HomeMy WebLinkAbout6375 , � - - - --- IIu � UI II u I �III � � � uIIIIIIIII � 20111031000242 FIRST RIIERICiiN ORD 68.00 PAGE-001 OF 007 Retum Address: Kin�ic1couriiTV09w°a° Aubum City Clerk City of Aubum 25 West Main St. Auburn, WA 98001 RECORDER'S COVER SHEET Document Title(s) (or transactions contained therein): � I � 1. Rezone (Ordinance 6375) Reference Numberys) of Documents assigned or released: NONE �Addroonal reference#'s on page of documeM Grantor(s)Borrower(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials) CIIY OF AUBURN �'�RST Afi�RIC�1 �t��`� Grantee/AssigneeBeneficiary: (Last name first) Sald documents were filed of record as an accommodation oMy. 1. Green River Community Coilege It has not been examined as to 2. State of Washington proper execution or as to its effect upon tiUe. Legal Description (abbreviated: i.e: lot, block, plat or section, township, range) SW 09-21-05 S1/2 of SE '/4 of SW '/< less Co Rds ❑Additional legal is on page_of documeM. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number osaiosaozo ❑Asseesor Tax#not yet assigned � � - ORDINANCE NO. 6 3 7 5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE REQUEST OF GREEN RIVER COMMUNITY COL-LEGE, FOR A.REZONE FROM R-5 RESIDENTIAL 5 DU/ACRE TO I INSTITUTIONAL _ TO IMPLEMENT THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND AMENDING THE CITY'S ZONING MAPS ACCORDINGLY WHEREAS, the City of Aubum on August 18, 1986 adopted a Comprehensive Plan by Resolution No. 1703 which includes a Map establishing the location of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designations throughout, the City; and WHEREAS, on April 17, 1995 the City of Auburn adopted Comprehensive Plan Amendments by Resolution No. 2635 to comply with the Washington State Growth Management Act; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn on September 5, 1995 reaffirmed that action by Ordinance No. 4788; and WHEREAS, Green River Community College, the.applicant, submitted a rezone application for the Green River Community College Trades . Ptoject rezone on September 13, 2010 for tax parcel.0921059020; and WHEREAS, the environmental impacts of proposed rezone were considered in accordance with procedures of the State'Environmental Policy Act; and WHEREAS, after proper notice published in the City's official newspaper at least . ten (10) days prior to the date of`hearing, the City of Auburn Hearing Examiner on July 20;2011 conducted a public hearing on the proposed Green River Community College , Trades Project'Rezone; and Ordinance No. 6375 August 10, 2011 Page 1 - WHEREAS, at the public hearing the City of Aubum Hearing Examiner heard public testimony and took evidence and exhibits into consideration; and WHEREAS, thereafter the City of Aubum Hearing Examiner made a recommendation to the City Council on the proposed Green River Communiiy College Trades Project Rezone; and WHEREAS, on August 15, 2011, the Auburn City Council considered the proposed Green River Community College Trades Project Rezone as recommended by the City of Auburn Hearing Examiner; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, - WASHINGTON; DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council ("Council) adopts and approves the Green River Community College Trades Project Rezone from R-5 Residential (5du/acre) to I Institutional and directs that the rezone application and all related documents be filed along with this Ordinance with the Auburn City. Clerk and be available for public inspection. Sectoon 2. The Zoning Map amendment is 'herewith designated as a basis for the exercise of substantive authority under the Washington State Environmental Policy - Act by the City's responsible environmental official in accordance with RCW 43.21 C.060. - Section 3. The CounciC adopts the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, in the Hearing Examiner's recommendafion outlined below: Ordinance No. 6375 August 10, 2011 . Page 2 , FINDINGS OF FACT Procedural: 1. Applicanf. The applicant is Green River Community College. 2. Hearinq. The Hearing,E-xaminer conducted a hearing on the application at 5:30 p.m. at Auburn City Hall in the Council Chambers on July 20, 2011. Substantive: 3. SiteLProposal Description:. The applicant has requested. a rezone to change approximately 9 acres #rom R-5 Residential to Institutional at the intersection of SE 320th Street and 120 Avenue SE. The comprehensive plan designation is Public/Quasi-Public. The Institutional zoning designation is consisfent with the uses contemplated in the comprehensiye plan's Quasi-Public use designation. The applicant, Green River Communify College (College); proposes to construct a new 65,000 square foot Trades and Industry Building (Trades Project) that will house courses in carpentry, automobile repair and welding. The existing Trades and Industry programs are housed in functionally obsolete space on fhe main campus. The existing buildings will be demolished and the area will be redesigned as a new entrance to the main campus of the College. The subject site is currently owned bythe City of Aubutn (City) and is,used as a City park, Lee Hill Park. The College and City have negotiated a memorandum of understanding (Exhibit 3) that will facilitate a land exchange. The City will exchange the Lee Hill Park site for a site immediately :to the north and currently owned by the College. Prior to initiating construction of the Trades Project, the College would demolish the current Lee Hill Park and constcuct a new park on tHe exchange property. The City is currently working on a master plan for the new park. 4. Characteristics of the Area. The subject site is adjacent to the south to the main campus of Green River Gommunity College. To the east and west, the site is surrounded by single family residential: The property to the north is mainly vacant land with a daycare. The property to the north and east is zoned R-5 Residential. The property to the west is zoned R-7 Residential. The property to the south is zoned Instifutional. 5. Adverse Impacts. The College has conducted an impressive series of four neighborhood meetings to identify and mitigate potential issues caused by the project. Probably at least in part due to these community meetings, no one spoke against the project at the public hearing. The project has been designed to mitigate for aesthetics, wefland impacts, noise, and transportation issues. The proposal will add a negligible amount of new trips to. SE 124th Avenue (under 25 trips in the peak hours) Ordinance No. 6375 August 10, 2011 Page 3 while providing for a proportionate share of intersection improvements already identified in the City's Transportation Improvement Plan. A SEPA MDNS was issued on June 9, 2011. The Examiner concludes, as conditioned. bythe MDNS, there are no potential adverse impacts ifi the proposed rezone is granted. CONCLUSI09VS OF LAW Procedural: 1. Authority of Hearinp Examiner. ACC 18.68.030(B)(1)(a) grants the Hearing Examiner with the.authoriiy to review and make a recommendation on rezone requests to the City Council if the planning director determines that the rezone requests are consistent with the comprehensive plan. The planning director has determined that the rezone request is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan land use map designation for the property is Public/Quasi-Public. Substantive: 2. Zoninq Desiqnation. The property is currently zoned R-5 Residential. 3. Case Law Review Criteria and Aaplication. The Aubum City_Code does not contain any standards for rezones. Washington appellate courts have imposed some. rezone criteria., requiring that the proponents of a rezone must establish that conditions have subsfantially clianged since the original showing and that the rezone must bear a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, morals or welfare. See Ahmann-Yamane, LLC v. Tabler; 105 Wn. App. 103, 111 (2001). If a rezone implements the Comprehensive Plan, a showing that. a change of circumstances has occurred is not required. Id. at 112. There is no question that the project is consistent with and implements the comprehensive plan, which designates the property Public/Quasi-Public. The current R-5 zoning designation is inconsistent with the comprehensive plan Public/Quasi-Public designation and the proposed rezone should be approved to remove the inconsistency. The rezone bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, morals and welfare of the community because it will allow for the expansion of an essential public facility, a regional college. The rezone provides for #he welfare of the community by expanding the opportunity for members of the community to learn valuable and Vital skills in the trades. Additionally, the rezone will allow for the implementation of the memorandum of understanding between the Cify and College resulting in the replacement of an older park with a newer, modern park facility in essentially the same location. The pub1ic health is protecfed in several ways including the preservation of wetlands, the proposed use of noise abatement and yisual buffers from the campus to the surrounding residential areas and the improvement of the local transportation system to provide for more efficient and safer travel.. Ordinance No. 6375 August 10, 2011 Page 4 HEARING EXAMINER RECOlIAMENDATION The Hearing Examiner'recommends approval of REZ1.0-0001. Section 4. Upon the passage, approval, and publication of this Ordinance as provided by law; the City Clerk of the City of Aubum shall cause this Ordinance to be recorded in the office of the King County Recorder. Section 5. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause; phrase or portion of this Ordinance or any of the Zoning Map amendments adopted herein, is for any reason held invatid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. Section 6. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 7. This Ordinance shall take effecf and be in force five days from and after its passage,. approval, and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: . AUG 151011 PASSED: AUG 151011 APPROVED: AUG 1 5 `2011 Peter B. Lewis, Mayor Ordinance No. 6375 - August 10, 2011 Page 5 ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk ' ~ APPROVED AS TO'FORM: niel B. Heid, Cify Attorney Published: Ordinance No. 6375 August 10, 2011 Page 6 * crnr oF. �. AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM WASHINGTON Agenda Subject: Date: Ordinance No. 6375 August 11, 2011 Department: Attachments: Budget Impact: Planning and Development Ordinence No.6375 $p Hearing Examiner Recommendatlon Exhiblt 7 Exhibil2 Exhibit 3 E il4 Exhlblt 17 Administrative Recommendation: City Council introduce and adopt Ordinance No. 6375 Background Summary: The applicant proposes to construct a new 65,000 square foot single story building that will be for Green River Community College (GRCC) trades classes such as carpentry, automobile repair, and welding. The subject site is approximately 9 acres and located at the intersection of SE 320th Street and 124th Avenue SE. The site is currently developed as a public park that includes baseball fields, tennis courts, and playground. A rezone is required for the proposed Trades Building to allow for the proposed uses on the subject property. The subject site is currently zoned R-5 (5 du/acre) and the proposal is to rezone the subject site to InsiiWtional. The comprehensive plan land use designation for the subject site is Public/Quasi-Public. 03.8 REZ10-0001 Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember: Norman Staff: Snyder Meeting Date: August 15, 2011 Item Number: ORD.E ORD.E AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Page 118 of 274 ORDINANCE NO. 6 3 7 5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE�CITY OF AUBURN, WASIiINGTON, APPROVING THE REQUEST OF GREEN RNER COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOR A REZONE FROM R-5 RESIDENTIAL 5 DU/AGRE TO I INSTITUTIONAL TO IMPLEMENT THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND AMENDiNG THE CITY'S ZONING MAPS ACCORDINGLY WHEREAS, the City of Auburn on August 18, 1986 adopted a Compreliensive Plan by Resolution No. 1703 which includes a Map establishing the location of'ttie Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designations throughout the City; and WHEREAS, on April 17, 1995 the City of Aubum adopted Comprehensive Plan Amendments by Resolution No. 2635 to comply with the Washington State Grovuth . Management Act; and WHEREAS, the City ofAubum on September 5, 1995 reaffrmed that_action'by Ortlinance No. 4788; and WHEREAS, Green River Community College, the applicant, submitted a rezone application for the Green River Community , College Trades Project remne on September 13, 2010 for tax parcel 0921059020; and � WHEREAS, the environmental impacts of proposed rezone were considered in accordance with procedures of the State Environmental Policy Act; and � WHEREAS, after proper notice published in the City's official newspaper at I_east ten (10) days prior to the date of hearing, the City of Aubum Hearing Examiner on July 20, 2011 conducted a public hearing on the proposed Green RiverCommunity College Trades,ProjecY Rezone; and Ordinance No. 6375 August 10, 2011 Page 1 ORD.E Page 119 of 274 WHEREAS, at the public hearing the City of Aubum Hearing Examiner heard public testimorry and tookevidence and exhibits iMo consid_eration; and WHEREAS, thereafter the City of Aubum Hearing Examiner made a recommendation to the City Council on the proposed Green River Community College Trades Project Rezone; and WHEREAS, on August 15;2011, the Aubum City Council considered the proposed Green River Commun'ity College Trades Project Rezone.as recommended by the City of Aubum Hearing'Examiner,and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, . � WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Gity Council ("Council) adopts and approves tha Green River Community Coliege Trades Project Rezone from R-5 Residential (SdWacre) to I Institutional and direc�s that the remne application and all retated documeMs be filed along with this Ordinance with the Aubum City Glerk and be available for public inspection. Section Z. The Zoning Map amendment is herewith designated as a basis for the exercise of substaMive authority under the Washington State Environmer►tal Policy Acf by the City's responsible environmental official in acxordance with RCW 43.21 C.060. Section 3. The CounciFadopts the Findings of Fact and Conctusions of Law, in the Hearing Examiner's recommendation outlined 6elow: Ordinance No.6375 August 10; 2011 Page 2 ORD.E Page 120 of274 FINDINGS OF FACT Procedural: 1. licant. The applicant is Green River Community Coilege. 2. Hearinq. The Hearing 6caminer conducted a hearing on the application at 5:30 p:m. at Aubum City Hall in the Council Chambers on July 20, 2011. Substantive: 3. Site/Pr000sal Descri�tion. The applicant has requested a rezone to change approximately 9 acres from R-5 Residential to Institutional at the intersection of SE 320a' Street and 124"'Avenue SE. The comprehensive plan designation is PubliGQuasi-Pubiic. The Institutional zoning designation is consistent with the uses cantemplated in the comprehensive plan's Quasi-Pubiic use designation. The applipnt, Green River Community College (College), proposes to construd a new 85,U00 square foot Trades and Industry Building (Trades Project)that will house courses in carpentry, automobile repair and welding. The existing Trades and Industry programs are housed in functionalty obsolete space on the main campus. The exisfing 6uildings will be demolished and the area will be redesigned as a new entrance to the main campus of the College. . The subject site is curreMly owned by the City of Aubum (City) and is used as a City park, Lee Hill Park. The College and City haVe negotiated a memorandum of understanding (6d�ib(t 3)thffi wiil facilitate a land exchange. The Ciiy wilt exchange the Lee Hill Park site for a site immediately to the north and currenUy owned by the College. Prior to initiating construction of the Tredes Project, the College would demolish the current Lee Hill Park and construct a new park on the exchange property. The City is ctirrenUy working on a master plan for the new park. 4. Characteristics of the Area. The subject site is adjacent to the south to the main campus of Green River Community College. To the east and west, the site is __ surrounded by single family residential. The property to the north is mainy vacant land with a daycare: The property to the north and east is zoned R-5 Residential. The property to the west is zoned R-7 Residerrtial. The property to the south is zoned Institut+onal. 5. . Adverse Imoacts. The College has conducted an impressiye series of fourneighbofiood meedngs to identify and mitigate poterrtial issues caus"ed by the project. Probably at least in part due to these community meetings, no one spoke against the project at the public hearing. The project has been designed to mitigate for aesthetics, wetland impacts, noise, and transportation issues. The proposal will add a negligible amount of new trips to SE 124"'Avenue (under 25 trips in the peak hours) Ordinance No.6375 August 10, 2011 Page 3 ORD.E Page 121 of 274 while providing for a proportionate share of intersection improvements already identified in the City's Transportation Improvement Plan. A SE?A,MDNS was issued on June 9, 2011. Tlie Examiner wncludes, as conditioned tiy the MDNS, there are no potendal adverse impacts 'rf fhe proposed'rezone is grarrted. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Procedural: 1. Authoritv of Hearina Examiner. ACC 18.68.030(B)(1)(a) grants the Hearing Examiner with the authority to review and make a recommendation on rezone requests to the City Counal if the planning director determines that the rezone requests . are consistent with the comprehensive plan. The planning director has determined that the rezone request is consisteM wRh the comprehensive plan. The cornprehensive plan land use map designation for fhe property is PubliGQuasi-Public. Substantive: 2. Zonina DesiunaUon. The property is currenUy zoned R-5 Residential. 3. Case Law Review Criteria and Aoalicafion. The Aubum City Code does not contain any standards for rezones. Washington appellate courts have imposed some rezone criteria; [eguiring that the proponer�ts of a rezone must establish that conditions haVe substantially changed.since the original showing and that the remne must bear a substarrtial relationship to the public health, safety, morals or welfare. 3ee Ahmann-Yamane, LLC v. Tabler, 105 Wn. App. 103, 111 (2001). If a rezone implemerrts fhe Comprehensive Plan, a showing that a change of circumstances has occurred is not required. Id. at112. There is no question that tHe project is consisteM with and implements the comprehensive ptan, which designates the property PubliGQuasi-Public. The current R-5 zoning designation is inconsistent with the compreliensive plan Public/Quasi-Public designation and the proposed rezone:should be approved to remove the inconsistency. The rezone bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, morals and welfare of the community because i4 will allow for the expansion of an essential public facility; a regional college. The rezone provides for the welfare of the community by expanding the opportunity for members of the community to leam valuable and vital skills in the trades. Addi6onally, the rezone will allow for the implemerrtation of the memorandum of understand'ing beiween the City and College resufting in the replacemerit of an older park witFi"a newer, modem park facility in essentially the same location. The public health .is protected in several ways including the pteservation of wetlands, the proposed use of noise abatement and visual buffers from the campus to the surrounding residential areas and the improvement of the local transportation system to provide for more efficient and safer travel. Ordinanee No. 8375 August 10,2011 Page 4 ORD.E Page 122 of.274 HEARINCi EXAMINER RECOMMENDATION The Hearing Examiner recommends approvaf of REZ10-0001. Seetion 4. Upon the passage, approval, and publication of this Ordinance as provided by law, the City Clerk of the City of Aubum shall cause this Ordinance to be recorded in the office of the King County Recorder. Secfion 5. If any section, subsection, sentence, Gause, �phrase or portion of this Ordinance or any of the Zoning Map amendmeMs adopted herein, is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of competeM jurisdicction, such portion sfiall be deemed a separete, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shait not affect-the validity of the remaining portions thereof. Section 6. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administratiVe proc�dures as may be necessary to carry out 4he directives of this legislation. Section 7: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: PASSED: APPROVED: Peter B.'Lewis, Mayor Ordinance No. 6375 August 10, 2011 Page 5 ORD.E Page 123 of 274 ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, _ _ . . _ . City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: � , niel B. Heid, City Attomey Published: - Ordinance No.6375 August.70,2011 Page 8 ' ORD.E Page•124of274 i i � 1 2 , g BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR THE GITY OF AUBURN � � q Phil Olbrechts,Aearing Exanuner i i 5 RE: Green River Community ;: 6 College Trades Project FINDINGS OF FACT,CONCLUSIONS ; OF LAW AND RCCOMMENDATION. � Rezone i � REZ10-000] I g � 9 INTRODUCTION 10 �e applicant has reyuested a rezone to change approximately 9 acres froru R-5 I 1 ��idential5 dwelling units per acre)to I(Institutional). The Examiner recomcriends approval of the request. 12 ORALTESTIMONY 13 i 14 ���beth Chamberlain,Auburn Planning Manager, summarized the staff report. Ms. ' Chsmberlain described this a�plication as a rezone of approximately 9 acres aroun8 IS SE 320�' Street and SE 124' Avenue. The existing zoning designation is R-5 (5 dwelliag unitsper acre); however,the site is actually developed as a pnblic park. The 16 proposal is to rezone the property to Institutional for eventual re-development by C4reen River Community College(Colle�e). The College will mtocate and expand its , t� Trades and Industrial program W the new locatioa. 18 The property is currendy owned by the City of Aubum(City)and is known as the Lea lg Hili Park. Exhibit 3 includes a memocandwn of undesstanding between Green River Community College and the City of Auburn regarding a land swap. Ms. Chamberlain 20 said the land swap would allow the Coliege to redevelop the subject property as part of its Trades Project. The College would give the City land it owns to the aorth 21 ����e M���p�y. �College would redevelop the Martin Property urto 22 a new park to xnitigste for the loss of the existing park. Zg The curtent park was originally a King County park,but was annexed into the City in 2008. Upon annexation,the Lea Hill Pazk properry was designated an R-5 zone. The 24 property has been designated as Quasi-Public in the Auburn comprehensive plan as far back as 2004. T6e larger area surcounding the park and the main col[ege cainpus: 25 way annexed into the City along with the subject site in January of 2008. Ms. Chamberlain noted the request ta rezone the property for institutional use is consistent KNE809007.00C:1\000&3.900000� Rewne p. 1 Findings,Conclusions and Decision ORD.E Page 125 of 274 . with and serves to implement the Quasi-Public Iand use designation in the I comprehensive plan. 2 Ms: Ghamberlain stated the_College has conducted several neighborhood meetings 3 regarding trus rezone. Summaries of those meetings can be found in Exhibit 17. Many of the concerns from the neighborhood meetings were regarding traffic. 4 Ms. Chambet�lain teslified if the rezone is approv�, the City will also issue an 5 administiative iise permit fo.r the Trades Project. Furthermore, the College recently 6 completed a widening of 124°' Ave SE, a main entrance.to the College, in order to ; mitigate traffic concerns. Staff is recommending approvel. � � ; Sam Ball, Dean of Facilities at Green River Community College, noted the new ; 8 Trades and Industry facility will replace a badly outdated complex. He statsd the i Trades and Indusny program is greatly needed in the community and provides I 9 training for business anii industries such as weliling and automotive repair. Mr. Ball 10 stated the College took the community/neighborhood meetings 4ery seriously. The purpose of these meetings was to discuss and address concerns about the proposal 11 �m the surrounding area. Mr.:Ball testified the College employs the same tandscape design artist es the City and that the new project:will fit in nicely with existing City 12 landscape and strucNres. The Trades and Industry program is currently in the northeastem portion of the aainpus and consists of four buildings that were built back 13 � �e 1960s. The old buildings will be tom down. A new entrance to the College 14 `�� be creat°d v�'h�e the old tiuildings cunenUy stand. Mr. Ball noted this new entrance should serve to mitigate some traffic issues. Other concerns &om the IS communiry were aesthetias and noise issues. Mr. Ball noted that a great deal of landscaping is planned and that noise mitigation wilt be addressed. 16 �� Richard Weinman, Land Use Consultant for Green. River Community Coliege, testified the College is a major institution and employer in the City. He noted the 18 College and Tiades:and Industry program provide for the needs of the public sad the Trades and Industry progred► must expand to continue to meet those needs. Mr. 19 Weinman stated.the proposed rezone ia consistent with the comprehensive plan w}rich , is described in the staff report and the SEPA checklist. He further noted the designs 20 for.the buildings meet all zoning requirements as reflected in the SEPA checklist and MDNS. Mr. Weinman deseribed the site plan,as avoiding and mirigating problems 21 with wetlands,aesthetics,noise,and transportation issues. In regards to neighborhood 22 compatibility,the existing vegetation would help to screen the proposed new building , (many trees would be retained)from homes facing it. Views from adjacent neighbors 23 would be heavily screened by vegetation. He remarked the applicant is doing a thorough noise study on how the proposal will relate to the City's noise limits. The 24 project is being designed to incorporate acousticai treatments that would reduce 25 S°und fr°m affecting adjacent neighbors. Mr. Weinman conceded there were further concerns from the communityabout college student behavior(such as noise,smoking and trash); however, he nobecl the College works on an on-going basis to be a good neighbor and to address issues raised. He clarified the new facility would ��voozooc:iwoos�.v00000� R�yo� p.2 Findings,Conclusions and Decision ORD.E Page 126 of 274 accommodate a 15-20% increase in the student population of the Trade and Industry 1 program and 4 new faculty members. � 2 John Holman is a neighbor of the College and a member of Green River Community 3 College foundation board. Mr. Holman attended the hesring and spoke as a neighbor of the College. Mr. Holman testified in favor of the building of the new Trad�s aad 4 Industty progcam. He believes a Trades and Industry building is a necessary addition especially because of the current financial crises. He said crea#ing new jobs is,ffie 5 core reason the community needs tlus aew Trades and.[ndustry building. 141i., 6 Holman noted a correlation between a job ieady labor pool and employment growth. He stated the current Trades and Indushy building does not meet the,needs of the � diverse studem population. Mr. Holman stated the College has already benefited the area by improving 124�' Avenue SE. Furthermore, he testified the old park will be 8 rebuilt and will provide a better facility for the neighborhood. 9 EXHIBITS ' 10 All exhibits listed in the Exhibit List on Pege 6 and 7 of the staff report,dated July 6, � 11 2011, are admitted. In the addition, the following exhibits were admitted during the lieazing on this matter: 12 Exhibit 18: Comment Email firom Robert Kent DeWitt dated July 13,201L l3 14' FINDINGS OF FACT 15: Procedaral: 16 1. A lican . The applicant is Green River Community Coliege. 17 2 Hearins. The Hearing Examiner conducted_a hearing on the applicarion at 1 g 530 p.m.at Aubura Ciry Hall in the Council.Chambers on July 20,2011. t9 Substantive: 20 3. Site/Pro�osal Descrip ion. The applicant has requested a rezone ta change Z� approximately 9 sores from R-5 Residential to Institutional at.the intersec6on of SE 320�h Street and' 124�' Avenue SE. The comprehensive plan designation 'is ' 22 PubliclQuasi-Public. The InsHtutional zoning designa6on is consistent with tha uses . contemplated in the comprehensive plan's Quasi-Public use desi�nation. 23 24 The applicant, Green River Community College (College), proposes to construct a new 65,000 square foot Trades and Iiulusiry Building(Trades Project)that will house ZS courses in carpentry, automobile repair and welding. The existing Trades arid Industry programs ere housed in funcdonally obsolete space;on the main campus. The e�cis6ng liuildings will be demolished and the orea will`be redesigned as a new entrerice to the main campus of the College. KNE8090DI.DOC:1�00083.9000001 Rezone p. 3 Findings,Conclusions and Decision ORD.E Page 127 of 274 i 1 The subject site is currently owned by the City of Aubum(City) and is used as a City Z park, Lea Hill Aark. The College and City have negofiabed a memorendum of undeisstanding(Exhibit 3)that will facilitate a Land exchange. 1'he City will exchange 3, the Lea Hill Park site fora site immediately to the aorth and currently owned by the College., Prior to initiating construction of the Trades Project, the College would 4 demolish the current Lea Hill Perk and constrvct a new park on the exchange property.. The Ciry is currendy working on a master plan for the new park. 5 6 4. Ch�racteristics of the Area. The subject site is adjacent to the south to the ; main cempus of Green River Gommunity College. To the east and west, the site is i � surrounded by single family residentisl. The prope�ty.to the north is mainly vacant � land with a daycare. The property to the north end east is wned R-5 Residemiai. The 8 property to the west is zoned.R-7 Residential. The property to the'south is zoned InstitutionaL 9 10 5• Adverse Imnacts. The College has conducted an impressiye series of four neighborhood meetings to ideatify and mirigate potenrial issues caused by the project. 11 Probably at least in part due to these community meetings, no one spoke against the. projecYat the public hearing. The pmject hes been designed to mitigate for aesthetics, 12 wetland impacts; noise, and uans�porcation issues. The proposal will add a negligible amount of new trips to SE 124 Avenue (under 25 trips in the peak hows) while 13 providing for a proportionate share of icrtersecdon improvements aiready identified in 14 �e City's TrnnsporFatian Improvea�ent Plan. A SEPA MDNS was is'sued on June 9, 2011. The Examiner concludes,as conditioned by the MDNS, there are no potenrial 15 adverse impacts if the proposed rezone is granted. 16 CONCLi3SIONS OF LAW 17 �g Procedurel: 19 1. Authori of Hearing Examiner. ACC 18.68.030(B)(1)(a) grants the Hearing Examiner with the authority to review and make a recommendation on 20 rezone requests to the City Gouncil if the planning director determines that the rezone 21 requests are consistent with the comprehensive plan. The planning director has determined that the rezone request is consistent with the comprehe,asive plan. The � comprehansive plan land use map desigiation for the property is Public/Quasi-Public. 23 Substantive: Z4 2. Zonin¢Desi¢nation. The property is currently zoned R-5 Residential. 25 3. Case Law Review Criteria and Application. The Aubum City Code does not contain any alandards for rezones. Washington appellate courts have imposed some rezone criteria, requiring that the proponents of a rezone must establish that KNfi809007.00C..IM0083.900000� Rezone p.4 Findings,Conclusions and Decision ORD.E Page 128 of 274 conditions have substantially chsnged since the original showing and that the rezone I mdst beai a substantial rela6onship to the public health, safety;.mozals or welfare. 