HomeMy WebLinkAbout4714Return Address: Auburn City Clerk City of Auburn 25 West Main St. Auburn, WA 98001 20110809000040 PACIFIC NW TIT MISC 95.00 PAGE -001 OF 034 08/09/2011 09:40 KING COUNTY, WA RECORDER'S COVER SHEET 0 Document Title(s) (or transactions contained therein): Right -of -way Dedication (Resolution 4714) Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: ['Additional reference #'s on page of document -3-ticts Grantor(s) /Borrower(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials) Auburn, City of Grantee /Assignee /Beneficiary: (Last name first) Auburn, City of Legal Description (abbreviated: i.e. lot, block, plat or section, township, range) ® Additional legal is on page 5 of document. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel /Account Number 2149800212, 2149800214, 2149800211, 2149800210, 2149800222, 2149800220, 2149800221, 7335400225, 3915500116, 1821059043, 2149800204, 2149800215, 7335400250, 7335400245, 7335400235, 7335400230, 3915500105, 7116000850, 1821059258, 1821059041, 1821059195, ❑ Assessor Tax # not yet assigned Ef,at H g Lb O( �k lo�..•ti S� I z Z5 i0 4 o FL-5, iL,,a,`,LA -L __ 1 v Lto P 1 -Y Z__;j&GL Solo doountentts) were filed fe+ Mord by Pacific Nothw6st Title so only. It MR not bear eicamtned as to Ire eaUUtkvi et In lie effect , upon lithe Refurn Address: Auburn City Clerk City of Auburn 25 West Main St ! Auburn, WA 98001 RECORDER'S COVER SHEET Document Title(s) (or transactions contained therein): Right-of-way Dedication (Resolution 4714) Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: UAdditional reference #'s on page of document Grantor(s)/Borrower(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials) Auburn, City of Grantee/Assignee/Beneficiary: (Last name first) Aubum; City of Legal Description (abbreviated: i.e. lot, block, plat or secfion, township, range) ~ Additional legal, is on page 5 of document. Assessor's Properly Tax ParceUAccount Number 2149800212, 2149800214, 2149800211, 2149800210, 2149800222, 2149800220, 2149800221, 7335400225,3915500116;182105.9043;2149800204,2149800215,7335400250,7335400245, 7335400235, 7335400230, 3915500105, 7116000850, 1821059258, 1821 059041, 1821059195, ❑ Assessor Tax # not yet assigned FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF: CITY OF AUBURN 25 West Main Street AUBURN, WA 980014998 IaIGI3T OF WAY DEDICATION The Grantor, City of Auburn, Washington, pursuant to the authorization of City of Auburn Resolution Na 4714, a copy of which is attached hereto, and incorporated herein, dedicates for right of way and public street purposes, the real property described therein. Dated this day of 2011 i ~ Peter B. Lewis, Mayor STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) :ss COUNTY OF KING ) ON THIS ,.~jday o 2011, before me, personally appeazed Peter B. Lewis, to me known to be the duly elected Mayor of the antor, City of Auburn Washington, .the municipal corporation that executed the witliin and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation, for the uses and purposes therein menrioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument. WIT'NESS my hand and official seal hqr4ho~dm4qy and yeaz in this certificate first above written. . ..•"..~~,ii,, .q P ~ss,cA/ = O~ E•. N= = No Publi m and f r the State of Washington, !/FiL residing at / 0. .:'Rk - MY APPointment'EXPires . ,~4i~~`Cj,~~„Z~.ti.•:`G'~0 _ i~i►~►~+~+~+n* RESOLUTION IVO. 4714 A RESOLUTION "OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DEDICATING PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY THE CITY OF AUBURN FOR THE M STREET UNDERPASS PROJECT AS ' RIGHT-OF-WAY WHEREAS, the City Council has previously reviewed and approved Resolution No. 4603 that authorized the Mayor to negotiate and execute documents required to acquire property and relocate inhabitants for C201A - M Street SE Underpass Project; and WHEREAS; the City has acquired property for Project C201A; and WHEREAS, notwithstanding and/or in addition to the language of the deeds received from property owners the acquired properties were acquired for and intended to be utilized as right of way for public street and utility purposes; and WHEREAS, to clarify said intended public street and utility purposes, it is appropriate to specify the use by right-of-way/utility dedications. NOW, THEREFORE, THE C1TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as;follows: Section 1. The Mayor is authorized to execute and record with the offices of the King County Recorder this Resolution and/oc any other documents dedicating properties acquired in connection Project. C201A, the M Street SE Resolution No. 4714 July 21, 2011 _ Page 1 of 2 Underpass Project, for right of way, public street and public utility purposes. For the purposes hereof, such dedication shall include the parcels described in Exhibits A1 through A14, attached herefo and incorporated herein. Section 2. Upon passage and approval of this Resolution, the Mayor is hereby authorized to record th.is resolution with King County. Section 3. