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WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of December 6,
2010, adopted Ordinance No. 6339 which adopted the City of Auburn 2011-2012
Biennial budget; and
WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of February 22,
2011, adopted-Ordinance No. 6351 which amended- Ordinance No. 6339 which
adopfed the- City of Aubum 2011:-2012 Biennial budget; and
WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of April 4, 2011,
adopted Ordinance No. 6352 which amended Ordinance No. 6351; and ,
WHEREAS, the City of Auburn deems it necessary to appropriate additional
funds to the various funds of the 2011 budget; and
WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been approved by one more than the
majorify of all councilpersons in accordance with RCW 35A.34.200.
Section 1. Amendment of the 2011-2012 Biennial Budget. The 2011-
2012 Biennial Budget of the City of Aubum is amended- pursuant to Chapter 35A.34
RCW, to reflect the revenues and expenditures as shown on Schedule "A" attached
Ordinance No. 6362
July 5, 2011
Page 1 of 3
hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The Mayor of the City of Aubum,
Washington is hereby authorized to utilize revenue and expenditure amounts
shown on said Schedule "A". A copy of said Schedule "A" is on file with the City
Clerk and available for public inspection.
Section Z. SeverabiBity. If any. provision of this Ordinance or the
application thereof to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid, the
remainder of such code, ordinance or regulation or the application thereof to other
person or circumstance shall not be affected.
Section 3. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation.
Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days fcom and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by law.
- PASSED: JUL,1 8 2011
APPROVED: _.1U _ 1
Ordinance No. 6362
July 5, 2011 -
Page 2 of 3
Danielle E. Daskam
City Clerk
aniel B. H ' City Attorney
Ordinance No. 6362
July 5, 2011
, Page 3 of 3
Schedule A
Summary ot Budget AdJuatments by Fund
Budget Amendment # S Ordinance 6382
Beg.Fund 2011 Ending Fund
General Fund (A001) Balance Revenues 2011 Expenditures 8alance
General Pund
Adopted Budget 17,763,365 49,883,903 55,139,320 8,487,938
BA#1 (Adopted• ordinance A8861F 48 000 135,380 (89,380)
BA#2 (Adopted; ordlnance p8352) 850,000 186,270 820,080 225,190
BAiKi (Proposed)
AdJ Beginning Fund Balance to Actual 2,988,999 2,968,899
Indirect Federal GraM -Ckizen Corps Coundl program 19,170 7 19,170
Indirect Federel Grant -Emergency ManagemeM Pertortnance GraM 57,520 2 57,520
KC Arts Commission-4CuRure GraM 12,000 9 12.000
KC Communky Services -Teen Aiter School progrem (60.000)4 (50,000)
Defenaive Dtiring Program- Reglatretlon Fees 6,000 S 6,000
Oefensive Driving Program- Trainfng Fees Reimbursement 1,600 5 1.600 .
Miscellaneous Revenue- Parks Training ReimbursemeM 1,180 6 1,180
Reduce Estimaled Transfer in from fund 118 to close Turn! (1.029) 7 (1.029)
Misc. Exp. Emetgency Mgrttl-Cilizen Cwps program 19,170 1 (79,170)
