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r-4of S S S 0 20 40 80 W so P W CALL BEFORE YOU DIG: I P 11-800-424-5555 I V CI T 0 Ei i+ SIGN ' i�. IE 18" CMP S=43,$6 x �� � �; o�ti [ � GUY POLE FND REBAR W/CAP TEL. J-BOX x �� I ��+H 11332" 47.6 �. UY ANCHOR TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION: HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE OUTHWEST QUARTER SOUTH OF COUNTY ROAD No. 951 OUTH 258th STREET) LESS STATE ROAD No. 69 EST VALLEY HIGHWAY) AND STATE ROUTE 167. ORIZONTAL DATUM - BASIS OF BEARINGS ER PUBLISHED DATUM FOR CITY OF AUBURN GPS ASHINGTON STATE PLAN, NORTH ZONE, NAD1983/1991 OINT NOS. 105, 109 AND 111 ERTICAL DATUM - BASIS OF ELEVATIONS TY OF AUBURN BENCHMARK #27-A NAVD 1088 QUARE CHISELED IN GUARDRAIL HE NW COR OF 37th ST. NW BRIDGE VER SR 167. ELEV. - 78.51 FEET A PORTION OF THE S.W.1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 36 TWN. 22 N., RANGE 4 E., W.M. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON PROJECT ADDRESS: 4100 BLOCK WEST VALLEY HIGHWAY PARCEL NO. 30220149013 SITE ZONING: M1 TEMPORARY 'V' DITCH W/ ROCK CHECK DAMS o w PER DETAIL SHEET E2 -Inn Ir- A A-1 c_vl VL_ IVI I ITS OF CLEARING SILT FENCE PER DETAIL SHEET E2 TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL POND U w TOP EL.= 50.0 MAX. W.S. EL. 49.0 STATIC W S-- `EL = 46 0 .. ...... .W .fff :S 7 rIj ' a• 'y � , At F 'r� i ilf: 6 r ........ VICINITY MAP 6 z 0- c z .J 0 0 (n 0 Z 0 a: U ��L WZ O N Ld L ` Q 0 z W �I C13LC POWER POLE 6. , W/UG DROP uk� S8915 49"E BOTTOM OF POND EL. = 42.0 7 I .3 � 7 Y > 2:1 2 1 2 1 IE 18 CMP N=43.$8 . a �� I I . ,t_. A,. �� ..... ....��....... ....:........ ..� .... ................ _._.. .-...._ ....... _ :1 __ 1 1.2 d SI Y { a5.7..... E-w, -.... m mco I �- 50 - INSTALL . 46... t:• ! PROPOSED WATER OUTAUff { :::' :; { t .• ..._,_i,.....`...,...._.,�.. - - - - - 4 - _ FM REBAR 2 m {-..... �,...=_y:... ��.... �y ... RIPRAP PAD _ ........... _ AND CONVEYANCE E aTT•• •••��... ° TOP j{{ p 0 N 31 i i � I \ � �. �, �- � -.� �� ... gyp... L�.. LF 6 3 t+� N ° 47.7 I n 1 L5' € / '�- "� ��� �� ��. x 44, 7 \ \ \ _ 50 `" PER WETLAND MITIGATION PLAN j; I : I y _- 0 3:1 EL=50.0 I UNDER FUTURE BUILDING; �� I. 'i _45 PERMIT `� *�' : ( x 46s COORDINATE W/ .:. _.. ' QVM TO - 46.77 4 �i - 05 0 t Z 46.44 t I r • _ _ ......... ' VE PO X r i f W E3 : _...._ ....... >r .-........... x 46.9110 RE1Vt0 �:1 f t E3 �' I I 1 j{ i�pE3{3 )j• tl? { E( ..__--- { t •`l. € j{ ' i .. �E 47.t{ r,�I r ,. N3TALL�. 3:1 q� I • fI f ( r D A 4.55 FENCE PER x 7 f, A' 0 2 jI 6.71 4 .?� � , J �; 43.49 x 46.55 x i DETAIL SHEET !2 ®45.33 I Z GUY POLE �. 43. 5 ' k� i k k^� ((€€II j{((I N • ; i .046.25 f •45.97 f x 46.24 �46.67 x 46.73 46. 2 € 46.77INSTALL46.61 46r1 //^^ 1''' V J f f' Ci x LMMTS OF RIPRAP PAD 1x / y t4 I ! I 46.87 I O . i x 43.46 - i I ' i i x�... - ww x..44;P.2, . e... �+.. +c 442 .r-. .......... ..�......x.:x4 '4 s, wo-..fJ ° SILT FENCE { 47� _ 29 INSTALL o° a SILT BAFFLE / Z PER DETAIL SHEET ,;/ s :1 , > UNDER FUTURE ffr' 5.63 f f `I f' : - �> / 3.79 l I I D1N IT I 0 � FENCE 3 C� �F.F. - 53.0 SEDIMENT RISER 4 k�. ;I 1 - PER DETAIL SHEET I Z POWER POLE �k; - PAD ELEV. - 52.0 x 46. 