVS x CWP-204 SSRVS (future) EF-201 FVNR x EF-202 FVNR x EF-203 FVNR x BLW-201 FVNR x BLW-202 FVNR x Power Monitor x = new point = suggested future point x= um 1,2,3,etc. Page 6 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Coal Creek Springs Chlorine Station Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Reset - SD, PLC x Fire SD 2 ea. x Intrusion arm SS x Door Open ZS 2 ea. x Flood x Operator In Trouble x Contact Chamber Low Level x Contact Chamber High Level x Feeder # 1 Low Vacuum x Feeder # 2 Low Vacuum x CL2 Leak x Containment Leak x Tank Empty - High Vac x Feeder # 1 In Manual x Feeder # 2 In Manual x DC Voltage 24 VDC PS x DISCRETE OUTPUTS-- DO Beacon x Horn x Fan x ANALOG INPUTS - Al Contact Chamber Level x CL2 Residual x Turbidity x CL2 Feed Rate # 1 x CL2 Feed Rate # 2 x Temperature x DC Voltage 24VDC x North Flow Rate x Middle Flow Rate x South Flow Rate x Chlorine scale x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO CL2 Feed # 1 x CL2 Feed # 2 x = new point = suggested future point 1x=pump 1,2,3,etc. Page 7 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Academy Pump Station PS and Res 1 Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Pump x SS in HAND @ LCP x Pump x SS in AUTO @ LCP x Pump x Motor Running AUX x Pump x Discharge PS x Pump x CV ZS x Fire SD x Intrusion sensor x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Flow Total Pulse x Phase Failure x Bat Charger Failure x Power fail - RTU x Generator Low Temp x Generator Run x ATS Load Transferred x Gen Low Fuel X Generator Fail x Gen Exercise x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x ATS transfer signal x ATS Transfer Fault x RESET x Operator in Trouble x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO MCC Run Pump x x ANALOG INPUTS - Al Discharge Pressure x Flow Rate x Reservoir 1 Level x Motor x current x 24 VDC PS Output x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point x= um 1,2,3,etc. Page 8 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Academy Reservoir 8A & 8B Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Overflow x Intrusion x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Flood x Power Fail - PFR x Battery Charger Fault x RESET x Operator in Trouble x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO ANALOG INPUTS - Al Tank Level x 24 VDC PS Output x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point x= pump 1,2,3,etc. Page 9 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS West Hill Springs Chlorination Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Pulse Flow Tot x Fire SD x Intrusion sensor x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Power Fail - PFR x Battery Charger Alarm x CL2 Feed High Vacuum x CL2 Feed Low Vacuum x CL2 Gas x RESET x Operator in Trouble x FM Vault intrusion ZS x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO ANALOG INPUTS - Al 24VDC PS Output x Flow Rate x CL2 Residual x CL2 Scale reading x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point 1x=pump 1,2,3,etc. Page 10 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Lea Hill Intertie Pump Station And Reservoir 4 Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point VFD 1 Call X VFD 1 In Auto x VFD 1 Ready x VFD 1 Fail x VFD 2 Call x VFD 2 In Auto x VFD 2 Ready x VFD 2 Fail x P1 SS HAND @ MCC x P2 SS HAND @ MCC x P3 Call x P3 In Auto x P3 Ready x P3 Run x P3 Pump Control Valve Closed x P4 Call x P4 In Auto x P4 Ready x P4 Run X P4 Pump Control Valve Closed X P3 SS HAND @ MCC x P4 SS HAND @ MCC X Phase Fail PFR x Flow Pulse 4" x Flow Pulse 12" x Packaged Pump System Comon x Hypochlorite Low Level x Hypo Pump P7A Call x Hypo Pump P7A In Auto x Hypo Pump 13713 Call x Hypo Pump P713 In Auto x P7A SS HAND @ MCC x P76 SS HAND @ MCC x UPS Power Fail x UPS Low Battery x Power Fail 120 VAC x Generator Run x Generator Fail x Generator Common Alarm X Low Fuel x Gen Exercise x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x ATS transfer signal x ATS Transfer Fault x Intrusion System Active x Intrusion MD x Resevoir Ladder Intrusion x CL2 Reoom Door Switch x Page 11 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Reset - SD, PLC x Fire - SD x Send Help - OIT x Station Flood x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Call VFD 1 Call VFD 2 x Call P3 x Call P4 x Open Pump Control Valve P3 x Open Pump Control Valve P4 x Call P7A x Call P713 x ANALOG INPUTS - Al VFD 1 Speed Feedback x VFD 2 Speed Feedback x Flow 4" x Flow 12" x Discharge Pressure x Suction Pressure x System Pressure x CL2 Residual x PH x P1 Current x P2 Current x P3 Current x P4 Current x Resevoir 4 Level x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO VFD 1 Speed Reference x VFD 2 Speed Reference x P7A Speed Refference x P713 Speed Refference x = new point = suggested future point x= um 1,2,3,etc. Page 12 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Green River Pump Station Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point VFD 1 Call x VFD 1 In Auto x VFD 1 Ready x VFD 1 Fail x VFD 2 Call x VFD 2 In Auto x VFD 2 Ready x VFD 2 Fail x P1 SS HAND @ MCC x P2 SS HAND @ MCC x P3 Call x P3 In Auto x P3 Ready x P3 Run x P3 Pump Control Valve Closed x P4 Call x P4 In Auto X P4 Ready x P4 Run x P4 Pump Control Valve Closed x P5 Call x P5 In Auto X P5 Ready x P5 Run x P5 Pump Control Valve Closed x P3 SS HAND @ MCC x P4 SS HAND @ MCC x P5 SS HAND @ MCC x Flow Pulse x Hypo Pump P7 Call x Hypo Pump P7 In Auto x Hypo Pump P8 Call x Hypo Pump P8 In Auto x P7 SS HAND @ MCC x P8 SS HAND @ MCC x Hypochlorite Low Level x Phase Fail PFR x Power Fail UPS x Low UPS Battery x Generator Run x Generator Fail X Generator Common Alarm x Generator Low Fuel x Gen Exercise x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x ATS transfer signal x ATS Transfer Fault x Intrusion System Active x Page 13 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Intrusion Sensor MD x CL2 Room Door Switch x Reset - SD, PLC x Fire - SD x Send Help 2 ea. OIT x Station Flood x 120 VAC Power Fail x VFD Pump 1 PCV Closed x VFD Pump 2 PCV Closed x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Call VFD 1 x Call VFD 2 x Call P3 x Call P4 x Call P5 x Open Pump Control Valve P3 x Open Pump Control Valve P4 x Open Pump Control Valve P5 x Call P7 x Call P8 x ANALOG INPUTS - Al VFD 1 Speed Feedback x VFD 2 Speed Feedback x Flow x Discharge Pressure x Suction Pressure x CL2 Residual x PH x 01 Current x P2 Current x P3 Current x P4 Current x P5 Current x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO VFD 1 Speed Reference x VFD 2 Speed Reference x P7 Speed Refference x P8 Speed Refference x new point = suggested future point x= um 1,2,3,etc. Page 14 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Well 4 Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Well Pump SS in HAND @ LCP x Well Pump SS in AUTO @ LCP x Well Motor Running x Discharge PS x Pulse Flow Tot x Valve Open x Fire SD x Intrusion sensor x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x CL2 Gas X Power Fail - PFR x Battery Charger Fault x RESET x Operator in Trouble x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Well 4 Call x ANALOG INPUTS - All 24 VDC PS Output x Well Discharge Pressure x Well Level x CL2 Gas Detection x Well Flow Rate x Motor x current x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point x= um 1,2,3,etc. Page 15 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Well #7 Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Well 7 Hand x Well 7 Ready x Well 7 Auto x Well 7 Run x VFD Bypass x Waste Valve Fully Opened x Flow Pulse x Well Flow Switch Auto x Reset - SD, PLC x Fire - SD x Intrusion System Active x Intrusion MD, Door ZS x Send Help - OIT x Flood x Power OK 24 VDC x Hypochlorite Low Level x P2A Call x P2A In Auto x P2B Call x P2B In Auto x P2A SS HAND @ LCP x P213 SS HAND @ LCP x Waste Valve Closed x Waste Valve Auto x Waste Valve SS OPEN @ LCP x Waste Valve SS CLOSE @ LCP x VFD Fail x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Call Well Pump x Close Waste Valve x Call P2A x Call P2B x Open PCV x Close PCV x Flow Meter PZR x ANALOG INPUTS - Al Well Level x Well Flow x CL2 residual x PH x Discharge Pressure x Well Pump Speed Feedback x Motor x current x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO Well Pump Speed Reference x P2A Speed Reference x P26 Speed Reference x = new point = suggested future point x= um 1,2,3,etc. Page 16 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Lea Hill Pump Station PS and Res 2 Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Pump Motor x Running x Resevoir Overflow x Fire SD x Intrusion Sensor x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) X Pulse Flow Tot Ex Pump x Discharge PS x Pump x CV ZS x Pump x SS in HAND @ LCP x Pump x SS in AUTO @ LCP x Power Fail - PFR x Battery Charger Alarm x ATS Load Transfer x Generator Low Fuel X Generator Low Temp x Generator Fail x Gen Exercise x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x ATS transfer signal x ATS Transfer Fault x RESET x Operator in Trouble x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Pump x Call x ANALOG INPUTS - Al Reservoir 2 level x 24 VDC Power Supply Output x Discharge Pressure x Flow Rate x Motor x current x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point x= um 1,2,3,etc. Page 17 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Well 5 Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Well Pump SS in HAND @ LCP x Well Pump SS in AUTO @ LCP x Well Motor Running x CV status x Discharge PS x Low Well x Fire SD x Intrusion sensor x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x CL2 Gas Alarm x Cut off x Power Fail - PFR x Battery Charger Fault x RESET x Operator in Trouble x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Well 5 Call x ANALOG INPUTS - Al 24 VDC PS Output x Well Discharge Pressure x Well Level x CL2 Gas Detection x Well Flow Rate x Motor x current x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point x= um 1,2,3,etc. Page 18 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Well 5A @ Lakeland Hills Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Pump SS in HAND @ MCC x Pump SS in AUTO @ MCC x Pump Discharge PS x Pump MS AUX x Waste Valve Fail x Well Low Cutoff x Fire Alarm SD x Intrusion sensor x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Pulse Flow x CL2 Alarm x Flood x Phase Fail x Battery Charger Fault x Check Valve Closed x Waste Valve Closed x RESET x Auto Call Pump x Operator in Trouble x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO x Start Motor x Motor Start Failed x Open Discharge Control Valve x Close Discharge Control Valve x Close Pump Waste Valve x Pump Waste Valve Failed x Well Cutoff x Pump Fail x ANALOG INPUTS - Al Well Level x Well Flow x CL2 Gas PPM x CL2 Residual x CL2 Scale x Motor x current x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point x= um 1,2,3,etc. Page 19 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Well 56 and filtration no drawings Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point VFD 1 Call x VFD 1 In Auto x VFD 1 Ready x VFD 1 Fail x VFD 2 Call x VFD 2 In Auto x VFD 2 Ready x VFD 2 Fail x P1 SS HAND @ MCC x P2 SS HAND @ MCC x P3 Call x P3 In Auto x P3 Ready x P3 Run X P3 Pump Control Valve Closed x P4 Call x P4 In Auto x P4 Ready x P4 Run x P4 Pump Control Valve Closed x P5 Call x P5 In Auto x P5 Ready x P5 Run x P5 Pump Control Valve Closed x P3 SS HAND @ MCC x P4 SS HAND @ MCC x P5 SS HAND @ MCC x Flow Pulse x Hypo Pump P7 Call x Hypo Pump P7 In Auto x Hypo Pump P8 Call x Hypo Pump P8 In Auto x P7 SS HAND @ MCC x P8 SS HAND @ MCC x Hypochlorite Low Level x Phase Fail PFR x Power Fail UPS x Low UPS Battery x Generator Run x Generator Fail x Generator Common Alarm x Generator Low Fuel x Gen Exercise x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x ATS transfer signal x ATS Transfer Fault x Intrusion System Active x Page 20 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Intrusion Sensor MD x CL2 Room Door Switch x Reset - SD, PLC x Fire - SD x Send Help 2 ea. OIT x Station Flood x 120 VAC Power Fail x VFD Pump 1 PCV Closed x VFD Pump 2 PCV Closed x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Call VFD 1 x Call VFD 2 x Call P3 x Call P4 x Call P5 x Open Pump Control Valve P3 x Open Pump Control Valve P4 x Open Pump Control Valve P5 x Call P7 x Call P8 x ANALOG INPUTS - Al VFD 1 Speed Feedback x VFD 2 Speed Feedback x Flow x Discharge Pressure x Suction Pressure x CL2 Residual x PH x P1 Current x P2 Current x P3 Current x P4 Current x P5 Current x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO VFD 1 Speed Reference x VFD 2 Speed Reference x P7 Speed Refference x P8 Speed Refference x = new point = suggested future point x=pump 1,2,3,etc. Note: The 1/0 was not verified at this site but the count was based on Green River Page 21 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Well 3A& 3B Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Well Pump Motor A Running x Well Pump Motor B Running x 3A Flow Tot Pulse x 3A Valve Open x Fire SD 2 ea. x Intrusion Sensor 2 ea. x Intrusion arm SS CL2 Gas Alarm x 3B Flow Tot Pulse x 3B Valve Open x Well Pump A SS in HAND @ MCC x Well Pump A SS in AUTO @ MCC x Well Pump B SS in HAND @ MCC x Well Pump B SS in AUTO @ MCC x Generator Running x ATS Load Transferred x Gennerator Low Temp x Generaror Low Fuel x Generator Fail x Gen Exercise x ATS Utility PWR OK X ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x ATS transfer signal x ATS Transfer Fault x Power Fail - PFR x Batt Charger Alarm x RESET x Operator in Trouble x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO MCC Run Well Pump 3A x MCC Run Well Pump 3B x ANALOG INPUTS - All Well A Discharge Pressure x Well A Level x Well A Flow Rate x Well B Discharge Pressure x Well B Level x Well B Flow Rate x 24VDC PS Output x CL2 Gas In Air x CL2 Residual x CL2 Scale Reading x Well Flow Rate x Motor x current x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point x= um 1,2,3,etc. Page 22 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Well 1 Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Well Pump SS in HAND @ LCP x Well Pump SS in AUTO @ LCP x Well Running x Pulse Flow Tot X Valve Open X Fire SD x Intrusion Sensor x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x CL2 Gas Alarm x Power Fail - PFR x Battery Charger Fault x RESET x Operator in Trouble x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Well 1 Call x ANALOG INPUTS - All 24 VDC PS Output x Well Discharge Pressure x Well Level x CL2 Gas Detection x Well Flow Rate x Motor x current x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point ,x=pump 1,2,3,etc. Page 23 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Braunwood Well no drawings Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Pump x SS in HAND @ LCP x Pump x SS in AUTO @ LCP x Pump x Motor Running AUX x Pump x Discharge PS x Fire SD x Intrusion sensor x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Flow Total Pulse x Phase Failure x Bat Charger Failure x Power fail - RTU x Generator Run x ATS Load Transferred x Gen Low Fuel x Generator Fail x Gen Exercise x ATS Utility PWR OK x ATS GEN PWR OK x ATS Utility PWR x ATS GEN PWR x ATS transfer signal x ATS Transfer Fault x RESET x Operator in Trouble x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Run Pump x x ANALOG INPUTS - Al Discharge Pressure x Flow Rate x Static Well Level x Reservoir Level x Motor x current x 24 VDC PS Output x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point x= um 1,2,3,etc. Page 24 of 25 APPENDIX E - WATER 10 LISTS Game Farm Wilderness Park Well no drawings Suggested DISCRETE INPUTS - DI Existing Point New Point Future Point Pump x SS in HAND @ LCP x Pump x SS in AUTO @ LCP x Pump x Motor Running AUX x x Fire SD x Intrusion sensor x Intrusion disarm (from OIT) x Power fail - RTU x Operator in Trouble x DISCRETE OUTPUTS - DO Run Pump x x ANALOG INPUTS - Al Discharge Pressure x Motor x current x ANALOG OUTPUTS - AO = new point = suggested future point x=pump 1,2,3,etc. Page 25 of 25 i Exhibit F SAMPLE INVOICE City of Auburn Invoice 5222 25 West Main Progress Payment 2 Auburn WA 98001 Invoice Date: February 10, 2008 Attn: Scott Nutter, Project Engineer Project Name: Thomas Nelson Farm Agency Agreement #:.AG-C-010 Project PR562 Engineering Services performed during the period of: January 2002 SAMPLE ENGINEERING, INC. Personnel Hours Hourly Rate Amount Mike Jones, Principal in Charge 1 125.00 $ -125.00 Carla Maker, Architect 5 $ 72.00 $ 144.00 Joe Smith, Word Processing 10 $ 48.00 $ 480.00 Consultant Personnel. Subtotal $ 749.00 Ex enses see attached documentation Charges Multi lier Amount Mike Jones, Principal in Charge 20 miles x1:1 $ 7.59 Carla Maker, Architect $ .30.00 x1':1 $ 33.00 Joe Smith, Word Processing $ . 29.00 x1.1 $ 31.90 Consultant Expenses Subtotal $ 72.49 Consultant Total: $ 821.49 SUB CONSULTANTS (see attached documentation) Subconsultant Hours Hourly Rate Amount ABC- Environmental, Inc.,,Civil En ineer 1.0 $ 100.00 $ 11000.00 Electrical Consultin , Electrical-Engineer 5 $ 100.00 500.00 Mechanical Solutions;' Mechanical, Engineer 10 $ 100:00 MRF 1,000.00 -Moving :Com an ,'Movin ` Consultant 2 $ 50.00 100.00 SubconsultantSubtotaf $ 2,600.00 Subtotal x 1.1' Multi tier ' $ 2,860.00 Subconsultant Total: $ 2,860,00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 3,681.49 CONTRACT- BREAKDOWN Amount Total Invoiced % % Amount Task Authorized Prior.lnvoiced This Invoice To Date Expended Completed, Remaining Original Contract -$22,000.00 $ 1,025.00. $ 2,681.49 $ 3,706.49 20% 25% $ 18,293.51 MRF" 2,500:00 0:00 1;000.00 10000.00 40% 45% 1,500.00 TOTAL $ 24,500.00 $ 1,025.00 3;681:49 $ : 4,706.49 $ 19,793.51 Note: MRF=Management Reserve Fund * Received a written authorization of MRF on 1110/01 for Mechanical Engineer task in the amount of $2,000.00. Exhibit G ak CITY OF r PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION WASHINGTON 25 West Main Auburn, WA 98001-4998 (253) 931-3053 Fax ACCESS AGREEMENT For Vulnerability Assessments and Information Derived from Vulnerability Assessments DESIGNATED INDIVIDUALS 1. Person for whom access is being requested. Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial Office Phone No. Email Address Organization: Office/Region: 2. Type of Request (circle): New Refresher Name Change Organizational Change 3. Confidentiality Agreement: I understand that I will have access to certain sensitive information contained in the City of Auburn Vulnerability Assessment submitted to EPA under section 1433 of the Safe Drinking Water Act. I will have access in connection with my official duties on behalf of the City of Auburn or its contracted agent. I agree to protect this information from disclosure while it is in my custody. I will not permit this information to come into the possession of any person except in accordance with section 1433 of the Safe Drinking Water Act, and I will route or transmit this information to other authorized persons only via official transfer procedures as set forth in the "Protocols to Secure Vulnerability Assessments Submitted by Community Water Systems to EPA." I understand that section 1433 of the Safe Drinking Water Act provides for fines and/or imprisonment for knowingly or recklessly disclosing vulnerability assessment information to unauthorized persons. I also understand that I may be subject to criminal penalties in accordance with the 18 USC Chapter 227 for willfully, concealing, misrepresenting, or falsifying facts in this agreement. I also understand that I may be removed from employment or prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if I knowingly or recklessly disclose this information. I agree to sign a "Confidential Agreement for Termination or Transfer" if I no longer require access to this Vulnerability Assessments because of a change in duties or position. I acknowledge I have been trained on the "Protocol to Secure Vulnerability Assessments Submitted by Community Water Systems to EPA" and that I fully understand it. Signature Date 4. The above person has been trained in accordance with the "Protocol To Secure Vulnerability Assessments Submitted by Community Water Systems to EPA Printed Name & Signature of Utilities Engineer Date 5. 