HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM II-AC ~ DRAFT DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE * ~HI~"I MAY 24, 2011 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Lynn Norman called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. in Annex Conference Room 2, located on the second floor of One East Main Street, Auburn, Washington. Committee Members present were: Chair Lynn Norman, Vice Chair Nancy Backus, and Member Rich Wagner. Staff present included: Mayor Pete Lewis, Planning and Development Director Kevin Snyder, Planning Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain, Assistant City Engineer Ingrid Gaub, Project Engineer Ryan Vondrak, Economic Development Manager Doug Lien, Planning Secretary Tina Kriss, and Support Clerk Bobbie Hodgkinson. Audience Members present were: Executive Director of the Auburn Downtown Association Kathleen Keator. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. Meeting Minutes -April 26, 2011 Vice Chair Backus moved and Chair Norman seconded to approve the consent agenda items as presented. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3-0 III. DISCUSSION A. Local Revitalization Funding Planning Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain presented a list of proposed projects to be considered for expending the remaining balance of the Local Revitalization Funding (LRF). The Promenade bids came in approximately $900,000 less than the Engineer's estimate which leaves a surplus of slightly more than $1,000,000. As outlined in the May 18, 2011 Memorandum to the Committee, staff brought forward four recommended projects to spend remaining LRF funds. A second list requests the Committee select the top 5 options as a contingency plan in the event favorable bids continue to result in surplus money to expend. There are three goals outlined to accomplish with the remaining funding: 1. Projects that can be put out to bid in a relatively short timeframe with minimal design to meet the bond required expenditure schedule of 75% of the LRF bonds by November 13, 2011 and 100% by May 13, 2012. 2. Project Nos. 1 and 4, and to a certain extent No. 3, that continue the downtown infrastructure improvements along Main Street connecting Historic Main Street with the Promenade and Plaza projects by replacing street lights to our new standard and providing additional street furniture consistent with the Promenade and Plaza. Page 1 Downtown Redevelopment Committee Minutes May 24, 2011 3. Complete the northwest corner of the City Hall block to be consistent with the new Plaza improvements. Committee reviewed and agreed on the four Staff Recommended Options. Committee also agreed to move No. 1 (Provide and install a signature art piece for downtown) from the second list to the Staff Recommended Options list. 1. Replace the existing teal downtown pedestrian lighting (62 total) 2. Design and construct improvements to the City Hall North Plaza 3. Install Pedestrian Kiosks (additional 2-3} 4. Provide Additional Street Furniture in Downtown 5. Provide and install a signature art piece for downtown = $TBD Chair Norman asked the Committee how they felt about the order on the second list, and Committee concurred that Nos. 2 to No. 7 would be readdressed at a later time if it is determined there are additional funds available. IV. INFORMATION A. Pedestrian Kiosk Walking Tour Weather permitted and Chair Norman adjourned the meeting at 4:18 p.m. for the Pedestrian Walking Tour. Participating were Chair Lynn Norman, Vice Chair Nancy Backus, Member Rich Wagner, Planning and Development Director Kevin Snyder, Planning Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain, Assistant City Engineer Ingrid Gaub, Economic Development Manager Doug Lien, and Support Clerk Bobbie Hodgkinson. A mockup kiosk, 7 ft. x 2 ft., was placed at each of the following locations with consideration given to the scale, placement (whether squared or on an angle), traffic and pedestrian flow, safety, sight distances, obstructions, etc: 1. NW corner of B Street and Main Street. 2. At the Justice Center on Main Street west of the main entrance, partially on the sidewalk. 3. B Street Plaza -Two kiosks, each offset with one located on each end of the Plaza, one at the NE corner and one at the SW corner. 4. 2nd and A Street SE at the NW corner. 5. Sounder Plaza /A Street SW-North of The Station Bistro on brickwork. 6. West Main and B Street on the SWside in front of the Historic Auburn Sign. SW corner of City Hall at Main Street and A Street NW. Chair Norman reconvened the meeting at 5:26 p.m. Following the Walking Tour, Committee and staff discussed the proposed locations. Ms. Chamberlain requested confirmation that it will be okay to have the kiosks all located on the one side of Main Street rather than staggered and noted that the group did not look at the location on Main Street across from the Justice Center. Chair Norman responded it is a valid point but it is more important to serve B Street than the other side of the street and expressed concern that the other side is shaded by trees and might not be visible enough. Perhaps at some point of accommodating the High School, other Page 2 Downtown Redevelopment Committee Minutes May 24, 2011 locations could be considered; this can be a line item in the budget, perhaps 2 or 4 per year. The kiosk map details are yet to be worked out. Chair Norman stated the scale is good but would like to see some universal signage on the map and suggested the sign at Main Street by the Sounder Station would be a good place to mention the Environmental Park and Interurban Trail. B. DRC Matrix Project Engineer Ryan Vondrak distributed a handout prepared by the consultant forthe South Division Street Promenade Project of a proposed project sign that will be placed on Main Street by the expanded Plaza for the project. The proposed sign shows the overall project streetscape design, anticipated construction schedule, and a contact number if anyone has questions. The sign will be approximately 4' x 8'. The Committee discussed adding other information to include the underground utilities, storm drainage, and other improvements, as well as showing where the funding came from, and indicate where the gateway arch is going to be located. Staff will take the input provided by the Committee and revise the proposed sign accordingly. Chair Norman noted Item 10, Downtown Incentives, on the Matrix is moved to June 28. Everything else remains the same. V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Downtown Redevelopment Committee, Chair Norman adjourned the meeting at 5:36 p.m. APPROVED THIS DAY OF Lynn Norman, Chair Bobbie Hodgkinson, Support Clerk Page 3