Annual Emergerxy Management Progrem- EMPG graM funded 57,520 2 (57,520)
Downtovm StorefroM Art Studio project funded by 4Cufture grarrt 12,000 3 (12,000)
Parks Rec -GraM funded Teen After Sdmol program-other wages, benefds,
supplies, professional services and reMals (50,000)4 50.000
DefensNe Driv(ng Progtam-Supplies, Lease, Certification 8 Training Fees 4.680 8 (4,660)
Comm. Svc Crew leader irnxease SaUBen from .5 FTE to 1.0 FTE 20,050 (20,050)
Misc. Exp. Parlca Recreatbn-Treining 1,180 8 (1,180)
StreetNegetaUon AAanager -50% SallBen to Storm Fund (40.000)8 40,000
ConsWction Projeds -Citywide way finding -move to Fund 330 (81,000) 67,000
Operating Transter Out to Fund 330-CP0676 -Citywide Way finding signage - 81,000 9 (61,000)
BAil9 Total 2,988,999 48,441 24,580 2,890,880
Revlsed BUdget 15,382,354 80,151,814 55,819,340 9,814,828
Total Resources / Expenditures 85,535,888 86,639,886
Beg. Fund 4011 Ending Fund
Arter1a18treet Fund (#102) Balance Revenues 2011 ExpendHurea Balance
Adopted Budget 383,118 13,210,200 13,328,300 285,018
BAp1 (Adopted; ordlnanrceA8351)
BA02 (Adopted; ordlnance /6352) 738,300 1,842,200 2,808,600 (30,000)
Bnixi (ProPosed)
Adj Beginning Fund Balance to Actual 647,826 847,928
Indirect Federal Grant Tw CP1104 100,000 10 100,000
Indired Federal Grant Tor Lea Hill Pedestrian Improvemerria 57,080 12 57,080
Indirect Federal Grant for AWS Cmridor Improvemetds -Phase 2 237,000 11 237,000
Cont►ibutions 8 Donations from MIT for AWS Cortidor Imp. Phase 2 59,250 11 59,250
' Trensfer In from Fund 328 tor CP1104 125,000 13 125,000
ConsGudion projects -CP1104 8th St NE 8 704th Ave SE IrKersedion 225,000 10,13 (225,000)
ConaWclion projects -Lea Hill Pedestrian Improvements 57,080 12 (57,080)
ConsUuction projects -371h St SE 8 R St SE Pedestrian Connedor 40,000 (40,000)
Constnu:tion proJecxs -AWS Corridor Improvements-Phase 2 - 296.250 11 (296,250)
BAN Total 647 926 678,330 818,330 807,928
Revlsed 8udget 1,787,344 18,830,750 18,685,130 842,844
Tofal Resourc.es I ExpendiW res 17,388,074 17,998,074
Beg. Fund 7011 Ending Fund
Local Street Fund (t108) Balance Revenues 2011 ExperMttures Batance
Adopted Budget 940,808 2,185,000 1,000,000 1,095,808
BA#7 (Adopted; ordlnanceA8351)
8A02 (Adopted; ordinance 08362) 400,000 388,218 1,784
9AN (Pmposed)
Adj Beginning Fund Balance to Adual 721,789 721,788
Increase ConsUuction projeds for 2009 AC Main Replacement projed (S110K),
2011 Local Street Pavemerrt Preservation -Phase 1($15K) and Phase 2 1'000'000 (1.222.~)
($875K) -
BNN Total 721,788 1,000,000 (278,231)
Revlsed Budget 2,082,676 2,166,000 3,398,218 819,389
Tofal Resources / Expendituras 4,417,675 4,217,575
Beg. Fund 2011 Ending Fund
Hotel Motel Fund (#704) Balance Revenues 2011 Expenditures Balance
Adopted Budget 118,126 106,800 209,000 16,726
BA#M (Adopted; orcfinanee#8S51)
B!1#2 (Adopted; ordinance 06362)
BM IPror+osedl
AdJ Beginning Fund Balance to Adual (20,274) (20,274)
Reduoe program expenses (75,000) 16,000
BA#3 Total (20,274) (16,000) (6,274)
Revlsed Budget 97,882 108,800 194,000 10,462
Total Resouroes / Expenditures 204,482 204,462
Beg. Fund 2011 Endlog Fuod
