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2003 Final Budaet Appendix APPENDIX B COMMUNITY STATISTICS This section of the budget contains a synopsis of data regarding the Auburn community. This data is presented to provide general City background information to the reader. This data is presented both to provide background information to the reader and to add insight to some of the budget goals and policies addressed in this document. 2002 INFORMATION Date of Incorporation Form of Government Type of Government Area Miles of Streets Number of Street Lights 1891 Mayor-Council Non-Charter Code City 22.65 Square Miles 1 66 Miles 2,934 FIRE PROTECTION Number of Stations Number of Personnel and Firefighters 3 81 POLICE PROTECTION Number of Stations/Precincts Number of Personnel and Officers 3 116 WATER SERVICE Number of Services Average Daily Consumption Miles of Water Main 12,014 7.5 million Gallons 247 Miles SEWERS Sanitary Sewers 149 Miles V AWE OF BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED $111,365.428 PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURE Developed Park Acreage Number of Cemetery Interments Number of Rounds Played (Golf Course) 367 277 53,967 Sources: City of Auburn GIS, Finance, Building, and Parks & Recreation Departments Page 267 2003 Final Budaet Appendix Population, Housing and School Enrollment 50,000 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 II1II II1II II1II 15,000 II1II II1II II1II II1II II1II II1II II1II ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,000 5,000 -+- Population Housing Units ---..- Enrollment 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Population and Housing Trends 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 School Enrollment (1) 11,418 11,697 12,113 12,441 12,7 69 12,741 13,063 13,079 1 3,222 13,504 Rote of Unemployment (2) 6.5% 5.5% 5.2% 5.0% 3.1% 2.9% 3.7% 3.4% 5.3% 5.9% Population (3) 34,647 34,965 35,230 36,520 36,720 37,440 38,980 42,045 43,985 44,685 Housing Units (3) One Unit 6,268 6,366 6,461 6,574 6,738 6,969 7,377 8,125 8,247 8,671 Two or More 6,168 6,301 6,319 6,501 6,705 6,715 7,217 7,520 7,667 7,452 Mobile Home or Special 2,191 2,206 2,213 2,349 2,299 2,268 2,204 2,212 2,302 2,144 Total Housing Units 14,627 14,873 14,993 15,424 15,742 15,952 16,798 17,857 18,216 18,267 Source: (1) Auburn School District No. 408 (2) WA State Employment Security Deportment (3) City of Auburn Planning Deportment Page 268 2003 Final Budaet Appendix City of Auburn Taxable Retail Sales 1994 - 2002 $1,600,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 Ô $1,000,000 0 $800,000 q <A- $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $- III other III Wholesaling III Manufacturing o Contracting III Services II Retail 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Taxable Retail Sales by Sector 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Retail Trade Sector Building Material $ 10,460 $ 14,430 $ 13,774 $ 17,050 $ 18,978 $ 19,070 $ 15,032 $ 32,124 $ 45,000 General Merch 4,579 16,301 39,816 8,923 23,903 9,723 32.497 55,092 53,081 Food 56,686 55,642 56,759 57,323 63,655 59,917 63,345 62,381 58,544 Auto & Gloss 188,522 186,435 210,527 235,382 267,694 306,133 325,874 318,666 320,233 Apparel 5,954 32,000 59,342 62,418 61,924 55,151 56,119 57,065 55,636 Furniture 27,665 61,774 63,187 46,126 43,625 38,200 42,661 60,111 45,521 Eating/Drink 37,143 42,652 47,914 50,674 56,354 60,848 60,883 64,394 64,555 Misc Retail 46,113 55,229 73,594 112,047 112,873 118,127 145,122 130,896 113,934 Retail Trade 377,122 464,463 564,913 589,943 649,006 667,169 741 ,533 780,729 756,504 Services 184,599 127,474 126,696 88,049 96,270 115,045 123.402 1 22,405 138,976 Contracting 129,446 135,097 138,840 101,629 133,185 