HomeMy WebLinkAbout4719 RESOLUTION NO. 4 719, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE 'A COOPERATIVE PURCHASING AGREEMENT WITH THE U.S. COMMUNITIES FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING GENERAL SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT WHEREAS, The City of Auburn has an ongoing need to purchase goods and equipment; and WHEREAS, the U.S. Communities government purchasing alliance is a nonprofit government purchasing cooperative, founded by the National , Association of Counties, National League of Cities,, Association of School Business Officials International, the United Conference of Mayors, and the National Institute .of Governmental Purchasing. As part of the alliance, certain public agencies agree to act as "lead public agencies" that enter. into competitively-bid contracts for general supplies and equipment; and WHEREAS, RCW 39.34.020 allows the City to enter into agreements with other public agencies, including those from other states, to cooperatively purchase supplies, and equipment; and WHEREAS, participation in the U.S. Communities program does not obligate the City to make any purchases, and does not cost the City anything to participate. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Resolution No. 4719 June 15, 2011 Page 1 of 2 Section 1. That ttie Mayor is hereby authorized to register the City as a Participating Public Agency with the U.S. Communities program on terms in substantial conformity with the terms attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein, for the purpose of utilizing U.S. Communities' contracts with various vendors. Section 2. That the Mayor is authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation: Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this day of J , 2011. CI OF AUBUR - . T- - PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST: D ielle E. Daskam, City Clerk . F ORM: APP M.TO Dan el B. Heid, City Attor Resolution. No. 4719 June 15, 2011 Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT A u U.S. COMMUNITIES GOVERNMENT PURCHASING ALLIANCE MASTER INTERGOVERNIVIENTAL COOPERATIVE PURCHASING AGREEMENT This Master Intergovernmental Cooperative Pwchasing Agreement ("AgreemenYis made between certain government agencies that execute a Lead Public Agency Certificate (collectively, "Lead Public Agencies") to be appended and made a part hereof and other government agencies-("Participating Public Agencies") that agree to the terms and conditions hereof through the U.S. Communities registration process and made a part hereof. RECITALS WHEREAS, after a competitive solicitation and selection process by Lead Public Agencies, in compliance with their own policies, proCedures, rules and regulations, a number of suppliers (each, a"Contract Supplier") have entered into Master Agreements with Lead Public Agencies to proyid.e a variety of goods, products and services based on national and international volumes (herein "Products and Services"); WHEREAS, Master Agreements aze made ay4la6le by Lead Public Agencies.lhrough U.S. Communities and provide that Participating Public Agencies may purchase Products and Services on the same terms, conditions and pricing as the Lead Public Agency, su6ject to any applicable local purchasing ordinances and the laws of the State of purchase; WHEREAS, the partie.s desire to compiy with the requirements and formalities of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act as may be appiicable to thelaws of the State of purchase; WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to conserve resources and reduce procurement cost; WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and economy of the procurement of necessary Products and Services; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained in this Agreement, and of the mutual benefits to result, the parties agree as follows: 1. That each party. will facilitate the cooperative procurement of Products and Services.. 2. That the procurement of Products and Services subject to this Agreement shall be conducted in accordance with and subject to the relevant statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations that govern each party's procurement practices. 