HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-17-2011 Agenda Packet Finance Committee October 17, 2011 - 6:00 PM Annex Conference Room 1 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call B. Announcements C. Agenda Modifications II. CONSENT AGENDA A. October 3, 2011 Minutes* B. Claims Vouchers* (Coleman) Claims check numbers 408053 through 408465 in the a mount of $8,336,537.28 and dated October 17, 2011. C. Payroll Vouchers (Coleman) Payroll check numbers 532257 to 532308 in the amoun t of $785,228.15 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,183,172.53 for a grand total of $1,968,400.68 for the pay period covering September 29, 2011 to October 12, 2011. III. RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution No. 4759* (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Aub urn, Washington, declaring certain items of property as surplus and authorizin g their disposal B. Resolution No. 4760* (Heid) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Aub urn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to take all necessary and appropriate steps t o formalize a Sister City relationship between the City of Auburn and Tamba, Japan C. Resolution No. 4761* (Heid) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Aub urn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to take all necessary and appropriate steps t o formalize a Sister City relationship between the City of Auburn and City of Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Agreement for Consulting Services with Fisher Jurko vich Public Affairs* (Robertson) City Council to approve an Agreement for Consulting Services with Fisher Jurkovich Public Affairs, LLC. B. Utility Leak Adjustment Appeal - Griffin* (Coleman) City Council to approve a leak adjustment in the am ount of $350.00 for account number 013896-000. C. Ordinance No. 6379* (Coleman) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Aub urn, Washington, amending Ordinance No. 6339, the 2011-2012 Biennial Budget O rdinance, as amended by Ordinance No. 6351, Ordinance No. 6352, Ordinance N o. 6362, Ordinance No. 6370 and Ordinance No. 6378, authorizing tot he Cit y of Auburn 2011-2012 Budget as set forth in Schedule "A" D. Resolution No. 4758* (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City of Auburn, Washington, aut horizing the Mayor to execute a Highways and Local Programs State Funding Agreeme nt between the City of Auburn (The City) and the Washington State Departme nt of Transportation (The State) relating to Project No. C201A, M Street SE U nderpass E. August 2011 Financial Report* (Coleman) F. Utility Financial Condition* (Coleman) G. Agreement to Exchange Real Property - Green River Community College* (Heineman) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Aub urn, Washington, declaring certain City property as surplus, and authorizing t he Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements between the City of Auburn and t he State of Washington for an exchange of property and for joint use and maint enance of property V. ADJOURNMENT Agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City Clerk's Office, on the City website (http://www.auburnwa.gov ), and via e-mail. Complete agenda packets are avai lable for review at the City Clerk's Office. *Denotes attachments included in the agenda packet. AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: October 3, 2011 Minutes Date: October 12, 2011 Department: Administration Attachments: Minutes Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation:Background Summary:Reviewed by Council Committees:Councilmember:Staff:Meeting Date:October 17, 2011 Item Number:CA.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED CA.A Finance Committee October 3, 2011 - 6:00 PM Annex Conference Room 1 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Nancy Backus called the meeting to order at 6 :00 p.m. in Conference Room 1 located on the second floor of the City Hall Annex located at One East Main Street in Auburn. A. Roll Call Chair Backus and Member Rich Wagner were present. Vice Chair Lynn Norman was excused. Also present were: City Attorney Dan iel B. Heid, Public Works Director Dennis Dowdy, Finance Director Shelley Col eman, Risk Manager Rob Roscoe, and City Clerk Danielle Daskam. B. Announcements There was no announcement. C. Agenda Modifications The agenda was modified to include an additional di scussion item relating to a Public Works contract with Utilities Services, Inc. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. September 19, 2011 Minutes Member Wagner moved and Chair Backus seconded to ap prove the September 19, 2011 minutes. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2-0. B. Claims Vouchers (Coleman) Claims check numbers 407721 through 408052 in the a mount of $3,494,946.20 and dated October 3, 2011. Committee members reviewed the claims and payroll v ouchers and briefly discussed claims vouchers 407748, 407782, 407836, 4 07932, and 407982. Member Wagner moved and Chair Backus seconded to ap prove the claims and payroll vouchers. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2-0. C. Payroll Vouchers (Coleman) Page 1 of 3 CA.A Payroll check numbers 532194 to 532256 in the amoun t of $308,306.18 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,177,954.68 for a grand total of $1,486,260.86 for the pay period cov ering September 15, 2011 to September 28, 2011. See claims vouchers for approval of payroll voucher s. III. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Ordinance No. 6373 (Wagner/Heid) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Aub urn, Washington, amending Section 2.51.020 of the Auburn City Code r elating to compensation of Council members and the Deputy Mayo r Committee members reviewed Ordinance No. 6373. Cha ir Backus noted that the proposed ordinance provides that a Councilmember wi ll receive $50.00 per meeting for attendance at the meetings of regional boards, commissions or committees up to a maximum of four meetings per mon th. Chair Backus questioned whether a Councilmember should receive t he additional compensation provided for in the proposed ordinance, if that Cou ncilmember is already receiving compensation from the entity. Chair Backus cited t he Valley Regional Fire Authority as an example. City Attorney Heid suggested additional verbiage to the effect "excepting the meetings of those regional boards, commissions or c ommittees for which the Councilmembers receives separate compensation from the regional board, commission or committee." Committee members concur red. B. Resolution No. 4753 (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Aub urn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to execute a Construction Loa n Agreement between the City of Auburn and the Washington State Public Works Board relating to the M Street SE Underpass Project (C201A) Public Works Director Dowdy explained that Resoluti on No. 4753 authorizes a Construction Loan Agreement with the Washington Sta te Public Works Trust Fund Board for the design, property acquisition, and con struction of the M Street Underpass Project. The loan will allow the City to proceed with bidding the project by the end of the year. Director Dowdy also stated that the City would like to ensure the earliest possible allocation of the fund s from the State. The City is not obligated to take the full loan amount. C. Resolution No. 4754 (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Aub urn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to confirm the amounts owed a nd reimburse Pierce County, Puget Sound Energy and Cascade Water Allian ce for the easement fees that the City agreed to pay after the annexati on of the area that encompasses the Lake Tapps Parkway Drainage Facilit ies that empty into the Puget Sound Tailrace Page 2 of 3 CA.A Public Works Director Dowdy explained that in 2000, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 3249 approving a pre-annexation agre ement with Pierce County. Under the agreement, the City of Auburn agreed to t ake ownership of the drainage facilities for the Lake Tapps Parkway bein g constructed by Pierce County and the developer under a separate agreement . In 2011, the City approved the annexation that included the reference d drainage facilities. However, the requirement to transfer the drainage f acilities that empty into the Puget Sound Energy tailrace was overlooked by Pierc e County and the city, and the County continued to pay Puget Sound Energy for the easement until 2010. The necessary deeds and easements have now been exe cuted and recorded, and the City has taken ownership of the 48-inch sto rm main and outfall. The resolution authorizes payment of past due fees to P ierce County, Puget Sound Energy and Cascade Water Alliance. The annua l payment to Cascade Water Alliance for the easement is approximately $7 ,000. IV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m. APPROVED THE ______ DAY OF OCTOBER, 2011. _____________________________ ____________________________ Nancy Backus, Chair Danielle Daskam, City Clerk Page 3 of 3 CA.A AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Claims Vouchers Date: September 15, 2011 Department: Finance Attachments: Claims Vouchers Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation:Background Summary:Reviewed by Council Committees:Councilmember:Backus Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:October 17, 2011 Item Number:CA.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 1 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 4080539/29/2011 020157 ΦΡΑΝΚ ΦΕΡΡΑΝΤΕ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΙΟΝΣ ΙΝΧ100111ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΑΝΧΕ ΒΡΑςΟ ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΑΝΧΕ ΟΝ 10/1/11 001.33.573.201.41 6,000.00 Τοταλ : 6,000.00 40805410/5/2011 011551 ΠΙΕΡΧΕ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ ΧΟΥΡΤΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕ/ΧΟΩΓΕΡ τρανσχριπτ / ϕυδγεµεντ φεε − Χοωγερ 430.00.534.110.41 20.00 Τοταλ : 20.00 40805510/5/2011 011551 ΠΙΕΡΧΕ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ ΧΟΥΡΤΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕ/ΩΙΛΛΙΑΜΣ τρανσχριπτ / τρανσφερ φεε − Ωιλλιαµσ 430.00.534.110.41 20.00 Τοταλ : 20.00 40805610/5/2011 008046 ΚΙΝΓ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ ΧΟΥΡΤΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕ/ΑΣΛΑΝΨΑΝ τρανσχριπτ / τρανσφερ φεε − Ασλανψαν 430.00.534.110.41 20.00 Τοταλ : 20.00 40805710/5/2011 007855 ΙΝΤΕΓΡΑ ΤΕΛΕΧΟΜ8632431 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ∼518.00.518.880.42 209.58 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ∼437.00.576.600.42 40.15 Τοταλ : 249.73 40805810/5/2011 212140 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ 7321 Τραϖελ Εξπενσεσ φορ Χουνχιλµεµβερ Βιλλ 001.11.511.600.43 25.00 Τραϖελ Εξπενσεσ φορ Χουνχιλµεµβερ Βιλλ 001.11.511.600.31 96.54 Τραϖελ Εξπενσεσ φορ Χουνχιλµεµβερ Βιλλ 001.11.511.600.43 326.80 Τοταλ : 448.34 1 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 2 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40805910/5/2011 212140 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ 0994 Υνιτεδ Στατεσ Ποσταλ Σερϖιχε:518.00.518.780.42 380.00 Εθυιπµεντ φορ Μυλτιµεδια ∆επαρτµεντ 518.00.518.780.35 481.78 Μοντηλψ χηαργε φορ ιΖιγγ − Αυγυστ 2011 518.00.518.780.44 273.70 ΥΣΙ Βυσινεσσ Σαλεσ: Ρολλ Φιλµ φορ 518.00.518.780.31 223.79 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 518.00.518.780.31 21.26 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 518.237.200 −21.26 Τοταλ : 1,359.27 40806010/5/2011 212140 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ 2288 Τραϖελ Εξπενσεσ φορ Μιχηαελ Ηυρση 001.17.557.200.43 62.85 Μισχ. Συππλιεσ φορ Μαψορ Λεωισ 001.17.557.200.31 11.99 Χοµµυνιτψ Σοχχερ Εθυιπµεντ 001.17.557.200.31 148.97 Ραχηελ∋σ Χηαλλενγε Εϖεντ 10/5/11−10/6/11 001.17.562.100.41 2,600.00 Τοταλ : 2,823.81 40806110/5/2011 212140 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ 8151 Μαψορ∋σ Τραϖελ Εξπενσεσ/Λυνχη Μεετινγσ 001.11.513.100.43 572.30 Μαψορ∋σ Μισχ: Ταχοµα Νεωσ Τριβυνε 001.11.513.100.49 17.50 Τοταλ : 589.80 40806210/5/2011 116120 ΑΩΧ ΕΜΠΛΟΨΕΕ ΒΕΝΕΦΙΤ ΤΡΥΣΤΑΩΧ−ΟΧΤ2011 ΑΩΧ ΠΡΕΜΙΥΜΣ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΤΙΡΕΕΣ∼001.98.517.210.25 35,729.95 2 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 3 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40806210/5/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)116120 ΑΩΧ ΕΜΠΛΟΨΕΕ ΒΕΝΕΦΙΤ ΤΡΥΣΤ ΑΩΧ ΠΡΕΜΙΥΜΣ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΤΙΡΕΕΣ∼001.98.522.220.25 17,395.00 ΑΩΧ ΠΡΕΜΙΥΜΣ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΤΙΡΕΕΣ∼001.98.522.210.25 10,317.01 Τοταλ : 63,441.96 40806310/11/2011 270540 ΩΑΣΤΕ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΟΦ ΩΑ, ΙΝΧΡΣΤ−ΣΕΠΤ2011 Ωαστε Μαναγεµεντ Σολιδ Ωαστε ∆ισποσαλ 434.00.537.800.41 668,175.24 Τοταλ : 668,175.24 40806410/17/2011 014838 ΑΒΟΥ−ΖΑΚΙ, ΚΑΜΑΛ10/10/11ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 40806510/17/2011 111620 Α∆ςΑΝΧΕ∆ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ & ΦΙΡΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ130694 Αννυαλ µαιντενανχε ανδ σερϖιχε οφ 436.00.536.200.31 103.53 130723 Αννυαλ φιρε εξτινγυισηερ σερϖιχε φορ 431.00.535.800.41 132.48 Αννυαλ φιρε εξτινγυισηερ σερϖιχε φορ 432.00.535.900.41 14.72 Σαλεσ Ταξ 431.00.535.800.41 12.58 Σαλεσ Ταξ 432.00.535.900.41 1.40 130724 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #130724;130754; 130839; 130840 505.00.524.500.48 1,529.22 130757 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #130757 ΑΝΝΥΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 505.00.524.500.48 42.38 130843 3 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 4 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40806510/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)111620 Α∆ςΑΝΧΕ∆ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ & ΦΙΡΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΑΝΝΥΑΛ ΧΕΡΤ ΟΦ ΦΙΡΕ ΕΞΤΙΝΓΘΥΙΣΗΕΡΣ ΙΝ 550.00.548.100.48 1,994.75 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.100.48 189.50 Τοταλ : 4,020.56 40806610/17/2011 002878 Α∆ςΑΝΤΑΓΕ ΓΡΑΠΗΙΧΣ, ΙΝΧ10540 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 748.98 10555 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 925.28 10569 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 323.03 Τοταλ : 1,997.29 40806710/17/2011 020161 ΑΓΝΕΩ, ∆ΕΝΝΙΣ ΚΕΙΤΗϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 11.11 Τοταλ : 11.11 40806810/17/2011 115190 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ018675/1 Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε.436.00.536.200.31 16.96 16278/1 ∆ΟΧ #16278/1 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 505.00.524.500.31 8.18 18415/1 Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε 436.00.536.200.31 28.45 18432/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 550.00.548.680.35 711.57 18437/1 4 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 5 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40806810/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)115190 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ Κεψσ φορ χαβινετ ιν πολιχψ ροοµ001.21.525.100.31 12.45 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.21.525.100.31 1.18 18439/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 432.00.535.900.35 49.28 18457/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 550.00.548.680.31 287.71 18484/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 432.00.535.900.35 26.28 18508/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 001.42.542.300.31 76.08 18530/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 432.00.535.900.22 123.72 18546/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 550.00.548.680.31 42.67 18559/1 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΛΑΩΝ 001.33.576.100.31 29.51 18566/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 432.00.535.900.41 70.35 18588/1 Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε.436.00.536.200.31 10.16 18595/1 ∆ΟΧ #18595/1 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 505.00.524.500.31 13.05 18617/1 5 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 6 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40806810/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)115190 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #018617/1 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 505.00.524.500.31 16.36 18661/1 ∆ΟΧ #18661/1 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 505.00.524.500.31 13.32 18662/1 ∆ΟΧ #18662/1 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 505.00.524.500.31 5.02 18666/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ: ΧΟΥΡΣΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΑΝ∆ ΤΟΟΛΣ 437.00.576.600.31 12.02 18728/1 ∆ΟΧ #18728/1 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 505.00.524.500.31 87.59 248847/1 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΛΑΩΝ 001.33.576.100.31 20.83 Τοταλ : 1,662.74 40806910/17/2011 112160 ΑΛΙΧΕ ΟΧΤΑςΙΑ ΦΛΟΡΑΛ ΣΗΟΠΠΕ10390 Φλοραλ Αρρανγεµεντσ Πρεσεντεδ το Μισσ 001.11.513.100.49 87.60 Τοταλ : 87.60 40807010/17/2011 112430 ΑΛΛΩΕΣΤ ΥΝ∆ΕΡΓΡΟΥΝ∆ ΙΝΧ23628 ΑΛΛΩΕΣΤ ΥΝ∆ΕΡΓΡΟΥΝ∆ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.31 81.98 Τοταλ : 81.98 40807110/17/2011 112610 ΑΛΠΙΝΕ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ, ΙΝΧ.ΤΜ−119495 ΑΛΠΙΝΕ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.42.542.300.31 329.84 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.42.542.300.31 31.33 ΤΜ−119521 6 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 7 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40807110/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)112610 ΑΛΠΙΝΕ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ, ΙΝΧ.25 ΣΙΓΝΣ ΟΦ ΜΥΛΤΙΠΛΕ ΣΙΖΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΡΑΦΦΙΧ 001.42.542.300.35 1,459.50 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.42.542.300.35 138.65 Τοταλ : 1,959.32 40807210/17/2011 112910 ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΗΟΣΕ & ΦΙΤΤΙΝΓΣ, ΙΝΧ973035−001 ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΗΟΣΕ & ΦΙΤΤΙΝΓΣ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.31 671.02 973202−001 ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΗΟΣΕ & ΦΙΤΤΙΝΓΣ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.35 77.96 973202−002 ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΗΟΣΕ & ΦΙΤΤΙΝΓΣ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.35 14.72 Τοταλ : 763.70 40807310/17/2011 013676 ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΛΕΓΙΟΝ ΠΟΣΤ #78ς−∆ΑΨ ΒΡΕΑΚΦΑΣΤ ςετεραν∋σ ∆αψ Βρεακφαστ ον Νοϖεµβερ 5,001.11.513.100.49 6.00 ςετεραν∋σ ∆αψ Βρεακφαστ ον Νοϖεµβερ 5,001.11.511.600.49 12.00 Τοταλ : 18.00 40807410/17/2011 020212 ΑΝ∆ΡΕΩΣ, ςΕΡΝΕ039944 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−725 37ΤΗ ΣΤ ΣΕ #47 434.233.100 104.42 Τοταλ : 104.42 40807510/17/2011 113930 ΑΡΑΜΑΡΚ ΡΕΦΡΕΣΗΜΕΝΤ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ107302 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΧΟΦΦΕΕ ΒΑΡ ΑΤ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.210.31 543.70 Τοταλ : 543.70 40807610/17/2011 393720 ΑΡΑΜΑΡΚ ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ655−5778846 7 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 8 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40807610/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)393720 ΑΡΑΜΑΡΚ ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΡΑΜΑΡΚ: ΜΑΤ ΑΝ∆ ΤΟΩΕΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 437.00.576.600.41 18.10 655−5778847 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5778847 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ −505.00.524.500.49 95.48 655−5790344 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5790344 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ −505.00.524.500.49 11.83 655−5790345 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5790345 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − ϑΧ 505.00.524.500.49 25.84 655−5790346 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5790346 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ −505.00.524.500.49 11.83 655−5797661 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ ΟΦ ΣΗΟΠ ΤΟΩΕΛΣ 001.33.576.100.41 44.62 655−5802541 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5802541ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ −505.00.524.500.49 11.83 655−5802542 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5802542 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − ϑΧ 505.00.524.500.49 25.84 655−5802543 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5802543 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ −505.00.524.500.49 11.83 655−5803048 ΑΡΑΜΑΡΚ: ΜΑΤ ΑΝ∆ ΤΟΩΕΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 437.00.576.600.41 18.10 Τοταλ : 275.30 40807710/17/2011 019649 ΑΣΗ ΧΙΤΨ ΥΣΑ ΙΝΧ2404363 ΦΑΛΛ ΟΥΤΕΡΩΕΑΡ 437.00.576.680.34 1,000.00 ΜΕΝΣ ΑΝ∆ ΛΑ∆ΙΕΣ ΧΛΟΤΗΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΣΑΛΕ 8 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 9 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40807710/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)019649 ΑΣΗ ΧΙΤΨ ΥΣΑ ΙΝΧ 437.00.576.680.34 462.00 ΦΑΛΛ ΟΥΤΕΡΩΕΑΡ 437.00.576.680.34 447.53 Τοταλ : 1,909.53 40807810/17/2011 110510 ΑΤ&Τ ΜΟΒΙΛΙΤΨ875428076Ξ10022011 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ∼001.32.532.200.42 34.11 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ∼117.00.521.210.42 14.62 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ∼001.13.516.100.42 73.11 Τοταλ : 121.84 40807910/17/2011 008442 ΑΤΣΧ 225275 ςΟΨΑΓΕΡ ΜΟΒΙΛΕ ΣςΣ − 9/11 (225275)117.00.521.210.42 39.99 Τοταλ : 39.99 40808010/17/2011 114590 ΑΤΤΟΡΝΕΨ & ΝΟΤΑΡΨ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΟΦ ΩΑΝΟΤΑΡΨ/ΒΑ∆ΓΛΕΨ ΝΟΤΑΡΨ ΡΕΝΕΩΑΛ ΦΟΡ ΤΕΡΡΙ ΒΑ∆ΓΛΕΨ 001.17.558.100.49 132.56 Τοταλ : 132.56 40808110/17/2011 114710 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΗΑΜΒΕΡ ΟΦ ΧΟΜΜΕΡΧΕ22424 Χοµµυνιτψ Λεαδερ Λυνχη φορ ∆ουγ Λειν 001.17.558.100.43 15.00 22435 Παρτνερσηιπ Λυνχηεον ον Σεπτεµβερ 20,001.11.513.100.43 40.00 Παρτνερσηιπ Λυνχηεον ον Σεπτεµβερ 20,001.11.511.600.43 20.00 22455 Νοϖ 2011 Τουρισµ Σερϖιχεσ & ςισιτορ 104.00.557.300.41 3,750.00 9 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 10 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40808110/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)114710 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΗΑΜΒΕΡ ΟΦ ΧΟΜΜΕΡΧΕ Νοϖ 2011 Τουρισµ Σερϖιχεσ & ςισιτορ 001.98.558.100.49 3,333.34 22462 ΓΕΝΕΡΑΛ ΠΑΡΚΣ, ΑΡΤΣ & ΡΕΧΡΕΑΤΙΟΝ 001.33.574.100.44 250.00 Τοταλ : 7,408.34 40808210/17/2011 114740 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΗΕςΡΟΛΕΤ5051217 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΗΕςΡΟΛΕΤ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 550.00.548.680.35 42.65 Τοταλ : 42.65 40808310/17/2011 115160 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΓΨΜΝΑΣΤΙΧΣ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ, ΙΝΧ35142 ΜΙΝΙ ΣΤΑΡΣ ΑΝ∆ ΤΙΝΨ ΣΤΑΡ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼001.33.574.240.41 110.00 35143 ΜΙΝΙ ΣΤΑΡΣ ΑΝ∆ ΤΙΝΨ ΣΤΑΡ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼001.33.574.240.41 154.00 35149 ΜΙΝΙ ΣΤΑΡΣ ΑΝ∆ ΤΙΝΨ ΣΤΑΡ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼001.33.574.240.41 154.00 35152 ΓΙΡΛΣ ΒΕΓΙΝΝΕΡ ΓΨΜΝΑΣΤΙΧΣ & ΜΙΓΗΤΨ 001.33.574.240.41 130.00 35155 ΓΙΡΛΣ ΒΕΓΙΝΝΕΡ ΓΨΜΝΑΣΤΙΧΣ & ΜΙΓΗΤΨ 001.33.574.240.41 152.00 Τοταλ : 700.00 40808410/17/2011 000102 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΝΟΟΝ ΛΙΟΝΣ0001 2011−2012 Αννυαλ ∆υεσ ανδ Μεαλσ φορ 001.11.511.600.49 580.00 Τοταλ : 580.00 40808510/17/2011 115520 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ ΜΕ∆ΙΧΑΛ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ3098 10 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 11 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40808510/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)115520 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ ΜΕ∆ΙΧΑΛ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ ΜΕ∆ΙΧΑΛ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ /ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.22 55.00 3116 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ ΜΕ∆ΙΧΑΛ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ /ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.49 55.00 3157 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ ΜΕ∆ΙΧΑΛ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ /ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.100.22 110.00 Τοταλ : 220.00 40808610/17/2011 115550 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΣΧΗΟΟΛ ∆ΙΣΤ #40812976 ΡΕΝΤΑΛ ΣΠΑΧΕ ΑΤ ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΙΝΓ ΑΡΤΣ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.573.201.45 1,688.75 12977 ΒΥΙΛ∆ΙΝΓ ΥΣΑΓΕ ΦΟΡ ΑΡΟΥΝ∆ ΤΗΕ ΒΕΛΛ 001.33.574.240.49 300.00 12978 ΒΥΙΛ∆ΙΝΓ ΥΣΑΓΕ ΦΟΡ ΑΡΟΥΝ∆ ΤΗΕ ΒΕΛΛ 001.33.574.240.49 300.00 ΣΕΠΤ2011 ΣΕΠΤ 2011 ΣΧΗΟΟΛ ΙΜΠΑΧΤ ΦΕΕΣ 124.237.173 73,718.25 Τοταλ : 76,007.00 40808710/17/2011 115730 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΤΡΑςΕΛ ΦΥΝ∆3049 Α∆ςΑΝΧΕ ΦΟΡ ΒΙΛΛ ΠΕΛΟΖΑ ΤΟ ΑΤΤΕΝ∆001.11.511.600.43 435.00 Τοταλ : 435.00 40808810/17/2011 000471 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΚΙΑ695930 ∆ΙΑΓΝΟΙΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ ΑΛΑΡΜ ΣΕΝΣΟΡ ΟΝ 550.00.548.680.48 105.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.680.48 9.98 11 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 12 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 114.98 40808810/17/2011000471000471 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΚΙΑ 40808910/17/2011 006318 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΩΑΨ ΦΥΡΝΙΤΥΡΕ014963 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−1407 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΩΑΨ Σ 430.233.100 15.00 Τοταλ : 15.00 40809010/17/2011 019795 ΑΥΤΟΜΑΤΕ∆ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ195319 Ινσταλλ νεω Μοδελ ΑΠ−5 ραδιο ρεχειϖερ 431.00.535.800.35 210.00 Λινεαρ βρανδ µοδελ ΜΧΤ−1 σινγλε βυττον 431.00.535.800.35 102.50 Σαλεσ Ταξ 431.00.535.800.35 29.69 Τοταλ : 342.19 40809110/17/2011 013290 ΒΑΧΚΨΑΡ∆ ΠΟΩΕΡ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ689194 Ρεδ Μαξ 2 Χψχλε οιλ 436.00.536.200.31 136.39 Τοταλ : 136.39 40809210/17/2011 120270 ΒΑ∆ΓΕΡ ΜΕΤΕΡ ΙΝΧ93119101 ΡΕΠΛΑΧΕ ΣΤΟΧΚ∼430.141.100 3,096.00 ΡΤΡ & ΟΡΙΟΝ ΠΙΤ ΜΕΑΛ, 1∀ ∆ΙΣΧ ΜΕΤΕΡ,430.141.100 1,548.00 ΡΤΡ & ΟΡΙΟΝ ΠΙΤ ΜΕΤΑΛ, 1 1/2∀ ∆ΙΣΧ 430.141.100 3,096.00 ΡΤΡ & ΟΡΙΟΝ ΠΙΤ ΜΕΤΑΛ, 2∀ ∆ΙΣΧ ΜΕΤΕΡ,430.141.100 3,096.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.141.100 1,029.42 93119301 ΡΕΠΛΑΧΕ ΣΤΟΧΚ∼430.141.100 4,704.00 2∀ ΜΕΤΕΡ, Μ170, ΟΡΙΟΝ, ΧΦ, ΕΛΛΙΠΤΙΧΛΑΛ,12 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 13 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40809210/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)120270 ΒΑ∆ΓΕΡ ΜΕΤΕΡ ΙΝΧ 430.141.100 6,102.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.141.100 1,026.57 Τοταλ : 23,697.99 40809310/17/2011 020211 ΒΑΛ∆ΩΙΝ, ΩΙΛΛΙΑΜ035799 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−1720 ΠΙΚΕ ΣΤ ΝΩ #1 434.233.100 134.98 Τοταλ : 134.98 40809410/17/2011 006370 ΒΑΝΧΗΕΡΟΣ ΓΛΑΣΣ & ΕΤΧΗΙΝΓ, ΙΝΧ9098 ΠΡΟΜΟΤΙΟΝ ΜΥΓ − ΛΕΕ 001.21.521.100.31 19.16 Τοταλ : 19.16 40809510/17/2011 017993 ΒΑΝΚ ΟΦ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝΝΟς2011 ΑΥΓ−∆ΕΧ 2011 ≅∃2500.00/ΜΟ∼505.00.524.500.45 2,500.00 Τοταλ : 2,500.00 40809610/17/2011 013345 ΒΑΝΘΥΕΤ & ΕςΕΝΤ ΡΕΣΟΥΡΧΕ ΙΝΧ100877 ΠΡΟΜΟΤΙΝΓ ΦΑΧΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΝΤΑΛΣ ΙΝ 2012 001.33.574.100.44 1,215.00 Τοταλ : 1,215.00 40809710/17/2011 020162 ΒΑΡΚΕΡ, ΧΗΡΙΣΤΟΠΗΕΡ ∆.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 14.44 Τοταλ : 14.44 40809810/17/2011 020163 ΒΑΡΤΕΛΛΣ, ∆ΟΥΓΛΑΣ Ρ.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 18.88 Τοταλ : 18.88 40809910/17/2011 018948 ΒΕΑΛΛ, ΑΝ∆ΡΕΑ09/23/11ΙΝς 13 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 14 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40809910/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)018948 ΒΕΑΛΛ, ΑΝ∆ΡΕΑ ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 9/23/11 001.13.512.500.41 250.00 Τοταλ : 250.00 40810010/17/2011 121260 ΒΕΝ−ΚΟ−ΜΑΤΙΧ ΧΟ00061841 ΒΕΝ−ΚΟ−ΜΑΤΙΧ ∆ΒΑ ΟΩΕΝ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.680.35 88.73 00061889 ΒΕΝ−ΚΟ−ΜΑΤΙΧ ∆ΒΑ ΟΩΕΝ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.680.48 505.43 00061946 ΒΕΝ−ΚΟ−ΜΑΤΙΧ ∆ΒΑ ΟΩΕΝ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.680.35 76.98 Τοταλ : 671.14 40810110/17/2011 020164 ΒΕΝΝΕΤΤ, ΒΙΛΛΙΕ ϑΟϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 17.77 Τοταλ : 17.77 40810210/17/2011 121540 ΒΕΡΝΕΡ, ΙΝΧΑ033−11Λ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.500.41 125.00 Α034−11Λ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 225.00 40810310/17/2011 020124 ΒΙΟΣΧΙΕΝΧΕ ΙΝΧ.10931 ΜΙΧΡΟΧΑΤ ∆ΝΤ−ΡΦ, 1# ΠΑΧΚΕΤΣ∼431.00.535.800.31 1,100.00 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 431.00.535.800.31 104.50 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 431.237.200 −104.50 14 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 15 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 1,100.00 40810310/17/2011020124020124 ΒΙΟΣΧΙΕΝΧΕ ΙΝΧ. 40810410/17/2011 008959 ΒΙΡ∆, ΦΕΡΕΣΙΚΑ10/10/11ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 40810510/17/2011 014593 ΒΛΡΒ ΑΡΧΗΙΤΕΧΤΣ, Π.Σ.50848 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #50848 ΠΡΟΦΕΣΣΙΟΝΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 321.00.576.802.65 11,812.97 Τοταλ : 11,812.97 40810610/17/2011 122490 ΒΛΥΜΕΝΤΗΑΛ ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΧΟ, ΙΝΧ849262−82 ΧΡΕ∆ΙΤ ΜΕΜΟ 849262−82 − ΧΛΑΠΠ, ΑΠΡΙΛ 001.21.521.200.22 −1,058.87 890954 ςΕΣΤ − ϑΟΡ∆ΑΝ (890954)001.21.521.210.22 853.01 890957 ςΕΣΤ − Ρ ϑΟΝΕΣ (890957)001.21.521.200.22 853.01 892357 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜ − ΜΥΤΕΡΣΠΑΥΓΗ (892357)001.21.521.200.22 870.53 895432 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ − ϑΟΝΕΣ, ∆ΑΡΡΕΛΛ (895432)001.21.521.200.22 516.84 896184−02 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 896184−02 − ΣΗΑΩ001.21.521.200.22 378.53 896206−02 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ / ΓΗΑΣΣΕΡΑΝΙ (896206−02)001.21.521.200.22 495.24 896206−03 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ − ΓΗΑΣΣΕΡΑΝΙ (896206−03)001.21.521.200.22 370.06 15 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 16 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40810610/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)122490 ΒΛΥΜΕΝΤΗΑΛ ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΧΟ, ΙΝΧ 897701 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ − ΒΕΡΓΕΟΝ (897701)001.21.521.300.22 286.73 897767−01 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 897767−01 − ΣΗΑΩ001.21.521.200.22 287.12 897767−02 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ / ΣΗΑΩ (897767−02)001.21.521.200.22 28.42 897767−03 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ − ΣΗΑΩ (897767−03)001.21.521.200.22 242.93 897767−04 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ − ΣΗΑΩ (897767−04)001.21.521.200.22 458.70 898446 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ / ΜΟΥΝΤΣ (898446)001.21.521.200.22 145.41 898451 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 898541 − ΜΟΥΝΤΣ 001.21.521.200.22 204.69 898451−01 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ − ΜΟΥΝΤΣ (898451−01)001.21.521.200.22 45.94 898465 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ / ΜΟΥΝΤΣ (898465)001.21.521.200.22 182.27 898465−01 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ − ΜΟΥΝΤΣ (898465−01)001.21.521.200.22 11.50 898503 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 898503 − ΜΟΥΝΤΣ 001.21.521.200.22 492.14 898503−01 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ − ΜΟΥΝΤΣ (898503−01)16 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 17 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40810610/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)122490 ΒΛΥΜΕΝΤΗΑΛ ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΧΟ, ΙΝΧ 001.21.521.200.22 98.50 898503−80 ΡΕΤΥΡΝ ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ / ΜΟΥΝΤΣ (ΧΜ 001.21.521.200.22 −30.61 899003 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜ / ΠΙΕΡΣΟΝ (899003)001.21.521.100.22 65.65 899180 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜ / ΣΧΟΤΤ (899180)001.21.521.200.22 8.71 899741 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ − ∆ΟΛΛ (899741)001.21.521.210.22 372.72 900007 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ − ΒΛΑΚΕ (900007)001.21.521.210.22 47.03 Τοταλ : 6,226.20 40810710/17/2011 122520 ΒΟΑΡ∆, ΜΥΡΡΑΨ100311ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.517.210.25 130.86 Τοταλ : 130.86 40810810/17/2011 151530 ΒΟΝΝΕςΙΛΛΕ ΙΝΤΕΡΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ11/05/11ΙΝς ΡΑ∆ΙΟ ΤΑΛΕΝΤ ΦΕΕ − ΡΟΝ ΥΠΣΗΑΩ ΤΟ ΕΜΧΕΕ 001.33.573.901.44 500.00 Τοταλ : 500.00 40810910/17/2011 122820 ΒΟΝΝΕΨ ΛΑΚΕ ΩΑ, ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ19942500000 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΑΤ ΚΕΡΣΕΨ 430.00.534.800.47 109.60 19943720100 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΑΤ 7100 ΛΑΚΕ ΤΑΠΠΣ ∆Ρ ΣΕ 431.00.535.800.47 20.81 19943910000 17 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 18 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40810910/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)122820 ΒΟΝΝΕΨ ΛΑΚΕ ΩΑ, ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΑΤ 2610 ΛΑΚΕ ΤΑΠΠΣ ΠΚΩΨ 431.00.535.800.47 20.81 Τοταλ : 151.22 40811010/17/2011 020218 ΒΟΩΜΑΝ, ΜΙΧΗΑΕΛ063919 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−5727 ΦΡΑΝΧΙΣ ΧΤ ΣΕ 430.233.100 16.10 Τοταλ : 16.10 40811110/17/2011 020220 ΒΡΑΒΟΨ, ΣΑΜΥΕΛ066692 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−13002 ΣΕ 305ΤΗ ΠΛ 430.233.100 74.58 Τοταλ : 74.58 40811210/17/2011 001809 ΒΡΑςΟ ΧΑΡΠΕΤ ΧΑΡΕ, ΙΝΧ26339 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #26339 ΧΑΡΠΕΤ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ − ΣΧ 505.00.524.