Arterlal Street Preservatlon Fund (0105) Belance Revenues 2011 Expendifures Balance
Adopted Budget 33,589 1,501,500 1,500,000 35,089
BA#1 (Adopted• ordinancep8361)
BA#2 (Adopted• ordlnance #8382) 8,000 6,000
BAM (Prorosed)
Ad) Beginning Fund Balance to Actual 472,761 - 412,761
BMp Total 412,761 412,781
Revlsed Budget 462,350 1,801,500 1,508,000 447,850
Total Resources / Expendkures 1,855,850 1,853,850
• Beg. Fund 2011 Ending Fund
Drug Forfeiture Fund (0117) Balance Revenues 2011 Expenditures Balance
Adopted Budget 710,847 498,700 488,010 515,297
BAA1 (Adopted• ordinanceA8381)
BAN (Adopted• ordinance 06362) 47,000 47,000
BAN IProPosedI
Adj Beginning Fund Balarice to Actual 1gg,633 168,633
BA#3 Total 188,833 168,853
Revlsed Budget 948,180 298,700 543,010 881.870
Total Resources J Expendkures 1,224,880 1,224,880
Bep. Fund 2011 Ending Fund
Local Law Enforcement Block Orant Fund (A118) Balaoce Revenues 2011 Expendltures Balanee
Adopted Budget 16,488 18,468
8A#1 (Adopted; ordinance 118351)
Ba#2 (Adopted• ordinanee 118352)
Adj Beginning Fund Belarxe W Adual (1,029) (1,029)
Raduce Estimeted Tranafer Out to dose fund (1,029) 7 1,029
8A#.t Total (1,029) (1,029)
Revised Budget 16,438 15,438
Total Resources / Expenditures 15,438 75,459
Beg. Fund 2011 Ending Fund
Housing and Community Development Grant Fund (1t719) Balence Revenues 2011 Expeodkures Balance
Adopted Budget 88,288 510,000 542,410 88,878
BA#1 (Adopted• ordinance p8361)
BA02 (Adopted• oMlnance 08352) (1,480) 1,480
Adj Beginning Fund Balance to Actual (55,987) (55,987)
BAM3 Total (65,887) (65,887)
Revlaed Budget 43,299 510,000 640,890 12,388
Total Resources / Expenditures 5bS,298 553,299
Beg. Fund 2011 Ending Fund
Recreatlon Trails Fund (0720) Balance Revenues 2011 ExpendiWres Balance
Adopted Budget 8,177 7,200 16,377
BM1 (Adopted; ordlnance 06361)
BAri2 (Adopted; ordinance q6352)
BAN (Proposed)
Adj Beginning Fund Balance lo Actual 17 17
BAM Total 17 17
Revlsed Budget 8,184 7,200 16,394
Total Resources I ExpendlWres 16,394 15,394
Beg. Fund 2011 Ending Fund
Business Improvement Area Fund (4121) Balance Revenues 2011 Expenditwes Balance
Adopted Budget 44,388 53,100 54,000 45,496
BA01 (Adopted; oMinance 08351)
BAN (Adopted; ordinance p8352) 512 (9,248) 28,000 (54,738)
BAN (ProPosed)
Adj Beginning Fund Balance to Adual (91) - (91)
BAN Total (81) (81)
Revlsed 8ud et 44 817 43,852 80,000 8,889
Total Resources Expen IWres 88,889 88,668
Beg.Fund 2011 Ending Fund
CumulaUve Reserve Fund (#722) 8alance Revenues 2071 Expenditures Balance
Adopted Budget 5,823,484 29,000 44,900 5,801,684
8A#7 (Adopted; ordinance A8381)
BAN (Adopted; ordinance A6362) 78,450 78,450
BAN 1Proposedl
Adj Beginning Fund 8alarnce to Adual 30,118 30,778
Opetating Trensfer Out to GoH Course - - 400,000 15 (400,000)
BAN Total 30,178 400,000 (388,882)
Revised Budget 5,792,032 23,000 623,360 5,291,882
Total Resourees / Expendltures 5,788,032 5,788,032
Beg. Fund 2011 Ending Fund
MWpatlon Fees Fund (A124) 8alance Revenues 2011 Expenditures Balance
Adopted Budget 3,444,873 800,000 2,878,200 1,685,775
BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance A8851)
