HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM II Minutes t � � � • * CITY OF � * pLANNING COMM SSION " WASHINGTON October 18, 2017 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Judi Roland called the meeting to order at 6;31 p.m. in the Council Chambere located on 4he first floor of Aubum City Hall, 25 West Main Street,Aubum, WA. Commission Members present were: Chair Jud,i,Roland;�ce ChairKevin Chapman, Bob Baggett, Ron Copple,Wayne Osbome, and Dave Peace. Commission Members excused: Joan Mason. Staff present included: Planning Director Kevin Snyder, Principal Planner Jeff Dixon, Planner Stuart Wagner, Economic Development Manager poug Lein and Planning and DevelopmenYSecretary Tina Kriss. II. SPECIAL WORK SESSION -6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. A. Revisions fo Amendments to Chapters 3, 8 and 14 of the Comprehensive Plan Pertaining to Prioritization Planning & Development Director Snyder provided the staff report on Revisions to Amendmentto Chapters 3, 8 and 14 of the Comprehensive Plan. A map indicating warehouse and distribution centers in Aubum was distributed to Commissioners per their request at a previous meeting. After reviewing the revisions, Commission provided the following recommendations • remove the duplicated word "that" on page 3-36; • page 8-9, ED-18"Jeave out disincentives for not converting; and • change word "singer' to sinqle on page 14-27. B. Adjoumment There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission, Chair Roland adjoumed the meeting at 6:45 P.M. III. REGULAR SPECIAL MEETING—7:00 p.m. IV. CALL TO ORDER Chair Judi Roland called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers located on the first floor of Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main Street,Aubum, WA. Commiss'ion Members present were: Chair Judi Roland, Vice Chai�Kevin Chapman, Bob Baggett, Ron Copple, V1layne Osbome, and Daye Peace. Commission Members excused: Joan Mason. Planning Cnmmission Meeting AAinutes October 18; 2011 � � � Staff present induded: Planning Director Kevin Snyder, Principal PlannerJeff Dixon, PlannerStuart Wagner, Traffic Engineer Pablo Para and Sr. Aocountant Michelle Surdez and Planning Secretary Tina Kriss. Members of the Audience in attendance included: Terry Davis and Sally McLean, representing the Federal Way School District. V. ROLL CALL VI. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS The�e are no agenda modifications. VII: APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Septeinber 7, 2071 Commissioner Gopple moved and Commissioner Osb�me seconded to approve the minutes from the September 7, 2011 meeting as submitted. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0 B. September 20, 2011 Member Bagge4t was present at the September 20th, 2011 meeting, Commission . requested staff corred the minutes. Commissioner Copple moved and Commissioner Osbome seconded 4o approvethe minutes from the September 20, 2011 meeting as amended. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0 VIII. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. 2017.Annual Coteprehensive Plan Amendments Principal PlannerDixon provided the briefing for the 2011 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Committee and staff reviewed the amendmerrts provided by Principal PlannerDixon. The privately-initiated amendments virill 6e reViewed under separate agenda bills. The following amendments were brought before Commission for public hearing: CPM #1, Revised Map No. 14.1 8 CPM il2, Revised Map No. 6.2 Principal Planner Jeff pixon provided the staff report for CPM#1_ and asked Planning Commission to recommend approval to the City Council. Chair Roland opened the public hearing at 7:07 p.m.to receive comments on CPM#1 and CPM#2. There being no public present for comment, Chair Roland closed the publiahearing at 7:08 p.m. Commissioner Peace moved and Commissioner Copple seconded to approve CPM #1 CPM#2 MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0 2 . � Planning Commission Meeting Minutes October 18, 2017 P/T#1, Incorporate Auburn School DistricYCapi�l Facil"rties Plan; P/T#2— Incorporate DieringerSchool district Capital Facilities Plan; P!T#3—Incorporate Federel Way School district Capital Facilities Plan; and P!T#4—Incorporate Kent School District Capital�Facilities,Plan. Principal Planner Dixon provided the staff report; Commission and staff reviewed the P/T #1, P!f#2, P!T#3, and P!T#4. Mr. Dixon asked Planning Commission to recommend approval to the City Councii. Chair Roland opened the public hearing at 7:14 p.m. to receive comments on P/T#1, P/T#2, P!T#3 and P!f#4. Sally McLean, representing the Federal Way School district, 31405 18'"Ave. S., Federal Way,:WA 98003. Ms. McLean thanked the Commission for considering the Federal Way School District's annual capital facilities plan update as part of the City's annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Ms. McLean expressed her appreciation for stafFs work and stated the 2012 school impact fee calculations have been discourrted beyond the traditional fifty-percent (50%) by the school board, The Federal Way school district serves 512 Aubum pre-school through twelfth (12'") grade students. After hearing comment from the public on P/T#1, P/T#2, P!T#3 and P!T#4 Chair Roland closed the public hearing at 7:17 p.m. Commissioner Peace moved and Commissioner Baggett seconded to approve P!T#1, P/T#2, P!f#3 and P/T#4. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0 P/T#5—Incorporate City of Auburn 6-year Capital Facilities Plan 2012-2017. Principal Planner Dixorrp�odided a briefing on P/T#5. Chair Roland opened the public hearing at 7:19 p.m. to receipe comments on PfT#5. There being no public present for comment, CHai�Roland closed the public hearing at.7:19 p.m. Commissioner Copple moved and Commissioner Osbome seconded to approve P!f#5 . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0 P/T#6— Revise the separate Comprehensive Transporfation Plan to include the work of the Bicycle Task Force. Principal Planner Dixon:reviewed information on P!T#8. Commissioner Copple stated he feels bike boxes should oniy be used in high traffic intersections with safety issues. Chair Roland opened the public hearing at 7:42 p.m. to receive comments on P/T#6. Terry Davis, Chairman of the Bicycle Task Force; 2520 25"' Street SE, Aubum WA 98002. In response to Commissioner Copple's concern on bike boxes Mr. Davis stated the bike boxes can be remoVed if Commission isconcemed about the impact, or location. it is importarrt to provide safe corridors forall types of riders to travel. Sharrows, bike lanes and education would be 4he best way to proceed. Upon completion of the maps the bicycle task force will bring the draft map to the Planning Commission for discussion. 3 Plannirig�Gommission Meeting Minutes October 18, 2011 . � � � After hearing comment from the public on P/T#6, Chair Roland closed the public hearing at 7:55 p.m. Commissioner Copple moved and Commissioner Osbome seconded to approve F/T#6 with removal of reference to bike boxes. Commissioners discussed bike boxes. Chair Roland stated since this is a new,program it , may be beneficial to start small; using sharrows, bike lanes and implementing the education program. It may confuse the public if you add a bike box pilot program. Chair reminded Commission Member Copple provided a motion and Commissioner Osborne has seconded the motion. , MOTION CARRIED 4-2 P/T#7 Revise the separate Com�rehensive Drainage Plan to revise plan project number 13{A 8 6), Flooding 30 Street NE Principal Planner providing the staff report. Chair Roland opened the public hearing at 8:03 p.m. on P(f 7 to receive public commeM. There being no public preseM for commerrt on P/T#7, Chair Roland closed the public hearing at 8:03 p.m. Commissioner Peace moved and Commissioner Osbome seconded to approve P!f#7. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY— 6-0 P/T #8—Update the previous conditionally-approved Northeast AuburNRobertson Properties Special Area Plan(Approved'by City Council Ordinance No. 6183)—Referenced within Chapter 14, Comprehensive Plan Map Principal Planner Dixon provided the bri�ng for P/T#8. Commission and staff reyiewed the amendments and the cFianges in handout provided by Principal Planner Dixon, on Page 17 for NE=31, highlighted in yellow. � Chair Roland opened the public hearing at 8:15 p.m. to receive comments on P/T #8. There being no public present for comment, Chair Roland closed the public hearing at 8:15 p.m. on P/T#8. Commissioner Chapman moved and Commissioner Peace seconded to appro0e P!T#8, including the changes highlighted on Page 17 (handout). MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0 P/T#9—VARIOUS (seVen miscellaneous amendments) Principal Plannerprovided the staff report: Principal Planner provided a handouY showing how all changes would work together on pages 14-25 to 28(Chapter 14, Comprehensive Plan Amendment) and pages 3—31 pages 3=31 on (Land Use)to review with Commission. 4 �: ' 'Planning Commission Meeting Minutes October 18, 2011 Chair Roland opened the public hearing to receive comments on P/T#9 at 8:29 p.m. There being no publia present for comment, Chair Roland closed the public hearing on P/T#9 at 8:29 p.m. Commissioner Osbome moved and Commissioner Copple seconded to approve P!T#9 with the changes provided by staff. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0 P/T#10—Revise discussion andlor policies to emphasize manufacturing land uses in industrial zones, Chapter 3, Land Use; Chapter 8, Economis Development; Chapteri4, Comprehensive Plan Map. Principal Planner Dixon reviewed staff report for P/T#10. Chair Roland opened the public hearing to receive comments on P/T#10.There being no public present for comment, Chair Roland closed the public hearing on P!T#10 at 8:31 p.m. Commissioner Osborne moved and Commissioner Peace seconded to approve P!T#10 as amended. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0 B. ZOA11-0006—Amendments to TiUe 18 of Aubum City Code Planner Stuart Wagner presented the staff report on ZQA11-0006. Committee and staff reviewed the amendments. Chair Roland opened the public hearing to receiye comments on 20A11-0006 at 8:43 p.m. There being no public present for commerrt, ChairRoland closed the public hearing on ZOA11-0006 at 8:43 p.m. Committee recammended ch_anging the language on pages 10 and 11 (Tree and Shrub Pruning), requi�ing a cert�ed tree trimmer, from prescriptive to suggestive. Commissioner Chapman mo"ved and CommissionerCopple seconded to approve ZOA11-0006,with staff recommended changes to language on pages 10 and 11 from prescriptive to suggestive. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0 IX. OTHER BUSINESS There were no business items. Chair Roland confirmed the next meeting will be changed from November 8, 2011 to November 9, 201 L X. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission, Chair Roland adjourned the meeting at 8:50 p.m. 5