HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-07-2011 finance agenda packet Finance Committee November 7, 2011 - 6:00 PM Annex Conference Room 1 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call B. Announcements C. Agenda Modifications II. CONSENT AGENDA A. October 17, 2011 Minutes* B. Claims Vouchers* (Coleman) Claims check numbers 408466 through 408916 in the amount of $3,312,613.37 and dated November 7, 2011. C. Payroll Vouchers (Coleman) Payroll check numbers 532309 to 532356 in the amount of $279,199,03 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,206,571.74 for a grand total of $1,485,770.77 for the pay period covering October 13, 2011 to November 2, 2011. III. RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution No. 4762* (Heineman) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, declaring certain City property as surplus, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements between the City of Auburn and the State of Washington for an exchange of property and for joint use and maintenance of property B. Resolution No. 4768* (Heid) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, supporting Initiative 1183 concerning liquor: beer, wine, and spirits (hard liquor) Initiative Measure No. 1183 concerns liquor: beer, wine, and spirits (hard liquor). This measure would close state liquor stores and sell their assets; license private parties to sell and distribute spirits; set license fees based on sales; regulate licensees; and change regulation of wine distribution. Interested persons will be afforded an opportunity to express opposing views. IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Ordinance No. 6378* (Coleman) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, amending Ordinance No. 6339, the 2011-2012 Biennial Budget Ordinance as amended by Ordinance No. 6351, Ordinance No. 6352, Ordinance No. 6362 and Ordinance No. 6370 authorizing amendment to the City of Auburn 2011-2012 Budget as set forth in Schedule "A" B. Ordinance No. 6380* (Coleman) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the levy of regular property taxes by the City of Auburn for collection in 2012 C. Resolution No. 4767* (Coleman) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an Agreement for Services between the City of Auburn and the Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce to operate a visitor information center, promote tourism awareness within the City and to provide services associated with supporting the City's economic development efforts D. Resolution No. 4682* (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Interagency Agreement with King County for the Purpose of Constructing a Relocated King County Sanitary Sewer Line for the M Street Underpass Project (C201A) E. Resolution No. 4763* (Hursh) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, relating to the amendment of the 2009, 2010 and 2011 Annual Action Plan updates of the Consolidated Plan F. Resolution No. 4764* (Hursh) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, adopting the 2012 Community Development Block Grant Action Plan for the Consolidated Plan for years 2010 to 2014 G. Resolution No. 4765* (Snyder) Memorandum of Agreement and Option Agreement with Ceradimm LLC H. Resolution No. 4766* (Snyder) Exclusive Agency Listing Agreement with Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. V. ADJOURNMENT Agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City Clerk's Office, on the City website (http://www.auburnwa.gov), and via e-mail. Complete agenda packets are available for review at the City Clerk's Office. *Denotes attachments included in the agenda packet. AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: October 17, 2011 Minutes Date: November 3, 2011 Department: Administration Attachments: Minutes Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Finance Committee approve the minutes. Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Staff: Meeting Date:November 7, 2011 Item Number:CA.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.A Finance Committee October 17, 2011 - 6:00 PM Annex Conference Room 1 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair Lynn Norman called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. in Conference Room 1 located on the second floor of the City Hall Annex located at One East Main Street in Auburn. A. Roll Call Vice Chair Norman and Member Rich Wagner were present. Chair Nancy Backus was excused. Also present were: Mayor Peter B. Lewis, City Attorney Daniel B. Heid, Finance Director Shelley Coleman, Government Relations Manager Carolyn Robertson, Risk Manager Rob Roscoe, Parks, Arts and Recreation Director Daryl Faber, Financial Planning Manager Martin Chaw, City Engineer Dennis Selle, Council Candidate Largo Wales, Council Candidate Wayne Osborne, Brad Jurkovich of Fisher Jurkovich, and City Clerk Danielle Daskam. B. Announcements There was no announcement. C. Agenda Modifications The background summary included on the agenda bill for the Agreement for Consulting Services with Fisher Jurkovich Public Affairs was revised to read: “Fisher Jurkovich Public Affairs will be providing a comprehensive communication and stakeholder management plan in support of the citizen led Arterial Streets Task Force for the proposed 2012 transportation ballot measure.” II. CONSENT AGENDA A. October 3, 2011 Minutes Member Wagner moved and Vice Chair Norman seconded to approve the October 3, 2011 minutes. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2-0. B. Claims Vouchers (Coleman) Claims check numbers 408053 through 408465 in the amount of $8,336,537.28 and dated October 17, 2011. Committee members reviewed the claims and payroll vouchers and briefly Page 1 of 6 CA.A discussed claims vouchers 408077, 408150, 408279, 408325, 408386, 408435, 408095, 408103 and 408118. Member Wagner moved and Vice Chair Norman seconded to approve the claims and payroll vouchers. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2-0. C. Payroll Vouchers (Coleman) Payroll check numbers 532257 to 532308 in the amount of $785,228.15 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,183,172.53 for a grand total of $1,968,400.68 for the pay period covering September 29, 2011 to October 12, 2011. See claims vouchers for approval of payroll vouchers. III. RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution No. 4759 (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, declaring certain items of property as surplus and authorizing their disposal Resolution No. 4759 declares a 2009 police vehicle as surplus; the vehicle was totaled. Member Wagner moved and Vice Chair Norman seconded to recommend City Council approval and adoption of Resolution No. 4759. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2-0. B. Resolution No. 4760 (Heid) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to take all necessary and appropriate steps to formalize a Sister City relationship between the City of Auburn and Tamba, Japan Resolution No. 4760 ratifies the City's Sister City relationship with Tamba, Japan. The City of Auburn has had a Sister City relationship with Kasugo-cho, Japan since 1968. Recently, the City of Kasugo-cho was merged with several other neighboring cities to form the new city of Tamba. Member Wagner moved and Vice Chair Norman seconded to recommend Council approval of Resolution No. 4760. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2-0. C. Resolution No. 4761 (Heid) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to take all necessary and appropriate steps to formalize a Sister City relationship between the City of Auburn and City of Page 2 of 6 CA.A Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea Resolution No. 4761 authorizes the Mayor to negotiate and execute agreements and documents with Sister City associations and with Pyeongchang (Republic of Korea) to establish a Sister City relationship with the city of Pyeongchang. Member Wagner moved and Vice Chair Norman seconded to recommend City Council adoption of Resolution No. 4761. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2-0. IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Agreement for Consulting Services with Fisher Jurkovich Public Affairs (Robertson) City Council to approve an Agreement for Consulting Services with Fisher Jurkovich Public Affairs, LLC. Government Relations Manager Robertson explained that Fisher Jurkovich Public Affairs will be providing comprehensive communication and educational materials and a stakeholder management plan in support of the citizen led Arterial Streets Task Force for the proposed 2012 transportation ballot measure. B. Utility Leak Adjustment Appeal - Griffin (Coleman) City Council to approve a leak adjustment in the amount of $350.00 for account number 013896-000. Finance Director Coleman explained that the leak adjustment is for a leak located on a line serving a single dwelling unit on the same line as the primary dwelling structure. Per policy, the leak adjustment request was denied by staff as the policy provides that an eligible water leak is defined to have occurred on the service line between the City water meter and the point where the line enters the building. The leak occurred in a secondary line between the customer's home and a detached secondary building on their property. The customer subsequently submitted an appeal to their leak adjustment denial to the Public Works Committee. The Public Works Committee is recommending a $350 adjustment. C. Ordinance No. 6379 (Coleman) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, amending Ordinance No. 6339, the 2011-2012 Biennial Budget Ordinance, as amended by Ordinance No. 6351, Ordinance No. 6352, Ordinance No. 6362, Ordinance No. 6370 and Ordinance No. 6378, authorizing tot he City of Auburn 2011-2012 Budget as set forth in Schedule "A" Finance Director Coleman explained that under State law, cities operating under a biennial budget are required to adopt a mid-term budget ordinance to amend second year appropriations for changes incurred during the first half of the biennium. Page 3 of 6 CA.A Ordinance No. 6379 amends the 2012 Budget (of the 2011-2012 biennium) as follows: updates revenue for forecasted changes in estimated beginning fund and working capital fund balances, water utility sales, and general fund property taxes and electrical utility tax collections; recognizes spending authority granted under previous budget amendments, requests additional items for inclusion in the 2012 budget, and amends the 2012 budget to reflect changes consistent with the preliminary 2012-17 Capital Facilities Plan. Additional items for inclusion in the 2012 budget include additional staffing, increases in SCORE jail costs, City Hall remodeling costs, traffic signal LED light replacement, employer pension rate changes, extension of the non-paid furlough policy, and several Capital Facility Plan revisions. In response to a question from Member Wagner, Finance Director Coleman explained that the additional jail costs are due to 15 additional average daily population (ADP) requested to reflect actual level of jail usage. The 2012 Budget for SCORE assumed an ADP of 100. Mayor Lewis stated that the increase is due to sentencing practices by the court. Finance Director Coleman reminded that a Council budget work session will be held November 17th beginning at 4:00 p.m. D. Resolution No. 4758 (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to execute a Highways and Local Programs State Funding Agreement between the City of Auburn (The City) and the Washington State Department of Transportation (The State) relating to Project No. C201A, M Street SE Underpass City Engineer Selle explained that Resolution No. 4758 authorizes the Mayor to execute a Highways and Local Programs State Funding Agreement with the State to obligate Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB) funds in the amount of $6 million for construction of the M Street SE Underpass Project. E. August 2011 Financial Report (Coleman) Committee members reviewed the August 2011 Financial Report. Mayor Lewis noted that the General Fund revenues at the end of August are $1.5 million higher than budget while expenses were $3.6 million under budget. However, some of the enterprise funds are operating at a loss. Finance Director Coleman noted that water sales and consumption in 2011 is trending lower than prior year levels. Despite the rate increase implemented in January, the decline in water consumption more than offset the increase in rates. The decline in water usage also affects the Sewer Fund. Member Wagner inquired regarding the effect of the potential passage of Initiative 1183 on liquor excise tax revenue. Mayor Lewis stated that it is his Page 4 of 6 CA.A understanding that if Initiative 1183 passes, the City will receive the same level of liquor excise tax revenue plus a percentage of the new revenue created by the Initiative. There was brief discussion relating to internal service funds, business license revenues, and sales tax revenue. F. Utility Financial Condition (Coleman) Finance Director Coleman reviewed an update on the utility financial condition for water, sewer and storm water. Due to an unseasonably cool year, the loss of the Covington wholesale account, and economic and conservation efforts, the water and sewer utilities continue to suffer operating losses. The storm water utility is maintaining a positive performance. Director Coleman stated that the current revenue forecast for water and sewer in 2012 and future years does not meet anticipated operating costs and debt coverage. The decline in water usage results in overall decline in sewer flows and utility revenue. Director Coleman proposed updating the 2009 water, sewer and storm water utility rate studies and review annual rate adjustments required to fully fund utility financial obligations. Member Wagner reported that the Public Works Committee will be looking at pros and cons for funding depreciation. G. Agreement to Exchange Real Property - Green River Community College (Heineman) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, declaring certain City property as surplus, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements between the City of Auburn and the State of Washington for an exchange of property and for joint use and maintenance of property Risk Manager Roscoe presented Resolution No. 4762, which authorizes an exchange of the Lea Hill Park property with State-owned property known as the "Martin Property". The Resolution also authorizes the City to enter in to an Agreement with Green River Community College for joint use and maintenance of the respective facilities. V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. APPROVED THE _____ DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2011. Page 5 of 6 CA.A _____________________________ _______________________________ Nancy Backus, Chair Danielle Daskam, City Clerk Page 6 of 6 CA.A AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Claims Vouchers Date: November 2, 2011 Department: Finance Attachments: Claims Vouchers Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Finance Committee approve the claims vouchers. Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:November 7, 2011 Item Number:CA.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 1 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40846610/18/2011 011025 ΒΡΧ, ΙΝΧ.11−17/ΦΙΝΑΛ Χ201Α, Ρεσιδεντιαλ Βυιλδινγσ ∆εµολιτον, 102.00.594.420.65 17,565.65 Χ201Α, Ρεσιδεντιαλ Βυιλδινγσ ∆εµολιτον, 505.00.524.500.48 2,873.20 ΡΕΤΑΙΝΑΓΕ 102.223.400 −802.08 ΡΕΤΑΙΝΑΓΕ 505.223.400 −131.20 Τοταλ : 19,505.57 40846710/25/2011 391840 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ∆ΕΠΤ ΟΦ ΛΙΧΕΝΣΙΝΓ3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011 3ρδ ΘΤΡ ∆ΨΕ∆ ∆ΙΕΣΕΛ ΦΥΕΛ ΥΣΕΡ ΤΑΞ 550.00.548.150.49 594.48 Τοταλ : 594.48 40846810/25/2011 212140 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ 0954 ΓΦΟΑ − ΑΝΝΥΑΛ ΓΑΑΠ ΥΠ∆ΑΤΕ, ΡΕΓΙΣΤΡΑΤΙΟΝ 001.14.514.100.49 135.00 ΓΦΟΑ − ΑΝΝΥΑΛ ΓΑΑΠ ΥΠ∆ΑΤΕ, ΡΕΓΙΣΤΡΑΤΙΟΝ 001.14.514.230.49 135.00 ΑΤ&Τ − ΜΟΝΤΗΛΨ ∆ΑΤΑ ΧΗΑΡΓΕ ΦΟΡ 001.14.514.100.42 14.99 ΠΣΦΟΑ − ΟςΕΡςΙΕΩ ΓΑΣΒ54, ΜΤΓ 001.14.514.230.49 75.00 Τοταλ : 359.99 40846910/25/2011 212140 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ 6976 ΑΤ&Τ ∆ατα Πλαν φορ ΙΠΑ∆ 518.00.518.880.42 14.99 Φρεδ Μεψερ − ΙΠΑ∆ Ρεαδερ, Λεατηερ 518.00.518.880.31 96.33 Κεντ Μαχ Στορε − ΙΠΑ∆ Κεψβοαρδ δοχκ 518.00.518.880.31 75.56 Ηεαρτλανδ Σερϖιχεσ − Π∆ λαπτοπ 1Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 2 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40846910/25/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)212140 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ 518.00.518.880.48 185.00 ΑΤ&Τ ∆ατα Πλαν φορ ΙΠΑ∆ 518.00.518.880.42 14.99 Ραδιοσηαχκ − Χαρ χηαργερ ανδ Τραϖελ 518.00.518.880.35 39.95 Φρεδ Μεψερ − ΥΣΒ χαβλε 518.00.518.880.35 21.88 ΑΤ&Τ ∆ατα Πλαν φορ ΙΠΑ∆ 518.00.518.880.42 44.97 ΑΠΠΛΕΟΝΛΙΝΕΣΤΟΡΕ − ΙΟΣ ∆εϖελοπερ 518.00.518.880.49 327.41 Τοταλ : 821.08 40847010/25/2011 321950 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ∆ΕΠΤ ΟΦ ΡΕςΕΝΥΕ2011ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ 2011 ΥΝΧΛΑΙΜΕ∆ ΠΡΟΠΕΡΤΨ ΡΕΠΟΡΤΙΝΓ 651.237.122 12,777.01 Τοταλ : 12,777.01 40847110/25/2011 391980 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ∆ΕΠΤ ΡΕςΕΝΥΕ3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011 3Ρ∆ ΘΤΡ 2011 ΛΕΑΣΕΗΟΛ∆ ΕΞΧΙΣΕ ΤΑΞ 651.237.120 33,018.05 Τοταλ : 33,018.05 40847210/25/2011 370370 Υ Σ ΠΟΣΤΜΑΣΤΕΡΡΕΠΛΕΝΙΣΗ ΠΕΡΜΙΤ 193 Ρεπλενιση βυλκ µαιλ ποσταγε Περµιτ Νο. 518.00.518.780.42 5,000.00 Τοταλ : 5,000.00 40847310/25/2011 370370 Υ Σ ΠΟΣΤΜΑΣΤΕΡΒΥΛΚ/ΠΕΡΜΙΤ 1652 Βυλκ µαιλ ποσταγε ΠΕΡΜΙΤ ΝΟ. 1652 518.00.518.780.42 10,000.00 Τοταλ : 10,000.00 40847410/27/2011 391800 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ∆ΕΠΤ ΛΑΒΟΡ & ΙΝ∆3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−Λ&Ι Παρκσ − Αρτσ Χοµµισσιον∼ 2Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 3 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40847410/27/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)391800 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ∆ΕΠΤ ΛΑΒΟΡ & ΙΝ∆ 001.33.573.201.24 7.67 Παρκσ − Γολφ∼ 437.00.576.680.24 57.10 Παρκσ − Μαιντενανχε∼ 001.33.576.100.24 16.33 Παρκσ − Μυσευµ∼ 001.33.575.300.24 66.85 Παρκσ − Ρεχρεατιον∼ 001.33.574.220.24 157.83 Παρκσ − Σενιορ Χεντερ∼ 001.33.574.210.24 333.74 Παρκσ − Φαρµερσ Μαρκετ∼ 001.33.573.901.24 24.98 Παρκσ − Τηεατερ∼ 001.33.575.280.24 0.62 Πολιχε∼ 001.21.521.100.24 71.57 Χοµµυνιτψ Σερϖιχε∼ 001.13.516.100.24 155.07 Μαψορ − Αδµινιστρατιϖε∼ 001.11.511.600.24 13.27 Τοταλ : 905.03 40847511/7/2011 020126 1−800 ΩΑΤΕΡ ∆ΑΜΑΓΕ0914ΡΛΦ ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−ΡΟΒΕΡΤ & ϑΙΛΛ ΛΑΠΛΑΝΤ∋Σ 119.00.559.200.63 1,000.00 Τοταλ : 1,000.00 40847611/7/2011 018379 2 ΩΑΤΧΗ ΜΟΝΙΤΟΡΙΝΓ ΙΝΧ.1062 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 98.75 1090 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 442.50 1091 3Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 4 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40847611/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)018379 2 ΩΑΤΧΗ ΜΟΝΙΤΟΡΙΝΓ ΙΝΧ. ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 221.25 1093 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 442.50 1095 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 442.50 1097 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 442.50 1098 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 469.50 1101 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 442.50 1116 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 452.75 1118 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 368.75 1119 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 113.50 1120 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 236.00 1132 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 383.50 1135 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 155.00 4Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 5 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40847611/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)018379 2 ΩΑΤΧΗ ΜΟΝΙΤΟΡΙΝΓ ΙΝΧ. 1136 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 29.50 1143 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 452.75 1164 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 442.50 1166 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 334.75 1171 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 113.50 1172 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 368.75 1173 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 73.75 1204 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 334.75 994 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1166...... ΑΛΧΟΗΟΛ & ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.13.512.510.41 368.75 Τοταλ : 7,230.50 40847711/7/2011 018176 3Μ ΤΡΑΦΦΙΧ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ ΣΨΣΤΕΜΣΤΠ12984 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΟ ΦΙΤ ΠΑΠΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΜΑΚΙΝΓ ΣΙΓΝΣ;∼ 001.42.542.300.31 400.50 ΒΛΑΧΚ 1178 36∀ Χ 50 Ψ∆ 001.42.542.300.31 400.50 Σαλεσ Ταξ 5Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 6 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40847711/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)018176 3Μ ΤΡΑΦΦΙΧ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ ΣΨΣΤΕΜΣ 001.42.542.300.31 76.10 Τοταλ : 877.10 40847811/7/2011 003827 Α ΑΓΡΟ ΤΡΕΕ ΙΝΧ.014604 Σαλεσ Ταξ 432.00.535.900.48 87.88 ∆ΑΝΓΕΡΟΥΣ ΤΡΕΕ ΡΕΜΟςΑΛ ΑΤ 708 ∆ ΣΤΡΕΕΤ 432.00.535.900.48 925.00 Τοταλ : 1,012.88 40847911/7/2011 002909 ΑΒΧ ΛΕΓΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ, ΙΝΧ.7218017 Προχεσσ Σρϖσ Φεεσ−Μαρχηινι Μεαδοωσ Συιτ 001.32.532.200.41 105.50 9248113 Προχεσσ Σρϖσ Φεεσ−Μαρχηινι Μεαδοωσ Συιτ 001.32.532.200.41 52.64 9248129 Προχεσσ Σρϖσ Φεεσ−Μαρχηινι Μεαδοωσ Συιτ 001.32.532.200.41 60.80 9248149 Προχεσσ Σρϖσ Φεεσ−Μαρχηινι Μεαδοωσ Συιτ 001.32.532.200.41 138.00 9248155 Προχεσσ Σρϖσ Φεεσ−Μαρχηινι Μεαδοωσ Συιτ 001.32.532.200.41 93.52 Τοταλ : 450.46 40848011/7/2011 006914 ΑΧΧΥΡΙΝΤ 1277131−20110930 ΛΕΞΙΣ−ΝΕΞΙΣ ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 2011 001.21.521.210.41 70.63 Τοταλ : 70.63 40848111/7/2011 151860 ΑΧΤΙςΕ ΝΕΤΩΟΡΚ, ΙΝΧ4100009154 Χλασσ − Μαιντενανχε & Συππορτ Ρενεωαλ − 518.00.518.880.48 17,527.50 6Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 7 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40848111/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)151860 ΑΧΤΙςΕ ΝΕΤΩΟΡΚ, ΙΝΧ ∆ΙΣΧΟΥΝΤ 518.00.518.880.48 −2,629.13 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.48 1,415.37 Τοταλ : 16,313.74 40848211/7/2011 019200 Α∆ΑΜΣΟΝ ΠΟΛΙΧΕ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣΙΝς60049 ΣΙΜΣ ΑΜΜΟ − ΠΑΤΡΟΛ − ΙΝς60049 001.21.521.200.31 266.02 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.21.521.200.31 25.27 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −25.27 Τοταλ : 266.02 40848311/7/2011 111501 Α∆Σ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΙΝΧ33098 Α∆Σ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 431.00.535.800.35 498.00 33112 Α∆Σ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 431.00.535.800.35 176.50 Τοταλ : 674.50 40848411/7/2011 005503 Α∆Τ ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ, ΙΝΧ.116159062 Α∆Τ ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ: ΧΛΥΒΗΟΥΣΕ ΑΛΑΡΜ 437.00.576.680.41 49.49 116667940 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.41 52.49 Τοταλ : 101.98 40848511/7/2011 111620 Α∆ςΑΝΧΕ∆ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ & ΦΙΡΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ130603 ΓΡΑΝΤ ΦΥΝ∆Ε∆ ρεφιλλ φιρε εξτινγυισηερσ 001.21.525.100.49 69.90 Σαλεσ Ταξ 7Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 8 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40848511/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)111620 Α∆ςΑΝΧΕ∆ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ & ΦΙΡΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 001.21.525.100.49 6.64 130856 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #130856 ΡΕΧΟΝ∆ΙΤΙΟΝΕ∆ 5ΛΒ 505.00.524.500.48 149.47 Τοταλ : 226.01 40848611/7/2011 002878 Α∆ςΑΝΤΑΓΕ ΓΡΑΠΗΙΧΣ, ΙΝΧ10595 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 206.96 10599 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 210.79 10626 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 2,014.80 10631 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 383.25 Τοταλ : 2,815.80 40848711/7/2011 019911 ΑΦΦΙΡΜΑ ΧΟΝΣΥΛΤΙΝΓ5715 Ιµπλεµεντατιον Πηασε 518.00.518.880.41 11,892.50 Τοταλ : 11,892.50 40848811/7/2011 115190 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ018717/1 Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε. 436.00.536.200.31 40.47 018790/1 Κεψσ φορ εµεργενχψ µαναγεµεντ χονταινερ 001.21.525.100.31 7.47 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.21.525.100.31 0.71 018791/1 Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε 8Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 9 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40848811/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)115190 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ 436.00.536.200.31 93.60 018792/1 Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε 436.00.536.200.31 50.29 018809/1 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #018809/1 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 505.00.524.500.31 27.34 018834/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 431.00.535.800.22 123.72 18535/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 432.00.535.900.31 11.11 18614/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 432.00.535.900.31 65.59 18665/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 432.00.535.900.31 108.15 18745/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 001.42.542.300.48 429.88 18766/1 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΛΑΩΝ 001.33.576.100.31 161.00 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 171.66 18774/1 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 3.00 18784/1 Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε 436.00.536.200.31 71.16 18830/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 9Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 10 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40848811/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)115190 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ 432.00.535.900.35 8.75 18870/1 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 20.83 18871/1 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 2.35 18875/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 431.00.535.800.31 61.30 18876/1 ΑΓΡΙ ΣΗΟΠ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 431.00.535.800.31 10.94 18878/1 ∆ΟΧ #18878/1 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 505.00.524.500.31 4.37 18916/1 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 43.76 Τοταλ : 1,517.45 40848911/7/2011 005768 ΑΙΡΠΟΡΤ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΓΡΟΥΠ, ΛΛΧ4945 Βλανκετ ΠΟ φορ 2011 µγµτ σερϖιχεσ ατ 435.00.546.100.41 33,842.71 Τοταλ : 33,842.71 40849011/7/2011 020256 ΑΚΕΡ, ΑΝ∆ΡΕΧ00107356 ΡΕΣΤΙΤΥΤΙΟΝ − ∆ ΣΜΙΤΗ 651.237.172 50.00 Τοταλ : 50.00 40849111/7/2011 111950 ΑΛΒΕΡΤΣΟΝΣ, ΙΝΧ6030375100035408 ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ. 001.33.574.240.31 286.85 ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ. 10Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 11 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40849111/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)111950 ΑΛΒΕΡΤΣΟΝΣ, ΙΝΧ 001.33.573.201.41 50.65 ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ. 001.33.574.210.31 109.28 Τοταλ : 446.78 40849211/7/2011 001665 ΑΛΛΙΑΝΧΕΟΝΕ ΧΡΕ∆ΙΤ ΧΟ.71356 ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ ΟςΕΡΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ − Σ ΒΥΧΙΟ 651.237.172 19.05 76084 ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ ΟςΕΡΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ − ΧΙΤΑΤΙΟΝ 651.237.172 25.00 Ι00090706 ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ ΟςΕΡΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ−Ζ ΜΟΝΤΕϑΑΝΟ 651.237.172 14.16 ΙΖ0133529 ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ ΟςΕΡΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ − ς ΧΗΑΠΜΑΝ 651.237.172 38.02 Τοταλ : 96.23 40849311/7/2011 112610 ΑΛΠΙΝΕ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ, ΙΝΧ.ΤΜ−120171 ΑΛΠΙΝΕ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ, ΙΝΧ. /ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.42.542.300.31 246.38 ΤΜ−120209 ΑΛΠΙΝΕ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ, ΙΝΧ. /ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.21.521.200.35 525.60 ΤΜ−120374 ΑΛΠΙΝΕ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ, ΙΝΧ. /ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.42.542.300.31 234.71 ΤΜ−120475 ΕςΟΧ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ − ΤΜ−120475 001.21.521.200.49 2,786.78 ΤΜ−120535 ΑΛΠΙΝΕ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ, ΙΝΧ. /ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.21.521.200.35 −525.60 11Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 12 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 3,267.87 40849311/7/2011112610112610 ΑΛΠΙΝΕ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ, ΙΝΧ. 40849411/7/2011 020203 ΑΛ−ςΑΝ ΕΘΥΙΠ ΛΛΧ1827 Παρτ #ΤΧ−ΦΛΡ, Ηιγη ∆ενσιτψ Πλψωοοδ 550.00.590.100.64 359.00 Παρτ #3020−ΦΧ, Χοντουρεδ Παρτιτιον, 550.00.590.100.64 695.00 Παρτ #7248, Ωορκβενχη, Αλυµινυµ ω/ 550.00.590.100.64 809.00 3 ηουρσ λαβορ 550.00.590.100.64 225.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.590.100.64 198.36 Τοταλ : 2,286.36 40849511/7/2011 112910 ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΗΟΣΕ & ΦΙΤΤΙΝΓΣ, ΙΝΧ973035−002 ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΗΟΣΕ & ΦΙΤΤΙΝΓΣ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.31 32.74 975181−001 ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΗΟΣΕ & ΦΙΤΤΙΝΓΣ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.35 394.47 976549−001 ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΗΟΣΕ & ΦΙΤΤΙΝΓΣ, ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 001.42.542.300.31 102.77 Τοταλ : 529.98 40849611/7/2011 006082 ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΠΟΩ∆ΕΡ ΧΟΑΤΙΝΓ, ΙΝΧ00111018 ΠΟΩ∆ΕΡ ΧΟΑΤ ΠΟΣΤΣ 001.33.576.100.31 109.50 Τοταλ : 109.50 40849711/7/2011 113240 ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΡΕ∆ ΧΡΟΣΣ35069 Α∆ΜΙΣΣΙΟΝΣ ΦΟΡ ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ 15ΤΗ, 2011 001.33.574.240.49 660.00 Τοταλ : 660.00 40849811/7/2011 002431 ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΡΕΠΡΟΓΡΑΠΗΙΧΣ ΧΟ03−445550 12Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 13 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40849811/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)002431 ΑΜΕΡΙΧΑΝ ΡΕΠΡΟΓΡΑΠΗΙΧΣ ΧΟ ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #03−445550 − ΧΟΠΨΙΝΓ & ΒΙΝ∆ΙΝΓ 505.00.524.500.41 172.73 Τοταλ : 172.73 40849911/7/2011 019025 ΑΜΕΣ, ΛΑΥΡΑ101711ΡΕΙΜΒ ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ ΤΟ ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ 001.13.512.500.43 15.10 Τοταλ : 15.10 40850011/7/2011 020212 ΑΝ∆ΡΕΩΣ, ςΕΡΝΕ039944 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−725 37ΤΗ ΣΤ ΣΕ #47 434.233.100 60.00 Τοταλ : 60.00 40850111/7/2011 393720 ΑΡΑΜΑΡΚ ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ655−5803049 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5803049 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − ΓΟΛΦ 505.00.524.500.49 95.48 655−5814645 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5814645 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − 505.00.524.500.49 11.83 655−5814646 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5814646 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − ϑΧ 505.00.524.500.49 25.84 655−5814647 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5814647 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − 505.00.524.500.49 11.83 655−5821950 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ ΟΦ ΣΗΟΠ ΤΟΩΕΛΣ 001.33.576.100.41 41.34 655−5826811 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5826811 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − 505.00.524.500.49 11.83 655−5826812 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5826812 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − ϑΧ 505.00.524.500.49 25.84 13Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 14 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40850111/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)393720 ΑΡΑΜΑΡΚ ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 655−5826813 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5826813 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − 505.00.524.500.49 11.83 655−5827324 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5827324 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − ΓΟΛΦ 505.00.524.500.49 95.48 655−5838983 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5838983 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − 505.00.524.500.49 11.83 655−5838984 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5838984 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − ϑΧ 505.00.524.500.49 25.84 655−5838985 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #655−5838985 ΜΑΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − 505.00.524.500.49 11.83 Τοταλ : 380.80 40850211/7/2011 019921 ΑΡΡΟΩ ΛΥΜΒΕΡ & ΗΑΡ∆ΩΑΡΕ ΛΛΧ146593 ΧΠ412Α0 ΑΕΠ ΒΟΑΡ∆ΩΑΛΚ ΙΝς 200159 321.00.576.802.65 34,179.98 Τοταλ : 34,179.98 40850311/7/2011 114230 ΑΣΧΟ ΠΑΧΙΦΙΧ, ΙΝΧ36680 Νιχηε ϖασεσ φορ ρεσαλε. 436.00.536.200.34 1,081.57 Τοταλ : 1,081.57 40850411/7/2011 000426 ΑΣΣΟΧΙΑΤΕ∆ ΣΑΛΕΣ & ΒΑΓΨ918387 ςΑΡΙΟΥΣ ΣΙΖΕ ΒΑΓΣ ΦΟΡ ΕςΙ∆ΕΝΧΕ ΡΟΟΜ 001.21.521.300.31 596.17 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.21.521.300.31 56.64 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −56.64 14Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 15 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 596.17 40850411/7/2011000426000426 ΑΣΣΟΧΙΑΤΕ∆ ΣΑΛΕΣ & ΒΑΓ 40850511/7/2011 110510 ΑΤ&Τ ΜΟΒΙΛΙΤΨ287019865528Ξ1100920 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.212.42 792.01 Τοταλ : 792.01 40850611/7/2011 110510 ΑΤ&Τ ΜΟΒΙΛΙΤΨ828527679Ξ10152011 ΑΤ & Τ Πολιχε Σωατ ςαν Χελλ/Σιµ 117.00.521.210.42 34.65 Σαλεσ Ταξ 117.00.521.210.42 4.18 Τοταλ : 38.83 40850711/7/2011 009879 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΤΡ ΣΟΧΙΑΛ & ΕΧΟΝΟΜΙΧ312 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #312 ΤΥΙΤΙΟΝ ΦΟΡ ΛΕΑ∆ΕΡΣΗΙΠ 001.17.557.200.49 2,300.00 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #312 ΤΥΙΤΙΟΝ ΦΟΡ ΛΕΑ∆ΕΡΣΗΙΠ 001.21.521.200.49 1,150.00 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #312 ΤΥΙΤΙΟΝ ΦΟΡ ΛΕΑ∆ΕΡΣΗΙΠ 001.17.558.100.49 1,150.00 Τοταλ : 4,600.00 40850811/7/2011 115520 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ ΜΕ∆ΙΧΑΛ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ3131 ΤΥΒΕΡΧΥΛΙΝ ΣΚΙΝ ΤΕΣΤ ΦΟΡ ΝΙΧΟΛΕ 001.33.574.240.49 15.00 3177 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #3177 ΠΟΛΙΧΕ ΠΡΕ−ΕΜΠΛΟΨΜΕΝΤ 001.13.516.710.41 279.50 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #3177 ΤΒ ΣΚΙΝ ΤΕΣΤ − ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.574.210.49 15.00 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ ΜΕ∆ΙΧΑΛ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ /ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.22 20.00 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ ΜΕ∆ΙΧΑΛ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ /ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.22 55.00 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ ΜΕ∆ΙΧΑΛ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ /ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 15Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 16 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40850811/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)115520 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ ΜΕ∆ΙΧΑΛ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 432.00.535.900.22 55.00 3213 ΑΥ∆ΙΟΜΕΤΡΨ ΦΟΡ ϑΙΜ ΦΕΡΓΥΣΟΝ ΑΝ∆ ΚΕςΙΝ 437.00.576.600.49 40.00 Τοταλ : 479.50 40850911/7/2011 115535 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΡΕΣΠΙΤΕ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜ2Ν∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1104 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1104∼ 001.17.562.100.41 2,500.00 3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1104 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1104∼ 001.17.562.100.41 2,500.00 Τοταλ : 5,000.00 40851011/7/2011 115730 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΤΡΑςΕΛ ΦΥΝ∆3056 Α∆ςΑΝΧΕ ΦΟΡ ΣΤΕςΕ ΒΟΥΡ∆ΑΓΕ, ΓΑΝΓ 001.21.521.230.43 152.50 Τοταλ : 152.50 40851111/7/2011 115850 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΨΟΥΤΗ ΡΕΣΟΥΡΧΕΣ3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1105 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1105∼ 001.17.562.100.41 13,750.00 3Ρ∆ΤΘΡ2011−ΓΦ1101 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1101∼ 001.17.562.100.41 5,000.00 Τοταλ : 18,750.00 40851211/7/2011 116060 ΑΥΤΟΜΑΤΙΧ ΩΙΛΒΕΡΤ ςΑΥΛΤ ΧΟ20074 ςασεσ φορ ρεσαλε. 436.00.536.200.34 25.00 20176 ςασεσ φορ ρεσαλε. 436.00.536.200.34 300.00 20256 ςασεσ φορ ρεσαλε. 16Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 17 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40851211/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)116060 ΑΥΤΟΜΑΤΙΧ ΩΙΛΒΕΡΤ ςΑΥΛΤ ΧΟ 436.00.536.200.34 160.00 Τοταλ : 485.00 40851311/7/2011 015815 ΑΖΥΡΕ, ϑΕΝΝΙΦΕΡ100711ΡΕΙΜΒ ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ & ΠΕΡ ∆ΙΕΜ − ΩΣΑΜΑ ΧΟΝΦ ΙΝ 001.15.515.100.43 455.23 Τοταλ : 455.23 40851411/7/2011 020294 ΒΑΒΙΧΚ, ΡΑΨΡΕΒΑΤΕ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΤΟΙΛΕΤ ΡΕΒΑΤΕ 430.00.534.100.41 176.00 Τοταλ : 176.00 40851511/7/2011 120940 ΒΑΨΛΕΨ, ΛΙΛΛΨ ΜΑΨ101011ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 001.13.512.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 40851611/7/2011 018948 ΒΕΑΛΛ, ΑΝ∆ΡΕΑ102111ΙΝς ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 10/21/11; 001.13.512.500.41 200.00 102411ΙΝς ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 10/21/11; 001.13.512.500.41 200.00 Τοταλ : 400.00 40851711/7/2011 121260 ΒΕΝ−ΚΟ−ΜΑΤΙΧ ΧΟ00061777 ΒΕΝ−ΚΟ−ΜΑΤΙΧ ∆ΒΑ ΟΩΕΝ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.680.48 2,262.56 00061972 ΒΕΝ−ΚΟ−ΜΑΤΙΧ ∆ΒΑ ΟΩΕΝ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 432.00.535.900.35 433.45 00062061 ΒΕΝ−ΚΟ−ΜΑΤΙΧ ∆ΒΑ ΟΩΕΝ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.680.35 435.09 00062061 17Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 18 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40851711/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)121260 ΒΕΝ−ΚΟ−ΜΑΤΙΧ ΧΟ ΒΕΝ−ΚΟ−ΜΑΤΙΧ ∆ΒΑ ΟΩΕΝ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.100.31 −269.25 00062081 ΒΕΝ−ΚΟ−ΜΑΤΙΧ ∆ΒΑ ΟΩΕΝ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.680.35 486.95 00062131 ΒΕΝ−ΚΟ−ΜΑΤΙΧ ∆ΒΑ ΟΩΕΝ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.680.48 337.14 Τοταλ : 3,685.94 40851811/7/2011 121540 ΒΕΡΝΕΡ, ΙΝΧΑ035−11Λ ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 001.13.512.500.41 125.00 Τοταλ : 125.00 40851911/7/2011 013337 ΒΙΡΤΗ ΤΟ ΤΗΡΕΕ ∆ΕςΕΛΟΠΜΕΝΤ3Ε∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1107 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1107∼ 001.17.562.100.41 2,500.00 Τοταλ : 2,500.00 40852011/7/2011 014593 ΒΛΡΒ ΑΡΧΗΙΤΕΧΤΣ, Π.Σ.50909 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #50909 ΠΡΟΦ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΦΡΟΜ 321.00.576.802.65 10,492.03 Τοταλ : 10,492.03 40852111/7/2011 020292 ΒΛΥΕ ΜΟΥΝΤΑΙΝ ΗΟΜΕΣ066807 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−1135 21ΣΤ ΣΤ ΣΕ 430.233.100 101.44 Τοταλ : 101.44 40852211/7/2011 122490 ΒΛΥΜΕΝΤΗΑΛ ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΧΟ, ΙΝΧ849262−83 ςΕΣΤ (Α Λ ΧΛΑΠΠ) 849262−83 001.21.521.200.22 853.01 891243 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ − Α∆ΑΜΣΚΙ (891243) 001.21.521.200.22 504.80 18Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 19 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40852211/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)122490 ΒΛΥΜΕΝΤΗΑΛ ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΧΟ, ΙΝΧ 896206−04 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ (ΓΗΑΣΣΕΡΑΝΙ) 896206−04 001.21.521.200.22 74.35 896595 ΓΟΕΤΗΑΛΣ ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ (896595) 001.21.521.200.22 544.22 897767−05 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ − ΣΗΑΩ − 897797−05 001.21.521.200.22 65.16 898451−02 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ (ΜΟΥΝΤΣ) 898451−02 001.21.521.200.22 132.25 898465−02 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ − ΜΟΥΝΤΣ − 898465−02 001.21.521.200.22 728.24 898503−81 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ (ΜΟΥΝΤΣ) 898503−81 001.21.521.200.22 40.46 901266 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜ ΙΤΕΜΣ − ΒΕΑΡ (901266) 001.21.521.200.22 132.44 Τοταλ : 3,074.93 40852311/7/2011 015037 ΒΟΕΣΧΗΕ, ΗΑΡΡΨ100711ΡΕΙΜΒ ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ & ΠΕΡ ∆ΙΕΜ − ΩΣΑΜΑ ΧΟΝΦ ΙΝ 001.15.515.100.43 455.23 Τοταλ : 455.23 40852411/7/2011 123015 ΒΟΡΤΛΕΣΟΝ, ΓΙΛΒΕΡΤ Χ35199 ΤΑΙ ΧΗΙ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 30.00 35201 ΤΑΙ ΧΗΙ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.210.41 270.00 35206 19Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 20 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40852411/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)123015 ΒΟΡΤΛΕΣΟΝ, ΓΙΛΒΕΡΤ Χ ΤΑΙ ΧΗΙ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.210.41 210.00 Τοταλ : 510.00 40852511/7/2011 123150 ΒΟΩ∆ΕΝ, ΗΕΛΕΝ ϑ.101011ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.517.210.25 82.33 Τοταλ : 82.33 40852611/7/2011 019563 ΒΟΩΜΑΝ, ΝΙΧΗΟΛΑΣ ϑΟΗΝ∆ΕΠΟΣΙΤ/2 ΒΡΑςΟ ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΑΝΧΕ 001.33.573.201.41 4,500.00 Τοταλ : 4,500.00 40852711/7/2011 011519 ΒΡΑ∆ΛΕΨ & ΓΥΖΖΕΤΤΑ, ΛΛΧ20148 Χαβλε Αδµινιστρατιον φορ Σεπτεµβερ ανδ 518.00.518.880.41 2,500.00 Τοταλ : 2,500.00 40852811/7/2011 001809 ΒΡΑςΟ ΧΑΡΠΕΤ ΧΑΡΕ, ΙΝΧ26393 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #26393 ΧΑΡΠΕΤ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ − ΣΧ 505.00.524.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 40852911/7/2011 012608 ΒΡΙΣΧΟΕ, ΡΟΣΕ101711ΡΕΙΜΒ ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ ΤΟ ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ 001.13.512.500.43 31.20 Τοταλ : 31.20 40853011/7/2011 020257 ΒΡΟΩΝ∋Σ ΧΟΡΝΕΡΙΖ0219943 ΡΕΣΤΙΤΥΤΙΟΝ − ∆ ΧΑΜΠΒΕΛΛ 651.237.172 14.19 Τοταλ : 14.19 40853111/7/2011 019143 ΒΥΝΟ ΧΟΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ10−23/#9 ΧΠ0909, Λακελανδ Ηιλλσ Βοοστερ Πυµπ 20Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 21 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40853111/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)019143 ΒΥΝΟ ΧΟΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ 430.00.590.100.68 303,496.99 Τοταλ : 303,496.99 40853211/7/2011 003237 ΧΑΝΝΟΝ, ΓΑΙΛ102111ΠΧ ΠΑΣΤΡΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΡΟΡΣ 7/29/11 001.13.512.510.31 24.44 Τοταλ : 24.44 40853311/7/2011 131330 ΧΑΣΧΑ∆Ε ΧΟΦΦΕΕ ΙΝΧ20654687 ΧΟΦΦΕΕ 437.00.576.680.34 137.00 Τοταλ : 137.00 40853411/7/2011 020258 ΧΑΣΧΑ∆Ε ΛΟΑΝ & ΣΠΟΡΤΧ00102800 ΡΕΣΤΙΤΥΤΙΟΝ − Ε ΚΑΗΛΕΡ 651.237.172 50.00 Τοταλ : 50.00 40853511/7/2011 020240 ΧΑΣΧΑ∆Ε ΩΑΤΕΡ ΑΛΛΙΑΝΧΕΤΑΙΛΡΑΧΕ ΕΑΣΕΜΕΝΤ Τραιλραχε παστ φεεσ Ρεσ #4754∼ 432.00.535.100.49 10,682.19 Τοταλ : 10,682.19 40853611/7/2011 015760 ΧΑΣΕ ΠΟΩΕΡ ΑΝ∆ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ, ΙΝΧΕ85619 ΕΑ. ∆ΟΧΥΜΕΝΤ Ε85619 ∼ 550.00.548.680.35 428.29 φρειγητ 550.00.548.680.35 21.75 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.680.35 42.75 Τοταλ : 492.79 40853711/7/2011 131540 ΧΑΣΗ & ΧΑΡΡΨ105162 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ∆ΕΠΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.574.240.31 145.89 106983 21Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 22 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40853711/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)131540 ΧΑΣΗ & ΧΑΡΡΨ ΒΑΛΑΝΧΕ ∆ΥΕ 437.00.576.680.34 0.10 109748 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ 001.33.574.210.31 241.82 110957 ΣΝΑΧΚΣ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΣΑΛΕ 437.00.576.680.34 137.09 112894 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ∆ΕΠΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.574.240.31 13.96 113753 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ 001.33.574.210.31 430.53 113754 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ 001.33.574.210.31 259.91 113874 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ 001.33.574.210.31 130.39 114019 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ 001.33.574.210.31 752.86 115405 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ∆ΕΠΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.574.240.31 23.60 Τοταλ : 2,136.15 40853811/7/2011 131680 ΧΑΤΗΟΛΙΧ ΧΟΜΜΥΝΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1109 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1109∼ 001.17.562.100.41 3,750.00 Τοταλ : 3,750.00 40853911/7/2011 131680 ΧΑΤΗΟΛΙΧ ΧΟΜΜΥΝΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1108 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1108∼ 22Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 23 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40853911/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)131680 ΧΑΤΗΟΛΙΧ ΧΟΜΜΥΝΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 001.17.562.100.41 1,250.00 Τοταλ : 1,250.00 40854011/7/2011 018975 ΧΑΥ∆ΛΕ, ϑΥΣΤΙΝΧ00100916 ΡΕΣΤΙΤΥΤΙΟΝ − Κ ΒΡΥΝ∆ΑΓΕ 651.237.172 63.65 Τοταλ : 63.65 40854111/7/2011 001022 Χ∆Ω−ΓΟςΕΡΝΜΕΝΤ, ΙΝΧ.ΖΛς4830 ιΠαδ 2 ωιτη ωιφι/3Γ 16γβ βλαχκ∼ 518.00.518.880.35 6,164.20 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.35 585.60 ΖΜς8934 ΣςΝ 3 ΨΡ Ιπαδ Ρεπαιρ ωιτη Α∆Η∼ 518.00.518.880.48 1,935.50 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.48 183.88 ΖΠΣ5208 Βελκιν Φολιο βκν φ8ν61οττχ01 518.00.518.880.31 34.73 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.31 3.30 ΖΠΩ3041 Υνιτεχη ΜΣ 180 βαρχοδε σχαννερ φορ 518.00.518.880.35 48.12 Σψµβολ ΛΣ2208 βαρχοδε σχαννερ φορ 518.00.518.880.35 154.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.35 19.20 ΖΘΧ2625 Βελκιν Φολιο βκν φ8ν61οττχ01 518.00.518.880.31 138.92 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.31 13.20 23Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 24 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40854111/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)001022 Χ∆Ω−ΓΟςΕΡΝΜΕΝΤ, ΙΝΧ. ΖΡΒ2519 Βελκιν Φολιο βκν φ8ν61οττχ01 518.00.518.880.31 173.65 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.31 16.50 ΖΣΒ8183 ΙΤΡΟΝΙΞ Γ∆6000 ΠΧΜΧΙΑ ΚΙΤ 518.00.518.880.35 28.80 ΩΑ ∆ΙΣ Τ10−ΜΣΤ−321 ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΦΕΕ 518.00.518.880.35 36.70 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.35 2.73 ΖΩϑ9615 ΙΤΡΟΝΙΞ Γ∆6000 518.00.518.880.35 5,313.00 ΙΤΡΟΝΙΞ ΝΟΝ−ΡΦ ∆ΟΧΚ Ω/ ΠΕΡΣΙΣΤΕΝΤ 518.00.518.880.35 718.56 ΙΤΡΟΝΙΞ 4ΨΡ ΝΟ ΦΑΥΛΤ ΜΑΞ ΣςΧ 518.00.518.880.35 1,085.60 ΓΕΝΕΡΑΛ ∆ΨΝΑΜΙΧΣ 4ΨΡ ΕΞΤ ΩΤΨ 518.00.518.880.35 193.20 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.35 694.50 ΖΞΠ8677 Βαρχοδε ρεαδερ φορ Χαρτεγραπη. ΩΑΣΠ Ω∆Τ 518.00.518.880.35 875.95 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.35 83.21 ΖΞΞ0585 Υνιτεχη ΜΣ 180 βαρχοδε σχαννερ φορ 518.00.518.880.35 −52.69 ΖΞΞ0593 Σψµβολ ΛΣ2208 βαρχοδε σχαννερ φορ 518.00.518.880.35 −168.63 24Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 25 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 18,281.73 40854111/7/2011001022001022 Χ∆Ω−ΓΟςΕΡΝΜΕΝΤ, ΙΝΧ. 40854211/7/2011 014243 ΧΕΝΤΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΠΟΛΙΧΕ ΛΕΑ∆ΕΡΣΗΙΠΝΙΞ/ΡΕΓ ΛΕΑ∆ΕΡΣΗΙΠ ΕΣΣΕΝΤΙΑΛ ΣΕΜΙΝΑΡ−ΝΙΞ 001.21.521.210.49 249.00 Τοταλ : 249.00 40854311/7/2011 370450 ΧΕΝΤΥΡΨΛΙΝΚ110711ΠΗΟΝΕΣ ΠΗΟΝΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ 2011 518.00.518.880.42 2,761.93 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ 2011 505.00.524.500.42 45.63 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ 2011 431.00.535.800.42 1,113.08 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ 2011 436.00.536.100.42 4.01 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ 2011 434.00.537.100.42 4.01 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ 2011 430.00.534.100.42 8.08 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ 2011 550.00.548.100.42 4.01 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ 2011 430.00.534.800.42 1,385.51 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ 2011 432.00.535.900.42 464.19 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ 2011 001.33.574.210.42 15.51 ΠΗΟΝΕ ΧΗΑΡΓΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ 2011 437.00.576.680.42 327.32 Τοταλ : 6,133.28 40854411/7/2011 132310 ΧΗ2Μ ΗΙΛΛ 3808100 ΑΓ−Χ−344, Προϕεχτ Χ201Α0, Μ Στρεετ ΣΕ 102.00.594.420.65 128,385.67 Χ201Α, Μ Στ. ΣΕ Γραδε Σεπαρατιον, 25Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 26 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40854411/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)132310 ΧΗ2Μ ΗΙΛΛ 102.00.594.420.65 8,728.19 ΑΓ−Χ−344, Προϕεχτ Χ201Α, Μ Στρεετ ΣΕ 102.00.594.420.65 26,846.66 Τοταλ : 163,960.52 40854511/7/2011 003898 ΧΗΑΝΓ, ϑΕΝΝΨ101011ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 001.13.512.500.41 80.00 Τοταλ : 80.00 40854611/7/2011 132610 ΧΗΙΛ∆ΡΕΝΣ ΗΟΜΕ ΣΟΧΙΕΤΨ ΟΦ ΩΑ3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1112 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1112∼ 001.17.562.100.41 5,000.00 3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1113 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1113∼ 001.17.562.100.41 2,500.00 Τοταλ : 7,500.00 40854711/7/2011 013657 ΧΗΡΙΣΤ ΧΟΜΜΥΝΙΤΨ ΦΡΕΕ ΧΛΙΝΙΧ3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1114 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1114∼ 001.17.562.100.41 5,000.00 Τοταλ : 5,000.00 40854811/7/2011 132940 ΧΙΝΤΑΣ ΧΟΡΠΟΡΑΤΙΟΝ #461461760857 ΧΙΝΤΑΣ ΧΟΡΠΟΡΑΤΙΟΝ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.49 115.76 461764107 ΧΙΝΤΑΣ ΧΟΡΠΟΡΑΤΙΟΝ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.49 115.76 461767310 ΧΙΝΤΑΣ ΧΟΡΠΟΡΑΤΙΟΝ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.49 115.76 Τοταλ : 347.28 40854911/7/2011 005032 ΧΙΤΡΙΞ ΣΨΣΤΕΜΣ, ΙΝΧ.91226410 Χιτριξ ΞενΑΠΠ 10 χονχυρρεντ Εντερπρισε 26Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 27 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40854911/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)005032 ΧΙΤΡΙΞ ΣΨΣΤΕΜΣ, ΙΝΧ. 518.00.518.880.48 590.41 Χιτριξ ΞενΑππ 25 χονχυρρεντ Εντερπρισε 518.00.518.880.48 1,250.00 Χιτριξ ΞενΑππ 10 χονχυρρεντ Εντερπρισε 518.00.518.880.48 375.00 Χιτριξ ΞενΑππ (Πρεσεντατιον Σερϖερ) 518.00.518.880.48 337.50 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.48 345.79 Χιτριξ Νετσχαλερ ςΠΞ 10 Εντερπρισε 518.00.518.880.48 1,086.99 Τοταλ : 3,985.69 40855011/7/2011 115760 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ110711ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ/ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ, ΣΤΟΡΜ − 505.00.524.500.47 3,747.38 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ/ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ, ΣΤΟΡΜ − 001.33.576.100.47 53,135.19 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ/ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ, ΣΤΟΡΜ − 431.00.535.800.47 285.97 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ/ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ, ΣΤΟΡΜ − 430.00.534.800.47 261.69 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ/ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ, ΣΤΟΡΜ − 432.00.535.900.47 168.46 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ/ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ, ΣΤΟΡΜ − 001.17.562.100.47 14.95 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ/ΩΑΤΕΡ, ΣΕΩΕΡ, ΣΤΟΡΜ − 001.42.542.300.47 20.88 ΑΧΧΤ#022658/ΦΙΝΑΛ 414 Μ ΣΤ ΣΕ − ΒΑΛ ∆ΥΕ, ΣΧΗΙΦΦΕΛΒΕΙΝ 102.00.594.420.65 849.91 ΑΧΧΤ#022668/ΦΙΝΑΛ 318 Μ ΣΤ ΣΕ − ΒΑΛ ∆ΥΕ, ΑΝ∆ΕΡΣΟΝ 102.00.594.420.65 234.53 27Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 28 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 58,718.96 40855011/7/2011115760115760 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ 40855111/7/2011 001627 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΦΕ∆ΕΡΑΛ ΩΑΨΜΣ−3098 ΣΕΠΤ ΡΕΣΟΥΡΧΕ ΧΟΝΣΕΡςΑΤΙΟΝ ΜΓΜΤ 505.00.524.500.13 2,641.54 ΣΕΠΤ ΡΕΣΟΥΡΧΕ ΧΟΝΣΕΡςΑΤΙΟΝ ΜΓΜΤ 505.00.524.500.21 202.05 ΣΕΠΤ ΡΕΣΟΥΡΧΕ ΧΟΝΣΕΡςΑΤΙΟΝ ΜΓΜΤ 505.00.524.500.23 140.26 ΣΕΠΤ ΡΕΣΟΥΡΧΕ ΧΟΝΣΕΡςΑΤΙΟΝ ΜΓΜΤ 505.00.524.500.24 8.95 ΣΕΠΤ ΡΕΣΟΥΡΧΕ ΧΟΝΣΕΡςΑΤΙΟΝ ΜΓΜΤ 505.00.524.500.28 25.10 Τοταλ : 3,017.90 40855211/7/2011 001627 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΦΕ∆ΕΡΑΛ ΩΑΨΣΤΑΤΕ/ΡΕΙΜ. ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 Τοταλ : 2,523.00 40855311/7/2011 008837 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΚΕΝΤΡΙ22146 ΧΟΠΣ Γραντ − ςαλλεψ Χοµµυνιχατιονσ 518.00.518.880.65 66,210.27 Τοταλ : 66,210.27 40855411/7/2011 008837 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΚΕΝΤΓΡΝΤ/ΣΤ./∆ΕΑ/ΜΙ/ΡΕΙΜ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.210.51 7,274.30 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.214.51 196.19 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.215.51 1,831.65 Τοταλ : 11,825.14 28Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 29 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40855511/7/2011 008837 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΚΕΝΤ − ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΒΙΛΛΙΝΓ408−25602.01 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ−ΩΑΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΑΤ ςΕΡ∆ΑΝΝΑ 431.00.535.800.47 173.76 Τοταλ : 173.76 40855611/7/2011 271890 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΡΕΝΤΟΝΣΤΑΤΕ/∆ΕΑ/ΜΙ/ΡΕΙΜ. ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.214.51 780.89 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.215.51 1,952.21 Τοταλ : 5,256.10 40855711/7/2011 292970 ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΤΥΚΩΙΛΑΣΤΑΤΕ/∆ΕΑ/ΜΙ/ΡΕΙΜ. ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.214.51 990.13 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.215.51 858.10 Τοταλ : 4,371.23 40855811/7/2011 012703 ΧΛΕςΕΛΑΝ∆ ΓΟΛΦ3563786 ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΧΛΥΒΣ 437.00.576.680.34 85.43 6574692 ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΧΛΥΒΣ 437.00.576.680.34 85.43 Τοταλ : 170.86 40855911/7/2011 017225 ΧΟΑΣΤ ΕΞΤΕΡΙΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ488 ΩΕΑΤΗΕΡΙΖΑΤΙΟΝ−−ΦΡΑΝ ΣΙΣΣΟΝ∋Σ ΛΕΑΚΙΝΓ 119.00.559.200.63 2,000.00 ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−ΦΡΑΝ ΣΙΣΣΟΝ∋Σ ΛΕΑΚΙΝΓ 119.00.559.200.63 3,864.19 29Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 30 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40855911/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)017225 ΧΟΑΣΤ ΕΞΤΕΡΙΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ Α∆∆Λ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 119.00.559.200.63 10.73 Α∆∆Λ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 119.237.200 −10.73 Τοταλ : 5,864.19 40856011/7/2011 009720 ΧΟΑΣΤΩΙ∆Ε ΛΑΒΟΡΑΤΟΡΙΕΣΧΤ2349977 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ 505.00.524.500.31 −44.63 Τ2349977 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ 505.00.524.500.31 70.31 Τ2360105−1 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ 505.00.524.500.31 70.01 Τ2363462 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ 505.00.524.500.31 182.51 Τ2365206 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ 505.00.524.500.31 59.41 Τ2365289 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ 505.00.524.500.31 1,078.53 Τ2366735 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ 505.00.524.500.31 656.96 Τ2367060 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ 505.00.524.500.31 44.70 Τ2367060Α ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ 505.00.524.500.31 43.71 Τ2368762 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ 30Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 31 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40856011/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)009720 ΧΟΑΣΤΩΙ∆Ε ΛΑΒΟΡΑΤΟΡΙΕΣ 505.00.524.500.31 16.45 Τοταλ : 2,177.96 40856111/7/2011 133610 ΧΟΛΕΜΑΝ, ΣΗΕΛΛΨ091311ΡΕΙΜΒ ΛΟ∆ΓΙΝΓ − ΩΦΟΑ ΧΟΝΦ ΙΝ ΣΠΟΚΑΝΕ 001.14.514.100.43 196.85 Τοταλ : 196.85 40856211/7/2011 007461 ΧΟΜΧΑΣΤ 8498340010111450 ΙΝΤΕΡΝΕΤ ΛΙΝΚ ΦΟΡ ΤΡΑΦΦΙΧ ΕΝΓΙΝΕΕΡΙΝΓ 001.32.532.200.42 104.95 8498340010153551 ΙΝΤΕΡΝΕΤ ΛΙΝΚ ΦΟΡ ΓΟΛΦ ΧΟΥΡΣΕ∼ 437.00.576.680.42 99.95 8498340010343400 Ιντερνετ Λινκ φορ Τραφφιχ Ενγινεερινγ 001.32.532.200.42 69.90 8498340210658730 ΙΝΤΕΡΝΕΤ ΛΙΝΚ ΦΟΡ ΧΙΤΨ ΗΑΛΛ∼ 518.00.518.880.42 114.95 8498340210658748 ΙΝΤΕΡΝΕΤ ΛΙΝΚ ΦΟΡ ϑΥΣΤΙΧΕ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ∼ 518.00.518.880.42 114.95 8498340210719193 ΧΑΒΛΕ ΤΕΛΕςΙΣΙΟΝ & ΙΝΤΕΡΝΕΤ ΛΙΝΚ ΦΟΡ 001.33.575.280.42 152.83 8498340211157096 ΙΝΤΕΡΝΕΤ ΛΙΝΚ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ∼ 001.33.574.210.42 59.95 8498340211175742 ΙΝΤΕΡΝΕΤ ΛΙΝΚ ΦΟΡ Ι∆ΕΞ ΠΡΟϑΕΧΤ∼ 518.00.518.880.42 59.95 8498340390231043 Βλανκετ ΠΟ∼ 001.32.532.200.42 110.37 31Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 32 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 887.80 40856211/7/2011007461007461 ΧΟΜΧΑΣΤ 40856311/7/2011 008838 ΧΟΜΠΛΕΤΕ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΟΛΥΤΙΟΝΣ753936−0 ΜΙΣΧ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΙΝς 753936−0 001.17.558.100.31 543.17 Τοταλ : 543.17 40856411/7/2011 016043 ΧΟΝΣΕϑΟ ΧΟΥΝΣΕΛΙΝΓ & ΡΕΦΕΡΡΑΛ3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1115 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1115∼ 001.17.562.100.41 2,500.00 Τοταλ : 2,500.00 40856511/7/2011 112280 ΧΟΝΣΟΛΙ∆ΑΤΕ∆ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧΑΛ ∆ΙΣΤ0220−544631 ΗΨ∆ΡΕΛ ΛΙΓΗΤ 001.33.576.100.31 661.62 0220−544775 ΧΟΝΣΟΛΙ∆ΑΤΕ∆ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧΑΛ 001.42.542.300.31 164.57 0220−545127 ΩΑΛΛΠΑΧΚ & 1/2∆ ΧςΡ Ω/ΓΦΧΙ ΡΧΠΤ 001.33.576.100.31 295.47 Τοταλ : 1,121.66 40856611/7/2011 011708 ΧΟΝΣΟΛΙ∆ΑΤΕ∆ ΠΡΕΣΣ ΠΡΙΝΤΙΝΓ42630210 2011 Φαλλ Παρκσ Ρεχρεατιον Γυιδε 518.00.518.780.41 10,018.42 4715 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 787.86 Τοταλ : 10,806.28 40856711/7/2011 020107 ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤΟΡΣ ∆ΙΡΕΧΤ500289 ΚΟΡ−ΙΤ Κ−1716 −Γ15 ΦΛΕΞΙΒΛΕ ΠΟΣΙΤΙΟΝ 001.42.542.300.64 8,723.52 10∀ ΜΚ−ΟΡΑΝΓΕ ΠΡΕΜΙΥΜ ΩΕΤ ΧΟΡΕ ΒΙΤ 001.42.542.300.64 899.98 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 32Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 33 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40856711/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)020107 ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤΟΡΣ ∆ΙΡΕΧΤ 001.42.542.300.64 914.23 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −914.23 Τοταλ : 9,623.50 40856811/7/2011 009370 ΧΟΡΛΙΣΣ ΡΕΣΟΥΡΧΕΣ, ΙΝΧ.305395 ΧΟΡΛΙΣΣ ΡΕΣΟΥΡΧΕΣ ΙΝΧ./ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 432.00.535.900.31 429.06 Τοταλ : 429.06 40856911/7/2011 004111 ΧΟΡΡΕΧΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΙΝ∆ΥΣΤΡΙΕΣΩΙΝς311656 24 Ξ 9 ΒΛΑΝΚ ΣΙΓΝΣ ΦΟΡ ΜΑΚΙΝΓ ΣΤΡΕΕΤ 001.42.542.300.31 215.50 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.42.542.300.31 20.48 Τοταλ : 235.98 40857011/7/2011 135310 ΧΡΙΣΙΣ ΧΛΙΝΙΧ3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1117 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1117∼ 001.17.562.100.41 13,806.75 Τοταλ : 13,806.75 40857111/7/2011 009272 ΧΣΓ ΣΨΣΤΕΜΣ, ΙΝΧ.75200 Σερϖιχε − Λασερ, Φολδ, Ινσερτ, Μετερ 430.00.534.110.41 836.32 Σερϖιχε − Λασερ, Φολδ, Ινσερτ, Μετερ 431.00.535.110.41 836.32 Σερϖιχε − Λασερ, Φολδ, Ινσερτ, Μετερ 432.00.535.910.41 836.32 Σερϖιχε − Λασερ, Φολδ, Ινσερτ, Μετερ 434.00.537.110.41 836.33 Ποσταγε φορ Σεπτεµβερ 2011 υτιλιτιψ 430.00.534.110.42 1,756.21 Ποσταγε φορ Σεπτεµβερ 2011 υτιλιτιψ 431.00.535.110.42 1,756.21 33Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 34 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40857111/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)009272 ΧΣΓ ΣΨΣΤΕΜΣ, ΙΝΧ. Ποσταγε φορ Σεπτεµβερ 2011 υτιλιτιψ 432.00.535.910.42 1,756.21 Ποσταγε φορ Σεπτεµβερ 2011 υτιλιτιψ 434.00.537.110.42 1,756.22 Τοταλ : 10,370.14 40857211/7/2011 016507 ΧΥΛΤΥΡΑΛ ΡΕΣΟΥΡΧΕ2011−110 ΑΓ−Χ−405 Σ ∆ΙςΙΣΙΟΝ ΣΤ ΠΡΟΜΕΝΑ∆Ε 330.00.594.100.65 12,536.03 Τοταλ : 12,536.03 40857311/7/2011 019987 ΧΨΧΛΕ ΤΗΕΡΑΠΨ ΛΛΧ2846 ΒΙΧΨΧΛΕ ΠΑΤΡΟΛ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ − 2846 001.21.521.200.31 51.44 Τοταλ : 51.44 40857411/7/2011 140000 ∆ & Λ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ & ΜΦΓ ΙΝΧ271145 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΣΤΡΟΟΜ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.576.100.31 45.11 Τοταλ : 45.11 40857511/7/2011 140330 ∆ΑΙΛΨ ϑΟΥΡΝΑΛ ΟΦ ΧΟΜΜΕΡΧΕ3254881 ΒΙ∆ Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΕΜΕΤΝ ΦΟΡ ΠΡΟϑΕΧΤ ΧΠ1116 Α∆ 330.00.594.300.65 338.40 Τοταλ : 338.40 40857611/7/2011 007919 ∆ΑΝΙΕΛΙ, ΑΝΝ Ε.092911ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 001.13.512.500.41 200.00 100611ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 001.13.512.500.41 400.00 Τοταλ : 600.00 40857711/7/2011 020306 ∆ΑΝΙΕΛΣ, ΤΕΡΕΣΑ102611ΡΕΙΜΒ ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ ΤΟ ∆ΜΧΜΑ ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ ΙΝ 34Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 35 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40857711/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)020306 ∆ΑΝΙΕΛΣ, ΤΕΡΕΣΑ 001.13.512.500.43 164.30 Τοταλ : 164.30 40857811/7/2011 020293 ∆ΑςΙΣ, ∆ΑΡΡΕΛ066880 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−11450 ΣΕ 282Ν∆ ΣΤ 432.233.100 14.95 Τοταλ : 14.95 40857911/7/2011 013675 ∆ΑΩΝ 3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1118 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1118∼ 001.17.562.100.41 2,250.00 Τοταλ : 2,250.00 40858011/7/2011 000304 ∆ΕΛΛ ΜΑΡΚΕΤΙΝΓ Λ.Π.ΞΦϑΧΦ3ΞΞ7 µαιντενανχε ρενεωαλ φορ ΙΧς1 σερϖερ 518.00.518.880.48 2,099.87 µαιντενανχε ρενεωαλ φορ γολφ χουρσε 518.00.518.880.48 1,886.95 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.48 234.85 ΞΦϑΦ487Χ7 ∆ελλ ΟπτιΠλεξ 790 χοµπυτερσ φορ 518.00.518.880.35 3,359.95 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.35 319.22 ΞΦϑΚ3ΚΠ84 µαιντενανχε ρενεωαλ ον ΙΧς1 δισκ αρραψ 518.00.518.880.48 3,789.64 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.48 360.01 Τοταλ : 12,050.49 40858111/7/2011 020259 ∆ΕΛΟΝΓ, ΜΑΡΙΕ Α.ΙΖ0523884 ΒΑΙΛ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − Ρ ∆ΕΛΟΝΓ 651.237.172 5,000.00 35Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 36 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 5,000.00 40858111/7/2011020259020259 ∆ΕΛΟΝΓ, ΜΑΡΙΕ Α. 40858211/7/2011 020145 ∆ΕΝΝΙΣ, ϑΕΡΡΨ ΛΕΕ & ϑΥ∆Ψ066748 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−11225 ΣΕ 306ΤΗ ΠΛ 430.233.100 22.72 Τοταλ : 22.72 40858311/7/2011 391650 ∆ΕΠΑΡΤΜΕΝΤ ΟΦ ΛΙΧΕΝΣΙΝΓΛΙΧΕΝΣΕΣ ΧΟΝΧΕΑΛΕ∆ ΠΙΣΤΟΛ ΛΙΧΕΝΣΕΣ 651.237.104 417.00 Τοταλ : 417.00 40858411/7/2011 009875 ∆ΕΡΡΟΩ, ΑΝΤΗΟΝΨΧ00076519 ΒΑΙΛ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − Μ ∆ΕΡΡΟΩ 651.237.172 1,000.00 Τοταλ : 1,000.00 40858511/7/2011 020236 ∆ΕΣΕΡΤ ∆ΙΑΜΟΝ∆ ΙΝ∆ΥΣΤΡΙΕΣ ΛΛΧ3982 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 430.00.534.800.35 23.28 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 430.237.200 −23.28 ςαχυυµ Βραζεδ Σαφετψ Βλαδε/Χυτ οφφ σαω 430.00.534.800.35 245.00 Τοταλ : 245.00 40858611/7/2011 008052 ∆ΕΞ ΜΕ∆ΙΑ ΩΕΣΤ100115886 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΧΕΜΕΤΕΡΨ Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ 436.00.536.200.44 157.25 Τοταλ : 157.25 40858711/7/2011 141980 ∆ΙΣΠΛΑΨ & ΧΟΣΤΥΜΕ181214 ∆ΕΧΟΡΑΤΙΟΝΣ ΑΝ∆ ΤΑΒΛΕ ΧΛΟΤΗΣ ΦΟΡ 001.33.574.240.31 395.38 Τοταλ : 395.38 40858811/7/2011 020278 ∆ΙΞΟΝ, ∆ΕΝΝΙΣ & ∆ΕΒΡΑ011286 36Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 37 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40858811/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)020278 ∆ΙΞΟΝ, ∆ΕΝΝΙΣ & ∆ΕΒΡΑ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−6701 ΛΙΝ∆ΣΑΨ ΑςΕ ΣΕ 431.233.100 98.10 Τοταλ : 98.10 40858911/7/2011 019026 ∆ΟΑΚ, ΛΙΣΑ 101711ΡΕΙΜΒ ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ ΤΟ ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ 001.13.512.500.43 28.42 Τοταλ : 28.42 40859011/7/2011 142280 ∆ΟΝ ΣΜΑΛΛ ΟΙΛ ∆ΙΣΤΡ ΧΟ473721 87 ΟΧΤΑΝΕ ΡΕΓΥΛΑΡ ΥΝΛΕΑ∆Ε∆ ΓΑΣΟΛΙΝΕ 550.141.100 35,670.60 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.141.100 4,052.56 473722 # 2 ∆ΣΛ−ΥΛΣ−15∆ ∆ΨΕ∆ ∆ΙΕΣΕΛ ΦΥΕΛ 550.141.100 10,364.80 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.141.100 1,076.88 475454 ∆ΟΝ ΣΜΑΛΛ ΟΙΛ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΒΥΤΟΡ ΧΟ./ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.141.100 3,373.70 Τοταλ : 54,538.54 40859111/7/2011 142610 ∆ΟΩ∆Ψ, ∆ΕΝΝΙΣ101411ΡΕΙΜΒ ΛΟ∆ΓΙΝΓ & ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ − ΑΠΩΑ ΦΑΛΛ ΧΟΝΦ ΙΝ 001.32.532.200.43 493.89 Τοταλ : 493.89 40859211/7/2011 003968 ∆ΥΝΒΑΡ ΑΡΜΟΡΕ∆ ΙΝΧ2966626 ΟΧΤ ΑΡΜΟΡΕ∆ ΧΑΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ / ΧΟΥΡΤ 001.13.512.500.41 587.02 2966627 ΟΧΤ ΑΡΜΟΡΕ∆ ΧΑΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ / ΠΑΡΚΣ & ΣΡ ΧΤΡ 001.33.574.100.41 419.69 37Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 38 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40859211/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)003968 ∆ΥΝΒΑΡ ΑΡΜΟΡΕ∆ ΙΝΧ 2966917 ΒΑΝΚ ΒΑΓ ΠΙΧΚ−ΥΠ 437.00.576.680.41 609.14 Τοταλ : 1,615.85 40859311/7/2011 020244 ΕΑΓΛΕ ΑΣΠΗΑΛΤ−ΣΕΑΧΟΑΤΙΝΓ ΧΟ2895 Πρεπ, ρεµοϖαλ, αππλιχατιον οφ ταχκ, 436.00.536.200.31 1,368.75 Τοταλ : 1,368.75 40859411/7/2011 019309 ΕΧΛΙΠΣΕ ΠΡΟΧΕΣΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ, ΛΛΧ104270 Ωαψνε Ινϖεστιγατιονσ∼ 001.356.903 69.33 104294 Ωαψνε Ινϖεστιγατιονσ∼ 001.356.903 86.95 104318 Ωαψνε Ινϖεστιγατιονσ∼ 001.356.903 70.99 104320 Ωαψνε Ινϖεστιγατιονσ∼ 001.356.903 75.87 104322 Ωαψνε Ινϖεστιγατιονσ∼ 001.356.903 37.57 104323 Ωαψνε Ινϖεστιγατιονσ∼ 001.356.903 70.51 104328 Ωαψνε Ινϖεστιγατιονσ∼ 001.356.903 87.16 104349 Ωαψνε Ινϖεστιγατιονσ∼ 001.356.903 101.65 38Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 39 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 600.03 40859411/7/2011019309019309 ΕΧΛΙΠΣΕ ΠΡΟΧΕΣΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ, ΛΛΧ 40859511/7/2011 004566 Ε∆ΕΝ Α∆ςΑΝΧΕ∆ ΠΕΣΤ ΤΕΧΗΝΟΛΟΓΙΕ809795 ΑΓ−Σ−048, 2011 Μοσθυιτο Λαρϖαλ Σιτε 432.00.535.100.41 4,327.44 826073 ΑΓ−Σ−048, 2011 Μοσθυιτο Λαρϖαλ Σιτε 432.00.535.100.41 6,734.25 Τοταλ : 11,061.69 40859611/7/2011 008859 Ε∆ΩΑΡ∆Σ, ΝΟΛΑΝ∆038345 ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 001.13.512.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 40859711/7/2011 014081 ΕΜΒΡΟΙ∆ΕΡΨ ΠΛΥΣ14538 ςεστ φορ Σαµ 001.21.525.100.22 30.00 Σηιρτ φορ Σαραη 001.21.525.100.22 24.00 Σηιππινγ χηαργε 001.21.525.100.22 8.48 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.21.525.100.22 5.94 Τοταλ : 68.42 40859811/7/2011 015957 ΕΜΜΕΡΤ, ΚΑΤΗΨ101811ΠΧ ∆ΙΓΙΤΑΛ ΧΑΜΕΡΑ ΒΑΤΤΕΡΨ − ςΟΛΥΝΤΕΕΡΣ 001.21.521.230.49 15.33 ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ ∆ΑΨ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ − ΚΡΕΝΖ 001.21.521.100.49 22.85 ∆ΝΑ ΣΑΜΠΛΕ ΜΑΙΛΙΝΓ/ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ−ΑΡΝΕΣΟΝ 001.21.521.210.49 21.03 Τοταλ : 59.21 40859911/7/2011 015641 ΕΝΕΒΡΑ∆, ΜΑΡΚΧ0091726 39Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 40 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40859911/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)015641 ΕΝΕΒΡΑ∆, ΜΑΡΚ ΡΕΣΤΙΤΥΤΙΟΝ − Χ ΧΗΕΛΛΨ 651.237.172 50.00 Τοταλ : 50.00 40860011/7/2011 151500 ΕΝΤΕΝΜΑΝΝ−ΡΟςΙΝ ΧΟ0074899−ΙΝ ΡΕΦΥΡΒΙΣΗ 4 ΒΑ∆ΓΕΣ (0074899−ΙΝ) 001.21.521.100.49 131.36 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.21.521.100.49 12.48 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −12.48 Τοταλ : 131.36 40860111/7/2011 151770 ΕΘΥΙΦΑΞ ΙΝΦΟΡΜΑΤΙΟΝ ΣςΣ, ΙΝΧ6650175 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #6650175 ΧΡΕ∆ΙΤ ΧΗΕΧΚΣ 001.13.516.100.49 6.49 Τοταλ : 6.49 40860211/7/2011 017551 ΕςΕΡΓΡΕΕΝ ΦΙΡΕ & ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ11−1867 ΝετΕςΣ Χαµερα λιχενσε, παρτ 518.00.518.880.49 5,169.60 1−ψρ σοφτωαρε µαιντενανχε φορ νεω 518.00.518.880.48 1,024.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.49 491.11 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.48 97.28 Τοταλ : 6,781.99 40860311/7/2011 017291 ΕΩΙΝΓ, ΡΗΟΝ∆Α091911ΡΕΙΜΒ ΛΟ∆ΓΙΝΓ ΩΦΟΑ ΧΟΝΦ − ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ ΤΟ ΒΑΡΣ 001.14.514.230.43 244.35 Τοταλ : 244.35 40860411/7/2011 152260 ΕΞΕΡΧΙΣΕ ΣΧΙΕΝΧΕ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ, ΙΝΧΕΣΧ Ι∆ 37 40Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 41 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40860411/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)152260 ΕΞΕΡΧΙΣΕ ΣΧΙΕΝΧΕ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ, ΙΝΧ ΠΟΛΙΧΕ ΦΙΤΝΕΣΣ ΑΣΣΕΣΣΜΕΝΤ − ΣΤΑΝ ΦΥΛΛΕΡ 001.13.516.710.41 45.00 Τοταλ : 45.00 40860511/7/2011 013660 ΕΞΤΕΝ∆ ΝΕΤΩΟΡΚΣ, ΙΝΧ11−8119191 Σπεχτρα Λογιχ 24 Ηουρ ονσιτε συππορτ∼ 518.00.518.880.48 3,653.74 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.48 347.11 11−8119195 Σπεχτρα Λογιχ ΛΤΟ−4 Μεδια Παχκ Ταπεσ 518.00.518.880.31 430.00 φρειγητ 518.00.518.880.31 45.47 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.31 45.17 Τοταλ : 4,521.49 40860611/7/2011 020289 ΦΑΡΩΕΛΛ, Χ ϑΑΜΕΣ & ΨΟΚΟ064868 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−10526 ΣΕ 300ΤΗ ΣΤ 430.233.100 67.04 Τοταλ : 67.04 40860711/7/2011 007114 ΦΑΣΤΕΝΑΛ ΧΟΩΑΑΥΒ36832 ΥΣΕ∆ ΤΟ ΙΝΣΤΑΛΛ 1 1/2∀ & 2∀ ΜΕΤΕΡΣ∼ 430.00.534.800.31 175.00 36314 5/8∀ −11 ΓΡΑ∆Ε 5 ΝΧ ΝΥΤ ΖΙΝΧ 430.00.534.800.31 56.68 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.00.534.800.31 22.01 ΩΑΦΕ∆114324 Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε. 436.00.536.200.31 21.89 Τοταλ : 275.58 41Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 42 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40860811/7/2011 008661 ΦΙΡΕ ΠΡΟΤΕΧΤΙΟΝ ΙΝΧ.0082588 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #0082588 ΦΙΡΕ ΑΛΑΡΜ ΠΑΝΕΛ 505.00.524.500.48 3,332.63 0082589 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #0082589 ΦΙΡΕ ΑΛΑΡΜ ΜΟΝΙΤΟΡΙΝΓ 505.00.524.500.41 264.78 Τοταλ : 3,597.41 40860911/7/2011 003890 ΦΙΣΗΕΡ ΡΑ∆ΙΟΜ−101655 ΑΙΡΤΙΜΕ ΦΟΡ ΩΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΣΗΟΩ ΠΡΟΜΟΣ 104.00.557.300.41 10,000.00 Τοταλ : 10,000.00 40861011/7/2011 161170 ΦΙΤΖ ΤΟΩΙΝΓ, ΛΛΧ20913 ΧΑΣΕ 11−11086 ΤΟΩ − 20913 117.00.521.210.41 242.27 Τοταλ : 242.27 40861111/7/2011 162340 ΦΛΕΕΤ ΠΡΙ∆Ε44660682 ΦΛΕΕΤ ΠΡΙ∆Ε / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 550.00.548.680.35 718.51 Τοταλ : 718.51 40861211/7/2011 161410 ΦΛΕΞ−ΠΛΑΝ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ, ΙΝΧ.182600 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ∼ 001.14.514.230.41 265.00 Τοταλ : 265.00 40861311/7/2011 020157 ΦΡΑΝΚ ΦΕΡΡΑΝΤΕ093011ΙΝς ΡΕΙΜΒ ΧΑΡ ΡΕΝΤΑΛ ΦΟΡ ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΕΡ ΠΕΡ 001.33.573.201.41 112.53 Τοταλ : 112.53 40861411/7/2011 007674 ΦΡΑΥΣΕ ΓΡΟΥΠ, ΙΝΧ0911−7593Α 2011 Νειγηβορηοοδ Νατυραλ Ψαρδ Χαρε 430.00.534.100.41 10.04 2011 Νειγηβορηοοδ Νατυραλ Ψαρδ Χαρε 42Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 43 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40861411/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)007674 ΦΡΑΥΣΕ ΓΡΟΥΠ, ΙΝΧ 432.00.535.100.41 10.04 Τοταλ : 20.08 40861511/7/2011 162250 ΦΡΕ∆ ΜΕΨΕΡ ΣΤΟΡΕΣ− ΧΥΣΤ ΧΗΑΡΓΕ562175 ΡΕΧΡΕΑΤΙΟΝ ΙΤΕΜΣ: ΦΟΟ∆, ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΑΝ∆ 001.33.574.240.31 55.18 562200 ΡΕΧΡΕΑΤΙΟΝ ΙΤΕΜΣ: ΦΟΟ∆, ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΑΝ∆ 001.33.574.240.31 52.53 562203 ΡΕΧΡΕΑΤΙΟΝ ΙΤΕΜΣ: ΦΟΟ∆, ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΑΝ∆ 001.33.574.240.31 54.56 562216 ΡΕΧΡΕΑΤΙΟΝ ΙΤΕΜΣ: ΦΟΟ∆, ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΑΝ∆ 001.33.574.240.31 224.86 562220 ΡΕΧΡΕΑΤΙΟΝ ΙΤΕΜΣ: ΦΟΟ∆, ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΑΝ∆ 001.33.574.240.31 122.85 Τοταλ : 509.98 40861611/7/2011 020231 ΦΥΛΛ ΧΟΜΠΑΣΣ ΣΨΣΤΕΜ ΛΤ∆4086123 Ρεπλαχεµεντ οφ δαµαγεδ µιχροπηονε 001.33.573.201.31 268.02 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.33.573.201.31 25.46 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −25.46 Τοταλ : 268.02 40861711/7/2011 170090 Γ Ο Σ ΠΡΙΝΤΙΝΓ ΧΟΡΠ76738 500 4∀ξ6∀ ΤΟΥΡΙΣΜ ΠΟΣΤΧΑΡ∆Σ 104.00.557.300.41 85.38 77176 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 62.59 43Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 44 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40861711/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)170090 Γ Ο Σ ΠΡΙΝΤΙΝΓ ΧΟΡΠ 77211 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 452.27 Τοταλ : 600.24 40861811/7/2011 020024 ΓΑΛΛΑΓΗΕΡ ΠΡΟΠΕΡΤΨ ΜΓΜΤ067189 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−1120 22Ν∆ ΣΤ ΝΕ #1 430.233.100 83.39 Τοταλ : 83.39 40861911/7/2011 020297 ΓΑΡΧΙΑ, ΙΡΜΑ1367704 ΠΑΡΚΣ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ 001.347.699 155.00 Τοταλ : 155.00 40862011/7/2011 018577 ΓΑΡΨ∋Σ ΛΑΩΝ ΧΑΡΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ092811ΙΝς ΛΑΩΝ ΧΑΡΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 9/14/11; 505.00.524.500.41 109.50 Τοταλ : 109.50 40862111/7/2011 016101 ΓΕΙΣΤ, ΚΕΝΝΕΤΗ ΡΙΧΚ35208 ΑΚΙ−ϑΥϑΙΤΣΥ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 140.00 Τοταλ : 140.00 40862211/7/2011 020235 ΓΕΟΤΕΧΗ ΧΟΝΣΥΛΤΑΝΤΣ ΙΝΧ33580 Ενϖιρο Στυδψ & Προϕεχτ Μαναγεµεντ∼ 330.00.594.300.65 1,065.00 Τοταλ : 1,065.00 40862311/7/2011 171380 ΓΟ∆ΦΑΤΗΕΡ∋Σ ΠΙΖΖΑ, ΙΝΧ.561962 ΠΙΖΖΑ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ. ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΣ 001.33.574.240.31 56.58 561963 ΠΙΖΖΑ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ. ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΣ 001.33.574.240.31 64.42 44Παγε: CA.B CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 46 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40862711/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)171620 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ, ΙΝΧ 520632 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.21.521.200.31 6.94 520675 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.141.100 120.98 520692 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.141.100 51.18 520843 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 113.66 520955 Παρτσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε. 436.00.536.200.31 29.20 520997 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 17.62 521032 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 10.73 521112 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.21.521.200.35 272.86 521223 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.141.100 176.97 521237 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.31 39.97 521256 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.35 37.11 521560 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 46Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 47 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40862711/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)171620 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ, ΙΝΧ 550.00.548.680.35 113.66 521571 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.141.100 116.81 521580 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.31 48.44 521593 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 75.11 521704 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 22.10 521708 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.141.100 10.38 521743 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.31 22.75 521748 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 56.83 521750 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ 001.33.576.100.31 120.49 521772 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.31 110.06 521781 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.141.100 116.81 521812 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.141.100 36.10 521831 47Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 48 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40862711/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)171620 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ, ΙΝΧ ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 431.00.535.800.31 13.75 521842 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 431.00.535.800.31 32.83 521844 Ηελιχοιλ φορ χεµετερψ υσε. 436.00.536.200.31 51.33 521901 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.141.100 249.09 521947 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 113.66 522144 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.141.100 60.83 522438 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.31 2.07 522449 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.31 5.32 522472 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.31 142.33 522479 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 3.92 522544 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.31 −7.12 522552 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.31 13.01 48Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 49 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40862711/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)171620 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ, ΙΝΧ 522559 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 61.86 522566 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.31 5.26 522613 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.31 6.79 523035 ΓΟΣΝΕΨ ΜΟΤΟΡ ΠΑΡΤΣ: ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 437.00.576.600.31 −13.14 Τοταλ : 2,837.23 40862811/7/2011 019912 ΓΡΑΨ ΛΥΜΒΕΡ ΧΟ.28885 Χ412Α0 ΑΕΠ ΒΟΑΡ∆ΩΑΛΚ ∆ΕΧΚ ΣΧΡΕΩΣ ΙΝς 321.00.576.802.65 207.65 Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 321.00.576.802.65 0.38 Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 321.237.200 −0.38 Τοταλ : 207.65 40862911/7/2011 172290 ΓΡΕΕΝ ΡΙςΕΡ ΧΟΜΜ ΧΟΛΛΕΓΕ115327 Χερτιφιχατιον Χλασσ ∆αϖε Εισενβαχηερ∼ 430.00.534.800.49 179.00 115334 Χερτιφιχατιον Χλασσ φορ ϑοση Φλανδερσ 430.00.534.800.49 179.00 115335 Χερτιφιχατιον Χλασσ φορ Σχοττ Αρνζεν∼ 430.00.534.800.49 335.00 Τοταλ : 693.00 40863011/7/2011 172310 ΓΡΧΧ ΦΟΥΝ∆ΑΤΙΟΝΦΟΡΥΜ 49Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 50 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40863011/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)172310 ΓΡΧΧ ΦΟΥΝ∆ΑΤΙΟΝ Χιτιεσ & Σχηοολσ Φορυµ ον Οχτοβερ 26, 001.11.513.100.43 36.00 Χιτιεσ & Σχηοολσ Φορυµ ον Οχτοβερ 26, 001.11.511.600.31 54.00 Τοταλ : 90.00 40863111/7/2011 020295 ΓΡΕΕΝΩΙΡΕ ΙΝΧ.1488 Ηαλο ΙΤ τραινινγ σερϖιχεσ φορ 518.00.518.880.49 4,350.00 Τοταλ : 4,350.00 40863211/7/2011 180120 Η ∆ ΦΟΩΛΕΡ ΧΟ13019492 ∆ραιναγε παρτσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε. 436.00.536.200.31 855.60 Τοταλ : 855.60 40863311/7/2011 020226 ΗΑΜ ΡΑ∆ΙΟ ΟΥΤΛΕΤΠ1−245080 Αντεννα 001.21.525.100.31 375.95 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.21.525.100.31 35.72 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −35.72 Τοταλ : 375.95 40863411/7/2011 004932 ΗΑΜΙΛΤΟΝ, ΠΣ, ΡΟΒΕΡΤ101711ΙΝς ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 10/17/11 001.13.512.500.41 325.00 101811ΙΝς ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 10/18/11 001.13.512.500.41 212.50 Τοταλ : 537.50 40863511/7/2011 180500 ΗΑΜΜΟΝ∆, ΣΗΕΡΡΙ101811ΡΕΙΜΒ ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ ΤΟ ∆ΜΧΜΑ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ ΙΝ ΟΛΨΜΠΙΑ 50Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 51 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40863511/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)180500 ΗΑΜΜΟΝ∆, ΣΗΕΡΡΙ 001.13.512.500.43 44.18 Τοταλ : 44.18 40863611/7/2011 180640 ΗΑΝΝΙΤΨ, ∆ΑςΙ∆100311ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ 001.98.522.220.25 150.00 Τοταλ : 150.00 40863711/7/2011 180960 ΗΑΡΟΛ∆Σ ΠΛΥΜΒΙΝΓ48820 ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−ΕΤΗΕΛ ΩΙΛΛΙΑΜΣ ΛΕΑΚΙΝΓ 119.00.559.200.63 405.70 Τοταλ : 405.70 40863811/7/2011 011670 Η∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΩΑΤΕΡΩΟΡΚΣ, ΛΤ∆3329260 ΡΕΠΛΑΧΕ ΣΤΟΧΚ∼ 430.141.100 1,824.80 13∀ Ξ 24∀ Ξ 12∀ ΠΛΑΣΤΙΧ ΜΕΤΕΡ ΒΟΞ ΡΑςΕΝ 430.141.100 1,029.42 17∀ Ξ 30∀ Ξ 12∀ ΠΛΑΣΤΙΧ ΜΕΤΕΡ ΒΟΞ ΡΑςΕΝ 430.141.100 177.36 11∀ Ξ 18∀ Πλαστιχ Χοϖερ Ραϖεν∼ 430.141.100 1,378.41 13∀ Ξ 24∀ ΠΛΑΣΤΙΧ ΧΟςΕΡ ΡΑςΕΝ∼ 430.141.100 546.20 17∀ Ξ 30∀ ΠΛΑΣΤΙΧ ΧΟςΕΡ ΡΑςΕΝ∼ 430.141.100 501.24 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.141.100 518.46 3531480 ΡΕΠΛΑΧΕ ΣΤΟΧΚ∼ 430.141.100 174.00 ΣΧ−17Ξ6∀ 1 1/4∀ Σ.Σ. ΡΕΠΑΙΡ ΧΛΑΜΠ (ΓΑΛ) 430.141.100 42.92 Α320010 5 1/4 Ξ12∀ ΗΨ∆Ρ. ΕΞΤ., (ΜΥΛ) 430.141.100 395.00 51Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 52 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40863811/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)011670 Η∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΩΑΤΕΡΩΟΡΚΣ, ΛΤ∆ Η14258 5/8∀ Ξ 3/4∀ ΑΝΓΛΕ ΣΤΟΠ ΜΕΤΕΡ ΣΝ 430.141.100 433.80 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.141.100 99.34 3584785 17∀ Ξ 30∀ Ξ 12∀ ΠΛΑΣΤΙΧ ΜΕΤΕΡ ΒΟΞ ΡΑςΕΝ 430.141.100 886.80 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.141.100 84.24 3628157 13∀ Ξ 24∀ Ξ 12∀ ΠΛΑΣΤΙΧ ΜΕΤΕΡ ΒΟΞ ΡΑςΕΝ 430.141.100 114.38 13∀ Ξ 24∀ ΠΛΑΣΤΙΧ ΧΟςΕΡ ΡΑςΕΝ∼ 430.141.100 109.24 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.141.100 21.25 3686748 Η∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΩΑΤΕΡΩΟΡΚΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.31 35.08 3695167 Η∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΩΑΤΕΡΩΟΡΚΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.31 200.26 3713527 Η15403 3/4∀ 3 ΠΑΡΤ Ξ 110 ΧΤΣ ΥΝΙΟΝ∼ 430.141.100 339.75 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.141.100 32.27 3766008 Η∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΩΑΤΕΡΩΟΡΚΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.141.100 92.31 3779401 ΡΕΠΛΑΧΕ ΣΤΟΧΚ∼ 430.141.100 128.96 ΡΑςΕΝ 13∀ Ξ 24∀ ∆Ι ΧΟςΕΡ Ω/ΡΕΑ∆ΕΡ ΕϑΙΩ 52Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 53 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40863811/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)011670 Η∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΩΑΤΕΡΩΟΡΚΣ, ΛΤ∆ 430.141.100 628.30 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.141.100 71.94 3803534 ΡΕΠΛΑΧΕ ΣΤΟΧΚ∼ 430.141.100 220.98 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.141.100 20.99 Τοταλ : 10,107.70 40863911/7/2011 181230 ΗΕΑ∆−ΘΥΑΡΤΕΡΣ24551 ΗΕΑ∆−ΘΥΑΡΤΕΡΣ: ΠΟΡΤΑΒΛΕ ΤΟΙΛΕΤ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 437.00.576.600.45 223.50 Τοταλ : 223.50 40864011/7/2011 200740 ΗΕΑΛΤΗΠΟΙΝΤ ΟΦ ΚΙΝΓ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ1ΣΤ&2Ν∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΒΓ110 Χ∆ΒΓ: ΗεαλτηΠοιντ ΒΓ−1101 ∼ 119.00.559.200.41 28,750.00 3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΒΓ1101 Χ∆ΒΓ: ΗεαλτηΠοιντ ΒΓ−1101 ∼ 119.00.559.200.41 14,375.00 Τοταλ : 43,125.00 40864111/7/2011 002335 ΗΕΙ∆, ∆ΑΝΙΕΛ Β.101411ΡΕΙΜΒ ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ & ΠΕΡ ∆ΙΕΜ − ΩΣΑΜΑ ΧΟΝΦ, ΑΝ∆ 001.15.515.100.43 692.36 Τοταλ : 692.36 40864211/7/2011 020285 ΗΕΝ∆ΕΡΣΟΝ, ΡΑΝ∆Ψ034703 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−2002 21ΣΤ ΣΤ ΝΩ 431.233.100 24.45 Τοταλ : 24.45 40864311/7/2011 020260 ΗΕΡΜΑΝΕΓΙΛ∆Ο−ςΙΛΛΑ, ΧΛΑΥ∆ΙΑΙΖ0252782 ΒΑΙΛ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − Φ ΗΕΡΜΕΝΕΓΙΛ∆Ο 651.237.172 500.00 53Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 54 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 500.00 40864311/7/2011020260020260 ΗΕΡΜΑΝΕΓΙΛ∆Ο−ςΙΛΛΑ, ΧΛΑΥ∆ΙΑ 40864411/7/2011 182070 ΗΙΓΗΛΙΝΕ ΧΟΜΜ ΧΟΛΛΕΓΕ39281 ΩΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ ΣΗΟΩ Α∆ ΙΝ ΣΧΗΟΟΛ ΠΑΠΕΡ 104.00.557.300.41 35.00 Τοταλ : 35.00 40864511/7/2011 005843 ΗΙΝΣΗΑΩ∋Σ ΜΟΤΟΡΧΨΧΛΕ ΣΤΟΡΕ95871632 ΗΙΝΣΗΑΩ∋Σ ΜΟΤΟΡΧΨΧΛΕ ΣΤΟΡΕ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.680.48 260.91 95872308 ΗΙΝΣΗΑΩ∋Σ ΜΟΤΟΡΧΨΧΛΕ ΣΤΟΡΕ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.680.48 258.98 Τοταλ : 519.89 40864611/7/2011 010842 ΗΟΦΦΜΑΝ ΧΟΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ ΙΝΧΡΕΦΥΝ∆ ΗΨ∆ΡΑΝΤ ∆ΕΠΟΣΙΤ, ΗΨ∆11−0024 430.399.501 1,449.00 Τοταλ : 1,449.00 40864711/7/2011 008979 ΗΟΛΛΕΨ, ΡΥΣΣΕΛΛ067038 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−503 6ΤΗ ΣΤ ΣΕ 430.233.100 102.29 Τοταλ : 102.29 40864811/7/2011 018867 ΗΟΡΙΖΟΝ ΠΕΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ, ΙΝΧ.60671 Κ9 ΦΟΟ∆ − ΜΨΚ − 60671 001.21.521.200.31 104.23 Τοταλ : 104.23 40864911/7/2011 011111 ΗΥ∆ΣΟΝ, ΧΡΑΙΓ110711ΡΕΙΜ Ρεπλενιση πεττψ χαση 436.00.536.200.31 51.57 Ρεπλενιση πεττψ χαση 436.00.536.100.43 39.00 Τοταλ : 90.57 54Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 55 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40865011/7/2011 183150 ΗΥΜΑΝ ΡΕΣΟΥΡΧΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΝΩ102511ΙΝς ΥΝΕΜΠΛΟΨΜΕΝΤ ΧΟΜΠΕΝΣΑΤΙΟΝ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ 501.00.517.700.41 207.00 Τοταλ : 207.00 40865111/7/2011 020286 ΗΥΣΜΑΝ, ϑΟΗΝ058935 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−30015 58ΤΗ ΠΛ Σ 432.233.100 26.27 Τοταλ : 26.27 40865211/7/2011 019383 ΙΧΡΕΣΧΕΝ∆Ο ΛΛΧ1595 Χψβερ Κεψσ, βαττεριεσ, λοχκ & πινσ, 430.00.534.800.35 2,036.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.00.534.800.35 193.42 Τοταλ : 2,229.42 40865311/7/2011 190330 ΙΚΟΝ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΟΛΥΤΙΟΝΣ85684073 Χουνχιλ − 240.43∼ 518.00.518.880.45 6,468.52 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.45 614.51 Τοταλ : 7,083.03 40865411/7/2011 190330 ΙΚΟΝ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΟΛΥΤΙΟΝΣ5020793248 ΙΚΟΝ Χοπιερ Υσαγε φορ Σεπτεµβερ:∼ 518.00.518.880.45 3,371.00 Τοταλ : 3,371.00 40865511/7/2011 190360 ΙΜΑΓΕ ΜΑΣΤΕΡΣ ΙΝΧ106210 ΣΤΑΜΠ ΦΟΡ ΙΝςΕΣΤ ΧΑΣΕΣ (106210) 001.21.521.210.31 60.23 106273 ΝΑΜΕΤΑΓ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΤΡΟΛ ΒΟΑΡ∆ − ΩΙΧΚΜΑΝ − 001.21.521.200.31 2.46 106354 55Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 56 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40865511/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)190360 ΙΜΑΓΕ ΜΑΣΤΕΡΣ ΙΝΧ ΑΩΑΡ∆ ΠΛΑΘΥΕΣ ΦΟΡ ςΕΤΕΡΑΝΣ ∆ΑΨ 001.33.573.901.31 188.03 Τοταλ : 250.72 40865611/7/2011 190510 ΙΝΧΑ ΕΝΓΙΝΕΕΡΣ ΙΝΧ50487872 ΑΓ−Χ−379 ΧΠ0916: Ωεστ ςαλλεψ Ηιγηωαψ 102.00.594.420.65 5,440.13 50489983 ΑΓ−Χ−379: ΧΠ0916: Ωεστ ςαλλεψ Ηιγηωαψ 102.00.594.420.65 16,561.82 Τοταλ : 22,001.95 40865711/7/2011 019646 ΙΝΧΗ, ΡΙΧΗΑΡ∆ ∆3008 ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−ΜΑΡΨ ∆ΑςΙΣ∋ ∆ΟΟΡ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ 119.00.559.200.63 243.09 3099 ΩΕΑΤΗΕΡΙΖΑΤΙΟΝ: ΜΑΡΙΑΝ ΗΟΒΑΝ∋Σ ΛΕΑΚΙΝΓ 119.00.559.200.63 304.44 Τοταλ : 547.53 40865811/7/2011 020234 ΙΝ∆ΥΣΤΡΙΑΛ ΧΟΜΜΥΝΙΧΑΤΙΟΝΣ ΛΛΧ0074117−ΙΝ Αυτο ∆ιαλερ−πυµπ στατιον χοµµ ω/ Μ&Ο∼ 431.00.590.100.68 4,358.92 0074118−ΙΝ Αυτο ∆ιαλερ−πυµπ στατιον χοµµ ω/ Μ&Ο∼ 432.00.590.100.68 4,675.38 Τοταλ : 9,034.30 40865911/7/2011 002701 ΙΝΦΟΡΜ ΠΥΓΕΤ ΣΟΥΝ∆2047 ΠΟΣΤΕΡ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΒΥΤΙΟΝ ΦΟΡ ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛ ΕςΕΝΤΣ 001.33.573.901.44 504.90 2076 ΠΟΣΤΕΡ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΒΥΤΙΟΝ ΦΟΡ ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛ ΕςΕΝΤΣ 001.33.573.901.44 240.00 Τοταλ : 744.90 56Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 57 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40866011/7/2011 004723 ΙΝΓΕΡΣΟΛΛ− ΡΑΝ∆ ΧΟ30211831 ΡΕΠΑΙΡ ΙΝΓΕΡΣΑΛΛ ΡΑΝ∆ ΧΟΜΠΡΕΣΣΟΡ ∼ 550.00.548.100.48 434.00 ΦΥΕΛ ΣΥΡΧΗΑΡΓΕ 550.00.548.100.48 30.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.100.48 44.08 Τοταλ : 508.08 40866111/7/2011 007855 ΙΝΤΕΓΡΑ ΤΕΛΕΧΟΜ8857478 βυσινεσσ πηονεσ & ιντερνετ σερϖιχε φορ 437.00.576.680.42 398.56 βυσινεσσ πηονεσ & ιντερνετ σερϖιχε φορ 518.00.518.880.42 2,284.13 βυσινεσσ πηονεσ & ιντερνετ σερϖιχε φορ 001.33.575.280.42 152.72 βυσινεσσ πηονεσ & ιντερνετ σερϖιχε φορ 436.00.536.100.42 149.48 βυσινεσσ πηονεσ & ιντερνετ σερϖιχε φορ 001.33.574.100.42 69.26 βυσινεσσ πηονεσ & ιντερνετ σερϖιχε φορ 430.00.534.800.42 66.81 Τοταλ : 3,120.96 40866211/7/2011 191685 ΙΝΤΛ ΣΟΧΙΕΤΨ ΟΦ ΑΡΒΟΡΙΧΥΛΤΥΡΕΗΑ∆ΛΕΨ/ΜΕΜΒΕΡΣΗΙΠ ΜΕΜΒΕΡΣΗΙΠ ΦΟΡ ΚΙΡΚ ΗΑ∆ΛΕΨ 001.33.576.100.49 125.00 Τοταλ : 125.00 40866311/7/2011 113950 ΙΡΟΝ ΜΤΝ ΟΦΦ−ΣΙΤΕ ∆ΑΤΑ ΠΡΟΤΕΧΤ103344123 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ∼ 518.00.518.880.49 256.62 Τοταλ : 256.62 40866411/7/2011 018911 ΙΩΑΣΑΚΙ, ϑΟΑΝΝΕ35060 ΩΑΤΕΡΧΟΛΟΡ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ: ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 12ΤΗ 57Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 58 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40866411/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)018911 ΙΩΑΣΑΚΙ, ϑΟΑΝΝΕ 001.33.574.210.41 684.00 35061 ΩΑΤΕΡΧΟΛΟΡ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ: ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 12ΤΗ 001.33.574.210.41 324.00 35062 ΩΑΤΕΡΧΟΛΟΡ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ: ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 12ΤΗ 001.33.574.210.41 612.00 35064 ΩΑΤΕΡΧΟΛΟΡ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ: ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ 12ΤΗ 001.33.574.240.41 72.00 Τοταλ : 1,692.00 40866511/7/2011 002358 ϑ & Κ ΑΣΣΟΧΙΑΤΕΣ1368 Χρεδιτ φορ ΠΟ11−000853/Ρετυρν φορ Ωρονγ 550.00.548.680.35 −242.73 1374 φρειγητ 550.00.548.680.35 56.67 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.680.35 32.14 #6428∆ − Σεαλαντ Πρεσσυρε Γαυγε 550.00.548.680.35 281.67 1380 #6428∆ − Τρανσφορµερ, ελεχτροδεσ ανδ 550.00.548.680.35 632.50 φρειγητ 550.00.548.680.35 75.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.680.35 67.21 Τοταλ : 902.46 40866611/7/2011 019996 ϑΑΜΕΣ, ∆ΟΝΧ00108450 ΡΕΣΤΙΤΥΤΙΟΝ − Α ΡΟΒΛΕΣ 651.237.172 65.06 58Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 59 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 65.06 40866611/7/2011019996019996 ϑΑΜΕΣ, ∆ΟΝ 40866711/7/2011 200600 ϑΑΡΓΕΡ, ∆ΑςΙ∆101111ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.517.210.25 331.14 Τοταλ : 331.14 40866811/7/2011 017188 ϑΑΣΟΝ ΕΝΓΙΝΕΕΡΙΝΓ & ΧΟΝΣΥΛΤΙΝΓ11024−001 ϑασον Ενγινεερινγ, Βλανκετ ΠΟ, ΤΡΑΝΣΦΕΡ 431.00.590.100.65 800.00 Τοταλ : 800.00 40866911/7/2011 201200 ϑΧΙ ϑΟΝΕΣ ΧΗΕΜΙΧΑΛΣ ΙΝΧ526429 ϑΧΙ ϑΟΝΕΣ ΧΗΕΜΙΧΑΛΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.31 1,814.24 526463 ϑΧΙ ϑΟΝΕΣ ΧΗΕΜΙΧΑΛΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.31 −600.00 Τοταλ : 1,214.24 40867011/7/2011 001763 ϑΟΗΝΣΟΝ, ∆ΙΑΝΑ081311ΡΕΙΜΒ ΙΝΤΛ ΦΕΣΤΙςΑΛ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ & ΛΥΝΧΗ ΦΟΡ 001.17.557.200.49 59.81 ΙΝΤΛ ΦΕΣΤΙςΑΛ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ & ΛΥΝΧΗ ΦΟΡ 001.17.557.200.31 17.52 Τοταλ : 77.33 40867111/7/2011 020302 ϑΟΗΝΣΟΝ, Ω.Ρ.032242 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−1202 ΗΑΡςΕΨ ΡΟΑ∆ 430.233.100 988.43 Τοταλ : 988.43 40867211/7/2011 018264 ϑΟΝ ΦΟΞ − ϑΥΣΤ ΦΟΡ ΛΑΥΓΗΣ11/10/11ΠΕΡΦ ΧΟΜΕ∆Ψ ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΑΝΧΕ ΟΝ ΝΟςΕΜΒΕΡ 10ΤΗ, 001.33.575.280.41 1,600.00 Τοταλ : 1,600.00 59Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 60 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40867311/7/2011 005949 Κ Χ Α∆ΜΙΝ ΒΛ∆ΓΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕΣ Βλανκετ ΠΟ φορ φιλινγ φεεσ − λιενσ 430.00.534.110.41 558.00 ΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕΣ Βλανκετ ΠΟ φορ φιλινγ φεεσ − λιενσ 430.00.534.110.41 558.00 ΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕΣ Βλανκετ ΠΟ φορ φιλινγ φεεσ − λιενσ 430.00.534.110.41 310.00 Τοταλ : 1,426.00 40867411/7/2011 210360 Κ Χ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ ∆ΙΡΕΧΤΟΡ7110420 Κινγ Χουντψ Λοχαλ Ηαζαρδουσ Ωαστε 434.00.537.800.51 70,428.12 Τοταλ : 70,428.12 40867511/7/2011 210360 Κ Χ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ7130138 2Ν∆ ΘΤΡ 2011 ΛΙΘΥΟΡ ΠΡΟΦΙΤΣ & ΕΞΧΙΣΕ ΤΑΞ 651.237.110 4,548.15 Τοταλ : 4,548.15 40867611/7/2011 210360 Κ Χ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ7110444 Παψ Χοδε: 08∼ 001.17.562.100.41 2,500.00 Τοταλ : 2,500.00 40867711/7/2011 211200 ΚΙΝΓ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ΤΡΕΑΣΥΡΨ2011ΠΠΤΑΞΣΤΜΤΣ ΠΠ ΤΑΞ ΣΤΜΤΣ ΦΟΡ 8 ΠΑΡΧΕΛΣ ∼ 505.00.524.500.49 97.72 Τοταλ : 97.72 40867811/7/2011 211950 Α∆ςΑΝΧΕ ΧΑΠΙΤΑΛ, ΙΝΧ1720429 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ∆ΕΠΤ ΧΨΛΙΝ∆ΕΡ ΡΕΝΤΑΛΣ 001.33.574.220.31 26.28 1720431 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ∆ΕΠΤ ΧΨΛΙΝ∆ΕΡ ΡΕΝΤΑΛΣ 001.33.574.210.31 13.14 60Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 61 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40867811/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)211950 Α∆ςΑΝΧΕ ΧΑΠΙΤΑΛ, ΙΝΧ 47573 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ∆ΕΠΤ ΧΨΛΙΝ∆ΕΡ ΡΕΝΤΑΛΣ 001.33.574.240.45 170.22 Τοταλ : 209.64 40867911/7/2011 018970 ΚΕΨ ΒΑΝΚ/ ΡΩ ΣΧΟΤΤ11−11/#2 ΧΠ0916, Ωεστ ςαλλεψ Ηιγηωαψ 102.00.594.420.65 34,827.40 ΧΠ0916, Ωεστ ςαλλεψ Ηιγηωαψ 432.00.590.100.68 15,845.62 Τοταλ : 50,673.02 40868011/7/2011 020282 ΚΙΕΝΕ−ΩΗΕΕΛΕΡ, ∆ΙΟΝ030949 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−11362 ΣΕ 298ΤΗ ΠΛ 430.233.100 93.20 Τοταλ : 93.20 40868111/7/2011 016081 ΚΙΜΧΟ ΡΕΑΛΤΨ ΧΟΡΠΟΡΑΤΙΟΝ035847 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−1301 ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΩΑΨ Ν 434.233.100 798.27 Τοταλ : 798.27 40868211/7/2011 020273 ΚΙΝΓ ΠΑΡ ΛΛΧ2559400 2011 ΡΕΝΤΑΛ ΧΛΥΒΣ 437.00.576.680.31 585.71 Τοταλ : 585.71 40868311/7/2011 013136 ΚΙΡΩΙΝ, ΡΟΧΚΨ101911ΡΕΙΜΒ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.210.31 227.39 Τοταλ : 227.39 40868411/7/2011 213080 ΚΟΝΚΛΕΡ, ςΙΝΧΕΝΤ093011ΡΕΙΜΒ Χροσσ Χοννεχτιον Σεµιναρ ςινχε Κονκλερ 430.00.534.800.49 90.00 61Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 62 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 90.00 40868411/7/2011213080213080 ΚΟΝΚΛΕΡ, ςΙΝΧΕΝΤ 40868511/7/2011 020255 ΚΟςΑΧ, ΑΤΤΟΡΝΕΨ ΑΤ ΛΑΩ, ϑΑΜΕΣ Ω.101411ΙΝς ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 10/14/11 001.13.512.500.41 225.00 Τοταλ : 225.00 40868611/7/2011 018685 ΚΠΓ, ΙΝΧ.82511 ΑΓ−Χ−383, Σουτη ∆ιϖισιον Στρεετ 330.00.594.100.65 25,054.57 ΑΓ−Χ−383 Σουτη ∆ιϖισιον Στρεετ Προµεναδε 330.00.594.100.65 14,653.96 Τοταλ : 39,708.53 40868711/7/2011 003712 ΚΡΑΖΑΝ & ΑΣΣΟΧΙΑΤΕΣ, ΙΝΧ.0668210−1274 ΑΓ−Σ−043, Λακελανδ Ηιλλσ Βοοστερ Πυµπ 430.00.590.100.68 1,002.10 0668221−1274 ΑΓ−Σ−043,ΧΠ0817Β− Ελλινγσον Σεωερ Πυµπ 431.00.590.100.68 1,502.20 Τοταλ : 2,504.30 40868811/7/2011 213370 ΚΥΣΤΟΜ ΣΙΓΝΑΛΣ ΙΝΧ451305 ΧΗΑΡΓΕΡ/ΧΑΒΛΕ ΦΟΡ ΤΡΑΦΦΙΧ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ 001.21.521.200.48 234.33 Τοταλ : 234.33 40868911/7/2011 220360 ΛΑΚΕΗΑςΕΝ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ1168702 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΑΤ 32882 56 ΑςΕ Σ 505.00.524.500.47 23.72 3322501 2011 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΑΤ 5310 Σ 320ΤΗ ΣΤ 431.00.535.800.47 19.72 3379801 2011 ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΑΤ 1438 Υ ΧΤ ΝΩ 001.33.576.100.47 226.22 3565201 62Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 63 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40868911/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)220360 ΛΑΚΕΗΑςΕΝ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ ΕΜΕΡΓΕΝΧΨ ΙΝΤΕΡΤΙΕ ΛΙΝΕ 7/12−9/07, 430.00.534.800.47 656.74 Τοταλ : 926.40 40869011/7/2011 220360 ΛΑΚΕΗΑςΕΝ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΝΟ 11687 ΦΕΕ ΦΟΡ ΛΑΚΕΗΑςΕΝ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΧΤ ΤΟ 505.00.524.500.48 90.00 Τοταλ : 90.00 40869111/7/2011 220480 ΛΑΚΕΣΙ∆Ε ΙΝ∆ΥΣΤΡΙΕΣ, ΙΝΧ12031645ΜΒ ΛΑΚΕΣΙ∆Ε ΙΝ∆ΥΣΤΡΙΕΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.42.542.300.31 1,567.13 12031744ΜΒ ΛΑΚΕΣΙ∆Ε ΙΝ∆ΥΣΤΡΙΕΣ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.42.542.300.31 749.46 Τοταλ : 2,316.59 40869211/7/2011 020283 ΛΑΥΚΑΛΑ, ∆ΕΛςΙΝ031946 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−1306 Ο ΣΤ ΝΕ 430.233.100 250.72 Τοταλ : 250.72 40869311/7/2011 019990 ΛΕΑΥ, ΛΑΦΟΓΑ Σ070411ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜ 4τη οφ ϑυλψ − Μυλτιχυλτυραλ Σταγε∼ 001.17.557.200.44 50.00 Τοταλ : 50.00 40869411/7/2011 013359 ΛΕΝΕΑΡ, ΡΟΒΙΝ101811ΡΕΙΜΒ ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ ΤΟ ∆ΜΧΜΑ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ ΙΝ ΟΛΨΜΠΙΑ 001.13.512.500.43 44.18 Τοταλ : 44.18 40869511/7/2011 221710 ΛΕΣ ΣΧΗΩΑΒ ΤΙΡΕΣ542723 Τ412 Τυβελεσσ ανδ ΤΡ87 τυβε 436.00.536.200.31 202.89 Σερϖιχε 63Παγε: CA.B CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 65 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40870211/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ 505.00.524.500.31 64.67 09901 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 15.26 10299 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 55.80 12777 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.31 6.53 14023 Βαγ φορ ςΑΥΛΤ 001.21.525.100.31 14.98 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.21.525.100.31 1.42 14061 Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε 436.00.536.200.31 30.64 14103 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.31 10.88 14306 Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε 436.00.536.200.31 22.80 14454 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 44.85 14634 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 66.59 14695 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 −83.12 14720 ΜΙΣΧ. ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ; ΣΗΟςΕΛΣ, ΤΑΠΕ, ΝΥΤΣ, 65Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 66 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40870211/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ 437.00.576.600.31 26.23 14732 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 33.75 14772 Στεπ Λαδδερ φορ ΓΣΑ 001.21.525.100.31 42.98 Στοραγε σηελφ φορ ΓΣΑ 001.21.525.100.31 77.98 Τηρεαδ τοολ βαχκπαχκ 001.21.525.100.31 49.98 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.21.525.100.31 16.24 15389 Υτιλιτψ στοραγε βαγσ 001.21.525.100.31 −5.55 15840 Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε. 436.00.536.200.31 10.93 18602 Στεπ Λαδδερ φορ ΓΣΑ 001.21.525.100.31 −54.73 19778 Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε. 436.00.536.200.31 113.44 20077 Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε. 436.00.536.200.31 66.86 20119 Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε. 436.00.536.200.31 54.73 23163 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 431.00.535.800.31 53.96 23191 66Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 67 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40870211/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε. 436.00.536.200.31 45.67 23352 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 9.09 23517 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 314.83 23624 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.42.542.300.31 66.73 23877 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 432.00.535.900.31 33.64 23966 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 64.34 24106 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 15.54 24126 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 50.00 24137 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 11.16 24138 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.31 18.44 24148 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 8.74 24151 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.31 7.37 67Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 68 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40870211/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ 24159 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 431.00.535.800.31 37.36 24195 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 432.00.535.900.31 31.95 24197 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 432.00.535.900.31 34.80 24220 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 432.00.535.900.31 31.95 24234 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 431.00.535.800.31 37.76 24300 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 37.36 24322 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 431.00.535.800.31 23.51 24331 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 22.69 24355 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 18.52 24390 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.31 59.92 24396 Υτιλιτψ στοραγε βαγσ 001.21.525.100.31 14.55 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.21.525.100.31 1.38 68Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 69 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40870211/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ 24431 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.42.542.300.31 51.90 24494 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 88.37 24545 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 38.30 24554 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 8.29 24583 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 14.11 24589 Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε. 436.00.536.200.31 21.20 24599 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 431.00.535.800.35 189.18 24624 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.42.542.300.31 12.40 24661 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 431.00.535.800.31 2.83 24669 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.574.220.31 15.24 24677 Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε. 436.00.536.200.31 10.07 24691 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 69Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 70 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40870211/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ 432.00.535.900.35 155.00 24698 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 251.55 24713 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 25.49 24732 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.31 6.42 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 6.21 24735 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.42.542.300.31 36.96 24753 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 58.31 24753 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 4.14 24780 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 8.98 24786 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 51.98 24787 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 432.00.535.900.31 41.35 24817 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 431.00.535.800.31 16.62 24839 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 70Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 71 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40870211/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ 001.42.542.300.31 67.56 24848 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 35.20 24851 Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε. 436.00.536.200.31 42.92 24905 ΧΟΥΡΣΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΓΟΛΦ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ 437.00.576.600.31 92.44 24916 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ. ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ 001.33.576.100.31 31.08 24938 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 432.00.535.900.35 62.79 24977 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 432.00.535.900.31 21.57 24978 ΧΟΥΡΣΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΓΟΛΦ ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝΑΝΧΕ 437.00.576.600.31 30.56 ΜΙΣΧ. ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ; ΣΗΟςΕΛΣ, ΤΑΠΕ, ΝΥΤΣ, 437.00.576.600.31 27.44 24998 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.31 49.20 24999 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.21.521.200.35 19.67 25074 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 431.00.535.800.31 25.25 43857 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 71Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 72 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40870211/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)222200 ΛΟΩΕ∋Σ ΗΙΩ, ΙΝΧ 505.00.524.500.31 6.55 Τοταλ : 3,373.31 40870311/7/2011 012034 ΛΟΖΙΕΡ, ΡΑ∆ΙΝΕ10/24/11ΠΧ ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΕΤΤΨ ΧΑΣΗ ΡΕΙΜ. ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ 001.33.574.210.31 169.29 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΕΤΤΨ ΧΑΣΗ ΡΕΙΜ. ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ 001.33.574.210.49 54.49 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΕΤΤΨ ΧΑΣΗ ΡΕΙΜ. ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ 001.33.574.210.31 29.69 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΕΤΤΨ ΧΑΣΗ ΡΕΙΜ. ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ 001.33.574.210.43 38.56 Τοταλ : 292.03 40870411/7/2011 010463 ΛΨΝ∆ΕΝ ΠΡΕΧΑΣΤ ΛΛΧ11612 Χρεµατιον λινερσ φορ ρεσαλε 436.00.536.200.34 125.00 Τοταλ : 125.00 40870511/7/2011 230210 ΜΑΧΚ, ΩΙΛΛΙΑΜ102011ΙΝς Γραντ Φυνδεδ−ΧΕΡΤ Ινστρυχτορ 001.21.525.100.41 105.00 Τοταλ : 105.00 40870611/7/2011 017812 ΜΑΓΝΥΜ ΠΡΙΝΤ ΣΟΛΥΤΙΟΝΣ95097 1 ΗΠ Λϑ 4200 Τονερ 518.00.518.880.31 59.95 ΗΠ Λϑ 4250/4350 Τονερ 518.00.518.880.31 59.95 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.31 11.39 95548 ΗΠ Λϑ 4250 τονερ 518.00.518.880.31 119.90 ΗΠ Χολορ Λϑ 5500/5550 Μεγεντα Τονερ 72Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 73 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40870611/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)017812 ΜΑΓΝΥΜ ΠΡΙΝΤ ΣΟΛΥΤΙΟΝΣ 518.00.518.880.31 209.95 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.31 31.34 Τοταλ : 492.48 40870711/7/2011 233620 ΜΑΙΝ ΣΤΡΕΕΤ ΣΙΓΝΣ & ΓΡΑΠΗΙΧΣ4270 Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ ΣΙΓΝΣ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΧΡΕΑΤΙΟΝ 001.33.574.220.44 191.63 4273 ΡΕΜΟςΕ ΠΛΑΨ ΛΟΓΟ ΑΝ∆ ∆ΑΤΕΣ/ΙΝΣΤΑΛΛ ΝΕΩ 001.33.575.280.44 175.20 Τοταλ : 366.83 40870811/7/2011 231130 ΜΑΤΤΗΕΩΣ ΒΡΟΝΖΕ ΚΙΝΓΩΟΟ∆7019252 Μαρκερ φορ ρεσαλε − Ροββε, Εϖελψν 436.00.536.200.34 430.62 Τοταλ : 430.62 40870911/7/2011 019499 ΜΑΨΕΣ ΤΕΣΤΙΝΓ ΕΝΓΙΝΕΕΡΣ ΙΝΧ0911Τ11061 Ρεθυισιτιον, Μαψερσ Τεστινγ Ενγινεερσ, 430.00.590.100.68 228.00 Τοταλ : 228.00 40871011/7/2011 002600 ΜΧΚΙΝΝΕΨ ΤΡΑΙΛΕΡΣ & ΧΟΝΤΑΙΝΕΡΣΤ49263 Χ412Α0 ΑΕΠ ΒΟΑΡ∆ΩΑΛΚ ΙΝς Τ49263 ΡΕΝΤΑΛ 321.00.576.802.65 99.92 Τοταλ : 99.92 40871111/7/2011 231930 ΜΧΚΙΝΣΤΡΨ ΧΟ2388411 ΑΓ−Σ−003−09, ΗςΑΧ Ρεπαιρ & Μαιντενανχε. 505.00.524.500.41 405.97 2388811 ΑΓ−Σ−003−09, ΗςΑΧ Ρεπαιρ & Μαιντενανχε. 505.00.524.500.41 1,877.10 2388911 ΑΓ−Σ−003−09, ΗςΑΧ Ρεπαιρ & Μαιντενανχε. 73Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 74 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40871111/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)231930 ΜΧΚΙΝΣΤΡΨ ΧΟ 505.00.524.500.41 946.35 2389911 ΑΓ−Σ−003−09, ΗςΑΧ Ρεπαιρ & Μαιντενανχε. 505.00.524.500.41 955.94 2390111 ΑΓ−Σ−003−09, ΗςΑΧ Ρεπαιρ & Μαιντενανχε. 505.00.524.500.41 519.85 2390211 ΑΓ−Σ−003−09, ΗςΑΧ Ρεπαιρ & Μαιντενανχε. 505.00.524.500.41 158.50 2390411 ΑΓ−Σ−003−09, ΗςΑΧ Ρεπαιρ & Μαιντενανχε. 505.00.524.500.41 332.61 2390711 ΑΓ−Σ−003−09, ΗςΑΧ Ρεπαιρ & Μαιντενανχε. 505.00.524.500.41 143.45 2390811 ΑΓ−Σ−003−09, ΗςΑΧ Ρεπαιρ & Μαιντενανχε. 505.00.524.500.41 388.73 2392111 ΑΓ−Σ−003−09, ΗςΑΧ Ρεπαιρ & Μαιντενανχε. 505.00.524.500.41 387.36 2522411 ϑΟΒ #287390 ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΕ∆ ΗςΑΧ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ 505.00.524.500.48 1,153.03 Τοταλ : 7,268.89 40871211/7/2011 232010 ΜΧΛΟΥΓΗΛΙΝ & ΕΑΡ∆ΛΕΨ, ΙΝΧ0128192−ΙΝ ΡΕΠΛΑΧΕ ΣΤΟΧΚ∼ 550.141.100 51.40 (ΛΙΝΕΑΡ) ΣΤΡΟΒΕ 4ΕΛΤΥΒΕ∼ 550.141.100 51.40 φρειγητ 550.141.100 13.75 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 74Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 75 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40871211/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)232010 ΜΧΛΟΥΓΗΛΙΝ & ΕΑΡ∆ΛΕΨ, ΙΝΧ 550.141.100 11.07 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 550.237.200 −11.07 Τοταλ : 116.55 40871311/7/2011 020287 ΜΧΝΕΙΛΛ, ΠΑΤΡΙΧΙΑ059574 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−29255 59ΤΗ ΑςΕ Σ 432.233.100 20.41 Τοταλ : 20.41 40871411/7/2011 019956 ΜΧΝΙΧΗΟΛΣ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ885930 Χ412Α0 ΠΣ∴ΧΡ 4∀ ΜΣΗ .225 ΩΛ∆ 36.000 Ξ 321.00.576.802.65 12,754.56 Τοταλ : 12,754.56 40871511/7/2011 017991 ΜΕΗΛ, ϑΥΛΙΕ10/19/11ΠΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.574.240.31 14.76 ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΓΨΜ ΟΠΕΝ ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.33.574.220.31 37.23 ΤΕΕΝ ΧΟΥΝΧΙΛ ΜΕΕΤΙΝΓ ΡΕΦΡΕΣΗΜΕΝΤΣ 001.33.574.240.31 25.87 ∆ΡΨ ΧΛΕΑΝΙΝΓ − ΠΑΡΚΕΡ ΧΟΣΤΥΜΕ 001.33.573.901.31 27.92 ΛΥΝΧΗ ΦΟΡ ΤΩΟ ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΕΡΣ, ΤΕΑΡΣ ΟΦ ϑΟΨ 001.33.575.280.49 19.76 ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΓΨΜ ΟΠΕΝ ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.33.573.901.31 9.75 Σ∆ ΧΑΡ∆ ΡΕΑ∆ΕΡ ΤΟ ΑΧΧΟΜΟ∆ΑΤΕ ΤΡΑΝΣΦΕΡ 001.33.573.901.31 19.25 ΜΑΙΛΙΝΓ ΛΕΡΝ ΑΩΑΡ∆ ΦΟΡ ∆ΙΣΧΟςΕΡΨ 001.33.573.901.31 18.30 ΣΗΑΡΠΙΕ ΦΟΡ ∀ΟΖ∀ ΣΕΤ ΠΑΙΝΤΙΝΓ 001.33.575.280.31 2.84 ∆ΙΝΕ ΟΥΤ ΒΟΩΛΙΝΓ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜ, ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ 1, 75Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 76 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40871511/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)017991 ΜΕΗΛ, ϑΥΛΙΕ 001.33.574.240.43 10.86 ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ, ΠΥΨΑΛΛΥΠ ΦΑΙΡ, ΨΓΧ ΤΡΙΠ 001.33.574.240.49 20.00 ΧΑΠΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΤΑΡΤΙΝΓ ΓΥΝ & ΕΑΡ ΠΛΥΓΣ ΦΟΡ 001.33.574.240.31 22.41 ∆ΙΝΕΟΥΤ ΤΟ ϑΙΜΜΨ ΜΑΧ∋Σ ΡΟΑ∆ΗΟΥΣΕ, 001.33.574.240.43 8.10 ΛΑΤΕ ΝΙΓΗΤ ΣΙΓΝΣ 001.33.574.240.31 9.86 ϑΙΜΜΨ ΜΑΧ∋Σ ΡΟΑ∆ΗΟΥΣΕ 001.33.574.240.43 19.38 ΤΑΧΟΜΑ ΣΧΡΕΩ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΕΡΡΟΡ, 001.33.574.220.31 −5.90 ΑΥ∆ΙΤ ΣΗΟΡΤ 001.369.810 7.89 ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΠΡΕΣΧΗΟΟΛ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΣ 001.33.574.240.31 4.37 Τοταλ : 272.65 40871611/7/2011 232305 ΜΕΝΓ, ΑΡΤΗΥΡ ΗΑΡΟΛ∆35231 ΒΕΓΙΝΝΙΝΓ ΨΟΓΑ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 216.00 35233 ΒΕΓΙΝΝΙΝΓ ΨΟΓΑ:∼ 001.33.574.210.41 162.00 35236 ΧΟΝΤΙΝΥΙΝΓ ΨΟΓΑ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.210.41 162.00 35237 ΧΟΝΤΙΝΥΙΝΓ ΨΟΓΑ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 54.00 35239 ΧΟΝΤΙΝΥΙΝΓ ΨΟΓΑ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.210.41 324.00 35242 76Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 77 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40871611/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)232305 ΜΕΝΓ, ΑΡΤΗΥΡ ΗΑΡΟΛ∆ ΧΟΝΤΙΝΥΙΝΓ ΨΟΓΑ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.210.41 108.00 Τοταλ : 1,026.00 40871711/7/2011 232970 ΜΙΧΡΟΦΛΕΞ ΧΟΡΠΙΝ1237022 ΓΛΟςΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΤΟΡΜ ∆Ις. ΧΡΕΩ∼ 432.00.535.900.22 118.30 ΣΓ−375ΞΛ ΣΑΦΕΓΡΙΠ ΓΛΟςΕ∼ 432.00.535.900.22 118.30 Σαλεσ Ταξ 432.00.535.900.22 22.48 Τοταλ : 259.08 40871811/7/2011 233000 ΜΙΧΡΟΦΛΕΞ ΙΝΧ00020242 Σεπτ 2011 Ταξ Αυδιτ Προγραµ 001.14.514.230.41 176.28 Τοταλ : 176.28 40871911/7/2011 020274 ΜΙΗΙΛΕΗ, ΑΒ∆ΥΛ ΗΑΚΕΕΜ101011ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 001.13.512.