BAN (Adopted; ortfinance #8952) 601,170 801,170
BAN (P►aaosed)
Adj Beginning Fund Balance to Adual 290,693 - - 290,693
BAA3 Total 290,889 280,893
Revlsed Budget 4,338,898 900,000 3,280,370 1,858,488
Tofal Resources / ExpendiWres 8,238,838 5,238,838
Beg. Fund 2011 Ending Fund
1898 Librery, Fund (8229) Balance Revenues 2017 Expenditures Balance
Adopted Budget 338,720 287,200 288,200 358,120
BA#7 (Adopted• ordinance q6351) _
BAfl2 (Adopted; ordinance #6352)
BAN (ProPOSed)
Adj Beginning Furid Balance to Adual (292,062) (292,082)
8AiR7 Total (292,082) (292,062)
Revised 8udget 46,088 287,200 288,200 47,056
Total Resources / Expenditures 533,258 333,288
Beg. Fund 2011 Ending Fund
2010 Annex A&8 Bond Debt FutM (4230) Balance Revenues 2011 Expendkures Balance
Adopted Budget 1,898,600 1,898,600
BAM (Adopted; ordinance 08351)
BAN (Adopted; ordinance 118352) 8M (ProPosed)
AdJ Beginning Fund Balarxe to Adual 104 104 '
BAM Totel 104 104
Revlso! Budget 104 1,898,800 1,898,800 104
Total Resources / Expenditures 1,895,704 1,885,704
Beg. Fund 2011 Ending Fumi
4010 CBD Local RevltallzaUon Debt Fund (0231) Balanee Revenues 2011 Expendltures Belance
Adopted Budget 62,500 684,500 684,300 82,700
BAf17 (Adopted; ordinance A8351)
BAA2 (Adopted; ordinance 98352)
BAN 1Proposedl
Adj Beginning Fund Balance to Actual 13,901 13,901
BA#.1 Total 15,901 13,901
ReWsed Budget 78,401 694,800 694,900 78,801
Tofal Resources / Expenditures 870,901 670,901
Beg. Fund 2011 Ending Fund
LID Ouarantee FunM (#249) Balance Revenues 2011 ExpendlWres Balance
Adoptei Budget 83,200 300 71,000 52,500
BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance 06351)
8A#2 (Adopted; ordinance 08952)
BA#3 (ProPOSed)
Adj Beginning Furui Balance to Actual 1,087 - 7,087
BAN Total 7 087 1,087
Revlaed Budget 84,287 300 11,000 53,887
Total Resources I Expendltures 84,587 84.887
Bep. Fund 2011 Ending Fund
lID 0260 (#280) Belance Revenues 2011 Expenditurea Balance
Adopted Budget 347 66,600 68,400 447
BAp1 (Adopted• ordinanee 06361)
BA#2 (Adopted• ordinance pe352)
BAN (ProP-ed)
Adj Beginning Fund Balance to Adual (39) (39)
BAN Total (39) (98)
Revlsed 8udget 308 68,500 86,400 408
Total Resources / ExpendlWres 58,808 56,808
. Beg.Fund 2011 Ending Fund
LID A380 (lC278) 8alance Revenues 2011 Expenditures Balsnce
Adopted Budget 7,300 7,900
BAX7 (Adopted• ordlnance 98351)
BAN (Adopted• ordinancelf8362)
BAN IProposedl
Ad) Beginning FutM Balance to Actual 630 830
8161A9 Tofal 830 e30
Revlsed Budget 830 7,300 7,300 830
Totel Resources / Expendltures 8,130 8,130
Beg.Fund 4011 Endinp Fund
Munkipal Par1c Constructlon Fund (0321) Balance Revenues 2011 Ecpenditurea Balance
Adopted Budget 374,588 18,088,200 19,281,700 201,888
BA#1 (Adopted• ordinance 08351)
BA#2 (Adopted; oMinance 08352) 219,120 2,225,280 2,444,400
AdJ Beginning Fund Balance to Adual (246,405) (248.405)
Irrterlocal Grent -KCCF (or parks acquisflions - 130.000 130,000
BAp3 Tofal (248,405) 130,000 (118,405)
Revlsed Budget 347,083 21,444,480 21,708,100 88,463
Totel Resources I Expendttures 21,791,589 21,781,683
Beg.Fund 2011 Ending Pund