1€ 4 .4ot f , pp W O 54 LF 12" SD • 0. x ;� �42.ao , ' - 6.62 E x 46.04 x 46.01 x 46.20 x n, _ . / IE 24 CONC. s 42.95 I 48. I SDMH, TYPE 254E 5.78 : i . RIM = 52.5 j,f` f + _ > TZ x 46.58 x 46.40 I f f�' i.. 17 x 46.34 x 46.�0IE = 46.0 43.18 RETAIN. WALL a i 43.51 I.0 CD MP L...___.. I- f I t I f �38 ...•% �� ' of jf I xI` t W/ ROCK CHECK DAMS IPRAP / X. WETLAND TO RE IN x45.41 4 :3 = Q s PER DETAIL SHEET E2 x / 4 .Zo f 2:1 / i f: r IE 24" CONC. N=43.02 Ex `: .. 6.44 46 4 ff ? 43.58 .51 s 1... __ L x 5 69 _9 EX. HOGWIRE FEN t t ....._.. �.........�...... ;...�... ,,-, � = 4 ,'r,�'f• Z 7 x 4 f42. , 4. 0 8a 1046.87 x 46.06 ® 7% 4Cr39-49 046.45 46.01 r.'f I Fx..... .. - �� ... y ... ... - VAS I ....'.. ...................�.,_......, ..m..,.........._._....w... .__ _.,. f f•�' x 44 € (• i •• a6 � E Q _ f i I 0 . Ck 3 i `''. �"+•► _.' ..r- -..r / 4J ff f42.97 f 43.273.04 4a.6 ' TO MOVE x x 4s.8 A t' f•, ' RE 4 . 21 • 2• 6 E ' _ PM 43.00 /44.10I ,f frfr � O I I -@47.0 �� 6.60 x 47,08 4 44 :1 047.26 x 47.02 x 46.69 046.53 5.64 ft 1 tf f PROPOSED fT1�VG3 E 43 4 EDGE SEE WETLAND MITIGATION .._..... .... 44. 6 44. `�ti ..'�' 4 4 EX D 475 - 1I _ + 2:1 2:1 f if 4. # i l v o i ►": Ii 30 '1 2` + >�. + M:...... `.'f UNDER BUILDINGPERMITI j I 4) c b V - ..:. U I _..... t ft I. Z j 1 /43.46 >cn o � ` 33.29 •44.94 x 45.04 i = + f. . 3.32 x 45 5.03 2 + _ EXISTING .5TF 4 .11 NSTALL 45 LF 24 /694 2 f B w I 45.99 + O > 46. < 4s ee.-.... _ -. . w . __.. __ 4 x TEMPORARY CULVERT B J N WETLAND # Cr i 04 .74 v-x 5. D x 45. x 4s.97 UNDER ) I` � E3 _ • I ;€ � I N .� + €i s.57 O RIND 5 '. � IE=46.5t E and W ##jj # ' i 3 k 1� { •••••- x 45.19 x 45. 9 i ' E3 + + GE OF 4b AIL SHE •4 .92 _.. + Cn { a 4 W _ • ...........__ ...... X.. .................--- -- . .. J II 49.2(€ 4 8 _ + �F4.22 Q I€ -/ m.. .. SILT FENCE :.,.. m.... _ .........:.........._ --..........,_....._ _. __ __ . a3 l 4 .3 x 4 .97 x.......... ...... + V1 4 _ +-PE`R---0ETAI :P+E "_ .._ 44 3 I :I _ +434i� EX. FENCE I •LC 44.3+ ? a f r - + 43.3+ x I c - ' m + CLEARING f a .E J •4s.25 _ r Rom, l LIMITS OF ' t �% ` x " CONC. mb93 I t x 4 04 .94 * 43 P99 0 Ir-•^- f O I I f _M.._... /_, f I N' ,.: .RIM=• .. •, ./' + 0 + x 45.42 ` - '.•' W -o SIGN '# MH= ......... " .. _ x':....... �`$............_a 44.7 ROCK CONSTRUCTION I � I - + - r U U II ....._._ 'g VEL+ ENTRANCE o z E tf x48�� �4jxi�` '.� Z W 8i IE 24" CMP E=43.78 I ? IE 24" CMP E=43.83_ t I .f € f PER DETAIL SHEET E2 � W g N " _ ft ) IE 24 CMP S=44.35_ J ,1 € �� 43. 9 W X tZ < EX. FENCE ~fix 45.95 p z POWER POLE �. x 4 93 - ... _ ........ W. . € LLL z w ._. - 5 ...._ .....,. T S: _X. x 44.53 x 4 x 46.41 ! x 44.0 66 W/UG DROP Z.. Ot< _ .... -. - .... _ ..._ _x 44 . ... x tom. . 31 . .e a `.�.".- 3 L1..I 49.74 _ N N ti I 5k*s1 =__ fiSr" _ ^ p •• x 46 85 o- I w _. U x 48. rv� 48 78 x 4d 94__ .... ..........,..... :::: ' :.. fir..... _ x _ _ 9 Z *7 _ .__.. 