2 See Ahmann-Yamane, LLC v. Tabler,. 105VJn App. ]03, 111 .(2001). If a rezone ixnpiemenis the Comprehensiva Plan,.ashowing that a change of circumstances has 3 occurred is not required. Id at 112. � 4 T'here is no ques6on thet the project is consistent with and implements the comprehensive plan,which designates the properry Public/Quesi-Publia The cwrent 5 R-5 wning designalion is inconsistent with the comprehensive plan Public/Quasi= ' 6 Public designarion and the proposed rezone should be approved to remove the: inconsistency. Tfie rezone bears a substantial relationship to the public health,safety, . ; � morats and welfarc of the community because it will altow for the expansion of an essential public facility,a regional college.: The rezone provides for the welfare of the 8 commpnity by expanding the opportunity for members of the communiry to leam valuable and vital sldils in the trades. Additionally, the rezone will allow far the 9 implemeutation of the memoranducn of understanding between the City and College 10 resulting in the replacement of en older,park with a newer; modem park facili{y in essentially the same location. The public health is protected in several ways " 11 iucluding the pYeservation of wetlands, the proposed use of noise abazement aad visual buffers &om the campus to the surrounding_ residentiai areas and the 12 improvement of the local transportation system to provide for more efficieat and safer travet. 13 14 �COMMENDATION 15 ' The Hearing Examiner recommends approval of REZ10-0001. 16 Dated this lst day of August,2011. 17 ls �����`�C�— - lg Phil Olbrechts, City of Aubum Hearing Examiner 20 21 22 23 24 25 KNE8U9007.DOC:1�00083.9000001 . Rezone p.5 Findings,Conclusions and Decision ORD.E Page 129 of 274 * �n�b�� C�rr oF �^ Number of Pages 7 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM 1NASH I NGTON Agenda Subjact: Green River Community College Trades Project Date: July 6,2011 Applioatiori No: REZ10-0001 DepaRment; Planning"and Attachinents: See Exhibit List Budget Impact N/A DevelopmeM Administrative Recommendation: Hearing Examiner recommend to the City Council approval of the rezone. Baekground Summary: OWNEW APPLICANT: Property Owner. City of Aubum, 25 West Main Street,Aubum,WA 98001 Applicant Green River Communiry College, 12401 SE 320�SVeet,Aubum,WA 98092 REQUEST. Rezone of approxirtiately 9 acres from R-5(Residential 5 dWacre)to Instiwtional. LOCATION: At the intersection of SE 320"'Sveet and 124'"Avenue SE; Parcel No: 0921059020 EXISTING LAND USE: City park;includes ball fisids and tennis courts COMP. PLAN DESIGNATION: PubliGQuasi-Public SEPA STATUS:A Mi6gated Detertninatiori of NonSignificance was issued Jwe.9,2011. Comment deadline was June 23,2011 and the appeal deadline is July 14,2011. Revlewed by.Counell 8 Commlttees: Revlewed by Departments 8 Dlvisions: ❑Arts Commisslon� COUNCIL COMMITTEES: � Building � - ❑ M80 ❑PJrport ❑Finance � Cemetery ❑ Mayor O Hearing Examiner ❑Munidpal�Serv. O Finance � Perks � ❑ Humen Sarvices . ❑Planning&CD� � Fire � Planning ❑ Park Boerd - ❑ Public Wrnks � ❑ Legal _ ❑ Police � Planning Comm. ❑Olhar � � Public Worka ❑ Human Resources . - -- - --- � - - ❑ IMOrtnatlon Services Aetlon: CommiqeeApproval: DYes� �ONo ,. Coundl Approvel: ❑Yes ❑NO Call tw Public Hearing _IJ_ Reterted b -�UnHI 1 / Tabled - -Until _/_J Couneilmember. Staff: Ghambeflain Meetin Date: Jul 20,2017 ttem Number. �J$jJ� ?k MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED ORD.E Page.130 of 274 - - - - - - . : � � ��� . . : . . . . . . . . . . . ..- � - .- . - � • - •- '� - '� _ • •- ' ' _ _w:• a • . � �. r. c � � • • . � ' _ • "• . � � " •" _ �_ ��� " " �ICC � � �� �� �P% i • '���ill ,�I . ���-� ��►�/!�'yJ,.', �► ���� � O� �_ r^r^- e:1.. �y v�..��� + �/��l . .�, u. - u ni�:li. .n.� �� � n uu�.�� t�� . � � .� � ��.- �'1�au���\�1 �\1 a■� �'r1'ji�'J�����11�/.\���ry�1`� rl 1. �- .. . . m ' � . Q "r�' �iu!! �%�\��ii" ��� ��i � /p�I�'�••�� ��IIIII iii►��'��,,' unli � � �� � ♦ �i +�r� ' 1� � ��-i ��1�� � � ♦ F� ��� �.�+, I,;,:�.p_,Ji����i� F� C► V �NnnnwD uuir :� � ♦ ��� �j�r , �u1lllllt �i ".:�` .•i��aum � ♦ I � � ..� �.T.x�.:.;r�� /;'.���^ � �.� um� a �lln�G�ni�4i'� � . � ����/��11►\r ;�\I/C11111l � ��I,un��mq� nP�i� .. ..... � .. �*� � •IIItr�1=\:�ut��unr)- q1��`,_ � � , . � �`�IIIIL ������rl:Gtlnu�aeailudi �u� v7 . .L..... uuq�uun1: :r�..■. iinir.luyn � �` AW�y�� I���uuu uunl �prQ►.�vr�u �nu w v � �I1� �p.. �i� �r. �rla\/I►\ ��; ��: ii ������� ������; - �Uq�i�n�w :�%�\I ��utu\ iiiiCl�'�i�i i:��.�����°������ � ���buu �n�l���i��►I�►\ _` , ���� ,� �IIq �� , ��,.�''� . �. �. .:.. , �������� , � ,: � . . . ._. . � � � • - � . . - . Agenda Subjeet: Green River Community College Trades Project; Date: July 6,2011 Application No: REZ10-0001 FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The applicant proposes to oonstruct a new 65,000 square foot single story building that will be for Green"RiverCommunity College (GRCC) trades classes such as carpentry, aufomobile repair; and welding. The subject sRe is approximately 9 acres and located af the iMersection of SE 320"'Street and 124"'Averiue SE. THe sfte is currenUy developed as a pubiic park that includes baseball fields, tennis courts,and playground. 2. A rezone is required for the proposed Trades Building to allow for the proposed uses on.the subjed properly. The subject site is currenUy zoned R-5(5 dulacre)and fhe proposal is to rezone the subjed site to Institu0onal. The comprefienside plan land use designadon for the subjed site is PubliclQuasi- Public. � 3. The subjed site is currentty owned by the City of Aubum. Green River Community College (GRCC) and the City of Autium have negotiatetl a land exchange that will transfer the subjed site to GRCC and property owned by GRCC Just nortti of the subjed site to the City of Aubum for a new park site. A Memorandum of Undersfanding for this land exchange was executed between the Cily of Aubum and GRCG on February 5, 2010. The City of Aubum is working on a master ptan for the new park site and solidting input from tFie community. 4. The subject sRe was annexed iMo the City of Aubum,for muniapal purposes through Ordinance No. 5983,effecGve January 27,2006,pursuaM to RCW 35A.14.300. 5. GRCC was annexed into the City of Aubum through Ordinance No. 6121, effecfive January 1, 2008, as part of the Lea Hill Annexation Area. GRCC qmpus ocwpies approximately 212 acres south of SE 320"' SVaet. The majority of the campus property.is ]eased from the Department of Natural Resources: 6. Pursuant to Aubum City Code Section 16.64.020(B) the City of Aubum Hearing Examiner is authorized to conduct a duly noticed,public hearing and render a recommendation on the rezone application.She Hearing Examiner's recommendation is foni4arded to the City Council for a decision. The City Council's decision is appealabl,e to the SuperiorCourt of the applicable;county gwemment.. The public hearing notice was published on July 6, 2011 in the Seattle Times, posted at the subjed site on July 7,2011,and mailed to property owners within 500 feet of the subject property(Exhibit 6). 7. Pursuant to ACC 18.68.030 and 18.68.040, all applications. for a rezone shall be reviewed by the planning�diFector prior to the scheduling of a publia hearing. After review of 4he.application, the director shall determine which of the following two processes should. occur to properly hear the rezone: a. If the rezone is consistent with the comprehensive plan,then the hearing examiner shall conduct a public hearing on the rezone and make a recommendation to the city council pursuant to ACC 18.66.170. This application is consistent with the comprehensive plan,as outlined below in the conclusions. 8. The subject property is within the Giry's 1Nster and Sanitary sewer service areas. 9. The applicanYs report: GRCC Trades and IndusW Facilitv Critical Areas Reoort prepared by Keith Fabing, Inc., dated August 6, 2010 identifies that the.subJeat site fias one weUand located at tFie SE comer of the site and an off-ske weUand,to the north, its buffe�impacts the subject site. The onsite wetland is categorized as a Class Ill wepand with a minimum 25 foot buffer. The off-si6e wetland has Page 3 of 7 - ORD.E Page.132 of 274 Agenda Subject: Green River Communiry College Trades Project; Date: July 6,2011 Application No: F2E210-0001 also been categorized as a Class III weUand with a minimum 25 foot buffer. The proposed project does not impact any buffer or weUand. The on-site weUand has been fenced at the 25 foot bufFer line and appropriately signed as.part of the improyertierrts to 124'"Avenue SE. The off-site wetlandbuffer that impacts the subject site wili require fencing and signage to prevent intrusion into the. The proposed project dces not impad any buffer or wetland area. (Exhibft 12) 10. The subject site is relatively flat with the steepest slope at 3%. Detailed quantities of cut and fill have not been determined at this stage of the project. Based on preliminary design plans, cuts of five to ten feet would occur along a portion of the west access driveway and fills up to approximately six feet would occur along the edge of-the building on SE 320"'SVeet 11. The applicanYs report: Trades Reolacement Comnlex Green River Communitv Colleae Transoortation Studv, prepared by Transportation Engineering Northwest LLC, dated August 5,'2010, revised January 3, 2011 and May 13, 2011, and the trip generation analysis revised May12, 2011 determined the fip generation for the proposed projed and GRCC campus has deqeased since 2003 and 2010. The fip generation rate for the GRCC campus is 2.11 per 1,000 gross floor area in the AM peak hour and 125 per 1,000 gross floor area in the PM peak hour. Frontage improvement will be required for the subjed sRe frontage along SE 320°i Street and 124"' Avenue SE (which were completed in 2010). Mitigation proposed by the applicant.also indudes an intemal trail system through fhe subject site that will connect into the City's fuWre parking north of the subject site. The discussion about traffic impact fees on Page 29 and 30 of the revised traffic impad study is for reference puryoses only. The City of Aubum will review the costs for fhe 124�' Avenue SE improvements made by GRCC and then determine the eligibility of a potential Vafficimpac[fee aedit. The proposed projed also impacts the intersecGon of 124"' Avenue SE/SE 312"' SVeet (Cit�s TIP Project #41). The applicant is responsible for a proportional share of the improvemeMs at this intersection based on the project's impad to the intersection. • 2015 total entering volumes of 1,998 trips; 23 Vips are new project trips and the proportional share is 1.2% The proposed project impacts the irrtereection of124" Avenue SE/SE 314'" Street and 124"',Avenue SE/SE 316'"Street. . 2015 total diredional volumes on 124�' Avenue SE of 1,368 trips of which 23 trips are new project trips equates to a proportional sFiare of 1.7% A parking management program is recommended to be developed, submitted prior to building permit approval, and implemented for the Trades Replacement Complex. (Exhibit 16) 12. King County Metro Route 180 currently serves Green River Community College and Lea HiII. An existing bus sWp is located along the subjed site frontage on SE 320"'Street. 13. A geotechnical report was prepared by GeoEngineers dated June 3, 2010, for the proposed Trades Projeck The report concluded that there are no unstable soils onsite and provided recommendations on designing the building foundation,wall foundations, and infiltration rates. (Exhibit 9) 14. A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment was conducted for the project by GeoEngineers and the report is dated May 19, 2010. A small residential building used to exist on the subject propeity and utilized an oil-buming heating system. Conclusions of the report detertnined there is a Iow to moderate risk of soil, groundwater, or surface water contamination at the subjed property in areas where historical hea6ng oil underground storage tanks (UST) may still be present if an UST is Page 4 of 7 ORD.E Page 133 of274 Agenda Subject: Green River Communiiy College Trades ProJeck Date: July 6,2011 Applicatfon No: REZ70-0007 discovered during excavation, then property removal procedures, sal testing, and notfication to Department of Ecology will be:reqtiired. (Exhibit 10) 15. A preliminary storm drainage report was prepared by.Reid Middleton, dated August 2010. The subjectsite is within Ground Water Protection Zone 4 which means best management pradices shall ' be implemented during construction for water resource protecKion. (Exhibit 13) 16. Noise is regulated by Aubum City Code Chapter 8.28. The appliqnYs report: Green River CommuniN CalleaeTrades Buildina. Noise Studv prepared by The Greenbusch Group,dated August 20,2010 analyzed the naise impacts from the proposed Trades Building. (Exhibit 14) 17. The applicanYs report: Cultural Resources Review for Lea Hill Park and Martin Prooertv prepared by Northwest Archaeologicaf Associates, lnc. dated June 16, 2010 concluded there are no buildings or structures 50 years or'older tFiaY require further study and consideretion as significarrt historicat properties. (Exhibit 15) 18. Green River Community College conducted an ouVeach progrem with the adjacent residentiaf neighborhoods to the proposed Trades Project. The outreach program induded a series of three initial neighborhood meetings, which were held on consec_utive xreaks in April 2010 and a follow-up meeting held on June 23, 2010: Each meeting included a presentation about the proposal, a questioNanswer session, and additionalbpportunity to review the presentaGOn materials and discuss concems wkh the project team. The applicaM took the comments received at the fhree initial meetings,incorporated revisions to the site and building design,then preserrted those changes at the June 2010 follow-up meeting: The College held additional cammunity meetings on August 24, 2010, :lanuary 13,2011 and May 24,2011.(Exhibit 17) 19. A MRigated Detertnination of NonSignificance (MDNS) was, issued on June 9, 2011 by SEPA Responsible Oifiaai. The commeM period ended June 23, 2011 with no commerrts received. The appeal period ends July 14,2011.(Exhibit 7) CONCLUSIONS: ACC Chapter 18.68 provides certain criteria for approval of a rezone: 7. The remne must be consistei�t wkh the Comprehensive;Plan. Staff Comment The subject property was annexed irtto the City of Aubum tor municipal purposes effective January 27,2006 pursuant to Ordinance No. 5983. For those properties lying within theLea Hill Area and not zoned by the City prior to annezation the,property shall assume the LHR-1 designation upon annexation(Ordinance No.5354). As ttie City did not zone Uie subject properly prior to annexation, the property was au[omatically ioned'LHR-1 Lea Hill Single Family Residential Distrid(now R-5, Residentiab5 du/acre). The proposed rezone by GRCC from R-5(Residential5 du/acre)to Institutional is consistent wkh the Aubum Comprehensive Plan. In tad,fhe current zone of the property R-5 is inconsistent with the comprehensiveplan. In researching historic Comprehensive Land Use Maps,the City detertnined the subjed property has been designated PubliGQuasi-Public at least since 2005. Pursuant to Chapter 14 of the Aubum Comprehensive Plan, InsGtuGonal is an implementing zone for the PubliGQuasi-Public land use designation. The purpose of the PublidQuasi-Pubiic land use designation is to designate areas of signficant size needed W provide public and quasi-public Page 5 of 7 ORD.E Page 134 of 274 Agenda Subject: Green River Community College Trades Projech Date: July6,2011 Application No: RQ10-0001 services to the community. Compatible uses appropriately designated under this category indude schools. Policy CF-63 states: 'Public and quasi-public faaliUes which attrad a large number of visitors(City Hall, museums, libraries;educational, permit or license offices,and health or similar facilities)should be sited in areas which are accessible (within Y.mile)by transit" The subject site is served by VansiL There is an exisUng King County Metro bus stop located on the south side of thesubject site serving the Green River Comrtiunity College campus. Policy LU-5 states: "Link togethecregionally signifipnt land uses such as the SuperMall,Green River Community Collega,Boeing, Emerald Downs,and.commercial uses on Aubum Way.." The proposed rezone will allow Green River Community College to move towaMs their goal,of relocating the Trades Programs af the subject site. Green River Community College'is a regionally sign�cant land use that provides education in the Vades industry for the community and provides an educated work force for local businesses. Rezoning the subject site to Institutional is consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Map,tlie ' Aubum Comprehensive Plan policies,and implerrments the PublirJQuasi-Public land use,designation. 