HomeMy WebLinkAbout05D1834CITY OF AUBURN GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 1. WITHIN THE CITY OF AUBURN, ALL REQUIRED SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED AND IN OPERATION PRIOR TO LAND CLEARING AND/OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. THESE FACILITIES SHALL BE MAINTAINED, AND UPGRADED IF NECESSARY, TO INSURE THAT SEDIMENT -LADEN WATER AND STORM DRAINAGE RUNOFF DOES NOT IMPACT THE ADJACENT PROPERTIES, NATURAL DRAINAGE WAYS, OR THE EXISTING CITY STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM. 2. THE SOURCES FOR ALL MATERIAL IMPORTED TO THE SITE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY. 3. THE STORM DRAINAGE DETENTION (RETENTION IF INFILTRATION SYSTEM IS USED), SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED DRAWINGS ARE INTENDED TO BE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS TO MEET ANTICIPATED SITE CONDITIONS. ADDITIONAL DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES MAY BE REQUIRED AS SITUATIONS WARRANT DURING CONSTRUCTION. THE IMPLEMENTATION, MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENT AND ADDITIONS TO THESE CONTROL SYSTEMS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITEE. 4. THE TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES, INCLUDING ALL PERIMETER CONTROLS AND THE DETENTION (RETENTION IF INFILTRATION SYSTEM IS USED) CONTROL PONDS, SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL FINAL SITE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED. AFTER CITY APPROVAL, THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVING ALL TEMPORARY FACILITIES. 5. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO WATER THE SITE, AS NECESSARY, TO REDUCE DUST EMISSIONS AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO SWEEP ALL AFFECTED PUBLIC ROADS, AS NECESSARY, TO REMOVE MATERIAL DEPOSITED AS A RESULT OF PROJECT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. 6. ALL AREAS OF ACTIVE EARTHWORK WHICH HAVE THE POTENTIAL FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION IMPACTS ON ADJACENT PROPERTIES, NATURAL DRAINAGE WAYS, OR THE EXISTING CITY STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM MUST BE STABILIZED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE: FROM APRIL 1 TO SEPTEMBER 30, AREAS AT FINAL GRADE AND THOSE THAT ARE SCHEDULED TO REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN THIRTY DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN TEN DAYS. FROM OCTOBER 1 TO MARCH 31, EARTHWORK ACTIVITIES SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN STAGES IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE SOIL EXPOSURE. EXPOSED SOILS WITH AN AREA GREATER THAN 5,000 SQUARE FEET THAT ARE SCHEDULED TO REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS AND EXPOSED AREAS OF LESS THAN 5,000 SQUARE FEET THAT WILL REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN SEVEN DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY. SPECIAL CONDITIONS NOTES: 1. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO WATER THE SITE, AS NECESSARY, TO REDUCE DUST EMISSIONS AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO SWEEP ALL AFFECTED PUBLIC ROADS, AS NECESSARY, TO REMOVE MUD DEPOSITED AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. THESE ACTIONS WILL BE GOVERNED AND DIRECTED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. 2. ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SITE CONDITION. THIS ACTION WILL BE GOVERNED AND DIRECTED BY THE CITY OFFICIAL. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CITY ENGINEER 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE TIME WORK WILL BE PERFORMED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS, OR OTHER THAN NORMAL WORKING HOURS. 4. ALL DENUDED AREAS OF THE ENTIRE SITE SHALL BE HYDROSEEDED AND MULCHED IMMEDIATELY, AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: A. FOR SLOPED WITH A STEEPLES LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO ONE UNIT VERTICAL TO ONE UNIT HORIZONTAL (1/1) PROVIDE HYDROSEEDING AND STRAW MULCHING IN THE MINIMUM AMOUNT OF 2 TONS PER ACRE (APPROXIMATELY 2 INCHES THICK). (REFER TO CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE FOR PERIMETER BERM STABILIZATION CRITERIA). B. FOR SLOPES WITH A STEEPLES BETWEEN ONE UNIT VERTICAL TO ONE UNIT HORIZONTAL (1/1) AND TWO UNITS VERTICAL TO ONE UNIT HORIZONTAL (2/1) PROVIDE HYDROSEEDING AND INSTALL AND PIN WOVEN STRAW BLANKETS PER THE MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS. C. FOR SLOPES WITH A STEEPLES EXCEEDING TWO UNITS VERTICAL TO ONE UNIT HORIZONTAL (2/1) DO NOT HYDRATED, BUT INSTALL CLEAR PLASTIC SHEETING WHICH SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 6 MIL. AND MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT/APWA SECTION 9-14.5. D. THE PLASTIC COVERING SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED TIGHTLY IN PLACE BY USING SANDBAGS OR TIRES ON ROPES WITH A MAXIMUM 10-FOOT GRID SPACING IN ALL DIRECTIONS. ALL SEAMS SHALL BE TAPED OR WEIGHTED DOWN THE FULL LENGTH OF THE SHEETING WITH 1 FOOT MINIMUM OVERLAP OF ALL SEAMS. SEAMS SHOULD THEN BE ROLLED AND EITHER STAKED OR TIED. CONSTRUCTION SEOUENCE: 1. SCHEDULE AND ATTEND PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH CITY OF AUBURN OFFICIALS. 2. PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION, A LICENSED SURVEYOR SHALL SURVEY AND STAKE THE LIMITS OF CLEARING/GRADING PRIOR TO PLACING THE EROSION CONTROL FENCE. LIMITS OF CLEARING/GRADING (IMPACTS) ARE DEPICTED ON SHEET WL-2. A REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE CITY AND THE BARGHAUSEN WETLAND ECOLOGIST SHALL REVIEW AND APPROVE FLAGGING OF CLEARING LIMITS PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF THE EROSION CONTROL FENCE BETWEEN THE EXISTING WETLAND AND ANY GRADING ACTIVITIES OR ANY VEGETATION REMOVAL. 3. CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AS SHOWN. 4. INSTALL TEMPORARY FILTER FABRIC FENCE AS SHOWN ON PLANS. 5. CONSTRUCT INTERCEPTOR DITCHES WHERE SHOWN. 6. INSTALL HAYBALES AND FILTER FABRIC AS SHOWN ON PLANS. 7. TIME LIMIT APPLIES TO ANY WORK PERFORMED IN THE CITY OF AUBURN ROW. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH CITY OFFICIAL FOR TIMING OF ANY CONSTRUCTION WITHIN ROW. 8. PROTECT ALL PROPERTIES ADJACENT TO THE PROJECT FROM SEDIMENT DEPOSITION. 9. NO RUNOFF IS TO LEAVE SITE WITHOUT TREATMENT. 10. CLEAR AND GRADE SITE AMEND E.S.C. FACILITIES AS REQUIRED. 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ON -SITE CONSTRUCTION WITH WETLAND MITIGATION CONSTRUCTION. 12. WHEREVER CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES ACCESS ROUTE CROSSES PAVED ROADS, CARE MUST BE MADE TO MINIMIZE THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT (MUD) ONTO THE PAVED ROAD. IF SEDIMENT IS TRANSPORTED ONTO PAVED SURFACE, THE ROAD SHALL BE CLEANED THOROUGHLY AT THE END OF EACH DAY. 13. WITH EACH LAYER OF FILL MATERIAL, INTERCEPTOR DITCHES AND T.E.S.C. FACILITIES MUST BE GRADED AND MAINTAINED TO PROVIDE POSITIVE SLOPE FOR DRAINAGE TO DISCHARGE POINT. 14. ALL DISTURBED AREAS AND EXISTING DITCHES WHICH HAVE BEEN EFFECTED BY GRADING OPERATION SHALL BE HYDROSEEDED UPON COMPLETION OF GRADING ACTIVITIES AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH GRADING AND TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL NOTES. 15. CONTINUOUS MAINTENANCE AND UPGRADE OF T.E.S.C. MEASURES, INCLUDING DUST CONTROL, SHALL BE PROVIDED AFTER FILL OPERATIONS ARE COMPLETED. 16. MAINTAIN E.S.C. FACILITIES UNTIL ALL RISK OF EROSION/SEDIMENTATION DRAINAGE HAS PASSED AND PERMANENT STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM IS INSTALLED AND FUNCTIONAL. DO NOT CONVEY SEDIMENT -LADEN WATER INTO STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM. TEMPORARY EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL FACILITIES CAN BE REMOVED ONLY UPON FINAL SITE STABILIZATION AND APPROVAL FROM CITY OFFICIAL. COVER SHEET - BLDG. 4 PARKING LOT EXPANSION SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. AUBURN, WASHINGTON r=150' 0 75 150 300 CITY OF AUBURN GENERAL NOTES 1. THIS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF AUBURN'S REQUIREMENTS AND BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. ANY CHANGES FROM THE APPROVED PLAN WILL REQUIRE APPROVAL FROM THE OWNER, ENGINEER AND THE CITY. 2. ALL WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO THE "WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (WSDOT) STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE, AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION (2002/LATEST EDITION), EXCEPT WHERE SUPPLEMENTED OR MODIFIED BY THE CITY S CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS MANUAL. COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT THE JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION. 3. A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE START OF ALL CONSTRUCTION. CONTACT THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AT 253-931-3010 TO SCHEDULE A MEETING. 4. LOCATIONS SHOWN FOR EXISTING UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE. THE CONTRACTOR IS CAUTIONED THAT OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES MAY NOT BE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE THE TRUE ELEVATIONS AND LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND THE EXTENT OF ANY HAZARD CREATED BY OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES. IDENTIFICATION, LOCATION MARKING AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR UNDERGROUND FACILITIES OR UTILITIES, IS GOVERNED BY THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 19.122 REVISED CODE OF WASHINGTON (RCW). PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL ONE -CALL SOTORMSEWER 5555) FOR GAS, POWER, LITY TELEPHONE ONS AND(uTELEVISION). SEWER, 5. PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION, A PROPOSED ROUTE AND SCHEDULE FOR HAULING MATERIAL TO THE SITE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY FOR APPROVAL. IF THE CITY BELIEVES THAT THE PROPOSED HAUL ROUTE WILL ADVERSELY IMPACT THE STREET NETWORK, HAULING MAY BE LIMITED TO APPROPRIATE OFF-PEAK HOURS OR ALTERNATE ROUTES. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PUBLIC SAFETY ON AND AROUND THIS PROJECT. PRIOR THE THE START OF WORK, ALL METHODS AND EQUIPMENT USED FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL AND STREET MAINTENANCE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF APPROVAL. CONTRACTORS AND THEIR SURETY SHALL BE LIABLE FOR INJURIES AND DAMAGES TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY SUFFERED BECAUSE OF CONTRACTORS OPERATIONS OR NEGLIGENCE CONNECTED WITH THEM. 7. ALL CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING FOR EXTENSIONS OF PUBLIC FACILITIES SHALL BE DONE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A WASHINGTON LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR A WASHINGTON LICENSED PROFESSIONAL CIVIL ENGINEER. 