HomeMy WebLinkAbout05D1807T zn�e Z EXIST. 42' SAN_ OPERATIONS TO PREVENT SEDIMENTATION 8 SILT LADEN WATER FROM ENTERING DITCH OCCU WITHIN OF E PROF O B AUTHOR BURN P AI 5J. 0 � � I w 3 w z a W A = w co I \ REO `f?014 © MAX STO Ito a: I- 1 I ; 60.5 I SETBACK 52 53.5 NOf2a'35" 5 777TM�Plt S7n0 i' I - P 3 TI1 O MST9T T . I 31 ? I 6 I I i �, V; IT- 'N I Sy U { I I C 1 RI St NElt MIN fl Rift A.r 1 fl AIAIAN Nr rr Sr owe GRADING & TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PLAN — EXIST. 42' SAN.. SEWER /f PAgK SE 7M EXIST. 12' D.I. WATERMAIN FILL QUANTITY 350,000 C.Y. 8 INSTALL MIRAFI FILTER FABRIC FENCE WHERE SHOWN, ALONG I PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT TO EXISTING DITCH TO I TO MAINTAIN MIN. 3' PREVENT FILL MATERIAL & SILT LADEN WATER FROM I I I FROM TOP OF EXIST. ENTERING DITCH. 9 I EXIST, TRACKSS?' BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD "B" STREET A —y NOTES. 1. SEE SHEET 2 FOR DETAILS, SECTIONS S NOTES. 2. ALL FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED S COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GEOTECHNICAL REPORT BY GEO ENGINEERS DATED NOV. 1988. GRA 000-7 — 82) _ APPROVID nl pe ('1, _4 -'Uac+U r ORAIIII city or- AUBURN EIYGINEERWO DiPARTMIEN t Qi APPRCPKo IN 1694 Cr. AILED SHOT ROAD. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE TO KEEP IN PRESENT CONDITION CROSSING PER DETAIL TO PROVIDE MIN. 6' CLEARANCE FOR TRUCKS. (SEE SHT. 2) FUTURE 10' RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION -EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT TEMPORARY 48 LF-24" CMP at am 4)C o 0 j 0 > ;>.2 aO >->- W ~ C W �• U U WU Z E �� aO 3 s � WW O V c �> O ` �W Z�� z0o2 Cl)aa a 0 I 33 I C m �- a —I s11— 1 ii I PER DETAIL, SHT. 2 I 95 EXIST. 50' R.O.W. I— EXIST. 24' SD FUTURE 60' R.O.W. r EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT NOTE - CONTRACTOR IS TO OBTAIN SEPERATE DEMOLITION PERMIT FROM Ct Y OF AUBURN PRIOR TO REMOVING EXISTING STRUCTURES. NEW FILL TO MAINTAIN MINIMUM 3' INSTALL MIRAFI FILTER FABRIC FENCE WHERE SHOWN, ALONG I PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT TO EXISTING DITCH TO I TO MAINTAIN MIN. 3' PREVENT FILL MATERIAL & SILT LADEN WATER FROM I I I FROM TOP OF EXIST. ENTERING DITCH. 9 I EXIST, TRACKSS?' BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD "B" STREET A —y NOTES. 1. SEE SHEET 2 FOR DETAILS, SECTIONS S NOTES. 2. ALL FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED S COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GEOTECHNICAL REPORT BY GEO ENGINEERS DATED NOV. 1988. GRA 000-7 — 82) _ APPROVID nl pe ('1, _4 -'Uac+U r ORAIIII city or- AUBURN EIYGINEERWO DiPARTMIEN t Qi APPRCPKo IN 1694 Cr. AILED SHOT ROAD. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE TO KEEP IN PRESENT CONDITION CROSSING PER DETAIL TO PROVIDE MIN. 6' CLEARANCE FOR TRUCKS. (SEE SHT. 2) FUTURE 10' RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION -EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT TEMPORARY 48 LF-24" CMP at am 4)C o 0 j 0 > ;>.2 aO >->- W ~ C W �• U U WU Z E �� aO 3 s � WW O V c �> O ` �W Z�� z0o2 Cl)aa a 0 I 33 I C m �- a —I s11— 1 ii I PER DETAIL, SHT. 2 I 95 EXIST. 50' R.O.W. I— EXIST. 24' SD FUTURE 60' R.O.W. r EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT NOTE - CONTRACTOR IS TO OBTAIN SEPERATE DEMOLITION PERMIT FROM Ct Y OF AUBURN PRIOR TO REMOVING EXISTING STRUCTURES. NEW FILL TO MAINTAIN MINIMUM 3' SETBACK FROM TOP OF EXISTING vi DRAINAGE DITCH, PER DETAIL, SHT. 2/2. -j - MIRAFI FILTER FENCE FOR DETAILS SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 1' '— EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT W EXIST. SAN. SWR. MH (iI IM = 48.86 V I.E. = 30.08(E&W) EXIST. DITCH PER DETAIL, SHT. 2 -TEMPORARY 48 LF-24' CMP EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT EXIST. 