3. That the cooperative use of solicitations obtained by a party to this Agreement shall be in accordance with the terms and condi6ons of the solicitation, except as modification of those terms and conditions is otherwise allowed or required by ' applicable law. 4. That the Lead Public Agencies will make available, upon reasonable request and subject to convenience, information which may assist in improving the effectiveness, efficiency and economy of Participating Public Agencies' procurement of Products and Services 5. That the Participating Public Agency will make timely payments to the Contract Supplier for Products and Services received in accoriiance with the terms and conditions of the-procurement. Payment, inspections and acceptance of Products and Services ordered by the Participating Public Agency shall be the exclusive obligation of such Participating Public Agency. _ Disputes between the Participating Public Agency and Contract Supplier are to be resolved in accord with the law and venue rules of the State of purchase. . 6. The Participating Public Agency shall not use this Agreement as a method for obtaining additional concessions or reduced prices for similar products or services. . 7. The Participating Public Agency shall be responsible for the ordering of Products and Services under this Agreement. A Lead Public Agency shall notbe liable in any fashion for any violation by a Participating Public Agency, and the Participating Public Agency shall hold the LeadPublic Agency harmless from any liability that may arise from action or inaction of the:Participating Public Agency. 8. The exercise of any rights or remedies by the Participating Public Agency shall be the exclusive obligation of such Participating Public Agency. 9. This Agreement shall remain in effect until termination by a party giving thirty (30) days prior written notice to U.S. Communities at 2033 N. Main Street, Suite 700,. Walnut Creek, CA 94596. 10. This Agreement shall b'ecome effective after execution of the Lead Pu6lic Agency Certificate or Participating Public Agency registration, as applicable. Resolu£ion No. 4719 Exhibit A June- 15, 2011 Page 1 of 16 , i LEAD P1UBY.gC AGENCY CERTIWCATE I hmby adanowledge, on behalf'of USD 259, Wichita Pnblic Sdiools, KS (the "Lead Pablic Agenc.y') tat i have read end agree to the ganeral terms ana cflnditions set fortli m the enclosed Mascer . Intergovernmentai Cooperative Pdmbssmg A.grecuea (MICpA) ' ~ the use of the Master pgeemeM and pmchase of Products that fmm time to time are mada avaflable by I.ead Public Agency to participatuig PulSlic Agencies natiomwide thrbugh U.S. Communities. Copies of Master Apements and aay ame,ndments theneto made ayaflable by Lead Public Agency vvill be pi+ovided to Veadors aad U.S. Commtmities to facilitate use byParticipating Pablic Agencies. I rmdmtemd dat the punchase of one or "mare Prodacts under the provisions of the MICPA is at the sole . and complete dscredon of the ParticoWng Pablic Agency. Sigaadu+e - Darren C. Muci RFP 02-04-011 BOE Agproval 1/13/03 Name and T'rtle of SWa Date Reaolution No. 4719 Exhibit A June 15, 2011 Page 2 of 16 LEAD PUHLIC AGENCY CERTJXCATE : I hereby eclmawIedge, on behalf af the County af MarEoopa, ArimniL (tiw %=d Pnb11c AgencY'l th84 ( ~ . have read and vee ta the generai teras and eoncEitivns sat fnrtti in the enelvsed Maswr incergcvcrnmencal Coopacativc ftrohasing AgreU1nc11t (MICPA) regatating the use of the Master Agmernents and purohase at Pivduets that ftvrn thne to tbue ate made.avaUableby I,ead Public Ageecy to Participating Publie Agencies nationvride. thm* U.S. Communitias. Copies of Master Agreomem and srry amendments therem made availabte by I.ead Pab[ic Agency wil) be pQOVided to Vendars snd U.S. Cmmmnnlties to fasilitatc use by . Pardcipating PhibIic Ageva{es. i aAdmtand tbat the purcbase vf one or mom Prvducts aaclw the provfsiats of fhe MICPA is at te sole and eampteto dfsaredon of t'hx Part)ckwting Public Agency. rV s ' . Authar2cd Mixnature , ' ~C5 e,. ~ ~ , • Nane d 1itIe o ; • . ~ ~ • . ~ Resolution No. 4719 . Bxhibit A June 15, 2011 Bage 3 of 16 . LEAD PUBLIC AGENCY CERTII+'ICATE T hereby aclmowledge, on behalf of tht City of Charlofte (Mecklenbnrg County) (the "Lead Public Agency') that I have reacl aad agree to the general teras and conditions set forth in the enclosed Master Intezgovermneatal Coaperative Purchasing Agreement (MICPA) regulating the vse of the Master Agreements and purchase of Pzoducts that from tune to time are: made available by Lead Public Agrncy to Participating Public Agancies naaoiiwide throug6 U.S. Communitirs. Copies of Master Agreements.and aay ariiendmeats thereto imade-available by Lead PiibliaAgency will be provided ro Vendors and U.S. Comrnunities to Facitiiate use by Parrticipating Public Agencies. I understaad that the purchase of one or more Pioducts tmder the pravisi9us of tfle MIGPA is at the soIc and complete discretion of the Participating Public Agency. Au ized Signature =✓Gw c SEFRv=e.i T'ame and Title of Signer Date Re801UtiOn NO. 4719 ' Exhibit A June 15, 2011 Page 4 of 16 LEAD PUBLIC AGENCY CERTIFICATE - I hes'eb9 admoviedge, on behalf of Ha&cd Oqandy Pubic Sc.hools, lyID (tbe "I.ead Pnblic Agmcyl) tld I bxye rod aod agree tD ft geoO-81 ~ aad con~itions set forth m ft euclosed Master Iaterpvemm~l CoWmativ+e Fmhumg A~gce=ent (iVIICPA) ngalatLmg the m af ft Master Agree~s ami pumhase of Pnda= tlat firum.tiam to tiime are made;available by.Lead Pubiic Agency bo Pa rt Padilic AgeuQes naIIbnwitle tbtoagh U.S. Cammmitiss. C#es of.Mast.et Agmements and aay ammdmeats them made available by Lead,Pnblic Apgcy wM tie provided to Vendats and U.S. Comumunities to bcilitate use bq Partia4aftPablie Agencies. . IwWauand that the pudiase of aae or mdme Prodacts mnder the pi+odisions of the MICPA is at the sole and cmplete discnetion of tle Participatinig PubliC Ageacy. - Signature - _ ..ldHV If N and " ~jg~er- i D b 03 Reaolution No. 4719 Exhibit A June 15, 2011 ' Page 5 of 16 i i EXAMPLE OF LEAD FUBLIC AGENCY CER CATE I hereby acknawledge, on behalf of the pubtic agency identified (the "Lead Pabiic Agency") that I have a+ead and agree to the generat terms and canditions set farth "m the enci Master Intergovernmenta] Caoperative Purchasing Agreement (MICPA) regulating the use of the t~ MasAgreements aad purchase of Products dtrtt from time bo time are made ava~7ablp by Lead Public Ageccy t~ P'articipatmg Public Agencies natiaawide thr~cgb U.S. Cammnniaies. Copies of Master Agreemems and anY amendmems there2o made avaiiable t~y Lead Pubiic Agency wfll be provided bD Suppliers and U.S. Com~mities tn fa~ciWate nse by Participatmg Public Age~cies. I undernand that tlse pw~chase of one or m,os~e Producta tmder t~e provisions af the- MICPA is at the sote and oomplete discretian of the Farticipai~g Pn6lic Ageac~r. ~ ~ i i ~ ~ ~ athorined Signawre, ~ead Goverument Agency ~ bX- Jue Sandoval, DivisstoTl~ Manager Pw+chasing & Convacctl Services Caumy of Las Ange~ Daae ~ I ~ I ~ I i - ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ I I Reaolution No. 4719 j Exhibit A j June 15, 2011 ~ Page 6 of 16 v@ ~A ~ I - LEAD PUBLICAGENCY CERTMeATE • I hereby ecknowledgey on:behalf of USD 239, Wichita Publiic Scfiools, KS (the "Lead Public Agency") Oat I have reatl and agrea to the genaiai tenms an+d conditions set kffth in #he enclosed Master Intergoveivmental ' Coaperative .Pur+chasmg Agreemem (MICPA) regulafmg the use of the Master Agreements and purchase of Products tliat from time to tiriie ara made available by Lead Pubtic Agency w , Participating Public Agencies nationwide through U.S. Gommunities. Capies of Master Agreements and any amendments thereto made available by I.ead Public Agency wi11 6e provided to Vendors and. U.S. Cammunities to facffitate use b,y Paiticipating Public Agencies. I undefstaad that the puuchase of one or more Produds uader 1ho provisionc of the MIGPA is at the sole and complete discretion of the Participating Public AgencY- . ~ Request for Proposal ROOFING SUPPLIES AND RELATED SERVICES Anthorized $igname No. 06-4002I IInified!Schoail District 259 - , Wichita :(RS):Public Schools _ BOE Apprwal 06/12/2006 Darrea Muci, Division Director Name and 1'itle of Signer ' June 14, 2006 ' Date Resolution No. 4719 Exhibit A June 15, 2011 Page 7 of 16 LEAD PUBLIC AGENCY CERTIFICATE 1 hereby acknowledge, on behalf of the Ciry of Los Angeles (the "Lead Public Agency") that I have read an_d agree to the general terms and conditions set forth in the enclosed Master Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement (1GIICPA) regulating the use of the Master Agreements and purchase of Products that from time to time are made available by Lead Public Agency to Participating Public Agencies nationrvide through U.S. -Communities. Copies of Master Ao eements and any amendments thereto made available.by Lead Public Agency will 6e provided to Suppliers and U.S. Communities to facilitate use by Participating Public Agencies. 