8. CERTIFIED DRAWINGS ARE REQUIRED PRIOR TO PROJECT ACCEPTANCE. REFER TO THE CITY'S RECORD CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT" HANDOUT. LEGEND: PROPOSED TYPE II CATCH BASIN PROPOSED TYPE I CATCH BASIN EXISTING TYPE II CATCH BASIN EXISTING TYPE I CATCH BASIN PROPOSED STORM DRAINAGE LINE EXISTING STORM DRAINAGE LINE PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER LINE PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LINE EXISTING WATERMAIN EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER VALVE PROPOSED WATERMAIN PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT PROPOSED WATER VALVE PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONS EXISTING CONTOURS PROPOSED CONTOURS PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVEMENT FILTER FABRIC FENCE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE FLOW ARROW TEMPORARY DRAINAGE DITCH W/ ROCK CHECK DAM LIMITS OF CLEARING O ■ O ----------------------- N o° x^ ................100 ................ ����r-ThCC L _......- ......:..:.... .. ........................... _ , ,.___�.. ............._..:._..�._.-^t} it INDEX TO SHEETS: C1 OF 4 COVER SHEET C2 OF 4 TEMPORARY EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN C3 OF 4 GRADING AND STORM DRAINAGE PLAN 04 OF 4 NOTES AND DETAILS LMLITY CONFLICT NOTE: CAUnON: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE ® 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL OF THE EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE BASED UPON THE UNVERIFIED PUBLIC INFORMATION AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. I �I I I I I I I I I 1' I I I i S 277th ST. r r w J J ry SITE7C7-Y- '€ z 0 CD z J r Q m = 0 37th ST. NW = w 167 VICINITY MAP NTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTS 4 AND 7, PARK 277 ALTERATION NO. 1 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 225 OF PLATS AT PAGES 67 THROUGH 69, RECORDS OF KING CO., WA. SURVEY DATA BASS OF BEARIN(O PLAT OF PARK 277, RECORDED IN BOOK 169 OF PLATS AT PAGES 56-61. VERTICAL DATUM: NQVD 29 CITY OF AUBURN BM #11-M ELEV.=46.84 NGVD 29 50.37 NAVD 88 RR SPIKE IN POWER POLE #28001 AT THE WEST SIDE OF 'B' STREET NW AND SOUTH 280TH STREET. TAX PARCELS: TAX PARCEL NUMBER ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS: 664960-0080 (LOT 7) 664960-0040 (LOT 4) ESTIMATED EARTHWORK QUANTITIES CUT400 CY FILL: 650 CY ENGINEER: BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. CONTACT: JASON G. HUBBELL, P.E. ADDRESS: 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 PHONE: (425) 251-6222 SURVEYOR: BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. CONTACT: DENNIS SALTYS, P.L.S. ADDRESS: 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 PHONE: (425) 251-6222 C 0 .0 5 a) co 0 M N O N o �Z K. E �A Q `11 5672 S T ERA` SION A L ECG EXPIRES 9/23/05 Record Drawing Certification These drawings conform to the Contractor's construction records. By Date CONTRACTOR SHALL BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING PERMITS FROM THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES FOR REMOVING AND Ttle/Position REPLACING ALL SURVEY MONUMENTATION THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, PURSUANT TO WAC 332-120. APPLICATIONS MUST BE COMPLETED BY A Confirmed by Clty. Date REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS TO REMOVE MONUMENTS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, OR BY CONTACTING THEIR OFFICE BY TELEPHONE AT (206) 902-1190. PROJECT RECAA�$P F. WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES PUBLIC LAND SURVEY OFFICE 1111 WASHINGTON STREET S.E. These plans are approved for conformance with the City of P.O. BOX 47060 Auburn s Engineering Division requirements. GP 4 1 -1110 S' OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 98504-7060 UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, ALL MONUMENTS DISPLACED, REMOVED, OR DESTROYED SHALL BE REPLACED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR, AT THE COST AND Approved By. - 'k A AT THE DIRECTION OF THE CONTRACTOR, PURSUANT TO THESE REGULATIONS. THE -' APPROPRIATE FORMS FOR REPLACEMENT OF SAID MONUMENTATION SHALL ALSO BE THE Date Approved. z 0 z Q 0- ru W I� W ® N � Z 0 a- U Q 10 m qr- 0 r C 00 p z Q 0 0 U_ /� 0 W W = 4 'S W � J 0 0 0 W r 0 N C O 2 Q N z VI eN r V > =o f`h NI v m C C se V 0 18 N 0 0 0 a o = v7 0 U :D z5; Z Of p w LLJ �J Z Z z w la< gz Q N � Q C)N 00 00 000 ofz rn�o I I Q Zw 9LOL �z ~ w L Y• U u �14 Sd, Q � z w �R V � b8 � GoN 0 d E � z d 0 o N 7 V TEMPORARY EROSION /SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN - BLDG. 4 PARKING LOT EXPANSION 1w= 401 0 20 40 80 I.E.=37.36 W/ROCK PROTECTION & 24" TIDE -FLEX RED VALVE BACK FLOW PREVENTOR iT- z° fl NEW LOT'' 7 PERK PROPOSED PLAT ALTERATION I ' _ ?EXISTING DRAINAG</DITCH I I I 1 } ACCESS EASEMENT 1' # (SEE EXHIBIT) � w ` II I THIS AREA ~O (46.6t S.F.) II f i Q . 35' I _ I I 'I i � w $" PVC SDR-21 1 z TEMPORARY SILT FENCE DOWNSPOUT �i TIOHTLINE CONNECTION �t v PER CITY�OF AUBURN STD. @ 1.0q DETAIL EROSION-02) fI I ALONG PERIMETF4R OF PROJECT o- D.S. I EXISTING �I 3 W # MI INSULATE INDUSTRIESLn 'I � 11 44.0 i O ail EX. STEPS BLDG "4" 3:1 i I jl TO BUILDING FF= 48.0 1 i 3 l - 1 48.0 9% _ :1 !r -- - 11 00 •- --�R � j ! I D.S. N01°34'47"E`\ w ;jW , LOT 4 D.S. ---_ =------- I 327.01 \- -.��, 4 I J I BE - _ _ _ �........__.�. �..........._. I RELOCATED I, _ _... REL i � F H TO t 47. i wNow 1 ' WET NO C TINUE if w -...W - ...... 0 1 nI I' i OF SITE t° s .. .. W I= / w �w 4 i -_-_ --- - -- w r EX. F.H. TO BE 48.0 , EX. STEPS EX. STEPS EX. STEPS 1 w wI I TO BUILDING TO BUILDING TO BUILDING r1 �, RELOCATED =5 I " Lq1 I I •�S I b w w w I I TEMPORARY "V DITCH �� 65' DIA. I . 5o LF 24 PVC / f = I I g0 q° I 44WITHN ROCK CHECK DAMS (PER 47.9 \ w t ; I , FIRE TURN 7` @ 0.20%CITY OF AUBURN STD. DETAIL � - --- I' w /' w w ��_� � AROUND '� % � EROSION-05) y D.S. D.S. -� _ y --- 48.0 I �I 48.0 D.S. w -----_----- ---------- ----- - _ I.E.=37.46 44.0 I 1 _------ I I I.E. DITCH.Li 42.J4 I I D.S. �1 44.0 # 1 = 42.20 I I NOTE f D.S. S I1 e �-?--- EX�T'ING GRAVEL I I PROTECT T1 EXISIINQ RRE HYDRANTS UWT1L AND i I - TEMPORARY "V" DITCH w Q I , . jPAAKING AREA AFTER THEIR RELOCATM I I 0 i WITHN ROCK CHECK DAMS (PER CITY OF AUBURN STD. DETAIL EROSION-05) I 15' WATER I 11 I I D.S. 11z 1 I EASEMENT w I 3.1;IC I I IIY } 8" PVC SDR-21 IIp I W I�2. t3) Q , ! o I I DOWNSPOUT TIGHT ❑ TEMPORARY EROSION AND w ' I I E SEDIMENTATION CONTROL POND 'I it __ I = I I EXISTING BUILDING LINE CONNECTION 11 i ® 1.0% BOTTOM POND EL=39.8 1 I I STATIC W.S. E 441.3 , 4 41 o I I it D.S. I - MAX. W.S. EL 2 3 MIN. TOP POND EL=43.3 44.0 I I 00 Z w ? € I I I I k I TEMPORARY FILTER FABRIC FENCE E (PER CITY OF AUBURN CD o~ STD. DETAIL EROSION-02) ALONG PERIMETER OF PROJECT. w �� I �1 D.S. 3 TEMPORARY ENTRANCE STD. DETAIL INLET W/ TRASH RACK & INLET/OUTLET RIP RAP PROTECTION I.E. = 43.00 44 LF 12" PVC SDR-21EE EQUALIZED PIPE @ 0.10% Q I 1 .0 % �r 3: 6' HIGH CHAIN LIN I I II FENCE w o�o42 6€ INSTALL: I , ± TEMPORARY SEDIMENT 44. RAVEL CONE ,.. :...................... I ,\ CONTROL G I i +wFt I I �-• � STRUCTURE PER__D_E�AIt_=--��-- W I 3: D.S. 45.0� 9% 48.0 I I STORM DRAINAGE DETENTION 1 POND 10, 3 44.0 ;- D.S. s �� --1~r- _ = _ = _ - �.5. MIN TOP EL.= 44.0 IE=43.21(8"PVC) :1 BOTTOM EL.= 40.0 ------t---=-_- II I , III I - MAX. W.S. EL.= 43.0 1 I� Ik�'i I� SEAL POND W/ POND STORM DRAINAGE CONTROL O Ia 44.3 I / STRUCTURE NO. 3 (SEE - =� I LINER (30 MIL) D.S. D.S. 4 jl / �kv,F-'` I I DETAIL SHEET 18) r" _j ! 47.0 1 r I 11 47.2 RIM= 46.0 C STRUCTION E.= 39.96 47.5 l- �- (PE CITY OF AUBURN _� r- ti E SION O1) I E=44.82 E i \ 4I 5 j Q` I 47.9 "d r, (18"ADS) iI \ - I 47.9 47-2 I .= 40.0 47.4� I I EX. CB 15' TO MAX. 12 0 WITH R M 49.52 E=43.68 W S. ELEV.= 43.0 TRASH RACK IE=45.21 < ( ) INLET I.E.= .0 1 ,L i X. wABOVEw "�...� i 69\ i I L - --18'ADS- -D.S. - - - - D.S. - - - D.S.- .. - - .. D.S, D.S. I OROUNIfi `��\ D.S. I r 'r - -f., - - - - - D. ..".._------ ------ ----- --- `--� '_ y /��--1 D.S. PWRyVAUL / \ \ _ / _............... ................ � � � r .wc ..... ... ------ j EX 46.0 i E 12 LF 8" PVC -40- - - - - ---1 w w 15 LF 8" PVC w w r I E ®0.27% @ 0.27% IV 40 EX. RR TIE i ....-.--------- - w w # ...................... .... .........._ ........w........ :.»:r- -- / F ................... RETAINING WALL i 45.82 - ••••... "". -......... i (TYP) ...........:... �I �4 t - - - _ ._ _� -- - _. ..-. - - I ND=== ----- ---- ------ CB-F8 -7 CB-F6A _ - ys EX. UNDER(fROU=i II POWER VAULT I ... _.... .. �� _ _......._ _ .._. ........ _ _ _............= F �w ................ ...I.. _ 3 7� EASEMENT SHiil/8S { ; I I o I I _ ........... __ . - - _.• .....•.... _ {3� _ _ ._ ._ .. - , _ _ _. -. ,a ......_ - .. -v " �s --- - ---- -.._ _........... _..__ ._ .........._ '_ _ ..........._ _. _ _...... . _ _......... -STWET CB- = - _=ram- ss$ _ _ _ .... _ 1...E .......... - - - - - - - ------------- - - --- - ---------­-­- - - - ------ ... . . . . ............... ____ ........... . . . . ........ .. ....... . . . ........ ...._......... ................... ............ . . . . .............. . . . 15' . ... ........ . ....... I ... ....... (TYP.) ti _ 0 Q' rir ce- CL w Cn Cn 0 W m a 0 o Q N_Iz6 W 25672 p �� �sSoN Sj�E��'\�� EXPIRES 9 23 05 Record Drawing Certification These drawings conform to the Contractor's construction records. RV ritle/Position - Confirmed by City: Date Date PROJECT REF- GRA► 04-0015 SEP 04-0018 Z O Z Q O Z W � Q W C0W J �- (L O0 Z O J O '-'^ V) MO LPL W>_ 8 Q a: (L Q a O p 2 m iw q- O r 00 00 D Z Q O O0 Z W Cl) a W J 2 U = O ~ r 0 CO L0 0 Q N II tE z -- > _ � m � a o N y m m C 0 0 C O 0 o 0 a o These plans are approved for conformance with the City of Auburn s Engineering Division requirements. CP 41-►1os m E Approved By: z' Date Approved: = cr) C� U O 4g cr W Q �a Z z LL Ld Li g Q C Q CD 00 N N 00 r- Z c) cn 00 Q I I LO z U �_ �� w El N 00 Z Ld 04 V �Ny V e ar ` i U 1. III N 0 0 o 0 0 a_ kv GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN - BLDG. 4 PARKING LOT EXPANSION SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. AUBURN, WASHINGTON i— EXISTING DRAINAGE DITCH 0 2S W a N N 0 w m SPECIAL NOTES: 1. FOR FIRE HYDRANT RELOCATIONS WHICH WILL REQUIRE A SEPARATE FIRE HYDRANT PERMIT, WET TAP MAIN FOR NEW HYDRANT LOCATION, REMOVE EXISTING HYDRANT BACK TO TEE AND CAP. SEE CITY OF AUBURN STD. DETAILS WATER-07 AND WATER —OS. 2. PROTECT EXISTING TREES AND LANDSCAPING TO REMAIN BY PROVIDING CONSTRUCTION FENCE AT DRIPLINE OF TREES AND PERIMETER OF LANDSCAPE BEDS. 3. NEW CURBING ADJACENT TO BIOSWALE SHALL BE 6" VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER. ALL OTHER NEW CURBING SHALL BE 6" EXTRUDED CURB. 4. PRIOR TO THE START OF GRADING, ALL EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN AND PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING TO BE PROTECTED SHALL BE FENCED WITH ORANGE MESH FENCING. THE FENCE SHALL BE ATTACHED TO DRIVEN METAL T—BAR OR OTHER METAL POSTS. THE FENCE SHALL BE LOCATED AT THE DRIPLINE OF TREES TO REMAIN. 