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 40811310/17/2011 014566 ΒΡΙΧΚΜΑΝ ΓΡΟΥΠ ΛΤ∆, ΛΛΧ5122851120 ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ ΜΟΝΤΗΛΨ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ ΑΤ ΛΑΚΕ 001.33.576.100.41 4,411.76 5122851190 ΜΟΝΤΗΛΨ ΛΑΩΝ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ ΟΦ ΛΙΝΕΑΛ 001.33.576.100.41 961.11 Τοταλ : 5,372.87 40811410/17/2011 020246 ΒΡΟΟΚΙΝΓΣ, ΑΤΤΨ ΑΤ ΛΑΩ, ∆ΕΒΟΡΑΗ ∆.10/05/11ΙΝς ΩΧΙΑ ΣΥΠΕΡςΙΣΟΡ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ ϑΥΛΨ 22;001.32.532.200.49 240.00 ΩΧΙΑ ΣΥΠΕΡςΙΣΟΡ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ − ϑΕΦΦ ΤΑΤΕ;001.17.558.100.49 240.00 ΩΧΙΑ ΣΥΠΕΡςΙΣΟΡ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ − ΜΕΝΚΙΝΓ;001.21.521.100.49 1,200.00 ΩΧΙΑ ΣΥΠΕΡςΙΣΟΡ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ − ΧΗΑ∆18 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 19 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40811410/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)020246 ΒΡΟΟΚΙΝΓΣ, ΑΤΤΨ ΑΤ ΛΑΩ, ∆ΕΒΟΡΑΗ ∆.431.00.535.800.49 240.00 ΩΧΙΑ ΣΥΠΕΡςΙΣΟΡ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ − ΤΟ∆∆ ΒΡΙΓΗΤ 432.00.535.900.49 120.00 ΩΧΙΑ ΣΥΠΕΡςΙΣΟΡ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ − ΡΑΝ∆Ψ 550.00.548.100.49 240.00 ΩΧΙΑ ΣΥΠΕΡςΙΣΟΡ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ − ϑΟΣΗ 430.00.534.800.49 240.00 ΩΧΙΑ ΣΥΠΕΡςΙΣΟΡ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ − ΚΕΑΚΑ ΦΡΑΝΚ 001.42.543.100.49 120.00 ΩΧΙΑ ΣΥΠΕΡςΙΟΣΡ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ − ΡΑ∆ΙΝΕ ΛΟΖΙΕΡ 001.33.574.210.49 120.00 ΩΧΙΑ ΣΥΠΕΡςΙΣΟΡ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ − ΧΡΑΙΓ ΗΥ∆ΣΟΝ 436.00.536.200.49 120.00 ΩΧΙΑ ΣΥΠΕΡςΙΣΟΡ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ − ϑΥΛΙΕ ΒΡΕΩΕΡ 001.33.574.100.49 120.00 Τοταλ : 3,000.00 40811510/17/2011 020165 ΒΡΟΩΝ, ΒΑΡΒΑΡΑ ϑ.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 13.33 Τοταλ : 13.33 40811610/17/2011 001040 ΒΥΧΚΛΕΨ ΝΥΡΣΕΡΨ ΧΟ, ΙΝΧΡΕΤΑΙΝΑΓΕ ΠΡΟϑΕΧΤ ΧΠ0745, ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ 10−07 321.223.400 7,666.54 Τοταλ : 7,666.54 40811710/17/2011 015076 ΒΥΙΛ∆ΕΡΣ ΕΞΧΗΑΝΓΕ ΟΦ ΩΑ, ΙΝΧ.1028294 Βυιλδερσ Εξχηανγε, Ινϖοιχε Νο. 1028294,102.00.594.420.65 233.25 Τοταλ : 233.25 40811810/17/2011 019143 ΒΥΝΟ ΧΟΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ10−23/#8 ΧΠ0909, Λακελανδ Ηιλλσ Βοοστερ Πυµπ 430.00.590.100.68 76,719.51 19 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 20 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 76,719.51 40811810/17/2011019143019143 ΒΥΝΟ ΧΟΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ 40811910/17/2011 020166 ΒΥΡΝΕΤΤ, ΦΡΑΝΧΕΣ ϑΑΝΕϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 13.33 Τοταλ : 13.33 40812010/17/2011 130510 ΧΑΛ∆ΩΕΛΛ, ΒΡΥΧΕ091611ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.517.210.25 517.61 Τοταλ : 517.61 40812110/17/2011 020209 ΧΑΡΡΙΧΚ, ΚΑΡΕΝ009928 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝΝ−502 ΑΑΒΨ ∆Ρ Νς 432.233.100 20.87 Τοταλ : 20.87 40812210/17/2011 240360 ΧΑΣΧΑ∆Ε ΗΟΝΕΨΒΥΧΚΕΤΣ1−363619 ΡΑΝΓΕ ΗΟΝΕΨΒΥΧΚΕΤ − ΟΧΤ 2011 (1−363619)001.21.521.200.49 134.50 Τοταλ : 134.50 40812310/17/2011 007981 ΧΑΣΧΑ∆Ε ΜΟΒΙΛ ΜΙΞ27117 ΧΟΝΧΡΕΤΕ ΦΟΡ ΒΑΣΕ ΟΦ ΣΜΟΚΨ ΣΗΕΛΤΕΡ.001.33.574.210.31 339.45 Τοταλ : 339.45 40812410/17/2011 131540 ΧΑΣΗ & ΧΑΡΡΨ105735 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ∆ΕΠΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.574.240.31 13.96 105983 ΣΝΑΧΚΣ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΣΑΛΕ 437.00.576.680.34 348.53 108084 ΜΙΣΧ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.210.31 324.00 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ∆ΕΠΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 20 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 21 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40812410/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)131540 ΧΑΣΗ & ΧΑΡΡΨ 001.33.574.210.31 478.22 108442 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ∆ΕΠΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.574.100.31 18.48 110313 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ∆ΕΠΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.574.210.31 45.89 112080 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ∆ΕΠΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.574.210.31 63.03 Τοταλ : 1,292.11 40812510/17/2011 020245 ΧΧΗ, Α ΩΟΛΤΕΡΣ ΚΛΥΩΕΡ ΒΥΣΙΝΕΣΣ9997768 ΠΑΨΡΟΛΛ ΜΑΝΓΕΡΣ ΛΕΤΤΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ ΠΕΡΙΟ∆001.14.514.230.49 359.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.14.514.230.49 34.11 Τοταλ : 393.11 40812610/17/2011 370450 ΧΕΝΤΥΡΨΛΙΝΚ101711ΠΗΟΝΕΣ ΠΗΟΝΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 518.00.518.880.42 1,318.33 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 001.21.521.100.42 4.36 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 431.00.535.800.42 161.14 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 430.00.534.800.42 141.07 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 432.00.535.900.42 57.46 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 001.33.574.210.42 42.28 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 437.00.576.680.42 33.18 21 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 22 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 1,757.82 40812610/17/2011370450370450 ΧΕΝΤΥΡΨΛΙΝΚ 40812710/17/2011 020227 ΧΗΑΝ, ΤΑΚ 2Χ0004662 ΒΑΙΛ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − Τ ΣΕΑΝ 651.237.172 500.00 Τοταλ : 500.00 40812810/17/2011 000185 ΧΗΑΝΤΗΑΡΑΝΓΣΨ, ΚΗΑΜΠΗΑ10/10/11ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 40812910/17/2011 132550 ΧΗΕςΡΟΝ Υ Σ Α ΙΝΧ.31709764 ΓΑΣ ΦΟΡ ΜΟΤΟΡΧΨΧΛΕΣ − ΣΕΠΤ 001.21.521.200.31 562.07 Τοταλ : 562.07 40813010/17/2011 132760 ΧΗΟΙΧΕΣ ΝΩ ΙΝΧ61337Τ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΜΑΣΤΕΡ ΨΕΣ ΧΗΑΙΡ ΩΙΤΗ ΜΕΣΗ 550.00.548.100.35 361.20 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.100.35 34.31 Τοταλ : 395.51 40813110/17/2011 131890 ΧΗΣ − ΧΕΝΕΞ ΗΑΡςΕΣΤ ΣΤΑΤΕΣ ΙΝΧΑ74569 ΠΡΟΠΑΝΕ ΓΑΣ/ΒΥΛΚ 001.33.574.240.31 28.36 Τοταλ : 28.36 40813210/17/2011 132940 ΧΙΝΤΑΣ ΧΟΡΠΟΡΑΤΙΟΝ #461461754545 ΧΙΝΤΑΣ ΧΟΡΠΟΡΑΤΙΟΝ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.49 115.76 461757736 ΧΙΝΤΑΣ ΧΟΡΠΟΡΑΤΙΟΝ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.49 115.76 Τοταλ : 231.52 22 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 23 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40813310/17/2011 112130 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΑΛΓΟΝΑΣΕΠΤ2011 ΣΕΠΤ 2011 ΑΛΓΟΝΑ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΡΕςΕΝΥΕ 651.237.173 3,614.90 Τοταλ : 3,614.90 40813410/17/2011 115760 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ101711ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ, ΣΤΟΡΜ − ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 2011 505.00.524.500.47 4,557.06 ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ, ΣΤΟΡΜ − ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 2011 001.33.576.100.47 5,531.68 ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ, ΣΤΟΡΜ − ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 2011 001.42.542.300.47 1,235.60 ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ, ΣΤΟΡΜ − ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 2011 431.00.535.800.47 163.92 ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ, ΣΤΟΡΜ − ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 2011 432.00.535.900.47 71.66 ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ, ΣΤΟΡΜ − ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 2011 001.17.562.100.47 14.95 Τοταλ : 11,574.87 40813510/17/2011 115760 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ238381 ΠΡΙΖΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΓΟΛΦ ΤΟΥΡΝΑΜΕΝΤ 001.33.574.210.31 75.00 Τοταλ : 75.00 40813610/17/2011 115760 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΑΥΒΥΡΝς−∆ΑΨ ΛΥΝΧΗΕΟΝ ςετεραν∋σ ∆αψ Λυνχηεον ον Νοϖεµβερ 5,001.11.513.100.43 15.00 ςετεραν∋σ ∆αψ Λυνχηεον ον Νοϖεµβερ 5,001.11.511.600.43 45.00 Τοταλ : 60.00 40813710/17/2011 008837 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΚΕΝΤ − ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΒΙΛΛΙΝΓ408−25602−01 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ−ΩΑΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΑΤ ςΕΡ∆ΑΝΝΑ 431.00.535.800.47 41.22 23 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 24 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 41.22 40813710/17/2011008837008837 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΚΕΝΤ − ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΒΙΛ ΛΙΝΓ 40813810/17/2011 281810 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ ΠΟΛΙΧΕ ∆ΕΠΤΠ1104166 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.210.51 2,523.00 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.215.51 232.89 Τοταλ : 2,755.89 40813910/17/2011 001014 ΧΛΑΡΚ, ϑΕΣΣΙΕ Γ.092911ΡΕΙΜΒ Γραντ φυνδεδ χονφερενχε ρειµβυρσεµεντ 001.21.525.100.43 346.92 Τοταλ : 346.92 40814010/17/2011 009720 ΧΟΑΣΤΩΙ∆Ε ΛΑΒΟΡΑΤΟΡΙΕΣΤ2359015 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ 505.00.524.500.48 2,107.44 Τ2360105 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ 505.00.524.500.48 36.31 Τοταλ : 2,143.75 40814110/17/2011 012351 ΧΟΧΑ ΧΟΛΑ ΒΟΤΤΛΙΝΓ − ΝΩ ∆Ις4127193105 ΧΟΧΑ ΧΟΛΑ: ΣΟΦΤ ∆ΡΙΝΚΣ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΣΑΛΕ 437.00.576.680.34 495.00 ΣΟΦΤ ∆ΡΙΝΚΣ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΣΑΛΕ 437.00.576.680.34 230.00 ΣΟΦΤ ∆ΡΙΝΚΣ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΣΑΛΕ 437.00.576.680.34 279.76 Τοταλ : 1,004.76 40814210/17/2011 006763 ΧΟ∆Ε 4 ΠΥΒΛΙΧ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ9757 ςΕΡΒΑΛ ϑΥ∆Ο − ΨΟΥΝΓ − 9/30/11 (9757)001.21.521.200.49 99.00 Τοταλ : 99.00 40814310/17/2011 010944 ΧΟΓΓΕΡ, ΛΨΝΝΕ34054 24 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 25 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40814310/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)010944 ΧΟΓΓΕΡ, ΛΨΝΝΕ Α∆ΥΛΤ ΙΝΣΤ 34052∼001.33.574.240.41 240.00 34059 Α∆ΥΛΤ ΙΝΣΤ 34052∼001.33.574.240.41 80.00 34064 Α∆ΥΛΤ ΙΝΣΤ 34052∼001.33.574.240.41 432.00 34065 Α∆ΥΛΤ ΙΝΣΤ 34052∼001.33.574.240.41 432.00 34068 Α∆ΥΛΤ ΙΝΣΤ 34052∼001.33.574.240.41 400.00 34069 Α∆ΥΛΤ ΙΝΣΤ 34052∼001.33.574.240.41 240.00 34070 Α∆ΥΛΤ ΙΝΣΤ 34052∼001.33.574.240.41 189.00 34071 Α∆ΥΛΤ ΙΝΣΤ 34052∼001.33.574.240.41 243.00 34072 Α∆ΥΛΤ ΙΝΣΤ 34052∼001.33.574.240.41 200.00 34073 Α∆ΥΛΤ ΙΝΣΤ 34052∼001.33.574.240.41 180.00 Τοταλ : 2,636.00 40814410/17/2011 133610 ΧΟΛΕΜΑΝ, ΣΗΕΛΛΨ092011ΡΕΙΜΒ ΩΦΟΑ ΧΟΝΦ ΙΝ ΣΠΟΚΑΝΕ − ΜΕΑΛΣ, ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ,001.14.514.100.43 135.72 ΩΦΟΑ ΧΟΝΦ ΙΝ ΣΠΟΚΑΝΕ − ΜΕΑΛΣ, ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ,25 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 26 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40814410/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)133610 ΧΟΛΕΜΑΝ, ΣΗΕΛΛΨ 001.14.514.100.49 88.20 Τοταλ : 223.92 40814510/17/2011 020228 ΧΟΛΜΕΝΑΡΕΣ, ΑΛΦΡΕ∆ΟΧ00098579 ΒΑΙΛ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − Α ΧΟΛΜΕΝΑΡΕΣ 651.237.172 1,000.00 Τοταλ : 1,000.00 40814610/17/2011 007461 ΧΟΜΧΑΣΤ 8498340211157096 ΙΝΤΕΡΝΕΤ ΛΙΝΚ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ∼001.33.574.210.42 59.95 Τοταλ : 59.95 40814710/17/2011 008838 ΧΟΜΠΛΕΤΕ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΟΛΥΤΙΟΝΣ746871−0 ΜΙΣΧ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΙΝς 746871−0 ΑΝ∆001.17.524.200.31 97.13 749345−0 ΜΙΣΧ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΙΝς 746871−0 ΑΝ∆001.17.524.200.31 111.79 Τοταλ : 208.92 40814810/17/2011 112280 ΧΟΝΣΟΛΙ∆ΑΤΕ∆ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧΑΛ ∆ΙΣΤ0220−544084 ΧΟΝΣΟΛΙ∆ΑΤΕ∆ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧΑΛ 550.00.548.150.35 40.15 0220−544558 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧΑΛ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.576.100.31 61.10 Τοταλ : 101.25 40814910/17/2011 014391 ΧΟΠΠΕΡ ΦΑΛΛΣ ΡΕΣΤΑΥΡΑΝΤ092411ΙΝς ΦΟΟ∆ ΦΟΡ 9/24 ΓΟΛΦ ΤΟΥΡΝΑΜΕΝΤ 651.237.142 526.90 092511ΙΝς ΦΟ∆∆ ΦΟΡ 9/25 ΓΟΛΦ ΤΟΥΡΝΑΜΕΝΤ 651.237.142 432.04 26 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 27 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 958.94 40814910/17/2011014391014391 ΧΟΠΠΕΡ ΦΑΛΛΣ ΡΕΣΤΑΥΡΑΝΤ 40815010/17/2011 004111 ΧΟΡΡΕΧΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΙΝ∆ΥΣΤΡΙΕΣΩΙΝς311541 30 Ξ 30 ΣΤΟΠ ΣΙΓΝ 001.42.542.300.35 855.00 36 Ξ 36 ΣΤΟΠ ΣΙΓΝ 001.42.542.300.35 420.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.42.542.300.35 121.13 Τοταλ : 1,396.13 40815110/17/2011 134762 ΧΟΣΓΡΟςΕ, ΠΑΤΡΙΧΙΑ083011ΡΕΙΜΒ ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ ΤΟ ΜΤΓΣ 8/2−8/30/11 001.33.575.300.43 110.45 Τοταλ : 110.45 40815210/17/2011 005855 ΧΟΞ, ΣΤΕΠΗΑΝΙΕ ΑΛΙΣΟΝ35130 ΒΟΨ∋Σ ΒΡΕΑΚΙΝ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼001.33.574.240.41 108.00 35197 ΟΖ ΧΛΑΣΣ−ΜΥΝΧΗΚΙΝΣ ∼001.33.575.280.41 560.00 Τοταλ : 668.00 40815310/17/2011 017753 ΧΡΕΑΤΙςΕ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ11−60362 Βλανκετ ΠΟ φορ πλοττερ ανδ ωιδε φορµατ 001.32.532.200.31 150.39 Τοταλ : 150.39 40815410/17/2011 135400 ΧΡΟΩΝ ΧΑΤΕΡΙΝΓΧΑΤΕΡΙΝΓ Λυνχη φορ ΙΕΜΧ εξερχισε παρτιχιπαντσ −001.21.525.100.31 350.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.21.525.100.31 33.25 Τοταλ : 383.25 40815510/17/2011 017749 ΧΥΕΝΧΑ, ΒΡΥΝΟ09/26/11ΙΝς 27 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 28 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40815510/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)017749 ΧΥΕΝΧΑ, ΒΡΥΝΟ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 40815610/17/2011 019498 ΧΥΣΤΟΜ ΧΟΑΤΙΝΓ ΧΟΝΣΥΛΤΑΝΤΣ ΛΛΧ29229 Ρεθυισιτιον, Χυστοµ Χοατινγ 430.00.590.100.68 4,675.00 Τοταλ : 4,675.00 40815710/17/2011 020167 ∆ΑΛΓΑΡΝΟ, ΤΗΕΡΕΣΑϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 19.99 Τοταλ : 19.99 40815810/17/2011 007919 ∆ΑΝΙΕΛΙ, ΑΝΝ Ε.09/21/11ΙΝς ΠΡΟ ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 9/21/11;001.13.512.500.41 200.00 09/22/11ΙΝς ΠΡΟ ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 9/21/11;001.13.512.500.41 400.00 Τοταλ : 600.00 40815910/17/2011 140510 ∆ΑΡΟΥΓΗ, ∆ΟΡΙΣ Γ092211ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΛΟΝΓ ΤΕΡΜ ΧΑΡΕ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ 001.98.517.210.25 2,132.80 ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.517.210.25 233.68 Τοταλ : 2,366.48 40816010/17/2011 020168 ∆ΕΟΝΙΓΙ−ϑΕΝΝΙΝΓΣ, ∆ΑΝΑ Ρ.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 21.11 Τοταλ : 21.11 40816110/17/2011 391650 ∆ΕΠΑΡΤΜΕΝΤ ΟΦ ΛΙΧΕΝΣΙΝΓΛΙΧΕΝΣΕΣ ΧΟΝΧΕΑΛΕ∆ ΠΙΣΤΟΛ ΛΙΧΕΝΣΕΣ 28 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 29 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40816110/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)391650 ∆ΕΠΑΡΤΜΕΝΤ ΟΦ ΛΙΧΕΝΣΙΝΓ 651.237.104 459.00 Τοταλ : 459.00 40816210/17/2011 020169 ∆ΕςΑΝΕΨ, ∆ΟΝ Ρ.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 18.88 Τοταλ : 18.88 40816310/17/2011 008052 ∆ΕΞ ΜΕ∆ΙΑ ΩΕΣΤ100115886 ∆ΕΞ−ΟΝΕ Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ, ΧΕΜΕΤΕΡΨ 436.00.536.200.44 162.26 Τοταλ : 162.26 40816410/17/2011 141600 ∆ΙΕΡΙΝΓΕΡ ΣΧΗΟΟΛ ∆ΙΣΤΣΕΠΤ2011 ΣΕΠΤ 2011 ΣΧΗΟΟΛ ΙΜΠΑΧΤ ΦΕΕΣ 124.237.171 39,065.00 Τοταλ : 39,065.00 40816510/17/2011 016503 ∆ΙΝΓΦΙΕΛ∆, ΠΕΤΕΡ190031 ΛΙΓΗΤΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΑςΕ ΤΗΕΑΤΕΡ 001.33.575.280.41 360.00 190032 ΛΙΓΗΤΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΑςΕ ΤΗΕΑΤΕΡ 001.33.575.280.41 80.00 Τοταλ : 440.00 40816610/17/2011 012958 ∆ϑ ΤΡΟΠΗΨ 232484 Γλασσ ενγραϖινγ − ΜχΧαρτηψ 436.00.536.200.34 31.21 Τοταλ : 31.21 40816710/17/2011 142280 ∆ΟΝ ΣΜΑΛΛ ΟΙΛ ∆ΙΣΤΡ ΧΟ474978 ΥΝΛΕΑ∆Ε∆ ΦΥΕΛ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕ∆ ∆ΙΕΣΕΛ 437.00.576.600.31 3,274.97 ΝΟς2011 Βλανκετ πο φορ λεασε οφ παρκινγ λοτ∼29 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 30 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40816710/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)142280 ∆ΟΝ ΣΜΑΛΛ ΟΙΛ ∆ΙΣΤΡ ΧΟ 505.00.524.500.45 1,300.00 Τοταλ : 4,574.97 40816810/17/2011 020223 ∆ΟΟΛΙΤΤΛΕ ΧΟΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝΡΕΦΥΝ∆ΗΨ∆ΡΑΝΤ ∆ΕΠΟΣΙΤ, ΠΕΡΜΙΤ ΗΨ∆11−0032 430.399.501 1,449.00 Τοταλ : 1,449.00 40816910/17/2011 020170 ∆ΟΣΧΗ, ΡΙΧΚΨ Α.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 12.22 Τοταλ : 12.22 40817010/17/2011 006967 ∆ΟΩΕΛΛ ΧΟ.ΣΙΣΣΟΝ 673 ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−ΦΡΑΝ & ΚΕΝ ΣΙΣΣΟΝ∋Σ ΓΑΣ 119.00.559.200.63 1,135.81 Τοταλ : 1,135.81 40817110/17/2011 020171 ∆ΡΑΥΣ, ΓΡΕΓΟΡΨϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 18.88 Τοταλ : 18.88 40817210/17/2011 012962 ∆ΤΙ ΣΠΟΡΤΣ ΙΝΧ.2202 ΣΟΧΧΕΡ ΒΑΛΛΣ ΑΝ∆ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ 001.33.574.240.31 676.79 αδδιτιοναλ υσε ταξ 001.33.574.240.31 1.24 αδδιτιοναλ υσε ταξ 001.237.200 −1.24 Τοταλ : 676.79 40817310/17/2011 020250 ∆ΨΚΕΣ, ΩΙΛΛΙΑΜ ΓΑΡΤΗΙΖ0653554 ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ ΟςΕΡΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ 651.237.172 124.00 30 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 31 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 124.00 40817310/17/2011020250020250 ∆ΨΚΕΣ, ΩΙΛΛΙΑΜ ΓΑΡΤΗ 40817410/17/2011 150360 Ε Χ ΠΟΩΕΡ ΣΨΣΤΕΜΣΨ06610 ΡΕΠΑΙΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΟΡ #6427Χ;∼550.00.548.680.31 0.97 ΓΑΣΚΕΤ Ω2 93Χ142−55 550.00.548.680.31 3.53 ΕΛΕΜΕΝΤ ΦΙΛΤΕΡ Ω2 Λ0222 550.00.548.680.31 137.54 φρειγητ 550.00.548.680.31 8.80 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.680.31 14.33 Τοταλ : 165.17 40817510/17/2011 011263 Ε∆ΓΕΩΑςΕ ΙΝΧ121607 ιΠρισµ Ωεβ Φιλτερινγ Ρενεωαλ Σερϖιχε 518.00.518.880.48 5,950.00 20η ιΠρισµ Βασιχ Ρενεωαλ Μαιντενανχε 518.00.518.880.48 300.00 υσε ταξ 518.00.518.880.48 593.75 υσε ταξ 518.237.200 −593.75 Τοταλ : 6,250.00 40817610/17/2011 008859 Ε∆ΩΑΡ∆Σ, ΝΟΛΑΝ∆038343 ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.500.41 150.00 09/26/11ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 250.00 40817710/17/2011 000677 ΕΦΦΙΧΙΕΝΧΨ, ΙΝΧ690 Ιντερρογατιον χαµερα φορ ϑαιλ 31 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 32 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40817710/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)000677 ΕΦΦΙΧΙΕΝΧΨ, ΙΝΧ 001.21.521.100.48 795.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.21.521.100.48 75.53 Τοταλ : 870.53 40817810/17/2011 015957 ΕΜΜΕΡΤ, ΚΑΤΗΨ092611ΠΧ ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ − ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ ΧΟΥΡΤ − ∆ ΑΝ∆ΕΡΣΟΝ 001.21.521.200.49 15.00 ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ − ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ ΧΟΥΡΤ − Μ ςΟϑΙΡ 001.21.521.210.49 15.00 ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ − ΣΙ∆ΕΛΛ 001.21.521.210.49 3.00 ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ −∆ς ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ − Α 001.21.521.210.49 10.00 ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ − ΒΥΡΡΙΣ 001.21.521.200.49 16.00 ΛΥΓΓΑΓΕ ΦΕΕΣ − ΤΕΞΑΣ − Μ ϑΟΡ∆ΑΝ 001.21.521.210.49 50.00 ΛΥΓΓΑΓΕ ΦΕΕΣ − ΤΕΞΑΣ − Ρ ϑΟΝΕΣ 001.21.521.210.49 50.00 ΓΑΣ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΝΤΑΛ ΧΑΡ − ΤΕΞΑΣ − Ρ ϑΟΝΕΣ 001.21.521.210.49 34.89 ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ ∆ΑΨ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ − ΚΡΕΝΖ 001.21.521.100.31 24.52 100411ΠΧ ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ/ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ/ΡΣΛϑΧ − ΚΑΡΝΟΦΣΚΙ 001.21.521.100.49 15.00 ΜΕΑΛ−ΧΡΙΜΕ ΣΧΕΝΕ ΤΕΑΜ − 11−10575 −001.21.521.200.49 17.75 Τοταλ : 251.16 40817910/17/2011 001471 ΕΜΠΛΟΨΜΕΝΤ ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ ∆ΕΠΤ11−106664−Ρ∆Υ−Μ3 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.49 6.91 32 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 33 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 6.91 40817910/17/2011001471001471 ΕΜΠΛΟΨΜΕΝΤ ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ ∆ΕΠΤ 40818010/17/2011 151380 ΕΝΧΟΡΕ ΜΕ∆ΙΑ ΓΡΟΥΠ2011−3404 Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ ΕςΕΝΤΣ ΑΝ∆ ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΙΝΓ ΑΡΤΣ 001.33.573.901.44 1,101.43 Τοταλ : 1,101.43 40818110/17/2011 017551 ΕςΕΡΓΡΕΕΝ ΦΙΡΕ & ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ11−1806 Αννεξ ϖιδεο Συρϖειλλανχε − ΧΧΤς ∼518.00.518.880.64 7,883.00 Αππλιχαβλε δισχουντ φορ τηισ προποσαλ:518.00.518.880.64 −636.00 ΡΕΤΑΙΝΑΓΕ 518.00.518.880.64 −84.07 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.64 688.47 Τοταλ : 7,851.40 40818210/17/2011 013291 ΕΩΙΝΓ ΙΡΡΙΓΑΤΙΟΝ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ3872115 Παρτσ φορ χεµετερψ ιρριγατιον.436.00.536.200.31 15.96 3872116 Παρτσ φορ χεµετερψ ιρριγατιον.436.00.536.200.31 81.69 3878318 Παρτσ φορ χεµετερψ ιρριγατιον.436.00.536.200.31 6.01 Τοταλ : 103.66 40818310/17/2011 017291 ΕΩΙΝΓ, ΡΗΟΝ∆Α091311ΡΕΙΜΒ ΩΦΟΑ ΧΟΝΦ ΙΝ ΣΠΟΚΑΝΕ − ΜΕΑΛΣ 001.14.514.230.43 30.50 Τοταλ : 30.50 40818410/17/2011 002790 ΦΑΒΕΡ, ∆ΑΡΨΛ082911ΡΕΙΜΒ ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ ΤΟ ΜΤΓΣ 6/08−8/29/11 001.33.574.100.43 236.01 33 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 34 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 236.01 40818410/17/2011002790002790 ΦΑΒΕΡ, ∆ΑΡΨΛ 40818510/17/2011 007114 ΦΑΣΤΕΝΑΛ ΧΟΩΑΑΥΒ36471 ΦΑΣΤΕΝΑΛ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 550.00.548.680.35 95.48 Τοταλ : 95.48 40818610/17/2011 008661 ΦΙΡΕ ΠΡΟΤΕΧΤΙΟΝ ΙΝΧ.0081877 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #0081877 ΦΙΡΕ ΑΛΑΡΜ ΠΑΝΕΛ 505.00.524.500.48 1,540.12 0081886 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #0081886 ΑΝΝΥΑΛ ΙΝΣΠΕΧΤΙΟΝ −505.00.524.500.48 558.46 0081887 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #0081887 ΑΝΝΥΑΛ ΙΝΣΠΕΧΤΙΟΝ − ϑΧ 505.00.524.500.48 547.50 0081888 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #0081888 ΑΝΝΥΑΛ ΙΝΣΠΕΧΤΙΟΝ − Μ&Ο 505.00.524.500.48 657.01 0081889 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #0081889 ΑΝΝΥΑΛ ΙΝΣΠΕΧΤΙΟΝ − ΣΧ 505.00.524.500.48 804.84 0081890 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #0081890 ΑΝΝΥΑΛ ΙΝΣΠΕΧΤΙΟΝ −505.00.524.500.48 520.13 0081964 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #0081964 ΦΙΡΕ ΙΝΣΠΕΧΤΙΟΝ − ΓΣΑ 505.00.524.500.48 249.12 0082050 ΦΙΡΕ ΑΛΑΡΜ ΜΟΝΙΤΟΡΙΝΓ − ΑΝΝΥΑΛ ΦΕΕ 505.00.524.500.41 1,059.10 Τοταλ : 5,936.28 40818710/17/2011 005710 ΦΙΣΗΕΡ, ΦΡΕ∆100311ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.522.220.25 105.00 34 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 35 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40818710/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)005710 ΦΙΣΗΕΡ, ΦΡΕ∆ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ∆ΕΝΤΑΛ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.522.220.25 45.00 Τοταλ : 150.00 40818810/17/2011 161140 ΦΙΣΗΕΡΙΕΣ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΧΟ. ΙΝΧ1687394 ΣΑΛΤ−ΑΩΑΨ ΜΑΡΙΝΕ ΧΟΡΡΟΣΙΟΝ ΠΡΟΤΕΧΤΙΟΝ 001.42.542.300.31 54.91 φρειγητ 001.42.542.300.31 10.55 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.42.542.300.31 6.22 Τοταλ : 71.68 40818910/17/2011 011917 ΦΙΣΚ, ϑΑΜΕΣ100311ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ∆ΕΝΤΑΛ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.522.220.25 81.00 Τοταλ : 81.00 40819010/17/2011 162250 ΦΡΕ∆ ΜΕΨΕΡ ΣΤΟΡΕΣ− ΧΥΣΤ ΧΗΑΡΓΕ562185 ΓΑΜΕΣ, ΣΝΑΧΚΣ, ΑΡΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ & ΣΠΟΡΤΣ 001.33.574.240.31 405.33 562195 ΓΑΜΕΣ, ΣΝΑΧΚΣ, ΑΡΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ & ΣΠΟΡΤΣ 001.33.574.240.31 95.88 562196 ΓΑΜΕΣ, ΣΝΑΧΚΣ, ΑΡΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ & ΣΠΟΡΤΣ 001.33.574.240.31 27.16 Τοταλ : 528.37 40819110/17/2011 162400 ΦΡΟΝΤΙΕΡ ΧΛΕΑΝΕΡΣΣΕΠΤ2011 ∆ΡΨΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 2011 001.21.521.100.49 765.04 Τοταλ : 765.04 40819210/17/2011 162430 ΦΡΨΣ ΩΕΛ∆ΙΝΓ, ΙΝΧ14230 35 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 36 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40819210/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)162430 ΦΡΨΣ ΩΕΛ∆ΙΝΓ, ΙΝΧ ∆ιρτ Χαρτ ρεπαιρ 436.00.536.200.31 136.88 Τοταλ : 136.88 40819310/17/2011 011116 ΦΣΗ ΧΟΜΜΥΝΙΧΑΤΙΟΝΣ, ΛΛΧ000478986 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ ∼435.00.546.100.42 55.00 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ ∼518.00.518.880.42 55.00 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 435.00.546.100.42 5.23 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 518.00.518.880.42 5.22 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 435.237.200 −5.23 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 518.237.200 −5.22 Τοταλ : 110.00 40819410/17/2011 007721 ΦΥΤΥΡΕ ςΙΣΙΟΝΣ, ΙΝΧ09/29/11ΙΝς ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #9/1/2011−9/29/2011 ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.512.510.41 2,250.00 Τοταλ : 2,250.00 40819510/17/2011 170090 Γ Ο Σ ΠΡΙΝΤΙΝΓ ΧΟΡΠ77113 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 249.39 77144 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 434.00.537.120.42 133.44 77145 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 826.12 Τοταλ : 1,208.95 36 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 37 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40819610/17/2011 019865 ΓΑΡ∆ΝΕΡ ΕΧΟΝΟΜΙΧΣ2 ΑΓΧ−010 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ϑΥΝΧΤΙΟΝ ΙΝς 8/19/11 001.17.558.100.49 11,938.02 ΑΓΧ−010 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ϑΥΝΧΤΙΟΝ ΙΝς 8/19/11 001.17.558.100.41 6,361.50 Τοταλ : 18,299.52 40819710/17/2011 171380 ΓΟ∆ΦΑΤΗΕΡ∋Σ ΠΙΖΖΑ, ΙΝΧ.561960 ΠΙΖΖΑ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ. ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΣ 001.33.574.240.31 56.58 Τοταλ : 56.58 40819810/17/2011 008260 ΓΟΣΑΝΚΟ ΧΗΟΧΟΛΑΤΕ ΑΡΤ56550 ΧΗΟΧΟΛΑΤΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΒΡΑςΟ ΣΕΑΣΟΝ ΚΙΧΚΟΦΦ 001.33.575.280.31 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 40819910/17/2011 171620 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ, ΙΝΧ518817 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 53.74 518945 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.31 77.39 518982 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.31 9.72 519010 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.141.100 101.63 519070 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.35 90.72 519074 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.35 281.40 519088 37 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 38 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40819910/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)171620 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ, ΙΝΧ ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.35 159.82 519090 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.31 36.90 519360 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 56.83 519389 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 180.99 519496 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 194.13 519586 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 63.17 519588 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.141.100 111.62 519721 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 1.85 519734 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 87.59 519749 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.141.100 31.27 519778 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 24.19 519789 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 351.11 38 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 39 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40819910/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)171620 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ, ΙΝΧ 519852 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 197.82 519875 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 73.34 520066 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 42.04 520143 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.31 223.12 520154 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.141.100 42.04 520204 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ: ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 437.00.576.600.31 5.03 Τοταλ : 2,497.46 40820010/17/2011 017744 ΓΟς∆ΕΛΙςΕΡΨ ΙΝΧ.9469 Μοντηλψ Ηοστινγ & Μαιντενανχε Φεε φορ 518.00.518.880.42 493.00 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 518.00.518.880.42 46.84 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 518.237.200 −46.84 Τοταλ : 493.00 40820110/17/2011 010577 ΓΡΑΧΕ∋Σ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ093011ΙΝς ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΑΤ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.574.100.41 105.00 Τοταλ : 105.00 40820210/17/2011 011337 ΓΡΑΧΙΕ ΕΝΤΕΡΠΡΙΣΕΣ ΛΛΧ1011003 39 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 40 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40820210/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)011337 ΓΡΑΧΙΕ ΕΝΤΕΡΠΡΙΣΕΣ ΛΛΧ Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ ΝΕΩ ΙΝ∆ΟΟΡ ΠΛΑΨΓΡΟΥΝ∆001.33.574.220.44 425.00 Τοταλ : 425.00 40820310/17/2011 020210 ΓΡΑΝΓΡΥΤΗ, ΟΡςΙΝ032271 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−1306 Μ ΣΤ ΝΕ 430.233.100 113.58 Τοταλ : 113.58 40820410/17/2011 172290 ΓΡΕΕΝ ΡΙςΕΡ ΧΟΜΜ ΧΟΛΛΕΓΕ114989 Χερτιφιχατιον χλασσ φορ ςινχε Κονκλερ 430.00.534.800.49 179.00 114990 Χερτιφιχατιον χλασσ φορ ςινχε Κονκλερ 430.00.534.800.49 305.00 Τοταλ : 484.00 40820510/17/2011 015816 ΓΡΟΣΣ, ΣΤΕςΕ101211ΡΕΙΜΒ ΩΣΒΑ − ΡΕΓΙΣΤΡΑΤΙΟΝ ΦΟΡ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ 001.15.515.100.49 139.00 Τοταλ : 139.00 40820610/17/2011 020214 ΓΥΠΠΨ, ΡΥΣΣ050088 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−4925 ΜΙΛΛ ΠΟΝ∆ ∆Ρ ΣΕ 430.233.100 165.68 Τοταλ : 165.68 40820710/17/2011 180120 Η ∆ ΦΟΩΛΕΡ ΧΟΙ3007428 Η. ∆. ΦΟΩΛΕΡ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 430.00.534.800.35 252.63 Τοταλ : 252.63 40820810/17/2011 020172 ΗΑΓΒΟΜ, ∆ΑςΙ∆ Ε.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 19.99 40 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 41 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 19.99 40820810/17/2011020172020172 ΗΑΓΒΟΜ, ∆ΑςΙ∆ Ε. 40820910/17/2011 020112 ΗΑΝΣΟΝ, ∆ΟΡΟΤΗΨ0001 ΩΟΜΕΝΣ ςΕΤΕΡΑΝ ΧΟΝΝΕΧΤΙΟΝ κιχκ−οφφ ΒΒΘ 001.17.557.200.31 200.00 Τοταλ : 200.00 40821010/17/2011 020208 ΗΑΝΣΟΝ, ΜΑΡΚ & ΜΑΡϑΟΡΙΕ006837 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−2609 ΡΙςΕΡΩΑΛΚ ∆Ρ ΣΕ 430.233.100 2.80 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−2609 ΡΙςΕΡΩΑΛΚ ∆Ρ ΣΕ 431.233.100 8.57 Τοταλ : 11.37 40821110/17/2011 180960 ΗΑΡΟΛ∆Σ ΠΛΥΜΒΙΝΓ48752 ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−ΕΜΕΡΓΕΝΧΨ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ ΟΦ 119.00.559.200.63 500.00 48780 ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−ΧΑΡΟΛΑΝΝ ΝΟΡΡΙΣ∋119.00.559.200.63 500.00 48795 ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−ΣΑΡΑΗ ΝΙΕΜΕΨΕΡ∋Σ 119.00.559.200.63 191.63 48797 ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−ΕςΕΛΨΝ ΜΨΕΡΣ∋ ΕΜΕΡΓΕΝΧΨ 119.00.559.200.63 414.83 Τοταλ : 1,606.46 40821210/17/2011 019830 ΗΑΡΠΕΡ, ϑΟΝΑΤΗΑΝ029365 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−31612 119ΤΗ ΠΛ ΣΕ 430.233.100 15.00 Τοταλ : 15.00 40821310/17/2011 020173 ΗΑΡΡΙΝΓΤΟΝ, ΡΙΧΗΑΡ∆ Π.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 16.66 41 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 42 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 16.66 40821310/17/2011020173020173 ΗΑΡΡΙΝΓΤΟΝ, ΡΙΧΗΑΡ∆ Π. 40821410/17/2011 011670 Η∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΩΑΤΕΡΩΟΡΚΣ, ΛΤ∆3686507 Η∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΩΑΤΕΡΩΟΡΚΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.141.100 156.40 Τοταλ : 156.40 40821510/17/2011 181230 ΗΕΑ∆−ΘΥΑΡΤΕΡΣ24552 ΠΟΡΤΑΒΛΕ ΤΟΙΛΕΤ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΑΤ ΩΙΛ∆ΕΡΝΕΣΣ,001.33.576.100.45 718.25 24553 ΗΕΑ∆−ΘΥΑΡΤΕΡΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 431.00.535.800.45 69.75 24554 ΠΟΡΤΑΒΛΕ ΤΟΙΛΕΤ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ ΩΗΙΤΕ 001.33.575.300.45 369.75 Τοταλ : 1,157.75 40821610/17/2011 020174 ΗΕ∆ΓΕΣ, ΛΟΡΕΝ Ρ.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 13.33 Τοταλ : 13.33 40821710/17/2011 010842 ΗΟΦΦΜΑΝ ΧΟΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ ΙΝΧ11−02/#3 Λεα Ηιλλ Πυµπ Στατιον 431.00.590.100.68 8,431.38 Λεα Ηιλλ Πυµπ Στατιον 432.00.590.100.65 16,793.00 ΧΠ0756, Λεα Ηιλλ Πυµπ Στατιον 431.00.590.100.68 103,555.14 ΡΕΤΑΙΝΑΓΕ 431.223.400 −5,880.34 Τοταλ : 122,899.18 40821810/17/2011 011637 ΗΟΠΠΕΡ, ΖΑΧΗΑΡΨ091411ΡΕΙΜΒ Λιχενσε φεε ανδ ενδορσεµεντ περµιτ.436.00.536.200.49 86.00 42 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 43 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 86.00 40821810/17/2011011637011637 ΗΟΠΠΕΡ, ΖΑΧΗΑΡΨ 40821910/17/2011 020217 ΗΟΩΛΕΨ, ΓΡΑΧΕ058333 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−5210 Σ 331ΣΤ ΣΤ 432.233.100 45.93 Τοταλ : 45.93 40822010/17/2011 183200 ΗΥΝΤΕΡ, ΑΛΛΕΝ092811ΡΕΙΜΒ 2011 Χροσσ Χοννεχτιον Σεµιναρ ιν Ταχοµα 430.00.534.800.49 90.00 Τοταλ : 90.00 40822110/17/2011 017236 ΗΥΝΤΕΡ, ΚΙΜ ΕΛΑΙΝΕ16 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #16 ΧΟΝΦΛΙΧΤ ΧΟΥΝΣΕΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 001.13.512.500.41 500.00 Τοταλ : 500.00 40822210/17/2011 003195 ΗΥΣΚΨ ΙΝΤΕΡΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΤΡΥΧΚΣ ΙΝΧ661204 ΗΥΣΚΨ ΤΡΥΧΚΣ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 550.00.548.680.35 18.58 661274 ΗΥΣΚΨ ΤΡΥΧΚΣ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 550.00.548.680.35 170.24 Τοταλ : 188.82 40822310/17/2011 017718 ΗΨ∆ΡΑΦΛΟ, ΙΝΧ.15283 ΡΕΠΛΑΧΕ ΣΤΟΧΚ∼430.141.100 143.60 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 430.141.100 13.64 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 430.237.200 −13.64 Τοταλ : 143.60 40822410/17/2011 190160 Ι Α Ε Μ 60911 Αννυαλ δυεσ φορ ΙΑΕΜ φορ Σαραη.