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18.04.495, 18.07.020, 18, 21.010 AND 18.21.020 OF THE
18;04;325, 18.04.622, 18.04.742, 18.31.210 AND 48.31.211
CITY OF AUBURN WHEREAS, there is interest in the keeping of chickens, potbelly pigs, and
miniafur'e goats as pets in some residential and commercial districts in the City of
Aubum; and
WHEREAS, the question of whether to allow individuals to keep chickens,
potbelly pigs, and miniature goats as pets was raised by Staff to the Planning and
Community Development Committee in April of 2010; and
WHEREAS, Staff gained further direction from the Planning and Community
Development Committee at the May 9., 2011 meeting, and
WHEREAS, a Determination of Non-Significance was issued for the proposed
amendments on June 21, 2011 with no comments or appeals filed; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106, the proposed zoning code
amendments were sent to the Washington State Department of Commerce and other
state agencies as required for an expedited review were received by Department of
Commerce on June 17, 2011; and
WHEREAS, Staff presented the proposed ordinance to the Planning Commission
on June 7, 2011 as a workshop, and at the July 6, 2011 meeting as a public hearing;
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August 11, 2011
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WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council adopt
the `proposed ordinance amendments; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposed amendments fo the Aubum
City Code are in accordance with Section 36.70A.130 RCW.
Section 1. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 18.04.495 of the Auburn
City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows:
18.04.495 Household pet.
"Household pet" means a domesticated animal of ordinary species that lives, or
is commonly known to be capable of living, within the confines of a residence. Animals
considered to be common household pets included but are not necessarily limited to the .
following: dogs, cats, rabbits, indoor birds, small rodents, and fish, miniature Qoats,
potbellv pigs, and domestic fowL Animals not considered to be common household pets
include but are not necessarily limited to the following: horses, cows, goats, sheep,
swine, donkeys, full size swine. and. _full size Qoats, shiskens,-endangered or exotic
species and any similar species. ` " V ' Title
14, ' .(Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 5777 § 1; 2003; Ord. 4229 § 2,
1987. Formerly 18.04.720.)
Section 2. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 18.07.020 of the Aubum
City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows:
18.07.020 Uses.
Table 18.07.020
Permitted Use Table = Residential Zoning Designations
P= Permitted A= Administratiye C= Conditional Use X= Not Permitted
Land Uses Zoning Designations
R- R- R- R- R- R- R-
C 1 5 7 10 16 20
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Table 18.07.020
Permitted Use Table - Residential Zoning Deslgnations
P= Permitted A= Administrative C= Conditional Use X= Not Permitted
Land Uses Zoning Designations
R- R- R- R- R- R- R-
C 1 5 7 10 16 20
A. Residential Uses. Accessorydwelting units P P P P X' X' X'
Accessory use, residential P P P P P P P
Adult family home P P P P P P P
Bed and breakfast P P P P P P P
Boardinghouses (with three or more boarders) X X X X C C C
Duplexes; provided, that minimum lot size of zoning designation is
met and subject to compliance with Chapter 18.25 ACC (Infill X X A P P P X
Residential Development Standards)
Foster care homes P P P P P P P
. Group residence facilities (7 or more residents) X X X X C C C
Group residence facilities (6 or fewer residents) P P P. P P P P
Keeping household pets 4 PZ . Pa2 P22 P3l PaZ P4 P3l
Multiple-family dwellings X X X X A P R
Neighbofiood recreational buildings and facilities owned and
A'§ A7rI AN AN A7§ P P
managed by the neighborhood homeowners' association
Renting of rooms, for lodging purposes only, to accommodate not
more than two persons in addition to the'immediate family
Residential care facilities including but not limited to assisted living
facilities, convalescent homes, continuing care retirement facilities
Single-family detached dwellings, new P P P P P P X
Supportive housing, subject to the provisions of ACC 18.31.160 X X X X X P P
Swimming pools, tennis courts and similar outdoor recreation uses
only accessory to residential or park uses _
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Table 18.07.020
Permitted Use Table - Residential Zoning Designations
P= Permifted A= Administrative C= Conditional Use X= Not Permitted
Land Uses Zoning Designations
R- R- R- R- R- R- R-
C 1 5 7 10 16 20
Townhouses (attached) X X X X P P P.