135,136 146.467 137,421 152,021 Manufacturing 29,071 26,896 27,007 23,585 27,018 29,4 14 30.420 30,326 50,219 Trans/Com/uty 18,978 25,861 26,998 34,197 30.483 46,290 42,911 45,976 43,895 Wholesaling 101,337 121,878 1 29.468 162,787 227.434 292,388 265,554 242,274 217,043 Finance/lnsur 4,856 5,097 4,725 5,737 7,557 7,484 7,671 8,208 9,319 Other Bus 5,678 3,7 63 3,848 4,734 4,665 5,357 5.474 7,409 8,116 Grand Total $ 851,087 $ 910,529 $ 1,022,495 $ 1,010,661 $ 1,175,618 $ 1,298,283 $ 1,363.432 $ 1,374,748 $ 1,376,093 Source: City of Auburn Finance Deportment In thousands **estimated bosed on actuals through second quarter, 2002 Page 269 2003 Final Budoet Construction Activity By Value: City of Auburn 1993 - 2002 $100,000,000 $90,000,000 $80,000,000 $70,000,000 $60,000,000 $50,000,000 $40,000,000 $30,000,000 $20,000,000 $10,000,000 $- 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Building Permits and Construction Values Commercial Building Residential Building Year Permits Value Permits Value 1993 75 $ 35,852,442 143 $ 12,463,419 1994 99 79,710,410 137 14,639,690 1995 111 66,625,799 157 27,362,940 1996 330 26,984,727 246 31,285,589 1997 487 40,423,499 321 44,176,187 1998 394 91,725,207 568 68,728,849 1999 432 93,970,839 361 22,961,498 2000 471 75,01 0,744 583 65,076,898 2001 395 72,882,729 639 65,326,240 2002 434 56,257,275 421 55,108,153 Source: City of Auburn Building Division Page 270 Appendix 2003 Final Budoet Appendix Assessed Value by Type City of Auburn 1993 - 2002 $4,500,000 $4,000,000 $3,500,000 $3,000,000 -'"' is $2,500,000 :3 $2,000,000 <A- $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 [] Personal IDII state/Other .. Land/Bldg Assessed Value by Type state Total Fiscal Land & Property Personal Assessed Year Building & Other Property Value 1993 $ 1,689,190 $ 48,486 $ 630,756 $ 2,368,432 1994 1,700,104 44,730 661,741 2,406,575 1995 1 ,823,006 58,812 761,919 2,643,737 1996 1,957,542 51,811 697,224 2,706,577 1997 2,077,7 62 73,727 737,096 2,888,585 1998 2,221,116 84,456 719,317 3,024,889 1999 2,365,897 82,817 753,054 3,201 ,7 68 2000 2,530,338 104,939 757,643 3,392,920 2001 2,897,698 107,515 746,852 3,752,065 2002 3,099,138 129,250 723,846 3,952,234 Source: King County Tax Assessor In Thousands Page 271 2003 Final Budoet Appendix King County Property Tax Comparison Mercer Island $733,000 $ 8.84 $6,481 ßellevue $383,000 $ 8.94 $3,422 Newcastle $333,000 $ 11.10 $3,697 Issaquah $329,000 $ 10.83 $3,562 Kirkland $327,000 $ 10.31 $3,370 Seattle $301 ,000 $ 10.66 $3,209 Snoqualmie $297,000 $ 11.84 $3,518 U nincarporated $257,000 $ 12.47 $3,206 Burien $214,000 $ 11.53 $2,468 Renton $203,000 $ 11.44 $2,323 Kent $195,000 $ 13.29 $2,592 Federal Way $193,000 $ 12.45 $2,403 Covington $176,000 $ 13.14 $2,313 Auburn $168,000 $ 13.79 $2,317 SeaTac $168,000 $ 11.43 $1,921 Mìlton $1 65,000 $ 12.75 $2,104 Tukwila $1 60,000 $ 13.51 $2,162 Enumclaw $158,000 $ 12.34 $1,950 Pacific $152,000 $ 12.92 $1,964 Algona $134,000 $ 12.69 $1,700 Source: King County Tax Assessor Representative Levy Rates in Each City (Per $1,000 of Assessed Valuation) 2002 Tax Year Auburn Federal Way Kent Renton Tukwila state Schools 2.98946 2.98946 2.98946 2.98946 2.98946 School District 5.47810 4.16415 4.86509 3.11288 5.11395 King County 1.44949 1.44949 1.44949 1.44949 1.44949 City 2.93353 1 .38089 2.94779 3.35433 2.94537 Fire Protection District 0.00000 1 .50000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Library District 0.45632 0.52581 0.45632 0.00000 0.52581 Port of Seattle 0.18956 0.18956 0.18956 0.18956 0.18956 Emergency Medical Service 0.25000 0.25000 0.25000 0.25000 0.25000 Hospital District 0.00000 0.00000 0.09643 0.09643 0.00000 13.7 4646 12.44936 13.24414 11.44215 13.46364 Source: King County Tax Assessor Page 272