HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-03-2011 Finance Committee Agenda Finance Committee October 3, 2011 - 6:00 PM Annex Conference Room 1 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call B. Announcements C. Agenda Modifications II. CONSENT AGENDA A. September 19, 2011 Minutes* B. Claims Vouchers* (Coleman) Claims check numbers 407721 through 408052 in the a mount of $3,494,946.20 and dated October 3, 2011. C. Payroll Vouchers (Coleman) Payroll check numbers 532194 to 532256 in the amoun t of $308,306.18 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,177,954.68 for a grand total of $1,486,260.86 for the pay period covering September 15, 2011 to September 28, 2011. III. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Ordinance No. 6373* (Wagner/Heid) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Aub urn, Washington, amending Section 2.51.020 of the Auburn City Code relating t o compensation of Council members and the Deputy Mayor B. Resolution No. 4753* (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Aub urn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to execute a Construction Loan Agreement betw een the City of Auburn and the Washington State Public Works Board relating to the M Street SE Underpass Project (C201A) C. Resolution No. 4754* (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Aub urn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to confirm the amounts owed and reimburse Pie rce County, Puget Sound Energy and Cascade Water Alliance for the easement fees that the City agreed to pay after the annexation of the area that encompass es the Lake Tapps Parkway Drainage Facilities that empty into the Puget Sound Tailrace IV. ADJOURNMENT Agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City Clerk's Office, on the City website (http://www.auburnwa.gov ), and via e-mail. Complete agenda packets are available for rev iew at the City Clerk's Office. *Denotes attachments included in the agenda packet. AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: September 19, 2011 Minutes Date: September 29, 2011 Department: Administration Attachments: Minutes Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation:Finance Committee approve the minutes.Background Summary:Reviewed by Council Committees:Councilmember:Staff:Meeting Date:October 3, 2011 Item Number:CA.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED CA.A Finance Committee September 19, 2011 - 6:00 PM Annex Conference Room 1 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Nancy Backus called the meeting to order at 6 :00 p.m. in Conference Room 1 located on the second floor of the City Hall Annex located at One East Main Street in Auburn. A. Roll Call Chair Backus, Vice Chair Lynn Norman, and Member Ri ch Wagner were present. Also present were: Mayor Peter B. Lewis, Councilme mber John Partridge, City Attorney Daniel B. Heid, Public Works Director Denn is Dowdy, Information Services Director Lorrie Rempher, Planning and Deve lopment Director Kevin Snyder, Financial Planning Manager Martin Chaw, Fin ance Accounting Manager Rhonda Ewing, Economic Development Planner Bill Tho mas, Economic Development Manager Doug Lein, and City Clerk Danie lle Daskam. B. Announcements There was no announcement. C. Agenda Modifications There was no change to the agenda. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. September 12, 2011 Minutes Vice Chair Norman moved and Member Wagner seconded to approve the September 6, 2011 minutes. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0. B. Claims Vouchers (Coleman) Claims check numbers 407350 through 407720 in the a mount of $5,911,428.33 and dated September 19, 2011.Committee members reviewed the claims and payroll v ouchers and briefly discussed claims vouchers 407444, 407700, 407525, 4 07618, and 407662. Vice Chair Norman moved and Member Wagner seconded to approve the claims and payroll vouchers. Page 1 of 4 CA.A MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0. C. Payroll Vouchers (Coleman) Payroll check numbers 532117 to 532193 in the amoun t of $822,373.66 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,142,938.33 for a grand total of $1,965,311.99 for the pay period cov ering September 1, 2011 to September 14, 2011. See claims vouchers for approval of payroll voucher s. III. ORDINANCES A. Ordinance No. 6376 (Snyder) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Aub urn, Washington, repealing Section 3.60.035 of the Auburn City Code and creating a new Section 3.60.036 of the Auburn City Code regarding construction sales tax refunds Ordinance No. 6376 was previously reviewed by the C ommittee on September 6, 2011. Vice Chair Norman moved and Member Wagner seconded to approve Ordinance No. 6376. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0. IV. RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution No. 4746 (Rempher) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Aub urn, Washington, declaring certain items of property as surplus and authorizing their disposal Information Services Director Rempher stated that t he items requested for surplus are non-repairable and/or obsolete. Vice Chair Norman moved and Member Wagner seconded to approve Resolution No. 4746. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0. B. Resolution No. 4748 (Rempher) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Aub urn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Auburn and the City of Pacific for information services technology Resolution No. 4748 was reviewed by the Committee o n September 6, 2011. The resolution provides for an interlocal agreement wit h the City of Pacific for information services technology and is a full cost recovery agreement. Vice Chair Norman moved and Member Wagner seconded to approve Resolution Page 2 of 4 CA.A No. 4748. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Ordinance No. 6377 (Dowdy) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Aub urn, Washington, Establishing a Transportation Benefit District With in the Corporate Limits of the City of Auburn, Specifying the Maintenance and Pres ervation of Existing Transportation Improvements, Providing for Addition al Transportation Improvements and Creating a New Chapter 3.23 of the Auburn City Code Entitled "Auburn Transportation Benefit District Mayor Lewis stated that Ordinance No. 6377 establis hes a Transportation Benefit District (TBD) and was originally discussed at Publ ic Works Committee meetings and at the last Council retreat. No particular fun ding sources are being proposed at this time. Mayor Lewis pointed out that the ord inance provides for an advisory committee to advise the City Council/TBD Governing Board on project priorities. Committee members commented that the TBD provides f or more transparency, institutionalizes the advisory committee, and may p rove to be more competitive in obtaining grant funding for transportation projects . B. Resolution No. 4751 (Snyder) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Aub urn, Washington expressing support for proposed King County Ordinan ce 2011-0227 regarding Pacific Raceways Planning and Development Director Snyder explained that Resolution No. 4751 expresses the City Council's support for King Count y Ordinance 2011-0227 pertaining to the establishment of a demonstration project designation for Pacific Raceways for the purpose of creating and evaluating a master planning process for the Raceways. The County ordinance envisions a master plan process for Pacific Raceways along with the establishment of a development agreement and a comprehensive environmental impact statement revi ew. The process will allow concerned citizens to be more engaged in the proces s and provide multiple opportunities for public comment. Member Wagner suggested that the Mayor's letter to the County emphasize that the City at this point only endorses the process an d not any particular plan. Member Wagner also recommended substituting the wor d "alleviate" with "address" in the second paragraph on page 2 of the resolution. C. July 2011 Financial Report (Coleman) Financial Planning Manager Chaw presented the July Financial Report and distributed a substitute spreadsheet entitled Sales Tax Summary, July 2011 Sales Tax Distribution (for May 2011 retail activity). Page 3 of 4 CA.A As of the end of July, General Fund revenues are su fficient to meet expenditures. Revenues are higher due to stronger than anticipate d collections in property and sales taxes. Expenditures are slightly below budge t due to timing of expenses. Manager Chaw briefly reviewed the enterprise funds. The Water Utility is operating at a loss due to lower water usage by rat epayers. The Sewer Utility is operating at a loss due to timing of payments to Me tro for sewer services. Golf Course revenues improved due to favorable weather c onditions, but the fund continues to operate at a loss as of July. The Cem etery Fund is operating at a slight loss and will be monitored closely to determ ine if the year-to-date losses can be reversed by the end of the year. Member Wagner stated that it was a recent decision by Council to fund depreciation in the Water and Sewer Utility funds. He questioned whether to continue funding depreciation in the two funds whic h are now operating at a loss. Mayor Lewis requested that the Public Works and Fin ance Committees discuss depreciation and amortization of the utilities. M ember Wagner requested that the Public Works Committee agenda also include the mont hly financial reports for the utility funds.VI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting adjourned at 6:43 p.m. APPROVED THE ______ DAY OF OCTOBER, 2011. _______________________________ ______________________________ Nancy Backus, Chair Danielle Daskam, City Clerk Page 4 of 4 CA.A AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Claims Vouchers Date: September 15, 2011 Department: Finance Attachments: Voucher Report Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation:Background Summary:Reviewed by Council Committees:Finance Councilmember:Backus Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:October 3, 2011 Item Number:CA.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 1 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4077219/15/2011 270540 ΩΑΣΤΕ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΟΦ ΩΑ, ΙΝΧΡΣΤ−ΑΥΓ2011 ΣΟΛΙ∆ ΩΑΣΤΕ ∆ΙΣΠΟΣΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 434.00.537.800.41 632,557.83 Τοταλ : 632,557.83 4077229/20/2011 115700 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΣΨΜΠΗΟΝΨ ΟΡΧΗΕΣΤΡΑ09/11/11ΠΕΡΦ ΧΟΝΧΕΡΤ ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΑΝΧΕ ΟΝ ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 11ΤΗ 001.33.573.201.41 25,000.00 Τοταλ : 25,000.00 4077239/20/2011 370450 ΧΕΝΤΥΡΨΛΙΝΚ091911ΠΗΟΝΕΣ ΣΕΠΤ ΠΗΟΝΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 518.00.518.780.42 42.09 ΣΕΠΤ ΠΗΟΝΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 518.00.518.880.42 3,240.59 ΣΕΠΤ ΠΗΟΝΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 505.00.524.500.42 64.99 ΣΕΠΤ ΠΗΟΝΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 431.00.535.800.42 1,471.64 ΣΕΠΤ ΠΗΟΝΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 436.00.536.100.42 33.40 ΣΕΠΤ ΠΗΟΝΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 430.00.534.100.42 42.27 ΣΕΠΤ ΠΗΟΝΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 430.00.534.800.42 184.04 ΣΕΠΤ ΠΗΟΝΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 432.00.535.900.42 284.98 ΣΕΠΤ ΠΗΟΝΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 437.00.576.680.42 86.78 Τοταλ : 5,450.78 4077249/20/2011 265220 ΠΥΓΕΤ ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΕΝΕΡΓΨ091911ΕΛΕΧ/ΓΑΣ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ ΑΝ∆ ΓΑΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 505.00.524.500.47 9,717.75 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ ΑΝ∆ ΓΑΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 1 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 2 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4077249/20/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)265220 ΠΥΓΕΤ ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΕΝΕΡΓΨ 001.33.576.100.47 332.25 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ ΑΝ∆ ΓΑΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 001.42.542.300.47 9,141.78 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ ΑΝ∆ ΓΑΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 430.00.534.800.47 6,953.45 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ ΑΝ∆ ΓΑΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 431.00.535.800.47 2,596.77 Τοταλ : 28,742.00 4077259/20/2011 115760 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ091911ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ ΣΤΟΡΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 505.00.524.500.47 9,570.93 ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ ΣΤΟΡΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 001.33.576.100.47 26,354.68 ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ ΣΤΟΡΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 001.42.542.300.47 1,229.88 ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ ΣΤΟΡΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 431.00.535.800.47 191.52 ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ ΣΤΟΡΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 432.00.535.900.47 97.40 ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ ΣΤΟΡΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 001.17.562.100.47 14.95 Τοταλ : 37,459.36 4077269/23/2011 019991 ΧΟΥΤΥΡΕ, ΣΑΝ∆ΡΑΣΕΤΤΛΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ ΦΟΡ ∆ΑΜΑΓΕΣ ΦΙΛΕ∆ ΑΓΑΙΝΣΤ ΧΟΑ 430.00.534.800.49 755.00 Τοταλ : 755.00 40772710/3/2011 018379 2 ΩΑΤΧΗ ΜΟΝΙΤΟΡΙΝΓ ΙΝΧ.476 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΟΝΙΧ ΗΟΜΕ ΜΟΝΙΤΟΡΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.512.510.41 158.00 477 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΟΝΙΧ ΗΟΜΕ ΜΟΝΙΤΟΡΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.512.510.41 515.38 2 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 3 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40772710/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)018379 2 ΩΑΤΧΗ ΜΟΝΙΤΟΡΙΝΓ ΙΝΧ.792 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΟΝΙΧ ΗΟΜΕ ΜΟΝΙΤΟΡΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.512.510.41 457.25 803 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΟΝΙΧ ΗΟΜΕ ΜΟΝΙΤΟΡΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.512.510.41 457.25 855 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΟΝΙΧ ΗΟΜΕ ΜΟΝΙΤΟΡΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.512.510.41 482.25 925 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΟΝΙΧ ΗΟΜΕ ΜΟΝΙΤΟΡΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.512.510.41 457.25 926 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΟΝΙΧ ΗΟΜΕ ΜΟΝΙΤΟΡΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.512.510.41 398.25 984 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΟΝΙΧ ΗΟΜΕ ΜΟΝΙΤΟΡΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.512.510.41 485.15 Τοταλ : 3,410.78 40772810/3/2011 002909 ΑΒΧ ΛΕΓΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ, ΙΝΧ.3264704 ΠΡΟΧΕΣΣ ΦΕΕΣ − ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΛΑΩΣΥΙΤΣ, ΤΗΟΜΑΣ 430.00.534.110.41 47.25 6774351 ΠΡΟΧΕΣΣ ΦΕΕΣ − ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΛΑΩΣΥΙΤΣ, ΤΗΟΜΑΣ 430.00.534.110.41 57.25 Τοταλ : 104.50 40772910/3/2011 018268 Α∆ΚΙΝΣΟΝ, ςΙΡΓΙΝΙΑ042010ΡΕΙΜΒ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕ ∆ς ΧΟΝΦΕΡΕΝΧΕ ΕΞΠΕΝΣΕ 651.237.136 50.00 Τοταλ : 50.00 40773010/3/2011 111501 Α∆Σ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΙΝΧ33060 Ρεπλαχε ανδ ρεπαιρ βοτη ϖολυτεσ ανδ 3 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 4 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40773010/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)111501 Α∆Σ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΙΝΧ 431.00.535.800.48 14,918.00 φρειγητ 431.00.535.800.48 340.42 Σαλεσ Ταξ 431.00.535.800.48 1,449.55 Τοταλ : 16,707.97 40773110/3/2011 005503 Α∆Τ ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ, ΙΝΧ.116159062 Α∆Τ ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ: ΧΛΥΒΗΟΥΣΕ ΑΛΑΡΜ 437.00.576.680.41 49.49 116667940 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.574.100.41 52.49 Τοταλ : 101.98 40773210/3/2011 111620 Α∆ςΑΝΧΕ∆ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ & ΦΙΡΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ130726 Αννυαλ φιρε εξτινγυισηερ σερϖιχε ωατερ 430.00.534.800.41 537.60 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.00.534.800.41 51.07 Τοταλ : 588.67 40773310/3/2011 115190 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ018279/1 Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε.436.00.536.200.31 25.24 12860/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 001.42.542.300.48 221.57 17682/1 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΛΑΩΝ 001.33.576.100.31 35.53 17693/1 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΛΑΩΝ 001.33.576.100.31 104.01 17823/1 4 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 5 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40773310/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)115190 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΛΑΩΝ 001.33.576.100.31 30.94 18251/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 432.00.535.900.31 109.43 18263/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 430.00.534.800.31 32.88 18277/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 430.00.534.800.31 13.45 18288/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 550.00.548.680.35 38.31 18292/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 550.00.548.680.35 −38.31 18293/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 550.00.548.680.35 38.31 18330/1 Στιηλ χυτθυικ χυτ οφφ σαω 14∀ #ΤΣ420 ∼430.00.534.800.35 849.15 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.00.534.800.35 80.67 18355/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ: ΧΟΥΡΣΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΑΝ∆ ΤΟΟΛΣ 437.00.576.600.31 57.13 18388/1 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΛΑΩΝ 001.33.576.100.31 63.97 18458/1 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΛΑΩΝ 001.33.576.100.31 14.54 18503/1 5 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 6 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40773310/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)115190 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΛΑΩΝ 001.33.576.100.31 177.37 18513/1 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΛΑΩΝ 001.33.576.100.31 17.47 18540/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ: ΧΟΥΡΣΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΑΝ∆ ΤΟΟΛΣ 437.00.576.600.31 56.85 Τοταλ : 1,928.51 40773410/3/2011 005768 ΑΙΡΠΟΡΤ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΓΡΟΥΠ, ΛΛΧ4906 Βλανκετ ΠΟ φορ 2011 µγµτ σερϖιχεσ ατ 435.00.546.100.41 33,842.71 Τοταλ : 33,842.71 40773510/3/2011 020146 ΑΛ ΗΑΥΕΡ ΡΕΑΛ ΕΣΤΑΤΕ066761 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 11018 ΣΕ 319ΤΗ ΧΤ 430.233.100 80.71 Τοταλ : 80.71 40773610/3/2011 112610 ΑΛΠΙΝΕ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ, ΙΝΧ.ΤΜ−119198 ΑΛΠΙΝΕ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.42.542.300.31 271.20 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.42.542.300.31 25.76 ΤΜ−119697 ΣΙΓΝ:∀ΟΦΦ ΛΕΑΣΗ ∆ΟΓ ΑΡΕΑ∀ ΦΟΡ ΡΟΕΓΝΕΡ 001.33.576.100.31 48.73 ΤΜ−119730 ΣΙΓΝ ΦΟΡ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΓΟΛΦ ΧΟΥΡΣΕ 437.00.576.680.41 93.08 Τοταλ : 438.77 40773710/3/2011 020132 ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΤΙΡΕ & ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ #10944020054 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 535 15ΤΗ ΣΤ ΝΕ 6 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 7 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40773710/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)020132 ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΤΙΡΕ & ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ #10944 430.233.100 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 40773810/3/2011 020142 ΑΜΕΡΙΧΟ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΧΟ ΙΝΧ062629 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 3260 Β ΣΤ ΝΩ #∆434.233.100 34.42 Τοταλ : 34.42 40773910/3/2011 018183 ΑΝ∆ΕΡΣΟΝ, ΡΟΝΑΛ∆ Ω.092011ΙΝς ΛΑΤΕΡΑΛ ΠΟΛΙΧΕ ΒΑΧΚΓΡΟΥΝ∆ ΙΝςΕΣΤΙΓΑΤΙΟΝ 001.13.516.710.41 650.00 Τοταλ : 650.00 40774010/3/2011 006019 ΑΘΥΑ ΧΛΕΑΝ ϑΕΤ−Ν−ςΑΧ, ΙΝΧ.17103 ΑΘΥΑΛ ΧΛΕΑΝ ϑΕΤ−Ν−ςΑΧ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.48 3,102.54 Τοταλ : 3,102.54 40774110/3/2011 393720 ΑΡΑΜΑΡΚ ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ655−5754730 ΑΡΑΜΑΡΚ: ΜΑΤ ΑΝ∆ ΤΟΩΕΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 437.00.576.600.41 18.10 655−5754731 ΙΝςΙΟΧΕ #655−5754731 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − ΓΟΛΦ 505.00.524.500.49 95.48 655−5766156 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5766156 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ −505.00.524.500.49 11.83 655−5766157 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5766157 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − ϑΧ 505.00.524.500.49 25.84 655−5766158 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5766158 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ −505.00.524.500.49 11.83 655−5773484 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ ΟΦ ΣΗΟΠ ΤΟΩΕΛΣ 7 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 8 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40774110/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)393720 ΑΡΑΜΑΡΚ ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.33.576.100.41 46.26 655−5778331 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5778331 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ −505.00.524.500.49 11.83 655−5778332 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5778332 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − ϑΧ 505.00.524.500.49 25.84 655−5778333 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5778333 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ −505.00.524.500.49 11.83 Τοταλ : 258.84 40774210/3/2011 018912 ΑΡΤΗΥΡ ΜΥΡΡΑΨ ∆ΑΝΧΕ ΣΧΗΟΟΛ10/8/11ΠΕΡΦ Σ∋ΜΟΡΕ ΤΗΑΝ ΨΟΥ ΙΜΑΓΙΝΕ ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΑΝΧΕ ΟΝ 001.33.574.240.41 300.00 Τοταλ : 300.00 40774310/3/2011 110510 ΑΤ&Τ ΜΟΒΙΛΙΤΨ828527679Ξ09152011 ΑΤ & Τ Πολιχε Σωατ ςαν Χελλ/Σιµ117.00.521.210.42 34.55 Σαλεσ Ταξ 117.00.521.210.42 4.15 Τοταλ : 38.70 40774410/3/2011 114710 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΗΑΜΒΕΡ ΟΦ ΧΟΜΜΕΡΧΕ22414 ΓΕΝΕΡΑΛ ΠΑΡΚΣ, ΑΡΤΣ & ΡΕΧΡΕΑΤΙΟΝ 001.33.574.100.44 250.00 22416 Οχτοβερ 2011 τουρισµ σερϖιχεσ & ϖισιτορ 104.00.557.300.41 3,750.00 Οχτοβερ 2011 τουρισµ σερϖιχεσ & ϖισιτορ 001.98.558.100.49 3,333.34 Τοταλ : 7,333.34 40774510/3/2011 114740 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΗΕςΡΟΛΕΤ5049904 8 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 9 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40774510/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)114740 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΗΕςΡΟΛΕΤ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΗΕςΡΟΛΕΤ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 550.00.548.680.35 150.71 Τοταλ : 150.71 40774610/3/2011 003184 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΙΤΨ ΙΜΠΟΡΤ80056 Ρεπλαχεδ αλτερνατορ οφ 1990 Τοψοτα ΠΥ.436.00.536.200.31 392.64 Τοταλ : 392.64 40774710/3/2011 013431 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΜΟΥΝΤΑΙΝςΙΕΩ ΗΣΣΟΧΧΕΡ/2011 2011 ΨΟΥΤΗ ΣΟΧΧΕΡ ΧΛΙΝΙΧ ΑΝ∆ ΣΟΧΧΕΡ 001.33.574.240.41 700.00 Τοταλ : 700.00 40774810/3/2011 017464 ΟΝΕ ΜΑΙΝ ΣΤΡΕΕΤ ΠΡΟΦΕΣΣΙΟΝΑΛ070811ΙΝς ϑαν−ϑυνε χοµµον εξπενσεσ φορ Αννεξ 505.00.524.500.46 25,506.00 ϑαν−ϑυνε χοµµον εξπενσεσ φορ Αννεξ 505.00.524.500.41 52,977.36 Τοταλ : 78,483.36 40774910/3/2011 115520 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ ΜΕ∆ΙΧΑΛ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ2071ΒΑΛ ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #2071 ΑΥ∆ΙΟΜΕΤΡΨ 11/8/10;001.13.516.100.41 294.50 3054 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #3054 ΠΟΛΙΧΕ ΠΡΕ−ΕΜΠΛΟΨΜΕΝΤ 001.13.516.710.41 279.50 Τοταλ : 574.00 40775010/3/2011 115545 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΡΙςΕΡΣΙ∆Ε ΗΙΓΗ ΣΧΗΟΟΛ10/8/11ΠΕΡΦ ΒΑΝ∆ ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΑΝΧΕ ΦΟΡ Σ∋ΜΟΡΕ ΤΗΑΝ ΨΟΥ 001.33.574.240.41 750.00 Τοταλ : 750.00 40775110/3/2011 115730 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΤΡΑςΕΛ ΦΥΝ∆3050 Α∆ςΑΝΧΕ ΦΟΡ ∆ΑΝ Ο∋ΝΕΙΛ ΤΟ ΑΤΤΕΝ∆9 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 10 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40775110/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)115730 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΤΡΑςΕΛ ΦΥΝ∆001.21.521.210.43 117.60 3051 Α∆ςΑΝΧΕ ΦΟΡ ϑΕΣΣΙΧΑ ΣΜΙΤΗ ΤΟ ΑΤΤΕΝ∆001.21.521.230.43 582.40 3052 Α∆ςΑΝΧΕ ΦΟΡ ΡΟΧΚΨ ΚΙΡΩΙΝ ΤΟ ΕΣΧΟΡΤ 001.33.574.210.43 96.00 3053 Α∆ςΑΝΧΕ ΦΟΡ ΡΗΟΝ∆Α ΤΗΟΜΠΣΟΝ ΤΟ ΑΤΤΕΝ∆001.21.521.300.43 97.60 3054 Α∆ςΑΝΧΕ ΦΟΡ ΡΟΒΕΡΤ ϑΟΝΕΣ ΤΟ ΑΤΤΕΝ∆001.21.521.210.43 184.60 3055 Α∆ςΑΝΧΕ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΚΕ ϑΟΡ∆ΑΝ ΤΟ ΑΤΤΕΝ∆001.21.521.210.43 184.60 Τοταλ : 1,262.80 40775210/3/2011 004445 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΧΟΛΛΙΣΙΟΝ ΙΝΧ027409 ΑΧΧΙ∆ΕΝΤ ΡΕΠΑΙΡΣ ΤΟ ΠΟ19∆∼550.00.548.680.48 1,132.70 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.680.48 107.61 Τοταλ : 1,240.31 40775310/3/2011 116060 ΑΥΤΟΜΑΤΙΧ ΩΙΛΒΕΡΤ ςΑΥΛΤ ΧΟ19822 ϑυνιορ ρουγη βοξ φορ ρεσαλε 436.00.536.200.34 223.00 Τοταλ : 223.00 40775410/3/2011 013290 ΒΑΧΚΨΑΡ∆ ΠΟΩΕΡ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ689200 Φιλτερ, λινε ανδ στρινγ 436.00.536.200.31 120.06 Στρινγ τριµµερ ρεπαιρ 436.00.536.200.31 72.62 10 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 11 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 192.68 40775410/3/2011013290013290 ΒΑΧΚΨΑΡ∆ ΠΟΩΕΡ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ 40775510/3/2011 015247 ΒΑΝΧΑΡ∆ ΥΣΑ33791 ΑΤΜ ΜΑΧΗΙΝΕ ΡΕΝΤΑΛ ΦΟΡ ΚΙ∆Σ ∆ΑΨ 001.33.573.901.41 100.00 ΑΤΜ ΜΑΧΗΙΝΕ ΡΕΝΤΑΛ ΦΟΡ 4ΤΗ ΟΦ ϑΥΛΨ 001.33.573.901.