B. Commercial Uses.
Commercial horse riding and bridle trails A X X X X X ' X
Commercial retail, included as part of mixed-use development and
not a home occupation in compliance with Chapter 18.60 ACC
Daycare, limited to a mini daycare center. Daycare center,
preschool or nursery school may also be permitted but must be X A A A A A A
located on an arterial
Home-based daycare as regulated by RCW 35.63.185 and through
receipt of approved city business licens.e
Home occupations subject to compliance.with Chapter 18.60 ACG P P P P P P P
Mixed-use development43- X X X X P P P
Nursing homes X X X X C C C
Private country clubs and golf courses, excluding driving ranges X X C C C X X
- Privately owned and operated parks and playgrounds and not
homeowners' association-owned recreational area
Professional offices, included as part of mixed-use development
_ and not a home occupation in compliance with Chapter 18.60 ACC
C. Resource Uses.
Agricultural type uses are permitted provided they are incidenfal
and secondary to the single-family use:
Agricultural crops and open field growi.ng (commercial) P X X X X X X
Bams, silos and related structures P X X X X X X
Commercial greenhouses P X X X X X X
, P P X X X-1 X x
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Table 18.07.020
Permitted Use Table - Residential Zoning Designations
P= Permitted A= Administrative C= Conditional Use X= Not Permitted
Land Uses Zoning Designations
R= R- R- R- R- R- R-
C 1 5 7 10 16 20
, . ,
, ,
Pasturing and grazing 4 P X X X X X X
Public and private stables 4 P X X X X X X
Roadside stands; for the sale of agricultural products raised on #he .
premises. The stand cannot exceed 300 square feet in area and P X X X X X X
must meet the applicable setback requirements
Fish hatcheries C X X. X X X X
D. Govemment, Institutional, and Util.ity Uses.
Civ.ic, social and fratemal clubs X X X X A A A
Govemment facilities A A A A A A A
Hospitals (except animal hospitals) X X X X X C C
Municipal parks and playgrounds A P P P P P P
Museums X X X X A A A
Religious institutions, less than one acre lot;size A A A A A A A
Religious institutions, one acre or larger lot size C C C C C C C
Transmitting towers C C C C C C C
Type 1-D Wireless Communication Facility (see ACC 18.04.912(4 P P P P P P P
Utility facilities and substations C~ C6~ C65 C6§ C65
1. An accessory dwelling unit may be permitted with an existing single-family residence pursuant to ACC
I 2. ' ' . . . . Retinc-lude • ' than peWPlease see the suqqlemental development standards for_animals in Secfion 18.31.210 ACC.
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3. . ,
YOWFIg Of Pets- _
4. Individual uses that make up a mixed-use development must be pe.rmitted within the zone. If a use
making up part of a mixed-use development requires an administrative or conditional use permit, the
individual use must apply for and.receive the administrative orconditional use approv.al, as applicable:
~ 54. Proximity of pasfure or livestock roaming area to wells, surFace waters, a.nd aquifer recharge zones is
- regulated by the King or Pierce County board of health, and property owners shall comply with the
provisions of the King County board of health code.
I 65 Excludes all public and private utility facilities addressed under ACC 18.02.040(E).
-76 Administrative use permit not required when approved as part of a. subdivision or binding site plan.
(Ord. 6269 § 3; 2009; Ord. 6245 § 5, 2009.)
Section 3. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 18.21.010 of the Aubum
City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows:
18.21.010 Lea Hill overlay.
A. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide for addifional
development standards to address the area commonly referred to as the Lea Hill
annexation area, as annexed under city of Auburn Ordinance Nos. 5346 and 6121, and
identified on the city of Auburn comprehensive zoning map. While the intent is that the_;
development standards for zones in the Lea Hill annexation area will be similar to (rf not
the same as) corresponding zones in other areas of the city, some variations are
needed to recognize previous development allowed by King County zoning. Unless
otherwise provided for in this section, all other provisions and requirements of this title
shall apply to properties within the Lea Hill overlay..