59 .43 : :47.37 46, 5 LOT LIGHT =aa _..a,y�.. _._�._...:.......::M:......... , ...... 00 Z o EX. CB X. CB _sue'===__- _ ---- _.:: ... Z w Uj 49.83 # x 48.75 x 48.72 _ ... -. ( I W CABLE J-BOX . _fa' -48.10 x48J2 IE=48.10 TANK N II - EX. BLDG. FND REBAR W CAP i- # N, �` 0D o IE=45.40 o IE=45.40 \1n Ir- i A 50.65 „ W/CAP L 0 Z FND '.7ONF N, II I ( e� ��- -- III /- L_�JI VL_ IVI I �� LS 11332" N N z Z IN CASE W LEAD k . a. ==________---48.-9a------------ a8 �3 ---W--------- o o w II / - , , w c & TACK ( x 50.11 U M N Z Ln U _I > o M w Record Drawing Certification op Y v v 5 E W LEGEND: These drawings conform to the Contractor's construction records. ESTIMATED EARTHWORK EXISTING CONTOUR ••••••••• •••••••••; � ; 8-.......... ..........•. V� 000NT WASHINGTON TON STATE DEPARTMENCTOR SHALL BE FULLY T OF NATURALESPONSIBLE FOR RESOURCINING ES FORRMITS REMOVIOM NG AND CUT=4,000 C.Y. TEMPORARY CONTOUR - -3t8- - By Date V REPLACING ALL SURVEY MONUMENTATION THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY CONSTRUCTION FILL=25 000 C.Y. rit/elPosition J i TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, PURSUANT TO WAC 332-120. APPLICATIONS MUST BE COMPLETED BY A + O ° O ° ° ° REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS TO REMOVE MONUMENTS ENTRANCE Confirmed by City Date w MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL SHEET INDEX I. i RESOURCES, OR BY CONTACTING THEIR OFFICE BY TELEPHONE AT (206) 902-1190. FLOW DIRECTION 0 4136103 V �? E1 OF 3 TEMPORARYEROSION AND WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: TEMPORARY V-DITCH W/ P`� SA�R PROJECT REF- GRA02-0008 C. � � �% bpi w PUBLIC LAND SURVEY OFFICE CAS- ROCK CHECK DAMS SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN pF WASy�y / 0®N5 u 1111 WASHINGTON STREET S.E. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH CLEARING LIMITS Q c� These plans are approved for conformance with the City of P.O. BOX 47060 OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT BY POTHOLING THE � Q pp y OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 98504-7060 UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. E2 OF 3 TEMPORARY EROSION/SEDIMENTATION Z Auburn s Engineering Division requirements. THIS SHALL UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, ALL MONUMENTS DISPLACED, REMOVED, OR ALL OF THE INCLUDE STDNGCALLING ILIT ESUATI OCATIONs OFTY LOCATE 0 1 NEWOUTILITY SCROSSINGS TO PHYSI 555 AND THEN �ALNY TEMPORARY STORM CONTROL NOTES AND DETAILS a co 4.4 DESTROYED SHALL BE REPLACED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR, AT THE COST AND VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE �o� �F� 4661��p ��4 � W) o0 AT THE DIRECTION OF THE CONTRACTOR, PURSUANT TO THESE REGULATIONS. THE PLANS ARE BASED UPON THE UNVERIFIED PUBLIC INFORMATION AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION. SILT FENCE Fs�/ / S T E G�� Approved By I�� z' N ) c 0 APPROPRIATE FORMS FOR REPLACEMENT OF SAID MONUMENTATION SHALL ALSO BE THE IF CONFLICTS ON LICTSTING ESH SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR ON RAC O