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 40872011/7/2011 019124 ΜΟΒΙΛΕ ΕςΕΝΤΣ ΥΝΛΙΜΙΤΕ∆ ΛΛΧ10/15/11ΣΡς ςΙ∆ΕΟ ΒΥΣ ΦΟΡ ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ 15ΤΗ ΛΑΤΕ ΝΙΓΗΤ 001.33.574.240.49 327.41 Τοταλ : 327.41 40872111/7/2011 019066 ΜΟΝΑΓΗΑΝ, ΡΟΒΕΡΤΑΧ00103069 ΡΕΣΤΙΤΥΤΙΟΝ − Φ ϑΟΗΝΣΟΝ 651.237.172 37.02 Τοταλ : 37.02 40872211/7/2011 233960 ΜΟΝΝΕΤΤ, ϑΑΜΕΣ100711ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.517.210.25 167.00 77Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 78 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 167.00 40872211/7/2011233960233960 ΜΟΝΝΕΤΤ, ϑΑΜΕΣ 40872311/7/2011 014274 ΜΟΝΣΟΝ, ΤΡΙΣΗΑ11/07/11ΠΧ ΕΜΕΡΓΕΝΧΨ ΜΓΤ: ∆ΙΣΑΣΤΕΡ ΚΙΤ ΣΥΠΠΙΕΣ 001.21.525.100.31 53.87 ΕΜΕΡΓΕΝΧΨ ΜΓΤ: ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ 001.21.525.100.43 12.00 ΕΝΓΙΝΕΕΡΙΝΓ: ΧΗΑΛΚ/ΡΕΕΛ 001.32.532.200.31 22.41 ΕΝΓΙΝΕΕΡΙΝΓ: ΤΡΑΝΣΠΟΡΤΑΤΙΟΝ ΑΝ∆ 001.32.532.200.43 20.50 Μ&Ο: ΛΙΧΕΝΣΕ ςΕΗΙΧΛΕ 6507Φ 550.00.590.100.64 34.25 ΗΡ: ΧΑΝ∆Ψ ΦΟΡ ΧΟΝΝΕΧΤΙΟΝΣ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ 001.13.516.100.31 8.98 ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ: ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ 001.14.514.230.43 130.79 ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ: ΧΟΦΦΕΕ ΦΟΡ ΑΙΡΠΟΡΤ Α∆ςΙΣΟΡΨ 001.14.514.100.31 14.18 ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ: ΣΚΧ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ ∆ΙΡΕΧΤΟΡΣ ΛΥΝΧΗ 001.14.514.100.43 20.00 ΠΛΑΝΝΙΝΓ: ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΑΕΠ ΒΟΑΡ∆ΩΑΛΚ 321.00.576.802.65 47.16 ΠΛΑΝΝΙΝΓ: ΠΑΡΚΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΧΙΤΨ ΡΕΛΑΤΕ∆ 001.17.558.100.43 23.00 φρειγητ 434.00.537.100.31 22.92 Τοταλ : 410.06 40872411/7/2011 019525 ΜΟΟΝ ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΙΝΧ538798 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #538798 ΕΗΜ 001.13.512.510.41 360.00 543344 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #543344 ΕΛΕΧΤΡΟΝΙΧ ΗΟΜΕ 001.13.512.510.41 348.00 78Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 79 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 708.00 40872411/7/2011019525019525 ΜΟΟΝ ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΙΝΧ 40872511/7/2011 017922 ΜΟΡΡΙΣ, ΚΕΛΣΗΑ Μ.Χ00102116 ΡΕΣΤΙΤΥΤΙΟΝ − Λ ΜΟΡΡΙΣ 651.237.172 104.50 Τοταλ : 104.50 40872611/7/2011 018015 ΜΟΡΡΙΣΟΝ, ΒΑΡΡΨ ΡΙΧΗΑΡ∆101711ΙΝς ΧΟΝΦΛΙΧΤ ΠΥΒΛΙΧ ∆ΕΦΕΝΣΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.512.500.41 400.00 102111ΙΝς ΧΟΝΦΛΙΧΤ ΠΥΒΛΙΧ ∆ΕΦΕΝΣΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.512.500.41 400.00 Τοταλ : 800.00 40872711/7/2011 000290 ΜΥΛΤΙ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1123 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1123∼ 001.17.562.100.41 2,000.00 Τοταλ : 2,000.00 40872811/7/2011 020296 ΜΥΡΒΑΧΗ, ΤΗΕΡΕΣΑ1367705 ΠΑΡΚΣ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ 001.347.699 40.00 Τοταλ : 40.00 40872911/7/2011 018000 ΜΨΕΡΣ, ΒΡΥΧΕ#3 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #3 ΤΗΙΡ∆ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΦ ∃4,000 ΟΦ 321.00.576.802.65 4,000.00 3 Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΠΛΑΘΥΕ ΑΤ ΛΕΣ ΓΟς 001.33.576.100.31 273.75 Τοταλ : 4,273.75 40873011/7/2011 241680 ΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ, ΙΝΧ0305879−ΙΝ ΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.31 80.30 ΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 79Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 80 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40873011/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)241680 ΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ, ΙΝΧ 431.00.535.800.31 80.30 ΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 432.00.535.900.31 80.30 Τοταλ : 240.90 40873111/7/2011 010474 ΝΕΤςΕΡΣΑΝΤ603−5717 Νετϖερσαντ ινσταλλατιον οφ 288−χουντ 518.00.518.880.64 5,564.25 Ιντεντ & Αφφιδαϖιτ 518.00.518.880.64 108.62 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.64 496.69 Τοταλ : 6,169.56 40873211/7/2011 018333 ΝΕΩ ΧΟΝΝΕΧΤΙΟΝΣ3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1125 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1125∼ 001.17.562.100.41 1,250.00 Τοταλ : 1,250.00 40873311/7/2011 242150 ΝΕΞΤΕΛ ΩΕΣΤ ΧΟΡΠ230388811−047 Χουρτ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.13.512.500.42 39.99 Πυβλιχ Ωορκσ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.32.532.200.42 185.36 Πυβλιχ Ωορκσ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 430.00.534.100.42 59.96 Πυβλιχ Ωορκσ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 431.00.535.100.42 59.96 Πυβλιχ Ωορκσ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 432.00.535.900.42 39.99 Πυβλιχ Ωορκσ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 432.00.535.100.42 59.96 Φινανχε Αιρχαρδ υσαγε 001.14.514.100.42 39.99 ΗΡ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 80Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 81 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40873311/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)242150 ΝΕΞΤΕΛ ΩΕΣΤ ΧΟΡΠ 001.13.516.100.42 39.99 ΙΣ ανδ Σηαρεδ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 518.00.518.880.42 619.52 Λεγαλ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.15.515.100.42 159.96 Αδµινιστρατιον Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.11.511.600.42 159.96 Αδµινιστρατιον Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.11.513.100.42 162.96 Αδµινιστρατιον Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.17.557.200.42 79.98 Μυλτιµεδια Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 518.00.518.780.42 39.99 Πλαννινγ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.17.524.200.42 79.98 Πλαννινγ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.17.558.100.42 39.99 Πολιχε Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.21.521.200.42 1,759.56 Πυβλιχ Ωορδσ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.32.532.200.42 39.99 Πυβλιχ Ωορδσ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.42.542.300.42 39.99 Πυβλιχ Ωορδσ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 001.42.543.100.42 159.96 Πυβλιχ Ωορδσ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 430.00.534.800.42 453.22 Πυβλιχ Ωορδσ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 431.00.535.800.42 333.25 Πυβλιχ Ωορδσ Αιρχαρδ Υσαγε 432.00.535.900.42 173.29 525712310−119 Χουρτ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.13.512.500.42 19.74 81Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 82 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40873311/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)242150 ΝΕΞΤΕΛ ΩΕΣΤ ΧΟΡΠ ∆ς Τεαµ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.21.521.230.42 51.53 Ενγινεερινγ/Μισχ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.32.532.200.42 764.46 Ωατερ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 430.00.534.800.42 565.36 Στορµ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 432.00.535.900.42 318.30 Σεωερ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 431.00.535.800.42 328.90 Στρεετ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.42.543.100.42 334.13 ΣΟΣ Προγραµ Χελλ Πηονε 103.00.595.100.42 19.74 ΕΡ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 550.00.548.100.42 39.48 Προβατιον Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.13.512.510.42 19.74 Λεγαλ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.15.515.100.42 181.99 ΙΣ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 518.00.518.880.42 420.30 Πλαννινγ 001.17.558.100.42 541.68 Μαψορσ Οφφιχε 001.11.513.100.42 441.74 Χοµµ Σϖχσ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.17.557.200.42 278.07 Χουνχιλ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.11.511.600.42 411.37 Μυλτιµεδια Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 518.00.518.780.42 76.93 Φινανχε Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.14.514.230.42 134.57 82Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 83 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40873311/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)242150 ΝΕΞΤΕΛ ΩΕΣΤ ΧΟΡΠ Φινανχε Υτιλιτιεσ Χελλ Πηονε 434.00.537.100.42 51.53 Φινανχε Υτιλιτιεσ Χελλ Πηονε 430.00.534.800.42 19.74 ΗΡ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.13.516.100.42 83.81 Φαχιλιτιεσ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 505.00.524.500.42 352.42 Πολιχε ∆επτ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.21.521.100.42 2,470.21 Πολιχε ∆επτ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.21.521.210.42 243.42 Πολιχε ∆επτ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.21.525.100.42 45.14 Πολιχε ∆επτ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 117.00.521.210.42 333.55 Παρκσ χελλ πηονε υσαγε 001.33.574.100.42 88.97 Παρκσ χελλ πηονε υσαγε 436.00.536.100.42 19.74 Παρκσ χελλ πηονε υσαγε 001.33.573.901.42 121.51 Παρκσ χελλ πηονε υσαγε 437.00.576.600.42 19.74 Παρκσ χελλ πηονε υσαγε 001.33.575.300.42 51.52 Παρκσ χελλ πηονε υσαγε 001.33.574.210.42 43.98 Παρκσ χελλ πηονε υσαγε 001.33.574.220.42 383.92 Παρκσ χελλ πηονε υσαγε 001.33.576.100.42 233.69 Βυιλδινγ Χελλ Πηονε Υσαγε 001.17.524.200.42 180.13 83Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 84 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 14,517.85 40873311/7/2011242150242150 ΝΕΞΤΕΛ ΩΕΣΤ ΧΟΡΠ 40873411/7/2011 242150 ΝΕΞΤΕΛ ΧΟΜΜΥΝΙΧΑΤΙΟΝΣ864702496−032 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.212.42 45.41 Τοταλ : 45.41 40873511/7/2011 020262 ΝΓΥΨΕΝ, ΗΑΧ00106445 ΡΕΣΤΙΤΥΤΙΟΝ − Χ ΜΑΝΧΙΛΛΑ 651.237.172 250.00 Τοταλ : 250.00 40873611/7/2011 242500 ΝΟΡ∆ΙΧ ΧΟΝΣΤΡΥΧΤΙΟΝ ΙΝΧ11−12/#3 Χ410Α, Σουτη 277τη Στ Ρεχονστρυχτιον − 102.00.594.420.65 21,526.38 ΡΕΤΑΙΝΑΓΕ 102.223.400 −982.94 Τοταλ : 20,543.44 40873711/7/2011 242580 ΝΟΡΜΕ∆05381−619812 ΝΟΡΜΕ∆ /ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 001.21.521.200.31 331.85 Τοταλ : 331.85 40873811/7/2011 017559 ΝΟΡΤΗΩΕΣΤ ΑΘΥΑΤΙΧ ΕΧΟ−ΣΨΣΤΕΜΣ10085 ΧΠ0767: Μοηαωκ Πλαστιχσ Ωετλανδ 328.00.558.802.65 4,165.50 Τοταλ : 4,165.50 40873911/7/2011 001897 ΝΟΡΤΗΩΕΣΤ ΠΛΑΨΓΡΟΥΝ∆ ΕΘΥΙΠ ΙΝΧ33911 ΩΟΟ∆ ΧΑΡΠΕΤ ΧΗΙΠΣ−216 ΧΥΒΙΧ ΨΑΡ∆Σ 001.33.576.100.31 4,316.87 Τοταλ : 4,316.87 40874011/7/2011 012141 ΝΟΡΤΗΩΕΣΤ ΠΡΙΜΕ ΤΙΜΕ, ΙΝΧ6193 ΧΕΜΕΤΕΡΨ Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ 2011 ΙΝ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ 436.00.536.200.44 655.00 84Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 85 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 655.00 40874011/7/2011012141012141 ΝΟΡΤΗΩΕΣΤ ΠΡΙΜΕ ΤΙΜΕ, ΙΝΧ 40874111/7/2011 250210 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ∆ΕΠΟΤ1354212561 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.240.31 −3.56 1354881755 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.240.31 4.68 1387417752 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.240.31 92.34 1394414196 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ 001.33.574.210.31 75.37 1394832747 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1394832747 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.13.516.100.31 3.11 1394832748 ΙΝςΕΣΤΙΓΑΤΙΟΝΣ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ (1394832748) 001.21.521.210.31 72.81 1397742920 ΙΝςΕΣΤΙΓΑΤΙΟΝΣ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ (1397742920) 001.21.521.210.31 62.39 568431067001 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 430.00.534.110.31 0.99 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 431.00.535.110.31 0.99 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 432.00.535.910.31 0.99 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 434.00.537.110.31 0.99 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.00.534.110.31 0.10 Σαλεσ Ταξ 431.00.535.110.31 0.10 85Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 86 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40874111/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)250210 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ∆ΕΠΟΤ Σαλεσ Ταξ 432.00.535.910.31 0.10 Σαλεσ Ταξ 434.00.537.110.31 0.08 580516205001 ΡΕΧΟΡ∆Σ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ (580516205001) 001.21.521.300.31 93.61 580861488001 Οφφιχε συππλιεσ 518.00.518.780.31 46.79 581109700001 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #581109700001 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.13.516.100.31 74.85 581294957001 Φιν. ∆επτ. − οφφιχε συππλιεσ, στψλυσ 001.14.514.230.31 17.63 581295008001 Φιν. ∆επτ. οφφιχε συππλιεσ − Π−τουχη 001.14.514.230.31 39.57 581730700001 ΡΕΧΟΡ∆Σ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ (581730700001) 001.21.521.300.31 67.41 581826141001 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 430.00.534.110.31 23.80 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 431.00.535.110.31 23.80 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 432.00.535.910.31 23.80 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 434.00.537.110.31 23.80 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.00.534.110.31 2.26 Σαλεσ Ταξ 86Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 87 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40874111/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)250210 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ∆ΕΠΟΤ 431.00.535.110.31 2.26 Σαλεσ Ταξ 432.00.535.910.31 2.26 Σαλεσ Ταξ 434.00.537.110.31 2.27 581854329001 ΧΟΒΑΝ ∆ΙΣΚΣ ΠΑΤΡΟΛ (581854329001) 001.21.521.200.31 97.67 581854447001 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ − 581854447001 − Π∆ 001.21.521.100.31 2.03 581913762001 Φιν. ∆επτ. − οφφιχε συππλιεσ, χοατ 001.14.514.230.31 54.82 582032303001 ΜΙΣΧ Π∆ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ (582032303001) 001.21.521.100.31 181.56 582047311001 Ενεργιζερ −3 ςολτ Λιτηιυµ Χοιν 518.00.518.880.31 29.20 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.31 2.77 582047522001 Ελιτε Μανυαλ Σεριεσ Προϕεχτιον Σχρεεν 518.00.518.880.35 86.40 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.35 8.21 582792836001 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ − 582792836001− Π∆ Α∆ΜΙΝ 001.21.521.100.31 74.39 582864886001 Ολψµπυσ ΩΣ−600σ ∆ιγιταλ ςοιχε ρεχορδερ 518.00.518.880.35 79.99 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.35 7.60 87Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 88 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40874111/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)250210 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ∆ΕΠΟΤ 582864999001 Ωιρελεσσ Κεψβοαρδ φορ Π∆ βριεφινγ ροοµ 518.00.518.880.35 37.99 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.35 3.61 583345734001 Οφφιχε συππλιεσ 518.00.518.780.31 101.56 583906553001 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #583906553001ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.13.516.100.31 130.60 Τοταλ : 1,653.99 40874211/7/2011 122670 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ108622 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ ΦΟΡ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ 001.33.574.100.31 32.18 589645 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΙΝς.589645 001.15.514.300.31 81.15 657990 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #657990 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.13.512.500.31 23.04 677407 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ ΦΟΡ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ 001.33.574.220.31 9.27 690593 Συππλιεσ φορ χεµετερψ οφφιχε υσε. 436.00.536.100.31 101.69 720434 Χιτψωιδε παπερ συππλψ 518.00.518.780.31 98.55 757041 ΟΦΦΙΧΕ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΜΥΣΕΥΜ 001.33.575.300.31 82.35 760620 88Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 89 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40874211/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)122670 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #760620 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.13.512.510.31 328.50 791153 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.100.31 53.98 791182 ΟΦΦΙΧΕΜΑΞ ΧΟΝΤΡΑΧΤ ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.100.31 6.10 804929 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ − παχκετσ 518.00.518.780.41 261.72 804930 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ − παχκετσ 518.00.518.780.41 213.54 867404 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ ΦΟΡ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ 001.33.574.220.31 87.88 929138 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ ΦΟΡ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ 001.33.574.220.31 86.80 958748 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ ΦΟΡ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ 001.33.574.220.31 27.56 958795 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΠΑΡΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΡΕΧ ΦΟΡ ΟΦΦΙΧΕ 001.33.575.280.31 122.60 Τοταλ : 1,616.91 40874311/7/2011 012740 ΟΛΨΜΠΙΧ ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ, ΙΝΧΣΙ+0025481 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #ΣΙ+0025481 ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 001.13.512.510.41 3,496.00 Τοταλ : 3,496.00 40874411/7/2011 020284 ΟΜΝΙ ΠΑΡΚ 034583 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−3401 Χ ΣΤ ΝΕ #10 89Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 90 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40874411/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)020284 ΟΜΝΙ ΠΑΡΚ 434.233.100 202.07 Τοταλ : 202.07 40874511/7/2011 020263 ΟΝΙΣΗΧΗΕΝΚΟ, ΑΝΑΤΟΛΙΨΧ00105586 ΡΕΣΤΙΤΥΤΙΟΝ − Λ ΤΥΧΚΕΡ 651.237.172 500.00 Τοταλ : 500.00 40874611/7/2011 250960 ΟΡΙΕΝΤΑΛ ΤΡΑ∆ΙΝΓ ΧΟ ΙΝΧ647180507−01 ΗΑΛΛΟΩΕΕΝ ΓΙςΕ Α ΩΑΨ ΙΤΕΜΣ ΑΝ∆ 001.33.574.240.31 534.75 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.33.574.240.31 50.80 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −50.80 Τοταλ : 534.75 40874711/7/2011 013832 ΟΡΚΙΝ, ΙΝΧ.68923630 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #68923630 ΣΧΗΕ∆ΥΛΕ∆ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ 505.00.524.500.41 68.94 Τοταλ : 68.94 40874811/7/2011 020264 ΟΩΕΝ, ∆ΑΝΝΕΤΤΕΙΖ0124987 ΡΕΣΤΙΤΥΤΙΟΝ − Τ ΣΤΕΩΑΡΤ 651.237.172 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 40874911/7/2011 019310 ΠΑΧΙΦΙΧ ΒΟΑΤ ΤΟΠΣ1051 ΡΕΧΟςΕΡ ΠΑ∆Σ 001.33.576.100.48 998.64 Τοταλ : 998.64 40875011/7/2011 016417 ΠΑΧΙΦΙΧ ΧΟΑΣΤ ΜΕΜΟΡΙΑΛΣ, ΙΝΧ11−02637 Μαρκερ φορ ρεσαλε − ∆αλινκυσ 436.00.536.200.34 875.00 11−02743 90Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 91 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40875011/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)016417 ΠΑΧΙΦΙΧ ΧΟΑΣΤ ΜΕΜΟΡΙΑΛΣ, ΙΝΧ Φορσµαν µαρκερ φορ ρεσαλε 436.00.536.200.34 905.00 Τοταλ : 1,780.00 40875111/7/2011 019716 ΠΑΧΙΦΙΧ ΝΟΡΤΗΩΕΣΤ ΕΑΡΤΗΩΟΡΚΣ11−03/#5 Χ507Β, Αυβυρν/Παχιφιχ Τραιλ, Χοντραχτ 102.00.594.420.65 2,168.21 ΡΕΤΑΙΝΑΓΕ 102.223.400 −108.41 Τοταλ : 2,059.80 40875211/7/2011 260240 ΠΑΧΙΦΙΧ ΠΟΩΕΡ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ6720382−00 ΒΕςΕΡΑΓΕ ΧΑΡΤ ΡΕΠΑΙΡΣ 437.00.576.680.48 20.33 Τοταλ : 20.33 40875311/7/2011 260847 ΠΑΧΙΦΙΧ ΡΙΜ ΕΝςΙΡΟΝΜΕΝΤΑΛ, ΙΝΧ37954 ΑΓ−Χ−407, ΜΣ1110, ϑαχοβσεν Τρεε Φαρµ & 505.00.524.500.48 4,500.00 37956 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #37956 ΙΝΣΠΕΧΤΙΟΝ − ΠΡΑΒ 505.00.524.500.48 2,530.00 37988 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #37988 ΡΕΓΥΛΑΤΕ∆ ΒΥΙΛ∆ΙΝΓ 505.00.524.500.41 1,200.00 Τοταλ : 8,230.00 40875411/7/2011 020290 ΠΑΡΚΩΑΨ ΠΟΛΨΓΟΝ ΛΛΧ066644 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−2715 65ΤΗ ΣΤ ΣΕ 431.233.100 49.41 Τοταλ : 49.41 40875511/7/2011 017235 ΠΧ ∆ΕΠΤ ΟΦ ΠΥΒΛΙΧ ΩΟΡΚΣ & ΥΤΙΛΤΑΙΛΡΑΧΕ ΕΑΣΕΜΕΝΤ Παστ φεεσ φορ Τραιλραχε περ Ρεσ #4754∼ 432.00.535.100.51 58,333.33 91Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 92 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 58,333.33 40875511/7/2011017235017235 ΠΧ ∆ΕΠΤ ΟΦ ΠΥΒΛΙΧ ΩΟΡΚΣ & ΥΤΙΛ 40875611/7/2011 012214 ΠΕΑΡΛ ΒΥΙΛ∆ΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ3708 ΑΓ−Σ−045: ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ 505.00.524.500.41 595.00 3709 ΑΓ−Σ−045: ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ 505.00.524.500.41 125.00 3710 ΑΓ−Σ−045: ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ 505.00.524.500.41 1,900.00 3711 ΑΓ−Σ−045: ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ 505.00.524.500.41 300.00 3712 ΑΓ−Σ−045: ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΤ 505.00.524.500.41 350.00 3713 ΑΓ−Σ−045: ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ 505.00.524.500.41 200.00 3714 ΑΓ−Σ−045: ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΑΤ 505.00.524.500.41 350.00 3722 ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ ΜΟΝΤΗ ΟΦ 001.33.576.100.41 250.00 3723 ϑΑΝΙΤΟΡΙΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΠΡΟςΙ∆Ε∆ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ 001.33.576.100.41 250.00 Τοταλ : 4,320.00 40875711/7/2011 010362 ΠΕ∆ΙΑΤΡΙΧ ΙΝΤΕΡΙΜ ΧΑΡΕ ΧΤΡ3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1126 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1126∼ 001.17.562.100.41 2,500.00 Τοταλ : 2,500.00 92Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 93 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40875811/7/2011 019342 ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΑΝΧΕ ΧΠΡ669Α ΧΠΡ ΜΑΝΝΕΘΥΙΝΣ & ΧΑΣΕΣ (669Α) 001.21.521.200.35 1,524.78 Τοταλ : 1,524.78 40875911/7/2011 262670 ΠΕΤΕΡΣΕΝ ΒΡΟΤΗΕΡΣ ΙΝΧ11114001 33000 46ΤΗ ΠΛΑΧΕ ΣΟΥΤΗ 001.42.542.300.41 1,132.40 29244 65ΤΗ ΑςΕ Σ 001.42.542.300.41 2,467.80 31243 ΛΕΑ ΗΙΛΛ Ρ∆ ΣΕ 001.42.542.300.41 4,301.83 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.42.542.300.41 750.69 Τοταλ : 8,652.72 40876011/7/2011 262640 ΠΕΤΕΡΣΟΝ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ1013816 ΧΗΕΕΣΕ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ ΠΑΝΤΡΨ 001.33.574.210.31 786.52 1013817 ΧΗΕΕΣΕ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ ΠΑΝΤΡΨ 001.33.574.210.31 28.68 Τοταλ : 815.20 40876111/7/2011 003345 ΠΦΞ ΠΕΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΛΛΧΧ∆11718942 ΦΡΟΜΜ ΛΑΡΓΕ ΒΡΕΕ∆ ΦΟΟ∆ (Χ∆11718972) 117.00.521.210.49 37.95 Χ∆11722555 ΦΡΟΜΜ ΛΑΡΓΕ ΒΡΕΕ∆ ΦΟΟ∆ (Χ∆ 11722555) 117.00.521.210.49 37.95 Χ∆11726184 ΦΡΟΜΜ ΛΑΡΓΕ ΒΡΕΕ∆ ΦΟΟ∆ (Χ∆11726184) 001.21.521.200.31 113.86 ΧΡ9078848 ΡΕΤΥΡΝ ΠΥΠΠΨ ΦΟΟ∆ (ΧΡ9078848) 001.21.521.200.31 −82.27 93Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 94 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 107.49 40876111/7/2011003345003345 ΠΦΞ ΠΕΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΛΛΧ 40876211/7/2011 020001 ΠΗΙΛΛΙΠ ΣΑΥΕΡ ΛΑΩ ΟΦΦΙΧΕΧ00108450 ΡΕΣΤΙΤΥΤΙΟΝ − Α ΡΟΒΛΕΣ 651.237.172 75.21 Τοταλ : 75.21 40876311/7/2011 262910 ΠΗΙΛΛΙΠΣ, ΡΟΒΕΡΤ Σ100711ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.517.210.25 50.00 Τοταλ : 50.00 40876411/7/2011 010591 ΠΗΟΕΝΙΞ ΥΣΑ28051 24ξ300 πλοττερ παπερ 518.00.518.880.31 62.48 36ξ300 πλοττερ παπερ 518.00.518.880.31 91.80 42ξ150 πλοττερ παπερ 518.00.518.880.31 31.00 φρειγητ 518.00.518.880.31 22.54 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.31 19.74 Τοταλ : 227.56 40876511/7/2011 212730 ΠΙΕΡΧΕ ΧΟ ϑΡ ΩΡΕΣΤΛΙΝΓ ΛΕΑΓΥΕ2011/ΛΕΑΓΥΕ ΦΕΕΣ ΩΡΕΣΤΛΙΝΓ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜ ΛΕΑΓΥΕ ΦΕΕΣ 001.33.574.240.49 500.00 Τοταλ : 500.00 40876611/7/2011 005950 ΠΙΕΡΧΕ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ΑΥ∆ΙΤΟΡΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕΣ−ΛΙΕΝΣ 430.00.534.110.41 62.00 ΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕΣ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΦΙΛΙΝΓ ΦΕΕΣ−ΛΙΕΝΣ 430.00.534.110.41 434.00 94Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 95 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 496.00 40876611/7/2011005950005950 ΠΙΕΡΧΕ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ ΑΥ∆ΙΤΟΡ 40876711/7/2011 263360 ΠΙΤΖΛ, ΩΙΛΛΙΑΜ101011ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.517.210.25 66.55 Τοταλ : 66.55 40876811/7/2011 263510 ΠΛΑΤΤ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ0214951 ΛΙΤ 2Μ 3 32 Α12 ΜςΛΤΙ/3 (ΓΕΒ) 001.33.576.100.31 446.83 0265714 Μ & Ο ΒΥΙΛ∆ΙΝΓ ΛΙΓΗΤΙΝΓ ΥΠΓΡΑ∆ΕΣ 550.00.590.100.64 18.63 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.590.100.64 1.77 0281302 Μ & Ο ΒΥΙΛ∆ΙΝΓ ΛΙΓΗΤΙΝΓ ΥΠΓΡΑ∆ΕΣ 550.00.590.100.64 385.31 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.590.100.64 36.60 0313139 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧΑΛ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.576.100.31 83.66 0342495 1/2 ΗΥΒΣ, 10∋ ΡΟΥΝ∆ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧΑΛ ΒΟΞ & 001.33.576.100.31 44.27 0354999 10∀ ΡΟΥΝ∆ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧΑΛ ΒΟΞ 001.33.576.100.31 20.49 0362518 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 44.99 0374933 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ 505.00.524.500.31 81.64 0389229 95Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 96 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40876811/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)263510 ΠΛΑΤΤ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ ΠΛΑΤΤ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ / ΒΛΑΝΛΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 001.42.542.300.31 80.30 0391705 ΠΛΑΤΤ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ / ΒΛΑΝΛΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ 001.42.542.300.31 123.38 Τοταλ : 1,367.87 40876911/7/2011 263630 ΠΝΤΑ 01−7035818−0 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ΤΗΕΑΤΕΡ 001.33.575.280.31 388.16 Τοταλ : 388.16 40877011/7/2011 263805 ΠΟΛΛΑΡ∆ΩΑΤΕΡ.ΧΟΜΙ310043−ΙΝ ΠΟΛΛΑΡ∆ΩΑΤΕΡ.ΧΟΜ/ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.35 158.17 Ι310296−ΙΝ ΠΟΛΛΑΡ∆ΩΑΤΕΡ.ΧΟΜ/ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.35 84.58 Τοταλ : 242.75 40877111/7/2011 018967 ΠΟΡΤ ΟΦ ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕΙ∆ΑΧΧ−20467 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.49 240.00 Τοταλ : 240.00 40877211/7/2011 013364 ΠΟΡΤ ΟΦ ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ ΠΟΛΙΧΕΣΤΑΤΕ/ΜΙ/ςΝΕΤ ΡΕΙΜ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.211.51 2,523.00 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.212.51 421.85 ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ ΟΝ ΒΕΗΑΛΦ ΟΦ ς−ΝΕΤ 652.00.521.215.51 377.06 Τοταλ : 3,321.91 40877311/7/2011 003088 ΠΟΥΛΣΕΝ, ϑΑΝΙΝΕ101411ΠΧ 96Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 97 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40877311/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)003088 ΠΟΥΛΣΕΝ, ϑΑΝΙΝΕ 4/26/2011; ∆ΕΠΤ ΟΦ ΛΙΧΕΝΣΙΝΓ −ΝΕΩ 550.00.548.680.49 11.75 4/29/2011; ΣΑΜ∋Σ ΧΛΥΒ − ∼ 430.00.534.800.31 39.76 5/23/2011; ΧΟΣΤΧΟ − ∆ΙΣΗΩΑΣΗΕΡ ΣΟΑΠ & 550.00.548.150.31 23.89 06/26/2011; ΣΑΜ∋Σ ΧΛΥΒ − ∼ 550.00.548.150.31 22.51 7/10/2011; ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΒΕΣΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΕΡΣ ∼ 001.42.542.300.22 9.86 07/12/2011; ΧΟΣΤΧΟ − ∼ 550.00.548.150.31 15.32 07/14/2011; ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΚΙΑ − ΣΩΙΤΧΗ 550.00.548.680.35 12.41 08/03/2011; ΑΛΛ ΒΑΤΤΕΡΨ ΣΑΛΕΣ & 431.00.535.800.31 5.02 08/24/2011; ΜΧΛΕΝ∆ΟΝ ΗΑΡ∆ΩΑΡΕ ΧΟΠΠΕΡ 430.00.534.800.31 21.85 09/08/2011; ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΒΕΣΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΕΡΣ − ΣΕΩ 430.00.534.800.22 9.86 9/20/2011; ∆ΕΠΤ ΟΦ ΛΙΧΕΝΣΙΝΓ − ΛΙΧΕΝΣΕ 550.00.590.100.64 62.00 10/07/2011; ΣΑΜ∋Σ ΧΛΥΒ − ΦΑΒΡΙΧ ΣΟΦΤΝΕΡ 430.00.534.800.31 5.93 10/07/2011; ΣΑΜ∋Σ ΧΛΥΒ − ΦΑΒΡΙΧ ΣΟΦΤΝΕΡ 431.00.535.800.31 5.93 10/07/2011; ΣΑΜ∋Σ ΧΛΥΒ − ΦΑΒΡΙΧ ΣΟΦΤΝΕΡ 432.00.535.900.31 5.93 10/07/2011; ΣΑΜ∋Σ ΧΛΥΒ − ΦΑΒΡΙΧ ΣΟΦΤΝΕΡ 001.42.542.300.31 5.94 10/11/2011; ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΒΕΣΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΕΡΣ − ΣΕΩ 431.00.535.800.22 13.14 ΡΕΤΥΡΝ ΟςΕΡΑΓΕ ΟΦ ΦΥΝ∆Σ 550.00.548.150.31 −4.22 97Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 98 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40877311/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)003088 ΠΟΥΛΣΕΝ, ϑΑΝΙΝΕ 10/11/2011; ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΒΕΣΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΕΡΣ − ΣΕΩ 430.00.534.800.22 13.14 Τοταλ : 280.02 40877411/7/2011 263960 ΠΠΙ ΓΡΟΥΠ ΙΝς273929 ΤΡΑΦΦΙΧ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ (ΙΝς273929) 001.21.521.200.31 241.89 Τοταλ : 241.89 40877511/7/2011 264140 ΠΡΑΞΑΙΡ ∆ΙΣΤΡΙΒΥΤΙΟΝ ΙΝΧ40564592 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #40564592 ΩΕΛ∆ ΗΑΝ∆ ΡΑΙΛΣ ΑΤ 505.00.524.500.48 102.04 41020372 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΩΕΛ∆ΙΝΓ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.576.100.31 140.00 Τοταλ : 242.04 40877611/7/2011 008436 ΠΡΕΧΙΣΙΟΝ ΧΟΛΛΙΣΙΟΝ81151 ΑΧΧΙ∆ΕΝΤ ΡΕΠΑΙΡΣ ΤΟ ΦΡΟΝΤ ∆ΑΜΑΓΕ ΟΝ 550.00.548.680.48 2,192.43 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.680.48 208.28 Τοταλ : 2,400.71 40877711/7/2011 290210 ΠΡΕΜΙΕΡ ΜΕΜΟΡΙΑΛ11−2985 ςασεβλοχκ φορ ρεσαλε 436.00.536.200.34 95.00 Τοταλ : 95.00 40877811/7/2011 002719 ΠΡΙΝΤΧΟ, ΙΝΧ047335 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 64.61 047420 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 525.60 047431 98Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 99 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40877811/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)002719 ΠΡΙΝΤΧΟ, ΙΝΧ Βλανκετ ΠΟ − Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 587.99 047433 Βλανκετ ΠΟ − Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 502.61 047437 Βλανκετ ΠΟ − Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 330.03 047438 Βλανκετ ΠΟ − Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 330.03 Τοταλ : 2,340.87 40877911/7/2011 015769 ΠΡΟΠΕΡΤΙΕΣ ΝΩ ΟΦ ΓΙΓ ΗΑΡΒΟΡ056578 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−122 ϑ ΣΤ ΝΕ 430.233.100 14.95 Τοταλ : 14.95 40878011/7/2011 265220 ΠΥΓΕΤ ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΕΝΕΡΓΨ110711ΕΛΕΧΤΡΙΧ/ΓΑΣ ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ 2011 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ 505.00.524.500.47 29,679.05 ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ 2011 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ 001.33.576.100.47 6,046.72 ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ 2011 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ 001.42.542.300.47 57,076.82 ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ 2011 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ 430.00.534.800.47 39,818.28 ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ 2011 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ 431.00.535.800.47 674.94 ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ 2011 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ 432.00.535.900.47 683.91 ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ 2011 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ 432.00.590.100.68 2,097.26 1822451009 ΠΣΕ − Σεπτεµβερ 2011 Υτιλιτιψ Παψµεντ 99Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 100 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40878011/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)265220 ΠΥΓΕΤ ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΕΝΕΡΓΨ 430.00.534.110.41 456.75 ΠΣΕ − Σεπτεµβερ 2011 Υτιλιτιψ Παψµεντ 431.00.535.110.41 456.75 ΠΣΕ − Σεπτεµβερ 2011 Υτιλιτιψ Παψµεντ 432.00.535.910.41 456.75 ΠΣΕ − Σεπτεµβερ 2011 Υτιλιτιψ Παψµεντ 434.00.537.110.41 456.74 Τοταλ : 137,903.97 40878111/7/2011 265220 ΠΥΓΕΤ ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΕΝΕΡΓΨ0147412811 Παστ Φεεσ φορ Τραιλραχε Ρεσ #4754∼ 432.00.535.100.49 3,317.81 Τοταλ : 3,317.81 40878211/7/2011 270210 ΘΥΙΡΙΝΓ ΜΟΝΥΜΕΝΤΣ, ΙΝΧ121977 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε. 436.00.536.200.34 828.00 121978 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε. 436.00.536.200.34 201.00 121979 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε. 436.00.536.200.34 80.00 121980 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε. 436.00.536.200.34 80.00 122154 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε. 436.00.536.200.34 1,720.00 122155 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε. 436.00.536.200.34 828.00 122156 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε. 436.00.536.200.34 289.00 100Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 101 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40878211/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)270210 ΘΥΙΡΙΝΓ ΜΟΝΥΜΕΝΤΣ, ΙΝΧ 122157 Μαρκερσ ανδ ινσχριπτιονσ φορ ρεσαλε. 436.00.536.200.34 80.00 122306 Μεµοριαλσ φορ ρεσαλε. 436.00.536.200.34 425.00 122307 Μεµοριαλσ φορ ρεσαλε. 436.00.536.200.34 674.00 122308 Μεµοριαλσ φορ ρεσαλε. 436.00.536.200.34 105.00 Τοταλ : 5,310.00 40878311/7/2011 270600 Ρ Ω ΣΧΟΤΤ ΧΟΝΣΤ ΧΟ11−11/#2 ΧΠ0916, Ωεστ ςαλλεψ Ηιγηωαψ 432.00.590.100.68 295,176.00 ΧΠ0916, Ωεστ ςαλλεψ Ηιγηωαψ 102.00.594.420.65 668,951.91 Τοταλ : 964,127.91 40878411/7/2011 020271 ΡΑΧΗΕΛ∋Σ ΧΗΑΛΛΕΝΓΕ1100515249 Νειγηβορηοοδ Γραντ Προγραµ∼ 001.17.562.100.41 3,900.00 Τοταλ : 3,900.00 40878511/7/2011 270810 ΡΑΙΝΙΕΡ ΤΡΕΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ, ΙΝΧ3381 Αρβοριστ 436.00.536.200.41 400.00 Τρεε σερϖιχε 436.00.536.200.48 815.45 3383 ΡΕΜΟςΑΛ ΟΦ ∆ΑΝΓΕΡΟΥΣ ΦΙΡ ΤΡΕΕ ΟΝ #12 437.00.576.600.41 405.15 Ε−1 101Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 102 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40878511/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)270810 ΡΑΙΝΙΕΡ ΤΡΕΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ, ΙΝΧ ΤΡΕΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΑΤ ΧΕ∆ΑΡ ΛΑΝΕΣ 001.33.576.100.41 1,114.16 Τοταλ : 2,734.76 40878611/7/2011 004292 ΡΑΜΧΟ ΧΟΝΣΥΛΤΙΝΓ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ, ΙΝΧΡΠΧ69805 ΣηαρεΠοιντ 2010 τραινινγ φορ Βριδγετ 518.00.518.880.49 209.00 Τοταλ : 209.00 40878711/7/2011 017817 ΡΕΧΕΣΣ ΜΟΝΚΕΨ11/19/11ΠΕΡΦ ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΑΝΧΕ/ΡΕΧΕΣΣ ΜΟΝΚΕΨ ΟΝ ΝΟςΕΜΒΕΡ 001.33.575.280.41 900.00 Τοταλ : 900.00 40878811/7/2011 012991 ΡΕΧΟςΕΡΨ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ ΟΦ ΚΙΝΓ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ00000−0632 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #00000−0632 ΦΟΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.512.510.41 6,085.49 Τοταλ : 6,085.49 40878911/7/2011 011267 ΡΕ∆ΦΛΕΞ ΤΡΑΦΦΙΧ ΣΨΣΤΕΜΣ ΙΝΧ33948 2011 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ − ΠΗΟΤΟ ΕΝΦΟΡΧΕΜΕΝΤ 001.21.521.200.41 35,721.56 Τοταλ : 35,721.56 40879011/7/2011 003657 ΡΕΙ∆ ΜΙ∆∆ΛΕΤΟΝ ΙΝΧ1107034 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1107034 ΠΡΟΦΕΣΣΙΟΝΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 435.00.590.100.65 26,969.82 1108128 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #1108128 ΠΡΟΦΕΣΣΙΟΝΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 435.00.590.100.65 8,991.80 Τοταλ : 35,961.62 40879111/7/2011 001829 ΡΕΛΙΑΒΛΕ ΜΑΙΛΙΝΓ &8022 Βλανκετ ΠΟ − Μαιλινγ Σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.31 157.04 8023 102Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 103 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40879111/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)001829 ΡΕΛΙΑΒΛΕ ΜΑΙΛΙΝΓ & Βλανκετ ΠΟ − Μαιλινγ Σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.31 290.91 8024 Βλανκετ ΠΟ − Μαιλινγ Σερϖιχεσ 434.00.537.120.42 93.08 8025 Βλανκετ ΠΟ − Μαιλινγ Σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.31 93.08 8029 Βλανκετ ΠΟ − Μαιλινγ Σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.31 93.08 8041 Βλανκετ ΠΟ − Μαιλινγ Σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.31 82.13 8042 Βλανκετ ΠΟ − Μαιλινγ Σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.31 155.70 Τοταλ : 965.02 40879211/7/2011 018875 ΡΗ2 ΕΝΓΙΝΕΕΡΙΝΓ, ΙΝΧ54620 ΑΓ−Χ−393 Λακελανδ Ηιλλσ Ρεσερϖοιρ 6∼ 430.00.590.100.68 7,058.35 Τοταλ : 7,058.35 40879311/7/2011 020008 ΡΙςΙΕΡΑ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕΕΜ4748 ΜΕΝ∋Σ ΓΟΛΦ ΟΥΤΕΡΩΕΑΡ 437.00.576.680.34 188.90 Τοταλ : 188.90 40879411/7/2011 005162 ΡΟΒΕΡΤΣΟΝ, ΧΑΡΟΛΨΝ102811ΡΕΙΜΒ ΜΙΛΕΑΓΕ ΤΟ ΜΕΕΤΙΝΓΣ 10/6−10/28/11 001.11.513.100.43 259.19 Τοταλ : 259.19 40879511/7/2011 020115 ΡΟΧΚΕ, ΑΑΡΟΝ ς.101311ΙΝς 103Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 104 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40879511/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)020115 ΡΟΧΚΕ, ΑΑΡΟΝ ς. ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 10/13/11 001.13.512.500.41 425.00 Τοταλ : 425.00 40879611/7/2011 020265 ΡΟΜΑΝ, ΒΕΝΙΖ0119620 ΡΕΣΤΙΤΥΤΙΟΝ − Ψ ΣΑΝΧΗΕΖ 651.237.172 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 40879711/7/2011 272795 ΡΟΤΗ ΗΙΛΛ, ΛΛΧ99867 ΑΓ−Χ−404 132νδ Αϖε ΣΕ Ταχοµα Πιπελινε 5 430.00.590.100.65 7,227.25 Τοταλ : 7,227.25 40879811/7/2011 272800 ΡΟΤΟ−ΡΟΟΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΧΟ, ΙΝΧ218−16420540 ΜΑΙΝ ΣΕΩΕΡ ΣΤΟΠΠΑΓΕ ΧΛΕΑΡ ΦΡΟΜ ΧΛΕΑΝ 001.33.576.100.41 513.56 218−16421083 ΥΝ−ΧΛΟΓ ΜΑΙΝ ΣΕΩΕΡ ΛΙΝΕ 001.33.576.100.41 436.38 Τοταλ : 949.94 40879911/7/2011 009835 ΡΥΣΝΑΚ, ΛΑΩ ΟΦΦΙΧΕΣ ΟΦ ΜΑΤΤΗΕΩ ϑ.102711ΙΝς ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΠΥΒΛΙΧ 001.13.512.500.41 26,250.00 Τοταλ : 26,250.00 40880011/7/2011 016381 ΣΑΦΑΡΙΛΑΝ∆, ΛΛΧΙ11−134941 ΕςΙ∆ΕΝΧΕ ΡΟΟΜ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ − Ι110134941 001.21.521.300.35 968.75 Ι11−136674 ΧΡΙΜΕ ΣΧΕΝΕ ΤΕΑΜ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ − Ι11−136674 001.21.521.210.31 275.29 Τοταλ : 1,244.04 40880111/7/2011 009808 ΣΑΦΕΧΗΕΧΚΣ0516746 104Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 105 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40880111/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)009808 ΣΑΦΕΧΗΕΧΚΣ Χηεχκ στοχκ φορ αχχουντσ παψαβλε 001.14.514.230.31 1,603.59 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.14.514.230.31 152.34 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −152.34 0516749 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.14.514.230.31 24.69 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −24.69 Χηεχκ στοχκ φορ παψρολλ 001.14.514.230.31 259.85 Τοταλ : 1,863.44 40880211/7/2011 013072 ΣΑΦΕΛΙΤΕ ΦΥΛΦΙΛΛΜΕΝΤ, ΙΝΧ.05043−136307 ΣΑΦΕΛΙΤΕ / ΓΛΑΣΣΠΡΟ ΑΥΤΟ ΓΛΑΣΣ / 550.00.548.680.48 128.17 Τοταλ : 128.17 40880311/7/2011 012496 ΣΑΦΕΩΑΨ ΣΤΟΡΕ #531Χ00094096 ΡΕΣΤΙΤΥΤΙΟΝ − Κ ΓΑΤΕΣ 651.237.172 30.48 Τοταλ : 30.48 40880411/7/2011 020266 ΣΑΗΑΡ, ϑΕΦΦΡΕΨ ∆ΑςΙ∆Χ00105331 ΒΑΙΛ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − ϑ ΣΑΗΑΡ ϑΡ 651.237.172 500.00 Τοταλ : 500.00 40880511/7/2011 009468 ΣΑΛΤΕΡ, ΧΗΕΡΨΛΟΧΤ.21ΣΤΕςΕΝΤ 18 ΒΛΑΧΚ ΡΟΥΝ∆ ΤΑΒΛΕΧΛΟΤΗΕΣ ΦΟΡ 001.33.574.210.31 109.89 Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.33.574.210.31 0.71 105Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 106 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40880511/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)009468 ΣΑΛΤΕΡ, ΧΗΕΡΨΛ Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −0.71 Τοταλ : 109.89 40880611/7/2011 280505 ΣΑΜ∋Σ ΧΛΥΒ ∆ΙΡΕΧΤ000451 ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ ΣΥΠΠΕΡ ΧΛΥΒ 001.33.574.210.31 66.16 002537 ΙΤΕΜΣ ΦΟΡ ΩΕΛΛΝΕΣΣ ΦΑΙΡ 001.33.574.100.31 201.35 003773 ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ ΣΥΠΠΕΡ ΧΛΥΒ 001.33.574.210.31 96.69 004943 ΣΝΑΧΚΣ ΑΝ∆ ΧΟΦΦΕΕ ΒΑΡ 001.33.574.210.31 339.33 006437 ΗΟΤ ∆ΟΓΣ, ΒΥΝΣ, ΠΑΠΕΡ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ, ΧΑΝ∆Ψ 001.33.574.240.31 259.29 007456 ΗΟΤ ∆ΟΓΣ, ΒΥΝΣ, ΠΑΠΕΡ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ, ΧΑΝ∆Ψ 001.33.574.240.31 264.09 ΗΟΤ ∆ΟΓΣ, ΒΥΝΣ, ΠΑΠΕΡ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ, ΧΑΝ∆Ψ 001.33.574.220.31 48.09 007532 ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ ΣΥΠΠΕΡ ΧΛΥΒ 001.33.574.210.31 95.80 007602 ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΕΡ ΣΥΠΠΕΡ ΧΛΥΒ 001.33.574.210.31 75.73 007648 ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΑΝ∆ ΦΟΟ∆ ΦΟΡ ΡΕΑΧΗΙΝΓ ΟΥΤ ΦΑΙΡ 001.33.574.240.31 114.60 007655 ΗΟΤ ∆ΟΓΣ, ΒΥΝΣ, ΠΑΠΕΡ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ, ΧΑΝ∆Ψ 106Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 107 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40880611/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)280505 ΣΑΜ∋Σ ΧΛΥΒ ∆ΙΡΕΧΤ 001.33.574.240.31 191.02 007916 ΙΤΕΜΣ ΦΟΡ ΩΕΛΛΝΕΣΣ ΦΑΙΡ 001.33.574.100.31 119.60 009780 ΟΧΤΟΒΕΡ ΠΑΝΤΡΨ ΙΤΕΜΣ 001.33.574.210.31 347.49 Τοταλ : 2,219.24 40880711/7/2011 014110 ΣΑΤΧΟΜ ∆ΙΡΕΧΤ ΧΟΜΜΥΝΙΧΑΤΙΟΝΣ7274543 Σατ πηονεσ ινϖοιχεσ φορ ψεαρ 001.21.525.100.42 39.95 7274544 Σατ πηονεσ ινϖοιχεσ φορ ψεαρ 001.21.525.100.42 39.95 Τοταλ : 79.90 40880811/7/2011 005533 ΣΒ & ΑΣΣΟΧΙΑΤΕΣ ΙΝΧ4314 ΣΥΣΑΝ ΒΛΑΧΚ & ΑΣΣΟΧΙΑΤΕΣ ΛΑΝ∆ΣΧΑΠΕ 321.00.576.802.65 20,402.00 Τοταλ : 20,402.00 40880911/7/2011 280870 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ513019 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 550.00.548.680.35 12.83 513169 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 550.00.548.680.35 20.88 513268 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 550.00.548.680.35 12.83 513319 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 550.00.548.100.31 82.13 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 107Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 108 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40880911/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)280870 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ 550.141.100 445.76 513346 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 550.00.548.100.31 −82.13 513457 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 550.00.548.680.35 188.15 513709 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 550.00.548.680.35 234.71 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 550.00.548.100.31 39.17 513710 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 550.00.548.680.35 78.70 513764 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 550.141.100 127.22 513788 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 550.00.548.680.35 431.12 514007 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 550.00.548.680.35 84.29 514019 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 550.00.548.680.35 431.12 514125 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 550.00.548.100.31 −39.17 514231 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 550.00.548.680.35 25.74 514262 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 108Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 109 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40880911/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)280870 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ 550.141.100 164.15 514352 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 550.00.548.100.31 109.50 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 550.00.548.680.35 425.04 514480 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 550.141.100 8.20 514503 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 550.00.548.100.31 −109.50 514544 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 550.00.548.680.35 96.37 Χ89032 99 ΤΟΨΟΤΑ ΛΑΝ∆ ΧΡΥΙΣΕΡ ΜΤΝΧΕ (Χ89032) 117.00.521.210.48 602.57 Χ89327 1998 ΦΟΡ∆ ΕΞΠΕ∆ΙΤΙΟΝ − ΠΥΤΤΨ (Χ89327) 117.00.521.210.48 191.63 Χ89549 ΣΧΑΡΦΦ ΜΟΤΟΡΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ∼ 550.00.548.680.48 1,138.83 Χ89936 02 ΣΕΘΥΟΙΑ ∆ΟΟΡ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ (χ89936) 117.00.521.210.48 129.48 Λ20540 Υνιτ 6507Φ Ωατερ Σερϖιχε ςαν, Φορδ 550.00.590.100.64 22,397.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.590.100.64 2,229.21 Τοταλ : 29,475.83 40881011/7/2011 004355 ΣΧΗΝΕΙ∆ΕΡ, ϑΕΝΝΙΦΕΡ35243 109Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 110 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40881011/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)004355 ΣΧΗΝΕΙ∆ΕΡ, ϑΕΝΝΙΦΕΡ ∆ΟΓ ΟΒΕ∆ΙΕΝΧΕ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 264.00 35244 ∆ΟΓ ΟΒΕ∆ΙΕΝΧΕ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 462.00 Τοταλ : 726.00 40881111/7/2011 016374 ΣΧΗΝΕΙ∆ΕΡ, ΤΗΟΜΑΣ ΒΡΙΑΝ35225 ΜΟΜΜΨ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 432.00 35227 ΜΟΜΜΨ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 432.00 Τοταλ : 864.00 40881211/7/2011 020280 ΣΧΗΥΒΕΡΤ, ΣΤΕΠΗΕΝ018389 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−5819 ΝΑΤΗΑΝ ΑςΕ ΣΕ 431.233.100 133.29 Τοταλ : 133.29 40881311/7/2011 282040 ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ ΤΙΜΕΣ030785204 ΛΕΓΑΛ ΠΥΒΛΙΧΑΤΙΟΝΣ 001.15.514.300.44 1,477.50 030785204 ΛΕΓΑΛ Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ Χ∆ΒΓ Α∆Σ∼ 001.15.514.300.44 337.12 030785204 ΛΕΓΑΛ Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ΟΡ∆ 6383∼ 001.15.514.300.44 41.28 Τοταλ : 1,855.90 40881411/7/2011 000679 ΣΕΝΤΙΝΕΛ ΠΕΣΤ ΧΟΝΤΡΟΛ, ΙΝΧ58668 ΣΕΝΤΙΝΕΛ ΠΕΣΤ ΧΟΝΤΡΟΛ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.150.48 56.94 Τοταλ : 56.94 110Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 111 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40881511/7/2011 015690 ΣΗΑΡΠ ΕΛΕΧΤΡΟΝΙΧΣ ΧΟΡΠΧ730597−701 ΕΝΓΙΝΕΕΡΙΝΓ ΩΙ∆Ε ΦΟΡΜΑΤ ΧΟΠΙΕΡ ΛΕΑΣΕ ∼ 518.00.518.880.45 54.75 Τοταλ : 54.75 40881611/7/2011 283150 ΣΗΟΠΕ ΧΟΝΧΡΕΤΕ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ ΧΟ9930473 Σαλεσ Ταξ 432.141.100 90.96 18∀ ξ 24∀ Στορµ Γρατε (Ονλψ)∼ 432.141.100 978.10 Τοταλ : 1,069.06 40881711/7/2011 017343 ΣΗΟΡΤΨ∋Σ ΩΑΤΕΡ ΤΡΥΧΚΡΕΦΥΝ∆ ΗΨ∆ΡΑΝΤ ΩΡΕΝΧΗ ∆ΕΠΟΣΙΤ, ΗΨ∆11−0039 430.399.501 31.00 Τοταλ : 31.00 40881811/7/2011 001187 ΣΗΡΕ∆−ΙΤ ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ101138499 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #101138499 − ΧΟΥΡΤ 001.13.512.500.41 37.13 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #101138499 − ΠΡΟΒΑΤΙΟΝ 001.13.512.500.41 12.37 101143185 ΣΗΡΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ − Π∆ − 101143185 001.21.521.100.41 72.60 101146916 ΣΗΡΕ∆−ΙΤ ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 432.00.535.900.41 9.90 ΣΗΡΕ∆−ΙΤ ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 550.00.548.100.41 9.90 ΣΗΡΕ∆−ΙΤ ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 001.42.542.300.41 9.90 ΣΗΡΕ∆−ΙΤ ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.41 9.90 ΣΗΡΕ∆−ΙΤ ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.41 9.90 111Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 112 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40881811/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)001187 ΣΗΡΕ∆−ΙΤ ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ 101232889 ΣΗΡΕ∆∆ΙΝΓ − Π∆ − ΡΕΧΟΡ∆Σ ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛ 001.21.521.100.41 49.50 Τοταλ : 221.10 40881911/7/2011 283305 ΣΗΡΟΠΣΗΙΡΕ, ΜΟΝΡΟΕ Σ.101011ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΜΕ∆ΙΧΑΡΕ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ 001.98.522.210.25 346.20 Τοταλ : 346.20 40882011/7/2011 015029 ΣΙΓΝΑΛ ΧΡΕ∆ΙΤ ΜΓΜΤΧ00106890 ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ ΟςΕΡΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ−Χ ΑΝ∆ΕΡΣΟΝ 651.237.172 45.75 Ι00083509 ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ ΟςΕΡΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ−Ι ΡΟΣΑΛΕΣ 651.237.172 53.98 Ι00092555 ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ ΟςΕΡΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ−Ρ ςΕΛΑΣΘΥΕΖ 651.237.172 100.50 Ι00095981 ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ ΟςΕΡΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ−Α ΗΥΑΠΑΨΑ 651.237.172 12.74 Ι00099601 ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ ΟςΕΡΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ−Ι ΡΟΣΑΛΕΣ 651.237.172 52.03 ΙΖ0146217 ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ ΟςΕΡΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ−Ι ΡΟΣΑΛΕΣ 651.237.172 64.99 ΙΖ0146648 ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ ΟςΕΡΠΑΨΜΕΝΤ−Λ ΤΑΠΣΟΒΑ 651.237.172 32.70 Τοταλ : 362.69 40882111/7/2011 283730 ΣΙΞ ΡΟΒΒΛΕΕΣ ΙΝΧ1−741119 ΡΕΠΑΙΡ 6355Α∼ 112Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 113 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40882111/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)283730 ΣΙΞ ΡΟΒΒΛΕΕΣ ΙΝΧ 550.00.548.680.35 81.70 023−027−00 ΒΡΑΚΕ ΑΣΣΕΜΒΛΨ∼ 550.00.548.680.35 81.70 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.680.35 15.52 1−741930 5−ΠΟΣΙΤΙΟΝ ΧΗΑΝΝΕΛ 550.00.548.680.35 25.39 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.00.548.680.35 2.41 Τοταλ : 206.72 40882211/7/2011 020281 ΣΜΙΤΗ, ϑΙΜ 029167 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−31922 120ΤΗ ΠΛ ΣΕ 430.233.100 14.95 Τοταλ : 14.95 40882311/7/2011 284150 ΣΜΨΤΗ∋Σ ΓΑΡ∆ΕΝςΙΛΛΕ ΓΡΕΕΝΗΟΥΣΕ351024 4∀ ΚΑΛΕ/ΧΑΒΒΑΓΕ 001.33.576.100.31 409.22 Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.33.576.100.31 0.75 Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.237.200 −0.75 Τοταλ : 409.22 40882411/7/2011 016602 ΣΝΨ∆ΕΡ, ΚΕςΙΝ100811ΡΕΙΜΒ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕ ΚΕςΙΝ ΣΝΨ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.17.558.100.49 227.99 Τοταλ : 227.99 40882511/7/2011 007696 ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΒΥΙΛΤ ΤΟΩΝΗΟΜΕΣ ΛΛΧ066966 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−30931 132Ν∆ ΑςΕ ΣΕ 430.233.100 27.73 Τοταλ : 27.73 113Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 114 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40882611/7/2011 284890 ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ ΧΟ, ΙΝΧ2439993−01 ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 430.00.534.800.22 106.22 Τοταλ : 106.22 40882711/7/2011 284900 ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΤΡΑΝΣΙΤ22032 3Ρ∆ ΘΤΡ Μ&Ο ΕΞΠΕΝΣΕΣ, 42 ΣΠΑΧΕΣ ΑΤ 505.00.524.500.45 1,565.19 Τοταλ : 1,565.19 40882811/7/2011 019139 ΣΟΥΤΗ ΣΟΥΝ∆ ∆ΡΕΑΜ ΧΕΝΤΕΡ3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1134 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1134∼ 001.17.562.100.41 500.00 Τοταλ : 500.00 40882911/7/2011 012558 ΣΟΥΤΗ ΣΟΥΝ∆ ΠΡΙΝΤΙΝΓ20112086 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 144.54 20112098 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 144.54 20112101 Πριντινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.41 911.59 Τοταλ : 1,200.67 40883011/7/2011 020267 ΣΠΑΥΛ∆ΙΝΓ, ΘΥΙΝΝΧ00108156 ΡΕΣΤΙΤΥΤΙΟΝ − ∆ ΩΡΙΓΗΤ−ΦΡΑΝΚ 651.237.172 90.00 Τοταλ : 90.00 40883111/7/2011 285430 ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛΤΨ ΜΕΤΑΛΣ ΧΟΡΠ414561 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΜΕΤΑΛ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 001.33.576.100.31 166.85 Τοταλ : 166.85 40883211/7/2011 014743 ΣΠΕΕ∆Ο ΤΡΑΝΣΑΧΤΙΟΝΣ27711 114Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 115 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40883211/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)014743 ΣΠΕΕ∆Ο ΤΡΑΝΣΑΧΤΙΟΝΣ ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #27711 ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ 001.13.512.500.41 560.00 Τοταλ : 560.00 40883311/7/2011 016482 ΣΠΙΚΕ∋Σ ΓΟΛΦ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ, ΙΝΧ.742002 ΣΠΙΚΕΣ ΓΟΛΦ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ: ΤΕΕΣ & 437.00.576.680.34 214.56 Τοταλ : 214.56 40883411/7/2011 019142 ΣΤ ςΙΝΧΕΝΤ ∆Ε ΠΑΥΛ3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1135 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1135∼ 001.17.562.100.41 2,500.00 Τοταλ : 2,500.00 40883511/7/2011 002733 ΣΤΑΡ ΡΕΝΤΑΛ & ΣΑΛΕΣ, ΙΝΧ33−079377−03 ΡΕΝΤΑΛ ΟΦ ΓΕΝΕΡΑΤΟΡ ΑΤ ΜΑΡΨ ΟΛΣΕΝ ΦΑΡΜΣ 001.33.575.300.45 487.29 33−079378−03 ΡΕΝΤΑΛ ΟΦ ΛΑΜΠ ΤΟΩΕΡΣ ΦΟΡ ΓΑΜΕ ΦΑΡΜ 001.33.576.100.45 158.79 Τοταλ : 646.08 40883611/7/2011 017507 ΣΤΑΤΕΩΙ∆Ε ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ35897 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #35897 ΠΗΟΤΟ ΑΧΧΕΣΣ ΧΟΝΤΡΟΛ 001.13.516.100.49 534.36 35903 Στατεωιδε Σεχυριτψ το ρεπλαχε δεφεχτιϖε 001.21.521.300.35 1,345.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.21.521.300.35 127.78 Τοταλ : 2,007.14 40883711/7/2011 008258 ΣΤΕΑ∆, ΡΟΒΕΡΤ Ε.10/03−10/11ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΠΡΟ−ΤΕΜ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 10/3/11; 001.13.512.500.41 2,450.00 115Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 116 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 2,450.00 40883711/7/2011008258008258 ΣΤΕΑ∆, ΡΟΒΕΡΤ Ε. 40883811/7/2011 286270 ΣΤΕΛΛΑΡ ΙΝ∆ΥΣΤΡΙΑΛ ΣΥΠΠΛΨ3077428 ΡΙ∆31120 14∀ ΑΛΚΥΜΙΝΥΜ ΟΦΦΣΕΤ ΡΙ∆ΓΙ∆ 430.00.534.800.35 128.14 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.00.534.800.35 12.17 3081506 ΡΙ∆31120 14∀ ΑΛΚΥΜΙΝΥΜ ΟΦΦΣΕΤ ΡΙ∆ΓΙ∆ 430.00.534.800.35 384.42 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.00.534.800.35 36.52 Τοταλ : 561.25 40883911/7/2011 002068 ΣΤΕΡΙΧΨΧΛΕ ΙΝΧ3001582166 ΗΑΖ ΜΑΤ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ (3001582166) 001.21.521.100.41 10.36 Τοταλ : 10.36 40884011/7/2011 020268 ΣΤΕςΕΝΣ, ΑΝ∆ΡΕΑΧ0097003 ΒΑΙΛ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆ − Χ ΜΟΝΡΟΕ 651.237.172 1,000.00 Τοταλ : 1,000.00 40884111/7/2011 017696 ΣΤΟΡ−ΜΟΡΕ ΣΕΛΦ ΣΤΟΡΑΓΕΥΝΙΤ123 ΣΤΟΡΑΓΕ ΡΕΝΤΑΛ ΦΕΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΥΝΙΤ 123∼ 001.15.514.300.45 135.00 ΥΝΙΤ125 ΣΤΟΡΑΓΕ ΡΕΝΤΑΛ ΦΕΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΥΝΤΙ 125 ΦΟΡ 001.15.514.300.45 135.00 Τοταλ : 270.00 40884211/7/2011 003617 ΣΤΟςΕΡ, ΡΥΤΗ ΝΕΙΛ35211 ΖΥΜΒΑ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 168.00 35212 ΖΥΜΒΑ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 116Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 117 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40884211/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)003617 ΣΤΟςΕΡ, ΡΥΤΗ ΝΕΙΛ 001.33.574.240.41 224.00 35213 ΖΥΜΒΑ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 160.00 35214 ΖΥΜΒΑ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 192.00 35219 ΠΙΛΑΤΕΣ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 160.00 35220 ΠΙΛΑΤΕΣ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 224.00 35223 ΠΙΛΑΤΕΣ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ:∼ 001.33.574.240.41 64.00 Τοταλ : 1,192.00 40884311/7/2011 287020 ΣΥΜΜΙΤ ΛΑΩ ΓΡΟΥΠ ΠΛΛΧ53664 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #53664 ΠΡΟΦΕΣΣΙΟΝΑΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ 001.13.516.100.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 40884411/7/2011 004725 ΣΥΝΡΙΣΕ ΓΛΑΣΣ19811 ΗΟΥΣΙΝΓ ΡΕΠΑΙΡ−−ΩΙΛΛΙΑΜ ΠΕΤΕΡΣΟΝ∋Σ 119.00.559.200.63 3,049.58 Τοταλ : 3,049.58 40884511/7/2011 020270 ΣΥΠΕΡΙΟΡ ΣΙΓΝΑΛΣ ΙΝΧ.285292 Φλαση Τυβε φορ Στροβε Λιγητ ον #6945Α 550.00.548.680.35 48.90 φρειγητ 550.00.548.680.35 11.00 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 550.00.548.680.35 5.69 117Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 118 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40884511/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)020270 ΣΥΠΕΡΙΟΡ ΣΙΓΝΑΛΣ ΙΝΧ. ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 550.237.200 −5.69 Τοταλ : 59.90 40884611/7/2011 020288 ΣΥΣΑΝΤΟ, ΙΣΩΑΝ & ΡΙΑΝΙΣϑΑΗ064148 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−5708 ΗΑΖΕΛ ΑςΕ ΣΕ 430.233.100 104.31 Τοταλ : 104.31 40884711/7/2011 017378 ΣςΟΒΟ∆Α, ΓΡΑΝΤ10/15/11ΣΡς ∆ϑ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΦΟΡ 10/2/11 ΛΑΤΕ ΝΙΓΗΤ 001.33.574.240.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 100.00 40884811/7/2011 020277 ΣΩΑΝΣΟΝ, ∆ΑςΙ∆ ΒΑΤΧ−20/45 Γραντ Φυνδεδ−ΑΤΧ 20/45 Ινστρυχτορ 001.21.525.100.49 1,200.00 Τοταλ : 1,200.00 40884911/7/2011 013125 ΣΖΕΝ ΧΟΡΠ15169 Αννυαλ Γολφ Χουρσε Ποιντ οφ Σαλε 518.00.518.880.48 1,600.00 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 518.00.518.880.48 152.00 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 518.237.200 −152.00 Τοταλ : 1,600.00 40885011/7/2011 290240 ΤΑΧΟΜΑ ΝΕΩΣ ΤΡΙΒΥΝΕ115978ΑΙΜ Α∆ςΕΡΤΙΣΙΝΓ ΦΑΛΛ ΑΝ∆ ΩΙΝΤΕΡ 2011 001.33.575.280.44 174.24 Τοταλ : 174.24 40885111/7/2011 290270 ΤΑΧΟΜΑ ΣΧΡΕΩ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ ΙΝΧ10221693 ΟΠΕΝ ΠΟ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧ ΝΥΤΣ & ΒΟΛΤΣ 001.33.574.220.31 6.46 118Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 119 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40885111/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)290270 ΤΑΧΟΜΑ ΣΧΡΕΩ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤΣ ΙΝΧ 15111439 ΤΑΧΟΜΑ ΣΧΡΕΩ: ΣΗΟΠ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ, ΒΕΑΡΙΝΓΣ 437.00.576.600.31 52.68 Τοταλ : 59.14 40885211/7/2011 018037 ΤΕΧΗΝΙΧΑΛ ΣΨΣΤΕΜΣ, ΙΝΧ.7280Α−002 ∆ελϖρψ οφ Ιντερτιε Πανελ, Σταρτυπ/Προγ. 430.00.590.100.65 6,433.00 7320−004 ΑΓ−Χ−401, Χ524Α: ΣΧΑ∆Α Σψστεµ 430.00.590.100.68 84,454.33 ΑΓ−Χ−401, Χ524Α: ΣΧΑ∆Α Σψστεµ 431.00.590.100.68 42,227.16 ΑΓ−Χ−401, Χ524Α: ΣΧΑ∆Α Σψστεµ 432.00.590.100.68 18,929.42 ΡΕΤΑΙΝΑΓΕ 430.223.400 −3,856.36 ΡΕΤΑΙΝΑΓΕ 431.223.400 −1,928.18 ΡΕΤΑΙΝΑΓΕ 432.223.400 −864.36 Τοταλ : 145,395.01 40885311/7/2011 222370 ΤΗΕ ΛΟΧΚ ΣΗΟΠ76688 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #76688 ΜΙΣΧ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ 505.00.524.500.31 245.28 823879 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #823879 ΛΑΒΟΡ ΤΟ ΓΕΤ ∆ΟΟΡ ΟΠΕΝ 505.00.524.500.48 845.89 Τοταλ : 1,091.17 40885411/7/2011 012125 ΤΗΕΡΜΟ ΚΙΝΓ ΝΟΡΤΗΩΕΣΤ ΙΝΧ.2104560 ΝΕΩ ΧΑΡΤ ΒΑΤΤΕΡΙΕΣ 437.00.576.680.49 654.15 2107275 119Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 120 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40885411/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)012125 ΤΗΕΡΜΟ ΚΙΝΓ ΝΟΡΤΗΩΕΣΤ ΙΝΧ. Α∆∆ΙΤΙΟΝΑΛ ΧΑΡΤ ΡΕΝΤΑΛΣ ΦΟΡ ΛΑΡΓΕ 437.00.576.680.45 −200.00 Τοταλ : 454.15 40885511/7/2011 015435 ΤΗΥΝ∆ΕΡΙΝΓ ΟΑΚ ΕΝΤΕΡΠΡΙΣΕΣ ΙΝΧ5256 Ρεµοϖε & γρινδ στυµπ ον τωο τρεεσ. 