24' SD FUTURE 10' RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION lff 100' SPECIAL NOTES: r E n&w I. All filled and graded areas of the site shall be AO grass seeded to the satisfaction of the Building Official'* ithin one month of completion of the filling and grading operation, or phased portions i f of the filling and grading operation as determined by the Building Official. EX ZTFIRE "\ " — 4 1 _,7DRANT 1 2. Use of 29th Street NW as a 'haul route for the II proposed fill and grade operation shall / require appropriate dust control and maintenance I I measures, such as periodic watering, grading REGRADE AREA ADJACENT TO EX ST. I and/or treatment of the gravelled surface, as RAILROAD CROSSING PER DETAIL TO I required by the Public Works Director. PROVIDE MIN. 6" CLEARANCE FOR TRUCKS. (SEE SHT. 2) I I— 50 1 LEGEND EXIST. 72' RCP METRO SAN.. SEWER EXIST. 12' D.I. WATERMAIN TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AREA TO RECIEVE FILL �0 SURVEY DATA EXISTING DRAINAGE DITCH t 53.5 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION ti BASIS OF BEARING: CITY OF AUBURN PROPOSED DRAINAGE PATTERN 25672 BENCHMARK: CHISELED SQUARE IN NW COR. 52--- EXISTING CONTOUR FS�cisTER�G`���e OF WEST HEADWALL CONC. BOX CULVERT ANAL E� — EXISTING SANITARY SEWER UNDER MST. NW; WEST SIDE SITE � 2 ELEV. ! 51.15 - - - - - - - - - EXISTING WATERMAIN a 0 6 c 0 n � Q y , � Z = I a 0)Co 41 2,,' I r' V C I N N N V co N Im t0 C N C�v 11� N C o Wco C0) W .6 H C ea y+ 0 I- OC C Q 0) c N ti tooN N N m Z 0) L N � 1-1 VICINITY MAP ^� - 05V/807 121766 TEMPORARY EROSION SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN NOTES 1. All limits of clearing and areas of vegetation preservation as prescribed on the plan shall be clearly flagged in the field and observed during construction. 2. All required sedimentation/erosion control facilities must be constructed and in operation prior to land clearing and/or other construction to insure that sediment laden water does not enter the natural drainage system. All erosion and sediment facilities shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition until' such time that clearing and/or construction is completed and potential for on -site erosion has passed. The implementation, maintenance, replacement and additions to erosion/ sedimentation control systems shall be the responsibility of the permittee. 3. The erosion and sedimentation control systems depicted on this drawing are intended to be minimum requirements to meet anticipated site conditions. As construction progresses and unexpected or seasonal conditions dictate, facilities will be necessary to insure complete siltation control in the proposed site. During the coarse of construction, it shall be the obligation and responsibility of the permittee to address any new conditions that may be created by his activities and to provide additional facilities over and above minimum requirements as may be needed to protect adjacent properties and water quality of the receiving drainage system. 4. Approval of this plan is for erosion/sedimentation control only. It does not constitute an approval of storm drainage design, size, nor.location of pipes, restrictors, channels of retention facilities. 5. All streets shall be kept clean in a manner directed by the city eogineer. 6. Fill will be placed on existing natural ground. GENERAL NOS 1. All workmanship and materials shall conform to the City of Auburn's requirements and specifications.. 2. Standard specifications shall be 1951 APWA as modified by the City of Auburn. 3. A copy of these approved plans shall be on -site during construction. 