2. The rezone must be initiated bysomeone other than the City in order tor the Hearing Examiner to eonsider the request Staff Comment The rezone has been initiated by Green River Community College with the consent of the City of Aubum,who is the property owner. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the application, Findings of Fact,and Conclusions of the staff report,staff recommends that the Hearing Examiner recommentl to the City Cauncil approval of the 2zone no conditions of approval. SYaff reserves the right to supplement the record of the case to respond to mafters and information raised subsequerrt to the writing oi thrs repoii EXHIBIT UST 6chibit 1 Staff Report Exhibit 2 �cinity Map Fachibit 3 Appliqtion Materials Exhibit 4 Site Plan Exhibit 5 Notice of Application Exhibit 6 Public Hearing Notice with affidavits Exhibit 7 Mifigated Detertnination of NonSignificance Exhibit 8 Ezpanded Envirorimental Checklist Exhibit 8 Aerial Photograph Exhibit 9 Geotechnical Report,prepared by GeoEngineers,dated June 3,2010 Exhibit 10 Phase IEnvironmerrtal Site Assessment,prepared by GeoEngineers,dated May 19, 2010 Exhibit 11 Air Quality Memorandum, prepared by Environ,dated August 13,2010 Ezhibit 12 Cntical Areas Report,prepared by KeitFi Fabing, Inc.,dated August 6,2010 Exhibit 13 Preliminary Stortn Drainage Report, prepared by Reid Middleton,dated August 2010 Page 6 of 7 . ORD.E Page 135 of 274 Agenda Subjeet Green River Gommunity College Trades Project; Date: July 6;2011 Application No: REZ10-0001 Exhibit.14 Noise Study, prepared by The Greenbusch Group,dated August 20,2010 Ezhibit 15 Cultural Resources Review, prepared by Northwest Archaeologiql Associates, Inc., dated June 16,2010, , Exhibi4 16 TransportaGon Impact Study,prepared by Transpartation Engineering Northwest,dated August 5,2010 and revised January 3,2011 and:May 13,2011 Exhibit 17 Neighborhood Meeting Summary Infortnation Page 7 of 7 ORD.E Page 136 of 274 1 �sb}.G��. �1 ure 1 - Locatlon Nn�a9��'oR�A6�`-' i 9 � � '` --� ;� � - -� � I l _ ; _ f",-' --�•- - , I, _�__—... i�. �e�,: T --i ,I , ..;�. .. �; �� ��, �!�j -I _ -� I. ��ae,hs� I (_,:.-.� .-� i I k�)a: ...�-!.._. : _. ! —i � �' I I ! ' i .� =, _��t - :� . __i"- � �!, ��; � ,.- - :� ,; - -'i W}- . . .��� �.c__�; � �: �, � :,,__ �. .rl r-I a 1 I' - ..�I �i �L_'.—� `- ' I 1 ► - - � I , ' `� �� � �� � � � �, x � � $i I �;� ,, r��I �� r .� _ � {� { 1 �--- � ,,� � �;`� I_I..-. _ SE� .fhSt v '- _ -�' - _ _���I�'_.' � I LI J ,. _ _ �....,..i.. �- .i...l ����. ��3�hSY' a � ` ! r'• � «.I � r-. ��Ir� __ .-�: Trades I _ .—'� --I I '' ����� l..' l {�SE312th Sc .:i ��I �3�� �� I`��Buildin � ""��--�__.,.__ � i:��z 9_�--<--_.__ ; � .�. �sms 1�.- ���---- scaubu � r'"" i` S�te ! ;\,� �� 'L'j�LaA�v�t'�IY _3)6d!S3_� 11 I J - - . J,a1{�,._J._�� ti �} SE -.. { a+se�ss +f � ' -- °sE !� �R�`=�'� - - - .�' —v'�`%i. . , —.I -ef!iSS.�.. ,�. � _._ ��/!, r` -- � ��- � Il I' �'�,� �I I�'_ r;,J`+ — --� :• -�i.'saa.,asc -{�I� _ Main ;,�4��f � . � ,� --� GRCC r, � ��'�t���f.���1�91 �.�m us ;�,,�; , _,ri..;� ,;,a --{ �/�r,l•: — - ' __ .Y6t�,nBlRdcDlA '.�( �takclblmRd_.J_.--.. P ;i', t;'r�- �� `�'.; _ ,09�T(�,':'__ __'.1-.1—_... .�_o i � . I _ _ rf..;��'.. '' � , `.Y �`i���,��;,.--�li _: }` � 1-;�., [ ! III � � '�H17lh5tSFJ`1,�._'.� _... . . GRCC Trades Building - Vicinity Plan ,�, d� Green River Community College- Z Trades Expanded Environmental Checklist ORD.E � Page 137 of 274 �a�l�ls �-_ ; * l�e�mhex cef 9"a�es �� _ crtYa -*.•.�°"" � ���� � . : ' WA.H.�1a'�'?tJ Plan�ring, Building;and Community Departnient • i i MASTER LAND USBAPPLICATION—PLANMNGAPPLICATIONS Project Name �RCC Trades Building Date September 9,2010 Percel No(s) 092105-9020 Site Addreas 32401 SE 320th St � ' � � i .Legal Descdp8on(attached separatc aheet If necessary) �8 ettaChed I Appticant Name:Green Riv,ec Communtty Coliege-Sam Ball Mail'wg Addresa:12401 SE 320th St,Aubum;WA 98092 . Talophone and Fax:253-288-3318,253-288-3455 Email:sbaq�greenriver.edu Si , O�vner(it more t6an one attaed anofLer aheet) Name:seme as applicaM Mailing Addrass: Telephona and Fmc: , Email: Si aluce: ' �� EnglneerfArctiltecture/Other Name:5ara Wilder,S.M.StemperArchitects . Mailing Addross:40U0 Delrtdge Way S1N,Sufte 200,Seattle,WA 98106 Telephone aad Fax:206-624-2777,206-6242973 Email:sara amstem er.com Description of Proposed Action: The proposal consists of a rezone end adminiStretive use permit to allow development of a 85,000 aquare foot Tretles fadlity on the 9-acre site. e af A IIcatlon Re ufred Check all t6at A - Adminlst�etive Appeal' • Itezune(site specific)'Area Wide Adminiatraflve Use Pa�roit"�' � 3hort Plat Amsexation« Special Exception� Boundary Line Adjustment Spocial Home Occupation Permlt" Comprehensiva Plan Amendment(Text or Map)" Substantial 3horeline DovolopmenN Conditional Use PermiN Surfaca Mining PermiN Criticat Areas Varianco' Tanporazy Usa Permit Development A.grament" Variance� � Environmentaf Review(SEPA)' *Please note thaz public notification is Final Plat rcquirai. A sepa�ate cost is cherged Preliminsry Plats for tLe signs. City prcpaees signs in�t PtJD Sita Plan Approval apPlicmt responsible for sign posting. ` Reasonable Use Bxc tion+ Page 1 of 2 . 1t�[J����Ic tvLORE THAN YOU 1MAGINED ORD.E Page 138 of 274 � i ; . * . , � .*�-- � � � �'v'��i��xQ!�• Planning,.Buildi�:g, and Communi[y Depart�aent ' LETTER FROM PROPERTY OWNER GRANTING AUTIiORIZATION TO ACT (A copy of this letter must be submitted for each property owner iavoived) Y� Sam Bell ,being duly swom declare that I am the owner of the property • (Pttorax�nt owrtax) � Involved in the applioa6on. I hereby grant Sara.W ilder of S.M. Stemper Arch(tects to act on my behatf. I further declare that all statements,answers,and information hereia submilted is in aA respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and helief. /�=����.�--�=��",�� ' �'�D��� _ Signature - F vra � l.t 4 v u.Q .c..vuh t�L �'��z-- , A� � �. _ .�.,q,_c 0.9 � ��'-��f Addreas • Subscribed and sworn to before me this I�J day of 5e�.�-�'+'���r Notaxy Public in and for the State of Washington, � �� � Residing at 1023 l 5& a`�df'h � �¢.nt W I? q$09 ) . . Noury PuWlc 8tete 01 WaehiaptoM1 ANNA T LE8p18K1 MY ADD��M E�iret'Ma 19;2Q15 . Page 2 of 2 AUgURN*t�tox�THaN irov inan�uv�n ORD.E Page 139 of274 I I � I � Fobruary 5,2010 ' ; � � MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING(MOin I BETWEEN THE C1TY OF AUBURN AND GREEN RN�R COMiYIU1VTTY COLLEGE i REGARDING LEA HILL PARK ec t l ]. City of Auburn("City")owns Lea Hilt Pazk.The P�rk is an 8.97 scro site, located on S.320'n St and 124'" Ave. in the Lea Hill neighborhood.. The aite is currently developed for a softball and baseball diamond,play structure,;tannis courts, end essocieted parking. It is primarily used by (iRCC for intcnwitegiato sports activides. The existing park needs significatrt improvemait, es identified in the City's adopted Parks 8d Recreadon Plan,and does not serve neighborhood needs well. 2. Tha City acquired Lea Hill Perk ftom King Counry in 2002. The deed contains a coven�nt that tha property will be used in patpatuity for park o'r reereation purposas unless other equivalent lends o�feciliNes ara►eceived 'm ozchange and the roplacement lands or facilities aro likewise to ba used in perpatuity for park � or recreetion pnrposes. 3. drxn River Community Collega ("College'� and the Green River College Foundation ("Foundaaon'� own three patcels of land coliectively rbfereed to as the Martin property. The Martin properry is a 7.15 acro site located on 124�'Ava betwan Lee HIll Park and 316�'Street. A iesidence and ehild-care faciliry occupy . � �, a portion of the site. The Foundation ia in the process of daiating its iMerest in the Martin property w the - -- ' College. 4. The Coilege is a primary user of Les FIUI Park and has made improvemenu w the facility. The College and ihe City coopecativety mairrtain Lea Hiil Park. 5.The Collage is initisting a Campus Master Plen with the City,to plan for the long-term growth end capital needs ofthe campus. 6. The City end Coliega desite to axchange the aforementioned propeities in furtherance ofthe long-tem�s int6rosts of the City and Cullege. Aereement • . Besed on the foregoing,tha City and College have reached an agreement in principle,ss fotlows. 1:The City will transfer ownership of Lea Hill Park to the Collpge in acchange for the Martin properry end additional improvements described below.Together,property end improvemants transferred to the City will be of equal valuc. end function fo the.existing Lea Hill Perk ps±operty. The value of the property and improvemdnts r4ill be esmblished by appraisel(s)puformed by an MAI appraiser. The City and College will each hold an equal and undivided irtereat in the new park consuucud on the Martin property. '2. The new park will ba subject.to tlie eforementioned covanenC regarding use and replacement, and the Colkgc and City agree to be 6ound by the temis of this coven8nt / 'j , ORD.E Page 140 of 274 I . � � 3. The College will reconfigure the boundaries of the lots that comprise the MaRin property to facilitate its ; transfer and use as a padcand to permitcontinued operatiori of tha child care facility. The College will � demolish tfie existiR$�sidencaon the property. The consolidated parcels exclusiyo of the childcare center � total 5.38 aere. Paragraph 3 costs aro to be included,and ere not in addition to,the$1.5 million referenced in ; paragrapfi 4. i 4. The College will improve tha Martin property to function as,a City park and recnation faciliry. � Improvements wil! bc consistent with an approved Loa Hill Park Mester Plen to ba daveloped by the Ciry of Auburn. 'me College contribution For paragraph 3 and 4 improvemcnt4 is not to exceed$1.5 miilion. . � 5. Park Design. The City will serve as the lead entity for the Lea Hill Park Master Plan and will work.with � �� ORCC and the community on a conceptuai park design. ORCC will participate in any meetings rolatad to � i this process. The City will taka the steps necessazy to revise its Park 8c Recreation Plan to be consistent with I ! the tra�isfer of property and development of the Martin property for a park. i• � 6. [f neoessary,based on the design of the new park,thc Ciry and College will develops use agrament that � addresses public and College use of tlte new partc facilities. 7. If athleGc fields are coi�shvcted on siu that the college makes usa of, the City and Coltege will share maintenance responsbilities for the new park and will develop a joint maintenance agreement. 8.The City snd Coltcge will each maintain liability insurenoe regarding use of the parlc. The Cottege;as a state agency is se(f-insured. Upon request, 1he College will provide a Certificata of Self insurance to the � . City. . 9.EnvironmeotaS Conditions.Prior to the transfer contemplated by this agreoment,the City and College will each, conduct a Phase t EnviroruneMal Site Ass@ssmeM and a culwralPoistoric resource.survey of their respective properties and will disclose the findings of those studies. In addi6on,the parties acknowledge thay weUands are locaud on the Lea Hill Park and Mettin properties and that future developme�rt may iequire � mitigation pursuaM to City regulations. � ' ]0. Good Faith /Limitatiot�s. Both pacties shall apply their best efforts end act in good faith to fulfill the provisions of this agreement' This MOU is preliminary and don-binding end is not s commitmant to � conclude tife contemplaud transaction. The ultimat� transfer of properry end use of facilities must be approved by the Aubnm City Cougcil and must further be approved by King Copnty to assure compliance with applioabla park land deed covenants. No liability ahall be essociaud with failure to conclude Hte transaction. . Execukd,this 5�'day of Februsry,,2010. ' . F Aub For(iraen River Com ity College: �' , � � . L � w� Peter B.Lewis,Mayor,City of Auburn Richa[d A.Rutkowski,ProsiGent,G.R.C.C. � � MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDINO BE7'NE6N Pagc 2 THE CITY OF AUBURN AND GREEN RIVER COMMUNITY COLLEGE'REGARDING LEA H[LL PARK ORD.E Page 141 of 274 � i ; ; i . � � � APPLICANT'S AITESTATION � I i I, Sam Ball ,being duly swom,atteat that the information conteined in � . , . i, the applicarion for a rezone and administrative use pemiit for the Cneen River � i Cotrununity College Trades and Industry Facility submitted xo the City of Auburn,is � I i accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and 6elief. Signed,� ��o �,-�' e!? Date � t e i P[iritCd N8mPlTitle J��u e.l.� �a �.�.�s-c� �wCL r � -- Address � ar"'m �c C..�� v'cr�e t G9�., !�F=. �'L'L,a2_ �� � � � ��� . ��� y ,� Subscribed and awom to before me thia l 3 day of ,$riP�m�er' ,2010: Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, � �(�-� Residing at IU 231 56 �y8'�'" ; �-►"�' 1N�' q 81731 !'���Uo efqe ofW�ry��p� AMIVA TI�INSKF WYaApolntmenf¢t�ns MU 18,¢�18 ORD.E � • Page 142 bf 274 i i APPLICANT'S STATEMENT OF CONSISTENCY WITH AUBURN DECISION CRITERIA FOR A REZONE AND ADMINSTRATIVE USE'PERMIT � I. Introduction G2r.cn River Community College(GRCG� is proposing s rezone and grant ofan i i administrative use permit for an approximate 9-acre site in the I.ea Hill neighborkiaod of i the City of Auburn.The site would be used to construct an approximate 65,000 square foot building to accommodate relocation and expansion of the College's existing Tcades � 8c Industry progam CTrades)• Tl?is document,wBich is required as part of the applications for the rcquested actions,contains the applicant's statement of the consistency of the proposal with applicable decision criteria(rezone and administrative use permit),zoning code cequirements and the Comprehensive Plan• Green River Community College The applicant,Crreen River Community College, is part of Washington State's system of thiriy-four Community and Technical Colleges. The College is an agency of ihe state and is govemed by a Board of Trustees. GRCC established its Aubum campus in 1966; it currently operates branch campuses inKentand Enutnclaw. It also operates a center in downtown Aubum. GRCC . provides instruction in a variety of academic,professional and tecfinical programs and. provides continuing.education. Enrollment at the Aubum campus is approximately 6,000 s(udents(full time equivalents/FTE)and there are 729 employees,including 137 fulFtime faculty. Mast students commute firom surrounding areas of south King County. A limited number of rental housing units are provided for students in the Campus Comer apamnents,located adjacent to the campus on the east side of 124t°Ave SE and SE 3201° Street. The College campus wss anneaced to the City in 2008 along with the broader I.ea Hill neighborhood. On Februazy 5'",2010,the College and the City executed a Memorandnm of Understand'mg(MOin that provides a framework for acquisition of the Lea Hill Park site 1 ORD.E Page 143 of 274 i ; . ; , ; by the Colloge,transfer of an adjacent parcel oEland owned by the College to the City (Martin property), and��elocation and reconstmction of a new Ciry park(Lea Hill Community Park)on this adjacent property. The Aulium Parks Department recently • began public outreach and conceptual planuing for the new park. The College's rezone � and administrative useproposals ara key elements For effectaating the intent of the MOU. Trades&Industry