430.00.534.800.41 1,180.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.00.534.800.41 112.10 Τοταλ : 1,292.10 40885611/7/2011 284710 ΤΗΨΣΣΕΝΚΡΥΠΠ ΕΛΕςΑΤΟΡ ΧΟΡΠ990028 ΑΓ−Σ−039, Ελεϖατορ Μαιντενανχε∼ 505.00.524.500.48 610.98 990029 ΑΓ−Σ−039, Ελεϖατορ Μαιντενανχε∼ 505.00.524.500.48 1,458.35 Τοταλ : 2,069.33 40885711/7/2011 020254 ΤΙΛΛΙΧΥΜ ςΙΛΛΑΓΕ205310−4 14 ΠΑΡΤΙΧΙΠΑΝΤΣ ΠΛΥΣ ΕΣΧΟΡΤ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ 001.33.574.210.41 916.30 Τοταλ : 916.30 40885811/7/2011 012331 ΤΙΤΛΕΙΣΤ 2943462 ΒΑΛΛΣ, ΧΛΥΒΣ, ΗΕΑ∆ΩΕΑΡ, ΕΤΧ. 437.00.576.680.34 294.68 2949033 ΒΑΛΛΣ, ΧΛΥΒΣ, ΗΕΑ∆ΩΕΑΡ, ΕΤΧ. 437.00.576.680.34 316.07 2957553 ΒΑΛΛΣ, ΧΛΥΒΣ, ΗΕΑ∆ΩΕΑΡ, ΕΤΧ. 437.00.576.680.34 165.78 2960726 ΒΑΛΛΣ, ΧΛΥΒΣ, ΗΕΑ∆ΩΕΑΡ, ΕΤΧ. 120Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 121 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40885811/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)012331 ΤΙΤΛΕΙΣΤ 437.00.576.680.34 1,141.06 ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛ ΟΡ∆ΕΡΣ & ΦΑΛΛ ΙΤΕΜΣ 437.00.576.680.34 573.60 2963198 ΒΑΛΛΣ, ΧΛΥΒΣ, ΗΕΑ∆ΩΕΑΡ, ΕΤΧ. 437.00.576.680.34 264.78 Τοταλ : 2,755.97 40885911/7/2011 012331 ΦΟΟΤϑΟΨ 3978835 ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛ ΟΡ∆ΕΡΣ & ΦΑΛΛ ΙΤΕΜΣ 437.00.576.680.34 60.27 Τοταλ : 60.27 40886011/7/2011 010582 Τ−ΜΟΒΙΛΕ ΥΣΑ, ΙΝΧ.453430792 Χελλ Πηονε/Σιµ Χαρδ Χηαργεσ φορ ΣΩΑΤ 117.00.521.210.42 41.59 Σαλεσ Ταξ 117.00.521.210.42 8.79 Τοταλ : 50.38 40886111/7/2011 016448 ΤΡΑΦΦΙΧ ΧΟΥΝΤ ΧΟΝΣΥΛΤΑΝΤΣ, ΙΝΧ0073 ΑΓ−Σ−049, 2011 Τραφφιχ Χουντσ∼ 001.32.532.200.41 4,025.00 Τοταλ : 4,025.00 40886211/7/2011 020291 ΤΡΙΠΛΕΣΤΑΡ ΠΡΟΠΕΡΤΙΕΣ ΛΛΧ066733 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−1000 Ε ΣΤ ΣΕ 430.233.100 792.82 Τοταλ : 792.82 40886311/7/2011 013834 ΥΝΙΦΙΡΣΤ ΧΟΡΠΟΡΑΤΙΟΝ330−0739789 Ρυγ ανδ µατ σερϖιχε φορ χεµετερψ οφφιχε. 436.00.536.200.49 62.08 Τοταλ : 62.08 40886411/7/2011 370780 ΥΝΙΣΟΥΡΧΕ ΩΟΡΛ∆ΩΙ∆Ε ΙΝΧ655−22483974 121Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 122 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40886411/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)370780 ΥΝΙΣΟΥΡΧΕ ΩΟΡΛ∆ΩΙ∆Ε ΙΝΧ 4 ΧΑΣΕΣ ΟΦ ΒΑΤΗΡΟΟΜ ∆ΙΣΙΝΦΕΧΤΑΝΤ ΧΛΕΑΝΕΡ 001.33.576.100.31 455.52 655−22507983 ΤΟΙΛΕΤ ΤΙΣΣΥΕ ΑΝ∆ ΓΑΡΒΑΓΕ ΧΑΝ ΛΙΝΕΡΣ 001.33.576.100.31 2,251.32 Τοταλ : 2,706.84 40886511/7/2011 370900 ΥΝΙΤΕ∆ ΠΑΡΧΕΛ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ00004799Φ2411 Σηιππινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.42 27.50 00004799Φ2421 Ρεφερενχε ΠΟ 11−001409/ΥΠΣ ΣΗΙΠΠΙΝΓ 518.00.518.780.42 21.44 00004799Φ2431 Σηιππινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.42 23.05 0000890192421 Σηιππινγ σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.780.42 47.99 Τοταλ : 119.98 40886611/7/2011 370905 ΥΝΙΤΕ∆ ΡΕΝΤΑΛΣ ΙΝΧ95767428−001 Χ412Α0 ΑΕΠ ΒΟΑΡ∆ΩΑΛΚ ΜΟΩΕΡ ΡΕΝΤΑΛ 321.00.576.802.65 116.41 95873610−001 Χ412Α0 ΑΕΠ ΒΟΑΡ∆ΩΑΛΚ ΩΕΕ∆ ΜΟΩΕΡ ΡΕΝΤΑΛ 321.00.576.802.65 116.62 Τοταλ : 233.03 40886711/7/2011 006497 ΥΠΒΕΑΤ ΙΝΧ.ΙΝς0142369 10 ΧΑΣΕΣ ΟΦ ΜΥΤΤ ΜΙΤΤΣ 001.33.576.100.31 955.65 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 001.33.576.100.31 90.79 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 122Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 123 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40886711/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)006497 ΥΠΒΕΑΤ ΙΝΧ. 001.237.200 −90.79 Τοταλ : 955.65 40886811/7/2011 371410 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΧΟ. ΙΝΧ7721 Ρεπλαχε ιµπελλερσ ανδ ϖολυτεσ ατ Φ Στ 431.00.535.800.41 12,292.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 431.00.535.800.41 1,167.74 7721Α Φ Στ Σεωερ Πυµπ Στατιον Ρεπαιρσ. ∼ 431.00.535.800.41 2,502.50 Σαλεσ Ταξ 431.00.535.800.41 237.74 7887 ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΠΥΜΠ ΑΤ ΙΣΑΑΧ ΕςΑΝΣ ΠΑΡΚ. 001.33.576.100.41 1,609.09 ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΠΥΜΠ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΩΕΡ ΑΤ ΙΣΑΑΧ ΕςΑΝΣ 001.33.576.100.41 1,223.00 7907 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.41 710.88 7908Α ΥΤΙΛΤΙΤΙΕΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ ΙΝΧ. /∼ 430.00.534.800.48 1,938.15 7927 ΕΣΤΙΜΑΤΕ − ΣΥΠΠΛΨ ΑΝ∆ ∆ΕΛΙςΕΡ (1) ΗΟΥΡ 505.00.524.500.48 68.49 7928 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.41 1,621.25 7932 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.41 138.79 7936 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 123Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 124 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40886811/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)371410 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΧΟ. ΙΝΧ 431.00.535.800.41 428.69 7956 ΥΤΙΛΤΙΤΙΕΣ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕ ΧΟΜΠΑΝΨ ΙΝΧ. /∼ 430.00.534.800.48 369.75 Τοταλ : 24,308.07 40886911/7/2011 371290 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΥΝ∆ΕΡΓΡΟΥΝ∆ ΛΟΧΑΤΙΟΝ1090095 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΥΝ∆ΕΡΓΡΟΥΝ∆ ΛΟΧΑΤΙΟΝ /ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 001.42.543.100.42 79.19 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΥΝ∆ΕΡΓΡΟΥΝ∆ ΛΟΧΑΤΙΟΝ /ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.42 79.19 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΥΝ∆ΕΡΓΡΟΥΝ∆ ΛΟΧΑΤΙΟΝ /ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 431.00.535.800.42 79.19 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΙΕΣ ΥΝ∆ΕΡΓΡΟΥΝ∆ ΛΟΧΑΤΙΟΝ /ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 432.00.535.900.42 79.18 Τοταλ : 316.75 40887011/7/2011 380030 ςΑ∆ΙΣ ΧΟΡΠ17460 ΑΓ−Σ−044, ΛΙΤΤΕΡ ΧΟΝΤΡΟΛ & ΡΕΧΨΧΛΙΝΓ 434.00.537.800.41 13,689.00 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 434.00.537.800.41 260.46 ΥΣΕ ΤΑΞ 434.237.200 −260.46 Τοταλ : 13,689.00 40887111/7/2011 380120 ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΑΥΤΟ ΡΕΒΥΙΛ∆, ΙΝΧ.65139 ΠΑΤΡΟΛ ΧΑΡ 35Η ΤΟΩΕ∆ ΤΟ Μ&Ο (65139) 001.21.521.200.41 114.97 65142 ΤΟΩ − ΨΥΚΟΝ 11−10630 (65142) 001.21.521.200.41 294.55 65196 ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΑΥΤΟ ΡΕΒΥΙΛ∆/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.48 93.08 124Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 125 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40887111/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)380120 ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΑΥΤΟ ΡΕΒΥΙΛ∆, ΙΝΧ. 65197 ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΑΥΤΟ ΡΕΒΥΙΛ∆/ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.48 93.08 Τοταλ : 595.68 40887211/7/2011 380150 ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΧΙΤΙΕΣ ΧΟΥΝΧΛ & ΧΟΝΣΥΛΤ3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1137 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1137∼ 001.17.562.100.41 2,500.00 3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1138 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1138∼ 001.17.562.100.41 3,000.00 Τοταλ : 5,500.00 40887311/7/2011 380300 ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΠΟΝΤΙΑΧ ΓΜΧΠΝΧΣ295760 ΡΕΠ ΦΟΡ ΧΡΑΩΦΟΡ∆ ΤΝΕΤ ςΕΗ (ΠΝΧΣ295760) 117.00.521.210.48 751.38 Τοταλ : 751.38 40887411/7/2011 380360 ςΑΛΛΕΨ ΡΑ∆ΙΟΛΟΓΙΣΤΣ, ΙΝΧ001060000676344 ΠΡΕ−ΕΜΠΛΟΨΜΕΝΤ ΣΧΡΕΕΝΙΝΓ ΦΟΡ ΠΟΛΙΧΕ − 001.13.516.710.41 28.00 Τοταλ : 28.00 40887511/7/2011 380720 ςΕΛΑΖΘΥΕΖ, Χ. ΙςΕΛΙΣΣΕ090911ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 001.13.512.500.41 100.00 102411ΙΝς ΧΟΥΡΤ ΙΝΤΕΡΠΡΕΤΕΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΡΕΝ∆ΕΡΕ∆ 001.13.512.500.41 100.00 Τοταλ : 200.00 40887611/7/2011 111800 ςΕΡΙΖΟΝ ΩΙΡΕΛΕΣΣ1017775213 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΟ∼ 001.11.513.100.42 36.04 Τοταλ : 36.04 125Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 126 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40887711/7/2011 020279 ςΕΡΖΑΝΙ, ΡΙΧΗΑΡ∆018040 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−1310 57ΤΗ ∆Ρ ΣΕ 430.233.100 357.63 Τοταλ : 357.63 40887811/7/2011 018558 ςΕΣΕΨ, ΠΑΤΡΙΧΙΑ ΕΣΛΑςΑ35095 ΩΕΙΓΗΤ ΛΟΣΣ ΩΙΤΗ ΣΕΛΦ ΗΨΠΝΟΣΙΣ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ: 001.33.574.210.41 560.00 35097 ΩΕΙΓΗΤ ΛΟΣΣ ΩΙΤΗ ΣΕΛΦ ΗΨΠΝΟΣΙΣ ΧΛΑΣΣΕΣ: 001.33.574.240.41 80.00 Τοταλ : 640.00 40887911/7/2011 020300 ςΙΓΙΛ, ΤΕ∆ ϑ.11/19/11ΠΕΡΦ 11/19/11 ΠΕΡΦΟΡΜΑΝΧΕ ΑΤ ΤΗΕ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΑςΕ 001.33.575.280.41 2,500.00 Τοταλ : 2,500.00 40888011/7/2011 019028 ςΟΙΑΝΧΕ ΛΑΝΓΥΑΓΕ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΛΛΧΙς0008207 ςοιανχε Λανγυαγε Σερϖιχεσ − οϖερ τηε 518.00.518.880.42 55.50 Τοταλ : 55.50 40888111/7/2011 001986 ςΠΧΙ ΤΡΑΙΝ Ωεβλινκ Χυστοµιζατιον Τραινινγ 518.00.518.880.41 640.00 ΩΕΒ ΙΝΣΤ Ωεβλινκ Σερϖερ υπγραδε σερϖιχεσ 518.00.518.880.41 480.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.41 45.60 Τοταλ : 1,165.60 40888211/7/2011 390420 Ω Ω Γ Χ Σ ΑΣΣΟΧΙΑΤΙΟΝ7593 Ω.Ω.Γ.Χ.Σ. ΑΣΣΟΧΙΑΤΙΟΝ: ∆ΥΕΣ ΑΝ∆ 437.00.576.600.49 310.00 126Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 127 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40888211/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)390420 Ω Ω Γ Χ Σ ΑΣΣΟΧΙΑΤΙΟΝ ΠΕΣΤΙΧΙ∆Ε ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ, ΜΕΧΗΑΝΙΧ ΣΕΜΙΝΑΡ, 437.00.576.600.49 235.00 Τοταλ : 545.00 40888311/7/2011 171890 Ω. Ω. ΓΡΑΙΝΓΕΡ, ΙΝΧ848162814 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧΛΛΑΝΕΟΥΣ 505.00.524.500.31 242.43 9638909607 Ω.Ω. ΓΡΑΙΝΓΕΡ, ΙΝΧ./ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.680.35 454.31 9651974900 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧΛΛΑΝΕΟΥΣ 505.00.524.500.31 −73.97 9653329921 Παρτσ φορ χεµετερψ υσε. 436.00.536.200.31 26.75 9653449992 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧΛΛΑΝΕΟΥΣ 505.00.524.500.31 60.96 9653610007 ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧΛΛΑΝΕΟΥΣ 505.00.524.500.31 63.47 9654458711 Σ∆Σ ∆ΡΙΛΛ ΒΙΤ 9/16 ΙΝ 001.33.576.100.31 39.20 9654578831 Ω.Ω. ΓΡΑΙΝΓΕΡ, ΙΝΧ./ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 550.00.548.100.31 132.85 9655649870 Ω.Ω. ΓΡΑΙΝΓΕΡ, ΙΝΧ./ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 432.00.535.900.31 109.31 9655649888 Ω.Ω. ΓΡΑΙΝΓΕΡ, ΙΝΧ./ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ 001.21.521.200.31 595.35 9664865434 127Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 128 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40888311/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)171890 Ω. Ω. ΓΡΑΙΝΓΕΡ, ΙΝΧ ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ ΟΡ∆ΕΡ ΦΟΡ ΜΙΣΧΛΛΑΝΕΟΥΣ 505.00.524.500.31 81.51 Τοταλ : 1,732.17 40888411/7/2011 390690 ΩΑΣΠΧ − ΡΕΓΙΟΝΑΛ ΧΙΤΙΕΣ ΕΗΜ37634 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #37634 ΕΗΜ ΦΟΡ ΑΥΓΥΣΤ 2011 001.13.512.510.41 555.00 Τοταλ : 555.00 40888511/7/2011 390750 ΩΑ ΧΙΤΙΕΣ ΙΝΣΥΡΑΝΧΕ ΑΥΤΗΟΡΙΤΨ100802 Λιαβιλιτψ ινσυρανχε−Ζυριχη στοραγε τανκ 550.00.548.100.46 4,878.09 Τοταλ : 4,878.09 40888611/7/2011 391320 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ΑΥ∆ΙΤΟΡΛ90198 Σεπτ. 2011 − στατυτορψ αυδιτ σερϖιχεσ 001.14.514.230.41 83.60 Τοταλ : 83.60 40888711/7/2011 391470 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ΧΡΙΜ ϑΥΣΤΙΧΕ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ2013−0133 ΠΡΕ ΣΥΠΡ ΤΡΑΙΝΙΝΓ − ϑ ∆ΟΥΓΛΑΣ − 001.21.521.200.49 250.00 Τοταλ : 250.00 40888811/7/2011 391770 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ∆ΕΠΤ ΛΑΒΟΡ & ΙΝ∆129367 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #129367 ΡΕΝΕΩΑΛ ΦΟΡ ΑΝΝΥΑΛ 505.00.524.500.41 131.00 129426 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #129426 ΡΕΝΕΩΑΛ ΦΟΡ ΑΝΝΥΑΛ 505.00.524.500.41 229.60 Τοταλ : 360.60 40888911/7/2011 391980 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ∆ΕΠΤ ΡΕςΕΝΥΕ004 ΛΗ ΕΞΧΙΣΕ ΤΑΞ ΑΥ∆ΙΤ ΑΣΣΕΣΣΜΕΝΤ, ΠΕΡΙΟ∆ 651.237.120 28,466.00 128Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 129 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 28,466.00 40888911/7/2011391980391980 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ∆ΕΠΤ ΡΕςΕΝΥΕ 40889011/7/2011 392100 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ΕΜΠ ΣΕΧΥΡΙΤΨ ∆ΕΠΤ945048−10 4 3ρδ Θτρ 2011 ΩΑ Υνεµπλοψµεντ Σεχυριτψ 501.00.517.700.28 48,763.93 Τοταλ : 48,763.93 40889111/7/2011 392520 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ΠΑΤΡΟΛΙ12002353 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #Ι12002353 ΒΑΧΚΓΡΟΥΝ∆ ΧΗΕΧΚΣ 001.13.516.100.49 70.00 Ι12002354 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #Ι12002354 ΒΑΧΚΓΡΟΥΝ∆ ΧΗΕΧΚΣ 001.13.516.100.49 700.00 Ι12002424 ΦΙΝΓΕΡΠΡΙΝΤ ΠΡΟΧΕΣΣΙΝΓ (Ι12002424) 651.237.105 673.75 Τοταλ : 1,443.75 40889211/7/2011 392880 ΩΑ ΣΤΑΤΕ ΩΕΕ∆ ΧΟΝΦΕΡΕΝΧΕ315092 ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ ΣΤΑΤΕ ΩΕΕ∆ ΧΟΝΦΕΡΕΝΧΕ∼ 432.00.535.900.49 285.00 ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ ΣΤΑΤΕ ΩΕΕ∆ ΧΟΝΦΕΡΕΝΧΕ∼ 001.42.542.300.49 95.00 Τοταλ : 380.00 40889311/7/2011 393090 ΩΑ ΩΟΜΕΝ∋Σ ΕΜΠΛΟΨΜΕΝΤ3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1139 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1139∼ 001.17.562.100.41 2,000.00 Τοταλ : 2,000.00 40889411/7/2011 020252 ΩΑΛΚΕΡ, ϑΕΡΡΨ Μ.10−2011 ΙΝ∆ΕΠΕΝ∆ΕΝΤ ΜΑΡΚΕΤ ΣΤΥ∆Ψ ΦΟΡ ΣΕΝΙΟΡ 001.17.558.100.41 3,500.00 Τοταλ : 3,500.00 40889511/7/2011 014405 ΩΑΛΤΕΡΣ, ϑΟΑΝΝΕ Σ.10/13/11ΡΕΙΜ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ΙΤΕΜΣ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ∆ ΦΟΡ 129Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 130 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40889511/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)014405 ΩΑΛΤΕΡΣ, ϑΟΑΝΝΕ Σ. 001.33.574.210.31 94.50 10/18/11ΡΕΙΜ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΦΟΡ ΙΤΕΜΣ ΠΥΡΧΗΑΣΕ∆ ΦΟΡ 001.33.574.210.31 265.00 Τοταλ : 359.50 40889611/7/2011 019123 ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ ΤΡΑΧΤΟΡ ΙΝΧ4022109 Παρτσ φορ ϑοην ∆εερε 436.00.536.200.31 138.81 4026119 ΑΜ123508 ΧΑΠ 001.33.576.100.31 12.96 Τοταλ : 151.77 40889711/7/2011 013765 ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ ΩΟΡΚΩΕΑΡ ΣΤΟΡΕΣ ΙΝΧ2500 ΣΑΦΕΤΨ ϑΑΧΚΕΤΣ Ω/∀ΧΙΤΨ ΟΦ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ∀ 430.00.534.800.22 107.27 2 ΣΙΖΕ ΞΛ ∼ 431.00.535.800.22 160.90 4 ΣΙΖΕ ΛΓ ∼ 432.00.535.900.22 321.79 2 ΣΙΖΕ ΞΛ ∼ 001.42.542.300.22 321.79 Σαλεσ Ταξ 430.00.534.800.22 10.19 Σαλεσ Ταξ 431.00.535.800.22 15.29 Σαλεσ Ταξ 432.00.535.900.22 30.57 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.42.542.300.22 30.57 2501 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #2501 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜΣ − ΜΑΨΨΑ ΒΑΡΑΝ 505.00.524.500.22 118.23 2502 130Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 131 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40889711/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)013765 ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ ΩΟΡΚΩΕΑΡ ΣΤΟΡΕΣ ΙΝΧ ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #2502 ΥΝΙΦΟΡΜΣ − ΜΑΨΨΑ ΒΑΡΑΝ 505.00.524.500.22 136.88 3003 2ΞΛ ΤΑΛΛ ΧΑΡΗΑΡΤΤ Κ124 ΝςΨ ΧΡΕΩ ΝΕΧΚ 550.141.200 291.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.141.200 27.65 3004Β 2ΞΛ ΟΡΑΝΓΕ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ ΣΗΙΡΤ Ω/ΩΗΙΤΕ ΣΧΡΕΕΝ 550.141.200 88.50 3ΞΛ ΟΡΑΝΓΕ ΣΑΦΕΤΨ ΣΗΙΡΤ Ω/ΩΗΙΤΕ ΣΧΡΕΕΝ 550.141.200 177.00 ΞΛ ΝΑςΨ Τ−ΣΗΙΡΤ Ω/ΩΗΙΤΕ ΣΧΡΕΕΝ 550.141.200 46.50 2ΞΛ ΝΑςΨ Τ−ΣΗΙΡΤ Ω/ΩΗΙΤΕ ΣΧΡΕΕΝ 550.141.200 117.00 2ΞΛ ΤΑΛΛ ΝΑςΨ Τ−ΣΗΙΡΤ Ω/ΩΗΙΤΕ ΣΧΡΕΕΝ 550.141.200 70.50 ΛΓ ΗΕΑΤΗΕΡ Τ−ΣΗΙΡΤ Ω/ΒΛΑΧΚ ΣΧΡΕΕΝ 550.141.200 46.50 2ΞΛ ΗΕΑΤΗΕΡ Τ−ΣΗΙΡΤ Ω/ΒΛΑΧΚ ΣΧΡΕΕΝ 550.141.200 117.00 3ΞΛ ΤΑΛΛ ΗΕΑΤΗΕΡ Τ−ΣΗΙΡΤ Ω/ΒΛΑΧΚ ΣΧΡΕΕΝ 550.141.200 70.50 4ΞΛ ΗΕΑΤΗΕΡ Τ−ΣΗΙΡΤ Ω/ΒΛΑΧΚ ΣΧΡΕΕΝ 550.141.200 58.50 ΝΑςΨ ΤΕΕΣ ΩΙΤΗ ΩΗΙΤΕ ΣΧΡΕΕΝ, ΜΕ∆ΙΥΜ 550.141.200 46.50 Σαλεσ Ταξ 550.141.200 79.66 Τοταλ : 2,490.29 40889811/7/2011 007841 ΩΑΣΤΕ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ0002484−2588−6 ∆ΙΣΠΟΣΑΛ ΟΦ ∆ΕΧΑΝΤ ΦΑΧΙΛΙΤΨ ΣΟΛΙ∆ ΩΑΣΤΕ 131Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 132 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40889811/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)007841 ΩΑΣΤΕ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ 432.00.535.900.41 3,790.23 ∆ΙΣΠΟΣΑΛ ΟΦ ∆ΕΧΑΝΤ ΦΑΧΙΛΙΤΨ ΣΟΛΙ∆ ΩΑΣΤΕ 434.00.537.800.41 8,843.88 Τοταλ : 12,634.11 40889911/7/2011 393570 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ105214 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 432.00.535.900.41 106.50 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 434.00.537.800.41 106.50 105293 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.41 526.00 105477 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.41 506.00 105702 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.41 320.00 105755 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.41 1,700.00 105777 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 001.32.532.200.41 44.00 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.41 206.00 105891 ΩΑΤΕΡ ΜΑΝΑΓΕΜΕΝΤ ΛΑΒΣ, ΙΝΧ. / ΒΛΑΝΚΕΤ 430.00.534.800.41 322.00 Τοταλ : 3,837.00 40890011/7/2011 016350 ΩΧΙ 112731683 Λονγ ∆ιστανχε φορ τηε µοντη οφ Σεπτεµβερ 518.00.518.880.42 608.21 132Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 133 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ (Χοντινυεδ)Τοταλ : 608.21 40890011/7/2011016350016350 ΩΧΙ 40890111/7/2011 004433 ΩΕΒΒ, ∆ΟΝΑΛ∆100411ΛΕΟΦΦ ΛΕΟΦΦ 1 ΠΗΑΡΜΑΧΨ ΡΕΙΜΒΥΡΣΕΜΕΝΤ ΧΛΑΙΜ 001.98.517.210.25 19.10 Τοταλ : 19.10 40890211/7/2011 324050 ΩΕΣΧΟΜ ΧΟΜΜΥΝΙΧΑΤΙΟΝΣ20751 Ωεσχοµ ∼ 001.15.515.100.41 150.00 Τοταλ : 150.00 40890311/7/2011 394200 ΩΕΣΤ ΧΟΑΣΤ ΠΑΠΕΡ7229280 Χιτψωιδε παπερ συππλψ 518.00.518.780.31 126.95 7231300 Χιτψωιδε παπερ συππλψ 518.00.518.780.31 815.82 Τοταλ : 942.77 40890411/7/2011 394250 ΩΕΣΤ ΠΥΒΛΙΣΗΙΝΓ ΓΡΟΥΠ823626086 Ωεστ∼ 001.15.515.100.49 1,600.44 823687076 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #823687076 ΣΥΒΣΧΡΙΠΤΙΟΝ ΠΡΟ∆ΥΧΤ 001.13.512.500.49 1,228.59 823692081 ΙΝςΟΙΧΕ #823692081 ΩΑ ΠΡΑΧΤΙΧΕ∼ 001.13.512.500.49 152.21 823730234 Ωεστ∼ 001.15.515.100.49 807.50 Τοταλ : 3,788.74 40890511/7/2011 394470 ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ∆ΙΣΤ ΙΝΧ685216.2 ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΠΑΡΤΣ, ΡΕΕΛΣ, ΒΕΑΡΙΝΓΣ, 437.00.576.600.31 771.78 133Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 134 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40890511/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)394470 ΩΕΣΤΕΡΝ ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ∆ΙΣΤ ΙΝΧ 685973 ΕΘΥΙΠΜΕΝΤ ΠΑΡΤΣ, ΡΕΕΛΣ, ΒΕΑΡΙΝΓΣ, 437.00.576.600.31 15.82 Τοταλ : 787.60 40890611/7/2011 394860 ΩΕΣΤΗΥΣΙΝΓ, ϑΑΜΕΣ102711ΡΕΙΜΒ ΣΥΠΠΛΙΕΣ ΦΟΡ ΗΑΡςΕΣΤ ΦΕΣΤΙςΑΛ 001.33.574.240.31 75.00 Τοταλ : 75.00 40890711/7/2011 017713 ΩΙΓΓΙΝΣ, ΗΑΡςΕΨ Λ.Χ00100254 ΡΕΣΤΙΤΥΤΙΟΝ − Κ ΣΟΛΛΒΕΡΓΕΡ 651.237.172 86.39 Τοταλ : 86.39 40890811/7/2011 395580 ΩΙΛΒΥΡ−ΕΛΛΙΣ, ΧΟ5852257ΡΙ ΦΕΡΤΙΛΙΖΕΡ/ΣΥΡΦΛΑΝ ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛΤΨ 001.33.576.100.31 988.60 5863692ΡΙ ΧΡΟΣΣΒΟΩ/ΡΑΝΓΕΡ ΠΡΟ ΦΕΡΤΙΦΛΙΖΕΡ 001.33.576.100.31 168.52 5863719ΡΙ ΩΙΛΒΥΡ−ΕΛΛΙΣ ΒΚΠΑΚ ΣΠΡΑΨΕΡ 001.33.576.100.31 104.03 5868798ΡΙ ΣΥΡΦΛΑΝ ΣΠΕΧΙΑΛΤΨ 001.33.576.100.31 564.91 Τοταλ : 1,826.06 40890911/7/2011 018387 ΩΙΛΕΣ, ϑΟΕ 102811ΠΕΡΦ ΡΟΧΚ ΑΝ∆ ΡΟΛΛ ΧΟΝΣΕΡςΑΤΟΡΨ ΒΑΝ∆ 001.33.574.240.41 406.00 Τοταλ : 406.00 40891011/7/2011 017788 ΩΙΛΛΙΣ, ΜΑΡΓΙΕ Κ.34901 ΣΕΝΙΟΡ ΧΗΑΙΡ ΨΟΓΑ:∼ 134Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 135 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40891011/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)017788 ΩΙΛΛΙΣ, ΜΑΡΓΙΕ Κ. 001.33.574.210.41 192.00 35104 ΖΥΜΒΑ ΓΟΛ∆: ∼ 001.33.574.210.41 192.00 35107 ΖΥΜΒΑ ΓΟΛ∆: ∼ 001.33.574.240.41 24.00 Τοταλ : 408.00 40891111/7/2011 017800 ΩΙΝ∆ΕΡΜΕΡΕ ΠΜ −ΣΟΥΤΗ063038 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−29518 127ΤΗ ΩΑΨ ΣΕ 431.233.100 30.00 063111 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−1310 3Ρ∆ ΣΤ ΣΕ ΥΝΙΤ101 430.233.100 133.24 Τοταλ : 163.24 40891211/7/2011 016662 ΩΟΝΓ, ΧΥΡΤΙΣΧ00096761 ΡΕΣΤΙΤΥΤΙΟΝ − Β ϑΙΜΝΑ 651.237.172 9.86 Τοταλ : 9.86 40891311/7/2011 020269 ΨΕ, ΖΙΞΙΑΝΓΙΖ0146772 ΡΕΣΤΙΤΥΤΙΟΝ − Ζ ΜΕΝΓ 651.237.172 40.00 Τοταλ : 40.00 40891411/7/2011 019542 ΨΟΥΝΓ & ςΟΛΛΜΕΧΚΕ ΙΝςΕΣΤΜΕΝΤΣ066627 ΥΤΙΛΙΤΨ ΡΕΦΥΝ∆−12724 ΣΕ 302Ν∆ ΣΤ 430.233.100 27.97 Τοταλ : 27.97 40891511/7/2011 400120 ΨΩΧΑ ΟΦ ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ ΚΙΝΓ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1140 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1140∼ 001.17.562.100.41 1,250.00 3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1141 135Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 136 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ 40891511/7/2011 (Χοντινυεδ)400120 ΨΩΧΑ ΟΦ ΣΕΑΤΤΛΕ ΚΙΝΓ ΧΟΥΝΤΨ 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1141∼ 001.17.562.100.41 5,000.00 3Ρ∆ΘΤΡ2011−ΓΦ1143 2011 ΗΣ Ινϖοιχινγ ΓΦ−1143∼ 001.17.562.100.41 3,500.00 Τοταλ : 9,750.00 40891611/7/2011 234680 ΖΟΝΕΣ ΙΝΤΕΡΝΑΤΙΟΝΑΛΣ24659640101 Κινγστον 4ΓΒ Σ∆ΗΧ µεµορψ χαρδ 001.21.521.200.35 60.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.21.521.200.35 5.70 Σ24659640102 Κοδακ ΕασψΣηαρε χ1530 ∆ιγιταλ Χαµερα 001.21.521.200.35 727.60 Σαλεσ Ταξ 001.21.521.200.35 69.12 Σ24784120101 Ηαρδ δριϖεσ το ρεπλαχε φαιλινγ υνιτσ. 518.00.518.880.35 168.00 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.35 15.96 Σ24854070101 ∆ιγι Πτ Σϖρ ΤΣ 2ΠΤ 232−Ρϑ45 Σερ − Ετη 518.00.518.880.35 627.08 Σαλεσ Ταξ 518.00.518.880.35 59.57 Τοταλ : 1,733.03 Βανκ τοταλ : 3,312,613.37 448 ςουχηερσ φορ βανκ χοδε :000 3,312,613.37Τοταλ ϖουχηερσ :ςουχηερσ ιν τηισ ρεπορτ 448 136Παγε: CA.B 11/02/2011 ςουχηερ Λιστ Χιτψ οφ Αυβυρν 137 2:14:00ΠΜ Παγε:ϖχηλιστ Βανκ χοδε :000 ςουχηερ ∆ατε ςενδορ Ινϖοιχε ∆εσχριπτιον/Αχχουντ Αµουντ Ι ΗΕΡΕΒΨ ΧΕΡΤΙΦΨ ΤΗΑΤ ΤΗΕ ΓΟΟ∆Σ ΑΝ∆/ ΟΡ ΣΕΡςΙΧΕΣ ΧΗΑΡΓΕ∆ ΟΝ ΤΗΕ ςΟΥΧΗΕΡΣ ΛΙΣΤΕ∆ ΗΕΡΕΙΝ ΗΑςΕ ΒΕΕΝ ΦΥΡΝΙΣΗΕ∆ ΤΟ ΤΗΕ ΒΕΣΤ ΟΦ ΜΨ ΚΝΟΩΛΕ∆ΓΕ. Ι ΦΥΡΤΗΕΡ ΧΕΡΤΙΦΨ ΤΗΕ ΧΛΑΙΜΣ ΗΕΡΕΙΝ ΤΟ ΒΕ ςΑΛΙ∆ ΑΝ∆ ΧΟΡΡΕΧΤ. ____________________________ ∆ΙΡΕΧΤΟΡ ΟΦ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ ΩΕ, ΤΗΕ ΥΝ∆ΕΡΣΙΓΝΕ∆ ΦΙΝΑΝΧΕ ΧΟΜΜΙΤΤΕΕ ΟΦ ΤΗΕ ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΧΙΤΨ ΧΟΥΝΧΙΛ, ΑΥΒΥΡΝ ΩΑΣΗΙΝΓΤΟΝ, ∆Ο ΗΕΡΕΒΨ ΧΕΡΤΙΦΨ ΤΗΑΤ ςΟΥΧΗΕΡ #408466 ΤΗΡΟΥΓΗ ςΟΥΧΗΕΡ #408916 ΙΝ ΤΗΕ ΑΜΟΥΝΤ ΟΦ ∃3,312,613.37 ΑΡΕ ΑΠΠΡΟςΕ∆ ΤΗΙΣ 7ΤΗ ∆ΑΨ ΟΦ ΝΟςΕΜΒΕΡ, 2011. ______________________ ΧΗΑΙΡ _______________________ ΜΕΜΒΕΡ ________________________ ΜΕΜΒΕΡ 137Παγε: CA.B AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Payroll Vouchers Date: November 3, 2011 Department: Finance Attachments: No Attachments Available Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Finance Committee approve payroll vouchers. Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:November 7, 2011 Item Number:CA.C AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDCA.C AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4762 Date: November 2, 2011 Department: Human Resources Attachments: Resolution 4762 RES 4762 Agreement Agreement to Exchange Real Property Slope Easement Right of Way Dedication Deed Utility Easement Water & Storm Drainage Easement Recreational Use Agreement Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council adopt Resolution 4762. Background Summary: City Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements between the City of Auburn and State of Washington for an exchange of property and for joint use and maintenance of property. A3.12.4, O5.1.2 Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Planning And Community Development Councilmember:Staff:Heineman Meeting Date:November 7, 2011 Item Number:RES.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDRES.A -------------------------------------- Resolution No. 4762 October 12, 2011 Page 1 of 3 RESOLUTION NO. 4 7 6 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DECLARING CERTAIN CITY PROPERTY AS SURPLUS, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR AN EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY AND FOR JOINT USE AND MAINTENANCE OF PROPERTY WHEREAS, the City owns Lea Hill Park, which is currently developed for a softball and baseball diamond, tennis courts, and associated parking. It is primarily used by the State for intercollegiate sports activities; and WHEREAS, the State owns a parcel of land collectively referred to as the Martin property; and WHEREAS, the State is a primary user of Lea Hill Park and has made improvements to the facility. The State and the City cooperatively maintain Lea Hill Park; and WHEREAS, the City and State desire to exchange the aforementioned properties in furtherance of the long-term interests of the City and State; and WHEREAS, The City and State, through the Green River Community College, wish to amend and extend their current Agreement for joint use and maintenance of their respective facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: RES.A -------------------------------------- Resolution No. 4762 October 12, 2011 Page 2 of 3 Section 1. The City property known as Lea Hill Park, more particularly described at Exhibit “A” is declared to be surplus. Section 2. The Mayor of the City of Auburn and the Auburn City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement between the City of Auburn and the State of Washington for the exchange of the Lea Hill Park property with State-owned property known as the “Martin Property,” more particularly described in Exhibit B, which Agreement shall be in substantial conformity with the Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit “C.” Section 3. The Mayor of the City of Auburn and the Auburn City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement between the City of Auburn and Green River Community College for Recreation Facility Use, which Agreement shall be in substantial conformity with the Agreement a copy of which is attached hereto, marked as Exhibit “D” and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 4. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 5. This resolution shall be in full force and effect upon passage and signatures hereon. RES.A -------------------------------------- Resolution No. 4762 October 12, 2011 Page 3 of 3 Dated and signed this _____ day of _________________, 2011 CITY OF AUBURN _______________________________ PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST: _________________________ Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________ Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney RES.A Project No. 09-11-054 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Department of Enterprise Services Facilities Division, Real Estate Services P. O. Box 41015 Olympia, Washington 98504-1015 Document Title: Agreement to Exchange Real Property State: State of Washington, Green River Community College, Acting through the Department of Enterprise Services City: City of Auburn Legal Description: Portion Section 9, Township 21 North, Range 5 East,Willamette Meridian. Assessor’s Tax Parcel Number: 0921059020, 0921059018, 0921059228 & a portion of 0921059229 AGREEMENT TO EXCHANGE REAL PROPERTY THIS AGREEMENT TO EXCHANGE REAL PROPERTY (“Agreement”) is made by and between the State of Washington, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of Enterprise Services, Facilities Division, Real Estate Services (“State”) and the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation (“City”). WITNESSETH: A. WHEREAS, the City owns Lea Hill Park. The Park is an 8.97 acre site, located on S. 320th Street and 124th Avenue in the Lea Hill neighborhood. This site is currently developed for a softball and baseball diamond, tennis courts, and associated parking. It is primarily used by the State for intercollegiate sports activities. The existing park needs significant improvement, as identified in the City’s adopted Parks & Recreation Plan, and does not serve neighborhood needs well. B. WHEREAS, the City acquired Lea Hill Park from King County in 2002. The deed contains a covenant that the property will be used in perpetuity for park or recreation purposes unless other equivalent lands or facilities are received in exchange and the replacement lands or facilities are likewise to be used in perpetuity for park or recreation purposes. C. WHEREAS, the State owns a parcel of land collectively referred to as the Martin property. The Martin property is a 5.26 acre site located on 124th Avenue between Lea Hill Park and 316th Street. A residence and outbuildings occupy a portion of the site. D. WHEREAS, the State is a primary user of Lea Hill Park and has made improvements to the facility. The State and the City cooperatively maintain Lea Hill Park. E. WHEREAS, the City and State desire to exchange the aforementioned properties in furtherance of the long-term interests of the City and State. F. WHEREAS, The City will transfer ownership of Lea Hill Park to the State in exchange for the Martin property and the College’s contribution of $1.5 million toward athletic improvements that the City will have constructed on the Martin property in the course of relocating that Lea Hill Park to that site. Page 1 of 9 RES.A Project No. 09-11-054 The park improvements will include one or more sports fields that the City will make available for joint City and College use. The Martin property together with the College’s contribution of $1.5 million is considered to be of equal value and function to the existing Lea Hill Park property. The value of the property and contribution to improvements has been established by appraisal(s) performed by an MAI appraiser mutually selected by the parties. The City and State will each hold an equal and undivided interest in the new park constructed on the Martin property. G. WHEREAS, the new park will be subject to the aforementioned covenant regarding use and replacement, and the State and City agree to be bound by the terms of this covenant. H. WHEREAS, the State and the City will be equivalent co-owners of the newly created and relocated Lea Hill Park. The City will demolish the existing structures on the Martin property and design and construct the park. The State will reimburse the City for the incurred expenses in a phased manner as each phase is completed and invoiced. The improvements will be consistent with the approved Lea Hill Park Master Plan as developed by the City of Auburn. The State’s reimbursement for expenses incurred shall not exceed One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00). I. WHERERAS, in those places in this Agreement where the terms “buyer” and “seller” are used, the State will be considered the seller of the Martin property and the City the buyer, and the City will be considered the seller of the Lea Hill property and the State the buyer. NOW THEREFORE, in order to accomplish the exchange of State’s property for the City’s Property, the State and the City agree as follows: 1. Sequence of Events. The Parties agree to proceed in the following sequence: a. The Agreement to Exchange Real Property shall be fully executed. b. The exchange of property is also subject to the following having been completed prior to the closing of the exchange of properties: i. Receipt of a preliminary title reports and any updated title commitments by the buyer for each parcel. ii. Final review and approval of the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Washington. iii. Final review and written approval of the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges. iv. Final review and written approval by the State. v. Final review and written approval by the City. vi. Approval of King County of the transfer of the park covenant from the current location of the Lea Hill Park to proposed new location of the Lea Hill Park on the Martin property. c. The parties agree to execute and deliver Quitclaim Deeds for their respective property described in Exhibit A & B, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, easements, or any other title exceptions save those exceptions, public utility easements, and other matters, which the parties have accepted. Based upon all exceptions shown on the preliminary title reports or any updated reports provided at least 60 days prior to closing, either party shall notify the other of any objections to title in writing at least 30 days prior to closing. Failure to so notify the other party of any objection to any such exception to title shall be deemed to be acceptance of the exception. If within 15 days prior to closing the party so notified does not agree in writing to cure or to insure over said exception(s), the Page 2 of 9 RES.A Project No. 09-11-054 objecting party may no later than 5 days before closing terminate this Exchange Agreement, by written notice, whereupon neither party shall have any further rights or liabilities hereunder except that each shall equally share any costs of the escrow service owed upon cancellation. If the buyer does not within five (5) days of closing notify the seller it will terminate or the seller does not agree to cure or insure the exception within five (5) days prior to the closing, the buyer will be deemed to have accepted such exception and the parties will proceed to close this exchange including that exception. d. The buyer of each property shall have the right to object to any exception contained in a title commitment that is identified prior to closing but was not contained in the preliminary title report or any update provided to the buyer at least 60 days before closing. If the seller does not agree in writing to cure or insure over any such exception prior to the day set for closing, the buyer shall have the right not to proceed with closing. 2. Utilities. All utilities such as electricity, water, gas, oil, and real property taxes shall be prorated to the date of closing. 3. Assessments. Any special assessments, L.I.D. assessments and R.I.D. assessments, which are levied against the property described in Exhibit A & B at the time of closing, shall be paid in full by the responsible party. 4. Condition of Title. Both parties hereby agree from and after the date hereof until the termination of this Agreement or the execution of the exchange of properties, that (i) they will take no action that will adversely affect title to or development of the properties, (ii) they will not mortgage, encumber or permit the encumbrance of all or any portion of the properties without the other party’s prior written consent; and (iii) they will not enter into any written or oral contracts or agreements with respect to the properties. 5. Date of Closing. Closing of this transaction shall occur in the offices of the Closing Agent on or before________________. For purposes of this Exchange Agreement, closing shall have occurred when all appropriate documents are recorded. 6. Closing. This Exchange Agreement shall be closed through escrow through _______________ whose address is __________________. 7. Closing Costs. The State shall pay the following costs and expenses in connection with this transaction: a. State’s attorneys’ fees. b. All escrow fees. c. All special assessments, L.I.D. assessments, and R.I.D. assessments levied on the property described in Exhibit A, if any, shall be paid in full. d. Real property taxes, if any, which shall be prorated to the date of closing for Property described in Exhibit A. e. Transfer taxes due on the conveyance of Property described in Exhibit A, if any. f. Title insurance premium or abstract fee and sales tax thereon property described in Exhibit A, if any. g. Costs and fees associated with recording documents with the County Auditor’s office. Page 3 of 9 RES.A Project No. 09-11-054 The City shall pay for the following costs and expenses in connection with this transaction: a. City’s attorney’s fees. b. Real property taxes, if any, which shall be prorated to the date of closing for Property described in Exhibit B. c. All special assessments, L.I.D. assessments and R.I.D. assessments levied on the Property described in Exhibit B, if any, shall be paid in full. d. Title insurance premium or abstract fee and sales tax on property described in Exhibit A, if any. 8. Real Estate Brokerage Fees. Neither Party will utilize a commercial real estate agent or broker on this transaction. 9. Government Approval. If the approval of any governmental agency is required for the exchange of said Properties, it is understood and agreed that this Exchange Agreement is subject to obtaining such approval. The parties shall use their best efforts and take all steps necessary to obtain such governmental approval. 10. Survey; Subdivision. In the event a city, county, or other governing authority having jurisdiction of said properties requires a survey or plat or has a subdivision ordinance, the parties shall, at the parties’ own expense, comply with such ordinance and take all steps necessary to obtain such survey, plat or subdivision. The parties agree to cooperate in obtaining the necessary approvals. 11. Possession. The State shall be entitled to possession of the Property described in Exhibit B upon the Date of Closing, subject only to such matters approved in writing by the State. The City and the State shall be entitled to joint possession of the Property described in Exhibit A upon the Date of Closing, subject only to such matters approved in writing by the parties. 12. Time is of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of any obligations pursuant to this Exchange Agreement. Failure of either party to insist upon the strict performance of the other party’s obligation hereunder shall not constitute a waiver of strict performance thereafter of all of the other party’s obligation hereunder. 13. Notices. Any notices required or permitted to be given shall be in writing and delivered either in person or by certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows or to such other address as may be designated by either party. STATE: State of Washington Department of Enterprise Services, Facilities Division, , Real Estate Services 1500 Jefferson Street SE PO Box 41015 Olympia, WA 98504-1015 CITY: City of Auburn 25 West Main Street Auburn, Washington 98001-4998 Copy to: Green River Community College ATTN: Rick Brumfield , Vice President of Business Affairs 12401 SE 320th Street Auburn, Washington 98092-3622 Page 4 of 9 RES.A Project No. 09-11-054 Any notice given pursuant to this Exchange Agreement shall be deemed effective the date it is personally delivered or three (3) business days after the date it is deposited in the United States Mail. 14. Legal Relations. Each party to this agreement shall be responsible for injury to persons or damage to property resulting from negligence on the part of itself, its employees, its agents, or its officers. Neither party assumes any responsibility to the other party for the consequences of any act or omission of any their party. 15. Protective Covenant. The Quit Claim Deed transferring half ownership of the property to the City shall contain a covenant that is intended to be running with the land and whereby burdening and benefitting the party’s successors and assigns. The City shall covenant that the property shall continue to be used in perpetuity for a park or recreation purposes unless other equivalent lands or facilities within the city are received in exchange therefore and the replacement lands or facilities are used in perpetuity for park or recreation purposes, as shown on Exhibit “C”, which is attached and incorporated herein. 16. Non-Foreign Affidavit. The parties are not foreign person(s) as the term is used and defined in Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and the regulations promulgated thereunder. The parties shall, upon request of the other, complete an affidavit to that effect. 17. Environmental Concerns. The parties warrant that no hazardous substance, toxic waste, or other toxic substance has been produced, disposed of, or has been kept on the Properties described in Exhibit A and B which, if found on the Property, would subject the owner or user to any damages, penalty, or liability under an applicable local, state, or federal law or regulation. The parties shall be responsible for all damages, costs, attorneys’ fees, and penalties arising from the presence of such substances that occurred prior to closing on the respective properties on which they are a seller. If such a substance is discovered on one of the properties prior to closing, the buyer shall have the right to terminate this agreement; however, this right is not meant to limit any remedy that the buyer may have to rescind the exchange if the substance were discovered after closing but present before closing. This provision shall survive closing. 18. Assignment. Each party agrees that this instrument and all rights, title and interest are fully assignable to other governmental entities. 19. Default; Remedies; Specific, Performance. In the event of material breach or default in or of this Agreement or any of the representations, warranties, terms, covenants, conditions or provisions hereof by the parties, the parties shall have, in addition to a claim for damages from such breach or default and without prejudice to any other right or remedy available under this Agreement or at law or in equity, the right to (a) demand and have specific performance of this Agreement; (b) demand injunctive relief to enforce any provision of this Agreement; or (c) terminate this Agreement upon written notice without any additional liability to the parties and shall be entitled to a full refund of any payments outlined herein. In the event of a non-material breach or default in or of this Agreement or any of the representations, warranties, terms, covenants, conditions or provisions hereof by the parties, the parties only remedy shall be a claim for damages. 20. Condition of Title. Each of the parties hereby agree from and after the date hereof until the termination of this Agreement or the closing of the sale of the Property, that (i) it will take no action that will adversely affect title to or development of the Properties; (ii) it will not mortgage, encumber or permit the encumbrance of all or any portion of the Properties without Page 5 of 9 RES.A Project No. 09-11-054 the respective parties prior written consent; and (iii) it will not enter into any written or oral contracts or agreements with respect to the Properties. 21. Merger of Prior Agreements. This Agreement and the exhibits hereto constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the exchange of the Properties and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings between the parties hereto relating to the subject matter hereof. 22. Neutral Authorship. Each of the provisions of this Agreement has been reviewed and negotiated, and represents the combined work product of both parties hereto. No presumption or other rules of construction, which would interpret the provisions of this Agreement in favor of or against the parties preparing the same, shall be applicable in connection with the construction or interpretation of any of the provisions of this Agreement. 23. No Waiver of Eminent Domain Power. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute, or be construed as constituting, any limitation upon the parties or any waiver by the parties with respect to its exercise of the power of eminent domain in connection with the respective properties. 24. Severability. In case any one or more of the provisions contained in the Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision hereof, and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. 25. Remedies Cumulative. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, the rights and remedies given herein to the parties shall be deemed cumulative, and the exercise of one or more of such remedies shall not operate to bar the exercise of any other rights reserved to the parties under the provisions of this Agreement. 26. Damage to Real Property. If prior to the Closing Date, all or any portion of the property to be conveyed is damaged, destroyed or rendered inoperative (collectively "Damage" but not including demolition that parties agree upon) by fire, natural elements, or other causes for which the buyer is not responsible, then the buyer may by giving written notice terminate this Agreement and cancel the purchase of the Property, and in which case, neither buyer or seller shall have any further rights against or obligations to the other under this Agreement, which specifically survive termination of this Agreement. If buyer elects to proceed to close and purchase the Real Property then seller shall assign to buyer all of proceeds payable, if any, as a result of such Damage. 27. Title Information. Unless otherwise notified by the State in writing, City shall convey the Property described in Exhibit B to the State as follows: State of Washington, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College. Unless otherwise notified by the City in writing, the State shall convey one half ownership interest in the Property described in Exhibit A to the City as follows: City of Auburn, a municipal corporation and the State shall retain half ownership in the property. 28. Entire Agreement. All understandings and agreements previously existing between the parties, if any, are merged into this Exchange Agreement, which alone fully and completely expresses their agreement, and the same is entered into after full investigation, neither party relying upon any statement or representation made by the other not embodied herein. This Exchange Agreement may not be changed or terminated orally. Page 6 of 9 RES.A Project No. 09-11-054 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto subscribed their names. CITY OF AUBURN STATE OF WASHINGTON State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College By: Peter B. Lewis Acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Title: Mayor By: Howard S. Cox, Chief Property Officer Date: Facilities Division, Real Estate Services APPROVED AS TO FORM Date: By:______________________________________ Dan Heid, City Attorney By: Jane Rushford, Deputy Director Date:_____________________________________ Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Assistant Attorney General Date: Page 7 of 9 RES.A Project No. 09-11-054 STATE OF ) ) ss. County of ) On this day of , A.D., 20 , before me personally appeared to me known to be the of the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that ________ was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed thereto is the corporate seal of said corporation. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residing at My commission expires STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this day of 20 , personally appeared before me HOWARD S. COX, Facilities Division, Real Estate Services, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that he signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residing at My commission expires Page 8 of 9 RES.A Project No. 09-11-054 Page 9 of 9 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this day of , 20 , personally appeared before me JANE RUSHFORD, Deputy Director, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that she signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that she was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residing at My commission expires RES.A Page 1 of 1 10/18/2011http:// RES.A After recording return document to: City of Auburn ATTN: City Clerk 25 West Main Street Auburn, Washington 98001-4998 Document Title: Slope Easement FAC I 0·0005 Grantor: State of Washington, State Board. For Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Grantee: City of Auburn Legal Description: SW ¼ S9-T21N-R5E Assessor's Tax Parcel Number: a portion of 092105-9020 SLOPE EASEMENT The Grantor, State of Washington, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of Enterprise Services for and in consideration of mutual and offsetting benefits, does hereby quitclaim and convey unto the City of Auburn. a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, and its agents or assigns a permanent, non-exclusive slope easement over, under, upon and across the real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, together with the rights of ingress and egress. for the purpose of constructing and maintaining the slope improvements to be constructed by Grantee, including grading, stock piling, excavating and restoring the real property and/or the slope improvements. The slope easement is described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated by these references. Upon completion of construction of the slope improvements, Grantee shall restore the easement area to a condition as close as reasonably possible to its pre construction condition while maintaining the integrity of the slope improvements, or to such other state of restoration as mutually agreed upon by the parties. Grantor shall not perform any activities that may damage improvements bu ilt or constructed within the easement areas, including the planting of vegetation with damaging root structures or performing any excavation that would have the effect of weakening the support said improvements. Said Grantee shall have the right, without prior institution of any suit or proceeding at law, at times as may be necessary to enter upon said easement for the purpose of constructing roadway improvements without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefore, RES.A Slope Easement Page 2 of 7 provided that such construction shall be accomplished in such a manner that existing improvements shall not be disturbed or destroyed, or in the event they are disturbed or destroyed, they will be replaced in as good a condition as they were immediately before the property was entered upon by the Grantee, The parties intend that the benefits, burdens, and obligations set forth in this Easement shall run with the land and shall be binding on the successors, heirs and assign of parties hereto. Dated this ___________ day of ____________________, 2011. ACCEPTED BY: STATE OF WASHINGTON, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community Colleges, By: Dennis R. Dowdy acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Title: Howard S. Cox, Chief Property Officer Division of Facilities, Real Estate Services Date: Date: Jane Rushford, Deputy Director Title: Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Assistant Attorney General Date: RES.A Slope Easement Page 3 of 7 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. COUNTY OF THURSTON ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this day of , 20 , personally appeared before me HOWARD S. COX, Chief Property Officer, Division of Facilities, Real Estate Services, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that he signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at My appointment expires STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. COUNTY OF THURSTON ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this day of , 20 , personally appeared before me JANE RUSHFORD, Deputy Director, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that she signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that she was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at My appointment expires RES.A Slope Easement Page 4 of 7 RES.A Slope Easement Page 5 of 7 RES.A Slope Easement Page 6 of 7 RES.A Slope Easement Page 7 of 7 RES.A Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 1 of 8 Return Address: City of Auburn City Clerk 25 West Main Auburn, WA 98001 Above this line reserved for recording information. WATER AND STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT FAC10-0005 Reference # (if applicable): N/A Grantor/Borrower: State of Washington, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Grantee/Assignee/Beneficiary: City of Auburn Legal Description/STR: SW ¼ S9 – T21N – R5E Assessor’s Tax Parcel ID#: a portion of 092105-9020 For and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and for benefits to be derived by the Grantor herein, Grantor, Green River Community College hereby conveys and warrants to the City of Auburn, Grantee herein, a municipal corporation of King County, Washington, its successors and assigns, a perpetual Nonexclusive Easement under, over, through and across the following described real property (“Easement Area”) for the purpose of laying, maintaining, and installing water main line, storm drainage line, storm drainage treatment wet-pond, AND APPURTENANCES THEREOF, said Easement Area being a portion of the above-designated Tax Parcel (“Parent Parcel”), and described as follows: SEE EXHIBITS “A” AND “B”, ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. Said Grantee shall have the absolute right, at times as may be necessary, for immediate entry upon said Easement Area for the purpose of maintenance, inspection, construction, repair or reconstruction of the above improvements without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefore. RES.A Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 2 of 8 Said Grantee shall have the absolute right to place any type of driving surface within said Easement Area deemed necessary by the Grantee. Said Grantor shall not in any way block, restrict or impede access and egress to or from said Easement Area, and/or in any way block, restrict or impede full use of the real property within the above-described Easement Area by said Grantee for the above- described purposes. No building, wall, rockery, fence, trees or structure of any kind shall be erected or planted, nor shall any fill material be placed within the boundaries of said Easement Area, without the express written consent of the City. With City permission, Grantor may fence across said Easement Area and/or along the boundaries of said Easement Area, provided that a gate is constructed in said fence. Said gate shall be of sufficient length and location to allow the Grantee full use of, and access and egress to and from the Easement Area. If said gate is to be locked, keys shall be provided to the Grantee. No excavation shall be made within three (3) feet of said water or storm service facilities and the surface level of the ground within the Easement Area shall be maintained at the elevation as currently existing. Said Grantor grants to the City the right of ingress and egress to the Easement Area over and across all paved, graveled, or otherwise improved driveways or parking lots within the Parent Parcel. If direct access to the Easement Area is not available from such driveways or parking lots, the City’s right of ingress and egress shall include such other areas within the Parent Parcel as the City determines are necessary to access the Easement Area from such driveways and parking lots or from the Parent Parcel’s boundaries. In the case of any damage or disruption of the Parent Parcel, the City shall return the property to a condition reasonably comparable to its condition as it existed immediately before entry and/or work was made thereon by the City or its agents. Said Grantor additionally grants to the City, the use of such additional area immediately adjacent to said Easement Area as shall be required for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance and operation of said water or storm facilities. The use of such additional area shall be held to a reasonable minimum and in the case of any damage or disruption of the Parent Parcel, the City shall return the property to a condition reasonably comparable to its condition as it existed immediately before entry and/or work was made thereon by the City or its agents. In addition to the other restrictions herein, Grantor shall not convey to a third party any easement or other right of usage in the Parent Parcel that would impair or limit the City’s use of the Easement Area. This Easement shall be a covenant running with the Parent Parcel and burden said real estate, and shall be binding on the successors, heirs and assigns of all parties hereto. RES.A Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 3 of 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties subscribe their names. STATE OF WASHINGTON State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College Acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Howard S. Cox, Chief Property Officer Facilities Division Real Estate Services Date: Jane Rushford, Deputy Director Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Assistant Attorney General Date: RES.A Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 4 of 8 