, B. Development Standards - Lots Previously Approved.
1. For any residential lot that had received final plat approval, final short plat
approval, or preliminary plat approval or that King County had received and determined
the application complete for a preliminary plat or short plat, prior to the effective date of
annexation into the city of Auburn, the developmenf, standards in the following table
shall apply. The property ownerlapplicant shall be responsible to provide to the city
evidence of these previous approvals.
2. Any further subdivision of any lot and its subsequent use must conform to
the permitted uses and standards referenced in the applicable zoning chapters of this
title, except as modified by this section. For farm animals, subsection E of this section or
( su'bsection 18.31.210 shall apply.
Min Setbacks* Building Height
Min Lot Min
Lot Area Lot Max Lot
Zone Area (Sq. Coverage Front Rear Side, Side, Main Accessory
Wid~ ~oo) Interior Street
(Sq. Ft. (Ft.) (Ft.) (Ft.) (Ft) (Ft.)
Ft.) per (Ft) (Ft.)
R-1 18,000 N/A 35 35 20 5 5 10 35 35
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Min Setbacks* Building Height
, Min Lot Min
Lot Area Lot Max Lot
Zone' Area (Sq. Coverage Front Rear Side, Side, Main Accessory
Wid~ ~oo~ Interior Street
(Sq. F~' (Ft.) (Ft) (Ft) (Ft) (Ft)
Ft.) per (Ft.) (Ft.)
R-5 2,500 , N/A 30 35 10 5- 5 10 35 16
R-7 2,500 6,000 30 35 10 5 5 10 35 16
R-10 2,500 4,300 30 40 10 5 5 10 35 35
R-16 2,500 2,700 30 55 10 5 5 10 35 35
R-20 2, 500 2,175 30 55 10 5 5 10 35 35
* Garages and other similar structures with a vehicular access require a 20-foot.
setback from any street.
C. Prior King County Approvals. The city of Auburn will recognize the terms
of any King County-approved plat, PUD, conditional use permit, contract rezone or
similar contractual obligations that may have been approved prior to the effective date
of the annexation of the subject property. The conditions of any project that was
approved by King County shall be required to be fulfilled in the city of Auburn.
D. Planning Director Authorization. The planning director shall be authorized
to interpret the language of any King County permit, plat or condition thereof and
effectuate the implemenfation of same to the fullest extent possible. If there is a conflict
` between a previous King County approval and the Auburn regulation then the most
restrictive provision shall apply as determined by:the plan,ning director.
E. Farm Animals.
~ 1. For properties greater than an acre 4a-in the R-1, R-5 and R-7 zones, it is
permissible to keep farm animals (excluding goats and swine in the R-5 and R-7 zones);
provided, there shall not be more than one horse, cow, donkey or other similar large
animal, or four small animals such as sheep, or 12 poultry, rabbits, or similar size
animals per each acre of enclosed usable pasture or roaming area. This acreage
requirement is in addition to the minimum lot size requirements of the zone. Property
owners of more than an acre in the _ Lea Hill _Overlav mav choose to apply these
standards or the standards in subsection 18.31.210:
2. Shelters provided for farm animals shall be constructed no closer than 50
feet from any adjoining lot and shall be 100 feet from any public street or alley. Any
corral, exercise yard, or arena shall maintain a distance. of 35 feet from any property
line. This excludes pasture area.
3. For those properties that do not meet the requirements of subsection
(E)(1) of this section, and facm animals were present prior to annexation, the farm
- -
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animals may remain as legal nonconforming uses. In such case the number of farm
animals allowed may be the same as what the county zoning provisions had allowed
prior to the effective date of the annexation of the subject property.