1 certify that the above person needs access to vulnerability assessment information. Printed Name & Signature of Direct Supervisor REF. E:\SCADA_Project_C524A\Design Consultant\Exhibit G Access Agreement.doc i Wonderware End User License Agreement Revised: March 2005 IMPORTANT, READ CAREFULLY. THIS WONDERWARE 1.8 Device. Device means any Client, Node, LICENSE AGREEMENT (THE "AGREEMENT") IS A computer, or other digital workstation, electronic, cellular, or BINDING CONTRACT BETWEEN YOU, THE END-USER computing instrument that runs, accesses, or utilizes the (THE "LICENSEE") AND INVENSYS SYSTEMS, INC. services of the Software. ("WONDERWARE" OR THE "LICENSOR"). EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT YOU ARE BOUND BY A WRITTEN 1.9 Documentation. Documentation means the user AGREEMENT SIGNED BY BOTH YOU AND guides and manuals for the installation and use of the WONDERWARE REGARDING THE USE AND LICENSE Software, whether provided in CD-ROM, hard copy, or other OF THIS SOFTWARE PRODUCT, BY INSTALLING OR form. USING THIS SOFTWARE PRODUCT, YOU, THE LICENSEE, ARE AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF THIS 1.10 Failover Cluster. A Failover Cluster application AGREEMENT, WHICH INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITED means two Devices connected wherein one Device is TO, THE SOFTWARE USAGE LICENSE, THE actively utilizing the services of the Software at any instant DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY AND LIMITED WARRANTY, and the second Device in the application is passive i.e. not AND LIMITATION OF WONDERWARE'S LIABILITY. utilizing the services of the Software. Further, once the active Device stops utilizing the services of the Software (for READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS a reason of a failure or the Device is taken off line) the Passive Device immediately begins to utilize the services of AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING OR USING THE SOFTWARE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO the Software, becoming active. THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF THIS 1.11 110 Count. 1/0 Count means the number of AGREEMENT, TERMINATE THE INSTALLATION OF THIS external data streams that the software monitors. SOFTWARE BY SELECTING "I DO NOT ACCEPT THE LICENSE AGREEMENT" IN THIS WINDOW OR BY 1.12 License Fee. License Fee means the fee paid to CLICKING ON THE "CANCEL" BUTTON. YOU MAY Wonderware for each specific license to use the Software THEN PROMPTLY DELETE THE LICENSE FILES AND granted hereunder as may be identified in an Order Form SOFTWARE FROM YOUR COMPUTER AND RETURN received and accepted by Wondenaare. THE LICENSE FILE DISKETTE(S), THE ENTIRE DISK PACKAGE, AND ALL OTHER ITEMS (INCLUDING DOCUMENTATION AND PACKAGING) WITHIN 30 DAYS 1.13 License File. License File means a component of OF PURCHASE TO THE PLACE FROM WHICH YOU the Software that enables one or more other components of OBTAINED IT FOR A FULL REFUND. the Software and may also specify the location of the Designated Device and the Licensee. The License File also specifies certain limitations on the use of the enabled 1.0 Definitions. components of the Software and the purposes for, and extent to, which the enabled components of the Software may be 1.1 Application Name Space. Application Name used. Certain components of the Software may be licensed Space means the complete list of unique application objects hereunder without a License File. For reference purposes, (manufacturing or processing plant entities) that interact or the components of the Software enabled by a particular are used with the Industrial Application Server Software. License File correlate to Wonderware part numbers as may be reflected on the License File or on one or more Order 1.2 Client. A Device running Client Software or Forms or License Certificate. accessing or utilizing Server Software is called a Client. 1.14 Named User. Named User means an individual 1.3 Client Access License or "CAL". Client Access person and is unique to the individual. A Named User is not License, or a "CAL", means a usage license required for a particular logon name, a group, an organization, part of a each Client that runs, accesses or utilizes Software running company or organization, or any other non-person entity. on a Server. 1.15 Order Form. Order Form means (i) the document 1.4 Client Software. Client Software means those in hard or electronic copy by which particular Software or components of, or programs in, the Software that allow a Technical Support Services is ordered by or for Licensee and Device to run, access or utilize the services provided by the by which Wonderware is advised of the location of the Device Designated Device and (ii) any order confirmation that may be issued by Wonderware acknowledging receipt of, or 1.5 Concurrent Use. Also known as Per Server Use, accepting, an order by Licensee for particular Software or Technical Support Services. see definition below. 1.6 Data Connector License. Data Connector 1.16 Per Device Use. Per Device Use, also called "Per License is the right to use Software that allows a Seat Use" means Device licensing as specified in the Order SuiteVoyager'"' Server to access data from a data source on Agreement, License File, or License Certificate wherein a behalf of a Device. Device is licensed to access or utilizes the services of the Server Software on an unlimited number of Servers running 1.7 Designated Device. Designated Device means the Server Software. Licensee must purchase a Per Device the single Device owned, leased or otherwise controlled by ("Per Seat") License for each Device licensed for Per Device Licensee at a single location identified on the License File or Use. Order Form on which the Software is to be installed or run. 1.17 Per Server Use. Per Server Use, also called from the independent variables (Tags) that are being "concurrent use", means Software licensing wherein the monitored, processed, or utilized by the Software. Software may be installed on a unlimited number of Devices provided however that the number of Devices utilizing the 1.28 Technical Support Services. Technical Support services of the Software residing on a single Server is limited Services means: (i) services provided to Licensee under an by the number of Per Server access licenses purchased as Annual Support Agreement pursuant to Wonderware's defined in the Order Agreement, License File, or License Technical Support Services Policies, Terms and Conditions Certificate. ("Technical Support Services Policy") in effect on the date the Software is delivered to Licensee, and (ii) Training Services 1.18 Per Processor Use. Per Processor Use means provided pursuant to Wonderware's Training policies in effect Server Software licensing wherein a separate license is on the date such services are ordered by or for Licensee. required for each processor that resides on a single Server. For example, a dual processor Device must have two Per 1.29 Toolkit Software. Toolkit Software means Processor Use licenses and a quad-processor Device must Software designated by Wonderware on the Order Form and have four Per Processor Use licenses, one for each License File as a "Toolkit" software product and which may processor. include compiled computer code and portions of source code which may be used by the Licensee to extend the 1.19 Per Named User. Per Named User means Server functionality of the Software. Software licensed wherein one Named User using any Device is licensed to access or utilizes the services of the Server Software on an unlimited number of Servers running 1.30 Industrial Application Server TS Session Count. the Server Software. The number of Industrial Application Server based Microsoft Terminal Services ("TS) Sessions per Application Name 1.20 Platform. A Platform is Software that is required Space. Terminal Services Sessions are licensed for Per in order for a Device to operate with Industrial Application Device Use Only. Server Software. 1.31 Update. Update means: (a) supplemental 1.21 Platform Count. Platform Count means the programs, if and when developed and distributed by number of Devices which host the "Platform" component. Wonderware, that may contain bug fixes or improved program functions for the Software; and (b) a subsequent 1.22 Server. Server means any Device that stores release of the Software, if and when developed by Server Software and can be run, accessed, or used by Wonderware, which Wonderware generally makes available another Device. for licensees that have an Annual Support Agreement and to which Licensee is entitled under the Technical Support 1.23 Server Software. Server Software means those Services Policy by virtue of having purchased such services components of, or programs in, the Software that provide pursuant to Section 3.2. An Update does not include any services on a Device called a server which services may be release, new version, option, or future product, which run, accessed or used by another Device. A Device running Wonderware licenses separately. Server Software is called a Server. 2.0 Software License. 1.24 Software. Software means the computer software programs for which Licensee is granted a license hereunder, 2.1 Grant of License and Limitations. In the License Files necessary to enable those programs, the consideration of the License Fee and subject to the terms, Documentation therefore and, to the extent Licensee either conditions and limitations set forth in this Agreement and the purchases an Update or is entitled to receive Updates in limitations set forth in the License File, License Certificate connection with certain Technical Support Services and any Order Form, Wonderware grants to Licensee a purchased pursuant to Section 3.2, Updates thereto. All nonexclusive license to use a single instance of the computer programs are licensed hereunder in object code components of the Software specified in the License File, (machine-readable) form only except that certain "toolkit" License Certificate or Order Form for which the License Fee software programs may include limited portions in source has been paid solely for Licensee's business operations on a code (human-readable) form for which modifications are not single Designated Device at the location specified in the supported by Wonderware. License File, License Certificate or Order Form. The Software is licensed to Licensee, not sold. 1.25 SQL Data Web Service. SQL Data Web Service is a Software installed service that runs on a Device and 2.1.1 Installation Limitations. The media provides information through HTTP requests to the upon which the Software resides may contain multiple copies SuiteVoyageem Portal upon query. of some of the components of the Software, each of which is compatible with different microprocessor architectures or 1.26 Tag. Tag means the internal or external data different underlying operating systems. Licensee may install stream or calculation result from the independent variable the Software for use only with one architecture and one that is being monitored, processed and utilized by the operating system at any given time, consistent with the Software. For example, the data stream or calculation result restrictions in the License File, License Certificate, or Order from volume, pressure, and time would be three (3) tags for Form. the monitored data stream, and one (1) Tag for the calculation data stream. 2.1.2 Device & Server Software Limitations. Server Software may be installed on a single Server that will 1.27 Tag Count. Tag Count means the number of be the Designated Device hereunder. The services of the internal or external data streams or calculations resulting Server Software are considered to be accessed or utilized when there is a direct or indirect connection between a Device and the Server Software running on the Server includes a license for Industrial Application Server Software, (regardless whether the Server Software is accessed or then the size of the Industrial Application Server is limited by utilized using the Device Software, third party software or an i) the size of the Application Name Space, which in turn is application developed by the Licensee). limited by the Industrial Application Server 1/0 count as defined in the License File, License Certificate or Order All Server Software can be licensed for use in Per Device or Form, and ii) the number of separate Devices which the Per Named User use and certain Server Software may be Industrial Application Server can be physically distributed licensed for use in Per Server Use. If the Server Software is across, which in turn is limited by the Platform Count as licensed for use as Per Device, (as identified in the Order defined in the License File, License Certificate or Order Form, License Certificate or License File), then a separate Form, and iii) the number of Industrial Application Server thin CAL must be purchased for each specific Device that client sessions which the Industrial Application Server can be accesses or utilizes Server Software (which may access or physically distributed across, which in turn is limited by the utilize the services of the Server Software on any number of Industrial Application Server TS Session Count as defined in Servers running the Server Software) and each Per Device the License Certificate or Order Form. CAL must be dedicated to a single Device. 2.1.4 FactorySuite AZ Development If the Server Software is licensed for use as a Named User Environment (FSAZDE) Use and Restrictions. The (as identified on the Order Form, License Certificate, or FSAZDE includes application development tools that are License File), then the allocation and identification of the used to develop applications for deployment of the Industrial individual Named User must be maintained by Licensee on Application Server Software, InTouch and other FactorySuite file at Licensee's location for a minimum of 30 days before runtime applications as well as tools to configure Industrial the allocation and identification of the Named User can be SQL Server. The Licensee of the FSA DE Software is moved or transferred to a different, separate and unique limited to only one instance of each of the tools per license individual. The identified Named User may activate only one purchased. If a Licensee is running two or more same tool instance of the services of a Server from any Device at any instances (copies) of any of the FSA DE Software location. Multiple simultaneous instance activations of the development tools (example two IDES, or two services of a Server by a Named User requires an equal Windowmakers) on the same Device, or on separate Devices multiple number of Named User CALs. then a separate FSA DE Software license must be purchased for each instance (copy) of the FSA DE Software being If the Server Software is licensed for use in Per Server Use run. Each instance of the FSAZDE Software may only (as identified in the Order Form, License Certificate, or be 2 used DE by one user a time. The tools that make up License File), then the maximum number of Devices that may FSAZ Software are licensed as a single product. The access or utilize the services of the Server Software at a FSA Software component parts may not be separated for given point in time is equal to the number of Device CALs use on n more than one Device. that have be been purchased and designated for use for FSAZDE Software may only be used to develop a specific each Device with that Server. Alternatively if access to the application, and may not be used to run the application in a Server Software is licensed for use as a Named User (as production environment except for InSQL, InTouch Runtime, identified in the Order Form, License Certificate, or License 1/0 Servers, and InControl if located on the same device as File) then each Named User can access a single instance of the FSAZDE License. the services of the Server from any Device with each Named User CAL purchased. CALs authorize access or use of only the specific Server Software associated with such CAL. 2.1.5 SuiteVoyagere'. If the Software licensed by If the Server Software is licensed for use in Per Processor Licensee hereunder (as shown on the License File, License Certificate or Order Forms) includes a license for Use, then for each processor residing on the server, a separate per processor license must be purchased. A Per Software known as SuiteVoyager ~ Portal, then the Processor license will allow an unlimited number of Devices Licensee's access to the SuiteVoyager Portal is limited by Per Server Use. Under Per Server Use the Licensee must to access the services of the Server running the Server purchase a SuiteVoyager`"' CAL ("SV CAL") which limits the Software as long as a Per Processor license has been number of Devices and/or Users accessing or utilizing the purchased, pursuant to the Order Agreement, License File, services of the SuiteVoyager`"' Portal. Additionally, each or License Certificate, for each processor running on the SuiteVoyagere' Portal incorporates the option of installing a Server. SQL Data Web Service ("Web Service"). This Web Service may be If the Software includes IndustrialSQL Server licensed for installed anywhere on any single Device provided to a development purposes (FactorySuite Development Edition) that such use is limited to transmitting information only then the IndustrialSQL Server component has unlimited tag SuiteVoyager`" Portal. The SuiteVoyager Portal also includes a license for the Application Toolkit and a license for count in the Development mode, but is restricted to only 500 the Data Provider Toolkit. tag count when used in Run-Time mode. If any Software is licensed for Per Server Use, and accesses If Licensee's use of SuiteVoyager'" Portal requires the any database or data source, the Licensee must purchase access of any database, Licensee must purchase the the required access license for each database or data source required access license for each database accessed. accessed. Failure of a Licensee to purchase the required Licensee's use of SuiteVoyager Portal as a database database or data source license is a breach of this access multiplexing or pooling device without the required Agreement. Wondenaare Per Device and/or Per Named User CAL or Server license or any third party required database license is a violation of the Software License granted hereunder and a 2.1.3 Industrial Application Server breach of this Agreement. Software. If the Software licensed by Licensee hereunder r 2.1.6 Referencing and Tag Counts. Certain following compiled object code files of the InTouch Toolkit: components of the Software may include functionality that ptacc.dil; itedit.ocx; wizapi.dll; vbit.vbx; and wizdtl.dll. permits "referencing" of remote tags from Wonderware Licensee may then use the Extension Tools in connection software applications running on other computers or Devices. with Licensee's other applications of software. The maximum number of tags that Licensee may utilize or reference (for remote and local use combined) is limited to If the licensed Software includes the InBatch SDK Toolkit the number of local tags specified for the Software licensed Software (the "SDK Toolkit") then Licensee may use the hereunder as specified in the License File, Order Form or licensed SDK Toolkit to prepare one or more sets of License Certificate. Application Program Interfaces ("SDK Tools") incorporating some or all of the following compiled object code files of the 2.1.7 Toolkit Restrictions and Rights. If the SDK Toolkit: Batch Talk Library, Batch Database Library, Tag licensed Software includes 1/0 Server Toolkit Software ("1/0 Talk Library, Security Library, and Environment Talk Library. Server Toolkit") then Licensee may use the licensed 1/0 Licensee may then use the SDK Tools in connection with Server Toolkit to prepare one or more 1/0 servers Licensee's other applications of software. incorporating some or all of the following compiled object code files of the licensed 1/0 Server Toolkit: the FactorySuite If the licensed Software includes an Application Object 2000 Common Component (excluding the Crystal Reports Toolkit ("Application Toolkit") then Licensee may use the software) files found in the FS2KCOMM folder of the Application Toolkit to prepare one or more application object FactorySuite Toolkit CD along with the 1/0 Server Toolkit templates for use with the Software. header files (H files) and one library file (toolkit7.lib), plus both WWLogger.exe files (16 or 32 bit versions). Licensee may then use the 1/0 servers in connection with Licensee's If the licensed Software includes the SuiteVoyager" other applications of software. Development Edition Toolkit ("SuiteVoyageem Toolkit") Licensee may use the SuiteVoyageem Toolkit to build one or more data connectors that provides data to SuiteVoyager`' If the licensed Software includes the InControl 1/0 Driver and one or more applications for use with SuiteVoyager". Toolkit Software (the InControl Toolkit") then Licensee may use the licensed InControl Toolkit to prepare one or more customized interfaces between InControl and the software Licensee may further distribute, royalty free, the I/O Servers, code for an 1/0 device ("InControl 1/0 Drivers") incorporating InControl 1/0 Drivers, InControl Factory Objects, Extension some or all of the source code files of the InControl Toolkit. Tools, SDK Tools, DAS Server, Application Object Licensee may then use the Extension Tools in connection Templates, SuiteVoyager``" Data Connectors, and with Licensee's other applications of software. SuiteVoyager'" Applications it prepared to other third parry users of Wonderware software products provided that Licensee: (a) includes Wonderware's copyright and other If the licensed Software includes a Data Access Server proprietary rights notices; (b) indemnifies, holds harmless Toolkit ("DAS Toolkit") then Licensee may use the licensed and defends Wonderware and its suppliers from and against DAS Toolkit to prepare one or more DAS Servers any claims or lawsuits, including attorney's fees, that arise or incorporating some or all of the following compiled object result from the use or distribution of the 1/0 servers, code files of the DAS Server Toolkit: PlugInDDESL.msm, Extension Tools, SDK Tools or Licensee's products; (c) DCOMConfig.msm, IOClientToolkit.msm, ddeskit.msm, agrees that all such items are provided "AS IS" without SuiteLink.msm, WWCommon.msm, WWNetDDE.msm, or warranty of any kind, and (d) otherwise comply with the terms WWLicensing.msm. Licensee may then use the DAS Server and limitations of this Agreement. in connection with Licensee's other applications of software. 