5. NO ACTIVITY SHALL OCCUR WITHIN THE ROOT PROTECTION ZONE (RPZ) EXCEPT HAND REMOVAL OF NOXIOUS WEEDS. NO EQUIPMENT OPERATION, IRRIGATION OR OTHER TRENCHING, CUTS, FILLS OR MODIFICATIONS TO DRAINAGE SHALL IMPACT THE PROTECTED TREES RPZ. 6, REFER TO THE WETLAND CREATION PLAN SET FOR GRADING INFORMATION WITHIN THE NEW WETLAND AREAS. 25672 Ff F� i S NA L EXPIRES 9/23/05 1 Ihm &vwkW conform to the Contractor's construction records: By Dote ritie/Position Confirmed by City: Date These pions are approved for conformance with ft City of Auburn's Engineering Division requirements. Cf 9l-1105' Approved By: 41 j O�OUA Date Approved: q4605 z z O ,< z w a V x a w a 0 N Q p Z a — 0— a �a z (- t `. r O r 00 0) Q Z a 0 0 LL CC z W = W 0) Q � w 153 a a 0 O = H O O 0 i 0 r 0 N U 3 � Ti Cl) t7j . > o r 0 r`d aD m o r a� x c 0 _o 0 3 69 � W C9 SJ r 0 z U) ELLJ J f Z X L M z Z h�) N N O Z o 0 z a) 00 (0 00 >>— w I I w W o LO LO 0 z o Lo �:�:� In U-) w� E d. > v E V 0 0 d i 2 W.07 0 i c C0 40 r C7 • r 0 ) 0 0 0 0 BLDG. 4 PARKING LOT EXPANSION NOTES AND DETAILS CITY OF AUBURN: FIRE HYDRANT CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. A SEPARATE FIRE HYDRANT PERMIT WILL BE REQUIRED. 2. FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLIES SHALL CONFORM TO CITY OF AUBURN STANDARD DETAILS. 3. FIRE HYDRANT FEED LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE SUPPLY MAIN IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE 5 1 /4 INCH MVO HYDRANT SETTING DETAIL (CITY STANDARD DETAIL). 4. HYDRANTS SHALL STAND PLUMB, SET TO FINISH GRADE WITH THE LOWEST OUTLET BEING NO LESS THAN 18 INCHES (18") FROM FINISH GRADE, AND A CLEAR AREA AROUND THE HYDRANT OF NO LESS THAN SIXTY INCHES (60"). 5. PUMPER PORT SHALL FACE STREET OR FIRE ACCESS AND BE READILY ACCESSIBLE TO ANY FIRE VEHICLE FOR FIRE FIGHTING AND PUMPING OPERATIONS. 6. LEADS FROM THE SERVICE MAIN TO THE HYDRANT SHALL BE NO LESS THAN SIX (6) INCHES IN DIAMETER AND ANY LEADS OVER FIFTY (50) FEET SHALL BE NO LESS THAN EIGHT (8) INCHES. 7. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A DIAMETER OF EIGHT (8) INCHES. 8. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT A MINIMUM SPACING OF 600 FEET ALONG STREETS IN A SINGLE-FAMILY ZONES AND 300 FEET IN ALL OTHER ZONES (ON -SITE HYDRANTS SHALL BE A MAXIMUM OF 150 FEET FROM FURTHEST POINT ON BUILDING). 9. EASEMENTS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 7 1 /2 FEET EACH SIDE OF ANY HYDRANT. ASPHALT PAVEMENT - CURB BREAK DETAIL NOT TO SCALE all F" MIN EXTRUDED C,"ONC. CURB DETAL NOT TO SCALE 2" COMPACTED DEPTH, CLASS — 'B' ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 4" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED - SURFACE BASE COURSE (CSBC) CD° O 000 O O 00 O 0O o80 O o 0 O 00 000 0 0r2n 00 o a 12" SUBGRADE COMPACTED TO 95 TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION NOT TO SCALE .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5yt: ......: ::::::::: :::::::: :::::: ::: :::::::: ......... ....................................................... ..........:...................:.........:.........:........::......... Uj -NEW 6"EXTRUDED CURB .....:........................................... :......... ......... 451. AND ASPHALT ........ ....... _ ....................... .......................:. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........................ . ............ ........:......... 45 ......... . ....... ......... ` _ .......{�.. PROPOSED 43.....'.:.:' �- _. _ ... �.i.{ .. 7' . PROPOSED BLO K :WALL : . .:..'.BLOCK.:WALL.....:.:..:....:....:....`....:....:.:...... C ... . ...:..... :... k'=� .....EXISTING: CURB:.. ...:. —. 43 :.............. ..i.r. APPROXIMATE ..... .... ........ ......... ....... _ PAVEMENT . . .... EXISTING GROUND. . . . :: : :: : : : :::: :: .. . . . . . .. . ... . . . . . . k �. . .AND .. . ( ...... PROPOSED 6 VERTICAL r� ......... 4 1 E :.. _ ...... ......... ......... ......... : ... CURB AND GUTTER AND . :. :........................:.....................:...._...................:........ _ �. ...P.....; — .. — —.:... �.L�k.la.k...1..'.: ..' ' ...:..:--. fII Ill kll II Ilk klL_I�I I! III_ k _.:B:..............:........... �L CI,1 I, 1-1 I.-1.� I, I -^--I. 1-1 I. 1-1.1 j-1 I. I.-1 I: 1-'-�. , .. ..... - ............ ................... I? f� . 4 1 .........:.........:..........:..........:..........:.........:.................... 3 9 .............................. _ _ .... .......... ...... .... :.. .... '... ........:...... . .......SECTION ( 1MALE M VIf ALLY .... s ... ' ............. . 39 :. ................................. ...... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ .......... :.........:.........:.........:.........:....:SI:ALE','1"_2�:: ......................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... ::::::: ....:.�2'.:..... ..................... :.................. ......................................................................................................... Y .................................. CASKET $ X.'k4Kbb`aPPLE 3g p�Rb�9epeN.�IgP� aXATE ENDS) �y F'.Cd OR vF".X, AaWTOR ® -w TMTM MIN, .`:51 . � P t> . V PC TEE WRUSR . ~ jg. "--(:DRU83ER W ET PLUS ~ k Rd C .. EX. POND No.3 DISCHARGE MANHOLE SDR-35 PIPE ASTM3034 NOT TO SCALE OVERFLOW EL=43.50 12" BAFFLE - NOTCH WEIR EL=42.80 L=0.665' SEE DETAIL AT RIGHT. STRAP TO WALL OF EXISTING MANHOLE NEW 8" RISER EXISTING MANHOLE WALL REMOVE EXISTING RISER AND REPLACE WITH NEW 8" RISER 2 3/4"- DIAMETER ORIFICE NEW RISER DETAIL SCALE 1"=1' BOLT AND SEAL BAFFLE TO RISE NOTCH WEIR CL IN RISER CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY OUTLET PIPE SIZE AND TYPE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF CONFLICTS. SEX. IE=39.96t EL=38.96 i I .T v Cn a 0 of m 25672 � S F6'1 S T 0'F� S/0NA L EXPIRES 9/23/05 Record Drawing Certification These drawings conform to the Contractor's construction records. By Date Tit/e/Position Confirmed by City. • Date PROJECT REF- G9A 04-=5 SEP 04'0= These pions are approved for conformance with the City of Auburn's Engineering Division requirements. C;.P 417 f oS Approved By: t j Dote Approved. — WAL z 0 W z a a- X W 0 J cV J a. W Cr a 7ct '- a IL V J m 0 r F- 00 =) CO E p z a0 O LL a: z W W Z W = cr) W fA a � J U � 0 H 0 0 0 Z v ai c U N � z N _ > 6 m O go N C C Y v w V)Ld ZD z� O zw g o L; w EL Z X Q Z W w N gZ Q r7 O CV N CV 00 O) CO 00 �' z N C14Q I I z �' s LO Cn :� w L o r Y > U c= I 2 Z W o t� 2 i 0 m o E CD z' �D o M LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN - BLDG. 4 PARKING LOT EXPANSION SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. AUBURN, WASHINGTON .... ..... ......_.....� .....................w,."..,.., -. ...... ,. — —�— — = — — — — — — — — — — ..... ..... — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — 3 �, .... _ -- — —_—..._..—......._—_--- --v.—R,...._._—...-:.....—.... _——_.—.—..... _—- -------E — — — — — — — — — — —0 25 50 100 Aw_.W_ .-- --- ---- II __ _.... __...... _ .. _ _ _ • .... ... --- ....... .� ........ ....... .._.......... m.... _._... t _,_... .,_....._._..... ..._......,n„,.,.,....... ._ 7-' _. — .......- - ------------- II I 4 TI r E I: irI l 011, AFEAq I Q A W U_ �iliiiitSITE � Q n ST. NW = U,i - VICINITY MAP ftftNTS 19 En Z a U W a �......... I I I i I Y - ,.. _ M...... , , , 1 �,---' -� � I III ; I AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM +, i 1 ,' 1. A PROPOSED LANDSCAPE AREAS WILL RECEIVE AN / I ; �i 3 • __ __— J IE 1,,_- —. if f DESIGN/BUILD UNDER SEPARATE CONTRACT WITH OWNER. O o 0 ED OF, r ._`��` ---- ' I I� ANp �V 0 LI 4� INDICATES REQUIRED PARKING LOT TREE. it 1 E44 I t :: II { ' II '` € PI RKING LOT LANDSCAPE PER ACC 18.50.060 H L) �— L.. II. rrfl �• 1 III m ,m 16 S.F. x 138 2,208 S.F. 2,517 S.F. ifftES REQUIRED PROVIDED M . , E? t Is {Y €�Il III I I l� .) 59 x 138 21.9 22 \LOW 7 _ m O :..4_PLANT MATERIAL LEGEND BOTANICL/ SIZE � EX. GIL ......_. z SYMBOL ARKSALIERATION DRIVE AM S CIN4UANT.MwO • t 1 P IE l , i 3 y1-1 t (wAA t' II l� I f € € ...._.AMMON � 1 I I q I I ff 1 i I + Till � I. t Sk 1 a x I 1 € €+ f € €..... I l I € : EXISTING EXISTING 1___ �7F 179 F E 1 E �,....._...�, I I ,"3" 1 € I I I BLDG 3 - { INSULATEINDUSTRIES � t, ' C� 222 SF 222 F I I I N U ,€ ' ¢ BLDG 64" 1 C' - I _�.,"""•"r i I 3. .._- _ - 1 mwm __ 142 SF U I if „, _ _, _ .. ..... W s � I 'F-..--..... � € •, 1. I ...:....... .....�......,,�{ : II t I i 1 1 € II �WA�-.-.-.. / # A..... 1 1 F ' 1- '_ I I I If 1 L i d ____ _ _ LOT 4 ' ' '��� ' �••�' ' LOT 3 € tlr f> SF ----- 1 �L I ... ....... i I,f-- �..............� i �jr \ , 1 rf�� E € �....... i 126 SF ........3 S; 1 --- 1 1 *! I _ TREES ,ARE IN ADDITION TO WETLAND If I - " MITIGATION PLANTINGS. :COORDINATE- w'r WITH WI:iLAND CONTRACRORS -TYPICAL �-1 i--- W I I I 1 -- --- ' € I E ' Ii I T-------' _ # OFFER ENHANCEMENT AREA s 1 Ix --,,., SSE";E__WEtLAND MITIGATION if w .I. •• �.^.... _,. .. �I... I F 1 1: .1 3 ..._.._.._...� I I � 31 II t � �I € II E° , �I € i W 158 SF 138 F. ; € I �...,._..�.__ 3 � L..�� i, 1 II l ' TI E Is ( d 1 I I ...._._... {{ d v _ € : 1` i I'` j € kip) � � ... I i... I € p€ I I I � € P + ? I I 1P � 1 LO F I : I � , I I l , TREES: ACER RUBRUM 'RED SUNSET'/ 1.5" CAL. AS SHOWN 20 I RED SUNSET MAPLE B & B I FRAXINUS LATIFOLIA / 1 1,5 c°L, AS SHOWN 4 OREGON ASH B ;__ 9 t I I ' THUJA PLICATA / 6' HT. AS SHOWN 1 WESTERN CEDAR B & B EXISTING TREE ACER RUBRUM 'RED SUNSET'/ I RED SUNSET MAPLE I SHRUBS. ( EUONYMUS ALATUS 210 - 24" 3' O.C. 45 i INSER CREEK' CONTAINER TIMBER CREEK/ WINGED EUONYMUS MAHONIA AQUIFOLIUM / 21" - 24" 8' O.C. 8 OREGON GRAPE CONTAINER l MYRICA CAUFORNICA / 21" - 24" 8' O.C. 14 i OREGON MYRTLE CONTAINER PHOTINIA GLABRA / 21" - 24" 8' O.C. 14 I JAPANESE PHOTINIA CONTAINER '• I ... EXISTING LANDSCAPE TWmMµ`€ BUFFER ENHANCEMENT AREA GROUND COVERS: I I f MJ'"^ ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA URSI / 1 GALLON 30" O.C. AS KINNIKINNCK JUNIPERUS SABINA 1 GALLON 30" O.C. REQ'D AS 'TAMARISCIFOLIA' / REQ'D TAMARIX JUNIPER LAWN SOD COVER I i I 810-SOLE HYDROSEED Al COVER ------------------; - ----1 .W----------- ---- W1 / I I SF .I- �► , I... � 1 l 1 1 I __-.___�`�` � � ,• I I ; t _..A..__..; I I I I pI J e if _ Y €- h h L - - -- 1I SYMBOL COMMA MiNAhES---- ------ ;_ - - W. _..... .. }._._.,........._,..... ....._ _• J_ � - / l y, 4:I HF � � �/ € �.,'" � I � t I _......_.: � `;\ � \�. � � r3r � 1. ...._,.I I , ,,..._. • � I � i ` � � ♦ � I f � I EE 3! s if ,y 105 S' € ...€ LS, Ey IE t.,,............W. \\ \ ya''`'...+ „'``:' """'...-•� ;"li w — — `I' `� � .I. � #. ti l3 ,�'• J 1l I ................ .� \ .'.` \ S„ r....... �,,, 'SY��,..,.. � y� � }; ,,,..,....,..:-.�-.-.•a-w ..,.....-.-....._,_...... ... ...... +.... ........ w..... __ — _ _I E ♦� I it I C4 II m N i _.._. ._...... ._____. _ 3©7 SF 35. %---------------- ---------------- 1 r'` .t*' ry - ..- y I Y'' ./ —----------`--------------------- r,.,<X\ r' 1 , o ( ----------J' L-------- r r»^" a . M r ......_ ..... CJ /. .... .u.._..._. ....,. ...._.._ ..........._ _-__............... ........ ................ ....,._ ... ...... ........... ........,........ - �\ ,,,..✓.`.ya. !y. .. fir""' f .^'`'" r' \\ /' ,✓'"'f j j 9 °' r s ,. : 0 r -Z.'..