SHALL CONSULT BARGHAUSEN S PRIOR 0 PROCEEDING WITH E3 OF 3 CROSS SECTIONS DNA L E� Date Approved: 4lx �/©1 $ O a' �- RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. CONSTRUCTION. EXPIRES 6 11 OZ ' W v r �O1 I cod SPECIAL CONDITIONS NOTES: TEMPORARY EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL NOTES AND DETAILS 1. DENUDED AREAS AND SOIL STOCKPILES MUST BE STABILIZED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE OR EXCEPTED IN THE FIELD WHEN IN THE JUDGEMENT OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL, SUCH SCHEDULE IS NOT WARRANTED: FROM APRIL 1 TO SEPTEMBER 30, ALL DENUDED AREAS AT FINAL GRADE AND ALL EXPOSED AREAS THAT ARE SCHEDULED TO REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN 30 DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 10 DAYS. FROM OCTOBER 1 TO MARCH 31, ALL EXPOSED SOILS AT FINAL GRADE SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY USING PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY MEASURES. EXPOSED SOILS WITH AN AREA GREATER THAN 5,000 SQUARE FEET THAT ARE SCHEDULED TO REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS AND EXPOSED AREAS OF LESS THAN 5,000 SQUARE FEET THAT WILL REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN SEVEN DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY. 2. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO WATER THE SITE, AS NECESSARY, TO REDUCE DUST EMISSIONS AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO SWEEP ALL AFFECTED PUBLIC ROADS, AS NECESSARY, TO REMOVE MUD DEPOSITED AS A RESULT OF PROJECT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. THESE ACTIONS WILL BE GOVERNED AND DIRECTED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. 3. ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SITE CONDITION. THIS ACTION WILL BE GOVERNED AND DIRECTED BY THE CITY OFFICIAL 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CITY ENGINEER 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE TIME WORK WILL BE PERFORMED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS, OR OTHER THAN NORMAL WORKING HOURS. 5. ALL DENUDED AREAS OF THE ENTIRE SITE SHALL BE HYDROSEEDED AND MULCHED IMMEDIATELY, AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: A. FOR SLOPES WITH A STEEPNESS LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO ONE UNIT VERTICAL TO ONE UNIT HORIZONTAL (1/1) PROVIDE HYDROSEEDING AND STRAW MULCHING IN THE MINIMUM AMOUNT OF 2 TONS PER ACRE (APPROXIMATELY 2 INCHES THICK). (REFER TO CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE FOR PERIMETER BERM ESTABILIZATION CRITERIA). B. FOR SLOPES WITH A STEEPNESS BETWEEN ONE UNIT VERTICAL TO ONE UNIT HORIZONTAL (1/1) AND TWO UNITS VERTICAL TO ONE UNIT HORIZONTAL (2/1) PROVIDE HYDROSEEDING AND INSTALL AND PIN WOVEN STRAW BLANKETS PER THE MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS. C. FOR SLOPES WITH A STEEPNESS EXCEEDING TWO UNITS VERTICAL TO ONE UNIT HORIZONTAL (2/1) DO NOT HYDROSEED, BUT INSTALL CLEAR PLASTIC SHEETING WHICH SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 