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this _________ day of ____________________, 20______, personally appeared before me HOWARD S. COX, Chief Property Officer, Division of Facilities, Real Estate Services, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that he signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residing at My commission expires STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this _________ day of ____________________, 20______, personally appeared before me JANE RUSHFORD, Deputy Director, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that she signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that she was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residing at My commission expires HS/tlb File: #1290 REF: H:\Development\Projects\GRCC - 124TH ST IMP\Legal Documents\2011 RES.A Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 5 of 8 RES.A Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 6 of 8 RES.A Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 7 of 8 RES.A Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 8 of 8 RES.A Utility Easement Page 1 of 7 Return Address: City of Auburn City Clerk 25 West Main Auburn, WA 98001 Above this line reserved for recording information. UTILITY EASEMENT FAC10-0005 Reference # (if applicable): N/A Grantor/Borrower: State of Washington, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Grantee/Assignee/Beneficiary: City of Auburn Legal Description/STR: SW ¼ S9 – T21N – R5E Assessor’s Tax Parcel ID#: A portion of 092105-9020 For and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and for benefits to be derived by the Grantor herein, Grantor, Green River Community College hereby conveys and warrants to the City of Auburn, Grantee herein, a municipal corporation of King County, Washington, its successors and assigns, a perpetual Nonexclusive Easement under, over, through and across the following described real property (“Easement Area”) for the purpose of laying, maintaining, and installing street lighting cabinet, telecommunications pull box, AND APPURTENANCES THEREOF, said Easement Area being a portion of the above-designated Tax Parcel (“Parent Parcel”), and described as follows: SEE EXHIBITS “A” AND “B”, ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. Said Grantee shall have the right, at times as may be necessary, for immediate entry upon said Easement Area for the purpose of maintenance, inspection, construction, repair or reconstruction of the above improvements without incurring any legal obligation or liability for said entry that is not caused by the Grantee’s negligence. Said Grantee shall have the right to place any type of driving surface within said Easement Area deemed necessary by the Grantee. RES.A Utility Easement Page 2 of 7 Said Grantor shall not, in any way block, restrict or impede full use of the real property within the above-described Easement Area by said Grantee for the above- described purposes. No building, wall, rockery, fence, trees or structure of any kind shall be erected or planted, nor shall any fill material be placed within the boundaries of said Easement Area, without the express written consent of the City. With City permission, Grantor may fence across said Easement Area and/or along the boundaries of said Easement Area and the Parent Parcel, provided that a gate is constructed in said fence. Said gate shall be of sufficient length and location to allow the Grantee full use of, and access and egress to and from the Easement Area. If said gate is to be locked, keys shall be provided to the Grantee. Without the written approval of the Grantee, the Grantor shall make no excavation within three (3) feet of said lighting or telecommunications service facilities or change the surface level of the ground within the Easement Area from the current elevation. The Grantee shall not unreasonably withhold such approval. Said Grantor grants to the City the right of ingress and egress to the Easement Area over and across all paved, graveled, or otherwise improved driveways or parking lots within the Parent Parcel. If direct access to the Easement Area is not available from such driveways or parking lots, the City’s right of ingress and egress shall include such other areas within the Parent Parcel as the City determines are necessary to access the Easement Area from such driveways and parking lots or from the Parent Parcel’s boundaries. In the case of any damage or disruption of the Parent Parcel, the City shall return the property to a condition as good as or better than it existed immediately before entry and/or work was made thereon by the City or its agents. Said Grantor additionally grants to the City, the use of such additional area immediately adjacent to said Easement Area as shall be required for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance and operation of said lighting or telecommunications facilities. The use of such additional area shall be held to a reasonable minimum and in the case of any damage or disruption of the Parent Parcel, the City shall return the property to a condition as good as or better than its condition as it existed immediately before entry and/or work was made thereon by the City or its agents. In addition to the other restrictions herein, Grantor shall not convey to a third party any easement or other right of usage in the Parent Parcel that would impair or limit the City’s use of the Easement Area. The parties intend that the benefits, burdens, and obligations set forth in this Easement shall run with the Parent Parcel and burden said real estate, and shall be binding on the successors, heirs and assigns of all parties hereto. RES.A Utility Easement Page 3 of 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties subscribe their names. STATE OF WASHINGTON State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College Acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Howard S. Cox, Chief Property Officer Facilities Division Real Estate Services Date: Jane Rushford, Deputy Director Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Date: Assistant Attorney General RES.A Utility Easement Page 4 of 7 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this _________ day of ____________________, 20______, personally appeared before me HOWARD S. COX, Chief Property Officer, Division of Facilities, Real Estate Services, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that he signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residing at My commission expires STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this _________ day of ____________________, 20______, personally appeared before me JANE RUSHFORD, Deputy Director, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that she signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that she was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residing at My commission expires HS/tlb File: #1290 REF: H:\Development\Projects\GRCC - 124TH ST IMP\Legal Documents\2011 RES.A Utility Easement Page 5 of 7 RES.A Utility Easement Page 6 of 7 RES.A Utility Easement Page 7 of 7 RES.A Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 1 of 6 Return Address: City of Auburn City Clerk 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98001-4998 Above this line reserved for recording information RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION DEED FAC10-0005 Reference # (if applicable): N/A Grantor/Borrower: State of Washington, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Grantee/Assignee/Beneficiary: City of Auburn Legal Description/STR: SW ¼ S9 – T21N – R5E Assessor’s Tax Parcel ID#: A PORTION OF 092105-9020 The Grantor, State of Washington, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of Enterprise Services, for and in consideration of ten dollars, and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, dedicate and convey to the Grantee, CITY OF AUBURN a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, an easement for right of way, public street and public utility purposes, to the same effect as if acquired by eminent domain under the laws of the State of Washington, the following described real property: A Right-of-Way described as follows: Situated in the County of King, State of Washington. SEE EXHIBITS ‘A’ AND ‘B’ ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. RES.A Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 2 of 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties subscribe their names. STATE OF WASHINGTON State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College Acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Howard S. Cox, Chief Property Officer Facilities Division Real Estate Services Date: Jane Rushford, Deputy Director Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Date: Assistant Attorney General RES.A Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 3 of 6 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this _________ day of ____________________, 20______, personally appeared before me HOWARD S. COX, Chief Property Officer, Division of Facilities, Real Estate Services, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that he signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residing at My commission expires STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this _________ day of ____________________, 20______, personally appeared before me JANE RUSHFORD, Deputy Director, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that she signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that she was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residing at My commission expires HS/tlb File: #1290 REF: H:\Development\Projects\GRCC - 124TH ST IMP\Legal Documents\2011 RES.A Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 4 of 6 RES.A Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 5 of 6 RES.A Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 6 of 6 RES.A Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 1 of 6 Return Address: City of Auburn City Clerk 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98001-4998 Above this line reserved for recording information RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION DEED FAC10-0005 Reference # (if applicable): N/A Grantor/Borrower: State of Washington, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Grantee/Assignee/Beneficiary: City of Auburn Legal Description/STR: SW ¼ S9 – T21N – R5E Assessor’s Tax Parcel ID#: A PORTION OF 092105-9020 The Grantor, State of Washington, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of Enterprise Services, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00), and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, dedicate and convey to the Grantee, CITY OF AUBURN a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, an easement for right of way, public street and public utility purposes, to the same effect as if acquired by eminent domain under the laws of the State of Washington, the following described real property: A Right-of-Way described as follows: Situated in the County of King, State of Washington. SEE EXHIBITS ‘A’ AND ‘B’ ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. RES.A Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 2 of 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties subscribe their names. STATE OF WASHINGTON State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College Acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Howard S. Cox, Chief Property Officer Facilities Division Real Estate Services Date: Jane Rushford, Deputy Director Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Date: Assistant Attorney General RES.A Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 3 of 6 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this _________ day of ____________________, 20______, personally appeared before me HOWARD S. COX, Chief Property Officer, Division of Facilities, Real Estate Services, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that he signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residing at My commission expires STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this _________ day of ____________________, 20______, personally appeared before me JANE RUSHFORD, Deputy Director, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that she signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that she was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residing at My commission expires HS/tlb File: #1290 RES.A Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 4 of 6 REF: H:\Development\Projects\GRCC - 124TH ST IMP\Legal Documents\2011 RES.A Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 5 of 6 RES.A Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 6 of 6 RES.A After recording return document to: City of Auburn ATTN: City Clerk 25 West Main Street Auburn, Washington 98001-4998 Document Title: Slope Easement FAC I 0·0005 Grantor: State of Washington, State Board . For Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Grantee: City of Auburn Legal Description: SW ¼ S9-T21N-R5E Assessor's Tax Parcel Number: a portion of 092105-9020 SLOPE EASEMENT The Grantor, State of Washington, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of Enterprise Services for and in consideration of mutual and offsetting benefits, does hereby quitclaim and convey unto the City of Auburn a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, and its agents or assigns a permanent, non-exclusive slope easement over, under, upon and across the real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, together with the rights of ingress and egress for the purpose of constructing and maintaining the slope improvements to be constructed by Grantee, including grading, stock piling, excavating and restoring the real property and/or the slope improvements. The slope easement is described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated by these references. Upon completion of construction of the slope improvements, Grantee shall restore the easement area to a condition as close as reasonably possible to its pre construction condition while maintaining the integrity of the slope improvements, or to such other state of restoration as mutually agreed upon by the parties. Grantor shall not perform any activities that may damage improvements built or constructed within the easement areas, including the planting of vegetation with damaging root structures or performing any excavation that would have the effect of weakening the support said improvements. Said Grantee shall have the right, without prior institution of any suit or proceeding at law, at times as may be necessary to enter upon said easement for the purpose of constructing roadway improvements without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefore, RES.A Slope Easement Page 2 of 7 provided that such construction shall be accomplished in such a manner that existing improvements shall not be disturbed or destroyed, or in the event they are disturbed or destroyed, they will be replaced in as good a condition as they were immediately before the property was entered upon by the Grantee, The parties intend that the benefits, burdens, and o bligations set forth in this Easement shall run with the land and shall be binding on the successors, heirs and assign of parties hereto. Dated this ___________ day of ____________________, 2011. ACCEPTED BY: STATE OF WASHINGTON State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College By: Dennis R. Dowdy Acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Title: Howard S. Cox, Chief Property Officer Division of Facilities, Real Estate Services Date: Date: Jane Rushford, Deputy Director Title: Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Assistant Attorney General Date: RES.A Slope Easement Page 3 of 7 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. COUNTY OF THURSTON ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this day of , 20 , personally appeared before me HOWARD S. COX, Chief Property Officer, Division of Facilities, Real Estate Services, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that he signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at My appointment expires STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. COUNTY OF THURSTON ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this day of , 20 , personally appeared before me JANE RUSHFORD, Deputy Director, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that she signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that she was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at My appointment expires RES.A Slope Easement Page 4 of 7 RES.A Slope Easement Page 5 of 7 RES.A Slope Easement Page 6 of 7 RES.A Slope Easement Page 7 of 7 RES.A Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 1 of 6 Return Address: City of Auburn City Clerk 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98001-4998 Above this line reserved for recording information RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION DEED FAC10-0005 Reference # (if applicable): N/A Grantor/Borrower: State of Washington, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Grantee/Assignee/Beneficiary: City of Auburn Legal Description/STR: SW ¼ S9 – T21N – R5E Assessor’s Tax Parcel ID#: A PORTION OF 092105-9020 The Grantor, State of Washington, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of Enterprise Services, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00), and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, dedicate and convey to the Grantee, CITY OF AUBURN a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, an easement for right of way, public street and public utility purposes, to the same effect as if acquired by eminent domain under the laws of the State of Washington, the following described real property: A Right-of-Way described as follows: Situated in the County of King, State of Washington. SEE EXHIBITS ‘A’ AND ‘B’ ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. RES.A Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 2 of 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties subscribe their names. STATE OF WASHINGTON State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College Acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Howard S. Cox, Chief Property Officer Facilities Division Real Estate Services Date: Jane Rushford, Deputy Director Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Date: Assistant Attorney General RES.A Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 3 of 6 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this _________ day of ____________________, 20______, personally appeared before me HOWARD S. COX, Chief Property Officer, Division of Facilities, Real Estate Services, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that he signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residing at My commission expires STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this _________ day of ____________________, 20______, personally appeared before me JANE RUSHFORD, Deputy Director, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that she signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that she was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residing at My commission expires HS/tlb File: #1290 RES.A Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 4 of 6 REF: H:\Development\Projects\GRCC - 124TH ST IMP\Legal Documents\2011 RES.A Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 5 of 6 RES.A Right of Way Dedication Deed Page 6 of 6 RES.A Utility Easement Page 1 of 7 Return Address: City of Auburn City Clerk 25 West Main Auburn, WA 98001 Above this line reserved for recording information. UTILITY EASEMENT FAC10-0005 Reference # (if applicable): N/A Grantor/Borrower: State of Washington, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Grantee/Assignee/Beneficiary: City of Auburn Legal Description/STR: SW ¼ S9 – T21N – R5E Assessor’s Tax Parcel ID#: A portion of 092105-9020 For and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and for benefits to be derived by the Grantor herein, Grantor, Green River Community College hereby conveys and warrants to the City of Auburn, Grantee herein, a municipal corporation of King County, Washington, its successors and assigns, a perpetual Nonexclusive Easement under, over, through and across the following described real property (“Easement Area”) for the purpose of laying, maintaining, and installing street lighting cabinet, telecommunications pull box, AND APPURTENANCES THEREOF, said Easement Area being a portion of the above-designated Tax Parcel (“Parent Parcel”), and described as follows: SEE EXHIBITS “A” AND “B”, ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. Said Grantee shall have the right, at times as may be necessary, for immediate entry upon said Easement Area for the purpose of maintenance, inspection, construction, repair or reconstruction of the above improvements without incurring any legal obligation or liability for said entry that is not caused by the Grantee’s negligence. Said Grantee shall have the right to place any type of driving surface within said Easement Area deemed necessary by the Grantee. RES.A Utility Easement Page 2 of 7 Said Grantor shall not, in any way block, restrict or impede full use of the real property within the above-described Easement Area by said Grantee for the above- described purposes. No building, wall, rockery, fence, trees or structure of any kind shall be erected or planted, nor shall any fill material be placed within the boundaries of said Easement Area, without the express written consent of the City. With City permission, Grantor may fence across said Easement Area and/or along the boundaries of said Easement Area and the Parent Parcel, provided that a gate is constructed in said fence. Said gate shall be of sufficient length and location to allow the Grantee full use of, and access and egress to and from the Easement Area. If said gate is to be locked, keys shall be provided to the Grantee. Without the written approval of the Grantee, the Grantor shall make no excavation within three (3) feet of said lighting or telecommunications service facilities or change the surface level of the ground within the Easement Area from the current elevation. The Grantee shall not unreasonably withhold such approval. Said Grantor grants to the City the right of ingress and egress to the Easement Area over and across all paved, graveled, or otherwise improved driveways or parking lots within the Parent Parcel. If direct access to the Easement Area is not available from such driveways or parking lots, the City’s right of ingress and egress shall include such other areas within the Parent Parcel as the City determines are necessary to access the Easement Area from such driveways and parking lots or from the Parent Parcel’s boundaries. In the case of any damage or disruption of the Parent Parcel, the City shall return the property to a condition as good as or better than it existed immediately before entry and/or work was made thereon by the City or its agents. Said Grantor additionally grants to the City, the use of such additional area immediately adjacent to said Easement Area as shall be required for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance and operation of said lighting or telecommunications facilities. The use of such additional area shall be held to a reasonable minimum and in the case of any damage or disruption of the Parent Parcel, the City shall return the property to a condition as good as or better than its condition as it existed immediately before entry and/or work was made thereon by the City or its agents. In addition to the other restrictions herein, Grantor shall not convey to a third party any easement or other right of usage in the Parent Parcel that would impair or limit the City’s use of the Easement Area. The parties intend that the benefits, burdens, and obligations set forth in this Easement shall run with the Parent Parcel and burden said real estate, and shall be binding on the successors, heirs and assigns of all parties hereto. RES.A Utility Easement Page 3 of 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties subscribe their names. STATE OF WASHINGTON State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College Acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Howard S. Cox, Chief Property Officer Facilities Division Real Estate Services Date: Jane Rushford, Deputy Director Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Date: Assistant Attorney General RES.A Utility Easement Page 4 of 7 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this _________ day of ____________________, 20______, personally appeared before me HOWARD S. COX, Chief Property Officer, Division of Facilities, Real Estate Services, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that he signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residing at My commission expires STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this _________ day of ____________________, 20______, personally appeared before me JANE RUSHFORD, Deputy Director, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that she signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that she was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residing at My commission expires HS/tlb File: #1290 REF: H:\Development\Projects\GRCC - 124TH ST IMP\Legal Documents\2011 RES.A Utility Easement Page 5 of 7 RES.A Utility Easement Page 6 of 7 RES.A Utility Easement Page 7 of 7 RES.A Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 1 of 8 Return Address: City of Auburn City Clerk 25 West Main Auburn, WA 98001 Above this line reserved for recording information. WATER AND STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT FAC10-0005 Reference # (if applicable): N/A Grantor/Borrower: State of Washington, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College, acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Grantee/Assignee/Beneficiary: City of Auburn Legal Description/STR: SW ¼ S9 – T21N – R5E Assessor’s Tax Parcel ID#: a portion of 092105-9020 For and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and for benefits to be derived by the Grantor herein, Grantor, Green River Community College hereby conveys and warrants to the City of Auburn, Grantee herein, a municipal corporation of King County, Washington, its successors and assigns, a perpetual Nonexclusive Easement under, over, through and across the following described real property (“Easement Area”) for the purpose of laying, maintaining, and installing water main line, storm drainage line, storm drainage treatment wet-pond, AND APPURTENANCES THEREOF, said Easement Area being a portion of the above-designated Tax Parcel (“Parent Parcel”), and described as follows: SEE EXHIBITS “A” AND “B”, ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. Said Grantee shall have the absolute right, at times as may be necessary, for immediate entry upon said Easement Area for the purpose of maintenance, inspection, construction, repair or reconstruction of the above improvements without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefore. RES.A Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 2 of 8 Said Grantee shall have the absolute right to place any type of driving surface within said Easement Area deemed necessary by the Grantee. Said Grantor shall not in any way block, restrict or impede access and egress to or from said Easement Area, and/or in any way block, restrict or impede full use of the real property within the above-described Easement Area by said Grantee for the above- described purposes. No building, wall, rockery, fence, trees or structure of any kind shall be erected or planted, nor shall any fill material be placed within the boundaries of said Easement Area, without the express written consent of the City. With City permission, Grantor may fence across said Easement Area and/or along the boundaries of said Easement Area, provided that a gate is constructed in said fence. Said gate shall be of sufficient length and location to allow the Grantee full use of, and access and egress to and from the Easement Area. If said gate is to be locked, keys shall be provided to the Grantee. No excavation shall be made within three (3) feet of said water or storm service facilities and the surface level of the ground within the Easement Area shall be maintained at the elevation as currently existing. Said Grantor grants to the City the right of ingress and egress to the Easement Area over and across all paved, graveled, or otherwise improved driveways or parking lots within the Parent Parcel. If direct access to the Easement Area is not available from such driveways or parking lots, the City’s right of ingress and egress shall include such other areas within the Parent Parcel as the City determines are necessary to access the Easement Area from such driveways and parking lots or from the Parent Parcel’s boundaries. In the case of any damage or disruption of the Parent Parcel, the City shall return the property to a condition reasonably comparable to its condition as it existed immediately before entry and/or work was made thereon by the City or its agents. Said Grantor additionally grants to the City, the use of such additional area immediately adjacent to said Easement Area as shall be required for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance and operation of said water or storm facilities. The use of such additional area shall be held to a reasonable minimum and in the case of any damage or disruption of the Parent Parcel, the City shall return the property to a condition reasonably comparable to its condition as it existed immediately before entry and/or work was made thereon by the City or its agents. In addition to the other restrictions herein, Grantor shall not convey to a third party any easement or other right of usage in the Parent Parcel that would impair or limit the City’s use of the Easement Area. This Easement shall be a covenant running with the Parent Parcel and burden said real estate, and shall be binding on the successors, heirs and assigns of all parties hereto. RES.A Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 3 of 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties subscribe their names. STATE OF WASHINGTON State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Green River Community College Acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Howard S. Cox, Chief Property Officer Facilities Division Real Estate Services Date: Jane Rushford, Deputy Director Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Assistant Attorney General Date: RES.A Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 4 of 8 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this _________ day of ____________________, 20______, personally appeared before me HOWARD S. COX, Chief Property Officer, Division of Facilities, Real Estate Services, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that he signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residing at My commission expires STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Thurston ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this _________ day of ____________________, 20______, personally appeared before me JANE RUSHFORD, Deputy Director, Department of Enterprise Services, State of Washington, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that she signed and sealed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of the Department, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that she was duly authorized to execute said document. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residing at My commission expires HS/tlb File: #1290 REF: H:\Development\Projects\GRCC - 124TH ST IMP\Legal Documents\2011 RES.A Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 5 of 8 RES.A Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 6 of 8 RES.A Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 7 of 8 RES.A Water and Storm Drainage Easement Page 8 of 8 RES.A CITY-GRCC RECREATION FACILITY AGREEMENT PAGE 1 OF 5 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON AND GREEN RIVER COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOR RECREATION FACILITY USE THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this ___ day of ___________, 2011, between the City of Auburn, Washington (“City”) and Green River Community College (“GRCC”) for the use and supplemental maintenance of the New Lea Hill Park (“Park”) and the GRCC Gymnasium (“Gymnasium”). RECITALS: 1. The Parties entered into an Agreement for Recreation Facility Use on May 30, 2003, (“Original Agreement”) which the set forth their respective rights and responsibilities for the management, maintenance and scheduling of what was then known as Lea Hill Park (“Original Park”) and the Gymnasium; 2. The Parties are contemplating an exchange of real property that, when completed, will transfer ownership of the Original Park from the City to GRCC and will also transfer an undivided one-half interest in the property currently known as the Martin Property to the City. For purposes of this Agreement, the Martin Property will be referred to as the “New Lea Hill Park;” 3. The Original Park currently contains both a fast-pitch baseball field and a slow-pitch softball field. After the exchange, these fields will be decommissioned and GRCC intends to put education-related structure on the site of the Original Park; 4. The City intends to construct a slow-pitch softball field on the New Lea Hill Park site; 5. This exchange of properties renders certain portions of the Original Agreement moot. However, the Parties agree that it is in their best interest to agree to similar provisions for management of the New Lea Hill Park and to extend the current provisions related to the Gymnasium. AGREEMENT: 1. Scheduling Facility Use. A. New Lea Hill Park Ball Field. The City shall be responsible for all scheduling and general maintenance. GRCC will be given first priority for Ball Field use between February 1 and June 1 of each agreement year as follows: Monday through Friday, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.; and Saturday and Sunday, no later then 6 p.m. RES.A CITY-GRCC RECREATION FACILITY AGREEMENT PAGE 2 OF 5 Additionally, on dates/times other then listed in this section, GRCC will have second priority after the City, and before other users. GRCC will submit a preliminary game schedule no later than September 30 of each agreement year. Modifications to the preliminary schedule will be submitted no later then the next January 30. GRCC will submit an annual block schedule three times per year, on January 10, May 10, and August10, reflecting actual use; the schedule shall list holidays, college vacations, and any other days that GRCC will not schedule use of the ball fields. B. Gymnasium and Locker Rooms. The City of Auburn Parks, Arts, and Recreation Department will be allowed the use of the Gymnasium and locker rooms according to the following schedule for each agreement year: Each Monday evening from 6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., beginning the Monday following the Thanksgiving holiday and ending on the first Monday in June. Each Monday and Tuesday evening from 6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., beginning the Monday of the 2nd week in June and ending on the second Tuesday in August. 2. Supplemental Maintenance. GRCC is authorized, but not required to, at its sole option and expense, provide at the New Lea Hill Park any or all of the Supplemental Maintenance identified in Exhibit #1, incorporated herein by reference. GRCC agrees that is shall not alter the grounds and ball field facilities, or remove any part or portion of the grounds, materials, facilities or natural resources of the premises without prior written consent of the City. 3. Agreement Periods and Termination. The agreement period shall be for one year following the date of signing. The Agreement will automatically renew each year for up to ten consecutive years, unless terminated by either party. Either party may terminate the Agreement by giving written notice of termination to the other party, provided that the termination shall not be effective until ninety days after the other party’s receipt of the notice of termination, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. 4. Vehicle Access. If necessary, the City shall provide keys to the New Lea Hill Park for the purpose of vehicle entry to load and unload equipment and performance of maintenance. 5. Hold Harmless and Indemnification. Each party to this agreement shall be responsible for claims and damages to persons or property resulting from acts of omissions on the part of itself, its employees, or its officers. Neither party RES.A CITY-GRCC RECREATION FACILITY AGREEMENT PAGE 3 OF 5 to this agreement assumes any responsibility to the other part for the consequences of any act or omission of any person, firm or corporation not a party to this agreement. Neither party to this agreement shall be considered the agent of the other party. Each party shall indemnify and hold the other party and its agents, employees, and/or officers, harmless from and shall process and defend at its own expense any and all claims, demands, suits, at law or equity, actions, penalties, losses, damages, or costs, of whatsoever kind or nature, brought against the other party arising out of, in connection with, or incident to the execution of this Agreement and/or that party’s performance or failure to perform any aspect of this Agreement; provided, however, that if such claims are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence of the other party, its agents, employees, and/or officers, this indemnity provision shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the negligence of that party; and provided further, that nothing herein shall require that party to hold harmless or defend the other party, its agents, employees and/or officers from any claims arising from the sole negligence of the other party, its agents, employees, and/or officers. No liability shall attach to either party by reason of entering into this Agreement, except as expressly provided herein. 6. Insurance. Each of the parties hereto shall maintain during the term of this agreement not less than two million dollars of general liability insurance coverage, whether through insurance policies, participation in insurance pools, self-insurance, or a combination thereof. 7. Amendments. Either party may request modifications in the scope of permissible activities, terms, or conditions of this Agreement. Proposed modifications, which are mutually agreed upon, shall be incorporated by written amendment to this Agreement. 8. Communications and Point of Contacts. Communications shall be sent to the following points of contact: GRCC: Bob Kickner, A.D. Green River Community College 12401 SE 320th Street Auburn, WA 98092 (253) 833-9111 Ext. 2481 CITY: Daryl Faber, Director Auburn Parks and Recreation 910 9th Street SE Auburn, WA 98002 (253) 931-3043 11. Prior Agreements. Upon the effective date of this Agreement, the Agreement Between the City of Auburn, Washington and Green River Community College for Recreation Facility Use is superseded thereby and terminated. RES.A CITY-GRCC RECREATION FACILITY AGREEMENT PAGE 4 OF 5 12. Acceptance and Signatures. The parties hereto agree and accept the terms, conditions, covenants and all matters and laws incorporated by reference herein and therefore cause their hands to affix their signatures as evidence to their acceptance of this Agreement before their designated witnesses and/or notaries. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF AUBURN _____________________________ Peter B. Lewis, Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ Danielle Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _____________________________ Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney GREEN RIVER COMMUNITY COLLEGE _____________________________ Rick Brumfield Vice President for Business Affairs RES.A CITY-GRCC RECREATION FACILITY AGREEMENT PAGE 5 OF 5 EXHIBIT #1 SUPPLEMENTAL MAINTENANCE ITEMS PRIOR TO PRACTICES: Prepare field for use: Remove litter, rake areas as needed, grade surface as needed, drag surface as needed, plug bases, remove standing water. AFTER PRACTICES: Restore field: Rake areas as needed, flatten lips, broom excess soil away, broom lines and plate, drag infield, sweep/clean all dugouts. PRIOR TO GAMES: Prepare field for use: Mow outfield as needed, add surface as needed, remove litter, line and drag infield area as needed, grade surface as needed, plug bases, remove standing water. AFTER GAMES: Restore field: Rake bases, flatten lips, broom excess soil away, broom lines and plate, drag infield, clean dugout. RES.A AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4768 Date: October 27, 2011 Department: Administration Attachments: Resolution No. 4768 Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council adopt Resolution No. 4768. Background Summary: RCW 42.17.130 authorizes city councils to take collective action regarding ballot measures appearing before the voters so long as the action is taken at a public meeting, the intended action is identified on the agenda, and where the opportunity for opposing views is given to attendees at the public meeting. Initiative 1183, if passed, would close state liquor stores and sell their assets; license private parties to sell and distribute spirits; set license fees based on sales; regulate licensees; and change regulation of wine distribution. Initiative 1183 provides that private distributors and retailers will pay a percentage of their liquor revenues to the state, that the current revenue distrtibution to local governments shall continue, and that a portion of the new liquor fees shall be dedicated to local public safety programs. In light of the value and the benefits to the citizens of Auburn of increased revenues for local public safety programs, it is appropriate that the City Council support this ballot measure as permitted pursuant to RCW 42.17.130. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Public Works Councilmember:Staff:Heid Meeting Date:November 7, 2011 Item Number:RES.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDRES.B RESOLUTION NO. 4 7 6 8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, SUPPORTING INITIATIVE 1183 CONCERNINGLIQUOR: BEER, WINE, AND SPIRITS (HARD LIQUOR) WHEREAS, Initiative Measure No. 1183 ("I-1183"), if passed, would close state liquorstores and selltheir assets; license privateparties to sell and distribute spirits; setlicense fees based on sales; regulate licensees; and change regulation of winedistribution; and WHEREAS, the proponents of I-1183 state that "...the govemment monopoly on liquor distribution and liquorstores in Washington and thestate govemment regulations that arbitrarilyrestrict the wholesale distribution and prices of wine are outdated, inefficierrt, and costly to local taxpayers; consumers, distributors, and retailers." and WHEREAS, 1-1183 provides that private distributors and retailers will pay a percentage of their liquor revenues to the state, that thecurrent revenue distribution to local govemments shall continue, and fhat a portion of the new liquorfees shall be dedicated to local public safetyprograms; and WHEREAS, it is antioipated that I-1183 will increase the standards for training and supervision of employees selling spirits atretail locations, andwill increase thefines for selling liquor to minors; and WHEREAS, RCW42.17.130 authorizes city councils totake collective actionregardingballotmeasuresappearing before the voters so long as the action is taken at a public meeting, theintendedaction is ident ed on the Resolution No. 4768 October 27, 2011 Page 1 of 3 RES.B agenda and where the opportunity for opposing views is given to attendees at the public meeting; and WHEREAS, in light of the value and the benefits to the citizens ofAubum of increased revenues for local publicsafety programs, it is appropriate that the City Councilsupport this6allot measure as permittedpursuarrt to RCW 42.17.130. NOW, THEREFORE, THECITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, HEREBYRESOLVES as follows: Section 1. That the City Council supportsInitiative 1183, comingbefore thevoters at the November 8, 2011 general election. Section 2. Thatthis Resolu6on shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this day of 2011. CITY OF AUBURN ATTEST:PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR Danielle E. .Daskam, Ciry Clerk APPR VED AS TO FORM: D el B. ' ,Attomey Resolution No.4768 October 27, 2011 Page 2 of 3 RES.B RCW 42.17.130' 42.17.130 Use of public office or agency facil"ies in campaigns — Prohibition - Exceptions: No elective official nor any employee of his [or her] office nor any person appointed to or employed by any public o ce or,agency may use or authorize the use of any,of the facilities of a public office or agency, directly or indirectly, for the purpose of assisting a campaign for election of any person to any offce or for the promotion of or opposition to any ballot proposition. Facilities of a public office or agenqy include, 6ut are not limited to, use of stationery, postage, machines, and equipment, use of employees of the o ce or agencyduring working hours, vehicles, office space, publications of the office or agency, and clientele lists of persons served by the ce or agency. However, this does not apply to the following activities.: 1) Action talien at an open public meetingby members of an elected legislative body oc by an elected board, council, or commission of a spec.ial purposedistrict including, buY not limited to, fire districts, public hospital districts, library districts, park districts, port districts, publicutility districts, schooldistricts, sewer districts, and water districts, to express a collectiVe decision, orto actually vote: upon a motion, proposal, resolution, order, orord'inance, or to support or oppose a ballot proposition so long as (a) any requirednotice of themeeting includes the title and number of the ballot proposition, and (b) members of the legislative body, members of the board, council, or commission of thespecial purposedistrict, or members of the public are afforded an approximatelyequal. opportunity for the expression.of an opposing view; 2) A statemeM by an elected o cial in support of or in opposition to any ballot proposition at an open pressconference or in response to a specfic inquiry; 3) Activitieswhich are part of the normal and regularconduct of theoffice or agency:[2006 c 215 § 2; 1979 ex,s. c 265§ 2; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 112 § 6; 1973 c1 § 13 (Initiative Measu e No. 276, approved November7, 1972).] Effective until January 1,2012.Recodified as RCW 42.17A.555:) Resolution No. 4768 October 27, 2011 Page S of 3 RES.B AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Ordinance No. 6378 Date: November 1, 2011 Department: Finance Attachments: Ordinance No. 6378 Budget Amendment Memo Schedule A Budget Impact: -$128,480 Administrative Recommendation: City Council to introduce and adopt Ordinance No. 6378. Background Summary: Attached is proposed budget amendment #5 for your review. This budget amendment makes final changes to the 2011 budget as follows: Recognize revenue and grant funding received and public employee pension contribution rate adjustments. Approval of this budget amendment will reduce the 2011 budget, as amended, by $128,480 to $273,287,907. Details of this amendment are included in the attached staff memorandum. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Municipal Services, Planning And Community Development, Public Works Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:November 7, 2011 Item Number:DI.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.A ORDINANCE NO. 6 3 7 8 AN ORDINANCE OF THECITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6339, THE 2011-2012BIENNIAL BUDGET ORDINANCEAS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 6351, ORDINANCE NO. 6352, ORDINANCE NO. 6362 ANDORDINANCE 6370 AUTHORIZINGAMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF AUBURN 2011-2012 BUDGET AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE "A" WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of December 6, 2010, adopted Ordinance No. 6339 which adopted the City of Aubum 2011-2012 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of February 22, 2011, adopted Ordinance No. 6351 which amended Ordinance No. 6339 which adopted the City of Aubum 2011-2012 Biennial budget;and WHEREAS, the Aubum CityCouncil at its regular meeting of April 4, 2011, adopted Ordinance No. 6352 which amendedOrdinance No. 6351; and WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regularmeeting of July 18, 2011, adopted Ordinance No. 6362 which amended Ordinance No. 6352; and WHEREAS, the Aubum CityCouncil at its regular meeting of September 6, 2011 adopted Ordinance No. 637U whichamended Ordinance6362; and WHEREAS, theCity of Aubum deems it necessary to appropriate additional funds to the various funds ofthe 2011 budget; and WHEREAS, thisOrdinance has been approved by onemore than the majority of all councilpersons in accordance with RCW 35A.34200. Ordinance No. 6378 November2, 2011 Page 1 of 3 DI.A NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Amendment of`the 2011-2012 Biennial Budget The 2011- 2012 Biennial Budget of theCity of Aubum is amended pursuant toChapter 35A.34 RCW, to reflect the revenues and expenditures asshown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and incorporatedherein by reference. The Mayor of the City of Aubum, Washington is hereby authorized to utilize revenue. and expenditure amounts shown on said Schedule "A". A copy of said Schedule "A" is on file with theCity Clerk and available#orpubiic inspection. Section 2. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid, the remainder of such code, ordinance or regulation orthe application thereof to other person or circumstance shall notbe affected. Section 3. Implementation. TheMayor is herebyauthorized to implementsuch administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) daysfrom and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Ordinance No. 6378 Novemtier 2, 2011 Page 2 of 3 DI.A INTRODUCED: PASSED: APPROVED: PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam City Clerk APPROVED AS TOFORM: D " I B. Heid City Attomey PUBLISHED: Ordinance No. 6378 November 2, 20]1 Page 3 of 3 DI.A Interoffice Memorandum To: City Council From: Shelley Coleman, Finance Director CC: Pete Lewis, Mayor Date: November 7, 2011 Re: 2011 Budget Amendment #5 Attached is proposed budget amendment #5 for your review. This budget amendment makes final changes to the 2011 budget as follows: ™ Recognize revenues and grant funding received. Changes include: o Solid Waste revenues. 