Program i The Trades p;ogram consists of instruction in carpentry and manufacturiug, automotive and suto body repair,.and welding. The existing Trades complex on the Green River Community College campus is housed in five separate buildings,totaliug � approximatety 42,574 square feet. T6ese buildings were constructed in the 1960's,are in a deteriorated condition,and are in need of replacement rn�rehabilitation to support the . exis6ng program. There are cunently 8 faculty and 172 FTE shtdents enrolled in the program. Inidal design and permitting of the new Trades facifity is occu�ring iu 2011, and construcNon is anricipated to corimmence in 2013. Design is still in the early, i concepmal stage. _ ' Site Plan &Building.Concept The new Trades facility is praposed on the 9-acre site of what is currently Lea Hill Park, located on SE 320`h Sh'eet and 124'"Ave. SE,directly north of the existing campus entrance. The new ltades facility would consist of two buildings,connected by an entry canopy,approximately 65,000 square feet in area,(axcluding parking}.In addirion,approximately 10,000 square feet of covered,exterior program space is � included. The total development footprint,including parking,would occupy f approximately 222,000 square feet. Approximately 43'perceat of the site(168,733 square feet)would be undeveloped and retained in wetlands and landscaping. The new Facility would accommodste approximately 12 faculty and 291 FT'E students. Compared'to the existing facility and program,the net mcrease equates to i appmximately 22,426 squara feet, 119 PTE students and 4 faculty members. The increase in building area would provide more generous space for prograxus end does not reflect a directly proportionate increase in students,faculty end activities. Programs 2 ORD.E Page 144 of 274 i I would operate on week days(Monday through Friday),and evenings until 10 PM Monday through Thursday. The Trades rezone proposal represents an approx'vnate 9-acre, or 4.2 percent, i increase to the existing 215-acre GRGC.campus located within the City of Auburn. The approximate 22,426 square foot ne,t increase in the size of the Trades facility represents an approximate 4 percent increase to the existing amount of developed building space on campus (554,582 square feet).. i II. Community Outreach ' In conjuncdon with its plannin�for the site,the College developed an outreach prograin to provide tlie surrounding neighborhood with informariou about its plans for the new Trades facility;to answer quesNons,and to address concems, Although the ncighborhood review meeting requirement of ACC 18.02.130 does not apply t_o the proposal,the College voluntarily developed a program that meets the same intent and contained the same elements. Meeting materials is contained in Section 3 of the ,__ application. The objecrives of the outreach program were to engage the community early in the design process,and to providea forum for au§wering questions and recording concerns. The outreach program included a series of three iniHal neighborhood meetings,� which were held on conseoutive weeks in April,201U;and a follow-up meeting held on June 23,2010. The initial meefings were advertised flirongh an article in the Aubum Reporter,mailing postcards to bver 1,300 residents in the surrounding area,an3 through direct contact with several neighbors and neighborhood association membexs.,Mailing lists were obtained from the City of Auburn. Information about the meetings end the Trades proposal was also posted on the GRCC website. The format of the three meetings in April included various stations,with information about tfie inirial concepts fox site planning and building design,traffic and landsaaping issues,the Trades program and associated college acdyities including campus safety. A station was also requested and made available to a representaUve of the Rainier Ridge Neighborhood Association. The meetings were led by a professiona] facilitator. Eacl�mee6ng inoluded a presentation about the proposal by represeatatives of 3 ORD.E Page 145 of274 the College adminishation and its design team, a question and answer session, and an additional opportunity[o roview presentation materials and discuss concerns with individual members of the design team. Questions and comments could also be provided ' on comment forms available at the mcetings,or via email or letter. AIl ques6ons and comments were recorded and are summarized in Section 3 of the application and are included on GRCC's website. Average attendance et the meetings was approximately five,excluding College and design tesm representa6ves: A follow up community meeting was held on June,23,2010. The meeting was � led bya professional faoifitator. Notice was provided.via an announcement in the Auburn Reporter,maiGngslphone calls to participants of tlie initial meedngs,and notice on tUe College's website: The putpose of the meeting was to update interested neighbors j on the progress of site planning,building design,and environmental anelysis. Sign in , sheets,meeting materials and a list of comments and questions are included imSection 3 of the application. . III. Consistency with Rezone Criteria _ The rezone criteria discussed below are identified in the City of Auburn's � information handout identifying the submittal requirements for rewncs. The wning code � i does not identify specific critcria for zoning map amendments, other than hearing procedures(ACC 18.68). A. Consistency with the intent of the Compreherrsive Pfan and Zoning Code. ' 1.Comprehensive Plan The site is cunentiy desigaated"Public/Quasi Public" on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map.This designaHon is iatended to apply to "public uses of a significant extent"as well as to developed parks. Usea considored compatibla with the designation include"industriaCand cotnmercial uses which are affiliated with aud managed by educational institutions for vocational educadonal purposes." The major criterion for designation is that such aieas be compatible with the character of the adjacent uses. The Comprehensive Ptan idenGfies the Institutional Use (I)zone as an appropriate implementing wne for the Public/Quasi-Public land use 4 ORD.E Page 146 of 274 i designation. The Public/Quasi-Public land use designation and Institutional zoning classification currently apply to the GRCC campus. Green River Community Collage is an agency of the state,and a community college is a public use requiring significant land area. The proposed Trades facility is an educatianal use but,by its nature,involves some activities that have an industrial character,such as caxpentry and machining. I:and uses surrounding the siteinclude the Green River Community College campus;single family and mul6-family residences, including student housing; a fire starion;and various neighborhood type commercial uses. The proposed use has oparated on the GRCC campus since the 1960's and is proposed to be relocated. The proposed facility.will be similar in height to surrounding uses, although larger in bulk.The analyses submitted with the Bxpanded Farvironmental Checklist indicate that We sita and building will be designed to address potential impacts related to noise,views arid traffic.With these and other proposed meesures,the Trades facility will be comparible with surrounding land uses. The proposal is,therefore, • . consiatent with the intent and criteria for the Public/Quesi-Public]and use designsrion. 2. Zoning Code. A rezone from the R-5 Residential Zone(Five Dwelling Units per Acre)to the Institutional(n classification is also sought by the applicant The intent of the Institudonal district is m provide significant areas where educaGonal, governmental,theological,recreational,cultiu�al and other public and quasi-public uses are allowed(ACC 18.44.010). The zoning code idenGfies Colleges as conditionally pernvtted in the Institutional zone subject to an administrative use permit(ACC 18.44.025). Development standerds—including minimum area,setbacks,height, parking,landscaping and signs—are provided in 18.44.050. The proposed use is an educational use that is consistent with the intent of the Institutional zone. The Institutional classiScation is currently applied to the C3reen River Community College campus. Approval of the proposed rezone would make the zoning, of the proposedTrades site consistent with the campus. The applicant is also xequesting approval of an administrative use permit as required by the zoning code. As reflected in the applicarion,the proposal would comply with all development standards of the 5 ORD.E Page 147 of 274 I Irisritutional zoning district,including height,setbaaks,sita coverage and performance standards related to noiso and critical areas. j � B. Consistency with�the Policies of the Comprehensive Plan � i Several elements of the Aubum Comprehensive Plan contain policies that are � relevant to the proposal,including Essential Pubiic Facilities,Land Use/Neighborhood � Quality,Environment, and Parks,Recreation&Open Space.These policies are identified and discussed in Chapter II.A.2 of the Expanded Environmental Ghecklist,and are briefly summarized herein. i f • Essentta!Public Facilities _ The Collega is considered an"essential public faciliry"pursuant to the.Growth Management Act(RCW 36.70A.200).The Aubum Comprehensive Plan identifies procedures for siting new and expanding existing essential public facilities. The approximate 212 acre GRCC campus is an existing essential public facility and the I. proposed Trades facility wwld be an expansion of that existing use.Policy CF-66 I requires the Planning Director to'deterxnine whether the change or intensification of use is significant;criteria for that determinarion include impacts on ttfe surrounding area. Changes that are determined fo be insignificant are reviewed fluough t4ie Gity's standard development review procedures. The Trades rezone propbsal represents an approximate 9 acre,or 4.1 percent, increase to the existing developed GRCC campus located within the City of Auburn(212 acres). The approximate 22,000 square foot net increase in the size of the Trades facility represents an approximate 3.5 percent increase to the eusting ainount of developed building space on campus (appiro�cimately 638,000 SF): Lqnd Use—Nefghborhood Quality � Relevant policies in the Land Use—Netghborhood Qriality chapter of the . Comprehensive Plan seek to maintain or enhance neigliborhood character(LU-42)and to limit the impacts of non-residential use§through landsceping,design features and other . appropriate eondi6ons(LU-45). The proposal would not undermine or threaten the viability of the existing neigh6orhood,The GRCC campus has been an integral part of 6 ORD.E Page 148 of 274 i the neighborhood since the 1960's and has not undermined its character or viability in any manner. The proposed Trades facility would incorporate a num6er of design featnres —including building orientation,landscaping,noise watls and construction techniques— ; tliat would miniraize impacts to surrounding properties. Existing City regulations and condidons imposed through the administrarive use permit process would ensure that no significant impacts to neighborhood quality occur. � I i Environnrent I The Envlron�nent chapter of the Comprehensive Plan contains goals,objectives and policies relating to protecting water resources,wetlands,environmental uuisances, and hazards(flooi3ing,landslides,erosion, hazardous materials,and endangered species) and air quality. This chapter is implemented by the city's critical area regulations (ACC 16.10),noise regulations(ACC 8.28),stormwater management manua] and environmental performance stu�dards(ACC 1831180). On-site wetlands and associated buffer would be protected and would not be disturbed or altered by development The site does not contain sensitive or protected Fiabitat or species,and does not contain geologic hazards. Conformance with applicable noise standards is doaumented in Section 2.2 and Appendix E of the E�tpanded Environmental Checklist. Parks . The Parks, Rec��eation and Open Space chapter of the Comprehensive Plan expresses the Ciry's commitment to provide and maintain a comprehensive system of parks and open spaces tliat meets the needs of residenta(Goal 21). The Parks,Recreation and Open Space Plan(2005)identi5es long range needs to meet ezpected population growth,and idenrifies land and capital improvement required to meet City sfandards. The Trades proposal would replace an existing comple�c of buildings on campus ' and represents an incremental and minor increase in faculty(4)and students (119 FTE). While GRCC students use Lea Hill Park,along with neighborhood residents,the proposal would not result in an increase in demand for neighborhood park and recresrion activities. As noted previously,the City and GRCC have executed an MOU that wiil,if completed; allow the College to acquire the Lea Hill Park property in exchange for an adjaoent 7 ORD.E Page 149 of 274 � � property which wouldbe devcloped for a new neighborhood park,at the College's expense. C. Availabiliry of rnunicipal servtces(seiver, water•, roads,fire and police) The proposal would replace and relocate the ezisting Trades program from a complex of old and deteriorated buildings to a new site and building. This comple�c, associated faculry and students;create"existing demand for sewer,water,roads, fire .� service and polioe services. According to informatioa presented in the'Expanded ! + Environmental Checklist,the estimated net�ncrease of 22;426 square feet, I 19 students � (FT'E)and Q faeulty would result ina minor increase in demandfor sewer,water,fire and police services. No significant impacts to thesa services are anticipated. Traffic impacts are evaluated in detail in the Expanded Environmental Checklist. While traffic congestion would ceduce leyels of service at some intersections, this impact would occur with or withopt the proposal. Tncreased uaffic congestion due to the � proposal,as measure_d by increased delay at intersections,would be minor. Thc affected � roadway corridors would meet adopted City standards for coacurrency. The proposal i � would pay a City traffic icnpact to miHgate its impacts. �((( As part of a separate project,the Coilege is funding capacity,pedestrian and I utility improvements along 12416 Ave.SE,betweea 5. 316t6 Street and S. 320�Street. I These improvements would also benefit the Trades site. D. Consistency wrth Common Law Requirehients for•Rezo»es ; Numerous state of WashingYon Appellate Court decisions have identified � additional criteria that apply to proposals for rezones,as follows. 1. Conditions in the a��ea merst have changed since Ihe originalzoning was es�ablished.Howevew,na change in circumslances is necessary fw•rezones that inzplenrent the canprehensive plan. , As indicated in II.A.1 and II.A.2 above, the subject property is designated "Public/Quasi-Public"in the Comprehensive Plan and the Institutional zoning classification is identified as au appropriate zone to impletrienting this designation. The 8 ORD.E Page 150 of274 i � pmposed rezone would, thesefore,implement the Comprehensive Plan and no cl�ange in I' circumstances need be demonstrated. . � 2. The proposed rezo�re in:�st bear a strbstantial relationship to the general welfare of the communiry. ` I Community colleges are an important component of Washington's educational i system.Green River Community College,which is part of this state system,provides � education,to approximately 8,400 students in the Auburn/south King County region. The ' Trades program, in particular,prepares students to enter ttie workforce in important segments of the local economy. The College is also a major employer in the City of i Auburn and contributes to the local economy. � The existing Trades facility is old, deteriorated,and inadequate to support the pro�ram in the future. The new facility represents a significant up�'ading and modernization of program space,which will enhance the aftractiveness and effectiveness of the program. Expansion of the progeam wi11 enable the College to Vain more stadents __ in trades-related programs,which will enable these students to successfully compete for . jobs. ' The proposal includes redesign,relocatiomand reconstruction of a neighborhood park on the adjacent property,pursuant to a Memorandum of•Ageement between the City and the College. The College would fund construction of the new paY'k. Tl�ere would be no diuunution in park facilities in the neighborhood,as the new park would be conshucted before development of the Trades building begins. The City is working with neighborhood residents to design the new park so it meets neighborhood needs. The College has also agreed to fund road,pedestrian and uNlity improvements to ' 124��Ave. SE to improve traffic circulation in the campus area. These improveme�rts would also support the Trades proposal. 