∼001.21.525.100.49 170.00 43 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 44 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 170.00 40822410/17/2011190160190160 Ι Α Ε Μ 40822510/17/2011 230000 ΙΧΟΝ ΜΑΤΕΡΙΑΛΣ ΧΟΡΠ10−09/#2 ΧΠ1101, 2011 Λοχαλ Στρεετ Παϖεµεντ 103.00.595.300.65 856,730.00 1619236 120 ΤΟΝ ΟΦ ΓΡΕΕΝΣ ΤΟΠ∆ΡΕΣΣΙΝΓ ΣΑΝ∆437.00.576.600.31 2,232.13 Τοταλ : 858,962.13 40822610/17/2011 190330 ΙΚΟΝ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΟΛΥΤΙΟΝΣ85608600 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.212.45 295.66 Τοταλ : 295.66 40822710/17/2011 190360 ΙΜΑΓΕ ΜΑΣΤΕΡΣ ΙΝΧ106090 ΙΜΑΓΕ ΜΑΣΤΕΡΣ: ΕΝΓΡΑςΙΝΓ ΟΦ ΙΤΕΜΣ 001.33.574.210.35 102.49 106108 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 106108 − ΩΑΛΛ ΠΛΑΤΕ − ∆ΟΛΛ 001.21.521.100.31 14.29 106118 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 106118 − ΜΑΣΤΕΡ ΦΟΛΛΟΩ ΥΠ −001.21.521.210.31 21.79 106133 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 106133 − ΜΑΣΤΕΡ ΧΟΠΨ ΣΤΑΜΠ −001.21.521.300.31 14.45 106160 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #106160 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.13.512.500.31 31.21 106183 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΝΑΜΕΠΛΑΤΕ − ΣΜΙΤΗ (106183)001.21.521.100.31 11.83 Τοταλ : 196.06 40822810/17/2011 190510 ΙΝΧΑ ΕΝΓΙΝΕΕΡΣ ΙΝΧ50470695 44 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 45 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40822810/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)190510 ΙΝΧΑ ΕΝΓΙΝΕΕΡΣ ΙΝΧ ΑΓ−Χ−255, Χ207Α: Α Στρεετ ΝΩ Εξτενσιον 102.00.594.420.65 10,384.17 Τοταλ : 10,384.17 40822910/17/2011 019646 ΙΝΧΗ, ΡΙΧΗΑΡ∆ ∆092311ΙΝς ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−ΧΑΡΟΛΑΝΝ ΝΟΡΡΙΣ∋119.00.559.200.63 360.26 Τοταλ : 360.26 40823010/17/2011 002701 ΙΝΦΟΡΜ ΠΥΓΕΤ ΣΟΥΝ∆2057 ΙΝΦΟΡΜ ΠΥΓΕΤ ΣΟΥΝ∆: ΠΟΣΤΕΡ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΒΥΤΙΟΝ 001.33.575.300.44 248.60 Τοταλ : 248.60 40823110/17/2011 020205 ΙΝΣΤΑ−ΠΙΠΕ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ΗΨ∆ΡΑΝΤ ΜΕΤΕΡ Α/Β ΒΑΣΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕ 430.399.501 31.00 Τοταλ : 31.00 40823210/17/2011 017188 ϑΑΣΟΝ ΕΝΓΙΝΕΕΡΙΝΓ & ΧΟΝΣΥΛΤΙΝΓ11014−002 ϑασον Ενγινεερινγ, Ινϖοιχε Νο.330.00.594.100.65 1,770.00 11016−002 Ρεθυισιτιον, ϑασον Ενγινεερινγ, Προϕεχτ 431.00.590.100.68 1,000.00 11018−001 Ρεθυισιτιον, ϑασον Ενγινεερινγ, Προϕεχτ 103.00.595.300.65 490.00 11019−001 Ρεθυισιτιον, ϑασον Ενγινεερινγ, Προϕεχτ 102.00.594.420.65 3,775.00 11025−001 Ρεθυισιτιον, Βλανκετ ΠΟ, ϑασον 102.00.594.420.65 2,900.00 Τοταλ : 9,935.00 45 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 46 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40823310/17/2011 200750 ϑΕΝΝΙΝΓΣ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ, ΙΝΧ29075 ΩΕΕ∆ΕΑΤΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΣΑΛΕ 437.00.576.680.34 249.92 Τοταλ : 249.92 40823410/17/2011 001398 ϑΕΩΕΛΛ, ϑΟΣΕΠΗ ΒΕΡΝΑΡ∆10/21/11ΠΕΡΦ ΕΝΤΕΡΤΑΙΝΜΕΝΤ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.210.41 350.00 Τοταλ : 350.00 40823510/17/2011 012244 ϑΙΛΛΙΑΝ ΕΝΤΕΡΠΡΙΣΕΣ, ΛΛΧΝΟς2011 Βλανκετ ΠΟ φορ 2011 τηεατερ λεασε περ 001.33.575.280.75 3,556.45 Βλανκετ ΠΟ φορ 2011 τηεατερ λεασε περ 001.33.575.280.83 2,365.57 Τοταλ : 5,922.02 40823610/17/2011 019689 ϑΟΗΑΝΣΕΝ ΕΞΧΑςΑΤΙΝΓ ΙΝΧ.11−08/#4 ΧΠ1005, Σουτη ∆ιϖισιον Στρεετ 330.00.594.100.65 462,795.25 Τοταλ : 462,795.25 40823710/17/2011 018264 ϑΥΣΤ ΦΟΡ ΛΑΥΓΗΣ11/04/11ΠΕΡΦ ΧΟΜΕ∆Ψ ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΑΝΧΕ ΟΝ ΝΟςΕΜΒΕΡ 4ΤΗ,001.33.575.280.41 2,500.00 Τοταλ : 2,500.00 40823810/17/2011 018308 Κ & Α ΛΑΝ∆ΣΧΑΠΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΛΛΧ109 ΤΗΡΕΕ ΩΑΨ−−−Οπεν πυρχηασε ορδερ 001.33.576.100.31 62.42 110 ΤΗΡΕΕ ΩΑΨ−−−Οπεν πυρχηασε ορδερ 001.33.576.100.31 62.42 111 ΤΗΡΕΕ ΩΑΨ−−−Οπεν πυρχηασε ορδερ 001.33.576.100.31 62.42 112 46 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 47 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40823810/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)018308 Κ & Α ΛΑΝ∆ΣΧΑΠΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΛΛΧ ΤΗΡΕΕ ΩΑΨ−−−Οπεν πυρχηασε ορδερ 001.33.576.100.31 41.61 113 ΤΗΡΕΕ ΩΑΨ−−−Οπεν πυρχηασε ορδερ 001.33.576.100.31 41.61 Τοταλ : 270.48 40823910/17/2011 005949 Κ Χ Α∆ΜΙΝ ΒΛ∆ΓΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕΣ Βλανκετ ΠΟ φορ φιλινγ φεεσ − λιενσ 430.00.534.110.41 372.00 Τοταλ : 372.00 40824010/17/2011 210360 Κ Χ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ1622501 ΚΧ ϑΑΙΛ − ϑΥΝΕ 2011 (1622501)001.20.523.600.51 44,018.14 1625003 Παιντεδ Παϖεµεντ Μαρκινγσ/Σιγνσ ιν Κινγ 001.42.542.300.51 131,548.07 1625762 ΚΧ ϑΑΙΛ − ϑΥΛΨ 2011 (1625762)001.20.523.600.51 59,699.44 1627454 ΦΑΧ10−0010 ΠΗΙΛΛΙΠΣ ϑΟςΙΤΑ ΣΕΩΕΡ 001.32.532.200.41 670.50 1628216 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ∼518.00.518.880.42 471.00 1628641 ΚΧ ϑΑΙΛ − ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 2011 (1628641)001.20.523.600.51 58,335.04 Τοταλ : 294,742.19 40824110/17/2011 210360 Κ Χ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΟΦ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕΣΕΠΤ2011 ΣΕΠΤ 2011 ΧΡΙΜΕ ςΙΧΤΙΜΣ ΧΟΜΠΕΝΣΑΤΙΟΝ 651.237.180 1,231.82 47 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 48 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 1,231.82 40824110/17/2011210360210360 Κ Χ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΟΦ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ 40824210/17/2011 211200 Κ Χ ΤΡΕΑΣΥΡΨΠΑΡΧΕΛ#7815700115 ΠΡΟΠΕΡΤΨ ΤΑΞ (ϑΥΛΨ−∆ΕΧ) ∆ΥΕ ΟΧΤ 31 ΟΝ 505.00.524.500.49 1,068.55 ΠΑΡΧΕΛ#7815700135 ΠΡΟΠΕΡΤΨ ΤΑΞ (ϑΥΛΨ−∆ΕΧ) ∆ΥΕ ΟΧΤ 31 ΟΝ 505.00.524.500.49 2,176.99 Τοταλ : 3,245.54 40824310/17/2011 019027 ΚΑΛΛΧΕΝΤΣΕ25950093011 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.212.42 38.55 Τοταλ : 38.55 40824410/17/2011 020175 ΚΑΣΙΝΓΕΡ, ΧΗΟΝΑ ∆.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 18.88 Τοταλ : 18.88 40824510/17/2011 018970 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ/ ΡΩ ΣΧΟΤΤ11−11/#1 ΧΠ0916, Ωεστ ςαλλεψ Ηιγηωαψ 432.00.590.100.68 24,154.38 ΧΠ0916, Ωεστ ςαλλεψ Ηιγηωαψ 102.00.594.420.65 36,231.57 Τοταλ : 60,385.95 40824610/17/2011 020123 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ/Τ ΜΙΛΛΕΡ ΧΟΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ11−04/#1 ΧΠ0803, 37τη Στ ΣΕ & Ρ Στ ΣΕ Πεδεστριαν 102.00.594.420.65 228.35 Τοταλ : 228.35 40824710/17/2011 020219 ΚΙΝΓ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ΛΙΒΡΑΡΨ ΣΨΣΤΕΜ066288 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−1018 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΩΑΨ Σ 434.233.100 131.61 Τοταλ : 131.61 48 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 49 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40824810/17/2011 002076 ΚΟΣΚΟ, ΑΛΑΝ092811ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΗΕΑΡΙΝΓ ΑΙ∆ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ 001.98.522.210.25 2,599.98 ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.522.210.25 113.00 Τοταλ : 2,712.98 40824910/17/2011 011257 ΚΟΣΚΟ, ΚΕΛΛΨ090111ΡΕΙΜΒ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕ ΚΕΛΛΨ ΚΟΣΚΟ ΦΟΡ ΩΟΡΚ ΒΟΟΤΣ 001.17.524.200.49 131.15 Τοταλ : 131.15 40825010/17/2011 019490 ΚΠΦΦ ΧΟΝΣΥΛΤΙΝΓ ΕΝΓΙΝΕΕΡΣ0911−111079 ΑΓ−Χ−402 Βριδγε Λοαδ Ρατινγ Προϕεχτ 102.00.594.420.65 2,574.67 Τοταλ : 2,574.67 40825110/17/2011 220480 ΛΑΚΕΣΙ∆Ε ΙΝ∆ΥΣΤΡΙΕΣ, ΙΝΧ12031482ΜΒ ΛΑΚΕΣΙ∆Ε ΙΝ∆ΥΣΤΡΙΕΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.42.542.300.31 283.77 12031597ΜΒ ΛΑΚΕΣΙ∆Ε ΙΝ∆ΥΣΤΡΙΕΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.42.542.300.31 506.09 Τοταλ : 789.86 40825210/17/2011 014857 ΛΑΜΟΤΗΕ, ΧΨΝΤΗΙΑ ϑ092811ΡΕΙΜΒ 2011 Χροσσ Χοννεχτιον Αννυαλ Σεµιναρ 430.00.534.800.49 90.00 Τοταλ : 90.00 40825310/17/2011 020229 ΛΑΠΟΡΤΑ, ϑΟΗΝ ΡΙΖ0276605 ΒΑΙΛ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − Π ΛΑΠΟΡΤΑ 651.237.172 1,000.00 Τοταλ : 1,000.00 40825410/17/2011 020176 ΛΑΤςΑΛΑ, ΠΗΙΛΙΠ Ε.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 49 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 50 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40825410/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)020176 ΛΑΤςΑΛΑ, ΠΗΙΛΙΠ Ε.001.13.512.500.49 14.44 Τοταλ : 14.44 40825510/17/2011 020213 ΛΕΒΕ∆, ΑΝΑΤΟΛΙΨ049775 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−29667 128ΤΗ ΧΤ ΣΕ 431.233.100 25.31 Τοταλ : 25.31 40825610/17/2011 020177 ΛΕΝΝΟΝ, ΗΟΝΓϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 16.66 Τοταλ : 16.66 40825710/17/2011 221710 ΛΕΣ ΣΧΗΩΑΒ ΤΙΡΕΣ363946 ΛΕΣ ΣΧΗΩΑΒ ΤΙΡΕΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 434.00.537.800.41 20.50 364267 ΛΕΣ ΣΧΗΩΑΒ ΤΙΡΕΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.48 184.37 364763 ΛΕΣ ΣΧΗΩΑΒ ΤΙΡΕΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.48 378.27 365124 ΛΕΣ ΣΧΗΩΑΒ ΤΙΡΕΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 432.29 365145 ΛΕΣ ΣΧΗΩΑΒ ΤΙΡΕΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 133.81 365150 ΛΕΣ ΣΧΗΩΑΒ ΤΙΡΕΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 158.69 365383 ΛΕΣ ΣΧΗΩΑΒ ΤΙΡΕΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.141.100 −1,813.89 365420 50 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 51 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40825710/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)221710 ΛΕΣ ΣΧΗΩΑΒ ΤΙΡΕΣ ΛΕΣ ΣΧΗΩΑΒ ΤΙΡΕΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 118.20 365473 ΛΕΣ ΣΧΗΩΑΒ ΤΙΡΕΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.48 38.05 365475 ΛΕΣ ΣΧΗΩΑΒ ΤΙΡΕΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.141.100 197.56 365711 ΛΕΣ ΣΧΗΩΑΒ ΤΙΡΕΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.31 −68.97 365712 ΛΕΣ ΣΧΗΩΑΒ ΤΙΡΕΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 90.92 365863 ΛΕΣ ΣΧΗΩΑΒ ΤΙΡΕΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.48 144.81 365887 ΛΕΣ ΣΧΗΩΑΒ ΤΙΡΕΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 657.98 365888 ΛΕΣ ΣΧΗΩΑΒ ΤΙΡΕΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 657.98 365898 ΛΕΣ ΣΧΗΩΑΒ ΤΙΡΕΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 143.66 Τοταλ : 1,474.23 40825810/17/2011 014214 ΛΙΕΣΜΑΚΙ, ΒΕΝ Λ.023768 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−125 Μ ΣΤ ΝΕ 430.233.100 71.33 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−125 Μ ΣΤ ΝΕ 434.233.100 10.56 Τοταλ : 81.89 51 Παγε:CA.B CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 53 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40826310/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #14310 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.13.516.100.35 45.25 14330 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.48 79.74 14344 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 20.17 14542 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.48 74.94 14542 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.48 17.18 14607 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.150.35 56.45 14719 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.48 20.02 15919 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.48 8.62 23035 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.48 24.25 23432 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 44.22 23454 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 432.00.535.900.35 41.89 23486 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 9.79 53 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 54 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40826310/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ 23718 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.31 43.35 23743 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.150.35 61.63 23801 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.150.35 7.07 23945 ΤΥΡΝ ΤΑΒΛΕ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕΑΤΕΡ 001.33.575.280.31 302.36 24002 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΟΜΜ. ΠΛΑΨΕΡΣ ΠΡΟΠΣ 001.33.575.280.31 60.32 24006 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.31 30.00 24035 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.48 25.40 24051 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 432.00.535.900.31 27.35 24053 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.150.35 58.74 24057 ΠΛΨΩΟΟ∆, ΧΕ∆ΑΡ ΒΟΑΡ∆, ΣΤΥ∆Σ, ΣΧΡΕΩΣ 001.33.575.280.31 48.14 24105 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 53.62 24134 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 54 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 55 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40826310/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ 001.33.576.100.31 17.66 24139 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.48 95.60 24304 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 432.00.535.900.31 31.95 24329 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 432.00.535.900.35 37.38 24433 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 68.03 24468 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.48 5.91 24487 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 12.70 24522 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.48 29.73 24555 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 432.00.535.900.31 31.95 24568 Βλανκετ ΠΟ φορ Μισχελλανεουσ 001.32.532.200.31 53.66 24604 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 8.74 24617 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 109.17 24686 55 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 56 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40826310/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.48 82.18 24697 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.150.35 76.93 24697 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.150.35 76.93 24747 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 432.00.535.900.31 37.25 24754 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.48 19.71 24758 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.574.240.31 7.94 24775 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #24775 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.13.516.100.35 10.56 24793 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.150.35 105.67 24829 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.42.542.300.31 24.83 24838 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 15.59 24857 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 432.00.535.900.35 18.69 24884 ΠΛΨΩΟΟ∆, ΧΕ∆ΑΡ ΒΟΑΡ∆, ΣΤΥ∆Σ, ΣΧΡΕΩΣ 001.33.575.280.31 446.43 56 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 57 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40826310/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ 24906 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 42.07 24908 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.150.35 29.71 24933 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 30.51 24966 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 5.17 24972 ΧΛΥΒΗΟΥΣΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 437.00.576.680.31 8.49 ΛΟΩΕΣ: ΣΠΡΙΝΓ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΜΜΕΡ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 437.00.576.680.31 44.00 43066 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 4.74 43760 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.48 21.83 Τοταλ : 3,152.70 40826410/17/2011 012034 ΛΟΖΙΕΡ, ΡΑ∆ΙΝΕ10/6/11ΠΧ ΟΠΕΝ ΠΕΤΤΨ ΧΑΣΗ ΡΕΙΜ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.210.31 106.03 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΕΤΤΨ ΧΑΣΗ ΡΕΙΜ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.210.49 15.00 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΕΤΤΨ ΧΑΣΗ ΡΕΙΜ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.210.43 123.63 Τοταλ : 244.66 40826510/17/2011 020154 ΜΑ∆ ΑΒΟΥΤ ΓΑΡ∆ΕΝΙΝΓ ΛΛΧ00000096 57 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 58 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40826510/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)020154 ΜΑ∆ ΑΒΟΥΤ ΓΑΡ∆ΕΝΙΝΓ ΛΛΧ ΟΡΓΑΝΙΧ ΣΕΕ∆ ΣΑΛΕΣ ΦΑΡΜΕΡΣ ΜΑΡΚΕΤ 001.33.573.901.44 45.00 Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −4.28 Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.33.573.901.44 4.28 Τοταλ : 45.00 40826610/17/2011 017812 ΜΑΓΝΥΜ ΠΡΙΝΤ ΣΟΛΥΤΙΟΝΣ94630 ΗΠ Λϑ Π4015 Ηιγη Ψιελδ Τονερ 518.00.518.880.31 567.00 ΗΠ Λϑ 4250 Στανδαρδ τονερ 518.00.518.880.31 59.95 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.31 59.56 Τοταλ : 686.51 40826710/17/2011 233620 ΜΑΙΝ ΣΤΡΕΕΤ ΣΙΓΝΣ & ΓΡΑΠΗΙΧΣ4258 Μαινστρεετ Σιγνσ & Γραπηιχσ χρεατεδ 001.17.557.200.44 810.30 Τοταλ : 810.30 40826810/17/2011 231130 ΜΑΤΤΗΕΩΣ ΒΡΟΝΖΕ ΚΙΝΓΩΟΟ∆7025046 Λιττσ ανδ Ρεισ µαρκερσ φορ ρεσαλε.436.00.536.200.34 429.21 Τοταλ : 429.21 40826910/17/2011 231130 ΜΑΤΤΗΕΩΣ ΙΝΤΕΡΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΒΡΟΝΖΕ7035443 Λιττσ ανδ Ρεισ µαρκερσ φορ ρεσαλε.436.00.536.200.34 428.51 Τοταλ : 428.51 40827010/17/2011 231440 ΜΧΧΑΙΝ ΤΡΑΦΦΙΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΨΙΝς0147186 ΜχΧαιν Τραφφιχ Συππλψ−5 Συργε 328.00.532.202.64 3,236.28 58 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 59 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 3,236.28 40827010/17/2011231440231440 ΜΧΧΑΙΝ ΤΡΑΦΦΙΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ 40827110/17/2011 020178 ΜΧΧΛΟΣΚΕΨ, ΧΑΡΟΛ Α.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 13.33 Τοταλ : 13.33 40827210/17/2011 231930 ΜΧΚΙΝΣΤΡΨ ΧΟ2182411 ΑΓ−Σ−003−09, ΗςΑΧ Ρεπαιρ & Μαιντενανχε.505.00.524.500.41 333.43 2182511 ΑΓ−Σ−003−09, ΗςΑΧ Ρεπαιρ & Μαιντενανχε.505.00.524.500.41 931.85 2403911 ϑΟΒ #287115 ΤΡΟΥΒΛΕΣΗΟΟΤ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΡςΕΡ 505.00.524.500.48 1,989.02 2460211 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #2460211 ΤΡΟΥΒΛΕΣΗΟΟΤ ΑΡΕΑΣ 505.00.524.500.48 421.57 2473411 ϑΟΒ #287384 ΙΝΣΤΑΛΛΕ∆ ΝΕΩ ΧΟΝ∆ΕΝΣΑΤΕ 505.00.524.500.48 382.20 Τοταλ : 4,058.07 40827310/17/2011 232010 ΜΧΛΟΥΓΗΛΙΝ & ΕΑΡ∆ΛΕΨ, ΙΝΧ0127979−ΙΝ ΜΧΛΟΥΓΗΛΙΝ & ΕΑΡ∆ΛΕΨ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.590.100.64 147.07 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 550.00.590.100.64 13.97 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 550.237.200 −13.97 Τοταλ : 147.07 40827410/17/2011 020216 ΜΧΜΙΛΛΑΝ, ΝΙΣΣΑ & ∆ΟΝΝΙΕ054826 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−12945 ΣΕ 301ΣΤ ΣΤ 430.233.100 74.79 59 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 60 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 74.79 40827410/17/2011020216020216 ΜΧΜΙΛΛΑΝ, ΝΙΣΣΑ & ∆ΟΝΝΙΕ 40827510/17/2011 018644 ΜΕ∆ΕΙΡΟΣ, ΡΟ∆ΝΕΨ091211ΡΕΙΜ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕ ΦΟΡ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ − ΗΑΕΝΚ 001.21.521.200.31 116.58 Τοταλ : 116.58 40827610/17/2011 017991 ΜΕΗΛ, ϑΥΛΙΕ100611ΠΧ ΣΟΦΑ ΦΟΡ ΣΤΑΓΕ ΣΕΤ, ΒΡΑςΟ ∀ΑΝ ΕςΕΝΙΝΓ 001.33.573.201.31 40.00 ΣΤΑΤΕ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΜΕΕΤΙΝΓ, ΛΥΝΧΗ & ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ,001.33.574.100.43 12.35 ΓΡΕΕΤΙΝΓ ΧΑΡ∆Σ 001.33.574.100.31 9.76 ΠΙΖΖΑ, ΒΙΡΤΗ∆ΑΨ ΠΑΡΤΨ ΠΑΧΚΑΓΕ 001.33.574.240.31 27.50 ΦΛΑΣΗ ΧΑΡ∆Σ, ΑΡΟΥΝ∆ ΤΗΕ ΒΕΛΛ 001.33.574.240.31 6.57 ΡΟΤΑΡΨ ΛΥΝΧΗΕΟΝ, ΦΑΒΕΡ 001.33.574.100.43 15.00 ΑΝΝΥΑΛ ΩΩΡΧ ΒΡΕΑΚΦΑΣΤ & ΜΕΕΤΙΝΓ, ΦΑΒΕΡ 001.33.574.100.43 40.00 ΣΤΕΡΝΟ ΦΟΡ ΗΕΑΤΙΝΓ ΦΟΟ∆ ΑΤ ΒΡΑςΟ 001.33.573.201.31 12.02 ΡΟΧΚ ΩΑΛΛ ΒΟΛΤΣ 001.33.574.220.31 5.90 Τοταλ : 169.10 40827710/17/2011 232610 ΜΕΤΡΟ (ΚΧ ∆ΕΠΤ ΟΦ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ)60718 Κινγ Χουντψ Σεωερ ∆ισποσαλ Χηαργεσ −431.00.535.800.51 1,057,216.65 Τοταλ : 1,057,216.65 40827810/17/2011 016297 ΜΙΚΕ∋Σ ΤΡΑΠΠΙΝΓ100311ΙΝς ΜΙΚΕ∋Σ ΤΡΑΠΠΙΝΓ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ∼432.00.535.900.41 300.00 60 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 61 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40827810/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)016297 ΜΙΚΕ∋Σ ΤΡΑΠΠΙΝΓ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 432.00.535.900.41 28.50 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 432.237.200 −28.50 Τοταλ : 300.00 40827910/17/2011 019308 ΜΙΛΕΣ ΡΕΣΟΥΡΧΕΣ ΛΛΧ11−13/#2 Χ207Α, Α Στρεετ ΝΩ Εξτενσιον, Χοντραχτ 102.00.594.420.65 857,156.57 Χ207Α, Α Στρεετ ΝΩ Εξτενσιον, Χοντραχτ 430.00.590.100.65 604.44 Χ207Α, Α Στρεετ ΝΩ Εξτενσιον, Χοντραχτ 102.00.594.420.65 18,911.40 Τοταλ : 876,672.41 40828010/17/2011 008731 ΜΙΝΑΗΑΝ, ΚΑΡΕΝ Μ.10/01/11ΙΝς ∆ΥΙ ςΙΧΤΙΜ ΠΑΝΕΛ ΦΑΧΙΛΙΤΑΤΟΡ − 10/1/11 001.13.512.510.41 100.00 ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ 001.13.512.510.43 12.85 Τοταλ : 112.85 40828110/17/2011 017745 ΜΟΗΑΜΕ∆, ΙΣΜΑΕΛ Η.09/26/11ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 40828210/17/2011 018835 ΜΟΛΙΤΟΡΙΣ, ϑΟΗΝ ϑ.09/30/11ΙΝς ΠΡΟΦΕΣΣΙΟΝΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.500.41 125.00 Τοταλ : 125.00 40828310/17/2011 020179 ΜΟΟΡΕ, ΜΑΡΨ ΕΛΛΕΝϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 15.55 61 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 62 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 15.55 40828310/17/2011020179020179 ΜΟΟΡΕ, ΜΑΡΨ ΕΛΛΕΝ 40828410/17/2011 020180 ΜΟΡΡΙΛΛ, ΧΑΡΛΑ ϑ.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 16.66 Τοταλ : 16.66 40828510/17/2011 016028 ΜΟΡΡΙΣ, ςΙΝΧΕΝΤ ϑ34176 ΓΟΛΦ ΙΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ∼001.33.574.240.41 132.00 34179 ΓΟΛΦ ΙΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ∼001.33.574.240.41 204.00 Τοταλ : 336.00 40828610/17/2011 002404 ΜΟΣΗΧΑΤΕΛ, ΑΛΒΕΡΤ & ςΙΧΤΟΡΙΑ067072 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−304 Φ ΣΤ ΣΕ 430.233.100 118.33 Τοταλ : 118.33 40828710/17/2011 020138 ΜΥΝΟΖ, ΒΑΡΤΟΛΟ055862 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−1626 33Ρ∆ ΠΛ ΣΕ 430.233.100 28.85 Τοταλ : 28.85 40828810/17/2011 015343 ΜΨΡΟΝ ΧΟΡΠ77476463 Μψρον: Ποχκετ χαλενδαρσ ανδ νοτε παδσ 001.33.574.210.31 445.93 υσε ταξ 001.33.574.210.31 42.36 υσε ταξ 001.237.200 −42.36 Τοταλ : 445.93 40828910/17/2011 020181 ΝΑΡςΕΚΑΡ, ΡΑϑΕΝ∆ΡΑ ς.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 16.66 62 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 63 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 16.66 40828910/17/2011020181020181 ΝΑΡςΕΚΑΡ, ΡΑϑΕΝ∆ΡΑ ς. 40829010/17/2011 241180 ΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΒΑΡΡΙΧΑ∆Ε ΧΟ, ΛΛΧ237735 Νατιοναλ Βαρριχαδε Χο, Ινϖοιχε Νοσ.102.00.594.420.65 1,654.87 237736 Νατιοναλ Βαρριχαδε Χο, Ινϖοιχε Νοσ.102.00.594.420.65 1,177.18 237737 Νατιοναλ Βαρριχαδε Χο, Ινϖοιχε Νοσ.102.00.594.420.65 123.19 238262 ΣΛΕΕςΕ, 12 ΓΑ 2 1/4 Ξ 12 001.42.542.300.31 397.50 ΑΝΧΗΟΡ, 12 ΓΑ 2 Ξ 24 001.42.542.300.31 562.50 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.42.542.300.31 91.20 238263 10∋ 1 13/4 ΤΕΛΕΣΠΑΡ ΠΟΣΤΣ 001.42.542.300.35 1,213.50 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.42.542.300.35 115.28 Τοταλ : 5,335.22 40829110/17/2011 241680 ΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ, ΙΝΧ0305202−ΙΝ ΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.31 131.40 ΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 432.00.535.900.31 131.40 Τοταλ : 262.80 40829210/17/2011 241155 ΝΑΤΛ ΑΣΣΝ ΟΦ ΦΛΕΕΤ Α∆ΜΙΝΙΣΤΡΣ93740 ΜΕΜΒΕΡ Ι∆#023990, ΡΑΝ∆Ψ ΒΑΙΛΕΨ ∆ΥΕΣ 550.00.548.100.49 475.00 63 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 64 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 475.00 40829210/17/2011241155241155 ΝΑΤΛ ΑΣΣΝ ΟΦ ΦΛΕΕΤ Α∆ΜΙΝΙΣΤΡΣ 40829310/17/2011 010498 ΝΕΤΜΟΤΙΟΝ ΩΙΡΕΛΕΣΣ ΙΝΧ.Ι0011633 ΝετΜοτιον Λοχαλιτψ Σερϖερ, ινχλυδεσ 100 518.00.518.880.64 13,000.00 ΝετΜοτιον 100 χλιεντ λιχενσεσ 518.00.518.880.64 7,500.00 1−ψεαρ σοφτωαρε µαιντενανχε 518.00.518.880.64 3,075.00 Εξιστινγ χυστοµερ χλιεντ λιχενσε 518.00.518.880.64 −3,000.00 Προδυχτ Ινχεντιϖε δισχουντ 518.00.518.880.64 −5,250.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.64 1,455.88 Τοταλ : 16,780.88 40829410/17/2011 019888 ΝΕΩΒΕΡΡΨ ΡΕΑΛΤΨ ΡΕΝΤΟΝ011429 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−6713 ΝΑΤΗΑΝ ΑςΕ ΣΕ 431.233.100 64.41 Τοταλ : 64.41 40829510/17/2011 242500 ΝΟΡ∆ΙΧ ΧΟΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ ΙΝΧ11−12/#2 Χ410Α, Σουτη 277τη Στ Ρεχονστρυχτιον −102.00.594.420.65 17,018.60 ΡΑΤΑΙΝΑΓΕ 102.223.400 −777.11 Τοταλ : 16,241.49 40829610/17/2011 000533 ΝΟΡΣΤΑΡ ΙΝ∆ΥΣΤΡΙΕΣ, ΙΝΧ47196 ΠΛΥΜΒΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ∆Ε−ΙΧΕΡ ΤΑΝΚΣ∼001.42.542.300.48 1,363.55 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.42.542.300.48 129.54 Τοταλ : 1,493.09 64 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 65 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40829710/17/2011 010029 ΝΟΡΤΗΥΠ ΓΡΟΥΠ/∆Ρ. ΒΙΛΛ ΕΚΕΜΟ2436 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #2436 ΠΡΕ−ΕΜΠΛΟΨΜΕΝΤ ΠΣΨΧΗ ΕςΑΛ 001.21.521.100.41 340.00 Τοταλ : 340.00 40829810/17/2011 001897 ΝΟΡΤΗΩΕΣΤ ΠΛΑΨΓΡΟΥΝ∆ ΕΘΥΙΠ ΙΝΧ33839 ΑΡΧΗ ΣΩΙΝΓ ΑΝ∆ ∆ΥΟ ΣΕΕΣΑΩ ΦΟΡ 119.00.559.200.63 4,936.28 Τοταλ : 4,936.28 40829910/17/2011 018040 ΝΟΡΤΗΩΕΣΤ ΠΣΨΧΗΙΑΤΡΨ &093011ΙΝς ΠΣΨΧΗΙΑΤΡΙΧ ΕςΑΛΥΑΤΙΟΝΣ ΦΟΡ ΜΟΝΤΗ ΟΦ 001.13.512.510.41 1,600.00 Τοταλ : 1,600.00 40830010/17/2011 250210 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ∆ΕΠΟΤ1391981467 ςΟΛΥΝΤΕΕΡ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ (1391981467)001.21.521.230.31 37.50 1392741633 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1392741633 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.13.516.100.31 2.43 1392741637 ΥΣΒ ηυβ φορ Π∆ ϖεηιχλεσ 518.00.518.880.35 18.98 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.35 1.80 579223948001 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 579223948001 − Π∆ Α∆ΜΙΝ 001.21.521.100.31 71.64 579926557001 Πηονε φορ Γαµε Φαρµ Μαιντενανχε 001.33.576.100.42 47.49 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.33.576.100.42 4.51 580409034001 ΜΙΣΧΕΛΛΑΝΕΟΥΣ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ (580409034001)65 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 66 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40830010/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)250210 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ∆ΕΠΟΤ 001.21.521.100.31 75.54 Τοταλ : 259.89 40830110/17/2011 250270 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΟΦ ΤΗΕ Α∆ΜΙΝ ΦΟΡ ΧΟΥΡΤΣ∆ΑΝΙΕΛΣ/ΡΕΓ ΙΝΣΤΙΤΥΤΕ ΦΟΡ ΝΕΩ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΕΜΠΛΟΨΕΕΣ 001.13.512.500.49 55.00 ΡΕΑΡ∆ΟΝ/ΡΕΓ ΙΝΣΤΙΤΥΤΕ ΦΟΡ ΝΕΩ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΕΜΠΛΟΨΕΕΣ 001.13.512.500.49 55.00 Τοταλ : 110.00 40830210/17/2011 122670 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ263809 Οφφιχε Συππλιεσ φορ Μαψορ∋σ Οφφιχε 001.11.513.100.31 75.56 483567 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 001.42.543.100.31 24.88 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 432.00.535.900.31 24.88 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.100.31 24.88 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.31 24.88 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.31 24.86 579738 Χιτψωιδε παπερ συππλψ 518.00.518.780.31 657.00 580907 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 001.42.543.100.31 93.66 581027 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 001.42.543.100.31 8.42 592229 66 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 67 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40830210/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)122670 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ ΦΟΡ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ 001.33.574.220.31 53.00 619038 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ − παχκετσ 518.00.518.780.41 264.48 619039 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ − παχκετσ 518.00.518.780.41 69.10 633809 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 001.42.543.100.31 12.64 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.100.31 12.65 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 432.00.535.900.31 12.64 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.31 12.64 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.31 12.64 653432 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #653432 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.13.512.500.31 506.19 653665 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #653665 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.13.512.500.31 8.42 662627 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #662627 ΧΗΑΙΡΜΑΤΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.574.100.31 383.87 664291 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ ΦΟΡ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ 001.33.574.220.31 71.37 733490 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ − παχκετσ 518.00.518.780.41 387.60 733491 67 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 68 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40830210/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)122670 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ − παχκετσ 518.00.518.780.41 271.06 733492 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ − παχκετσ 518.00.518.780.41 163.05 Τοταλ : 3,200.37 40830310/17/2011 250330 ΟΓ∆ΕΝ ΜΥΡΠΗΨ ΩΑΛΛΑΧΕ, ΠΛΛΧ693660 Προφ Λεγαλ Σρϖχσ−Χεδαρ Ρϖρ Ωατερ/Κινγ 430.00.534.100.41 130.00 Τοταλ : 130.00 40830410/17/2011 019207 ΟΚΑΝΟΓΑΝ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ΣΗΕΡΙΦΦΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ2011ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 2011 ϑΑΙΛ/ΟΚΑΝΟΓΑΝ ΧΤΨ 001.20.523.600.51 5,920.00 Τοταλ : 5,920.00 40830510/17/2011 012740 ΟΛΨΜΠΙΧ ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ, ΙΝΧΣΙ+0025578 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #ΣΙ+0025578 ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ ΣΧΡΕΕΝΕΡΣ 001.13.512.500.41 3,192.00 Τοταλ : 3,192.00 40830610/17/2011 013832 ΟΡΚΙΝ, ΙΝΧ.68032010 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #68032010 ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ ΣΕΧΗΕ∆ΥΛΕ∆505.00.524.500.41 68.94 Τοταλ : 68.94 40830710/17/2011 020009 ΟΣΣΟΡΙΟ, ΠΑΥΛ10/01/11ΙΝς ∆ΥΙ ςΙΧΤΙΜ ΠΑΝΕΛ ΦΑΧΙΛΙΤΑΤΟΡ 10/1/11 001.13.512.510.49 100.00 ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ 001.13.512.510.43 24.26 Τοταλ : 124.26 40830810/17/2011 016417 ΠΑΧΙΦΙΧ ΧΟΑΣΤ ΜΕΜΟΡΙΑΛΣ, ΙΝΧ11−02474 Μαρκερ φορ ρεσαλε − Ζεπεδα 68 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 69 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40830810/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)016417 ΠΑΧΙΦΙΧ ΧΟΑΣΤ ΜΕΜΟΡΙΑΛΣ, ΙΝΧ 436.00.536.200.34 960.00 Τοταλ : 960.00 40830910/17/2011 019716 ΠΑΧΙΦΙΧ ΝΟΡΤΗΩΕΣΤ ΕΑΡΤΗΩΟΡΚΣ11−03#4 Χ507Β, Αυβυρν/Παχιφιχ Τραιλ, Χοντραχτ 102.00.594.420.65 1,411.26 ΡΕΤΑΙΝΑΓΕ 102.223.400 −70.56 Τοταλ : 1,340.70 40831010/17/2011 260240 ΠΑΧΙΦΙΧ ΠΟΩΕΡ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ836812−00 ΠΑΧΙΦΙΧ ΠΟΩΕΡ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ ΑΚΑ ΠΑΧΙΦΙΧ 431.00.535.800.41 427.72 Τοταλ : 427.72 40831110/17/2011 020182 ΠΑΙΝΤΕΡ, ΧΗΑ∆ Α.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 13.33 Τοταλ : 13.33 40831210/17/2011 019238 ΠΑΡ 4Ξ ΛΛΧ 5336 ΣΥΜΜΕΡ ΦΕΡΤΙΛΙΖΕΡΣ 437.00.576.600.31 2,500.00 ΤΕΡΠΗ ΝΟΡΤΗΩΕΣΤ: ΦΕΡΤΙΛΙΖΕΡ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 437.00.576.600.31 181.20 5337 ΤΕΡΠΗ ΝΟΡΤΗΩΕΣΤ: ΦΕΡΤΙΛΙΖΕΡ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 437.00.576.600.31 1,069.87 Τοταλ : 3,751.07 40831310/17/2011 261460 ΠΑΡΑΜΕΤΡΙΞ ΙΝΧ16−62664 ΑΓ−Χ−350, 2009 Σεωερ/Στορµ Πυµπ 431.00.590.100.68 38,743.86 Τοταλ : 38,743.86 40831410/17/2011 020232 ΠΑΡΚ, ϑΟΗΝ09/26/11ΙΝς 69 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 70 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40831410/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)020232 ΠΑΡΚ, ϑΟΗΝ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.500.41 90.00 Τοταλ : 90.00 40831510/17/2011 261620 ΠΑΡΚΕΡ ΠΑΙΝΤ ΜΦΓ ΧΟ, ΙΝΧ021009972 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ∋σ ΓΡΑΦΦΙΤΙ ΑΒΑΤΕΜΕΝΤ 001.17.562.100.41 11.67 021010022 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ∋σ ΓΡΑΦΦΙΤΙ ΑΒΑΤΕΜΕΝΤ 001.17.562.100.41 24.79 021010877 ΠΑΡΚΕΡ ΠΑΙΝΤ ΜΦΓ. ΧΟ., ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.31 66.09 954760007 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ∋σ ΓΡΑΦΦΙΤΙ ΑΒΑΤΕΜΕΝΤ 001.17.562.100.41 −12.57 Τοταλ : 89.98 40831610/17/2011 001585 ΠΑΡΤΡΙ∆ΓΕ, ϑΟΗΝ100511ΡΕΙΜΒ ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ / ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ ΡΛΣϑ ΣΤΕΕΡΙΝΓ 001.11.511.600.43 39.30 Τοταλ : 39.30 40831710/17/2011 016025 ΠΑΥΛ ΨΕΣΤΕΡ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΙΟΝΣΑΑΤ111004 ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΤ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΑςΕ ΤΗΕΑΤΕΡ 001.33.575.280.41 160.00 Τοταλ : 160.00 40831810/17/2011 012214 ΠΕΑΡΛ ΒΥΙΛ∆ΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ3699 ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ ΜΟΝΤΗ ΟΦ 001.33.576.100.41 250.00 3700 ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ ΜΟΝΤΗ ΟΦ 001.33.576.100.41 250.00 3704 70 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 71 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40831810/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)012214 ΠΕΑΡΛ ΒΥΙΛ∆ΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΣΧΡΥΒ ΦΛΟΟΡΣ, ΩΑΞ ΦΛΟΟΡΣ ΑΝ∆ ΩΑΣΗ 001.33.576.100.41 400.00 3705 ΣΧΡΥΒΒΙΝΓ ΟΦ ΦΛΟΟΡΣ ΑΤ ςΕΤΕΡΕΑΝΣ ΠΑΡΚ 001.33.576.100.41 200.00 3706 ΩΕΕΚΕΝ∆ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΠΡΟςΙ∆Ε∆001.33.576.100.41 250.00 3707 ΩΕΕΚΕΝ∆ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΠΡΟςΙ∆Ε∆001.33.576.100.41 250.00 Τοταλ : 1,600.00 40831910/17/2011 011372 ΠΕΑΣΕ & ΣΟΝΣ ΙΝΧ.10−17/#5 ΧΠ0817, Πηασε Χ; Ωηιτε Ριϖερ Στορµ Πυµπ 432.00.590.100.68 491,597.60 Τοταλ : 491,597.60 40832010/17/2011 262250 ΠΕ∆ΕΝ, ΡΥ∆Ψ092711ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΜΕ∆ΙΧΑΛ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.522.200.25 51.90 ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.522.200.25 102.10 Τοταλ : 154.00 40832110/17/2011 002114 ΠΕΛΟΖΑ, ΩΙΛΛΙΑΜ100511ΡΕΙΜΒ ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ ΤΟ ΜΤΓΣ 9/14−10/05 & ΡΟΤΑΡΨ 001.11.511.600.43 168.24 Τοταλ : 168.24 40832210/17/2011 262640 ΠΕΤΕΡΣΟΝ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ654394 ΧΗΕΕΣΕ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ ΠΑΝΤΡΨ 001.33.574.210.31 260.82 Τοταλ : 260.82 40832310/17/2011 015534 ΠΕΤΕΡΣΟΝ, ΛΕΣΛΕΕ ϑΟ35039 71 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 72 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40832310/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)015534 ΠΕΤΕΡΣΟΝ, ΛΕΣΛΕΕ ϑΟ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΜΑΣΣΑΓΕ∼001.33.574.210.41 48.00 Τοταλ : 48.00 40832410/17/2011 020224 ΠΕΤΡΟΩΕΣΤ ΙΝΧΡΕΦΥΝ∆ΗΨ∆ΡΑΝΤ ∆ΕΠΟΣΙΤ, ΠΕΡΜΙΤ ΗΨ∆11−0022 430.399.501 1,449.00 Τοταλ : 1,449.00 40832510/17/2011 263070 ΠΙΕΡΧΕ ΧΟ ΒΥ∆ΓΕΤ & ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ ∆ΕΠΑΡ125181 Παιντινγ παϖεµεντ µαρκινγσ ιν Πιερχε 001.42.542.300.51 17,913.38 Τοταλ : 17,913.38 40832610/17/2011 020183 ΠΙΕΡΧΕ, ΛΨΛΕ Ρ.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 26.65 Τοταλ : 26.65 40832710/17/2011 016640 ΠΙΤΝΕΨ ΒΟΩΕΣ ΓΛΟΒΑΛ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΙΑΛ8302317−ΣΠ11 Ποσταγε Μετερ Λεασινγ Χηαργε 518.00.518.780.45 3,797.59 9761249−ΣΠ11 Μοντηλψ Χηαργε φορ Σεπτεµβερ 2011 518.00.518.780.45 250.00 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 518.00.518.780.45 23.75 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 518.237.200 −23.75 Τοταλ : 4,047.59 40832810/17/2011 263360 ΠΙΤΖΛ, ΩΙΛΛΙΑΜ090811ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.517.210.25 54.00 Τοταλ : 54.00 72 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 73 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40832910/17/2011 263510 ΠΛΑΤΤ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ0162391 Μ & Ο ΒΥΙΛ∆ΙΝΓ ΛΙΓΗΤΙΝΓ ΥΠΓΡΑ∆ΕΣ 550.00.590.100.64 1,201.28 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.590.100.64 114.12 0169105 Μ & Ο ΒΥΙΛ∆ΙΝΓ ΛΙΓΗΤΙΝΓ ΥΠΓΡΑ∆ΕΣ 550.00.590.100.64 −275.81 0243547 Μ & Ο ΒΥΙΛ∆ΙΝΓ ΛΙΓΗΤΙΝΓ ΥΠΓΡΑ∆ΕΣ 550.00.590.100.64 2,700.10 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.590.100.64 256.51 0249457 ΠΛΑΤΤ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ / ΒΛΑΝΛΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 431.00.535.800.31 34.30 0253252 Μ & Ο ΒΥΙΛ∆ΙΝΓ ΛΙΓΗΤΙΝΓ ΥΠΓΡΑ∆ΕΣ 550.00.590.100.64 38.93 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.590.100.64 3.70 0309406 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 67.01 0328267 ΠΛΑΤΤ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ / ΒΛΑΝΛΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 001.42.542.300.31 550.94 9955833 Μ & Ο ΒΥΙΛ∆ΙΝΓ ΛΙΓΗΤΙΝΓ ΥΠΓΡΑ∆ΕΣ 550.00.590.100.64 522.81 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.590.100.64 49.67 Τοταλ : 5,263.56 40833010/17/2011 014282 ΠΛΑΤΤΕΡ, ΤΟΜΑΣ ΑΝΤΗΟΝΨ09/26/11ΙΝς ΠΡΟ ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 9/26/11 73 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 74 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40833010/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)014282 ΠΛΑΤΤΕΡ, ΤΟΜΑΣ ΑΝΤΗΟΝΨ 001.13.512.500.41 212.50 09/29/11ΙΝς ΠΡΟ ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 9/29/11 001.13.512.500.41 175.00 10/07/11ΙΝς ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 10/7/11 001.13.512.500.41 125.00 10/10/11ΙΝς ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 10/10/11 001.13.512.500.41 162.50 Τοταλ : 675.00 40833110/17/2011 263805 ΠΟΛΛΑΡ∆ΩΑΤΕΡ.