2011 revenues for the Solid Waste Fund are adjusted consistent with the revised rates per the Council adopted June 2011 rate study. o Planning Department EPA grant for assessment of wetland mitigation sites in 2011 (per City resolution #4536) o Planning Department Housing and Community Development Association Grant funding to assist Auburn Youth Resources in property acquisition for Teen drop-in program. o Police Department federal Edward Byrne grants for overtime and emergency management in 2011 ™ Recognize public employee pension contribution rate adjustments. o The State recently announced changes to the contribution rates, with rates for employers increasing from 5.31% to 7.07% effective July 1, 2011 and a second change from 7.07% to 7.25% effective September 1, 2011. Approval of this budget amendment will increase the 2011 budget, as amended by -$128,480 to $273,287,907. Details of this amendment is included in Schedule A attached. Attachments: ™ 1. Proposed Ordinance #6378 (budget adjustment #5) ™ 2. Summary of proposed 2011 budget adjustments by fund and department (Schedule A) DI.A General Fund (#001) Beg. Fund Balance 2011 Revenues 2011 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance General Fund Adopted Budget 11,763,355 49,863,903 55,139,320 6,487,938 BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance #6351)- 46,000 135,360 (89,360) BA#2 (Adopted; ordinance #6352)650,000 195,270 620,080 225,190 BA#3 (Adopted; ordinance #6362)2,968,999 46,441 24,580 2,990,860 BA#4 (Adopted; ordinance #6370)- (61,000) (38,330) (22,670) BA#5 (Proposed) Planning Direct Federal Grant -Carry forward EPA grant for assessment of active wetland mitigation sites per res. 4536 31,300 31,300 - Police Federal Grant - Edward Byrne; fund Police overtime 33,630 33,630 - Indirect Federal Grant -Emergency Management Performance Grant 4,560 4,560 - Parks Insurance Recoveries related to Auburn theater equipment replacement 5,500 5,500 Minor equipment for theater funded by insurance recovery proceeds 5,500 (5,500) State Employer Pension Rate Increase effective 7/01/11 Mayor/Council 3,350 (3,350) Human Resources 11,960 (11,960) Finance 2,640 (2,640) City Attorney 5,170 (5,170) Planning 9,950 (9,950) Police 8,820 (8,820) Public Works 20,050 (20,050) Parks 15,590 (15,590) Streets 500 (500) Changes to meet GASB 54 Requirements - Record MVFT revenues directly to Fund 102 Reduce MVFT revenue - to be recorded in Fund 102 & Fund 120 (537,100) (537,100) Reduce Trsfr Out of Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax to Fund 102 (530,000) 530,000 Reduce Trsfr Out of Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax to Fund 120 (7,100) 7,100 BA#5 Total - (462,110) (384,080) (78,030) Revised Budget 15,382,354 49,628,504 55,496,930 9,513,928 Total Resources / Expenditures 65,010,858 65,010,858 Schedule A Summary of Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment # 5 Ordinance 6378 DI.A Arterial Street Fund (#102) Beg. Fund Balance 2011 Revenues 2011 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance Adopted Budget 383,118 13,210,200 13,328,300 265,018 BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance #6351)- - - - BA#2 (Adopted; ordinance #6352)736,300 1,842,200 2,608,500 (30,000) BA#3 (Adopted; ordinance #6362)647,926 578,330 618,330 607,926 BA#4 (Adopted; ordinance #6370)- - - - BA#5 (proposed) Changes to meet GASB 54 Requirements - Record MVFT revenues directly to Fund 102 Reduce Trsfr In of Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax from Gen Fund (530,000) - (530,000) Recognize Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax revenue 530,000 530,000 BA#5 Total - - - - Revised Budget 1,767,344 15,630,730 16,555,130 842,944 Total Resources / Expenditures 17,398,074 17,398,074 Local Street Fund (#103) Beg. Fund Balance 2011 Revenues 2011 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance Adopted Budget 940,806 2,155,000 2,000,000 1,095,806 BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance #6351)- - - - BA#2 (Adopted; ordinance #6352)400,000 - 398,216 1,784 BA#3 (Adopted; ordinance #6362)721,769 - 1,000,000 (278,231) BA#4 (Adopted; ordinance #6370)- - - - BA#5 (proposed) Employer Pension Rate Increase effective 7/01/11 - - 824 (824) BA#5 Total - - 824 (824) Revised Budget 2,062,575 2,155,000 3,399,040 818,535 Total Resources / Expenditures 4,217,575 4,217,575 Housing and Community Development Grant Fund (#119) Beg. Fund Balance 2011 Revenues 2011 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance Adopted Budget 99,286 510,000 542,410 66,876 BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance #6351)- - - - BA#2 (Adopted; ordinance #6352)- - (1,480) 1,480 BA#3 (Adopted; ordinance #6362)(55,987) (55,987) BA#4 (Adopted; ordinance #6370)- - - - BA#5 (proposed) Recognize receipt of HCDA grant funding for Auburn Youth Resources Increase budgeted grant funding 140,400 140,400 Increase expense budget for property acquisition - - 140,400 (140,400) BA#5 Total - 140,400 140,400 - Revised Budget 43,299 650,400 681,330 12,369 Total Resources / Expenditures 693,699 693,699 DI.A Recreation Trails Fund (#120) Beg. Fund Balance 2011 Revenues 2011 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance Adopted Budget 8,177 7,200 - 15,377 BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance #6351)- - - - BA#2 (Adopted; ordinance #6352)- - - - BA#3 (Adopted; ordinance #6362)17 - - 17 BA#4 (Adopted; ordinance #6370)- - - - BA#5 (proposed) Changes to meet GASB 54 Requirements - Record MVFT revenues directly to Fund 102 Reduce Trsfr In of Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax from Gen. Fund (7,100) (7,100) Budget Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax revenue 7,100 7,100 BA#5 Total - - - - Revised Budget 8,194 7,200 - 15,394 Total Resources / Expenditures 15,394 15,394 Business Improvement Area Fund (#121) Beg. Fund Balance 2011 Revenues 2011 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance Adopted Budget 44,396 53,100 54,000 43,496 BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance #6351)- - - - BA#2 (Adopted; ordinance #6352)512 (9,248) 26,000 (34,736) BA#3 (Adopted; ordinance #6362)(91) - - (91) BA#4 (Adopted; ordinance #6370)- - - - BA#5 (proposed) Increase operating budget for higher than anticipated expenses - - 5,000 (5,000) BA#5 Total - - 5,000 (5,000) Revised Budget 44,817 43,852 85,000 3,669 Total Resources / Expenditures 88,669 88,669 Cumulative Reserve Fund (#122) Beg. Fund Balance 2011 Revenues 2011 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance Adopted Budget 5,623,464 23,000 44,900 5,601,564 BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance #6351)- - - - BA#2 (Adopted; ordinance #6352)78,450 - 78,450 - BA#3 (Adopted; ordinance #6362)30,118 - 400,000 (369,882) BA#4 (Adopted; ordinance #6370)- - - - BA#5 (proposed) Transfer Out to Cemetery Fund to support cash flow needs - - 200,000 (200,000) BA#5 Total - - 200,000 (200,000) Revised Budget 5,732,032 23,000 723,350 5,031,682 Total Resources / Expenditures 5,755,032 5,755,032 DI.A Mitigation Fees Fund (#124) Beg. Fund Balance 2011 Revenues 2011 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance Adopted Budget 3,444,973 900,000 2,679,200 1,665,773 BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance #6351)- - - - BA#2 (Adopted; ordinance #6352)601,170 - 601,170 - BA#3 (Adopted; ordinance #6362)290,693 - - 290,693 BA#4 (Adopted; ordinance #6370)- - - - BA#5 (proposed) Increase expenses to reflect higher Fire Impact & Mitigation collections (used for Station #34 construction)- - 212,300 (212,300) BA#5 Total - - 212,300 (212,300) Revised Budget 4,336,836 900,000 3,492,670 1,744,166 Total Resources / Expenditures 5,236,836 5,236,836 Municipal Park Construction Fund (#321) Beg. Fund Balance 2011 Revenues 2011 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance Adopted Budget 374,368 19,089,200 19,261,700 201,868 BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance #6351)- - - - BA#2 (Adopted; ordinance #6352)219,120 2,225,280 2,444,400 - BA#3 (Adopted; ordinance #6362)(246,405) 130,000 - (116,405) BA#4 (Adopted; ordinance #6370)- - - - BA#5 (proposed) Federal Grant funding for Game Farm Soccer Field lighting 83,200 83,200 BA#5 Total - 83,200 - 83,200 Revised Budget 347,083 21,527,680 21,706,100 168,663 Total Resources / Expenditures 21,874,763 21,874,763 Water Fund (#430) Beg. Fund Balance 2011 Revenues 2011 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance Adopted Budget 19,168,199 10,918,400 27,509,320 2,577,279 BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance #6351)- - - - BA#2 (Adopted; ordinance #6352)2,113,700 - 2,081,270 32,430 BA#3 (Adopted; ordinance #6362)324,168 209,000 47,580 485,588 BA#4 (Adopted; ordinance #6370)- - (30,320) 30,320 BA#5 (proposed) Reduce Estimated Water Sales revenue due to lower usage (1,180,900) (1,180,900) Recognize water billing adjustment 600,000 600,000 Employer Pension Rate Increase effective 7/01/11 23,140 (23,140) BA#5 Total - (580,900) 23,140 (604,040) Revised Budget 21,606,067 10,546,500 29,630,990 2,521,577 Total Resources / Expenditures 32,152,567 32,152,567 DI.A Sewer Fund (#431) Beg. Fund Balance 2011 Revenues 2011 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance Adopted Budget 10,818,244 17,956,300 25,602,100 3,172,444 BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance #6351)- - 37,000 (37,000) BA#2 (Adopted; ordinance #6352)2,156,900 - 2,123,810 33,090 BA#3 (Adopted; ordinance #6362)3,046,835 104,900 53,570 3,098,165 BA#4 (Adopted; ordinance #6370)- - (30,320) 30,320 BA#5 (proposed) Recognize grant funding for January 2011 storm Indirect Federal Grant 34,400 - 34,400 State Grant 5,600 - 5,600 Grant funded expenses 40,000 (40,000) Employer Pension Rate Increase effective 7/01/11 13,000 (13,000) BA#5 Total - 40,000 53,000 (13,000) Revised Budget 16,021,979 18,101,200 27,839,160 6,284,019 Total Resources / Expenditures 34,123,179 34,123,179 Storm Drainage Fund (#432) Beg. Fund Balance 2011 Revenues 2011 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance Adopted Budget 7,695,982 7,213,700 13,066,950 1,842,732 BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance #6351)- - - - BA#2 (Adopted; ordinance #6352)1,304,260 - 1,264,410 39,850 BA#3 (Adopted; ordinance #6362)795,296 60,800 57,800 798,296 BA#4 (Adopted; ordinance #6370)- - (31,910) 31,910 BA#5 (proposed) Employer Pension Rate Increase effective 7/01/11 22,080 (22,080) BA#5 Total - - 22,080 (22,080) Revised Budget 9,795,538 7,274,500 14,379,330 2,690,708 Total Resources / Expenditures 17,070,038 17,070,038 Solid Waste Fund (#434) Beg. Fund Balance 2011 Revenues 2011 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance Adopted Budget 800,406 9,513,800 9,883,470 430,736 BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance #6351)- - - - BA#2 (Adopted; ordinance #6352)- - (8,990) 8,990 BA#3 (Adopted; ordinance #6362)(24,716) 16,230 16,230 (24,716) BA#4 (Adopted; ordinance #6370)- - 1,600 (1,600) BA#5 (proposed) Adjust fund revenues and expenses per June 2011 rate study Increase solid waste service revenues 450,930 450,930 Adjust est. Waste Management fees 475,340 (475,340) Employer Pension Rate Increase effective 7/01/11 - - 2,310 (2,310) BA#5 Total - 450,930 477,650 (26,720) Revised Budget 775,690 9,980,960 10,369,960 386,690 Total Resources / Expenditures 10,756,650 10,756,650 DI.A Cemetery Fund (#436) Beg. Fund Balance 2011 Revenues 2011 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance Adopted Budget 300,328 924,800 1,078,930 146,198 BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance #6351)- - - - BA#2 (Adopted; ordinance #6352)- - (9,080) 9,080 BA#3 (Adopted; ordinance #6362)(176,199) - (28,500) (147,699) BA#4 (Adopted; ordinance #6370)- - 950 (950) BA#5 (proposed) Transfer In from Cumulative Reserve Fund to meet cash flow needs 200,000 200,000 - - - BA#5 Total - 200,000 - 200,000 Revised Budget 124,129 1,124,800 1,042,300 206,629 Total Resources / Expenditures 1,248,929 1,248,929 Golf Course Fund (#437) Beg. Fund Balance 2011 Revenues 2011 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance Adopted Budget 228,668 1,806,200 1,939,380 95,488 BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance #6351)- - - - BA#2 (Adopted; ordinance #6352)- - (10,840) 10,840 BA#3 (Adopted; ordinance #6362)(224,916) 400,000 - 175,084 BA#4 (Adopted; ordinance #6370)- (82,000) (82,000) - BA#5 (proposed) Employer Pension Rate Increase effective 7/01/11 3,190 (3,190) Carry forward 2010 principal & interest payment of Interfund loan (to be paid in 2011)- - 39,600 (39,600) BA#5 Total - - 42,790 (42,790) Revised Budget 3,752 2,124,200 1,889,330 238,622 Total Resources / Expenditures 2,127,952 2,127,952 Facilities Fund (#505) Beg. Fund Balance 2011 Revenues 2011 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance Adopted Budget 307,539 3,999,300 3,960,400 346,439 BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance #6351)- - - - BA#2 (Adopted; ordinance #6352)30,000 26,790 61,110 (4,320) BA#3 (Adopted; ordinance #6362)377,405 34,000 (43,000) 454,405 BA#4 (Adopted; ordinance #6370)- (105,300) (105,300) - BA#5 (proposed)- - - - BA#5 Total - - - - Revised Budget 714,944 3,954,790 3,873,210 796,524 Total Resources / Expenditures 4,669,734 4,669,734 DI.A Information Services Fund (#518) Beg. Fund Balance 2011 Revenues 2011 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance Adopted Budget 3,546,577 4,271,670 5,720,450 2,097,797 BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance #6351)- 5,500 5,500 - BA#2 (Adopted; ordinance #6352)108,000 217,000 302,080 22,920 BA#3 (Adopted; ordinance #6362)295,216 6,400 43,300 258,316 BA#4 (Adopted; ordinance #6370)- 24,000 18,400 5,600 BA#5 (proposed) Employer Pension Rate Increase effective 7/01/11 - - 8,840 (8,840) BA#5 Total - - 8,840 (8,840) Revised Budget 3,949,793 4,524,570 6,098,570 2,375,793 Total Resources / Expenditures 8,474,363 8,474,363 Equipment Rental Fund (#550) Beg. Fund Balance 2011 Revenues 2011 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance Adopted Budget 4,857,654 2,827,100 4,825,800 2,858,954 BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance #6351)- - - - BA#2 (Adopted; ordinance #6352)151,600 - 144,070 7,530 BA#3 (Adopted; ordinance #6362)816,941 - 20,000 796,941 BA#4 (Adopted; ordinance #6370)- - 640 (640) BA#5 (proposed) Employer Pension Rate Increase effective 7/01/11 - - 1,800 (1,800) BA#5 Total - - 1,800 (1,800) Revised Budget 5,826,195 2,827,100 4,992,310 3,660,985 Total Resources / Expenditures 8,653,295 8,653,295 Grand Total - All Funds Beg. Fund Balance 2011 Revenues 2011 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance Adopted Budget 88,306,158 154,702,653 203,375,808 39,633,003 BA#1 (Adopted; ordinance #6351)- 51,500 177,860 (126,360) BA#2 (Adopted; ordinance #6352)11,357,642 5,741,642 16,784,946 314,338 BA#3 (Adopted; ordinance #6362)10,454,281 3,026,811 2,374,861 11,106,231 BA#4 (Adopted; ordinance #6370)- (224,300) (190,650) (33,650) BA#5 (proposed)- (128,480) 803,744 (932,224) Revised Budget 110,118,081 163,169,826 223,326,569 49,961,338 Total Resources / Expenditures 273,287,907 273,287,907 DI.A AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Ordinance No. 6380 Date: October 31, 2011 Department: Finance Attachments: memo & ordinance Budget Impact: $14,874,840 Administrative Recommendation: City Council introduce and adopt Ordinance No. 6380. Background Summary: Property taxes must be established each year based upon information provided by the King County and Pierce County Department of Assessments. Property taxes can be increased by up to 1.0% under State law, not including property taxes on new construction. Ordinance No. 6380 establishes the 2012 property tax levy at $14,874,840. This levy is based on the 2011 property tax levy of $14,595,036 and includes a 1.0% increase ($145,590) and property taxes on new construction ($133,854). Consistent with current City policy, $2.0 million of the total 2012 Property Tax Levy will be distributed to the Local Street Fund in support of the Save Our Streets program. The remaining $12,874,840, less 2% for uncollected, will be distributed to the General Fund to support general governmental operations. For further information, refer to the attached transmittal memorandum. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:November 7, 2011 Item Number:DI.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.B Interoffice Memorandum To: City Council From: Shelley Coleman, Finance Director CC: Pete Lewis, Mayor Date: November 7, 2011 Re: 2012 Property Tax Ordinance No. 6380 Attached is proposed Ordinance No. 6380, establishing the 2012 Property Tax Levy. The 2012 Property Tax Levy represents a 1% increase over the 2011 levy, as allowed under State law and also includes property taxes on new construction of $133,854. The following table summarizes the 2012 Property Tax levy: Table 1: 2012 Property Tax Levy Calculations Amount 2011 Property Tax Levy $ 14,595,036 Add: 1.0% 145,950 Add: Property tax on new construction 133,854 Total $14,874,840 Consistent with current City policy, $2.0 million of the total 2012 Property Tax Levy will be distributed to the Local Street Fund in support of the Save Our Streets program. The remaining $12,874,840, less 2% for uncollected, will be distributed to the General Fund to support general governmental operations. Attachments: ™ 1. Ordinance No. 6380 DI.B Attachment 1 Ordinance #6380 DI.B ---------------------------- Ordinance No. 6380 November 7, 2011 Page 1 of 4 ORDINANCE NO. 6380 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OF REGULAR PROPERTY TAXES BY THE CITY OF AUBURN FOR COLLECTION IN 2012 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Auburn has met and considered its budget for the calendar year 2012; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 84.55.120 the City Council held public hearings on October 17, 2011 and November 21, 2011 after proper notice was given, to consider the City of Auburn’s 2012 budget and the regular property tax levy to support it; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Auburn, after public hearing, and after duly considering all relevant evidence and testimony presented, has determined that the City of Auburn requires property tax revenue and any increase of new construction and improvements to property, any increase in the value of state-assessed property, annexations, and any refund levies in order to discharge the expected expenses and obligations of the City and in its best interest; and NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Regular property taxes for collection in the City of Auburn for the year 2012 are authorized in the amount of $14,874,840. Not including the addition of new construction and improvements to property, any increase in DI.B ---------------------------- Ordinance No. 6380 November 7, 2011 Page 2 of 4 the value of state assessed property, and any refund levies available, the regular property tax levy for 2012 collection represents an increase from regular property taxes levied for collection in 2011 of One Hundred Forty Five Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($145,950), which is a one percent (1%) increase in revenue from the previous year. Section 2. A portion of this levy will be designated to the City’s SOS program as provided for in Ordinance 5864 which outlines use to be specifically for the Street Improvements program that includes any improvements to the local streets system consisting of preservation, restoration, and reconstruction of existing pavements, sidewalks, pedestrian walkways, and handicap access ramps, provision of street lights to meet the city’s standard, crosswalks, channelization, parking, traffic calming, congestion improvements, and other municipal improvements determined by the council to provide meaningful and beneficial quality of life improvement to the local community and any collector arterial that the Council determines on a case by case basis services primarily a residential character or community public school safe walking route. Section 3. In order to avoid unnecessary interfund loans caused by uneven cash flow requirements for tax-supported funds, the Finance Director is hereby authorized to allocate individual property tax receipts in a manner that eliminates interfund loans. Section 4. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such DI.B ---------------------------- Ordinance No. 6380 November 7, 2011 Page 3 of 4 invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of the Ordinance, as it being hereby expressly declared that this Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof would have been prepared, proposed, adopted and approved and ratified irrespective of the fact that any one or more section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 5. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. DI.B ---------------------------- Ordinance No. 6380 November 7, 2011 Page 4 of 4 INTRODUCED: _______________ PASSED: ____________________ APPROVED: _________________ ____________________________ PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST: _____________________________ Danielle E. Daskam City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ Daniel B. Heid City Attorney PUBLISHED: _________________ DI.B AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4767 Date: October 31, 2011 Department: Finance Attachments: Agreement Resolution No. 4767 Status Report Accomplishments Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council adopt Resolution No. 4767. Background Summary: A Resolution No. 4767 authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement for services with the Auburn Chamber of Commerce to operate a visitor information center, promote tourism awareness within the City and to provide services associated with supporting the City's Economic Development efforts. A3.16.3 Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Planning And Community Development Councilmember:Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:November 7, 2011 Item Number:DI.C AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.C Page 1 of 10 CITY OF AUBURN AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into on this day of _____________, 201__, by and between the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as “City” and The Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce, hereinafter referred to as the “Consultant.” W I T N E S S E T H : WHEREAS, The City is engaged in its projects of operating a visitor information center, promoting tourism, and economic development, and is in need of services of individuals, employees or firms for organizational work on said project; and, WHEREAS, the City desires to retain the Consultant to provide certain services in connection with the City’s work on said projects; and, WHEREAS, the Consultant is qualified and able to provide consulting services in connection with the City’s needs for the above-described work/project, and is willing and agreeable to provide such services upon the terms and conditions herein contained. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Scope of Services. The Consultant agrees to perform in a good and professional manner the tasks described on Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. (The tasks described on Exhibit “A” shall be individually referred to as a “task,” and collectively referred to as the “services.”) The Consultant shall perform the services as an independent contractor and shall not be deemed, by virtue of this Agreement and the performance thereof, to have entered into any partnership, joint venture, employment or other relationship with the City. 2. Additional Services. From time to time hereafter, the parties hereto may agree to the performance by the Consultant of additional services with respect to related work or projects. Any such agreement(s) shall be set forth in writing and shall be executed by the respective parties prior to the Consultant’s performance of the services there under, except as may be provided to the contrary in Section 3 of this Agreement. Upon proper completion and execution of an addendum (agreement for additional services), such addendum shall be incorporated into this Agreement and shall have the same force and effect as if the terms of such addendum were a part of this Agreement as originally executed. The performance of services pursuant to an addendum shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement except where the addendum provides to the contrary, in which case the terms and conditions of any such addendum shall control. In all other respects, any addendum shall supplement and be construed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. DI.C Page 2 of 10 3. Performance of Additional Services Prior to Execution of an Addendum. The parties hereby agree that situations may arise in which services other than those described on Exhibit “A” are desired by the City and the time period for the completion of such services makes the execution of addendum impractical prior to the commencement of the Consultant’s performance of the requested services. The Consultant hereby agrees that it shall perform such services upon the oral request of an authorized representative of the City pending execution of an addendum, at a rate of compensation to be agreed to in connection therewith. The invoice procedure for any such additional services shall be as described in Section 7 of this Agreement. 4. Consultant’s Representations. The Consultant hereby represents and warrants that he has all necessary licenses and certifications to perform the services provided for herein, and is qualified to perform such services. 5. City’s Responsibilities. The City shall do the following in a timely manner so as not to delay the services of the Consultant: a. Designate in writing a person to act as the City’s representative with respect to the services. The City’s designee shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define the City’s policies and decisions with respect to the services. b. Furnish the Consultant with all information, criteria, objectives, schedules and standards for the project and the services provided for herein. c. Arrange for access to the property or facilities as required for the Consultant to perform the services provided for herein. d. Examine and evaluate all studies, reports, memoranda, plans, sketches, and other documents prepared by the Consultant and render decisions regarding such documents in a timely manner to prevent delay of the services. 6. Acceptable Standards. The Consultant shall be responsible to provide, in connection with the services contemplated in this Agreement, work product and services of a quality and professional standard acceptable to the City. 7. Compensation. As compensation for the Consultant’s performance of the services provided for herein, the City shall pay the Consultant the fees and costs specified on Exhibit “B” attached hereto and made a part hereof (or as specified in an addendum). The Consultant shall submit to the City an invoice or statement of time spent on tasks included in the scope of work provided herein, and the City shall process the invoice or statement in the next billing/claim cycle following receipt of the invoice or statement, and shall remit payment to the Consultant thereafter in the normal course, subject to any conditions or provisions in this Agreement or addendum. 8. Time for Performance and Term of Agreement. The Consultant shall perform the services provided for herein in accordance with the direction and scheduling provided by the City. The Term of this Agreement shall DI.C Page 3 of 10 commence on the date hereof and shall terminate on December 31, 2012, or upon another date if mutually agreed to in writing by the parties, subject to the restrictions in section 18. 9. Ownership and Use of Documents. All documents, reports, memoranda, diagrams, sketches, plans, surveys, design calculations, working drawings and any other materials created or otherwise prepared by the Consultant as part of his performance of this Agreement (the “Work Products”) shall be owned by and become the property of the City, and may be used by the City for any purpose beneficial to the City. 10. Records Inspection and Audit. All compensation payments shall be subject to the adjustments for any amounts found upon audit or otherwise to have been improperly invoiced, and all records and books of accounts pertaining to any work performed under this Agreement shall be subject to inspection and audit by the City for a period of up to three (3) years from the final payment for work performed under this Agreement. 11. Continuation of Performance. In the event that any dispute or conflict arises between the parties while this Contract is in effect, the Consultant agrees that, notwithstanding such dispute or conflict, the Consultant shall continue to make a good faith effort to cooperate and continue work toward successful completion of assigned duties and responsibilities. 12. Administration of Agreement. This Agreement shall be administered by the Chief Operating Officer of the Chamber, on behalf of the Consultant, and by the Mayor of the City, or designee, on behalf of the City. Any written notices required by the terms of this Agreement shall be served on or mailed to the following addresses: City of Auburn Consultant Auburn City Hall Auburn Chamber of Commerce 25 West Main 108 N. Division Suite B Auburn, WA 98001-4998 Auburn, WA 98001 (253) 931-3000 FAX (253) 288-3132 (253) 833-0700 Fax (253) 735 4091 13. Notices. All notices or communications permitted or required to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, for mailing by certified mail, return receipt requested, and addressed, if to a party of this Agreement, to the address for the party set forth above, or if to a person not a party to this Agreement, to the address designated by a party to this Agreement in the foregoing manner. Any party may change his, her or its address by giving notice in writing, stating his, her or its new address, to any other party, all pursuant to the procedure set forth in this section of the Agreement. DI.C Page 4 of 10 14. Insurance. The Consultant shall be responsible for maintaining, during the term of this Agreement and at its sole cost and expense, the types of insurance coverages and in the amounts described below. The Consultant shall furnish evidence, satisfactory to the City, of all such policies. During the term hereof, the Consultant shall take out and maintain in full force and effect the following insurance policies: a. Comprehensive public liability insurance, including automobile and property damage, insuring the City and the Consultant against loss or liability for damages for personal injury, death or property damage arising out of or in connection with the performance by the Consultant of its obligations hereunder, with minimum liability limits of $1,000,000.00 combined single limit for personal injury, death or property damage in any one occurrence. b. Such workmen’s compensation and other similar insurance as may be required by law. c. Professional liability insurance with minimum liability limits of $1,000,000. 15. Indemnification. The Consultant shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, agents and employees, or any of them from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses, and damages of any nature whatsoever, by any reason of or arising out of the negligent act or omission of the Consultant, its officers, agents, employees, or any of them relating to or arising out of the performance of this Agreement. If a final judgment is rendered against the City, its officers, agents, employees and/or any of them, or jointly against the City and the Consultant and their respective officers, agents and employees, or any of them, the Consultant shall satisfy the same to the extent that such judgment was due to the Consultant’s negligent acts or omissions. 16. Assignment. Neither party to this Agreement shall assign any right or obligation hereunder in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the other party hereto. No assignment or transfer of any interest under this Agreement shall be deemed to release the assignor from any liability or obligation under this Agreement, or to cause any such liability or obligation to be reduced to a secondary liability or obligation. 17. Amendment, Modification or Waiver. No amendment, modification or waiver of any condition, provision or term of this Agreement shall be valid or of any effect unless made in writing, signed by the party or parties to be bound, or such party’s or parties’ duly authorized representative(s) and specifying with particularity the nature and extent of such amendment, modification or waiver. Any waiver by any party of any default of the other party shall not effect or impair any right arising from any subsequent default. Nothing herein shall limit the remedies or rights of the parties hereto under and pursuant to this Agreement. DI.C Page 5 of 10 18. Termination and Suspension. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other party if the other party fails substantially to perform in accordance with the terms of this Agreement through no fault of the party terminating the Agreement. The City may terminate this Agreement upon not less than seven (7) days written notice to the Consultant if the services provided for herein are no longer needed from the Consultant. If this Agreement is terminated through no fault of the Consultant, the Consultant shall be compensated for services performed prior to termination in accordance with the rate of compensation provided in Exhibit “B” hereof. 19. Parties in Interest. This Agreement shall be binding upon, and the benefits and obligations provided for herein shall inure to and bind, the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns, provided that this section shall not be deemed to permit any transfer or assignment otherwise prohibited by this Agreement. This Agreement is for the exclusive benefit of the parties hereto and it does not create a contractual relationship with or exist for the benefit of any third party, including contractors, sub-contractors and their sureties. 20. Costs to Prevailing Party. In the event of such litigation or other legal action, to enforce any rights, responsibilities or obligations under this Agreement, the prevailing parties shall be entitled to receive its reasonable costs and attorney’s fees. 21. Applicable Law. This Agreement and the rights of the parties hereunder shall be governed by the interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington and venue for any action hereunder shall be in of the county in Washington State in which the property or project is located, and if not site specific, then in King County, Washington; provided, however, that it is agreed and understood that any applicable statute of limitation shall commence no later than the substantial completion by the Consultant of the services. 22. Captions, Headings and Titles. All captions, headings or titles in the paragraphs or sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not constitute a part of this Agreement or act as a limitation of the scope of the particular paragraph or sections to which they apply. As used herein, where appropriate, the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and masculine, feminine and neuter expressions shall be interchangeable. Interpretation or construction of this Agreement shall not be affected by any determination as to who is the drafter of this Agreement, this Agreement having been drafted by mutual agreement of the parties. 23. Severable Provisions. Each provision of this Agreement is intended to be severable. If any provision hereof is illegal or invalid for any reason whatsoever, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Agreement. DI.C Page 6 of 10 24. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties hereto in respect to the transactions contemplated hereby and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings between the parties with respect to such subject matter. 25. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be one and the same Agreement and shall become effective when one or more counterparts have been signed by each of the parties and delivered to the other party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed effective the day and year first set forth above. CITY OF AUBURN CONSULTANT ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Peter B. Lewis, Mayor Name: ______________________________ Title: _______________________________ Attest: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Name: ______________________________ Danielle Daskam City Clerk Title: _______________________________ Approved as to form: ____________________________________ Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney DI.C Page 7 of 10 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF _____________ ) ON THIS day of , 201 , before me, personally appeared and , to me known to be the and of the Contractor, the party(ies) who executed - the corporation/company that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be his/her/their the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation/company, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of , 201 . _______________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at ___________________ My Commission Expires: __________________ DI.C Page 8 of 10 EXHIBIT A TASKS AND SERVICES Service as Auburn’s Visitor Information Center: Annually $25,000 • Handle inquiries made by visitors, new residents and employees via phone, e-mail, mail, walk up, and respond with the appropriate information and materials • Operate the City’s storefront Visitor Information Center where visitors obtain materials and advice during normal business hours. The center will provide sufficient space, display racks, appropriate materials and receptionist. • Produce and distribute the City business directory, community profile, street maps, and lists containing information about community resources and/or business services. • Respond to requests from publishers seeking information about Auburn for their magazines, web pages and/or directories. • Provide City hotels with brochures promoting local attractions, businesses and shops. Provide support and service to the City’s economic development goals and outreach to current and future business community members. Annually $15,000 • Assist the City in meeting with current and potential businesses to discuss inducements to conducting or locating a business in Auburn. • Provide input, feedback and serve on City technical and advisory committees for issues. (Proposed city codes, comprehensive plans and updates, design review, proposed capital improvements, city business processes, and other emerging issues mutually agreed upon). • Serve as the referral service for individuals seeking to do business with an Auburn business. • Meet with and provide tours of the City, when scheduling permits, for prospective business investors in conjunction with the City’s Economic Development Manger and Planning Department. Actively promote Auburn to prospective new business investors by attending meetings and providing appropriate information. • Maintain and provide demographic information up to a 30-mile radius from the downtown area. • Organize and conduct orientations for new employee groups as an incentive for businesses to locate in Auburn. DI.C Page 9 of 10 Provide a service to promote Tourism Awareness for the City of Auburn. Annually $45,000 • Coordinate all public relations, marketing, media relations, advertising, and event planning for the Auburn Tourism Board. • Liaise on marketing and communications matters and coordinate with the individual Board members, who comprise representatives from the City Council, the Auburn Chamber of Commerce, all the major attractions, the lodging sector and other tourism-related businesses. • Follow up on activities to involve existing and new strategic partners. • Twice a year the consultant shall provide a report to the Finance Committee on progress made with the Tourism Awareness project. DI.C Page 10 of 10 EXHIBIT B COSTS Annual compensation for current scope of work not to exceed $85,000. DI.C ------------------------- Resolution No. 4767 October 26, 2011 Page 1 of 3 RESOLUTION NO. 4767 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND THE AUBURN AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO OPERATE A VISITOR INFORMATION CENTER, PROMOTE TOURISM AWARENESS WITHIN THE CITY AND TO PROVIDE SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH SUPPORTING THE CITY’S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EFFORTS WHEREAS, The City is engaged in its projects of operating a visitor information center, promoting tourism and economic development, and is in need of services of individuals, employees or firms for organizational work on said project; and, WHEREAS, the City collects a lodging tax for the purpose of promoting Auburn as a tourist destination; and WHEREAS, the City desires to retain the Consultant to provide certain services in connection with the City’s work on said projects; and WHEREAS, the Consultant is qualified and able to provide consulting services in connection with the City’s needs for the above-described work/project, and is willing and agreeable to provide such services upon the terms and conditions herein contained. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: DI.C ------------------------- Resolution No. 4767 October 26, 2011 Page 2 of 3 Section 1. Purpose. The Mayor and the City Clerk of the City of Auburn are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement for Services with The Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce to operate a Visitor Information Center and to provide services associated with supporting the City’s economic development efforts. Section 2. Implementation. The Mayor of the City of Auburn is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this resolution. Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. DATED and SIGNED THIS ________ DAY OF _____________ , 2011. CITY OF AUBURN ____________________________ PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST: ____________________________ Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk DI.C ------------------------- Resolution No. 4767 October 26, 2011 Page 3 of 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: ______________________________ Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney DI.C MEMORANDUM TO: CITY OF AUBURN COUNCIL MEMBERS, FINANCE COMMITTEE , AND COMMUNITY & PLANNING DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FROM: AUBURN AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SUBJECT: SERVICES AGREEMENT UPDATE /CONTRACT RENEWAL – VISITOR INFORMATION CENTER, E CONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & TOURISM DATE: 11/2/11 CC: AUBURN AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dear City Council Members, Thank you for this opportunity to present you with an end-of-the-year report identifying some of the highlights of the services the Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce is pleased to have provided the City pursuant to our contract for services. As you know, these services assist the City by supplementing its efforts with regard to Visitor/Tourism Information, the City's Economic Development Goals and Outreach to Current and Future Business Community Members in ways that leverage the credibility, experience and resources of the Chamber. While there is some overlap, I have organized this summary to encompass the general scope of services in the referenced contract, as follows: SERVE AS AUBURN’S VISITOR INFORMATION CENTER: Handle inquiries made by visitors, new residents and employees via phone, email, mail, walk-in and respond with the appropriate information and materials; Operate the City's storefront Visitor Information Center where visitors obtain materials and advice during normal business hours. The center will provide sufficient space, display racks, appropriate materials and receptionist. Consistent with the terms of the contract for services, the Chamber maintains and operates Auburn's Visitor Information Center where people know to seek out the Chamber as the first point of contact, whether a visitor or new resident, to obtain a wide variety of materials and advice. The Chamber-operated Visitor Information Center dominates the entire front portion of the Chamber’s Lobby, with easy visibility & access from the street. It includes large display racks stocked with varied and valuable visitor-related materials. DI.C 2 | Page The Visitor Information Center signage on the storefront is a large banner across the first three windows to loudly state “Visitor Information Center”; and with a larger window sign that boldly lists Auburn Tourism as one of the main components in our office and offers the universal “I” symbol denoting an information center is located here. With each walk-in, visitors and prospective businesses are able to take multiple pieces of information that the Chamber provides. It is often their first point of contact in our community. When we mail out relocation and/or vacation packets, a variety of information is sent, including information about the City of Auburn, parks & recreation, public art, the golf course, trails, etc., as well as Auburn businesses and visitor services. The valuable contribution the Chamber is uniquely able to provide in its contract with the City, is our ability to staff the Visitor Information Center with employees having extensive personal knowledge of the greater Auburn area, and a genuine desire to promote the City of Auburn. With the construction for the Division Street Promenade, we have seen a marked decrease in the amount of walk-ins, but we are pleased to know that those individuals and businesses that want to find us, have been able to. We are excitedly anticipating the opening of this new “jewel” for our community, which will create a more appealing entrance to our office. Produce and distribute the City business directory, community profile, street maps, and lists containing information about community resources and/or business services. Respond to requests from publishers seeking information about Auburn for their magazines, web pages and/or directories. Provide City hotels with brochures promoting local attractions, businesses and shops. The Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce produces a Community Directory each year in January and prints 5,000. All but 240 of the 2011 directories have been distributed. We will have the 2012 directories delivered to us in mid-January. We currently distribute these Community Directories to: City Hall Member advertisers for use with prospective and current customers and firms Auburn Library Muckleshoot Library Senior Center Parks & Rec Building Auburn Airport Local Hotels Small Business Assistance Center Green River Community College The SuperMall All event visitors that deal directly with our Tourism Marketing Coordinator DI.C 3 | Page New teachers (in conjunction with the New Teacher Breakfast hosted by the Chamber and the Auburn School District’s recruitment efforts); and We mail out the Community Directory in the Chamber's "Relocation/Tourism/Inquiry Packets" The Chamber’s Community Directory continues to receive a very strong response from the Auburn Business Community. We believe the desire of local businesses to advertise in the Community Directory is an affirmation of the effectiveness of the Chamber's Community Directory in presenting the strengths and assets of the Auburn area, and local businesses, to both current and prospective visitors. They see it as a primary resource for direct contact with their customers and clients. The Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce also produces a Local Area Map every two to three years. 10,000 of each edition are printed. Our map came out in June 2011 and of those 10,000 we have been able to distribute approximately 4,000 thus far. We currently distribute these Local Area Maps to: City Hall Member advertisers Auburn Library Muckleshoot Library Senior Center Parks & Rec Building Auburn Airport Local Hotels Small Business Assistance Center Green River Community College The SuperMall All event visitors that deal directly with our Tourism Marketing Coordinator New teachers (in conjunction with the New Teacher Breakfast hosted by the Chamber and the Auburn School District’s recruitment efforts); and We mail out the Local Area Map in the Chamber's "Relocation/Tourism/Inquiry Packets" DI.C 4 | Page PROVIDE SUPPORT AND SERVICE TO THE CITY'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GOALS AND OUTREACH TO CURRENT AND FUTURE BUSINESS COMMUNITY MEMBERS. Assist the City in meeting with current and potential businesses to discuss inducements to conducting or locating a business in Auburn. Provide input, feedback and serve on City technical and advisory committees for issues. (Proposed city codes, comprehensive plans and updates, design review, proposed capital improvements, city business processes, and other emerging issues mutually agreed upon.) Serve as the referral service for individuals seeking to do business with an Auburn business. Meet with and provide tours of the City, when scheduling permits, for prospective business investors in conjunction with the City's Economic Development Manager and Planning Department. Actively promote Auburn to prospective new business investors by attending meetings and providing appropriate information. Maintain and provide demographic information up to a 30-mile radius from the downtown area. Organize and conduct orientations for new employee groups as an incentive for businesses to locate in Auburn. Chamber leaders and the Chamber’s President & COO have been active participants on the all important Streets Task Force (twice); and took the lead on the Urban Core Task Force, a new 50-year visioning process for the downtown area and surrounding business community. The Chamber’s President & COO has greatly appreciated the opportunity to be called in as an active participate in significant recruitment and retention meetings, partnering with the City’s Economic Development Manager and the City’s Planning Director. The Chamber has furthered the partnership with the City’s Economic Development staff in co-sponsoring several events such as: Import/Export Forum; Business Development Classes, and more that are scheduled for the coming months. Chamber staff members have been active in giving “windshield tours” of the city to prospective businesses whenever requested. The Chamber participates, along with other chambers, with the Valley Cities Mayors' group to identify issues where it may forge and implement partnerships on issues critical to enhance economic vitality for Auburn, and the south-end region. The Chamber is also an integral founding partner on the South Sound Chambers of Commerce Legislative Coalition (SSCCLC) that puts forth issues to better our region’s economy. The Chamber just took on the added responsibility as being the Administrator for the SSCCLC. Chamber board members, especially executive committee members, have actively (proactively) been soliciting new businesses to move to Auburn. (Example: Ronnie Roberts with Gosanko Chocolate Art recruited U-Line to open a facility in Auburn.) DI.C 5 | Page PROVIDE A SERVICE TO PROMOTE TOURISM AWARENESS FOR THE CITY OF AUBURN. Coordinate all public relations, marketing, media relations, advertising, and event planning for the Auburn Tourism Board. Liaise on marketing and communications matters and coordinate with the individual Board members, who comprise representatives from the City Council, the Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce, all the major attractions, the lodging sector and other tourism-related businesses. Follow up on activities to involve existing and new strategic partners. Several Chamber Board Members and the President & COO participate on the Auburn Tourism Board, working to bring tourists to our area. This effort both builds the growing strength of our local tourism economy and generates additional sales tax revenues to support city services including both capital and operational expenses. As part of our 5-year Strategic Plan, the Chamber's leadership is committed to pursuing a community-wide, partnership effort to market on a consistent basis a branded welcome message to tourists in connection with all the major events that put heads in beds, dollars in retail establishments and seats in restaurants. Our Tourism Marketing Coordinator, Debbie Luce, has provided a comprehensive report to the City Council Members on the progress of the Tourism Board and the great strides made with that Board. This report highlights the 2nd year of our highly successful Autumn Wedding Show. (See separate report from Debbie Luce.) DI.C 6 | Page Summary Data Regarding Visitor Information, Tourism & Economic Development Inquiries The following data reflects recorded Chamber activity in responding to Visitor Information Center (Tourism) and Economic Development Inquiries from January 1, 2011 through November 1, 2011. Visitor Information Center/Tourism Walk-ins 2,759 (down due to road construction) Phone 15,232 (up due to road construction) Email 11,935 Mail Incoming 562 Outgoing 8,517 Economic Development Walk-ins 53 Phone 197 Email 42 Mail Incoming 11 Outgoing 83 General Information Request (non VIC/Tourism/ED related) Combined 6,714 Amount of time spent on each: Walk-ins: 15 - 60 minutes Phone: 3 - 30 minutes Email: 3 - 5 minutes Mail: 3 - 15 minutes Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with this year-end status report identifying some of the highlights of the services the Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce is pleased to provide the City pursuant to our contract for services. We look forward to another year of providing these essentials services for the City of Auburn. Sincerely, AUBURN AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Nancy E. Wyatt President/COO DI.C Auburn Tourism Board 2011 Accomplishments Overall Accomplishments that follow the Strategic Plan: Worked with Finance Senior Accountant for monthly financial review Maintain Website and Blog Negotiated 2011 contract with Clear Channel for banners at the Sounder Train Station Participate in City Events representing the Tourism Board Answer all tourism related questions from walk-ins and phone calls 1. Respond to all tourism information requests with follow up if necessary - phone, mail and website 2. Respond to all newcomer inquires about Auburn Update Chamber staff on current events that are tourism related Update Tourism Partners and Hotels on current events Continue to work closely with City of Auburn, Parks Department, Multimedia, Senior Citizens Supervisor, The Auburn Downtown Association and Cultural Arts to assist in promotion, advertising and up coming events Continue to work with Auburn School District to promote school functions that need hotel accommodations: Bands for Veterans Day Parade, Soft Ball and Fast Pitch Tournaments, Cup Stacking Tournament, Miss Auburn Pageant, Jazz Festival, Junior Olympics etc. Other groups: YMCA, NW Skating Invitational at Auburn Skate Connection, Auburn Airport Continue branding in all forms of printed materials, banners, ads, website design Hold and coordinate monthly ATB meetings Prepare all paperwork for meeting including agenda, financials and minutes Attended all ATB meetings, organized meetings and produced meeting materials Organize Visitor Information material in Chamber lobby Work with and visit all hotels on a weekly basis - more if needed Check all websites of attractions on a weekly basis for updated information Develop and Implement ATB Monthly Update Calendar Distribute Updated Calendar to hotels to inform front desk staff and management of upcoming events Post monthly calendars in 7 locations: B Street Plaza kiosk, Train Station, Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce, Auburn Ave., SuperMall, The Auburn Downtown Association and Auburn Reporter Updates and FYI’s go to all of the ATB partners on a regular basis Updates also act as a communication tool to update partners on important information that might affect their business Post yearly and monthly events on website and in the Chamber Connections Newsletter Write tourism article each month in the Chamber Connections Keep up to date restaurant list, with recommendations on large group choices DI.C Tourism Website Incorporated the “More Than You Imagined” branding to the overall look of the site which is used in all printed material Ensure lodging and restaurant information is complete and valid Up to date attraction information Up to date new business information Working on content development and updating on a weekly basis Post all current events Add links and removed them as needed Add news and media articles Update any Hotel or Business Partner changes Answered all inquiries from site Worked on maximization of links from and to the Auburn Tourism site and ATB’s reps’ site Auburn news feed directly from the Tourism Blog which keeps the Home Page current Things To Do section automatically populates from the calendar Highlight months largest events on website Home Page Continue to Update Tourism Fact Sheet Update all facts on the two sided sheet as needed Displayed in Chamber lobby Send out in every information and newcomer packet Maintain partner contact list Maintain list on a monthly basis Continue to seek new valued partners Local Community Outreach Program Welcome Display at the front counter of the Finance Department with business cards, brochures and directions to Visitor Center Worked with the Auburn Reporter to include tourism in the 2011 Residence Guide Attend South King County Event and Wedding Vendors Meet-Up Continued to reach out to clubs and organizations as guest speaker Cold call to local businesses with hotel information and attractions Distribute chocolate bars with City logo to area businesses and groups Developed Tourism Packet for visitor as well as business travelers for HR departments Write monthly article for Chamber Connections Newsletter Continue to use the More Than You Imagined tag line Maintained a great working relationship with all major local and area attractions and local hotels Maintain an ongoing branding image for Auburn Tourism Third year participating with DECA DI.C Participate in Veterans Day Parade Participate in yearly Association of Visitor Information Centers of Washington (AVICW) conference Second year as a Board Member on the AVICW Board of Directors and participate in quarterly Board Meetings Participate in opening day of the International Farmers Market Provide Tote Bag for the International Farmers Market sponsored by Emerald Downs Our goal in 2009 was to continue to educate our local citizens by showcasing all the tourism opportunities available in Auburn. We also wanted to promote the opening of the Auburn International Farmers Market. This being accomplished in 2009 our goal was to expand our outreach outside of Auburn. The Board of Directors and the Lodging Tax Advisory Board decided to have a Wedding Show to accomplish our goal while still showcasing all that Auburn has to offer. The 2010 Autumn Wedding Show at Emerald Downs was a huge success allowing us to host an even larger Wedding Show in 2011. There were over 3,000 guests attending the 2010 show. Auburn businesses were given a $100 discounted vendor rate and prime booth placement. Our hotels were given free 5 x 10 booth space. 2011 Autumn Wedding Show at Emerald Downs October 1st and 2nd Developed Budget Updated the 2010 website Developed a time line Developed Vendor Rules & Guidelines Developed Application for Vendors Began sending out information packets on a weekly basics Sent a total of 500 or more letters and applications and developed a good vendor list in all wedding related categories Designed a filing system for vendors Designed Sponsor Packets Designed Save the Date Cards for Vendors to display in their businesses Signed-up Tote Bag Sponsor - The Mane Team Booked Fashion Show with Group USA and Rottles Clothing & Shoes Acquired a vendor to oversee the Fashion Shows Signed up - models Worked with the Wolf Radio for Grand Prize Worked with Star Radio for Grand Prize Kept Website up to date Completed art work for Emerald Downs programs Sent out invoices Designed all print material Had display table at all Chamber Luncheons with Banner In Chamber E-blasts In Chambers Slide Show at luncheons Continue to gather information on advertising opportunities DI.C Arranged concessions for vendors Had additional advertising with the Wolf giving vendor prizes on the air Advertising on both radio stations websites Added Vendor “How To Seminars” for both Saturday & Sunday Secured Banner Permits Secured advertising at SuperMall rolling kiosks Worked with MC and Fashion Show content Secured Mayor Prize Sponsor - $3,200 Engagement Ring and $1,000 Gift Certificate Marci Jewelers Attended Hat’s and Heels on August 13th for possible vendors Secured 2,500 Free Wedding Magazines to give out Designed and ordered Bridal Gift Bag Advertising: 1. E Entertainment, Travel Channel, TLC and Style. Advertising began on September 19th 2. Star 101.5 - Two week radio campaign and 2 hour remote on Saturday 3. Wolf 107.7 Two week radio campaign 4. 