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ORDINANCE NO. 6370 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6339, THE 2011-2012 BIE-NNIAL BUDGET ORDINANCE AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 6351, ORDINANCE NO. 6352 AND ORDINANCE NO. 6362 AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF AUBURN 2011-2012 BUDGET AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE "A" � WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of December 6, 2010, adopted Ordinance No. 6339 which adopted the City of Aubum 2011-2012 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of February 22, 2011, adopted Ordinance Na .6351 which amended Ordinance No. 6339 which adopted the City of Aubum 2011-2012 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of April 4, 2011, adopted Ordinance No: 6352 which amended Ordinance No. 6351; and WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of July 18, 2011, adopted Ordinance No. 6362 which amended Ordinance No. 6352; and � WHEREAS, the City of Aubum deems it necessary to appropriate additional funds to the various funds of the 2011 budget; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been approved by one more than the majority of all councilpersons in accordance with RCW 35A.34.200. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: , Ordinance No. 6370 August 2, 2011 Page 1 of 3 Section 1. Amendment of the 2011-2012 Biennial Budge� The 2011- 2012 Biennial Budget of the City of Auburn is amended pursuant to Chapter 35A.34 RCW, to reflect the revenues and expenditures as shown on Schedule "An attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The Mayor of the City of Aubum, Washington is hereby authorized to utilize revenue and expenditure amounts shown on said Schedule "A". A copy of said Schedule "A" is on file with the City _ Clerk and available for public inspection. Section_2. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid; the remainder of such code, ordinance or regulation or the application thereof to other person or circumstance shall not be affected. Section 3. Implementat�on. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative p�ocedures as may 'be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: SEP 6 2011 PASSED: SEP 6 2011 OV :1 SEP . 6 2011 `� -� , ._ PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR Ordinance No. 6370 August 2, 2011 Page 2 of 3 . . � ATTEST: �+'��� Danie e E. 'Daskam City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Daniel B. City Attorney PUBUSHED:� 1z-, ,�t I , —� Ordinance No. 6370 Augusfi 2, 2011 Page 3 of 3 Schedule A Summary:of Budget A�ustmentsiby F.und � Budget Amendment A 4'Ordinance 6370 � -. Beg,•Fundi 2011� Ending Fund', GenereGFund(f1007p _ Balance Revenues 2011 Expenditures ' Balance General Fund - Adopted Budget 11 76S 368. 