�.y.rl•..'sA • ;' ,.: %: 3�.. r \ E I k �, i ... \,/ I�\. E i E . ' i"s E V E.^+ ,„ ,.,.' .! •,.- '.' '' r, r"Y y^"''\^ \ :\:.. ® :F ! i Fa. Jam/ :.": :/�� - ------- ...... ...... ...... ...w. ...._ �'#'i�.... r 1 Y" -7777777 r r ; A .....__ ��......._.... �•, j • �♦ "r' r" n•' 1 W.............-..__.._.- _�_- �..........m �_ W............_ S _ r' r` � ......�...•_ _......_.._ :...._.._... _._._..... ............. ....... _.....__.... m...,..._ •....... _.. N ids'. e. .."+ '.--''`r'` �. '" `,..%'.r "�/ y�� \ tk_ .:_ _ _ - _............ S Tf��E�E T p .iM. . f. r � , ............ - •.--- �..... FESTUCA ELATIOR / MEADOW FESCUE AGROSTIS PALUSTRIS / SEASIDE BENTGRASS Ap10= ALBA / REDTOP BENTGRASS STATE OF i' �e WEIGHT PURITY 70-80 98 10-15 92 5-15 90 TECT 'CERTIFICATE NO. 706 (VAUD ONLY MATH SIGNATURE) STAKE/GUY ONE GROWING SEASON; NURSERY GROWN FOR STREET TREE USE, BRANCHED AT 6' STAKE GUY ONE GROWING SEASON; NURSERY GROWN FOR STREET TREE USE, BRANCHED AT 6' STAKE, GUY ONE GROWING SEASON TO REMAIN, SAVE, AND PROTECT 4 CANES MINIMUM TO REMAIN, SAVE, AND PROTECT. SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR PROTECTION MEASURES SEE WETLAND MITIGATION PLAN BY BCE, SHEET WU THRU WL3 HOLD 2' FROM BORDERS HOLD 2' FROM BORDERS LOCAL COMMERCIAL BLEND TO MATCH EXISTING BLEND LOCAL COMMERCIAL BLEND SEED AT 6 Ib / 1,000 SF; CELLULOSE MULCH AT 40 Ib / 1,000 SF GERMINATION 90 85 80 Record Drawing Certification These drawings conform to the Coeractoolss' ftftfAxft molds. By Date Title/Position Confirmed by City. Date PROJECT REF- am These plans are approved for conformance with the City of Auburn requirements. 40 AL t � +M r 00 00 w qrm OD � O z I Ljj CO �t 0 VM Z WWU I. cc co w 0 0 he W�>_,� I d 0 o L0 $ a o c) N II > z U I O_ o_ In I Im p N Y � � �p J v N I U G O O 0 o v a x i 0 U U _ f) 0 U O L it �- O V) z W g V w �a �U Z Q Z w N w N z Q r7 N CJ r- (50 Z ® Z 00 rn C14 cO 00 w w o N N n Q I I w zCD LC) In In CV N C-D Z W L O LO U ) CV 00 Z Uj CV CV J °' E Y `ems a�i U Ln N 0 cil s�� a Q 2 C7 Z w O �`= v b N a> C 8 c° X4 Q) 1-1 O N ® , , ) E 4, OD CD O Z s ' O 0 ® V LT �f JJA'I LANDSCAPE PLANTING NOTES, MATERIALS, AND DETAILS - BLDG. 4 PARKING LOT EXPANSION SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. AUBURN, WASHINGTON LANDSCAPE PLANTING NOTES AND MATERIALS SCOPE OF WORK FURNISH ALL MATERIALS, LABOR, EQUIPMENT AND RELATED ITEMS NECESSARY TO ACCOMPLISH TOPSOIL, TREATMENT AND PREPARATION OF SOIL, FINISH GRADING, PLACEMENT OF SPECIFIED PLANT MATERIALS, FERTILIZER, STAKING, MULCH, CLEAN—UP, DEBRIS REMOVAL, AND 90—DAY MAINTENANCE. QUALIFICATIONS: LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO BE SKILLED AND KNOWLEDGEABLE IN THE FIELD OF WORK AND HAVE A MINIMUM FOR FIVE (5) YEAR'S EXPERIENCE INSTALLING SIMILAR WORK. CONTRACTOR TO BE LICENSED TO PERFORM THE WORK SPECIFIED WITHIN THE PRESIDING JURISDICTION. JOB CONDITIONS: IT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO REVIEW THE SITE AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE OWNER OR THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVES. ALL PLANT MATERIAL AND FINISH GRADES ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE OWNER. PROTECTION: SAVE AND PROTECT ALL EXISTING PLANTINGS SHOWN TO REMAIN. DO NOT PLANT UNTIL OTHER CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS WHICH CONFLICT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. IF AN IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS TO BE INSTALLED DO NOT PLANT UNTIL THE SYSTEM HAS BEEN INSTALLED, TESTED, AND APPROVED BY THE OWNER. HANDLE PLANTS WITH CARE — DO NOT DAMAGE OR BREAK ROOT SYSTEM, BARK, OR BRANCHES. REPAIR AND/OR REPLACE ITEMS DAMAGED AS A RESULT OF WORK, OR WORK NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AS DIRECTED BY OWNER AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. REPAIR OF EXISTING PLANTINGS: DURING THE COURSE OF WORK, REPAIR ALL EXISTING PLANTING AREAS BY PRUNING DEAD GROWTH, RE—ESTABLISHING FINISH GRADE AND RE —MULCHING TO SPECIFIED DEPTH. REPAIR OR IRRIGATION SYSTEM: DURING THE COURSE OF WORK, REPAIR ANY DAMAGE TO THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO MATCH CONDITIONS PRIOR TO THE DAMAGE. GUARANTEE: GUARANTEE ALL PLANT MATERIAL FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE JOB BY OWNER. 90—DAY MAINTENANCE: CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE OWNER WITH A SCOPE OF WORK AT TIME OF INITIAL PROJECT BID TO PROVIDE LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE FOR 90 DAYS FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF PROJECT (ACCEPTANCE) OF FACILITY BY OWNER. WORK TO INCLUDE MAINTENANCE AS DESCRIBED BELOW, IN PLANTING AND IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE. MATERIALS: PLANT MATERIALS: PLANT MATERIALS TO BE GRADE NO. 1, SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH (AAN) AMERICAN STANDARDS FOR NURSERY STOCK (ANSI Z60.1-1996). PRUNE PLANTS RECEIVED FROM THE NURSERY ONLY UPON AUTHORIZATION BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. "B & B" INDICATES BALLED AND BURLAPPED; "CONT." INDICATES CONTAINER; "BR" INDICATES BARE ROOT; "CAL" INDICATES CALIPER AT 6" ABOVE SOIL LINE; "GAL" INDICATES GALLON. A) SPECIFIED PLANT CANOPY SIZE OR CALIPER IS THE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE CONTAINER OR BALL SIZE ESTABLISHES MINIMUM PLANT CONDITION TO BE PROVIDED. B) QUALITY: PLANT MATERIAL TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS FOR DISEASE INSPECTION, PLANTS TO BE FULLY LIVE, VIGOROUS, WELL FORMED, WITH WELL DEVELOPED FIBROUS ROOT SYSTEMS. ROOT BALLS OF PLANTS TO BE SOLID AND FIRMLY HELD TOGETHER, SECURELY CONTAINED AND PROTECTED FROM INJURY AND DESICCATION. PLANTS DETERMINED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO HAVE BEEN DAMAGED; HAVE DEFORMITIES OF STEM, BRANCHES, OR ROOTS; LACK SYMMETRY, HAVE MULTIPLE LEADERS OR "Y" CROTCHES LESS THAN 30 DEGREES IN TREES, OR DO NOT MEET SIZE OR ANSI STANDARDS WILL BE REJECTED. PLANT MATERIAL TO BE FROM A SINGLE NURSERY SOURCE FOR EACH SPECIFIED SPECIES/HYBRID. NURSERY SOURCES TO BE THOSE LOCATED IN THE SAME REGION AS THE JOB SITE. C) SUBSTITUTION: NO SUBSTITUTION OF PLANT MATERIAL, SPECIES OR VARIETY, WILL BE PERMITTED UNLESS WRITTEN EVIDENCE IS SUBMITTED TO THE OWNER FROM TWO QUALIFIED PLANT BROKERAGE OFFICES. SUBSTITUTIONS WHICH ARE PERMITTED TO BE IN WRITING FROM THE OWNER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. THE SPECIFIED SIZE, SPECIES AND NEAREST VARIETY, AS APPROVED, TO BE FURNISHED. SUBSTITUTIONS MAY REQUIRE SUBMITTAL TO REVISED LANDSCAPE PLAN TO CITY FOR APPROVAL. SOIL PREPARATION: TOPSOIL, AMENDMENT, AND BACKFILL, ARE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE PLANS. SOIL AMENDMENTS AND FERTILIZER NOTED BELOW ARE TO BE USED FOR BID PRICE BASIS ONLY. SPECIFIC AMENDMENTS AND FERTILIZERS WILL BE MADE AFTER SOIL SAMPLES ARE LABORATORY TESTED BY THE CONTRACTOR. PROVIDE CHANGE ORDER FOR ADDITIONAL OR REDUCTION OF MATERIALS REQUIRED OR NOT REQUIRED BY THE SOILS REPORT. SOIL FERTILITY AND AGRICULTURAL SUITABILITY ANALYSIS: TO SOIL PREPARATION AFTER ROUGH GRADING AND PRIOR , CONTRACT OR TO OBTAIN TWO REPRESENTATIVE SOIL SAMPLES, FROM LOCATIONS AS DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, TO SOIL AND PLANT LABORATORY, BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON PHONE: 425-746-1665 OR, EQUIVALENT TESTING LABORATORY, FOR TEST #A05-2. SUBMIT RESULTS TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW. IF ON —SITE TOPSOIL HAS BEEN STOCKPILED, A TEST IS TO BE COMPLETED FOR IT, ALSO. TESTS TO INCLUDE FERTILITY AND SUITABILITY ANALYSIS WITH WRITTEN RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SOIL AMENDMENT, FERTILIZER, CONDITIONERS, APPLICATION RATES, AND POST —CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE PROGRAM. TESTS TO BE CONTRACTED WITH AND PAID FOR BY THE CONTRACTOR. A) TOPSOIL: TOPSOIL TO CONSIST OF WINTER MIX AS PRODUCED AND REMIXED BY PACIFIC TOPSOILS, INC. WINTER MIX TO CONSIST OF 1/3 BY VOLUME SANDY LOAM, 1/3 BY VOLUME COMPOSTED GARDEN MULCH, AND 1/3 BY VOLUME COARSE WASHED SAND OR EQUIVALENT. B) NATIVE SURFACE SOIL INCLUDING STOCKPILED TOPSOIL SURFACE SOIL ON —SITE MAY MEET TEXTURAL CLASSIFICATION AS NOTED ABOVE. PROVIDE AMENDMENTS AS NOTED BELOW, AND EVENLY BLEND AMENDMENTS TO SPECIFIED DEPTH. C) CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPPLYING ALL TOPSOIL AND FOR DETERMINING THE VOLUME OF TOPSOIL REQUIRED PER THE INFORMATION ON PLANS AND NOTED HERE —IN. D) TOPSOIL AMENDMENTS: MODIFY TOPSOIL AFTER INSTALLATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING AMOUNT PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET: 1. 6—CUBIC YARDS ORGANIC COMPOST. COMPOST TO BE FREE OR NON —FARM ANIMAL SOURCES, NOR TO BE FROM SOURCES CONTAINING REDWOOD OF CEDAR PRODUCTS. 2. 30—POUNDS NITROFORM (38-0-0) 3. 5—POUNDS AMMONIUM SULFATE 4. 40—POUNDS CALCIUM CARBONATE LIMESTONE 5. 40—POUNDS DOLOMITE LIMESTONE 6. 5—DUNES BORON (AS BORAX) ALL AMENDMENTS TO BE THOROUGHLY MIXED PRIOR TO INCORPORATION INTO TOPSOIL. E) PLANTING BACKFILL FOR ALL TREES, SHRUBS, AND GROUNDCOVERS: 1. 0.6—CUBIC YARDS PER VOLUME TOPSOIL 2. 0.4—CUBIC YARDS ORGANIC COMPOST. 3. 3—POUNDS NITROFORM (38-0-0) 4. 1—POUNDS AMMONIUM SULFATE 5. 2—POUNDS CALCIUM CARBONATE LIMESTONE 6. 2—POUNDS DOLOMITE LIMESTONE 1� � 110- � c F) TOPSOIL PREPARATION AND INSTALLATION: VERIFY SUBGRADES TO —7 INCHES BELOW FINISH ELEVATION IN ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS, EXCEPT AREAS NOTED ON PLANS. THIS ACCOMMODATES TOPSOIL, AMENDMENTS, AND MULCH. ERADICATE ANY SURFACE VEGETATION ROOTED IN THE SUB —GRADE PRIOR TO SUB —GRADE PREPARATION THOROUGHLY SCARIFY AND RIP ALL LANDSCAPE SUB —GRADES WHICH HAVE BECOME COMPACTED TO A DEPTH OF 12 INCHES WITH MULTIPLE PASSES, 90 DEGREES TO EACH OTHER. SCARIFY AREAS INACCESSIBLE TO MECHANIZED EQUIPMENT OR AROUND EXISTING PLANTINGS NOTED TO REMAIN WITH HAND TOOLS. REMOVE SOIL LUMPS, ROCK, VEGETATION AND/OR DEBRIS LARGER THAN 2 INCHES FROM ALL SUB —GRADE PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF SPECIFIED TOPSOIL. REMOVE ANY ASPHALT EXTENDING BEYOND 6 INCHES FROM CURBS INTO ADJACENT LANDSCAPE AREAS. PARKING LOT PLANTER ISLANDS TO BE OVER EXCAVATED BY BACKHOE. REMOVE PAVING WASTE, GRAVEL BASE MATERIAL AND UNDERLYING SUBSOIL TO 18 INCHES BELOW TOP OF PAVING. SCARIFY AND OVER EXCAVATE PLANT PIT BOTTOM 12 INCHES TO MINIMIZE STRUCTURAL COMPACTION. G) TOPSOIL PLACEMENT: PLACE 2 INCHES OF TOPSOIL AND AMENDMENTS OVER THE PREPARED SUB —GRADE AND THOROUGHLY ROTOTILL WITH MULTIPLE PASSES INTO THE TOP 6 INCHES OF SUB —GRADE FOR A TOTAL DEPTH OF 8 INCHES. PLACE AN ADDITIONAL 2 INCHES LIFT OR TOPSOIL OVER THE AMENDED SOIL AS A SURFACES COURSE. PLACE ADDITIONAL TOPSOIL AS REQUIRED TO MEET FINISH ELEVATIONS OR IN AREAS INDICATED TO BE MOUNTED. BARK MULCH (TOPDRESSING): ONE —HALF —INCH (1 /2") SIZE, TO ONE —INCH (1 "), I.E., "MEDIUM," HEMLOCK/FIR BARK. FINE MULCH, I.E., "STEERCO" TEXTURE AND CEDAR ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. STAKES: 2—INCH DIAMETER BY 8—FOOT MINIMUM LODGEPOLE PINE STAKES. GUY MATERIAL: 1—INCH WIDE POLYETHYLENE CHAIN LOCK TYPE TIES; OR, 3/8" DIAMETER RUBBER. NO WIRE. LAWN: COMMERCIAL SEED AS NOTED ON PLAN, HERBICIDE: HERBICIDE IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR THE FIRST YEAR AFTER INSTALLATION. ANTI —DESICCANT: "WILT —PROOF," 48 HOURS PRIOR TO SHIPMENT TO SITE FROM JUNE 1 THROUGH SEPTEMBER. THOROUGHLY ROOT WATER PLANTS PRIOR TO DELIVERY. PLANT MATERIAL DELIVERED TO SITE TO BE KEPT CONTINUALLY MOIST THROUGH INSTALLATION. EXECUTION: FINISH GRADES: FINE GRADE AND REMOVE ROCKS AND FOREIGN OBJECTS OVER 2 INCHES DIAMETER FROM TOP SURFACE OF PREPARED LANDSCAPE AREAS. FINISH ELEVATIONS TO BE DEFINED AS 3 INCHES BELOW CURBS, WALKS AND/OR OTHER ADJACENT HARDSCAPE FOR ALL PLANTING BED AREAS AND 1—INCH BELOW CURBS, WALKS AND/OR OTHER ADJACENT HARDSCAPE FOR ALL LAWN AREAS. FINISH GRADE REFER TO GRADES PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF MULCH OR LAWN. ALL FINISH GRADES TO BE SMOOTH EVEN GRADES, LIGHTLY COMPACTED, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN AND DETAILED. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES. SITE CIVIL DRAWINGS IDENTIFY FINAL ELEVATIONS. TREES: ARRANGE TREES ON SITE IN PROPOSED LOCATIONS PER DRAWINGS. EXCAVATE PIT, PLANT AND STAKE OR GUY, AS CALLED OUT AND DETAILED. ALL TREES AND SUPPORTS TO STAND VERTICAL. BACKFILL SHALL BE PIT SPOILS. SETTLE BACKFILL USING WATER ONLY. NO MECHANICAL COMPACTION. SHRUBS: INSTALL SHRUBS AS SPECIFIED FOR TREES. GROUNDCOVERS: EXCAVATE PITS TO A MINIMUM OF 3 INCHES BELOW, AND TWICE THE ROOT BALL DIAMETER. WATER THOROUGHLY AND TAKE CARE TO ENSURE THAT ROOT CROWN IS AT PROPER GRADE, AS DETAILED. MULCH: MULCH ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS NOT COVERED BY LAWN AND/OR SEED. APPLY SUFFICIENT QUANTITY TO PROVIDE A 3—INCH COMPACTED DEPTH. UTILITY CLEARANCES:LL, FIELD ADJUST PLANT LOCATIONS FOR 8—FOOT SEPARATION OF TREES/SHRUBS AND 2—FOOT SEPARATION FOR GROUNDCOVER FROM FIRE HYDRANTS AND UTILITY VAULTS. PLANTING MAINTENANCE: CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN PLANTINGS THROUGH COMPLETED INSTALLATION, AND UNTIL ACCEPTANCE OF LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION. PLANTING MAINTENANCE TO INCLUDE WATERING, WEEDING, CULTIVATING, TIGHTENING AND REPAIRING OF TREE GUYS, RESETTING PLANTS TO PROPER GRADES OR POSITION, RE—ESTABLISHING SETTLED GRADES; AND MOWING LAWNS WEEKLY AFTER LAWN ESTABLISHMENT. HERBICIDE IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR ONE YEAR FOLLOWING LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION. INCLUDED IS REPLACEMENT OF DEAD PLANTS AND PLANTS SHOWING LOSS OF 40 PERCENT OR MORE OF CANOPY. IRRIGATION SYSTEM: SEE NOTES ON SHEET L-1. 2" MULCH LAYER (COMPACTED DEPTH) FEATHER EXCESS SOIL UNDER MULCH 1" MULCH AT CROWN 1/2" ABOVE GRADE 1" ABOVE GRADE — • PREPARE PLANTING�j NOTE: BED REMOVE CONTAINER & WORK ROOTS �/ r FREE OF SOIL. BACKFILL TO BE SETTLED USING WATER ONLY SEE PLANT LIST FOR PLANT SPACING LDS THAN 1 GAL 1 GAL CONTAPM and LARGO ( PLANTED BEFORE MULCH) ( PLANTED BEFORE MULCH CFK>JNDCOVER PLANTWG DETAIL i•N1fi[iZ.YiL1e HOLD PLANTS r ^" EDGE OF PLANTI AS NOTED ON F BED LINE EDGE CURB/WALK PLANT MATERIAL SPACING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE (2) LODGEPOLE STAKES; TIE AT APPROX. 1/3 TO 1 /2 HEIGHT OF TREE WITH FLEXIBLE RUBBER TIE IN FIGURE EIGHT PATTERN. STAKES AND TREE PLUMB 3" DEEP SAUCER FOR WATER 3" DEEP MULCH LAYER (COMPACTED DEPTH) REMOVE ALL TIES, WRAP & CONTAINERS. FREE PERIMETER ROOTS FROM NURSERY BALL \\ EXCAVATE TREE PIT AT A MIN. OF 4 TIMES DIA. OF ROOTBALL AT BALL CENTER, TAPERING PIT GRADE TO FINISH GRADE PIT SPOILS, NURSERY BALL WASTE BACKFILL —� SET BALL ON UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE, OR COMPACTED SOIL. e NOTE: LIGHT FERTILIZER OVER PLANTING BED AFTER BACKFILL ONLY; NO FERTILIZER IN PLANTING PIT. WORK PERIMETER ROOTS FREE OF NURSERY BALL. SPACING AS CALLED OUT ON PLAN/PLANT LIST HOLD PLANTS FROM EDGE OF PLANTER AS NOTED ON PLANT LIST NOTE: THIS SPACING APPLIES TO GROUNDCOVER AND FORMAL SHRUB ROW PLACEMENT. y,\ EVERGREEN TREE PLANTING/STAKING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 2" MULCH LAYER (COMPACTED DEPTH) 1" MAX. TOP OF CURB TO TOP OF MULCH CURB MULCH AT CURB DETAIL NOT TO SCALE NOTE: OVER EXCAVATE PARKING LOT PLANTERS TO LOOSEN COMPACTED SUBBASE OVER ALL AGRICULTURAL SOIL DEPTH — OF 3 FEET COARSE TRANSITION FROM TOPSOIL TO SUBSOIL BERM HEIGHT C TYP. --�� MIN. OR AS NOTED SOIL LINE: 3" IN MULCH, FLUSH IN TURF SUBGRADE REMOVE EXCESS GRAVEL 7,7�/,AND PAVING TOPSOIL SETTLED (COMPACTED CONDITION) CURB 1-1/2" DRAIN AT LOW POINTS & 10' MAX. SPACING PAVING SECTION (DEPTH VARIES) `-- 12' MAX. UP GRADING IN PARKING LOT PLANTERS DETAIL (TOPSOIL PREP.) NOT TO SCALE PRUNE DAMAGED TWIGS AFTER PLANTING PLACE IN VERT. POSITION: DOUBLE LEADERS WILL BE REJECTED NOTE: KEEP ROOTBALL MOIST AND PROTECTED AT ALL TIMES HOLD CROWN OF ROOTBALL AT OR JUST ABOVE FINISHED GRADE PROTECT TRUNK AND LIMBS FROM INJURY BACKFILL TO BE SETTLED USING WATER ONLY - NO MECHANICAL COMPACTION REMOVE ALL WRAP, TIES & CONTAINERS, REGARDLESS OF MATERIAL. (2) LODGEPOLE STAKES, PLUMB WITH ELASTIC CHAIN -LOCK — TYPE OR RUBBER GUYS TIED IN FIGURE EIGHT; REMOVE AFTER ONE GROWING SEASON PROTECTIVE WRAPPING DURING SHIPMENT TO SITE & INSTALLATION REMOVE AT COMPLETION OF PLANTING LAWN PLANTING- PROVIDE 3 0 "NO GRASS" TREE RING & 3" DEEP —� MULCH LAYER (COMPACTED) IN WELL. HOLD BACK FROM TRUNK 8" TO 10" FINISH GRADE r PREPARE PLANTING BED PER SPECS; AT MIN., LOOSEN AND MIX---,, SOIL TO 18 OR DEPTH OF ROOTBALL AND 4 TIMES BALL DIA. REMOVE ALL WRAP. TIES, AND CONTAINERS SCORE ROOTBALL AND WORK NURSERY SOIL AWAY FROM PERIMETER ROOTS SET BALL ON UNDISTURBED BASE OR COMPACTED MOUND UNDER BALL - PENETRATION TO SUBBASE (+) 24" DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING/STAKING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE io Record Drawing Certification C O Cr Im 4 y 0 E _ m C4 These drawings conform to the Contractor's construction records. By Date Ttle/Position Confirmed by Clty: Date STATE OF These plans are approved for conformance with the City of WASHINGTO;4 Auburn requirements. REGIST LANDSCAP ITE T Approved By: ARTHUR M. SEIDEL Date Approved: CERTIFICATE NO. 706 (VALID ONLY WITH SIGNATURE) 0) J Q w Q Co H Z N Z W V Q Q 0— (L Z ♦�♦� W i V 01a J W m 0— Q U CD a Z �a J 00 F 00 00 0 r Q O M OG Z z O LU V U. 0 Z W Z now WLUUjx M cc co Q 0 J 8 0 L Z to 4)Z X: Y c v 0 0 0 Q 0 N x 0 v I 2 v) CD U 0 u) z Of O V Zw N w Z X Q L` z w g v o Ld Qre)N N N Z f O O � N 00 z - 0 N CD 0000 I I z Uj Uj o 1-1 r .N w o 00 Y dv v 5 6 a N 2 O 0 �- Z w o o� n 0 0 as O N E o z a ® Ar o N J n i� OsD /834- / % + + + + + + + + + + + + + `.... �e ,�:::::::-::-. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + { I - 28-FAT WIDE WPGATtON ACCESS CORRIDOR I : ' ,ZI + + + + + + + + + + + + + TO BE LOCATED IN EXISTING BUFFER. - - T:. I + + + + + + + € BUFFER TO BE TEMPORARILY DI'UID ANDEXISTINGI ` € • + + + + + + + + ` k�� €E € j IEGETATED WI H tyATIVE DRUBS. ' lt( I ,'I / + + + Iggoggo + A + + + + * E �FF4, SITE S 277th ST. - 'f' r_ W J i J Q (Y O Q W W li U C� On 37th ST. NW Z. i s7 4,; - VICINITY MAP +S.F. ` EISG + + + + +, + + SHEET INDEX LOT LINE = I I l ,1 of 3 WETLAND MITIGATION PLAN t E {{ I ,-(-- 1' II 34 ' CyWL2of 3 WETLAND MITIGATION PLANTING PLAN S N + + + + € .I .� _ _.__...: 4 �I IM..�.. WL3 of 3 WETLAND MITIGATION N0 D T A DETAILS E / EMANKrENEW + + I i 1; . € Wlletlond Mitigation Plan 1.1 10,44 S.F! v I i I 1 This wetland mitigation plan was prepared in accordance with the City of Auburn ,to ,� r # Comprehensive Plan. One Category II wetland is located on the subject property. The / -"�'.'� � i j � € I I � ` wetland was delineated by Raedeke Associates, Inc. on March 15, 20fl2. On August 1, ' '.'.'.'.'.'.' ' ' '. ; ; i I 3 �I 2003, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. confirmed the wetland boundary. The on -site / `� `� �!•'•'•'•'•'•'•' �•'•'•'•'•'•'•'�'•'•'•'•'•'•'•' `1' `€/ `V 1 ;:!t # portion of the wetland is 2.06 acres in size, and contains Polustrine forested, scrub -shrub, .'.......................... - - = - 5? • ... , . ? II .;." and emergent habitats. For a further description of the wetland and analysis of wetland LOT ,I �/ < functions refer to the Wetland Delineation Report for Park 277 Parking Lot Expansion dated i I I Et.R August 27 2003 b Bar housen Consulting Engineers, Inc. A parking lot is proposed for / >•� J. ••.•.•.'.'.'.w••r ...w'..............�•.... � � � � 11 � i.. � 9 Y 9 9 9 P 9 P P /r . . • • . • 7 I II"i # expansion, with fill of 5,571 square feet (0.13 acre) of wetland, paper fill (with no actual / .. EXISTING i_ Ex. GRAVEL DRIVE 11 ,f ` 1 impact) of 14,777 square feet (0.34 acre) of wetland converted to buffer. Shrubs and ' _ I emergent vegetation are current) located within the wetland and buffer areas proposed to ................ rr ^ €• II i i E 9 9 Y P P .•,•,•,• . . . . • , •• •', • • • •• • • • , • •.OV AC. CSJN-�� it _ l - { be impacted. 3,965 square feet of buffer will be enhanced adjacent to proposed parking t /J ..... ..... .......... .... addition. ' P I i I ;I = I The goal of the wetland mitigation plan is to replace the unavoidable loss of 5,571 square •:•:•'•' .'•'•:•' feet of wetland. The specific compensatory objective is to provide on -site compensation PAPER I it for the lost functions of the wetland from unavoidable impacts. Compensatory mitigation .'.'.'.'.' . �1� `' € ! I I , I 'f for unavoidable impacts are shown on the Wetland Mitigation Ratio table, above. S.F.�I: 7123Ij € Implementation Procedures '.'� •'•'• i1 During all phases of implementation of the mitigation plan, construction procedures and ....'.'.. . ....... I E ' € i .•� �I i techniques will be monitored so that adequate precautions are taken to protect the existing i1 vegetation. A Barghausen wetland ecologist will visit the site regularly during grading of the �'•'•'•'•'•'•'.' . . f'•' •'•'•:•:•:•:•: `•;•:•' � � _ _ _ II € ` wetland creation area and planting of the wetland creation and buffer restoration areas to J ..... .... \, ....... �y ....... _ - - - s it ! observe planting of specified vegetation and implementation of best management practices -'" - ` _ f 11 i 1 for erosion control. After the mitigation plan has been completed and vegetation has been ' ' ' '.'.'.' .'....... ....'.'.'. ' ' _ 11 it E E established the wetland ecologist will provide an as-built/baseline monitoring report to the .............. 4 S.F. __ E€ I T I , € �v 9 P / 9 P _ i , f ,I i City of Auburn for approval. �O'.'.'..:'.'.'.':..::..:...'.'.'.'.....,.:...'.' / , w INSULATE INDUSTRIES The wetland ecologist will document the following implementation criteria in the II as-built/baseline monitoring report: �,-.......... _ _ .. _ 1I 1 � f II }� { 1. During grading of the site as indicated on Sheet WL2, all existing vegetation in the wetland and areas of the buffer that are not proposed to be impacted will be protected. A filter fabric fence as shown on Sheet WL2 will be placed between the edges of the areas - -'- - - - - " ` - - - - - � to be impacted and the adjacent wetland or buffer. The fabric fence will remain in place =.....