F. Lot Averaging - R-1 Zone. It may be possible to subdivide land in the R-1
zone info Iots smaller than 35,000 square feet if the property has a significant amount of
nonbuildable land due to steep slopes, wetlands or similar feafures that would be in the
public's best interest to maintain.. The following regulations shall apply in situations
where lot averaging is permitted or required:
1. At least 50 percent of the subdivision must be set aside as open space.
Critical areas (i,e., steep slopes, wetlands) can count towards the 50 percent '
requirement. Maintenance of the open space fract or easement shall be the
responsibility of the property owner and/or a homeowners' association.
2. The number ofi allowable lots in a subdivision shall be determined by
multiplying the total number of acres in the subdivision by one. Any fraction shall be
rounded to the nearest whole number with one-half being rounded up.
3. The minimum size of any lot shall be 8,000 square feet. For lots less than
35,000 square feet, the minimum lot width shall be consistent with the requirements of
the R-5 zone (Chapter 18.07 ACC). All other applicable development standards related
to the R-1 zone will continue to apply.
4. Lots within the subdivision shall be clustered so as fo provide for continuity
of open space within the subdivision and, where possible, with adjoining parcels.
5. Each lot within a subdivision shall illustrate a building area within which
the house, accessory sfrucfures, and parking areas shall be constructed. The building
area shall be exclusive of setbacks, nonbuildable areas orany required buffers from the
nonbuildable areas. Any preliminary plat, final plat or short plat shall illustrate the building area for each lot. Any future construction will be limited to the identified building
- area.
6. A native growth protection easement or similar device, which may include
provisions for the limited removal of vegetation and passive use of the easement, that
perpetually protects the nonbuildable areas must be recorded with the final plaf or short
plat. (Ord. 6245 § 13, 2009.)
Section 4. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 18.21.020 of the Auburn
City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows:
18.21.020 West Hill overlay.
A. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide for additional
development standards to address the area commonly referred to as the West Hill
annexation area, as annexed under city of Auburn.Ordinance No. 6122 and identified on
the city of Auburn comprehensive zoning map. UVhile the intent is that the development
standards for zones in the West Hill annexation area will be similar to (if not the same
as) cotresponding zones in other areas of the city, some variations are needed to
recognize previous development allowed by King County zoning. Unless otherwise
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provided for in this section, all other provisions and requirements of this title shall apply
to properties within the West Hill overlay.
B. Development Standards - Lots Previously Approved.
1. For any residential lot that had received final plat approval, final short plat
approval, preliminary plat approval or that King County had received and determined
the application complete for a preliminary plat or short plat, prior to the effective date of
annexation, the development standards in the following table shall apply. The property
owner/applicant shall be responsible to provide evidence of these previous
2. Any further subdivision of any lot and its subsequent use must conform to
the permitted uses and standards referenced in the applicable zoning chapters of this
title, except as modified by this section: For farm animals, subsection E of this section or '
I subsection 18.31.210 shall apply.
Min Setbacks* Building Height
Min Lot Min
Lot Area Lot Max Lot
Zone Area S Covera e Side, Side,
~ q• 9 Front Rear AAain Accessory
Wid~ ~o~ Interior Street
(Sq. Ft. (F~) (Ft.) (Ft.) (Ft,) (Ft.)
Ft) per (Ft.) (Ft.)
R-1 8,000 N/A 35 35 20 5 5 10 35 35
R-5 2,500 N/A 30 35 10 55 10 35 16
R-7 2,500 6,000 30 35 10 55 10 35 16
* Garages and other similar structures with a vehicular access require a 20-foot
setback from any street.
C. Prior King County Approvals. The city of Aubarn will recognize the terms
of any King County-approved plat, PUD, conditional use permit, confract rezone or
similar contractual obligations that may have been approved prior to the effective date
of the annexation of the subject property. The conditions of any project that was
approved by King County shall be requicedto be fulfilled :in the city of Auburn.