4. Prior to starting construction, the contractor shall call one call (1-800-424-5555) for utility locations, water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, gas, power, telephone and television. 5. During construction, contractor shall be required to control on -site stormwater runoff by using temporary erosion/siltation control procedures. No sediment laden storm water shall be allowed to discharge into the City of Auburn's storm drainage system or adjacent property. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE= I. Construct Perimeter Ditches as required. 2. Install Temporary Construction Entrance. 3. Install Miraf'1 Filter Fabric Fence as shown on plan. 4. Clearly Flag all Areas to Remain Undisturbed. 5. Fill Site to Required Grades 6. Install Additional Erosion Control Measures as needed during the Construction Phase. •w FILTER FABRIC STAPLES OR 2 x 2 x 14 GAGE MATERIAL, MIRAFI WIRE RINGS (TYP) WELDED WIRE FABRIC 140, OR EQUAL OR EQUAL II II � N li11 II II I� U v 11 - N Z0 II r� U U ., U II II jj a IIN �I 11 II II II II II U U U 2' x 4' DOUGL A S FIR AT 4' O.C. BURY BOTTOM OF FILTER FABRI ON ELEVATION 8' x IC RENCHIAL NEWLY GRADED OR DISTURBED SLOPE , c� 2x2x14GAGE W.W.F. FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL o 2' x 4' DOUG- a LAS FIR OR 1'-1 1/2' WASHED — EQUAL GRAVEL OR PEA GRAVEL _T_ I I tD II I I CU 11 u TYPICAL CROSS SECTION SALT FENCE DETAIL NTS EXIST. GROUN 8" PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY MI . t46 LF-I2' CMP /� EXISTING DRIVEWAY RAMP d ( OR SITE ACCESS ROAD 50' MIN. of` °p V o "g° USE 2' TO 4' QUARRY SPALLS OR CRUSHED ROCK FOR SURFACING AS SHOWN. MATERIAL WITH 'FINES' IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. THE 50' MINIMUM LENGTH SHALL BE LENGTHENED AS NECESSARY TO INSURE MATERIAL IS NOT TRACKED INTO THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY NOTES: 1. ENTRANCE SHALL BE KEPT CLEAN OF MUD 8 DEBRIS DURING ENTIRE FILL OPERATION. 2. ALL FILL SHALL BE PLACED 8 COMPACTED IN ACCORD- ANCE WITH GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PREPARED BY GEO ENGINEERS DATED NOVEMBER 23, 1988. UJ Z J o r w om �? w eL = 0 U to Ir o Z / U) 57< Q \ wIw TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NTS IGWEST SIDE RAISED EDGE 3' tail. SETBACK FROM TOP OF EXISTING DITCH. SURFACE PONDIIS* 0f 2 / ASPHALT PRELEVEL ONLY PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GRADE SECTION A — A SCALE: 1" - 100' HORIZ. 1"-5'VERT. NOTE, AFTER FILLING OPERATIONS ARE COMPLETE, CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE GRAVEL AND RESTORE PAVEMENT TO ORIGINAL CONDITION. RAILROAD CROSSING DETAIL SCALE, I" = 10' HORIZ. I" = 4' VERT. URFACE PONDING RARY GRADE FILL WITH CRUSHED ROCK AND 2" ASPHALT AS REQUIRED TO GIVE 6 MIN. CLEARANCE (TYP.) COMPACTED TO REQUIRED DENSITY. RAISED EDGE w Z J CL w SURFACE PONDING 55 0 \M AISED EDGE SURFACE PONDING SURFACE PON'DWdG SURFACE PONDING CL 3=I 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 50 PROPOSED GRADE PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GRADE EXISTING GRADE 45 SECTION 6 — E 40 SCALE: 1" - 100' HORIZ. 1" s 5' VERT. 0 EROSION AND STABILIZE SLOPES (TYPICAL AROUND PERIMETER OF SITE) t r MIRAFI FILTER w FABRIC FENCE Q, 3 3 c ■e w w 0 •— 4' r r �UU a: Cr W> ww cc <Q a O a wL so ?U) > •03 i.i. 0o a 1 U 10 cri Q : U 33 m �,�rtv L rn� m an N � 0 C N —I ©1 E- ■ 00 ��O V) "01 ■ W 1� rpC ) (, m ■� C =00 R* C4 co — a��N C)o ca I f U. ci c0 c 0 's -„� d in o Z Z � G C4 1 m al .. cUJI r Z $ IL J Z 3=1 U) o- N N 0 N I � N RAISED EDGE `11 N TOP J " 3' MIN. SETBACK FROM OF EXISTING DITCH C 0 CN • N i O GRA 000-7 - 89 APPROVED DEPT_.OF: P_UBLIU rVORKS CITY OF AUBURN EN-GINEERING DEPARTMENT S Z°t qn - CC� r N 3 Or ill = L Y Z■IiiiiiiiiiIiiiiiI h __ 1M MC _ ,Q � C a K. be CL 1. N W HiF .100 C �r U co G/Is CM FSS10INV Q/ ZJa o 0 V n N 44. . rAMP D