9 ORD.E Page 151 of 274 i IV. Consistency with Adminis'traHve Use Permit Criteria ! College facilities are permitted in the requested Institutional zoning district � pursuant to an adminislrative use permit. The criteria for approval of an administrarive j use permit,as set forth in ACC 18.64.040,are discussed 6elow. i i A. The use iviJl not have a strbstantively greater adverse e,tJ'eci on the health, � safely or•con fo�7 of persons/iving or ivorking in!he ar ea and tivlll not be I si�bslantTvely more fnjurious, economically or othenvise, to property or I imp�rovenrents in the surrounding area Ihan would arry use permitted�n the drstrict. Among maNers to be considered are tra�cJlotiv and control, access to mrd circulation ivilhin the pmperty, off-street parldng and loading, refuse and service area, :rrilities,scree�ring and bgjje�vn�signs,yards and other open � spaces, hetght, bu/l� andlocationojsb7rctures, locatfomofpropased:openspace ! � " uses, hou�s and manner of ogerat+on, and noise, lights, chcrt, odors,fumes and . ! vibralia� . The Trades faciGty is an educa6onal use that involves activities that could be _„ considered commercial or industrial in character,and these activities involve potential noise,emissions and other externaliiies that can affect people snd adjacent properties if . not mitigated. As identified in the Expanded Environmcntal Checklist,however,the Trades proposal would mitigate any impacts i�elated W land use,height and bulk, transponation aiul parking,noise,views/aestheHcs,air emissions,and open space,among others concerns. As noted previously,approximately 43 percent of the Trades site (168,733 square feat)would not bg developed and would be ratained imwedands and landscaping. In general,the facility would not be considered injurious to people, properties or improvements in tHe area. Uses permitted in the Instilvtional zoning district,eitfier outright or conditionally, include cemeteries,govemment buildings and Facilities,guasi-public buildings of a recreational or educational uatuce,airport landing areas,assembly/light manufacturing, and retail sales and services. By their nature,several of these uses could be as iutensive or more intensive than the proposed Trades facility,including government facilities, essembly and manufacturing,or some retail uses. Depending on site-specific planning, 10 ORD.E Page 152 of 274 i i resulting impacts and proposed mitigallon measures,these uses could generate similaz or � greaterimpacts than Trades. Therefore,Trades would not have a substantively greater ;� i impact on the health,safety or comfort of people in the area. ; B. The proposal�s in accordance wrth the goals,policies and objectives of the comprehensive plan. Section II.A.1 above and the Land Use section of the Expanded Envi=onmental Checklist address the consistency of the Trades proposal with ielevant goals and policies i of the Comprehensive Plan. The proposal would be consistent with those goals and � � policies. � . � C. The proposa!complies with the requiremenls of this title. Section II.A.2 above and numerous sections of the Environmental Checklist refer to and address requirements of the zoning code,ineluding but not limited m the discussion of wetlands,noise,land use and transporcation. Based on the proposed design, and with implementation of mirigation measures and conditions of approval,the proposal i will comply witli the requirements of the zoning code. I I D. The proposal cax Ge constructed and rnairrtatned so as to be har�nonious and appropriate!n design, characler, and appem•ance wirh the existing or intended character of�he genera!vicinity. The Expanded Envn•onmental Checklist describes how the proposal is being planned and designed to address iasues of aesthetic and visual compatibility.For example,the tallestproposed building will be 36 feat in height,which is comparible with the scale of nearby residential buildings. The V-shaped design of thb facility would place most of the building's bulk and noisier activities within the interior to the site,rather than along roads. Existing.vegetarion,including on-site wetlands,will be retained and supplemental Iandscaping will be provided to help screen views of the building from adjacent streets,sidewalks and land uses. ll ORD.E Page 153 of274 i E. The propasaJ will be s:�ported by adequate p:rblic facflities axd sravices and I wi!!rrol advpsely aJfect the public infrash�ucture. � �Based on tHe analysis in the environmental checklist, no significant impacts are expected to occur to sewer,water,fire or police services as a result of the proposal. Section 2.3 - i Transportetion of the Facpended Environmental Checklist idenrifies impacts of the ; proposed Trades facility on traffic,circulation and parking and recommends appropriate mitigarion. These measures include payment of a transportation impact fee pursuant to i I ACC 19.04. Fees wilTbe calculated according to applicable fee schedules and paid at the i dme of building permit applioarion. F. Tlte proposal ivill not cause or create a publtc nutsance. � The proposal would not create a nuisance. The noise section of the Expanded Fsnvironmental Checklist evaluates the zoning code's perFormance standards for noise and the state noisestandards(ACC 1631.180B). An increase in noise relative to existing conditions will occur and will be noticeable. .Howeyer,the analysis concludes that the proposal,with mitigation measures incorporated into the design of the building and additional recomrriended measures,will comply with applicable noise standards. G. The propasal's bnpacts can be appropriately mltfgqted thro:rgh the application of conditfons of approval, as applicable. The Expanded Environmental Checklist identifias measures that will reduce the impacts of the proposal to a level that is less than significant.Tl}ese measures,along with conditions of approval imposedaspart of the.rezone process or administrative use permit, witl provide eppropriate mitigarion for identified impacts. ' V. Conclusion � � The Trades rezone is consisfent with the requiremerits of[he Comprehensive Plan i and City Code.GRCC respectfully requests approval of the requested zoning reclassification and administrative use permit,with the conditions recommended by the City. 12 ORD.E Page 154 of 274 / -� ~ 0 "`�� m GREEN RIVER`COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRADES BU:ILDING � LAND USE SUBMITTAL DRAWINGS _ .;�,�,�, �,.� ��, .�.� .n.Lu .�. : w FT�A__._. _.Y��y�Fr� .I wMYrTYf4�l�aWi��t6.��i�. �0�� �q f IWYY��� N � ,e¢ a�ir °r���i..�e�ain�w w w s�.� r��.. °r7.�� �i �r..��.w � ... . $ iww °�w���w�.�r�.n.W�rw..�ww� .`ea°'ma° wa�r �. p . 'PnA �'. � �.M�lws w�ii.rraY+����r•��r ..w•�i�w em6¢f6�R ��m�. 4 :°°e � � °a�`.'^ �`• ���{ " s � . w�p��.��..n......ses �wr�bti.r i � ��.e�s� � �ET . �a �VI[Yil/M100WIPWS�IWRYOM�IYiiP{ �M++WY�Y�f �6�tiMO�� lY��FY. ��'. 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ORD.E a Exhibit 17, Number o£ Pages 17 Green.River Community College Trades Building Project Neighborhood Meetings Summary Introduction GreenRiver Community College(GRCC),held threeneighborhood meetingsJn April 2010 to share information about its plans to construct a newTredes Building at the site of the existing Lea Hill Park,in Auburn,WA.The site is located at the intersection of SE 320th Street and 124th Ave SE,just north of the campus and across the street from.the GRCC stu8ent housing comPlex.As part of a proposed land exchange with the City of Auburn,GRCC plans to construc[the new Trades Building on the current Lea Hill Parksite.The City will build a new city park on properties currently owned by the GRCC Poundation and Green River Community College,just north of the GRCC child tare center on 124th Ave SE,a site currently known as the Martin property. The purpose of the meetings was to: • Share information about the Trades Building Project • Talk withresidents abaut the project • Answer questions • Hear concerns early in the design process Meeting Dates&Lowtions The meetings were held in Auhurn at the following dates and locations: • Monday,April 19,2010,af Family of Grece Lutheran Church,31317124th Ave SE,6-8 p.m. • Monday,April 26;2010,at Family of Groce Lutheran Church,31317124th AveSE,6-8 p.m. • Wednesday,April 28,2010,at Lea Hill Clu6house, 12120 SE 319`"Place,5-7 p.m. Nefghborhood Outreach GRCC conducted the following outreach to inform and encourege neighborhood participation: • Over 1,300 postcards were mailed to residents between SE320th Streei and 312"'Ave;from . 116`"to the west and SR 18 to.ttie east.Postcards were delivered to property owners and renters • Information about the meetings was posted on the GRCC Website • Word-of-moutfi through direct_wntact with several neighbors and community members • Article in the Auburn Reporter ORD.E Page 166 of 274 In addition,a first-grede teacher at Arthur lacobsen Elementary Schnol sent information about the meetingi home wkh her studenu because of the class's current adivities in park planning. Meeting Format&Materials Allmeetings followed the same general format,including an open house with information sta,tions,a presentation from the project team,and question/comment session with meeting participants.At the request of ane Rainier Ridge resident,an invitation was made to surrounding neighborhoods to host a station representing neighborsrnteres[s. One neighbor tookadvantage ofShe offer and represented some of the interests of Rainei Ridge neighbors.The stations included: Station 1:Welcome/Sign-in Station 2:Tredes Building Design&124th Ave SE street improvements Station 3:Campus Safety Station 4i Tredes Pragrems Station 5: Rainier Ridge Homeowners Association A fact sheet and comment card were provided to attendees. Project Team Members The following project team members participated in at least one of the three meetings:The transportatfon engineer was not present at the flrsYmeeting and attended thesecond and third meetings. Green River CommuMty College • Sam Ball,GRCCDean of Capital Projects • John Ram3ey;GRCCPublic Information O�cer + Ma�k Mllbauer, Divlsion Chair for Tredes&Technology Programs,and Auta Body Instructor • George Frasier,GRCC Vice President of Development • Tom Weisweaver,GRCC Director of Facilities + Rebecca Rhodes,GREC Dean of Trades&Technology • Fred Creek,Director of Campus Security Architecture&Design • Jerry Osborn,S.M.Stemper Architects,lead architec[ • Sare Wilder,S.M.itemper ArchitecGs GRCC Trades Building Project Neighborhood Outreach Meetings� Summary—May 2010 2 ORD.E Page 167 of 274 • Chuck Warsinske,landscape architect with Susan Black&Associatesworking on the Trades Building Project and new park projed with the City of Aubum TransportaUon e Mike Read,Trensportation Engineering NW,traffic engineer for the Trades Building Projed and 124th Ave SE street improvements Other • Richard Weinman,land use consultant • Melinda Posner,facilitator 7rades Presentation FacilitatorMelinda Posner welcomed everyone to the meetings,introduced projed team members, outlined themeeting format_and sharedground rules for productive dialogue.She introduced Sam Ball, who shared the first of several key componenu a6out the project including: • Need and purpose of the projeR • Projed schedule • Interest in communicating early witk residents • Plans for conduc[ing effecti0e outreach lerry Osbom f�om S.M..Stemper Architects talked about his firm's many years of experience with GRCC, the need and interest to design this building compatibly with the.neighborhood,and underscored the significance of designing this building as the college's future"front door."He introduced Sare Wilder, key designer for the site layout.Sare talked about building orienfation,screening,use of materials,and stretegies to reduce nega4ive impacts to neighbors from noise,views,and parking.Sara introduced Chuck Warsinske,who shared details about the landscaping pians,stortnwater managemeM and integration of the Trades Building with the new c'tty park.Transpoitation engineer Mike Read discussed the 124th Ave SE ImprovemeMS planned for this summer,how future circulation will be addressed in the future,and opportunities and wnstreints to improving the traffic situation currently faced by residents.Representatives from the Tredes&Technology programs shared information about the five Trades pragrams(Weiding,Auto Body,Autamotive,Carpentry,and Manufacturing),noted the importance of training students for local jobs,Tredes progrem services that meet community needs,and benefits of a new building with updated equipment and technology. Teammembers shared that a meeting summary wouid be developed and distributed to all attendees and made available on ihe GRCC.Web site,GRCC representatiyes_indicated that a future meeting will be held to show design progress and how theproject team addressed concems and issues of the neighbors. GRCC Trades Building Project Neighborhood Outreach Meet(ngs iummary—May 2010 3 ORD.E . Rage 168 of.274 GRCC representatives indicated they will initiate quarterly meetings with neighbors to communicate more regularly,share updates about projects like Trades,and other programs/projec[s that might impact residenu in the area.Contad information collected at the Trades outreach meetings will be used to contact residents in advance of these meetings.The first meeting will likely be held this summer. Questions&Commenu Questions and camments from all three meetings have been consolidated and arganized by topic. Meeting participants were encouraged to share commenu in the Q&A portian of the presentation,write wmments on prajed comment cards,provide comments eledronically through the GRCC Web site, and/or contad John Ramsey diredly. Trades Building Design,Site Plan,Aesthetia&Landscaping • Is there a picture of what the building will look like when residents drive 6y? • One resident Iikes the idea of keeping the building surrounded by trees.A resident was glad to hear that sound will be tested. From where they live,they don't hear naise from the existing Trades building. • Current views of existing park and open space will be changed with new building. • How will the perspective ofhomeowners be considered?For example, how will the team determine what it looks like from homes that look in to the huilding? • Will the new 7redes Building be fenced? • Will the site be open to the pubifc 24 hours per day7 • Will the new Tredes Building be water and energy efficient?Will it take more or less power7 • Will the new building use rein water,far uses beyond vegetation� • What about the use of grey water in the new building7 • Plans to"daylight"existing natural waterways area real plus for thisprojec[,especially when incorporeted along the pathways. • What kind of trees willbe planted? • What size of trees wfll be plantedP • What wiil be planted along 124th Ave SE? • Will the project include cedars7 • Is there a concern about planting very large trees and then going through a very wet rainy season7 . • Will the trees have foliage all the way to the ground or will residents seeSrunks primarily7 • The plan sounds like it wiil look lush—that is a good thing. • How will the trees on the Trades site look at different seasons?Concerned that areas with _ dedduous trees(thase that lose leaves in fall/winter)will not 6e very nice to look at. • WII the pathway be lighted at night? • The closest resident to thenewTrades Building is concerned about property values.A building in place of a park doesn't