HomeMy WebLinkAbout05D1814LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 20, Block 1, Ryan Addition to Auburn, per King County Recording, Volume 51, Page 36, records of King County, Wa. PARCEL NUMBER 746890 - 0100 DATUM AND BENCHMARK. City of Auburn Benchmark #7-8: Railroad spike in the power pole at the southeast comer of 9th St. SE and "H" St. SE. Elev. = 99.92 ft. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE - 1. Submit a haul route to the City of Auburn for importingI ST 55MF1-� of necessary material . # q0 - tZ 2. Schedule and attend a pre -construction meeting with the Ruse; 013.a� City of Auburn Officials. 3. Establish the lot comers and the clearing limits. cRTSIN st 1 - 4. Install the filter fabric silt fence and the perimeter r_AJrFI I _ SpL LD LID safety/security fence. The security fence shall be placed \ RIM: 013 D' inside of the existing sidewalk to prevent pedestrian intrusion. I)_•- prf.5` 5. Begin the clearing and fine grading for parking and driveways. 6. As work progresses, ensure that no silt -laden runoff leaves the site. 7. Install the drainage and infiltration facilities. Notify the engineer prior to construction of the infiltration trenches. 8. Remove the existing sidewalk and curb to construct the new driveway. Remove the existing driveway and rebuild sidewalk. 9. Protect all new and existing catch basin iniets per City of Auburn Standard Detail DEV-7, as drainage construction progresses. 10. Remove all erosion control measures only as approved by the City inspector and upon substantial completion of soil stabilization, including seeding and mulching, landscaping, paving and other methods. II- NLLL WORK Wi TP1.J PUBLIC RIGHT-oF-wAY SHAIt BE LIMITED TCD STRICT TIME LIMITS. THE -nma LIMITS \NILL BE DETERMIIJ6P A.T THE. PRE-CONSTRUCTIoNI MEE TI,�I G. UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: CAUTION: 5' A PORTION of the N.W.1/'47 SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 21 N., RANGE 5 E•, W.M. lNi=IL"fI�TTDt� TR,FNGN �Z' LONG 5` W 1of 14Y .t WG I7E�Rt . PIP'F- 10' / FENCED IN QUTDOOR PLAY AR ti GRASS SURFACE qi•T- 10' WIDE YP E 1 /` LANDSCAPE TRJP' PVC 5DR 3S ROOF GUTTER DpgIN �O'1� C.ATGFH 6K5IN 3 (TIC Z� RIM'. q Z ' �' p LsTLK--r ie-, e-6' W/ pUTLFiT TF-� (cam PE TIN W/ C�'RNkTF � LI G� I'�F4N�i T� t au 1 9 21 seon ra oF- -75 LP. F}LT6R ppEN CL)FZa FABRIc_ FEE p� DRI�IN1NC--sE PLACe-D RS pNN=RFIow / SHOwltJ. PROP. LINE 24' x 92 0 19 24 ASPHALT PAVEMENT to Pvc BR 3S ` f DCIME R EXTR. CONC. CURB 'k 5' RAD. DHE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION. DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES WHETHER 9400M ON THESE PLANS OR NOT BY POTHOI.NG THE UTILITIES _0 AND SURVEYING THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSIRUCW,:. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE a 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN PONKTt W ALL OF J 7 EXIST'G B L D' G THE EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS DF NEW U1N IlY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY Z WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS Of SAID UTIUTES AS SI MN ON THESE PLANS U LLJ F,� F-•, �15-0+ ARE 1101 GUARANTEED AND ARE SUBJECT TO VAR11 ". m Z PAINT WHITE ONTO ASPHALT SURFACE LJ LJ Cot REFER TO SHEET L-1 RAMP DETAIL LOT NOTE: REMOVE EXISTING DRIVEWAY & CURB CUT & REPLACE WITH NEW CONC. DRIVEWAY APRON WHERE SHOWN & REPLACE SIDEWALK & CURB & GUTTER SECTIONS AS REQUIRED FOR A CONTINUOUS & UNBROKEN INSTALLATION. (PER CLrI C-5i-P• Dem II_ X 93,1 pvc sDR 21 TD FIRE SPRIT-IKLf y SrF�n 5'-6"- bmRa 4-w 5'-0" Pe pm C1-ASS 6 A.C. PAWL I a°I �z '` r o o ° o e COMPACTED SUB -BASE Yo" MI INUS CRUSHED ROCK (MIN. 4 s,. COKFAC loN OR hlr►?1WUE. �, FIRM SbILS� CURB & PAVING SECTION NOT TO SCALE I Ir tww . VI�1' ::DIOTF- T +, PRONIDE- 0 i0• • c t l`t/St GuR0 V) _ 1�.� �NGING' II.lSIDE �_ EXIST. St DEWAi 1C Z 1D (I toRTf -iST a IiO . PROP. L L"I I° DOUBLE CA Clc I Tt3. 3W WATER (nR II} I NJ) I I I O Q (TO �O WHlF.R SERVLCK - W , X O Q (TO �O WHlF.R SERVLCK - W , X 5 qaP ENTRY ' C1iTGH BASIN Z = ' RIDGE OF 11 1 /4�71 PSI _tr° PVC 93+ LIMIT- \\ (PIPET-- SOLID L.ID) lfi 1.: F,INk- q3.3` ,E eR•s (,� z 00 9 •I , 94.D RAMP �93.41 PLANTER' 15 RAD. DISABLED PARKING V<I ____ I I� PLANTER q3,o 14'-6" RAD. u, SIGN -SEE ~ s` xga.s �,, qz.,s SHEET A-4 4 r, ASPHALT PAVE`WNT SOUTH PROP. LINE INS L R.ATloN 1TRFa,4C,4 - CL*65 *� INFILFRt�T1 �TR� --KCH 42.5 4Z' LONGLON 5' W II7� I Ex Sr cS. 6�, ' W/ log PyG PF.h2F PIP<� III g2,0e t7vv✓V. �� 93.$ 8 r�• X q3.1 24' q3.o PLANTER r�.•' ',. / I 3 EXIST. CgNPEL� (stLtFJD PULL C a LLl sT�TEAN I�ISf. Ca(iyr��j u� GRATF (SIT.-�D FULL_ H C, E ovr�- > 0 N R� PROP. LINE EXIST'G SIDEWALK 9a.r� - C cow I g2.3e> EXIST'G N Ln 230 N 00 d-'S4T38�-�- SIDEWALK CATCH E'A�IN *�I (-NPF-3� I 16' W+ 30' 5' Rlrn: 4z.s' 5' lF : ®q. ° 0." NEW SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY APRON w/p"T' (DRIVEWAY PER CITY OF AUBURN STD. DETAIL vu/C-4�,X'W-D LID STOW-1 &STOW-3)(slocvrcLK IsTt�. DIET STSW z "E" STREET S.E. 3 1 xlsr. ssThFN # SO 90-11 RIM R3. ' N -w-- -IE: e6-4q (�",Vv) W eA1Sr 4L__WHIF�w?L� - EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT V FXIST- S4DEU1P�lJC F1_44CP_ E{ - �Q••23° L.F_GEtJ D ® Exlsrtl.e� �R�T E1�vATIorJ PRom, s c a R e 1" = 10 f t - x_�°�° �r"R� SPOT EL�VP.TioN � C-A-TE.R VF-N1.A 50it_,JING • ly" pvc SDP 35 (3 196 MIN. SURFACP- 0RKtNAC-IF. FLAW DIREQ-IOt`I FStl , C13 (jwe- S) RtM + 42.0Z GRAM - lit_fl Ti iTi h. NA,TIvh FILL, COMPACT TO 95% MNRAFI 140N FILTER FABRIC ON TOP OF "UMDER OVERHEAD PAVING -NL_P o'..: .. 1.0' 0'.o O ° ° 3/4• - 1 1/2' WASHED 0• ROCK 6' SLOTTED PVC, SIR 35, IE 19t.5 LTI�LTI(�N TRF-NCH'SEC,T10N__ FIN151-1 C•�R�p�; 111�111 pL;�4U 11LE.Iv, N,T.S, CAST IRON INLET SLOPE PAVING FRAME & GRIT E RIM:gzTO DRAIN - 42.s(cA� •al ---- 6' NMI. Z;PVC, SDR 3S I z (o" PVC -TEE W/CAP RUBBER GASKET JOINTS TYPE J: CATCH BASIN REVISIONS: PerGN k Z rJ IUCo,�o� ILLI o ko � aj •�" ct o to 1' 14 Illll � � w iWl La w z Z w CIA I� I CATCH BASIN Na 3 N0. 