Capltal ImprovemeMs Fund (0328) Balance Revenues 2011 Expendkures Balance
Adopted Budget 3,792,206 1,571,000 2,972,500 2,390,706
BA#7 (Adopted• ordinance 08351)
BA#2 (Adopted• ordinance p8352) 2,780,640 2,780.640
9A1p (P►aPosed)
Adj Begfnnirg Fund Balance to Acluel 552.079 552.079
Sound Transit sale IeasebaGc of parking spaces-Res.4654 1,379,710 1.379,710
Construdlon Projects -Reduce budget fw Traffic Calming 8 Traffic Signal Imp. (125,000) 125,000
Operating Transfer Out to Fund 102 for CP1704 - - 126,000 13 (725,000)
B/1R3 Total 882,079 1,379,710 1,851,788
Revlsed Budget 7,124,825 2,960,710 6,763,140 4,322,495
Total Resourc.es / ExpendHures 10,078,838 10,078,855
Beg. FwM 2011 Ending Fund
Local Revltallzatlon Fund (0330) Balance Revenuea 2011 Expenditures Balance
Adopted Budget 5,396,900 2,655,000 7,888,300
BAN1 (Adopted• ordinance A6S81)
BAA2 (Adopted• ordlnance 96352) (217,710) 838,000 820,290
BAtKi (proposed)
Ad} Beginning Fund Balance to Actual 7 7
Transfer In from Generel fund proJed casts for Citywide way finding -CP0616 61,000 8 81,000
DecreaseMMgetforPromenade-CP1005 (1.160,000) 1,160.000
Increase budget for City Hall Pleze -CP0922 85.000 (85,000)
Decrease budget for Building Demo -CP1014 (977) 977
Construdlon Projects -Ma(n St LIgM Replacernent 485.000 (485.000)
ConsWction Projects -Cily Hall North Plaza 475,977 (475,977)
ConsUuclion Projects -Dowrrtown Caprial Equipment 35.000 (35.000)
ConsUudion Projects -Doxmtown M 50,000 (50,000)
Conshudion Projects -CUywide way 8nding CP0816 -funded by Transfer In from
General tund $61 K and LRF $30K 91.000 9 (91,000)
BA1p Total 7 81,000 81,000 7
Revised 8udgat 5,117,887 3,452,000 8,888,590 7
Total Resources / ExpendiWres 8,568,597 8,588,597
Beg. Fund 2011 Ending Fund
Water Fund (4430) Batance Revenues 2011 Expenditures Balance
Adopted Budget 18,188,198 10,918,400 27,609,320 2,677,278
BAA7 (Adopted• ordinance 08351)
BAp2 (Adopted• ordinance 08352) 2,115,700 2,081,270 32,430
BM (P►aPosw)
AdJ Beginning Fund Balance to Actual 324,188 324,168
Build America Bonds Subsidy 162.500 182,500
Cell phone towers lease agreements 46,500 46,500
2010 Revenue Bond IMerest - 47,580 (47,580)
BAp3 Total 324,188 209,000 47,680 485,588
Revlsed Budget 21,806,087 11,127,400 28,838,170 5,095,297
Total Resources 1 Expenditures 32,733,487 32,739,487
Beg. Fund 2011 Ending Fund
Bewer Fund (#431) Balance Revenues 4071 Expenditures Balance
Adopted Budget 70,818,244 17,858,300 25,802,100 5,172,444
BA#1 (Adopted• ordinance q8351) 57,000 (57,000)
BA#2 (Adopted• oMinance #6352) 2,158,900 2,129,810 39,080
BAN IProPosedI
Adj Begiiming Fund Balanoe to Adual 3,046,835 3,046,835
Build /Unerica Bonds Subsidy 72.600 - 72.600
Insurance Recoveries 32.300 32,300
2010 Revenue Bond Interest 21.270 (21.270)
Sewer pump replacemeM & emergency sinkhole repairs 32,300 (32,300)
BA1Ki Total 3,048,835 104,900 59,570 5,088,185
Revlsed Budget 18,021,979 18,081,200 27,818,480 8,288,888
Total Resources / ExpendiWres 94,083,179 34,083,178
Beg.Fund 2011 Ending Fund
Storm Dralnage Fund (0432) Balanca Revenues 2011 Expenditures Balance
Adopted Budget 7,886,882 7,219,700 13,088,880 1,842,732