__ i until planted vegetation in the buffer and wetland areas are established. 18 inches of 1, ....... _ -..�.._.._.-------------- _. topsoil is to be removed from the wetland creation are I .V...� .... a and replaced with 4 inches of W 1. ` -" -- - / clean t n soil. The topsoil is to be laced in the wetland creation area or to planting. ..101 '. W ""' _ - - - - 1 i •.. ••' 2. Planting of vegetation as specified on Sheet WL-2 and WL-3. Planting will occur during t F t` T € ---- --- --..-- € the cool season months (October to March) to take advantage of seasonal rains. Other 1 aI EC END LO€,� - T I € :' _D EDGE planting times, if authorized, may require plant substitutions and irrigation. Existing natural WETLAN," W _ SrrE( I EXISTING E 1 or landscaped areas that are damaged during construction shall be restored to their original W W yr` ! : 1 �,� i LOT LINE '� 3 - - - - - -WETLAND BUFFER condition, unless improvements or modifications are specified for those areas. WETLAND 3. Installation of Sensitive Areas signs and SAT fencing around the perimeter of the wetland buffer adjacent to proposed developement. W NEW ! -i� 1 `� 1i rr==�=��------ i' W W 25' WETLAND FILL AREA 4. After planting of the wetland and wetland buffer mitigation areas is completed, 0- 'BUFFER 1- € I i 1 1 O maintenance by the landscape contractor will include regular visits for the purpose of y -I weeding, supplemental water, and other items necessary to maintain planted areas in a W 11 11 i i + + + _ WETLAND CREATION healthy condition. Weeding is to be performed throughout the site to discourage aggressive, non-native plant introductions. No spraying of herbicides or other chemicals or application ! iT--- 1 of fertilizers is to occur within the wetland and wetland buffer. No pruning is to occur. W { PJ1Q; I - WETLAND PAPER FILL The maintenance period will be for a period of five (5) year from the date of written € I 1 11 I I ® acceptance of the plantings. II II F::::'P P 9 WETLAND ENHANCEMENT Monitoring Plan OM WETILAND The primary purpose of the monitoring program is to document the degree of success or # AID I I-- ` failure in achieving the performance objectives and to identify remedial action. A five-year _BUFFER ENHANCEMENT monitoring program will be implemented to assess the completed wetland creation and I I 1 11 F i wetland buffer restoration project. The overall goal of the mitigation project is to replace the unavoidable loss of wetland and buffer by creating new wetland and enhancing existing 4TUW PAPER wetland by planting these areas with native trees and shrubs; and to provide greater terrestrial habitats for local wildlife. To achieve the stated goals of the mitigation site, the FLL following will be monitored on a regular basis: (1) Survival and percent cover of the 76M S.F. 1 i 'I planted trees and shrubs in the wetland and buffer areas, (2) invasion of the site by t non-native, invasive plant species. No more than 10 percent cover of non-native or other �I,invasives, e.9•� Himalayan blackberry, ry.Japanese knotweed, evergreen blackberrY. Scot's broom, English ivy, and morning glory is permissible in the overall mitigation area in any monitoring ` UQ)E I i it { _ I i year. Note that the existing wetland and buffer currently contain a high percentage of SLOPE • i FILL I ,I �jw reed canarygross; therefore, reed canarygrass is excluded from the above category of € 1416 SR I IT �- ! � f � non-native plant species, and (3) Inundation and saturation of the soils achieved during ' I final grading in the wetland creation area. I 3 I I II I r � Upon completion of planting the mitigation areas, an as-built/baseline monitoring report rt will be provided to the City of Auburn. This report will be completed to document mitigation II activities and any deviation from the approved mitigation plan. Subsequent reports will �1 I, ,'' compare plant survival, invasion of the site by non-native invasive plant species, vegetative cover, and relative plant size and vigor through the use of photographs and sample plot E ? data, as well as document the progress relative to the performance standards and final 11 success criteria. After the initial assessment, the mitigation project will be monitored in ,. { 11 �I --i the early (March to April) and late (late August to September) growing season for five I € years with an annual written report provided to the City of Auburn by October 31 each monitoring year. All monitoring will be performed by a wetlands specialist. Monitoring will IT = _ -� ';`, `� be completed using the methodology described as follows: 1. An initial stem count of planted vegetation will be conducted during the initial visit and W 'r �\ € i �'' ��I •d `' '"'' a second stem count of planted vegetation will be conducted the following year (Year 1) of t 11 III - all planted vegetation. 2. Establishment of permanent vegetative plots to monitor survival, changes in plant species composition, and percent cover during years two through five. r---------r----- r---------r----------- - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - -- -- _ _ „.,.., . ._, ..........._ 44,_.. ,,,� ..,...._....... _...,... �].. . �.....,,....�........... 4 �„ .... �.,�',.,......_....., / / 42 " m........ W .. i /......... W_, _.. _ o l� + -----�---- --�� € ---r-�----►o---------o-------4---- --4 fl T NI. _. _ - .....T__............ WETLAND MITIGATION RATIOS WETLAND FILL AREA AT 1.25:1.00 CREATION RATIO - 6964 SF : 5571 SF PORTION OF WETLAND PAPER FILL AREA AT 1.25:1.00 CREATION RATIO- 11,931 SF : 9545 SF REMAINING WETLAND PAPER FILL AREA AT 2.00:1.00 ENHANCEMENT RATIO- 10,464 SF : 5232 SF 3. Hydrology will be monitored in each of the wetland monitoring plots. Hydrologic conditions in the wetland creation area is to include sdturated or inundated soils early in the growing season. 4. Establishment of photo stations within the permanent sampling plots to collect a sequence of photographs. These photographs will be used to provide visual documentation of plant cover, species present, and general plant health. These photo points and sample pats will be shown in the as-built/baseline monitoring report. 5. Observation in the mitigation area for excessive erosion, scour or sedimentation that may affect the health and/or diversity of the overall buffer mitigation area. 6. Observation and reporting of wildlife use in the mitigation area. Monitoring reports will be prepared by a qualified biologist and submitted to the City of Auburn by October 31 following each monitoring event. Performaance Standards Performance standards provide measurements to gage the progress of the project periodically, and to identify remedial actions necessary to meet the final success criteria. If it is determined that panted tree and shrub species are being replaced or out -competed by native shrubs or trees that grow voluntarily, the success criteria wi#I be met, only if the number of volunteer and planted shrub and trees species in the mitigation areas meet or exceed the number of shrub or tree plants required in the area for that year. If these performance standards are not met, the cause and failure to meet the performance standard will be evaluated, and action will be taken to rectify the problem until the objectives are achieved. ♦IK)1NIx In The annual performance standards are as follows: Year 1- 100% survival of planted species. 10% maximum cover of non-native, invasive species. Inundation present from at least early March to late May for at least 14 consecutive days in years of average rainfall, in wetland creation areas. 0 Year 2- 80% survival of planted species in plots. 10% maximum cover of non-native, invasive species. Inundation present from at least early March to Fate May for at least 14 consecutive days in years of average rainfall, in wetland creation areas. Year 3- 80% survival of tree and shrub species from Year 2. 10% maximum cover of non-notive, 'invasive species. Inundation present from at least early March to late May for at least 14 consecutive days in years of average rainfall, in wetland creation areas. ' Year 4 60% cover of trees and shrubs. 10% maximum cover of non-native, invasive species. Inundation present from at least early March to ate May for at least 14 consecutive days in years of average rainfall, in wetland creation areas. Year 5- 80% cover and trees and shrubs. 10% maximum cover of non-native, invasive species. Inundation present from at least early March to late May for at least 14 consecutive days in years of average rainfall. Success Criteria The mitigation site should have 80% aerial cover of non-invasive, native species and a maximum of 10% non-native, invasive plant species at the end of the five year program. Cover and survival estimates at the monitoring plots will be the only source for determining appropriate success criteria for the project. If the performance standards ore met each year and the success criteria are met at the end of five years, the project should be released from regulatory purview from the City of Auburn and any bands should be released. Contingency Plan Contingencies, or correctivemeasures have been level i° e i d n this mitigation I 9 op g pan in the event that the mitigation plan does not proceed as designed. These measures are actions taken if success criteria are not met during the monitoring of the mitigation area. The plan, if required, would be developed in coordination with the City of Auburn. Events that could affect the success of the mitigation plan and contingencies are as follows: Event: Mortality of the planted mitigation vegetation exceeding performance standards. Contingency: The landscape contractor must conduct two inspections to monitor the health of all the newly introduced plant material for one year after the date of acceptance of the planted material. Replace planted material, after notifying the project wetland ecologist, as necessary during the appropriate planting season. The landscape contractor is responsible for replacing all pant material during the first year after implementation. After one year, the project owner is responsible for plant replacement. Event: Non-avoilability of specified native plant materidrs. Contingency: Plant species substitutions, must first be authorized by the project wetiond ecologist and the City of Auburn. Replacement species will be specified at a schedule appropriate and consistent with species planting requirements and the overall wetland mitigation goals. Event: Hydrologic conditions necessary for maintenance of wetland vegetation are not present. Contingency: Surface and subsurface hydrologic conditions must be identified. It must also be determined whether regrading of the mitigation project is warranted, or if alternative means of surface water diversion must be identified. WETLAND MITIGATION TABLE EXISTING WETLAND AREA 2.06 AC. (89,734 S.F.) WETLAND FILL AREA 0.13 AC. (5,571 S.F.) WETLAND PAPER FILL AREA 0.34 AC. (14,777 S.F.) These &vmwp conform to the Corrt►reor's cwsbtcterar► record& BY Date Trtlelpos Con&rned by Clty.