2.1.8 Terminal Server Edition Technology. If the licensed Software includes the InControl Factory Object If Licensee uses Terminal Server Edition or other technology Toolkit Software (the "InControl Factory Object Toolkit") then to run two or more instances (copies) of the same Software Licensee may use the licensed InControl Factory Object on a single Server or Device then a separate license must be Toolkit to prepare one or more ActiveX objects incorporating purchased for each instance (copy) of the Software being some or all of the source code files of the InControl Factory run. Object Toolkit. Licensee may then use the objects in connection with Licensee's other applications of software. 2.1.9 Failover Cluster Applications. If Licensee purchases a Failover Cluster license as shown on If the licensed Software included InControl Extensibility the Software License Certificate, , then a single license of the Toolkit Software (the "InControl Extensibility Toolkit") then software may be purchased and installed on each Device in Licensee may use the licensed InControl Extensibility Toolkit the cluster as if the Failover Cluster were a single device. to prepare one or more ActiveX objects incorporating some or all of the source code files of the InControl Extensibility 2.1.10 I/O and DAS Servers. Certain I/O and Toolkit. Licensee may then use the objects in connections DAS server software n be included as with Licensee's other applications of software. Y part of the Software. Licensee may use any compatible standard Wonderware 1/0 and DAS server software with any other If the licensed Software includes the InTouch Extensibility compatible Software components. Toolkit Software (the "InTouch Toolkit") then Licensee may use the licensed InTouch Toolkit to prepare one or more wizards, script extensions or programs that access the 2.1.11 Runtime Restriction. If the Software InTouch tag database ("Extension Tools") using the Wizard licensed hereunder is for "Runtime" use, then it may only be Extension Software Development Kit (SDK), Script Extension used to run a specific application, and may not be used SDK for development of internal scripts, Idea SDK and Visual either (a) to develop, and/or (b) in conjunction with, new Basic SDK for access to InTouch databases from programs applications, databases, or tables other than those contained outside the InTouch family, incorporating some or all of the in the specific application to which the "Runtime" license relates. This provision does not prohibit Licensee from using a tool to run queries or reports from existing tables, or from account for all such copies. All titles, trademarks, and using a separately licensed development environment to copyright and restricted rights notices will be reproduced in configure or extend such specific application. such copies. 2.1.12 No Multiplexing or Pooling. Use of 2.4 Use Restrictions. Licensee may transfer the software or hardware that reduces the number of users Software from one Designated Device to another for directly or indirectly accessing or utilizing Server Software application development or for operation of the Software (sometimes called "multiplexing" or "pooling" software or provided that: (i) the Software (including the License Files) is hardware) does not reduce the number of CALs required. completely removed from the initial Designated Device prior The required number of CALs would equal the number of to installing the Software on the second computer, and (ii) distinct inputs to the multiplexing or pooling software or the end-user identification information (including the hardware "front end." identification and location of the Designated Computer) contained within the License File remains accurate. The 2.1.13 FactorySuite (FS) Gateway. If the Software may only be used on one Device at a time. The Software licensed hereunder (as shown on the License File, Software is licensed as a single product. Its component parts License Certificate or Order Form) includes a license for FS may not be separated for use on more than one Device. Gateway Software, then this Software can be used to link Licensee will not, nor will Licensee suffer or permit others to, clients and data sources that communicate using different modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile or data access protocols, but only in conjunction with disassemble the Software or any component thereof Wonderware software products. (including the Documentation), or create derivative works based on the Software (including the Documentation), except 2.1.14 Galaxy Repository (GR) Access. The to the extent such foregoing restriction is agreed to in writing use of the Galaxy Repository (GR) Access interface and by Wonderware or prohibited by applicable law. associated DLLs by a Non-Wonderware client application is restricted to the physical device where the FactorySuite AZ 2.5 Transfer and Assignment Restrictions. Development Environment License is located. Licensee may not transfer, sublicense, rent, lease, sell, loan or assign the Software or any part thereof, or any of its rights 2.1.15 OS Configuration Utility. As part of the or duties under this Agreement, to any other person or entity installation process of this Software, an OS Configuration without the prior written consent of Wonderware. Utility will be downloaded on to your computer in the event that it's operating system is MicrosoftO Windows® XP. This 2.6 Verification. At Wonderware's written request, not OS Configuration Utility is for use with versions of MicrosoftO more frequently than annually, Licensee will furnish Windows® XP that have been upgraded with the Microsoft Wonderware with a signed certification verifying that the Service Pack 2 for Windows XP (a "WINXP SP2 Updated Software is being used in accordance with the provisions of System"). When this utility is installed on an operating this Agreement. Wonderware may audit Licensee's use of system other than a WINXP SP2 Updated System, it will not the Software. Any such audit will be conducted during make any changes to the operating system settings. When regular business hours at Licensee's facilities and will not this software utility is installed on a WINXP SP2 Updated unreasonably interfere with Licensee's business activities. If System, it will make permanent changes to your WINXP SP2 an audit reveals that Licensee is using Software contrary to system settings by opening up specific ports in order to the terms and limitations of this License Agreement then enable your Software to continue to work with WINXP SP2 Licensee will be invoiced for additional license fees Updated System. Your Software will not operate on a consistent with Licensee's actual use of the Software in WINXP SP2 Updated System without running this OS accordance with Wonderware's then current price list for the Configuration Utility. For further information on the changes Software, which amount will be immediately due and that will be made by this OS Configuration Utility you may payable. This assessment of additional fees will be without contact your local Wonderware Distributor, or visit out web prejudice to any other remedies Wonderware may have for site at http://www.Wonderware.com/support/mmi, or send us breach of this Agreement, including without limitation an email at support@wonderware.com, or contact termination under Section 4.3. Wonderware Technical Support by calling 1.949.639.8500. 2.7 Version Limitations. The Software, and various 2.2 Ownership. Licensee owns the magnetic or other components thereof, contain certain version numbers (such physical media upon which the Software is originally or as version "6.5"). This Agreement permits Licensee to install subsequently recorded or fixed, but Wonderware or one copy of the Software with the same (or a lower) version Wonderware's Licensors retains all title, copyright and other number as the Software version number listed on the proprietary rights in, and ownership of, the Software License File or Order Form (or in an Update that is part of the regardless of the media upon which the original or any copy Software hereunder licensed) on the number of computers may be recorded or fixed. Licensee does not acquire any authorized hereunder (for example, if the version number rights, express or implied, other than those expressly granted listed for a particular component of the Software is "6.5", then in this Agreement. Licensee may install a copy of that component of the Software having a "6.5" or "6.0" version number, but not a 2.3 Copy Restrictions. Copyright laws and "6.6" version number). international treaties protect the Software, including the Documentation. Unauthorized copying of the Software, the 2.8 Run Time Maintenance. If the Software licensed Documentation or any part thereof, is expressly prohibited. by Licensee includes both (i) the development components Subject to these restrictions, Licensee may make one (1) of Wonderware's WindowMaker software product, and (ii) copy of the Software solely for backup or archival purposes, one or more run-time licenses for applications created using and may make a limited number of copies of the those WindowMaker development components, then Documentation for use by Licensee in connection with its Licensee may install those development components of the authorized use of the Software. Licensee will number and WindowMaker Software on the run-time licensed computers provided, however, the License File for those development relieve Licensee's obligation to pay all fees and expenses components of the WindowMaker Software must only be that have accrued or are otherwise owed by Licensee under used on one computer at a time. this Agreement or any Order Form received and accepted by Wonderware. The parties' rights and obligations under the 2.9 InTouch Development License. If the Software following sections of this Agreement will survive termination licensed hereunder by Licensee includes the development of this Agreement: Article 1.0, Section 2.2, Section 2.3, the components of the Wonderware WindowMaker software last sentence of Section 2.4, Section 2.5, Section 2.6, this product, then the Licensee is licensed for one runtime license Article 4.0, Article 5.0 and Article 6.0. for the application created using the WindowMaker development component. Additional runtime licenses must 5.0 Indemnity, Warranties and Remedies be purchased separately. 5.1 Infringement Indemnity. Subject to the 3.0 Technical Support Services. limitations in Article 6 of this Agreement, Wonderware will defend and indemnify Licensee against a third party claim 3.1 Support Services. If Licensee purchases Support (an "Indemnified Claim") that the Software infringes any Services under an Annual Support Agreement then such copyright enforceable in any Included Jurisdiction or services will be provided to Licensee subject to the misappropriates any trade secret (as the terms provisions and limitations in this Agreement and the "misappropriation" and "trade secret" are defined in the Technical Support Services Policy in effect on the date the Uniform-Trade Secrets Act) protected under the laws of any Software is delivered to Licensee. The price of such services of the United States, provided that: (i) Licensee notifies will be based on Wonderware's (or its authorized Wonderware in writing within 30 days of the claim; (ii) distributor's, as the case may be) price list in effect on the Wonderware has sole control of the defense and all related date such Technical Support Services are ordered by or for settlement negotiations; and (iii) Licensee provides Licensee. Wonderware with the assistance, information and authority necessary to perform Wonderware's obligations under this Section. For any intellectual property claim for which a 3.2 Training Services. Training Services will be defense is not provided in this Section 5.1, Wonderware, in provided to Licensee subject to the provisions and limitations its sole discretion, may elect to treat such intellectual in this Agreement and Wonderware's Training policies in property claim as an Indemnified Claim as defined in this effect on the date such Training Services are ordered by or Section 5.1. Wonderware will have no liability for any claim for Licensee. The price of such services will be based on of infringement based on use of a superseded or altered Wonderware's price list in effect on the date such Training release of Software if the infringement would have been Services are ordered by Licensee. avoided by the use of a current unaltered release of the Software which was obtainable by Licensee from 3.3 Sole Source Support. Wonderware and its Wonderware. authorized distributors and resellers (including systems integrators) are the sole support contacts for the Software. Wonderware will have no obligation to any Licensee for any Indemnified Claims relating to allegations of copyright 4.0 Term and Termination. infringement which arise outside the geographical boundaries of the United States, Canada, Japan, or the 4.1 Term. The license granted hereunder will continue European Union ("Included Jurisdictions"), or any perpetually unless terminated by Licensee or Wonderware Indemnified Claims relating to allegations of trade secret under this Article 4.0. misappropriation which arise outside the geographical boundaries of the United States. 4.2 Termination by Licensee. Licensee may terminate the license granted hereunder at any time upon If the Software is held, or is believed by Wonderware, to delivery of written notice to Wonderware. Termination will infringe, then Wonderware will have the option, at its not relieve Licensee of its obligations specified in Section 4.4 expense, to: (i) modify the Software to be noninfringing; or below. (ii) obtain for Licensee a license to continue using the Software. If, in Wonderware's sole discretion, it is not 4.3 Termination by Wonderware. This Agreement economically or commercially reasonable to perform either of and the license granted hereunder automatically terminates if the above options then Wonderware may terminate the Licensee breaches any provision of this Agreement including license for the infringing Software and refund to Licensee the but not limited to the failure to pay in full the License Fee License Fee paid to Wonderware for the infringing Software. when due. This Section 5.1 states Wonderware's entire liability and Licensee's sole and exclusive remedy for infringement. 4.4 Effect of Termination. Immediately upon 5 2 Limited Warranties and Disclaimers. termination of this Agreement or the license granted hereunder, Licensee will cease using the Software, will delete the Software, including the License File(s), from its 5.2.1 Limited Software Warranty. computer and will either return to Wonderware or destroy the Wonderware warrants for a period of ninety (90) days Software, including the License File(s), Documentation, following delivery of the Software that the Software will packaging and all copies thereof. If Licensee elects to perform substantially in accordance with the Documentation. destroy the Software then Licensee will certify in writing to Wonderware the destruction of the Software. Termination of 5.2.2 Limited Media Warranty. Wonderware this Agreement and return or destruction of the Software will warrants for a period of ninety (90) days following delivery of not limit either party from pursuing other remedies available the Software that the CD-ROMs, diskettes, or other media to it, including injunctive relief, nor will such termination upon which the Software is delivered are free from defects in entered into a Annual Support Agreement, and not in breach materials and workmanship under normal use. of this Agreement at the time of the release of the Update. 5.2.3 Limited Technical Support Services 6.2 Liability Limitation. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY Warranty. Wonderware warrants for a period of ninety (90) PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT TO THE CONTRARY, days following performance of the service that its Technical EXCEPT FOR LICENSEE'S VIOLATION OF ARTICLE 2 Support Services will be performed consistent with generally OR SECTION 6.12 HEREOF, IN NO EVENT WILL EITHER accepted industry standards. PARTY, NOR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION OR DELIVERY OF THE 5.2.4 Disclaimer of All Other Warranties. SOFTWARE, INCLUDING WONDERWARE LICENSORS, THE WARRANTIES ABOVE IN THIS SECTION 5.2 ARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXCLUSIVE AND ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUE, DATA INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF OR USE, INCURRED BY EITHER PARTY OR ANY THIRD MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PARTY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION IN CONTRACT OR PURPOSE. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR TORT, EVEN IF SUCH PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF ADVICE GIVEN BY WONDERWARE, ITS DEALERS, THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. DISTRIBUTORS OR AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES WILL WONDERWARE'S LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES AND CREATE A WARRANTY OR IN ANY WAY INCREASE THE EXPENSES HEREUNDER OR RELATING HERETO SCOPE OF THE WARRANTIES GIVEN IN THIS SECTION, (WHETHER IN AN ACTION IN CONTRACT OR TORT) AND LICENSEE MAY NOT RELY ON ANY SUCH WILL IN NO EVENT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF LICENSE INFORMATION OR ADVICE. FEES PAID TO WONDERWARE WITH RESPECT TO THIS AGREEMENT, AND IF SUCH DAMAGES RESULT FROM LICENSEE'S USE OF PARTICULAR LICENSE FILES OR Wonderware does not warrant that the TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVICES THEN SUCH Software will meet Licensee's requirements, that the LIABILITY WILL BE LIMITED TO LICENSE FEES PAID TO Software will operate in combinations other than as specified WONDERWARE FOR THE RELEVANT SOFTWARE OR in the Documentation, that the operation of the Software will SERVICES GIVING RISE TO THE LIABILITY. BECAUSE be uninterrupted or error-free or that Software errors will be SOME STATES AND JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW corrected. Preproduction releases (including Alpha and Beta THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY, site releases) of Software and Technical Support Services PORTIONS OF THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT related thereto are distributed "AS IS". APPLY TO YOU. 5.3 Exclusive Remedies. For any breach of the THE PROVISIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT ALLOCATE warranties contained in Section 5.2, Licensee's exclusive THE RISKS BETWEEN WONDERWARE AND LICENSEE. remedy, and Wonderware's entire liability, will be: WONDERWARE'S PRICING REFLECTS THIS ALLOCATION OF RISK AND THE LIMITATION OF 5.3.1 For Software. During the Warranty LIABILITY SPECIFIED HEREIN. period, Wonderware will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide maintenance modifications or fixes with respect to 6.3 Governing Law. This Agreement will be any such material defect (i.e. any defect covered by interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the subsection 5.2.1) in a reasonably timely manner. If State of California, USA, without regard to choice of law Wonderware is unable to make the Software operate as principles. warranted, then Licensee may, within thirty (30) days after Wonderware's failure to cure or fix the defect, elect to terminate the license granted hereunder and recover the 6.4 Jurisdiction and Arbitration. All disputes, claims License Fee paid to Wonderware with respect to the or controversies arising out of or relating to this Agreement defective Software. that are not resolved by the parties' good faith attempt to negotiate a resolution will be submitted to final and binding 5.3.2 For Media. The replacement of the arbitration before JAMS/Endispute, or its successor, in Orange County, California, USA, pursuant to the United defective media returned within ninety (90) days of delivery of States Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. Sec. 1 et seq. The arbitration the Software. will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of JAMS/Endispute's Streamlined Arbitration Rules and 5.3.3 For Technical Support Services. The Procedures in effect at the time of filing of the demand for reperformance of the services, or if Wonderware is unable to arbitration. The parties will cooperate with JAMS/Endispute perform the services as warranted, Licensee will be entitled and each other in selecting a single arbitrator who will be a to recover the fees paid to Wonderware for the unsatisfactory former judge or justice with substantial experiences in service. resolving business disputes with particular experience in resolving disputes involving computer software. The costs of 6.0 General Provisions. arbitration will be shared equally by the parties. The provisions of this Section may be enforced by any court of competent jurisdiction. The arbitrator will not be empowered 6.1 Update Policy. Wonderware may from time to award damages time, but has no obligation to, create Updates of the Software li ntained in excess of, this or inconsistent with, the or components thereof. Subject to the Technical Support lability limitations contained Agreement; however, the Services Policy in effect at the time Licensee orders prevailing party will entitled to an award of all costs, fees Technical Support Services, Wonderware will make such and expenses, including expert witness fees and attorneys Updates available to Licensee provided Licensee has fees, to be paid by the party against whom enforcement is ordered. i 6.5 Notices. All notices required to be sent hereunder production of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons; or (iii) will be in writing and will be deemed to have been given to any end-user who has been prohibited from participating in when mailed by first class mail to the address shown on the U.S. export transactions by any federal agency of the U.S. relevant Order Form (if to Licensee) or to the Wonderware government. address shown on the relevant Order Form (if to Wonderware). 