HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM II-BDRAFT PLANNING COMMISSION August 23, 2011 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Judi Roland called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. in Annex Conference Room 2 located on the second floor of One Main Building, 1 East Main Street, Auburn, Commission Members present were: Chair Judi Roland, Vice Chair Kevin Chapman, Bob Baggett, Ron Copple, Joan Mason, and Wayne Osborne. Planning Commissioner Dave Peace was excused. Planning Commissioner Michael Hamilton resigned on August 18, 2011. Staff present included: Planning Director Kevin Snyder, Planner Stuart Wagner, Principal Planner Jeff Dixon, Planning Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain, and Planning & Community Development Secretary Tina Kriss. Audience Members present include: Council Member Haugen II. OTHER BUSINESS A. Phase II Code Update Work Session Planner Stuart Wagner provided background information on the discussion for the Phase II code update work session. Phase 2 of the Code Update Project will consists of two separate groupings. The first grouping will handle parking, landscaping, outdoor lighting, and administrative variances. Planner Wagner stated the public hearing will go forward in the next month. Commission and staff reviewed the code changes and provided the following feedback: 1. Does the Planning Commission agree with the general layout of the revised and new code sections? Are there any concerns with the content and the readability of the tables or graphics? • Commission stated the general layout and format looks good Chapter 18.50 - Enclosure 2 • Page 2, A - clarify the designated approving authority, too vague • Page 2, Table 18.50.040 - change residential R10, R16 and R20 zones from 10 ft to 15 ft (abutting residential property) • Page 3, C.2. Plant Types (ii.) - Commission would like more clarification, "50 percent of ground cover and shrubs" to include mulch or bark • Page 4, 3a. Planting Size and Spacing, Trees - Commission would like it to read "Trees shall be a minimum of one and one half', omit the word two. Make sure each item throughout page 4 uses the minimums rather than ranges. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes August 23, 2011 Page 4, 3d. (iii.) - Commission requests a change from 15 feet' to "mature diameter' Page 5. 5. (b.) - Commission would like staff to add future trails with "Interurban Trail" Chapter 18.50.045 Preservation of significant trees: • Page Commission would like the definition of a significant tree included within the code update Chapter 18.50.060 Landscaping Plan Requirements Page 8, last paragraph. Personal qualified to prepare landscape plan. Committee recommends adding "if the plans do not meet City standard upon review by City staff the applicant must obtain a landscape architect licensed in the state of Washington, a nursery professional certified pursuant to the Washington Certified Nursery Professional program, or a Washington State certified landscape technician" to ensure the plans are adequate and the standards conform with code. • Page 8, 18.50.060 A. I. last paragraph - change "planning and development director' to "planning director' Chapter 18.52 Off-Street Parking and Loading - Enclosure 3 • Page 16, 2. Compact parking - Compact spaces may be allowed within a parking lot up to a maximum of 30 percent of the total number of spaces. This maximum percentage can be increased to 50 percent when approval is obtained by the planning director following the procedures contained in ACC 18.52.135 -Alternative Parking Layouts. Commission and staff discussed and reviewed the intent, definitions and content of proposed code amendments. Planner Wagner stated he will continue to work on the timeline for these changes and begin the draft for the other section before meeting again with Planning Commission. B. 2011 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Principal Planner Jeff Dixon provided information on the 2011 Comprehensive Plan Amendment work session. Annually the City amends its Comprehensive Plan. The City processes both, City - initiated amendments and private-initiated amendments. Principal Planner Dixon discussed the private initiated text amendment by Icon (mining site); a multi-year special plan area effort for the property east of Kersey Way. Staff provided information on the first group of annual comprehensive plan amendments and Committee provided the following feedback: 3 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes August 23, 2011 Group 1 - Comprehensive Plan Amendments (policy/text & map) Policy/Text Changes • Commission determined there was no need to review each of the Capital Facilities Plans for the school districts since they do a nice job clearly detailing changes. Committee will ask questions at the public hearing. P/T - Comprehensive Drainage Plan (CDP) - Revise Plan Project Number 13 (A&B), Flooding of 30th Street NE. Executive Summary, Table ES-2, pg ES-9; Chapter 6, Capital Improvements, pg 6-19 thru 6-20; Chapter Implementation Plan, pg 7-2 thru 7-4 & Implementation Plan Timeline; & Chapter 8, Financial Plan, pg 8-7 thru 8-9, Comprehensive Stormwater Drainage Plan revisions • Planner Dixon reviewed the changes to the City's Comprehensive Drainage Plan (CDP). Commission had no comments at this time. P/T #9 - Various (below) Revise for more recent population target numbers & census data Chapter 3, Land Use, pg 3-7 thru 3-8; • Page 3-4 - Below Figure 3.2 a reference is made to (2) but there is no reference to this number in the table, please clarify • Page 3-5 - Figure 3.3 does not have a (1) referenced as shown below the table, please clarify • Page 3-25 - Committee asked that staff change "M Street SE" to "M Street' • Page 3-25 - LU-58 , the word "seven" should be changed to "eight" • Page 3-30 - LU-82A and LU-80 are in conflict; Committee asked that these be looked at to make sure the policies are not in conflict but that they express the intent correctly Chapter 4, Housing • Committee had no comments Chapter 8, Economic Development, pg 8-2 thru 8-3 Add new goal, objective & policies (new section) on climate change and greenhouse gas emissions. Move Objective 18.2 on air quality to this new sertinn • Page 8-5 - Change from "M Street SE" to "M Street" • Page 8-8 - Change from "M Street SE" to "M Street' Chapter 9, Environment, pg 9-5, pg 9-34 thru 9-36 • Committee had no comments 4 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes August 23, 2011 Map Changes CPM #1 -Comprehensive Plan Map 14.1 • No comments by Commission CPM #2 -Gas Pipelines, Map 6.2 • No comments by Commission CPM #3 - CPA11-0001 Comprehensive Plan Map 14.1 • Committee will continue to review this change; Commission has concerns about these potential changes; Commission asked staff to provide the light commercial and heavy commercial uses to determine if this change would be appropriate III. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission, Chair Roland adjourned the meeting at 9:23 p.m. 5