• late These pkft are appritwed for conformance with the CRy of Auburn's requkuments. a z M 0 U. W gloom iy 7 r= it ® Z o 0 N o � U � d t` N 0 N 0 0 N 0 V Z .a o w a Z LL Z W cn LL J `S z Q00N0�0 Z o co 00 Z <t I I z o \ 3LO NCq ZZ I'- 1 j 1 j w m E i•: I m 067D ,11 WETLAND MITIGATION PLANTING PLAN - BLDG. 4 PARKING LOT EXPANSION SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. AUBURN, WASHINGTON Au — --y—._---_,___-----•--.--T---=--—�--�r--_— -_ — _—_ _,►_ —y_-------------- —RAILROAD DITCH —— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — --- ----------- I -- --=f--_—_—_—_—_—_--_—_-- - -- ------ a-------- --- .... r..............................,...r ............................... 1=30 ...... - ....................................................... ......................... ....... TEMPORARY 15 so - ....._ _ , --.:: - :m . ........... EROSIt?I+i CONY............... .......................................................... .. ..___�_........� __..� r.... f � o ¢ W W W W ¢+ w ........._.,�.....�...._....�..,..._..........._.. ..,.__............_ E E ¢ • ¢ w ¢ + BUFFER � , !� \ �' �� O E S ` L S S 0 k ` 5 W. E E E ►• E E ,l � € ,�-•`�'�`--'._...,,mr..... ._.... ......... NOTE: 010WE A GRAIX00L SLOPE BET1111EEN THE �,tEA CREATION •!�� �y X�* �y.� OF WELL CREATION AREA �iV s LR EDGE O � o s + w ¢ 5 ¢¢ L Q L ¢ w L¢ 5 w w ¢¢ w E f;©—FC)Ir?T WIDE MiTAT THE BUFFER (1-FOOT 'VERTICAL OVER Z5 FEET ¢ 5 L w w 5 s s ¢ CORRIDOR TO E w w s s 1111I111 / W E • (�O F:J\ L E o W+ E• E E + ¢ C W II fW BUFFER. BUFFER TV BE �•J L Q S L C E L E ti E TEMPORARILY DI .may. ED AND REVEGETRWw + Q O S S g E L L ` L S S 5 O w 7 i I E RiT'N T�'ST L / w + • E L L S L L E C E O O 6 E I'• I / / E w w • l l w E+ Q S E L L ... �.. � � {.• i / / E 6 L E E O w w L L W S S • ¢ � � 3: f • E w W _.,^" // / ¢ w w L + s ¢• s ¢ E • w w E o¢ O II \ ' ....,,..� •`,f / / W C W O L 5 4 E + w E • L $ TEMPORARY —.• ERO• " EX'11N0 w E¢ C ¢• 0 L L S + W ¢ ¢ E E E L l L s + E SION L `' • / E 5 w ¢ L Q L ` FENCE a 1° LOT LINE E V/ !�f'f / /// // w w w w¢ L ¢ L k w + L W w L wW ¢¢• E¢¢ o w w • L L 5 e O ¢ s o L s �- t .� __ ._... M.....� / / E W • L E C E L L S 3 :• �� T \ I/ \ I� O C ¢ C E E w E E • C E + L S ���� � / / � / W �V ¢ E w S • w s + Q s ,..+ w W � E E � € `I E + E W S S C C S S S • E �' ff O w E TE: REMOVE 18 R7N(7EJ Or w C W S C E E w + W ` L w ( j '. (€ _ AND R yy C w E + 5 L W + • ` E w w ! L AND RE WITH 4 _.M ES OF CW TOPSOIL V E E w ¢ S L ¢ E ¢ L L E V� / ¢ E 0 W¢ C E S il S y L' w E w E l f l E C w ¢ C E + w• [\ / w E S.A.T. FENCE Zw E¢ E L W¢ E w w k € E 3 838 LF rr L ¢ • w o . 3 /./'fir E • E E !'( \ .......\ ..... • • 5 5 w I ( €I / w ¢ E E • � i 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:.•'•.•.•.E E E w E S E X ± � ...... • � • • • • • • L,C T WETLAND + E rr . . . . . . . . / r .. • Wit• ......... ENHANCEMENT E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f E \10464 S.F.TEMPORARY .€ TYPICAL......................... EROSION CONTROL ; it SAT.S N ...... LL I .....CY) ....... .... FENCE I I (! (12 TOTAL) I, I 1f .... .................. EXISTING ND .... .... P"......',6 AC:( _SITE) 3 ' �.... _ 'I ...... ....... ...... , r' . . BY. 0Tf . F1S* . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •.............. ........`......... :I ' ' ' .... .... . . ' ....... f �I HIMALAYAN BLACKBERRY TO BE ::.:. ;�Ii REMOVED WITHIN A 5 FOOT SWATH FROM TOP OF SLOPE DURING S.A.T. ................ .................. , FENCE INSTALLATION AND SEEDED ................ ........ �I/ i WITH SEED MIX. ................ ; €� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — — — ( \ . . . i \� .................... — —_ € EXISTING ..... •......\ ....... — TYPICAL FENCE INSULATE DU T , O� .............. . ... _€ � € I �EI W i �•' � � N N•® N N N X % X X X X E S t J r I E y, �.�/�" X N B N ,� E f € LOT _. 5A 1 ._ _.l N 1_ X X X X• A A A A A \ ^lON • 6 - — — — / {rr J. " \1J / Yam+/ rvi Y.l — — — — — — — — — — — WETLAND MITIGATION TABLE EXISTING WETLAND AREA 2.06 AC, (89,734 S.F.) WETLAND FILL AREA 0.13 AC. (5,571 S.F.) WETLAND PAPER FILL AREA 0.34 AC. (14,777 S.F.) LEGEND - WETLAND EDGE - WETLAND PAPER FILL - -- — — - - WETLAND BUFFER �}- - SAT. FENCE 660 LF PER PLAN WETLAND -S.A.T. SIGN 9 PER PLAN - WETLAND FILL TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL FENCE WETLAND AND BUFFER PLANTING SCHEDULE Symbol Botanical/Common Names Wetland Creation Quantity 18,895 sf Wetland hancemen Quantity 10,464 sf Buffer Restoration Quantity 400 sf Buffer Enhancement Quantity 5,965 sf Total Quantity Size/Condition Spacing Single species Clusters Notes TREES Fraxinus latifolia 28 16 16 44 5—foot height 12 — 15 feet • Oregon Ash minimum QPopulus • trichocarpo 18 8 8 26 5—foot height 12 — 15 feet Black Cottonwood minimum ISN Thuja plicate 38 34 34 72 5—foot height 12 15 feet Western Red Cedar minimum SHRUBS, SMALL TREES O Amelanchier olnifolia 40 40 1—gallon 4 — 5 feet in groups of 4-6 Serviceberry O Cornus stolonifera 180 77 77 257 1—gallon 4 — 5 feet in groups of 5 or more Red Osier Dogwood N Q Holodiscus discolor 40 40 1—gallon 4 — 5 feet in groups of 4-6 Oceanspray Lonicera involucrato 144 88 88 232 1—gallon 4 — 5 feet in groups of 3-5 Black Twinberry O Rosa gymnocarpa 40 40 1—gallon 4 — 5 feet in groups of 4-6 Wood Rose Rosa pisocorpa 8 8 1—gallon 4 — 5 feet Clustered Rose (see note below) O Rubus spectabilis 110 73 73 183 1—gallon 4 — 5 feet in groups of 3-5 Salmonberry O Salix sitchensis 180 63 63 243 1—gallon 4 — 5 feet in groups of 3-5 Sitka Willow O Salix scouleriana 144 86 16 86 246 1—gallon 4 — 5 feet in groups of 3-5 Scouler Willow (see note below) X Q Symphoricarpos albus 40 40 1—gallon 4 — 5 feet in groups of 4-6 Snowberry NOTE: BUFFER RESTORATION PLANT SPECIES TO BE FIELD LOCATED BY WETLAND ECOLOGIST. SEED MIX (WETLAND/UPLAND BLEND) Apply at the rate of 60 pounds per acre, handscatter (4,640 seeds/SF) % PLS/lb. lbs./ Name of Mix Acre Notes "Regreenw Fast erosion Sterile Wheatgrass 20 12 control, nurse Agropyron trachycoulum crop — temporary Slender Wheatgrass 25 15 Agrostis alba var. palustris Creeping Bentgrass 2 1.2 Deschompsia elongata Slender Hoirgrass 5 3 Festuca idohoensis Idaho Fescue 20 12 Festuca rubra Creeping Red Fescue 8 4.8 Lupinus polyphyllus (species) Big —leaf Lupine 10 6 Trifolium pratense Red Clover 5 3 Trifolium repens White Dutch Clover 5 3 NOTE: HAND SCATTER IN WETLAND CREATION, ENHANCEMENT AND WETLAND BUFFER RESTORATION AREAS. These &v##W conform to No s By Dote Rrtle/Poar`finn Confirmed by City: Date These plans are approved for conformance with the City of Auburn's requirements. Approved Date Apprvr S 0 ii 0 c o r ,j• .. N 0 N 0 O L0 N x j 0 U U E 0 Wsi ZLLcn v 0 Z 0) CD 00 � O CAI I I w w z o O N N 0z � . QD f— Lf U �` o 00 W v U� o E C� N Z W O � +� A` N O / V 4 CO O _O / o n_ / LZ .Es�ll• WETLAND MITIGATION NOTES AND DETAILS BLDG. 4 PARKING LOT EXPANSION SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. AUBURN, WASHINGTON GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS Landscape Contractor shall give the Barghausen wetland ecologist a minimum of ten (10) days notice prior to intention to proceed with construction. No construction work shall commence until there is a meeting between the Client, the Barghausen wetland ecologist, and participating Landscape Contractor. The approved plans and specifications shall be reviewed to allow parties involved to understand the intent and the specific details related to the construction documents, specifications, and site constraints. A copy of the approved plans, specifications, permits, and agency approvals must be on site whenever construction is in progress and shall remain on site until project completion. The Barghausen wetland ecologist shall be on site, as necessary, to monitor all grading and planting activities in the mitigation area. EXISTING VEGETATION & WOODY MATERIAL The Landscape Contractor shall be responsible for avoiding disturbance to existing trees and shrubs outside the wetland creation and buffer enhancement area. PLANTING SCHEDULE Planting should occur anytime between October and March to take advantage of seasonal rains. Other planting times may require placement of a temporary irrigation system to ensure plant survival. Trees and shrubs shall be pit planted as shown in the plan details. Plant procurement, transport, storage, handling, planting techniques, care of existing soil and vegetation, and watering are to be performed per landscape industry standards. SU VE-YZSTAKEZFLAG LIMITS OF CLEARING/GRADING Prior to any construction, a licensed surveyor shall survey, and stake the limits of clearing/grading prior to placing the erosion control fence. Limits of clearing/grading (impacts) are depicted on Sheet WL-2. A representative from the City and the Barghausen wetlond ecologist shall review and approve flagging of clearing limits prior to placement of the erosion control fence between the existing wetland and any grading activities or any vegetation removal. The Contractor shall be responsible for avoiding disturbance to existing vegetation located outside the limits of clearing/grading. No removal of any vegetation shall occur without prior approval by the Barghausen wetland ecologist. Areas outside clearing limits that are degraded or accidentally cleared shall be replanted consistent with other mitigation planting occurring as a part of this contract, at no extra cost to the owner. Plant species and quantities to be approved by the Borghausen wetland ecologist prior to installation. T.E.S.C. PLAN (see Civil Sheets) Construct erosion control measures and obtain approval of the City Construction Inspector before beginning any other work. The silt fence locations shall be surveyed, staked and approved by the City inspector and the Barghousen biologist prior to placement. Silt fences and other BMPs must be installed and implemented prior to any disturbance activity within the sensitive areas. GENERAL PLANTING CONDITIONS Landscape Contractor shall ensure that construction related activities do not damage off —site features or adjacent vegetation. In the mitigation area, Landscape Contractor shall remove blackberry and other specified invasive species by hand with minimal disturbance to the existing vegetation. Cleared and grubbed vegetation shall be exported from the site. Invosive/exotic plant species to be removed and treated in the enhancement area are: Himalayan and evergreen blackberry, reed canarygrass, Japanese knotweed, Scot's broom, English ivy, morning glory, and thistle. No chemical control of vegetation on any portion of the site is allowed without the written permission of the City of Auburn. Landscape Contractor shall verify that plant installation conditions are suitable within the wetland creation and buffer restoration areas. Any unsatisfactory conditions shall be corrected prior to start of work. When conditions detrimental to plant growth are encountered, such as rubble