6.11 U.S. Government Restricted Rights. The Software is a "commercial item" as that term is defined at 48 6.6 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is CFR 2.101 (October 1995), consisting of "commercial held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions computer software" and "commercial computer software of this Agreement will remain in full force. documentation", as such terms are used in 48 CFR 12.212 (September 1995), and is provided to the U.S. Government 6.7 Waiver. The waiver by either party of any default only as a commercial end item. Consistent with 48 CFR or breach of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of 12.212 and 48 CFR 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4 (June any other or subsequent default or breach. Except for 1995), all U.S. Government End Users acquire the Software actions for nonpayment or breach of Wonderware's with only those rights set forth herein. Contractor/ proprietary rights in the Software, no action, regardless of manufacturer is Invensys Systems, Inc., 26561 Rancho form, arising from or relating to this Agreement may be Parkway South, Lake Forest, CA 92630. Telephone number brought by either party more than two years after the cause (949) 727-3200. of action has accrued. 6.12 Third Party Intellectual Property Right Notices. 6.8 Entire Agreement. This Agreement (together with The Software may contain components that are owned by any information from the Order Forms and License Files third parties ("Wonderware Licensors") and are incorporated necessary to identify the Software that is the subject of this into, or embedded in, the Software pursuant to license Agreement or further specific restrictions applicable to such arrangements between Wonderware and such third parties. Software) constitutes the complete agreement between the Use of the Wonderware Licensor components embedded in parties and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous the Software is subject to: (i) this Agreement or (ii) the agreements or representations, written or oral, concerning Wonderware Licensors end user license agreement (EULA) if the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement may provided with the installation of the Software. In addition, not be modified or amended except in a writing signed by a License agrees that the embedded components may not be duly authorized representative of each party. No other act, used in any other fashion or for any other purpose other than document, usage or custom will be deemed to amend or as provided under this Agreement or the EULA. Copyright modify this Agreement. It is expressly agreed that the terms and other proprietary rights notices of Wonderware and of this Agreement and any Order Form issued by Wonderware Licensors are contained in the Software, and Wonderware will supersede the terms in any Order Form or Licensee will not modify, delete, or obfuscate any such other purchasing document submitted by Licensee; and the notices. terms of any Licensee Order Form or other purchasing document are expressly rejected to the extent inconsistent 6.13 Confidentiality. The Software, including the with the terms of this Agreement. Certain components of the Documentation, the terms and pricing under this Agreement, Software may also be subject to a paper or electronic license and any other information that may be marked as confidential agreement delivered by or on behalf of Wonderware is confidential and proprietary information of Wonderware concurrently herewith, the terms of which will be ("Confidential Information"). Results of any benchmark tests supplemental hereto to the extent not inconsistent herewith. on the Software run by Licensee may not be disclosed If a copy of this Agreement in a language other than English outside of Licensee's organization without the prior written is included with the Software or Documentation, it is included consent of Wonderware. Licensee will hold the Confidential for convenience and the English language version of this Information in strict confidence during the term of this Agreement will control. Agreement and for a period of five (5) years thereafter. Licensee will take reasonable steps to ensure that its 6.9 Heirs, Successors and Assigns. Each and all of employees and agents also comply with the strict the covenants, terms, provisions and agreements herein confidentiality obligations of this Section. Licensee contained will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the acknowledges that confidential aspects of the Software parties hereto and, to the extent permitted by this (including any source code) is a trade secret of Wonderware, Agreement, their respective heirs, legal representatives, the disclosure of which would cause substantial harm to successors and assigns. Wonderware that could not be remedied by the payment of damages alone. Accordingly, Wonderware will be entitled to preliminary and permanent injunctive and other equitable 6.10 Export Restrictions. Licensee agrees to comply relief for any breach of this Section 6.12. fully with all relevant export laws and regulations of the United States (the "Export Laws") to assure that neither the Software nor any direct product thereof are (1) exported, 6.14 Note on JAVA Support. The Software may directly or indirectly, in violation of Export Laws; or (ii) are contain support for programs written in JAVA. JAVA intended to be used for any purposes prohibited by the technology is not fault tolerant and is not designed, Export Laws. Without limiting the foregoing Licensee will not manufactured, or intended for use or resale as online control export or re-export the Software: (i) to any country to which equipment in hazardous environments requiring fail-safe the U.S. has embargoed or restricted the export of goods or performance, such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, services, which currently include, but are not limited to Cuba, aircraft navigation or communications systems, air traffic Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan and Syria, or to any control, direct life support machines, or weapons systems, in national of any such country, wherever located, who intends which the failure of JAVA technology could lead directly to to transmit or transport the Software back to such country; (ii) death, personal injury, or severe physical or environmental to any end user who Licensee knows or has reason to know damage. will utilize the Software in the design, development or 6.15 FactorySuite Solution Providers Program. Through its FactorySuite:. Solution Providers Program Wonderware makes available; for licensing from independent third parry vendors .(+'Program,.Vendors") certain computer software products ("Program Products"). Licensing and use of Program Products are subject to the terms and limitations of separate license` agreements with each such " Program Vendor, which license :agreements must be viewed' and accepted, prior to, or concurrently with, the down-loading or installation, of the Program Product.. Wonderware makes no representation or warranty with "respect to any Program Products. 1 r EXHIBIT I - Known System Date Sensitivities None. ,i EXHIBIT J - License Fees At this time there are no License Fees as defined herein that would be necessary should the City of Auburn continue to utilize the system as delivered. s -i, EXHIBIT K - Financial Confidentiality Agreement TSI CONFIDENTIALITY AND NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT Financial Data Disclosure In consideration for the disclosure of what the Technical Services, Inc ("TSI") considers to be its Confidential Information, (hereinafter "RECIPIENT") agrees as follows: The purpose of this Agreement is to allow the RECIPIENT access to TSI's confidential financial documentation (altogether, "Confidential Information") of the City of Auburn contract effective 2011 ("Contract") with TSI for the supply of SCADA Systems Improvements; solely to confirm or deny that TSI has complied with the Contract. If it is found that TSI has not complied with the Contract, RECIPIENT may make copies of the relevant documents to demonstrate such noncompliance, with the understanding that upon resolution of the noncompliance, such documents and any copies thereof are to be destroyed or returned to the appropriate TSI Department. Any other use or copying or recreation of the Confidential Information except as is herein described is expressly prohibited. Confidentiality shall be maintained for a period of five (5) years from the disclosure date. During that period, the RECIPIENT shall treat the TSI Confidential Information in the same manner as it treats its own confidential and proprietary information, but no less than commercially reasonable measures to keep the Confidential Information confidential. This restriction shall not apply to information previously known to RECIPIENT, rightfully acquired from third parties, or subsequently publicly disclosed by TSI. At TSI's request, all Confidential Information and any copies thereof in any media shall either be destroyed or returned to TSI. By signature below, you attest the above commitment is understood and agreed. RECIPIENT otherwise known as CITY OF AUBURN By: (Name) Title: Danielle E. Daskam City Clerk Approved as to form: Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney CITY OF * ��rr11 ,AUBURN Peter B. Lewis, Mayor 'WASHINGTON 25 West Main Street * Auburn WA 98001-4998 * www.auburnwa.gov .* 253-931-3000 May 19, 2011 (`�C1)y OF URN 1}'CLERKS pFFICE 1dAY Gary Conley 23 2011 Technical Systems, Inc 2303 196th Street SW Lynnwood, WA 98036 RE: Agreement No. AG-C-401 Project No. C524A, SCADA System Improvements Agreement.Execution Dear Mr. Conley: Enclosed is an executed copy of the above-referenced Agreement. This letter serves as your Notice to Proceed. For the City's tracking and record keeping purposes, please reference AG-C-401 and Project No. 524A on all correspondence and related material. As the project manager, I am the designated contact for this agreement and all amendments. Questions, assignments and coordination shall be routed through me. You can contact me at 253-804-5071. Sincerely, cr � Robert E. Lee, Ill Project Engineer Department of Public Works REUad/hg Enclosure cc: aDani-Daskam-City-Glerk AG-C-401 Project No. C524A (File 2.20) AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND Bond No. 0511367 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, the undersigned, Technical Systems, Inc . as Principal and INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY, with its home office at One Newark Center,20th Floor,Newark,New Jersey 07102, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of State of New Jersey, and duly authorized to transact business in the State of Washington ,as Surety,are held and firmly bound unto City of Auburn, WA (hereinafter referred to as "Obligee") in the penal sum of Four Million Four Hundred Eighty Nine* ($4 , 489, 085 .47 )dollars, for payment of which well and truly to be made contingent upon all of the terms and conditions hereof, we hereby jointly and severally bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successorsand assigns. *Thousand Eighty-Five & 47/100 SIGNED and sealed this I St- day of 4421 20 THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH THAT, WHEREAS, the above named Principal did on the 51% day of Mtt,9 2011 , enter into a written contract with the Obligee for I Consultant and Technology Services, AG-C-401 for SCADA System Improvements (hereinafter "the Contract"). Project C524A NOW, if the said Tech nical Systems. Inc . shall well and faithfully do and perform the things agreed by City of Auburn to be done and performed according to the terms of the said Contract, and shall pay all valid and adequately documented claims asserted by Claimants as defined herein, we agreeing and assenting that this undertaking shall be for the benefit of Claimants, as well as for the Obligee herein; then this obligation shall be void; otherwise the same shall remain in full force and effect; it being expressly understood and agreed that the total liability of the Surety hereunder shall in no event exceed the penal amount of this obligation as herein stated. Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, the Obligee agrees that any and all payments issued by the Surety under this bond, whether to Claimants, to Obligee, to or on behalf of Principal, to contractors, suppliers, and/or to other parties performing work or supplying materials in connection with the Contract, and/or in furtherance of the performance or satisfaction of Surety's obligations hereunder in any way (including but not limited to costs incurred in undertaking or arranging to perform any work under or in connection with the Contract, as well as any and all costs incurred in discharging its obligations to Claimants as defined herein), are to be credited against the penal amount of the bond. Further, Obligee hereby waives notice of the Surety's issuance, undertaking or agreement to issue any such payment(s) and/or incur any such costs and Obligee covenants and agrees that the Surety may cease any and all work, payments or other performance hereunder of any kind whatsoever at any time that the penal amount of the bond has been reached or that the Surety deems the penal amount will be reached due to obligations incurred by the Surety (whether or not payment has been issued therefor); all without any requirement of prior notice to Obligee, and that any and all further obligations of Surety hereunder shall thereupon be deemed fully and unconditionally discharged. b) Undertake to perform and complete the Contract itself;through its agents or through independent contractors; or c) Obtain bids or negotiated proposals from qualified contractors acceptable to the Obligee for a contract for performance and completion of the Contract, arrange for a contract to be prepared for execution by the Obligee and the contractor selected with the Obligee's concurrence, to be secured with performance and payment bonds executed by a qualified surety equivalent to the bonds issued on the Contract, and pay to the Obligee the completion costs in excess of the balance of the Contract Price only; or d) Waive its right to perform and complete, arrange for completion, or obtain a new contractor and with reasonable promptness under the circumstances: 1. After investigation, determine the amount for which it may be liable to the Obligee, subject to all of the limitations as set forth herein and particularly in subparagraph c above, and as soon as practicable after the amount is determined,tender payment therefor to the Obligee; or 2. Deny liability in whole or in part and notify the Obligee citing reasons therefor. Surety's liability to Obligee hereunder is limited to the reasonable costs of completion of the Contract in excess of the balance of the Contract Price, and Surety shall not be liable for any other claims,costs, losses or expenses of Obligee or any other party of any nature whatsoever. Obligee agrees that amounts owed by Obligee to the Principal under the Contract shall be used for the performance of the Contract and to pay valid Claimants. By the Principal furnishing and the Obligee accepting this bond, they agree that all funds earned by Principal in the performance of the Contract are dedicated to satisfy the obligations of the Principal and Surety under this bond. The Obligee further agrees that Surety shall not be liable to Obligee or others for obligations of the Principal that are unrelated to the Contract, and the Balance of the Contract Price shall not be reduced or set off on account of any such unrelated obligations or by any other claims of Obligee or others. No suit or action shall be commenced hereunder by Obligee: 1. After the expiration of one (1) year following the date on which Principal ceased work on said Contract or Obligee declared Principal in default, whichever occurs first, it being understood, however, that if any limitation embodied in this bond is prohibited by any law controlling the construction hereof such limitation shall be deemed to be amended so as to be equal to the minimum period of limitation permitted by such law; 2. Other than in a state court of competent jurisdiction in and for the county or other political subdivision of the state in which the project, or any part thereof, is situated, or in the United States District Court for the District in which the project, or any part thereof, is situated, and not elsewhere. 3 • Definitions: a) Balance of the Contract Price: The total amount payable by the Obligee to Contractor under the Contract after all proper adjustments have been made, including allowance to . Contractor of any amounts received by the Obligee in settlement of insurance or other claims for damages to which the Contractor is entitled, reduced by all valid and proper payments made to or on behalf of the Contractor under the Contract. b) Contract: The agreement between the Obligee and the Contractor identified on the signature page, including all Contract Documents and changes thereto. c) Principal Default: Failure of the Principal,which has neither been remedied nor waived, to perform or otherwise to comply with the terms of the Contract. d) Obligee Default: Failure of the Obligee, which has neither been remedied nor waived, to pay the Principal as required by the Contract or to perform and complete or comply with the other terms thereof e) Claimant: An individual or entity having a direct contract with the Principal or with a subcontractor of the Principal to furnish labor, materials or equipment for use directly in the performance of the Contract. I) Labor: Net wages only due and owing for work directly in the performance of the Contract, and shall not be deemed to include union dues, fringe benefit or similar contributions, employee withholding taxes (or any other taxes), bonuses, or any other form of compensation or remuneration whatsoever. PRINCIPAL: Technic-al. Systems . Inc 314 elti Gofig./ C. g-1 Conk/E-N eta> INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY Attest 01%•,1_,_ �j - —_ By: t el • ' r Sheryl Lee Townsend, Witness Anne E. Strieby Attorney-In-Fact (Seal) 4 \''' ( '3 ,t v3r ti!F n,ri ril `�) t�f r� ki _t.t , ? sF 7c-1 S e ,rxJrrA 31h yi kr ,t' r �t S \ f ,� It �xv, tt 1� 4 ,, ., i a41: i � A e 3. y r s� .n r.1�, s , 1"i�'tr K )�s� .r? °z 3 i 'TS v 3 > r '' )." ,x w 3l Tel(973)62417200', .:-k,l N' iit, POWER iOrF. ATTORNEY ' ,;,: '. . "' °` Y INTERNATIONAL `FIDE°CITY INSURANCE COMPANY `� f , HOME OFFICE 'ONE NEWARK CENTER 20TH FLOOR,, ' a 9` c ' ' % • �` `� ' ' ` x tr nyNEWARK;�NEW JERSEY.�07102=5207 r sk '••< - )�''EY< a Y t t y ',ib'k i ,� t.f. by y^�`.. J 5,�"'�IQ+.T 1. /.y":�. 3{ "'ST _... �, �, 4�. h/`e':' ..`K\e;c ^l ,,.,'i �. ,eil' `t.>.e .. l J �{ KNOW'ALL MEN BYkTHESE PRESENTS That INTERNATIONAL':FIDELITY INSURANCE CO,YfPANY a corporation organized and existing \ laws of the State of New Jersey and having its principal'office to the-City of Newark New Jersey, does hereby constitute and appoint,.{ ' t'r -"' KYLE HOWAT PEGGY A FIRTH "KAREN SWANSON 'PETER JsCOMFORT, JAMES B: BINDER ,-, =ERICA ZIMMERMAN, BRENT E. HEILESEN JENNIFR.L SNYDER,?ANNE E.` STRIEBY,i a' , �JULIC R 'TRUITT�, z e t ex i S 4 CfeF r i t -",":;',3",-40),,i Tacoma, WA n , its true and lawful atornein the "fact to hereof,,seal and are or for and on nsequi a aor pe mitardy and all bonds and hinder guano ,contracts of the noise,and other execution•of;sucA instrument(s) m..:pursuance ofsthese"presents, shalDbe.:a4 binding upon the said'INTERNATIONAL%FIDELITY INSURANCE, °COMPANY;"as fully and:amply, to all,intents,and,purposes, as.if the same had`been duly executed and acknowledged by;-its regularly.elected officers'at its '' principal office. , ' r "-This Powerof Attorney is executed,and may be`revoked,pursuant to and by authority of Article 3 Section 3,of the Hy Lawsadopted by the Board-Of.