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such other administrative procedures as may be necessary fo carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 4. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon passage and signatures hereon. S~- Dated and Signed this day of t- 2011. CI OF ~ _v , PETER B. LEVNIS MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APP VED TO FORM: Danie B. - e-, ity Attomey _ " Resolution No. 4714 July 21, 20,11 Page 2 of 2 Resola#ion 4:714, BxhibiE A1 Praject Parcel #11_- TaxParcel #2149800212 • THAT PORTZON OP TR.A.CTS 25AND 26, BAST ALTBURN ACRBS, ACCOItDING TO THE PLAT TI-IERBOF`RECORDfiD TN VOL,UME 14 OF PLATS, PAGB 41, RBCORDS OP KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DSSCRIBBD AS FOLLOWS: BBGINNING AT A PO1NT ON THE WHST LINE OP SAID TRACT 25,DTSTANT 320 F&ET . NORTH OF THB SOUTHWEST CORNBR THBRSOF; . . AND RUNNING THSN'CB EAST ON A LTNB PARALLEL WTfH THB SOUTH LINB OF SAID TRACTS 25 AND 26 TO A. POINT OiV THE EAST LI1VE OF+ SAIll TRA:Cr 26; THSNCB NORTH ALONG THfi fiAST LINB OF SAID TRACT, TO A PDINT pISTANT 125 FBBT FROM TBE NORTHBAST CORNBR OF SAID TRACT 26; THENCB WEST ON A LINB PARALLBL VITTTH THB NOR'TH LINB OF TRACT 26 A DISTANT - OF 60 PBSI; THENCE NORTH ON A LINfi FARALLBL WTTH THE EAST IdNE OP TRAGT26, A DISTANCB OF l0 FEBT; . THENCB WESTERLY TO:A POINT TN THE WffiT LINB OF SAID TRACT 25, DISTANCS 370 • FF$T NORTH OF THE 50UTHWR,.S"I' CORNBR OF SAID TRAGT 25; THBNCB SOUTH ATANG SAID WBST I:INE, TO THE POllVT OP BBGINNING. Proiec[ Parcel #13 - Tax Parcel #2149800214 . THE ~NOItTH 60 FEET OP THE SOU']'H 310 FEBT OF LOTS 25 AND 26, EAST AUBURN ACRES, ACCORDllNG TO THB PL►4T TFiBRMOF, RECORDBD IN VOI:tJM$14 OF PLATS, PAGS 41, IN KING COUNTY WASHINGTON: Pxoject Parcel #15 - Tax.Parcel #214980211 THE NORTH 50 FEBT OP THE SOUTH:250 MBT OF TRACTS 25 ANp 26 OF BAS'X' AUBURN ACIiES, AS PBR PLAT RECORDED IN VOI.UME 14 OF PLATS, PAGfi 41, RFCORDS OF I<IIVG COUNTY. Project Purel #17 - Tax Parcel #2149800210 THfi NORTH 50 FBBT OF THE SOUTH'200 FHET OP' TRACTS 25 AND 26, BAST AUBURN . ACRES, ACCORDING TO PLAT RBCORD73D IN VOI.UME 14 OF PLATS, PAGB 41, RECORDS OF TCIlVG COUNTY, WASHINGTOIV. Pxo ecE Paxcel #19 - Tax Parcel #2149800222 . THE N09TH 50 FBBT OF THE SOUT'H;150 FEET OF IATS 25 AND 26, EAST AUBURN : : . ACRES, AGCORDWG TO THB PLAT TH$RBOP RECORDED IN VqLUN,iB 14 OP PLATS, ; PAGS 41, TN KING COUNTY, WASHLNGTON. Project Par~ceI #21- Tax Parcel #2149800220 ° LO'Z':I (JP CITX OF AUBURN SHORT PI.AT NUMBBR 0009-9I AS RECORD UNDER ' . RBCURDING NUMBER 9204291024, BBING AX'ORTZON OF LOTS 25 AND 26 OF BAST Resoluftart 4714 Exhi6ft A1, Page t oF z - ~ `i4UBURN-?i.Clt135, ACCORDING TO THB PLAT THBREOF RBCORDED IN VOLUMIi 14 OF ' . PLATS, PAGB 43, IN KING COUNTY, WASHIlVGTON• EXCBP'T THAT 1'CORTION THEREO~ DBgDED TO THB CITY UP AT.JBURN UNDBR : RECORDING:NUMBSI2 9212112168 FOR ROAD PURPOSffi. ; Project Parcel #27 - Tax Parcel_#2149800221 i LOT 2 OF CITY OF AUBURN SH(ORT PLAT NUMBER 0009-91AS RBCORD UNDRR ~ RBCORDWG NUMBBR 9204291024., ! TOGSTHBR W~ AN BASBIVIBIVT FOR INGRFSS AND SGRFSS OVfiR T~-IS 50UTH 30 FEBT ; OF LOT 1 OF SAID SHORT PLAT. ~ , i BBiNG A PORTIONQF LQTS 25 AND 26 OP EAST.AUBURN ACRES, ACCORDING TO THB ~ PLAT THflRBOF+ RBCORDBD IN VOT.UMB 14 OF PLATS, PAGB 41, IN KING COUNTY, ' WASHINGTON. ProjecE Parcea #16 - Tax Parcel #7335400225 LoT 10, BL,OCK 3, RIVERDALB, AN ADDITION TO THB CITY 0I+ AUBUIiN, ACCORDING I TO THB PLAT THERBOR RBCORI)BD IN VOLUMB 19 OF PLA'1'S, PAGB 40, IN KiNG ~ COUNTY, WASHINGTON. i Pro3ect Parcel #18 - Tax Parcel #3915500116 - ~ . THB &AST HALF OR LO'I'S 7 AND 8, BLOCK 3, KNICKSRBOCMR'S 2N1) ADDI'l70N TO AUBURN, ACCORDIIV'G TO TH E I'LAT THBREOF 1ZBC0,RDED TN VOLUMB 20 UF PI.ATS, ~ PAGE 89, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; ~ ~ BXCEPT THA,T PORTIONOP LOT 8 CONVEYED TO THE C1TY QF AUBURN FOR 5'TREBT ~ PURPOSfiS BY DEED RECORDBD UNDBR RBCORDING NO. 7902090960. I _ . . ( ~ . ~ a ~ ( ~ ~ [ Resalutlon 4714 E)hibit A1, Page a oF 2 ` ; . . • Li XFEBIT A2 ItIGHT OF WAY DBDICATION FROM PARCEL N0.1821059043 That portion of the below deseribed PARENT PAKCEL, in Section 18, Township 21 North, IZange 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the One-Sixteenth corner between Sections 18 and*?9, in said Tow3isliip 21 ' North, Range 5 Sast, W.M., therue ATarth 05°04'31" East, 418.44 feet to the soutliwest corner of eaid PARENT PARCEL and the TRUB POINT OF BfiGINNING; thence along tlie south Iine of saidPARfiN'I' PARCEL Noirth 89029'121 East,lZ3b feet; thc.mce North 02°20'30" East, 59.36 .feet to a point of tangency; thence along a 17.004oot radius curve to the right with a central angle of 70°23'29" an axc clistance of 20.89 feet; thence South $9°06'02" East,143,79 feet to the southeastexly,line a# said.PARBNT PARCEL; thence along saicl soukheasterly ]ine No.rt1k 42°4T28" East, 9:38 feet thence continuing along said southeasterly Iine South 89°52'52" EasE, 38.85 feet to the easterly line of said PARfiNT PARCfiL,• thence along sa3ct easteriy line North 00°57'53" East, 3299 feet; ; thence Noxth 89°06'02" West, 156.59 feet; tlence North 54010'04° West, 47.01 feet; thezice i North 0100271° fiast,147.99 feet; thence South 89005'25" East 4.06 feet; thence North 0a°57'50" East, 20.93 feet; tlienoe North 82°25'10" West, 23.15 feet to the easterly ' margin of'M' Street Southeast; tltence alcing said easterly margin South Oa°bT50" West, ; . 