HomeMy WebLinkAbout4709 RESOLUTION NO. 4709 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY GOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING - THE MAYOR OR DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF AUBURN, BURIEN, DES MOINES, FEDERAL 1NAY, RENTON, SEATAC AND TUKWICA REGARDING INVESTIGATIVE ASSISTANCE AT THE SCORE DETENTION FACILITY WHEREAS, the cities of Aubum, Burien, Des Moines, Federal Way, Renton, SeaTac and Tukwila created a governmental administrative agency , known as the South Correctional Entity (SCORE); and WHEREAS, the parties wish to enter into an agreement regarding the investigation of any criminal or signficant activ'rty that may occur at the new detention facility being built by SCORE. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. The Mayor of the City of Auburn or the Mayor's Designee is hereby authorized to execute an agreement between the cities of Auburn, Burien, Des Moines, Federal Way, Renton, SeaTac and Tukwila for investigative assistance, which agreement shall be in substantial conformity with agreement attached hereto as ExhibiY"A" and incorporated herein by this reference. ResoluUon No. 4709 May 17, 2011 Page 1 of 2 Section 2. The Mayor is he[eby aufhorized to implemerrt such � administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. This resolution shall be in fuli force and effect upon passage and signatures hereon. � Dated and signed this �O �day of , 2011_ ITY OF AUB R / PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST: ������� �Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APP ED TO FORM' Daniel B. Heid,City Attom . Resolution No.4709 May 17, 20i1 Fage 2 of 2 E}CIIIBIT A Investigative Assisffince Agreement This Agteemem is between the State of Washington cities of Auburn,Burien,Des Moines,Federal Way, Rentoq SeaTac and Tukwila(collectively"Cities"and each"City'�,which created a governmental admmistrative agency putsuant to RCW 3934.030(3)known as thc South Correctional Entity, ("SCORE"),effective on August 22,201 L RECTTAL WHEREAS,the Cities have worked ctosely in the past in all aspects of policing services and wish to continue such relationships with regard to the new detenrion facility,built by SCORE and the investigation of arry criminal or significant activity that occurs at this facility and pursuant to the authority of the Washington Mutual Aii1 Peace Officers Powers Act,Chapter 10.93 RCW("AcY�and WFIEREAS,RC W § 10.93.130. Contracting authority of law enforcement agencies, provides: "Under die interlocal cooperation act, chapter 3934 RC W,any law enforcement agency refetred to by this chapter may convact with any other such agency and may also contract with any Iaw enforcement agency of another state, ot such state'spolitical subdivision,to provide mutual law enforcement assistance." TERMS AND CONDITION5 NOW TE�REFORE, in consideration of the above recitals which are incorporated by reference herein and other good and sufficient considerati6n,the Cities agee as follows: • The SCORE Executive Director or designees and the Cities' Chiefs of Po(ice will cooperate and exercise their professional judgtnent in requesting and responding to SCORE requests for investigative assistance. • SCORE will utilize Valley Communications to initiate any required 5rst responder calls for service for those emergency calls that requ've a police or fire response. • Beyond emergency response, at the discretion of the Executive Director, SCORE will initiate requests to the Ciries for investigative assistance witt�any investigations requiring the need for outside investigative assistance. The SCORE Executive Director and the Cities' Chiefs of Police will use best efforts to disburse the burden of such requesu among the Cities on an equita6le basis and the Chiefs of Police will use their best efforts to affirmatively respcmd to such requests for assistance. In the event t1�at a CiTy police deparhnent cannot respond to a mutual aid investigation request,the SCORE Executive Director will seek the sid of one of the Ci6es ar another ouuide law enforcement agency for an investigation. • At the sole discretion of the Executive Director, in circumstances where an independent invesrigation(i.e.without the participarion of a City)is needed,the SCORE Executive Director will acquire the assistance of another outside law enforcement agency. SCORE will be responsible for initiating