49 88�90S '55138'S20 8,487,898 BA�7,(Adopted•ordinance if6351) 48;000 1�6;�80 (89,380) BA#2{Adopted•ordlnance A8352) 850,000 ." 195,270 620,080 22b,190 BA#3(Adopted•'ordinance#6382) Z,888,988 48,441 24,b80 2,990,880 BA84'IProposed) Indired Federal Grant-Way finding projed moved to fund 330 (61,OOD) (61,000) Human Resources-MuniGpal Court reduce court secu►ity contrad (18;380) 18,380 Human ResourcesProbaUon New FTE-BailifUCourt Sewrily Offlcer(effective September 12011) 23;280 (23,280) Human Resources=Protiation-computer d telephone for new position - 7;500 (2.500) Pinance-NeW FTE'=Senior AxouMant=F,inandal AccoiirninglReportlng 75,270 (15,270) Patks-New FTE-Marketing&'P.romotlons.Coordinator 28,650 (28,650) Planning-Animal Control-Reduce temporary conUad wages tor:anlmal control ta offset new F7E posiUon (29,850j 28;650 Reduce Trans(er Oul to,Fund 33aWayflnding projeG funded 6y grant (61',OOD) 1 81,000 'BAl14,Total (81,000) (38,�90) (22,670) !Revlsed Budget 16,582,364 b0,090,814' S6;88T,010 8,681,968 Total Resources/Expendltures 85,47Z,888 68,472,968 , 1 Beg:Fund Y017�; Ending Fund A�teAaPStreet Fund;(fi102)` Balance . Revenues . 2011 E�enditures _ Balance AdoptedBudget 583;118i 13j210,200:_ 1T;928,300 288,018 !BAA1(Adopted•ordlnance p8S61) . BA#2(Adoptei!•ordinance A6S62) ` 7S6,S00' 1;842,200' 2,808,500 (30,000). BAOS(Adopted•ordinance p8S82) - 847,828 'ST8,990' 618,330 607,828 BAif4(proposed) BAft4 Totaf Revlsed Budget 1,787,344 15,8z0,730 16,555190 842,844 Total Resources/Expenditures 17;998,074 17;398,074 Beg.Fund 2011� Ending Pund; Coeal34reetFund!(#103): Balance Revenues' 2071 ExpendlWres Balance ' Adopted Budgeb 940,808 2,165,000 2,000,000 1,095,808 BA#1(Adopted•ordlnance A8�b1) BA02'(Adopted•ordlnanee�18S52) 400,000 898;218 1,784 BA#3'IAdopted•ordUanee i18�62) _ , 721,788.. , 1,000;000 _(278,2911 BA#4'(ProPcsed) . BAIf4'Total- - � . � � Revised Budget _2,082;576 2,18b;000 5,998;216 '818,569 Total Resourcesi Expenditures 4,217,675 4,217,676� Beg:Fund 2011 ' Endingfund Hote1 Mofei Fund,(/N04)�_ Balance- Revenues 3011:Expenditures' Balance Adopted BudgeY 118,128 706,600� 209,000 15,728 BAl11ilAdopted•,ordlnaneeA8.161)_ _ BA#2'(Adopted•iordlnanee A8352) BA#3(Adopted•ordlnance A6382) ' (40,274) (15,000) (6;274) 8A1t4(P1oPosedl� ' BA�4 Total Revlsed Budget 9T;852 108;800 184,000 10,462 Total Resources/Expendkures 204,482 204,482 2 - - Beg..Fund 2011 Ending,Fund ArteMa1 Street Preservadon fund'(A705) _:r Balance Revenues__ 2011 ExpendiWres ,_�Balance Adopted Budget - SS 588 1,601,500 1,500,000 85,089 BAp1'(Ad'opted`ordinance�6581) - - - . BA#2'(Adopted•ordinanee�8152) 8 000 - 8,000 - BAIqyAdopted•ordlnanee M6382) 412 781 472,781 _ BAA41Prorwsed) - _ - - - BA�4 Total - _. Revised Budget ' 462,350. 1,601;500 1,508,000 447,860. Total Resourees!Expendltures 1,855;860 1,885,860 Beg.Pund � 2011 ' Eeding Fund' � Drug Forfelture Fund(#117�� Balance Revenues.. 