„:,, , Directors of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting called and held on tne7thday of Febrtiary, (974. 'ft :-';The President or any Vice President, Executive Vice President,Secretary or Assistant Secretary,,shall have power and authority isi> (1)To appoint Anomeys-in-fact,and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company,and attach the Seal of the Company thereto,bonds and : undertakings,contracts of indemnity:and.other writings obligatory in the nature thereof (2)`To remove,at any time,any such attorney-in-fact and revoke the authority given. E : Further,this Power of Attorney isisigned and:sealed by facsimile pursuant to resolution of the Board of Directors of said Company adopted at a meeting duly called and held on the 29th day;of April, 1982 of which the following is a tine excerpt. - Now therefore the signatures of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such power of attorney or any certificate relating thereto by facsimile,and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the futu re.wi[h respect to any Fbond or undertaking to which it is attached. - cst,WY 14' IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this instrument to be k\ (/ signed and•its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer,[his 16th day of October, A.D.2007. ,. Or B !` • INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY (, SEAL `w y 'mid STATE OF NEW JERSEY `''-� /sT` ea .—I y W• �1 Counry.of Essex Uj(y�C �`y4 ,. Secretary • On this•16th day of October 2007, before me came the individual who executed the pprecedingg instrument; to me personallyy known, and, being by me duly sworn,said!the he is the therein described-and'authorized officer of the INTERNATIONALrFIDELITY INSURANCE.COMPANY; that the seal affixed to ` said instrument is the Corporate Seal'of said Company, that the said.Corporate`Seal and his,signature were duly affixed by,order of the Board of Directors of `s _ said Company. .. F . �- - J r. MAA Q IN TESTIMONY WHEREOP I have hereunto art my hand affixed my Offoial Seal #: ^' L P' Cry h at the,City of Newark,New Jersey the dayand year first above written t „....-;,::•::::.:.......:., ,, �, -O NOTARY , r -, PUBLIC i �� , d� 3 t f. v "Y (,�A� 4;- 3 4 f ,r fit , s •.I y C 5 k n$ 4•J,Eo( f s V„ h A NOTARm PUBLIC iresN ov JERSEY Z- ` -' - t �a CERTIFICATION „ r. My Corrimission Expires Nov 21 2010 n a� -� r t `.Y t z' '' 3 ry t . fs ^a ' y �� I the undersigned offs"car of INTERNATIONAL Fll)ELITY:INSURANCE COMPANY do hereby cemfgyt992 -have comparedihe foregoing copy:of the r . �y. ' < ,:Power of Attorneyand'xffidavit and the copy of the Section of the By,Laws of said Company'''.4s set forth in said Power of Attorney with ydie ORIGINALS ON =sIN THE HOME:OFFICE SAID COMPANY,and`ithat the satiie.;are correct[ratiscnptsithereof; and of the;whole of the said ongmals-.and that the''said Power.S�.a•,A\-.5> r of Attorney has not bee�n revoked and is now in full force and effect '''' , o''d` F 'fiI* /x zY T t t v v ' , 1 `' R yg� 411r ' v IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand this r i • day of ' w , ,i 1 #.x a , �1'" ^Y i 3 t 3 h L /c, S T l e - - --' ,--- "j % //�i_°�r r i' :. - . ) : 'j� x •4? ' , i tyA { 3 �,..;,-,-)9...,.,,,t.�� _�t_ n c ti .=;4G '• P. �F :/ ?i � x TY�� .v f rf rtyi Q` s 3 J s Y/, .� -r § ,J - r � )3 tY f '.�. . ' Jay y 1 t)• .. s tiy "<gn V�' ,! tf 'Z,,.b>v�K x J} ' i ? 1 r;n' { , , rr)) 4x £ I �;rl i tx 7�Y :v 7 vn , `.c'`' r ' s,r r r '"S f t ? "yi ter; s -a l it Assistant Secretary`v y7 S t`r4 ; 7' v. l . r� fiC ,(i ;;�n�\a ' i{x�� �t�f �. ♦ 11 J/r5 )-, t-1�r/�” z'.. Xv I. r F^'r�A 1m, j��� h )<�a r . 't r , P a.. �JC'R; +l t yr 3 i.c , a -._'at .g. //'`.a J thy , # ,,,F3 e T r _ r?.. r"'ti r `^r '': 41C, ) SiSC,`r1Y41I'1‘.1�.1 �£7 v� . . ):r e,1 ...� _ v ,.�.A<J��.,:&Y��S .a r,.. �. .r >< v....."h \4�:.'a_�(\mob ,31�v.,- �t.'n�i �. �` � v+� i .. �, . A3.16.9 CITY OF AUBURN CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AGREEMENT NO. 1 Contract No.,Project No. and Project Title: AGC-401, C524A SCADA System Imp. Contractor Name and Address: Technical Systems Inc. _ 23030- 196th Street SW Lynwood, WA 98036 The Contractor is hereby directed to make the changes to the Contract as described herein. This document and all attachments are a supplement to the contract. All work,materials and measurements for the type of construction involved shall be in accordance with the contract documents of the above named project unless slated otherwise in this change order. Summary of Proposed Changes: 1. Delete existing Panelview Plus 600 and 1000 local operator interface units detailed in the site improvements summary from the project. Replace the 600 units with Panelview Plus 700 operator interfaces and the three 1000 units with Panelview Plus 1250's since the 1250's are ordered and restocking fees will not apply to those three 1250 units if they are not sent back. Update Drawings, BOM and O&M Manual (see attached). The Contract time is extended by 0 days. Sales Item Sch. sec. No Item Description Quantity Units Unit Price Total Price Tax (+1-) (5) (+/-) (Y/N) C01-1 Upgrade of Panelview Operator Interface 1 LS 47,590.26 $ 47,590.26 Y Units-Complete Subtotal $ 47,590.26 Washington State Sales Tax(9.5%)on applicable items $ 4,521.07 TOTAL $ 52,111.33 Base Amount Total incl. Tax I. Total Cost this C/O $ 47,590.26 $ . „ 52,111.33' 2. Total Cost Previous C/O $ - - .$. - 3. Original Contract Amount $=;,4,099,621.43 $r 4;489,085.47 4. Revised Contract Amount $ 4,147,211.69 $ 4,541,196.80 This change order constitutes full and complete compensation for all labor,equipment,materials,overhead,profit,any and all indirect costs,and time adjustment to perform the above described changes. All other costs are non-compensiblc. Contractor: /%,C I i! Project Manager: 2.0$67,011 Date Utilities Engineer: ,A L Da1e City Engineer: ��ir���ISF' f 21 1 I Date Approved by: ae,. E•,, PP Y� Mayo wily of Auburn Detre<r H:\Forms\FCO25.xls \„,_. 3. 1Ca 9 CITY OF AUBURN CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AGREEMENT NO. 2 Contract No.,Project No. and Project Title: AGC-401, C524A SCADA System Imp. Contractor Name and Address: Technical Systems Inc. 23030 - 196th Street SW Lynwood, WA 98036 The Contractor is hereby directed to make the changes to the Contract as described herein. This document and all attachments are a supplement to the contract. All work,materials and measurements for the type of construction involved shall be in accordance with the contract documents of the above named project unless stated otherwise in this change order. Summary of Proposed Changes: 1. Delete sixteen (16) NEMA 4X Fiberglass Enclosures from the project. Replace them with sixteen (16) Stainless Steel Panels and add associated fans and shrouds for cooling the enclosures. Update drawings, BOM and O&M manual (see attached). The Contract time is extended by 0 days. Sales Item Sch. Sec. No Item Description Quantity Units Unit Price Total Price Tax (+1-) ($) (+/-) (Y/N) CO2-1 Stainless Steel Enclosure Upgrade- 1 LS 26485.89 $ 26,485.89 Y Complete Subtotal $ 26,485.89 Washington State Sales Tax (9.5%) on applicable items $ 2,516.16 TOTAL $ 29,002.05 . Base Amount T otals incl.Tax 1. Total Cost.this C/O $ 26,485.89 $ 29,002.05 2. Total Cost Previous C/O '$ 47,590.26 $ 52,111.33 3. Original Contract Amount $ 4,099,621.43 $ 4,489,085.47 4. Revised Contract Amount $ 4,173,697.58 $4,570,198.85 This change order constitutes full and complete compensation for all labor, equipment, materials, overhead, profit, any and all indirect costs, and time adjustment to perform the above described changes. All other costs are non- Contractor: a y • /d'/4 61/4 Project Manager.- ___ `� 4«24 II Date � � 2 l0. Utilities Engineer: Date City Engineer: gel�_ t t a 4. Date Date Approved by: 11111111k� Mayors - o •uburn Date H:\Forms\ChangeOrder.xls A3. l4.q CITY OF AUBURN CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AGREEMENT NO. 3 Contract No.,Project No.and Project Title: AGC-401, C524A SCADA System Imp. Contractor Name and Address: Technical Systems Inc. 23030 - 196th Street SW Lynwood, WA 98036 The Contractor is hereby directed to make the changes to the Contract as described herein. This document and all attachments are a supplement to the contract. All work,materials and measurements for the type of construction involved shall be in accordance with the contract documents of the above named project unless stated otherwise in this change order. Summary of Proposed Changes: 1. Add twenty (20) more Cyberlock padlocks to the project. Includes installation time and BOM updates. The Contract time is extended by 0 days. Sales Item Sch. Sec. No Item Description Quantity Units Unit Price Total Price Tax (+1-) ($) (+1.) (Y/N) 003-1 Additional Cyberlock Installation - 1 LS 6700 $ 6,700.00 Y Complete Subtotal $ 6,700.00 Washington State Sales Tax (9.5%) on applicable items $ 636.50 TOTAL $ 7,336.50 ,Base Amount Total incl. Tax 1. Total Cost this CIO $ 6,700.00 "$ 7,336.50 2. Total Cost All Previous C/O, it - 74,076.15 '_$ 81,113 38 3. Original Contract Amount '$ 4,099,621.43. ,'S 4,489,085.47 4. Revised'Contract Amount $ 4,130,397.58_ '$ 4,577,535.35 This change order constitutes full and complete compensation for all labor, equipment, materials, overhead, profit, any and all indirect costs, and time adjustment to perform the above described changes �(All other costs are non- Contractor: ✓d'S7 v 70z/75 Project Manager: - Dt'GZotl Date Utilities En ineer: it /2, Date City Engineer: ,11Pne7f ( Date Approved by: Date �.r Date n?' finis Ma or, City of Auburn H:\Forms\C hangeOrder.xls A3. 16. 9 1 CITY OF AUBURN CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AGREEMENT NO. 4 Contract No., Project No. and Project Title: AGC-401, C524A SCADA System Imp. Contractor Name and Address: Technical Systems Inc. 23030 - 196th Street SW Lynwood, WA 98036 The Contractor is hereby directed to make the changes to the Contract as described herein. This document and all attachments are a supplement to the contract. All work,materials and measurements ler the type ofconstruction involved shall he in accordance with the contract documents of the above named project unless stated otherwise in this change order. Summary of Proposed Changes: 1. This change order adds signals to the Braunwood RTU for (1 DI) chlorine alarm, (1 D0) injection pump, (4 Al) chlorine, pH, temperature and chlorine tank weigh scale, and 1 AO (flow pace CL2 pump). This change includes programming and testing time for these signals as well as drawing updates. The Contract time is extended by 0 days. Sales Item Sch.Sec. No Item Description Quantity Units Unit Price Total Price Tax (+/-) ($) (+1-) (Y/N) 304-1 Additional Signals at Braunwood - 1 LS $ 8,314.43 $ 8,314.43 Y Complete Subtotal $ 8,314.43 Washington State Sales Tax (9.5%) on applicable items $ 789.87 TOTAL $ 9,104.30 Base Amount ' Total incl. Tax 1. Total Cost this CIO $ 8,314.43 $ 9,104.30 2. Total Cost'Previous C/O $ 80,776.15 _ $ 88,449.88 3. Original Contract Amount $ 4,099,621.43 _ $ 4,489,085.47 4. Revised Contract Amount $ 4,188,712.01 $ 4,586,639.65 This change order constitutes full and complete compensation for all labor,equipment,materials,overhead,profit,any and all indirect costs,and time adjustment to perform the above described changes. All other costs are non-compensible./ Contractor: � � 7c/A i Project Manager: c----I---� .Z Wgoil Date Utilities Engineer: ALA /_, / Date City Engineer: 411111fft 1 Z Date Approved by: iii Date Mrrpor, City ofAu urrn Date se ' s H:\Forms\ChangeOrder.xls (�4.-%' A3. 110.9 CITY OF AUBURN CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AGREEMENT NO. 5 Contract No., Project No. and Project Title: AGC-401, C524A SCADA System Imp. Contractor Name and Address: Technical Systems Inc. 23030 - 196th Street SW Lynwood, WA 98036 The Contractor is hereby directed to make the changes to the Contract as described herein. This document and all attachments are a supplement to the contract. All work, materials and measurements for the type of construction involved shall be in accordance with the contract documents of the above named project unless stated otherwise in this change order. Summary of Proposed Changes: 1. This change order is for the clean-up of twelve (12) existing starter panels inside the drywells for the sewer lift stations. This change order includes the removal of abandoned control panel components and wiring and the plugging of holes for removed operators. The Contract time is extended by 0 days. Sales Item Sch.3ec. No Item Description Quantity Units Total Price Tax (+1-) Unit Price ($) (+/-) (Y/N) 05-1 Starter Panel Cleanup- Complete 1 LS $ 25,728.92 $ 25,728.92 Y Subtotal $ 25,728.92 Washington State Sales Tax (9.5%) on applicable items $ 2,444.25 TOTAL $ 28,173.17 Base Amount Total incl. Tax 1. Total Cost this C/O $ 25,728.92 $ 28,173.17 2. Total Cost Previous CIO $ 89,090.58 $ 97,554.19 3. Original Contract Amount $ 4,099,621.43 $ 4,489,085.47 4. Revised Contract Amount $ 4,214,440.93 $ 4,614,812.82 This change order constitutes full and complete compensation for all labor.equipment.materials,overhead,profit,any and all indirect costs,and time adjustment to perform the above described changes. All other costs are non-commpensible. Contractor `IS "' ` /a /4 l r rit Project Manage • _e" 2pe 00 ij Date Utilities Engineer: - �_ _ L Date City Engineer: yi -iv Date Approved by: f Date Mayo 'CityofAuburn Da1e , 40 nn H:\Forms\ChangeOrder.xls CITY OF AUBURN CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AGREEMENT NO. 6 Contract No., Project No. and Project Title: AGC -401, C524A SCADA System Imp. Contractor Name and Address: Technical Systems Inc. 23030 - 196th Street SW Lynwood, WA 98036 The Contractor is hereby directed to make the changes to the Contract as described herein. This document and all attachments are a supplement to the contract. All work, materials and measurements for the type of construction involved shall be in accordance with the contract documents of the above named project unless stated otherwise in this change order. Summary of Proposed Changes: 1. Provide surveying and mapping services to support the design of the SCADA Physical Site Improvement design (see attached details). The Contract time is extended by days. Item Sch. ec. No Item Description Quantity ( +1 -) Units Unit Price ($) Total Price ( +1 -) Saes Tax (YIN) C06 -1 A - Surveying and Mapping Services 1 LS $ 41,375.70 $ 41,375.70 Y Subtotal $ Washington State Sales Tax (9.5 %) on applicable items $ TOTAL 41,375.70 3,930.69 $ 45,306.39 This change order constitutes full and complete compensation for all labor, equipment, materials, overhead, profit, any and all indirect costs, and time adjustment to perform the above described changes. All other costs are non- compensible. Contractor: Project Manager: Utilities Engineer: City Engineer: / Approved by: ..2 11M_ 24, / Date H: \Forms \ChangeOrder.xls o Mayo i fy f Auburn iZ 3 21fZ Date I a' G2 Date Date Date Base Amount Total incl. Tax 1. Total Cost this C/O $ 41,375.70 $ 45,306.39 2. Total Cost Previous C/O $ 114,819.50 $ 125,727.35 3. Ori • inal Contract Amount $ 4,099,621.43 $ 4,489,085.47 4. Revised Contract Amount $ 4,255,816.63 $ 4,660,119.21 This change order constitutes full and complete compensation for all labor, equipment, materials, overhead, profit, any and all indirect costs, and time adjustment to perform the above described changes. All other costs are non- compensible. Contractor: Project Manager: Utilities Engineer: City Engineer: / Approved by: ..2 11M_ 24, / Date H: \Forms \ChangeOrder.xls o Mayo i fy f Auburn iZ 3 21fZ Date I a' G2 Date Date Date I N S T R U M E N T 4110 N C 0 N T R 0 L S T E L E M E T R Y Proposal January 31, 2012 Job Number: 7320 To: Robert E. Lee, III City of Auburn Project: City of Auburn SCADA Replacement Project TSI Technical Systems Incorporated 2303196th Street SW Lynnwood. WA 98036 Tel: (425) 775.5696 Fax: (425) 775-9074 info@tsicontrols.com Reference: Change Order #9: Surveying and Mapping Services — Physical Security R1 Technical Systems, Inc. (TSI) is pleased to provide a quote for the above referenced project. Material for this project will be ready for installation by others and field termination by others. TSI's price does not include tax or the cost to bond TSI's portion of the project. TSI's price for the scope of work detailed on the following page: $ 41375.70 TSI's price for optional additional research: $ 166.10 /hr (plus mileage if applicable) Terms: Net 30 FOB: Lynnwood, WA Freight: Prepaid and Allowed This quote is valid for 90 days. Please call with any question you may have concerning pricing or any technical questions. Sincerely, Andrew Palmberg, P.E. Project Manager Technical Systems, Inc. 2303 196th Street S.W. Lynnwood, WA 98036 Tel 425.775.5696 Dir 425.678.4104 Fax 425.775.9074 Email: andrewp ntsicontrols.com P:17000 series17320 - Auburn SCADAIInvoice- CO- SOVIChange Orders109 - Surveying and Mapping Services17320 - CO -09 Surveying and Mapping Services Rev I.doc - 1 - Scope of Work Scope of Work: Including: This change order price is for surveying and mapping services for the following sites: Rainier Ridge Lift Station, West Main Pump Station, Howard Road CCTF, Coal Creek Springs, Academy Pump Station, Academy Reservoir 8A and 8B, Green River Pump Station, Well 4. See attached letter from Devin Geisler from Tetra Tech for more detail regarding the surveying and mapping services. Please note that the Tetra Tech pricing does not include TSI's mark up for overhead costs. The marked up cost is shown above. STANDARD EXCLUSIONS We do NOT include the following unless specifically included in our bill of material: 1) Pipe, tubing, valves or fittings between the instrument and the process. 2) Conduit, wire or cable not an integral part of the instrument. 3) Mounting brackets, stanchions, supports or mounting pads not an integral part of the instrument. 4) Labor to install the equipment. 5) The Cost, (if due to local union regulations), to have local craftsman make adjustments or wiring modifications to our equipment during start -up and calibration. 6) Any material or services not in our quoted sections. 7) This proposal is based on award of a supply purchase order and does not include any of the costs associated with bonding or subcontract administration. If bonding or a subcontract is required they can be provided for additional cost. P:17000 series17320 - Auburn SCADAVnvoice- CO- SOVIChange Orders109 - Surveying and Mapping Services17320 - CO -09 Surveying and Mapping Services Rev 1.doc - 2 - CITY OF AUBURN CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AGREEMENT NO. 7 Contract No.,Project No.and Project Title: AGC-401, C524A SCADA System Irtjp.,CCF �9 Contractor Name and Address: Technical Systems Inc. 23030- 196th Street SW Lynwood, WA 98036 The Contractor is hereby directed to make the changes to the Contract as described herein. This document and all attachments are a supplement to the contract. All work,materials and measurements for the type of construction involved shall be in accordancemith the contract documents of the above named project unless stated otherwise in this change order. Summary of Proposed Changes: 1 Add Reservoir 6 to the project site list. Integrate Res 6 into the SCADA system by programming the head end and on-site PLCs; create new screens in Wonderware and configure Win911 alarms. See attachment. The Contract time is extended by 0 days. Sales Item Sch.Sec. No Item Description Quantity Units Total Price Tax (+/-) Unit Price($) (+l-) (YM) 70'7-1 A Reservoir 6 Inegration 1 LS $ 24,510.00 $ 24,510:00 Y Subtotal $ 24,510.00 Washington State Sales Tax (9.5%) on applicable items $ 2,328.45 TOTAL F$ 26;838.-45 Base Amount T.ota_I inchTaz- T-Total-Cosfttiis:C/O� 2:_ToW,,,Cbst PPe4iousac/o'.L,., - "$... _r_1'56;195.20' f$.. . .1i7u1;033'.74 QOri'inal,Cont�actArmount''_ ,, :$. ,".:,4';6:99(621,:43'41 i, J 4;409;006.47 47 Revisedi C6htti3ctrA7 ourtf ;::.;! :;$__'.':4',280;326t63y $'',4 686(J57_.66„ This change order constitutes full and complete compensation for all labor,equipment,materials,overhead,profit,any and all indirect costs,and time adjustment to perform the above described changes. All other costs are non-compensible. Contractor* 7 /L�y Project Manager JV 26 lv-1e Utilities Engineer t Dale City Engineer- Dete Approved by ­7 _. D81e May ofAuburn Dale H:Torms\Change0rder.xls Proposal May 24, 2012 Job Number- 7320 tettniral Systems To: Robert E. Lee, III lncarporated City of Auburn 2303196th Stmet Sri Project: City of Auburn tlreucca m%036 Replacement Project F=tan>775 6496 SCADA Re p J rte:t425i rrs 9m4 1r1t0 t =nt1U6. n Reference: Change Order#10: Reservoir 6 SCADA Pricing Technical Systems, Inc. (TSI) is pleased to provide a quote for the above referenced project. Material for this project will be ready for installation by others and field termination by others. TSI's price does not include tax or the cost to bond TSI's portion of the project. TSI's price for the scope of work detailed on the following page: $ 24,510.00 Terms: Net 30 FOB: Lynnwood, WA Freight: Prepaid and Allowed This quote is valid for 90 days. Please call with any question you may have concerning pricing or any technical questions. Sincerely, Andrew Palmberg, P.E. Project Manager Technical Systems, Inc. 2303 196th Street S.W. Lynnwood,WA 98036 Tel 425.775.5696 Dir 425.678.4104 Fax 425.775.9074 Email: andrewoCrDtsicontrols.com P 17000 seriesl7320-Auburn SCADA 4nvoice-CO-SO VIChange Ordersl 10-Reservoir 6 SCADA Pricingl7320-CO-10 Reservoir 6 SCADA Pricing.doc -I - Scone of Work Scope of-Work: Including: This change involves integration of Reservoir 6 into the new SCADA system. Programming will occur at the head end PLC and Reservoir 6 PLC to bring back the status, setpoints and alarms to the SCADA system. New screens will be created at the M&O SCADA for Reservoir 6 as well as configuration of the Win911 alarms for this site. STANDARD EXCLUSIONS We do NOT include the following unless specifically included in our bill of material: 1) Pipe, tubing,valves or fittings between the instrument and the process. 