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 200.00 40775610/3/2011 006370 ΒΑΝΧΗΕΡΟΣ ΓΛΑΣΣ & ΕΤΧΗΙΝΓ, ΙΝΧ9093 3 ΤΗΥΜΒΠΡΙΝΤ ΜΥΓΣ (ΠΙΕΡΣΟΝ, ΝΕΑΡ, ΒΟΝ∆)001.21.521.100.31 57.49 Τοταλ : 57.49 40775710/3/2011 020150 ΒΑΡΝΕΣ, ΒΕςΕΡΛΨ1354599 ΠΑΡΚΣ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆001.347.699 28.00 Τοταλ : 28.00 40775810/3/2011 020017 ΒΑΨΛΕΣ ΗΟΜΕΣΤΕΑ∆ ΛΛΧ059499 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 32526 51ΣΤ ΑςΕ Σ 432.233.100 29.90 Τοταλ : 29.90 40775910/3/2011 120940 ΒΑΨΛΕΨ, ΛΙΛΛΨ ΜΑΨ091211ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 40776010/3/2011 017733 ΒΑΨΛΙΝ ΑΡΤΙΣΤΣ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΙΝΧ.10/01/11∆ΕΠΟΣΙΤ ∆ΕΠΟΣΙΤ ΦΟΡ 10/01/11 ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΑΝΧΕ (ΦΡΑΝΚ 001.33.573.201.41 1,500.00 Τοταλ : 1,500.00 40776110/3/2011 121260 ΒΕΝ−ΚΟ−ΜΑΤΙΧ ΧΟ00061652 ΒΕΝ−ΚΟ−ΜΑΤΙΧ ∆ΒΑ ΟΩΕΝ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.680.35 470.81 11 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 12 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40776110/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)121260 ΒΕΝ−ΚΟ−ΜΑΤΙΧ ΧΟ 00061656 ΒΕΝ−ΚΟ−ΜΑΤΙΧ ∆ΒΑ ΟΩΕΝ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.680.35 120.04 Τοταλ : 590.85 40776210/3/2011 121540 ΒΕΡΝΕΡ, ΙΝΧΑ032−11Λ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 40776310/3/2011 016089 ΒΕΡΝΙΕ ΜΧΡΑςΨ & ΑΣΣΟΧ022170 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 206 Η ΣΤ ΣΕ 430.233.100 293.66 Τοταλ : 293.66 40776410/3/2011 122490 ΒΛΥΜΕΝΤΗΑΛ ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΧΟ, ΙΝΧ884577 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 884577 ΩΟΟ∆001.21.521.200.22 531.08 889775−80 ΧΡΕ∆ΙΤ ΜΕΜΟ 889775−80 ΒΕΡΓΕΟΝ 001.21.521.300.22 −12.05 894427 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 894427 ∆ΕΡΟΧΗΕ 001.21.521.200.22 477.42 896184−01 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 896184−01 ΣΗΑΩ001.21.521.200.22 179.35 896205 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 896205 ΣΗΑΩ001.21.521.200.22 11.50 896206−01 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 896206−01 ΓΗΑΣΣΕΡΑΝΙ 001.21.521.200.22 102.60 896598 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 896598 ΓΟΕΤΗΑΛΣ 12 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 13 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40776410/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)122490 ΒΛΥΜΕΝΤΗΑΛ ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΧΟ, ΙΝΧ 001.21.521.200.22 6.52 897767 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 897767 ΣΗΑΩ001.21.521.200.22 503.20 Τοταλ : 1,799.62 40776510/3/2011 014566 ΒΡΙΧΚΜΑΝ ΓΡΟΥΠ ΛΤ∆, ΛΛΧ5122821348 ΧΛΕΑΝ ΑΛΛ ΒΕ∆Σ ΟΦ ΛΕΑςΕΣ ΑΝ∆ ∆ΕΒΡΙΣ,001.33.576.100.41 4,403.70 5122821381 ΜΑΡΧΗ, ΑΠΡΙΛ, ΜΑΨ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ, ΛΙΝΕΑΛ 001.33.576.100.41 967.31 Τοταλ : 5,371.01 40776610/3/2011 012304 ΒΡΟΩΝ ΑΝ∆ ΧΑΛ∆ΩΕΛΛ14153220 ΑΓ−Χ−362 Ον−Χαλλ Στορµ/Σεωερ Υτιλιτψ 432.00.535.100.41 16,927.32 14154083 ΑΓ−Χ−362 Ον−Χαλλ Στορµ/Σεωερ Υτιλιτψ 432.00.535.100.41 9,691.98 Τοταλ : 26,619.30 40776710/3/2011 020128 ΒΡΟΩΝ, ΜΑΡΓΡΕΤ010673 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 6305 ΝΑΤΗΑΝ ΠΛ ΣΕ 431.233.100 79.06 Τοταλ : 79.06 40776810/3/2011 015076 ΒΥΙΛ∆ΕΡΣ ΕΞΧΗΑΝΓΕ ΟΦ ΩΑ, ΙΝΧ.1028291 Βυιλδερσ Εξχηανγε, Ινϖοιχε Νο. 1028291,105.00.595.100.65 45.00 1028292 Βυιλδερσ Εξχηανγε, Ινϖοιχε Νο. 1028292,105.00.595.100.65 55.75 1028293 Βυιλδερσ Εξχηανγε, Ινϖοιχε Νο. 1028293,13 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 14 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40776810/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)015076 ΒΥΙΛ∆ΕΡΣ ΕΞΧΗΑΝΓΕ ΟΦ ΩΑ, ΙΝΧ.102.00.594.420.65 69.50 Τοταλ : 170.25 40776910/3/2011 020094 ΧΑΜΠΒΕΛΛ, ϑΑΜΕΣ & ΛΙΝ∆Α031400 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 11248 ΣΕ 306ΤΗ ΠΛ 430.233.100 99.79 Τοταλ : 99.79 40777010/3/2011 003237 ΧΑΝΝΟΝ, ΓΑΙΛ091911ΠΧ ΡΕΦΡΕΣΗΜΕΝΤΣ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΟΡΣ 7/17/11; 9/19/11 001.13.512.500.31 46.91 Τοταλ : 46.91 40777110/3/2011 013685 ΧΑΡΟΛΛΟ ΕΝΓΙΝΕΕΡΣ, ΠΧ0117936 ΑΓ−Χ−374 Αχαδεµψ & Λακελανδ Ηιλλσ 430.00.590.100.68 2,070.00 0117937 ΑΓ−Χ−374 Αχαδεµψ & Λακελανδ Ηιλλσ 430.00.590.100.68 7,265.92 Τοταλ : 9,335.92 40777210/3/2011 000285 ΧΑΡΤΕΓΡΑΠΗ ΣΨΣΤΕΜ, ΙΝΧ35072 Χυστοµ ρεπορτ το σεε µατεριαλ θυαντιτψ 518.00.518.880.64 2,504.25 Χυστοµ ρεπορτ αννυαλ µαιντενανχε.518.00.518.880.64 500.85 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 518.00.518.880.64 285.48 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 518.237.200 −285.48 Τοταλ : 3,005.10 40777310/3/2011 131330 ΧΑΣΧΑ∆Ε ΧΟΦΦΕΕ ΙΝΧ20652153 ΧΟΦΦΕΕ 437.00.576.680.34 137.00 14 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 15 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 137.00 40777310/3/2011131330131330 ΧΑΣΧΑ∆Ε ΧΟΦΦΕΕ ΙΝΧ 40777410/3/2011 240360 ΧΑΣΧΑ∆Ε ΗΟΝΕΨΒΥΧΚΕΤΣ1−346852 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 1−346852 − ΣΕΠΤ 2011 001.21.521.200.49 134.50 Τοταλ : 134.50 40777510/3/2011 015760 ΧΑΣΕ ΠΟΩΕΡ ΑΝ∆ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ, ΙΝΧΕ85625 ΧΑΣΕ ΠΟΩΕΡ & ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.680.35 65.02 Τοταλ : 65.02 40777610/3/2011 131540 ΧΑΣΗ & ΧΑΡΡΨ102942 ΣΝΑΧΚΣ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΣΑΛΕ 437.00.576.680.34 76.93 104396 ΜΙΣΧ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.210.31 526.51 105356 ΜΙΣΧ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.210.31 20.38 105918 ΜΙΣΧ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.210.31 148.04 Τοταλ : 771.86 40777710/3/2011 020137 ΧΑΣΤΑΝΕ∆Α, ΗΕΧΤΟΡ & ΓΕΜΑ053397 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 12106 ΣΕ 314ΤΗ ΠΛ 430.233.100 349.18 Τοταλ : 349.18 40777810/3/2011 370450 ΧΕΝΤΥΡΨΛΙΝΚ100311ΠΗΟΝΕΣ ΠΗΟΝΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ/ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 2011 518.00.518.880.42 203.82 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ/ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 2011 001.21.521.100.42 87.99 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ/ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 2011 15 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 16 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40777810/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)370450 ΧΕΝΤΥΡΨΛΙΝΚ 505.00.524.500.42 43.40 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ/ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 2011 431.00.535.800.42 1,054.21 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ/ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 2011 436.00.536.100.42 4.01 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ/ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 2011 434.00.537.100.42 4.01 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ/ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 2011 430.00.534.100.42 8.02 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ/ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 2011 550.00.548.100.42 4.01 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ/ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 2011 430.00.534.800.42 1,244.44 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ/ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 2011 432.00.535.900.42 406.67 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ/ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 2011 001.13.516.100.42 87.98 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ/ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 2011 437.00.576.680.42 500.87 Τοταλ : 3,649.43 40777910/3/2011 132310 ΧΗ2Μ ΗΙΛΛ 3805861 ΑΓ−Χ−344, Προϕεχτ Χ201Α0, Μ Στρεετ ΣΕ 102.00.594.420.65 52,533.20 ΑΓ−Χ−344, Προϕεχτ Χ201Α, Μ Στρεετ ΣΕ 102.00.594.420.65 63,285.73 ΑΓ−Χ−344, Προϕεχτ Χ201Α, Μ Στρεετ ΣΕ 102.00.594.420.65 6,397.01 Τοταλ : 122,215.94 40778010/3/2011 017189 ΧΗΑΛΛΕΝΓΕΡ ΣΠΟΡΤΣ ΧΟΡΠ0002201−ΙΝ ΒΑΣΕΒΑΛΛ 33873, 33874∼001.33.574.240.41 1,905.00 0002403−ΙΝ ΒΑΣΕΒΑΛΛ 33873, 33874∼16 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 17 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40778010/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)017189 ΧΗΑΛΛΕΝΓΕΡ ΣΠΟΡΤΣ ΧΟΡΠ 001.33.574.240.41 1,035.00 0002576−ΙΝ ΒΑΣΕΒΑΛΛ 33873, 33874∼001.33.574.240.41 1,380.00 0002609−ΙΝ ΒΑΣΕΒΑΛΛ 33873, 33874∼001.33.574.240.41 920.00 Τοταλ : 5,240.00 40778110/3/2011 003898 ΧΗΑΝΓ, ϑΕΝΝΨ091211ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.500.41 80.00 Τοταλ : 80.00 40778210/3/2011 018649 ΧΗΡΙΣΤΕΝΣΕΝ ΙΝΧ.1003−15 ΛΕΣΣ ΡΕΤΑΙΝΑΓΕ 321.223.400 −5,602.14 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1003−15 ΛΕΣ ΓΟςΕ ΠΡΟϑΕΧΤ 321.00.576.802.65 122,686.91 Τοταλ : 117,084.77 40778310/3/2011 131890 ΧΗΣ − ΧΕΝΕΞ ΗΑΡςΕΣΤ ΣΤΑΤΕΣ ΙΝΧ390669 Προπανε χψλινδερ φιλλεδ φορ Βαχκυπ 430.00.534.800.31 425.07 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.00.534.800.31 40.38 Τοταλ : 465.45 40778410/3/2011 132940 ΧΙΝΤΑΣ ΧΟΡΠΟΡΑΤΙΟΝ #461461748133 ΧΙΝΤΑΣ ΧΟΡΠΟΡΑΤΙΟΝ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.49 115.76 461751375 ΧΙΝΤΑΣ ΧΟΡΠΟΡΑΤΙΟΝ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.49 115.76 Τοταλ : 231.52 17 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 18 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40778510/3/2011 115760 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΠΟΛΙΧΕ ∆ΕΠΤςΝΕΤ ΦΕ∆ΕΡΑΛ ∆ΙΣΒΥΡΣ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.212.51 20,000.00 ςΝΕΤ ΣΤΑΤΕ ∆ΙΣΒΥΡΣΕ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.51 50,000.00 Τοταλ : 70,000.00 40778610/3/2011 115760 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ100311ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ − ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ, ΣΤΟΡΜ −505.00.524.500.47 981.23 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ − ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ, ΣΤΟΡΜ −001.33.576.100.47 3,717.73 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ − ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ, ΣΤΟΡΜ −001.42.542.300.47 20.88 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ − ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ, ΣΤΟΡΜ −431.00.535.800.47 64.03 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ − ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ, ΣΤΟΡΜ −430.00.534.800.47 258.83 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ − ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ, ΣΤΟΡΜ −432.00.535.900.47 41.76 Τοταλ : 5,084.46 40778710/3/2011 001627 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΦΕ∆ΕΡΑΛ ΩΑΨςΝΕΤ ΦΕ∆ΕΡΑΛ ∆ΙΣΒΥΡΣ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.212.51 20,000.00 ςΝΕΤ ΣΤΑΤΕ ∆ΙΣΒΥΡΣΕ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.51 50,000.00 Τοταλ : 70,000.00 40778810/3/2011 001627 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΦΕ∆ΕΡΑΛ ΩΑΨΜΣ−3069 Αυγ ρεσουρχε χονσερϖατιον µγµτ σερϖιχεσ 505.00.524.500.13 2,958.88 Αυγ ρεσουρχε χονσερϖατιον µγµτ σερϖιχεσ 505.00.524.500.21 226.33 18 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 19 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40778810/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)001627 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΦΕ∆ΕΡΑΛ ΩΑΨ Αυγ ρεσουρχε χονσερϖατιον µγµτ σερϖιχεσ 505.00.524.500.23 157.11 Αυγ ρεσουρχε χονσερϖατιον µγµτ σερϖιχεσ 505.00.524.500.24 10.03 Αυγ ρεσουρχε χονσερϖατιον µγµτ σερϖιχεσ 505.00.524.500.28 28.11 Τοταλ : 3,380.46 40778910/3/2011 008837 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΚΕΝΤ ΠΟΛΙΧΕ ∆ΕΠΤςΝΕΤ ΦΕ∆ΕΡΑΛ ∆ΙΣΒΥΡΣ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.212.51 20,000.00 ςΝΕΤ ΣΤΑΤΕ ∆ΙΣΒΥΡΣΕ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.51 50,000.00 Τοταλ : 70,000.00 40779010/3/2011 271890 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΡΕΝΤΟΝ ΠΟΛΙΧΕ ∆ΕΠΤςΝΕΤ ΦΕ∆ΕΡΑΛ ∆ΙΣΒΥΡΣ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.212.51 20,000.00 ςΝΕΤ ΣΤΑΤΕ ∆ΙΣΒΥΡΣΕ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.51 50,000.00 Τοταλ : 70,000.00 40779110/3/2011 281810 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ ΠΟΛΙΧΕ ∆ΕΠΤςΝΕΤ ΦΕ∆ΕΡΑΛ ∆ΙΣΒΥΡΣ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.212.51 20,000.00 ςΝΕΤ ΣΤΑΤΕ ∆ΙΣΒΥΡΣΕ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.51 50,000.00 Τοταλ : 70,000.00 40779210/3/2011 292970 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΤΥΚΩΙΛΑ ΠΟΛΙΧΕ ∆ΕΠΤςΝΕΤ ΦΕ∆ΕΡΑΛ ∆ΙΣΒΥΡΣ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.212.51 20,000.00 19 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 20 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40779210/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)292970 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΤΥΚΩΙΛΑ ΠΟΛΙΧΕ ∆ΕΠΤ ςΝΕΤ ΣΤΑΤΕ ∆ΙΣΒΥΡΣΕ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.51 50,000.00 Τοταλ : 70,000.00 40779310/3/2011 012703 ΧΛΕςΕΛΑΝ∆ ΓΟΛΦ3550002 ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΧΛΥΒΣ 437.00.576.680.34 106.80 ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΧΛΥΒΣ 437.00.576.680.34 57.49 Τοταλ : 164.29 40779410/3/2011 006763 ΧΟ∆Ε 4 ΠΥΒΛΙΧ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ9731 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 9731 − ΤΑΧΤΙΧΑΛ ΣΙΛΕΝΧΕ 001.21.521.200.49 99.00 Τοταλ : 99.00 40779510/3/2011 133610 ΧΟΛΕΜΑΝ, ΣΗΕΛΛΨ082411ΡΕΙΜΒ ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ ΤΟ ΟΦΦΣΙΤΕ ΜΤΓΣ 5/4−8/24 001.14.514.100.43 111.00 Τοταλ : 111.00 40779610/3/2011 007464 ΧΟΛΣΟΝ, ΜΑΡΙΑ Β.091211ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 40779710/3/2011 133690 ΧΟΛΥΜΒΙΑ ΒΑΣΙΝ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΩΟΡΚΣ ΙΝΧ389 ΧΟΛΥΜΒΙΑ ΒΑΣΙΝ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΩΟΡΚΣ,430.00.534.800.48 754.43 Τοταλ : 754.43 40779810/3/2011 007461 ΧΟΜΧΑΣΤ 8498340010111450 ΙΝΤΕΡΝΕΤ ΛΙΝΚ ΦΟΡ ΤΡΑΦΦΙΧ ΕΝΓΙΝΕΕΡΙΝΓ 001.32.532.200.42 104.95 8498340010153551 20 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 21 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40779810/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)007461 ΧΟΜΧΑΣΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΝΕΤ ΛΙΝΚ ΦΟΡ ΓΟΛΦ ΧΟΥΡΣΕ∼437.00.576.680.42 99.95 8498340010343400 Ιντερνετ Λινκ φορ Τραφφιχ Ενγινεερινγ 001.32.532.200.42 69.90 8498340210658730 ΙΝΤΕΡΝΕΤ ΛΙΝΚ ΦΟΡ ΧΙΤΨ ΗΑΛΛ∼518.00.518.880.42 114.95 8498340210658748 ΙΝΤΕΡΝΕΤ ΛΙΝΚ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΣΤΙΧΕ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ∼518.00.518.880.42 114.95 8498340210719193 ΧΑΒΛΕ ΤΕΛΕςΙΣΙΟΝ & ΙΝΤΕΡΝΕΤ ΛΙΝΚ ΦΟΡ 001.33.575.280.42 152.84 8498340211175742 ΙΝΤΕΡΝΕΤ ΛΙΝΚ ΦΟΡ Ι∆ΕΞ ΠΡΟϑΕΧΤ∼518.00.518.880.42 59.95 8498340390231043 Βλανκετ ΠΟ∼001.32.532.200.42 110.37 Τοταλ : 827.86 40779910/3/2011 008838 ΧΟΜΠΛΕΤΕ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΟΛΥΤΙΟΝΣ743695−0 ΙΝς 743695−1; 743695−0; 746952−0 ΜΙΣΧ 001.17.524.200.31 181.59 743695−1 ΙΝς 743695−1; 743695−0; 746952−0 ΜΙΣΧ 001.17.524.200.31 3.44 746952−0 ΙΝς 743695−1; 743695−0; 746952−0 ΜΙΣΧ 001.17.524.200.31 81.81 Τοταλ : 266.84 40780010/3/2011 011708 ΧΟΝΣΟΛΙ∆ΑΤΕ∆ ΠΡΕΣΣ4551 Βλανκετ ΠΟ φορ πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 21 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 22 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40780010/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)011708 ΧΟΝΣΟΛΙ∆ΑΤΕ∆ ΠΡΕΣΣ 518.00.518.780.41 3,110.16 Τοταλ : 3,110.16 40780110/3/2011 014391 ΧΟΠΠΕΡ ΦΑΛΛΣ ΡΕΣΤΑΥΡΑΝΤ091111ΙΝς ΦΟΟ∆ ΦΟΡ 9/11 ΓΟΛΦ ΤΟΥΡΝΑΜΕΝΤ 651.237.142 864.07 Τοταλ : 864.07 40780210/3/2011 019022 ΧΡΑΩΦΟΡ∆, Ε∆ΩΑΡ∆ Τ.091211ΙΝς ϑΥΛΨ ΑΝ∆ ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 2011 ΦΟΡΦΕΙΤΥΡΕ ΗΕΑΡΙΝΓ 117.00.521.210.41 292.50 Τοταλ : 292.50 40780310/3/2011 009272 ΧΣΓ ΣΨΣΤΕΜΣ, ΙΝΧ.74472 ΛΑΣΕΡ, ΦΟΛ∆, ΙΝΣΕΡΤ, ΜΕΤΕΡ − ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ 430.00.534.110.41 651.84 ΛΑΣΕΡ, ΦΟΛ∆, ΙΝΣΕΡΤ, ΜΕΤΕΡ − ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ 431.00.535.110.41 651.84 ΛΑΣΕΡ, ΦΟΛ∆, ΙΝΣΕΡΤ, ΜΕΤΕΡ − ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ 432.00.535.910.41 651.84 ΛΑΣΕΡ, ΦΟΛ∆, ΙΝΣΕΡΤ, ΜΕΤΕΡ − ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ 434.00.537.110.41 651.85 ΜΕΤΕΡ & ΠΟΣΤΑΓΕ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΒΙΛΛΣ ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 430.00.534.110.42 1,360.76 ΜΕΤΕΡ & ΠΟΣΤΑΓΕ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΒΙΛΛΣ ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 431.00.535.110.42 1,360.76 ΜΕΤΕΡ & ΠΟΣΤΑΓΕ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΒΙΛΛΣ ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 432.00.535.910.42 1,360.76 ΜΕΤΕΡ & ΠΟΣΤΑΓΕ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΒΙΛΛΣ ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 434.00.537.110.42 1,360.76 Τοταλ : 8,050.41 40780410/3/2011 016507 ΧΥΛΤΥΡΑΛ ΡΕΣΟΥΡΧΕ2011−099 ΑΓ−Χ−405 Χυλτυραλ Ρεσουρχε Χονσυλταντσ,330.00.594.100.65 11,428.38 22 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 23 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 11,428.38 40780410/3/2011016507016507 ΧΥΛΤΥΡΑΛ ΡΕΣΟΥΡΧΕ 40780510/3/2011 004164 ΧΥΣΤΟΜΕΡ ΧΑΡΕ35516 Θυαρτερλψ ρενταλ φεε φορ τελεπηονε ηολδ 518.00.518.880.42 177.00 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 518.00.518.880.42 16.82 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 518.237.200 −16.82 Τοταλ : 177.00 40780610/3/2011 007919 ∆ΑΝΙΕΛΙ, ΑΝΝ Ε.091211ΙΝς ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 9/12/11;001.13.512.500.41 400.00 091511ΙΝς ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 9/12/11;001.13.512.500.41 400.00 Τοταλ : 800.00 40780710/3/2011 020056 ∆ΑςΙ∆ Τ. ΣΠΑΝΓΛΕΡ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ ΛΛΧ070711ΙΝς Αυβυρν Ηιστορψ Εξπεριενχε Προϕεχτ 001.11.513.100.41 256.20 Τοταλ : 256.20 40780810/3/2011 000304 ∆ΕΛΛ ΜΑΡΚΕΤΙΝΓ Λ.Π.ΞΦΦΞΝ3324 Οπτιπλεξ 790 φορ ιµαγινγ 518.00.518.880.35 807.35 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.35 76.72 ΞΦϑ221ΦΠ5 Σπαρε Λατιτυδε ∆630 6−Χελλ βαττερψ 518.00.518.880.35 97.91 Σπαρε λατιτυδε ∆630 9−Χελλ βαττερψ 518.00.518.880.35 112.31 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.35 19.97 23 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 24 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 1,114.26 40780810/3/2011000304000304 ∆ΕΛΛ ΜΑΡΚΕΤΙΝΓ Λ.Π. 40780910/3/2011 020145 ∆ΕΝΝΙΣ, ϑΕΡΡΨ ΛΕΕ & ϑΥ∆Ψ066748 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 11225 ΣΕ 306ΤΗ ΠΛ 430.233.100 22.72 Τοταλ : 22.72 40781010/3/2011 391650 ∆ΕΠΑΡΤΜΕΝΤ ΟΦ ΛΙΧΕΝΣΙΝΓΛΙΧΕΝΣΕΣ ΧΟΝΧΕΑΛΕ∆ ΠΙΣΤΟΛ ΛΙΧΕΝΣΕΣ 651.237.104 180.00 Τοταλ : 180.00 40781110/3/2011 008052 ∆ΕΞ ΜΕ∆ΙΑ ΩΕΣΤ100115886 ∆ΕΞ−ΟΝΕ Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ, ΧΕΜΕΤΕΡΨ 436.00.536.200.44 79.55 100410668 ΨΕΛΛΟΩ ΠΑΓΕΣ Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ, ΛΟΧΑΛ 001.33.574.100.44 636.00 Τοταλ : 715.55 40781210/3/2011 142070 ∆ϑΑΡΦ, ΠΑΤΡΙΧΙΑ024504 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 202 Τ ΣΤ ΝΕ 430.233.100 255.00 Τοταλ : 255.00 40781310/3/2011 142010 ∆ΜΧΜΑ ΤΡΕΑΣΥΡΕΡΡΕΓΙΣΤΡΑΤΙΟΝ ∆ΜΧΜΑ ΦΑΛΛ ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ 2011 ΣΕΜΙΝΑΡ 001.13.512.500.49 225.00 Τοταλ : 225.00 40781410/3/2011 020148 ∆ΜΙ ∆ΡΙΛΛΙΝΓΡΕΦΥΝ∆ΗΨ∆ΡΑΝΤ ∆ΕΠΙΟΣΙΤ, ΠΕΡΜΙΤ ΗΨ∆11−0019 430.399.501 1,449.00 Τοταλ : 1,449.00 40781510/3/2011 010017 ∆ΟΛΛΑΩΑΨ, ΣΧΟΤΤ4927 55 ΓΑΛΛΟΝ ∆ΡΥΜ ΧΑΡ ΩΑΣΗ ΣΟΑΠ 24 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 25 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40781510/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)010017 ∆ΟΛΛΑΩΑΨ, ΣΧΟΤΤ 550.00.548.100.31 398.38 φρειγητ 550.00.548.100.31 24.95 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.100.31 37.85 Τοταλ : 461.18 40781610/3/2011 142280 ∆ΟΝ ΣΜΑΛΛ ΟΙΛ ∆ΙΣΤΡ ΧΟ471240 Γασ ανδ διεσελ φορ χεµετερψ υσε.436.00.536.200.31 2,535.37 472154 87 ΟΧΤΑΝΕ ΡΕΓΥΛΑΡ ΥΝΛΕΑ∆Ε∆ ΓΑΣΟΛΙΝΕ 550.141.100 36,590.98 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.141.100 4,024.65 472254 ΥΛΤΡΑ ΛΟΩ ΣΥΛΦΥΡ ∆ΨΕ∆ ∆ΙΕΣΕΛ ΦΥΕΛ 550.141.100 9,897.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.141.100 1,028.06 Τοταλ : 54,076.06 40781710/3/2011 142340 ∆ΟΟΡΜΑΝ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΧΟ57295 ΡΕΠΑΙΡ ΓΟΛΦ ΜΑΙΝΤ ΓΑΡΑΓΕ ∆ΟΟΡ 437.00.576.600.48 409.97 Τοταλ : 409.97 40781810/3/2011 019444 ∆ΟΩΛΙΝΓ ΙΝΧ.091111ΙΝς ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−ΡΕΠΛΑΧΕΜΕΝΤ ΟΦ ΣΑΝ∆ΡΑ 119.00.559.200.63 5,154.67 Σαλεσ Ταξ 119.00.559.200.63 489.69 Τοταλ : 5,644.36 40781910/3/2011 012962 ∆ΤΙ ΣΠΟΡΤΣ ΙΝΧ.1970 25 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 26 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40781910/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)012962 ∆ΤΙ ΣΠΟΡΤΣ ΙΝΧ.ΣΟΧΧΕΡ ΒΑΛΛΣ ΑΝ∆ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ 001.33.574.240.31 5,972.28 Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.33.574.240.31 10.93 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −10.93 Τοταλ : 5,972.28 40782010/3/2011 003968 ∆ΥΝΒΑΡ ΑΡΜΟΡΕ∆ ΙΝΧ2953027 ΣΕΠΤ ΑΡΜΟΡΕ∆ ΧΑΡ / ΠΑΡΚΣ & ΧΟΥΡΤ 001.13.512.500.41 587.02 2953028 ΣΕΠΤ ΑΡΜΟΡΕ∆ ΧΑΡ / ΠΑΡΚΣ & ΧΟΥΡΤ 001.33.574.100.41 419.69 2953318 ΒΑΝΚ ΒΑΓ ΠΙΧΚ−ΥΠ 437.00.576.680.41 609.14 Τοταλ : 1,615.85 40782110/3/2011 143190 ∆ΨΝΑΜΙΧ ΙΜΑΓΙΝΓ ΣΨΣΤΕΜΣ ΙΝΧ0018511−ΙΝ Συππορτ ανδ Μαιντενανχε Χοντραχτ φορ 518.00.518.880.48 4,046.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.48 384.37 Τοταλ : 4,430.37 40782210/3/2011 019909 Ε∆ΓΕΩΟΡΚΣ ΧΛΙΜΒΙΝΓ ΙΝΧ.515669 ΡΟΧΚ ΧΛΙΜΒΙΝΓ ΩΑΛΛ ΣΗΟΕΣ, ΩΕΣΤΗΥΣΙΝΓ 001.33.574.220.22 87.55 527292 ΡΟΧΚ ΧΛΙΜΒΙΝΓ ΧΑΜΠ 001.33.574.220.31 175.99 Τοταλ : 263.54 40782310/3/2011 008859 Ε∆ΩΑΡ∆Σ, ΝΟΛΑΝ∆090711ΙΝς 26 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 27 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40782310/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)008859 Ε∆ΩΑΡ∆Σ, ΝΟΛΑΝ∆ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.500.41 100.00 091211ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 200.00 40782410/3/2011 012320 ΕΜΕΡΑΛ∆ ΧΙΤΨ ΩΑΤΕΡ24708 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 24708 − 8/13−11/13/11 001.21.521.100.31 421.87 Τοταλ : 421.87 40782510/3/2011 001471 ΕΜΠΛΟΨΜΕΝΤ ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ ∆ΕΠΤ11−100618−Ρ∆Υ−ϑ0 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 11−100618−Ρ∆Υ−ϑ0 (ΧΛΑΡΚΕ)117.00.521.210.49 15.94 Τοταλ : 15.94 40782610/3/2011 151770 ΕΘΥΙΦΑΞ ΙΝΦΟΡΜΑΤΙΟΝ ΣςΣ, ΙΝΧ6583358 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #6583358 ΧΡΕ∆ΙΤ ΧΗΕΧΚ 001.13.516.100.49 6.71 Τοταλ : 6.71 40782710/3/2011 013291 ΕΩΙΝΓ ΙΡΡΙΓΑΤΙΟΝ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ3799512 3 σλιπ φιξ ρεπαιρ νιππλε 436.00.536.200.31 29.56 3816544 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΙΡΡΙΓΑΤΙΟΝ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.576.100.31 16.52 3827159 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΙΡΡΙΓΑΤΙΟΝ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.576.100.31 54.82 3865790 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΙΡΡΙΓΑΤΙΟΝ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.576.100.31 155.52 3872117 27 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 28 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40782710/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)013291 ΕΩΙΝΓ ΙΡΡΙΓΑΤΙΟΝ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΙΡΡΙΓΑΤΙΟΝ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.576.100.31 235.90 Τοταλ : 492.32 40782810/3/2011 160600 ΦΕΡΡΕΛΛΓΑΣΡΝΤ4013945 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΡΟΠΑΝΕ ΦΟΡ ΓΑΜΕ ΦΑΡΜ ΣΗΟΠ 001.33.576.100.31 86.51 Τοταλ : 86.51 40782910/3/2011 161260 ΦΛΑΓ ΦΑΧΤΟΡΨ ΝΩ117123 ΤΩΟ 5ξ8 ΝΨΛΟΝ ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΦΛΑΓΣ 437.00.576.600.31 131.25 Τοταλ : 131.25 40783010/3/2011 020117 ΦΡΑΝΖ, ϑΟΣΗ090911ΡΕΙΜΒ ϑΟΣΗ ΦΡΑΝΖ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ Χ∆Λ ΤΕΣΤ &001.42.542.300.22 81.00 Τοταλ : 81.00 40783110/3/2011 162250 ΦΡΕ∆ ΜΕΨΕΡ ΣΤΟΡΕΣ− ΧΥΣΤ ΧΗΑΡΓΕ562162 ΓΑΜΕΣ, ΣΝΑΧΚΣ, ΑΡΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ & ΣΠΟΡΤΣ 001.33.574.240.31 439.63 Τοταλ : 439.63 40783210/3/2011 162335 ΦΡΕΕΩΑΨ ΤΡΑΙΛΕΡ ΣΑΛΕΣ ΙΝΧ100917 Υνιτ 6759Χ 10Κ ΓςΩ Τιλτ Τραιλερ 550.00.590.100.64 3,690.00 Τριπ Τρανσιτ Περµιτ 550.00.590.100.64 30.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.590.100.64 343.17 Τοταλ : 4,063.17 40783310/3/2011 162400 ΦΡΟΝΤΙΕΡ ΧΛΕΑΝΕΡΣΑΥΓΥΣΤ2011 ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 2011 ∆ΡΨ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ 001.21.521.100.49 818.69 28 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 29 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 818.69 40783310/3/2011162400162400 ΦΡΟΝΤΙΕΡ ΧΛΕΑΝΕΡΣ 40783410/3/2011 162430 ΦΡΨΣ ΩΕΛ∆ΙΝΓ, ΙΝΧ14223 Ρεπαιρ διρτ χαρτ 436.00.536.200.31 191.63 Τοταλ : 191.63 40783510/3/2011 170090 Γ Ο Σ ΠΡΙΝΤΙΝΓ ΧΟΡΠ76910 ΩΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΣΗΟΩ ΣΗΟΠΠΙΝΓ ΒΑΓΣ − ΤΟΥΡΙΣΜ 104.00.557.300.41 500.93 77007 ΠΟΣΤΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΩΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΣΗΟΩ − ΤΟΥΡΙΣΜ ΒΟΑΡ∆104.00.557.300.41 94.89 77073 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 107.51 Τοταλ : 703.33 40783610/3/2011 012454 ΓΟΟ∆ΒΨΕ ΓΡΑΦΦΙΤΙ ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ14722 ΕςΕΡ ΧΛΕΑΝ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜ ΦΟΡ ΤΕΡΜΙΑΝΛ ΠΑΡΚ 001.33.576.100.41 588.02 14724 ΕςΕΡ ΧΛΕΑΝ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜ ΦΟΡ 611 28ΤΗ ΣΤ ΝΕ 001.33.576.100.41 752.27 14725 ΕςΕΡ ΧΛΕΑΝ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜ ΑΤ 909 Ν. 9ΤΗ ΣΤ ΣΕ 001.33.576.100.41 821.25 14726 ΕςΕΡ ΧΛΕΑΝ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜ ΦΟΡ 918 ∀Η∀ ΣΤ ΣΕ 001.33.576.100.41 555.17 14727 ΕςΕΡ ΧΛΕΑΝ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜ ΑΤ 405 Ε ΣΤΡΕΕΤ ΝΕ 001.33.576.100.41 358.07 14728 ΕςΕΡ ΧΛΕΑΝ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜ ΦΟΡ 411 Ε ΣΤΡΕΕΤ ΝΕ 001.33.576.100.41 423.77 29 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 30 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 3,498.55 40783610/3/2011012454012454 ΓΟΟ∆ΒΨΕ ΓΡΑΦΦΙΤΙ ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ 40783710/3/2011 171620 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ, ΙΝΧ516884 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.31 47.83 516955 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 4.24 517373 16 θυαρτσ οφ οιλ φορ χεµετερψ υσε.436.00.536.200.31 78.23 517421 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.141.100 17.72 517483 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.31 −65.15 517578 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.141.100 196.16 517851 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ 001.33.576.100.31 5.35 517865 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ 001.33.576.100.31 104.64 517887 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.141.100 5.21 517964 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.141.100 10.42 517986 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ 001.33.576.100.31 23.41 518217 30 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 31 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40783710/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)171620 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ, ΙΝΧ ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.35 22.27 518225 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.35 50.55 518426 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ 001.33.576.100.31 19.04 518645 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ 001.33.576.100.31 17.94 518791 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ 001.33.576.100.31 14.65 519465 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ: ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 437.00.576.600.31 86.64 519466 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ: ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 437.00.576.600.31 26.92 Τοταλ : 666.07 40783810/3/2011 019912 ΓΡΑΨ ΛΥΜΒΕΡ ΧΟ.25492 Χ412Α0 ΑΕΠ ΒΟΑΡ∆ΩΑΛΚ ΠΡΟϑΕΧΤ ΣΤΡΥΧΤΥΡΕ 321.00.576.802.65 56.02 Α∆∆Λ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 321.00.576.802.65 0.10 Α∆∆Λ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 321.237.200 −0.10 Τοταλ : 56.02 40783910/3/2011 005075 ΓΡΕΑΣΕ ΜΟΝΚΕΨ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ #47484384 Οιλ χηανγε φορ Χηεϖρολετ Χολοραδο 436.00.536.200.31 41.38 31 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 32 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 41.38 40783910/3/2011005075005075 ΓΡΕΑΣΕ ΜΟΝΚΕΨ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ #474 40784010/3/2011 017232 ΓΡΕΕΝ ΑΠΠΛΕ ΓΡΑΠΗΙΧΣΩΡΤΡΑΙΛ/∆ΕΠΟΣΙΤ ΜΥΡΑΛ ΟΝ ΩΗΙΤΕ ΡΙςΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΛ − Ρ ΣΤΡΕΕΤ 001.33.576.100.41 1,500.00 Τοταλ : 1,500.00 40784110/3/2011 172290 ΓΡΕΕΝ ΡΙςΕΡ ΧΟΜΜ ΧΟΛΛΕΓΕ114623 Χερτιφιχατιον Χλασσ φορ Βρεντ Ρανκιν ον 430.00.534.800.49 305.00 Τοταλ : 305.00 40784210/3/2011 180120 Η ∆ ΦΟΩΛΕΡ ΧΟ12984572 ΙΡΡΙΓΑΤΙΟΝ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 437.00.576.600.31 299.05 12986539 ΙΡΡΙΓΑΤΙΟΝ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 437.00.576.600.31 808.82 Τοταλ : 1,107.87 40784310/3/2011 009421 ΗΑΑΣ, ΚΑΡΕΝ Σ10/8/11ΠΕΡΦ ΣΤΟΡΨΤΕΛΛΙΝΓ − ΣΜΟΡΕ ΤΗΑΝ ΨΟΥ ΙΜΑΓΙΝΕ 001.33.574.240.41 350.00 Τοταλ : 350.00 40784410/3/2011 004932 ΗΑΜΙΛΤΟΝ, ΠΣ, ΡΟΒΕΡΤ090811ΙΝς ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 9/8/11;001.13.512.500.41 275.00 090911ΙΝς ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 9/8/11;001.13.512.500.41 137.50 091611ΙΝς ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 9/8/11;001.13.512.500.41 37.50 091911ΙΝς ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 9/8/11;001.13.512.500.41 37.50 32 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 33 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 487.50 40784410/3/2011004932004932 ΗΑΜΙΛΤΟΝ, ΠΣ, ΡΟΒΕΡΤ 40784510/3/2011 180640 ΗΑΝΝΙΤΨ, ∆ΑςΙ∆090611ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.522.220.25 124.00 Τοταλ : 124.00 40784610/3/2011 017249 ΗΑΣΗ, ΕΡΙΝ 090911ΡΕΙΜΒ ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ ΡΕΙΜΒ 7/29−9/09 001.33.575.300.43 78.25 Τοταλ : 78.25 40784710/3/2011 017948 ΗΑΣΣΑΝ, ΒΥΡΗΑΝ091211ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 40784810/3/2011 181230 ΗΕΑ∆−ΘΥΑΡΤΕΡΣ24435 ΠΟΡΤΑΒΛΕ ΤΟΙΛΕΤ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ, ΒΑΣΕΒΑΛΛ ΤΟΥΡ 001.33.576.100.45 788.00 24437 ΠΟΡΤΑΒΛΕ ΤΟΙΛΕΤ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ ΜΥΣΕΥΜ 001.33.575.300.45 160.50 24492 Πορταβλε τοιλετ σερϖιχε 436.00.536.200.31 74.50 Τοταλ : 1,023.00 40784910/3/2011 005843 ΗΙΝΣΗΑΩ∋Σ ΜΟΤΟΡΧΨΧΛΕ ΣΤΟΡΕ95868631 ΗΙΝΣΗΑΩ∋Σ ΜΟΤΟΡΧΨΧΛΕ ΣΤΟΡΕ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.680.35 16.01 99414419 Υνιτ Π066Χ 2009 Ηονδα ΣΤ1300ΠΑ Πολιχε 550.00.590.100.64 14,600.