2011;ExpeodRures' Balance . ' ' . Adopted Budget 710 b47- 288 700 496,010 615,287 BAtN(Adopted•ordinance Y6381] BAA2(Adopted•ordinance p8SS2) 47,000 47,000 BAiKi(Adopted•oMlnance A6S82) 188 833 188,8�3 B�(ProP��) _ _ BA�4 Total . . ,_. .. Revlsed Budget _. _ -_ '926,180" 288;700 543,010 �881;870 Total Resourc.es/ExpendRures 1,224,880 1,224,880 ; � Beg.Fund 2011 Ending.Fund . Cocal Law Enioreement Block(3ranfFund(#118) Balance Revenues � 2011 Expendkures Balance . Adopbed Budget 18,488 18,468 BA#1!(Adopted^ordlnance A8361) BA#2(Adopted•oMlnanee�8752) _ BAAS�(Adopted•:ordlnanee�8362) (1028) - (1,028) - en�a'(Pror�l _ - . - BA�f4'Total . : . . ,RevlaedBudgef '. : _ 1b;4S9 . 1b,499 • ' . Total Resources/ExpendiW res 18,459 16,439 3 Beg:Fund 2011. Ending Fund , Housing and Community Development GreM'Fund(#118) . 8alance Revenues 2011 Expenditures Balanee Adopted'BudgeY 88,288 510,000 642,410 88,876 BA#1(Adopted•oMlnance p8957), BA#2(Adopted�oMinance f18362) (1,480) 1;480 BAfRT(Adopted•oMinanee 118362) (55 887) (55,887) BA114'(proposed) _ BA�4 Totaf Revlsed Budget 45;299 510,000 640,850 12;588 Total Resoutces/Expenditurea 553,299 553,288 Begs Fuod 2011 Ending Fund Reereatlon'Tralls Fund(#120) Balance,. Revenues. 2011 Ezpenditures Balance . Adopted Budget 8 177 7 200 15�77 BA#1(Adoptad•o►dlnance A8S61) BA#2(Adopted•ordlnanee p8S52) BAA3'�Adopted•ordlnaneefl8S62) 17 , .17 �(Pror�g�) BAl14 Total __ . _ . . RevlsedBudget . '8;194 7,200 16,894 Tota1 Resources/Expenditures 15,584 1b,384 • Beg.Fund 2011 Ending Fund BuslnessJmprovementArea Fund(#1Y1) - Balance Revenues 2011 Expenditures Balance AdopEed Budget 44,898 53,100 64,000 43,488 BA#1(Adopted�o�dinanee A63b1) BA#2(Adopted•ordinanee p6361) 612 (9,248) 26,000 (34,738) BA#9(Adopted•ordinanceM6382) . (81) (81) BA#4(prvposed) BAtf4�Tofa1 Revlsed�8udget 44,81t 49,852 80;000 8,888 Total Resources I Expenditures 88,688 88,669 Beg.Fund 2011 Ending Fund CumulaUve Reserve Fund'(#122) Balanee. Revenues 2011 Expenditures. Batance Adopted Budget 5,823,484 2�,000 44;900 5,801,884 BAIF1(Adopted`ordinaeee p6951) BA�2(Adopted•ordlnanee f16352) 78,450 78,450 BA�4(Adopted•ordlnanee p6382) 30,118 400,000 (]68,882) BA1k(proposed) - BA1r4 Total Revised;Budget 8,7�2,032 25,000 62�;�60 5,291,882_ Total'.Resources/Expenditures 5,786,0�2 5,76b,OS2 4 . Beg.Fund�., . 2011". Eoding'.Fund MlUgatlonFeesiFund'(#124�:. Balance Revenuea 201UExpendiwres. ' Belence Adopted BudgeL 9 444 87S , 900 000 2 879;200 1,86S,77S. BAtH(Adopted•ordlnaneefl6351) BA02(Adopted•'ordlnanee�8952) 801 170 801,170 BA#S(Adopted�ordinance 06982) 280 889 280,883 �4lProPO8�) _ _ _ - . BA�4 Total - Revlsed$udget 4;SS8;836 800,000 S,28Q�70 1,968,466 Total Resourees/Expendkures 5,236,836 S,2S6,896 Beg.,Fund . 