2) Conduit,wire or cable not an integral part of the instrument. 3) Mounting brackets, stanchions, supports or mounting pads not an integral part of the instrument. 4) Labor to install the equipment. 5) The Cost, (if due to local union regulations), to have local craftsman make adjustments or wiring modifications to our equipment during start-up and calibration. 6) Any material or services not in our quoted sections. 7) This proposal is based on award of a supply purchase order and does not include any of the costs associated with bonding or subcontract administration. If bonding or a subcontract is required they can be provided for additional cost. P-17000 series17310-Auhurn SCADA1lnmice-CO-SOVIChange OrdersUO-Reservoir 6 SCADA Priang17310-CO-10 Reservoir 6 S C A D A P r i c i n g.d o c -2- CITY OF AUBURN c/ C//), CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AGREEMENT NO. 8 ox- Contract No.,Project No.and Project Title: AGC 401, C524A SCADA System Imp. y�(iCF9�g0, �i9�� Contractor Name and Address: Technical Systems Inc. 23030--.196th Street SW Lynwood, WA 98036 The Contractor is hereby directed to make the changes to the Contract as described herein. This document and all attachments are a supplement to the contract. All work,materials and measurements for the type of construction involved shall be in accordance with the contract documents of the above named project unless stated otherwise in this change order. Summary of Proposed Changes: 1 Add B Street Intertie to the project site list. Integrate B Street Intertie into the SCADA system by programming the head end and on-site PLCs; create new screens in Wonderware and configure Win911 alarms. See attachment. The Contract time is extended by 0 days. Sales Item Sch. ec. No Item Description Quantity Units Total Price Tax (+/-) Unit Price($) (+l-) (YIN) C_08-1 A I IB-Street SCADA Integration 1_ LS -$ 10,550.00. _$ 10,550.00. Y Subtotal $ 10,550.00 Washington State Sales Tax (9.5%) on applicable items $ 1,002.25 TOTAL r$ 11,552.25 '�'-°Bass Amotinf°`- "-'fotal�iricl:'Tax� 1. TdtalPZ st t its C10 $ 10,550.00. $' - 411552:25 2 Total Eost"Pfevious.C/O_ __ —, r$�1'80,705:20' $:197;$,72.19 3. ,Qri"nal.Gontract'Amoua`„ (.$ .. 4r,099;621�45;; I'$.,>4;489;085.'47;: 4-ReviseiiFGontract AmouritMmm— [$gym 4;290876:fi3? :;$_4;698;509691_ This change order constitutes full and complete compensation for all labor,equipment,materials,overhead,profit,any and all indirect costs,and time adjustment to perform the above described changes. All other costs are non-compensible. Contractor* - Project Manager-WMa l vL So ry Date Utilities Engineer Z Date City Engineer• Z> lZ Date Approved by: Date Date H;\Forms\ChangeOrder.xls e, 14— Proposal May 24, 2012 Job Number- 7320 Techn pl Systems To: Robert E. Lee, III tncorporated City of Auburn 2303 196M S'ied SN Project: City of Auburn L)rm.Wd.VtA98036 Replacement Project F=:(49y 7766696 SCADA Re p J Fm:id25i 77i907d mroeuiwnkrds ro Reference: Change Order#12: B Street SCADA Pricing Technical Systems, Inc. (TSI) is pleased to provide a quote for the above referenced project. Material for this project will be ready for installation by others and field termination by others. TSI's price does not include tax or the cost to bond TSI's portion of the project. TSI's price for the scope of work detailed on the following page: $ 10,550.00 Terms: Net 30 FOB: Lynnwood, WA Freight: Prepaid and Allowed This quote is valid for 90 days. Please call with any question you may Have concerning pricing or any technical questions. Sincerely, Andrew Palmberg, P.E. Project Manager Technical Systems, Inc. 2303 196th Street S.W. Lynnwood,WA 98036 Tel 425:775.5696 Dir 425.678.4104 Fax 425.775.9074 Email: andrewp(Mtsicontrols.com P,17000 seriesl7310-Auburn SCAD.AVnvoice-CO-SOMC)wnge Ordersll2 B Street SCADA Pricingl7310-CO-12 B Street SCADA Pricing.doc -1- Scope of Work Scone of Work: Including: This change involves integration of B Street into the new SCADA system. Programming will occur at the head end PLC and B Street PLC to bring back the status, setpoints and alarms to the SCADA system. New screens will be created at the M&O SCADA for B Street as well as configuration of the Win911 alarms for this site. STANDARD EXCLUSIONS We do NOT include the following unless specifically included in our bill of material: 1) Pipe,tubing, valves or fittings between the instrument and the process. 2) Conduit,wire or cable not an integral part of the instrument. 3) Mounting brackets, stanchions, supports or mounting pads not an integral part of the instrument. 4) Labor to install the equipment. 5) The Cost, (if due to local union regulations),to have local craftsman make adjustments or wiring modifications to our equipment during start-up and calibration. 6) Any material or services not in our quoted sections. 7) This proposal is based on award of a supply purchase order and does not include any of the costs associated with bonding or subcontract administration. If bonding or a subcontract is required they can be provided for additional cost. N7000 series17310-Auburn SCADAUwoice-COSOVIChange Orders111-B Street SCADA Pricing17310-CO-11 B Street SCADA Pricing.doc .2- CITY OF AUBURN CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AGREEMENT NO. 9 Contract No.,Project No,and Project Title: AGC-401, C524A SCADA System Imp. Contractor Name and Address: Technical Systems Inc. 23030- 196th Street SW Lynwood,WA 98036 The Contractor is hereby directed to make the changes to the Contract as described herein. This document and all attachments are a supplement to the contract. All work,materials and measurements for the type of construction involved shall be in accordance with the contract documents of the above named project unless stated otherwise in this change order. Summary of Proposed Changes: 1 Replace Paneeview Plus 600 with a Panelview 700 at the B Street Intertie location. See attachment. The Contract time is extended by 0 days. — Sa es Item Sch.Sec. No Item Description Quantity Units Total Price Tax Unit Price_($). - -_ (+/-) (YIN)_ C08-1 A IB Street SCADA Integration 1 LS $ 8,230.00 $ 8,230.00 Y Subtotal $ 8,230.00 Washington State Sales Tax (9.5%) on applicable items $ 781.85_ TOTAL r$ 9,011.85 Base Amount Total incl. Tax, 1'. Total Cost this.0/O - --_ _-_ '_$._____8x230:00 ..$_- -_9,011.85 2.=TWI-Cost;PreviousC/.O: _ _$__ =191.,255.20 -$--.- 3 Ori final GonfractArnount ,$ 4,099,621.43Li .$ ,4,489,085:4T 4;Revised 6ontract Amount' — - -17-4-2K,106--63T '$ 4;7077 21'76 This change order constitutes full and complete compensation for all labor,equipment,materials,overhead,profit,any and all indirect costs,and time adjustment to perform the above described changes. All other costs are non-compensible. Contractor, / —7k c---/7 Z Project Manager 6 t. 2�I-+— Date Utilities Engineer: ,g/� Date City Engineer' ZT Date Approved by Date Mayor, - ojAuburn Date 9.1 H:\Forms\Change0rder.x1s 1 Proposal January 11, 2012 Technical Systems To: Leah Dunsdon, P.E. Incorporated City of Auburn 2303 196th Street SW Project: City of Auburn Lynnwood,WA 98036 B-Street Intertie—SCADA Panel Tex((425 425 7755696 Fax:( )7759074 inlo4ftcontrols.com Reference: Replace Panelview Plus 600 with a Panelview Plus 700 in SCADA Panel at B- Street Intertie Technical Systems, Inc. (TSI) is pleased to provide a quote for the above referenced project. Material for this project will be ready for installation by others and field termination by others. TSI's price does not include tax or the cost to bond TSI's portion of the project. TSI's price for the scope of work detailed on the following page: $ 8,230 Terms: Net 30 FOB: Lynnwood, WA Freight: Prepaid and Allowed This quote is valid for 90 days. Please call with any question you may have concerning pricing or any technical questions. Sincerely, Andrew Palmberg, P.E. Project Manager Technical Systems, Inc. 2303 196th Street S.W Lynnwood,WA 98036 Tel 425.775.5696 Dir 425.678.4104 Fax 425.775.9074 Email: andrewpAtsicontrols.com C:IUserslldunsdol4ppDa talLocahMicrosoJll WindowslTemporary Internet FileslContent DutlooULGMSWIReplace PV600 with PV700 B Street.doc 1 Scone of Work Scone of Work: Including: This price includes quantity one (1)new Panelview Plus 700 display to be installed in the existing B-Street Intertie telemetry panel. It also includes programming modifications to change the screen formatting for the larger display as well as one (1)field day of programming for testing of the new display This price includes O&M manual and drawing updates. It does not include training, or training manual updates. STANDARD EXCLUSIONS We do NOT include the following unless specifically included in our bill of material: 1) Pipe,tubing, valves or fittings between the instrument and the process. 2) Conduit,wire or cable not an integral part of the instrument. 3) Mounting brackets, stanchions, supports or mounting pads not an integral part of the instrument. 4) Labor to install the equipment, 5) The Cost, (if due to local union regulations),to have local craftsman make adjustments or wiring modifications to our equipment during start-up and calibration. 6) Any material or services not in our quoted sections. 7) This proposal is based on award of a supply purchase order-and does not include any of the costs associated with bonding or subcontract administration. If bonding or a subcontract is required they can be provided for additional cost. C:I UserslldunsdoUppDa talLocaAMicroso/?I Windows)Temporary Internet FilesICdnIenLOu tlookILLGPY8S"eplace P V600 with PV700 B Street.doc 2 B-Street lntertie TSI Project No. #### Chan e•Order No.:01 Description:lReplace Panelview 600 with Panelview 700 Category Amount Units Notes Project_Management 1 _ HR. @_$140/h_r Engineering 0 _HR. Programming - 0 HR. - --- -- -- - - - -- -- - Field Engineerin�c 8 HR. @ $105 1hr Fabrication 0 HR. Clerical CAD 1 HR. @$70/hr O&M 4 R. @$70/hr Travel Time 2 HR. @$105/hr Travel Expenses $50:00 Freight Expenses, $0.00 Subcontract:Cost_ $2,400.00 _ _ _This includes __ __ rogrramm_ing subcontractor costs _ Subcontract Marku $240:00 10% Material $4,000.00 TOTAL COST $8,230.00 Notes: Thislprice includes quantity one-(1) new Panelview Plus 700,display to be installed in the existing B Street Intertie telemetry panel. It also-includes programming modifications,to,change the screen _ formatting,for the larger display as:well.as:one (1) field day of programming for testing of the,new display This price includes O&M manual and drawing.updates. It does not include training, or training manual updates. ce B-Street PV600 with PV700 Pricing zls 1/11/2012 - � c CITY OF AUBURN CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AGREEMENT NO. 10 Contract No.,Project No.and Project Title: AGC-401, C524A SCADA System Imp. 09 Contractor Name and Address: Technical Systems Inc. 23030= 196th Street SW - Lynwood, WA 98036 The Contractor is hereby directed to make the changes to the Contract as described herein. This document and all attachments are a supplement to the contract. All work,materials and measurements for the type of construction involved shall be in accordance with the contract documents of the above named project unless stated otherwise in this change order. Summary of Proposed Changes: 1 Include Academy Water Booster Pump Station into project list. Program the head end and Academy Booster PLC plus greate screens in Wonderware and Win911 alarms. See 4L*. 1 UJ The Contract time is extended by 0 days. Saes Item Sch. ec. No Item Description Quantity Units Total Price Tax (+/-) Unit Price ($) (+/-) (Y/N) C010-1 A I JAcademy Booster PS Integration 1_ LS_ _$ -26,615.00_ _$_ 26,615.00 Y Subtotal $ 26;615.00 Washington State Sales Tax(9.5%) on applicable items $ 2,528.43 TOTAL $-- -29,143.43 -Base Amount'; "Totahiricl=,Taz,, 1°=Total'Cbsftlils C/O" $'. 26,615.00, $ .- 29;143!43. 27 C/.O--_ . _.......__ _. . >.$a. .. _.J.99 4$5i�0.: �..$_-:21 "4"W-.29` 3T 60 `inai,Contr,act,Attlount' 4:nReuisedC.orltFact;Arriounf,:� ' This change order constitutes full and complete compensation for all labor,equipment,materials,overhead,profit,any and all indirect costs,and time adjustment to perform the above described changes. All other costs are non-compensible. Contractor' _ Project Manage 'L5.7V 20 I y Date Utilities Engineer• 2 tr t— Date ,�City Engineer• 8 2 I Date Approved by- Da" Mayor, do ofAuburn Date H:\Forms\ChangeOrder.xls Pronosal June 4, 2012 Job Number 7320 Technical Systems. To: Robert E. Lee, III Incorporated City of Auburn 2303196th Street SW Project: City of Auburn Lynnwood.WA 96036 Tel:(425)775-SM SCADA Replacement Project Fax:1425)7759074 Inlo®L9ito.mrolseom Reference: Change Order#13: Academy Water Booster PS SCADA Pricing Technical Systems, Inc. (TSI) is pleased to provide a quote for the above referenced project. Material for this project will be ready for installation by othersand field termination by others. TSI's price does not include tax or the cost to bond TSI's portion of the project. TSI's price for the scope of work detailed on the following page: $ 26,615.00 Terms: Net 30 FOB: Lynnwood, WA Freight: Prepaid and Allowed This quote is valid for 90 days. Please call with any question you may have concerning pricing or any technical questions. Sincerely, An Palmberg, P.E. Project Manager Technical Systems, Inc. 2303 196th Street S.W. Lynnwood,WA 96036 Tel 425.775.5696 Dir 425.678.4104 Fax 425.775.9074 Email: andrewpAtsicontrols.com P9 7000series17310-Auburn SCADAVmoice-CO-SOV IChangeOrders113-Academy Booster PSSCADAPricrng17310 CO-13 Academy Booster PS SCADA Pricing.doc -I- Scone of Work Scope of Work: Including: This change involves integration of Academy Water Booster PS into the new SCADA system. Programming will occurat the head end PLC and Academy Booster PLC to bring back the status, setpoints and alarms to the SCADA system. New screens will be created at the M&O SCADA for Academy Booster as well as configuration of the Win911 alarms for this site. This price does not include the cost for any new hardware(such as radio, antenna, etc. or installation or testing of any new hardware). STANDARD EXCLUSIONS We do NOT include the following unless specifically included in our bill of material: 1) Pipe,tubing,valves or fittings between the instrument and the process. 2) Conduit, wire or cable not an integral part of the instrument. 3) Mounting brackets, stanchions, supports or mounting pads not an integral part of the instrument. 4) Labor to install the equipment. 5) The Cost, (if due to local union regulations),to have local craftsman make adjustments or wiring modifica_t_ions to our equipment during start-up and calibration. 6) Any material or services not in our quoted sections. 7) This proposal is based on award of a supply purchase order and does not include any of the costs associated with bonding or subcontract administration. If bonding or a subcontract is required they can be provided for additional cost. P'17000 series17320 Auburn SCADAVnvoice-CO-SOMChange Orders113-Academy Bdoster PS SCADA Pricing17320-CO-13 A c a d e m y Booster PS S C A D A Pricing.doc -2- ti CITY OF AUBURN CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AGREEMENT NO. 11 CJ F�qu Contract No.,Project No. and Project Title: AGC-401, C524A SCADA System Imp. rt9,tL, k`SOFF/�'� Contractor Name and Address: Technical Systems Inc. 23030 - 196th Street SW Lynwood, WA 98036 The Contractor is hereby directed to make the changes to the Contract as described herein. This document and all attachments are a supplement to the contract. All work,materials and measurements for the type of construction involved shall be to accordance with the contract documents of the above named project unless stated otherwise in this change order. Summary of Proposed Changes: 1 Provide additional radio to be used as a replacement in future. Radio will become part of COA's inventory See attachment The Contract time is extended by 0 days. Sales Item Sch.Sec. No Item Description Quantity Units Total Price Tax (+/-) Unit Price ($) (+/-) (YIN) 011-1 A ISpare Radio 1 LS $ 2,35000 $ 2,350.00 Y Subtotal $ 2,350.00 Washington State Sales Tax (9 5%) on applicable items $ 223.25 TOTAL $ 2,573.25 Base Arrlouhf ;°'Total incl:'T,ax '1. Total'Cost thisrC/O $• ' 2,350.004$$ 2;573.25 2C Total Cost Previous-0O $ 226,100120, '._$. ; 247,57972 3 -Original Contra"ctAmount. $ 4,099;621.43 $., 4,489,085.47 4 ,--Revised Contract_Amount _ . _, ,. .$, _:4;328;071.63,' $' _4,739;238'.43 "I his change order constitutes full and complete compensation for all labor,equipment,materials,overhead.profit,any and all indirect costs,and time adjustment to perform the above described changes. All other costs are non-compensible. Contractor: V v -51-,2 t//3 Project Manager: '� 1 r 2a I Date Utilities Engineer: S If 2& i, Date Date City Engineer: 2 Approved by: Da" Mat•or, Ci, rburn Date H.\Forms\ChangeOrder.xls L Proposal May 7, 2013 Job Number: 7320 Technical Systems To: Robert E. Lee, III Incorporated City of Auburn 2303 196th Street SW Project: City of Auburn Lynnwood, 98036 Tel:(425)775 75 5696 SCADA Replacement Project Fax.(425)7759074 into@ icontrols.com Reference: Change Order#24: Spare Radio Technical Systems, Inc. (TSI) is pleased to provide a quote for the above referenced project. Material for this project will be ready for installation by others and field temunation by others. TSI's price does not include tax or the cost to bond TSI's portion of the project. TSI's price for the scope of work detailed on the following page: $ 2350.00 Tennis: Net 30 FOB: Lynnwood, WA Freight: Prepaid and Allowed This quote is valid for 90 days. Please call with any question you may have concerning pricing or any technical questions. Sincerely, Andrew Palmberg, P.E. Project Manager Technical Systems, Inc. 2303 196th Street S.W Lynnwood, WA 98036 Tel 425.775.5696 Dir 425.678.4104 Fax 425 775.9074 Email andrewp antsicontrols.com P-17000 sernes97320-Auburn SCADAIhnoiee-CO-SOI ICharge Orderrl24-Spare Radlol73 20-CO-24 Spare Radio.doc _ ) _ j Scope of Rork Scope of Work: Including- Provide qty I spare 450 MHz Freewave radio, software and programming cable. Provide SOP for replacing the radio. STANDARD EXCLUSIONS We do NOT include the following unless specifically included in our bill of material: 1) Pipe, tubing, valves or fittings between the instrument and the process. 2) Conduit, wire or cable not an integral part of the instrument. 3) Mounting brackets, stanchions, supports or mounting pads not an integral part of the instrument. 4) Labor to install the equipment. 5) The Cost, (if due to local union regulations), to have local craftsman make adjustments or wiring modifications to our equipment during start-up and calibration. 6) Any material or services not in our quoted sections. 