fill, significant vegetation, or obstructions, Landscape Contractor shall notify the Barghausen wetland ecologist prior to planting. Beginning of work constitutes acceptance of conditions as satisfactory. CLEAR AND GRUB Clearing Contractor shall clear and grub areas within the clearing limits of the mitigation and buffer areas. Cleared and grubbed vegetation shall be exported from the site. Particular care must be given to ensure complete removal of tops and roots (to depth of 18 inches) of reed canarygrass plants, and any other invasive/exotic plant species. Invasive/exotic plant species to be removed and treated in the mitigation and buffer areas are: Scot's broom, English ivy, Himalayan and evergreen blackberry, reed canarygrass, purple loosestrife, hedge bindweed (morning glory), Japanese knotweed, thistle, and creeping nightshade. The Barghausen wetland ecologist to designate any additional plant species to be removed prior to construction. EXCAVATE MITIGATION AREA (hauling soils off —site) Landscape Contractor shall provide excavation in the mitigation area(s) per direction by the Barghausen wetland ecologist. Excavated soils (including strippings) shall be exported off —site. In the created wetland, remove 18 inches of topsoil as shown on plans for later placement of 4 inches of clean topsoil. Place topsail in all mitigation planting areas. LOCATE STAKE/VERIFY PLANTING AREAS Landscape Contractor shall field locate, stake, and verify planting areas and configurations prior to planting. The Barghausen wetland ecologist shall review and approve locations prior to planting. Proposed locations of trees and shrubs shall be staked and identified with an approved coding system or by placement of the actual plant material. For large groupings of a single species of shrub, Landscape Contractor may stake the planting boundaries. The Barghousen wetland ecologist shall review and approve locations of all plants and plant groupings prior to planting. APPROVE PLANTING LOCATIONS AND SPACING Planting locations shown on planting plans are approximate, based on anticipated site conditions. Actual planting locations may vary from those shown due to final site conditions and locations of existing vegetation. Nevertheless, any variations from the planting plan will require prior approval by the Barghausen wetland ecologist. Plants shall be planted in a random, naturalistic pattern. The Borghausen wetland ecologist shall review planting locations and spacing prior to plant installation. PLANT MATERIALS The Barghausen wetland ecologist shall examine plant material prior to planting. Any material not meeting the required specifications shall be immediately removed from the site and replaced with like material that meets the required standards. Plant material shall meet the requirements of State and Federal laws with respect to plant disease and infestations. Inspection certificates, required by law, shall accompany each and every shipment and shall be submitted to the Barghausen wetland ecologist upon Landscape Contractor's receipt of plant material. The Borghousen wetland ecologist shall pre —approve in writing any substitution of plant materials prior to ordering substitution plants. Plant materials shall be native, locally grown (Puget Sound lowlands of western Washington), healthy, bushy, in vigorous growing condition, and be guaranteed true to size, name, and variety. If replacement of plant material is necessary due to construction damage or plant failure within one year of installation, the sizes, species, and quantities shall be equal to damaged or unsuitable plants, or as indicated on the plans. The Barghausen wetland ecologist reserves the right to require replacement or substitution of any plants deemed unsuitable. Trees shall have uniform branching, single straight trunks, (unless specified as multi —stemmed), and the central leader intact and undamaged. Container stock shall be fully rooted but not root —bound. Plant material with damaged root zones or broken root balls will not be accepted. Coniferous trees shall be nursery grown, full and bushy, with uniform branching and a natural non —sheared form. Original central leader must be healthy and undamaged. Maximum gap between branching shall not exceed 9 inches, and Length of top leader shall not exceed 12 inches. Shrubs shall be 1—gallon potted plants. Shrubs shall not be pruned and shall be left in a natural growth form. Within 30 days of award of the landscape contract, Landscape Contractor shall submit documentation that specified plant materials have been ordered and secured. A list of supplier names, addresses, phone numbers and the storoge/growing location of the materials shall be submitted to the Barghausen wetland ecologist within 30 days of Landscape Contractor award. VERIFY NURSERY STOCK CONDITION The Barghausen wetland ecologist shall inspect plant material at the job site, including previously togged trees for compliance with required standards for plant size n quality P Y 99 � P q P adq Y prior to planting. This includes, but is not limited to, size and condition of rootballs and root systems, presence of insects, latent injuries and defects. Trees must be untied and separated for inspections. The Barghausen wetland ecologist reserves the right to refuse any/all plant material any time prior to final acceptance if it is determined that such material does not meet the specifications as described herein. Rejected material shall be immediately removed from project site. VERIFY STORAGE SITE AND METHOD Store plants in the manner necessary to accommodate their horticultural requirements. Protect plant material stored on —site from weather damage, prior to construction activity. Balled and burlapped material which cannot be installed immediately shall be "heeled —in" to keep plants from drying out prior to planting. Protect rootballs by covering with moist soil, mulch or sawdust. Water as required to keep rootballs moist. RESEED DISTURBED AREAS Landscape Contractor shall seed and thoroughly water exposed soils with the seed mixes specified in the Plant Schedule following plant installation to all exposed ground surfaces. WOOD FENCE AND SIGNS Wood fencing and Sensitive Area Tract signs shall be constructed at locations depicted on the Mitigation Plan prior to installation of enhancement plantings. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR GUARANTEE The contractor shall warrant all plant material to remain alive and healthy for a period of one year after completion and final written acceptance of planting by Barghausen's wetland ecologist. The contractor shall replace dead or unhealthy plants per plans and specifications. This warranty shall include replacement of plants (same size and species shown on the drawings) that prove either to be mislocated or unsuitable as to plant material standards. Plants replaced shall be reinitiated under plant guarantee conditions. FINAL ACCEPTANCE Upon completion of the planting, the Landscape Contractor shall provide the Barghausen wetland ecologist with a set of clearly marked prints designating the actual locations and quantities of plantings within the mitigation areas. Landscape Contractor shall keep a complete set of prints at the job site during construction for the purpose of "red —lining" changes or modifications to the approved plans and shall update said information on a daily basis. The Barghausen wetland ecologist shall meet on —site with a representative from the City of Auburn for review and acceptance of the mitigation plan installation. The date of final acceptance shall constitute the beginning of the one—year warranty/five—year maintenance period. FIVE—YEAR MAINTENANCE Landscape Contractor shall review landscape maintenance recommendations with the Barghausen wetland ecologist who is familiar with the stated goals and objectives of the mitigation plan. Maintenance is to be provided throughout construction and for five years following construction beginning at final acceptance. Landscape Contractor shall maintain trees and shrubs as required to maintain healthy growth and habitat diversity. This may include tightening and repair of tree stakes, resetting plants to proper grade and upright position, and gross and 'invasive control. Remove tree stakes and erosion control fence at the end of one year. The Landscape Contractor shall be responsible for consistent and adequate water application throughout the growing season to keep plants healthy and growing. TREATED POSTS J `A OR CEDAR POSTS CEDAR IN CONTACT WITH SOIL IS WARRANTED NO MORE THAN TWO YEARS 8'-0" OC t FTREATED 2"x6" BDS. /4"x4"f NAILED TO 4"x4" POSTS ALL FASTENERS TO BE GALVANIZED COMPACTED NATIVE BACKFILL. COMPACTED NATIVE MATERWtL SAT FENCE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 4 E}2F /2 HIGH TEE DWITHSFLE BTAKES�LEI RUBBER TIE INTE AT APPROX.t %U E fEIGHTE T PATTERN. STAKES AND TREE PLUMB; STAKE PLANTS NOTED ON LEGEND 3" DEEP SAUCER FOR WATER REMOVE ALL TIES, WRAP & CONTAINERS. FREE 01 PERIMETER ROOTS FROM NURSERY BALL N N EXCAVATE TREE PIT AT A MIN. OF 4 TIMES DIA. OF ROOTBALL AT BALL CENTER, TAPERING PIT GRADE TO FINISH GRADE t '� PIT SPOILS, NURSERY BALL WASTE BACKFILL SET BALL ON UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE, OR COMPACTED SOIL. o WORK PERIMETER ROOTS FREE OF NURSERY BALL & SPREAD OVER EXCAVATED PIT. BALL do PIT TO BE COURSELY SCARIFIED. TREE PLANTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE PREPARED PLANTING BED o SEE PLANT LIST FOR PLANT SPACING o REMOVE CONTAINER & WORK ROOTS FEE OF ROOTSALL, SPREAD ROOTS INTO EXCAVATION o BACKFILL TO BE SETTLED USING WATER ONLY SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE i' TO GRADE ATTACH SIGN TO POST WITH TWO 5/16 GALVANIZED LAG BOLTS WITH WASHERS. PRE-PRINTED PLASTIC SIGN 8'-4x4 CEDAR OR PRESSURE TREATED POST SET 3' INTO POST HOLE iETE BACKFILL ST HOLE R. A)THE WETLAND/STREAM SIGN SHALL BE POSTED AT THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE LOT AND SENSITIVE AREA BUFFER, OR ON THE SAT FENCE. B) ONE SIGN SHALL BE POSTED FOR EVERY 150 FEET OF SENSITIVE AREA BUFFER AND SHALL BE STATIONED PER THE LOCATIONS ON THE APPROVED PLANS FOR THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. SIGNS MAY ALSO BE ATTATCHED TO FENCES C) SIGNS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF AAJMM STANDARDS. VERIFY. SIGN SHOWN IS STANDARD KING COUNTY WHICH ARE AVAILABLE FOR $2.50 FROM: KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPhONIT AND ENWhRONMENTAL SERVICES 900 OAKSDALE AVENUE SOUTHWEST RENTON, WA 98055-1219 D) IF NOT POSTED ON FENCE, SEPARATE SIGN POST SHALL BE SET IN CONCRETE TO AVOID REMOVAL. S.A.T. SIGN DETAIL NOT TO SCALE Record Drawing Certification These ftwings conform to f#ie CCaa�trrrctor's oonsftcSon i+s+cards. By ante 71WI Position Confirmed by Cltr Date - s:..• r r �.a • �s .. s s t, r r k1_ t0 -s I, L.1 LLJ LL tV Q O " 00 Z M to 00 r�, $ L Lo N Z N N � LLJNe uu R 0 r a_ N v X L 0 U E 0 n a� 0 U N r7 0 u') 0 O N r 0 �r 0 E i= 0 0 0 0 i r x 0 0 i 0 O O a� i7 b V/Chj 7—