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.590.100.64 1,430.80 33 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 34 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 16,046.81 40784910/3/2011005843005843 ΗΙΝΣΗΑΩ∋Σ ΜΟΤΟΡΧΨΧΛΕ ΣΤΟΡΕ 40785010/3/2011 183150 ΗΥΜΑΝ ΡΕΣΟΥΡΧΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΝΩ092611ΙΝς ΥΝΕΜΠΛΟΨΜΕΝΤ ΧΟΜΠΕΝΣΑΤΙΟΝ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ 501.00.517.700.41 207.00 Τοταλ : 207.00 40785110/3/2011 183210 ΗΥΣΕΒΨ, ΡΙΧΗΑΡ∆090311ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.522.210.25 204.00 Τοταλ : 204.00 40785210/3/2011 183300 ΗΨ∆ΡΑΥΛΙΧ ΙΝΣΤΑΛΛΑΤΙΟΝ65257 ΗΨ∆ΡΑΥΛΙΧ ΙΝΣΤΑΛΛΑΤΙΟΝ & ΡΕΠΑΙΡ, ΙΝΧ./550.00.548.680.48 96.55 Τοταλ : 96.55 40785310/3/2011 230000 ΙΧΟΝ ΜΑΤΕΡΙΑΛΣ ΧΟΡΠ50−1613134 ΙΧΟΝ ΜΑΤΕΡΙΑΛΣ: 200 ΤΟΝΣ ΟΦ ΓΡΕΕΝΣ ΑΝ∆437.00.576.600.31 173.00 ΙΧΟΝ: ΣΑΝ∆ ΜΑΤΕΡΙΑΛΣ 437.00.576.600.31 411.14 50−1615352 ΙΧΟΝ ΜΑΤΕΡΙΑΛΣ ΧΟΡΠ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.42.542.300.31 223.85 ΙΧΟΝ ΜΑΤΕΡΙΑΛΣ ΧΟΡΠ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.31 522.33 Τοταλ : 1,330.32 40785410/3/2011 190330 ΙΚΟΝ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΟΛΥΤΙΟΝΣ85488708 ΙΚΟΝ ΧΟΠΙΕΡΣ ΛΕΑΣΕ 9/1/11 το 9/30/11∼518.00.518.880.45 6,468.52 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.45 614.51 Τοταλ : 7,083.03 40785510/3/2011 190330 ΙΚΟΝ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΟΛΥΤΙΟΝΣ5020181925 34 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 35 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40785510/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)190330 ΙΚΟΝ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΟΛΥΤΙΟΝΣ Ικον Χοπιερ Υσαγε φορ Σεπτεµβερ∼518.00.518.880.45 2,731.55 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.45 259.50 Τοταλ : 2,991.05 40785610/3/2011 190360 ΙΜΑΓΕ ΜΑΣΤΕΡΣ ΙΝΧ105985 ΙΜΑΓΕ ΜΑΣΤΕΡΣ ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 431.00.535.800.31 103.48 Τοταλ : 103.48 40785710/3/2011 019646 ΙΝΧΗ, ΡΙΧΗΑΡ∆ ∆091911ΙΝς ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−ΧΛΑΥ∆ΙΑ ςΕΛΑΣΘΥΕΖ∋119.00.559.200.63 2,636.86 Τοταλ : 2,636.86 40785810/3/2011 007855 ΙΝΤΕΓΡΑ ΤΕΛΕΧΟΜ8748080 Ιντεγρα Τελεχοµ − Βυσινεσσ τελεπηονε &518.00.518.880.42 800.35 Τοταλ : 800.35 40785910/3/2011 015621 ΙΝΤΕΡΧΟΜ ΛΑΝΓΥΑΓΕ ΣΕΡς, ΙΝΧ11−163 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #11−163 ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ 001.13.512.500.41 637.50 Τοταλ : 637.50 40786010/3/2011 004145 ΙΝΤΕΡΩΕΣΤ ∆ΕςΕΛΟΠΜΕΝΤ ΝΩ, ΙΝΧ80987 2.39 Τον οφ 5/8 µινυσ ροχκ.436.00.536.200.31 37.69 Τοταλ : 37.69 40786110/3/2011 113950 ΙΡΟΝ ΜΤΝ ΟΦΦ−ΣΙΤΕ ∆ΑΤΑ ΠΡΟΤΕΧΤ103311003 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ∼518.00.518.880.49 305.79 Τοταλ : 305.79 35 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 36 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40786210/3/2011 017804 ϑΑΝ ΗΟΨ ∆ΕΣΙΓΝ40866 ∆ΕΣΙΓΝ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ ΜΥΣΕΥΜ 001.33.575.300.41 1,050.00 Τοταλ : 1,050.00 40786310/3/2011 017188 ϑΑΣΟΝ ΕΝΓΙΝΕΕΡΙΝΓ & ΧΟΝΣΥΛΤΙΝΓ11006−003 ϑασον Ενγινεερινγ, Βλανκετ ΠΟ, ΤΡΑΝΣΦΕΡ 430.00.590.100.68 120.00 11016−001 Ρεθυισιτιον, ϑασον Ενγινεερινγ, Προϕεχτ 431.00.590.100.68 720.00 Τοταλ : 840.00 40786410/3/2011 201200 ϑΧΙ ϑΟΝΕΣ ΧΗΕΜΙΧΑΛΣ ΙΝΧ521379 ϑΧΙ ϑΟΝΕΣ ΧΗΕΜΙΧΑΛΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.31 1,813.69 521380 ϑΧΙ ϑΟΝΕΣ ΧΗΕΜΙΧΑΛΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.31 1,235.00 521449 ϑΧΙ ϑΟΝΕΣ ΧΗΕΜΙΧΑΛΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.31 −600.00 521450 ϑΧΙ ϑΟΝΕΣ ΧΗΕΜΙΧΑΛΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.31 −400.00 522590 ϑΧΙ ϑΟΝΕΣ ΧΗΕΜΙΧΑΛΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.31 1,814.07 522622 ϑΧΙ ϑΟΝΕΣ ΧΗΕΜΙΧΑΛΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.31 −600.00 Τοταλ : 3,262.76 40786510/3/2011 019628 ϑΟΗΝ Σ ΡΕΑΛΤΨ009757 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 1119 Ρ ΣΤ ΝΩ430.233.100 18.53 36 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 37 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 18.53 40786510/3/2011019628019628 ϑΟΗΝ Σ ΡΕΑΛΤΨ 40786610/3/2011 020130 ϑΟΗΝΣΟΝ, ΠΑΥΛ011705 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 1301 67ΤΗ ΣΤ ΣΕ #12Α 431.233.100 115.26 Τοταλ : 115.26 40786710/3/2011 020134 ϑΟΗΝΣΟΝ, ΩΙΝΣΤΟΝ028333 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 12027 ΣΕ 313ΤΗ ΛΝ 430.233.100 234.52 Τοταλ : 234.52 40786810/3/2011 020143 ϑΟΝΕΣ, ΧΑΣΗ063328 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 1920 69ΤΗ ΣΤ ΣΕ 431.233.100 133.26 Τοταλ : 133.26 40786910/3/2011 018264 ϑΥΣΤ ΦΟΡ ΛΑΥΓΗΣ10/07/11ΠΕΡΦ ΧΟΜΕ∆Ψ ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΑΝΧΕ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ ΑςΕ ΟΝ 001.33.575.280.41 1,600.00 Τοταλ : 1,600.00 40787010/3/2011 018308 Κ & Α ΛΑΝ∆ΣΧΑΠΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΛΛΧ105 ΤΗΡΕΕ ΩΑΨ−−−Οπεν πυρχηασε ορδερ 001.33.576.100.31 62.42 Τοταλ : 62.42 40787110/3/2011 005949 Κ Χ Α∆ΜΙΝ ΒΛ∆ΓΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕΣ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕΣ−ΛΙΕΝΣ 430.00.534.110.41 868.00 Τοταλ : 868.00 40787210/3/2011 210360 Κ Χ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ1625316 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ∼518.00.518.880.42 471.00 1627212 ΚΙΝΓ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 37 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 38 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40787210/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)210360 Κ Χ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ 431.00.535.800.49 118.37 Τοταλ : 589.37 40787310/3/2011 019940 ΚΑΜΠΛΕΨ, ΚΕςΙΝ & ΦΙΟΝΑ066951 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 5227 ΦΡΑΝΧΙΣ ΧΤ ΣΕ 430.233.100 82.61 Τοταλ : 82.61 40787410/3/2011 020147 ΚΑΡΝΑΤΗ, ΚΕΝ & ΣΥΕ ΕΣΤΡΑ∆Α067215 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 2411 17ΤΗ ΣΤ ΣΕ 430.233.100 43.66 Τοταλ : 43.66 40787510/3/2011 211585 ΚΕΛΛΨ, ϑΙΜ 092111ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.517.210.25 20.00 Τοταλ : 20.00 40787610/3/2011 212140 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ 0954 ΜΧΒΕΕ − ΕΝ∆ΟΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΣΤΑΜΠ 001.14.514.230.31 66.27 ΩΦΟΑ ΧΟΝΦ − ΑΙΡΦΑΡΕ, ΣΗΕΛΛΕΨ & ΡΗΟΝ∆Α 001.14.514.100.43 179.40 ΩΦΟΑ ΧΟΝΦ − ΑΙΡΦΑΡΕ, ΣΗΕΛΛΕΨ & ΡΗΟΝ∆Α 001.14.514.230.43 179.40 2769 Κεψ Βανκ Χηαργε, ΙΤΕ, Ορδερ Νο. 50711,001.32.532.200.49 610.40 Κεψ Βανκ Χηαργε, Σαφεωαψ, 2 σεπερατε 001.32.532.200.31 144.83 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.32.532.200.49 57.99 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −57.99 3650 38 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 39 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40787610/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)212140 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ ΚεψΒανκ ΜαστερΧαρδ χηαργεσ∼001.15.515.100.43 404.85 Ηεαλτη Πορτ∼001.356.903 31.68 ςιταλ Στατιστιχσ∼001.15.515.100.49 51.00 3668 ΟΛΨΜΠΙΧ ΓΑΜΕ ΦΑΡΜ − ΤΕΕΝ ΤΡΙΠ ΤΗΙΝΓ 001.33.574.240.49 123.00 ΝΡΠΑ − ΠΑΜ ΓΑΛΛΙΟΝ 001.33.574.220.49 55.00 ΛΙΤΤΛΕ ΧΑΕΣΑΡΣ ΠΙΖΖΑ − ∆ΑΨΧΑΜΠ 001.33.574.240.43 32.74 ϑΟΑΝΝ ΦΑΒΡΙΧΣ, ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΒΙΡΤΗ∆ΑΨ 001.33.574.240.31 39.35 ΤΑΧΟΜΑ ΡΑΙΝΙΕΡΣ ΓΑΜΕ, ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛΙΖΕ∆ ΡΕΧ 001.33.574.240.49 308.45 ΛΙΤΤΛΕ ΧΑΕΣΑΡΣ ΠΙΖΖΑ − ΒΙΡΤΗ∆ΑΨ ΠΑΡΤΨ 001.33.574.240.31 22.00 ∆ΕΧΕΠΤΙΟΝ ΠΑΣΣ ΤΟΥΡΣ, ΤΕΕΝ ΤΡΙΠ ΤΗΙΝΓ 001.33.574.240.49 67.57 ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΩΕΣΤ ΑΥ∆ΙΟ 001.33.575.280.48 38.26 ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ, ΤΕΕΝ ΤΡΙΠ ΤΗΙΝΓ 001.33.574.240.43 8.00 ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ ΠΑΡΚΣ, ΧΟΛΜΑΝ ΠΟΟΛ 001.33.574.240.31 59.75 ΛΙΤΤΛΕ ΧΑΕΣΑΡΣ ΠΙΖΖΑ − ΒΙΡΤΗ∆ΑΨ ΠΑΡΤΨ 001.33.574.240.31 22.00 ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ ΠΑΡΚΣ, ΧΟΛΜΑΝ ΠΟΟΛ 001.33.574.240.49 76.00 ΡΙ∆Ε ΤΗΕ ∆ΥΧΚ 001.33.574.240.49 421.69 ΡΟΤΑΡΨ ΛΥΝΧΗΕΟΝ − ΦΑΒΕΡ 39 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 40 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40787610/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)212140 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ 001.33.574.100.43 15.00 ΣΑΦΕΩΑΨ, ΦΥΕΛ 001.33.574.220.43 60.40 ΧΟΝΦΕΡΕΝΧΕ ΡΕΓΙΣΤΡΑΤΙΟΝ − ΜΑΙϑΑ ΜΧΚΝΙΓΗΤ 001.33.573.201.43 210.00 ΣΟΥΤΗΧΕΝΤΕΡ ΤΗΕΑΤΕΡ, ΤΕΕΝ ΤΡΙΠ ΤΗΙΝΓ 001.33.574.240.49 220.00 ΓΡΕΕΝΛΑΚΕ ΒΟΑΤ ΡΕΝΤΑΛΣ, ΤΕΕΝ ΤΡΙΠ ΤΗΙΝΓ 001.33.574.240.41 90.00 ΝΡΠΑ ΡΕΝΕΩΑΛ ΦΕΕ − ΠΑΜ ΓΑΛΛΙΟΝ 001.33.574.220.49 65.00 ΗΑΨ ΦΟΡ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΓΟΟ∆ ΟΛ ∆ΑΨΣ ΠΑΡΑ∆Ε,001.11.513.100.49 61.23 3676 ΠΛΑΝΝΙΝΓ ΧΟΜΜΙΣΣΙΟΝ ΩΟΡΚΣΗΟΠ ∆ΙΝΝΕΡ ΦΟΡ 001.17.558.100.49 53.17 χ412α0 ΑΕΠ ΒΟΑΡ∆ΩΑΛΚ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΝΕΕ∆Ε∆321.00.576.802.65 37.19 6976 ΑΤ&Τ ∆ατα − Αυτο ρενεω ∆ΟΜ 250 ΜΒ φορ 518.00.518.880.42 14.99 ΣΑΜΣ ΧΛΥΒ χηαιρσ/ταβλεσ φορ µεετινγ 518.00.518.880.35 1,601.85 Φρψ∋σ Ελεχτρονιχσ ΑΧΟΜ∆ΑΤΑ 3.5∀ ΥΣΒ 2.0 518.00.518.880.35 65.68 Ιντερνετ Μεγα Μεετινγ − Μοντηλψ Παψµεντ 518.00.518.880.49 45.00 Χ∆ΩΓ − 2 Σταρτεχη Η∆ΜΙ Αδαπτερ ΜΦΓ#001.32.532.200.35 115.60 Μιχροσοφτ τεχη συππορτ 518.00.518.880.41 259.00 ΑΤ&Τ ∆ατα − Αυτο ρενεω ∆ΟΜ 250 ΜΒ φορ 518.00.518.880.42 14.99 Ηεαρτλανδ Σερϖιχεσ− Σπαρε λαπτοπ 40 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 41 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40787610/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)212140 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ 518.00.518.880.48 185.00 Τεχηνιχαλ Χαβλε Αππλιχατιονσ −518.00.518.880.35 49.28 ΠΟΛΨΧΟΜ, ΙΝΧ. Πηονε συππορτ 518.00.518.880.49 300.00 Τεχηνιχαλ Χαβλε Αππλιχατιονσ − 1 −66 518.00.518.880.35 19.66 ΑΤ&Τ ∆ατα − Αυτο ρενεω ∆ΟΜ 250 ΜΒ φορ 518.00.518.880.42 14.99 ΑΤ&Τ ∆ατα − Ιντερνατιοναλ Πλαν 125ΜΒ 518.00.518.880.42 49.99 Μιχροσοφτ Τεχη Συππορτ 518.00.518.880.41 259.00 Γο∆αδδψ.χοµ − Στανδαρδ (Τυρβο) ΣΣΛ 518.00.518.880.49 299.94 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 518.00.518.880.49 28.49 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 518.237.200 −28.49 8360 ΧΡΕ∆ΙΤ ΧΑΡ∆ ΥΣΑΓΕ∼001.13.516.100.44 50.00 ΟΡΧΑ ΧΑΡ∆Σ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 2011 001.13.516.100.49 1,150.00 ΜΕΤΡΟ ΤΙΧΚΕΤΣ − 10 ΒΟΟΚΣ ΟΦ 20 ΕΑΧΗ 001.13.512.510.49 600.00 ΧΡΕ∆ΙΤ ΧΑΡ∆ ΥΣΑΓΕ∼505.00.524.500.48 161.00 ΦΙΡΣΤ ΑΙ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 505.00.524.500.31 20.00 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 505.00.524.500.48 15.30 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 505.237.200 −15.30 41 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 42 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40787610/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)212140 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ 9738 ΗΟΛΙ∆ΑΨ ΙΝΝ − ΩΕΝΑΤΧΗΕΕ − ΓΟΕΤΗΑΛΣ −001.21.521.200.43 348.96 ΑΛΑΣΚΑ ΑΙΡ − ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ ΤΟ Νϑ − ∆ΑΡΕ 001.21.521.230.49 611.40 ΧΠΡ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ − ΜΑΝΝΕΘΥΙΝΣ 001.21.521.100.31 224.31 Χαβλε φορ σατ πηονε δοχκινγ στατιον 001.21.525.100.42 62.50 Σηιππινγ χηαργεσ φορ δοχκινγ στατιον 001.21.525.100.42 10.95 Ταξ φορ χαβλε φορ σατ πηονε δοχκινγ 001.21.525.100.42 5.94 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.21.521.100.31 21.31 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −21.31 Τοταλ : 10,293.66 40787710/3/2011 006331 ΚΙΝΓ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ00424669 ΚΙΝΓ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ΡΑ∆ΙΟ ΧΟΜΜΥΝΙΧΑΤΙΟΝ 550.00.548.680.48 538.15 Τοταλ : 538.15 40787810/3/2011 008046 ΚΙΝΓ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ ΧΟΥΡΤΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕ/∆ΡΑΚΕ εξ−παρτε φιλινγ φεε / ∆ρακε λαωσυιτ 430.00.534.110.41 20.00 Τοταλ : 20.00 40787910/3/2011 008046 ΚΙΝΓ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ ΧΟΥΡΤΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕ/ΑΣΛΑΝΨΑΝ εξ−παρτε φιλινγ φεε / Ασλανψαν λαωσυιτ 430.00.534.110.41 20.00 Τοταλ : 20.00 40788010/3/2011 008046 ΚΙΝΓ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ ΧΟΥΡΤΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕ/ΤΗΟΜΑΣ 42 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 43 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40788010/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)008046 ΚΙΝΓ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ ΧΟΥΡΤ εξ−παρτε φιλινγ φεε / Τηοµασ λαωσυιτ 430.00.534.110.41 20.00 Τοταλ : 20.00 40788110/3/2011 008046 ΚΙΝΓ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ ΧΟΥΡΤΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕ/ΤΗΟΜΠΣΟΝ εξ−παρτψ φιλινγ φεε/Τηοµπσον Μγµτ 430.00.534.110.41 20.00 Τοταλ : 20.00 40788210/3/2011 211210 ΚΙΝΓ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ΥΜΠΙΡΕΣ ΑΣΣΟΧ090711ΙΝς ΥΜΠΙΡΕ ΦΕΕΣ ϑΥΛΨ 001.33.574.240.41 2,334.66 ΥΜΠΙΡΕ ΦΕΕΣ ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 001.33.574.240.41 3,344.67 ΥΜΠΙΡΕ ΦΕΕΣ ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 001.33.574.240.41 2,344.67 Τοταλ : 8,024.00 40788310/3/2011 013136 ΚΙΡΩΙΝ, ΡΟΧΚΨ091511ΡΕΙΜΒ ΠΑΡΚ ΕΝΤΡΑΝΧΕ ΦΕΕ / ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΤΡΙΠ 651.237.141 191.07 092311ΡΕΙΜΒ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΩΕΛΛΝΕΣΣ ΦΑΙΡ 001.33.574.210.31 142.35 Τοταλ : 333.42 40788410/3/2011 019490 ΚΠΦΦ ΧΟΝΣΥΛΤΙΝΓ ΕΝΓΙΝΕΕΡΣ0811−111079 ΑΓ−Χ−402 Βριδγε Λοαδ Ρατινγ Προϕεχτ 102.00.594.420.65 9,152.66 Τοταλ : 9,152.66 40788510/3/2011 018685 ΚΠΓ, ΙΝΧ.72211 ΑΓ−Χ−383 Σουτη ∆ιϖισιον Στρεετ Προµεναδε 330.00.594.100.65 20,756.48 ΧΠ1005, Σουτη ∆ιϖισιον Στρεετ 43 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 44 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40788510/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)018685 ΚΠΓ, ΙΝΧ.330.00.594.100.65 494.27 Τοταλ : 21,250.75 40788610/3/2011 003712 ΚΡΑΖΑΝ & ΑΣΣΟΧΙΑΤΕΣ, ΙΝΧ.0668032−1274 ΑΓ−Σ−043,ΧΠ0817Β− Ελλινγσον Σεωερ Πυµπ 431.00.590.100.68 817.05 0668123−1274 ΑΓ−Σ−043, Λακελανδ Ηιλλσ Βοοστερ Πυµπ 430.00.590.100.68 1,682.60 0668124−1274 ΑΓ−Σ−043 Ωηιτε Ριϖερ Στορµ Πυµπ Στατιον 432.00.590.100.68 835.90 Τοταλ : 3,335.55 40788710/3/2011 010586 ΛΑΚΕΣ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ, ΙΝΧ.00011697 ΛΑΚΕΣ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 431.00.535.800.41 157.68 Τοταλ : 157.68 40788810/3/2011 220480 ΛΑΚΕΣΙ∆Ε ΙΝ∆ΥΣΤΡΙΕΣ, ΙΝΧ12031369ΜΒ ΛΑΚΕΣΙ∆Ε ΙΝ∆ΥΣΤΡΙΕΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.42.542.300.31 1,063.99 Τοταλ : 1,063.99 40788910/3/2011 020034 ΛΑΝ∆ΣΧΑΠΕ ΣΤΡΥΧΤΥΡΕΣ ΙΝΧ.Μ89832 Φορ ΕςΟΣ ∆εσιγν #2983 φορ Σηαυγηνεσσψ 119.00.559.200.63 25,798.31 Τοταλ : 25,798.31 40789010/3/2011 017810 ΛΕ, ∆ΑΝ Η.080811ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.510.41 80.00 082211ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.500.41 80.00 082911ΙΝς 44 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 45 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40789010/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)017810 ΛΕ, ∆ΑΝ Η.ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.500.41 80.00 Τοταλ : 240.00 40789110/3/2011 020141 ΛΕΜΜΟΝ, ∆ΑΝΙΕΛ & ΑΝΝΑΛΙΕΣΕ060261 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 1412 10ΤΗ ΣΤ ΝΕ 430.233.100 52.43 Τοταλ : 52.43 40789210/3/2011 221710 ΛΕΣ ΣΧΗΩΑΒ ΤΙΡΕΣ542304 Νεω Τιρεσ ον 2008 Χολοραδο.436.00.536.200.31 708.42 Τοταλ : 708.42 40789310/3/2011 014875 ΛΕςΕΡΑΓΕ ΙΝΦΟΡΜΑΤΙΟΝ ΣΨΣΤΕΜΣ1134694 Χισχο ςοΙΠ πηονε σψστεµ υπγραδεσ φορ 518.00.518.880.64 3,506.10 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.64 333.08 1134717 Χισχο ςοΙΠ πηονε σψστεµ υπγραδεσ φορ 518.00.518.880.64 3,596.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.64 341.62 1134718 Χισχο ςοΙΠ πηονε σψστεµ υπγραδεσ φορ 518.00.518.880.64 37.44 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.64 3.56 1134924 Χισχο ςοΙΠ πηονε σψστεµ υπγραδεσ φορ 518.00.518.880.64 2,791.68 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.64 265.21 45 Παγε:CA.B CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 47 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40789710/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΗΧΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 58.69 14008 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΗΧΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 30.64 14016 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΗΧΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 5.44 14083 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.35 36.54 14148 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΗΧΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 22.50 14343 Λοωεσ, Ινϖοιχε Νο. 14343, Μισχ Στορµ432.00.535.100.35 72.63 14476 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΗΧΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 7.64 14578 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.31 7.10 14589 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΗΧΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 9.43 14673 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.31 3.68 14675 ΜΙΣΧ. ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ 001.33.576.100.31 101.70 14782 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΗΧΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 55.74 47 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 48 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40789710/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ 14802 ΛΟΩΕΣ: ΣΠΡΙΝΓ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΜΜΕΡ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 437.00.576.680.31 43.62 14807 ΜΙΣΧ. ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ 001.33.576.100.31 12.34 14808 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.31 28.32 14968 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.590.100.64 21.88 15920 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.590.100.64 18.65 15921 ΜΙΣΧ. ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ 001.33.576.100.31 7.57 17729 Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε.436.00.536.200.31 92.51 23019 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.31 45.71 23102 ΜΙΣΧ. ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ 001.33.576.100.31 42.40 23808 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 431.00.535.800.31 25.92 23845 ΜΙΣΧ. ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ 001.33.576.100.31 1.82 23936 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 48 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 49 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40789710/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ 430.00.534.800.35 34.09 24073 ΜΙΣΧ. ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ 001.33.576.100.31 24.70 24078 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΗΧΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 44.11 24097 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΗΧΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 204.77 24243 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΗΧΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 6.38 24278 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 431.00.535.800.31 45.37 24302 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΗΧΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 20.76 24322 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 431.00.535.800.31 3.60 24367 ΜΙΣΧ. ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ 001.33.576.100.31 81.46 24380 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.42.542.300.31 108.38 24484 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.31 146.51 24486 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΗΧΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 225.92 24488 49 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 50 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40789710/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ ΜΙΣΧ. ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ 001.33.576.100.31 7.81 24491 Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε.436.00.536.200.31 29.11 24496 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΗΧΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 2.35 24510 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 432.00.535.900.35 18.66 24518 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.42.542.300.31 6.08 24574 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 432.00.535.900.31 31.95 24602 ΜΙΣΧ. ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ 001.33.576.100.31 18.23 24623 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.31 46.37 24658 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.150.35 28.78 24659 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.42.542.300.31 43.58 24683 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΗΧΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 14.17 24724 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.150.35 22.18 50 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 51 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40789710/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ 24756 Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε.436.00.536.200.31 46.17 24763 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.42.542.300.31 55.06 24777 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΗΧΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 101.29 24824 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΗΧΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 44.70 24867 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΗΧΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 133.31 24882 ΜΙΣΧ. ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ 001.33.576.100.31 261.08 24916 Λοωεσ, Ινϖοιχε Νο. 24916, Μισχ Στορµ430.00.534.100.49 17.86 24971 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.590.100.64 4.52 24972 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.150.35 37.78 25577 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 432.00.535.900.35 767.66 25913 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.42.542.300.31 23.08 43794 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 51 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 52 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40789710/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ 430.00.534.800.35 31.51 Τοταλ : 3,595.61 40789810/3/2011 012034 ΛΟΖΙΕΡ, ΡΑ∆ΙΝΕ09/21/11ΠΧ ΟΠΕΝ ΠΕΤΤΨ ΧΑΣΗ ΡΕΙΜ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.210.31 75.29 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΕΤΤΨ ΧΑΣΗ ΡΕΙΜ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.210.49 10.00 Τοταλ : 85.29 40789910/3/2011 010463 ΛΨΝ∆ΕΝ ΠΡΕΧΑΣΤ ΛΛΧ11581 Χρεµατιον λινερσ, γραϖε λινερσ ανδ 436.00.536.200.34 866.00 Τοταλ : 866.00 40790010/3/2011 020127 ΜΑΧΝΑΒ, ΤΟΜ071711ΙΝς ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΦΑΡΜΕΡ∋Σ ΜΑΡΚΕΤ 001.33.573.901.35 92.94 Τοταλ : 92.94 40790110/3/2011 017812 ΜΑΓΝΥΜ ΠΡΙΝΤ ΣΟΛΥΤΙΟΝΣ93832 ΗΠ Λϑ 4200 Τονερ 518.00.518.880.31 59.95 ΗΠ Λϑ 4250 Στανδαρδ Τονερ 518.00.518.880.31 119.90 Βροτηερ ΤΝ350 Τονερ 518.00.518.880.31 51.95 ΗΠ Λϑ ΩΞ Τονερ 518.00.518.880.31 59.95 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.31 27.72 94388 ΗΠ Λϑ Π4015 ηιγη ψειλδ τονερ−189.00∼518.00.518.880.31 233.83 Σαλεσ Ταξ 52 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 53 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40790110/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)017812 ΜΑΓΝΥΜ ΠΡΙΝΤ ΣΟΛΥΤΙΟΝΣ 518.00.518.880.31 22.21 94520 ΗΠ 4200 Φυσερ ω/ χορε εξχηανγε 518.00.518.880.48 239.00 Φλατ Λαβορ Ρατε 518.00.518.880.48 75.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.48 29.83 Τοταλ : 919.34 40790210/3/2011 233620 ΜΑΙΝ ΣΤΡΕΕΤ ΣΙΓΝΣ & ΓΡΑΠΗΙΧΣ4260 ΒΑΝΝΕΡΣ ΦΟΡ ΩΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΣΗΟΩ − ΑΥΒΥΡΝ 104.00.557.300.41 169.73 Τοταλ : 169.73 40790310/3/2011 020102 ΜΑΛΝΑΧΚ, ΣΤΕςΕΝ & ΜΑΡΙΛΨΝ059781 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 10512 ΣΕ 302Ν∆ ΣΤ 430.233.100 186.19 Τοταλ : 186.19 40790410/3/2011 020139 ΜΑΡΤΙΝΣΟΝ, ΜΙΧΗΕΛΛΕ & ϑΕΦΦ056686 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 1618 73Ρ∆ ΣΤ ΣΕ 431.233.100 36.40 Τοταλ : 36.40 40790510/3/2011 019499 ΜΑΨΕΣ ΤΕΣΤΙΝΓ ΕΝΓΙΝΕΕΡΣ ΙΝΧ0811Τ001061 Ρεθυισιτιον, Μαψερσ Τεστινγ Ενγινεερσ,430.00.590.100.68 975.00 Τοταλ : 975.00 40790610/3/2011 231440 ΜΧΧΑΙΝ ΤΡΑΦΦΙΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΨΙΝς0146682 ΜχΧαιν Τραφφιχ Συππλψ−5 Συργε 328.00.532.202.64 81.59 Τοταλ : 81.59 40790710/3/2011 002600 ΜΧΚΙΝΝΕΨ ΤΡΑΙΛΕΡΣ & ΧΟΝΤΑΙΝΕΡΣΤ48590 53 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 54 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40790710/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)002600 ΜΧΚΙΝΝΕΨ ΤΡΑΙΛΕΡΣ & ΧΟΝΤΑΙΝΕΡΣ Χ412Α0 ΑΕΠ ΒΟΑΡ∆ΩΑΛΚ ΡΕΝΤΑΛ ΙΝς τ48590 321.00.576.802.65 99.92 Τοταλ : 99.92 40790810/3/2011 231930 ΜΧΚΙΝΣΤΡΨ ΧΟ2299711 ϑΟΒ #286551 ΜΟςΕ ΡΕΦΡΙΓΕΡΑΝΤ ΛΙΝΕΣ ΑΝ∆505.00.524.500.48 907.76 2299811 ϑΟΒ #286899 ΝΟ ΗΕΑΤ ΦΡΟΜ ΗΕΑΤ ΧΟΙΛ −505.00.524.500.48 1,579.22 Σαλεσ Ταξ 505.00.524.500.48 150.03 2300011 ϑΟΒ #286982 ΧΗΕΧΚΕ∆ ΟΥΤ ΦΡΟΝΤ ΕΝ∆505.00.524.500.48 1,209.44 2300111 ϑΟΒ #287058 ΡΕΜΟςΕ∆ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΠΛΑΧΕ∆ ΦΛΟΩ505.00.524.500.48 965.61 Τοταλ : 4,812.06 40790910/3/2011 015872 ΜΧΚΝΙΓΗΤ, ΜΑΙϑΑ083111ΡΕΙΜΒ ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ / ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ ΩΑΑ ΧΟΝΦΕΡΕΝΧΕ ΑΝ∆001.33.573.201.43 31.65 ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ / ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ ΩΑΑ ΧΟΝΦΕΡΕΝΧΕ ΑΝ∆001.33.573.201.31 26.43 Τοταλ : 58.08 40791010/3/2011 231980 ΜΧΛΕΝ∆ΟΝ ΗΑΡ∆ΩΑΡΕ442603/3 ∆ΙΓΙΤΑΛ ΜΥΛΤΙΜΕΤΕΡ ΑΝ∆ ΕΞΤΡΑΧΤΟΡ ΒΙΤ ΣΕΤ 001.33.576.100.31 60.09 Τοταλ : 60.09 40791110/3/2011 017991 ΜΕΗΛ, ϑΥΛΙΕ09/16/11ΠΧ ΡΟΤΑΡΨ ΛΥΝΧΗΕΟΝ − ΦΑΒΕΡ 001.33.574.100.43 15.00 54 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 55 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40791110/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)017991 ΜΕΗΛ, ϑΥΛΙΕ ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ, ΤΕΕΝ ΤΡΙΠ ΤΗΙΝΓ 001.33.574.240.43 24.00 ΠΙΖΖΑ, ∆ΑΨΧΑΜΠ 001.33.574.240.43 65.49 ∆ΑΨ ΠΑΣΣ, ΑΠΕ ΧΑςΕΣ, ΤΕΕΝ ΤΡΙΠ ΤΗΙΝΓ 001.33.574.240.43 5.00 ΓΑΡ∆ΕΝ ΤΟΟΛΣ, ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛΙΖΕ∆ ΡΕΧΡΕΑΤΙΟΝ 001.33.574.240.31 4.38 ΠΡΕΤΖΕΛΣ ΦΟΡ ΨΓΧ 001.33.574.240.31 10.00 ΓΑΡ∆ΕΝ ΧΛΑΣΣ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ, ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛΙΖΕ∆ ΡΕΧ 001.33.574.240.31 3.29 ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ, ΡΕΙ ΡΟΧΚ ΧΛΙΜΒΙΝΓ 001.33.574.240.43 5.00 ΛΑΥΝ∆ΡΨ ΦΟΡ ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΡΑΧΚ, ΣΟΧΧΕΡ 001.33.574.240.49 26.50 ΒΙΧΨΧΛΕ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ ΦΟΡ ΣΟ ΧΨΧΛΙΝΓ ΤΕΑΜ,001.33.574.240.31 8.86 ΣΛΟΩ ΒΛΟΩ ΦΥΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΓΟΛΦ ΧΟΥΡΣΕ 437.00.576.600.31 14.18 ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ, ΩΙΛ∆ ΩΑςΕΣ, ΤΕΕΝ ΤΡΙΠ ΤΗΙΝΓ 001.33.574.240.43 20.00 ΑΥΓ 24 ΡΕΓΑΛ ΧΙΝΕΜΑ ΜΟςΙΕ ΒΑΛΑΝΧΕ, ΤΕΕΝ 001.33.574.240.49 10.50 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΒΑΛΛΟΟΝΣ, ΤΕΕΝ ΤΡΙΠ ΤΗΙΝΓ 001.33.574.240.31 1.62 ΠΟΠΧΟΡΝ ΦΟΡ ΤΕΕΝ ΧΟΝΧΕΣΣΙΟΝΣ, ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 19 001.33.574.240.31 25.00 ΠΟΠΧΟΡΝ ΦΟΡ ΟΛΨΜΠΙΧ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜ 001.33.574.240.31 10.70 Τοταλ : 249.52 40791210/3/2011 232610 ΜΕΤΡΟ (ΚΧ ∆ΕΠΤ ΟΦ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ)60034 ΣΕΩΕΡ ∆ΙΣΠΟΣΑΛ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ − ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 2011 55 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 56 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40791210/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)232610 ΜΕΤΡΟ (ΚΧ ∆ΕΠΤ ΟΦ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ)431.00.535.800.51 1,099,652.78 Τοταλ : 1,099,652.78 40791310/3/2011 232790 ΜΕΤΡΟΠΟΛΙΤΑΝ ΠΑΡΚ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ09/16/11ΙΝς ΕΝΤΡΨ ΦΕΕΣ ΦΟΡ ∆ΑΨΧΑΜΠ ΦΙΕΛ∆ ΤΡΙΠ ΤΟ 001.33.574.240.49 160.00 Τοταλ : 160.00 40791410/3/2011 233000 ΜΙΧΡΟΦΛΕΞ ΙΝΧ00020185 Αυγυστ 2011 ταξ αυδιτ προγραµ001.14.514.230.41 74.36 Τοταλ : 74.36 40791510/3/2011 016297 ΜΙΚΕ∋Σ ΤΡΑΠΠΙΝΓ090611ΙΝς ΜΙΚΕ∋Σ ΤΡΑΠΠΙΝΓ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ∼432.00.535.900.41 300.00 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 432.00.535.900.41 28.50 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 432.237.200 −28.50 Τοταλ : 300.00 40791610/3/2011 020140 ΜΙΚΣΟςΣΚΨ, ΤΙΜΟΤΗΨ & ΣΥΣΑΝ059281 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 6024 Σ 298ΤΗ ΠΛ 432.233.100 14.95 Τοταλ : 14.95 40791710/3/2011 018835 ΜΟΛΙΤΟΡΙΣ, ϑΟΗΝ ϑ.08/31/11ΙΝς ΠΡΟΦΕΣΣΙΟΝΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ ΦΟΡ 001.13.512.500.41 1,400.00 Τοταλ : 1,400.00 40791810/3/2011 014274 ΜΟΝΣΟΝ, ΤΡΙΣΗΑ10/03/11ΠΧ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ: ΧΟΦΦΕΕ ΦΟΡ ΑΙΡΠΟΡΤ Α∆ςΙΣΟΡΨ 001.14.514.100.31 28.48 ΠΛΑΝΝΙΝΓ: ΠΑΠΕΡ ΠΛΑΤΕΣ, ΝΑΠΚΙΝΣ ΑΝ∆56 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 57 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40791810/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)014274 ΜΟΝΣΟΝ, ΤΡΙΣΗΑ 001.17.558.100.31 20.94 ΠΛΑΝΝΙΝΓ: ΣΤΑΚΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΧΟ∆Ε ΕΝΦΟΡΧΕΜΕΝΤ 001.17.524.200.31 9.71 ΠΥΒΛΙΧ ΩΟΡΚΣ/ΕΝΓ: ΑΥ∆ΙΤΟΡ ΦΕΕΣ ΑΝ∆001.32.532.200.49 80.00 Τοταλ : 139.13 40791910/3/2011 019525 ΜΟΟΝ ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΙΝΧ533883 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΟΝΙΧ ΗΟΜΕ ΜΟΝΙΤΟΡΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.512.510.41 72.00 538797 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΟΝΙΧ ΗΟΜΕ ΜΟΝΙΤΟΡΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.512.510.41 372.00 538908 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΟΝΙΧ ΗΟΜΕ ΜΟΝΙΤΟΡΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.512.510.41 264.00 538918 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΟΝΙΧ ΗΟΜΕ ΜΟΝΙΤΟΡΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.512.510.41 360.00 539108 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΟΝΙΧ ΗΟΜΕ ΜΟΝΙΤΟΡΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.512.510.41 48.00 539473 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΟΝΙΧ ΗΟΜΕ ΜΟΝΙΤΟΡΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.512.510.41 216.00 543343 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΟΝΙΧ ΗΟΜΕ ΜΟΝΙΤΟΡΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.512.510.41 372.00 Τοταλ : 1,704.00 40792010/3/2011 012988 ΜΟΡΡΙΣ, ΧΗΡΙΣ083111ΡΕΙΜΒ ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ ΡΕΙΜΒ 1/1−8/31/11 437.00.576.680.49 565.37 Τοταλ : 565.37 57 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 58 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40792110/3/2011 020138 ΜΥΝΟΖ, ΒΑΡΤΟΛΟ055862 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 1626 33Ρ∆ ΠΛ ΣΕ 430.233.100 110.36 Τοταλ : 110.36 40792210/3/2011 241180 ΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΒΑΡΡΙΧΑ∆Ε ΧΟ, ΛΛΧ237673 Νατιοναλ Βαρριχαδε, Προϕεχτ Νο. ΧΠ0916,102.00.594.420.65 454.42 237738 Ωανχο Παρτ #101934−001 Λεξαν Ωινδοω Πανε 550.00.548.680.35 685.00 φρειγητ 550.00.548.680.35 150.