314.72 feet to the TRUS POINT OB $EGINNING, contairiing 13,732 square feet, more ar ; less. ~ ~ PARENT PARCEL THAT PORTIOIV OF THE SC)U'TI-3EASI' QUARTIIZ OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER . OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGB 5$AST, W M, IN KTNG COUNTY, WASHIlVG'TON, DESCRIBLTD AS FOI:LOWS: BEGINNING AT THE BAST MARGIN OF "M" S'TREET SOtITI-IEAST,121.0.5 FEBT SOUTH OP THE SOUTH LINfi OF PRIMARY HICFiWAY NUMBER 2, THENCE 50UTH 83°23'00" EAST 85.45 FEET; Z'HINCE SOU'IH 83000'00" B.AST 130 FEBT, TI iENCE SOZTTH 163 FEBT, THmCE SOITTH 89°11'00° WEST TO A POINT 120 FEET, MQRR OR tKS.S, EAST OP THE MARGIN OF "M" STRBBT THENCB SOUTH 90 FEET, THENCE WE.S'T 120 PEET TO SAID BAST MARGIN,.THENCE NOl2TH T0 POINT OF BEGINNING EXCEPT .ANY PORTION THEREOF LYING WTTHIN THE HBREINAFTER D1rSClZtBEU !'ARCfiL "A", TOGETHER WITH THE FOLL,OWING DESQtIBED PR(aPERTY .AS AWARDED BY J.UDGEMfiNT ENTERED IN KING CAUNTY SUPBKOR COURT CAiJSE NUMBER 85- 2-02976-3, ~ THAT POTtTION OF PAItCEi: "A" (SAID PARCEL "A"'F-IBREIN DELOW DESQ'~IBED) DESCRIBBD AS FQLLOWS: BBGINNlNG AT THE IVOiZTHWEST COTtNER OF 9AID PARCEL "A" BEING , ADTACENT TO "M° STREET SQUTHEASI', THBNCE 5C}UTH 00°41'46" EAST, ALONC . ResaNUon 4719 ExhEbit A2, Page i oF 3 • ~ • ' EXERBX7C A2 . THE E.AST MARGIN OF SAID 'M`.' STREET SDUTHEAST, A DISTANCE OF 33.12 FEBT, THENCE NORTH 87049'36" BAST A DIS'rANC,E OF 203.32 FEET, TH$NCE N4RTH 41007'52" $AST A DISTANCB OF 107.63 FEET, THENCE NORTH 88°2T32" ' EAST A DISTANGE OF 38.85 FEFiT, THENCE NORTI-I 04115" 'SNEST A DISTANCB OF 42.84 FSET, TO THE N(URT-Mi..Y MC)ST i.INP OF SAID PARCEI. "A", TT-IANC:H SOU.TH 88°27132" WEST AI:O1VG SAID 1VORTHERLY 'r.IN$, A DISTANCH OF 93.93 FBET, THENCB SOUTH 00641146° EAST A DLSTANCE OF 90.00 PBET, THENCE ' SOUTH 88`7732" WBST A DISTANCB OF 120.00 FBST TO THE TItUE POTNT OF BEGINNING; AARCfiL "A": I . i BEGINNING (ON THE SOUTH LINE oF SECTIQN 18, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGB 5 EAST, W K IN KING CbUNT'X, WASHINGTON, A DISTANCE OF 1000 FEBT FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THSRSOP, THENCE WEST AL.(3NG SAID SOUTH LINS, 284.84 PEBT, MORE OR LESS, TO THE EAST LTNB OP "M" STREET ~ SOUTHEAST, THENCE NORTH.ALONG SAID BAST LINE 450 FBST, THENCE EAST I PARALLEL WITH THE SOU'TH LINE 120 FEET, THENCE NORTH PARALLEL WITH °M" STRBET SOUTHBAST, 90 FELT, THENCB BAST PA1tALLBL WITH THE SOUTH ; LIlVE TO INTBRSECT A LINI? DR.4WN FROM THHPUIIVT OP }3HGINNTNG TO A ~ • POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF N(ORTHERN PACMC RAILWAY (PALMER CUT- ! ` OM DISTANCB 920 FEFsT EAST FROM TI~'s DIVIDINC LINE BEfWEEN THE SOUTHEAST QU.ARTER OF THE SOUTHEt1ST QUAIZTEIt AND G4Vfi1tNMBNT T.OT 14, THEIVCE SOtitTHhESTERLY ALONG SAID INTERSBC'TBD LINB TO 1'OI1V'T OF BEGINNING. ' i :•Ri~t~~':a'~ ~\?o ~ :n ~ lyC\r~• . ~ tW ~ ~ > 0 f ~ ~~;c`•'?t:'c;rtict:c~~-%°~~~` ' Ln~ti ~ . 1 c C••.•. . '~;.1i`~` . 7/18/2011 Resoluffon 4714 • • , • Exhfb)t A2, Page 2 oF 3 ~a . FND 2-112° BRASS DiSK ut ~ J SET 1N.ROAD &URFACE SEC. 18; T. 21 N., R. 5.E., W.M. . NTS pos ~M' ST SE p . EAST LINE GOV'7' LOT 12 i 4~ 00°5Tb0° E EXISTIIdG S 00057'507 W 314.72' ROW LINE - ~ TRdB rn ~ ~ N 01 2'21"`E, 4 :co ° ~ . p~. R='IZ:00' ROW DEDICATlON a A='70°23'28° +l-13,732 SF POPOSED ZJr !4 L=:20:89' Z ROW LINE ~ • W ~ 1821058043 _ w ~ g Q uNE 'BFARINQ DlST, W N 89°29' 2..~ ' 2.36' ~ N fl2'20'3U° E 58.36' ~ ~ . N 42°4728° E 9.38' t~ '3 89°32'52" E 36.8$' 'N 00°bTb3° E 321W . !N 54010' 47.01' S 89°05'25' 4:OG . m o N 00'ST50° 2A;83' 3 Pi 82°25'90' 23.15' • O V . . ~ cacc'D. POSITIOlV OF SE CNR . 8-21-05, RER BLAA QEPEtVDEN'f . RESIJRVEY, APPROVED 3/25J1980 THIS-EXFIIBITMAPlSAGRAPHICAL ' PREPARED BY: E65 DATE:OCi t0-2011 REPRESENTATION OFTHE PARCEI B CHEClCED BY: GC8 DATEI-03.10.20il OUIVDARIES FOR TAX (,OT 1821059pq3, REYISED 8Y: GCB DATE: 07-18-2011 KING CO1N7Y, WASHINGTON, AND DOES - NOT REPRESENT l1 BOUNDARY SURVEY. ` 1i21lAHILL EXEiIBYT A3 . 1ZIGHT OF WAY A.CQiJ7SM0IV PROMkARCEI., NO. 2I49800204 ,All thmt portion of the beiaw described PAR$NT PARClq;, fin Seckion 18, Towzship 21 Nrn th,' Range b I3ast. W.M., im Kirig County. Washinb taa4 X3'ing aouthwesfierly of the . fallowing ctescribed Ii= , Beginning atihe inbersection of fhe iiorthPrly margin of 3rd ST. SB and fihe easte:ly margin of'IVP ST. SE, in ils-aId SecEion 18, Township 21Norik Range & Sast, thence along . said easeerly xnargut North 00°53'11" Bast,19.01 feet to the TRUB POIN7' OF UGWNTNG aE`tlle herelnafiter de.qtx3W lina, thp,cp Sciuth 46°23'01" Sask, 27.76 fe;et to the ttaxtherly margin a 3rd S`!': S8, in-id the termintis of tsaid l{ne description, cuntain3ng' 194 square feet~ more or lese. ' PARBNT PARCSI: ' . THB 80UTH 90 FBST ORIOT 24, EA,S°T ALiBURN ACItBS, ACCORDING TO THB PLAT fiHBRBOP RBCJOZtDBD IN VQLiJME 14 OP PLATS. PAGE 41. XNMG. . CAUNTY, WA5HINGTOZV.. CI4ARL6S ICASyl~ ,g 1 (,ti~~ . f7 o I . , . ~ 4 7. ~ ~ ' • `~`~!