BAM (Adopted; oMinanee #8351)
BA1i2 (Adopted; ordinance 08362) 1,304,280 1,284,410 38,850
BM (ProPosed)
Adj Beginning Furb Balance to Actual 795,296 785,296
Build America Bonds Subsidy 60,800 60,800
2070 Revenue Bond IMerest 17,800 (77,800)
SireeWegetalion Manager -50% SalBen lo Stortn Fund 40,000 e (40.000)
BAiF3 Tofal 795,298 80,800 57,800 788,296
Revlsed Budget 9,788,538 7,274,800 14,388,160 2,880,878
Total Resources / Expenditures 17,070,038 17,070,038
Beg.Fund 2011 Ending Fund
Solid Waste Fund (R434) Balance Revenues 2011 Expendiwres Balance
Adopted Budget 800,408 9,813,800 8,883,470 430,738
8Afl7 (Adopted• ordinance A8951)
BA#2 (Adopted; ordinance 08352) (8,980) 8,890
BaM (P►cposed) •
Adj Beginning FwM Balance to Actual (24,716) - - (24,716)
Coordinated Preventlon Grant from DepartmerH oi Ecology 16,230 14 - 16,230
GreM funded supplies atW professional servioes program expenses - 16,230 14 (16,230)
BA1Y.i Total (24,718) 18,230 18,230 (24,718)
Revised 8udget 775,890 9,530,090 8,890,710 416,010
Total Resources I Expendkures 10,105,720 10,905,720
Bep. Fund 2011 Ending Fund
Alrport Fund (#498) Balance Revenues 2011 Expenditures Belance
Adopted Budgat 708,342 858,380 789,190 878,532
BAA7 (AdopEed• ordinance A6351)
BAI{2 (Adopted; ordinance p8382) 191,700 408,350 608,080 (10,030)
BM (ProPosedI
Adj Beginning Fund Belance to Actual 68,967 68,967
BAM Total 88,987 88,967
Revlsed Budget 968,009 1,045,730 1,377,270 837,489
Total Resources I Ezpenditures 2,014,759 2,014,738
Beg. Fund 2011 Ending Fund
Cemetery Fund (#456) Balance Revenues 2011 Expenditures Balance
Adopted Budget 300,328 924,800 1,078,850 148,198
BA#1 (Adoptel; ordinance 08351)
BA}Yl (Adopted; oMfnance A8382) (81080) 9,080
BAN (ProPosed)
Adj 8eginning Fund Balarice to Adual (178.199) (176,199)
Reduce Opereting Expenses-(supplles, small tools, professional servioes,
advertising & mairdenance - (28,500) 28,500
BA/13 Total (178,198) (28,500) (147,889)
Revlsed Budget 124,128 924,800 1,041,360 7,879
Total Resourc.es / Expendkures 1,048,929 1,048,828
Beg. Fund 2011 Ending Fund
Gofl Course Fund 0437) Balance Revenues 2011 Expendltures Balance
Adopted Budget 228,668 1,808,200 1,859,380 85,488
BA#1 (Adopted• ordinance A6961) -
BAN (Adopted; ordinance 06362) (10,840) 10,840
6M 1ProPosed1
Adj Beginning Fund Balance to Adual (224,916) (224,916)
OperaUng Transfer In trom Cumulative Reserve Fund 122 400,000 18 400,000
BAN Total (224,816) 400,000 175,084
Revlsed Budget 3,782 ' 2,208,200 1,948,840 281,412
Total Resources / Expendkures 2,208,952 2,209,852
Bep. Fund 2011 Ending Fund
Insurance Fund (Ab01) Balance Revenues 2011 Expendkwes Balance
Adopted Budget 2,405,089 3,700 58,700 2,748,088
8A01 (Adopted; oMinance ff6361)
BAN (Adopted• ordinance A8352)
BAq3 (proposed)
Adj Beginning Fund Balance to Actual (38,237) (36,237)
Uriemployment Claims - 720.000 (120,000)
BAN Total (38,237) 120,000 (166,237)
Revlsed Budget 2,388,832 3,700 178,700 2,181,832
Total Resourees ! Ezpenditures 2,970,532 2,370,532
Beg. Fund 2011 Ending Fund
Facllltles Fund (#605) 8alance Revenuea 2011 Expendkures Balance
Adopted Budget 307,839 5,889,300 3,980,400 348,439