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.680.35 79.33 237739 ΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΒΑΡΡΙΧΑ∆Ε ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 001.42.542.300.31 256.80 Τοταλ : 1,625.55 40792310/3/2011 018215 ΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΧΟΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ ΡΕΝΤΑΛΣ3267900 Χ412Α0 ΑΕΠ ΒΟΑΡ∆ΩΑΛΚ ΤΟΙΛΕΤ ΡΕΝΤΑΛ 321.00.576.802.65 89.50 Τοταλ : 89.50 40792410/3/2011 241800 ΝΑΤΛ ΑΛΛΙΑΝΧΕ ΦΟΡ ΨΟΥΤΗ ΣΠΟΡΤΣ21329 22 Τ−ΒΑΛΛ ΧΟΑΧΗ ΧΕΡΤΙΦΙΧΑΤΕΣ 001.33.574.240.49 40.00 21586 22 Τ−ΒΑΛΛ ΧΟΑΧΗ ΧΕΡΤΙΦΙΧΑΤΕΣ 001.33.574.240.49 275.00 Τοταλ : 315.00 40792510/3/2011 010474 ΝΕΤςΕΡΣΑΝΤ603−5479 φιβερ οπτιχ χαβλε & ασσοχιατεδ µατεριαλσ 518.00.518.880.64 27,746.56 58 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 59 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40792510/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)010474 ΝΕΤςΕΡΣΑΝΤ Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.64 2,441.70 603−5590 Νετϖερσαντ ινσταλλατιον οφ 288−χουντ 518.00.518.880.64 10,000.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.64 880.00 Τοταλ : 41,068.26 40792610/3/2011 242150 ΝΕΞΤΕΛ ΩΕΣΤ ΧΟΡΠ230388811−046 Χουρτ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.13.512.500.42 39.99 Πυβλιχ Ωορκσ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.32.532.200.42 139.97 Πυβλιχ Ωορκσ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 430.00.534.100.42 59.99 Πυβλιχ Ωορκσ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 431.00.535.100.42 59.99 Πυβλιχ Ωορκσ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 432.00.535.900.42 39.99 Πυβλιχ Ωορκσ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 432.00.535.100.42 59.97 Φινανχε Αιρχαρδ υσαγε 001.14.514.100.42 39.99 ΗΡ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.13.516.100.42 39.99 Αδµινιστρατιον Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.11.511.600.42 159.96 ΙΣ ανδ Σηαρεδ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 518.00.518.880.42 556.87 ΙΣ ανδ Σηαρεδ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 518.00.518.780.42 39.99 Λεγαλ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.15.515.100.42 159.96 59 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 60 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40792610/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)242150 ΝΕΞΤΕΛ ΩΕΣΤ ΧΟΡΠ Αδµινιστρατιον Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.11.513.100.42 162.96 Αδµινιστρατιον Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.17.557.200.42 79.98 Μυλτιµεδια Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 518.00.518.780.42 39.99 Πλαννινγ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.17.524.200.42 79.98 Πλαννινγ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.17.558.100.42 39.99 Πολιχε Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.21.521.200.42 1,759.56 Πολιχε Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.21.521.210.42 39.99 Πυβλιχ Ωορδσ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.32.532.200.42 39.99 Πυβλιχ Ωορδσ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.42.542.300.42 39.99 Πυβλιχ Ωορδσ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.42.543.100.42 159.96 Πυβλιχ Ωορδσ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 430.00.534.800.42 453.22 Πυβλιχ Ωορδσ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 431.00.535.800.42 333.25 Πυβλιχ Ωορδσ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 432.00.535.900.42 173.29 525712310−118 Χουρτ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.13.512.500.42 18.95 ∆ς Τεαµ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.21.521.230.42 49.88 Ενγινεερινγ/Μισχ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.32.532.200.42 753.77 Φινανχε Υτιλιτιεσ Χελλ Πηονε 60 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 61 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40792610/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)242150 ΝΕΞΤΕΛ ΩΕΣΤ ΧΟΡΠ 434.00.537.100.42 49.58 Φινανχε Υτιλιτιεσ Χελλ Πηονε 430.00.534.800.42 18.17 ΗΡ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.13.516.100.42 188.74 Φαχιλιτιεσ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 505.00.524.500.42 339.65 Πολιχε ∆επτ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.21.521.100.42 2,392.44 Πολιχε ∆επτ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.21.521.210.42 244.54 Πολιχε ∆επτ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.21.525.100.42 43.57 Πολιχε ∆επτ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 117.00.521.210.42 486.71 Παρκσ χελλ πηονε υσαγε 001.33.574.100.42 82.50 Ωατερ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 430.00.534.800.42 532.19 Στορµ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 432.00.535.900.42 305.72 Σεωερ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 431.00.535.800.42 328.58 ΣΟΣ Προγραµ Χελλ Πηονε 103.00.595.100.42 18.95 ΕΡ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 550.00.548.100.42 37.90 Προβατιον Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.13.512.510.42 17.87 Λεγαλ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.15.515.100.42 176.86 ΙΣ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 518.00.518.880.42 480.67 Πλαννινγ 61 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 62 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40792610/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)242150 ΝΕΞΤΕΛ ΩΕΣΤ ΧΟΡΠ 001.17.558.100.42 370.10 Βυιλδινγ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.17.524.200.42 172.73 Μαψορσ Οφφιχε 001.17.558.100.42 39.07 Μαψορσ Οφφιχε 001.11.513.100.42 213.86 Χοµµ Σϖχσ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.17.557.200.42 155.96 Χουνχιλ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.11.511.600.42 370.20 Μυλτιµεδια Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 518.00.518.780.42 76.37 Φινανχε Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.14.514.230.42 137.08 Παρκσ χελλ πηονε υσαγε 436.00.536.100.42 18.95 Παρκσ χελλ πηονε υσαγε 001.33.573.901.42 121.33 Παρκσ χελλ πηονε υσαγε 437.00.576.600.42 19.09 Στρεετ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.42.543.100.42 278.02 Παρκσ χελλ πηονε υσαγε 001.33.575.300.42 54.26 Παρκσ χελλ πηονε υσαγε 001.33.574.220.42 376.28 Παρκσ χελλ πηονε υσαγε 001.33.574.210.42 42.40 Παρκσ χελλ πηονε υσαγε 001.33.576.100.42 230.19 Τοταλ : 14,041.94 40792710/3/2011 242150 ΝΕΞΤΕΛ ΩΕΣΤ, ΧΟΡΠ724712312−118 62 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 63 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40792710/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)242150 ΝΕΞΤΕΛ ΩΕΣΤ, ΧΟΡΠ 2 Μοτορολα ΜΒ612 ∆εϖιχε Κιτ ≅ ∃99.99 518.00.518.880.35 777.40 Τοταλ : 777.40 40792810/3/2011 242150 ΝΕΞΤΕΛ ΧΟΜΜΥΝΙΧΑΤΙΟΝΣ864702496−031 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.212.42 45.41 Τοταλ : 45.41 40792910/3/2011 242500 ΝΟΡ∆ΙΧ ΧΟΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ ΙΝΧ11−12/#1 Χ410Α, Σουτη 277τη Στ Ρεχονστρυχτιον −102.00.594.420.65 5,093.39 ΡΕΤΑΙΝΑΓΕ 102.223.400 −232.58 Τοταλ : 4,860.81 40793010/3/2011 242580 ΝΟΡΜΕ∆05381−617630 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ, ∆ΙΣΠΟΣΑΒΛΕ, 58∀ Ξ 90∀001.21.521.200.31 86.76 ΗΑΝ∆ ΣΑΝΙΤΙΖΕΡ, Ω/ΑΛΟΕ, 8ΟΖ, ΗΑΡΤ 001.21.521.200.31 188.64 ΕΝςΙΡΟΧΙ∆Ε ∆ΙΣΙΝΦΕΧΤ ΠΥΜΠ, 8ΟΖ 001.21.521.200.31 64.32 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.21.521.200.31 32.27 Τοταλ : 371.99 40793110/3/2011 000533 ΝΟΡΣΤΑΡ ΙΝ∆ΥΣΤΡΙΕΣ, ΙΝΧ47135 ΝΟΡΣΤΑΡ ΙΝ∆ΥΣΤΡΙΕΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 432.00.535.900.31 90.83 Τοταλ : 90.83 40793210/3/2011 019435 ΝΟΡΤΗ ΛΑΚΕ ΤΑΠΠΣ ΠΑΡΤΝΕΡΣ ΛΛΧΡΕΦΥΝ∆ΟςΕΡΧΗΑΡΓΕ∆ ΙΜΠΑΧΤ ΦΕΕΣ/ 7 ΠΕΡΜΙΤΣ 124.237.173 9,710.80 63 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 64 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 9,710.80 40793210/3/2011019435019435 ΝΟΡΤΗ ΛΑΚΕ ΤΑΠΠΣ ΠΑΡΤΝΕΡΣ ΛΛΧ 40793310/3/2011 001897 ΝΟΡΤΗΩΕΣΤ ΠΛΑΨΓΡΟΥΝ∆ ΕΘΥΙΠ ΙΝΧ33770 ΒΑΣΚΕΤΒΑΛΛ ΗΑΡ∆ΩΑΡΕ ΦΟΡ ΒΑ777 ΠΟΣΤ 001.33.576.100.31 579.26 Τοταλ : 579.26 40793410/3/2011 012141 ΝΟΡΤΗΩΕΣΤ ΠΡΙΜΕ ΤΙΜΕ, ΙΝΧ6141 Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ ΒΡΑςΟ ΙΝ ΠΥΒΛΙΧΑΤΙΟΝ 001.33.573.201.44 700.00 Τοταλ : 700.00 40793510/3/2011 250210 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ∆ΕΠΟΤ1375938213 ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ ΣΑΦΕ 001.33.575.300.31 156.03 1386985186 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 1386985186 − ∆ΑΡΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.21.521.230.31 14.78 1387508582 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1387508582 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.13.516.100.31 36.34 1388271363 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1388271363 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.13.516.100.31 16.12 1389378259 ΥΣΒ βλυετοοτη αδαπτερ 518.00.518.880.31 52.78 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.31 5.01 1390188191 ΗΠ ΙΝΚ φορ Μοβιλε Οφφιχεϑετ πριντερ 518.00.518.880.31 45.59 ΗΠ Μοβιλε Οφφιχεϑετ 1 Πριντερ 518.00.518.880.35 265.99 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.31 4.33 64 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 65 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40793510/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)250210 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ∆ΕΠΟΤ Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.35 25.27 577389762001 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 577389762001 − Π∆ Α∆ΜΙΝ 001.21.521.100.31 66.15 577582745001 Βλανκετ ΠΟ φορ Μισχελλανειουσ Οφφιχε 001.32.532.200.31 51.90 577868103001 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 577868103001 − Π∆ Α∆ΜΙΝ 001.21.521.100.31 61.17 578423343001 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #578423343001ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.13.512.510.31 31.14 578423583001 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #578423583001 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.13.512.510.31 225.17 578423586001 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #578423586001ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.13.512.510.31 12.80 579113741001 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #579113741001 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.13.516.100.31 245.97 579141544001 οφφιχε συππλιεσ Φινανχε ∆επτ. −001.14.514.230.31 73.93 579260331001 3µ Σχρεεν χλεανερ κιτσ 518.00.518.880.31 49.40 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.31 4.69 Τοταλ : 1,444.56 40793610/3/2011 122670 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ248811 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ − ΠΑΡΚΣ 65 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 66 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40793610/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)122670 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ 001.33.574.100.31 295.65 257921 Χιτψωιδε παπερ συππλψ 518.00.518.780.31 657.00 273299 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 001.42.543.100.31 8.44 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.31 120.00 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.31 8.44 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 432.00.535.900.31 8.44 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.100.31 8.44 319415 Βλανκ ινκ φορ πριντερ 436.00.536.100.31 47.77 339986 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.31 55.16 358105 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ − παχκετσ 518.00.518.780.41 279.72 426375 Χιτψωιδε παπερ συππλψ 518.00.518.780.31 492.75 432149 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ − παχκετσ 518.00.518.780.41 90.15 432150 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ − παχκετσ 518.00.518.780.41 110.30 458870 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ ΦΟΡ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ 66 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 67 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40793610/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)122670 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ 001.33.575.280.31 59.13 458972 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ ΦΟΡ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ 001.33.575.280.31 19.71 459296 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ ΦΟΡ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ 437.00.576.600.31 40.36 461214 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ − ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.574.220.31 397.21 461314 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ ΦΟΡ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ 001.33.574.220.31 28.25 510339 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ − παχκετσ 518.00.518.780.41 69.00 510669 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ − παχκετσ 518.00.518.780.41 −179.82 525054 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ − παχκετσ 518.00.518.780.41 276.95 525055 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ − παχκετσ 518.00.518.780.41 162.40 Τοταλ : 3,055.45 40793710/3/2011 019207 ΟΚΑΝΟΓΑΝ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ΣΗΕΡΙΦΦΑΥΓΥΣΤ2011ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΥΓ 2011 ϑΑΙΛ ΑΝ∆ ΜΕ∆ΙΧΑΛ ΧΑΡΕ ΙΝΜΑΤΕΣ 001.20.523.600.51 6,345.59 Τοταλ : 6,345.59 40793810/3/2011 020135 ΟΛΣΕΝ, ΠΑΤΡΙΧΙΑ033642 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 914 30ΤΗ ΣΤ ΝΕ 430.233.100 325.91 67 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 68 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 325.91 40793810/3/2011020135020135 ΟΛΣΕΝ, ΠΑΤΡΙΧΙΑ 40793910/3/2011 002020 ΟΤΤΟ ΕΝΓΙΝΕΕΡΙΝΓ ΙΝΧ702030 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 702030 − 6 ΥΝΙΤΣ 001.21.521.200.35 868.20 Τοταλ : 868.20 40794010/3/2011 016417 ΠΑΧΙΦΙΧ ΧΟΑΣΤ ΜΕΜΟΡΙΑΛΣ, ΙΝΧ11−02213 Μαρκερσ φορ ρεσαλε.436.00.536.200.34 425.00 11−02214 Μαρκερσ φορ ρεσαλε.436.00.536.200.34 650.00 11−02215 Μαρκερσ φορ ρεσαλε.436.00.536.200.34 260.00 11−02292 Μαρκερσ φορ ρεσαλε.436.00.536.200.34 440.00 Τοταλ : 1,775.00 40794110/3/2011 260690 ΠΑΧΙΦΙΧ ΝΩ ΤΙΤΛΕ, ΙΝΧ3363−12100 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #3363−12100 102.00.594.420.65 99.00 Τοταλ : 99.00 40794210/3/2011 016343 ΠΑΡΚ, ΣΕΟΝΓ1354597 ΠΑΡΚΣ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆001.347.699 38.00 Τοταλ : 38.00 40794310/3/2011 012214 ΠΕΑΡΛ ΒΥΙΛ∆ΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ3678 ΦΛΟΟΡ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ ΑΝ∆ ΩΙΝ∆ΟΩ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓ ΑΤ 001.33.576.100.41 550.00 3679 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΡΟΦΕΣΣΙΟΝΑΛ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ ΟΦ 001.33.576.100.41 250.00 68 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 69 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40794310/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)012214 ΠΕΑΡΛ ΒΥΙΛ∆ΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 3680 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΡΟΦΕΣΣΙΟΝΑΛ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ ΟΦ 001.33.576.100.41 250.00 3684 ΑΓ−Σ−045: ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ 505.00.524.500.41 425.00 3685 ΑΓ−Σ−045: ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ 505.00.524.500.41 125.00 3686 ΑΓ−Σ−045: ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ 505.00.524.500.41 1,900.00 3687 ΑΓ−Σ−045: ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ 505.00.524.500.41 300.00 3688 ΑΓ−Σ−045: ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΤ 505.00.524.500.41 350.00 3689 ΑΓ−Σ−045: ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ 505.00.524.500.41 200.00 3690 ΑΓ−Σ−045: ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ 505.00.524.500.41 600.00 3691 ΑΓ−Σ−045: ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ 505.00.524.500.41 825.00 Τοταλ : 5,775.00 40794410/3/2011 262305 ΠΕΝΝ ΤΡΕΑΤΨ ΝΤΩΡΚ ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑ ΙΝΣΝ345535 Οχτ 2011−12 λονγ τερµ χαρε − Ριχηαρδ 001.98.522.210.46 12,911.51 Ν345538 Οχτ 2011−12 λονγ τερµ χαρε − ∆οναλδ 001.98.522.210.46 2,416.08 69 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 70 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 15,327.59 40794410/3/2011262305262305 ΠΕΝΝ ΤΡΕΑΤΨ ΝΤΩΡΚ ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑ ΙΝΣ 40794510/3/2011 015534 ΠΕΤΕΡΣΟΝ, ΛΕΣΛΕΕ ϑΟ35038 ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΜΑΣΣΑΓΕ∼001.33.574.210.41 76.00 Τοταλ : 76.00 40794610/3/2011 003345 ΠΦΞ ΠΕΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΛΛΧΧ∆11708545 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ Χ∆11708545 − 3 ΒΑΓΣ 001.21.521.200.31 133.42 Τοταλ : 133.42 40794710/3/2011 005950 ΠΙΕΡΧΕ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ΑΥ∆ΙΤΟΡΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕΣ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕΣ−ΛΙΕΝΣ 430.00.534.110.41 186.00 Τοταλ : 186.00 40794810/3/2011 011551 ΠΙΕΡΧΕ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ ΧΟΥΡΤΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕ/ΧΑΠΕΣΤΑΝΨ εξ−παρτε φιλινγ φεε / Χαπεστανψ λαωσυιτ 430.00.534.110.41 20.00 Τοταλ : 20.00 40794910/3/2011 011551 ΠΙΕΡΧΕ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ ΧΟΥΡΤΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕ/ΧΟΩΓΕΡ εξ−παρτε φιλινγ φεε / Χοωγερ λαωσυιτ 430.00.534.110.41 20.00 Τοταλ : 20.00 40795010/3/2011 011551 ΠΙΕΡΧΕ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ ΧΟΥΡΤΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕ/ΩΙΛΛΙΑΜΣ εξ−παρτε φιλινγ φεε / Ωιλλιαµσ λαωσυιτ 430.00.534.110.41 20.00 Τοταλ : 20.00 40795110/3/2011 263510 ΠΛΑΤΤ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ0169093 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 19.10 0174720 ΠΛΑΤΤ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ / ΒΛΑΝΛΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 70 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 71 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40795110/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)263510 ΠΛΑΤΤ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ 550.00.590.100.64 54.07 0198874 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 55.99 0222562 ΠΛΑΤΤ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ / ΒΛΑΝΛΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 001.42.542.300.31 123.38 0223767 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧΑΛ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.576.100.31 36.21 0250973 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 21.56 Τοταλ : 310.31 40795210/3/2011 263805 ΠΟΛΛΑΡ∆ΩΑΤΕΡ.ΧΟΜΙ307727−ΙΝ ΠΟΛΛΑΡ∆ΩΑΤΕΡ.ΧΟΜ/ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.35 460.67 Τοταλ : 460.67 40795310/3/2011 013364 ΠΟΡΤ ΟΦ ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ ΠΟΛΙΧΕςΝΕΤ ΦΕ∆ΕΡΑΛ ∆ΙΣΒΥΡΣ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.212.51 20,000.00 ςΝΕΤ ΣΤΑΤΕ ∆ΙΣΒΥΡΣΕ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.51 50,000.00 Τοταλ : 70,000.00 40795410/3/2011 264140 ΠΡΑΞΑΙΡ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΒΥΤΙΟΝ ΙΝΧ40480731 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΩΕΛ∆ΙΝΓ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.576.100.31 143.97 40658098 ΠΡΑΞΑΙΡ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΒΥΤΙΟΝ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.680.31 65.04 Τοταλ : 209.01 71 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 72 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40795510/3/2011 015357 ΠΡΕΜΙΕΡΕ ΧΟΜΜΥΝΙΤΙΕΣΡΕΦΥΝ∆ΟςΕΡΧΗΑΡΓΕ∆ ΙΜΠΑΧΤ ΦΕΕΣ/ 7 ΠΕΡΜΙΤΣ 124.237.173 7,283.10 Τοταλ : 7,283.10 40795610/3/2011 019982 ΠΡΙΝΧΙΠΑΛ ∆ΕΧΙΣΙΟΝ ΣΨΣΤΕΜΣ ΙΝΤ2011−3654 Τελεσταφφ Εντερπρισε σοφτωαρε λιχενσε 518.00.518.880.64 12,740.00 Σψβασε Χονχυρρεντ Χοννεχτιονσ Θτψ:5 518.00.518.880.64 625.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.64 1,269.68 Τοταλ : 14,634.68 40795710/3/2011 007577 ΠΡΙΝΤ Ν.Ω.3016501 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 1,558.72 Τοταλ : 1,558.72 40795810/3/2011 002719 ΠΡΙΝΤΧΟ, ΙΝΧ047144 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 262.80 Τοταλ : 262.80 40795910/3/2011 020006 ΠΡΟΦΟΡΜΑ ΜΟΥΝΤΑΙΝςΙΕΩ ΠΡΙΝΤΙΝΓ0599019628 Νο παρκινγ σιγν σλεεϖεσ φορ φαρµερσ 518.00.518.780.41 128.96 Τοταλ : 128.96 40796010/3/2011 015769 ΠΡΟΠΕΡΤΙΕΣ ΝΩ ΟΦ ΓΙΓ ΗΑΡΒΟΡ024642 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 1704 5ΤΗ ΣΤ ΝΕ 430.233.100 1,289.55 058362 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 5142 Σ 303Ρ∆ ΠΛ 432.233.100 412.67 Τοταλ : 1,702.22 72 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 73 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40796110/3/2011 013692 ΠΥΒΛΙΧ ΒΕΝΕΦΙΤ ΤΕΧΗΝΟΛΟΓΨ22245 Ον−∆εµανδ Στρεαµ/Ναϖιγατιον/Πυβλιχ 518.00.518.880.42 300.00 Τοταλ : 300.00 40796210/3/2011 265220 ΠΥΓΕΤ ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΕΝΕΡΓΨ100311ΕΛΕ/ΓΑΣ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧΑΛ ΑΝ∆ ΓΑΣ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ 505.00.524.500.47 26,701.18 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧΑΛ ΑΝ∆ ΓΑΣ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ 001.33.576.100.47 4,693.29 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧΑΛ ΑΝ∆ ΓΑΣ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ 001.42.542.300.47 3,324.50 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧΑΛ ΑΝ∆ ΓΑΣ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ 430.00.534.800.47 48,935.68 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧΑΛ ΑΝ∆ ΓΑΣ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ 431.00.535.800.47 305.43 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧΑΛ ΑΝ∆ ΓΑΣ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ 432.00.535.900.47 351.07 1822451009 ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 2011 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤΣ ΠΡΟΧΕΣΣΙΝΓ 430.00.534.110.41 447.36 ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 2011 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤΣ ΠΡΟΧΕΣΣΙΝΓ 431.00.535.110.41 447.36 ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 2011 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤΣ ΠΡΟΧΕΣΣΙΝΓ 432.00.535.910.41 447.36 ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 2011 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤΣ ΠΡΟΧΕΣΣΙΝΓ 434.00.537.110.41 447.34 Τοταλ : 86,100.57 40796310/3/2011 270210 ΘΥΙΡΙΝΓ ΜΟΝΥΜΕΝΤΣ, ΙΝΧ120957 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε.436.00.536.200.34 170.00 120958 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε.436.00.536.200.34 140.00 120959 73 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 74 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40796310/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)270210 ΘΥΙΡΙΝΓ ΜΟΝΥΜΕΝΤΣ, ΙΝΧ Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε.436.00.536.200.34 140.00 121147 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε.436.00.536.200.34 592.00 121148 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε.436.00.536.200.34 579.00 121149 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε.436.00.536.200.34 80.00 Τοταλ : 1,701.00 40796410/3/2011 016790 Ρ.