ΧΟΜΙ308753−ΙΝ ΠΟΛΛΑΡ∆ΩΑΤΕΡ.ΧΟΜ/ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.31 175.89 Τοταλ : 175.89 40833210/17/2011 020184 ΠΟΜΕΡΙΝΚΕ, ΒΡΕΝ∆Α Ρ.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 14.44 Τοταλ : 14.44 40833310/17/2011 014645 ΠΟΠΠΛΕΤΟΝ, ΚΑΡΕΝΧ.ΣΜΙΤΗ ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΦΟΟΤ ΧΑΡΕ, ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.210.41 5.00 ∆.ΤΑΨΛΟΡ ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΦΟΟΤ ΧΑΡΕ, ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.210.41 4.00 Λ.ΧΛΕΑΝ ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΦΟΟΤ ΧΑΡΕ, ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.210.41 5.00 Λ.ΡΙΧΗΑΡ∆Σ ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΦΟΟΤ ΧΑΡΕ, ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.210.41 20.00 Σ.ΤΙΝΓΛΕΨ 74 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 75 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40833310/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)014645 ΠΟΠΠΛΕΤΟΝ, ΚΑΡΕΝ ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΦΟΟΤ ΧΑΡΕ, ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.210.41 15.00 ς.ΡΟΣΕΝ ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΦΟΟΤ ΧΑΡΕ, ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.210.41 20.00 Τοταλ : 69.00 40833410/17/2011 018967 ΠΟΡΤ ΟΦ ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕΙ∆ΑΧΧ−20233 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.49 80.00 Τοταλ : 80.00 40833510/17/2011 263960 ΠΠΙ ΓΡΟΥΠ ΙΝς273515 Ρεθυισιτιον, ΠΠΙ Γρουπ, Προϕεχτ Νο.330.00.594.100.65 148.48 ΙΝς273741 Προµεναδε−ωοοδ φορ στακινγ/συρϖεψ∼330.00.594.100.65 541.81 Τοταλ : 690.29 40833610/17/2011 264140 ΠΡΑΞΑΙΡ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΒΥΤΙΟΝ ΙΝΧ40744755 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΩΕΛ∆ΙΝΓ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.576.100.31 143.97 Τοταλ : 143.97 40833710/17/2011 008436 ΠΡΕΧΙΣΙΟΝ ΧΟΛΛΙΣΙΟΝ81147 ΑΧΧΙ∆ΕΝΤ ΡΕΠΑΙΡΣ ΤΟ Π037Ε 550.00.548.680.48 1,799.77 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.680.48 170.97 Τοταλ : 1,970.74 40833810/17/2011 015357 ΠΡΕΜΙΕΡΕ ΧΟΜΜΥΝΙΤΙΕΣ060988 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−6510 ∆ΟΥΓΛΑΣ ΑςΕ ΣΕ 431.233.100 9.68 75 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 76 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 9.68 40833810/17/2011015357015357 ΠΡΕΜΙΕΡΕ ΧΟΜΜΥΝΙΤΙΕΣ 40833910/17/2011 019648 ΠΡΙΜΕ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ ΙΝΧ10−21/#4 ΧΠ1004, Σουτη Αυβυρν ΙΤΣ Εξπανσιον,102.00.594.420.65 271,042.30 ΡΕΤΑΙΝΑΓΕ 102.223.400 −23,723.20 Τοταλ : 247,319.10 40834010/17/2011 007577 ΠΡΙΝΤ Ν.Ω.∆3089101 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 1,682.84 ∆3089801 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 588.37 Τοταλ : 2,271.21 40834110/17/2011 020243 ΠΡΙΥΜ ∆ΕςΕΛΟΠΜΕΝΤ ΧΟ ΛΛΧΡΕΦΥΝ∆ΝΟΡΤΗ ΤΑΠΠΣ ΠΑΨΒΑΧΚ ΟΝ ΠΕΡΜΙΤΣ 431.399.502 13,531.40 Τοταλ : 13,531.40 40834210/17/2011 012526 ΠΡΟΤΕΧΤΙςΕ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ ΙΝΤΛ0063741−ΙΝ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.212.35 4,080.31 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 652.00.521.212.35 387.63 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 652.237.200 −387.63 Τοταλ : 4,080.31 40834310/17/2011 013692 ΠΥΒΛΙΧ ΒΕΝΕΦΙΤ ΤΕΧΗΝΟΛΟΓΨ22246 Ον−∆εµανδ Στρεαµ φορ αυβυρν χιτψ 518.00.518.880.42 300.00 Τοταλ : 300.00 40834410/17/2011 264925 ΠΥΒΛΙΧ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ ΙΝΧ0001499 76 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 77 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40834410/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)264925 ΠΥΒΛΙΧ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ ΙΝΧ 4τη θτρ 2011 ΛΙ∆ Αδµινιστρατιον Βασε 001.14.514.230.41 469.50 Τοταλ : 469.50 40834510/17/2011 020045 ΠΥΓΕΤ ΠΑςΙΝΓ & ΧΟΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ11−10/#1 2011 ΑΡΤΕΡΙΑΛ ΠΑςΕΜΕΝΤ ΠΡΕΣΕΡςΑΤΙΟΝ∼105.00.595.100.65 319,385.77 Τοταλ : 319,385.77 40834610/17/2011 005667 ΠΥΓΕΤ ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΑΧΧΕΣΣ777 Αυβυρν Μαψορ Β−Ρολλ 001.11.513.100.97 406.88 Τοταλ : 406.88 40834710/17/2011 265220 ΠΥΓΕΤ ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΕΝΕΡΓΨ101711ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ/ΓΑΣ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ/ΓΑΣ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΑΥΓ−ΣΕΠΤ 505.00.524.500.47 6,281.54 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ/ΓΑΣ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΑΥΓ−ΣΕΠΤ 001.42.542.300.47 51,009.14 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ/ΓΑΣ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΑΥΓ−ΣΕΠΤ 430.00.534.800.47 680.30 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ/ΓΑΣ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΑΥΓ−ΣΕΠΤ 431.00.535.800.47 2,553.37 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ/ΓΑΣ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΑΥΓ−ΣΕΠΤ 102.00.594.420.65 2,028.00 Τοταλ : 62,552.35 40834810/17/2011 020185 ΠΨΛΕ, ΠΗΨΛΛΙΣϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 16.66 Τοταλ : 16.66 40834910/17/2011 020186 ΘΥΑΜ, ΧΗΕΡΨΛ Γ.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 11.11 77 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 78 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 11.11 40834910/17/2011020186020186 ΘΥΑΜ, ΧΗΕΡΨΛ Γ. 40835010/17/2011 270210 ΘΥΙΡΙΝΓ ΜΟΝΥΜΕΝΤΣ, ΙΝΧ121394 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε.436.00.536.200.34 402.00 121395 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε.436.00.536.200.34 110.00 121396 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε.436.00.536.200.34 280.00 121397 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε.436.00.536.200.34 95.00 121588 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε.436.00.536.200.34 110.00 121589 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε.436.00.536.200.34 160.00 121590 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε.436.00.536.200.34 190.00 121591 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε.436.00.536.200.34 95.00 121592 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε.436.00.536.200.34 80.00 121606 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε.436.00.536.200.34 160.00 Τοταλ : 1,682.00 40835110/17/2011 270600 Ρ Ω ΣΧΟΤΤ ΧΟΝΣΤ ΧΟ11−11/#1 ΧΠ0916, Ωεστ ςαλλεψ Ηιγηωαψ 78 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 79 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40835110/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)270600 Ρ Ω ΣΧΟΤΤ ΧΟΝΣΤ ΧΟ 102.00.594.420.65 697,235.99 ΧΠ0916, Ωεστ ςαλλεψ Ηιγηωαψ 432.00.590.100.68 464,824.00 Τοταλ : 1,162,059.99 40835210/17/2011 018092 Ρ.Η. ΛΑΝ∆ΣΧΑΠΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΧΟ ΙΝΧ2129 5 ψαρδσ οφ µιξεδ τοπσοιλ.436.00.536.200.31 191.62 Τοταλ : 191.62 40835310/17/2011 011527 ΡΑΣΗ, ΑΝΓΕΛΑ34892 ΕΝΗΑΝΧΕ ΦΙΤΝΕΣΣ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼001.33.574.210.41 300.00 34893 ΕΝΗΑΝΧΕ ΦΙΤΝΕΣΣ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼001.33.574.210.41 96.00 34895 ΕΝΗΑΝΧΕ ΦΙΤΝΕΣΣ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼001.33.574.210.41 35.00 Τοταλ : 431.00 40835410/17/2011 012991 ΡΕΧΟςΕΡΨ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ ΟΦ ΚΙΝΓ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ0000−0632 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #00000−0632 ΠΡΟΦΕΣΣΙΟΝΑΛ 001.13.512.510.41 5,634.59 Τοταλ : 5,634.59 40835510/17/2011 017392 ΡΕΕ∆ ΤΡΥΧΚΙΝΓ & ΕΞΧΑςΑΤΙΝΓ ΙΝΧ10−26/#3 ΧΠ1010, 2010 Στορµ ∆ραιναγε 432.00.590.100.65 29,282.95 ΡΕΤΑΙΝΑΓΕ 432.223.400 −1,337.12 Τοταλ : 27,945.83 40835610/17/2011 020249 ΡΕΕ∆Ψ, ∆Ρ. ΓΡΑΗΑΜΡΕΦΥΝ∆ΑΠΠΛΙΧΑΤΙΟΝ ΦΕΕΣ ΟΝ ΤΕΝ 10−0020 001.345.830 2,704.00 79 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 80 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40835610/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)020249 ΡΕΕ∆Ψ, ∆Ρ. ΓΡΑΗΑΜ ΑΠΠΛΙΧΑΤΙΟΝ ΦΕΕΣ ΟΝ ΤΕΝ 10−0020 651.237.360 946.40 Τοταλ : 3,650.40 40835710/17/2011 003657 ΡΕΙ∆ ΜΙ∆∆ΛΕΤΟΝ ΙΝΧ1109045 ϑυλψ−Σεπτ 2011 ενγινεερινγ σερϖιχεσ 432.00.535.100.41 1,305.63 ϑυλψ−Σεπτ 2011 ενγινεερινγ σερϖιχεσ 435.00.546.100.41 3,916.87 Τοταλ : 5,222.50 40835810/17/2011 001829 ΡΕΛΙΑΒΛΕ ΜΑΙΛΙΝΓ &8018 Βλανκετ ΠΟ − Μαιλινγ Σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.31 93.08 Τοταλ : 93.08 40835910/17/2011 271655 ΡΕΜΠΗΕΡ, ΛΟΡΡΙΕ100811ΡΕΙΜΒ ΧΑΡΤΕΓΡΑΠΗ ΧΟΝΦ ΙΝ ∆ΥΒΥΘΥΕ, ΙΑ ΕΞΠΕΝΣΕΣ 518.00.518.880.43 211.50 Τοταλ : 211.50 40836010/17/2011 017340 ΡΕΣΟΥΡΧΕ ΣΤΕΩΑΡ∆Σ, ΛΛΧ1037 ΑΓ−Σ−051 Μυλτι Φαµιλψ Ουτρεαχη Προγραµ434.00.537.120.41 2,091.52 ΑΓ−Σ−051 Μυλτι Φαµιλψ Ουτρεαχη Προγραµ434.00.537.100.41 210.08 1038 ΑΓ−Σ−052. Αυβυρν Σχηοολσ Ρεχψχλινγ 434.00.537.120.41 447.18 ΑΓ−Σ−052. Αυβυρν Σχηοολσ Ρεχψχλινγ 434.00.537.100.41 92.82 Τοταλ : 2,841.60 40836110/17/2011 010347 ΡΙΓΓΣ, ΑΣΗΛΕΨ100711ΡΕΙΜΒ ΧΑΡΤΕΓΡΑΠΗ ΧΟΝΦ ΙΝ ∆ΥΒΥΘΥΕ, ΙΑ ΕΞΠΕΝΣΕΣ 80 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 81 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40836110/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)010347 ΡΙΓΓΣ, ΑΣΗΛΕΨ 518.00.518.880.43 216.20 Τοταλ : 216.20 40836210/17/2011 005162 ΡΟΒΕΡΤΣΟΝ, ΧΑΡΟΛΨΝ092911ΡΕΙΜΒ ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ ΤΟ ΜΤΓΣ 9/1−9/29/11 001.11.513.100.43 224.22 Τοταλ : 224.22 40836310/17/2011 019866 ΡΟΒΙΝΣΟΝ, ΗΟΛΛΨΡΕΦΥΝ∆ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ ΠΕΡΜΙΤ 11−1229 001.344.901 30.00 Τοταλ : 30.00 40836410/17/2011 272630 ΡΟ∆ΑΡΤΕ ΧΟΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ ΙΝΧ10−15/#6 ΧΠ0817Β Πηασε Β: Ελλινγσον Σεωερ Πυµπ 431.00.590.100.68 198,110.78 Τοταλ : 198,110.78 40836510/17/2011 020187 ΡΟΣΕ, ΤΡΑςΙΣ ΑΡΤΗΥΡϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 16.66 Τοταλ : 16.66 40836610/17/2011 009835 ΡΥΣΝΑΚ, ΛΑΩ ΟΦΦΙΧΕΣ ΟΦ ΜΑΤΤΗΕΩ ϑ.09/29/11ΙΝς ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΠΥΒΛΙΧ 001.13.512.500.41 26,250.00 Τοταλ : 26,250.00 40836710/17/2011 004859 Σ ϑ Χ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΓΡΟΥΠ064256 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−6105 ςΙΧΤΟΡΙΑ ΧΤ ΣΕ 431.233.100 53.83 Τοταλ : 53.83 40836810/17/2011 013072 ΣΑΦΕΛΙΤΕ ΦΥΛΦΙΛΛΜΕΝΤ, ΙΝΧ.00440−032251 ΣΑΦΕΛΙΤΕ / ΓΛΑΣΣΠΡΟ ΑΥΤΟ ΓΛΑΣΣ /550.00.548.680.48 136.43 81 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 82 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40836810/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)013072 ΣΑΦΕΛΙΤΕ ΦΥΛΦΙΛΛΜΕΝΤ, ΙΝΧ.00440−032259 ΣΑΦΕΛΙΤΕ / ΓΛΑΣΣΠΡΟ ΑΥΤΟ ΓΛΑΣΣ /550.00.548.680.48 270.69 Τοταλ : 407.12 40836910/17/2011 280505 ΣΑΜ∋Σ ΧΛΥΒ ∆ΙΡΕΧΤ001126 ϑΥΛΨ ΠΑΝΤΡΨ ΙΤΕΜΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.210.31 71.30 ΣΝΑΧΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΧΟΦΦΕΕ ΒΑΡ ΙΤΕΜΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ 001.33.574.210.31 207.00 001425 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΠΕΡ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ & ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ −001.33.574.240.31 74.22 002584 ΣΝΑΧΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΧΟΦΦΕΕ ΒΑΡ 651.237.141 242.45 002957 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕΑΤΕΡ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.575.280.31 175.20 004708 Μισχ συππλιεσ δυρινγ τηε ψεαρ 001.21.525.100.49 74.91 005662 ΕΜΠΛΟΨΕΕ ΩΕΛΛΝΕΣΣ ΠΙΧΝΙΧ 2011 001.13.516.100.49 314.51 007013 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 651.237.141 662.36 008314 ΗΟΤ ∆ΟΓΣ, ΒΥΝΣ, ΠΑΠΕΡ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ, ΧΑΝ∆Ψ 001.33.574.240.31 232.85 009476 ΦΟΟ∆ ΑΝ∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΑΡΟΥΝ∆ ΤΗΕ ΒΕΛΛ 001.33.574.240.31 495.60 009876 82 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 83 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40836910/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)280505 ΣΑΜ∋Σ ΧΛΥΒ ∆ΙΡΕΧΤ ΣΝΑΧΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΧΟΦΦΕΕ ΒΑΡ 001.33.574.210.31 54.22 ΧΠ110914 ΑΝΝΥΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΕΕ 001.33.574.210.49 25.00 ΑΝΝΥΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΕΕ 001.33.574.220.49 25.00 Τοταλ : 2,654.62 40837010/17/2011 280870 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ511757 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼550.141.100 23.82 511761 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼550.00.548.680.35 431.12 511794 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼550.00.548.100.31 569.75 511821 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼550.00.548.100.31 −109.50 511873 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼550.141.100 142.90 512153 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼550.00.548.680.35 325.40 512176 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼550.00.548.100.31 −1,095.00 512357 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼550.00.548.680.35 18.39 512750 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼83 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 84 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40837010/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)280870 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ 550.00.548.680.35 431.12 512820 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼550.00.548.680.35 25.74 512860 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼550.00.548.680.35 431.12 513068 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼550.00.548.680.35 302.67 Χ87650 ΦΟΡ∆ ΕΞΠΕ∆ΙΤΙΟΝ ΣςΣ (Χ87650) − ΠΥΤΤΨ 117.00.521.210.48 220.01 Χ88021 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼550.00.548.680.48 252.29 Τοταλ : 1,969.83 40837110/17/2011 019210 ΣΧΗΑΦΕΡ ΕΝΤΕΡΠΡΙΣΕΣ ΙΝΧ8511 30 ΣΩΕΑΤΣΗΙΡΤΣ ΦΟΡ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΨΟΥΤΗ ΧΟΥΝΧΙΛ 001.33.574.240.31 1,216.51 Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.33.574.240.31 2.23 Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −2.23 Τοταλ : 1,216.51 40837210/17/2011 020188 ΣΧΗΛΑΜΠ, ΤΡΑςΙΣ Π.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 21.11 Τοταλ : 21.11 40837310/17/2011 020222 ΣΧΟΤΤ ΧΟΑΤΙΝΓΣΡΕΦΥΝ∆ΗΨ∆ΡΑΝΤ ∆ΕΠΟΣΙΤ, ΠΕΡΜΙΤ ΗΨ∆11−0036 430.399.501 1,449.00 84 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 85 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 1,449.00 40837310/17/2011020222020222 ΣΧΟΤΤ ΧΟΑΤΙΝΓΣ 40837410/17/2011 020207 ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΦΟΥΝ∆ΑΤΙΟΝ#100 ΩΕΛΛΝΕΣΣ ∆ΟΝΑΤΙΟΝ ΦΟΡ ΜΟΜΕΝΤΥΜ ΦΙΤΝΕΣΣ 001.33.574.210.35 500.00 Τοταλ : 500.00 40837510/17/2011 282040 ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ ΤΙΜΕΣ030785204 ΛΕΓΑΛ ΠΥΒΛΙΧΑΤΙΟΝΣ − ΑΧΧΤ #30785204∼001.15.514.300.44 734.04 ΛΕΓΑΛ Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΠΡΟϑΕΧΤ ΧΠ1116∼330.00.594.300.65 172.00 Τοταλ : 906.04 40837610/17/2011 282040 ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ ΤΙΜΕΣ082931015 Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ ΙΝ ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ ΤΙΜΕΣ ΦΟΡ 001.33.573.901.44 244.20 Τοταλ : 244.20 40837710/17/2011 282090 ΣΕΧΟΜΑ ΒΟΩΛΙΝΓ ΛΑΝΕΣ10/01/2011ΣΕΣΣΙΟΝ ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛΙΖΕ∆ ΡΕΧΡΕΑΤΙΟΝ ΒΟΩΛΙΝΓ ΣΕΣΣΙΟΝ 001.33.574.240.49 168.00 Τοταλ : 168.00 40837810/17/2011 020189 ΣΕΛΤΥΝ, ΛΕΤΙΧΙΑϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 11.11 Τοταλ : 11.11 40837910/17/2011 000679 ΣΕΝΤΙΝΕΛ ΠΕΣΤ ΧΟΝΤΡΟΛ, ΙΝΧ58072 ΣΕΝΤΙΝΕΛ ΠΕΣΤ ΧΟΝΤΡΟΛ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.150.48 56.94 Τοταλ : 56.94 40838010/17/2011 020190 ΣΗΑΝΚ, ΛΙΣΑ Ε.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 15.55 85 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 86 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 15.55 40838010/17/2011020190020190 ΣΗΑΝΚ, ΛΙΣΑ Ε. 40838110/17/2011 001187 ΣΗΡΕ∆−ΙΤ ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ101135723 ΑΧΧΤ#1003665 − 2011 ΣΗΡΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.11.511.600.49 12.38 ΑΧΧΤ#1003665 − 2011 ΣΗΡΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.516.100.49 12.38 ΑΧΧΤ#1003665 − 2011 ΣΗΡΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.15.514.300.49 12.38 ΑΧΧΤ#1003665 − 2011 ΣΗΡΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.15.515.100.49 12.36 101138497 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #101138497 − ΧΟΥΡΤ 001.13.512.500.49 61.87 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #101138497 − ΠΡΟΒΑΤΙΟΝ 001.13.512.500.49 20.63 101138498 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #101138498 ΧΟΥΡΤ 001.13.512.500.49 79.20 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #101138498 ΠΡΟΒΑΤΙΟΝ 001.13.512.510.49 26.40 101143184 ΣΗΡΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ − Π∆001.21.521.100.41 115.50 101149534 ΑΧΧΤ#1009564 − 2011 ΣΗΡΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.14.514.230.49 16.50 ΑΧΧΤ#1009564 − 2011 ΣΗΡΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.21.521.100.41 8.25 ΑΧΧΤ#1009564 − 2011 ΣΗΡΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.32.532.200.49 8.25 ΑΧΧΤ#1009564 − 2011 ΣΗΡΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 518.00.518.880.49 16.50 Τοταλ : 402.60 40838210/17/2011 283305 ΣΗΡΟΠΣΗΙΡΕ, ΜΟΝΡΟΕ Σ.092611ΛΕΟΦΦ 86 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 87 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40838210/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)283305 ΣΗΡΟΠΣΗΙΡΕ, ΜΟΝΡΟΕ Σ.ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ∆ΕΝΤΑΛ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.522.210.25 150.00 Τοταλ : 150.00 40838310/17/2011 020215 ΣΜΑΙΛ, ΧΑΡΟΛΑ053285 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−30210 114ΤΗ ΠΛ ΣΕ 430.233.100 120.42 Τοταλ : 120.42 40838410/17/2011 020191 ΣΝΕΑΤΛΥΜ, ΡΕΝΕΕ Ε.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 16.66 Τοταλ : 16.66 40838510/17/2011 020192 ΣΝΟΩ, ΤΗΑΛΑΣΣΑ Σ.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 12.22 Τοταλ : 12.22 40838610/17/2011 011874 ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΜΕΝΤΑΛ ΗΕΑΛΤΗΧΙΤ014−0911 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #ΧΙΤ014−0911ΡΕΦΕΡΡΑΛΣ ΦΟΡ 001.13.512.510.41 3,125.00 Τοταλ : 3,125.00 40838710/17/2011 012363 ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΠΕΣΤ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ, ΙΝΧ31315 Ον−σιτε ινσπεχτιον.436.00.536.200.31 93.08 Τοταλ : 93.08 40838810/17/2011 005003 ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΠΥΒΛΙΣΗΙΝΓ ΙΝΧ.403690 ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΠΥΒΛΙΣΗΙΝΓ: 2011 Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ 001.33.575.300.44 144.00 Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ ΜΥΣΕΥΜ 001.33.575.300.44 192.00 403774 ΑΧΧΤ#50146199 ΩΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΣΗΟΩ Α∆Σ /87 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 88 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40838810/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)005003 ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΠΥΒΛΙΣΗΙΝΓ ΙΝΧ.104.00.557.300.41 689.28 ΑΧΧΤ#50146199 ΩΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΣΗΟΩ Α∆Σ /518.00.518.780.44 388.00 Τοταλ : 1,413.28 40838910/17/2011 284890 ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ ΧΟ, ΙΝΧ2437452−01 ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.22 12.35 Τοταλ : 12.35 40839010/17/2011 285460 ΣΠΕΧΤΡΥΜ ΣΙΓΝ ΧΟ ΙΝΧ11925 ΣΠΕΧΤΡΥΜ ΣΙΓΝ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 207.02 Τοταλ : 207.02 40839110/17/2011 014712 ΣΤΑΡ ΛΑΚΕ ΓΡΕΕΝΗΟΥΣΕΣ6190 Φλοωερσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε 436.00.536.200.31 741.90 Τοταλ : 741.90 40839210/17/2011 020193 ΣΤΑΡΚ, ΒΕΛΙΝ∆Α ϑ.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 12.22 Τοταλ : 12.22 40839310/17/2011 020194 ΣΤΑΡΚ, ΛΥΧΡΕΤΙΑ Κ.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 16.66 Τοταλ : 16.66 40839410/17/2011 017507 ΣΤΑΤΕΩΙ∆Ε ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ35863 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #35863 ΠΑΝΙΧ ΑΛΑΡΜ ΒΥΤΤΟΝ 505.00.524.500.48 153.30 35885 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #35885 ΡΕΠΛΑΧΕ ΤΗΕ ΕΞΙΣΤΙΝΓ 505.00.524.500.48 491.17 88 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 89 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40839410/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)017507 ΣΤΑΤΕΩΙ∆Ε ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ 35891 Στατεωιδε Σεχυριτψ το υπγραδε αχχεσσ 505.00.524.500.48 5,925.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 505.00.524.500.48 562.88 Τοταλ : 7,132.35 40839510/17/2011 008258 ΣΤΕΑ∆, ΡΟΒΕΡΤ Ε.09/23/11ΙΝς ΠΡΟ ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 9/23/11;001.13.512.500.41 200.00 09/26/11ΙΝς ΠΡΟ ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 9/23/11;001.13.512.500.41 400.00 09/27/11ΙΝς ΠΡΟ ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 9/23/11;001.13.512.500.41 400.00 09/28/11ΙΝς ΠΡΟ ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 9/23/11;001.13.512.500.41 200.00 09/29/11ΙΝς ΠΡΟ ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 9/23/11;001.13.512.500.41 400.00 09/30/11ΙΝς ΠΡΟ ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 9/23/11;001.13.512.500.41 200.00 Τοταλ : 1,800.00 40839610/17/2011 020109 ΣΤΕΝΣΟΝ, ϑΟΝΑΤΗΑΝ ΜΙΧΗΑΕΛΟΖ/ΠΕΡΦ ΜΥΣΙΧ ∆ΙΡΕΧΤΟΡ ΦΟΡ ΩΙΖΑΡ∆ ΟΦ ΟΖ 001.33.575.280.41 1,000.00 Τοταλ : 1,000.00 40839710/17/2011 020225 ΣΤΕΩΑΡΤ, ΜΑΡΨ ΑΛΙΧΕΡΕΒΑΤΕ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΤΟΙΛΕΤ ΡΕΒΑΤΕ 430.00.534.100.41 98.00 89 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 90 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 98.00 40839710/17/2011020225020225 ΣΤΕΩΑΡΤ, ΜΑΡΨ ΑΛΙΧΕ 40839810/17/2011 020239 ΣΤΙΛΛΜΑΝ, Χ ∆ΑΛΕ & ∆ΙΑΝΕ ϑΒΥΨ ΒΑΧΚ ΧΕΜΕΤΕΡΨ ΒΥΨ ΒΑΧΚ ΟΦ ΠΡΟΠΕΡΤΨ 436.343.609 817.50 Τοταλ : 817.50 40839910/17/2011 286930 ΣΥΒΥΡΒΑΝ ΧΙΤΙΕΣ ΑΣΣΟΧ1965 ΣΧΑ Νετωορκινγ ∆ιννερ ον Σεπτεµβερ 21,001.11.513.100.43 45.00 ΣΧΑ Νετωορκινγ ∆ιννερ ον Σεπτεµβερ 21,001.11.511.600.43 225.00 Τοταλ : 270.00 40840010/17/2011 287020 ΣΥΜΜΙΤ ΛΑΩ ΓΡΟΥΠ ΠΛΛΧ53244 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #53244 ΠΡΟΦΕΣΣΙΟΝΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.516.100.41 300.00 Τοταλ : 300.00 40840110/17/2011 005668 ΣΥΜΝΕΡ ςΕΤΕΡΙΝΑΡΨ ΗΟΣΠΙΤΑΛ119631 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 119631 − ϑΑΓΟ (ΥΝΠΑΙ∆ ΒΑΛ ΟΝ 001.21.521.200.41 51.34 132768 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 132768 − ΜΨΚ 001.21.521.200.41 66.00 133593 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 133593 − ΜΨΚ 001.21.521.200.41 278.00 Τοταλ : 395.34 40840210/17/2011 004725 ΣΥΝΡΙΣΕ ΓΛΑΣΣ19673 ΩΕΑΤΗΕΡΙΖΑΤΙΟΝ−−∆ΕΒ Ε∆∆Ψ∋Σ ΛΕΑΚΙΝΓ 119.00.559.200.63 2,000.00 ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−∆ΕΒ Ε∆∆Ψ∋Σ ΛΕΑΚΙΝΓ 119.00.559.200.63 3,480.07 Τοταλ : 5,480.07 90 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 91 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40840310/17/2011 015574 ΣΥΡΠΛΥΣ ΑΜΜΟ & ΑΡΜΣ ΛΛΧ559 ΣΡΤ ΑΜΜΟ (559) − .45 ΑΧΠ/1000/ΦΜϑ 001.21.521.100.31 1,403.41 Α∆∆Λ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.21.521.100.31 2.57 Α∆∆Λ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −2.57 669 9ΜΜ 115 ΓΡ ΦΜϑ − 1000 Ρ∆Σ ∗ 45 ΑΧΠ 230 001.21.521.200.31 1,567.10 Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.21.521.200.31 2.87 Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −2.87 Τοταλ : 2,970.51 40840410/17/2011 020195 ΣΩΑΡΤΖ, ∆ΙΑΝΑ ΛΨΝΝϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 13.33 Τοταλ : 13.33 40840510/17/2011 017004 Τ & Ν ΕΝΤΕΡΠΡΙΣΕ1948 ΩΕΑΤΗΕΡΙΖΑΤΙΟΝ−−ΩΙΛΛΙΑΜ ΠΕΤΕΡΣΟΝ∋Σ ΡΟΟΦ 119.00.559.200.63 2,000.00 ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−ΩΙΛΛΙΑΜ ΠΕΤΕΡΣΟΝ∋Σ 119.00.559.200.63 135.25 Τοταλ : 2,135.25 40840610/17/2011 019570 Τ. ΒΑΙΛΕΨ ΙΝΧ.11−05/#5 ΧΠ1006, Λακελανδ Ηιλλσ Ρεσερϖοιρ 6,430.00.590.100.68 105,064.57 Τοταλ : 105,064.57 40840710/17/2011 290240 ΤΑΧΟΜΑ ΝΕΩΣ ΤΡΙΒΥΝΕ721088 ΑΧΧΤ#32330−38 ΝΕΩΣΠΑΠΕΡ ΣΥΒ ΑΤ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ 001.33.574.210.49 36.00 91 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 92 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 36.00 40840710/17/2011290240290240 ΤΑΧΟΜΑ ΝΕΩΣ ΤΡΙΒΥΝΕ 40840810/17/2011 009776 ΤΑΝΓΕΝ, ΧΙΝ∆Ψ2238 ΜΑΡΚΕΤΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ ΩΗΙΤΕ ΡΙςΕΡ 001.33.575.300.41 700.00 2241 ΜΑΡΚΕΤΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ ΩΗΙΤΕ ΡΙςΕΡ 001.33.575.300.41 550.00 Τοταλ : 1,250.00 40840910/17/2011 008178 ΤΑΨΛΟΡ, ΗΟΛΛΨ09/06/11ΙΝς ΗΟΛΛΨ ΤΑΨΛΟΡ/ΠΑΣΤ ΦΟΡΩΑΡ∆:001.33.575.300.41 827.00 09/28/11ΙΝς ΦΥΝ∆ΡΑΙΣΙΝΓ 001.33.575.300.41 700.00 Τοταλ : 1,527.00 40841010/17/2011 018898 ΤΕ∆∆ΕΡ, ∆ΟΡΙΣ Ω.Χ00104913 ΒΑΙΛ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − Σ ΜΑΓΙΛΛ 651.237.172 1,000.00 Χ00110004 ΒΑΙΛ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − Σ ΜΑΓΙΛΛ 651.237.172 5,000.00 Τοταλ : 6,000.00 40841110/17/2011 020196 ΤΕΡϑΕΣΟΝ, ∆ΕΝΙΣΕ Ν.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 19.99 Τοταλ : 19.99 40841210/17/2011 120570 ΤΗΕ ΒΑΝΚ ΟΦ ΝΕΩ ΨΟΡΚ ΜΕΛΛΟΝ111−1490298 Σεπτ 2011−Αυγ 2012 αδµινιστρατιον φεε −430.00.534.110.41 257.18 Σεπτ 2011−Αυγ 2012 αδµινιστρατιον φεε −432.00.535.100.41 45.39 92 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 93 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 302.57 40841210/17/2011120570120570 ΤΗΕ ΒΑΝΚ ΟΦ ΝΕΩ ΨΟΡΚ ΜΕΛΛΟΝ 40841310/17/2011 222370 ΤΗΕ ΛΟΧΚ ΣΗΟΠ76630 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #76630 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 505.00.524.500.31 9.80 823712 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #823712 ΛΑΒΟΡ ΤΟ ΙΝΣΤΑΛΛ ΧΟΡΕΣ 505.00.524.500.48 4,634.53 823723 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #823723 ΡΕΚΕΨΕ∆ ΧΟΝΦ ΡΟΟΜ − ΣΧ 505.00.524.500.48 228.47 823859 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #823859 ΚΕΨΕ∆ ΧΨΛΣ ΦΟΡ ΝΕΩ505.00.524.500.48 918.71 Τοταλ : 5,791.51 40841410/17/2011 012125 ΤΗΕΡΜΟ ΚΙΝΓ ΝΟΡΤΗΩΕΣΤ ΙΝΧ.2104342 ΡΕΠΛΑΧΕΜΕΝΤ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΟΡ ΓΟΛΦ ΧΑΡΤΣ 437.00.576.680.48 217.60 Τοταλ : 217.60 40841510/17/2011 020197 ΤΗΟΡΣΟΝ, ∆ΑςΙ∆ Α.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 14.44 Τοταλ : 14.44 40841610/17/2011 012331 ΤΙΤΛΕΙΣΤ 2935843 ΣΗΟΕΣ, ΣΟΧΚΣ, ΧΛΟΤΗΙΝΓ, ΕΤΧ 437.00.576.680.34 2,768.00 ΒΑΛΛΣ, ΧΛΥΒΣ, ΗΕΑ∆ΩΕΑΡ, ΕΤΧ.437.00.576.680.34 180.41 Τοταλ : 2,948.41 40841710/17/2011 020198 ΤΟΟΜΒ, ϑΑΜΕΣ Β.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 14.44 93 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 94 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 14.44 40841710/17/2011020198020198 ΤΟΟΜΒ, ϑΑΜΕΣ Β. 40841810/17/2011 000554 ΤΟΤΕΜ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ ΟΦ ΤΑΧΟΜΑ ΙΝΧ10−04/#6 ΧΠ0701, 8τη Στ ΝΕ & Ρ Στ ΝΕ Σιγναλ,102.00.594.420.65 7,783.87 Τοταλ : 7,783.87 40841910/17/2011 012033 ΤΡΑΝΣΑΧΤ ΤΕΧΗΝΟΛΟΓΙΕΣ ΙΝΧ.1130956 4 χασεσ 2−πλψ ρεχειπτ παπερ φορ 430.00.534.110.31 115.52 4 χασεσ 2−πλψ ρεχειπτ παπερ φορ 431.00.535.110.31 115.52 4 χασεσ 2−πλψ ρεχειπτ παπερ φορ 432.00.535.910.31 115.52 4 χασεσ 2−πλψ ρεχειπτ παπερ φορ 434.00.537.110.31 115.52 υσε ταξ 430.00.534.110.31 10.98 υσε ταξ 431.00.535.110.31 10.98 υσε ταξ 432.00.535.910.31 10.98 υσε ταξ 434.00.537.110.31 10.96 υσε ταξ 430.237.200 −10.98 υσε ταξ 431.237.200 −10.98 υσε ταξ 432.237.200 −10.98 υσε ταξ 434.237.200 −10.96 1131374 ΧΑΡΒΟΝΛΕΣΣ ΡΕΧΕΙΠΤ ΠΑΠΕΡ ΑΝ∆ ΒΛΑΧΚ 001.33.574.220.31 328.03 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 94 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 95 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40841910/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)012033 ΤΡΑΝΣΑΧΤ ΤΕΧΗΝΟΛΟΓΙΕΣ ΙΝΧ.001.33.574.220.31 31.16 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −31.16 Τοταλ : 790.11 40842010/17/2011 292460 ΤΡΕΑΣΥΡΕΡ − ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕΣΕΠΤ2011 ΣΕΠΤ 2011 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΡΕςΕΝΥΕ 651.237.133 423.00 ΣΕΠΤ 2011 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΡΕςΕΝΥΕ 651.237.170 35,876.44 ΣΕΠΤ 2011 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΡΕςΕΝΥΕ 651.237.171 20,987.02 ΣΕΠΤ 2011 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΡΕςΕΝΥΕ 651.237.177 9,176.55 ΣΕΠΤ 2011 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΡΕςΕΝΥΕ 651.237.178 310.54 ΣΕΠΤ 2011 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΡΕςΕΝΥΕ 651.237.179 493.44 ΣΕΠΤ 2011 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΡΕςΕΝΥΕ 651.237.183 8,059.54 Τοταλ : 75,326.53 40842110/17/2011 020242 ΤΡΟΓ∆ΟΝ, ∆ΑςΙ∆ΡΕΠΛΕΝΙΣΗ ΒΥΨ ΦΥΝ∆ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.212.49 22,575.66 Τοταλ : 22,575.66 40842210/17/2011 020158 ΤΡΥΟΝΓ, ΤΗΙ ΘΥΟΧΧΑΣΕ#10−ς00002 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.213.49 5,000.00 Τοταλ : 5,000.00 40842310/17/2011 020199 ΤΥΡΝΕΡ, ϑΟΗΝ Χ.ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 18.88 95 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 96 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 18.88 40842310/17/2011020199020199 ΤΥΡΝΕΡ, ϑΟΗΝ Χ. 40842410/17/2011 014560 ΤΨΕ ΜΙΛΛΕΡ, ΙΝΧ.11−04/#1 ΧΠ0803, 37τη Στ ΣΕ & Ρ Στ ΣΕ Πεδεστριαν 102.00.594.420.65 4,338.65 Τοταλ : 4,338.65 40842510/17/2011 020046 ΥΜΠΘΥΑ ΒΑΝΚ/ΠΥΓΕΤ ΠΑςΙΝΓ11−10/#1 ΕΣΧΡΟΩ / ΑΡΤΕΡΙΑΛ ΠΑςΕΜΕΝΤ ΠΡΕΣΕΡςΑΤΙΟΝ 105.00.595.100.65 16,809.78 Τοταλ : 16,809.78 40842610/17/2011 013834 ΥΝΙΦΙΡΣΤ ΧΟΡΠΟΡΑΤΙΟΝ330−0732056 Ρυγ ανδ µατ σερϖιχε φορ χεµετερψ οφφιχε.436.00.536.200.49 62.08 Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 436.00.536.200.49 0.11 Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 436.237.200 −0.11 330−0735912 Ρυγ ανδ µατ σερϖιχε φορ χεµετερψ οφφιχε.436.00.536.200.49 62.08 Τοταλ : 124.16 40842710/17/2011 019254 ΥΝΙΟΝ ΒΑΝΚ/ΠΕΑΣΕ & ΣΟΝΣ ΙΝΧ10−17/#5 ΧΠ0817 Πηασε Χ: Ωηιτε Ριϖερ Στορµ Πυµπ 432.00.590.100.68 23,521.42 Τοταλ : 23,521.42 40842810/17/2011 370900 ΥΝΙΤΕ∆ ΠΑΡΧΕΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ00004799φ2351 ∆ελιϖερψ Σερϖιχε 518.00.518.780.42 22.25 00004799Φ2381 ∆ελιϖερψ Σερϖιχε − ΥΠΣ Ιντερνετ Σηιππινγ 518.00.518.780.42 65.09 00004799Φ2391 Σηιππινγ σερϖιχεσ 96 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 97 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40842810/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)370900 ΥΝΙΤΕ∆ ΠΑΡΧΕΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 518.00.518.780.42 29.10 00004799Φ2401 Σηιππινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.42 22.40 0000890192391 Σηιππινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.42 108.87 0000890192401 Σηιππινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.42 39.72 Τοταλ : 287.43 40842910/17/2011 113940 ΥΣΑ ΜΟΒΙΛΙΤΨ ΩΙΡΕΛΕΣΣ, ΙΝΧΥ3587206ϑ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ∼518.00.518.880.42 12.96 Τοταλ : 12.96 40843010/17/2011 371410 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΧΟ. ΙΝΧ655−22483974 ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΠΥΜΠ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΩΕΡ ΑΤ ΙΣΑΑΧ ΕςΑΝΣ 001.33.576.100.41 455.52 7907 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.41 710.88 7927 ΕΣΤΙΜΑΤΕ − ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΑΝ∆ ∆ΕΛΙςΕΡ (1) ΗΟΥΡ 505.00.524.500.48 68.49 7928 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.41 1,621.25 7936 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.41 428.69 Τοταλ : 3,284.83 40843110/17/2011 380120 ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΑΥΤΟ ΡΕΒΥΙΛ∆, ΙΝΧ.64997 97 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 98 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40843110/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)380120 ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΑΥΤΟ ΡΕΒΥΙΛ∆, ΙΝΧ.ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΑΥΤΟ ΡΕΒΥΙΛ∆/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.48 104.02 65016 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ 65016 − ΤΟΩ 49624∆ − ΦΡΟΜ ΑΠ∆001.21.521.200.41 114.97 65021 ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΑΥΤΟ ΡΕΒΥΙΛ∆/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.48 104.02 Τοταλ : 323.01 40843210/17/2011 380240 ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΧΟΜΜΥΝΙΧΑΤΙΟΝΣ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ0012454 800 ΜΗΖ ΡΑ∆ΙΟΣ − 9/2011 − 289 ΥΝΙΤΣ 001.21.521.100.42 5,281.50 0012492 ΛΑΝΓΥΑΓΕ ΛΙΝΕ ϑΥΛ & ΑΥΓ 2011 (0012492)001.21.521.200.41 314.60 0012505 2011 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ / 911 ΧΑΛΛΣ∼001.21.521.100.42 254,048.33 Τοταλ : 259,644.43 40843310/17/2011 380360 ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΡΑ∆ΙΟΛΟΓΙΣΤΣ, ΙΝΧ338587454 ΠΟΛΙΧΕ ΠΡΕ−ΕΜΠΛΟΨΜΕΝΤ ΕΞΑΜ − ∆ΑΡΡΕΛΛ 001.13.516.710.41 33.00 Τοταλ : 33.00 40843410/17/2011 380360 ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΡΑ∆ΙΟΛΟΓΙΣΤΣ, ΙΝΧ10600673381−1 ΠΟΛΙΧΕ ΠΡΕ−ΕΜΠΛΟΨΜΕΝΤ − ∆ΑςΙ∆ ΣςΑΛΙΝΑ 001.13.516.710.41 28.00 Τοταλ : 28.00 40843510/17/2011 015073 ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ ΦΙΡΕ ΑΥΤΗΟΡΙΤΨΜΙΤΙΓΑΤΙΟΝ ΦΕΕΣ 2011 ΙΜΠΑΧΤ / ΜΙΤΙΓΑΤΙΟΝ ΦΕΕΣ 124.00.598.101.51 50,000.00 ΣΕΠΤ2011 98 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 99 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40843510/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)015073 ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ ΦΙΡΕ ΑΥΤΗΟΡΙΤΨ ΣΕΠ 2011 ΠΕΡΜΙΤ & ΠΛΑΝ ΡΕςΙΕΩ ΦΕΕΣ 651.237.360 6,873.01 Τοταλ : 56,873.01 40843610/17/2011 380600 ςΑΝ ΖΨςΕΡ∆ΕΝ ΒΡΟΣ ΙΝΧ2548968 ΤΥΛΙΠ ΑΝ∆ ∆ΑΦΦΟ∆ΙΛ ΒΥΛΒΣ 001.33.576.100.31 196.50 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.33.576.100.31 18.67 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −18.67 Τοταλ : 196.50 40843710/17/2011 002043 ςΑΝΧΟΥςΕΡ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ344010 ΡΕΓΙΣ − Ο∋ΝΕΙΛ− ΟΦΦΙΧΕΡ ΙΝςΟΛςΕ∆001.21.521.210.49 225.00 Τοταλ : 225.00 40843810/17/2011 020200 ςΑΥΓΗΑΝ, ΚΑΤΗΛΕΕΝ ΛΑΡΑΕϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 11.11 Τοταλ : 11.11 40843910/17/2011 001986 ςΠΧΙ 00009657 Λασερφιχηε Φυλλ Φεατυρεδ λιχενχεσ 518.00.518.880.64 18,750.00 Αννυαλ Σοφτωαρε Μαιντενανχε 518.00.518.880.64 2,500.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.64 2,018.75 Τοταλ : 23,268.75 40844010/17/2011 171890 Ω. Ω. ΓΡΑΙΝΓΕΡ, ΙΝΧ9330916959 Ω.Ω. ΓΡΑΙΝΓΕΡ, ΙΝΧ./ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.31 −216.32 99 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 100 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40844010/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)171890 Ω. Ω. ΓΡΑΙΝΓΕΡ, ΙΝΧ 9632773116 5ΜΠ31 ΩΙΠΕΣ, ΣΑΝΙΤΙΖΕΡ, ΠΚ85∼431.00.535.800.31 87.20 Σαλεσ Ταξ 431.00.535.800.31 8.28 9633448650 3ΕΥΓ1 ΣΑΝΙΤΙΖΙΝΓ ΩΙΠΕΣ, 80 ΧΟΥΝΤ 431.00.535.800.31 7.70 Σαλεσ Ταξ 431.00.535.800.31 0.73 9634762885 Ω.