6 MIL AND MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT/APWA SECTION 9-14.5. D. THE PLASTIC COVERING SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED TIGHTLY IN PLACE BY USING SANDBAGS OR TIRES ON ROPES WITH A MAXIMUM 10-FOOT GRID SPACING IN ALL DIRECTIONS. ALL SEAMS SHALL BE TAPED OR WEIGHTED DOWN THE FULL LENGTH OF THE SHEETING WITH 1 FOOT MINIMUM OVERLAP OF ALL SEAMS. SEAMS SHOULD THEN BE ROLLED AND EITHER STAKED OR TIED. GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 1. WITHIN THE CITY OF AUBURN, ALL REQUIRED RETENTION OR DETENTION, SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES MUST BE CONSTRUCTED AND IN OPERATION, PRIOR TO LAND CLEARING AND/OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, TO INSURE THAT SEDIMENT - LADEN WATER AND STORM DRAINAGE RUNOFF DOES NOT IMPACT THE ADJACENT PROPERTIES OR THE NATURAL_ DRAINAGE WAYS. 2. THE DETENTION, SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED DRAWINGS ARE INTENDED TO BE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS TO MEET ANTICIPATED SITE CONDITIONS. ADDITIONAL DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES MAY BE REQUIRED AS SITUATIONS WARRANT DURING CONSTRUCTION. THE IMPLEMENTATION, MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENT, AND ADDITIONS TO THESE CONTROL SYSTEMS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITTEE. 3. THE DETENTION CONTROL POND SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL THE PERMANENT STORM SYSTEM IS IN PLACE AND OPERATIONAL. 4. THE TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES, INCLUDING ALL PERIMETER CONTROLS, SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL FINAL SITE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED AND APPROVAL HAS BEEN RECEIVED FROM THE CITY OF AUBURN. 5. ALL AREAS OF ACTIVE EARTHWORK WHICH HAVE THE POTENTIAL FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION IMPACTS ON ADJACENT PROPERTY AND DRAINAGE WAYS MUST BE STABILIZED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE: FROM APRIL 1 TO SEPTEMBER 30, AREAS AT FINAL GRADE AND THOSE WHICH ARE SCHEDULED TO REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN 30 DAYS, SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 10 DAYS. FROM OCTOBER 1 TO MARCH 31, EARTHWORK ACTIVITIES SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN STAGES IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE SOIL EXPOSURE. EXPOSED SOILS WITH AN AREA GREATER THAN 5,000 SQUARE FEET THAT ARE SCHEDULED TO REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS AND EXPOSED AREAS OF LESS THAN 5,000 SQUARE FEET THAT WILL REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN 7 DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: 1. SCHEDULE AND ATTEND PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH CITY OF AUBURN OFFICIALS. 2. FLAG ALL CLEARING AND GRADING LIMITS FOR PROJECT AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 3. CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AS SHOWN. 