contact with both the law enforcement agency and when appropriate with the Washington Cities Insurance Authority, as the circumstances warrant. SE-S I705 v l • At the discrefion of the SCORE Executive Director,no requests will be made to the Cipes' police deparhnents to become involved in matrt;rs thafare more commonly handled t}vough other investigative means,such as Iabor employment issues or matters that are W be investigated and handled wit6in SCORE's intemal adminislrative procedures. • Liabiliry For investigative assistance will be subject to the provisions of theAct. • A request for investigative assistance should contain ttie following elements: • Communication between SCORE and the Cities • Definition of the evem that has occurred • Staffing requirements expected for the investigation • Status as to either.lead agency, secondary agency, or to act as an independent reviewer • Estimated duration of the investigation • Estimation of any after-action events or functions that may occur Comprehensive written report of the event - This Agreement may be execuued in counterparts and to be effective on the date above specified. Penny Bartley,Director Bob Lce,Chief of Police South Correctional Entity Auburn Police Department Scott Kimerer,Chief of Police John O'Leary, Interim Chiefaf Police . Burien Police Department Des Moines Police Department -2 - Brian Wilson,Chief of Police Kgvin IGtilsovich,Chief of Police . Federal Way Police Departrnent Renton Police Department James Graddon,Chief ofPolice Dave Haynes,Chief of Police SeaTac Police Deparhnent Tukwila Police Department K1206692�{OW01141�TINN214UIQ2N3 . , _ 3 _ f • Investigative Assistance Agreement � �6ll'�9�7�1P$A� This Agreement is between the State of Washington cities of Aubum,B�sien,Des Moines,Federal Way, Renton,SeaTac and Tukwila(wllectively"Cities"and each"City'�,which created a govemmental adminislrative agency pursuant to RCW 3934.030(3)known as the South Correctional Entity, ("SCORE"),effective on August 22,2011. RECITAL WHEREAS,the Cities have worked closely in the past in all aspects of policing services and wish to continue such relationships with regard to the new detention facility built by SCORE and the investigation of any criminal or significant activity that occurs at this facility and pursuant to the authority of the Washington Mutual Aid Peace Officers Powers Act,Chapter 10.93 RCW("AcY')and WHEREAS,RCW § 10.93.130.Contracting authority of law enforcementagencies; provides: "Under the interlocal cooperation act,chapter 3934 RC W, any law enforcement agency refeired to by this chapter may contract with any otlier such agency_and may also contract with any law enforcement agency of another state,or such state's political'subdivision,to provide mutual law enforcementassistance." TERMS AND CONDITIONS NO W T[-�REFORE, in consideration of the above recitals which are inwrporated by reference herein and other good and sufficient consideration,the Cities agree as follows: • The SCORE Executive Director or designees and the Cities'Chiefrof Police will cooperate and exeroise tHe'v professional judgment in requesting and responding to SCORE requests for investigative assistance. • SCORE will utilize Valley Communicarions to initiate any requ'ved first responder calls for service for those emergency calls that requ've a police or fire response. • Beyond emergency response, at the discretion of the Executive Director,SCORE will initiate requests to the Cities for investigative assistance with any investigations requiring the need for outside investigative assistance. TheSCORE Executive Director and the Cities' Chiefs of Police will use best efforts.to disburse the burden of such requests among the Cities on an eguitable basis and the Chiefsof Police will use their best efforts to affirtnatively respond to such requests fot assistance. In the event that a City police departrnent cannot respond to a mutual sid investigation request,the SCORE Executive Director will seek the aid of one of the Cities or another outside law enforcement agency for an investigation. • At the sole discretion of the Executive Director, in circumstances where an independent investigation(i.e. withouf the participation of a City)is needed,the SCORE Executive Director will acquire the assistance of another outside law enforcement agency. SCORE , will be responsible for initiating contact with both tlie law