7) This proposal is based on award of a supply purchase order and does not include any of the costs associated with bonding or subcontract administration. If bonding or a subcontract is required they can be provided for additional cost. P17000 scriesl7320-Auburn SCADAIIbn•arce-CO-SOIIIChmrge Ordecvl24-Spare Radio17.420-C0-24 Spare Radio doe -2- CITY OF AUBURN CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AGREEMENT NO. 12 Contract No., Project No. and Project Title: AGC-401, C524A SCADA System Imp. Contractor Name and Address: Technical Systems Inc. 23030 - 196th Street SW Lynwood, WA 98036 The Contractor is hereby directed to make the changes to the Contract as described herein This document and all attachments are a supplement to the contract All work,materials and measurements for the qpe of construction involved shall be in accordance with the contract documents of the above named project unless stated otherwise in this change order. Summary of Proposed Changes: 1 Revise pump control logic at 8th Street LS, F Street LS, Peasley Ridge LS, and Auburn Way South LS, this revision will make all pump controls standardized. See attachement The Contract time is extended by 0 days. Sales Item Sch.Sec. No Item Description Quantity Units Total Price Tax (+/-) Unit Price ($) (+/-) (Y/N) 012-1 A Lift Station Modifications 1 LS 1 $ 7,910.00 $ 7,91000 Y Subtotal $ 7,910.00 Washington State Sales Tax (9.5%) on applicable items $ 751 45 TOTAL $ 8,66145 Base Amount Total incl. Tax _Total Cost this C/O $ 7,910.00 $� 8,661.45 2i Total Cost Previous C/O $ 228,450.20 $ 250;152.97 3. -Original Contract Amount $ 4,099,621 43. $, 4,485,085.47 4. Revised'ContractAmount [:$ 4,335,981.63 $, 4,747,899.88 'I'his change order constitutes full and complete compensation for all labor.equipment,materials,overhead,profit,any and all indirect costs,and time adjustment to perform the above described changes All other costs arc non-compensible. Contractor: / ? " Spa r/ 3 Project Manager: S Ili y� I S Date Utilities Engineer:- {• / Date City Engineer: 23 Dale Approved by: Dam M -'or, ofArr un Da1e H:Torms\ChangeOrder.xls Proposal May 3, 2013 Job Number: 7320 Technical Systems To: Robert E. Lee, III Incorporated City of Auburn 2303 196th street Sw Project: City of Auburn Lynnw000.WA 98036 Tel:(425)7755696 SCADA Replacement Project Tarr:(425)7759074 in(o@t icantrols.com Reference: Change Order#21: Lift Station Check Vale Modifications Technical Systems, Inc. (TSI) is pleased to provide a quote for the above referenced project. Material for this project will be ready for installation by others and field termination by others. TSI's price does not include tax or the cost to bond TSI's portion of the project. / TSI's price for the scope of work detailed on the following page: S 7,910.00 Terms: Net 30 FOB: Lynnwood, WA Freight. Prepaid and Allowed This quote is valid for 90 days. Please call with any question you may have concerning pricing or any technical questions. Sincerely, Andrew Palmberg, P.E. Project Manager Technical Systems, Inc. 2303 196th Street S W Lynnwood, WA 98036 Tel 425.775.5696 Dir 425.678.4104 Fax 425.775.9074 Email andrewp(o.tsicontrols com P17000.cw ieA7320-Auburn SCADAVhi vnce-CO-SOI'IChange Order.021-Check I alve Pump Station d9odJicmnon.s173261- CO-21 L1 Station Che,A V,,1ve hfadi/icalion.,.duc - I - Scone of Work Scope of Work: Including: Revise the pump control logic at 8th Street, F Street, Peasley Ridge and Auburn Way South lift stations by to lock out the pump run in auto when there is a check valve fail to open alarm. This alarm will reset locally when the HOA switch is set to the OFF position. The pumps can still be run in hand with the failure present. This change will standardize the check valve pump control at all storm and sewer sites. The existing drawings will be red- lined to show the wiring modifications. STANDARD EXCLUSIONS We do NOT include the following unless specifically included in our bill of material. I) Pipe, tubing, valves or fittings between the instrument and the process. 2) Conduit, wire or cable not an integral part of the instrument. 3) Mounting brackets, stanchions, supports or mounting pads not an integral part of the instrument. 4) Labor to install the equipment. 5) The Cost, (if due to local union regulations), to have local craftsman make adjustments or wiring modifications to our equipment during start-up and calibration. 6) Any material or services not in our quoted sections. 7) This proposal is based on award of a supply purchase order and does not include any of the costs associated with bonding or subcontract administration. If bonding or a subcontract is required they can be provided for additional cost. P-17000.sene.sl"20-Auhurn SCADAVnroice-CO-SOI IChange Ordersl21-Check Valve P u m p Station Alodificatioes17320- CO-21 L i f t Station Check Valve AlodiJicanon.c doe -2- CITY OF AUBURN CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AGREEMENT NO. 13 Cdr/1r T/ o Contract No., Project No. and Project Title: AGC-401, C524A SCADA System imp.C�RkS �� Contractor Name and Address: Technical Systems Inc. 23030 - 196th Street SW Lynwood, WA 98036 The Contractor is hereby directed to make the changes to the Contract as described herein. This document and all attachments are a supplement to the contract. All work, materials and measurements for the type of construction involved shall be in accordance with the contract documents ofthe above named project unless stated otherwise in this change order Summary of Proposed Changes: 1 Replace S&B telemetry panel enclosure with smaller junction box in drywells at Riverside and F Street LS. See attachment. The Contract time is extended by 0 days. Sales Item Sch.Sec. No Item Description Quantity Units Total Price Tax (+/-) Unit Price ($) (+/-) (Y/N) 013-1 A liunction box replacement 1 LS $ 5,180 00 $ 5,18000 Y Subtotal $ 5,18000 Washington State Sales Tax (9 5%) on applicable items $ 492.10 TOTAL r$ 5,672.10 Base Amount Total Incl. Tax 1 Total Cost this C/O $ 5,18000 $ 5,672.10 2. Total Cost Previous C/O $ 236,360.20 $ 258,814 42 3. Original Contract Amount $ 4,099,621 43 $ 4,489,085.47 4 Revised Contract Amount $ 4,341,161.63 $ 4,753,571.98 This change order constitutes fill and complete compensation for all labor,equipment, materials.overhead, profit,any and all indirect costs,and time adjustment to perform the above described changes. All other costs are non-compensible. Contractor: Project Manager: - I� Date Utilities Engineer: V ,S— <2 Date City Engineer: S 5 Date Approved by: Date Mnt nit a uxrrn Date H:\Forms\ChangeOrder.xls Proposal May 3, 2013 Job Number: 7320 Technical Systems To: Robert E. Lee, III Incorporated City of Auburn 2303 196th Street SW Project: City of Auburn L nnw .WA 98036 SCADA Replacement Project 7e1:1(425) 755696 J Fay.(4 251 775-9074 iWoOtsicontrols Co. Reference: Change Order#18: S&B Panel Consolidation Technical Systems, Inc. (TSI) is pleased to provide a quote for the above referenced project. Material for this project will be ready for installation by others and field termination by others. TSI's price does not include tax or the cost to bond TSI's portion of the project. TSI's price for the scope of work detailed on the following page: $ 5,180.00 Terns: Net 30 FOB Lynnwood, WA Freight: Prepaid and Allowed This quote is valid for 90 days. Please call with any question you may have concerning pricing or any technical questions. Sincerely, Andrew Palmberg, P.E. Protect Manager Technical Systems, Inc. 2303 196th Street S W Lynnwood,WA 98036 Tel 425 775.5696 Dir 425 678 4104 Fax 425.775.9074 Email: andrewo(Ciltsicontrols.com P 17000 scried7320-AzrGurn SCADAIInroice-CO-SOI'IChan,�e Or(iers)l S-SBB Panel Cansohdtirion 17320-CO-/S S&B Panel Consolidation doc - 1 - Scope of Work Scope of Work: Including This change order price is for the removal of the existing S&B telemetry enclosure and the replacement of that enclosure with a smallerjunction box at the Smith and Loveless drywells for the Riverside and F-Street sewer lift stations. This smallerjunction box will allow for easier access in the drywell for maintenance. STANDARD EXCLUSIONS We do NOT include the following unless specifically included in our bill of material: 1) Pipe, tubing, valves or fittings between the instrument and the process. 2) Conduit, wire or cable not an integral part of the instrument. 3) Mounting brackets, stanchions, supports or mounting pads not an integral part of the instrument. 4) Labor to install the equipment. 5) The Cost, (if due to local anion regulations), to have local craftsman make adjustments or wiring modifications to our equipment during start-up and calibration. 6) Any material or services not in our quoted sections. 7) This proposal is based on award of a supply purchase order and does not include any of the costs associated with bonding or subcontract administration. If bonding or a subcontract is required they can be provided for additional cost. P 17000.sernesl7320-Auhurn SCADAlliasoice-CO-SOP1Change Ordec018-S&B Panel Consolidation17320-CO-18 S&B Panel Consolidation doc -2- CITY OF AUBURN CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AGREEMENT NO. 14 ��FR )? Contract No., Project No. and Project Title: AGC-401, C524A SCADA System Impl7d , )?/V Contract Contractor Name and Address: Technical Systems Inc. 23030 - 196th Street SW Lynwood, WA 98036 The Contractor is hereby directed to make the changes to the Contract as described herein ']'his document and all attachments arc a supplement to the contract. All work.materials and measurements for the type of construction involved shall be in accordance with the contract documents of the above named project unless stated otherwise in this change order. Summary of Proposed Changes: 1 Relocate RTU at Auburn Way South LS to inside the existing starter panel enclosure. See attachment The Contract time is extended by 0 days. Sales Item Sch.Sec. No Item Description Quantity Units Total Price Tax (+/-) Unit Price ($) (+/-) (YIN) 014-1 A Relocate AWS LS RTU 1 LS $ 14,932.00 $ 14,932.00 Y Subtotal $ 14,932.00 Washington State Sales Tax (9.5%) on applicable items $ 1,418.54 TOTAL r$ 16,350.54 Base Amount Total incl. Tax 1 Total Cost this C/O $ 14,932.00 $ 16,350.54 2. Total Cost Previous C/O $ 241,540.20 $ 264,486.52 3. Original Contract Amount 1 $ 4,099,621.43 !$ 4',489;085.47 4 Revised Contract Amount ,_$, 4,356,093.63 $ 4,769,922.52 This change order constitutes full and complete compensation for all labor,equipment,materials,overhead,profit,any and all indirect costs,and time adjustment to perform the above described changes. All other costs are non-compenstble Contractor: Y S/?r/l 3 ProjectManager,--� 1 lS 2vf3 Da1C Utilities Engineer: t JDale City Engineer. S Date Approved by: Date M?for, ttr ofAuhurp Dale H:\Forms\ChangeOrder.xls � r 1 Proposal May 6, 2013 Job Number: 7320 Technical Systems To: Robert E. Lee, 111 Incorporated City of Auburn 2303 196th Street SW Project: City of Auburn Lynnw000,WA 98036 (425)7755 SCADA Replacement Project Fa y (425)775 9074 inloOlsicontrols com Reference: Change Order#17: Auburn Way South Panel Relocate Technical Systems, Inc. (TSI) is pleased to provide a quote for the above referenced project. Material for this project will be ready for installation by others and field termination by others. TSI's price does not include tax or the cost to bond TSI's portion of the project. TSI's price for the scope of work to relocate the RTU internal in the existing starter panel outer enclosure is detailed on the following page: $ 14,932.00 TSI's price for the scope of work to relocate the RTU external and to the right of the existing / starter panel outer enclosure is detailed on the following page: $ 9,661.00 Terms: Net 30 FOB: Lynnwood, WA Freight: Prepaid and Allowed This quote is valid for 90 days. Please call with any question you may have concerning pricing or any technical questions. Sincerely, Andrew Palmberg, P.E. Project Manager Technical Systems, Inc. 2303 196th Street S.W Lynnwood, WA 98036 Tel 425 775.5696 Dir 425.678.4104 Fax 425.775 9074 Email: andrewona tsicontrols.com P97000.feriesl7320-Auburn SCADAIbrn nice-CO-SO['IChange Orders117-Auburn Il'av South Panel Relocatel1320-CO-17 Aubum !Inv South Panel Relocate.doc - 1 - 1 Scone of Work Scope of Work—Relocating Panel- Internal: Including This change order price is for relocating the Auburn Way South RTU panel inside the existing pump control panel outer enclosure. This includes the supply of a new enclosure and modifications to the new panel so the RTU will fit into the existing larger outer enclosure as well as re-testing the 10 to the M&O SCADA after panel relocation. This would also include revised layout drawings and O&M manual updates. Scope of Work—Relocating Panel - External: Including This change order price is for relocating the Auburn Way South RTU panel external and to the right(West) of the existing pump control panel outer enclosure. This includes retesting the 10 to the M&O SCADA after panel relocation. STANDARD EXCLUSIONS We do NOT include the following unless specifically included in our bill of material: 1) Pipe, tubing, valves or fittings between the instrument and the process. 2) Conduit,wire or cable not an integral part of the instrument. 3) Mounting brackets, stanchions, supports or mounting pads not an integral part of the instrument. 4) Labor to install the equipment. 5) The Cost, (if due to local union regulations), to have local craftsman make adjustments or wiring modifications to our equipment during start-up and calibration. 6) Any material or services not in our quoted sections. 7) This proposal is based on award of a supply purchase order and does not include any of the costs associated with bonding or subcontract administration. If bonding or a subcontract is required they can be provided for additional cost. P-17000 serteA7320-Auburn SC4DAUnroice-CO-SOI'IChmige Orders)l7-Auburn War South Panel Relocate17320-CO-17 Auburn War South Panel Relocate.doc -2- CITY OF AUBURN /6 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AGREEMENT NO. 16 Contract No.,Project No. and Project Title: AGC-401, C524A SCADA System Imp/1y_ 'RC-'i/ , Contractor Name and Address: Technical Systems Inc. ��jJ r _ C I.5 23030 - 196th Street SW '‘.- '`gin/ Lynwood, WA 98036 "/n The Contractor is hereby directed to make the changes to the Contract as described herein. This document and all attachments are a supplement to the contract. All work,materials and measurements lbr the type of construction involved shall he in accordance with the contract documents of the above named project unless stated otherwise in this change order. Summary of Proposed Changes: 1 Adding level transmitter setpoints to the sequence timer and modifiying PLCs and PanelView screens with new data at Storm and Sewer Stations. See attachment. The Contract time is extended by 0 days Sales Item Sch.Sec. No. Item Description Quantity Units Total Price Tax (+l-) Unit Price ($) (+l-) (YIN) Level Transmitter Setpoint 016-1 A Modifications 1 _ LS $ 7,850 00 $ 7,850.00 Y Subtotal $ 7,850.00 Washington State Sales Tax (9.5%) on applicable items $ 745.75 TOTAL $ 8,595.75 .. Base Amount . 7Total•incl. Tax 1 Total Costthis.0/O . , $ 7;850.00" $.'.T1` F8,595.75 2. Total Cost Previous C/O . ' '$ _ 305:12720: '$; 334;-114.28. 3. Original Contract Amount . .$ 4,099,62143. '1$ '4489,085 47 4 ReJjsed-ContractAmount• ' . $' 4,412:598;63', `$''4'831';795:50. This change order constitutes full and complete compensation for all labor.equipment. materials,overhead,profit.any and all indirect costs,and time adjustment to perform the above described changes. All other costs are non-compensible. Contractor ...--21 — • J4a I Project Manager - ,—" 7(Jut_ 2oir Utilities Engineer:/ _ , // , a Dale Dale City Engineer �W- W illtr t. Approved by � ' Jr, Mayor, City of Auburn n/ Date H:\Forms\ChangeOrder.xls I Pt t o 'U M E N T A .T I! O N • .0 0 N T 11 0`' E 5. • T -E: L'' E M E 4 A N, c,- " ,. y. Proposal TS". July 3, 2013 Job Number 7320 Technical To: Robert E. Lee, Ill Systems City of Auburn 2303 196th Sheet SW Project: City of Auburn Lynnwood.WA 98036 Tel (425)7755696 SCADA Replacement Project Fax:(425)7759074 intoetsicontrols.com Reference: Change Order#25: Level Transmitter Manual Stop Setpoint at Sewer and Storm Sites Technical Systems, Inc. (T51) is pleased to provide a quote for the above referenced project. Material for this project will be ready for installation by others and field termination by others. TSI's price does not include tax or the cost to bond TSI's portion of the project. TSI's price for the scope of work detailed on the following page:,$ 7,850.00 Terms. Net 30 FOB• Lynnwood, WA Freight: Prepaid and Allowed This quote is valid for 90 days. Please call with any question you may have concerning pricing or any technical questions. Sincerely, Andrew Palmberg, P.E- Project Manager Technical Systems, Inc. 2303 196th Street S.W Lynnwood,WA 98036 Tel 425.775.5696 Dir 425.678.4104 Fax 425 775 9074 Email: andrewo(Wtsicontrols.com r. 1 P 17000 eeriev17320 Auburn SC'ADAI/nvoice-CO-SOVIChange Orders125 Level Trumminer Alcamo!Stop at.Sewer and Storm Sttes17320-CO-25 Level Transmitter Manual Stop Programming Sewer and Storm doe 1 • Contract No.,Project No.and Project Title: AGC-401, C524A SCADA System Imp. Contractor Name and Address: Technical Systems Inc. 23030- 196th Street SW Lynwood, WA 98036 The Contractor is hereby directed to make the changes to the Contract as described herein. This document and all attachments are a supplement to the contract. All work,materials and measurements for the type of construction involved shall be in accordance-with the contract documents of the above named project unless stated otherwise in this change order. Summary of Proposed Changes: 1. SCADA conversion for sites not included in the original SCADA Improvement project. See attached details. The Contract time is extended by 0 days. Sec. Sales Item Sch. No. Item Description Quantity Units Total Price Tax (+1-) Unit Price ($) (+1-) (Y/N) C018-1 A Verdana LS Conversion, Complete 1 LS $ 120,412.35 $ 120,412.35 Y C018-2 A White River PS Conversion, 1 LS $ 56,825.00 $ 56,825.00 Y Complete C018-3 A Academy Booster PS Conversion, 1 LS $ 45,363.03 $ 45,363.03 Y Complete Subtotal $ 222,600.38 Washington State Sales Tax (9.5%) on applicable items $ 21,147.04 TOTAL $ 243,747.42 Base Amount Total incl.Tax 1. Total Cost this C/O $ 222,600.38 $ ' 243,74742 2. Total Cost Previous CIO $ 411,237.54 $ 450,305.11 3. Original Contract Amount $ 4,099,621.43 $ 4,489,085 A7 4. Revised Contract Amount $ 4,733,459.35 $ 5,183,137.99 This change order constitutes full and complete compensation for all labor,equipment,materials,overhead,profit,any and all indirect costs,and time adjustment to perform the above described changes. All other costs are non-compensible. Contractor: Project Manager: 7 oCr Zo Date Utilities Engineer: /� illa Date City Engineer: �/ Date Approved by: OCT 1 7 2Ui3 Date Date ayor, City of Auburn y , M1 • I N S T R U M E N T A T I O N • C O N T R 0 l S • T E L E M E T R Y Proposal TSJ September 5, 2013 Job Number: 7320 Technical Systems To: Robert E. Lee, III Incorporated City of Auburn 2303 196th Street SW Project: City of Auburn Lynnwood.WA 98036 Tel.( 775569 SCADA Replacement Pro ject Fax:(425)7759074 rnfo®tsrcontrols corn Reference: Change Order#28B: Verdana SCADA Pricing Technical Systems, Inc. (TSI) is pleased to provide a quote for the above referenced project. TSI's price does not include tax or the cost to bond TSI's portion of the project. TSI's price for the scope of work detailed on the following page: $ 120,412.35 Terms: Net 30 FOB: Lynnwood, WA Freight: Prepaid and Allowed This quote is valid for 90 days. Please call with any question you may have concerning pricing or any technical questions. Sincerely, Andrew Palmberg, P.E. Project Manager Technical Systems, Inc. 2303 196th Street S.W. Lynnwood,WA 98036 Tel 425.775.5696 Dir 425.678.4104 Fax 425.775.9074 Email: andrewp(cT�.tsicontrols.com P:1 7000 series17320-Auburn SCADAIInvoice-CO-SOVIChange Orders128- White River, Verdona and Wells 2&6 Revised17320-CO-28B Verdana SCADA Pricing.doc - 1 - I N S T R L I M E N T A T 1 0 N • C O N 0 L S • t E L E M E T R Proposal TSI September 6, 2013 Job Number: 7320 Technical Systems To: Robert E. Lee, III Incorporated City of Auburn 2303 19611 Street SW Project: City of Auburn Lynnwood.WA 98036 Tel:(425)7755696 SCADA Replacement Project Fax:(425)7759074 i nto@tsi cont rocs.com Reference: Change Order#13A: Academy Booster PS SCADA Design,Panel and Local Programming Technical Systems, Inc. (TSI) is pleased to provide a quote for the above referenced project. Material for this project will be ready for installation by and field termination. TSI's price does not include tax or the cost to bond TSI's portion of the project. TSI's price for the scope of work detailed on the following page: $ 45,363.03 Terms: Net 30 FOB: Lynnwood, WA Freight: Prepaid and Allowed This quote is valid for 90 days. Please call with any question you may have concerning pricing or any technical questions. Sincerely, Andrew Palmberg, P.E. Project Manager Technical Systems, Inc. 2303 196th Street S.W. Lynnwood, WA 98036 Tel 425.775.5696 Dir 425.678.4104 Fax 425.775.9074 Email: andrewp(a�tsicontrols.com P:17000 series17320-Auburn SCADAdnvoice-CO-SO!'IChange Orders113A Academy Booster PS SCADA Design,Panel and Local Programming17320-CO-13A Academy Booster PS SCADA Design,Panel and Local Programming.doc -1 - I N S T R U M E N T A T I O N • C O N T R O I S • T I L E M I T R Proposal TSI August 8, 2013 Job Number: 7320 Technical Systems To: Robert E. Lee, III Incorporated City of Auburn 2303 196th Street SW Project: City of Auburn Tel:(425)775-5698036 96 SCADA Replacement Project Fax:(425)775-9074 infogts■controis com Reference: Change Order#28A: White River SCADA Pricing Technical Systems, Inc. (TSI)is pleased to provide a quote for the above referenced project. TSI's price does not include tax or the cost to bond TSI's portion of the project. TSI's price for the scope of work detailed on the following page: $ 56,825.00 Terms: Net 30 FOB: Lynnwood, WA Freight: Prepaid and Allowed This quote is valid for 90 days. Please call with any question you may have concerning pricing or any technical questions. Sincerely, Andrew Palmberg, P.E. Project Manager Technical Systems, Inc. 2303 196th Street S.W. Lynnwood,WA 98036 Tel 425.775.5696 Dir 425.678.4104 Fax 425.775.9074 Email: andrewp @tsicontrols.com P:17000 seriesl7320-Auburn SCADAIInvoice-CO-SOVIChange Orders128- White River, Verdona and Wells 2&6 Revisedl7320-CO-28A White River SCADA Pricing.doc -1 - Contract No.,Project No.and Project Title: AGC-401, C524A SCADA System Imp. Contractor Name and Address: Technical Systems Inc. 23030- 196th Street SW Lynwood, WA 98036 The Contractor is hereby directed to make the changes to the Contract as described herein. This document and all attachments are a supplement to the contract. All work,materials and measurements for the type of construction involved shall be in accordance . with the contract documents of the above named project unless stated otherwise in this change order. Summary of Proposed Changes: 1. Provide and install a new mangentic meter with transmitter at Green River PS. See ;.