`x~, : ~t'•:~1k~1T~S~ . ' • 7/26J20].0 • . F:wunuWmaMroFez424roWJWtR OF_waYUWu.snWWWWaRMarAKc.DWX U3T8AYEp9Y61~9R00K8 ResoluNon 4714 . Exhibit A3, Pags 1 aF 2 . a~ • . - FIVD MiC ~ 2" BRAS& CAP SEF Ifl GpKC. r, 1MX. NWN 5°'E' S'E &'M' ST SE , o . • ~ N • - _ - iV OU°53'71' E 9675fl' - - - - _ NN -EWM PiP- WVi' t?T 1-2 ~ POB ~ , . '(Vt'47T t7G { *Irww g E~(ISTIPlG ROW LINE .$4B°'Q1°E lz t~ ~ ~ cacu.nsmoN ~ . Naim ~ m ~ +1-'I94 SF 29 ~ . • w. Z~aesoezo~ ~ ~ ° ~ ~ . ~ ' • FND AA1C - ERST.Y4 CNR 18-21-05 7H1S DW19fC:MAP i3 BASMOMTHE PLATOF 1 -10 BRASS. PLUG SE7 fN'GONC. . • - EAsr,avauM -ACRES,RECOFtDED IMQ VOL 14 . ' INTX."MAIN ST SB'&:'a ST SE flF•PU1T&. PAC3641 iflF1G COUMY. WASIi[hOTON NT$ aN6 d06SNOT RgRESS~ITA BOUMARY SUR1'lEY. . . PREPIMD'8Y' FBS DAm0Y-26-10i0 ' . cHECMDe,r. G;a tinTMo7-2s-2(Jm SEC. 18, T. 21 N., R. 5 E., W.M. r"sIneY. ]Jn'M , . . ~MHILL EXHISTf A4 ' . RIGHT OF WAY ACQ-UISTTION FRK?M PAIICBL NO. 2149800215 ; i Atl that poriiwz of the below described PARENT. PAItCBL„ in SecHon x8, Towneliip 21 ` NorQt, Raatge 5 Basl, W.M., fii Xu,g County, Washtngton, lyhig nartlzwestps7p ancl ; westerly of the following described Iine: ; i Be~g aE the int+ersection ok the so4ttherly xnatgin of 3rd ST. aB and the easf~ly ~ m&~cgin of `1VI' S~. SB, in saic~ Section Tow~nship 21 N'orth. ~pnge 5 East, thance along • ~ i . said srnttherly maxgin Sauth 8915" Eask, 2~:51 feet fo ~lte TRUB POINT OF BBG]NNII~TG of the herei,n~tfter cleserlbed ]ine.-Ei~ezice Stintlt ~l5°4I.'9,3" West, 23.9~ feet, . ~ thezcs Sotith 00'3b" West, 99.28 feet t~t the 8outhe=ly l~ne o~£ eaid PAM'NT I'ARCBF, ax~d the tem~nu$ of said lirce desaription, ~ca.ntaining 1.061 aquare feet, nuire or less.. ~ ( PAItENT PARCIiL ' I TIID NORTH 115.74 PERI' OF LOT 25, SAST AUBURN ,AGKBS, ,A.CCORDING TO THH i I'X.AT RBCORAEb IN VOI.LIW 14 OF FLA75, PAGE 41, Il1T KF1aTG COITN'TY, • i ' WASHINGTON. AS MEASUitBD ALONG THg WSST LIIVE THBIZLOP; I , . ~ BXCEPT THS EAST 30.04: P$BT THBMF. _ . ( I . I ~ v WAS '~~Pa~ • i , ~ o-~~ ~ • ' ~ a~ ~ y,~~,'~ • - . : ~ `E .i~'Yt~~~v~" , • I 7,~(4010 . F.1AtlBURN44ACIiY0F1t8Z47Af07..lWWUF_YfAY4F0ALSANDE7{HIBIT5IPARCELB7'A(SEDQCit IAST&tVEOBY.OREGBR00Ks , ResQluUon 4714 ' Exhibft A4, Page 1 oF z ~ . Nr~ ao , p. FND WAC 2" 8RR'3.S GAPSEr IAI CONC. 1 INiX NW IV ST SE &'hlI' ST S£ ' N - - - - - N b0°'53''11° P. ~ 957.50' - ~ -vsrow mn om-f~ ' - - ~ '1,f ST 5E• w , ROW ACQUISIITClN ~ ° ~+i- t:asi sF , S 8J°35`15°:E • POB. ~ 24.51' ~ ~oe ~,w c o ~ ~ S 4s°4s'43" ~ 28,41 .TPnB ~ . - im 2149800295 DQSIING ~ 20' Zd' j ROW L(NE--*" PROPEM L M, • ' FND MiC -F..AST Y4 CidR18-21-05 Tr4is oausrr:maP rs sAsm oxTHe PLn,r oF 1-il2` SRASS PLUG S'Ef 1N CONC. • • EAST AUBURH kCRES, RECORXED 1N V03. 14 INTX.: MAJN S7 SE VR' ST Sr= OF PLAT& PAR£41..fdNO COUNTY, WASHitd(dTOM fVTS ANDDOBS NOTR@RESFIQTABCIUNDIV7YSURVEY, . PRkPARED BY: F9s bA'fE 07 2Mt0 . cxEOM Btr:ocs 'ox~:o~~oto SEG.18, T. 21 N., R. 5 E., W.M. wv,sm sr onM . CHZMHILL i. ; . ~ ~ ' . EXHIBIT AS ~ T.tIGHT OF WAY ACQUTSITYQN FItOM I'AITCHI.. NO. 7335400250 i ~ ~ . All that portfon of the veIaw described PARHIVT PARCI3L, being A partiox► p£ GOV'T . LOT 12, in Sectlon 18, Township 21 Nqrtt4 Range 5 Bast, W.M., !an Kfng Coaittp, • ~ yVashil~gto~, Xying easberly af the follo~ving d.esen'be~l I~linne: , Beguuling at the interseckion bt the northearly meugiz► of 4'b ST. SB anci the westvxly : margiui of`M' ST. SB, in -saici Section,78. Township 21 North, Range 5 East tiiexnce along said weslexly mFUp,in North ()p°W11u Bast 234.73 feetto the TRUE POINT OR - BSGINNING oE ilie hereinaifi:er described Iine, thezve Soufh 42020'30" Weat, 25.62.#eet fio the sauthexly lime of sAid P.A.RJW PAItCHL, attd the isermtiius af safd line c'lescripHon. . • mntainulg S square feek more ox Xess. ' . PaREN•r rARcBL . LOT 15, AIUD THE NORTH 25 FMT' OF LOT 14, BLOCK 3, RNB1tDtiLB ADDITION OF CITX OR AUBLiI'~1V, ACCORDING TO I,'LAT RBCQRDSD IN VOLUMB 19 OF . Fi ATS, PAG840, IN KING C:OUNZ'Y, WASHINGTON. . . , CHxRL~',.~g . W,1vS y( ~`.'.Pop•f- C~~ti. ~ ~+p¢aA • ~ ~ . .a t 2 ~ 7/a~lzo~.o Rv+uauw-rvracmroFaezrMrAW-0F-waMMWs nNO Eaa,ONraPUM s raKE-oocx UMsnrED er OW eROqcs ResotuUon 4714 Exhibit A5, Page 1 oF 2 • - y GaV'T' Ll7T 12, SEC.18, T. 21 N., R. a E.,11V.M. ~ ~ 1 . ~ ~ Z~; L7 ~ . . ~ ml ~ i o•W m~ _ . ~ . ; ~ . . ~ ~ ~ '...ri ~~e cc~u~smoiv ~ ~ . TPOB ~ 234,73' 7&srsE E)GSTNG o ~ . - ~ - RowuNE S EASTU GO~tT LOT w ' Z. ~ ~ o FPtD.MIC N~~ ~ . ~ - - 2"BFtAS.SCAFSElINtCOM. _ iNTx'.MAiNSTSFE&'1y'STSE . a~ ~rn NTS . . a~o ] . . . ~ . y ~ 7tns EMtstz' MaP m aasM otv tHF PLAT FNb M1C - Ef~3T ~ CNR 18-21-05 OP RN6ROAL'~ AN'AODCfiON TO THE G'1Y or- nUavwa. FGDOFtDE01kl voL 1e oF Ma'rs, 1-1/2" BRASS PLUG SET 1NCONC. PAGE 40: taWG COUNN:,WASPitNGcTJN !wD IMX MAmt S7 5E & RST SE . 'DOES AtOTREPRESENTABWNDARYSURti'EY. PREPNtMBY F.BS b111'E---0744,2D'10 . . CHECKER AY: L,'C8 OJiI'E.07119,2010 Rr.