16 Screens Kiosk at the SuperMall. 5. ShowCase Media on their website and magazine 6. Advertising on the Knot website 7. Advertising on Seattle Weekly e-blast to 5,000 subscribers 8. Adverting on MySeattleWedding.com 9. Auburn Reporter 10. Posters 11. Banners 12. Highline Community College Newsletter 13. Save the Date Cards 14. Chamber News Letters 15. Emerald Downs Newsletters 16. Emerald Downs Program the entire racing season. 17. AutumnWeddingShow.com 18. AuburnTourism.com 19. Chamber e-blasts 20. South Sound Wedding & Event Magazine 21. Chamber Luncheons Final Vendors 64 Chamber Ambassadors help vendors set up Over 2,500 people attended Handed out 750 gift bags Already have vendors set up for next year We are now on the Wedding Show circuit for 2012 Letters and applications will be sent out to all 2011 Vendors Prepared and sent out Brides List, Groom List and Other List Sent Thanks You letter to models in Fashion Show Send out surveys to all vendors DI.C Hotel Occupancy Occupancy came up a little from last year All 6 hotels had a good summer Visited hotels regularly asking if they have special groups coming in that we can make goodie bags for their guests (great PR) Have assisted hotels with various issues on a regular basis Continue to distribute Thank You for Staying in hotels that are given to large groups and special guest Will once again work with hotels offering Winter Rates from November thru March Also established Special Rates for Emerald Downs, Auburn Regional Medical Center, Funeral Homes Advertising, Researched all possible free advertising Board decided not to participate in printed Guides for 2011/2012 Member of the Tacoma Visitor and Information Center and are in the Tacoma Visitor Guide Arranged inclusion in calendar in Hometown Values - Free Sent 400 Brochures to Tacoma Tall Ships Event again this year Linked our site to all area attraction websites Distribute Map/Brochures - Visited to check on stock count on a regular basis Hotels Airport Local businesses Car Dealers, Rental Car Companies Public Library City Hall Auburn Regional Hospital Parks Department Senior Citizen Center Muckleshoot Casino, Iron Horse Casino, Emerald Downs, White River Amphitheatre, Auburn Ave, SuperMall, Auburn Golf Course, White River Valley Museum, etc. Target Markets determined by the ATB Board. (Certified Folder Display). Work with Certified to insure the best possible information centers to display Map/Brochure Changed our advertising strategies with Certified Folder Display and we will not be advertising with them in 2012 Action Items and Goals which follow the Tourism Boards Program of Work Increase Hotel Occupancy Having met our goals on educating our community first in 2009 and 2010, we expanded our focus to promote to the South Sound area and beyond Resell the Banners at Sounder Train Station and sign a new contract with Clear Channel DI.C Work on 2012 Autumn Bridal Show at Emerald Downs and all related partners 1. Position our event in between Seattle and Tacoma Wedding Events and promote all that we have to offer 2. Advertise our Community as a Tourist Destination 3. Work to make the Wedding Show pay for itself Continue to grow or partnerships Continue to provide up to date information about our city Change advertising strategy to promote Auburn on radio, TV and websites Work to bring in other events Assist all entertainment properties promoting their Special Events Work with PR firm to choose markets to advertise Auburn Work with Green River Community College to provide International Students and their parents special information packets about Auburn Work with Washington Tourism Alliance (Washington has canceled State Tourism Office funding as of July 1, 2011) to make sure we continue to promote Washington and our community Member of the Washington Tourism Alliance DI.C AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4682 Date: November 1, 2011 Department: Public Works Attachments: Resolution No. 4682 Exhibit A Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council adopt Resolution No. 4682. Background Summary: Resolution No. 4682 authorizes the Mayor to execute an interagency agreement with King County for the purpose of constructing a relocated King County sanitary sewer main for the M Street SE Underpass project. The M Street SE Underpass construction requires the relocation of a King County owned 18-inch sanitary sewer main. Per an existing interagency agreement, the City has designed the relocated King County sewer main and included the design in the project construction contract documents. The new interagency agreement will obligate the City to construct the relocated sewer main and King County to pay for the relocation costs. This agreement benefits the City because it will not be subject to delays and additional impacts caused by King County hiring a separate contractor to complete the relocation work in advance of the project. Additionally, the City is constructing a relocated City storm drain pipe adjacent to the relocated King County sewer main and constructing both relocations concurrently during project construction will allow for cost sharing of the trenching, restoration, surveying, and inspection between the City and King County, and lower the City's overall construction costs. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Public Works Councilmember:Staff:Dowdy Meeting Date:November 7, 2011 Item Number:DI.D AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.D RESOLUTION NO. 4 6 8 2 ARESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THECITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT WITH KING COUNTY FOR THEPURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING A RELOCATED KING COUNTYSANITARY SEWER LINE FOR THE M ST SE UNDERPASSPROJECT C201A WHEREAS, the City is the lead agency and is responsible for theplanning, review, design, permitting, right-of-way acquisition and construction of the M Street SEUnderpass ProjecE, hereinafter referred to as the "Project"; and WHEREAS, the County has an 18-inch sanitarysewer line located in thepublic right-of-way in the vicinity of theProjectwhichwill have to be relocated to accommodate the Project; and WHEREAS, there is a mutual benefd to the City and King County in having the City construct the relocatedsanitary sewer main during construction ofithe M Street SE Underpass Project construction; and WHEREAS, King County is willing to compensate the City for its costs to construct the relocated sanitary:sewer main. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITYCOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBYRESOLVES as follows: Section 1. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute an Interagency Agreement with King County for the purpose of constructing the relocation of a King County Sanitary Sewer line for the M St SE UnderpassSeparation Project, in Resolution No.4682 Octotier 13, 2011 Page 1 DI.D substantialconformitywith the agreementamendment attachedhereto, marked as F chibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. That theMayor is authorized to implement such other atlministrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this day of 2011. CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E: Daskam, City Clerk APP VED A TO FORM: Da : eid, City Attomey Resolution No.4682 October 13, 2011 Page 2 DI.D Resolution No. 4682 Exhibit A October 13, 2011 Page 1 of 13 INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF AUBURN AND KING COUNTY (WASTEWATER TREATMENT DIVISION) FOR UTILITY RELOCATION CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATED WITH THE M STREET GRADE SEPARATION PROJECT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as the “County,” and City of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as the “City.” County and City may also be collectively referred to as the “Parties.” WHEREAS, the City has concluded that the re-grading of M Street at SR18, hereinafter referred to as the “Project,” is necessary in order to provide an acceptable level of traffic flow and road safety; and WHEREAS, the City is the lead agency and is responsible for the planning, review, design, permitting, right-of-way acquisition and construction of the Project; and WHEREAS, the County has an 18-inch sanitary sewer line located in the public right-of-way in the vicinity of the Project; and WHEREAS, it will be necessary for the City to perform extra measures, hereinafter referred to as the “Utility Work,” to relocate the sanitary sewer line and maintain the integrity of the County’s sanitary sewer system during the course of the Project; and WHEREAS, the County desires that the Utility Work be performed and is willing to compensate the City for its cost to perform the Utility Work; and WHEREAS, it is deemed to be in the best interest of the public to incorporate the Utility Work, as requested by the County, into the construction contract for the Project; and WHEREAS, the design of the Utility Work is being completed as part of the design work for the Project, under a prior agreement between the City and the County, resulting in plans and specifications for the Utility Work that are to be approved by the County, hereinafter referred to as "Approved 100% Documents"; NOW THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed as follows: 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the mutual rights, responsibilities and obligations of the County and the City for the accomplishment of the Utility Work described in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. No separate legal entity is created by this Agreement. DI.D Resolution No. 4682 Exhibit A October 13, 2011 Page 2 of 13 2. DURATION This Agreement shall become effective immediately upon execution by all parties and shall remain in effect until the Project is complete and the County has paid the City in full for the actual cost of the Utility Work, in accordance with the payment provisions of Section V herein unless terminated sooner, as provided herein. The Parties anticipate the Utility Work will be completed by March 31, 2014. 3. THE CITY’S RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1. The City has completed the environmental review required under the State Environmental Policy Act for the Project and the Utility Work. 3.2. The City shall act as the lead agency for the Project and shall accomplish the Utility Work described in Exhibits A and B on behalf of the County in connection with the Project. The City project manager shall act as the administrator of this cooperative undertaking. The City shall be responsible for compliance with the following County design standards, during the construction phases of the Project, except as indicated in the Approved 100% Documents or as otherwise approved in writing by the County: 3.2.1. Washington State Department of Ecology, Criteria for Sewage Works Design, December 2008. a. Minimum slope for 18-inch sanitary sewer, 0.0012 ft/ft b. Maximum spacing between sanitary sewer manholes is 500 feet. Other requirements 3.2.2 Video sewer prior to placing in service. 3.2.3. Sewer where installed in casing shall be supported to maintain grade and prevent sags. 3.2.4. Side sewer connections shall be made to the City’s lateral sewers (and not to the relocated trunk sewer), except where shown on the Approved 100% Documents. 3.2.5. Access to casing and manholes will be made available via the previously secured easements and right of way as shown in the Approved 100% Documents. 3.3. The City shall do all of the following: 3.3.1. prepare and finalize the construction contract documents for the Utility Work; 3.3.2. publicly bid the Project in accordance with the City’s public contracting procedures, requiring in the bid form a separate bid line item for the Utility Work, except for bid items for which the Utility Work is shared with other project work; 3.3.3. award the Project contract to the lowest responsible, responsive bidder based on the lowest overall bid price. The successful, selected bidder shall be referred to below as the “Contractor;” 3.3.4. administer the Project contract, including accounting and payment to the Contractor and construction management consultant(s) (“Consultant”); 3.3.5. prepare a construction manual that defines roles and responsibilities of the City, King County, Contractor, and Consultant during construction. The construction manual will define communication protocols, specific expectations for inspection, DI.D Resolution No. 4682 Exhibit A October 13, 2011 Page 3 of 13 administration, and management, and will be reviewed and edited for consensus approval by the City, King County, and the Consultant prior to the start of construction. If consensus approval cannot be reached between King County and the City, the Dispute Resolution process described in Section 12 shall be followed; 3.3.6. maintain the Project records; 3.3.7. arrange a preconstruction conference with the Contractor after awarding the contract and invite King County to attend and participate in such conference; 3.3.8. provide all inspection, construction monitoring, testing, construction engineering, management, and administration required to complete the Utility Work; 3.3.9. receive all submittals, requests for information, design clarifications, change orders, and substitution requests from the Contractor, route as appropriate to King County for review and comment, and transmit comments to the Contractor; and 3.3.10. complete the Utility Work in accordance with the Approved 100% Documents by March 31, 2013. 3.4. The Parties agree that the Project and Utility W ork shall be bid, contracted for and constructed in accordance with State and local law applicable to the City public works projects. Any contract issued for the construction of the Project and Utility Work shall comply with all public works and procurement laws and regulations applicable to the City, including, but not limited to, applicable performance and payment bond, prevailing wage, nondiscrimination, retainage, insurance, and workers compensation requirements. The City shall make this Agreement available to prospective bidders for the construction of the Project. The City shall provide the County with a copy of the bid documents from the successful bidder. 3.5. The City will provide County with copies of or electronic access to a) submittals and requests for information ("RFI's") from the Contractor related to the Utility Work; b) submittal and RFI responses from the City to the Contractor; c) weekly schedule updates from the Contractor; d) minutes of meetings with the Contractor during periods the Utility Work is being performed; e) construction photographs related to the Utility Work; f) requests for change orders related to the Utility Work; g) notices from the Contractor related to the Utility Work; h) daily inspection reports; any Utility Work design document updates issued to prospective bidders or the Contractor, including CAD files. These items will be provided within two (2) working days of their receipt or generation by the City. 3.6 The City shall obtain the permits and approvals from all applicable government bodies necessary for the construction of the Utility Work. King County shall have the right to review and approve any permit conditions affecting the Utility Work or King County property. Prior to executing any permit affecting the Utility Work or King County property, the City will provide the permit conditions to King County for review and revision or approval. The City will not execute any permit affecting the Utility Work or King County property without King County approval of the permit conditions. 3.7 The City shall obtain any necessary temporary and/or permanent easements for the construction of the Utility Work. King County shall have the right to review and approve any easement conditions affecting Utility Work or King County property. DI.D Resolution No. 4682 Exhibit A October 13, 2011 Page 4 of 13 3.8. Upon Acceptance of the Utility Work (as defined in the Project construction contract documents), the City shall assign all contractor/equipment warranties related to the Utility Work to King County so that King County can enforce them. 3.9. The County reserves the right to review and reject any plans and specifications developed by the City for Utility Work activities not in compliance with the County’s standards that were not included in the Approved 100% Documents. Prior to implementing any plans or specifications that were not included in the Approved 100% Documents, the City will provide the plans or specifications to King County for review and revision or approval. The City will not implement any plans or specifications not included in the Approved 100% Documents without King County approval. Ultimate responsibility for accuracy and completeness of the City's plans for the Utility Work rests with the City. 3.10. The City, acting for and on behalf of the County, shall provide construction engineering and inspection of the Utility Work based upon plans and specifications reviewed and approved by the County and sound engineering practice. The City will provide copies to the County of all daily inspection reports for work involving the County’s facilities on a weekly basis. Inspection of construction activities by the City shall not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the adequacy of performance. The City shall allow reasonable access to the Utility Work by County personnel, should the County elect to supplement the City's inspection services. 3.11. The City shall bill the County for costs related to the Utility Work incurred by the City and/or the Consultant(s) and Contractor(s) in accordance with the payment provisions of Section 5 of this Agreement. 3.12. The City shall initiate and coordinate final inspection and the follow through with completion of items listed on the County’s punch list with the Contractor. 3.13. The City shall provide the County with a set of “as-built” drawings of all Utility Work for the County’s permanent records, within six (6) months of the final acceptance of the Utility Work. As-built drawings to be submitted shall include a full size red-lined plan set and a scanned drawing set in PDF format on CD. As-builts may be sent to the the County address noted in section15 of the Agreement (Notices). 3.14. Upon completion of the Utility Work, the City will transfer ownership to the County, without further charge or expense and by Bill of Sale with warranty of title, all of the facilities comprising the Utility Work and shall assign to King County any permits and easements issued to the City for such facilities at no charge. 3.15. Any obligations of the City beyond the current fiscal year are subject to local legislative appropriation of funds for the specific purpose of funding this Project in accordance with ordinances of the City and applicable law. 4. THE COUNTY’S RESPONSIBILITIES DI.D Resolution No. 4682 Exhibit A October 13, 2011 Page 5 of 13 4.1. The County shall be responsible for the actual costs of construction engineering, construction labor, inspection, and contract administration related to the Utility Work, and shall reimburse the City for such costs in accordance with the terms of Section V of this Agreement. 4.2. The County shall make all reasonable efforts to cooperate with the Project Consultant(s) and Contractor(s) in facilitating the Utility Work as set forth in Exhibit A, and make necessary personnel available so as to not delay the Contractor’s construction schedule. 4.3. The County shall, within twenty-one (21) calendar days after notification of completion of the Utility Work, issue written notification to the City of any deficiencies or of acceptance of the work performed on behalf of the County. The City’s Contractor shall correct any deficiencies. If, after the twenty-one (21) day period, notification has not been received by the City, from the County, then the Utility Work shall be considered complete and accepted by the County. 4.4. The County may, if it desires, furnish an inspector for the Utility Work. Any costs for such inspection will be borne solely by the County. All contact between said inspector and the City’s Contractor shall be through the the City’s on-site representative who shall be identified at the preconstruction conference. 4.5. Any obligations of the County beyond the current fiscal year are subject to and contingent upon the appropriation of funds by the King County Council for the specific purpose of funding the Utility Work in accordance with the King County Charter and applicable law. Should such an appropriation not be approved, then this Agreement shall terminate at the close of the current appropriation year and King County will be responsible for completing any unfinished Utility Work The appropriation year ends on December 31 of each year. 4.6. County shall not be required to relocate, modify or adjust, at County expense, the Utility Work constructed pursuant to this Agreement, to accommodate the City’s widening or improvement (except adjustments required for routine maintenance and preservation such as adjusting manhole lids) of L Street SE, 6th Street SE or 4th Street SE for a period of ten (10) years after the Utility Work is accepted by the County. 5. PAYMENT 5.1. The County agrees to reimburse the City for the actual cost of the Utility Work without mark-up of any kind. The City’s estimate of costs is shown in Exhibit B, Preliminary Cost Summary, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 5.2. The City shall provide the County monthly with properly executed invoices showing expenditures during the previous month on the Utility Work. Invoices shall be based on and itemize the Consultant's payments applicable to the Utility Work and Contractor’s payments, equipment, materials and labor expended on the Utility Work, as described in Section 5.3 below. Invoices shall be documented to the reasonable satisfaction of the County. Properly documented invoices shall be paid by the County within sixty (60) days of receipt by the County. Notice of any potential dispute regarding such payment request shall be made in writing within the same time period. Payment by the County shall not constitute agreement as to the appropriateness of any item or acceptance of the work so represented. At the time of final audit, all required adjustments related to any potential dispute for which notice has been timely given shall be made and reflected in a final payment. DI.D Resolution No. 4682 Exhibit A October 13, 2011 Page 6 of 13 5.3. The County shall pay the City for the following costs: 5.3.1. The final cost (without any mark-up for City administrative costs) of all contract items related to the Utility Work, as shown in Schedule B of the bid proposal of the successful bidder, and the proportions of the bid amounts in Schedules A, C and D that are attributable to the Utility Work as estimated in Exhibit B; and 5.3.2. Actual costs of City expenditures for construction engineering, inspection, administration and management attributable to the Utility Work, as estimated in Exhibit B. Costs for City staff shall include labor only and exclude mark-up of any kind. Consultant costs shall include the Consultant’s labor, overhead, and fee; and 5.3.4 The cost of any extra work associated with the Utility Work within the amount of the “Contingency” as shown in Exhibit B, and any costs for extra work that have been approved in accordance with Section 8. 5.4. Invoices will provide a summary of labor, equipment, materials, benefits and overhead, other charges and the total amount due and will include supporting documentation. If any invoice seeks reimbursement of City employee labor hours, then the invoice shall state the labor hours expended by individual City employees along with their applicable labor rates. 5.5. Upon completion of the Project, the City shall conduct a final audit of the Project in accordance with standards of the Washington State Department of Transportation. At the time of the final audit, all adjustments required shall be made and shall be reflected in a final billing to the County. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the audit and final billing, the County shall notify the City in writing of any objections to the audit and/or billing. If no objections are timely filed, the County shall make final payment to the City and such final payment shall constitute an acceptance by the County of the City’s costs and accounting. 6. HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFICATION 6.1. The City shall hold harmless, indemnify and defend the County, its officers, appointed and elected officials, employees and agents, from and against any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, expenses, damages and judgments of any nature whatsoever, including costs and attorney’s fees in defense thereof, for injury, sickness, disability or death to persons or damage to property or business, caused by or arising out of the Project and/or services performed under this Agreement, whether arising before, during or after completion of the Project or services and whether suffered by the City, its officials, employees and/or agents or any other person or entity. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the City’s obligation hereunder shall not extend to injury, sickness, death or damage caused by or arising out of the sole negligence of the County, its officers, elected and appointed officials, employees or agents; the City expressly and specifically agrees that its obligations under this paragraph extend to any claim, action, suit, liability, loss, expense, damage and/or judgment brought by or on behalf of any of its appointed or elected officials, employees or agents. For this purpose, the City, hereby expressly and specifically waives, with respect to the County only, any immunity that would otherwise be available against such claims under the Industrial Insurance provisions of Title 51 RCW. DI.D Resolution No. 4682 Exhibit A October 13, 2011 Page 7 of 13 6.2. The City will require its consultants, Contractor,subcontractors and suppliers of any tier to defend, indemnify and hold harmless King County, its officers, officials, and employees from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney’s fees and costs, arising out of or in connection with the design, development and construction of the Utility Work and Project except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of King County. 7. TERMINATION 7.1. The City has the right to terminate this Agreement by providing written notice to the County if the City determines not to undertake the Project or to discontinue the Project, in which case the County shall only be responsible for costs authorized under Section 5.3 herein incurred by the City prior to the City’s notice of termination. 7.2. The County has the right to terminate this Agreement by providing written notice to the City prior to the award of the construction contract, in which case the County shall be responsible only for those costs authorized under Section 5.3 incurred by the City in executing the necessary contract changes to delete the Utility Work. 7.3. After award of the construction contract by the City, the County may terminate this Agreement only upon thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to the City. In that event, the County shall be responsible for all costs authorized under Section 5.3 incurred by the City and all bona fide costs claimed by the Contractor in performing the Utility Work up to and including the date of termination and in deleting the Utility Work from the Project. 8. EXTRA WORK There may be unforeseen conditions requiring immediate resolution during the construction phase of the Project such as construction disputes and claims, changed conditions and changes in the construction work. Reimbursement for increased construction engineering and/or construction contract amounts for the Utility Work shall be limited to costs covered by a modification, change order or extra work order approved as follows: 8.1. Should it be determined that a change to the Project plans and specifications is required for the Utility Work, the City, through its project manager, shall notify the County at least three (3) working days prior to commencing work on the changed work. Should the County determine that a change to the Project plans and specifications is required for some element of the Utility Work, the County shall notify the City prior to the Contractor commencing work on that element. The City will instruct the Contractor to make reasonable changes requested by the County. If a request for a change to an element of the Utility Work is received from the County after the Contractor has commenced work on that element, the City will evaluate reasonable requests on a case by case basis and instruct the contractor to incorporate changes at its discretion. 8.2. Any change in the Utility Work, which would cause the “Total Cost” to exceed the amount shown in Exhibit B will require a binding Letter of Agreement, signed by both the City Mayor or his/her designee and the County Wastewater Treatment Division Director or his/her designee, describing the changed scope of work and the estimated change in the Utility Work cost. DI.D Resolution No. 4682 Exhibit A October 13, 2011 Page 8 of 13 8.3. In the event of a claim by the Contractor(s), each party shall be responsible for its proportionate share based on its proportionate responsibility for the claim, PROVIDED THAT nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to make the County responsible for a Contractor(s) claim, to the extent that it is caused by the actions, inactions or responsibilities of the City and/or its agents, employees or consultants, including the Consultant . 9. INSURANCE 9.1. Prior to commencement of construction of the Project, the City shall cause the Contractor to maintain the following insurance coverages and provide the County with evidence thereof: 9.1.1. General Liability. Coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office form number CG 00 01 Ed. 11-88 covering COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY. $5,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence, and for those policies with aggregate limits, a $5,000,000 aggregate limit. Excess/Umbrella Liability coverage may be provided to satisfy the required limits. 9.1.2. Automobile Liability. Coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office form number CA 00 01 Ed. 12/90 covering BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE, symbol 1 “any auto”; or the combination of symbols 2, 8, and 9. $5,000,000 combined single limit per accident. Excess/Umbrella Liability coverage may be provided to satisfy the required limits. 9.1.3. Workers’ Compensation. Statutory requirements of the State of residency. Coverage shall be at least as broad as Workers’ Compensation coverage, as required by the Industrial Insurance Act of the State of Washington, as well as any similar coverage required for this work by applicable Federal or “other States” State Law. 9.1.4. Employer’s Liability or “Stop Gap”. Coverage shall be at least as broad as the protection provided by the Workers Compensation policy Part 2 (Employers Liability) or, in states with monopolistic state funds, the protection provided by the “Stop Gap” endorsement to the general liability policy. Limit: $ 1,000,000. 9.2. The City shall cause the insurance to be maintained until acceptance of the Project or for such longer time as required by the City ’s contract with the Contractor. 9.3. The City shall cause the Contractor(s) to name King County as an additional insured under Commercial General Liability and Business Automobile Liability Insurance with respect to primary and non-contributory limits in accordance with a standard separation of insureds clause, and the County shall be provided not less than 45 days prior written notice of cancellation (10 days with respect to cancellation for non-payment of premium) per RCW 48.18.290. 9.4. All insurers shall either be licensed to conduct business in the State of Washington and rated A-:VII in the A.M. Best’s Key Rating Guide or filed as a surplus lines placement by an authorized Washington State Surplus Lines Insurance Broker. Any form of self-insured retentions in excess of $25,000 shall be disclosed and are subject to approval by the County. 9.5. Prior to commencement of the Project, as documentation of insurance as required hereunder, the City shall cause the Contractor(s) to provide certificates of insurance with copies of the actual additional insured policy endorsements or blanket additional insured DI.D Resolution No. 4682 Exhibit A October 13, 2011 Page 9 of 13 wording stating that the County is an additional insured. All insurance documentation shall be delivered to: King County Risk Management Section 10. KING COUNTY’S RELATION TO CONTRACTOR With respect to the Utility Work only, the City shall cause the contract between the City and the Contractor to state that for purposes of the construction of the Utility Work, the County is a third-party beneficiary of the contract including without limitation its indemnification provisions, and that all of the Contractor’s representations, warranties and guarantees and those of the Contractor’s suppliers of material used in the Utility Work run to and benefit the County. Other than as stated in this paragraph with respect to the Contractor, the Parties do not intend that this paragraph be interpreted to create any obligation or liability or promise of performance to any third party, other than the Parties, for purposes of construction of the Utility Work. The City agrees that the contract between the City and the Contractor shall (i) state explicitly that, with respect to the Project, King County is a third party beneficiary of such contract and (ii) require the insurance described in section 9 herein. The City represents that it will give a copy of this Agreement to the Contractor. 11 PROJECT RECORDS Upon request by the other Party, each Party will provide, within ten (10) calendar days of any request, or if the request is voluminous or is for documents in several locations then in a reasonable time, any Project-related documentation in its possession or in the possession of its agents, Contractors and Consultants (except documents that are not subject to the Washington State Public Records Act, Ch. 42.56 RCW), including but not limited to environmental analyses, geo-technical reports, engineers estimates, bid tabulations, contractor submittals, and contract payment records relating to the Project or Project Site. In addition for a period not less than six (6) years from the final payment to the City, the City shall keep all records and accounting pertaining to the Project available for inspection and audit by the State and copies of all records, accounts, documents or other data pertaining to the Project shall be furnished upon request. If any litigation, claim, or audit is commenced, the records and accounts along with supporting documentation shall be retained by the City until all litigation, claim or audit finding has been resolved even though such litigation, claim, or audit may continue past the six-year retention period. 12. DISPUTE RESOLUTION 12.1. In the event the City and the County disagree over whether the Contractor has fulfilled its obligations under the Utility Work scope of work, the City reserves the right to make the final decision as to the acceptability of the work. If a dispute arises between the County and the City, the parties agree that they will attempt to resolve the issue through mutual negotiation. In the event that the Parties are not able to reach an agreement through such negotiation the Parties agree to engage in mediation in order to resolve the dispute. Mediation may be requested by either party, and shall be attempted prior to the institution of any lawsuit arising under this Agreement. Each party shall designate, in writing, not more than three candidates it proposes to act as a non-binding mediator within ten days following notification of a dispute. The candidates proposed shall be from Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services (JAMS) or Judicial Dispute Resolution (JDR) or shall be a neutral, independent and DI.D Resolution No. 4682 Exhibit A October 13, 2011 Page 10 of 13 recognized expert in the field in which the dispute arises. If the Parties cannot agree on one of the mediators from the combined list within five days, then the Parties shall promptly meet and select a mediator by blind draw. Upon selection of the mediator, the Parties shall within 30 days, or as soon thereafter as possible, meet and engage in a mediation of the dispute with the assistance of the mediator. The cost for the mediation services shall be borne equally between the Parties, each party paying one-half of the cost. The mediator shall determine reasonable procedures. Testimony and briefing, if any, provided to the mediator shall be inadmissible in any subsequent court proceedings. If mediation fails to resolve the dispute, the Parties may thereafter seek redress in court. Venue and jurisdiction shall lie with the King County Superior Court in Seattle, Washington. 12.2. This Agreement has been made pursuant to, and shall be construed according to, the laws of the State of Washington. 13. PROPERTY Any real or personal property acquired or used by any party in connection with this Agreement will be acquired, held, and disposed of by that party in its discretion, and other parties will have no joint or other interest therein. Upon termination of this Agreement, real and personal property acquired through this Agreement shall be retained or disposed of in the manner provided by law. 14. CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS Either party may request changes, amendments, or additions to any portion of this Agreement; however, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, no such change, amendment, or addition to any portion of this Agreement shall be valid or binding upon either party unless it is in writing and executed by both parties. All such changes shall be made part of this Agreement. 15. NOTICES Unless otherwise directed in writing, notices, reports and payments shall be delivered to each party as follows: City of Auburn King County Public Works Department King County Department of Natural Jacob Sweeting, P.E. Resources and Parks 25 West Main Street Wastewater Treatment Division Auburn, WA Susan Hildreth, P.E. 98001 Mailstop KSC-NR-0509 201 South Jackson Street Seattle, Washington 98104-3855 Notices mailed by either party shall be deemed effective on the date mailed. Either party may change its address for receipt of reports, notices, or payments by giving the other written notice of not less than five (5) days prior to the effective date. For accounting purposes, the respective Federal Tax Identification Numbers are: City of Auburn: 91-6001228 King County: 91-6001327 DI.D Resolution No. 4682 Exhibit A October 13, 2011 Page 11 of 13 16. ENTIRE AGREEMENT These provisions represent the entire and integrated agreement of the parties and may not be modified or amended except as provided herein. Any understanding, whether oral or written, which is not incorporated herein is expressly excluded. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement, effective on the latest date shown below. The signatories below represent and warrant that they possess the authority to execute this Agreement and bind their respective entities. CITY OF AUBURN KING COUNTY Wastewater Treatment Division By: By: __ Pete Lewis Date Pam Elardo Date Mayor Wastewater Treatment Division Director DI.D Resolution No. 4682 Exhibit A October 13, 2011 Page 12 of 13 EXHIBIT A KING COUNTY WASTEWATER TREATMENT DIVISION UTILITY WORK ASSOCIATED WITH THE M STREET GRADE SEPARATION PROJECT Utility Work Description Relocation of the existing 18” King County Sewer Main and appurtenances in M Street SE, Auburn, Washington between 6th Street SE and 3rd Street SE as required to construction the M Street SE Grade Separation Project. The relocated alignment will follow M Street SE to 6th Street SE to L Street SE, to 4th Street SE to M Street SE, and will be lowered to accommodate the lowered streets. The work includes approximately 1,750 feet of new sewer main construction, 280 feet of bored pipe and casing beneath SR18 and the BNSF right-of-way, 9 new manholes, trenching and roadway restoration, traffic control, by-pass pumping, erosion control, construction administration and management, and all other construction related work necessary to complete the relocation. DI.D Resolution No. 4682 Exhibit A October 13, 2011 Page 13 of 13 EXHIBIT B KING COUNTY WASTEWATER TREATMENT DIVISION UTILITY WORK ASSOCIATED WITH THE M STREET GRADE SEPARATION PROJECT Preliminary Cost Summary Work Element Estimate King County % City of Auburn % King County Cost Construction Contract – Construction of relocation King County sewer main, manholes, and appurtenances (Utility Work) $1,046,000 100% 0% $1,046,000 Construction Contract – Construction of City of Auburn M Street Grade Separation $13,838,400 0% 100% $0 Consultant – Construction Management, Inspection, Administration, and Survey $1,800,000 7.65% 92.35% $137,700 City of Auburn – Construction Management, Administration $200,000 7.65% 92.35$ $15,300 Construction Contingency for Utility Work (≈10%) $100,000 100% 0% $100,000 Total $1,299,400 DI.D AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4763 Date: October 28, 2011 Department: Administration Attachments: Resolution No. 4763 Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council adopt Resolution No. 4763 Background Summary: The preparation of an annual action plan is required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in order for the City to receive federal funds under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. The City operates under a Consolidated Plan that is currently in effect for 2010-2014. The Action Plan outlines proposed expenditures to implement the goals of the City's Consolidated Plan. It identifies federal and local funds expected to be available, indicates the activities on which they will be spent, and sets goals for the number and type of services expected to be provided. The City of Auburn anticipates approx. $60,000 of unused CDBG funds will be available for projects that are consistent with federal regulations and objectives and policies of the Auburn Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan. Planned projects include construction of Terry Home II ($50K) and rehabilitation of a City-owned transitional house ($10K). The process of a substantial amendment process is required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in order for the City to receive federal funds under the Community Development Block Grant-Recovery (CDBG-R) program. A public notice and a brief description about the amendment to the 2009, 2010 & 2011 Annual Action Plans were published in The Seattle Times and posted on the City's website. City Council will conduct a public hearing on the amendment on Nov. 7, 2011. The Planning and Community Development Committee and the Finance committee are scheduled to review and discuss the draft. AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.E Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Planning And Community Development Other: Human Services Committee Councilmember:Staff:Hursh Meeting Date:November 7, 2011 Item Number:DI.E AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.E RESOLUTION NO. 4 7 6 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ?HE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON; RELATING TOTHE AMENDMENT OF THE 2009, 2010 AND 2011 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN UPDATES OF THE CONSOCIDATED RLAN WHEREAS, theCity of Aubum was designated as,an entitlementcommunity bythe U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program; and WHEREAS, the primary objective of the Consolidated Planand CDBG Program is the development of viable urban communities byproviding decent housing and a suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low- and moderate-income; and WHEREAS, to reallocate funds fromprioryears' projects which are not active a substantial amendmentmust'be made to the Plan, the City of Aubum must amend the 2009, 2010and 2011 Annual Action Plans for its Gonsolidated Plan that serves as a federally required planning document to guide the City of Aubum's human ervice and community developmentefforts; and WHEREA8, the planning process to develop the Consolidated Plan involved citizen participation and guidance from non-profit and govemmental agencies servinglowincome residents in the community; and WHEREAS, the City Counal of the City of Aubum heardand considered public commenY about its proposed use ofi CommunityDevelopment Block Grant funds and amendment to the 2009;2010 and 2011 AnnualAction Plans; Resolution No. 4763 November 2, 2011 Page 1 of 2 DI.E NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITYCOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DOESHEREBY RESOLVE TO: Section 1. The City hereby amends the 2009, 2010 and 2011 Annual Action Plans and adopts the amendmentto its 2009, 2010 and 2011 Annual Action Plan Updates to the Consolidated Plan Section_2. The Mayor is herebyauthorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carryout directions of the legislation. Section 3. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon passage and signatures hereon. DATED and SIGNED this day of November,2011. Peter B. Cewis Mayor ATTEST: DanielleDaskam, City Clerk APP D ORM: niel B. Heid,Attomey Resolution No. 4763 November 2, 2011 Page 2 of 2 DI.E AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4764 Date: October 28, 2011 Department: Administration Attachments: Resolution No. 4764 Draft 2012 Annual Action Plan Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council adopt Resolution No. 4764. Background Summary: The preparation of an annual action plan is required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in order for the City to receive federal funds under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. The City operates under a Consolidated Plan that is currently in effect for 2010-2014. The 2012 Annual Action Plan outlines proposed expenditures to implement the City's efforts related to its CDBG projects. It identifies federal and local funds expected to be available, indicates the activities on which they will be spent, and sets goals for the number and type of services expected to be provided. 2012 CDBG funding is expected to be approximately $400,000 for projects that are consistent with federal regulations and the objectives and policies of the Auburn Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan. A public notice and a brief description about the 2012 Annual Action Plans was published in The Seattle Times and posted on the City's website. City Council will conduct a public hearing on the amendment on Nov. 7, 2011. The Planning and Community Development Committee and the Finance committee are scheduled to review and discuss the draft. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Planning And Community Development Other: Human Services Committee Councilmember:Staff:Hursh Meeting Date:November 7, 2011 Item Number:DI.F AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.F RESOLUTION NO. 4 7 6 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNGIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE 2012 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCKGRANT ACTION PLAN FOR 'THE CONSOLIDATED PLANFOR YEARS 2010T0 2014 WHEREAS, theCity of Aubum was designated as an entitlement community by the U.S. Departmentof Nousing andUrban Development (HUD) for its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program; and WHEREAS, theprimary objective of the Consolidated Plan andCDBG Program is the development of viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low- and moderate-income; and WHEREAS, to be eligible for funding, the City of Aubum must annually update the action plan for its Consolidated Plan that serves as a federally required planning document to guide the City of Aubum's human service and community developmentefforts; and WHEREAS, the planning process to develop the Gonsolidated Plan involved citizen participation and guidancefrom non-profit and govemmental agencies servinglowincome resideMs in thecommunity; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Aubum heard and considered public commentabout its proposed 2012 Action Plan., NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE TO: Resolution No. 4764 November 2, 2011 Page 1 of 2 DI.F Section L Pursuant to proyisions of 24CFR91, the City hereby adopts the 2012 Action Plan for the Consolidated Plan for Years 2010 to 2014. Seetion 2. The Mayoris hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary tocarry out directions of the legislation. Section 3. ThisResolution shallbe in full force and effect uponpassage and. signatures hereon. DATED and SIGNED this day of Novem6er, 2012. PeterB. Lewis Mayor ATTEST: Danielle Daskam, City Clerlc APPR ED A `TO FORM: Da el B. Heid, ' " Att rney Resolution No. 4764 November 2, 2011 Page 2 of 2 DI.F Department of Administration & Community Services 25 West Main Street Auburn, Washington 98001 (253) 931 - 3041 2012 Annual Action Plan Update to the City of Auburn's Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development Fiscal Years 2011 – 2014 November 15, 2011 (IMPORTANT NOTE: Program description and dollar amounts represented in this plan may change subject to the availability of funds and final approval by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.) DI.F October 20, 2011 2 2012 Annual Action Plan EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Each year the City of Auburn executes specific actions to implement the goals and strategies of the Consolidated Plan for Years 2011 to 2014. Actions that will be undertaken in 2012 are outlined in this “Annual Action Plan”. The City of Auburn anticipates the receipt of approximately $400,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds in 2012. Auburn's CDBG funds will be combined with approximately $650,000 of General Funds to create a total Human Services budget of approximately $1,050,000 in 2012. Human Services is responsible for providing and managing financial resource to more than 30 non-profit agencies that serve the Auburn community, administering the local housing repair program, and developing collaborations among community partners to strengthen the response to residents in need. The 2012 Action Plan proposes to allocate approximately $60,000 of CDBG funds to public services. Most of those funds ($52,500) will be used to provide dental and medical care to uninsured, low income Auburn residents and $7,500 for employment training. Approximately $80,000 of the CDBG funds will be allocated to program administration, which includes planning. The remaining $260,000 will be allocated to housing repair ($150,000), economic development ($37,500), and support of enhancing youth outreach and gang prevention. The City of Auburn is committed to focusing more on achieving solutions to recurring social problems and achieve greater collaboration among service providers. The Department of Housing and Urban Development has worked to standardize the performance measurements listed in the Consolidated Plan. The 2012 Action Plan combines the changes that both the City of Auburn and HUD have implemented. Overall the implementation of the 2011 Action Plan is progressing as planned and most of the activities listed are underway. A more detailed report of 2011 activities will be summarized in the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) that will be drafted and released for public review before the end of the first quarter of 2012. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION AND CONSULTATION The development of the Annual Action Plan involves both citizen participation and consultation with local service providers. Citizen participation in the planning process began at a joint meeting between the Auburn City Council and Human Services Committee. At this meeting, Council and Committee members identified a series of community results that they would like to achieve through the appropriation of City funds. The City consults with local service providers primarily through the solicitation of applications for Human Services grants. Grant applications prepared by service providers furnishes the City information regarding the goals of the agency, target populations, proposed services, gaps in the delivery of services, linkages to poverty reduction strategies and collaboration with other service providers. This information is reviewed by City staff and the Human Services Committee. The Human Services Committee's recommendations were incorporated into the 2012 Action Plan and presented to the City Council's Planning and Community Development (PCD) Committee in DI.F October 20, 2011 3 October 2011. A preliminary draft of the 2012 Action Plan was distributed to all the grant applicants and local service providers. A public notice was issued and posted at City Hall, the Auburn Senior’s Center, and on the City of Auburn’s website on October 7, 2012; this information was also published in The Seattle Times announcing that copies of the proposed 2012 Action Plan were available for public review. The City Council will schedule a public hearing to gather testimony about the plan before it takes action to review and adopt it. The following outlines the remaining steps regarding citizen participation and consultation for the 2012 Action Plan: October 7, 2011: Start of Public Review Process November 7, 2011: Public Hearing End of Public Review Process Council takes action to adopt the 2012 Annual Action Plan November 15, 2011: Deadline to submit the plan to HUD HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RESOURCES 2012 CDBG ESTIMATED RESOURCES In 2011 the City of Auburn received $418,755 of CDBG funds. In 2012 the City estimates that its CDBG funds will decrease slightly from last year’s CDBG entitlement. The 2012 Action Plan includes a contingency plan in the event that CDBG funds increase or decrease. CDBG ESTIMATED RESOURCES $400,000 CDBG 2012 Entitlement (estimated) $400,000 Total Estimated CDBG Funds Available in 2012 DI.F October 20, 2011 4 OTHER RESOURCES General Funds The City of Auburn allocates up to one percent (1%) of its general fund expenditures to provide human services for Auburn residents through contracts with non-profit agencies. Assuming the City will continue to receive the same amount of general fund revenues, the estimated allocation from General Fund budget for human service grants is $550,000 in 2011. TOTAL RESOURCES Funding Source 2011 -- CDBG Funds $ 400,000 -- General Funds $ 650,000 Total Estimated Funds Available $ 1,050,000 CITY OF AUBURN FUNDING PRIORITIES The expressed goal of the City's Consolidated Plan is to reduce the number of people living in poverty with the City of Auburn. Toward this end, the City will give funding priority to programs that - in addition to complying with federal regulations and addressing a priority outlined in the Consolidated Plan - are consistent with the following anti-poverty strategy for resource allocation. 1. Each project must satisfy one of the three following overriding goals: The project must help people move out of poverty. The project must prevent people from entering poverty. The project must address the basic needs of people living in poverty. 2. In making funding decisions, the City will give priority to programs that: Support, complement or are consistent with other current City plans; Are sustainable over time; Have demonstrated cooperation and collaboration among government, private nonprofit agencies and the private sector to maximize impacts and reduce administrative costs; Do not have a more appropriate source of funds. 3. The City will give priority to programs that provide services addressing the basic needs of Auburn's most at-risk populations. A priority population for CDBG-funded services is individuals who are denied, by poverty and historical institutional practices, the opportunity to develop their full potential and to enjoy the benefits of community participation. 