2011 Ending Fund 1998 Library!Fund'(A228►: Balanee : Revenues 2011 Expendftures 8alance Adopted Budget 398 120 287;200 288,200 338,120 BA�1(Adopted•ordinanee M8351) BA�2(Adopted•oMlnance A6S52) BA#S(Adopted•ordinance A8362) (282 062) (292,082) BA�4(P►uPused) _ BAA444:Tofa1 Revised 8udget - 48;058`- 28T,200 286,200 47,058 Total Resouroes/Expenditures 393,268 z3S,258 Beg.Fund 2011 Ending Fund 2010 Annex-A86 Bond Debt Fund(#280) 8aiance Revenues 2071 Expenditures Balanee Adopted Budget 1 895 600 1 89S 600 BA#1(Adopted•ordinance�6S51) Bl►1r2(Adopted•ordlnance M6352) . BA�3(Adopted•'ordlnance il6s82) 104 104 BAtt4(proposed) _ _ _ BAS4 Total Revised Budget. - 104 _ 1,695,600 1,88b,600 104 _ Total Resources I ExpendRures 1,895,704 1,695;704 Beg.F.und 2011 Ending Fund 2010 C8D!Cocel.Revltallzatlon Debt Fund(#231)� Balance Revenues 2071 Expendkures Balance - AdoQted Budget 82 500 584 500 594 S00 62,700 BA#1(Adopted•ordinance�6351) BA�2'(Adopted•ordinanee 08952) BAflS(Adopted•ordlnance 06962) 15,907 1�,801 BA�4'(p►cPosed) _ _ . _ 8A�4 Total Revised'Budget 76,407 ' 684;500 684;300 76;601 . Total Resources I Expenditures 670,901 670,901 5 � , -. . Beg.Fund 2011. _ �Ending Fund. LIDGuarantee'Fund�#249)::_ Balance Revenues 2011!Expendkures � Balance Adopted Budget 85;200 300 11;000 52;b00 BA�1(Adopted•ordinanceffi6581) BA112(Adopted•ordinance 88552� 8A#S(Adopted•ordinance A6382► 1,087 1,087 . BAff4(proposed) 8Aff4 Total Revlsed!Budget, ; _ ,' - _ _ 84,287 . '._ S00 _ U;000 : 65,587 ,' Total Resourees/Expendkures 84,587' 64,887 ' . Beg.Fund 2011 Ending Fund, UD#260;{M260�' Balance � Revenues,.:. -- 2011.Expendidires Balanee Adopted Budget 347 68,500 58,400 447 BAf!'I(Adopted•ordinanceff8351) - - - - BA#2(Adopted•'ordinance�8952), BA#1:(Adopted•ordinanee p8�82) (S9� . - �39J eu►�a'(P►o��1_ _ . 8Al14 Tota1' _ Revised Budget. S08 88;600 . 58,400 408 Tota1 Resources I Expenditures ;58;808 58,808 Beg..Fu� 2011 . Ending Fund � lID AS50�1t27$) Balance Revenues _ 2011 Expenditures Batance. Adopted Budget _ - 7;�00 7,300 - . BA01i(Adopted;ordlnance�8351) _ BA#2(Adopted;(ordlnance 116382) BAA�7(Adopted;ordinance�6382) '930 830 en#a(Pmausedl. -- �4(eroP��dl_ BAfl4 Total Revlsed Budget 8S0 7,300 7,300 . 830 Total Resources/Expenditures 8,130 8,130 6 Beg:Fund 2011 Ending Eund Municlpal PaAi Consfrucdon�Fund(A321►. Balance,. . .. .-_ _Revenuea 2017 Expenditures Balance Adopted Budget 374 388 19,088,200 18,261,700 201;868 BA�1(Adopted'ordina�ce A6Sb1) BA#2(Adopted•o�dlnanee p8S62� 219;120 2,22b,280 2,444,400 BA03(Adopted•ordinanee�6382) (246,405) . 130,000 (118,408) BAf14(proposed) 8Afl4 Total Revlsed'Budget 547,089 . 21,444,480 ' 21,706;100 85,489 Total Resouroes/ExpendRures 21,791,583 21,T91,683 Beg.Fund. 2011 Ending Fund . Capltal Impmvements Fund;(q328) Betance_ Revenues 2011 Expenditures 8alanee Adopted Budget b,T92,208 1,571,000 2,872,500 2,�90,708 BA#1(Adopted�ordinsnce�8351) BA#i2(Adopted•.ordMance A8352) 2,780,840 2,780,640 BAOS(Adopted•ordlnance if6162) 552,0T8 1,379,710 1;931,788 BA#41ProPosed) Increase REET 1 Trensfer,0ut to:City Hall Annex DeM Svc Fund'230 and decrease Fac(Ikies Fund 7tansfer Out(or corresponding amouM. 