-MssvsY, aatrE ~G0231HH1LL . EXHIBiT A6 , . . RiGHT OB WAY ACQUI3MDN PROM PA•RCEL NO. 7835400245 . j ~ AII that poztion of tb,e lieYaw degcribeci PARBNT PARGBIy being a poxtioz► of GOV"T . LUT ?2, izt Sectlon I8, Tuwnship 21 Norgi, Rtinge 5 East, W.ivL, in Y-ing Cuunty. , Washttginn, lyiiig easterlq of the foIlowJng clescribeci line: , Begiwzirtg at ttie intersectian of the novtherly maxgit► of 40, S"T. SB nnd #te west+eerly . maiV n of `M'. ST. SBy ,in: ss+id SeGi3oai 18, ,ToHinehip 21 North, Aaage 5 Bast, therice aloxig ~ said westexly mArg3n 1Vorth 00°53'1r HaoE.129.02 feef to the snutherly lfrie of said . ' PAZtENT I'ARCHL, theitce aTong sai.d solitIierly 1me Snuth 871133'2ir West, 269#aet to the TRUB POINT OF TiBGINNING of fihehrxeiiuifter descri.bi:d line, thence • • North 02°20'n0" Mst, 80.28 feet to the nortlierly line of a+aid ~'~ARENT PArCFY., ~untl the i te~us of said line desc~,;lption, containtng 134 sqaaze fee#, more or less. ~ PARBMPA'itCBL ' . I . ~ Lot 13 and the 1Vorth 5 feet of T.flt 12 and #he Sauth ?a fee# af I;ot 14 in Black S of ~ Aivex'.ctale~ att aciclltion to Elie C',ty of Aul~urit, aocordix►g to pYAt recorded in Vqlume 19 of • ~ Plab at )Page 40, 3n ICiig Couuiip. TN$sliin$mn- ~ , - ~ f . . ' i I • ~ WAv ct~.~ru~ -0 . t • ; . M L St+?'~to) ~ . . i 7/Z7~2U14 . " i . ! ' ° . . I F:V+UeIIRNNGICINOf67824241oT_MfLOF_ixAYftEOA[3AtbExt1W8VPaRCR.18TAKE06C1c tasTSAVEUSN6REOBftoDXB ResokuUon 4714 . ' Exhibit A6, Page i oF 2. ~2e ' Q4V'T LO'i' 12, SEC. i8, T. 21 N., R,. 5 E., W.M. • . 1 i ~ ~1 ~ o 1 .t "f • ~ ~ _ ao ~ oa~ i rn~ 73354oo245 ~ { 2g~'24* W . N 0~28'3Q° E, TP08 80.28', , EXISTING ~ } ROW L{DtE _ } =-~2V ~ ' ,AOF ST SF { POB . ROW ACQUISITIONt ~ . • ' +1-134 SF : • ~ . . - - - - ~ ~ _ ` _ _ _ ~ _ _ I+100°S3'91° E 1287.89' EAST L'I~tE Gal/'T [.Ol~'I2~~ Z o Mic. FN _ - - - r BRasScaP sEr nv coNa . . Wx. MAaN;sr sE & Vs-r sE m nrrs . TM EXFpBR MAP IS BABED ON THE PiAT • aF wVgtznntr-- nn AaorWH'ro'nHE Cmr ~IZ° RA,SSSFLUG SFI' WOONC, ' • OFJ4UfllfRN, RECORbED Ild VOS:.`(9 OFPL,tT3, . PAGE 4b~ KtISO cotlNrY.vrASFitlvflTONA{1~ lMl~(. Ml4lN ST SE &`F~~ST SE - DOES Na7' REP~if A BbUNDARY BUEtVEY. ' PREPARED BN IEES [IATE: QT-19,20'tD ' . CHEGKWBY: GC6 DA7E:07-18 2Q1U • RENfSEDBY: OAM ' ~aa-rorpt~ordaaa w+~aoro CH2MH(L1, . . , {'XHIB]Cd' A7 . ~ RIGfffdP'WA'Y ACQUZBTTIQN PROM PARCBL NO. 7335400238 Al~ [3-tt portion of the below de.sclibed PAItBN.C PA.RCBI., beitsg a poriimof GOV'T LC7f 12: in Section 18, Townsliip 22 Narft Ran$e 5'Bayt, W.YVL, fn 1Qng Couztty. : W Ralwngtqx, Iying eastexly of the foIIowing described Iine- . . Beginuznig at the intexsecrlon bF the northerly mtirgzu 40 ST. SS and the westexly ' margin of `M' SF. SB, in said SectiOn 18, Townahip 21 North. RanB~e 5 East. t~+ence along soid weat~rly mar~;i~~ N's~rth I?(MV11" Bsst, $3.94 feet to the southerIy lane af aaid PARENT PARCEL, thez►ce along said. sontherly Iine SouFh 87°33'24" WeA 3.84 feer • ' to the TKUE POINT OF BBGiNNNG o£ the herainAf'bex deKibed line, #hence ' Nartii 020 2Q'3D" Bast, 455.16 feet to the nostherly lbte oE .said PAI2BNT PAP.CIL, aitd the: terridnus of saict line descrlption, coritaining 147 sguAre feet, mare or leas. . PARRiVTP9RCBL . THg 5pUTH 45 Fggx pp LpT_12, BT.OCK 3, RIVEIZUAI.B, AN ADDITIQN TO THfi . CTI'Y OIT AYJBURIV, ACCORDII+Tf3 TO THB PT,+4.T 3'HBREOF ItBCORDEll IN' VOI UMIi 19 OF PI.A.'TS, PAGE 90, IN KNG C'.OUNTY, WASRING'TON. . cifn[u,py. . • ~~'¢~o~ n a~ ~ •~,rs+ 1 `M~•A ~ilti 0 . _ . ~ ~ JS 1.I 1~1S~~b • , . • . 7/2W410 • Fw*Jbwncmr%lssa42WJ"W OFwavu.[W A►soE"rrswaccEL isralcEnopc usrsaveoeYGFEcsROOO Resolutfon 4794 . . ExhibitA7, Page 1 oF2 ~ Q GOVT LOT 12, SEC. 18, T. 21 N., R. 5 E., W.M. CQL~l . [D I ~ ~ . . • ~ ~ ~ ' . • . N l ~ 41. 1 ' . . • 1 . . ' o ~ m I co • j , ' 12 ~ . ~ rni .t~ ~ ~ . ..1 - 1 1 1 _ ~ t ~ I N 02°20'30° E I • . 3 4'~ 333'24° W o . 45.16' - ' EXIS7ING ` TPOB ~ ROW-UIr1E ~ , ,ST.r`sE ~ • . : ROW~ACQU131TION ~ 947 SF . . • - - - ~ - ~ _ ~ _ ~ N 00°53'11" E 1287.81' - ~y ` EAST LME GOVT LOT 12 . z c2 . ' . a,~ao v FND MIC 2^BwAsS4DAPSFrwcoxC. uv ~ . Tx tw4i►s sr SE &V s7 SE - . - . m NTS ' V '7H15 DffilsfTMAP 19 BASED Ont THB PIAT 'FNiD MIC- EAST Y CNR`78 21-05 pF R1VERDALE, AN ADDITION TO THE C1TY oF o,UBURK RECOP.oMWvot_ is oF FLATs, . 1 y12" BRASS PLUG 5Ef' IN CDNC. vrRC~'~, i~il3 CIXIN7Y WA3HMOTQId ANO INTX. MAAV ST SES~'R' ST SE DdES NO~T ~BQTA BOUI~ARY SURVEY: ' PRFF/4RED 9Y: EB3 DAM07-19=0 . . ~ CttECKD BY: GCB DA?E 07-49 2D'l0 . ~ . REVt3M BY• _ DAM CIH2MHILL ~ ; El XHTBIT A8 ~ i RIGHT OP WAY' ACQUISITIQIV' PR0M PAItCEL NO. 799v~40023Q ~ _ ' , • All that pnztian of the below dascxibed PAREITT PARCBIv bein,& a portion of GOV'''T LOT'12, in Sect:ton 18, Towxtishiy 21 Nartli, ~ge 5 BRakW.M., in I~ing Cou~tly. i Wflshingtan,lyirtg easterly of the lolIowing cleseHbec9 Iffie: . ~ Begirning at'die 3ntezsection af the northerly margiu of 4Lh S1: SB and t'he westerly ! margin of'M' S.['. SE, iin said Section 18, Township 21 North, RaY►ge 5 Bast thence alang ~ said westeily ziriaxgin tvorth 00°53'Z1" Bast, 33.86 feet to the southezly line af saict i PARM,U PARCEL, thence alOxtg Wd sbutlie:tly lute SntxEYi 87°33'24" West, 5.12 feet 1 td the 7[RUS PozNr op Brc~NNrNC of the l,ereinaftpx desc:xibed Iine, thetice Noxth 02°20'30" Bast, 50.17 feef to the xtartherlq liiie of said PAI2ENT PARCBL, axid iite • fiermimu; of eaid]ine deacrlptlon, contah-ting224 equare feet, niore oxleeu. PARI3NT PAItCBL TJot 11, Block 3, Rivexdele, an Addifiozz ta the City af Auburn, accorcl3ng to the pla,t - . ~ ' thereof recordecl 3rt Volume 19 of Plab, pAge 40, 3n King CouMty, V+lashiy.igton. . . ~ . ~ . 