Ω. ΓΡΑΙΝΓΕΡ, ΙΝΧ./ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 202.38 9636351257 Εψε/Σκιν Στατιον 436.00.536.200.31 23.58 9638519380 3ΕΥΓ1 ΣΑΝΙΤΙΖΙΝΓ ΩΙΠΕΣ, 80 ΧΟΥΝΤ 431.00.535.800.31 69.30 Σαλεσ Ταξ 431.00.535.800.31 6.58 9646045709 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧΛΛΑΝΕΟΥΣ 505.00.524.500.31 60.17 9646045717 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧΛΛΑΝΕΟΥΣ 505.00.524.500.31 163.69 9647109157 ΩΙΠΕΣ ΥΣΕ∆ ΤΟ ΧΛΕΑΝ Τς ΧΑΜΕΡΑ∼431.00.535.800.31 161.24 Σαλεσ Ταξ 431.00.535.800.31 15.32 9648622695 Ω.Ω. ΓΡΑΙΝΓΕΡ, ΙΝΧ./ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.17.562.100.41 236.30 100 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 101 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40844010/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)171890 Ω. Ω. ΓΡΑΙΝΓΕΡ, ΙΝΧ 9649712511 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧΛΛΑΝΕΟΥΣ 505.00.524.500.31 73.97 9649900108 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧΛΛΑΝΕΟΥΣ 505.00.524.500.31 30.48 9649900116 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧΛΛΑΝΕΟΥΣ 505.00.524.500.31 60.17 9649900124 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧΛΛΑΝΕΟΥΣ 505.00.524.500.31 229.02 Τοταλ : 1,219.79 40844110/17/2011 391320 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ΑΥ∆ΙΤΟΡΓΑΑΠ ΜΑΝΥΑΛ ΒΑΡΣ Μανυαλ (ΓΑΑΠ Μανυαλ) φορ ∆ονδι 001.14.514.230.49 40.00 Τοταλ : 40.00 40844210/17/2011 391710 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ∆ΕΠΤ ΙΝΦΟΡΜΑΤΙΟΝ2011090117 Μαψορ∋σ Λιστσερϖε φορ Σεπτεµβερ 2011 518.00.518.880.42 35.00 ΗΠ Οφφιχεϕεχτ 100 µοβιλε πριντερ φορ 518.00.518.880.35 516.18 φρειγητ 518.00.518.880.35 8.94 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.35 49.89 Τοταλ : 610.01 40844310/17/2011 392040 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ∆ΕΠΤ ΤΡΑΝΣΠΟΡΤΑΤΙΟΝΡΕ41ϑΑ7360Λ006 ΩςΗ−Ενγ Ρεϖιεω & Χονστ Ινσπεχτιον∼102.00.594.420.65 1,384.86 Τοταλ : 1,384.86 101 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 102 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40844410/17/2011 020248 ΩΑΛΚΕΡ, ΧΗΑΡΛΕΣΧ00106867 ΡΕΣΤΙΤΥΤΙΟΝ − Λ ΤΟΒΕΡ 651.237.172 142.02 Τοταλ : 142.02 40844510/17/2011 020230 ΩΑΛΚΕΡ, ΤΑΡΑΧ00101365 ΒΑΙΛ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − Χ ΛΑΩΡΕΝΧΕ 651.237.172 1,000.00 Τοταλ : 1,000.00 40844610/17/2011 393305 ΩΑΝΓ, ΚΕςΙΝ09/26/11ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆001.13.512.500.41 80.00 Τοταλ : 80.00 40844710/17/2011 020221 ΩΑΡΜ, ΒΕΡΤ & ςΙΧΚΙ066724 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−11805 ΣΕ 318ΤΗ ΠΛ 430.233.100 323.09 Τοταλ : 323.09 40844810/17/2011 006740 ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ Α∆ςΟΧΑΤΕΣ, ΛΛΧ3831 Βλανκετ ΠΟ φορ 6 µοντησ − Ωασηινγτον 001.98.513.100.41 15,000.00 Τοταλ : 15,000.00 40844910/17/2011 013765 ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ ΩΟΡΚΩΕΑΡ ΣΤΟΡΕΣ ΙΝΧ2290 ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ ΩΟΡΚΩΕΑΡ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.42.542.300.22 51.47 3002 ΛΡΓ ΣΠΟΡΤΕΚ ΝΑςΨ 1/4 ΖΙΠ ΣΩΕΑΤΣΗΙΡΤ 550.141.200 234.00 ΛΡΓ ΠΤ ΑΥΤΗΟΡΙΤΨ ΝΑςΨ 1/4 ΖΙΠ 550.141.200 234.00 2ΞΛ ΠΤ ΑΥΤΗΟΡΙΤΨ ΝΑςΨ 1/4 ΖΙΠ 550.141.200 240.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 102 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 103 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40844910/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)013765 ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ ΩΟΡΚΩΕΑΡ ΣΤΟΡΕΣ ΙΝΧ 550.141.200 67.26 Τοταλ : 826.73 40845010/17/2011 393570 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ104865 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.41 340.00 104968 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.41 186.00 105023 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 001.32.532.200.41 60.00 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.41 320.00 105157 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.41 186.00 Τοταλ : 1,092.00 40845110/17/2011 017347 ΩΑΨΝΕ, ΜΑΡΚ Η11/05/11ΠΕΡΦ 60 ΜΙΝ ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΑΝΧΕ ΑΤ ςΕΤΕΡΑΝΣ ∆ΑΨ 001.33.573.901.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 40845210/17/2011 018105 ΩΕΒΧΗΕΧΚ ΙΝΧ.4276 ΩεβΧηεχκ Εσχροω Ρεθυεστ Σερϖιχεσ − 30 430.00.534.110.41 157.50 ΩεβΧηεχκ Εσχροω Ρεθυεστ Σερϖιχεσ − 30 431.00.535.110.41 157.50 ΩεβΧηεχκ Εσχροω Ρεθυεστ Σερϖιχεσ − 30 432.00.535.910.41 157.50 ΩεβΧηεχκ Εσχροω Ρεθυεστ Σερϖιχεσ − 30 434.00.537.110.41 157.50 Τοταλ : 630.00 103 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 104 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40845310/17/2011 323960 ΩΕΡΝΕΡ, ϑΑΜΙΕ091611ΡΕΙΜΒ ΧΠΡΠ ΡΕΝΕΩΑΛ ΦΕΕ 001.33.574.220.49 70.00 Τοταλ : 70.00 40845410/17/2011 394200 ΩΕΣΤ ΧΟΑΣΤ ΠΑΠΕΡ7214086 Χιτψωιδε παπερ συππλψ 518.00.518.780.31 230.38 Τοταλ : 230.38 40845510/17/2011 006595 ΩΕΣΤ ΤΙΓΕΡ ΜΤ 2ΩΑΨ ΡΑ∆ΙΟ ΣΙΤΕ100111ΙΝς ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΝΤΑΛ ΟΦ ΤΟΩΕΡ ΟΝ ΩΕΣΤ 001.33.576.100.45 185.00 Τοταλ : 185.00 40845610/17/2011 394470 ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ∆ΙΣΤ ΙΝΧ684489 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΟΡΟ ΜΟΩΕΡΣ 001.33.576.100.31 7.67 684490 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΟΡΟ ΜΟΩΕΡΣ 001.33.576.100.31 108.41 685216 ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΠΑΡΤΣ, ΡΕΕΛΣ, ΒΕΑΡΙΝΓΣ,437.00.576.600.31 651.45 Τοταλ : 767.53 40845710/17/2011 394740 ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΩΑ ΦΑΙΡ ΑΣΣΟΧΙΑΤΙΟΝ161705 Α∆ΜΙΣΣΙΟΝ ΤΙΧΚΕΤΣ ΤΟ ΤΗΕ ΠΥΨΑΛΛΥΠ ΦΑΙΡ 001.33.574.240.49 214.50 Τοταλ : 214.50 40845810/17/2011 008051 ΩΕΣΤΦΙΡΕ ΧΟΑΣΤΑΛ ΙΝΧ.300ΩΧ−8746 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #300ΩΧ−8746 ΧΙΤΨ ΗΑΛΛ, ϑΧ, Μ&Ο 505.00.524.500.41 1,505.63 Τοταλ : 1,505.63 40845910/17/2011 395160 ΩΗΙΤΕ ΚΝΙΓΗΤ ΣΑΦΕ & ΛΟΧΚ, ΙΝΧ24109 104 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 105 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40845910/17/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)395160 ΩΗΙΤΕ ΚΝΙΓΗΤ ΣΑΦΕ & ΛΟΧΚ, ΙΝΧ ΩΗΙΤΕ ΚΝΙΓΗΤ ΣΑΦΕ & ΛΟΧΚ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.680.31 16.43 Τοταλ : 16.43 40846010/17/2011 395580 ΩΙΛΒΥΡ−ΕΛΛΙΣ, ΧΟ5815545ΡΙ ΩΙΛΒΥΡ−ΕΛΛΙΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 432.00.535.900.31 157.68 5827184ΡΙ ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΜΑΙΝΤ ΦΕΡΤΙΛΙΖΕΡΣ 001.33.576.100.31 282.46 5841622ΡΙ ΦΕΡΤΙΛΙΖΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΜΑΙΝΤ.001.33.576.100.31 564.91 Τοταλ : 1,005.05 40846110/17/2011 020201 ΩΙΛ∆Ε, ϑΟ∆Ι ΑΝΝϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΨ ∆ΥΤΨ 001.13.512.500.49 16.66 Τοταλ : 16.66 40846210/17/2011 017788 ΩΙΛΛΙΣ, ΜΑΡΓΙΕ Κ.34885 ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΕΝΗΑΝΧΕ ΦΙΤΝΕΣΣ∼001.33.574.210.41 9.00 34886 ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΕΝΗΑΝΧΕ ΦΙΤΝΕΣΣ∼001.33.574.210.41 140.00 Τοταλ : 149.00 40846310/17/2011 017800 ΩΙΝ∆ΕΡΜΕΡΕ ΠΜ −ΣΟΥΤΗ055631 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−11419 ΣΕ 307ΤΗ ΠΛ 430.233.100 114.23 Τοταλ : 114.23 40846410/17/2011 392070 ΩΣΕΜΑ ΤΡΕΑΣΥΡΕΡ∆ΥΕΣ/ΜΙΛΛΕΡ Ψεαρλψ ρενεωαλ φορ Σαραη Μιλλερ 001.21.525.100.49 75.00 105 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 106 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 75.00 40846410/17/2011392070392070 ΩΣΕΜΑ ΤΡΕΑΣΥΡΕΡ 40846510/17/2011 234680 ΖΟΝΕΣ ΙΝΤΕΡΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛΣ24602740101 ΧαβλεσΤοΓο ΥΣΒ−το−Σεριαλ αδαπτερ φορ 001.32.532.200.35 18.90 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.32.532.200.35 1.80 Σ24602740102 Βελκιν ΥΣΒ−το−Σεριαλ αδαπτερ φορ νεω 001.32.532.200.35 27.23 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.32.532.200.35 2.59 Τοταλ : 50.52 Βανκ τοταλ : 8,336,537.28 412 ςουχηερσ φορ βανκ χοδε :000 8,336,537.28 Τοταλ ϖουχηερσ :ςουχηερσ ιν τηισ ρεπορτ 412 106 Παγε:CA.B 10/12/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 107 2:13:53ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ Ι ΗΕΡΕΒΨ ΧΕΡΤΙΦΨ ΤΗΑΤ ΤΗΕ ΓΟΟ∆Σ ΑΝ∆/ ΟΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΧΗΑΡΓΕ∆ ΟΝ ΤΗΕ ςΟΥΧΗΕΡΣ ΛΙΣΤΕ∆ ΗΕΡΕΙΝ ΗΑςΕ ΒΕΕΝ ΦΥΡΝΙΣΗΕ∆ ΤΟ ΤΗΕ ΒΕΣΤ ΟΦ ΜΨ ΚΝΟΩΛΕ∆ΓΕ. Ι ΦΥΡΤΗΕΡ ΧΕΡΤΙΦΨ ΤΗΕ ΧΛΑΙΜΣ ΗΕΡΕΙΝ ΤΟ ΒΕ ςΑΛΙ∆ ΑΝ∆ ΧΟΡΡΕΧΤ. ____________________________ ∆ΙΡΕΧΤΟΡ ΟΦ Φ ΙΝΑΝΧΕ ΩΕ, ΤΗΕ ΥΝ∆ΕΡΣΙΓΝΕ∆ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ ΧΟΜΜΙΤΤΕΕ ΟΦ ΤΗΕ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΙΤΨ ΧΟΥΝΧΙΛ, ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ, ∆Ο ΗΕΡΕΒΨ ΧΕΡΤΙΦΨ ΤΗΑΤ ςΟΥΧΗΕΡ #408053 ΤΗΡΟΥΓΗ ςΟΥΧΗΕΡ #408465 ΙΝ ΤΗΕ ΑΜΟΥΝΤ ΟΦ ∃8,336,537.28 ΑΡΕ ΑΠΠΡΟςΕ∆ ΤΗΙΣ 17ΤΗ ∆ΑΨ ΟΦ ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ, 2011. ______________________ ΧΗΑΙΡ _______________________ ΜΕΜΒΕΡ ________________________ ΜΕΜΒΕΡ 107 Παγε:CA.B AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Payroll Vouchers Date: September 15, 2011 Department: Finance Attachments: No Attachments Available Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation:City Council approve the payroll vouchers.Background Summary:Reviewed by Council Committees:Finance Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:October 17, 2011 Item Number:CA.C AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED CA.C AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4759 Date: October 11, 2011 Department: Public Works Attachments: Resolution No. 4759 Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation:City Council to adopt Resolution No. 4759.Background Summary:The Pubilc Works Department is recommending surplus of the vehicle listed below. The vehicle has been totalled. P038H - 2009 Ford Crown Victoria - VIN 2FAHP71V59X1 41264, Fixed Asset Number - 55000 P038H Reviewed by Council Committees:Finance, Planning And Community Development Councilmember:Staff:Dowdy Meeting Date:October 17, 2011 Item Number:RES.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED RES.A RESOLUTION NO. 4758 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON DECLARING CERTAIN ITEMS OF PROPERTY AS SURPLUS ANDAUTHORIZING THEIR DISPOSAL WHEREAS,the City of Auburn Public Works Department has a number of items which are no longer of use to the Ciry; and WHEREAS, it would be appropriate to surplus the property and dispose of it by auction or other sale mechanism, or to dispose of it, in whole or in pan,through gift to another governmental agencyor an appropriate charitable non-profit entity, as deemed most expedient by the Mayor.NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN,WASWINGTON HEREBYRESOLVES as follows:Section 1. Purpose. That the propertyidentified below is declared to be surplus, and the Mayor is authorized to dispose of and convey such property through appropriate sale or donation to anothergovernmentalagency or charitable non-profd entity.Public Works The following items are either totalled, wom and/orobsolete:P038H 2O09 Ford Crown Victoria VIN: 2FAHP71V59X141264 Section 2. Implementation. Thatthe Mayor is authorizedto implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary tocarryout the directives of this legislation.Resolution No.4759 Oc4ober13, 2011 Page 1 of 2 RES.A Section 3. Effective Date. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in fullforce upon:passage and signatures hereon.Dated and Signed this day of 2011.CITY OF AUBURN PETER B: LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST:Danielle E.Daskam, City Clerk CityClerk APP VED AS TO FORMc a el 6. H ' , City Attom Resolution No.4759 October 13;:2011 Pege.2.of 2 RES.A AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4760 Date: October 11, 2011 Department: Administration Attachments: Resolution No. 4760 Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation:City Council adopt Resolution No. 4760.Background Summary:Since 1968, the City of Auburn has had a Sister Cit y relationship with the Kasugo-cho, Japan. Recently, the Japanese city of Kasugo-cho wa s merged with several other neighborhing cities for form a new city, Tamba. Both cities desire to continue to work together to promote cultural and economic development opportunities between the two cities. R esolution No. 4760 authorizes the Mayor to execute the necessary documents with Siste r City associations and with Tamba, Japan to support community cultural and econ omic exchange activities. A1.13 Reviewed by Council Committees:Finance, Public Works Councilmember:Backus Staff:Heid Meeting Date:October 17, 2011 Item Number:RES.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED RES.B RESOLUTION NO. 4 76 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO TAKE ALL NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE STEPS TO FORMALIZE A SISTERCITY RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND TAMBA, JAPAN WHEREAS, since 1968, the City ofAubum has had a sister city relationship withKasugo-cho, Japan, and the two cities have enjoyed many opportunities for the two communities to,interact; and WHEREAS, recently the Japanese city of Kasugo-cho, was merged with several other neighboring cities to fonn the new, combined City of Tamba WHEREAS, the City of Aubum hasmet with representatives of theCity of Tamba, Japan, to promote desired cultural and economic development opportunities between the City of Aubum and Ciry of Tamba, Japan; and WHEREAS, the cities of Aubum and Tamba, Japan, have expressed their desire to work together, to continue working together, to promote trade, economic development, education, culturalexchange, and tourismbetween the twocities; and WHEREAS, the people of Auburn and the Auburn business community have expressed their interests in and intentions of facilitating public and private relationships and enhancingtrade, economic development, education, cu tural exchange, and tourism involving the AubumCommunity andthe community of Tamba, Japan; and Resolution No. 4760 October 10, 2011 Page 1 of 2 RES.B WHEREAS, the City Councit alsowishes to work with sister city associations and citizens involved in suchpursuits to develop and continue the relationshipsthat can exist with sister cities in the intema4ional community.NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN,WASHINGTON; HEREBY RESOLVES as follows:Section 1. TheMayor is herebyauthorized and directedto negotiate and executeagreements and documents with sister city associations and with Tamba,Japan to supportcommunity cultural and economic exchange activities, and theCity Council.ratifes ac#ions 4aken in furtherance thereof.Section 2. The Mayor is herebyauthorized.toimplement such administrative procedures as maybe necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation.Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect and be in full foroe and effect upon passage and signature hereon.DATED and SIGNED this_day of 2011.CITY OF AUBURN ATTEST:: PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APP E TO FO M:i Atto ey Resolution No. 4760 October 10, 2011 Page 2 of 2 RES.B AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4761 Date: October 11, 2011 Department: Administration Attachments: Resolution No. 4761 Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation:City Council adopt Resolution No. 4761.Background Summary:The City of Auburn and the City of Pyeongchang (Rep ublic of Korea) representatives have met to promote desired cultural and economic d evelopment opportunities between the two cities. Both cities have expressed a desire to work together to promote trade, economic development, education, cultural exchange, and tourism between the two cities. Resolution No. 4761 authorizes the Mayor to negotia te and execute agreements and documents with Sister City associations and with Py eongchang to support community cultural and economic exchange activities. A1.13 Reviewed by Council Committees:Finance, Public Works Councilmember:Backus Staff:Heid Meeting Date:October 17, 2011 Item Number:RES.C AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED RES.C RESOLUTION NO. 4 76 7 A RESOLUTION OF THECITY COUNCIL OF THECITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZINGTHE MAYOR TO TAKE ALL NECESSARYAND APPROPRIATE STEPS TO FORMALIZE A SISTER CITYRELATIONSHIP BE"fWEEN THE GITY OF AUBURNAND CITY OF PYEONGCHANG, REPUBLIC OF KOREA WHEREAS, the City of Aubum has met with representatives of the City of Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea, to promote desiredcuftural and economic development opportunities between the Ciry of Auburn and Pyeongchang, Korea;and WHEREAS, the cities of Aubum and Pyeongchang, Korea, have expressed fheir desire to work together to promotetrade, economic development, education,cultural exchange, and tourism betweenthe two cities; and WHEREAS, 4he people of Auburn and the Aubum businesscommunity have exPressed their interests in and intentions of facilitating public andprivate relationships and enhancing trade, economicdevelopment, education, cultural exchange, and tourism invoNing the Aubum Community and thepopulation and business communities of Pyeongchang, Korea; and WHEREAS, the City Council also wishes to work with its Sister City Associations and citizens involved in such pursuits` to develop and continuethe relationshipsthat can exist with sister cities in theintemationalcommunity.Resolution No. 4761 October 10, 2011 Page 1 of 2 RES.C NOW, THEREFORE, THECITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN,WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows:Section 1. The Mayor is herebyauthorized and directed to negotiate and executeagreements and documents with sistercity associations and with Pyeongchang, Korea, to supportcommunity cul4ural and economic exchange activities, and the City Council ratifies actions taken in furtherance thereof.Section 2. The Mayor is herebyauthorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation.Section 3. This Resolutionshall take effect and be in full force and effect upon passage and signature hereon.DATED and SIGNED this_day of 2011.CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST:Danielle E: Daskam, City Clerk APPRVED ASTOFORM:niel B, ' ; Attorney Resolution No. 4761 October 10, 2011 Page 2 of 2 RES.C AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Agreement for Consulting Services with Fisher Jurko vich Public Affairs Date: October 4, 2011 Department: Administration Attachments: Agreement for Services Scope of Work Budget Impact: not to exceed $50,000 Administrative Recommendation:City Council approve an Agreement for Consulting Se rvices with Fisher Jurkovich Public Affairs, LLC.Background Summary:Fisher Jurkovich Public Affairs will be providing a comprehensive communication and stakeholder management plan in support of the Aubur n Area Chamber of Commerce proposed 2012 transportation ballot measure. Reviewed by Council Committees:Finance, Public Works Councilmember:Wagner Staff:Robertson Meeting Date:October 17, 2011 Item Number:DI.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED DI.A Page 1 of 7 CITY OF AUBURN AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTING SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into on this 17th day of October, 2011, by and between the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as “City” and, Fisher Jurkovich Public A ffairs, LLC hereinafter referred to as the “Consultant.” W I T N E S S E T H : WHEREAS, the City is in need of services of individuals, employee s or firms to provide communications and public education services; and, WHEREAS, the City desires to retain the Consultant to provide ce rtain services in connection with the City’s work on said project; and, WHEREAS, the Consultant is qualified and able to provide consulting s ervices in connection with the City’s needs for the above-described work/proje ct, and is willing and agreeable to provide such services upon the terms and conditions herein contained. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Scope of Services. The Consultant agrees to perform in a good and professional manner the tasks described on Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by this r eference. (The tasks described on Exhibit “A” shall be individually referred to as a “task,” and collectively referred to as the “services.”) The Consultant shall perform the services as an independent contractor and shall not be deemed, by virtue of this Agree ment and the performance thereof, to have entered into any partnership, joint vent ure, employment or other relationship with the City. 2. Additional Services. From time to time hereafter, the parties hereto may agree to the performance by the Consultant of additional services with respect to related work or projects. Any such agreement(s) shall be set forth in writing and shall be execut ed by the respective parties prior to the Consultant’s performance of the services there under, except as may be provided to the contrary in Section 3 of this Agreement. Upon proper completion and execution of an addendum (agreement for additional services), such addendum shall be incorporated into this Agreement and shall have the same force and e ffect as if the terms of such addendum were a part of this Agreement as originally exe cuted. The performance of services pursuant to an addendum shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement except where the addendum provides to the contrary, in which case the terms and conditions of any such addendum shall control. In all other respects, any addendum shall supplement and be construed in accorda nce with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. DI.A Page 2 of 7 3. Performance of Additional Services Prior to Execution of an Addendum. The parties hereby agree that situations may arise in which s ervices other than those described on Exhibit “A” are desired by the City and the time period for the completion of such services makes the execution of addendum impractical prior to the commencement of the Consultant’s performance of the requested servi ces. The Consultant hereby agrees that it shall perform such services u pon the oral request of an authorized representative of the City pending execution of an addendu m, at a rate of compensation to be agreed to in connection therewith. The invoice pro cedure for any such additional services shall be as described in Section 7 of this Agreement. 4. Consultant’s Representations. The Consultant hereby represents and warrants that he has all nec essary licenses and certifications to perform the services provided for herein, and is qualified to perform such services. 5. City’s Responsibilities. The City shall do the following in a timely manner so as not to de lay the services of the Consultant: a. Designate in writing a person to act as the City’s representat ive with respect to the services. The City’s designee shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define the City’s policies and decisions with respect to the services. b. Furnish the Consultant with all information, criteria, objectives, schedules and standards for the project and the services provided for herein. c. Arrange for access to the property or facilities as re quired for the Consultant to perform the services provided for herein d. Examine and evaluate all studies, reports, memoranda, plans, ske tches, and other documents prepared by the Consultant and render decisions regarding suc h documents in a timely manner to prevent delay of the services. 6. Acceptable Standards. The Consultant shall be responsible to provide, in connection with the services contemplated in this Agreement, work product and services of a qual ity and professional standard acceptable to the City. 7. Compensation. As compensation for the Consultant’s performance of the services provided for herein, the City shall pay the Consultant an amount not to exceed Six Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($6,500) per month plus mileage at $.51 per mile, copy cha rges and any graphics and material production charges that are required but not provided or p roduced by the City. The Consultant shall submit to the City an invoice or sta tement of time spent on tasks included in the scope of work provided herein, and the City shal l process the invoice or statement in the next billing/claim cycle following receipt of the invoice or statement, and shall remit payment to the Consultant thereafter in the normal course, subject to any conditions or provisions in this Agreement or addendum. DI.A Page 3 of 7 8. Time for Performance and Term of Agreement. The Term of this Agreement shall commence on the date hereof and shall terminate upon completion of the performance of the scope of work provided herein , but not later than April 30, 2012 unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties. 9. Ownership and Use of Documents. All documents, reports, memoranda, diagrams, sketches, plans, surveys, d esign calculations, working drawings and any other materials created or otherwise prepared by the Consultant as part of his performance of this Agreement (the “Work Products”) shall be owned by and become the property of the City, and may be us ed by the City for any purpose beneficial to the City. 10. Records Inspection and Audit. All compensation payments shall be subject to the adjustments for any amounts found upon audit or otherwise to have been improperly invoiced, and all re cords and books of accounts pertaining to any work performed under this Agreement sha ll be subject to inspection and audit by the City for a period of up to three (3) years from the final payment for work performed under this Agreement. 11. Continuation of Performance. In the event that any dispute or conflict arises between the parties w hile this Contract is in effect, the Consultant agrees that, notwithstanding such dispute or conflict, the Cons ultant shall continue to make a good faith effort to cooperate and continue work toward successful completion of assigned duties and responsibilities. 12. Administration of Agreement. This Agreement shall be administered by Brad Jurkovich, on behalf of the Consultant, and by the Mayor of the City, or designee, on behalf of the Cit y. Any written notices required by the terms of this Agreement shall be served on o r mailed to the following addresses: City of Auburn Auburn City Hall 25 West Main Auburn, WA 98001-4998 (253) 931-3000 FAX (253) 931-3053 Consultant Brad Jurkovich Fisher Jurkovich Public Affairs, LLC [address] 360.481.3454 13. Notices. All notices or communications permitted or required to be given unde r this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if d elivered in person or deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, for maili ng by certified mail, return receipt requested, and addressed, if to a party of this Agreem ent, to the address for the party set forth above, or if to a person not a party to this Ag reement, to the address designated by a party to this Agreement in the foregoing manner. DI.A Page 4 of 7 Any party may change his, her or its address by giving notic e in writing, stating his, her or its new address, to any other party, all pursuant to the procedur e set forth in this section of the Agreement. 14. Indemnification. The Consultant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City and its officers, agents and employees, or any of them from any and all claims , actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses, and damages of any nature whatsoever, incl uding attorney fees, by any reason of or arising out of the act or omission of the Consultant , its officers, agents, employees, or any of them relating to or arising out of the p erformance of this Agreement except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. If a final judgment is rendered against the City, its officers, agents, empl oyees and/or any of them, or jointly against the City and the Consultant and their respective officers, agents and employees, or any of them, the Consultant shall satisfy the sa me to the extent that such judgment was due to the Consultant’s negligent acts or omissions. 15. Assignment. Neither party to this Agreement shall assign any right or ob ligation hereunder in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the other party heret o. No assignment or transfer of any interest under this Agreement shall be deemed to releas e the assignor from any liability or obligation under this Agreement, or to cause a ny such liability or obligation to be reduced to a secondary liability or obligation. 16. Amendment, Modification or Waiver. No amendment, modification or waiver of any condition, provision or term of this Agreement shall be valid or of any effect unless made in wri ting, signed by the party or parties to be bound, or such party’s or parties’ duly authorized re presentative(s) and specifying with particularity the nature and extent of such am endment, modification or waiver. Any waiver by any party of any default of the othe r party shall not effect or impair any right arising from any subsequent default. Nothing herein shall limit the remedies or rights of the pa rties hereto under and pursuant to this Agreement. 17. Termination and Suspension. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other party if the other party fails substantially to perform in accordance wit h the terms of this Agreement through no fault of the party terminating the Agreement. The City may terminate this Agreement upon not less than seven (7) days written notice to the Consultant if the services provided for herein are no longer needed from the Consultant. If this Agreement is terminated through no fault of the Consultant, the Consultant sha ll be compensated for services performed prior to termination. DI.A Page 5 of 7 18. Parties in Interest. This Agreement shall be binding upon, and the benefits and obligati ons provided for herein shall inure to and bind, the parties hereto and their respect ive successors and assigns, provided that this section shall not be deemed to permit a ny transfer or assignment otherwise prohibited by this Agreement. This Agreem ent is for the exclusive benefit of the parties hereto and it does not create a contrac tual relationship with or exist for the benefit of any third party, including contractors, sub-contractor s and their sureties. 19. Costs to Prevailing Party. In the event of such litigation or other legal action, to enforce any rights, responsibilities or obligations under this Agreement, the prevailing parties sha ll be entitled to receive its reasonable costs and attorney’s fees. 20. Applicable Law. This Agreement and the rights of the parties hereunder shall b e governed by the interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washing ton and venue for any action hereunder shall be in of the county in Washington State in which the property or project is located, and if not site specific, then in King County, Washington; provided, however, that it is agreed and understood that any applicable statut e of limitation shall commence no later than the substantial completion by the Consultant of the servi ces. 21. Captions, Headings and Titles. All captions, headings or titles in the paragraphs or sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not constitute a part of this Agreement or act as a limitation of the scope of the particul ar paragraph or sections to which they apply. As used herein, where appropriate, the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and masculine, feminine and neuter expressions shall be interchangeable. Interpretation or construction of this Agreement shall not be affe cted by any determination as to who is the drafter of this Agreement, this A greement having been drafted by mutual agreement of the parties. 22. Severable Provisions. Each provision of this Agreement is intended to be severable. If any provision hereof is illegal or invalid for any reason whatsoever, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Agreement. 23. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties hereto in respect to the transactions contemplated hereby and supersedes all prior agre ements and understandings between the parties with respect to such subject matter. 24. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, ea ch of which shall be one and the same Agreement and shall become effective when one or m ore counterparts have been signed by each of the parties and delivered to the other party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agre ement to be executed effective the day and year first set forth above. DI.A Page 6 of 7 CITY OF AUBURN CONSULTANT ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Peter B. Lewis, Mayor Name: Title: Attest: ____________________________________ Danielle E. Daskam City Clerk Approved as to form: ____________________________________ Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney DI.A Page 7 of 7 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF _____________ ) ON THIS day of , 2011, before me, personally appeared Brad Jurkovich, known to me to be the and of the Contractor, the company that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said company, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said inst rument. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of , 2011. _______________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at ___________________ My Commission Expires: __________________ DI.A Exihibit A City of Auburn Agreement Consulting Services Fisher Jurkovich Public Affairs, LLC SCOPE OF WORK – TASKS • Meet with appropriate City staff to develop a Compr ehensive Communication and Stakeholder Management Plan related to a proposed Auburn Transp ortation Improvement Program (substitute new project name when identified). • Work with City staff to determine a research method to efficiently and effectively solicit public opinion regarding proposed transportation needs and improvements within the City of Auburn. • Work with City staff to develop a public education process to inform Auburn citizens on proposed transportation needs and improvements incl uded in the Transportation Improvement Program. • Work with City staff to develop a business and comm unity group outreach plan to provide factual information regarding the Transportation Im provement Program. • Meet with appropriate City staff and other consulta nts to evaluate options and alternatives related to the proposed Auburn Transportation Impro vement Program and any final ballot measures. • Work with City staff to develop an education outrea ch plan to provide all citizens within the City boundaries with factual information related to any ballot measure. • Provide factual findings as needed to the Mayor and City council and other groups as requested on any work plan developments. TIMELINE The tasks identified herein shall begin on October 18, 2011 and be completed by the 30 th day of April, 2012, provided that any summary report may be sched uled thereafter, as requested in writing by the City. COMPENSATION The Consultant shall be paid six-thousand five-hund red dollars per month ($6,500) plus all normal, usu al and customary expenses including mileage reimbursem ent, during the Term of the Timeline of this Agreement for the services identified herein. The Consultant will submit monthly invoices to the City on DI.A the first of each month starting November 1, 2011 a nd concluding with a final billing on May 1, 2012. Total Compensation not to exceed $50,000.00 DI.A AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Utility Leak Adjustment Appeal - Griffin Date: October 11, 2011 Department: Finance Attachments: Memo and Documentation Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation:City Council approve Ms. Griffin's request for a le ak adjustment in the amount of $350.00. This approval is based on the leak being l ocated on a line serving a single dwelling unit on the same line as the primary dwell ing structure.Background Summary:Utility Billing noted a large increase in water con sumption for this account on 8/02/11. A service request was entered and a technician dispat ched to check for a possible leak and to notify the customer. When the technician che cked the meter, he saw no evidence of a leak. He then spoke directly with the property owner who informed him that she had a leak in her backyard and repaired it on 7/09/11, but did not notify the City. The utility account was billed $603.98 in water con sumption on 8/31/11 for the period of 6/1/11-8/1/11. The property owner submitted a reque st for a leak adjustment on 8/08/11. The leak adjustment request was denied per policy 1 00-52 which clearly states that an eligible water leak is defined to have occurred on the service line between the City water meter and the point where the line enters the build ing. The request and the technicians report show that this leak occurred in a secondary line between the customer's home and a detached building on their property. The customer submitted an appeal to their leak adju stment denial on 9/19/11. Per policy, the maximum amount that can be granted for a water leak is $500.00. F4.5.2 Reviewed by Council Committees:Finance, Public Works Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:October 17, 2011 Item Number:DI.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED DI.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED DI.B DI.B DI.B DI.B DI.B DI.B DI.B DI.B DI.B DI.B DI.B DI.B DI.B DI.B DI.B DI.B DI.B AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Ordinance No. 6379 Date: October 10, 2011 Department: Finance Attachments: Budget Amendment No. 6 Budget Impact: $42,718,803 Administrative Recommendation:City Council to introduce and adopt Ordinance No. 6 379.Background Summary:Under State law, cities operating under a biennial budget are required to adopt a mid-term budget ordinance to amend second year appropri ations for changes incurred during the first half of the biennium. Ordinance No. 6379 amends the 2012 Adopted Budget (of the 2011-2012 biennium) as follows: - Updates revenue for forecasted changes in estimat ed beginning fund and working capital fund balances, water utility sales, and gen eral fund property taxes and electrical utility tax collections; - Recognizes spending authority granted under previ ous budget amendments; - Requests additional items for inclusion in the 20 12 budget; and - Amends the 2012 budget to reflect changes consist ent with the Preliminary 2012-17 Capital Facilities Plan. Detailed discussion of the above is included in the attached transmittal memorandum and supporting attachments. F3.23 Reviewed by Council Committees:Finance, Municipal Services, Planning And Community Development, Public Works Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:October 17, 2011 Item Number:DI.C AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED DI.C DI.C DI.C DI.C DI.C 2011-2012 MID-BIENNIAL BUDGET DEPARTMENTAL REQUESTS F:\Budget Directory\2012 Budget\Amendments\BA#6 - Midbiennia l Correction\[Summary of proposed amendments - FINA L.xlsx]GENERAL FUND OTHER FUNDS Previously 2012 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST Approved New ExpendituresOffsettingNet BudgetExpendituresOffsett ingNet Budget Ref. Description Department FTESFTEs OngoingOnetimeTotalRevenuesImpactOngoingOnetimeTota lRevenuesImpact Revenue Source 1 EHM Probation Counselor: Continuation of position a pproved in 2011 (BA#1; Ord 6351). Cost of full-time position in 2012 is $77,84 0. HR/Probation 1.00 77,840 77,840 77,840 - GF Fund Balance 2 Council Secretary: Continuation of position approv ed in 2011 (BA#1; Ord 6351). Cost of full-time position in 2012 $77,130 Council 1.00 77,130 77,130 - 77,130 - GF Fund Balance 3 Senior Center Assistant: Continue funding approved in 2011 (BA#1; Ord 6351) for Senior Center Assistant. Expenses partially offset by expenditure savings in other wages. Parks -Senior Center 1.00 52,010 52,010 52,010 - GF Fund Balance 4 Community Service Crew Leader: Continuation of pos ition approved in 2011 (BA#3; Ord 6362) HR 1.00 26,930 26,930 26,930 - GF Fund Balance 5 Alive at 25 Defensive Driving program: Continuatio n of 2011 revenue-backed program. Cost of program estimated at $1,140 for su pplies, instructor fees and video; offset by revenues from participants of $9,000. (BA#3; Ord 6362) HR / Probation 1,140 1,140 9,000 (7,860) - Program participant fees 6 Street Vegetation Manager: Move 50% of position fu nding to Storm Utility (BA#3; Ord 6362). Public Works -Streets & Storm Utility (56,740) (56,740) (56,740) 56,740 56,740 56,740 - SWM Utility 7 Marketing & Promotions Coordinator: Continuation f unding of position authorized in 2011 (BA#4; Ord 6370). Cost of position is $90,18 0; partially offset by animal services budget in Planning other wages & benefits- cost savings ($37,950). Parks -Administration 1.00 52,230 52,230 52,230 - GF Fund Balance 8 Senior Accountant: Continuation of position approv ed in 2011 (BA#4; Ord 6370). Total cost of new position is $102,270; costs to be distributed based on current labor distribution of existing Sr. Accountant. GF share: $49,120; Other funds share: $53,150 Finance 1.00 49,120 49,120 49,120 53,150 53,150 53,150 GF Fund Balance 9 Court Bailiff: Continuation of Court Security Offic er/Bailiff authorized in 2011 (BA#4; Ord 6370). Cost of full-time position is $71,040 an d is partially offset by court security professional services savings ($40,000). HR / Court 1.00 31,040 31,040 31,040 - GF Fund Balance 10 Animal Shelter (Interior): Tenant improvements to p repare facility for use. Improvements include interior improvements by Donova n Bros, architectural services, vehicles, supplies, computer, phone, and licensing fees. Funded by $300K from GF. HR / Facilities 300,000 300,000 300,000 530,302 530,302 300,000 230,302 Facilities fund balance 11 Animal Shelter (Exterior): Capital Improvements for City Building in preparation for use as an animal Shelter by the Auburn Valley Humane Society. Requested funds for sewer connection ($25K), road access impr ($20K) an d exterior impr. Prelim est. HR / Facilities - - 79,490 79,490 79,490 Facilities fund balance 12 Animal Shelter (Startup Costs): Request for equipm ent and supplies for purchase prior to 2012 startup; Includes Licensing fee charge d by King Co ($1K); Vehicle with 6 kennel box ($55K); Supp/Eqt/Uniform ($6K); Computer s/Phones ($6K) HR / Facilities - - 68,000 68,000 68,000 Facilities fund balance RES #4683/#4748 13 Algona/Pacific: Information Services Support Speci alist to support Interlocal agreements with the City of Algona & City of Pacifi c. Partial offsetting revenue reimbursement from Cities of Algona ($12K), Pacific ($36K), VRFA ($24K - already budgeted). Information Services 1.00 - 86,740 - 86,740 48,000 38,740 Algona / Pacific / VRFA and Info Tech Fund Balance 2012 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST Previously approved budget adjustments BA #1 (Ord 6351) BA #3 (Ord 6362) BA #4 (Ord 6370) RES #4747 Prepared by Financial Planning 10/12/2011 Page 1 of 3 DI.C 2011-2012 MID-BIENNIAL BUDGET DEPARTMENTAL REQUESTS F:\Budget Directory\2012 Budget\Amendments\BA#6 - M idbiennial Correction\[Summary of proposed amendmen ts - FINAL.xlsx]GENERAL FUND OTHER FUNDS Previously 2012 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST Approved New ExpendituresOffsettingNet BudgetExpendituresOffsett ingNet Budget Ref. Description Department FTESFTEs OngoingOnetimeTotalRevenuesImpactOngoingOnetimeTota lRevenuesImpact Revenue Source 2012 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 14 SCORE Jail Costs: 15 ADP Bed Days requested to refl ect actual level of jail usage. 2012 Budget for SCORE assumed ADP of 100. Estimate of $620,000 is based on 15ADP x $112.50/day (2012 rates). Police- SCORE 620,000 620,000 620,000 - GF Fund Balance 15 Pension Rate Adjustement based on 7/1/11 & 9/01/11 rate changes by State of WA. All Funds 255,170 255,170 255,170 216,800 216,800 216,800 Various Funds 16 Traffic Signal LED Lamp replacement: Replace LED s ignal lamps citywide as the existing lamps are approaching the end of their use ful lives. Public Works - Engineering 110,000 110,000 110,000 - GF Fund Balance 17 Economic Development Manager. New FTE requested to provide city-wide marketing and business development efforts. Planning 1.00 136,500 136,500 136,500 18 Police Officer supernumerary for Eric Armstrong (e xtended military leave); Supernumerary position. Police - Operations 1.00 94,490 94,490 94,490 - GF Fund Balance 19 Crime Analyst: New Crime Analyst FTE requested to restore position frozen and eliminated. Position will help relieve Police Chief and Commanders of crime analysis duties, which can be quite specialized and complex. Police- Investigation 1.00 87,840 2,500 90,340 90,340 - GF Fund Balance 20 Police Secretary: New Police Secretary FTE request ed to restore position frozen and eliminated. Position will help relieve Police Chief and Commanders of administrative duties, allowing more time for management and publi c engagement. Police- Administration 1.00 88,000 88,000 88,000 - GF Fund Balance 21 Police Academy Costs: Basic law enforcement academ y training for new recruits. State Legislature is no longer fully funding the tr aining of new officer recruits. Cost to City is estimated at $3,283/recruit and assumes 3 recruits/yr. Police- Administration 9,900 9,900 9,900 GF Fund Balance 22 Move ArtRegeous festival to downtown. Funding incl udes $2.5K for additional entertainment and displays and $1.5K for increased advertising. Current resources budgeted for ArtRageous is $6.5K for event and $8.5 K for marketing ($15K total) Parks -Cultural Arts 4,000 4,000 4,000 - GF Fund Balance 23 Parks Senior Center Revenues: Adjust revenue & ex pense in Parks Senior Services program funded by donations Parks -Senior Center 8,500 8,500 8,500 - - GF Fund Balance 24 New Parks outdoor sculpture gallery: new annual al lotment request to fund rotating gallery exhibit in downtown core. Grant funded requ est through Planning Dept. Funding for $1K/yr stipend for installation, transp ortation, and insurance x 10 exhibits/yr Parks -Cultural Arts 10,000 10,000 10,000 - Grant Funding (Local Revitilization Grant Funding) 25 Furlough days salary and benefit adjustment: Cont inuation of furlough days-reduction of salary & benefits All Funds (201,770) (201,770) (201,770) (200,260) (200,260) (200,260) Various Funds 26 Parks Theater & Cultural Arts program revenue adju stment. Estimated revenues increasing from $102,000 to $110,500, or $8,500. Pr ograms include Theatre rentals/tickets/classes and Cultural arts. Parks-Theater & Cultural Arts - 8,500 (8,500) - GF Fund Balance 27 New Alive after 25 Defensive Driving program to en hance driving safety awareness. Program costs estimated at $3,250; offset by progra m revenues of $4,500 (based on 60 participants at $75/ea). HR / Probation 3,250 3,250 4,500 (1,250) - Program participant fees New Requests Prepared by Financial Planning 10/12/2011 Page 2 of 3 DI.C 2011-2012 MID-BIENNIAL BUDGET DEPARTMENTAL REQUESTS F:\Budget Directory\2012 Budget\Amendments\BA#6 - M idbiennial Correction\[Summary of proposed amendmen ts - FINAL.xlsx]GENERAL FUND OTHER FUNDS Previously 2012 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST Approved New ExpendituresOffsettingNet BudgetExpendituresOffsett ingNet Budget Ref. Description Department FTESFTEs OngoingOnetimeTotalRevenuesImpactOngoingOnetimeTota lRevenuesImpact Revenue Source 2012 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 28 City hall remodel. Fund from available Fund 328 d owntown monies. Facilities -Capital Improvement fund 328 500,000 500,000 500,000 - Capital Improvement Fund 29 New Fleet Manager: Establish new FTE for fleet man ager position, reporting to M&O Manager and responsible for the daily activities re lated to fleet management. Funding from Fund Balance. Public Works-Equipment Rental 1.00 - - 103,650 103,650 103,650 - Equipment Rental Fund Balance 30 Senior Center Carpet Replacement: Replace carpet a t the Senior Center. Funding from fund balance. HR / Facilities - - 30,000 30,000 30,000 - Facilities Fund Balance 31 Netmotion Security Software: Software to troublesh oot connectivity issues with Valley Comm CAD and Other Systems. Funding from fun d balance. Information Services - - 25,000 25,000 25,000 - Info Tech Fund Balance 32 Electronic Records: Finalize upgrade of LaserFisch e Document Management Software. Funding from Fund Balance. Information Services - - 24,700 24,700 24,700 - Info Tech Fund Balance 33 SWM Reduce Professional Services: Reduce 2012 syst em and emerging issues in the Lea Hill annexation area. Will not affect current Le vels of Service. Public Works- Storm - - (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) Storm Utility 34 SWM Reduce Professional Services: Reduce 2012 flow monitoring contract. Will not affect current Levels of Service. Public Works- Storm - - (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) Storm Utility 35 SWM Reduce Professional Services: Delete 2012 SCAD A support. Will not affect current Levels of Service. Public Works- Storm - - (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) Storm Utility 36 Water Utility Prof Services Reduction: Reduce var ious professional services to make sufficient funds for water supply purchase. Service s include Conservation Public Ed; Technical Asst and Future Regulatory Reqts, Supply evaluation, and other services. Public Works - Water Utility (304,000) (304,000) (304,000) Water Utility Fund Balance TOTAL 7.00 6.00 1,474,680 364,400 1,839,080 30,500 1,808,580 (153,720) 1,274,032 1,120,312 1,088,090 32,222 New Requests (continued) Prepared by Financial Planning 10/12/2011 Page 3 of 3 DI.C DI.C DI.C DI.C DI.C DI.C DI.C DI.C DI.C DI.C DI.C DI.C DI.C DI.C DI.C DI.C DI.C DI.C DI.C DI.C DI.C AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4758 Date: October 11, 2011 Department: Public Works Attachments: Resolution No. 4758 Exhibit A Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation:City Council adopt Resolution No. 4758.Background Summary:Resolution No. 4758 authorizes the Mayor to execute a Highways and Local Programs State Funding Agreement with the State to obligate Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB) funds in the amount of $6,000,000 for the construction of the M Street SE Underpass project. This grant was awarded in 2003 for the construction of the M Street Underpass and the Auburn Black Diamond By-Pass Road (a new connection between Auburn Black Diamond Road and M Street SE). Since the City has d ecided to move forward with the underpass now and postpone the by-pass road until m ore is known of the Muckleshoot Tribe's future development and a potential new off-ramp from SR-18, FMSIB has agreed to allow their funds to be entirely spent on the un derpass construction. The City has also applied for a Transportation Impr ovement Board (TIB) grant and expects to hear the outcome in mid-November 2011. Reviewed by Council Committees:Finance, Public Works Councilmember:Staff:Dowdy Meeting Date:October 17, 2011 Item Number:DI.D AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED DI.D RESOLUTION NO. 4758 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN; WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A HIGHINAYS AND LOCAL PROGRAMS STATE FUNDING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN THE CITI AND THE WASHINGTONSTATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (THE STATE) RELATING TO PROJECT NO. C201A, M STREET SE UNDERPASS WHEREAS, theCity desiresto improve the safety, capacity, and efficiency ofthe crossing of M Street SE and the BNSF Stampede Pass Railway; and WHEREAB, lowering M Street SE belowthe tracks and constructing a railroadbridge over the tracks will improve the safety; capacity, and efficiency of M Street SE at the crossing; and WHEREAS, the Cityreceived a grant in the amount of$6,000,000 from the FreightMobility Strategic Investrnent Board (FMSIB) to assist in the construction of the M Street SE Underpass; and WHEREAS, it is in thebest interest of the City to use grant moniesto finance capitel improvements to thestreet system.WHEREAS, the Washington State Departrnent of Transportation is a State agency responsible for the administration ofi FMSIB funds for transportation projects; and Resolution No.4758 October 6,2011 Page 1 DI.D WHEREAS, theWashington State Departrnent of Transportation requires a Highways andLocal Programs State 'Funding Agreement to utilize these FMSIB funds.NOW, THEREFORE, THECITY COUNCIL OF THECITY OF AUBURN,WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows:Section 7. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a Highways and Local Programs State Funding Agreement between the City and the State for the Construction Phase in the total amount of $6,000,000 in substantial conformity with the agreement attached hereto, marked as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. In addition, the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute any necessarysupplemental agreements for all future phases of the project.Section 2. That the Mayor is hereby autho ized to implement such administrativeprocedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation.Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon.Resolution No.4758 Ob2f 6, 20 Page2 DI.D Dated and Signed tliis day of 2011.CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST:Danielle E. Daskam;City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM:1 Daniel B. id,City Attomey Resolution No. 4758 October 6,2011 Fage 3 DI.D Exhibit A DI.D DI.D AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: August 2011 Financial Report Date: October 10, 2011 Department: Finance Attachments: August 2011 Financial Report Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation:Background Summary:The purpose of the monthly financial reports is to summarize for the City Council the general state of financial affairs throughout the C ity and to highlight significant items or trends that the City Council should be aware of. Th e following provides a high level summary of the City's financial performance. Furthe r detail can be found within the attached financial report. The August 2011 status report highlights City reven ues and expenditures and is based on financial data available as of September 29, 201 1. Sales tax reported in August is for business activities that occurred in June 2011. General Fund: The general fund accounts for all of the City's fin ancial resources except those required by statute or to be accounted for in another fund. The General Fund is the City's largest fund and is used to account for the majority of Cit y services. As of the end of August, General Fund revenue colle ctions totaled $33.4 million, and compares to year-to-date budget of $31.8 million an d were sufficient to meet expenses of $32.3 million. Total General Fund revenues for t he City at the end of August are $1.6 million higher than budget due to relatively strong er than anticipated collections in property and sales taxes, electric utility taxes an d building permit fees. The City's sales taxes totaled $9.9 million and are 2.8% higher than last year. Improvement in retail activity was noted in all are as with the exception of services which remain weak. However, consumer concerns over nation al debt and continued high unemployment have slowed the pace of the economic r ecovery. Expenditures for the General Fund were $3.6 million below budget at the end of August. AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED DI.E This is primarily due to unspent budget for retirem ent and long term care along with timing of payments for SCORE, debt service payments interfund transfers and under expenditures in professional services. Enterprise Funds: The City's eight enterprise funds account for opera tions with revenues primarily provided from user fees, charges or contracts for services. At the end of August the Water fund revenues are lo wer than average due to the loss of Covington as a wholesale customer and a general dec line in water sales. Year to date the Sewer fund ended with an operating loss due to declining revenues as a result of lower water consumption and timing of payments to M etro for sewer services. Stormwater revenues are on target and are sufficien t to meet expenses. Golf Course revenues for the summer months improved compared to the same periods 2010, reflecting favorable weather conditions. Whil e this is an improvement, revenues in total remain below year-to-date 2010 levels and 201 1 budgeted levels with the fund reporting a continued net operating loss as of Augu st. Cemetery program revenues were higher than the same period last year but were not sufficient to erase a year-to-date operating loss. A request to transfer $200,000 from the Cumulative Reserve Fund will be submitted by the Fi nance Department for inclusion in the forthcoming final 2011 budget amendment to Coun cil (November 2011). Internal Service Funds: Internal Service Funds provide services to other Ci ty departments and include functions such as Insurance, Facilities, Information Services , and Equipment Rental. At the end of the August, revenue from charges asse ssed to internal client departments was sufficient to meet expenses. Year to date expen ses for the insurance fund included payment of the annual insurance premium and will be offset by allocations to various departments that will occur throughout the remainde r of the year. Investment Portfolio: The City's total cash and investments at the end of August was $110.0 million and compares to $109.3 million in July. Reviewed by Council Committees:Finance Councilmember:Backus Staff:Coleman AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED DI.E Meeting Date:October 17, 2011 Item Number:DI.E AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED DI.E M o nt h l y F ina n c i a l R e p o r t Au gu s t 2 01 1 Page 1 of 18 G e n e r a l F u n d 2 0 1 0 S u m m a r y o f S o u r c e s a n d U s e s A n n u a l B u d g e t Y T D B u d g e t Y T D A c t u a l Y T D A c t u a l A m o u n t P e r c e n t a g e O P E R A T I N G R E V E N U E S Property Tax 12,022,340 6,300,600 6,662,008 6,691,028 361,408 5.7%Sales Tax (1)14,295,000 9,484,100 9,852,473 9,584,178 368,373 3.9%Sales Tax - Annexation Credit1,356,600 893,200 967,531 911,604 74,331 8.3%Criminal Justice Sales Tax1,177,600 782,000 900,931 826,625 118,931 15.2%Brokered Natural Gas Tax260,000 189,400 226,031 197,533 36,631 19.3%City Utilities Tax 2,522,800 1,725,000 1,599,188 1,579,941 (125,812) -7.3%Admissions Tax 350,000 265,700 256,016 265,568 (9,684) -3.6%Electric Tax 2,850,000 2,210,600 2,412,727 2,305,154 202,127 9.1%Natural Gas Tax 1,270,410 1,133,210 998,853 867,960 (134,357) -11.9%Cable TV Franchise Fee 689,800 516,100 604,357 582,815 88,257 17.1%Cable TV Franchise Fee - Capital75,000 55,600 48,068 (7,532) -13.5%Telephone Tax 1,972,900 1,333,900 1,389,006 1,434,509 55,106 4.1%Garbage Tax (external)150,000 96,300 107,413 95,548 11,113 11.5%Leasehold Excise Tax 45,000 33,100 29,689 20,686 (3,411) -10.3%Gambling Excise Tax 326,500 255,300 186,359 195,762 (68,941) -27.0%Business License Fees 200,000 95,100 117,354 107,782 22,254 23.4%Building Permits 700,000 463,400 816,850 531,028 353,450 76.3%Other Licenses & Permits229,000 155,700 288,842 229,663 133,142 85.5%Intergovernmental (Grants, etc)4,069,745 2,556,345 2,703,313 2,556,802 146,968 5.7%Charges for Services: General Government Services64,600 45,800 58,062 68,911 12,262 26.8% Public Safety 216,000 149,500 162,649 154,863 13,149 8.8% Development Services Fees627,000 400,300 360,065 375,689 (40,235) -10.1% Culture and Recreation877,500 681,000 604,436 673,013 (76,564) -11.2%Fines and Forfeits 2,208,500 1,551,000 1,424,673 1,782,470 (126,327) -8.1%Interests and Other Earnings110,000 82,000 54,344 103,981 (27,656) -33.7%Rents, Leases and Concessions315,000 225,700 267,261 224,073 41,561 18.4%Contributions and Donations17,900 11,300 36,293 43,437 24,993 221.2%Other Miscellaneous 48,980 39,880 81,766 148,156 41,886 105.0%Proceeds of Gen. Long Term Debt-Refi Valley Com- - - 1,069,000 - N/A Transfers In 1,078,439 78,500 78,439 61,300 (61) -0.1%Insurance Recoveries- Capital & Operating25,000 16,700 108,330 48,070 91,630 548.7%T o t a l O p e r a t i n g R e v e n u e s 50,151,614 31,826,335 33,403,327 33,737,150 1,576,992 5.0%O p e r a t i n g E x p e n d i t u r e s Council & Mayor 863,420 582,020 512,962 443,441 69,058 11.9%Municipal Court & Probation3,274,120 2,130,020 1,998,668 1,761,213 131,352 6.2%Human Resources 830,710 559,310 526,541 458,109 32,769 5.9%Finance 1,147,630 763,030 762,922 734,598 108 0.0%City Attorney 1,640,480 1,133,580 1,048,080 1,080,301 85,500 7.5%Planning 3,779,190 2,554,400 2,372,767 2,170,563 181,633 7.1%Community & Human Services1,088,430 737,830 638,696 599,249 99,134 13.4%Jail - SCORE 6,087,470 3,813,170 3,045,037 - 768,133 20.1%Police 19,843,980 12,654,380 11,894,400 14,001,355 759,980 6.0%Engineering 2,380,410 1,587,310 1,463,772 1,597,013 123,538 7.8%Parks and Recreation 7,295,920 4,837,020 4,669,277 4,403,329 167,743 3.5%Streets 3,125,960 1,975,560 1,645,651 1,752,089 329,909 16.7%Non-Departmental 4,561,620 2,621,220 1,765,565 3,810,263 855,655 32.6%T o t a l O p e r a t i n g E x p e n d i t u r e s 55,919,340 35,948,850 32,344,338 32,811,521 3,604,512 10.0%2 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 Y T D B u d g e t v s . A c t u a l F a v o r a b l e (U n f a v o r a b l e ) (1) The anticipated Streamlined Sales Tax for 2011 is $1,965,470. The y ear to date actual sales tax amount is adjusted to include $995 ,195 SST Mitigation the City received from the State for the 1 st and 2 nd quarter of 2011 plus $327,578 allocation for July & August that will be received in September. DI.E M o nt h l y F ina n c i a l R e p o r t Au gu s t 2 01 1 Page 2 of 18 O v e r v i e w 7KLVILQDQFLDORYHUYLHZUHIOHFWVWKH&LW\·VRYHUDOOILQDQFLDOSRVLWLRQIRUWKHILVFDO\HDUWKURXJKAugust 31, 2011. The report represents financial dat a available as of September 29 , 2011. The budgeted year to date revenues and operating expenses are primarily based on the collection/disbursement average for the same period of the two prior years. The table o n this page summarizes the General Fund revenues and expendi tures. At the end of August, General Fund revenues totaled $33 .4 million and is slightly lower compared to the same period of 2010 due to the general decline in fines related to the traffic photo enforcement program and to the timing of procee ds for the general debt financing associated with the Valley Com system. General Fund rev enue highlights include: - Property taxes totaled $6.7 million and reflect the f irst half 2011 property tax payments and are almost equal to the level collected for the same period last year. - Sales taxes totaled $9.9 million, are slightly higher compared to collections as of August 2010. Review of sales tax activity by sector show im provements in all sectors with the exception of services, which is below the same peri od last year due to a one-time sales tax adjustment in 2010. - Developmental service fees, culture and recreational charges for services and fines and penalties, primarily from photo enforcement showed dec lines over the previous year. General Fund expenses at the end of August totaled $32 .3 million compared to $32 .8 million for same period 2010. When compared to budget, General Fund expenses were 10% below expectations. Highlights include: - Timing of intergovernmental payments for SCORE accoun ted for the majority of the variance against budget. Currently there is over $5 13.9K in expenses for July and $443.9K for August that will be posted in September. It is anticipated this line item will be in line with budget by the 3rd quarter as timing of payments are addressed. - Police expenditures are low compared to budget due t o staff vacancies savings. - Streets expenditures were below budget due to paveme nt marking maintenance expense that is typically spent later in the year. - Non departmental was below budget primarily due to u nspent budget for retirement benefits, debt service payments, SCORE start up transi tion costs and transfers out that are anticipated to occur in later periods. Rev e nu e s T he combined total of property tax, sales/use tax, utili ty tax, gambling, and admissions tax provide 79% of all resources supporting general gover nmental activities. The following section provides detail information on property and sales tax es. P r o p e r t y T a x Year to date collection at the end of August is $6.7 million, reflecting the majority of the first half 2011 property tax payments, and is slightly higher tha n targeted revenues. The majority of property tax revenues are collected during the months of April and October, coinciding with the due date for County property tax billings. DI.E M o nt h l y F ina n c i a l R e p o r t Au gu s t 2 01 1 Page 3 of 18 $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 $14.0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec M i l l i o n s P r o p e r t y T a x e s 2011 budget 2011 actual to date 2010 actual S a l e s T a x 6DOHVWD[HVDUHUXQQLQJVOLJKWO\DKHDGRIWKHSUHYLRX V\HDU·VSDFHYear to date sales tax revenue totaled $9.9 million, including Streamlined Sales Tax Mitigation of $995 ,195 received for through the 2 nd quarter plus $327 ,578 allocation for July & August and compares to a year -to -date budget of $9.5 million. Total estimated Streamline d Sales Tax Mitigation for 2011 is $1,965,470 but the actual amount the City will receive from the State is reduced by taxes received from companies that have voluntarily complied with the new destination based sales tax. While sales tax returns have slightly improved over the previous year, concerns over unemployment continue to dampen overall consumer sentiment and the pace of the economic recovery in the short term. $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 $14.0 $16.0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec M i l l i o n s S a l e s & U s e T a x 2011 budget 2011 actual to date 2010 actual *In cludes Sales Tax Mitigation prorated monthly. DI.E M o nt h l y F ina n c i a l R e p o r t Au gu s t 2 01 1 Page 4 of 18 The following WDEOHEUHDNVRXWWKH&LW\·VEDVHVDOHVWD[H[FOXGLQJ&ULPLQDO-XVWLFH$QQH[DWLRQCredit and Streamlined Sales Tax Mitigation by major b usiness sectors. 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 C o m p o n e n t G r o u p A c t u a l A c t u a l A m o u n t P e r c e n t a g e New Construction793,667 793,520 (147) 0.0%Manufacturing256,074 415,487 159,413 62.3%Transportation & Warehousing19,869 59,732 39,863 200.6%Wholesale Trade745,297 839,122 93,825 12.6%Automotive1,640,757 1,822,074 181,317 11.1%Retail Trade2,385,037 2,546,706 161,669 6.8%Services2,025,947 1,877,884 (148,063) -7.3%Miscellaneous94,814 194,014 99,200 104.6%YTD Total7,961,462 8,548,539 587,077 7.4%C h a n g e f r o m 2 0 1 0 Y e a r t o D a t e t h r o u g h A u g u s t C o m p a r i s o n o f S a l e s T a x C o l l e c t i o n s b y S I C G r o u p U t i l i t y T a x This revenue source consists of City inter-fund utilit y taxes (Water, Sewer, Storm and Solid Waste) and external utility taxes (Electric, Natural gas, T elephone and Solid Waste). Total year to date utility tax revenue is in line with expectations, total ing $6 .5 million or 3.6 % more than 2010 , due primarily to higher revenues from the electric a nd telephone utility tax es which have offset lower than anticipated revenues from City inter-fund a nd natural gas utility taxes . $0.0 $1.0 $2.0 $3.0 $4.0 $5.0 $6.0 $7.0 $8.0 $9.0 $10.0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec M i l l i o n s U t i l i t y T a x 2011 budget 2011 actual to date 2010 actual The following table presents utility tax collections by source: DI.E M o nt h l y F ina n c i a l R e p o r t Au gu s t 2 01 1 Page 5 of 18 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 M o n t h A c t u a l B u d g e t A c t u a l A m o u n t P e r c e n t a g e A m o u n t P e r c e n t a g e City Interfund Utility Taxes1,579,941 1,725,000 1,599,188 19,246 1.2%(125,812) -7.3%Electric 2,305,154 2,210,600 2,412,727 107,573 4.7%202,127 9.1%Natural Gas867,960 1,133,210 998,853 130,893 15.1%(134,357) -11.9%Telephone1,434,509 1,333,900 1,389,006 (45,503) -3.2%55,106 4.1%Solid Waste95,548 96,300 107,413 11,866 12.4%11,113 11.5%YTD Total6,283,112 6,499,010 6,507,186 224,074 3.6%8,176 0.1%Annual Total8,591,258 8,766,110 Y e a r t o D a t e t h r o u g h A u g u s t U t i l t y T a x b y T y p e 2 0 1 1 v s . 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 v s . B u d g e t Cable TV Franchise Fees are received quarterly and ar e shown on the ta ble below. Year-to -date revenue collections of $604,357 continue to outpace th e previous year and current year budget. $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter T h o u s a n d s C a b l e T V F r a n c h i s e F e e 2011 budget 2011 actual to date 2010 actual L i c e ns e s a n d P e r m i t s This revenue source is comprised of business licenses , building permits, plumbing, electric and other licenses and permit fees. At the end of August, the City has collected 108.3% of the annual projected revenue from licenses and permits. Building permit fees and Business licenses make up 80% of the annual budgeted revenue in this category . Total building permit revenues at the end of August w ere $816,850 ; this was $353 .4K or 76 .3 % more than the 2011 budgeted year to date revenues. T he increase in August is primarily due to permits related to multi-family construction and com mercial alterations. DI.E M o nt h l y F ina n c i a l R e p o r t Au gu s t 2 01 1 Page 6 of 18 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 M o n t h A c t u a l B u d g e t A c t u a l A m o u n t P e r c e n t a g e A m o u n t P e r c e n t a g e Jan88,175 59,900 78,928 (9,246) -10.5%19,028 31.8%Feb49,731 38,300 53,862 4,131 8.3%15,562 40.6%Mar43,796 37,500 40,897 (2,899) -6.6%3,397 9.1%Apr44,422 56,800 84,239 39,817 89.6%27,439 48.3%May96,244 61,500 104,495 8,252 8.6%42,995 69.9%Jun74,701 94,500 151,177 76,476 102.4%56,677 60.0%Jul72,745 64,300 178,330 105,585 145.1%114,030 177.3%Aug61,216 50,600 124,922 63,706 104.1%74,322 146.9%Sep55,073 42,600 0.0%0.0%Oct62,522 63,500 0.0%0.0%Nov31,192 38,300 0.0%0.0%Dec89,861 92,200 0.0%0.0%YTD Total531,028 463,400 816,850 285,822 53.8%353,450 76.3%Annual Total769,678 700,000 Y e a r t o D a t e t h r o u g h A u g u s t B u i l d i n g P e r m i t s 2 0 1 1 v s . 