Λ. ΑΛΙΑ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨΡΕΤΑΙΝΑΓΕ ΠΡΟϑΕΧΤ ΧΠ0922, ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ 10−24 330.223.400 69,964.66 Τοταλ : 69,964.66 40796510/3/2011 270630 ΡΑ∆ΙΟ ΣΗΑΧΚ ΧΟΡΠΟΡΑΤΙΟΝ015362 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 015362 − ΑΧΧΤ # 00004601060168 001.21.521.210.31 10.94 Τοταλ : 10.94 40796610/3/2011 020131 ΡΕΗΟΝ, ΤΗΟΜΑΣ017530 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 4904 ΜΙΛΛ ΠΟΝ∆ ∆Ρ ΣΕ 430.233.100 156.90 Τοταλ : 156.90 40796710/3/2011 003657 ΡΕΙ∆ ΜΙ∆∆ΛΕΤΟΝ ΙΝΧ1107088 Μαψ−ϑυλ 2011 ενγινεερινγ σερϖιχεσ −432.00.535.100.41 3,228.69 Μαψ−ϑυλ 2011 ενγινεερινγ σερϖιχεσ −435.00.546.100.41 9,686.06 Τοταλ : 12,914.75 40796810/3/2011 001829 ΡΕΛΙΑΒΛΕ ΜΑΙΛΙΝΓ &7988 74 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 75 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40796810/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)001829 ΡΕΛΙΑΒΛΕ ΜΑΙΛΙΝΓ &Βλανκετ ΠΟ − Μαιλινγ Σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.31 82.13 7993 Βλανκετ ΠΟ − Μαιλινγ Σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.31 82.13 7994 Βλανκετ ΠΟ − Μαιλινγ Σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.31 93.08 7995 Βλανκετ ΠΟ − Μαιλινγ Σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.31 93.08 8003 Βλανκετ ΠΟ − Μαιλινγ Σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.31 93.08 Τοταλ : 443.50 40796910/3/2011 020136 ΡΕΟ ΗΟΜΕΣ ΝΩ051439 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 12613 ΣΕ 296ΤΗ ΩΑΨ 431.233.100 33.14 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 12613 ΣΕ 296ΤΗ ΩΑΨ 432.233.100 10.02 Τοταλ : 43.16 40797010/3/2011 017340 ΡΕΣΟΥΡΧΕ ΣΤΕΩΑΡ∆Σ, ΛΛΧ1036 ΑΓ−Σ−051 Μυλτι Φαµιλψ Ουτρεαχη Προγραµ434.00.537.120.41 1,799.27 ΑΓ−Σ−051 Μυλτι Φαµιλψ Ουτρεαχη Προγραµ434.00.537.100.41 180.73 Τοταλ : 1,980.00 40797110/3/2011 018875 ΡΗ2 ΕΝΓΙΝΕΕΡΙΝΓ, ΙΝΧ54490 ΑΓ−Χ−393 Λακελανδ Ηιλλσ Ρεσερϖοιρ 6∼430.00.590.100.68 8,185.70 Τοταλ : 8,185.70 75 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 76 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40797210/3/2011 272795 ΡΟΤΗ ΗΙΛΛ, ΛΛΧ99696 ΑΓ−Χ−404 132νδ Αϖε ΣΕ Ταχοµα Πιπελινε 5 430.00.590.100.65 18,259.66 Τοταλ : 18,259.66 40797310/3/2011 019740 ΡΥΣΣΙΑΝ−ΥΚΡΑΙΝΙΑΝ Σ∆Α ΧΗΥΡΧΗ09/18/11ΠΕΡΦ ΕΝΤΕΡΤΑΙΝΜΕΝΤ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ 001.33.573.201.41 250.00 Τοταλ : 250.00 40797410/3/2011 016381 ΣΑΦΑΡΙΛΑΝ∆, ΛΛΧΙ11−119843 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ Ι11−119843 − ΑΡΣΟΝ ΧΑΝΣ 001.21.521.300.35 201.50 Τοταλ : 201.50 40797510/3/2011 280300 ΣΑΦΕΤΨ ΚΛΕΕΝ ΧΟΡΠ55161097 ∆ΙΣΠΟΣΑΛ ΟΦ ΥΣΕ∆ ΟΙΛ ΦΙΛΤΕΡΣ 001.33.576.100.41 65.00 Τοταλ : 65.00 40797610/3/2011 014110 ΣΑΤΧΟΜ ∆ΙΡΕΧΤ ΧΟΜΜΥΝΙΧΑΤΙΟΝΣ7273919 Σατ πηονεσ ινϖοιχεσ φορ ψεαρ 001.21.525.100.42 39.95 7273920 Σατ πηονεσ ινϖοιχεσ φορ ψεαρ 001.21.525.100.42 39.95 Τοταλ : 79.90 40797710/3/2011 280870 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ510993 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼550.00.548.680.35 54.04 511113 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼550.00.548.680.35 18.98 511397 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼550.00.548.680.35 388.59 76 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 77 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40797710/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)280870 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ 511457 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼550.00.548.680.35 18.91 511460 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼550.00.548.680.35 260.24 511571 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼550.00.548.680.35 1,269.96 511646 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼550.00.548.680.35 66.67 511668 ΡΕΠΛΑΧΕ ΤΡΑΝΣΜΙΣΣΙΟΝ ΟΝ 6512∆∼550.00.548.680.35 2,011.74 1Χ3Ζ7ς000ΑΡΜ ΡΕΜΦΓ−ΧΟΡΕ ΧΗΓ 550.00.548.100.31 1,000.00 3Χ3Ζ7Α095ΑΑ ΟΙΛ ΧΟΟΛΕΡ ΑΣΣΕΜΒΛΨ∼550.00.548.680.35 201.04 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.680.35 210.22 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.100.31 95.00 511671 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼550.00.548.680.35 23.82 Χ88077 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ Χ88077 − 99 ΤΟΨΟΤΑ ΛΑΝ∆ ΧΡΥΙΣΕΡ 117.00.521.210.48 422.55 Τοταλ : 6,041.76 40797810/3/2011 016374 ΣΧΗΝΕΙ∆ΕΡ, ΤΗΟΜΑΣ ΒΡΙΑΝ34214 ΦΙΤΝΕΣΣ ΒΟΟΤ ΧΑΜΠ∼001.33.574.240.41 576.00 77 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 78 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 576.00 40797810/3/2011016374016374 ΣΧΗΝΕΙ∆ΕΡ, ΤΗΟΜΑΣ ΒΡΙΑΝ 40797910/3/2011 001244 ΣΧΗΟΟΛ ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛΤΨ208106406775 ΦΟΥΡ ΣΘΥΑΡΕ, ΛΟΟΝΣ, ΣΧΟΟΤΕΡ ΗΟΧΚΕΨ, ΗΟΠ 001.33.574.220.31 212.73 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.33.574.220.31 20.21 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −20.21 Τοταλ : 212.73 40798010/3/2011 281060 ΣΧΗΟΟΛ∋Σ ΟΥΤ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ32789662 ΧΟΝΦΕΡΕΝΧΕ ΦΕΕΣ 001.33.574.220.49 350.00 Τοταλ : 350.00 40798110/3/2011 020144 ΣΧΗΥΛΤΖ, ΚΕςΙΝ & ϑΥΝΕ065122 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 802 6ΤΗ ΣΤ ΣΕ 430.233.100 139.40 Τοταλ : 139.40 40798210/3/2011 019208 ΣΧΟΡΕ 9/7 ΑΧΗ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ Σοχιαλ Σεχυριτψ ινχεντιϖε αχη παψµεντ 001.342.360 2,000.00 Τοταλ : 2,000.00 40798310/3/2011 282040 ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ ΤΙΜΕΣ030785204 ΑΧΧΤ #030785204∼001.15.514.300.44 123.84 030785204 ΑΧΧΤ #030785204∼001.15.514.300.44 537.12 Τοταλ : 660.96 40798410/3/2011 282090 ΣΕΧΟΜΑ ΒΟΩΛΙΝΓ ΛΑΝΕΣ09/17/11Σεσσιον ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛΙΖΕ∆ ΡΕΧΡΕΑΤΙΟΝ ΒΟΩΛΙΝΓ ΣΕΣΣΙΟΝ 001.33.574.240.49 172.00 78 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 79 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40798410/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)282090 ΣΕΧΟΜΑ ΒΟΩΛΙΝΓ ΛΑΝΕΣ 09/24/11Σεσσιον ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛΙΖΕ∆ ΡΕΧΡΕΑΤΙΟΝ ΒΟΩΛΙΝΓ ΣΕΣΣΙΟΝ 001.33.574.240.49 168.00 Τοταλ : 340.00 40798510/3/2011 015690 ΣΗΑΡΠ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΟΝΙΧΣ ΧΟΡΠΧ728210−701 ΕΝΓΙΝΕΕΡΙΝΓ ΩΙ∆Ε ΦΟΡΜΑΤ ΧΟΠΙΕΡ ΛΕΑΣΕ ∼518.00.518.880.45 54.75 Τοταλ : 54.75 40798610/3/2011 020151 ΣΗΕΛΤΟΝ, ΡΟΝ∆Α1354596 ΠΑΡΚΣ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆001.347.699 75.00 Τοταλ : 75.00 40798710/3/2011 283030 ΣΗΕΡΩΙΝ−ΩΙΛΛΙΑΜΣ ΧΟ4870−8 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΠΑΙΝΤ & ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.576.100.31 755.93 6266−7 ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΑΙΝΤ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ 001.33.576.100.31 338.71 6267−5 ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΑΙΝΤ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ 001.33.576.100.31 26.21 Τοταλ : 1,120.85 40798810/3/2011 283150 ΣΗΟΠΕ ΧΟΝΧΡΕΤΕ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ ΧΟ9929998 ΣΗΟΠΕ ΕΝΤΕΡΠΡΙΣΕΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 432.00.535.900.35 403.39 Τοταλ : 403.39 40798910/3/2011 017545 ΣΗΟΩΧΑΣΕ ΜΕ∆ΙΑ539 ΣΕΠ Α∆ ΦΟΡ ΩΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΣΗΟΩ − ΤΟΥΡΙΣΜ ΒΟΑΡ∆104.00.557.300.41 300.00 Τοταλ : 300.00 79 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 80 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40799010/3/2011 001187 ΣΗΡΕ∆−ΙΤ ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ101143183 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 110143183 − Π∆ Α∆ΜΙΝ 001.21.521.100.41 115.50 101146915 ΣΗΡΕ∆−ΙΤ ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 001.42.542.300.41 9.90 ΣΗΡΕ∆−ΙΤ ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.41 9.90 ΣΗΡΕ∆−ΙΤ ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.41 9.90 ΣΗΡΕ∆−ΙΤ ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 432.00.535.900.41 9.90 ΣΗΡΕ∆−ΙΤ ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.100.41 9.90 Τοταλ : 165.00 40799110/3/2011 020116 ΣΗΥΝΠΙΚΕ ΑΡΤΣ ΧΟΛΛΕΧΤΙςΕ110906ΑΥΒ ΑΡΤ ΙΝ ςΑΧΑΝΤ ΣΤΟΡΕΦΡΟΝΤ ΠΡΟϑΕΧΤ 001.33.573.201.41 5,000.00 Τοταλ : 5,000.00 40799210/3/2011 015029 ΣΙΓΝΑΛ ΧΡΕ∆ΙΤ ΜΓΜΤΑΣ10742 ΠΗΟΤΟ ΕΝΦΟΡΧΕΜΕΝΤ − ϑ ΣΑΛΑΖΑΡ 651.237.172 134.75 Ι00091911 ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ ΟςΕΡΠΨΜΤ − ϑΕΝΝΙΕ ΜΑΡΤΙΝ 651.237.172 52.00 Τοταλ : 186.75 40799310/3/2011 011692 ΣΙΛΛΣ, ΣΤΕςΕ051810ΡΕΙΜΒ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕ ΒΟΟΤ ΧΗΑΡΓΕ ΠΑΙ∆ ΒΨ ΣΙΛΛΣ 001.21.521.200.22 51.79 Τοταλ : 51.79 40799410/3/2011 002823 ΣΙΜΠΛΟΤ ΠΑΡΤΝΕΡΣ742611ΣΙ ΣΥΜΜΕΡ ΦΕΡΤΙΛΙΖΕΡΣ 80 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 81 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40799410/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)002823 ΣΙΜΠΛΟΤ ΠΑΡΤΝΕΡΣ 437.00.576.600.31 304.08 750860ΣΙ ΛΑΤΕ ΣΥΜΜΕΡ ΑΝ∆ ΦΑΛΛ ΦΕΡΤΙΛΙΖΕΡΣ 437.00.576.600.31 2,882.24 Τοταλ : 3,186.32 40799510/3/2011 012457 ΣΜΙΤΗ, ϑΕΣΣΙΧΑ092311ΡΕΙΜΒ ∆ΑΡΕ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ − ΧΑΡ ΡΕΝΤΑΛ, ΓΑΣ,001.21.521.100.43 622.48 Τοταλ : 622.48 40799610/3/2011 002543 ΣΟΡΟΠΤΙΜΙΣΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ∆ΑςΙ∆Σοροπτιµιστ ∆υεσ (Σηελλψ ∆αϖιδ)∼001.15.515.100.49 440.00 Τοταλ : 440.00 40799710/3/2011 005003 ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΠΥΒΛΙΣΗΙΝΓ ΙΝΧ.397404 ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΠΥΒΛΙΣΗΙΝΓ: 2011 Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ 001.33.575.300.44 336.00 397460 Αχχτ#50146199 − Αυγυστ Χιτψ Αδσ 518.00.518.780.44 2,782.65 Σουνδ Πυβ − Συµµερ Σουνδσ Αδσ 8/5 & 8/12 001.33.573.901.44 241.50 Τοταλ : 3,360.15 40799810/3/2011 284930 ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΤΥΡΦ ΦΑΡΜΣ70915 ΗΨ∆ΡΟΣΕΕ∆001.33.576.100.31 545.97 Τοταλ : 545.97 40799910/3/2011 012558 ΣΟΥΤΗ ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΠΡΙΝΤΙΝΓ20111781 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 144.54 20111784 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 81 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 82 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40799910/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)012558 ΣΟΥΤΗ ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΠΡΙΝΤΙΝΓ 518.00.518.780.41 659.83 20111812 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 536.55 20111822 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 375.59 Τοταλ : 1,716.51 40800010/3/2011 019893 ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛΤΨ ΧΟΝΤΡΟΛΣ ΙΝΧ4698 Αυµα ∆ουβλε Σεαλ φορ Χοντρολ ςαλϖε ατ 430.00.534.800.35 288.04 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.00.534.800.35 27.36 Τοταλ : 315.40 40800110/3/2011 285460 ΣΠΕΧΤΡΥΜ ΣΙΓΝ ΧΟ ΙΝΧ11925 ΣΠΕΧΤΡΥΜ ΣΙΓΝ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.48 207.02 12015 ΣΠΕΧΤΡΥΜ ΣΙΓΝ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 63.51 Τοταλ : 270.53 40800210/3/2011 002733 ΣΤΑΡ ΡΕΝΤΑΛ & ΣΑΛΕΣ, ΙΝΧ33−079148−03 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΝΤΑΛ ΟΦ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΑΣ 001.33.576.100.45 185.00 ΡΕΝΤΑΛ ΟΦ ΕΞΧΑςΑΤΟΡ: 8/24−26, 2011 001.33.576.100.45 494.78 Τοταλ : 679.78 40800310/3/2011 004341 ΣΤΑΤΕ ΟΦ ΩΑ ΣΥΠΡΕΜΕ ΧΟΥΡΤΠΡ−5934 ΩΑ Στατε Συπρεµε Χουρτ∼001.15.515.100.49 5.44 Τοταλ : 5.44 82 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 83 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40800410/3/2011 017507 ΣΤΑΤΕΩΙ∆Ε ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ35850 Στατεωιδε Σεχυριτψ ωιλλ ινσταλλ αχχεσσ 321.00.576.802.65 17,880.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 321.00.576.802.65 1,698.60 Τοταλ : 19,578.60 40800510/3/2011 004170 ΣΤΕΡΛΙΝΓ ΡΕΦΕΡΕΝΧΕ ΛΑΒ6614 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #6614 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.13.512.510.41 105.07 Φ30720−35 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #Φ30720−35 ∆ΡΥΓ ΣΧΡΕΕΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ 001.13.512.510.41 8,098.55 Τοταλ : 8,203.62 40800610/3/2011 017696 ΣΤΟΡ−ΜΟΡΕ ΣΕΛΦ ΣΤΟΡΑΓΕΥΝΙΤ123 ΟΧΤ 20−ΝΟς 20 ΣΤΟΡΑΓΕ ΡΕΝΤΑΛ ΦΟΡ ΥΝΙΤ 001.15.514.300.45 135.00 ΥΝΙΤ125 ΟΧΤ 20−ΝΟς 20 ΣΤΟΡΑΓΕ ΡΕΝΤΑΛ ΦΟΡ ΥΝΙΤ 001.15.514.300.45 135.00 Τοταλ : 270.00 40800710/3/2011 010864 ΣΩΑΝΚ ΜΟΤΙΟΝ ΠΙΧΤΥΡΕΣ, ΙΝΧ.ΡΓ1607417 ΦΙΛΜ ΛΙΧΕΝΣΙΝΓ ΦΕΕΣ − ΜΑΡΞ ΒΡΟΤΗΕΡΣ 001.33.573.201.41 526.70 Τοταλ : 526.70 40800810/3/2011 020125 ΣΩΕΕΤΙΝΓ, ϑΑΧΟΒ090811ΡΕΙΜΒ Ωορκβοοτσ & σαφετψ ϖεστ ρειµβυρσεµεντ 001.32.532.200.22 131.14 Τοταλ : 131.14 40800910/3/2011 290270 ΤΑΧΟΜΑ ΣΧΡΕΩ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ ΙΝΧ10210798 Χ412Α0 ΑΕΠ ΒΟΑΡ∆ΩΑΛΚ ΠΡΟϑΕΧΤ ∆ΕΧΚ 321.00.576.802.65 2,627.19 10217096 83 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 84 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40800910/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)290270 ΤΑΧΟΜΑ ΣΧΡΕΩ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ ΙΝΧ ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΝΥΤΣ & ΒΟΛΤΣ 001.33.576.100.31 3.61 Τοταλ : 2,630.80 40801010/3/2011 020152 ΤΑΤΕ, ϑΕΦΦ 091611ΡΕΙΜΒ ΡΕΧΟΡ∆ΙΝΓ ΦΕΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΝΟΤΙΧΕ ΟΦ ΠΕΝΑΛΤΨ ΟΝ 001.17.524.200.49 124.00 Τοταλ : 124.00 40801110/3/2011 012736 ΤΑΨΛΟΡ ΜΑ∆Ε ΓΟΛΦ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ ΙΝΧ.16354636 ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΧΛΥΒΣ 437.00.576.680.34 152.46 Τοταλ : 152.46 40801210/3/2011 261050 ΤΕΡΕΞ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΙΝΧ.976−189215 ΑΝΝΥΑΛ ΙΝΣΠΕΧΤΙΟΝ ΟΦ ΑΕΡΙΑΛ ΛΙΦΤ #6116Χ 550.00.548.680.48 541.62 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.680.48 51.45 976−189216 ΑΝΝΥΑΛ ΙΝΣΠΕΧΤΙΟΝ ΟΦ ΑΕΡΙΑΛ ΛΙΦΤ #6450Α 550.00.548.680.48 489.12 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.680.48 46.47 Τοταλ : 1,128.66 40801310/3/2011 012125 ΤΗΕΡΜΟ ΚΙΝΓ ΝΟΡΤΗΩΕΣΤ ΙΝΧ.2100639 ΧΑΡΤ ΡΕΝΤΑΛΣ 437.00.576.680.45 600.00 2104251 ΡΕΠΛΑΧΕΜΕΝΤ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΟΡ ΓΟΛΦ ΧΑΡΤΣ 437.00.576.680.48 41.52 Τοταλ : 641.52 40801410/3/2011 020129 ΤΗΟΡΝΗΙΛΛ, ∆ΑςΙ∆ & ΗΕΙ∆Ι011441 84 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 85 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40801410/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)020129 ΤΗΟΡΝΗΙΛΛ, ∆ΑςΙ∆ & ΗΕΙ∆Ι ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 1217 68ΤΗ ΛΟΟΠ ΣΕ 431.233.100 28.54 Τοταλ : 28.54 40801510/3/2011 014672 ΤΗΥΛΙΝΕ, ΩΑ∆ΕΡΕΦΥΝ∆ΛΑΝ∆ΣΧΑΠΕ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ ΒΟΝ∆ ∆ΕΠΟΣΙΤ 001.239.100 500.00 Τοταλ : 500.00 40801610/3/2011 010582 Τ−ΜΟΒΙΛΕ ΥΣΑ, ΙΝΧ.453430792 Χελλ Πηονε/Σιµ Χαρδ Χηαργεσ φορ ΣΩΑΤ 117.00.521.210.42 50.41 Τοταλ : 50.41 40801710/3/2011 015041 ΤΡΑΝΣΠΟΡΤΑΤΙΟΝ ΣΨΣΤΕΜΣ ΙΝΧ1304 ΧΠ1007:Τραφφιχ Χαλµινγ Προγραµ, ∼328.00.532.200.65 9,193.00 ΡΕΤΑΙΝΑΓΕ 328.223.400 −4,596.50 Τοταλ : 4,596.50 40801810/3/2011 370030 Υ Σ Α ΒΛΥΕΒΟΟΚ481422 Υ Σ Α ΒΛΥΕΒΟΟΚ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 430.00.534.800.31 214.05 Τοταλ : 214.05 40801910/3/2011 370370 Υ Σ ΠΟΣΤΜΑΣΤΕΡΑΠΠΛ / ΠΕΡΜΙΤ ΦΕΕ ΥΣ ΠΟΣΤΑΛ ΠΕΡΜΙΤ(∆ΑΛΛΑΣ, ΤΞ) ΦΟΡ 430.00.534.110.42 95.00 ΥΣ ΠΟΣΤΑΛ ΠΕΡΜΙΤ(∆ΑΛΛΑΣ, ΤΞ) ΦΟΡ 431.00.535.110.42 95.00 ΥΣ ΠΟΣΤΑΛ ΠΕΡΜΙΤ(∆ΑΛΛΑΣ, ΤΞ) ΦΟΡ 432.00.535.910.42 95.00 ΥΣ ΠΟΣΤΑΛ ΠΕΡΜΙΤ(∆ΑΛΛΑΣ, ΤΞ) ΦΟΡ 434.00.537.110.42 95.00 85 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 86 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 380.00 40801910/3/2011370370370370 Υ Σ ΠΟΣΤΜΑΣΤΕΡ 40802010/3/2011 013834 ΥΝΙΦΙΡΣΤ ΧΟΡΠΟΡΑΤΙΟΝ330−0728239 Ρυγ ανδ µατ σερϖιχε φορ χεµετερψ οφφιχε.436.00.536.200.49 62.08 Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 436.00.536.200.49 0.11 Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 436.237.200 −0.11 Τοταλ : 62.08 40802110/3/2011 370900 ΥΝΙΤΕ∆ ΠΑΡΧΕΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ00004799Φ2371 ΥΠΣ Σηιππινγ Σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.42 30.06 Τοταλ : 30.06 40802210/3/2011 020159 ΥΤΗΥΠ, ϑΑΧΟΒ & ΜΑΡΨΣΕΤΤΛΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ ΦΟΡ ∆ΑΜΑΓΕΣ ΦΙΛΕ∆ ΑΓΑΙΝΣΤ ΧΟΑ 432.00.535.900.41 677.80 Τοταλ : 677.80 40802310/3/2011 371410 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΧΟ. ΙΝΧ7886 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #7886 ΦΥΡΝΙΣΗΕ∆ ΛΑΒΟΡ ΑΝ∆505.00.524.500.48 5,330.46 7891 ΗΨ∆ΡΑΥΛΙΧ ΓΡΙΝ∆ΕΡ ΠΥΜΠ ΦΟΡ ΙΣΑΑΧ ΕςΑΝΣ 001.33.576.100.35 5,016.14 7899 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.48 2,257.08 7906 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #7906 ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΧΑΛΛ ΤΟ 505.00.524.500.48 577.33 Τοταλ : 13,181.01 40802410/3/2011 371290 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΥΝ∆ΕΡΓΡΟΥΝ∆ ΛΟΧΑΤΙΟΝ1080095 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΥΝ∆ΕΡΓΡΟΥΝ∆ ΛΟΧΑΤΙΟΝ /ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 86 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 87 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40802410/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)371290 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΥΝ∆ΕΡΓΡΟΥΝ∆ ΛΟΧΑΤΙΟΝ 001.42.543.100.42 73.39 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΥΝ∆ΕΡΓΡΟΥΝ∆ ΛΟΧΑΤΙΟΝ /ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.42 73.39 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΥΝ∆ΕΡΓΡΟΥΝ∆ ΛΟΧΑΤΙΟΝ /ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.42 73.39 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΥΝ∆ΕΡΓΡΟΥΝ∆ ΛΟΧΑΤΙΟΝ /ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 432.00.535.900.42 73.38 Τοταλ : 293.55 40802510/3/2011 380120 ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΑΥΤΟ ΡΕΒΥΙΛ∆, ΙΝΧ.64971 ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΑΥΤΟ ΡΕΒΥΙΛ∆, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.680.48 104.02 64973 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 64973 − ΤΟΩ 10Α ΤΟ Μ&Ο 001.21.521.200.41 114.97 Τοταλ : 218.99 40802610/3/2011 380660 ςΑΝ∆ςΕΡ, ΡΥΣΣ091211ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.522.220.25 332.04 Τοταλ : 332.04 40802710/3/2011 111800 ςΕΡΙΖΟΝ ΩΙΡΕΛΕΣΣ1008912242 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ∼001.11.513.100.42 36.00 Τοταλ : 36.00 40802810/3/2011 019925 ςΟΝ ΓΡΥΝΗΕΙ∆Ε ΣΗΕΠΗΕΡ∆Σ2011−0912 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 2011−0912 − ∀ΗΕΝΚ∀001.21.521.200.35 3,844.00 Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.21.521.200.35 76.50 Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −76.50 Τοταλ : 3,844.00 87 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 88 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40802910/3/2011 390300 Ω Ρ Π ΑΣΣΟΧΙΑΤΙΟΝ11−497 3 ΧΟΝΦΕΡΕΝΧΕ ΡΕΓΙΣΤΡΑΤΙΟΝΣ: ΧΛΑΡΙΣΣΑ,001.33.574.220.49 327.00 Τοταλ : 327.00 40803010/3/2011 171890 Ω. Ω. ΓΡΑΙΝΓΕΡ, ΙΝΧ9634027040 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧΛΛΑΝΕΟΥΣ 505.00.524.500.31 54.89 9635736680 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧΛΛΑΝΕΟΥΣ 505.00.524.500.31 337.29 9636265150 Ω.Ω. ΓΡΑΙΝΓΕΡ, ΙΝΧ./ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.35 230.60 9636366123 Ω.Ω. ΓΡΑΙΝΓΕΡ, ΙΝΧ./ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.35 114.33 9637451254 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧΛΛΑΝΕΟΥΣ 505.00.524.500.31 300.90 Τοταλ : 1,038.01 40803110/3/2011 391850 ΩΑ ∆ΕΠΤ ΟΦ ΝΑΤΥΡΑΛ ΡΕΣΟΥΡΧΕΣ9062311 ΩΑ Στατε ∆επτ οφ Νατυραλ Ρεσουρχεσ 001.32.532.200.49 219.00 Τοταλ : 219.00 40803210/3/2011 390690 ΩΑΣΠΧ − ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ ΧΙΤΙΕΣ ΕΗΜ37200 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #37200 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΟΝΙΧ ΗΟΜΕ 001.13.512.510.41 465.00 Τοταλ : 465.00 40803310/3/2011 392520 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ΠΑΤΡΟΛ000045187 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 00045187 − ϑΥΛΨ, ΑΥΓ, ΣΕΠΤ 2011 001.21.521.300.42 1,065.00 Ι12001560 88 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 89 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40803310/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)392520 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ΠΑΤΡΟΛ ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ Ι−1001560 − ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 2011 651.237.105 654.50 Τοταλ : 1,719.50 40803410/3/2011 392800 ΩΣΥ ΥΡΒΑΝ − ΙΠΜ & ΠΕΣΤΙΧΙ∆ΕΚςΑΝ/ΡΕΓ ΙΠΜ ΩΟΡΚΣΗΟΠ (2 ∆ΑΨΣ) ΦΟΡ ΚΕςΙΝ ςΑΝ 437.00.576.600.49 300.00 ΜΧΧΟΨ/ΡΕΓ ΠΕΣΤΙΧΙ∆Ε ΡΕΧΕΡΤΙΦΙΧΑΤΙΟΝ ΦΟΡ ΒΡΙΑΝ 437.00.576.600.49 100.00 ΜΧΟΟΠΕΡ/ΡΕΓ ΙΠΜ ΩΟΡΚΣΗΟΠ (2 ∆ΑΨΣ) ΦΟΡ ΜΙΚΕ ΧΟΟΠΕΡ 437.00.576.600.49 300.00 Τοταλ : 700.00 40803510/3/2011 020153 ΩΑΓΝΕΡ, ΑΝΓΕΛΙΘΥΕΒΥΨ ΒΑΧΚ ΧΕΜΕΤΕΡΨ ΒΥΨ ΒΑΧΚ ΟΦ ΠΡΟΠΕΡΤΨ 436.343.609 1,200.00 Τοταλ : 1,200.00 40803610/3/2011 014405 ΩΑΛΤΕΡΣ, ϑΟΑΝΝΕ Σ.09/21/11ΡΕΙΜ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ΙΤΕΜΣ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ∆ ΦΟΡ 001.33.574.210.31 33.27 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ 001.33.574.210.31 101.88 09/22/11ΡΕΙΜ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ΙΤΕΜΣ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ∆ ΦΟΡ 001.33.574.210.31 262.78 Τοταλ : 397.93 40803710/3/2011 393305 ΩΑΝΓ, ΚΕςΙΝ091211ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.500.41 80.00 091211ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆89 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 90 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40803710/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)393305 ΩΑΝΓ, ΚΕςΙΝ 001.13.512.500.41 80.00 Τοταλ : 160.00 40803810/3/2011 393570 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ104403 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.41 206.00 104632 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.41 340.00 104650 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.41 120.00 104784 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.41 46.00 Τοταλ : 712.00 40803910/3/2011 007606 ΩΕΛΛΣ ΦΑΡΓΟ ΒΑΝΚΗΕΤΤΡΙΧΚ/ΤΡΥΣΤ ΧΕΜΕΤΕΡΨ ΤΡΥΣΤ / ϑΕΑΝ ΗΕΤΤΡΙΧΚ ΜΑΡΚΕΡ 436.343.612 675.00 ΧΕΜΕΤΕΡΨ ΤΡΥΣΤ / ϑΕΑΝ ΗΕΤΤΡΙΧΚ ΜΑΡΚΕΡ 436.343.601 295.00 ΧΕΜΕΤΕΡΨ ΤΡΥΣΤ / ϑΕΑΝ ΗΕΤΤΡΙΧΚ ΜΑΡΚΕΡ 436.343.607 95.00 ΧΕΜΕΤΕΡΨ ΤΡΥΣΤ / ϑΕΑΝ ΗΕΤΤΡΙΧΚ ΜΑΡΚΕΡ 651.237.111 101.18 Τοταλ : 1,166.18 40804010/3/2011 324050 ΩΕΣΧΟΜ ΧΟΜΜΥΝΙΧΑΤΙΟΝΣ20740 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 20740 − ΛΤΙ 20/20 ΥΛΤΡΑ ΛΨΤΕ −001.21.521.200.41 98.55 20741 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 20741 − ∆ΕΧΑΤΥΡ ΓΕΝΕΣΙΣ ΓΗ∆ −001.21.521.200.41 87.62 90 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 91 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 186.17 40804010/3/2011324050324050 ΩΕΣΧΟΜ ΧΟΜΜΥΝΙΧΑΤΙΟΝΣ 40804110/3/2011 019419 ΩΕΣΤ ΒΕΑΧΗ ΡΕΣΟΡΤ08/28/12∆ΕΠΟΣΙΤ ∆ΕΠΟΣΙΤ ΦΟΡ ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 28−31, 2012 ΤΡΙΠ 651.237.141 100.00 ΡΕΜΑΙΝΙΝΓ ΟΦ ∆ΕΠΟΣΤ ∆ΥΕ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΤΡΙΠ 651.237.141 500.00 Τοταλ : 600.00 40804210/3/2011 394200 ΩΕΣΤ ΧΟΑΣΤ ΠΑΠΕΡ7190995 Χιτψωιδε παπερ συππλψ 518.00.518.780.31 88.04 Τοταλ : 88.04 40804310/3/2011 394250 ΩΕΣΤ ΠΥΒΛΙΣΗΙΝΓ ΓΡΟΥΠ823444463 Ωεστ∼001.15.515.100.49 1,584.44 Τοταλ : 1,584.44 40804410/3/2011 006595 ΩΕΣΤ ΤΙΓΕΡ ΜΤ 2ΩΑΨ ΡΑ∆ΙΟ ΣΙΤΕ090111ΙΝς ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΝΤΑΛ ΟΦ ΤΟΩΕΡ ΟΝ ΩΕΣΤ 001.33.576.100.45 185.00 Τοταλ : 185.00 40804510/3/2011 394470 ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ∆ΙΣΤ ΙΝΧ683134 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΟΡΟ ΜΟΩΕΡΣ 001.33.576.100.31 74.73 684098 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΟΡΟ ΜΟΩΕΡΣ 001.33.576.100.31 200.36 Τοταλ : 275.09 40804610/3/2011 395160 ΩΗΙΤΕ ΚΝΙΓΗΤ ΣΑΦΕ & ΛΟΧΚ, ΙΝΧ24097 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΛΟΧΚΣ & ΚΕΨΣ 001.33.576.100.31 5.48 24110 ΠΑΤΡΟΛ ΧΑΡ ΚΕΨ ∆ΥΠΛΙΧΑΤΙΟΝ (20/1 91 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 92 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40804610/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)395160 ΩΗΙΤΕ ΚΝΙΓΗΤ ΣΑΦΕ & ΛΟΧΚ, ΙΝΧ 001.21.521.200.31 82.67 Τοταλ : 88.15 40804710/3/2011 011495 ΩΗΙΤΩΟΡΤΗ ΠΕΣΤ ΣΟΛΥΤΙΟΝΣ ΙΝΧ.156278 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #156278 ΒΑΣΙΧ ςΙΣΙΤ ΦΑ 505.00.524.500.41 159.87 Τοταλ : 159.87 40804810/3/2011 020133 ΩΙΒΟΡΓ ΓΡΕΕΝ ΛΛΠ020194 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − 1502 20ΤΗ ΣΤ ΝΩ430.233.100 275.00 Τοταλ : 275.00 40804910/3/2011 395580 ΩΙΛΒΥΡ−ΕΛΛΙΣ, ΧΟ5782659ΡΙ ΩΙΛΒΥΡ−ΕΛΛΙΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 432.00.535.900.31 157.68 5788829ΡΙ ΩΙΛΒΥΡ−ΕΛΛΙΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 432.00.535.900.31 440.14 5791166ΡΙ ΦΑΙΡΩΑΨ ΗΕΡΒΙΧΙ∆ΕΣ 437.00.576.600.31 727.78 5794238ΡΙ ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ ΙΤΕΜΣ 001.33.576.100.31 313.12 5797307ΡΙ ΩΙΛΒΥΡ−ΕΛΛΙΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 432.00.535.900.31 440.14 5803241ΡΙ ΦΑΙΡΩΑΨ ΗΕΡΒΙΧΙ∆ΕΣ 437.00.576.600.31 178.05 5807827ΡΙ ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ ΙΤΕΜΣ 001.33.576.100.31 282.46 5813215ΡΙ 92 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 93 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40804910/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)395580 ΩΙΛΒΥΡ−ΕΛΛΙΣ, ΧΟ ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΜΑΙΝΤ ΦΕΡΤΙΛΙΖΕΡΣ 001.33.576.100.31 71.68 5815538ΡΙ ΗΕΡΒΙΧΙ∆Ε, ΣΠΡΕΑ∆ΕΡ ΣΤΙΧΚΕΡ Ρ−11 437.00.576.600.31 555.86 5815596ΡΙ ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΜΑΙΝΤ ΦΕΡΤΙΛΙΖΕΡΣ 001.33.576.100.31 128.83 Τοταλ : 3,295.74 40805010/3/2011 001693 ΩΙΡΕΛΕΣΣ ΑΤΤΑΧΗΜΕΝΤΣ2011704 ι580 πλαστιχ ηολστερσ φορ µ&ο 431.00.535.800.31 199.00 φρειγητ 431.00.535.800.31 5.95 Σαλεσ Ταξ 431.00.535.800.31 18.91 Τοταλ : 223.86 40805110/3/2011 400210 ΖΕΠ ΜΑΝΥΦΑΧΤΥΡΙΝΓ ΧΟ63049713 ΦΑΧΙΑΛ ΤΙΣΣΥΕ ΑΝ∆ ΠΑΠΕΡ ΤΟΩΕΛΣ 001.33.575.300.31 192.57 63050508 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ 001.33.576.100.31 295.00 ΠΑΠΕΡ ΤΟΩΕΛΣ, ΤΟΙΛΕΤ ΣΕΑΤ ΧΟςΕΡΣ, ΟςΕΝ 001.33.576.100.31 749.85 Τοταλ : 1,237.42 40805210/3/2011 234680 ΖΟΝΕΣ ΙΝΤΕΡΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛΣ24467280101 Χαµερα∋σ φορ Μ&Ο 432.00.535.900.35 218.28 Χαµερα∋σ φορ Μ&Ο 431.00.535.800.35 145.52 Σαλεσ Ταξ 93 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 94 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40805210/3/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)234680 ΖΟΝΕΣ ΙΝΤΕΡΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ 432.00.535.900.35 20.74 Σαλεσ Ταξ 431.00.535.800.35 13.82 Σ24467280102 Κινγστον 4ΓΒ Σ∆ χαρδ φορ χαµερα 432.00.535.900.35 18.00 Κινγστον 4ΓΒ Σ∆ χαρδ φορ χαµερα 431.00.535.800.35 12.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 432.00.535.900.35 1.71 Σαλεσ Ταξ 431.00.535.800.35 1.14 Τοταλ : 431.21 Βανκ τοταλ : 3,494,946.20 331 ςουχηερσ φορ βανκ χοδε :000 3,494,946.20 Τοταλ ϖουχηερσ :ςουχηερσ ιν τηισ ρεπορτ 331 94 Παγε:CA.B 09/28/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 95 3:15:36ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ Ι ΗΕΡΕΒΨ ΧΕΡΤΙΦΨ ΤΗΑΤ ΤΗΕ ΓΟΟ∆Σ ΑΝ∆/ ΟΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΧΗΑΡΓΕ∆ ΟΝ ΤΗΕ ςΟΥΧΗΕΡΣ ΛΙΣΤΕ∆ ΗΕΡΕΙΝ ΗΑςΕ ΒΕΕΝ ΦΥΡΝΙΣΗΕ∆ ΤΟ ΤΗΕ ΒΕΣΤ ΟΦ ΜΨ ΚΝΟΩΛΕ∆ΓΕ. Ι ΦΥΡΤΗΕΡ ΧΕΡΤΙΦΨ ΤΗΕ ΧΛΑΙΜΣ ΗΕΡΕΙΝ ΤΟ ΒΕ ςΑΛΙ∆ ΑΝ∆ ΧΟΡΡΕΧΤ. ____________________________ ∆ΙΡΕΧΤΟΡ ΟΦ Φ ΙΝΑΝΧΕ ΩΕ, ΤΗΕ ΥΝ∆ΕΡΣΙΓΝΕ∆ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ ΧΟΜΜΙΤΤΕΕ ΟΦ ΤΗΕ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΙΤΨ ΧΟΥΝΧΙΛ, ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ, ∆Ο ΗΕΡΕΒΨ ΧΕΡΤΙΦΨ ΤΗΑΤ ςΟΥΧΗΕΡ #407721 ΤΗΡΟΥΓΗ ςΟΥΧΗΕΡ #408052 ΙΝ ΤΗΕ ΑΜΟΥΝΤ ΟΦ ∃3,494,946.20 ΑΡΕ ΑΠΠΡΟςΕ∆ ΤΗΙΣ 3Ρ∆ ∆ΑΨ ΟΦ ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ, 2011. ______________________ ΧΗΑΙΡ _______________________ ΜΕΜΒΕΡ ________________________ ΜΕΜΒΕΡ 95 Παγε:CA.B AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Payroll Vouchers Date: September 15, 2011 Department: Finance Attachments: No Attachments Available Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation:Background Summary:Reviewed by Council Committees:Finance Councilmember:Backus Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:October 3, 2011 Item Number:CA.C AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED CA.C AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Ordinance No. 6373 Date: September 29, 2011 Department: Administration Attachments: Ordinance No. 6373 Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation:City Council introduce and adopt Ordinance No. 6373 .Background Summary:Section 2.51.020 of the Auburn City Code establishe s the compensation level for members of the City Council and the Deputy Mayor. C ouncil salaries have not been increased for six years and during this time the sc ope of work for each councilmember has increased significantly. A comparable study was performed among cities in th e region, and in light of significant involvement of Auburn City Councilmembers in region al committees to which members have been appointed, an additional level of compens ation for councilmember attendance at such regional meetings is proposed. Ordinance No. 6373 was reviewed and recommended for approval by the Council Operations Committee on September 26, 2011. A4.3.1 Reviewed by Council Committees:Council Operations Committee Councilmember:Wagner Staff:Wagner/Heid Meeting Date:October 3, 2011 Item Number:DI.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED DI.A ORDINANCE NO. 6 3 73 AN ORDINANCE OF THECITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION 2.51.020 OF THE AUBURN CITYCODE RELATING TO COMPENSATION OF COUNCIL MEMBERS AND THEDEPUTY MAYOR WHEREAS, Section 2.51.020 theAuburnCity Code establishesthe compensation level for members of the City Council and for the Deputy Mayor,and WHEREAS, State law provides that the compensation of elected or appoinfed city council members may not be increased or diminishedafter their election or during theircurrent term; and WIiEREAS, council salarieshave not been increased for six years; and WHEREAS, the roleand scope of work for each councilmember has increasecl sign cantly over the past sixyears; and WHEREAS, a comparable studywas performed among cities in the region,. and the compensationincrease proposedherein still leaves Aubum councilmembersalanes in thelowerendof comparable cities; and WHEREAS, in light of the sign cant involvement of Aubum City Councilmembers in regional committees to which the members haye been appointed; it is appropriate toprovide for an additional.level ofcompensationfor councilmember attendance at such regional meetings; and Ordinance No. 6373 September 26, 2011 Page 1 of 4 DI.A WHEREAS, it is advantageous for the City to have its councilmembers attending regional boards, commissions or committees, and to the extentthat a per-meeting stipend encourages and incentivizes that participation, it would be beneficial for theCity; and WMEREAS, if the City Councilwishesto provide for an increase the level of compensation for council members subseguentfy elected or appointed, the ordinance would need to 6e adopted in advance. of the election ofthe council positions to which such increasewould apply.NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITYCOUNCIL OF THECITY OF AUBURN,WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN as follows:Section 7. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 2.51.020 of theAubum City Code be and the samehereby is amended to read as follows:2.51.020 Council membe's compensation.A. ^^ ^' °'°• '°^^^• ' '^"',The monthlv salary for those council memberselected or appointed afte anuary 1, 2006,shall be setat Nine Hundred Seventv-five Dollars ($975.00 per month. Additionallv,arad health benefits whicfi are available to unaffliated ciry employees will be e#+is-ar available to council members, provided that a maioritv of.