3 f . ; ~ CN1ARl.~,q . IY Yg~~y . • HA i L.~t~ `JJ . 7/27~'2U10 . . FMue.uRta+vncmrMM2a►m OHtOF;,whMUsAumWWWar+cat4TaWnocsc usraavMerMeROaws ResotaGon 4714 ' Exhibit A8, Paqa 9 OF 2 . . . . GOV''T' LO? 12, SEC.18, T. 21 N,, R. 6 E., W.M. . . ~ L•OT 11,,Bi.OCIf 3 CO S PLAT OF RIVERDALE J V.OL 19, PAGE'40 ~ l n1 I . ~ I i I s 8r3374^ w -Poa ~ . I 4 5:92` . . ~ * " ROW:t~t;QU1SiTYON 50•'t~T ~ - 41-: 22A SP 7U1' ST' SE ~ • W . . ~ j po8 N 00°53'11" E 9287.89` _ ~ • . . fASLIIdE C;QVT LOT 12 - - - - - - - - ~ - - H , _ ~ FNDtAC a w . _ - - 2°BRASSCA? SE? iN CONC. . : ~ . - IMX. MAIN'ST SE &'M' STSE m . . Nfu . y. ~ 'nis.EicttlB►TMM Is&ASEa oN'rHr- w.aT FND MIC- EAST Y CNR 18-24-05 . ' oFRNOoatF,aunDDmoNroT tECRr ~ 4•V2"BRASSPLUGSETINCQNC. DF RUBl7RN, RECORDED IN VOl.18 OF F'1A't"S, PAGE'40; IQNO COUM'{Y' WASHiNG70NAHD 1M'X. MAINf ST SE &'R' ST SE DOES NORREPR-."'SENTABOtIPIDUkRYSURtlEY. . •PREPaRECFOr:Ees aATF-:07-19-2Ma . ' •CFIEC7M 8Y: GM DA't-e: 07 -19-2D14 . . • REyMd xY: . DnrE: ~.~u~ o,~,smro •6d&Il2~-I1LC. . i EXIHBIT A9 ~ $YGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION PItOM P.AIZCBY. NO. 39xS50R7.05 • ' ~ - The eastedy 16.50 feet of the below cIescdbed PA1tBNT PARCBL. #i SecHcn 18, ~ Tiownship 21 Narfh,lZange 5 Bast,. WcM„ 3n King Counry, Washington, coniafning 1,091 i sqieare feet, more ar ]ess. ~ PARfiNT PARM . . i Lots 5 and 6, B1acTc 3, Knfckerbockeias 2nc1 AddiHon to Aubtxrit, aacorcling to the plat ; the'reofxecoxclecl3n V'oliune 20 0£ Plats.l'agc 89, in Kitig 6ntuity, WAehinglosv ~ • ' ' TOGBTHBR WPTH ~ . • , , vacated stxeetadjoitag, v-gcated by City vf Auturx1 Ordin=ce No. 2580, recorcied . - ~ tulder Recoiding No. 7301120388, And aitached thereto bp operation o# law. . ( . . i _ i i ctln[tt.O. ~ cs~¢ pF r►n~H~~~'o ; i y , • ~'a~.~'~c~tm•e:,,,..f~. at, 'C\Y'i~4~1 4'h1X1 ' . . s/a,/aoso - ; . ~ ; ; • i . F9AUIIURNWAqT7M81A27107.RWW-0F WAY0.EGALSANDMUT&IPARCELROTAKE.OOCX IASTSAVF.PBYGREQ6ROOK8 ResofuUon 4714 • . Exhibft A9; Page i oF 2 X ~ . . ? bn T ~ ~ 7 ' • ~ ~ . . . GC3VT LOT'f4, SEC. 98, T. 21 N., R. 5 E., W.M. N m _ t ~ FND 2-412° BRASS aISK L. SET IN ROA[16URPACE ~ s ~ PRoPErTY UNE G3 , l 3918500105 ~ ~ i ch ~ m EXFVnN~ ! 1 ~ p F201M UIVE J y ~ ~ . I - - ~ . ~ ~ . • . aow acaMmoN j I +t-1,M sF ~ ;i . ~ . 'h9' ST SF ~ ~ cALEro PosmoH oF sE cNt . ~ . m ; GOV"T fAT 44, PER B[.Nr OEAENDENT FtESU1ZVEY. APPfiOVED 3M1980 a~ TMMootiarr MnP Is a GWHtcnr. . • ~ra~toKOF-rHeaaFtr,E. ~P~:t~1r, ;6cs DAT~e: oaa2Oe-922f}2aot0 gourro,~Ms parx~rau L.arr 3e~ssoao5. •K . G OOUM'Y, WA~HINGT~ ..CFlEC~DBY: G8R 1. J~WD DOES . ~M ~ . • ~ NOTINREPR~T A BOUNDARtf SURVEY. HWHiLL EXHIBIT A10 . RIGHT QF WAY ACQULSiTIUN IqZOM PARCfiL N0: 711610085D • . The easterry 16.50 feet of the belvw desciibed PARSNT PARCBL. 3'a 5ecHon 18. Tovtinzshfp 21 Noirth, Range 5 Ea"st. W.M., in King Coux►ty, Washingtom, conta~ 610 squwre fe,et, snore or iess. - PAYtIIVT pAItCBL ' X,ot 12, Bxock 11; RaiIroaclAddition to Aubaxn, accoicling to the plat thereof rmorcled fn . Volume 20 of Plars, pa6re $5, In KmS C°tmtY, wad*Igmh. ~ • • Cl{ARL~q . • • ~~`~'1+~ o~ ttI?S~l~'.+~ . , ~ . • ~p~~ 7 • . - . f 9T ~~~YAL LA~t~ , ' • 9J?~lat0 • FnnunursuwnciTroMta24W MM_oF_waVuECn+.snwoxwMUTSVaJM xiraKEnocc tasTSav~nevcr~oeraooacs Resolndon 4714 Exhiblt A1Q Page tOF2 U, XHIBIT A.IO . .3 ..l , ~ 5R 98 ~ ~ • ~ ~~~~a~ ~ i . . Z 3 a ' . ~ ~ ' PRO L,.; Z N 1 ~ C6 W ' F- 6'rf-f S7' SE cf) on~ z a ~ ~ T--- w - ~ I . ~ e 8TH 5T SE 18 17 -f--- 1~_~ ~ 8 '89°5T41" 9 ~-y- ~ ~ _ 5 89°b741" E ` T9 20 1318.50; ~ I 't393.50' ~ ~ - ~ ` ~ • ti. ' Resolu6on 4714 • ' . . ExhlVd A10, Pago 2 oF 2 ' EXHIBIT All RIGJaT OF WAY ACQUISITION FitOM VAltCEL N0.1821059258 ' All that partion of the below deser,ibed PARSNr k'ARCBL, in Section 18, Township 21 North, Rau1ge 5 Baet, W.N!„ in Ktng Cottnty, Wsslvs►gtor4lYirig westerly of the #ollow3ng dsscnl)ecll'ar: ' Begnuting At the intersectioh of file easEerlp margin'M' ST. SB and the souih 13ne of . • Sectionl8, Township 21 North, Ttange 5 E94 thence aIong eaid soutlt Iine . 5outla 8"7'9I^' &►s[, 7.11 tEet [v the T12UB POIN'T QF B£GINNIndG of ttie IZereina.Etei descxlbed line, thenw'Norrh 0005V3Q'' 8ast;191.49 feet, tlience 1Voxth 02°23'3(r Baa,t, . 225.66 feet to the noxkherly line af t~d PARS1VT PARCBL, and the berzninus af said Wte . descrlption, caniaining 8,518 square feeE, mare or less. , PAItENT FARCBI. . . THA.T PORTION OP TH$ SQUTf-IS.AST QIJAR.TBR OP THB: SOU~.AST QUA.RTBR : QP $BC'1'ION 18, TOWNSFIf PP 21 NORT~, RANGB 5 BAS~, W.M.. IN KIIriG COUNTX, : WASH1rTGTON, DESCRiBBD AS )MIA1Nrx BEGINNlNG ON THE 50UTH LTNB QF SECTION 18.'TOWNSHIP 21 N(3RTH, ; nANGa 5 EAS'I', WILLAIVIETTB IvIT1tIl7IAN. IN KING tX3UNTY, WASHINGTQN, ` DWANT i,OOQ FEET FROM THE SOUTHBAST CORNBR OP THffiZBUF; ; TMNCE WBS7' ATANG SAID SOLTTH LINB 284.84 PBET, MORB OR x.ESS, Td THE ~ BAST LTNB OF "M" STRBF3T SOUTHRW; . ~ TTMCB NOatl-H ALONG SAID BASI' L1NS•450 FBBT; ; . ~ . TFiENCB EAST PARALLBL WIT'Ii THE SOCTTH LINS 120 PBBT; . ; . ~ , . . THBNCB NORTH PARALI,M'W1fiH "M" STREBT 30UitBAST. 