4. INSTALL TEMPORARY FILTER FABRIC FENCE AS SHOWN ON PLANS. 5. CONSTRUCT INTERCEPTOR DITCHES WHERE SHOWN. 6. INSTALL HAYBALES AND FILTER FABRIC AS SHOWN ON PLANS. 7. TIME LIMIT APPLIES TO ANY WORK PERFORMED IN THE CITY OF AUBURN ROW. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH CITY OFFICIAL FOR TIMING OF ANY CONSTRUCTION WITHIN ROW. 8. PROTECT ALL PROPERTIES ADJACENT TO THE PROJECT FROM SEDIMENT DEPOSITION. 9. NO RUNOFF IS TO LEAVE SITE WITHOUT TREATMENT. 10. CLEAR AND GRADE SITE AMEND E.S.C. FACILITIES AS REQUIRED. 11. WHEREVER CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES ACCESS ROUTE CROSSES PAVED ROADS, CARE MUST BE MADE TO MINIMIZE THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT (MUD) ONTO THE PAVED ROAD. IF SEDIMENT IS TRANSPORTED ONTO PAVED SURFACE, THE ROAD SHALL BE CLEANED THOROUGHLY AT THE END OF EACH DAY. 12. WITH EACH LAYER OF FILL MATERIAL, INTERCEPTOR DITCHES AND T.E.S.C. FACILITIES MUST BE GRADED AND MAINTAINED TO PROVIDE POSITIVE SLOPE FOR DRAINAGE TO DISCHARGE POINT. 13. ALL DISTURBED AREAS AND EXISTING DITCHES WHICH HAVE BEEN EFFECTED BY GRADING OPERATION SHALL BE HYDROSEEDED UPON COMPLETION OF GRADING ACTIVITIES AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH GRADING AND TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL NOTES. 14. CONTINUOUS MAINTENANCE AND UPGRADE OF T.E.S.C. MEASURES, INCLUDING DUST CONTROL, SHALL BE PROVIDED AFTER FILL OPERATIONS ARE COMPLETED. 15. MAINTAIN E.S.C. FACILITIES UNTIL ALL RISK OF EROSION/SEDIMENTATION DRAINAGE HAS PASSED AND PERMANENT STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM IS INSTALLED AND FUNCTIONAL. DO NOT CONVEY SEDIMENT -LADEN WATER INTO STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM. TEMPORARY EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL FACILITIES CAN REMOVED ONLY UPON FINAL SITE STABILIZATION AND APPROVAL FROM CITY OFFICIAL. CITY OF AUBURN GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF AUBURN'S REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THESE DRAWINGS AND THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE "WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (WSDOT) STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE, AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION," 1998 OR LATEST EDITION, EXCEPT WHERE SUPPLEMENTED OR MODIFIED BY THE CITY OF AUBURN STANDARD DETAILS AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. 3. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO HAVE A COPY OF THE STANDARD CONSTRUCTION NOTES, STANDARD DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS AVAILABLE AT THE JOB SITE ALONG WITH A COPY OF THE APPROVED DEVELOPMENT PLANS. 4. A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY ON -SITE WORK FOR ALL PUBLIC FACILITY EXTENSION PROJECTS. 