-Seaasi council members spa41-particioate in said health benefds and ay ,the full cost of Such iasaaseheafth benefits. The council member selectedas deputy mayor on or after January 1, 2006, shall haye his/her monthly salary s e a-$4 increased bv an additionalFour Hundred Dollars ($400.00) per moMh.B. In addition to the citv council comoensation saec ed above.be4inninq onJanuarV 1, 2012, councilmemtiers electedor aapointed to termscommencina on or after Januarv 1. 2012, and who serve on Ordinance No. 6373 3eptember 26, 2011 Page 2 of 4 DI.A apaointed reaional boards, commissions and committees on behalf of the Citv shall receive. an additional pavment .of_Fiflv Dollars ($50.001 oer meetina for attendance atthe meetinps. ofsuch reqional boards.commissions or committees, uq to a maximum of four (41 meetinas oer month and a maximumof Two HundredDollars ($200.00) aer month. For the qurooses hereon, therepional boards, commissions and committees shall include those reqionalboards, oommissions and corrimitteesto which the councilmembers have been appointed bv theMavor whether or not confirmed bv theCouncil, or to which the councilmember has been elected bv the membership of thereqional board, commission or committee to which the Citv is a member.C. The compensation provided for in thissection shall be paid on the eighth.and twenry-third day of each month succeedingthe month in which services are pe formed, by proper warrants drawn upon the finance director of the city. Should the paydayfall on theweekend or holiday,paychecks will be issued on the previous workday. (Ord. 6191 §4, 2008;Ord. 5953 § 1, 2005; Ord,. 5806 § 1, 2003; O d. 5503 § 1, 2001; Ord. 5495 1, 2001; Ord. 4477 § 1, 1990; Ord. 4206 §§ 1, 2, 1987; Ord. 3677 § 2,198'I.)Section 2. Imalementation. The Mayor is herebyauthorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry outthe direcfions of this legislation.Section 3. Severabilitv. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence,paragraph, subdivision; sectionor portion of this orclinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any personor circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder ofthis ordinanqe, or the validity of it§ application to other persons or circumstances. Section 4. Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five daysfrom and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law, andas specified herein.OrdinanceNo..6373 September 26, 2011 Page 3 of 4 DI.A INTRODUCED:PASSED:APPROVED:GITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST:Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk.AFP VED TO FORM:D niel 6. Heid, Gity Attorn Published:Ordinance No. 6373 Septembe 36, 2011 Page 4 of 4 DI.A AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4753 Date: September 27, 2011 Department: Public Works Attachments: Resolution No. 4753 Resolution No. 4753 Project Summary Map Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation:City Council adopt Resolution No. 4753 Background Summary:Resolution No. 4753 authorizes the Mayor to execute a Construction Loan Agreement the Washington State Public Works Trust Fund Board (PWT F) for the design, property acquisition, and construction phases of the M Street SE Underpas s Project (Project). The Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FM SIB) will withdrawal its $6,000,000 grant awarded to the City for the Project construction if the Project is not advertised for construction bids by the end of this year. The PWTF loan will be used to fill the project funding gap so the project can be advertised for construction bids by the end of this year. Per the agreement, the City may draw up to the maximum loan amount of $6,8 00,000. The actual amount drawn will depend on whether or not the City is awarded a Tran sportation Improvement Board (TIB) grant, actual construction costs, and other funding consid erations. The loan interest rate is 0.5% with a 30-year term. If the project construction is completed within 4-years of the Construction Loan Agreement e xecution date, the interest rate will be lowered to 0.25%. Debt servicing costs for this loa n will be included in the upcoming updated Capital Facilities Plan (CFP). Reviewed by Council Committees:Finance, Public Works Councilmember:Wagner Staff:Dowdy Meeting Date:October 3, 2011 Item Number:DI.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED DI.B RESO UTION NO. 4753 A RESOLUTION OF ,THE GITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTEACONSTRUCTION LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND THE WASHINGTON STATEPUBLIC WORKS BOARDRELATING TO THE M STREET SE UNDERPASSPROJECT (C201A)WHEREAS, the City wasawarded a Public Works Trust,FundLoan in the amount not to exceed $6,800,000 to assist'in thedesign, property acquisition,andconsVuction of the M S4reet SE Underpass Project (Project) that doesnot require a local match; and WHEREAS, the City has qualified for a 0.5% interest rateand a 30-year tenn and the 'interest rate may be reduced to 0.25% percent if the Project construction is completed within four years ofthe loan agreement execution date; and WHEREAS, it is in the bestinterest of the City to use this loan to finance the Project fundinggapso the project can be advertised for construction bids this year and meetthe Freight Mobility Strategialnvestment Board's (FMSIB)schedule requirements; and WHEREAS, if theproject is not advertised for construction bids this year,the City will loose a $6,000,000 grant awarded by FMSIB for the projecYs construction; and Resoludon.No.4753 September 15, 2011 Page 1 of 3 DI.B WHEREAS, the Washington State Public Works Board requiresthe execution of a Construction Loan Agreement to utilize these funds.NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITYCOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN,WASHINGTON, HEREBYRESOLVES as follows:Section 1. TheMayor is hereby authorizedto•execute a Construction Loan Agreement between the City and Washington State Public Works Board forthe design, propertyacquisition, and construction phases of the M Street SE UnderpassProject in the total amount notto exceed $6,800,000, in substantial conformi4y with the agreemerrt attached hereto, markedas Exhibit "A" and inco_rporated herein by this eference. In addition, the Mayor is hereby authorized to executeanynecessary futureagreementamendments related to the Construction Loan Agreement.Section 2. The Mayor is herebyauthorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry outthe directions of this legislation.Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Resolution No.4753 September 15,2011 Page 2 of 3 DI.B Dafed and'Signed this day of 2011.CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST:Danielle E. Daskam,City Clerk APP VE STO FORM:Daniel B. H ' , C'ity Attorney Resolution No. 4753 September 15, 2011 Page 3 of 3 DI.B ----------------------------- Resolution No. 4753 September 15, 2011 Page 1 of 3 RESOLUTION NO. 4753 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONSTRUCTION LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND THE WASHINGTON STATE PUBLIC WORKS BOARD RELATING TO THE M STREET SE UNDERPASS PROJECT (C201A) WHEREAS, the City was awarded a Publ ic Works Trust Fund Loan in the amount not to exceed $6,800,000 to assist in the design, property acquisition, and construction of the M Street SE Under pass Project (Project) that does not require a local match; and WHEREAS, the City has qualified for a 0.5% interest rate and a 30-year term and the interest rate may be reduc ed to 0.25% percent if the Project construction is completed within four years of the loan agreement execution date; and WHEREAS, it is in the bes t interest of the City to use this loan to finance the Project funding gap so the project can be adverti sed for construction bids this year and meet the Fr eight Mobility Strategic In vestment Board’s (FMSIB) schedule requirements; and DI.B ----------------------------- Resolution No. 4753 September 15, 2011 Page 2 of 3 WHEREAS, if the project is not advert ised for construction bids this year, the City will loose a $6,000,000 grant awarded by FM SIB for the project’s construction; and WHEREAS, the Washington State P ublic Works Board requires the execution of a Construction Loan Ag reement to utilize these funds. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY CO UNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a Construction Loan Agreement between the City and Washi ngton State Public Works Board for the design, property acquisition, and co nstruction phases of the M Street SE Underpass Project in the total amount not to exceed $6,800,000, in substantial conformity with the agreement attached hereto, marked as Exhibi t “A” and incorporated herein by this reference. In addition, the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute any necessary fu ture agreement amendments related to the Construction Loan Agreement. DI.B ----------------------------- Resolution No. 4753 September 15, 2011 Page 3 of 3 Section 2. The Mayor is hereby author ized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessa ry to carry out the directions of this legislation. Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full f orce upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this _____ day of _________, 2011. CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST: ______________________ Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _____________________ Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney DI.B Washington State Public Works Board 1011 Plum Street SE Post Office Box 42525 Olympia, Washington 98504-2525 Administrative services provided by the Washington State Department of Commerce (360) 725-3150 Fax (360) 586-844 0 www.pwb.wa.gov September 22, 2011 Dennis Dowdy City of Auburn 25 West Main Street Auburn , WA 98001 RE: Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF) Construction Loan Contract: PC12-951-012 Dear Mr. Dowdy : Enclosed are two originals of the Public Works Trust Fund Const ruction Loan Contract PC12-951-012 between City of Auburn and the Public Works Board (Board). This Contract details the t erms and conditions that will govern the agreement between us. You will also find the project’s Scope of Work and an Attorney’s Certification as formal attachments to the contract. Please review the terms and conditions of the Contract carefully. We recommend consulting with your legal advisor before accepting this loan offer. When you have obtained the appropriate original signatures (do not use signature stamps), return both original contracts and all the attachments to the Public Works Bo ard office within 60 calendar days of the date of this letter. Failure to return the contracts withi n this timeline may result in the loan offer being withdrawn. After the Contracts have been signed by the Board, one fu lly executed original along with instructions for drawing funds will be mailed to you. We encourage you to store these and all pertinent documents associated with this project and loan offer in a file that is readily accessible to auditors for their periodic review. If you haven’t already completed the required Historic al and Cultural Resources Review for your project, please refer to the instructions and EZ1 form attached for your convenience. If you have questions about this Historical and Cultural Review process, plea se contact your Client Services Representative. We look forward to working with you over the course of your successf ul public works project. If you have any questions about this Contract, please contact me at (360) 7 25-3153 or at Ann.Campbell@commerce.wa.gov. Sincerely, Ann E Campbell Project, Policy, & Performance Coordinator Enclosures ATTACHMENT A DI.B City of Auburn Page 2 Contract Terms and Conditions PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract Washington State Public Works Board 1011 Plum Street SE Post Office Box 42525 Olympia, Washington 98504-2525 2012 Construction Loan Agreement between: City of Auburn and Public Works Board For: Project Name: M Street SE Grade Separation Loan Number: PC12-951-012 Loan Type: Construction Execution/Start Date: (to be filled by the Public Works Board) DI.B City of Auburn Page 3 Contract Terms and Conditions PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTRACT FACE SHEET ....................................................................................................... 5 CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDIT IONS ................................................................................. 6 Part 1.SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS .......................................................................... 6 1.1.Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 6 1.2.Authority .................................................................................................................................. 6 1.3.Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 6 1.4.Order of Pr ecedence .............................................................................................................. 6 1.5.5- year deferral for start-up systems ....................................................................................... 6 1.6.Competitive Bidding Requirements ........................................................................................ 7 1.7.Default in Repayment ............................................................................................................. 7 1.8.Investment Grade Audit .......................................................................................................... 7 1.9.Local Matching Share and E ligible Project Costs ................................................................... 7 1.10.Historical and Cult ural Resources .......................................................................................... 8 1.11.Performance In centives .......................................................................................................... 8 1.12.Project Completion Amendment and Cert ified Project Comp letion Report ............................ 9 1.13.Project Signs ........................................................................................................................... 9 1.14.Rate and Term of Loan ........................................................................................................... 9 1.15.Recapture ............................................................................................................................... 9 1.16.Reimbursement Procedures and Payment ............................................................................. 9 1.17.Repayment ............................................................................................................................ 11 1.18.Reports ................................................................................................................................. 11 1.19.Termination for Cause .......................................................................................................... 11 1.20.Termination for Convenience ................................................................................................ 11 1.21.Time of Performance ............................................................................................................ 12 Part 2.GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ...................................................................... 13 2.1.DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................................................... 13 2.2.Allowable Costs .................................................................................................................... 13 2.3.ALL WRITINGS CONT AINED HERE IN ............................................................................... 13 2.4.AMENDMENTS .................................................................................................................... 13 2.5.AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) OF 1990, PUBLIC LAW 101-336, also referred to as the “ADA ” 28 CFR Pa rt 35 ............................................................................. 13 2.6.APPROVAL ........................................................................................................................... 13 2.7.ASSIGNMENT ...................................................................................................................... 13 2.8.ATTORNEYS’ FEES ............................................................................................................. 1 4 2.9.AUDIT ................................................................................................................................... 14 2.10.CODE REQUIR EMENTS ..................................................................................................... 15 2.11.CONFIDENTIALITY/SAFEGUARD ING OF INFORMATION ............................................... 15 2.12.CONFORMA NCE ................................................................................................................. 1 6 2.13.COPYRIGHT PROVISIONS ................................................................................................. 16 2.14.DISALLOWED COSTS ......................................................................................................... 16 2.15.DISPUTES ............................................................................................................................ 16 2.16.DUPLICATE PAYMENT ....................................................................................................... 17 2.17.ETHICS/CONFLICTS OF INTEREST .................................................................................. 17 2.18.GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE ......................................................................................... 17 DI.B City of Auburn Page 4 Contract Terms and Conditions PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract 2.19.INDEMNIFICATION .............................................................................................................. 17 2.20.INDEPENDENT CAPACITY OF THE CONTRACTOR ........................................................ 17 2.21.INDUSTRIAL INSURA NCE COVERAGE ............................................................................. 17 2.22.LAWS .................................................................................................................................... 18 2.23.LICENSING, ACCREDITATIO N AND REGIST RATION ...................................................... 18 2.24.LIMITATION OF AUTHORITY .............................................................................................. 18 2.25.Local Public Transporta tion Coordi nation ............................................................................. 18 2.26.NONCOMPLIANCE WITH NONDI SCRIMINATION LAWS ................................................. 19 2.27.POLITICAL AC TIVITIES ....................................................................................................... 19 2.28.PREVAILING WAGE LAW ................................................................................................... 19 2.29.PROHIBITION AGAINST PAYMENT OF BONUS OR COMMISSION ................................ 19 2.30.PUBLICITY ........................................................................................................................... 19 2.31.RECAPTURE ........................................................................................................................ 19 2.32.RECORDS MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................. 20 2.33.REGISTRATION WITH DEPAR TMENT OF R EVENUE ...................................................... 20 2.34.RIGHT OF IN SPECTION ...................................................................................................... 20 2.35.SAVINGS .............................................................................................................................. 20 2.36.SEVERABILITY .................................................................................................................... 20 2.37.SUBCONTRAC TING ............................................................................................................ 21 2.38.SURVIVAL ............................................................................................................................ 21 2.39.TAXES .................................................................................................................................. 21 2.40.TERMINATION FOR CAU SE / SUSPENSION .................................................................... 21 2.41.TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE ................................................................................. 22 2.42.TERMINATION PROCEDURES ........................................................................................... 22 2.43.WAIVER ................................................................................................................................ 22 ATTACHMENT I: SC OPE OF WORK ..................................................................................... 23 A. PROJECT’S SCOPE OF WORK ........................................................................................... 23 B. ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ........................................................................................... 24 C. ANTICIPATED PROJECT FUNDING .................................................................................... 25 ATTACHMENT II: ATTORNEY’S CERTIFICATION ................................................................. 26  DI.B City of Auburn Page 5 Contract Terms and Conditions PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract CONTRACT FACE SHEET Contract Number: PC12-951-012 Washington State Department of Commerce PUBLIC WORKS BOARD CONSTRUCTION LOAN CONTRACT 1. Contractor 2. Contractor Doing Business As (optional) City of Auburn 25 West Main Street Auburn , WA 98001 N/A 3. Contractor Representative 4. Public Works Board Repr esentative N/A N/A 5. Contract Amount 6. Funding Source 7. Contract Start Date 8. Contract End Date $6,800,000.00 Federal: State: 5 Other: N/A: Contract Execution Date June 1, 2042 9. Federal Funds (as applicable) N/A Federal Agency N/A CFDA Number N/A 10. Tax ID # 11. SWV # 12. UBI # 13. DUNS # 916001228 14. Contract Purpose Fund a project of a local government for the planning, acquisition, construction , repair, reconstruction, replacement, rehabilitation, or improvement of streets and roads, bridges, drinking water systems, stormwater systems, sanitary sewage systems, and solid wa ste facilities, including recycling facilities. The Board, defined as the Washington State Public Works Board, and Cont ractor acknowledge and accept the terms of this Contract and attachments and have executed this Contract on the date below to start as of the date and year last written below. The rights and obligat i ons of both parties to this Contract are governed by this Contract and the following other documents incorp orated by reference: Contract Terms and Conditions including Attachment I: Scope of Work, and A ttachment II: Attorney’s Certification. FOR THE CONTRACTOR FOR PUBLIC WORKS BOARD Signature Print Name Title Date John LaRocque, Executive Director Date APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY This 7th Day of June, 2011 Rob McKenna Attorney General Signature on file Kathryn Wyatt Assistant Attorney General DI.B City of Auburn Page 6 Contract Terms and Conditions PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS PUBLIC WORKS BOARD CONSTRUCTION LOAN PROGRAM Part 1. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.1. Definitions As used throughout this Construction Loan Contract the following terms shall have the meaning set forth below: A. “Contract” shall mean this Construction Loan Contract. B. “Contractor” shall mean the local government id entified on the Contract Face Sheet performing service(s) under this Contract and who is a Party to the Contract , and shall include all employees and agents of the Contractor. C. “The Board” shall mean the Washington State P ublic Works Board created in Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 43.155.030, and wh o is a Party to the Contract. 1.2. Authority Acting under the authority of Chapter 43.155 RCW, the Board has awarded the Contractor a Public Works Trust Fund construction loan for an approved public works proje ct. 1.3. Purpose The Board and the Contractor have entered into this Cont ract to undertake a local public works project that furthers the goals and objec tives of the Washington St ate Public Works Program. The project will be undertaken by the Contractor and will include the ac tivities described in ATTACHMENT I: SCOPE OF WORK. The project must be undertaken in accordance with the loan terms and conditions, and all applicable federal, state and local laws and ordinances, w h ich by this reference are incorporated into this Contract as though set forth fully herein. 1.4. Order of Precedence In the event of an inconsistency in this Contract, t he inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: A. Applicable federal and state of Washington statutes and re gulations. B. Special Terms and Conditions including attachments. C. General Terms and Conditions. 1.5. 5- year deferral for start-up systems If the project financed by this contract is to develop a system to deliver previously unavailable services, and revenue from those services is to repay the loan, the new system is e ligible for a deferral of loan payments for sixty (60) months after the Contract execution date . The Contractor may provide a written request to the Board requesting a 5-year deferral for an eligible sy stem. The Board may approve the deferral request. Interest accrues for the aforementioned sixty (60) months. The a ccrued interest only payment is due June 1 of the 6th year of the loan term. Interest and prin cipal payments are due on June 1 of the 7th year of the loan term. DI.B City of Auburn Page 7 Contract Terms and Conditions PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract 1.6. Competitive Bidding Requirements The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of RCW 43.155.060 regarding competitive bidding requirements for projects assisted in whole or in part with money from the Public Works Program. 1.7. Default in Repayment Loan repayments shall be made on the loan in accordance with Section 1.16 of this Contract. A payment not received within thirty (30) days of the due date sh all be declared delinquent. Delinquent payments shall be assessed a monthly penalty beginning on the first (1st) day past the due date. The penalty will be assessed on the entire payment amount. The penalty will be one percent (1%) per month or twelve percent (12%) per annum. The same penalty terms shall apply at project completion if the repayment of loan funds in excess of eligible costs are not repaid at the time of the Project Completion Amendment is submitted, as provided for in Section 1.11. The Contractor acknowledges and agrees to the Bo ard’s right, upon delinquency in the payment of any annual installment, to notify any other entity, creditors, or potential creditors of the Contractor of such delinquency. The Contractor shall be responsible for all legal fees incurre d by the Board in any action undertaken to enforce its rights under this section. 1.8. Investment Grade Audit For projects involving repair, replacement, or improvem ent of a wastewater treatment plant, or other public works facility for which an investment grade audit is obtainable, Contractor must undertake an investment grade audit. Costs incurred as part of the investment grade audit are eligible project costs. 