BA#i (Adopted; ordlnancel18361)
BAN (Adopted; otdinance tf8352) 50,000 28,790 81,110 (4,320)
BAN (ProPosed)
AdJ Begirming Fund Batarwe to Adual 377,405 377,405
Sound Transfl parking apace expense reimbursement 72.000 12,000
Insurarice Recovery for struxtural repafrs al Aubum Theater 22.000 22.000
Reduce parlcing spece lease expense - - [43M 43.000
BAN Total 377,408 54,000 (49,000) 454,408
Revlsed Budget 714,944 4,060,090 9,878,610 798,524
Total Resources I Expenditures 4,776,034 4,776,034
8eg. Funo 2011 Ending Fund
IMormatlon Services Fund (0518) Balance Revenues 2011 Expenditures Balance
Adopfed Budget 3 648 677 4,271 670 5,720,450 2,097,797
BAp1 (Adopted; ordinance 06361) 5,500 5 600
BA#2(Adopted' ofdinarrce 08382) 108,000 217,000 302,080 22,920
9AM (P►uposed)
Adj Beginning Fund Balarxe lo Actual 295.216 295,218
InterNnd Operaling Charges tor Survey GPS Equipment 6.400 6,400
Purdiase CRW Upgrade 30.OW (30.000)
Addftiwial ITS/Video Surveillance Soflwere Iicensing 8 maintenance 8,900 (6,900)
Survey GPS EquipmeiH - 8,400 (6,400)
BA03 Total 295,216 8,400 45,300 288,316
Revlsed Budget 8,849,793 4,600,670 8,071,350 2,379,093
Total Resources / Expenditures 8,460,383 8,480,383
Beg. Fund 2011 Eeding Fund
Equlpment ReMal Fund (11550) Balance Revenues 2011 Expendttures Balance
Adopted Budget 4 857 864 2,827,100 4,826,800 2,868,864
BAiI'I (Adopted; ordinancel18381) BAA'! (Adopted; ordinanee 88382) 157 800 144,070 7,630
BAfKi (ProPosed)
Adj Beginning Fund Balance to Adual 816,947 818,841
Repalrs & Maint. -Emergenq Rertwval of Poplar Trees 20,000 (20,W0)
BAf/3 Total 816,941 20,000 788,941
Reviaed Budget 5,828,188 2,827,100 4,889,870 3,883,428
Total Resourees / Expenditurea 8,663,286 8,853,295
Beg. Fund 2011 Ending Fund
Fire Pensbn Fund (#811) Balance Revenues 2011 Expendlturea Balance
Adopted Budget 2,788,842 90,000 148,910 2,792,992
BA01 (Adopted; oMinanee N6381)
BAii2 (Adopted• ordinance #8362) (240) 240
BAfb (ProPosed)
AdJ Beginning Fund Balance to Actual (8,681) - (9,661)
BAp3 Total (9,881) (9.881)
Revised Budget 2,780,181 90,000 148,670 2,723,611
Total Resoumes! Expenditures 2,870,181 2,870,181
Beg. Fund 2011 Ending Fund
CemeterY Endowment Fund (#701) Balance Revenues 2011 Expenditures Balance
Adopted Budget 1,528,962 54,500 31.300 1.882,182
BA#1 (Adopted• oMinance 08351)
BA#2 (Adopted• ordinance q8352)
BAAS (ProPosed)
Adj Beginning Fund 8alarxe to Actual 8,145 8,145
8Aft3 Tofal 8,148 8,145
Revlsed Budget 1,837,107 54,500 31,800 1,680,307
Total Resouriees / Expendkures 1,581,807 1,581,807
Beg. Fund 2011 Ending Fund
Orend Total - All Funds Balanee Revenues 2071 Expendiwres Balance
Adopted Budget 88,306,158 164,702,653 203,375,808 39,833,003
BAM (Adopted• oMinance p8351) 51.500 177 860 (128,360)
BAN (Adopted• ordlnance #8362) 11.357.842 5.741.642 16,784.946 314,338
gpgg (Proposed) 10,454,281 3,026.811 2.374,881 11.108,237
Revised gydget 110,118,081 164,822,608 222,773,475 50,827,212
Toml Resourc.es J Expendiwres 273,840,887 273,640,687
June 28. 2071 .
Prepsred bf' Aubum Fhmncial Planning
F:1Budpet Olrx4ay=11 BtMgetV4neMmeMS1BAq3"el AdjuslmeMa Summary