4. CDBG funded services must be, to the fullest extent possible, appropriate and accessible to people who may face special barriers in accessing services. DI.F October 20, 2011 5 5. The CDBG program was built on a premise of citizen participation in the formation of policies, including funding decisions, which address neighborhood and community needs. The City will give priority to programs that promote community initiatives to identify priority needs and to address those needs. 6. The City will give priority to programs that build and support the capacity of local organizations to address the needs of Auburn residents. 7. The City will give priority to programs that support economic development and promote access to quality jobs - positions that pay well enough to support an adequate standard of living, allow the purchase of housing and other basic necessities, offer stability and decent working conditions, and provide opportunities for advancement. 8. Funding priority will be given to agencies that provide direct services to Auburn residents at locations within the city limits of Auburn. COMMUNITY RESULTS DESIRED BY THE CITY OF AUBURN The City of Auburn solicited proposals from local service providers to achieve the following community results within the areas listed below. Population performance indicators will be applied to assess the overall success of the effort and the value of ongoing support; these indicators will be utilized to determine the effectiveness of individual programs. Overall Result: One-Stop Center The City of Auburn will fund human service providers who participate in the design, development and operation of a One-Stop Center in Auburn and the efficient, collaborative and integrated delivery of services it offers. Agencies who agree to participate in the design and development of a One-Stop Center in Auburn may apply for funding to accomplish one or more of the following community results: Abused and Neglected Children: The City of Auburn will fund human service providers that increase supportive services to children who are neglected and abused, specifically the number of children who are victims of on-going and repeated neglect and abuse, within the city of Auburn by 15% over the next three (3) years. Victims of Domestic and Sexual Assault: The City of Auburn will fund human service providers that increase the number of Auburn residents, who are victims of domestic violence, that make the transition to a safe environment and self-determining lifestyle by 15% within the next three (3) years. Poverty Reduction: The City of Auburn will fund human service providers who increase the number of Auburn residents no longer living in poverty by 15% within the next three (3) years. Substance Abuse: The City of Auburn will fund human service providers to develop strategies that increase the successful completion of treatment programs by Auburn residents who have serious behavioral and health problems due to substance abuse and chemical dependency by 15% within a three (3) year period. Physically and Mentally Fit: The City of Auburn will fund human service providers that increase the availability, accessibility and use of health care to its low income residents by 15% within a three (3) year period. DI.F October 20, 2011 6 2011 PROPOSED ACTIVITIES TO ACHIEVE RESULTS The City of Auburn requested proposals to achieve the following national objectives and community results. Create a Suitable Living Environment: One-Stop Center: -- Create a suitable living environment for Auburn's low income residents and people with special needs by using its CDBG funds to make available float loans and Section 108 Loan Guarantees to leverage the funds necessary to develop a Community Center and future campus for the One-Stop Center which will provide for the collocation and integrated delivery of human services. Abused and Neglected Children: -- The City of Auburn proposes to allocate approximately $170,000 of its General Funds, to generate approximately 7,700 hours of services and 160 home visits that will benefit 1,657 Auburn adults and children, for the purpose of reducing chronic abuse and neglect of children. Victims of Domestic and Sexual Assault: -- The City of Auburn proposes to allocate $106,000 of its General Funds to provide 1,500 referrals for assistance, 160 bednights shelter, 700 hours of case management and 550 hours of therapy to approximately 600 victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Physically and Mentally Fit: -- Create a suitable living environment by making health care available to 78 or more low- income, uninsured Auburn residents by allocating $40,000 of CDBG funds to HealthPoint of King County for the operation of its clinic in Auburn. -- Create a suitable living environment by making dental care available to 70 or more low- income, uninsured Auburn residents by allocating $12,500 of CDBG funds to HealthPoint of King County for the operation of its clinic in Auburn. -- The City proposes to allocate an additional $45,000 of its General Funds for the purpose of creating access to health care to over 1,000 low-income Auburn residents and enabling over 3,200 visits to qualified health care providers. Poverty Reduction: -- The City of Auburn proposes to allocate $60,000 of its General Funds to provide nearly 12,000 Auburn residents emergency assistance such as food, financial assistance, and clothing. -- The City of Auburn proposes to allocate $16,500 of its General Funds to provide over 60 Auburn senior citizens congregate meals and home-delivered meals and over 1,200 Auburn residents a weekly meal. -- The City of Auburn proposes to allocate $40,780 of its General Funds to provide over 100 Auburn residents more than 3,900 bednights of emergency shelter and/or transitional housing. DI.F October 20, 2011 7 Substance Abuse: -- The City of Auburn proposes to allocate $10,000 of its General Funds to support a program that provides integrated care to non-Medicaid clients who require both substance abuse treatment and mental health counseling. Provide Decent Housing: Maintain the affordability of decent housing for very low-income Auburn residents by allocating $150,000 of CDBG funds to the City of Auburn's Housing Repair Program for the purpose of providing repairs necessary to maintain suitable housing for 50 Auburn homeowners, including 25 homeowners who are senior citizens and 5 homeowners who lack safe access in or out of their homes due to physical disabilities or impairment. Expand Economic Opportunities: Create economic opportunities by providing the availability and access to counseling and training for approximately 40 Auburn residents who are either trying to sustain or create a small business and, collectively generate 25 or more jobs by allocating $37,500 of CDBG funds to the Green River Community College's Small Business Assistance Center. Create economic opportunities by providing the availability and access to train approximately 12 very-low income Auburn residents so that at least half of them can find and sustain a job by allocating $7,500 of CDBG funds to the Multi-Service Center Employment Program. DI.F October 20, 2011 8 DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS CDBG Funds Proposed CDBG Disbursements 2012 Public Services -- Community Health Centers: Dental Care $12,500 -- Community Health Centers: Medical Care $40,000 -- Multi-Service Center Employment Program $7,500 subtotal: Public Services $60,000 Capital Funds -- Affordable Housing ….. City of Auburn Housing Repair Program $100,000 --Suitable Living Environment ….. Youth Outreach Center $100,000 -- Economic Development ….. GRCC Small Business Assistance Center $37,500 ….. Downtown Business Façade Program $22,500 subtotal: Capital Funds $292,500 Administration -- Program Management …. City of Auburn Community Services $80,000 Subtotal: Administration $80,000 Total CDBG Funds: $400,000 Source of CDBG Funds: 2012 -- 2011 Estimated Entitlement: $400,000 Total Estimated CDBG Funds $400,000 DI.F October 20, 2011 9 Human Services (General Fund) 2012 Auburn Human Service Agencies: 2012 … ACAP: Childcare Subsidies 20,000 … Auburn Youth Resources 75,000 … Birth to Three Development Center 10,000 … CHS: Family Resource Center 20,000 … CHS: Strengthening Families Program 10,000 … Children's Therapy Center 10,000 … Communities In Schools 5,000 … Neighborhood House: Emergency Assist. 5,000 … Pediatric Interim Care Center 10,000 … Safe Havens Visitation Center 5,000 subtotal: 170,000 … Consejo 10,000 ... Crisis Clinic: 2-1-1 Line, 24 Hr., Teen Link 3,000 … DAWN 9,000 … KCSARC 22,500 … Jubilee Center: Latino Program 7,500 … SMH: Behavioral Responsibility 7,500 … VCCC: DV Survivor Support/Therapy 12,000 … YWCA: Children DV Services 5,000 … YWCA: DV Services 20,000 subtotal: 96,500 … Auburn Respite 5,000 … Christ Community Free Clinic 20,000 … Senior Services Vol. Transportation 5,000 … SKC: Mobile Medical Program 10,000 … VCCC: COD Treatment 10,000 subtotal: 50,000 DI.F October 20, 2011 10 Human Services (General Fund) 2012 (Continued) Auburn Human Service Agencies: 2012 … AFB: Emergency Food 35,000 … AFB: Community Suppers 5,000 … Auburn Senior Center: Meals Program 4,500 … CCS: CHORE Program 3,000 … CCS: HOME/ARISE 15,000 … CCS: Rita’s House 5,000 … SS: Meals on Wheels 7,000 … MSC: Emer & Transitional Housing 8,000 … New Connections 5,000 … Pregnancy Aid 5,000 … St. Vincent de Paul: Emergency Assist. 10,000 … South King Council of Human Services 5,000 … South Sound Dream Center 2,000 … Ukranian Comm. Center 7,500 … WWEE: REACH 8,000 … YWCA: Emergency Housing 4,000 … YWCA: Transitional Housing 14,000 subtotal: 143,000 Total General Fund Human Services $459,500 Contingency Plans for Changes in Funding Total appropriations may not exceed actual revenues and no liability is to be incurred in excess of appropriations. In the event that actual revenues are different than the revenues estimated by the CDBG budget, the following actions shall be taken: (a) CDBG Public Service Programs: In the event the City receives a lesser amount of CDBG funding than budgeted for public services, then the reduction will be made as follows: 1. Reduce or eliminate the appropriation to the Multi-Service Center's Employment Program by $7,500 or the amount of the funding reduction, which ever amount is less. 2. Reduce the appropriation to HealthPoint by $52,500 or the remaining balance of the reduction, which ever amount is less. DI.F October 20, 2011 11 (b) CDBG Capital-Funds Programs: In the event of a reduction in CDBG capital funds, the amount of reduction will be prorated evenly among the funded project. (c) Unspent CDBG Capital Grants: The funds appropriated to subrecipients for capital improvements must be expended within the term of the subrecipient’s CDBG grant agreement. CDBG funds appropriated for capital improvements will be considered abandoned, and the funds will be re-appropriated, if any of the following conditions exist: (a) The term of the grant agreement expires and the subrecipient fails to request an extension in accordance with the terms of the agreement. (b) The subrecipient fails to submit a request for reimbursement or fails to submit an activity report during the program year. (c) The subrecipient fails to make the project “bid ready” within the first year after the appropriation. “Bid ready” means that, at a minimum, the bid specifications are drafted and the subrecipient is ready to solicit bids. (d) General Fund Public Services: 1. Reduction of General Fund Revenues: In the event of a reduction in the general fund appropriation for human services, the reductions will be applied in the following order: (a) Communities In Schools: the lesser of $5,000 or the amount of the reduction. (b) St. Matthew's Jubilee Center's Latino Program: the lesser of $7,500 or the remaining amount of the reduction. (c) CHORE Program: the lesser of $3,000 or the remaining amount of the reduction. (d) If the above reductions remain less than the total amount of the general fund reduction, then the remaining amount of the reduction will be applied evenly by a prorated amount among the remaining appropriations. 2. Increase in Funding: In the event of an increase in funding, then previous reductions in appropriated amounts, if any, will be restored to the amounts recommended for 2012 in the reverse order in which the above reductions were made. If funds remain after all reductions have been restored, then the remaining funds will be distributed according to the allocation recommended by the Planning and Community Development Committee and approved by the City Council. FAIR HOUSING The City of Auburn continues to monitor compliance with the Fair Housing Act. Complaints are referred to the Washington State Human Rights Commission for resolution. In 2006, the City completed an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI) as required for CDBG entitlement communities. The Fair Housing Consultant identified three impediments and made three recommendations. The recommendations were: • Expand current education and outreach efforts; DI.F October 20, 2011 12 • Continue ongoing enforcement activities; and • Target homeownership and lending marketing to minority households. The City has implemented and continues to expand these recommendations. Information about Fair Housing will be put on the City of Auburn's website and made available at City Hall. The information will include links pertaining to where residents can file a complaint in the event of alleged discrimination. Information will be available in English and Spanish. Summary data regarding the number of fair housing complaints filed against landlords and realtors in Auburn will be reported in the CAPER. PUBLIC HOUSING The City of Auburn continues to support public housing communities located within its city limits. Many of the residents who receive the services provided by the City's human service grants live in public housing communities. Two grant recipients are located within public housing communities. In addition, the City of Auburn's Housing Repair program serves approximately 10 – 12 residents per year who live at Tall Cedars Mobile Home Park, which is owned by the King County Housing Authority. Home repairs include furnaces, hot water tanks, wheelchair ramps and other repairs necessary to keep the home habitable. The following summarizes the grants provided to specific public housing communities: Agency/Program Public Housing Community Amount Auburn Food Bank Burndale $40,000 Housing Repairs Tall Cedars Mobile Home Park $50,000 Total: Public Housing Community Programs $90,000 CHRONIC HOMELESSNESS The City of Auburn will continue to provide funding to regional and local agencies that provide assistance to homeless families. In 2012 the City will strive to maintain a continuum of care for homeless families that includes emergency assistance, emergency shelters, severe weather shelter and transitional housing. In addition, the City provides funds for the provision of medical care, childcare and employment training to help prevent people from becoming homeless. The City of Auburn plans to allocate $49,780 of its General Funds to provide more than 4,000 bednights of emergency shelter and/or transitional housing to approximately 120 Auburn residents. The following summarizes the grants awarded with the intent to reduce chronic homelessness: DI.F October 20, 2011 13 Agency / Program Award Residents Services Provided DAWN Confidential Shelter $9,000 15 160 bednights Multi-Service Center $8,000 29 870 bednights HOME/ARISE Emergency Shelter $15,000 30 1,650 bednights YWCA Emergency & Transitional Housing $17,780 46 1,400 bednights Total: $49,780 120 4,080 bednights GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION CDBG funds spent on neighborhood revitalization and housing repairs for targeted neighborhoods will occur primarily within the Census Tract 306 and Census Tract 307. According to the Census Bureau, these two census tracts are predominantly low income with median household incomes less than 80% of the King County median household income. Public services funded with CDBG funds and housing repairs in non-targeted neighborhoods will be offered to low income or limited clientele residents citywide. LEAD-BASED PAINT HAZARDS The City of Auburn will continue to implement U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations to protect young children from lead-based paint hazards in housing that is financially assisted by the federal government. The requirements apply only to housing built before 1978, the year lead-based paint was banned nationwide for consumer use. The following table summarizes actions required by these regulations. Amount of Grant <$5,000 $5,000-$25,000 > $25,000 General Approach Do No Harm Identify and control lead hazards Identify and abate lead hazards Notification Pamphlet Pamphlet & Notice of Assessment Pamphlet & Notice of Hazard Reduction Evaluation Visual Paint Testing Risk Assessment Reduction Strategy Repair surfaces disturbed during rehab work Interim Controls Abatement and Interim Controls BARRIERS TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING The City of Auburn will continue to look at policies that remove barriers to affordable housing. The City of Auburn's Comprehensive Land Use includes several policies and objectives that will guide the City toward achieving its affordable and fair housing goals. These policies include maintaining flexibility in land use to achieve a balanced mix of affordable housing opportunities. The City will continue to pursue mixed use developments that are consistent with the transportation oriented developments located in Auburn's downtown. The City will look for opportunities with public and private agencies to implement policies and offer programs that help DI.F October 20, 2011 14 alleviate physical and economic distress, conserve energy resources, improve the quality and quantity of community services, and eliminate conditions that are detrimental to health, safety and public welfare. LOW-MODERATE INCOME BENEFITS Over the past three years approximately 90% of the clients served by programs funded with CDBG funds earned low to moderate incomes. The beneficiaries of programs funded in 2012 with CDBG funds are not expected to deviate from these past trends. The City of Auburn will continue to distribute its funds for human services based on priority needs identified for people with low-to-moderate incomes with a particular emphasis on people who live in poverty. POLICIES AND CERTIFICATIONS Agencies applying for CDBG funds are required to respond to general and program specific polices in their applications. All projects are evaluated to determine if they are: 1. Eligible relative to federal guidelines; 2. Consistent with the program objectives and strategies; 3. Consistent with local, state and federal regulations; 4. Feasible within contract and timeline guidelines; and 5. Capable of developing and measuring outcomes. These policies include, among others: • Consistency with local codes and policies; • Restrictions on the change of use of property and buildings which were acquired or improved with CDBG funds; • Minimization of displacement and the provision of relocation assistance; • Adherence to federal wage rates; • Compliance with federal audit requirements; and • Adherence to and enforcement of lead-based paint abatement regulations, fair housing laws and affirmative action. DOCUMENTATION AND ON-SITE MONITORING Detailed records are maintained and reviewed to determine and assure agency compliance with its contract and other applicable regulations. Deficiencies in record keeping are documented and technical assistance to correct noted deficiencies is provided. The failure to comply with contractual requirements and regulations could result in remedial actions and/or the termination of funding. DI.F October 20, 2011 15 FISCAL AUDITS The City conducts an internal audit to ensure that its records are complete and agencies are complying with applicable rules and regulations. In addition, the City’s records are subject to an independent annual audit by the State Auditor. Both the City's internal audit and the State Auditor test to determine the City’s compliance with the following CDBG requirements: Political Activity; Davis-Bacon and Related Acts; Civil rights; Cash Management; Federal Financial Reports; Allowable Costs & Cost Principles; Drug-Free Workplace Act; and Various administrative requirements. MORE INFORMATION For more information and/or to get on the City's mailing list for Consolidated Plan updates and grant applications, please contact: Michael Hursh, Community Services Manager Department of Administration 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA 98001 Phone: (253) 804-5029 Email: mhursh@auburnwa.gov DI.F AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4765 Date: November 3, 2011 Department: Planning and Development Attachments: Resolution Agreement Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Discussion only. Background Summary: The Auburn City Council previously entered into a Master Development Agreement with Alpert International LLLP for development of properties belonging to the City and assistance in development proposals for other neighboring properties in the downtown area. This initial Master Development Agreement expired and the City entered into a subsequent refined Master Development Agreement with Alpert International LLLP on December 20, 2010 following the Council's passage of Resolution No. 4663. Subsequent to the passage of Resolution No. 4663, Alpert International, LLLP and City staff have jointly identified the need to clarify roles and responsibilities currently assigned to Alpert International, LLLP in the Master Development Agreement to reduce uncertainty in working relationships, set reasonable expectations in the delivery of services, increase the understanding of neighboring property owners and assist in the marketing of City owned properties. To address these needs, Alpert International, LLLP and City staff have identified a more appropriate agreement instrument would be a Memorandum of Agreement and associated Option to Purchase Real Property. The approval of Resolution No. 4765 would replace and supersede the Master Development Agreement currently in effect and effective as of the Council's passage of Resolution No. 4663. In addition, Alpert International LLLP has recently combined its operations with Ceradimm, LLC so the execution of the Memorandum of Agreement and/or Option to Purchase Real Property would occur with Ceradimm, LLC of which Spencer Alpert is a member. Mr. Alpert would remain the primary individual involved in working with the City of Auburn. The Planning and Community Development Committee at its October 24, 2011 regular meeting recommended on a motion action the introduction and adoption of Resolution No. 4765 to the City Council. AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.G Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Planning And Community Development, Public Works Councilmember:Staff:Snyder Meeting Date:November 7, 2011 Item Number:DI.G AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.G RESOLUTION NO. 4 T 6 5 A RESOLUTION OFTHE CITY COUNCIL. OFTHE CITY OF AUBURNWASHINGTON AUTHOF2IZING THE MAYOR AND CITYCLERK TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENTSWITH GERADIMM, LLC REPLACING AND SUPERSEDING THE MASTER DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH ALPERT INTERNATIONAL, LLLP PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY PASSAGE OFRESOLUTION NO. 4663 WHEREAS, the City Council of theCity of Auburn, Washington, previously entered into a Master DeveloPment Agreement with Alpert Intemational LLLP for development of properties belongingto the Ciry and assistance in development proposals for otherneighboringproperties in the downtown area; and WHEREAS, that initial Master Development Agreement expired and the City entered into a subsequent refined Master DeyelopmentAgreement with Alpert International LLLP following the Council's passage of Resolution No. 4663; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the passage of Resolution No. 4663, Alpert Intemational, LLLP andtheCity have jointly ideMifiedthe need toclarify rolesand responsibilities currently assigned to Alpert Intemational, LLLP in the Master Development Agreement to reduceuncertainty in wo icing relationships, set reasonable expectations in the delivery of services, increase the understanding of neighboring property owners and assist in the marketing of City owned properties; and WHEREAS, the Aubum City Councilbelieves that the needs expressed aboVe can be bestaddressed through the eplacement and superseding of Resolution No. 4663 with a Memorandum of Agreement and associated Option to Purchase Real Property; and WHEREAS, Alpert International LLLP has recently combined its operations wRh Ceradimm, LLC of whichSpencer Alpert is a memberandwouldremain the primary individual involved in working with fhe City of Aubum; NOW THEREFORE, IN LIGHT OF THE ABOVE FINDINGS, THECITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 7. That the Mayor of the City ofAuburn and the Aubum City Clerk a e hereby authorized to execute a Memorandum of Agreement andOption to Purchase Real Property with Ceradimm, LLC, which Agreement and Option shallbe in substantial Resolution No. 4765 October 20, 2011 Page 1 DI.G conformity with the Agreement attached hereto as F chibit "A" and the Option attached hereto as Exhibit"B", both of which areincorporated hereinby reference. Section 2. That this Resolufion and the agreements attached shallreplace and supersede the Master Development Agreement between the City of Aubum and Alpert Intemational, LLLP, and anyother Agreements authorized by Resolution No. 4663 pessed by theAubum City Council on December 20, 2010, andfor any other related agreements between the same partiesprior thereto. Section 3. That theMayor is herebyauthorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section:4: That. this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage antl signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this day of 2011. CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk AP R V A TO FOR :. ief B. ' , . CityAttomey Resolution Na 4765 October 20, 2011 Page 2 DI.G - Page 1 - After Recording, Return to: Auburn City Clerk 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98001 OPTION TO PURCHASE REAL PROPERTY THIS OPTION AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is made and entered into this ____ day of _______________, 20___, by and between the CITY OF AUBURN, a Washington municipal corporation (hereinafter “GRANTOR”) and Ceradimm, LLC, 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 7100, Seattle, WA 98104, a Washington limited liability company (hereinafter “GRANTEE”). FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, THE SUFFICIENCY OF WHICH IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED, THE PARTIES AGREE as follows: 1. OPTION TO PURCHASE. The GRANTEE shall have the right to purchase the City Owned Parcels identified as Lots 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, in Exhibit ”A” & “B” (“City Ownership legal descriptions and map”), for the purchase price, lease arrangements or other alternative financial arrangements as determined below or enter into such other agreements for the purchase, lease, alternative financial arrangements and/or development of said City Owned Parcels as shall be negotiated from time to time by the Parties. The term of this Option Agreement shall be for a period of time ending on December 31, 2013, which right may be assigned by the GRANTEE to one or more assignees acceptable to the GRANTOR. For the purposes hereof, the Mayor of the City of Auburn shall be authorized to approve such assignment(s) subject to approval by the Auburn City Council. It is provided, however, that as an alternative to the purchase of City Owned Parcels, the parties may negotiate and execute agreements for long-term leases of said City Owned Parcels. 2. PURCHASE PRICE OF CITY PARCELS. During the term of this Option Agreement, the GRANTEE shall have the right to purchase the City Owned Parcels, collectively or individually, for the purchase price determined through the process described below. The purchase price for the City Owned Parcels, along with any City right-of-way that may be vacated, and rights pertaining to any City Owned Parcels ultimately included in their development, shall be equitably negotiated in good faith by the parties during the term of this Option Agreement or any extension hereof, reflective of factors pertinent to their reasonable valuation as determined as of the date of the execution of this Agreement, and based on the value DI.G - Page 2 - of the land only, as the Parties agree that any buildings or improvements that may exist on the property are not of value to the intended development. The Parties further agree that if they are not able to successfully negotiate an agreed purchase price within sixty (60) calendar days from the date the GRANTEE exercises an option to purchase for any parcel(s) covered by this Option, in order to ensure a fair purchase price for the City Owned Parcels and any other City-owned property rights associated therewith, the GRANTOR may engage an independent MAI appraiser to determine the value of the City Owned Parcels, which valuation shall be the purchase price. GRANTOR will provide the MAI appraisal to GRANTEE within thirty (30) calendar days. If the valuation of the GRANTOR’s MAI appraiser is not acceptable to the GRANTEE, the GRANTEE may engage an independent MAI appraiser to determine the valuation, and must provide it to GRANTOR within thirty (30) days. If the GRANTEE’s MAI appraiser determines a value that is within ten percent (10%) of the GRANTOR’s MAI appraiser’s value, the lower valuation shall be used as the purchase price for the City Owned Parcels. If the difference in valuation exceeds ten percent (10%), the GRANTOR’s MAI appraiser and the GRANTEE’s MAI appraiser shall within thirty (30) calendar days of the determination that the valuation exceeds ten percent (10%) select a third MAI appraiser and the three appraisers shall determine the valuation within sixty (60) calendar days, and that valuation shall be the purchase price for the City Owned Parcels. Each party shall be responsible for the costs of its appraiser, and the two parties shall share, equally, in the costs of the third appraiser. Alternatively, if the parties agree to pursue long-term leases of said City Owned Parcels, including agreement on the length and terms of the leases, as an alternative to and instead of the purchase/sale of the parcels, if the parties cannot agree on the amount of lease payments, the parties shall employ a similar strategy for determining valuation/payment amounts of the leases similar to the strategy described above. Any other arrangements contemplated by this Agreement shall be by mutual consent of the Parties. Any such purchase or lease of a Lot on which a building or structure is located shall include the following requirements: First, that all buildings or structures thereon shall be demolished/removed within ninety (90) days following the purchase or lease and the issuance of all permit(s) for site development or building construction, Provided that if no permit(s) for site development or building construction has/have been issued, then the all buildings or structures thereon shall be demolished/removed within eighteen (18) months following the purchase or lease. The GRANTEE shall be responsible for their demolition/removal; Second, that the purchase and sale (or lease) agreement shall contain terms and conditions requiring GRANTEE or its successor in interest to submit a complete application for development of the property within twelve months of the closing date, which development shall provide that vertical construction shall begin no later than twenty-four (24) months after the date the application is deemed complete If the buildings or structures thereon are not demolished/removed within the time-frame described above, or if either an application is not submitted within twelve months of the closing date, or vertical construction has not begun within twenty-four (24) months of the date the DI.G - Page 3 - application is deemed complete, the sale/purchase or lease of said parcel(s) shall be voided, rescinded, and nullified, and its title and/or possession shall automatically revert to the GRANTOR. Any purchase price paid to the GRANTOR shall be returned to the GRANTEE; however, GRANTEE shall not be entitled to any additional payments from the GRANTOR, including but not limited to interest or development costs, and the property For the purposes hereof, including the Developer’s Rights/Options to Purchase or Lease, as described herein below, “City Owned Parcels” shall also include parcels located within the four-block area bounded by Main Street to the North, A Street SW to the West, 2nd Street SW/SE to the South and A Street SE to the East, that are subsequently purchased by the GRANTOR during the term of this Agreement or any extension(s) thereof, and may include other “Outparcels” located within the area depicted in Exhibit “C” (“ Downtown Redevelopment Area”) that are subsequently purchased by the GRANTOR during the term of this Agreement or any extension(s) thereof, provided that “City Owned Parcels” shall not include parcels that may be purchased by the GRANTOR within the identified target areas where the parcels are expressly purchased for municipal purposes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their authorized representatives on the date first above written. CERADIMM, LLC By ________________________________ Emma L. Alpert, Manager GRANTOR OF AUBURN ___________________________________ Peter B. Lewis, Mayor Attest: ___________________________________ Danielle Daskam, City Clerk Approved as to Form: ___________________________________ Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney DI.G - Page 4 - STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of , 20___, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Peter B. Lewis and Danielle Daskam, to me known as the Mayor and City Clerk, for the City of Auburn, the municipal corporation who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute said instrument on behalf of said municipal corporation. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of , 20 . _______________________________________ NAME _______________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at ___________________ My Commission Expires: __________________ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) ON THIS ______ day of ________________, 20____, before me, personally appeared ___________________ and ___________________, to me known to be the _______________ and ____________________ for Ceradimm, LLC, the company on whose behalf he/she/they executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said company, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she/they is/are authorized to execute said instrument on behalf of said company. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this ______ day of ________________, 20____. _______________________________________ NAME ______________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at ___________________ My Commission Expires: __________________ DI.G - Page 5 - EXHIBIT “A” Lot # 1 – 7815700240 Lots 3 and 4, Block 5, Town of Slaughter, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, page 56, in King County, Washington, subject to: Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements contained in the Lot Line Adjustment recorded January 17, 2006, under Recording Number 20060117002764; Agreement and the Terms and Conditions thereof regarding the Common Wall recorded October 1, 1947, under Recording Number 3729624, records of King County Washington. [12 1st Street SW, Auburn, WA 98002] Lot # 2 – 7815700225 Lots 1 and 2, Block 5, Town of Slaughter, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, page 56, in King County, Washington; together with that portion of the vacated alley adjacent thereto as per City of Auburn Ordinance Number 5842, recorded under King County Recording Number 20040708002028. Subject to: The Easement and the Terms and Conditions therein reserved by the City of Auburn affecting a portion of said premises within the vacated alley for utilities, recorded July 8, 2004, under Recording Number 20040708002028; the Agreement and the Terms and Conditions therein regarding the right to erect pilasters, recorded October 1, 1947, under Recording Number 3729624. [101 S. Division Street, Auburn, WA 98002] Lot # 3 – 7815700250 That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 13, Township 21 North, Range 4 East, WM, in King County Washington, being more particularly described as follows: Lots 5, 6 and the North half of Lots 7 and 8, Block 5, Town of Slaughter, according to the plat thereof recorded in. Volume 2 of Plats, page 56, records of King County, Washington, Except that portion of said Lot 5 conveyed to the City of Auburn under Recording Number 20010508002955, [That portion of Lot 5, Black 5, Town of Slaughter, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, page 56, records of King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 5, Thence north along the West margin of said.Lot.5, a distance of 10 feet, Thence southeasterly to the south margin of said Lot 5, Thence west along the south margin of said Lot 5, a distance of 10 feet to the point of beginning and containing 50 square feet] Together with the South half of the vacated alley way abutting Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, of said Block 5, as vacated under Ordinance No 5842 and recorded under Recording Number 20040708002028; And Together With the North Half of the vacated alley way abutting Lots 3 and 4, of said Block 5, as vacated under Ordinance Number 5842 and recorded under Recording Number 20040708002028, All Situate in the County of King, State of Washington. DI.G - Page 6 - Lot # 5 – 7815700295 Lot 4, Block 6, Town of Slaughter, recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 56, records of King County, Washington. [2 1st Street SE, Auburn, WA 98002] Lot # 6 – 7815700290 Lot 3, Block 6, Town of Slaughter, recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 56, records of King County, Washington. Lot # 7 – 7815700285 Those Portions of Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Town of Slaughter, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, page 56, in King County, Washington, lying Westerly of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of said Lot 1 lying 62.5 feet Easterly of the Northwest Corner of said Lot 2; Thence South 00○00’22” West 29.5 feet; Thence South 89○56’53” West 19 feet; Thence South 00○00’22” West 75.69 feet; Thence South 89○56’19” West 43.52 feet to the West line of said Lot 2; Thence Southerly along said West line 15 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 2, being the terminus of said line, also known as Lot A of City of Auburn Lot Line Adjustment No 0003-95, recorded under King County Recording No 9502160960. Lot # 9 – 7815700300 Lot 5, Block 6, Town of Slaughter, recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 56, records of King County, Washington. [122 S. Division Street] Lot # 10 – 7815700305 Lot 6, Block 6, Town of Slaughter, recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 56, records of King County, Washington. Lot # 11 – 7815700310 Lot 7, Block 6, Town of Slaughter, recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 56, records of King County, Washington. Lot # 12 – 7815700325 The North 29.80 feet of Lot 8 North 60 Feet of Lot 8, Block 6, Town of Slaughter, recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 56, records of King County, Washington. [115 “A” Street SE, Auburn, WA 98001] Lot # 13 – 7815700326 The South 30.2 feet of the North 60 feet of Lot 8, Block 6, Town of Slaughter, recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 56, records of King County, Washington. [117 “A” Street SE, Auburn, WA 98001] DI.G - Page 7 - Lot # 14 – 7815700327 Lot 8, Block 6, Town of Slaughter, recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 56, records of King County, Washington, Except the North 60 feet thereof. DI.G - Page 8 - Exhibit “B” Exhibit “C” DI.G - Page 9 - DI.G AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolution No. 4766 Date: November 3, 2011 Department: Planning and Development Attachments: Resolution No. 4766 Agreement Exhibit B Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Discuss Resolution No. 4766. Background Summary: The City of Auburn owns certain real property in the area of Auburn commonly referred to as Downtown Auburn and desires to see these properties developed with commercial and/or residential land uses in conformance with previously adopted design standards and guidelines. City staff believe that the City is in need of professional real estate brokerage services to assist the City in marketing and negotiations for lease or sale of these City owned properties for commercial and/or residential land uses. The provision of these services by an outside party will provide the City access to specialty skills and services in the areas of property and tenant marketing and negotiations not currently available at the City that will assist in the furtherance of its goals for the development of City owned properties that will be of public benefit. City staff has identified Jones Lang LaSalle as the recommended provider of professional real estate services for the City. Jones Lang LaSalle is a global real estate services firm with an office in Tacoma, Washington that has regional experience in commercial and residential brokerage, marketing, leasing and sales. Reviewed by Council Committees: Finance, Planning And Community Development, Public Works Councilmember:Staff:Snyder Meeting Date:November 7, 2011 Item Number:DI.H AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.H RESOWTION NO. 4 76 6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CIN COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURNWASHINGTONAUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENT WITH JONES LANG LASALLE FOR REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE SERVICES FOR CERTAW' CITY OWNED PROPERTIES IN DOWNTOWN AUBURN WHEREAS, the City of Aubum ownscertain real properly in the area of Aubum commonly referred to as Downtown Aubum; and WHEREAS, the City of Aubum desires to see these propertiesdeveloped with commercial and/or residential land uses in conformance with previously adopted design standards and guidelines; and 1NHEREAS, the City is in need of professional real estate brokerage services to assist the City in marketing and negotiations for lea§e or sale of these City owneii properties for commercial and/or residential landuses; and WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council believesthat the use of professional real estate brokerageservices will provide the City access to specialry skills and services in 4he areas of property and tenant marketing and negotiations not currenUy available at the City that will assist in thefurtherance of its goals for the development of Cityowned properties that will be of public benefd; and WHEREAS, Jones Lang LaSalle is a global real estate serdices firm with regional experience in commercial and residentialbrokerage, marketing, leasing and sales; NOW THEREFORE, IN LIGHT OF THE ABOVE FINDINGS, ?HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. That 4he Mayor of theCity of Aubum and the Aubum City Glerk are herebyauthorized to execute an Exclusive Agency Listing Agreement withJonesLang LaSalle, which Agreement shall be in substaMial conformity with the Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit"A" and incorpbratedfierein by reference. Section 2. Thatthe Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Resolution No. 4766 Octo6er 20, 2011 Page 1 DI.H Section 3. That this Resolution shalltake effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this day of 2011. CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, CityClerk APFR VED AS TOFORM: ief . i , , City Attorney Resolution No. 4766 Qctober 20, 2011 Page 2 DI.H Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc 1145 Broadway, Suite 1350 Tacoma, Washington Phone: (253) 272-4662 Fax: (312) 470 4475 © Commercial Brokers Association 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CBA Form XLA Exclusive Agency Rev. 1/2011 Page 1 of 4 EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENT CBA Text Disclaimer: Text deleted by licensee indicated by strike. New text inserted by licensee indicated by small capital letters. This Agreement is made by and between City of Auburn (“Owner’) and Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. (“Firm”). Owner hereby grants to Firm the exclusive right to lease or sell, and to receipt for deposit in connection therewith, Owner’s commercial real estate legally described as set forth on attached Exhibit A located in the City of Auburn, King County, Washington (the “Property”). 1. DURATION OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall commence on the effective date of City Council approval and shall expire at 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2013. 2. PRICE AND TERMS. Owner agrees to list the Property at a lease price of $TBD per square foot annually on a “triple net” basis and shall consider offers that include the following terms: Term of Lease: Minimum Five (5) Years Terms: Net, Net, Net Owner also agrees to list the property For Sale at a price $TBD. 3. DEFINITIONS. As used in this Agreement, (a) “CBA” shall mean the Commercial Brokers Association; (b) “lease” shall mean lease, sublease, sell, or enter into a contract to lease, sublease, or sell the Property; and (c) “lessee” shall include sublessees, if applicable. T he phrases “this Agreement” and “during the term hereof” include separate, written extensions or renewals of this Agreement. 4. AGENCY/DUAL AGENCY. Owner authorizes Firm to appoint Steve Crantz, Mike Horner as Owner’s Listing Broker. This Agreement creates an agency relationship with Listing Broker and any of Firm’s brokers who supervise Listing Broker’s performance as Owner’s agent (“Supervising Broker”). No other brokers affiliated with Firm are agents of Owner, except to the extent that Firm, in its discretion, appoints other brokers to act on Owner’s behalf as and when needed. If the Property is leased or sold to a tenant represented by one of Firm’s brokers other than Listing Broker (“Tenant’s Broker”), Owner consents to any Supervising Broker who also supervises Tenant’s Broker acting as a dual agent. If the Property is leased OR SOLD to a tenant who Listing Broker also represents, Owner consents to Listing Broker and Supervising Broker acting as dual agents. Owner has received from Listing Broker the pamphlet entitled “The Law of Real Estate Agency." If any of Firm’s brokers act as a dual agent, Firm shall be entitled to the entire commission payable under this Agreement plus any additional compensation Firm may have negotiated with the tenant. 5. PROPERTY OWNERSHIP AND INFORMATION. Owner warrants that Owner has the right to sell or lease the Property on the terms set forth in this Agreement, and that the Property is free and clear of any encumbrances which would interfere therewith. Owner also warrants that the information on the Property Information pages of this Agreement is correct. Owner understands that Firm and other members of CBA will make representations to prospective lessees based solely on the property information in this Agreement, and agrees to indemnif y and hold Firm and other members of CBA harmless in the event the foregoing warranties are incorrect. Owner acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Agreement, with the Property Information pages of this Agreement fully completed. 6. COMMISSION. Firm shall be entitled to a commission if: (a) Firm leases or procures a purchaser or lessee on the terms of this Agreement, or on other terms acceptable to Owner; (b) Owner leases or sells the Property through any other real estate firm during the term of this Agreement; (c) Owner leases or sells the Property within six months after the expiration or sooner termination of this Agreement to a person or entity that submitted an offer, Letter of Intent to purchase or lease, or has expressed interest to purchase or lease the Property during the term of this Agreement or that appears on any registration list provided by Firm pursuant to this Agreement or an "Affiliate" of such a person or entity that submitted an offer or that appears on the registration list; (d) the Property is made unleasable by an otherwise acceptable tenant/lessee due to the Owner's voluntary act; or (e) Owner cancels this DI.H Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. 1145 Broadway, Suite 1350 Tacoma, Washington 98402 Phone: (253) 272 4662 Fax: (312) 470 4475 © Commercial Brokers Association 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CBA Form XLA Exclusive Agency Rev. 1/2011 Page 2 of 4 EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENT (CONTINUED) Agreement, or otherwise prevents Firm from leasing the Property after the Firm has produced an acceptable tenant/lessee. The commission for any completed transaction shall be calculated as follows: Six Percent (6.0%) of all gross lease revenues through the term of the first twenty (20) years of the lease. If a sale, then six percent (6.0%) of the gross sales price, with no offset or deduction whatsoever. The Firm's compensation will in no event be less than Six Percent (6.0%) for any transaction, including a long term land lease, contemplated in this Agency Agreement. Payment of lease commissions shall be paid one half (1/2) upon lease signing, and one half (1/2) upon tenant taking possession of the Leased Premises. Sales commissions will be paid in full at closing with no offset or deduction whatsoever. Firm shall submit any registration list to Owner within 15 days after the expiration or sooner termination of this Agreement and shall only include on the registration list persons or entities to whose attention the Property was brought through the signs, advertising or other action of Firm, or who received information secured directly or indirectly from or through Firm during the term of this Agreement. Owner shall provide the registration list to any other brokers that assist the Owner with this Property. "Affiliate" means, with respect to any person or entity that submitted an offer during the term of this Agreement or that appears on the registration list, a person or entity which has more than a 10% ownership or voting interest in such an entity or any entity in which more than 10% of the ownership or voting interests are owned or controlled by such a person or entity. 7. FIRM/MULTIPLE LISTING. Firm shall cause this listing to be published by CBA for distribution to all CBA members through CBA's listing distribution systems. Firm shall cooperate with all other members of CBA in working toward the lease of the property. Owner understands and agrees that all property information contained in this Agreement or otherwise given to CBA becomes the property of CBA, is not confidential, and will be given to third parties, including prospective purchasers AND lessees, other cooperating members of CBA who do not represent the Owner and, in some instances, may represent the purchaser or lessee and other parties granted access to CBA's listing systems. Owner agrees that Firm may record this Agreement. Regardless of whether a cooperating member is the firm of the lessee or purchaser, the Owner, neither or both, the member shall be entitled to receive the selling office's share of the commission as designated by the listing office. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT CBA IS NOT A PARTY TO THIS AGREEMENT, AND ITS SOLE FUNCTION IS TO FURNISH THE DESCRIPTIVE INFORMATION SET FORTH IN THIS LISTING TO ITS MEMBERS, WITHOUT VERIFICATION AND WITHOUT ASSUMING ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUCH INFORMATION OR IN RESPECT TO THIS AGREEMENT. 8. ATTORNEY’S FEES. In the event either party employs an attorney to enforce any terms of this Agreement and is successful, the other party agrees to pay a reasonable attorney’s fee and any costs and expenses incurred. In the event of trial, venue shall be in the County in which the Property is located, the amount of the attorney’s fee shall be as fixed by the court. 9. TERMINATION. The Agreement may be terminated by either party following ninety (90) days written notification. 10. ADDITIONALTERMS. In addition to the Property Information pages of this Agreement and Exhibit A (legal description), the following amendments or addenda are part of this Agreement: City owned properties represented in this Agreement are available for possible office, retail, hotel, senior family or other residential development developed in accordance with applicable and adopted design standards and guidelines. This listing agreement covers all possible commercial and residential developments, either by lease or by sale. ONE EXCEPTION to this is the company of Williams and Dame Development, Inc. Broker will NOT be paid for any transaction accomplished by Williams and Dame Development, Inc. or any affiliate. DI.H Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. 1145 Broadway, Suite 1350 Tacoma, Washington 98402 Phone: (253) 272 4662 Fax: (312) 470 4475 © Commercial Brokers Association 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CBA Form XLA Exclusive Agency Rev. 1/2011 Page 3 of 4 EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENT (CONTINUED) OWNER Owner/Authorized Signature Name: Peter B. Lewis Title Mayor Date ________________________________ FIRM Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. – Tacoma Office, Firm (Company) (Office) By (Authorized Representative) Date: ____________________________ DI.H Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. 1145 Broadway, Suite 1350 Tacoma, Washington 98402 Phone: (253) 272 4662 Fax: (312) 470 4475 © Commercial Brokers Association 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CBA Form XLA Exclusive Agency Rev. 1/2011 Page 4 of 4 EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENT (CONTINUED) EXHIBIT A (Legal Description) Lot #1 – 7815700240 Lot #2 – 7815700225 Lot #3 - 7815700250 Lot #5 – 7815700295 Lot #6 - 7815700290 Lot #7 - 7815700285 Lot #9 - 7815700300 Lot #10 - 7815700305 Lot #11 - 7815700310 Lot #12 - 7815700325 Lot #13 - 7815700326 Lot #14 - 7815700327 And for purposes hereof, this Listing Agreement shall also include parcels located within the four-block area bounded by Main Street to the North, A Street SW to the West, 2nd Street SW/SE to the South and A Street SE to the East, that are subsequently purchased by the City during the term of this Listing Agreement or any extension(s) thereof, along with any other “Outparcels” located within the area depicted on Exhibit “B” (Downtown Redevelopment Area) that are subsequently purchased by the City during the term of this Listing Agreement or any extensions(s) thereof, provided that this Listing Agreement shall not apply to any parcels identified in this section that may be purchased by the City where the parcels are expressly purchased for municipal purposes. DI.H Downtown Redevelopment Area EXHIBIT B l t1DS7NW a 2N Si NE o y Cl r 7 Auburn Regional IJ Medical Center 3 I'III '`( 7 F O 3 LJL J`v' _B V 7I e o West Aubum 7 51 ST NE ° High School r_- I a z 1} T T,,., w L oo 1I I City Auburn sa 1 T y Hdll Pi'ofeuian t TI aza I 7 V MAIN$T JN , MAWA Tiy I n J J Justice G Center WellsFargo Q Q m BI¢ck Q I ` „,_,e I Q y I 1 O 4.rtiT5i5M1VI L O r i ii i i 1.. i,.,- - r-- iu U Q s 3 c io Q Sa(eway a 1 a a 4 3 a Transit F r` I Center 4-J L J oQ o V Cj Q ° ' a ° t'"'^l 2r7DiT5 v 2NL STSE r'7 L n U L Q Q 0 o' fl Q G o o o 3ao sr svi o l, r' d i { 3eosrse o L.' aa o sssTS a oo o DowntownRedeveloPmentArea ildings IIJ o i_. Nlzlls Far90 Bbck Parcels DI.H