90 FEBT; I . i THSNCE 13AST PATtALT.BL. WITH THE SOUTH LINB TO INTBRSBCF A I.INB ~ • DRAWI~ FPOM TI-IB PQINT bB I3E{31N1VING TO A POINT ON'TI3$ 5GUn-f T,1NE OF 3 NOTt'THBRAT PACIFIC RAYL'4VAY "PALMBR CUT-OFP" DISTANT 92U PEEiT BAST . € . ~ ' PR01ti2 THE DNWIATG LIN$ BSTWBBN'fHB'SOUTHEEISTQUARTEI{ OF THE SOi7xHEASI' C2UAIt'1BR AND GOVBItNMBNT Lt?T 14j . . THIiNCB SbUTHWSSTBRLX AI,ONG SAID INTERSECTBD LTNB TO THB.PoINT OF - ~ BEGINNING; . . ; . i Yi(C)V!` TITAT PORTIUN,l3$SCYtI$~'sD ,A9FOLLOWS: BEGINNING ON THB 50TTfI I I.IhTB OP SAID SECTION 18, bTSTANT 1,000 IqW FIZUM Tm50'C1TI-iSAST COBNER THERBOP; , FMMM=ITYbF=21101.MQHTaF_YYAYtLEGAL8f1NDElOIIBITSIPARML28TAtO'iDOCX LASTSAVEDBTGR&OdO01t6 Resotution 4714 Exhlbft A19, P8g810F 3 ~ F.XHIBff All • . '.TI-VNCE WSST AI,OATG SAID S+OUTH I.tNE 284:84 PSST, MOItE OTi LFSS. T'O TF-YE , EAST LYNB OF "M" STREET SOUTHMM: . • THENCB NlJR1'H ALONG SAXD RA.,ST T.TNB 450nBxTO TH8 TRUH PDINT OF BBGINNING; • . THENCB.Sbi.TlH 00 DBGRSB 41'46" BAST, ALONG TFTB HAST MAiZGIN OF SAID "M" STitBST SOUIHffiAST A DIST.ANCE OF 33.12 ASBT: THBNC:l3 NORTH 87 DEGRSB5-49'361 BAST A DTSTANCE OF 103.32 PBFT; . . , , • THMNCS NORTH 41 D$G12HHS 07'52" fiAST .A UIS'!'ANCB OF 107.63 PBBT; TH$NCB NbRTI-I 88 DEGnBHS 27'32" BASTA DTSTANCI3 OF38.85 MT; • '1'H$NCB NORTH 00 DSGRBB 41945 0 WEST A DATANCB (3P 42,84 FBEi', TO TFiB . ' NORTHMI.Y MOS'T LINB OF SAID PAitCBL "A°, A5 $Bx FOR'T,EI 13X.,NDGMBIJT , SNTERED IN KYNG C'X7UNTY SCfI'EIZTS?R COURT CAUSB NUMBBX $5 2-02976,3; TH'ENCE SC?'UTH 88 ~I)BGRE}3S 2,V32"'SNOT. ALONG SAYD NORTHBRLY LRqK A • DISTANCH OP 93:93 FW; ' . ' TMNCE $pU'IH QQ pBGREB 41'46" BAST•A DISTAMCB OF 90.00 SaHBT; THgNCg gpt7T14 gg DgGgLaBS 273211 WBST A DISTAN'CH OF 120A0 $BST, TO THB TRUE POINT OF BFGIlVNING. ~+'14~."`;~ • ` '~.~S1~Il,.tl • - • COAftL&j ~ • ~o~~i~• h'k'GlS'I'~K""~~g`' ajXS/2010 Resolu6on 4714 ' ' . Exhfbtt A9 t, Paqe 2 OF 3 • ~ ~t = i ~ 41 m • FND 2-712' BRASS DISK SEC. 9 8, T. 21N., R. 5 E.,11U.M.. . ~ .o• , OD SET Ild ROAD SURFACE _ w w {n to . m~ m . . 'AA`STSE oasrtbG r R(7W l.UNE . . . W 7.11' 1~ i N 02°20'30° , y • ~,•c~l~ 991:d8' 225M ~ ~;i • , • ROSNACQUISf[tON +1-3;518:5'~ . . CAL• C'D ROSi'i'IOM OF SE G1VR r 8-29-05. PER SLllfl 13tPENDEPJf . RESURVEY, AFyPFtOVED32511880 m' a o' ~ 1821059258 \ \ . • THISDCHISrt'MAAISAGftAPHICAt. • REPRE&ENTATION OF THE PARM PRFPAREO HY: EB3 DAM08-174VI0 BOl,AQDARIES MRTRX LOT t 82t099758. . ~ CFMCKED B1': GCB DA7L OB-i7-20`{0 , KING COUNTY. WASMNGTtyN.'AHO bOES R6VISED B1: DATe NOT REPRfiSENT k BOUNt7ARY 3URVEY: ~6~ILL EXHIBIT A12 _ LEGAL DBSCRII'I'IDN FOIt QUu CLA.IM P1tOM PA.RCBL N0.18?a.059041 ' All that portion of the below described 1'ARBNT PARCEI-, l~ein$ a postian o# GOV"x : LAT.14, 4n Settloa 18, Torrvnb3up 21 No?-t3i, "e 5.BaA W:M., ir►IQn$ County,. ' yV'ashingtozL,lying northerly of the follawing described Ifiie: ; ftinrruig at a pauit cau the srntth ]3neof Secklozi• 18. Tov~nship 21 NorE~, Range 5 Sas#, ! rr ~ ' saidpoint Iyirig 1,283.50 feet eAS[erl y of the souihquflrter comet c# sRid Sectiozw 18, said poif►t Also beii;g theintarsectiom w3th tihe projacted easterlp margln of `M' Sf. S8, thsnce along said projectton Noxth 00°bTSU" Hast 25.00 feet to Ehe intepection of fihe eastexly margin of'M' St.' S11anli the nortlierly znaxgin of 8ih 5t. 9B, tbence e►Iomg said easterly mazgan NorthOD°57'64" East, 6450$ feet t0 41e TRUS POW OF BSGINNING, thence Noxffi $9°5741" West, 300.Q4 feet~ fio-the westerIy litte of add PARBNT PARCSL: and the texmlmus nf spid 1me desciipiion, cox►#eh-ing 9,002 square feet, more or less. ' . PARENx'PARC$L • The east 830 led of the saath 660 feet of Government Lot 14, SecHnn 18, Tawnship 21 North. Itange b Baet, W.M., ir: ICing C4untp Washingtan; . • HKCEPT the weat 82142 feek of the soutti 191 feet thezmt- .AN17 13XCBF'T the east 7475$ fieet of the south 7.94.39 feet fhexeof; AND BXCBI'T the east 30 feet thereof, canveyed to King Cvuixty far xoad purposess bp ; 8eed r&-nrcled vnder Reanding No. 2749751; • ` ; (A1E0 KNOWN AS Parcel A, Ciiy of Aubttrn Lot LineAdjuetment No. LLA-04-0009, : xecorcletl unde'r Recarcling Na, 20M622001461) ~ ' ~ • . ! I • . ~ CtLI►}2,~LEy ~ ! . , oF• n~sf~~~coo~ I ; . 4 10 G . ,[u'%~ ~ A,L LA ~ . • - • ~ . . . W011. . FWBURt1NpIG1YMI242Af0L.FlOFIf_OFyYAY11X-AfBAW Ebu81191PAWE1.bQOT(711RLDd01C IAST$MVEOBYWIM PtOOKS : Resolution 4714 Exhibtt A12, Page 1 oF 2 ; GQVT LOT'14, SEC 7'S, T. 27 N., Rs E,.W.M. • Na ~ .A. ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ' . • m EMSTIAIG ~ I ROW UIS1E PROPOSED . ROWLWE z ~ TAX lC1T NUMBER , - I m ~ PARCEL A. CITY OF Al3BURN = to L ~ _ , ~ LOT LtNE P►QJUSTIVIENT N0: LLA-04-OU99 m -q ~ p RECORDIINGNO.'20040622D01487 . i w ~ m ~ ~ . p ~ ~z E.X{S7Ma m ROW i.ME POB P.ROP'O'SED ARFAOEt2UlTCl.ASAA • _ ~ ROW L1~4E -N-~,002SLtfl' ~ , • ` • . N OU°57`5Q° E 605.09' t 'iPqB_ fil!''ST SE i ~ • c ~11SE%MIBITMAPI3BASmONTHECRYo4OR-0009 ' . PR~ARF.D BY EBS DA1'E.07~3~2070 ~~u i.arr uNE au.