1.9. Local Matching Share and Eligible Project Costs The Contractor pledges to use an amount of matchi ng funds as local project share of not less than $0.00 applied to the total eligible portion of the project co st as identified in ATTACHMENT I: SCOPE OF WORK. State and federal grants are not considered local matching funds. Expenditures on eligible project activities incurred up to twelve (12) months prior to the execut ion of this Contract may be used as match for local project share. The amount of local funds used for the project will be verified and the percentage t hat this figure represents of the total project cost will be calculated at project co mpletion. If and to the extent the actual percentage of local match exceeds the proposed match percentage, t he loan amount and/or the interest rate charged may be adjusted. At a minimum, the match provided cannot be less than the original match pledged at the time of contract execution. The interest rate adjustment will apply to the remaining payments beginning the fiscal year of project completion. The Contractor agrees to execute the Project Completion Amendment as an amendment to this Contract adjusting the loan amount or interest rate, as appropriate. Eligible project costs must consist of expenditures eligible under Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 399-30-030 and be related only to project activities described in ATTACHMENT I: SCOPE OF WORK. Eligible costs for reimbursement shall be construed to mean expenditures incurred and paid, or incurred and payable within thirty (30) days of the reimburs ement request. Only costs that have been incurred on or after September 1, 2010 , and which are not counted as local share, are eligible for reimbursement under this Contract. The Contractor assures compliance with WAC 399-30-030, which identifies eligible costs for projects assisted with Public Works Program loans. These terms supersede the terms in Section 2.2. Allowable Costs. DI.B City of Auburn Page 8 Contract Terms and Conditions PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract 1.10. Historical and Cultural Resources Prior to commencing construction, Contractor shall complete the requirements of Governor’s Executive Order 05-05, or, as a substitute for completion of Governor’s Executive Order 05-05, Contractor shall complete Section 106 of the National Historic Preserva tion Act. Contractor agrees that the Contractor is legally and financially responsible for compliance with all laws, regulations, and agreements related to the preservation of historical or cultural artifacts and agrees to hold harmless the Board and the State of Washington in relation to any claim related to such histor ical or cultural artifacts discovered, disturbed, or damaged as a result of the project funded by this Contract. In addition to the requirements set forth in this Contrac t, Contractor shall, in accordance with Governor’s Executive Order 05-05, coordinate with the Washin gton State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP), including any recommended consulta tion with any affected tribe(s), during project design and prior to construction to det ermine the existence of any tribal cultural resources affected by the proposed project funded by this Contract. Contractor agrees to avoid, minimize, or mitigate impacts to the cultural resource as a continuing pre-requisit e to receipt of funds under this Contract. The Contractor agrees that, unless the Contractor is proceeding under an approved historical and cultural monitoring plan or other memorandum of agreement, if hi storical or cultural artifacts are discovered during construction, the Contractor shall immediately stop co nstruction and notify the local historical preservation officer and the state's historical preservation offi cer at DAHP. If human remains are uncovered, the Contractor shall report the presence and location of the remains to the coroner and local enforcement immediately, then contact DAHP and the concer ned tribe’s cultural staff or committee. The Contractor shall require this provision to be contained i n all sub-contracts for work or services related to ATTACHMENT I: SCOPE OF WORK. In addition to the requirements set forth in this Co ntract, Contractor agrees to comply with RCW 27.44 regarding Indian Graves and Records; RCW 27.53 regarding Archaeological Sites and Resources; RCW 68.60 regarding Abandoned and Historic Cemeteries and Historic Graves; and, WAC 25-48 regarding Archaeological Excavation and Removal Permits. Completion of the Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act shall substitute for completion of Governor’s Executive Order 05-05. In the event that the Contractor finds it nec essary to amend ATTACHMENT I: SCOPE OF WORK, the Contractor may be required to re-comply with Govern or’s Executive Order 05-05 or Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. 1.11. Performance Incentives The Contractor shall complete the project no later th an sixty (60) months after the date of contract execution. Should the Contractor complete the project within forty-eigh t (48) months of the dat e of contract execution, the Contractor may choose one of the two following incenti ves upon project completion: Option A: The repayment period will be increased by twenty-four (24) months, not to exceed the life of the asset, OR: Option B: The interest rate will be decrea sed by one-quarter of on e percent (0.25%). Should the Contractor complete the project within thirty-s ix (36) months of the date of contract execution, the Contractor may choose one of the following two incenti ves upon project completion: Option C: The repayment period will be increased by sixty (60) months, not to exceed the life of the asset, OR; Option D: The interest rate will be decrease d by up to one-half of one percent (0.50%). DI.B City of Auburn Page 9 Contract Terms and Conditions PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract Once an option is selected, the Contract shall be modified to note the appropriate change and no further adjustment to the Contract for Perfor mance Incentives shall be authorized. Irrespective of the performance incentive chosen, at no point in time shall t he minimum loan interest rate be less than 0.25%. The calculation of interest rate and term adjustments will apply to the remaining payments. 1.12. Project Completion Amendment and Certified Project C ompletion Report The Contractor shall complete a Certified Project Completion Report when all activities identified in ATTACHMENT I: SCOPE OF WORK are complete. The Boar d will supply the Contract or with the Certified Project Completion Report form, which shall include: A. A certified statement that the project, as described in ATTACHMENT I: SCOPE OF WORK, is complete and, if applicable, meet s required standards. B. A certified statement of the actual dollar amount s spent, from all funding sources, in completing the project as described in A TTACHMENT I: SCOPE OF WORK. C. Certification that all costs associated with the project have bee n incurred and have been accounted for. Costs are incurred when goods and services are re ceived and/or contract work is performed. D. A final voucher for the remaining eligible funds. The Contractor will submit the Certified Project Comple tion Report together with the last Invoice Voucher for a sum not to exceed the balance of the loan amount. The final Invoice Voucher payment shall not occur prior to the completion of all project activities identified in ATTACHMENT I: SCOPE OF WORK and the Board’s receipt and acceptance of the Ce rtified Project Completion Report. The Project Completion Amendment shall serve as an amendment t o this Contract determining the final loan amount, local share, term, and interest rate. 1.13. Project Signs If the Contractor displays, during the period covered by this C ontract, signs or markers identifying those agencies participating financially in the approved pr oject, the sign or marker must identify the Washington State Public Works Trust Fund as a participant in the project. 1.14. Rate and Term of Loan The Board shall loan the Cont ractor a sum not to exceed $6,800,000.00 . The interest rate shall be 0.50% per annum on the outstanding principal balance . The term of the loan shall not exceed 30 years, with the final payment due June 1, 2042 . 1.15. Recapture The right of recapture shall exist for a period not to ex ceed six (6) years following contract termination. In the event that the Board is required to institute legal proceedings to enf orce the recapture provision, the Board shall be entitled to its costs thereof, including att orney’s fees. These terms supersede the terms in Section 2.31. Recapture. 1.16. Reimbursement Procedures and Payment If funding or appropriation is not available at the time the invoice is submitted, or when this contract is executed, the issuance of warrants will be delayed or suspended until such time as funds or appropriation become available. Therefore, subject to the availability of funds, warrant s shall be issued to the Contractor for reimbursement of allowable expenses incurred by the Contractor while undertaking and administering approved project activities in accordance with ATTACHMENT I: SCOPE OF WORK. DI.B City of Auburn Page 10 Contract Terms and Conditions PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract The Board shall reimburse the Contractor for eligible project expenditures up to the maximum loan amount under this contract, as identified in Section 1.13. When requesting reimbursement for costs incurred, the Contractor shall submit a signed and completed Invoice Vouche r (Form A19), referencing the ATTACHMENT I: SCOPE OF WORK project activity per formed, and any appropriate documentation such as bills, invoices, and receipts. The Invoice Voucher mu st be certified by an official of the Contractor with authority to bind the Contractor. Each Invoice Voucher must be accompanied by a Projec t Status Report, which describes, in narrative form, the progress made on the project since the last invoice wa s submitted, as well as a report of project status to date. The Board will not release payment for any reimbursement request received unless and until the Project Status Report is received. After approving the Invoice Voucher and the Project Status Report, the Board shall promptly remit a warrant to the Contractor. Requests for reimbursemen ts for costs related to construction activities will not be accepted until the Contractor provides: x Proof of compliance with Governor’s Executive Orde r 05-05 or Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, as described in Section 1.9, and x An signed Public Works Trust Fund Notice of Cont ract Award and Notice to Proceed, which follows the formal award of a construction contract. The Contractor shall submit all Invoice Vouchers and all require d documentation to: Contracts Administration Unit Department of Commerce PO Box 42525 Olympia, WA 98504-2525 The Board will pay the Contractor upon acceptance of the work performed and receipt of properly completed invoices. Invoices shall be submitted to the Board not more often than monthly. Payment shall be considered timely if made by the Board within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of properly completed invoices. Payment shall be sent to the ad dress designated by the Contractor. The Board may, at its sole discretion, terminate the contract or withhold payments claimed by the Contractor for services rendered if the Contractor fails to satisfactorily comply with any term or condition of this contract. No payments in advance or in anticipation of services or supplies to be provided under this contract shall be made by the Board. Duplication of Billed Costs. If the Contractor is entitled to payment or has been or will be paid by another source for an eligible project cost, then the Contractor shall not be reimbursed by the Board for that cost. Disallowed Costs. The Contractor is responsible for any audit ex ceptions or disallowed costs incurred by its own organization or that of its subcontractors. In no event shall the total Public Works loan exceed 100.00% of the eligible actual project costs. At the time of project completion, the Contractor shall submit, to the Board, a Project Completion Amendment certifying the total actual project costs and local share. The final Pu blic Works loan disbursement shall bring the total loan to the lesser of 100.00% of the eligible project costs or the total of $6,800,000.00 . The Project Completion Amendment shall serve as an amendment to this Co ntract determining the final loan amount, local share, and interest rate. In the event that the final costs identified in the Proje ct Completion Amendment indicate that the Contractor has received Public Works Trust Fund monies in excess of 100.00% of eligible costs, a ll funds in excess of DI.B City of Auburn Page 11 Contract Terms and Conditions PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract 100.00% shall be repaid to the Public Works Assistance Account by payment to the Department of Commerce, or its successor, together with the submission of the Project Completion Amendment. 1.17. Repayment Loan repayment installments are due on June 1st of each year during the 30 -year fixed term of the loan. The first loan repayment is due June 1, 2012. In terest only will be charged for this payment if a reimbursement is made prior to this date. All subs equent payments shall consist of principal and accrued interest due on June 1st of each year during the remaining t erm of the loan. Repayment of the loan under this Contract shall include an interest rate of 0.50% per annum based on a three hundred and sixty (360) day year of twelve (12) thirty (30) day months. Interest will begin to accrue from the date each warrant is issued to the Contractor . The final payment shall be on or before June 1, 2042 , of an amount sufficient to bring the loan balance to zero. In the event that the Board approves Contractor’s request fo r a 5-year deferral as outlined in Section 1.5, then the first loan repayment is due on June 1, 2016. Interest accrues for the sixty (60) months after contract execution. The accrued interest only pay ment is due on June 1, 2016. Interest and principal payments are due on June 1 of each year dur ing the remaining term of the loan. The Contractor has the right to repay the unpaid balance of the loan in full at any time or make accelerated payments without penalty. The Contractor will repay the loan in accordance with the p receding conditions through the use of a check, money order, or equivalent means made payable to the Washington State Department of Commerce, or its successor. 1.18. Reports The Contractor shall furnish the Board with: A. Project Status Reports with each Invoice Voucher, B. Project Reports at the end of each fiscal year, C. Certified Project Completion Report at proj ect completion (as described in Section 1.11), and D. Other reports as the Board may require. 1.19. Termination for Cause If the Contractor fails to comply with the terms of this Contra ct, or fails to us e the loan proceeds only for those activities identified in ATTACHMENT I: SCOPE OF WORK, the Board may terminate the Contract in whole or in part at any time. The Board shall notif y the Contractor in writing of its determination to terminate, the reason for such termination, and the effect ive date of the termination. Nothing in this section shall affect the Contractor’s obligation to repay the unpaid balance of the loan. These terms supersede the terms in Secti on 2.40 Termination for Cause/Suspension. 1.20. Termination for Convenience The Board may terminate this contract in the event that state funds are no longer available to the Board, or are not appropriated for the purpose of meeting the Board’s oblig ations under this cont ract. Termination will be effective when the Board sends writt en notice of termination to the Contractor. Nothing in this section shall affect the Contractor’s obligation to repay the unpaid balance of the loan. These terms supersede the terms in Se ction 2.41 Termination for Convenience. DI.B City of Auburn Page 12 Contract Terms and Conditions PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract 1.21. Time of Performance No later than sixty (60) months after the date of c ontract execution the Contra ctor must reach project completion. Failure to meet Time of Performance shall constitute default of this contract. In the event of extenuating circumstances, the Contractor may request, in writ ing, that the Board extend the deadline for project completion. The Board may extend the deadline. The term of this contract shall be for the entire term of the loan, regardless of actual project completion, unless terminated sooner as provided herein. DI.B City of Auburn Page 13 Contract Terms and Conditions PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract Part 2. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 2.1. DEFINITIONS As used throughout this Contract, the following terms shall have the meaning set forth below: A. “Authorized Representative” shall mean the P ublic Works Board Chair and/or the designee authorized in writing to act on the Chair’s behalf. B. "Contractor" shall mean the entity identified on the face sheet performing service(s) under this Contract, and shall include all employees and agents of th e Contractor. C. “BOARD” shall mean the Washington State Pub lic Works Board created in Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 43.155.030, and whic h is a Party to the Contract D. “Personal Information” shall mean information ident ifiable to any person, including, but not limited to, information that relates to a person’s name, health, finances, education, business, use or receipt of governmental services or other activities , addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, driver license numbers, other i dentifying numbers, and any financial identifiers. E. ”State” shall mean the state of Washington. F. "Subcontractor" shall mean one not in the employment of the C ontractor, who is performing all or part of those services under this Contract under a separate contract with the Contractor. The terms “subcontractor” and “subcontractors” mean subcontractor(s) in any tier. 2.2. ALLOWABLE COSTS Costs allowable under this Contract are actual expenditures according to an approved budget up to the maximum amount stated on the Contract Award or Amendment Face Sh eet. 2.3. ALL WRITINGS CONTAINED HEREIN This Contract contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Contract shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. 2.4. AMENDMENTS This Contract may be amended by mutual agreement of the parties. Such amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by perso nnel authorized to bind each of the parties. 2.5. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) OF 1990, PUBLIC LA W 101-336, ALSO REFERRED TO AS THE “ADA” 28 CFR PART 35 The Contractor must comply with the ADA, which provides comprehen sive civil rights protection to individuals with disabilities in the areas of employ ment, public accommodations, state and local government services, and telecommunications. 2.6. APPROVAL This contract shall be subject to the written approva l of the Board’s Authorized Representative and shall not be binding until so approved. The contract may be altered, amended, or waived only by a written amendment executed by both parties. 2.7. ASSIGNMENT Neither this Contract, nor any claim arising under th is Contract, shall be transferred or assigned by the Contractor without prior wri tten consent of the Board. DI.B City of Auburn Page 14 Contract Terms and Conditions PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract 2.8. ATTORNEYS’ FEES Unless expressly permitted under another provision of the Contract, in the event of litigation or other action brought to enforce Contract terms, each party agr ees to bear its own attorneys fees and costs. 2.9. AUDIT A. General Requirements Contractors are to procure audit services based on the follo wing guidelines. The Contractor shall maintain its records and accounts so as to facilitate the audit requirement and shall ensure that Subcontractors also maintain auditable records. The Contractor is responsible for any audit exceptions incurred by its own organization or that of its Subcontractors. The Board reserves the right to recover from the Cont ractor all disallowed costs resulting from the audit. As applicable, Contractors required to have an audit must ensure the audits are performed in accordance with Generally Acc epted Auditing Standards (GAAS); Gove rnment Auditing Standards (the Revised Yellow Book) developed by the Comptroller General. Responses to any unresolved management finding s and disallowed or questioned costs shall be included with the audit report. The Contractor must re spond to the Board’s requests for information or corrective action concerning audit issues within thirty (30) days of the date of request. B. State Funds Requirements Contractors expending $100,000 or more in total state f unds in a fiscal year must have a financial audit as defined by Government Auditing Standards (The Revised Yell ow Book) and according to Generally Accepted Auditing Standa rds (GAAS). The Schedule of State Financ ial Assistance must be included. The schedule includes: Grantor agency name State program name BARS account number Grantor Agency contract number Contract award amount including amendments (total grant award) Beginning balance Current year revenues Current year expenditures Ending balance Program total If the Contractor is a state or local government entity, the Office of the State Auditor shall conduct the audit. Audits of non-profit organizations are to be conduct ed by a certified public accountant selected by the Contractor. The Contractor shall include the above a udit requirements in any subcontracts. In any case, the Contractor’s financial records must be available for review by the Board . DI.B City of Auburn Page 15 Contract Terms and Conditions PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract C. Documentation Requirements The Contractor must send a copy of any required a udit Reporting Package as described in OMB Circular A-133, Part C, Section 320(c) no later than nine (9) mont hs after the end of the Cont ractor’s fiscal year(s) to: Department of Commerce ATTN: Audit Review and Resolution Office PO Box 42525 Olympia WA 98504-2525 In addition to sending a copy of the audit, w hen applicable, the Contractor must include: x Corrective action plan for audit findings within three (3) months of the audit being received by the Board. x Copy of the Management Letter. 2.10. CODE REQUIREMENTS All construction and rehabilitation projects must sati sfy the requirements of applicable local, state, and federal building, mechanical, plumbing, fire, energy and barrier-free codes. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 28 C.F.R. Part 35 w ill be required, as specified by the local building Department. 2.11. CONFIDENTIALITY/SAFEGUARDING OF INFORMATION A. “Confidential Information” as used in this section include s: 1. All material provided to the Contractor by the B oard that is designated as “confidential” by the Board; 2. All material produced by the Contractor that is designated as “confidential” by the Board; and 3. All personal information in the possession of the Contractor that may not be disclosed under state or federal law. “Personal information” includes but is not limited to information related to a person’s name, health, finances, education, business, us e of government services, addresses, telephone numbers, social security number, driver’s license number and other i dentifying numbers, and “Protected Health Information” under the federal He alth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). B. The Contractor shall comply with all state and federal la ws related to the use, sh aring, transfer, sale, or disclosure of Confidential Information. The Contract or shall use Confidential Information solely for the purposes of this Contract and shall not use, share, transfer, sell or disclose any Confidential Information to any third party except with the prior written cons ent of the Board or as may be required by law. The Contractor shall take all necessary steps to assure that Confidential Information is safeguarded to prevent unauthorized use, sharing, transfer, sale or di sclosure of Confidential Info rmation or violation of any state or federal laws related thereto. Upon request, the Contractor shall provide THE BO ARD with its policies and procedures on confidentiality. The Board may require changes to such policies and procedures as they apply to this Contract whenev er the Board reasonably det ermines that changes are necessary to prevent unauthorized disclosures. The Contractor shall make the changes within the time period specified by the Board. Upon request, the Co ntractor shall immediately return to the Board any Confidential Information that t he Board reasonably determines ha s not been adequately protected by the Contractor against unauthorized disclosure. C. Unauthorized Use or Disclosure. The Contractor shall notify the Board within five (5) working days of any unauthorized use or disclosure of any confidential information, and shall take necessary steps to mitigate the harmful effects of such use or disclosure. DI.B City of Auburn Page 16 Contract Terms and Conditions PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract 2.12. CONFORMANCE If any provision of this contract violat es any statute or rule of law of the state of Washington, it is considered modified to conform to that statute or rule of law. 2.13. COPYRIGHT PROVISIONS Unless otherwise provided, all Materials produced under this Contract shall be considered "works for hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act and shall be owned b y the Board. The Board shall be considered the author of such Materials. In the event the Material s are not considered “works for hire” under the U.S. Copyright laws, the Contractor hereby irrevocably assi gns all right, title, and interest in all Materials, including all intellectual property rights, moral rights, and rights of publicity to the Board effective from the moment of creation of such Materials. “Materials” means all items in any format and include s, but is not limited to, data, reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies, computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. “Ownership” in cludes the right to copyright, patent, register and the abi lity to transfer these rights. For Materials that are delivered under the Contract, bu t that incorporate pre-existing materials not produced under the Contract, the Contractor hereby grants to the Board a nonexclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable license (with rights to sublicense to others) in such Materials to translate, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works, publicly perform, a nd publicly display. The Contract or warrants and represents that the Contractor has all rights and permissions, including intellect ual property rights, moral rights and rights of publicity, necessary to grant such a license to the Board. The Contractor shall exert all reasonable effort to adv ise the Board, at the time of delivery of Materials furnished under this Contract, of all known or potentia l invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such document which was not produced in the perf ormance of this Contract. The Contractor shall provide the Board with prompt written notice of each notice or claim of infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any Materials delivered under this Contract. The Board shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the Materials by the Contractor. 2.14. DISALLOWED COSTS The Contractor is responsible for any audit exceptions or disallowed costs incurred by its own organization or that of its Subcontractors. 2.15. DISPUTES Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, wh en a dispute arises between the parties and it cannot b e resolved by direct negotiation, either party may request a dispute hearing with the Chair of the Board, who may designate a neutral person to decide the dispute. The request for a dispute hearing must: x be in writing; x state the disputed issues; x state the relative positions of the parties; x state the Contractor's name, address, and Contract number; and x be mailed to the Chair and the other party’s (respondent’s) R epresentative within three (3) working days after the parties agree that they cannot resolve the dispute. The respondent shall send a written answer to the requestor’s statement to both the Chair or the Chair’s designee and the requestor within five (5) working days. DI.B City of Auburn Page 17 Contract Terms and Conditions PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract The Chair or designee shall review the written statement s and reply in writing to both parties within ten (10) working days. The Chair or designee may extend th is period if necessary by notifying the parties. The decision shall not be admissible in any succeeding judicia l or quasi-judicial proceeding. The parties agree that this dispute process shall prec ede any action in a judicial or quasi-judicial tribunal. Nothing in this Contract shall be construed to limit the parties’ c hoice of a mutually acceptable alternate dispute resolution (ADR) method in addition to t he dispute hearing procedure outlined above. 