1 understand that the purchase of one or more Products under the provisions of the MICPA is at the sole and complete discretion of the Participating Public Agency. X,"'A Authorized Signature, Lead Gove ent Agency , Date ~ Resolution No. 4719 ' Exhibit A June 15, 2011 Page 8 of 16 LEAD PUBLIC AGENCY CERTIFiGATE I hereby acknowledge, on behalf of the Dallas Counry, TX. (the "Lead Public Agency") that I have read and agree fo the general teriims and conditions set forth in the enciosecf Master Intergovemmental Cooperadve Purchasing Agreement (MICPA) regulating the use of the Master Agree.ments and purchase of Products that fram fime to time are made available by Lead Public Agency to Parcicipating Public Agencies nationwide tlerough U.S. Communities. Copies of Master Agreements and any amendments thereto made available by Lead Public Agency wi[1 be provided to Suppliers and U.S. Communities to facilitate use by Participatirig Public Agencies. I understand that the purchase of one or more Products under the provisions of the MICPA is at the sole and complete discretion of the Participating Public Agency. . , ~ Authonzed Signature, Lead ovemment Agency ~l~rern f~r' a7,~~~7 Date Reaolution No. 4719 Exhibit A June 15, 2011 Page 9 of 16 CALIFOItNIA STATEWII3E COMMUHITIES DEVELOPMENT AUTHQRITY CERTIFICATE I hereby acknowledge, on behalf of the Catifornia Statewide Communities Development Authority (the "Lead Public Agency"), that I have read aad agree to the general teims acid conditians set forth in the enclosed Master Intergovernmental Cooperarive Purchasing Agreement ("MICPA"} regulating the use of the Master Agieement and purchase af products (in this case, licenses) that &om time ta time are made available by the Lead Public Agency to Participating Public Agencies through U.S. Communities. Copies of the Master Agceement and any amendments tim-eto made available by Le$d Public Ageacy will be provided to Supplier, and U.S. Communities to facilitate use by Participa#ing Public Agencies. I understand that the purchase of vne or inare products (in this cese, licenses) under the provisions of the MICPA is at the sole and oomplete discretion of the Participating Public Agency. . ~ ^ . Al1thOYl7.et1 Sigt18lU1C, California Stahewide . Commwuties Develapment Authority S Title • . ~ ~~~v~ • . Date Resolution No. 4719 Exhibit A ~ . June'15, 2011 _ Page 10 of 16 IFB 08-Q30 SPECIAI PROVISIQNS APPENDIX 1 / EXHtBIT C LEAD PUBUC AGENCY CERTIFICATE LEAD PUBtIC AGENCY CERTIFlCATE I hereby acknawiedge, on beha!# of the public agency identifed (the "Lead Public Agency") that i fiave read snd agree to the genergt terms and concfitions set forth in the enClased Master lntergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement {MiCPA} regulatfng the use of fhe Master Agreements and purchase af Products that fram time to time are made available by te2d Pubtic Agency to Participating Public Agencies nationwide khrough U.S. Communities. Copies af Master Agreements and any amendments ifiereto made available by Lead Public Agency wil9 be provided to Suppliers and U.S. Communities to faclitate use by Participating Publoc Agencies. I understand that;he purchase of one ar more Rroducts underthe provisians of the 11+1(CPA is at the sole and complete.discretion ot the Participa6ng Piibfic Agency. . ean. Tistadt, Chief Operating OKcer Fairfax County Public Schocls Date Resolution No. 4714 Exhibit A June 15, 2011 Page 11 of 16 LEAD PU8L1C AGENCY CERTIFIGATE [ hereby acknowledge, on behalf of the City/Counry of Denv,er: (the. "Lead Public Agency") that I have read and agree to the general terms and conditions set forth in the enclosed MasteT Intergovemmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement (MICPA) regulating the use of the Master Agreemems and purchase of Products thai from time to time are made available by Lead Public Agency to Participating Public Agencies nationwide tkirough U.S. Communities. Copies of Master Agreements and any amendments thereto made ' available by Lead Public Agency will be provided to