seem to be an improvement. Program OperaUon,Noise GRCC Trades Building Project Neighhorhoad Outreach Meetings Summary—May 2030 4 ORD.E Page.169 of274 • What is the schedule of classes at Trades?Will it create more.impacts at the already impactful times?Or is it"off-treck"7 • Shpp activities in the Trades Buildingare loud.There is skepticism that noise issues can be managed successfully. •. There are concerns about noise from the 7redes programs.Which progrems are the noisiest7 • Will Trzdes Progrem work areas tie enclosed7 • Will sound dampeningmatecialbe used7 • If,after construction,t6e new building createssignificant negative impacts to neighbors,is there a way for theseio be addressed in the future. Trafflt,Aetess&Parking � Improvement plans for-124th Ave SE will not result in widening the road near the college.Won't that create even more of a bottleneck until the intersedion at 124th AveSE and SE 320th Streetis improved7 • Has the college considered a pedestrian overpass to move pedestrians between the new Tredes site and the existing campus? • What about a pedestrian tunnel7 • The flow of traffic is pretty bad at times—not always-especially when all schools in the area are getting out(elementary,middle schobl, high school): • Student parking in neighborhoods isalso a wncern. � Having the driveway into the new building right across from Rainer Ridge neigfiborhood is a concern. • It isvery difficult to make a left on to 124th Ave SE. • What are theplanned traffic improvemenis on 124th Ave SE7 . • It would be helpful to have the trefFlc engineer at the meetings to address treffic flow questions. • Will the Cty require curb,gutte�,sidewalk,and stormwater improvements on east side? That is where it's really needed. • How will studeMS circulate/flow between new Trades building and main campus7 • Where will Tredes rtudenu park?Will the Tredes building parking lotbe just for Tredes studenu? How will you keep them from parking on street? • There is a cancem about high speeds and safety.lYs currently unsafe for carsand pedes[rians on 124th Ave SE: • eus service is inadequate:Consider alternative forms of trensportation. • Put a 20-foothigh,concrete sound barrier along the eastside of 124th Ave SE. • Regarding parking on neigh6orhood streets,wnsider a permanently 6olted sign at the front of the Rainier Ridge neighborhood.The existing one gets stolen and wvered with greffiti. • There is a significant amount of footSreffic—lots of international'students—along 124th Ave SE. • Street improvements should be carrled through full length of 124th Ave SE,on bath sides of the street. • Don't do a treffic study on 124th Ave SE at the wrong time(e.g.right after 124th Ave SE improvements have been done). • Don't put a traffic light at 318"'. • There is a concem about GRCC students parking in the Rainier Ridge neighborhood. GRCC Trades Building Project Neighborhood Outreach Meetings Summary—May 2010 3 ORD.E Page 170 of 274 • There is a concern about parking for use of the park.Will this increase parking on the street7 There is a lot of parking on 316"'.Will there be enough parking on site? • Is aparking garege really planned? • How will future GRCC student growth affect treffic7 • Are there planned signal improvements at 318th7 • Is there a plan to continue 124th Ave SE south,straight into the campus? � At peak traffic times,crossing 124th Ave SE to goto and from the park will be very unsafe.How will that be addressed? • Vi/idening 124th Ave 5E will increase traffic speeds and make itmore unsafe for pedestrians. • How will residenu an the east of 124th Ave SE get to the park safely? • When the Ciry eventually completes traffic improvements on the west side of 124th Ave SE,will there be enough room for those improvemenu without taking portions of residents'backyards7 • If the long=term plan is"streight in°to the college,how will that change traffic control at SE 320th Street? � • To turn right on 318"'(fram Rainier Ridge) is only possible when the signal tums red at SE 320th Street.The left is almost impossible. • VVhat are the plans for pedestrian accessacrossSE 320th Street,near the Lea Hill neigh6orhood (west of the intersection of 124th Ave SE and SE 320th Street)? • What are final plans for the intersection at SE 320th Street and 124th Ave SE? • Rumors include a roundabout for that location: Stormwater, Wetlands • Are there stormwater improvements planned for 124th Ave SE? • There are concems abaut stormwater,water,sewer andnoise. Regarding stormwater,it runs diredly into the Green River,there are no oil treps at the college,there is milfoil in ditches,and backed up water leads to flooding In heavy rains. • Will there be detention ponds? Construction Schedule&Timing • What is the current schedule for construction of the Trades Building and the other projects7 • Could the land near the college entrance be considered for additional buildings? � Public 5afety • Public safety is a concern. • There is positive supporf for this projed.The existing park has been a hangout for illegal adivitles and crime.Considec design solutions that do not invite crime or public safety issues. • Will GRCC provide security? • Vi/hat about the path from the Trades Building into the park?Will that be closed off or otherwise "sFiut down"at dusk? • This is a good opportunity to bring the two sites together. There is the benefit of security for both sites.Vigilant neighbors can help with security a lot,by paying attention and making calls when they see suspiciaus adivity. GRCC Trades Building Project Neighborhood Outreach Meetings Summary—May 2010 6 ORD.E Page 171 of 274 � The police may be negleding security at the park right now because of the future plans.They show up when called but just chase folks away. • Will the site'have lighting7 � Will the site have surveillance wmeres? • Will there be lighting when school is not irtsession7 WiII GRCCpatrol 24/7? Future Park • When will the new park be developed7 • Wilfthe park be w-awned by the Eiry of Auburn and GRCC? • Tliere is a concern that the park could be redeveloped into something else if the City decides it doesn't want the parkanymore.lsthere a way to guarentee its permanence? • There is interest in reviewing the specific language of the cod"enant. It wasnoted that it is public information and questions about.k should be directed to the Gty. • Same ideas for the future park include:l)incarporete or commemorate the cows that have always tieen in the ww pasture there;2)recognize the Martin family idthe name of the park or with a plaque. • The park swap hasn't 6een finalized yet.Only a Memorendum of Understanding has been completed between the.City and GRCC. • Who owns the ball field now? • Is GRCC designing ttie park? • Neighbors want to discourage the park as a"hangout"foc criminal adivity. • Is there a plan to retain the present walkway from the park to the Lea Hill Clubhouse (is this right7) • Who will meintain the park7 • There is a legal agreement w/GRCC re:student housing—on there be same kind of agreement7 • There is a concem that the land exchange isn't acre for acre. • A wetland is visible space—even if iYs not usable. This helps makes up for loss of park acres in some minds. • Can the child wre center be relocated?Don't want to lose park space.The cammuniry is losing two acres because the college is paying for park.Dan't want it to con4inue to be"sold to the deepest pocket" • How does the Trades Building construdfon schedule affect the park construdion7 Comments Cards Received.—April 19,2010 Meeting Name Summary of Commenta Concem ebout hafFlc at the entrance M Rainler Ridge and evenNal eMianca to:the new Trades Building. It would ba nice to have a stoplight so that cars can flow more freely and peiiestriens can�_be protected. Will 4here be a sidewalk on tha east side of 124th Ave SE between GRCC and College Place? The college master planning docurimerits on the Web site are autdated— rreed tohave updated,axurate and timely information. GRCC Trades Building Project Neighborhood Outreach Meetings Summary—May 2010 7 ORD.E Page ]72 of 274 Green River Community College Trades BuildingProject June 23,2030 Neighborhood Meeting $ummary Introduction � Green Riyer Community College(GRCC)held a follow-up meeting with neighbors to discuss.the Trades Building Projed an Wednesday,June 23,2010.The purpose of the'meeting was to sfiare responses to questions and issues raised at tlireeprevious neighborhoodmeetings held in April,and tosurtimarize the nex[steps in the process,The meeting was held from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.at Family of Grace Lutheran Church,located at 31317124tb A4e SE. Background GRCCplans to construd a new Tredes 8uflding at the site of the existing Lea Hill Park,inAuburn,WA. The site is located at the intersection of SE 320thStreet and 124th Ave SE,just north of the campusand across the street from.the GRCC student housing complex.As part of a proposed land exchange with the city of Auburn,GRCC plans to construc[the new Trades Building on the current lea Hill Park site.The city will build a new park on properties currently owned by the GRCC Foundation and Green River Community College,just north of the GRCC child care center on 124th Ave SE,a site curcently known as the Martin property. Outreaeh GRCC conduded the following outreach to inform and encourege neighborhood participation including: • Distribution af ApriLmeeting summary with a notice about the June23 meeting ta all past meeting participants; • Posting of April meeting summary on GRCC Web site; • Distributian of email reminders to past meeting attendees and stakeholder contacts; • Reminder phone calls to past meeting attendees and stakeholder contacts; • Announcement of the upcoming meeting at two ciry parks planning meetings held at the end of May and mid June;and e Distribution of a news release to the Auburn Reporter. ORD.E Page 173 of 274 MeeUng Format The meeting included introductory comments by meeting facilitator;Melinda Posner;a brief summary of the Trades projed by.5am Ball,GRCC Dean of Capital Projects;and presentations by members of the design team,who shared information about design, landscaping,circulation and other site planning issues. ProjectTgam Members The followingproject team members were present: Green Rlver CommuNry College • Sam Ball,GRCC Dean of Capital Projects • Mark Milbauer,Division Chair forTredes&Technology Progrems,and Auto Body Instructor • Tom Weiswea4er,GRCC Director of Facilities • RebeccaRhodes,GRCC Dean of Trades&Technology • Fred Creek,Director of Campus Security Architecture&Design • Jerry Osborn,S.M.Stempec Architects,lead architect •, Sare Wilder,S.M.Stemper Architeds. • Chuck Warsinske,Iandscape,architect.with Susan Black&Associates worlcing on the 7rades Building Projec[and new park project with the City of Auburn Noise • Adam Jenkins Trensportation • Mike Read,Trensportation Engineering NW,traffic engineer for the Tredes Building Projed and 124th Ave SE street improvements Otl�er • Richard Weinman,land use consultant • Melinda Posner,facilitator 2 GRCC Trades Building Project Follow-Up Outreach Meeting—JUne 23,2010 Summary ORD.E Page 1Z4 of 274 Design Presentation The design presentation summarized the key issues that have been resolved since the first meetings. Jerry Osborn noted that design solutions continue to evolve based on wntinuing study,design r�nements,and coordination with the city park planning efforts. It was.noted that the curreM Tredes Building Projed plans are not final.Several design revisions were highlighted: • Graphic renderings of views were presented,illustrating existing and planned vegetative screening,pedestrian pathway, building entry,and views from impaded neighbors • Pedestrian circulation includes a complete pedestrian pathway around the perimeter ofthe proJed site with connections to the GRCC campus and planned city park . • Pedestrian crossings will channel pedestrians afkey points to reduce auto/pedestrian conflicts • Noise testing identified am6ient noise levels.The newbuilding will increase noise to some le4el that will.be heard by some residenu. Designstretegies to mitigate noise impacts include ' acoustical building materials,building orientation,vegetative streening and berming. The team concluded the presentation with information about the next stepsln the process.This includes submittal of a land use application to the city of Auburn in late June for a rezone.to 'instltutional use;'the same zone that applies to the main GRCC campus.An administrative use permit • is also required.These land use requesu will be made through the ciry's permit processing requirements,which include review and consideration by the Auburn Gry County(rezone)and hearing examiner(administretive use permk). Property ownen will be noticed about these land use actians and will have additional opportunities to review information and provide comments.In addition;GRCC. expects to initiate quarterly meetings with interested parties to discuss this and other issues that are of interest and concern between the neighborhood and college adivities.Sam,Ball asked interested residents to sign up to receive notice of these meetings.The first will likely take place in the fall. The following questions and comments were made at the meeting. Trades Program,Building Design,Aesthetics&Landscaping • Are the Trades programs certffied by major employers or private companies? • Will new Tredes programs be offered in thenew building? • Which Tredes programswill be enclosed in the new building? , • What is theplanned height of the new building? • Where will scrap metal and other refuse storage currently seen at the existing Tredes building be lowted? • What will be visihle from the Lea Hill Homes neighborhood? 3 GRCC Tredes Building Project Follow-Up Outreach Meeting—June 23,2010 Summary ORD.E Page 175 of 274 • WiIlShere 6e fencing along the yuest side.of the property? • Lea HiII Homes neighbors are concerned about the shortcut students might take on the west side and would support a fenc8 ta redirect pedes[rian traffic: The street is not well lit. Property owners are interested in channeling pedestrian access farther.away from the residences. • Will there be room to add landscaping near the fencing7 • What klnd of fence.material willbe used? - • How high will the fence be7 • When automobiles are being worked on in the automotive and auto body programs,will they be seen by neighbors? • Are there plans for landscaping on the college side of the fence7 • Farthe new park,are you planning to add new treesand replace the existing poplars7 • Would you consider removing the poplars and planting something else instead? • Is maximizing open space not as high of a priority at the park?' • What isthe cost of the total praject? • There is concern about the current park standing open in disrepair after the new park is built and before the Tredes building is built. It looks bad,is dangerous(especially the dugouts),and structures are falling apart. Noise • What.is the difference between existing noise levels in ttie neighborhood and noise levels expec[ed from the new building7 • Do night classes include some of the banging and grinding activities that are charaderistic of Trades progrems7 • Does freming take place in the carpentry classes7 • Currently,residents hear very little:noise.This wili 6e a change.Neighbors will definitely hear it. • Is there any provlsion for addressing noise issues after the.building is built7 • Will a complaint process go through the cityof Auburn7 4 GRCCTredes Building ProjeR Follow-Up Outreach Meeting—June 23,2010 Summary ORD.E Page 176 of 274 • Shop noise is loud. It is not reasonable to think t6at it can be entirely contained and not heard by neighbors. • Are you going to insulate residents'houses? � r It might be a good idea to have post-construction meetings with neighbors to hear and address concems like this. Traffic&Clrwlatlon • • Will there be a marked crosswalk at 124`"Ave SE and SE 316"'Street ta provide safe access to and from the new park? • What will be the posted traffic speeds on 124"'AveSE and SE 320"'Street? • How much parking will tliere be at the Trades euilding in relation to how many students are typically enrolled in the Trades programs? • Getting out on to SE 320th Street is very difficult. If there is a pedestrian crossing notification system that stops traffic and allows pedestrians to cross at any time,it will make this even mare difficult. • Wilt there be off-street parking at the new park? • Has the college talked with the city about providing sidewalk improvements on the east side of 124`" Ave SE7 • Has the city hosted a community meeting about averell trensportation pfans with this group? • There is a safery concern of studenu walking on the east side. It is about 20 students to 1,when compared to the west side. • There is a roundabout on the circulation'plans. Is this a flnal plan? • Where is the planned pedestrian bridge7 • City Council Member�rginia Haugen reminded meeting participants that the councll welcomes participation at their council meetings. 