D. Planning Director Authotization. The planning director shall be authorized
to interpret the language of any King County permit, plaf or condition thereof and
effectuate the implementation of same to the'fullesf extent possible. If there is a conflict
befinreen a previous King County approval and the Auburn regulation, then the most
restrictive provision shall apply as determined by the planning director.
E. Farm Animals.
~ 1. For properties greater than an acre Jn-in the R-1, R-5 and R-7 zones
within the West Hill overlay, it is permissible to keep farm animals (excluding goats and
swine in the R-5 and R-7 zones); provided, there shall not be more than one horse, Ordinance No. 6369
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cow, donkey or other similar large animal, or four small animals such as sheep, or 12
poultry, rabbits, or similar size anirnals per each acre of enclosed usable pasture or
roaming area. This acreage requirement is in addition to the minimum lot size
requirements of the applicable zone. Property owners of more than an acre in the West
Hill_Overlav..districf mav choose to aqqlv these standards, or the standards in
subsection_ 18_.31.210.
2: Shelters provided for farm animals shall be constructed no closer than 50
feet from any adjoining lot and no closer than 100 feet from any public street or alley..
Any corral, exercise yard, or ar`ena shall maintain a distance of 35 feet from any
property line. This excludes pasture areas.
3. For those properties that do not meet the requirements of subsection
(E)(1) of this section, and farm animals were present prior to annexation, the farm
animals may remain as legal nonconforming uses. fn such case, the number of farm
animals allowed may be fhe same as what the county zoning provisions had allowed
prior to the. effective date of the annexation of the subject property. (Ord. 6245 § 13,
Section S. Creation of EVew Section to Citv. Code - Domestic Fowl. That
a New Section 18.04.325 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is created to
read as follows:
18.04:325 Domestic fowl.
Domestic fowl includes all species of chickens,.turkeys, geese, and ducks.
Section 6. Creation of New Section to Citv Code - Miniature Goats. That
a New Section 18.04.622 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is created to
read as follows
18.04.622 Miniature goat. .
Miniature goats include species of goafs commonly known as Pygmy (Capra
hircus hircus pygmy), or Nigerian Dwarf (Capra hircus hircus nigerian dwarf) and
Miniature Goats.
Section 7. Creation of New Section to Citv Code - Potbellv Piq. That a
New Section 18.31.210 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is created to
read as follows:
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18.04.742 Potbeliy pig.
Miniature potbelly pigs are that fype of swine commonly known as Vietnamese,
Chinese, or Asian Potbelly Pig (Sus scrofa bittatus).
Section 8. Creation of New Section to Citv Code -Permitted animals. That
Section 18.31.210 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is created fo read
as follows:
18.31.210 Perniitted animals.
A Domestic fowl
Domestic fowl may be kept as small animals if the owner complies with the
following: 1. Roosters are not permitted.
2. Structures housing domestic fowl must comply with accessory structure
setbacks applicable in the zoning district where the shelter is to be located.
3. Up to 4 domestic fowl can be kept on lots that are at least 6,000 gross
square, feet in size. On lots that are larger than 6,000 gross square feet, 1 additional
small lot domestic animal may be kept per additional 2,000 gross square feet as shown
in chart 18.31.211.
4. Please reference section 8.28.010 regarding noise, section 8.12.020
regarding nuisances, and section 6.24.020 regarding slaughtering.
B. Miniature Goats
Miniature goats may be kept as small animals if they are licensed as follows:
1. Male miniature goats must be neutered.
2. All miniature goats must be dehorned.:
3. Nursing offspring of miniature goafs licensed according to the provisions
of this Code may be kept until weaned, but no longer than 12 weeks from birth.
4. Shelter location must comply with accessory structure setbacks applicable
in the zoning district where the shelter is to be located.
6. Licensing must be done in accordance with Auburn City Code Title 6,
Animal Control, which incorporates the provisions of King County Code Title 11, Animal
Care and Control.