Suppliers and U.S. Communiries to facilitate use by Pa;ticipating Public Agencies. I understand that the purchase of one.or inore Products under ttie p;ovisions of the M1CPA is at the. sole and complete discretion of the Participating Public Agency. A orized Lead Gotnient Agency ace Resolution No. 4719 Exhibit A June 15, 2011 Page 12 of 16 Lead Public Agency Certificate LEAD PUBLIC AGENCY CERTIFICATE I hereby acknowledge, on behalf of the public agency identified (the 'Lead Public Agency') that I have read and agree to the general terms and condltions sef forth in ft enclosed Master Irrter+c~vemmental Cooperative Purdhasing Agreement (MICPA) regulating the.use of the Master Agreementts an.d purchase of Products that from time to dme are made available by Lead Public Agency fo Partiapating Pubifc Agencies natiarnNide thraugh U.S. Communibes: Copies of Master Agreements and any amendments thereto made available bytead, Public Agency will be provided to Suppliers and U.S. Cominunities to facilitate use by Participating Public Agencies. I understand that the purchase of one or more Products under the provisions ofi the MtCPA is at fhe sole and complete discretion of the Participating Public Agency. Authorized S nature, Lead Govemment Agency • 11S 2Wd Date Resolution No. 4719 Exhibit A June 15, 2011 Page 13 of 16 Lead Public Agency Certificate LEAD PUBLIC AGENCY CERTIFICATE I hereby acknowledge, on.behalf of the public agency identified (the "Lead Public Agency") that I have read and agree to the general terms and conditions set forth in the enclosed Master Intergovemmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement (MICPA) regulating; the use of the Master Agreements and purchase of Products that from time to time are made available by Lead Public Agency to, Participating Public Agencies nationwide through U.S. Communities. Copies of Master Agreements and any amendments thereto made available by Lead Public Agency will be provided to Suppliers and U.S. Communities to facilitate use by Participating Public Agencies. I understand that the purchase ofione bt more Products under the provisions of the MICPA is at the sole and complete discretion of the Participating Public Agency: Authoirized'Signa ure, Lead Gov rnment Agency . wa . oz Date ~ Reaolution No. 4719 Exhibit A June 15, 2011 Page 14 of 16 t Land Pub(ic AAency Certifisate LEAD PUBLIC AGENCY CERTWICATE I hereby ackrrowtedge, on behalf of Cobb Cotuity, Georgia (the W.ead Public AgenCy'), that 1 have read and agrse to the generai terms and condMons set forth in the enciosed Master , IrrtergovemmeMal Cooperaftve Purchasing Agreemern (°MICPA') regulaOng the use of ihe , Master Agreements and purohase of Products lhat irom time to time are made available by Lead Public Agency to Parptipating Public Agendes nationwide through U.S. Commuro'Ges. Copies of NOaster Agreemerrts and any amendments thereto:made available:by L-ead Public Agency wiU be provided to Supplies and U.S. Cominuniti" to faciBtate use by Patfiapating Public Agencies. I undarstand that the purchase of one ormore Products uncJer the pravisions oF the MlCPA is at the sole and compiete dfscredon of the ParticiFating Publ'~c Agency. Autharized Signature. Lead Public Agency 4. Printed Name et ~ Resolution No. 4719 • Exhibit A ' June 15, 2011 Page 15 of 16 I Lead Public ftency Certiffcate LEAD PUBLIC AGENCY CERTIF'ICATE I herebyacknowledge, on behalf of_City af _San Antonio PA' (the "Lead Public Agency) thaf t have read and agree to the generaf terms and conditians set forth in the enclosed Master Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement ("MICPA"} regulating the use of the Master Agreements and purchase df Products that from time to time are made avaflable by Lead Public Agency to i'articipating Public Agencles nationwide through U.S. Communities. Copies of MasterAgreements and any amendments thereto made available by Lead Public Agency will be provided to Suppliers and U.S. Cammunfies to facilitate use by Participating Public Agenaes. • I understand that the purchase of one or more Products under the provisions of the MICPA is at the sole and complete discretton of the Participating Public Agency. Y A orized Sign . Lead Public Agency Jan~e B. Carrtu Printed Name d Date Resolution No. 4719 Exhibit A June 15, 2011 ' Page 16 of 16