5 GRCC Trades Building Project Follnw-Up O�treach Meeting—June 23,2010 Summary ORD.E Page 177 of 274 Appendix A • Neighborhood Meetings Notification Postcard • Trades Building Pcoject Fact Sheet • Trades Building Projed Gomment Card • Trades Building Project Web Site Text o Auburn RepocterArticle April 8, 2010 • AuburnReporterArticleApri122,2010 + Neighborhood Meeting Sign-in Sheet April.l9, 2010 • Neighborhood Meeting Sign-in Sheet April 26, 2010 e Neighborhood Meeting;Sign-in Sheet April 28, 2010 ORD.E Page 178 of 274 1 1 � • 1 : : �i il' 1\���e�' ' , co �,� Niuri � TV co � � EeE Capital Projecis 12401�;E320�hS1�. ' � ' ` Auburn. WA 96092=3G22 SAVE THE DATE! Upcoiiiing rneetinys io�ciiscuss Green River Cornri�uu�illy College New Builcliiig Plans Meeting 1 Mon�ia�: April 19 G 8 p:rn. Meetiny 2 Monday. Flpril 26 6-8 p,m. Meetiny 3 Wednes�la;�. April,28 5-7 p.m. . . o • . E T ES BUI D NG ROJECT , , , „ , , , , : , : : � , : � . , � i � � : � : � � � � t�� r __ `�� -- � ,= � :_ � ;,_ The Trades B��iilding Project �� ����Gr� ��, �i` -��.'` ���� will combiiae state-of-the- I������[ ��, /,:y��Il i?�J C�E�31�ar�i� ; V ,�.,�.� ,. - � �� I + ', ''="�' � � � 7 c�l"t BC�lll�lll�'lll af1CI fc�CIIItI�S r-a�„�iy of Grace Lutheran Church � s�� � 31317 124th Ave S[ with mat�.ire landscaping, � � green building materials � ���.' j� �� an�l�� sensitive site design. '"r�x��'��?' � ��� � : I�`,Lki_ ���, /'�,'�)f�� l�^3 (7�� �!k{iil, R� �_, ; �i ,�� Family of Grace Lutheran Chwch ; Attend the nl8eting nlost 31317 124th Ave SE , ,��- convenient for you. Each ' will folloti� �the same format ,���v>��1�� :j �: , , and provide the s�me 1�e"�t-��l�����I<�`d, /�����U l?��� e�U l��ti], - • � infom»tion. Call (253) Lea Hill Clubhouse " � � `'''� ' � �� � 288-3360 to learn more. 1?120 SE 319th Place _IS ' .Y �.�� � . f ' l.l�{� _ ' �,� "`'-�. � � � � � ` , �)� a,� _�. , ;. �, ��_. ,�� -� .:,. ,.. � ^��.., � j_ � �, - To learn more about the Tr�cles Building Project, please visit ' �e��� �� ' �°��•° w�vw.greenriver.edu/facilities/trades�uilding ' � � : � . . � • � � � � . . . . ..- . . . �. r�• � ver . .. . . . . . . . _ � � , _ . _ COMMUNIT `! COLL "tGE . .. . - . . • • - -• - • • • -• � • � • TRADES BUILDING P�tOJECT . - - . - •. . � � _ _ , �_ � Green River Communiry College is embarking on an . �� . � . , �� � , ,� . �. exciting new project to upgrade its Trades Building. , � _� .� The new facility, which has been funded by the State of Washington, will indude updated equipment and new plumbing, electrical, and HVAC systems, which are now poorly functioning. Currently, the College's Trades programs are housed in five aging buildings, many of which were builT more than 40 years ago (1966). They have exceeded their life cydes, are unable to meet current safety requiremenu, and are no longer adequate to suppori the instructional programs. For More Information The new Trades Building will facilitate enhanced student Please call John Ramsey at(253) 288-3360 or visit learning in a modern instructional environment and help www.greenrivecedu/trades-building meet local employers'demands for qualified graduates. Green River Community College is committed to a new building design that is sensitive to the surrounding com- munity and minimizes impacts to neighbors. � --;�=� �,,�` � - t _ �__;� --_= � � , .�" ;4a"'��I � : '- R � � `,f �`;''�. �� �: � � ' 0 � . . � �� �� ; ,�E, ��:�. "� F�!. v s ��' ) ��� i � ��` ,�,,,, ; �--�.-'�_ . � � 'T THE TRADES BUILDING PROJECT • � - • � • Trades Program Fast Facts , ; �, , � . , _ , ■ Serves 430 students per year . - . . . . - . -. - . ■ About 20°ro ofTrades scudents are under age ?0 , „ , . , _ , _ _ � �, , � . and 25�/o are over age 40 .. - . - . -. . - . . - ■ Trains and places students quickly– ov��r 1,000 . � certificates awarded in last 5 �ears Trades Building Fast Facts - • � - � Euilding Size: One-story, 65,000 sq. feet � Cost: 520 million - ' - 1=eann�es: ■ Preservationofwetlands . . • . . . . ■ Danse, rnaturelandscaping �_ � �. _ , � � � , wi[h walkin� paths � . - . . ... ■ Construciion techniyues to reduce noise inipacCS . • - - • ■ Modular construction to ;educe _ . , building "mass" ■ 6�hancedsveetscape - . . . - . - . ■ Natural lighting • �� • • ■ Gr�en roofs , . , _ , � � � .r��: -� � a� Project Schedule ���� � — _, April 2010 Neighborhood Ourreach , � �'! Meetings � E � i •„ '�� Summer 2010 Trades Rezone Application �Ii1t, Submi[tal � / . _ � Fall 2010 Auburn �ity Council Action on Rezone Application -�- � ^1 Z013 AnticipateConstruction � �� i� �' � to Eegin � � __ � l > � 2015 Trades Construction Complete _ ^/ � ` � rt�; � `�� � . �' � T place p;,,�r first class ivrc _ stamp COMMUNiTY COIIEGF �� hefg Espibre Yonr Pose�llitles i__' �\ �� \ L '1` � � . 3� � . . � � � `�� � ' �} � +; ". Green River Community College ' '� 1� Capital PraJests � 12401 SE 320th St. `" �`,_ ' Auburn, WA98092-3622 , � �' �., � � —��a\ n �� . 1�:� �� �-�;'.; ' ���;� . . , •� __ S��4 _��= F � �� : tl ^ , , s; �lr�� � COMMENT CARD: The Trades Building Project Gos�a�nr`eoal�o• ' - � NAME: � AFFILIATION: � - � � � (e.0•neiB�borhoodgmuD.arOanization,etc.) A�DRESS:_ _ _ CITY/STATE/ZIP: � � � EMAIL: PHONEi � Please share your comments about the Trades Building ProJect. Thenk you.Your time and padicipatlon are appreciated. Oi�D�Fh more about the Trades Bulldinp Pro�ect,piease visit www.preenriver.edu/trades-6uilding F Trades Building Projed Project Description 3/22/2010 Projed Descriptfon Green River Communiry College is embazking on an exciting new project to upgrade its Trades Building. The new facility,which has been funded by the State of Washington,will include updated equipment and new plumbing,electdcal,and HVAC systems,which are now poorly fiinctioning. Combining stata-of-the-art facilities with mature landscaping,"green"materials and sensitive site design,the new Trades Building will facilitate enhanced student learning in a modem instructional environment and help meet local employers' demands for qualified gaduates. Currently,the College's Trades programs aze housed in five aging buildings. Many of the _ structiues were built more than 40 yeazs ago (1966);they have exceeded their life_cycles, are unable to meet current safety requuements, and aze no longer adequate to support the Tiades instructional programs.The combined structures have interrelated systems pmblems including: • Old and worn building stiucture,roofs,exteriors and interiors • Deficient HVAC and plumbing systems e Failing single-paned windows • Leaking,coaosion and blockages in water piping system • Lack of fire sprinklers and alazm system • Aged electrical service • Presence of hazardous materials(asbestos) • Inadequate facilities for male and female students The new Trades Building will be designed and constructed to meet campus standards,a minimum 50.yeaz life expectancy,and achieve a LEED(Leaderslup in Energy and Environmental Design)Silver Certification Level. Upcoming Neighborhood Meetings Green River Communiry College will host three neighborhood meetings to talk with residents about the Trades Building Project. Future meetings with the College community and broader Aubutn community are also being planned. (link to postcard with meeting dates/locations) City of Auburn Park Plans The college and the City of Aubum signed a Memorandum of Understanding to support a piopeity exchange between the city-owned Lea Hill Park and the GRCC/Green River Communiry College Foundadon-owned Martin property,located a few blocks notth of 320�' Street. The new Trades Building will be construoted on the existing Lea Hill pazk site and a new pazk will be constructed on the Martin property. 124`h Street Improvements Street impmvements plauned for construcrion this summer will reduce traffic backups during nish hour, enhance pedestrian safety,and improve the visual experience along the roadway. ORD.E Page 185 of 274 Construction will include installation of pedestrian-friendly sidewalks with mature landscaping, removal of oveihead power lines,and improved stceet lighting,as well as roadway modifications to improve traffic flow that includes a new center left tum lane. Qink to stree!improvement map) Tredes Program Auto Body,Automorive, Carpedtry;Manufacturing, and Welding comprise the Colleg8's : instructional programs in the t�ades. Each of these programs is designed to prepare students for itnmediate employment (link to each Trades program) For More lnformation Contact John Ramsey at(253)288-3360 or click here to send us our commenu tradesbuildineC�a.�eenriver.edu Project Images(to come) Progress Reports(to come) ORD.E Page 186 of 274 Auburn Reporter Article Off cials set talks over G1ZCC, City of Auburn land swap By ROBERT WHALE Abburn Reporter News reportcr Apr 08 2010 Green River Community College uses the 8.97-acre Lea Hill Pazk to the north more Yhan the residents of Lea Hill do,primarily as a practice field for intercollegiate sports. But the tennis court is wretched and the baseball diamond is so unfit for college ball that the Gators play their games at neazby Aubum Mountainview High School. The upshot is that the puk at South 320th Street and 124th Avenue no longer answers the needs of a growing Lea Hill,which includes kids,college students and seniors Coincidentally, GRCC needs land for the replacement of the 45-year-old Trades and Industry building,part of the college's master plan for the long-term growth and capital needs of the campus. Now the Ciry and GRCC have a solution to both problems—a land swap. Per agreement,the City will give the college Lea Hill Pazk,and the school will build the new Trsdes Building ihere: In excbange;the Ciry will get a 7.15-acre site comprised of three pazcels Irnown collectively as the Martin property on 124th Avenue between Lea Hill Park and 316th Street,just north of the current pazk. On this site,GRCC will build a new community pazk. Before any plans aze finalized,however,GRCC and the Ciry of Aubum need to hear frotn people who live in the area. GRCC will host these neighborhood meetings to discuss plans for the new Trades Building: •6-8 p.m,Monday,April 19,Family of Grace Lutheran Church,31317 124th Ave. S,E. •6-8 p.m., Monday, April 26,Family of Grace Lutheran Church, 31317 124th Ave. S.E. •5-7 p.m., Wednesday,April 28, Lea Hill Clubhouse, 12120 S.E. 319th Place. Locals are invited to attend and talk with staff about site design, landscaping, and construction plans for the Trades Building,which will be designed as a LEED (Leadership in Energy and ' Environmental Design) Silvercertified building. When completed in 2013,the building will ORD.E Page 187 of 274 provide a modern insuuctional envimnment and help meet local employers' demands for qualified gaduates. "We are excited about improving the inshvctiona] capabilities of our Trades programs,"said Sam Ball,dean for capital projects."We aze committed to integrating this building in the same custom as other campus buildings,with mature forests and greenery that is in keeping with our area's native vegetation." The City of Aubum will host meetings later Uus spring to discuss future plans for the new pazk, which ivill be under joint GRCC and Auburn ownership. The City of Aubum acyuired Lea HiA Park from King Counry in 2002 when the wunty was divesting itself of pazk land. The deed directs that the park property be used for park and recreation purposes forever,unless the City gets equal lands or facilities in exchange. The replacement lands or facilities must also be used for pazk or recreation purposes. According to a memorandum of understanding between the City and GRCC,the City will transfer ownership of the pazk to the college in exchange for both the Martin property and other improvemenu. Crreen River's Trades progams are now housed in aging buildings at the east entrance to campus.Many of the structures date to the college's beginning in 1965. They have exceeded their life cycles,can't meet current safety requirements,and no longer are adequate to support the instructional progrdrus,according to Ball. The new building will combine.state-of-the-art equipment and facilities with mature landscaping,green building materials,and sensitive site design. The inshvctional programs in the Trades Division include Auto Body,Automotive,Cacpentry, Manufactu:ing,and Welding. Each of these programs is designed to prepare students—many who aze laid-off workers seeking retraining—for immediate employment. There's not enough space at the current site to meet futiue facility needs,and with the space freed up,the college can reconfigure the east entrance to the campus. Also, with the building removed, the college will have the room to relocate the Lindbloom Center to 320th. The GRCC Foundation owns the three parcels of land.A home childcare facility and a house now occupy part of the site. The Foundation,wluch acquired the land more than a year ago, is in the process of donating its interest to GRCC. The college will retain about 1.77 acres of the Martin property,site of a daycaze facility,which it will keep. An independent appraisal will determine the respective values of the parcels. Whatever unprovements GRCC makes will be consistent with the city-developed-and approved Lea Hill Park Master Plam and cannot exceed$1.5 million. The Gity will serve as the lead for the Lea Hill Pazk master plan and work with GRCC and the surrounding communiTy on a conceptual pazk design. ORD.E Page 188 of 2Z4 For more information on the project or neighborhood meetings,visit the College's web site at www.ereenriver.edu or call John Ramsey, in the Public Information Office,at 253-288-3360. ORD.E Page 189 of 274 Auburn Reporter Article Open houses set for Lea Hill Park planning effort Apr 22 2010, 10:07 AM The public is invited to attend an open house to discuss tfie upcoming planning efforts for Lea Hill Park. Two open houses will be held—May 18 and June 15,both at 6:30 p.m.,at the Lea Hill Community Clubhouse, 12120 SE 319th Place,Auburn. Lea Hill pazk property is being proposed to be used by Green River Gommunity College for their Trades Building. The community has the opportunity to provide input into design elements for a new community park for the neighborhood.The seven-agre site is located adjacent to the north side of the ctirrent park The purpose of the open house will be W begin a discussion for the pazk design;present several site planning concepu to interested indiyiduals; solicit input from the Lea Hill Community and other pazk users as to the vision of how the site can be used;and answer general questions about the project. For more information about the Lea Hill Park planning ett'orts,please ca11253-931-3043 or visit www.auburnwa.eov. ORD.E Page 190 of 274 _ , ;. : a. �. ��. - . ' ` . � _� . - r . . � - - . _ - - . _. . . . . .. . . �;. . . . . . . . _ ._.. . .. ' . . . ,: . . . . . . . �. N . . . . . - . . . � ' . . � .' . _ } . � � ' ' �O � . . � . . . . - � � . � . . - . . �yraen.WverCammadtY.College . . . ` . . � . � � _� . ��� Tredea Bufldi�NqigA6oehood Meedngs. � . . � . . . � � .- . . � . . . . .�� � �MondaY,AptI119.2010�famllyo(GrueWtherantlwrch��. . . a . . � . . � . . -. �� ��SIGN-INSNfEf �� . .�. . ... � . . � � . . � � Meose wille lepl61�-7Mnk pu � . . � . � . 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