6. Up to 2 miniature goats are allowed on lots that are at least 12,500 gross
square feet in size. On lots that are greater than 12,500 gross square feet, 1 additional
medium size domestic animal may be kept per additional 7,500 gross square feet as
shown in Table 18.31.211.
7. Please reference section 8.28.010 regarding noise, section 8:12.020
regarding nuisances, and section 6.24.020 regarding slaughtering.
C. Potbelly pigs
Miniature potbelly pigs may be kept as a small animal, provided that no swine
that is greater than 22 inches in height at the shoulder or more than 150 pounds in
weight may be kept in the city. Ordinance No. 6369
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1. Nursing offspring of potbelly pigs licensed according to the provisions ofi
this Code may be kept untif weaned, but no longer than 12 weeks from birth.
2. Shelter location must comply with accessory structure setbacks applicable
in the zoning district where the shelter is to be located.
3. Licensing must be done in accordance with Auburn City Code Title 6,
Animal Control, which incorporates the provisions of King County Code Title 11, Animal
Care and ControL
4. 2 potbelly pigs can be kept on lots that are at least 12,500 gross square
feet in size. On lots that are greater than 12,500 gross square feet, 1 additional medium
size domestic.animal may be kept per additional 7,500 gross square feet as shown in
chart 18.31.211.
5. Please reference section 8.28.010 regarding noise, section 8.12.020
regarding nuisances, and section 6.24.020 regarding slaughtering.
Section 9. Creation of New Section to Citv Code - Table of Allowed
districts . That a New Section 18.31.211 of the Auburn Cify Code be and the same
hereby is created to read as follows:
18.31.211 Table of Allowed districts
The allowable numbers of animals permitted outright, provided the minimum lot
size is met, are detailed in the following table. The specffied minimum lot sizes are
absolute requirements. No variances, waivers, and/or modifications under the Auburn
City Code may be granted. The keeping of animals that require lesser lot size is allowed
to be cumulative, when lot size requirements have been met. Licensing of pets and
animal control is govemed by Auburn City Code Title 6, Animal Control, which
incorporates the provisions of King County Code Title 11, Animal Care and Control.
RC R1 R5 R7 R10 R16 R20 RO C1 C2 C3
*Permitted as an outright use if more than 50% of the property is not covered with
impervious surFace. If the property is more than 50% covered with impervious surface
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then the applicant must apply for an administrative use permit pursuant to section
18.64. These applications will not be processed as conditional use permits.
Type of Animal Maximum Number of Animals Perrnitted
Household Pets: dogs, cats, rabbits, 4* per dwelling or commercial building
caged indoor birds, small rodents, and regardless of lot size. A pet license is
if weighing less than 10 pounds any required for each cat or dog.
non-venomous reptiles and
Domestic Fowl 4 on lots that are at least 6,000 gross sq. ft.
in size. On lots that are larger than 6,000
gross sq: ft„ 1 additional small lot domestic
animal, may be kept per additional 2,000
gross sq. ft.
Medium size animals: pot belly pigs, 2 on lots that are at least 12,500 gross sq.
and miniature goats that are smaller ft. in size. On lots that are greater than
than 24 inches at the. shoulder and/or 12,500 gross sq. ft., 1 additional medium lot
not more than 150 pounds in weight. domesfic animal may be kept per additional
7,500 gross sq. ft.
Large size animals: horses, ponies, 2 on lots that are at least 1 gross acre in
donkeys, cows, standard size goats, size. On lots that are larger than 1 gross
Ilamas, oxen, standard size pigs. acre, 1 additional large lot domestic animal
may be kept per additional 21,780 sq. ft.
. *Includes foster animals
Section 5. Imalementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implerrient
such administrative procedures a5 may be necessary to carry out the directions of this
Section 6. Severabilitv. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be
separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision,
section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any
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person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or
the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances.
Section 7. Effective date. This ordinance shall fake effect and be in force five
days from and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: AUG r.5' 2011
- PASSED: Allf, 1&-2011
Danie le E. Daskam, City Clerk
iel B. Hei , Citjr Attorne
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