2.16. DUPLICATE PAYMENT The Contractor certifies that work to be performed un der this contract does not duplicate any work to be charged against any other contract, subcontract, or other source. 2.17. ETHICS/CONFLICTS OF INTEREST In performing under this Contract, the Contractor shall assure compliance with the Ethics in Public Service Act (Chapter 42.52 RCW) and any other applicable state or federal law related to ethics or conflict s of interest. 2.18. GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE This Contract shall be construed and interpreted in acco rdance with the laws of the state of Washington, and the venue of any action brought hereunder sha ll be in the Superior Court for Thurston County. 2.19. INDEMNIFICATION To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor shall indemnify , defend, and hold harmless the state of Washington, the Board, all other agencies of the state an d all officers , agents and employees of the state, from and against all claims or damages for injuries to per sons or property or death arising out of or incident to the Contractor’s performance or failure to perform the Contract. The Contractor’s obligation to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless includes any claim by the Contractor’s agents, employ ees, representatives, or any Subcontractor or its agents, employees, or representatives. The Contractor’s obligation to indemnify, defend, and ho l d harmless shall not be eliminated by any actual or alleged concurrent negligence of the state or its agents, agencies, employees and officers. Subcontracts shall include a comprehensive indemnification clause holding harmless the Contractor, the Board, the state of Washington, its o fficers, employees and authorized agents. The Contractor waives its immunity under Title 51 RC W to the extent it is required to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the state and its agencies, officers, agents or e mployees. 2.20. INDEPENDENT CAPACI TY OF THE CONTRACTOR The parties intend that an independent contractor relationship will be created by this Contract. The Contractor and its employees or agents performing under this Contract are not employees or agents of the state of Washington or the Board. The Contractor will not hold itself out as or claim to be an officer or employee of the Board or of the st ate of Washington by r eason hereof, nor will t he Contractor make any claim of right, privilege or benefit which would accrue to such officer or employee under law. Conduct and control of the work will be solely with the Contractor. 2.21. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE COVERAGE The Contractor shall comply with all applicable provisi ons of Title 51 RCW, Industrial Insurance. If the Contractor fails to provide industrial insurance cove rage or fails to pay premiums or penalties on behalf of its employees as may be required by law, the Boar d may collect from the Contractor the full amount payable to the Industrial Insurance Accident Fund. The Board may deduct the amount owed by the Contractor to the accident fund from the amount payable to the Contractor by the Board under this Contract, and transmit the deducted amount to the Department of Labor and Industries, (L&I) Division of Insurance Services. This provision does not waive any of L&I’s rights to collect from the Contractor. DI.B City of Auburn Page 18 Contract Terms and Conditions PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract 2.22. LAWS The Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws, ordina nces, codes, regulations and policies of local and state and federal governments, as now or herea fter amended including, but not limited to: Washington State Laws and Regulations A. Affirmative action, RCW 41.06.020 (11). B. Boards of directors or officers of non-profit corpor ations – Liability - Limitations, RCW 4.24.264. C. Disclosure-campaign finances-lo bbying, Chapter 42.17 RCW. D. Discrimination-human rights commission, Chapter 49.60 RCW. E. Ethics in public service, Chapter 42.52 RCW. F. Housing assistance program, Chapter 43.185 RCW G. Interlocal cooperation act, Chapter 39.34 RCW. H. Noise control, Chapter 70.107 RCW. I. Office of minority and women’s business enterprises, Chapter 39.1 9 RCW and Chapter 326-02 WAC. J. Open public meetings act, Chapter 42.30 RCW. K. Prevailing wages on public wo rks, Chapter 39.12 RCW. L. Public records act, Chapter 42.56 RCW. M. Relocation assistance - real property acquisition policy, Chapter 8.26 RCW. N. Shoreline management act of 1971, Chapter 90.58 RCW. O. State budgeting, accounting, and reporting system, Chapter 4 3.88 RCW. P. State building code, Chapter 19.27 RCW and Energy -related building standards, Chapter 19.27A RCW, and Provisions in buildings for aged and handicapped persons, Chapter 70.92 RCW. Q. State Coastal Zone Management Program, Publication 01-06-003, Shorelands and Environmental Assistance Program, Washington State Department of Ecol ogy. R. State environmental policy, Chapter 43.21C RCW. S. State Executive Order 05-05 Archeol ogical and Cultural Resources. 2.23. LICENSING, ACCREDITATION AND REGISTRATION The Contractor shall comply with all applicable lo cal, state, and federal licensing, accreditation and registration requirements or standards necessary for the performance of this Contract. 2.24. LIMITATION OF AUTHORITY Only the Authorized Representative or Authorized Representative’s desi gnee by writing (designation to be made prior to action) shall have the expr ess, implied, or apparent authority to alter, amend, modify, o r waive any clause or condition of this Contract. 2.25. LOCAL PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION COORDINATION Where applicable, Contractor shall participate in loca l public transportation forums and implement strategies designed to ensure access to services. DI.B City of Auburn Page 19 Contract Terms and Conditions PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract 2.26. NONCOMPLIANCE WITH NONDISCRIMINATION LAWS During the performance of this Cont ract, the Contractor shall comply with all federal, state, and local nondiscrimination laws, regulations and policies. In the event of the Contractor’s non-compliance or refusal to comply with any nondiscrimination law, regulation or policy, this contract may be rescinded, canceled or terminated in whole or in part, and the Contractor ma y be declared ineligible for further contracts with the Board. The Contractor shall, however, be given a reasonabl e time in which to cure this noncompliance. Any dispute may be resolved in accordance with the “Disputes” procedure set forth herein. 2.27. POLITICAL ACTIVITIES Political activity of Contractor employees and o fficers are limited by the State Campaign Finances and Lobbying provisions of Chapter 42.17 RCW and the Federal Hatch Act, 5 USC 1501 - 1508. No funds may be used for working for or against ballo t measures or for or against the candidacy of any person for public office. 2.28. PREVAILING WAGE LAW The Contractor certifies that all contractors and subc ontractors performing work on the Project shall comply with state Prevailing Wages on Publ ic Works, Chapter 39.12 RCW, as applicable to the Project funded by this contract, including but not limited to the filing of the “Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages” and “Affidavit of Wages Paid” as required by RCW 39.12.040. The Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to evidence compliance with Chapter 39.12 RCW, and shall make such records available for the Board’s review upon request. 2.29. PROHIBITION AGAINST PAYMENT OF BONUS OR COMMISSION The funds provided under this Contract shall not be used in payment of any bonus or commission for the purpose of obtaining approval of the application for su ch funds or any other approval or concurrence under this Contract provided, however, that reasonable fees or bona fide technical consultant, managerial, or other such services, other than actual solicitation, are not h ereby prohibited if otherwise eligible as project costs. 2.30. PUBLICITY The Contractor agrees not to publish or use any adver tising or publicity materials in which the state of Washington or the Board’s name is mentioned, or lang uage used from which the connection with the state of Washington’s or the Board’s name may reasonably be inferred o r implied, without the prior written consent of the Board. 2.31. RECAPTURE In the event that the Contractor fails to perform this contract in accordance with state laws, federal laws, and/or the provisions of this contract, the Board reserves the rig ht to recapture funds in an amount to compensate the Board for the noncompliance in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity. Repayment by the Contractor of funds under this re capture provision shall occur within the time period specified by the Board. In the alternative, the Board may recaptur e such funds from payments due under this contract. DI.B City of Auburn Page 20 Contract Terms and Conditions PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract 2.32. RECORDS MAINTENANCE The Contractor shall maintain all books, records, do cuments, data and other evidence relating to this Contract and performance of the services descri bed herein, including but not limited to accounting procedures and practices which sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs of any nature expended in the performance of this Contract. Contractor shall retain such records for a period of six years following the date of final payment. If any litigation, claim or audit is started before the ex piration of the six (6) year period, the records shall be retained until all litigation, claims, or audit findings involving the records have been finally resolved. 2.33. REGISTRATION WITH DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE If required by law, the Contractor shall complete r egistration with the Washington State Department of Revenue. 2.34. RIGHT OF INSPECTION At no additional cost all records relating to the Contract or’s performance under this Contract shall be subject at all reasonable times to inspection, review, and audit by the Board, the Office of the State Auditor, and federal and state officials so authorized by law, in order to monitor and evaluate performance, compliance, and quality assurance under this Contract. The Contractor shall provide access to its facilities for this purpose. 2.35. SAVINGS In the event funding from state, federal, or other sources is withdrawn, reduced, or limited in any way after the effective date of this Contract and prior to normal completion, the Board may terminate the C ontract under the "Termination for Convenience" clause, without t he ten business day notice requirement. In lieu of termination, the Contract may be amended to refl ect the new funding limitations and conditions. 2.36. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract that can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract and to this end the provisions of this Contract are declared to be severable. DI.B City of Auburn Page 21 Contract Terms and Conditions PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract 2.37. SUBCONTRACTING The Contractor may only subcontract wo rk contemplated under this Contract if it obtains the prior written approval of the Board. If the Board approves subcontracting, the Contractor shall maintain written procedures related to subcontracting, as well as copies of all subcontracts and records related to subcontracts. For cause, the Board in writing may: (a) require the Contractor to amend its subcontracting procedures as they relate to this Contract; (b) prohibit the Contractor from subcontrac ting with a particular person or entity; or (c) require the Contractor to rescind or amend a subcontract. Every subcontract shall bind the Subcontractor to follow all applicable terms of this Contract. The Contractor is responsible to the Board if the Subcontractor fails to comply with any applicable term or condition of this Contract. The Contractor shall appropriately monitor t he activities of the Subcontractor to assure fiscal conditions of this Contract. In no event shall the existe nce of a subcontract operate to release or reduce the liability of the Contractor to the Board for any brea ch in the performance of the Contractor’s duties. Every subcontract shall include a term that the Board and the State of Washington are not liable for claims or damages arising from a Subcontracto r’s performance of the subcontract. 2.38. SURVIVAL The terms, conditions, and warranties contained in th is Contract that by t heir sense and context are intended to survive the completion of the performance, cancell ation or termination of this Contract shall so survive. 2.39. TAXES All payments accrued on account of pay roll taxes, unemployment contributio ns, the Contractor’s income or gross receipts, any other taxes, insurance or expenses for the Co ntractor or its staff shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. 2.40. TERMINATION FOR CAUSE / SUSPENSION In event the Board determines that the Contractor fa iled to comply with any term or condition of this Contract, the Board may terminate the Contract in whol e or in part upon written notice to the Contractor. Such termination shall be deemed “for cause.” Termination shall take effect on the date specified in the notice. In the alternative, the Board upon written notice may allo w the Contractor a specific period of time in which to correct the non-compliance. During the corrective -action time period, the Board may suspend further payment to the Contractor in whole or in part, or may re strict the Contractor’s right to perform duties under this Contract. Failure by the Contractor to take time ly corrective action shall allow the Board to terminate the Contract upon written notice to the Contractor. “Termination for Cause” shall be deemed a “Termination fo r Convenience” when the Board determines that the Contractor did not fail to comply with the terms of the Contract or when the Board determines the failure was not caused by the Contract or’s actions or negligence. If the Contract is terminated for cause, the Contract or shall be liable for damages as authorized by law, including, but not limited to, any cost difference betwe en the original contract and the replacement contract, as well as all costs associated with entering into the replacement contract (i.e., competitive bidding, mailing, advertising, and staff time). DI.B City of Auburn Page 22 Contract Terms and Conditions PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract 2.41. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE Except as otherwise provided in this Contract the Bo ard may, by ten (10) business days written notice, beginning on the second day after the mailing, terminate t his Contract, in whole or in pa rt. If this Contract is so terminated, the Board shall be liable only for paym ent required under the terms of this Contract for services rendered or goods delivered prior to the effective date of termination. 2.42. TERMINATION PROCEDURES After receipt of a notice of termination, except as other wise directed by the Board, the Contractor shall: A. Stop work under the Contract on the date, and to the extent specified, in the notice; B. Place no further orders or subcontracts for materials, services, or facilities related to the Contract; C. Assign to the State all of the rights, title, and interest of the Contractor under the orders and subcontracts so terminated, in which case the Board has the right, at its discretion, to settle or pay any or all claims arising out of the termination of su ch orders and subcontracts. Any attempt by the Contractor to settle such claims must have the prior written approval of the Board; and D. Preserve and transfer any materials, contract deliver ables and/or the Board proper ty in the Contractor’s possession as directed by the Board. Upon termination of the Contract, the Board shall pay the Contractor for any service provided by the Contractor under the Contract prior to the date of termination. The Board may withhold any amo unt due as the Board reasonably determines is necessary to pr otect the Board against potential loss or liability resulting from the termination. the Board shall pay any wit hheld amount to the Contractor if the Board later determines that loss or liability will not occur. The rights and remedies of the Board under this section are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided under this Contract or otherwise provided under law. 2.43. WAIVER Waiver of any default or breach shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent default or breach. Any waiver shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by Authorized Representative of the Bo ard. DI.B City of Auburn Page 23 PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract ATTACHMENT I: SCOPE OF WORK PUBLIC WORKS BOARD CONSTRUCTION LOAN PROGRAM City of Auburn PC12-951-012 Project Title: M Street SE Grade Separation A. PROJECT’S SCOPE OF WORK The project’s scope of work is comprised of the following acti vities: The City will renovate a railroad crossing to facilit ate the flow of traffic between SR 167 and SR 164. This project will improve traffic safety and result in a reduced environmental impact. Costs may include, but are not limited to, engineering, cultural and historical resources review, environmental review, right-of-way acquisition, permits, public i nvolvement, bid documents, and construction that allow the City to meet local, state, and federal regulations. DI.B City of Auburn Page 24 PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract B. ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Cost Category Amount Engineering Report $225,000.00 Cultural and Historical Resources Review (Section 106 or Executive Order 05-05) $50,000.00 Environmental Review $30,000.00 Land/Right-of-Way Acquisition $4,355,000.00 Permits $30,000.00 Public Involvement/Information $50,000.00 Bid Documents $2,000,000.00 Construction $13,100,000.00 Other Fees (Sales or Use Taxes) $200,000.00 Contingency: 10.00% $1,300,000.00 Other: Construction Engineering/Inspection $1,700,000.00 Other: $0.00 Other: $0.00 Other: $0.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS $23,040,000.00 DI.B City of Auburn Page 25 PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract C. ANTICIPATED PROJECT FUNDING Type of Funding Source Description Amount Grants Grant #1 Federal - 2008 Discretionary $122,500.00 Grant #2 Federal - 2010 Discretionary $749,872.00 Grant #3 State - FMSIB $6,000,000.00 Total Grants $6,872,372.00 Prior PWTF PreConstruction Loans Non-Match Loan #1 Non-Match #2 Total Prior PWTF PreConstruction Loans Loans This PWTF Loan Request Public Works Board $6,800,000.00 Other Loan #1 $0.00 Other Loan #2 $0.00 Other Loan #3 $0.00 Other Loan #4 $0.00 Total Loans $6,800,000.00 Local Revenue Local Revenue #1 Traffic Impact Fees $2,041,000.00 Local Revenue #2 Unrestricted Street Revenue $150,000.00 Local Revenue #3 Traffic Impact Fees, Mitigation Fees, REET $3,846,628.00 Local Revenue #4 $0.00 Total Local Revenue $6,037,628.00 Other Funds Other Funds #1 FAST Partners $2,030,000.00 Other Funds #2 King County Wastewater Treatment Div. $1,300,000.00 Total Other Funds $3,330,000.00 TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING $23,040,000.00 DI.B City of Auburn Page 26 PC12-951-012 9/22/2011 Construction Loan Contract ATTACHMENT II: ATTO RNEY’S CERTIFICATION PUBLIC WORKS BOARD CONSTRUCTION LOAN PROGRAM City of Auburn PC12-951-012 I, ________________________________________________, hereby certify: I am an attorney at law admitted to practice in the State o f Washington and the duly appointed attorney of the City of Auburn (the Contractor); and I have also examined any and all documents and records which are pertinent to the Contract, including the application requesting this financial assistan ce. Based on the foregoing, it is my opinion that: 1. The Contractor is a public body, properly constituted and o perating under the laws of the State of Washington, empowered to receive and expend federa l, state and local funds, to contract with the State of Washington, and to receive and expend the funds involved to accomplish the objectives set forth in their application. 2. The Contractor is empowered to accept the Public Works Trust F und financial assistance and to provide for repayment of the loan as set forth in the Contract. 3. There is currently no litigation in existence seeking to enjoin the commencement or completion of the above-described public facilities project or t o enjoin the Contractor from repaying the Public Works Trust Fund loan extended by the Public Works Board with respect to such project. The Contractor is not a party to litig ation which will materially affect its ability to repay such loan on the terms contained in the Contract. 4. Assumption of this obligation would not exceed statutory a nd administrative rule debt limitations applicable to the Contractor. __________________________________ _____________________________ Signature of Attorney Date __________________________________ Name _______________________________________________________________________ Address DI.B DI.B 4th St SE 6th St SE 7th St SE K St SE M Street SE 3rd St SE A A 2 Improvements Summary Future Connection to Auburn/Black Diamond Road 382424.AA.08_TBG080511084521SEA_MStreet_UnderpassProject_v9_11aug11 Project Limits Project Limits Project Limits 5 4 8 3 1 7 6 SR 18 9 10 M Street SE Underpass Project Eagles Lodge Miles Sand & Gravel Pit (Future Muckleshoot Development)164 TO 167 TO Re-striping to four lanes and removal of on-street parking completed by City to be concurrent to underpass construction Improvements by King County Housing Authority Development Project King County Housing Authority BNSF Auburn Yard (Slow Moving Trains)BNSF Railway Project Limits 5 Proposed Existing M Street SE widening includes left-turn lane and bike lanes Proposed RR bridge Structural retaining walls below existing SR 18 bridge Infiltration pond Pedestrian/bike rest area New street lighting, typical Eliminate on-street parking on M Street SE Access control on 3rd Street SE:right-in/right-out Relocated utility crossings Railroad track improvements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11'Two-Way Left Turn Lane SouthboundNorthbound 6'Bike Lane 6'Bike Lane 2'11'11'11'11'Retaining Wall Retaining Wall 8'Sidewalk Retaining Wall Retaining Wall Existing Ground 8'Sidewalk Section A - A 2'DI.B AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4754 Date: September 28, 2011 Department: Public Works Attachments: Summary Memo Map Resolution No. 4754 Budget Impact: $73,000.00 Administrative Recommendation:City Council adopt Resolution No. 4754.Background Summary:Resolution No. 4754 authorizes the Mayor to confirm the amounts owed and reimburse Pierce County, PSE, and Cascade Water Alliance for the easement fees that the City agreed to pay after the annexation of the area that encompasses the Lake Tapps Parkway Drainage Facilities that empty into the Pug et Sound Energy Tailrace. See attached memo. Reviewed by Council Committees:Finance, Public Works Councilmember:Wagner Staff:Dowdy Meeting Date:October 3, 2011 Item Number:DI.C AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED DI.C Page 1 of 2 Interoffice Memorandum Engineering Division Date: September 28, 2011 To: City Council Mayor Lewis From: Dennis Dowdy Re: Resolution No. 4754 - Summary of City Fee Obli gation Background: Resolution No. 3249 approved a Pre-annexation Agreem ent with Pierce County on August 28, 2000. Under this agreement the City of Au burn agreed to take ownership of the drainage facilities for the Lake Tapps Parkway bein g constructed by Pierce county and the developer under a separate agreement. On Feb 25th 2001 Auburn approved Ordinance 5512 to annex the area in Pierce County that includes the referenced drainage facilities; and shortly thereafter began coordination with Pierce County to take ownership of the drainage ponds that were obviously facilities that the City should own, operate and maintain. For some reason, not well understood by city staff, Pierce County staff d id not bring forward the requirement to turn over the drainage facilities that empty into the PSE tailrace. Although we had several on site turn over inspections for other storm drainage related facilities for the parkway, the county did not pursue tr ansfer to the city immediately after the annexation. So this requirement was overlooked by the county and the city, and the county continued to pay PSE for the easement that the county had negotiated for the outfall until 2010. In 2010 the city began receiving billings inquiries fro m PSE for fees that Pierce County was referring to the City and had stopped paying to P SE. Staff investigation of the pre-annexation agreement confirmed that the City was oblig ated to take over the drainage facility when annexation occurred; however, annexation law was insufficient per legal review to acquire the underlying easement rights for ci ty ownership until such time as Pierce County could convey or assign the appropriate de eds & easements to the City. Staff has been working with Pierce County Public Works st aff to assign and record the necessary ROW deeds & easements to the City. Those have now been recorded in the name of the City under the following recording numbe rs: DI.C Page 2 of 2 Pierce County Recording # Brief Description of Assignments 201109120004 9 Parcels of ROW Quit Claim Deeds on La ke Tapps Parkway 201108190527 PSE Outfall Easement 201108190526 Easements along west boundary of East Vall ey Highway Summary of Fees Due: Staff has prepared the below tabulation of fees due to each agency since the effective date of the annexation in accordance with Ordinance 551 2, (Feb 25, 2001) through June 21, 2011 as follows: Amount due to Pierce County: • Period from February 25 th 2001 to June 21, 2001 $2333.33 • Period from June 21, 2001 to June 30, 2009 $56,000.00 Total due $58,333.33 Amount due to Puget Sound Energy: • Period from June 30, 2009 until Dec 17, 2009 $3317.81 Amount due to Cascade Water Alliance: • Period from December 18, 2009 to June 21, 2010 $3,682.19 • Period from June 21, 2010 to June 21, 2011 $7,0 00.00 Total due $10,682.19 Staff Recommendation: Now that the City’s request for easements and ROW dee ds have been satisfied by Pierce County the City is now prepared to take ownersh ip of the 48” storm main and outfall control facilities and reimburse the respective agencies for the above stated past due fees. Fees will be paid from the Storm Drainage Utility. Director Dowdy is coordinating with each agency to confirm that the above fees are accurate through June 21, 2011. DI.C DI.C RESOLUTION NO. 4 75 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURIV, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO CONFIRMTHE AMOUNTS OWED AND REIMBURSE PIERCE COUNTY, PUGET SOUNDENERGY ANDCA8CADE WATER ALLIANGE FOR THE_ EASEMENT FEES _THAT THE CITY AGREED TO PAY AFTER THE ANNEXATION OFTHE AREA THAT ENCOMPAS8ES THE LAKE TAPPS PARKWAY DRAINAGEFACILITIESTHAT EMPTY INTO THE PUGET SOUND ENERGY TAI6RACE WHEREAS, Resolution No. 3249 approved a Pre-annexation Agreement with Pierce Courrty on August 28, 2000and under thisagreement the City of Aubum agreed to take ownership of the drainage facilities for the Lake Tapps Par kway being constructed byPierce county andthe developer under a separateagreement; and WHEREAS, On Feb 25, 2001 Aubum approved Ordinance 5512 to annex the area in PierceCounty thaf includes thereferenced drainage facilities.NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITYCOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN,WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows:Section 1. The Mayor is herebyauthorized tocomplete the acceptance of the facilities and make payment of the past due fees for the Tailrace easement; in substantialconformity with the pre-annezation agreement.Section 2. That theMayar is authorized to implement such other administrative procedures as rtiay be necessary to carry outthe directives of this legislation.Resolution No. 4754 September 28, 2011 Page 1 of 2 DI.C Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon.Dated and Signed this day of 2011.CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST:Danielle E. Daskam,City Clerk APPRO D AS TOFORM:Daniel B. Heid; .City Attomey Resolu6on No. 4754 September 28, 2011 Page 2 of 2 DI.C