105,300 2 (705,300) BA�4Total 105,300 (105;300) Ravlsed Budget 7y124;826 2,8b0,710 b,668,440 4;217,19b Total Resources!ExpendRures 10,07b,81b 10,075,658 Beg..Fund 2011 Ending Fund Local RevitallzadonFund:��f3S0► Balance Revenues 2011 Expenditures Belance . Adopted Budget 6,SS6,300� 2,653,000 7,888,300 BAfH�(Adopted•otdlnance Y8861) - - - . BAIC2(Adopted•ordlnance A8362) (217,710) SS8,000 620,290 BA#3(Adopted�ordlbance B8S82) 7 81,000 61,000 • 7 BAY4(proposedp Indired Federal Grar�t-Way flnding projed moved from General Fund_ _� - 61,000 1 - 61,000 , Reduce Trenster In from Generel Fun�Weyfinding proJ�t Nnded by grant — - (61,W0) 1 (61,000) BA#4 Total Revlsed 8udget 6;117,58Z '3;452,000 ' 8,589,880 _ 7 TotalResources/Expenditures 8,588,587 8,568;59T 7 Bep.Fund 2011 Ending Fund' . Water Fund(#4S0) Balance ,. Revenues 201:1 Expendl4ures Belance : Adopted Budget 48,188;189 10,818;400 27,509,320 2,577,278 BAf�1(Adopted:ordinance A8351j _ _ _ _- — - BA�2`(Adopted•ordinance�6352) 2,11�;700 2,081,270 �2,430 BAfKt{Adopted•ordinancel16362) 524,188. 209;000 47.580 485,688 8A#41ProPosed) _ New FTE-Senior Axou�tant-Estimate prorated for 4 montha 4,780 (4,780) Reduce InteAund payment for Annex Rerd (35,100) 3 35,100 BA1f4 Tota( (50,�20) 30,320 RevlsedBudget_ 21,608,067 11,127.400 28,807,850 �,12b;817 Totel Resourcss/Expenditures 32,735,467 12,735,467 Beg.Fund , : 2011 Ending Fund, SewenFund'(#431J Baiance Revenues 2011 Expenditures Balence Adopted Budget 10,818,244... 17,856;500 25,602,100 3,172,444 BA#1(Adopted;oYdinance�16351) 87,000 (�7,000) BA02(Adopted;ordlnanee if6S52) 2,1b6,900 2,128;810 3�,090 BAA3(Adopted;ordlnance 06362) 3,048;83b 104,900 Sa;570 9,088;166 BA�f4'IProPosedl _ New FTE-Senior Accountant-Estimate prorated for 4 montfls 4;780' (4;780) Reduce InteAund paymentfocMnez Rent - (35,100) S 35;100 , BAA4 Toml - - - (80,720) 80;�20 'Revlsed Budget 16,021;979 18,081',200 27,788;180 . 8;287;018 Total Resources 1 Expendkures 34,088,179 34,08�,179 Beg.Fund 2011 Ending;Fund 'Storm Dralnage F.und(p4S2) Balanee Revenues _ _. 2011 ExpendiWres _ 8alance __ Adopted 6udget 7.888,882 7,213,700 11,088,850 1,842,772 BA#1(Adopted;ordlnance p8Sb1). BAll2(Adopted;oMlnanee 08552) 1,304,280 1,284,470 38,860. BAfS(Adopted;ordlnanee A8362) 796,288 80,800 67,800 788,296 BAM4(ProPOSed) New FTE-Senior AccouMant-Estimate prorated fa 4 months 3,190 (3,180) Reduce IMerfund payment(or Mnex ReM - (35,100) 3 35,100 BA84 Tofal (91,810) �1;910 Revlsed Budget 9;79b,688_ 7;274,600 14;S5T,280' 2,712,788 Totel ResourcesJ Expendkures 17,070,OS8 17,070,OS8 S s.g.Fund 2011 iEndinp,Fund? 8olld'Waste Fund:(#484) Balanee Revenues 201:1 Fxpenditurea ealance Adopted�Budget 800 408: 8 61�800 9 883 470 