� attachment. 2. Provide various station equipment modifications at Well 5,Well 5A, and Lea Hill PS as outlined on attachement. 3. L&I permit extstenion and additional Electrical labor beyond anticipated completion date. 4. Provide programming and equipment modifications at Brannan Park LS in response to operational changes neccesitated by the Reddington Levee alterations. 5. Provide equipment modifications, plus associated programming at Academy PS (Reservoir 1). See attached. The Contract time is extended by 0 days. Sec. Sales Item Sch. No. Item Description Quantity Units Total Price Tax (+1-) Unit Price($) (+1-) (Y/N) C017-1 A 20 inch Magnetic Flow Meter at 1 LS $ 17,577.58 $ 17,577.58 Y Green River PS C017-2 A Well 5, Well 5A&Lea Hill PS 1 LS $ 33,915.62 $ 33,915.62 Y Modifications C017-3 A Out of Scope Electrical Items 1 LS $ 8,508.29 $ 8,508.29 Y C017-4 A Brannan Park PS Programming and 1 LS $ 26,588.72 $ 26,588.72 Y Equipment Modifications C017-5 A Academy PS Equipment 1 LS $ 11,670.13 $ 11,670.13 Y Modifications Subtotal $ 98,260.34 Washington State Sales Tax(9.5%)on applicable items $ 9,334.73 TOTAL $ 107,595.07 Base Amount Total inch.Tax 1. Total Cost this C/O $ 98,260.34 $ 107,595.07 2. Total Cost Previous CIO $ 312,97720 $ '342,710.03 3. Original Contract Amount $ 4,099,621.43 $ 4,489,085A7 4. Revised Contract Amount $ 4,-510,858.97 $ 4,939,390.57 This change order constitutes hill and complete compensation for all labor,equipment,materials,overhead,profit,any and all indirect costs,and time adjustment to perform the above described changes. All other costs are non-compensible. Contractor: ✓ Project Manager: 7 044_ Z;Date Utilities Engineer: Da1e City Engineer: A "SI io a f3 Date Approved by: `:Pr/ I en Myorp,' n Date I N S T R U M E N T A T I O N • C O N T R 0 1 S • T E L E M E T R Y Proposal TSJ August 11, 2013 Job Number: 7320 Technical Systems To: Robert E. Lee, III Incorporated City of Auburn 2303 196th Street Sw Project: City of Auburn Lynnwood.WA 98036 Tel:(425)775-5696 SCADA Replacement Project Fax:(425)775-9074 intoytsisontrofs com Reference: Change Order#26: 20 inch Mag Flow Meter for Green River PS Pricing Technical Systems,Inc. (TSI)is pleased to provide a quote for the above referenced project. Material for this project will be ready for installation and field termination by TSI. TSI's price does not include tax or the cost to bond TSI's portion of the project. This flow meter had a 2 to 3 week lead time at the time of quotation. TSI's price for the scope of work detailed on the following page: $ 17,577.58 Terms: Net 30 FOB: Lynnwood, WA Freight: Prepaid and Allowed This quote is valid for 90 days. Please call with any question you may have concerning pricing or any technical questions. Sincerely, Andrew Palmberg, P.E. Project Manager Technical Systems, Inc. 2303 196th Street S.W. Lynnwood,WA 98036 Tel 425.775.5696 Dir 425.678.4104 Fax 425.775.9074 Email: andrewpCa�tsicontrols.com P:17000 series17320-Auburn SCADAIInvoice-CO-SOVIChange Orders\26-20 inch Mag Flow Meter for Green River PSI7320- CO-26 20 inch Mag Flow Meter for Green River PS Pricing.doc -I - I N S T R U M E N T A 1 1 0 N • C O N T R O L S • T E L E M E T R Y Proposal TS I August 11, 2013 Job Number: 7320 Technical Systems To: Robert E. Lee, III Incorporated City of Auburn 2303 196th Street SW Project: City of Auburn Lynnwood.WA 98036 Tel.SCADA Replacement Project Fax+(425)775-9074 tnfo@ts∎controts.com Reference: Change Order#29: Wells 5, 5A & Lea Hill Modifications Technical Systems, Inc. (TSI) is pleased to provide a quote for the above referenced project. Material for this project will be ready for installation and field termination by TSI. TSI's price does not include tax or the cost to bond TSI's portion of the project. TSI's price for the scope of work detailed on the following page: $ 33,915.62 Terms: Net 30 FOB: Lynnwood, WA Freight: Prepaid and Allowed This quote is valid for 90 days. Please call with any question you may have concerning pricing or any technical questions. Sincerely, Andrew Palmberg, P.E. Project Manager Technical Systems, Inc. 2303 196th Street S.W. Lynnwood, WA 98036 Tel 425.775.5696 Dir 425.678.4104 Fax 425.775.9074 Email: andrewp(a�tsicontrols.com P:17000 seriesl7320-Auburn SCADA(Invoice-CO-SOVIChange Orders129- Wells 5, 5A &Lea Hill Modifications17320-CO-29 Wells 5,5A&Lea Hill Modcations.doc - 1 - I N S T R U M E N T A T I O N • C O N T R O L S • T I L L M E T H r Proposal TSI August 11, 2013 Job Number: 7320 Technical Systems To: Robert E. Lee, III Incorporated City of Auburn 2303 196th Sheet SW Project: City of Auburn Lynnwood.WA 98036 SCADA Replacement Project Fa (4255 775-5696 P J Fax::(425)775-9074 nfogtstcontrocs.com Reference: Change Order#31: Additional Electrical Out of Scope Items Technical Systems, Inc. (TSI) is pleased to provide a quote for the above referenced project. TSI's price does not include tax or the cost to bond TSI's portion of the project. TSI's price for the scope of work detailed on the following page: $ 8,508.29 Terms: Net 30 FOB: Lynnwood, WA Freight: Prepaid and Allowed This quote is valid for 90 days. Please call with any question you may have concerning pricing or any technical questions. Sincerely, Andrew Palmberg, P.E. Project Manager Technical Systems, Inc. 2303 196th Street S.W. Lynnwood, WA 98036 Tel 425.775.5696 Dir 425.678.4104 Fax 425.775.9074 Email: andrewp @tsicontrols.com P:17000 series17320-Auburn SCADAIInvoice-CO-SOVI Change Orders131-Additional Electrical Out of Scope Items 17320- CO-31 Additional Electrical Out of Scope Items.doc -1 - I N S T R U M E N T A T I O N • C O N T R O l S • T E L E M I T R Y Proposal TSI August 29, 2013 Job Number: 7320 Technical Systems To: Robert E. Lee, III Incorporated City of Auburn 2303 196tn Street SA Project: City of Auburn rec(429�7t75-569x6 SCADA Replacement Project Fax:(425)7759074 Into@'tSICont rOIS.COm Reference: Change Order#30: Brannan Park Storm Lift Station Modifications Technical Systems, Inc. (TSI) is pleased to provide a quote for the above referenced project. Material for this project will be ready for installation and field termination by TSI. TSI's price does not include tax or the cost to bond the project. TSI's price for the scope of work detailed on the following page: $ 26,588.72 Terms: Net 30 FOB: Lynnwood, WA Freight: Prepaid and Allowed This quote is valid for 90 days. Please call with any question you may have concerning pricing or any technical questions. Sincerely, Andrew Palmberg, P.E. Project Manager Technical Systems, Inc. 2303 196th Street S.W. Lynnwood, WA 98036 Tel 425.775.5696 Dir 425.678.4104 Fax 425.775.9074 Email: andrewp a(�.tsicontrols.com P:17000 series17320-Auburn SCADA Invoice-CO-SO'IChange Orders130-Brannan Park LS Modiftcations17320-CO-30 Brannan Park LS Modifications Pricing.doc - 1 - I N S T R U M E N T Al 1 0 N • C O N T R 0 t S • T E L ( M I T R Y Proposal TSI September 5, 2013 Job Number: 7320 Technical Systems To: Robert E. Lee, III Incorporated City of Auburn 2303 196tH Street SW Project: City of Auburn Lynnwood.WA 98036 TO(425)7755696 SCADA Replacement Project Fax.(425)7759074 infotinsicontrois.Com Reference: Change Order#32: Academy West BPS Modifications Technical Systems, Inc. (TSI) is pleased to provide a quote for the above referenced project. Material for this project will be ready for installation and field termination by TSI. TSI's price does not include tax or the cost to bond TSI's portion of the project. TSI's price for the scope of work detailed on the following page: $ 11670.13 Terms: Net 30 FOB: Lynnwood, WA Freight: Prepaid and Allowed This quote is valid for 90 days. Please call with any question you may have concerning pricing or any technical questions. Sincerely, Andrew Palmberg, P.E. Project Manager Technical Systems, Inc. 2303 196th Street S.W. Lynnwood, WA 98036 Tel 425.775.5696 Dir 425.678.4104 Fax 425.775.9074 Email: andrewp(cDtsicontrols.com P:17000 series17320-Auburn SCADA\Invoice-CO-S01"IChange Orders132-Academy West BPS Modifications17320-CO-32 Academy West BPS Modifications.doc - 1 - CRYOl Y AUBURNPeter B. Lewis, Mayor WASHINGTON 25 West Main Street * Auburn WA 98001 4998 * www.auburnwa.gov * 253-931-3000 December 10, 2013 Gary Conley Technical Systems, Inc 2303 196'h Street SW Lynnwood, WA 98036 RE: Amendment No. 2 to Agreement for Professional Services, AG-C-401 Project No. C524A, SCADA System Improvements Dear Mr. Conley: Enclosed please find an executed original of the above-referenced Amendment No. 2. This amendment is for a time extension only. This amendment extends the term of the agreement to December 31, 2014. For the City's tracking and record keeping purposes, please reference AG-C-401 and Project No. C524A on all correspondence and related material. Our records indicate that your Professional Liability Insurance, as required in Article XVIII Section 8.1 of the original agreement is expired. Please mail the required certificate(s) of insurance, within two weeks, to Amanda DeSilver, Contracts Administration Specialist, Community Development & Public Works Department, at the address noted at the top of this letterhead. As the project manager, I am the designated contact for this agreement and all amendments. Questions, assignments and coordination shall be routed through me. You can contact me at 253-804-5071. Sincerely, s . Robert E. Lee, III Project Engineer Community Development & Public Works Dept. RL/ad/mh Enclosure cc: Dani Daskam, City Clerk (copy letter only) AG-C-401 C524A (2.20) AuistiRN MORl I I IAN YOt J IMA(JIM I) CITY OF AUBURN ' I N r / CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AGREEMENT NO. 15 Contract No., Project No. and Project Title: AGC-401, C524A SCADA System Imp. Contractor Name and Address. Technical Systems Inc. 23030 - 196th Street SW Lynwood, WA 98036 The Contractor is hereby directed to make the changes to the Contract as described herein. This document and all attachments are a supplement to the contract. All work.materials and measurements for the type of construction involved shall be in accordance with the contract documents of the above named project unless slated otherwise in this change older. Summary of Proposed Changes. C C/71 OP 1 Replace 22nd Street LS and R Street LS with Dogwood LS and Auburn 40 LS�on the,project Ur_ LJ Site Improvement List. Additional cost includes site layout design, controllstrategycancl/% SCADA panel modifications for the new sites. See attachment. '''-J 1 o ��F/P,6-- 20/J The Contract time is extended by 0 days. Sales Item Sch.Sec. No. Item Description Quantity Units Total Price Tax (+/-) Unit Price ($) (+l-) (YIN) Dogwood LS & Auburn 40 LS 015-1 A Improvement Additions 1 LS $ 48,655.00 $ 48,655.00 Y Subtotal $ 48,655.00 Washington State Sales Tax (9.5%) on applicable items $ 4,622.23 TOTAL $ 53,277.23 Base Amount I ,o.:ATOtal,lnc(.Tax, 1. Total,Costthis C/O _ ..$' 148,655'00': ).$,: 53:227123 2. Total'Cost Precious C/O $ . 256,472.20, $Si 280037'06' 3. Originaltliritract Amount ' $ . '34,099,621.434 ($ 4:489;085747 4 Revised Contract Amount $ 4,404,74&63I a.'4$ 823:199;75' This change order constitutes full and complete compensation for all labor,equipment.materials,overhead,profit.any and all indirect costs,and time adjustment to perform the above described changes. All other costs arc non-compensiblle. Contractor _a/111/ ' 0 / Project Manager 1A.20% rile ry� /._ / g, r C zee' Utilities Engineer �_ � City Engineer ., „_,4, J,1,T/j_ % 4 Da1e Approved by �f $ 3 Date Mayor, C,', of Auburn ) Date €79) H:\Forms\ChangeOrder.xls INST R U M E N 4. 4 T 1 ' 0 N CONTROL 5 . 1' E 41' Ee M - E Proposal /� SI- July 14, 2013 Job Number 7320 V Technical Systems To. Robert E. Lee, Ill Incorporated City of Auburn 2303 196th Street SW Project: City of Auburn Lynnwood.WA 96036 Fa 1775-5696 SCADA Replacement Project Fa,:(425)7759014 mfoetstcontrols corn Reference: Change Order#16: Costs to Swap Sewer to Dogwood & Auburn 40 Technical Systems, Inc. (TSI) is pleased to provide a quote for the above referenced project. Material for this project will be ready for installation by others and field termination by others. TS1's price does not include tax or the cost to bond TSI's portion of the project. TS1•s price for the scope of work detailed on the following page: S 48.655.00 Terms. Net 30 FOB: Lynnwood, WA Freight: Prepaid and Allowed This quote is valid for 90 days. Please call with any question you may have concerning pricing or any technical questions. Sincerely, Andrew Palmberg, P E Project Manager Technical Systems, Inc. 2303 196th Street S W Lynnwood, WA 98036 Tel 425 775 5696 Dir 425.678.4104 Fax 425.775.9074 Email: andrewpno,tsicontrols corn P 17000series17320 Auburn.SCADAlJnroicc-CO-50V1Change Ordersll6-Costs to Swap Server to Dogtrot&&Auburn 4017320 CO-16 Coctc to Soap Sewer to Dogit cod&Auburn 90 doe 4 3 -iLP .9 ii �ECEIVED JUL 2 5 201 Contract No., Project No. and Project Title: AGC -401 C524A SCADA System Imp. City of Aubum Community Dev 8tRhli9Q(V1,% 4 and Address: Technical Systems Inc. 23030 - 196th Street SW Lynwood WA 98036 The Contractor is hereby directed to make the changes to the Contract as described herein. This document and all attachments are a supplement to the contract. All work, materials and measurements for the type of construction involved shall be in accordance with the contract documents of the above named project unless stated otherwise in this change order. Summary of Proposed Changes: 1. Conversion of the following sites are deleted from the Contract: D Street Sewer Lift Station, Wells 5B, 3A, 3B, and 1. Conversion of the following sites are added to the Contract: Ellingson Sewer Lift Station, Academy Booster Pump Station, Terrace View Booster Pump Station, and Lakeland Hills Booster Pump Station /Reservoir 5. The net change in cost associated with these deletions and additions is zero. 2. The Contractor shall provide and install an additional PLC and Radio at the City Maintenance and Operations Facility. 3, The Contractor shall repair broken conduits at the Brennan Park Site, as needed to complete the SCADA conversion. This work shall be paid per 1 -09.6 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications, M41- 10. 4. Replacement of the flow meter at the Green River Pump Station is deleted from the Contract for a net credit to the City. 5. The flow meter trasnmitter at the Green River Pump Station shall be replaced per the attached scope of work. 6 The additional cyberlock installation added to the Contract by Change Order 3 has been determined to not be needed and is removed from the Contract. The Contract time is extended by 0 days. Subtotal $ (� Washington State Sales Tax (9.5 %) on applicable items $ (1,137.75) TOTAL $ (13,114.06) -,Base Amount = -. `.T Total.lnd. Tax; -. 14&T6tal Cost this rEc 11,976.31 1$ =-(13;114.06) 2TOtaI. Cost - Previous C /O' •- $ ° . ="`633,837:92` Sales Item Sch. IS ec. No Item Description Quantity Units Total Price Tax ( +I -) Unit Price ($) ( +l -) (YIN) C019 -1 Additional PLC and Radio 1 LS $ 5,482.99 $ 5,482.99 Y C019 -2 Brannan Park Conduits Repair 1 LS $ 1,969.58 $ 1,969.58 Y Green River Pump Station Flow C019 -3 Meter 1 LS $ (17,577.58) $ (17,577.58) Y Green River Pump Station Flow C019 -4 Meter Transmitter 1 LS $ 4,848.70 $ 4,848.70 Y Additional Cyberlock Installation - 0019 -5 1 Complete -1 LS $ 6,700.00 $ (6,700.00) Y Subtotal $ (� Washington State Sales Tax (9.5 %) on applicable items $ (1,137.75) TOTAL $ (13,114.06) -,Base Amount = -. `.T Total.lnd. Tax; -. 14&T6tal Cost this rEc 11,976.31 1$ =-(13;114.06) 2TOtaI. Cost - Previous C /O' •- $ ° . ="`633,837:92` '$,694;052:52i; 3A-Ori"inal Contract Amount " a_- -$ KW : 91099,621.'43' .$A4f489,085.47g 4?Ulevised Contrail Amount; 17 $ `? 4;721;483 04 a$&5'e17,0 023'.93? This change order constitutes full and complete compensation for all labor, equipment, materials, overhead, profit, any and all indirect costs, and time adjustment to perform the above described changes. All other costs are noncompensible. Contractor: Project Manager: Utilities Engineer: City Engineer: Approved by: CITY OF AUBURN CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AGREEMENT NO. 20 Contract No., Project No. and Project Title: AGC -401, C524A SCADA System Imp. Contractor Name and Address: Technical Systems Inc. 23030 - 196th Street SW Lynwood, WA 98036 The Contractor is hereby directed to make the changes to the Contract as described herein. This document and all attachments are a supplement to the contract. All work, materials and measurements for the type of construction involved shall be in accordance with the contract documents of the above named project unless stated otherwise in this change order. Summary of Proposed Changes: The contract warranty period shall commence on the day final acceptance is granted by the City Council and shall have a duration of 365 calendar days. The Contract time is extended by 0 days. Item Sch. ec. No Item Description Quantity ( + / -) Units Unit Price ($) Total Price ( + / -) N/A 3 inallCotract ;Amuont _$ 4T099T6 1 $248085r49 489T 73/ 4 i $ Subtotal Washington State Sales Tax (9.5 %) on applicable items TOTAL $ $ $ This change order constitutes tidI and complete compensation for all labor. equipment, materials. overhead, profit. any and all indirect costs. and time adjustment to perform the above described changes. All other costs are nun- contpensible. Contractor: - /f��` �Z' 9 -ZO141 e Project Manager: c--• .i.li /Z /o Utilities Engineer: City Engineer: Approved by: ny` ' Mayor, i9jAuhurn o "` t ot`alli1BaseXnoun _kTx g 1 T,6t6ltCd's_tIthis:6/0 2 T;otallCost {Pre_v_lous C70 x I$ 62i1-86ffil !$ 617QTT902383i._, 3 inallCotract ;Amuont _$ 4T099T6 1 $248085r49 489T 73/ 4 i This change order constitutes tidI and complete compensation for all labor. equipment, materials. overhead, profit. any and all indirect costs. and time adjustment to perform the above described changes. All other costs are nun- contpensible. Contractor: - /f��` �Z' 9 -ZO141 e Project Manager: c--• .i.li /Z /o Utilities Engineer: City Engineer: Approved by: ny` ' Mayor, i9jAuhurn o "` AMENDMENT #1 TO AGREEMENT NO AG-C-401 BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND TECHNICAL SYSTEMS, INC RELATING TO PROJECT NO C524A, SCADA SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS Y" THIS AMENDMENT is made and entered into this q� day of , 2012, by and between the CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington (hereinafter referred to as the "CITY"), and Technical Systems, Inc (hereinafter referred to as the "CONSULTANT'), as an Amendment to the Agreement between the parties for AG-C-401 executed on the 18th day of May 2011 The changes to the agreement are described as follows: 1 CONTRACT TERM: The term of the Agreement for Consultant and Technology Services is extended to December 31, 2013. 2. SCOPE OF WORK. There is no change in the scope of work. 3. COMPENSATION: There is no change to the amount authorized in the original agreement and subsequent change orders. REMAINING TERMS UNCHANGED: That all other provisions of the Agreement between the parties for AG-C-401 executed on the 18th day of May, 2011 shall remain unchanged, and in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. TECHNICAL SYSTEMS, INC CI MOURN By, —, Authorized siginature Peter B. Lewis, Mayor ATTEST (Optional), ATTEST By. Its: Q ZJ Danielle E. Daskam, Auburn City Clerk Approved as to form (Optional): Approv 'as t rm: Attorney for (Other Party) Da iel B. Heid, Auburn City Attolney Amendment No. 1 for Agreement No. AG-C-401 Technical Systems, Inc Page 1 of 1 AMENDMENT #2 TO AGREEMENT NO. AG-C-401 BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND TECHNICAL SYSTEMS, INC RELATING TO PROJECT NO. C524A, SCADA SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS / THIS AMENDMENT is made and entered into this 6 day of �'GCla,4 , 2013, by and between the CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington (hereinafter referred to as the "CITY"), and Technical Systems, Inc (hereinafter referred to as the "CONSULTANT"), as an Amendment to the Agreement between the parties for AG-C401 executed on the 18th day of May 2011, and amended by agreement dated the 8th day of November 2012. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: 1. CONTRACT TERM: The term of the Agreement for Professional Services is extended to December 31, 2014, 2. SCOPE OF WORK: There is no change in the scope of work. 3. COMPENSATION: There is no change to the amount authorized in the original agreement and subsequent change orders. REMAINING TERMS UNCHANGED: That all other provisions of the Agreement between the parties for AG-C-401 executed on the 18th day of May 2011 shall remain unchanged, and in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. TECHNICAL SYSTEMS, INC CITY OF A t = - By: Authorized signature Pe er B. Lewis, Mayor ATTEST (Optional): ATTEST: By: 11, f * 1t� ! Its: Danielle E. Daskam, Auburn City Clerk Approved as to form (Optional): Approv d .s to" •__Ath Attorney for (Other Party) Daniel B. Heid, Auburn City Attor -y Amendment No. 2 for Agreement No. AG-C-401 Technical Systems, Inc Page 1 of 1