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 v s . B u d g e t Business License revenues at the end of August were $9.6 K more than 20 10 and $22.3K or 23.4 % more than the 2011 year to date budget. Revenues are higher compared to year to date budget and 2010 for the same period primarily due to increased outreach efforts to educate and contact businesses regarding licensing applications a nd renewals. $0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec T h o u s a n d s B u s i n e s s L i c e n s e 2011 budget 2011 actual to date 2010 actual DI.E M o nt h l y F ina n c i a l R e p o r t Au gu s t 2 01 1 Page 7 of 18 I nt e r g overnme n t a l Revenues in this category include Grants (Direct & Indirec t Federal, State and Local); State shared revenues and compact revenue from the Muckleshoot Indi an Tribe. At the end of August intergovernmental revenues were 5.7% more than 2010 and 5.7 % more than budget mainly due to the timing of grant reimbursements and the MIT com pact revenue. 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 R e v e n u e A c t u a l B u d g e t A c t u a l % C h a n g e % C h a n g e Federal Grants330,340 341,200 328,015 -0.7%-3.9%State Grants79,925 9,000 64,809 -18.9%620.1%Interlocal Grants105,871 27,300 3,151 -97.0%-88.5%State Shared Revenue1,672,435 1,705,745 1,746,446 4.4%2.4%Muckleshoot Casino Emerg.368,231 473,100 549,012 49.1%16.0%Intergovernmental Service- - 11,880 N/AN/A YTD Total2,556,802 2,556,345 2,703,313 5.7%5.7%Annual Total 4,089,803 4,069,745 YTD %63%63%66%Y e a r t o D a t e t h r o u g h A u g u s t I n t e r g o v e r n m e n t a l 2 0 1 1 v s . 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 v s . B u d g e t Total state shared revenues are $74 K greater than the same period 2010 due to the new revenue source for Criminal Justice-High crime. Based on cri me statistics, starting July 2010 the City began rec eiving this revenue source which partially offset a decrease in revenues from Criminal Justice ²Population. At the end of August , total state shared revenues are slightly exceeding budgeted levels. 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 R e v e n u e A c t u a l B u d g e t A c t u a l A m o u n t P e r c e n t a g e A m o u n t P e r c e n t a g e Trial Court Improvements16,999 17,500 16,851 (148) -0.9%(649) -3.71%Court Interpreter Program- 4,040 6,643 6,643 N/A2,603 64.42%Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax944,942 945,600 960,193 15,251 1.6%14,593 1.5%Criminal Justice -High Crime37,276 111,575 110,880 73,603 197.5%(695) -0.62%Criminal Justice -Population37,878 12,300 11,595 (26,284) -69.4%(705) -5.7%Criminal Justice -Spec. Prog.42,497 41,200 43,777 1,280 3.0%2,577 6.3%State DUI9,409 3,000 11,338 1,929 20.5%8,338 277.9%Fire Insurance Premium Tax63,545 65,000 66,116 2,572 4.0%1,116 1.72%Liquor Excise Tax244,986 252,300 249,869 4,882 2.0%(2,431) -1.0%Liquor Profits274,901 253,230 269,184 (5,716) -2.1%15,954 6.30%YTD Total1,672,435 1,705,745 1,746,446 74,012 4.4%40,701 2.4%Annual Total2,594,749 2,624,945 Y e a r t o D a t e t h r o u g h A u g u s t S t a t e S h a r e d R e v e n u e s 2 0 1 1 v s . 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 v s . B u d g e t DI.E M o nt h l y F ina n c i a l R e p o r t Au gu s t 2 01 1 Page 8 of 18 C h a r g e s f o r S e r v i c e s This revenue source consists of general governmental services, public safety, devel opment service fees and cultural & recreation fees. Development serv ices and culture & recreation revenues make up approximately 84% of the $1.78 million annual bud get for this category and are presented following the Charges for Service table below. At t he end of August , revenue from charges for services totaled $1.2 million an d was 7.2% below budget due to lower than anticipated revenues from development services and culture & recreation p rograms. General government services include passport services, administrative fees, court duplicating costs and sale of maps & publications. This income categ ory is low compared to 2010 primarily due to a decrease in court related administrative fees and passport services revenue. Public Safety consists of law enforcement services, probation and prisoner lodging fees; overall this revenue source is $13.1K or 8.8% more than budget at the end of August due to increased receipts from probation fees. 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 R e v e n u e A c t u a l B u d g e t A c t u a l A m o u n t P e r c e n t a g e A m o u n t P e r c e n t a g e General Government68,911 45,800 58,062 (10,849) -15.74%12,262 26.77%Public Safety154,863 149,500 162,649 7,786 5.0%13,149 8.8%Development Services375,689 400,300 360,065 (15,624) -4.2%(40,235) -10.1%Culture & Recreation673,013 681,000 604,436 (68,577) -10.2%(76,564) -11.2%YTD Total1,272,477 1,276,600 1,185,213 (87,264) -6.9%(91,387) -7.2%Annual Total1,861,204 1,785,100 Y e a r t o D a t e t h r o u g h A u g u s t C h a r g e s f o r S e r v i c e s b y T y p e 2 0 1 1 v s . 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 v s . B u d g e t Development services include engineering fees, zoning & subdivision fees and plan check fees. At the end of August , revenues totaled $360 .1K and are 4.2 % less than the same period in 2010. Total development service revenue is less than the bu dget for the year by $40 .2K or 10 .1 % primarily due to lower than anticipated engineering an d zoning & subdivision fees. $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec T h o u s a n d s D e v e l o p m e n t S e r v i c e Fe e s 2011 budget 2011 actual to date 2010 actual DI.E M o nt h l y F ina n c i a l R e p o r t Au gu s t 2 01 1 Page 9 of 18 Culture & Recreation revenues totaled $604K and consis t of theater ticket sales, recreational classes, arts commission and senior citizen program f ees. Collections are running below budget DQGSUHYLRXV\HDU·VSHUIRUPDQFHGXHWRlower recreational class revenue from adult health & fitness classes, adult softball program, youth camp and sports programs. $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 $1,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec T h o u s a n d s C u l t u r e & R e c r e a ti o n 2011 budget 2011 actual to date 2010 actual F i ne s & P e n a l t i e s This revenue category includes traffic and parking inf raction penalties, criminal (traffic, non traffic and costs) and false alarm fines. Collections in thi s category totaled $1.4M or 8.1 % lower than the projected budget, due primarily to lower photo e nforcement revenues. Revenue from the &LW\·VSKRWRHQIRUFHPHQWSURJUDPmakes up nearly half of total revenues from this cate gory. $0.0 $0.5 $1.0 $1.5 $2.0 $2.5 $3.0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec M i l l i o n s F i n e s & P e n a l t i e s 2011 budget 2011 actual to date 2010 actual DI.E M o nt h l y F ina n c i a l R e p o r t Au gu s t 2 01 1 Page 10 of 18 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 M o n t h A c t u a l B u d g e t A c t u a l A m o u n t P e r c e n t a g e A m o u n t P e r c e n t a g e Civil Penalties15,742 10,200 12,819 (2,923) -18.6%2,619 25.7%Civil Infraction Penalties528,080 384,400 457,386 (70,694) -13.4%72,986 19.0%Red Light Photo Enforcement891,790 860,700 643,882 (247,908) -27.8%(216,818) -25.2%Parking Infractions131,198 112,300 124,535 (6,663) -5.1%12,235 10.9%Criminal Traffic Misdemeanor67,871 76,300 58,696 (9,174) -13.5%(17,604) -23.1%Criminal Non-Traffic Fines79,209 65,700 59,578 (19,631) -24.8%(6,122) -9.3%Criminal Costs8,263 8,500 10,487 2,224 26.9%1,987 23.4%Non-Court Fines & Penalties60,318 32,900 57,290 (3,027) -5.0%24,390 74.1%YTD Total1,782,470 1,551,000 1,424,673 (357,796) -20.1%(126,327) -8.1%Annual Total2,472,411 2,208,500 Y e a r t o D a t e t h r o u g h A u g u s t F i n e s & F o r f e i t s b y T y p e 2 0 1 1 v s . 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 v s . B u d g e t $0.0 $0.2 $0.4 $0.6 $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 $1.4 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec M i l l i o n s P h o t o E n f o r c e m e n t 2011 budget 2011 actual to date 2010 actual M i s c e l l a n e o u s This revenue source is comprised of interest and oth er investment earnings, rents, leases & concessions, contributions & donations and other misc ellaneous income. The 2011 budget for this revenue category is $4 91 ,880 and interest & investment and rentals & leases make up 86% of the annual budget. Decreased interest earnings reflect impact of timing of investment activity and the low interest rates; the Local Government Investm ent Pool interest has decreased from 0.28% in January 2010 to 0.17% in August 2011. DI.E M o nt h l y F ina n c i a l R e p o r t Au gu s t 2 01 1 Page 11 of 18 The increase in rentals & leases compared to 2010 r evenue and 2011 year to date budget is primarily due to revenue from park facility rental dep osits. Other miscellaneous revenue is budgeted conservatively and year to date 2010 receipts are higher than 2011 for the same period due to a $95.7K reimburseme nt from the Crisis Clinic in March 2010. 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 M o n t h A c t u a l B u d g e t A c t u a l A m o u n t P e r c e n t a g e A m o u n t P e r c e n t a g e Interest & Investments103,981 82,000 54,344 (49,638) -47.7%(27,656) -33.7%Rents & Leases224,073 225,700 267,261 43,189 19.3%41,561 18.4%Contributions & Donations43,437 11,300 36,293 (7,144) -16.4%24,993 221.2%Other Miscellaneous Revenue148,156 39,880 81,766 (66,391) -44.8%41,886 105.0%YTD Total519,648 358,880 439,663 (79,984) -15.4%80,783 22.5%Annual Total899,378 491,880 M i s c e l l a n e o u s R e v e n u e s b y T y p e Y e a r t o D a t e t h r o u g h A u g u s t 2 0 1 1 v s . 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 v s . B u d g e t R e a l E s t a t e E x c i s e T a x The Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) revenue is receiv ed into the Capital Improvement Projects Fund and is used for governmental capital projects. Total revenue at the end of August is $1.1M or 35 .8% more than 2010 and $3 58 .2K or 50 .0% more than budget. Th e increase in REET revenue in August is primarily due to several multi-fam ily and a commercial property transactions. $0.0 $0.2 $0.4 $0.6 $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 $1.4 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec M i l l i o n s R e a l E s t a t e E x c i s e T a x 2011 budget 2011 actual to date 2010 actual DI.E M o nt h l y F ina n c i a l R e p o r t Au gu s t 2 01 1 Page 12 of 18 E nt e r p r i s e F u nd s The following table provides an analysis of all City Enterprise funds and shows the year to date revenues and expenditures for each enterprise fund. WaterSewerStormSolid WasteAirportCemeteryGolf OPERATING REVENUES Charges for services5,470,078 10,946,828 4,544,534 6,143,436 17,723 550,138 865,928 Rents, Leases, Concessions & Other- - - - 419,665 950 197,371 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES5,470,078 10,946,828 4,544,534 6,143,436 437,388 551,087 1,063,298 OPERATING EXPENSES:Administration 1,591,819 1,283,070 1,820,241 509,434 368,094 188,168 156,995 Operations & Maintenance2,635,204 10,294,439 1,693,839 5,330,094 109 456,332 776,179 Depreciation & Amortization1,389,728 1,075,820 858,157 12,546 266,728 38,769 216,178 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES5,616,750 12,653,329 4,372,237 5,852,075 634,932 683,268 1,149,352 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)(146,672) (1,706,501) 172,297 291,361 (197,543) (132,181) (86,054) NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES Interest Revenue 32,575 34,843 23,013 474 1,666 101 510 Other Non Operating Revenue 115,314 737,422 31,460 40,240 92,843 30 - Other Non Operating Expense(324,589) (152,781) (109,434) - (27,238) (11,134) (96,663) TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES)(176,701) 619,483 (54,961) 40,714 67,271 (11,003) (96,154) (323,373) (1,087,018) 117,336 332,075 (130,272) (143,184) (182,207) Contributions 201,216 172,453 388,662 - - - - Transfers In (96,000) 31,300 438,158 Transfers Out (50,000) (50,000) - - - - - TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS & TRANSFERS151,216 122,453 292,662 - - 31,300 438,158 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE(172,157) (964,565) 409,998 332,075 (130,272) (111,884) 255,951 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE, January 1, 201159,674,990 67,629,064 40,956,334 923,810 9,705,318 865,780 5,210,529 ENDING FUND BALANCE, August 31, 201159,502,833 66,664,499 41,366,332 1,255,885 9,575,046 753,896 5,466,480 INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS & TRANSFERS DI.E M o nt h l y F ina n c i a l R e p o r t Au gu s t 2 01 1 Page 13 of 18 The following table presents the Enterprise funds wor king capital statements. Working capital is generally defined as the difference between current a ssets and current liabilities. WaterSewerStormSolid WasteAirportCemeteryGolf OPERATING REVENUES Charges for services5,486,793 10,946,828 4,544,534 6,143,436 17,723 550,138 865,928 Rents, Leases, Concessions & Other- - - - 419,665 950 197,371 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES5,486,793 10,946,828 4,544,534 6,143,436 437,388 551,087 1,063,298 OPERATING EXPENSES:Salaries & Wages 1,358,200 925,630 1,192,321 276,676 12,673 314,015 371,419 Benefits 546,481 375,089 490,448 110,736 3,297 135,653 164,758 Supplies 152,520 39,124 37,353 39,051 - 113,370 169,713 Other Service Charges1,468,414 1,162,667 893,616 5,147,544 352,234 35,254 109,549 Intergovernmental Services- 8,548,729 10,579 140,857 - - - Interfund Operating Rentals/Supplies701,407 526,271 889,764 124,664 - 46,208 117,736 Depreciation & Amortization1,389,728 1,075,820 858,157 12,546 266,728 38,769 216,178 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES5,616,750 12,653,329 4,372,237 5,852,075 634,932 683,268 1,149,352 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)(129,958) (1,706,501) 172,297 291,361 (197,543) (132,181) (86,054) NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES Interest Revenue 32,575 34,843 23,013 474 1,666 101 510 Other Non Operating Revenue 98,599 737,422 31,460 40,240 600 30 - Other Non Operating Expense(324,589) (152,781) (109,434) - (27,238) (11,134) (96,663) TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES)(193,415) 619,483 (54,961) 40,714 (24,971) (11,003) (96,154) Plus Items Not Effecting Working Capital Depreciation 1,389,728 1,075,820 858,157 12,546 266,728 38,769 216,178 1,066,355 (11,198) 975,493 344,621 44,214 (104,414) 33,971 Increase in Contributions -System Development201,216 160,497 379,017 - - - - Increase in Contributions -Area Assessments- 11,956 9,644 - - - - Increase in Contributions -FAA- - - - 92,243 Operating Transfers In - - - - - 31,300 438,158 Increase in Restricted Net Assets 15,908 10,825 - - (5,318) - Decrease in Long term Receivables- 45,000 - - - - - Increase in Deferred Credits- - - - 10,312 - - TOTAL RESOURCES OTHER THAN OPERATIONS217,124 228,278 388,662 - 97,238 31,300 438,158 Net Change in Restricted Net Assets49,584 591 12,137 - (4,555) - (76,447) Increase in Fixed Assets - Salaries135,209 66,572 69,828 - - - - Increase in Fixed Assets - Benefits49,875 24,286 28,394 - - - - Increase in Fixed Assets - Site Improvements89,367 - - - - - - Increase in Fixed Assets - Equipment24,980 30,367 - - - 9,487 - Increase in Fixed Assets - Construction2,991,939 1,119,607 520,078 - 292,490 54,916 - Operating Transfers Out50,000 50,000 96,000 - - - - Debt Service Principal435,568 288,262 - - - - 59,375 TOTAL USES OTHER THAN OPERATIONS3,826,523 1,579,685 726,437 - 287,936 64,403 (17,072) NET CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL(2,543,044) (1,362,605) 637,718 344,621 (146,484) (137,517) 489,201 BEGINNING WORING CAPITAL, January 1, 201121,606,067 16,021,979 9,795,538 775,690 969,009 124,129 3,752 ENDING WORKING CAPITAL, August 31, 201119,063,024 14,659,374 10,433,256 1,120,311 822,525 (13,388) 492,952 NET CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL(2,543,044) (1,362,605) 637,718 344,621 (146,484) (137,517) 489,201 NET WORKING CAPITAL FROM OPERATIONS DI.E M o nt h l y F ina n c i a l R e p o r t Au gu s t 2 01 1 Page 14 of 18 The Water utility incurred an operating loss at the e nd of August, reflecting a decline in water sales. Water sales totaled $5.5 million compared to $5.9 million for the same period last year. While water usage in August increased as a result of greater usage by irrigation customers, this increase was not enough to offset the year-to -date operating loss. The year-to -date loss is a result of the loss of Covington as a wholesale water custom er an d a general decrease in water usage among other City customer classes due to unseasonabl y cool weather during the first half of the year. As shown in the following chart, water sales and consu mption in 2011 is trending below prior year levels.1 Despite rates increase of 7% effective January 1, 20 11, the decline in water consumption more than offset the increase in rates. Although wa ter sales increased during the month of August , overall sales for 2011 will likely remain below 2010 levels for the remainder of the year. Finance will present an analysis of the fi nancial condition of the water fund as part of the overall City Utility funds financial forecast and u pdate in mid October. -200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 Water Revenues ($) vs Water Sold (ccf)2010 -Present 2010 Water Sales ($)2011 Water Sales ($)2010 Water Sold (ccf)2011 Water Sold (ccf)The decline in water usage is also affecting the Sewe r fund. The Sewer fund operating loss at the end of August is due to a combination of lower revenues associated with decreased water consumption and increased expenses related to the Metr o sewer treatment services. Year to date Metro billings for 2011 totaled $8.5M and compares t o $7.3M for the same period 2010. Billings for sewer treatment services are based on the average number of residential customer equivalents for the previous 12 months and include adjustments fo r Boeing and GSA during 2010. Billings for sewer treatment services are not expected to normalize until the 3 rd quarter 2011 when the effects of the timing of these adjustments are worked through the Metro billing cycle. 1 May 2010 water sales and consumption reflect a one-time adjus tment for Boeing while the change in water sales and co nsumption between April 2011 and May 2011 reflect a one-time adjustmen t for the Auburn School District. First quarter 2011 and May 2011 water sales have been adjusted to reflect wholesale water back bills for January, February and March 2011. DI.E M o nt h l y F ina n c i a l R e p o r t Au gu s t 2 01 1 Page 15 of 18 Solid Waste operating expenses are low due to timing of invoices form Waste Management. August billing of $6 32 ,558 was posted in September. Golf Course operating revenu es at the end of August totaled $1.1M and is almost e qual for the same period in 2010. This revenue is low compared to year to date budget of $1.3 million , due to a decline in the level of golfing activity during the first half of the year. Although recent weather conditions have improved and resulted in 7,6 12 rounds played for August 2011 (vs. 7,216 in 2010), year-to -date rounds played are currently running about 5% be low 2010 levels (35 ,157 rounds played in 2011 vs. 37 ,130 rounds in 2010). Despite gains in revenues duri ng the summer months the Golf course is anticipated to expe rience operating losses for the remainder of 2011. Cemetery operating revenues totaled $551.1K at the e nd of August and compares to $494.5K for the same period last year. While 2011 collections a re up over last year, the Cemetery ended August with a year-to -date operating loss. A request to transfer $200K f rom the City ·s Cumulative Reserve fund to the Cemetery fund will be initiated by the Finance Department and included in the final 2011 budget adjustment to Counci l (November 2011). $0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 $350 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec T h o u s a n d s G o l f C o u r s e O p e r a t i n g R e v e n u e s b y M o n th (2 0 1 1 v s 2 0 1 0 )2010 Monthly Budget 2011 Actual 2010 Actual $0 $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec T h o u s a n d s C e m e t e r y O p e r a t i n g R e v e n u e s b y M o n t h (2 0 1 1 v s 2 0 1 0 )2010 Monthly Budget 2011 Actual 2010 Actual DI.E M o nt h l y F ina n c i a l R e p o r t Au gu s t 2 01 1 Page 16 of 18 Inte r na l S e r v i c e F u nd s The table below provides an analysis of all City Inter nal Service funds and shows the year to date revenues and expenditures for each fund. InformationEquipment InsuranceFacilities ServicesRental OPERATING REVENUES:Interfund Charges for services - 2,588,864 2,772,952 426,066 Rents, Leases, Concessions & Other - 73,791 30,698 1,475,256 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES - 2,662,655 2,803,650 1,901,322 OPERATING EXPENSES:Administration 489,933 - 164,400 458,009 Operations & Maintenance - 1,315,190 2,344,228 856,261 Depreciation & Amortization - - 307,635 565,226 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 489,933 1,315,190 2,816,263 1,879,496 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)(489,933) 1,347,465 (12,613) 21,826 NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES Interest Revenue 2,293 1,875 5,830 7,331 Other Non Operating Revenue - 32,439 - 34,577 Other Non Operating Expense - - - - TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES)2,293 34,314 5,830 41,907 INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS & TRANSFERS(487,641) 1,381,779 (6,783) 63,733 Contributions - - - Transfers In Transfers Out - (437,500) (7,000) TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS & TRANSFERS- (437,500) - (7,000) CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (487,641) 944,279 (6,783) 56,733 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE, January 1, 20112,366,832 661,686 4,918,922 10,611,968 ENDING FUND BALANCE, August 31, 20111,879,192 1,605,965 4,912,139 10,668,701 DI.E M o nt h l y F ina n c i a l R e p o r t Au gu s t 2 01 1 Page 17 of 18 The working capital statements for the Internal Serv ice funds are presented on the table below. InformationEquipment InsuranceFacilities ServicesRental OPERATING REVENUES:Interfund Charges for services - 2,588,864 2,772,952 426,066 Rents, Leases, Concessions & Other - 73,791 30,698 1,475,256 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES - 2,662,655 2,803,650 1,901,322 OPERATING EXPENSES:Salaries & Wages - 434,083 833,386 245,431 Benefits 132,633 174,756 289,733 91,453 Supplies - 55,197 96,493 562,488 Other Service Charges 357,301 590,890 1,075,816 258,967 Interfund Operating Rentals/Supplies - 60,264 213,200 155,929 Depreciation & Amortization - - 307,635 565,226 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 489,933 1,315,190 2,816,263 1,879,496 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)(489,933) 1,347,465 (12,613) 21,826 NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES Interest Revenue 2,293 1,875 5,830 7,331 Other Non Operating Revenue - 22,023 - 34,577 Other Non Operating Expense - - - - TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES)2,293 23,897 5,830 41,907 Plus Items Not Effecting Working Capital Depreciation - - 307,635 565,226 (487,641) 1,371,362 300,852 628,960 Increase in Contributions -Other Government- 10,417 - - Transfers In - - - TOTAL RESOURCES OTHER THAN OPERATIONS- 10,417 - - Net Change in Restricted Net Assets - 1,200 - (8,569) Increase in Fixed Assets - Equipment - - 171,863 61,242 Increase in Fixed Assets - Construction- - 78,922 5,072 Operating Transfers Out - 437,500 - 7,000 TOTAL USES OTHER THAN OPERATIONS- 438,700 250,784 64,745 NET CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL(487,641) 943,079 50,068 564,215 BEGINNING WORING CAPITAL, January 1, 20112,366,832 714,944 3,949,793 5,826,195 ENDING WORKING CAPITAL, August 31, 20111,879,192 1,658,023 3,999,861 6,390,410 NET CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL(487,641) 943,079 50,068 564,215 NET WORKING CAPITAL FROM OPERATIONS The Insurance Fund expenses include a $354 K balance of the annual insurance payment. This amount will be decreasing throughout the year as the expense is being allocated to variou s departments and funds on a monthly journal entry. The Facilities Fund revenues of $2.7M cover expenses totaling $1.8M (including $437 ,5 00 in debt service related to the annex building). Expenses are low compared to budget due to professional services , utilities and repairs and maintenance that are antici pated to be spent later in the year. Equipment rental fund balance of $10.7M includes $4.3 M in fixed assets net of depreciation which primarily consists RIWKH&LW\·VIOHHW vehicles. DI.E M o nt h l y F ina n c i a l R e p o r t Au gu s t 2 01 1 Page 18 of 18 C o nt a c t Inf or m a t i o n This report is prepared by the Finance Department. Ad ditional financial information can also be viewed at our website: http://www.auburnwa.gov/. For any questions about the report please contact us at mchaw@auburnwa.gov or scoleman@auburnwa.gov . DI.E SALES TAX SUMMARY AUG 2011 SALES TAX DISTRIBUTIONS (FOR JUN 2011 RETAIL ACTIVI TY )10 Total10 YTD11 YTDYTD 10 Total10 YTD11 YTDYTD NAICSCONSTRUCTION (NOV-OCT)(NOV-JUN)(NOV-JUN)% Dif f NAICS A UTOMOTIVE(NOV-OCT)(NOV-JUN)(NOV-JUN)% Dif f 236Construction of Buildings 607,355 366,561 349,986 -4.5%441Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealer2,346,944 1,506,907 1,678,364 11.4%237Heavy and Civil Construction121,822 73,676 55,148 -25.1%447Gasoline Stations 210,961 133,850 143,710 7.4%238Specialty Trade Contractors594,645 353,431 388,386 9.9%TOTAL AUTOMOTIVE2,557,905 $ 1,640,757 $ 1,822,074 $ 11.1%TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 1,323,822 $ 793,667 $ 793,520 $ 0.0%Overall Change from Previous Year 181,317 $ Overall Change from Previous Year (147)$ 10 Total10 YTD11 YTDYTD 10 Total10 YTD11 YTDYTDNAICSRETAIL TRADE(NOV-OCT)(NOV-JUN)(NOV-JU N)% Dif f NAICSMANUFACTURING(NOV-OCT)(NOV-JUN)(NOV-JUN)% Dif f 442Furniture and Home Furnishings193,852 131,716 144,518 9.7%311Food Manufacturing 2,062 1,573 1,738 10.5%443Electronics and Appliances120,703 80,843 91,415 13.1%312Beverage and Tobacco Products3,610 2,282 2,388 4.7%444Building Material and Garden389,137 254,556 245,384 -3.6%313Textile Mills 121 57 927 1532.0%445Food and Bevera g e Stores351 ,329 226 ,386 217 ,168 -4.1%313 Textile Mills 121 57 927 1532.0%445 Food and Beverage Stores 351,329 226,386 217,168 4.1%314Textile Product Mills 1,682 875 1,451 65.9%446Health and Personal Care Store143 ,820 97,161 101,257 4.2%315Apparel Manufacturing 2,202 2,086 2,411 15.6%448Clothing and Accessories730,903 484,862 510,051 5.2%316Leather and Allied Products 45 37 161 331.0%451Sporting Goods, Hobby, Books1 16,615 82,620 88,297 6.9%321Wood Product Manufacturing30,078 22,500 14,565 -35.3%452General Merchandise Stores801,501 539,804 673,619 24.8%322Paper Manufacturing 10,842 7,321 9,382 28.2%453Miscellaneous Store Retailers504,3 03 332,995 314,880 -5.4%323Printing and Related Support43,243 27,547 26,441 -4.0%454Nonstore Retailers 234,807 154,094 160,117 3.9%324Petroleum and Coal Products3,320 2,123 6,483 205.4%TOTAL RETAIL TRADE3,586,970 $ 2,385,037 $ 2,546,706 $ 6.8%325Chemical Manufacturing 8,684 4,764 4,835 1.5%Overall Change from Previous Year 161,669 $ 326Plastics and Rubber Products9,254 6,258 6,838 9.3%327Nonmetallic Mineral Products19,031 9,574 9,830 2.7%331Primary Metal Manufacturing 189 74 171 131.2%10 Total10 YTD11 YTDYTD 332Fabricated Metal Product Manu f 17,110 11,386 12,994 14.1%NAICSSERVICES(NOV-OCT)(NOV-JUN)(NOV-JUN)% Dif f 333Machinery Manufacturing 13,445 8,938 9,397 5.1%51*Information (see footnote)638,64 5 503,098 267,947 -46.7%334Computer and Electronic Produc12,773 6,721 13,738 104.4%52*Finance and Insurance68,357 43,721 46,436 6.2%335Electric Equipment, Appliances 192 111 464 317.3%53*Real Estate, Rental, Leasi ng288,013 189,821 192,649 1.5%336Transportation Equipment Man186,247 114,851 264,952 130.7%541Professional, Scientific, Tech188,696 125,291 128,575 2.6%337Furniture and Related Products12,784 7,378 8,006 8.5%551Company Management 165 112 107 -4.1%339 MillMfti 27899 19619 18315 66%56*AdiSRdS 234384 135412 204731 512%339Miscellaneous Manufacturing27,899 19,619 18,315 -6.6%56*Admin. Supp., Remed Svcs234,384 135,412 204,731 51.2%TOTAL MANUFACTURING404,813 $ 256,074 $ 415,487 $ 62.3%611Educational Services 55,877 34,252 35,848 4.7%Overall Change from Previous Year 159,413 $ 62*Health Care Social Assistannce37,475 24,143 25,224 4.5%71*Arts and Entertainment153,918 115,909 111,395 -3.9%72*Accomodation and Food Svcs806,733 526,648 543,276 3.2%10 Total10 YTD11 YTDYTD 81*Other Services 385,105 256,961 261,890 1.9%NAICSTRANSPORTATION AND WAREHOUSING(NOV-OCT)(NOV-JUN)(NOV-JUN)% Dif f 92*Public Administration 109,678 70,580 59,808 -15.3%481Air Transportation - - 24 N/A TOTAL SERVICES2,967,046 $ 2,025,947 $ 1,877,884 $ -7.3%482Rail Transportation 4,500 3,978 11,280 183.5%Overall Change from Previous Year (148,063)$ 484Truck Transportation 7,660 4,834 33,314 589.1%485Transit and Ground Passengers 57 57 68 20.4%488Transportation Support 13,207 8,351 12,077 44.6%10 Total10 YTD11 YTDYTD 491Postal Service 194 140 137 -2.0%NAICSMISCELLANEOUS(NOV-OCT)(NOV-JUN)(NOV-JUN)% Dif f 492Couriers and Messengers 993 829 807 -2.7%000Unknown 754 754 383 -49.2%493Warehousing and Storage 2,574 1,680 2,025 20.5%111-115Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing2,8 39 1,809 6,580 263.7%TOTAL TRANSPORTATION29,185 $ 19,869 $ 59,732 $ 200.6%211-221Mining & Utilities 22,364 13,592 11,732 -13.7%Overall Change from Previous Year 39,863 $ 999Unclassifiable Establishments102,180 78,659 175,318 122.9%TOTALSERVICES 128,138 $94,814 $194,014 $104.6%TOTAL SERVICES 128 ,138 $ 94 ,814 $ 194 ,014 $ 104 .6%Overall Change from Previous Year 99,200 $ 10 Total10 YTD11 YTDYTD NAICSWHOLESALE TRADE(NOV-OCT)(NOV-JUN)(NOV-JUN)% Dif f 423Wholesale Trade, Durable Goods1,020,802 637,542 733,306 15.0%GRAND TOTAL 12,183,319 $ 7,961,464 $ 8,548,539 $ 424Wholesale Trade, Nondurable160,317 106,274 101,233 -4.7%Overall Change from Previous Yea r 587,07 6 $ 7.4%425Wholesale Electronic Markets4,320 1,481 4,583 209.4%TOTAL WHOLESALE 1,185,440 $ 745,297 $ 839,122 $ 12.6%Overall Change from Previous Year 93,825 $ August 22, 2011 file:Monthly Sales Tax Report.xls Prepared by Auburn Financial Planning DI.E InvestmentPurchasePurchaseMaturityYield to TypeDatePriceDateMaturity State Investment PoolVarious95,052,093 $ Various0.17%KeyBank Money MarketVarious6,904,471Various0.10%US Treasury05/04/199057,75005/15/20165.72%FHLB3/28/20112,000,0003/28/20141.300%FHLB6/13/20112,000,0006/13/20141.150%FHLMC5/27/20112,000,0002/28/20141.250%FFCB6/6/20112,000,0006/6/20141.180% Total Cash & Investments110,014,314 $ 0.225%Investment Mix% of Total State Investment Pool86.4%Current 6-month treasury rate0.06%KeyBank Money Market6.3%Current State Pool rate0.17%US Treasury0.1%KeyBank Money Market0.10%FHLB3.6%Blended Auburn rate0.23%FHLMC1.8%FFCB1.8%100.0%City of Auburn Investment Portfolio Summary As of August 31, 2011 Summary DI.E AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Utility Financial Condition Date: October 11, 2011 Department: Finance Attachments: Utility Financial Condition Presentation Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation:Background Summary:For discussion only. Reviewed by Council Committees:Finance, Public Works Councilmember:Backus Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:October 17, 2011 Item Number:DI.F AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED DI.F DI.F DI.F DI.F DI.F DI.F DI.F DI.F DI.F DI.F AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Agreement to Exchange Real Property - Green River Community College Date: October 12, 2011 Department: Human Resources Attachments: Resolution 4762 Agreement to Exchange Real Property Slope Easement Right of Way Dedication Deed Utility Easement Water & Storm Drainage Easement Recreational Use Agreement Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation:City Council adopt Resolution 4762.Background Summary:City Council authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk t o execute agreements between the City of Auburn and State of Washington for an excha nge of property and for joint use and maintenance of property. Reviewed by Council Committees:Finance, Planning And Community Development Councilmember:Staff:Heineman Meeting Date:October 17, 2011 Item Number:DI.G AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED DI.G -------------------------------------- Resolution No. 4762 October 12, 2011 Page 1 of 3 RESOLUTION NO. 4 7 6 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DECLARING CERTAIN CITY PROPERTY AS SURPLUS, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR AN EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY AND FOR JOINT USE AND MAINTENANCE OF PROPERTY WHEREAS, the City owns Lea Hill Park, which is currentl y developed for a softball and baseball diamond, tennis courts, and asso ciated parking. It is primarily used by the State for intercollegiate sports activities; and WHEREAS, the State owns a parcel of land collectively referred to as the Martin property; and WHEREAS, the State is a primary user of Lea Hill Par k and has made improvements to the facility. The State and the City cooperatively maintain Lea Hill Park; and WHEREAS, the City and State desire to exchange the a forementioned properties in furtherance of the long-term interests o f the City and State; and WHEREAS, The City and State, through the Green River Community College, wish to amend and extend their current Agre ement for joint use and maintenance of their respective facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUB URN, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows : DI.G -------------------------------------- Resolution No. 4762 October 12, 2011 Page 2 of 3 Section 1. The City property known as Lea Hill Park, more particu larly described at Exhibit “A” is declared to be surplus. Section 2. The Mayor of the City of Auburn and the Auburn City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement betwee n the City of Auburn and the State of Washington for the exchange of the Lea Hill Park property with State-owned property known as the “Martin Property,” more particularly described in Exhibit B, which Agreement shall be in sub stantial conformity with the Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit “C.” Section 3. The Mayor of the City of Auburn and the Auburn Cit y Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement betwee n the City of Auburn and Green River Community College for Recreation Faci lity Use, which Agreement shall be in substantial conformity with the A greement a copy of which is attached hereto, marked as Exhibit “D” and in corporated herein by this reference. Section 4. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry ou t the directives of this legislation. Section 5. This resolution shall be in full force and effect upo n passage and signatures hereon. DI.G -------------------------------------- Resolution No. 4762 October 12, 2011 Page 3 of 3 Dated and signed this _____ day of _________________, 2011 CITY OF AUBURN _______________________________ PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST: _________________________ Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________ Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney DI.G Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 1 of 6 Return Address: City of Auburn City Clerk 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98001-4998 Above this line reserved for recording information RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION DEED FAC10-0005 Reference # (if applicable): N/A Grantor/Borrower: State of Washington, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Grantee/Assignee/Beneficiary: City of Auburn Legal Description/STR: SW ¼ S9 – T21N – R5E Assessor’s Tax Parcel ID#: A PORTION OF 092105-9020 The Grantor, State of Washington, State Board for Community and Tech nical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of Ente rprise Services, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00), and other good and valuable considera tion, in hand paid, dedicate and convey to the Grantee, CITY OF AUBURN a munici pal corporation of the State of Washington, an easement for right of way, public stre et and public utility purposes, to the same effect as if acquired by eminent domain under the la ws of the State of Washington, the following described real property: A Right-of-Way described as follows: S ituated in the County of King, State of Washington. SEE EXHIBITS ‘A’ AND ‘B’ ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THI S REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. DI.G Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 2 of 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties subscribe their nam es. STATE OF WASHINGTON State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College Acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Howard S. Cox, Chief Property Officer Facilities Division Real Estate Services Date: Jane Rushford, Deputy Director Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Date: Assistant Attorney General DI.G Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 3 of 6 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby cer tify that on this _________ day of ____________________, 20______, personally appeared before me HOWARD S. C OX, Chief Property Officer, Division of Facilities , Real Estate Services, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individ ual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowl edged that he signed and sealed the same as the fre e and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the p urposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath sta ted that he was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first ab ove written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washing ton, Residing at My commission expires STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby cer tify that on this _________ day of ____________________, 20______, personally appeared before me JANE RUSHFO RD, Deputy Director, Department of Enterprise Serv ices, State of Washington, to me known to be the individu al described in and who executed the within instrum ent, and acknowledged that she signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Departm ent, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath st ated that she was duly authorized to execute said d ocument. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first ab ove written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washing ton, Residing at My commission expires HS/tlb File: #1290 DI.G Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 4 of 6 REF: H:\Development\Projects\GRCC - 124 TH ST IMP\Legal Documents\2011 DI.G Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 5 of 6 DI.G Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 6 of 6 DI.G After recording return document to: City of Auburn ATTN: City Clerk 25 West Main Street Auburn, Washington 98001-4998 Document Title: Slope Easement FAC I 0·0005 Grantor: State of Washington, State Board . For Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Departm ent of Enterprise Services Grantee: City of Auburn Legal Description: SW ¼ S9-T21N-R5E Assessor's Tax Parcel Number: a portion of 092105-9020 SLOPE EASEMENT The Grantor, State of Washington, State Board for Community a nd Technical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of Enterprise Services for and in consideration of mutual and offsetting benefits, does hereby quitclaim and convey unto the City of Auburn a m unicipal corporation of the State of Washington , and its agents or assigns a permanent, non-exclusive slope easement over, under, upon and across the real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, together wi th the rights of ingress and egress for the purpose of constructing and maintaining the slope improvements to be constructed by Grantee, including grading, stock piling, excavating and restoring the real property and/or the slope improvements . The slope easement is described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorpora ted by these references. Upon completion of construction of the slope improvements, Grantee shall restore the easement area to a condition as close as reasonably possible to its pre construction condition while maintaining the integrity of the slope improvements , or to such other state of restoration as mutually agreed upon by the parties. Grantor shall not perform any activities that may damage improvements built or constructed within the easement areas, including the planting of veget ation with damaging root structures or performing any excavati on that would have the effect of weakening the support said improvements. Said Grantee shall have the right, without prior institution of any suit or proceeding at law, at times as may be necessary to enter upon said easement for the purpose of constructing roadway improvements without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefore, DI.G Slope Easement Page 2 of 7 provided that such construction shall be accomplished in such a manner that existing improvements shall not be disturbed or destroyed, or in the event they are disturbed or destroyed, they will be replaced in as good a condition as they were immediately before the property was entered upon by the Grantee, The parties intend that the benefits, burdens, and o bligations set forth in this Easement shall run with the land and shall be bi nding on the successors, heirs and assign of parties hereto . Dated this ___________ day of ____________________, 2011. ACCEPTED BY: STATE OF WASHINGTON State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College By: Dennis R. Dowdy Acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Title: Howard S. Cox, Chief Property Officer Division of Facilities, Real Estate Services Date: Date: Jane Rushford, Deputy Director Title: Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Assistant Attorney General Date: DI.G Slope Easement Page 3 of 7 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. COUNTY OF THURSTON ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby cert ify that on this day of , 20 , personally appeared before me HOWARD S. COX, Chie f Property Officer, Division of Facilities, Real Estate Services, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individ ual described in and who executed the within instrument , and acknowledged that he signed and sealed the sa me as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Departme nt, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, an d on oath stated that he was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at My appointment expires STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. COUNTY OF THURSTON ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby cert ify that on this day of , 20 , personally appeared before me JANE RUSHFORD, Depu ty Director, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be th e individual described in and who executed the with in instrument, and acknowledged that she signed and se aled the same as the free and voluntary act and dee d of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein menti oned, and on oath stated that she was duly authoriz ed to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at My appointment expires DI.G Slope Easement Page 4 of 7 DI.G Slope Easement Page 5 of 7 DI.G Slope Easement Page 6 of 7 DI.G Slope Easement Page 7 of 7 DI.G Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 1 of 6 Return Address: City of Auburn City Clerk 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98001-4998 Above this line reserved for recording information RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION DEED FAC10-0005 Reference # (if applicable): N/A Grantor/Borrower: State of Washington, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Grantee/Assignee/Beneficiary: City of Auburn Legal Description/STR: SW ¼ S9 – T21N – R5E Assessor’s Tax Parcel ID#: A PORTION OF 092105-9020 The Grantor, State of Washington, State Board for Community and Tech nical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of Ente rprise Services, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00), and other good and valuable considera tion, in hand paid, dedicate and convey to the Grantee, CITY OF AUBURN a munici pal corporation of the State of Washington, an easement for right of way, public stre et and public utility purposes, to the same effect as if acquired by eminent domain under the la ws of the State of Washington, the following described real property: A Right-of-Way described as follows: S ituated in the County of King, State of Washington. SEE EXHIBITS ‘A’ AND ‘B’ ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THI S REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. DI.G Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 2 of 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties subscribe their nam es. STATE OF WASHINGTON State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College Acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Howard S. Cox, Chief Property Officer Facilities Division Real Estate Services Date: Jane Rushford, Deputy Director Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Date: Assistant Attorney General DI.G Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 3 of 6 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby cer tify that on this _________ day of ____________________, 20______, personally appeared before me HOWARD S. C OX, Chief Property Officer, Division of Facilities , Real Estate Services, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individ ual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowl edged that he signed and sealed the same as the fre e and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the p urposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath sta ted that he was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first ab ove written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washing ton, Residing at My commission expires STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby cer tify that on this _________ day of ____________________, 20______, personally appeared before me JANE RUSHFO RD, Deputy Director, Department of Enterprise Serv ices, State of Washington, to me known to be the individu al described in and who executed the within instrum ent, and acknowledged that she signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Departm ent, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath st ated that she was duly authorized to execute said d ocument. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first ab ove written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washing ton, Residing at My commission expires HS/tlb File: #1290 DI.G Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 4 of 6 REF: H:\Development\Projects\GRCC - 124 TH ST IMP\Legal Documents\2011 DI.G Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 5 of 6 DI.G Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 6 of 6 DI.G Utility Easement Page 1 of 7 Return Address: City of Auburn City Clerk 25 West Main Auburn, WA 98001 Above this line reserved for recording information. UTILITY EASEMENT FAC10-0005 Reference # (if applicable): N/A Grantor/Borrower: State of Washington, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Grantee/Assignee/Beneficiary: City of Auburn Legal Description/STR: SW ¼ S9 – T21N – R5E Assessor’s Tax Parcel ID#: A portion of 092105-9020 For and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and f or benefits to be derived by the Grantor herein, Grantor, Green River Community College hereby conveys and warrants to the City of Auburn, Grantee herein, a municipal cor poration of King County, Washington, its successors and assigns, a perpetual Nonexclusi ve Easement under, over, through and across the following described real property (“Ea sement Area”) for the purpose of laying, maintaining, and installing street lighting cabinet, telecommunications pull box , AND APPURTENANCES THEREOF, said Easement Area being a portion of the above-designated Tax Parcel (“Pare nt Parcel”), and described as follows: SEE EXHIBITS “A” AND “B”, ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. Said Grantee shall have the right, at times as may be necessary, for imm ediate entry upon said Easement Area for the purpose of maintenance, insp ection, construction, repair or reconstruction of the above improvements without incurring a ny legal obligation or liability for said entry that is not caused by the Grantee’s negligence. Said Grantee shall have the right to place any type of driving surface withi n said Easement Area deemed necessary by the Grantee. DI.G Utility Easement Page 2 of 7 Said Grantor shall not, in any way block, restrict or impede full use of the r eal property within the above-described Easement Area by said Gr antee for the above-described purposes. No building, wall, rockery, fence, trees or str ucture of any kind shall be erected or planted, nor shall any fill material be placed within the boundaries of said Easement Area, without the express written consent of the City. With City permission, Grantor may fence across said Easement Area and/or along the bounda ries of said Easement Area and the Parent Parcel, provided that a gate is c onstructed in said fence. Said gate shall be of sufficient length and location to allow the Grantee full use of, and access and egress to and from the Easement Area. If said gat e is to be locked, keys shall be provided to the Grantee. Without the written approval of the Grantee, the Grantor shall make no excavation within three (3) feet of said lighting or telecommunications servi ce facilities or change the surface level of the ground within the Easement Area from the curr ent elevation. The Grantee shall not unreasonably withhold such approval. Said Grantor grants to the City the right of ingress and egress to the Eas ement Area over and across all paved, graveled, or otherwise improved drivew ays or parking lots within the Parent Parcel. If direct access to the Easeme nt Area is not available from such driveways or parking lots, the City’s right of ingress and egres s shall include such other areas within the Parent Parcel as the City determines are necessary to access the Easement Area from such driveways and parking lots or from the Parent Parc el’s boundaries. In the case of any damage or disruption of the Parent Parcel, the City s hall return the property to a condition as good as or better than it existed immediately before entry and/or work was made thereon by the City or its agents. Said Grantor additionally grants to the City, the use of such additional area immediately adjacent to said Easement Area as shall be re quired for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance and operation of said lighting or telecommunicati ons facilities. The use of such additional area shall be held to a reasonable minim um and in the case of any damage or disruption of the Parent Parcel, the City shall r eturn the property to a condition as good as or better than its condition as it existed imm ediately before entry and/or work was made thereon by the City or its agents. In addition to the other restri ctions herein, Grantor shall not convey to a third party any easement or othe r right of usage in the Parent Parcel that would impair or limit the City’s use of the Easement Are a. The parties intend that the benefits, burdens, and obligations set forth in this Easement shall run with the Parent Parcel and burden said real e state, and shall be binding on the successors, heirs and assigns of all parties hereto. DI.G Utility Easement Page 3 of 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties subscribe their nam es. STATE OF WASHINGTON State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College Acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Howard S. Cox, Chief Property Officer Facilities Division Real Estate Services Date: Jane Rushford, Deputy Director Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Date: Assistant Attorney General DI.G Utility Easement Page 4 of 7 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby cer tify that on this _________ day of ____________________, 20______, personally appeared before me HOWARD S. COX, Chief Property Officer, Division of Facilities, Real Estate Servi ces, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Wa shington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged th at he signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntar y act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was d uly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washing ton, Residing at My commission expires STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby cer tify that on this _________ day of ____________________, 20______, personally appeared before me JANE RUSHFORD, Deputy Director, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washing ton, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged th at she signed and sealed the same as the free and v oluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes an d uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that s he was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washing ton, Residing at My commission expires HS/tlb File: #1290 REF: H:\Development\Projects\GRCC - 124 TH ST IMP\Legal Documents\2011 DI.G Utility Easement Page 5 of 7 DI.G Utility Easement Page 6 of 7 DI.G Utility Easement Page 7 of 7 DI.G Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 1 of 8 Return Address: City of Auburn City Clerk 25 West Main Auburn, WA 98001 Above this line reserved for recording information. WATER AND STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT FAC10-0005 Reference # (if applicable): N/A Grantor/Borrower: State of Washington, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Grantee/Assignee/Beneficiary: City of Auburn Legal Description/STR: SW ¼ S9 – T21N – R5E Assessor’s Tax Parcel ID#: a portion of 092105-9020 For and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and f or benefits to be derived by the Grantor herein, Grantor, Green River Community College hereby conveys and warrants to the City of Auburn, Grantee herein, a municipal cor poration of King County, Washington, its successors and assigns, a perpetual Nonexclusi ve Easement under, over, through and across the following described real property (“Ea sement Area”) for the purpose of laying, maintaining, and installing water main line, storm drainage line, storm drainage treatment wet-pond , AND APPURTENANCES THEREOF, said Easement Area being a portion of the above-designated Tax Parce l (“Parent Parcel”), and described as follows: SEE EXHIBITS “A” AND “B”, ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. Said Grantee shall have the absolute right, at times as may be necessary , for immediate entry upon said Easement Area for the purpose of mai ntenance, inspection, construction, repair or reconstruction of the above improvements without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefore. DI.G Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 2 of 8 S aid Grantee shall have the absolute right to place any type of driving surfa ce within said Easement Area deemed necessary by the Grantee. Said Grantor shall not in any way block, restrict or impede access and egre ss to or from said Easement Area, and/or in any way block, restrict or im pede full use of the real property within the above-described Easement Area by said Gr antee for the above-described purposes. No building, wall, rockery, fence, trees or str ucture of any kind shall be erected or planted, nor shall any fill material be placed within the boundaries of said Easement Area, without the express written consent of the City. With City permission, Grantor may fence across said Easement Area and/or along the bounda ries of said Easement Area, provided that a gate is constructed in said fence. Said gate shall be of sufficient length and location to allow the Grantee full use of, and a ccess and egress to and from the Easement Area. If said gate is to be locked, keys shall be provided to t he Grantee. No excavation shall be made within three (3) feet of said water or storm service facilities and the surface level of the ground within the Easement Area shall be maintained at the elevation as currently existing. Said Grantor grants to the City the right of ingress and egress to the Eas ement Area over and across all paved, graveled, or otherwise improved drivew ays or parking lots within the Parent Parcel. If direct access to the Easement Area is not available from such driveways or parking lots, the City’s right of ingress and egres s shall include such other areas within the Parent Parcel as the City determines are necessary to access the Easement Area from such driveways and parking lots or from the Parent Parc el’s boundaries. In the case of any damage or disruption of the Parent Parcel, the City s hall return the property to a condition reasonably comparable to its condition as it existed imm ediately before entry and/or work was made thereon by the City or its agents. Said Grantor additionally grants to the City, the use of such additional area immediately adjacent to said Easement Area as shall be re quired for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance and operation of said water or storm fac ilities. The use of such additional area shall be held to a reasonable minimum and in the case of any damage or disruption of the Parent Parcel, the City shall return the pr operty to a condition reasonably comparable to its condition as it existed immediate ly before entry and/or work was made thereon by the City or its agents. In addition to the othe r restrictions herein, Grantor shall not convey to a third party any easement or other rig ht of usage in the Parent Parcel that would impair or limit the City’s use of the Easement Area. This Easement shall be a covenant running with the Parent Parcel and burden said real estate, and shall be binding on the successors, heirs and assigns of all pa rties hereto. DI.G Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 3 of 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties subscribe their nam es. STATE OF WASHINGTON State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College Acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Howard S. Cox, Chief Property Officer Facilities Division Real Estate Services Date: Jane Rushford, Deputy Director Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Assistant Attorney General Date: DI.G Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 4 of 8 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby cer tify that on this _________ day of ____________________, 20______, personally appeared before me HOWARD S. COX, Chief Property Officer, Division of Facilities, Real Estate Servi ces, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Wa shington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged th at he signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntar y act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was d uly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washing ton, Residing at My commission expires STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby cer tify that on this _________ day of ____________________, 20______, personally appeared before me JANE RUSHFORD, Deputy Director, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washing ton, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged th at she signed and sealed the same as the free and v oluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes an d uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that s he was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washing ton, Residing at My commission expires HS/tlb File: #1290 REF: H:\Development\Projects\GRCC - 124 TH ST IMP\Legal Documents\2011 DI.G Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 5 of 8 DI.G Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 6 of 8 DI.G Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 7 of 8 DI.G Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 8 of 8 DI.G C ITY-GRCC RECREATION FACILITY AGREEMENT PAGE 1 OF 5 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON AND GREEN RIVER COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOR RECREATION FACILITY USE THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this ___ day of ___________, 2011, between the City of Auburn, Washington (“City”) and Green River Community College (“GR CC”) for the use and supplemental maintenance of the New Lea Hill Park (“Park”) and the GRCC Gymnasium (“Gymnasium”). RECITALS: 1. The Parties entered into an Agreement for Recreation Facilit y Use on May 30, 2003, (“Original Agreement”) which the set forth their respective rights and responsibilities for the management, maintenance and scheduling of what was then known as L ea Hill Park (“Original Park”) and the Gymnasium; 2. The Parties are contemplating an exchange of real propert y that, when completed, will transfer ownership of the Original Park from the City to GRCC and will also transfer an undivided one-half interest in the property currently known as the Ma rtin Property to the City. For purposes of this Agreement, the Martin Property will be referred to as the “New Lea Hill Park;” 3. The Original Park currently contains both a fast-pitch baseb all field and a slow-pitch softball field. After the exchange, these fields will be dec ommissioned and GRCC intends to put education-related structure on the site of the Original Park; 4. The City intends to construct a slow-pitch softball field on the New Lea Hi ll Park site; 5. This exchange of properties renders certain portions of the Ori ginal Agreement moot. However, the Parties agree that it is in their best interes t to agree to similar provisions for management of the New Lea Hill Park and to extend the current p rovisions related to the Gymnasium. AGREEMENT: 1. Scheduling Facility Use. A. New Lea Hill Park Ball Field. The City shall be responsible for all scheduling and general maintenance. GRCC will be given first priority for Ball Field use between February 1 and June 1 of each agreement year as follows: Monday through Friday, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.; and Saturday and Sunday, no later then 6 p.m. DI.G C ITY-GRCC RECREATION FACILITY AGREEMENT PAGE 2 OF 5 Additionally, on dates/times other then listed in this section, GRCC will have second priority after the City, and before other users. GRCC will submit a preliminary game schedule no later tha n September 30 of each agreement year. Modifications to the preliminary schedule will b e submitted no later then the next January 30. GRCC will submit an annual block schedule thre e times per year, on January 10, May 10, and August10, reflecting actual use; the schedule s hall list holidays, college vacations, and any other days that GRCC will not schedule use of the ball f ields. B. Gymnasium and Locker Rooms. The City of Auburn Parks, Arts, and Recreation Department will be allowed the use of the Gymnasium and locker rooms according to the following schedule for e ach agreement year: Each Monday evening from 6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., beginning the Monday following the Thanksgiving holiday and ending on the first Monday in June. Each Monday and Tuesday evening from 6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., beginning the Monday of the 2 nd week in June and ending on the second Tuesday in August. 2. Supplemental Maintenance. GRCC is authorized, but not required to, at its sole option and expe nse, provide at the New Lea Hill Park any or all of the Supplemental Maintenance identified in Exhibit #1, incorporated herein by reference. GRCC agrees that is shall not alter the grounds and ball field facilities, or remove any part or portion of the grounds, material s, facilities or natural resources of the premises without prior written consent of the City. 3. Agreement Periods and Termination. The agreement period shall be for one year following the date of signing. The Agreement will automatically renew each year for up to ten consecutive years, unless t erminated by either party. Either party may terminate the Agreement by giving writ ten notice of termination to the other party, provided that the termination shall not be effective until ninet y days after the other party’s receipt of the notice of termination, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. 4. Vehicle Access . If necessary, t he City shall provide keys to the New Lea Hill Park for the purpose of vehicle entry to load and unload equipment and performance of maintenance. 5. Hold Harmless and Indemnification. Each party to this agreement shall be responsible for claims and damages to persons or property resulting from acts of omissions on the part of itself, its e mployees, or its officers. Neither party DI.G C ITY-GRCC RECREATION FACILITY AGREEMENT PAGE 3 OF 5 to this agreement assumes any responsibility to the other pa rt for the consequences of any act or omission of any person, firm or corporation not a party to this agr eement. Neither party to this agreement shall be considered the agent of the other party. Each party shall indemnify and hold the other party and its age nts, employees, and/or officers, harmless from and shall process and defend at its own expense an y and all claims, demands, suits, at law or equity, actions, penalties, losses, damages, or cos ts, of whatsoever kind or nature, brought against the other party arising out of, in connection with, or incident to the execution of this Agreement and/or that party’s performance or failure to p erform any aspect of this Agreement; provided, however, that if such claims are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence of the other party, its agents, employees, and/or officers, this indemnity provision shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the negligen ce of that party; and provided further, that nothing herein shall require that party to hold harml ess or defend the other party, its agents, employees and/or officers from any claims arising f rom the sole negligence of the other party, its agents, employees, and/or officers. No liabilit y shall attach to either party by reason of entering into this Agreement, except as expressly provided herein. 6. Insurance. Each of the parties hereto shall maintain during the term of t his agreement not less than two million dollars of general liability insurance coverage, whether t hrough insurance policies, participation in insurance pools, self-insurance, or a combination thereof. 7. Amendments. Either party may request modifications in the scope of permis sible activities, terms, or conditions of this Agreement. Proposed modifications, which are mutually agree d upon, shall be incorporated by written amendment to this Agreement. 8. Communications and Point of Contacts. Communications shall be sent to the following points of contact: GRCC: Bob Kickner, A.D. Green River Community College 12401 SE 320th Street Auburn, WA 98092 (253) 833-9111 Ext. 2481 CITY: Daryl Faber, Director Auburn Parks and Recreation 910 9th Street SE Auburn, WA 98002 (253) 931-3043 11. Prior Agreements. Upon the effective date of this Agreement, the Agreement Betwe en the City of Auburn, Washington and Green River Community College for Recreation Facili ty Use is superseded thereby and terminated. DI.G C ITY-GRCC RECREATION FACILITY AGREEMENT PAGE 4 OF 5 12. Acceptance and Signatures. The parties hereto agree and accept the terms, conditions, covena nts and all matters and laws incorporated by reference herein and therefore cause their hands to affix their signatures as evidence to their acceptance of this Agreement before their designate d witnesses and/or notaries. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Ag reement as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF AUBURN _____________________________ Peter B. Lewis, Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ Danielle Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _____________________________ Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney GREEN RIVER COMMUNITY COLLEGE _____________________________ Rick Brumfield Vice President for Business Affairs DI.G C ITY-GRCC RECREATION FACILITY AGREEMENT PAGE 5 OF 5 EXHIBIT #1 SUPPLEMENTAL MAINTENANCE ITEMS PRIOR TO PRACTICES: Prepare field for use: Remove litter, rake areas as needed, g rade surface as needed, drag surface as needed, plug bases, remove standing water . AFTER PRACTICES: Restore field: Rake areas as needed, flatten lips, broom exce ss soil away, broom lines and plate, drag infield, sweep/clean all dugouts. PRIOR TO GAMES: Prepare field for use: Mow outfield as needed, add surface as needed, remove litter, line and drag infield area as needed, grade s urface as needed, plug bases, remove standing water. AFTER GAMES: Restore field: Rake bases, flatten lips, broom excess soi l away, broom lines and plate, drag infield, clean dugout. DI.G