4 N 7.s. � ,pprl �J' 4 12 II I11 _IU � R� �i DRH�N°Rocx SOPI39AT�D 1-5 III pVG NEE \ Q:: Er��i . ,� . ;' .5 +• •iJ `. •,:� ; ,. •', aV� .t , ♦ •. ,� GAP W� `.1 Q<-NO FOK I.o' tATNiSIE l�sN M%IN. 561-ow TRENC" 'Jl T I F'E z -N a I N F I L T j�AT I l� t_l TR E GH (GRRI >=D\�- n BASH iN•I.S.#3�yA� ��' CAT t T1PF > (SOLID LLD a. All workmanship and materials shall conform to the City of cV W o j t�10 CAR - C> F;D WILL- TE Auburn's requirements and specifications. � REQUtRI_D FOR THIS SITE . �J F oa o b. Standard Plans and Specifications shall be."Washington Stale 02) q W m 2, E.XISTINC-S WAT5R AND Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Specifications SEER SERA ICJE5 W 1 t•-+- and Standard Plans for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction" � � GpP1TIr4t�E To l3E USED and City of Auburn Standard Details and Development Project o pJ.1D W IL l Not pp�TuRf31rD . Specifications. : � .. C. The Contractor is required to have a copy of Standard Construction � co� b Notes, Standard Details and Specifications available at the job sites (Z co o 3. I1AFF-R,41005 SURFACE along with a copy of the approved devek4pment.plans. rn ­Zj I NCf2>rAS� : 'Zi 3 3 S.F. N om: BE t�I�TI�It�U PR1oR �'O INSTTi1.-L1/�1G tN•1FILTRATIoN FIq�t ..HES TC C-.9NFIRK 501L SUITA$ILITi. NaF-: A FIRE Sl'RTnMlcl� R PI��I 1ZEQUIRE� A VE_tAIL9L' F LA" PLND APPROV P%L, &l NNE r-%W- MA4��NIs1Lt_. GONTP�T FI2F_ DF_.PT: FOR RE(>ZulR CNFGc vAL_�� R_�Ive�L�y� d. A pre -construction meeting shall be required prior to any on -site work for, all Public Facility Extension protects. z -s U e. Prior to starting construction, the Contractor shall call ONE -CALL a (1-80OA24-5555) for utility locations (wafer, sanitary sewer, storm Q sewer, gas, power, telephone and television). Record Drawing CarMiicafion These drawings conform to the Contractor's construction records. by: Date:_ TNlelposdion:_. Confirmed by City _Date: 1 DATE: 11 19 98 SCALE: 1 " = 10' PROJECTfiEF':_13L.17 p?32- 9 , s DESIGN BY:� JJJ These pfens are approved for confarnance with the Cky of Auburn's Enginean% Dwision DRNRV. BY: _ JJ LC fegUlfalllentS. p � APP. BY: _ /2/e/98 JOB No. DUMAS Approved by:D/,� SHEET Dare Approved: osa i81y N om: BE t�I�TI�It�U PR1oR �'O INSTTi1.-L1/�1G tN•1FILTRATIoN FIq�t ..HES TC C-.9NFIRK 501L SUITA$ILITi. NaF-: A FIRE Sl'RTnMlcl� R PI��I 1ZEQUIRE� A VE_tAIL9L' F LA" PLND APPROV P%L, &l NNE r-%W- MA4��NIs1Lt_. GONTP�T FI2F_ DF_.PT: FOR RE(>ZulR CNFGc vAL_�� R_�Ive�L�y� d. A pre -construction meeting shall be required prior to any on -site work for, all Public Facility Extension protects. z -s U e. Prior to starting construction, the Contractor shall call ONE -CALL a (1-80OA24-5555) for utility locations (wafer, sanitary sewer, storm Q sewer, gas, power, telephone and television). Record Drawing CarMiicafion These drawings conform to the Contractor's construction records. by: Date:_ TNlelposdion:_. Confirmed by City _Date: 1 DATE: 11 19 98 SCALE: 1 " = 10' PROJECTfiEF':_13L.17 p?32- 9 , s DESIGN BY:� JJJ These pfens are approved for confarnance with the Cky of Auburn's Enginean% Dwision DRNRV. BY: _ JJ LC fegUlfalllentS. p � APP. BY: _ /2/e/98 JOB No. DUMAS Approved by:D/,� SHEET Dare Approved: osa i81y