enforcemerrt agency and when appropriate with the Washington Cities Insurance Authority,as the circumstances warrant. .5E-51706 v I • At the discretion of the SCORE Execuuye Direotor,no requests will be made to the Cities' police departments to become involved in mat�rs that are more commonly handled through other investigative means,such as labor employment issues or matters _ that are to be investigated and handled within SCORE's internal administrative procedures. • Liabiliry for investigative assistance will be subject to the provisions of the Act. • A request for investigative assistance should contain the following elements: • Communication between SCORE and the Cities • Definition of the event that has occurred • Staffing requirements expected for the investigation • Status as to either lead agency, secondary agency,or to act as an independent reviewer • Estimated duration of the investigarion • Estimation of any after-action events or functions that may occur Comprehensive written report of the event This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and to be effective on the date above specified.. � ��L�ti ����� � � Penny Bartley; irector � Bob Lee, Chief of Police South Correctional Entity Auburn Police Departrnent Scott Kimerer,Chief of Police John O'Leary, Interim Chief of Police Burien Police Department Des Moines Police Departrnent - 2 - Brian Wilson, Chief of Police Kevin Milsovich;Chief of Police Federal Way Police Departinent Renton Police Department James Graddon, Chief of Police Dave Haynes,Chief of Police SeaTac Police Department Tukwila Police Department KV20fiG929\00007171413 THYN21943K72NJ ' _ 3 INVESTIGATIVE ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT This Agreement is between the State of Washington cities of Aubum,Burien, Des Moines, Federel Way,ReMon,SeaTac and Tukwila(collectively"Cities"and each "Cit�/'),which created a - govemmental administretive agency pursuant to RCW 39.34.030(3) known as the South Correctional Entity, ("SCORE"), effedive on August22, 2011. - RECITAL WHEREAS,the�ties have worked closely in the past in all aspects of policing services and wish to continue such relationships with regard to the new.detention facility built by SCORE and the investigation of any criminal or significanf activity that occurs at this facility and pursuantto the aiithority of the Washington Mutual Aid Peace Officers Powers Ad,Chapter 10.93 RCW("Act"); and WHEREAS, RCW § 10.93.130, contracting authority of law enforcement agencies, provides "Under the interlocal cooperation act, chapter 39.34 RCW, any law enforcement agency referred to by this chapter may contract with any othe�such agency and mayalso contract w'ith any I_aw enforcement agency of another state, or such state's political subdivision,to provideinutual law enforcement assistance:' TERMS AND CONDRIONS NOW THEREFORE,in consideration of the above recitals which are incorporeted by reference herein and other good and sufficient consideration,the Crties agree as follows: • The SCORE Executive Diredor or designees andthe Cities' Chiefs of Police will cooperate and exercise their professional.judgment in requesting and responding to SCORErequests for investigative assistance. e SCORE will utilize Valley Cammunications to initiate any required first responder calls forservice for those emergency calls that require a police or fire response. • Beyond emergency fesponse, at the discretion of the Executive Director,SCORE will initiate requests to the Cities for irivestigative assistance with any investigations requiring the need foroutside investigative assistance. The SCORE Executive Direcforand the Cities' Chiefs of Police will use best efforts to disburse the burden of such requests among the Cities on an equitable basisand the Chiefs of Police will us.e their best efforts to affirmatively respond to such requests for assistance. In the event that a City police department cannot respond to a mutual aid investigation reguest,the SCORE Executive Director will seek the aid of one of the Cities oranother outside law enforcement agency for an investigation. InvestigatNe Assislance Agreement Paae 1 of 3 _ � �'✓��- � � `- South Correctional Entity City of Auburn . . , sii/�� �646''v 6r/ City of Burien City of Des Moines 1%'�7� City of Federal Way City of Renton c ,�/ � /� ��-,- City of SeaTac City of Tukwila ImestfgaUve Assistance Agreement . - Paon a i�f i �