4SO,TS6 BA�I'I(Adopted•ordinance�18.t51) - BAA2(Adopted•.ordinanee�8362) _ _ __ - �18.880) 8,990 BA#S(Adopted•ordlnance 08362) _ (24 7.16) _ 18,230 16;230 _ (24;718) BA#4{ProPcsed) New FTE-Senbr Accountant-Estimate prorated for 4 montha 1,600' (1,600) BAS4 Total 1,600 (1,600) Revlsed:Budget 77b,890 9;530,090 _ 9,892,�10 41b;410 Total Resources/Expenditures 10,505,720 10,SOb,720 Beg:Fund 2011 Ending Fund AlrpoRFund'(#416►' . Balance ReVenues _ 1011'Expeodttures Balance Adooted Budget 708 S42 8�8,360 768,190 8T8;632 BAM(Adopted•ordinanee t16361) BA#2(Adopted'oftllnance�f83b2� 481 700 408 S50 808,080 (10,030) BA�S(Adopted•ordlnance N8382) 88 967 88,987 BA�4(proposed) BA84 Total _. _ RevlsediBudget. 888;008 1,048,790 1;377,270 837;489, Total Resources/Expenditurea 2,014,719 2,014,7�8 8eg.Fund 2011 E�ding Fund Cemetery Fund(AWSB► 8alance Revenues 2011 Eupenditures Balance;. Adopted Budget 500,128 824,800 1,078,890 148,198 BA07(Adopted•ordlnance pBS57) BAAZ(Adopted•ordlnance A6S82) (9,080) 9,060 BA#3(Adopted•ordlnance p8364) (178,198) (28,500) (147,899) BA(f4'(proposed) New FTE'-Senlor AccountaM-Eatimete prorated for 4 mordhs 850 (950) BAf14 Totaf � 980 (950)_ Revlsed!Budget 124,129 824;800 1;042,300 8;829' Total Resources/Expenditures 1,048,828 1,048,928 9 - Beg:F.und 2011 Ending,Fund GoiLCourseiFund:(#4S7], Balanee: . Revenues 2011 Eicpendkures Balance Adopted Budget 228,668 1,806,200 1,988,580 8 ,488 BA#1(Adopted•ordlnance p6361) BAS2(Adopted•ordlnance�6352) (10,840) 10,840 BAA3(Adopted•ordinanee�8382) (224,818) 400,000 176,084 BAq4(ProPosed�' Reduce Revenue Estimates (82,000) (82,000). Reduce OtherWages (48,000) 46,000 Reduce Small Tools'8 Minor Equfpment (1.000) 1,000 Reduoe Repairs&Maintenance (18,000) 78,000 Reduce Professional Services (���) 7,� Reduee InveMory _ (10,000) 10.000 BAA4 Total (82,000) (82,000) RevlsediBudget 8;762 2,124,200 1;848,840 281,412' Total Resources!ExpendlWres 2,127,952 2,127,9b2 , ; Beg.Fund 2011 . Ending Fund �Insurance:Fund'(p501) , Balance. . Revenues . 2011iExpendltures Balanee Adopted Budget _ 2,403,089 3,700 58,700 2,348,088, BA#1(Adopted•ordlnanee.q6S61) BA#2(Adopted•ordlnance f18S82) BAlfS(Adopted•ordlnanee Y6382) 138,287) 120,000 (166,257) �(Pror,osea! _ BAIf4 Total Revlsed Budget 2,366,832 3;700 178,T00 2,191,832 Total Resources/6cpenditures 2,570,53Y 7,�70,532 , Beg:Fund` 2011 Ending Fund Facllltles Fund(ttSOS� _ Balance Revenues 201;1�ExpendHures Balance ' _ — :Adopted!Budget �07,539 9,989,300 5,880,400. �46,439 BA#1(Adopted;ordlnance q8351) BAfJ2(Adopted;oMlnaece p8352) 30,000 26;790 81,110 (4;320) BAAS'(Adopted•ordinanee M8362) �77,405 34,000 (41,000) 464,406 BAk4(proPOSed) Reduee Interfund revenue irom Water,Sewet 8 Storm utitity tunds(or Annex rerd - (105,300) 3, (105,300) Decrease Transter Out to City Hall Mnex Debt Svc Fund 230 and Increase REET 7 Transfer fw correaponding amount (105,300) 2 105,300 BA#4 Total (105;700) (106;300) Revlsed Budget. 