~c~' Na w4~. NCS P~ RE~0~6 N0.2004~14@1.KUfGCOUNTY, CHECwr.~ 61P. GCB DA7'E Q7 i3,2010 gto5N~M1 ~E5 NvT REPRESENT A ~2~1H1L1~ REYISFD6IF 0lki~ SuRV~Y a~e.vmxemn~ ar.taano • EXHIBIT A13 . ItIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION FItOM PAR.CBL N4.1821059041 ' All that portlan of tite lielow desadfaed PA.RE+]'T PARM-bein8 g portfun of GO'V'T . IAT x, ui SecEion 18, Townsiiip 21 Northt Range bEast WJYLr In Kin8 Lonnty. Waoington, descizbecl as foIIows: . ' Beglx►ning at apvint on the south line of SecHon 18: Towmsliip 21 Narth, Itange 5 IU4 . said point Iying 1,276.50 fee-t easterly' a the south qttoiter comer of aaid Section 18, thenco NoxEh 00°57'50" Basti 194.41 fiest to the Souttiarly lix►e af saicl PARBNT PARCBL -and the TRUD Pt7TNT OF )MINNINa, thence ronthiuit►g North dQOVS0'• Eask • • 55.~8 iEeet, tXience Noxth 89°39'(ri." West, 6.0I feet, thence North OQWSO" East, • . . MOU feet to the beglxuning of a titngenc cum to the left havang a raclius of 35.47. feek thence northwesterXy aloaig said. curve tZirough A cetrc~ an~e of 90°55'31" an are lerig~th - of 56.29 feet,'tbence South 89°b'Y41" Easx, 49,05 feet fio ~e easfiMly mwgin of'M' St 58, #henca along eaid eastdclpmazgin Saq% 00°5?''50" West~ 435.66 feet #a the southetly line af said PA12EN'C EARC114 thence a1on8 said sauthikdy line North $9°57'41" West, 7.OU feet to the TRUB PO.AN'P OF $BGINNING, containiaV 5,610 square fe4 mor'e !or leas, . PAItE1VT PA.RCEL ' . . The east 330 feer of the souih 660 feet uf Gov'sritmen.t Lat 1',~ Seckion 18. Townsliip 21 I+l'or#h, Ttange 5 Fa$~ W.NT., fn Km$ County, Washiiigtnli; BXCII'T the west 82A2 feet of the south 191 feet thereut- . .ANll .FXCE['T thq east 2d758 feek of the sauth 194.39 foo-t th¢reof: • AND EXCBPT the east 30 feef thereaf, comvepP.d fio King Cqi'nty fox xoad pnrpos+ea by . .4ed recqrded under ltecarding No, 2!149789i • (AISO.KNOWI*T A.S Ptarcel A. Cily, ok AubtunI.c5t Lir►e Acljitslment No. LLA:04-UD09, . xecordecl tmnder RecokdiiYg Nb. X0U%22001461.) . < ~ . CitARL$S ~ T a ,p p • . • f aP~ aN•t~ L.AT~~ ' . • FiAWMMACRYUF11829?WA11T~.1~'AYtLHM6AN0E"BIT81PARCB.6TAW-bOCK ' LAST6AUED8YARE8BRpOKS ResoEuNon 4714 Mbit A13, Page 1 oF2 J y ~ O ~ w~ GOtI''C LOT 14, 5EC 1$, T. 211d., R. 5E.. W.M. EYJSMNG EX1S11NG RO UNE j . a ~ ROW UhtE • 's PROPOSEII , ROW LINE • ~ i • ~i ~ s1oo ti'~ . . ~ i TAX LCIY NUMBER' ~ i. ~ ~ 18~'IO~Q4'k i ti FARCEL A. CITY'aF AUBURN ~ Y ! lr" I = C LOl' LlldE ADJUSTMENT fVO. iU1-04-0009 Go RECORDINGN0.20040822001467 '-1 4 . ca~ ~ . , m , TFO$ N oo0sr5o^ E b so~[ . ~ ~ ~ L: , $s,~s ' :?.3.D0' • 55.58 l~ 35.4T 3 ~168r4f•, " N'00°6750° E 344.00' l ~ _ { w • N 89°38'01° W S 00°ST50" W 435.66' S 89°b7'4'{° E I. POB 6.01' 4&05' _ ' '7U1' 8T SE • RoW 0 Q F7 ON. . i ~ , m W • NTS, a •~i ' TM DWIBiT MAP A~`~13~'~ON TME CITYOF • . PREF~fIRID HY: S§ DAT~07-13-2910 kUBURIV (ATUt~E JI NTiJO. LEFF044009. . . CHFGM 9Y: GC8 DATE 07-13201D RE-COFtDGTGOK a ON T 61,~,UA Y, . rtEnsmM • nATE: ~H62lUlHILL EXMBTd' A14 ~ RIGHT OF WAY ACQIASMOAT FItO.M~AItCBL NC). 78710597.95 ~ , . • ~ • ' ~ . . . ~ All thatparHou di the below deacxibed PARBD3T PARCfi1, be.fng a portion of G'OV'T ~ LAT X4, mSection ~8, Tawiwup 21 Noio4 Range 5 East, W.K, #n Katg Cotmty,. ' Wasbington, Iying easfexly of the follotaing descrlbed Iim- . Beounbig at a pnln# cui fihs sputh line of Section 18, Tawrid-tip 21 Nordit R.ange 5Easl~ s iedd pofntlyit►g 1.270.50 feet eastearly of k11e south qvarteer cnrner a# safd sectfazi I8, ~ thence Ncxrth 00°57`50 F3ast, 25.00 feet Eo the smtherIy Iine otsaid P,AREP1T ~+A.RC$L . i . ancl the TRUB 1'C3INT OP BjiGm1NG, thence contiriutng Nqrkh 00°57'SU". Bast, ~ 169.41 feet to the mortlieAy Hu~e of said PA.itBN7' I'AIZGSL,- and fihd terndnas of said line ~ desetlptiort, contatning 1.185 squaxe £eet, xnare os less. . PARBNT PARCBL Tb,e ~ctest B2.42 feet pf tILe sauth, 799 feet and the east 21:7.88 feet pf fhie Rcnitlti 794:39 feet ~ af Government Lot 14, Sectton 18, Tciwnship 21 Narth, Raizge 5 Eask W.M., in King Cociniy, Was~►#ngt~n; I BXCBPT rhe east 30 feet thereaf, pwveyed to Mng Couxtty far xoad Purpasea by deed ~ ' recardect under Itecozding No. 27~i'5~J; ' . ~ - . , ; AND 13XCM fllat porklon diereo#tonveyed to King County for road pvzgoses by deed f xecpxded under Recprding No: 2p091 105000893, a corxectian of deed xecoxded undex ' j Recording No. 7.-MQ30425: _ • } j i (AL50 YQNOWN AS 1'amel B, City of Avburn I.at Liae Adjustment No. LLA-040009, ~ recorded, under Recwcdmg No. 20040622001461) ~ ~ GHAliLF.p I . • ~G~ o~, V W*Skl~~oo~ . i co~ . tit . ; Aa L I nr"~ ~ - - . . : r.auewwwnarrOrpar4MarwR►oxr.AFweYUe$4sWMWstPauCFLrtAKPAcx tnsrenvWavWoeaaoxe : ~ . Reso[uQon 4714 Exhfbft A14, Page 1 oF 2 . ~ EXHIBIT A14 _ _ . . : PROF'ERTYLIMH - w Q tu aob~ ! . j _ . ~ W~ . ' I s . ~ C2 . ~ ~ m o . ~ ~ z w ~ ~ • ' W 1.0 , . z ~'v ~ - _ ~ • 3 ~ cn ( ~ nW ~ • ~ ` 82 ~o ~ x . ! ~ . ~ . i ~s ' p • • . I W ' , E2~~Q~ ~ ~,y lu . ~ 1 ~~Z~~ ~ ' ' ~ . $ ~ 9 ss ~ ~ - - - - - - - , s 89°67"41" E y ~ 19 18 20 . 8T14 ST SE o Resolution 4794 - . . . Exhibit A14, Page 2OF 2 , j