714,844 5,854,780 5,873,210 788;524 Total Resourees/Expenditures 4,688,754 4,889,734 10 , Beg.Fund 2011 'Ending Fund �Informatlon 8ervlces Fuad #518 Balance Revenues 2011 F�cpendltures Balance Adoptad Budget �;648,677 4,271,870 ,720,450_ _ 2,097,787 BA�7(Adopted•ordinance p8367) � _ 5,600 _6;500_ ' BA�2(Adopted•oMlnance A8362► 108,000' 217,000 �02,080 22,920 8A#3(Adopted;ordinance p8184) 28b,218 6,400 41;500 268;516 BA�4(Proaosed) lnaease:intetgovemmental service revenue for technical suppat W Algona 8 Padflc 24.000 24,000 increase temporary conVad wages 8 beneflts for iMergovemmental technkal suPDUrt --18;400 (18,400) BAA4.Total 24,000 18,400 S,B00 Revlsed Budget 5;848,785 4,524,570 8,088,730 2,�84,693 Total Resources/E�cpenditures 8,474;563 8,474;SBS Beg:Fund: 2011 Ending Fund Equipment ReMa1 Fund(1f860) Balance� . Revenuea 2011 Expendlfures Balanee Adopted�8udget 4,867;854 2,827;100 4,825,800 2,868,854 BA#1:(Adopted`�ordlnaeee p8S61) BAS2(Adopted•ordinanee�6362) 161,800 144,070 7,590 BA�l3l(Adopted•'oMlaanee A6382) _ 816,841 20,000 798;941 BA1►4YProposed) . New FTE-Senb[AccouMaM-Estimateprorated'fw 4 months 640 (640) BA�4 Total 840 (B40) Revlsed Budget 8,828;195 2,827,100 4,990,510 3,882,785 ' Total Resourees/Expendkures 8,853,285 8,65�,285 . -Beg;�F,.und 2011 � Ending Fund FIre.Penslon:Fund(A611) Belanee ' Revenues 2011 Expendkures Batanee Adopted BudgeY 2,788;842 90,000 146,810 2,732,832 BAW'1IAd'optad;'oMinencepeSbl) : BAS2(Adapted;ordinance p8Sb2) (240) 240 BA�ii(Adopted;oMinaneeg8882) (9,661) (8,661) BA#4(ProPosed) New FTE-Senior Accountant-Estimate praated tor 4 morrths 640 (640) BA�4 Total 840 (640) Revlaed Budget 2;780,181 80,000 147,810 2;722,871 Total Resources/Expendltures 2,870,181 2,870,181 11 8eg.Fund 2011 Ending Fund Cemetery Endowment'Eund(#701)� Balence Revenues 2011�ExpendMures Batanee Adopted'�Budget 1 528 882 54 500 31 300 1'852182 BA�1'(Adopted•nrdlnance p6351) BAp2'(Adopted•�oedlnanee A6382) BAM3(Adopted^ordlnanee A6S82► 8,146' 8;148 enaa lProposeal _ _. _ _, BA�4 Total Revlsed�Budget.. 1,SS7,107'. 54;600 31,500 1;580;507 Total Resourees/Expendltures 1,691;607 1,581;607 - , 8eg.Fund 2011 Ending'iF.und Grand Total•All!Funds Balance Revenuea 2011 Expendi4urea Baianee Adopted Budget 88 908 168 164 702 853 20S 575,808 39,683,003 BA1N(Adopted•ordlnance�8951) 51';500. 177,880 (126;360) BAA2(Adopted•ordinance A6352) 17,367 642 6,741,642 --- 18,784,948 814,9�8 BAp1(Adopted�ordlnance#6562) 10 454 281 3 028 811 2 3T4 881 11,106,2�1 gpqq(Prop��) (224 500) (190,850� (33;850) 'Redlsed�Budget- � ---_:'- 110,1.18;081- 185,298;E08 222;52Y.826 50,89�;682 ! TotaliResouroeslExpendltures 275,418;88T 275,416;387 ' nuguat n.zot t - Prepared by Aubum Finandal Plenning - � � . F:�BWgelDkeday12U778udgetNmendmeRU1BA041BuAgdAtlWalmeMSS�unmary ' � . �2