5. LOCATIONS SHOWN FOR EXISTING UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE. IDENTIFICATION, LOCATION MARKING AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR UNDERGROUND FACILITIES OR UTILITIES IS GOVERNED BY THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 19.122 REVISED CODE OF WASHINGTON (RCW). PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL ONE -CALL (1-800-424-5555) FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS (WATER, SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER, GAS, POWER, TELEPHONE AND TELEVISION). 6. THE CONTRACTOR IS CAUTIONED THAT OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL LINES ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING THE EXTENT OF ANY HAZARD CREATED BY OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL POWER IN ALL AREAS AND SHALL FOLLOW PROCEDURES DURING CONSTRUCTION AS REQUIRED BY LAW AND REGULATION. 7. TRAFFIC CONTROL AND STREET MAINTENANCE FOR SAFETY OF THE TRAVELING PUBLIC ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND ALL METHODS AND EQUIPMENT USED WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN. CONTRACTORS AND THEIR SURETY SHALL BE LIABLE FOR INJURIES AND DAMAGES TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY SUFFERED BECAUSE OF CONTRACTORS OPERATIONS OR NEGLIGENCE CONNECTED WITH THEM. HYDROSEED MIX SPECIFICATION: MOISTURE SPECIES COMMON NAME PERCENT CONDITION BY WEIGHT VERY MOIST AGROSOTIS TENUIS COLONIAL BENTGRASS 50 FESTUCA RUBA RED FESCUE 10 ALOPOCURIS PRATENSIS MEADOW FOXTAIL 40 MOIST FESTUCA ARUNDINACEA MEADOW FESCUE 70 AGROSOTIS TENUIS COLONIAL BENTGRASS 15 ALOPECURUS PRATENSIS MEADOW FOXTAIL 10 TRIFOLUIM HYBRIDUM WHITE CLOVER 5 MOIST -DRY AGROSOTIS TENUIS COLONIAL BENTGRASS 10 FESTUCA RUBA RED FESCUE 40 LOLIUM MULTIFLORUM ANNUAL RYEGRASS 40 TRIFOLIUM REPENS WHITE CLOVER 10 APPLICATION RATE: HYDROSEED ® 60 LBS./ACRE NOTES: 1. CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTAINING & CLEANING THE APPROACH ON A REGULAR / BASIS. 2. IF DIRECTED BY THE COUNTY ADDITIONAL BE ADDED. QUARRY SPALLS ORRF' M 3. THE CONSTRUCTION APPROACH �� �F MUST BE LOCATED AT THE G��JN PERMANENT APPROACH LOCATION, O� 0 F,OG o q / O � O 0 0 0 0 O 000 /10a O o o`er' o� /� 0 R= 25' MIN. 8" .�� 4"-6" QUARRY SPALLS TEMPORARY EROSION CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NOT TO SCALE c'•i irrrc� nr ni vununnn e'..a'..� /n" rv-rrni..n ���vniiviv vi BASIN BOTTOM I` 8' CENTERS j 4 IN. SQ. OR 5 IN. ROUND MIN. U SET AT LEAST 3 FT. INTO GROUND PLYWOOD BAFFLE FENCE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 3' 3' n�o �� _ �oDor o- o oDooQ11123 o oo 0 o oo oh ;1n�000 ,r-. SWALE i� ROCK CHECK FLOWLINE DAM -ION OF CREST DEPTH OF WATER IN BASIN WHEN FU LL SWALE SLOPE CHECK 0.5' MIN. KEY ROCK INTO SWALE 0.25' (MIN.) SWALE X-SECTION AT ROCK CHECK DAM 0% - 5% 150 5% - 10% _ 100' °.0°` SUMP BEHIND ROCK CHECK DAM ao oo 5 SHALL BE INSPECTED DAILY, AND 1.0 M4N. ' CLEANED WHEN COLLECTED DEBRIS EXCEEDS 1/2 OF ITS DEPTH FLAW L KEY ROCK INTO o SWALE MIN. 0.25' NOTE: ROCK SHALL BE 4' MINUS QUARRY ROCK. 0 ROCK DAM X-SECTION ROCK CHECK DAM DETAILS NOT TO SCALE NOTE: 1) DO NOT I 2) APPLIES ONCE CRU�)ntu nvuN ruAvtmtiv i PROCEDES FOR FINAL PAVING, WRAP GRATE W/ FABRIC MAKING WATER- TIGHT UNTIL FINAL ADJUSTMENT IS COMPLETE 3' APART MAX. r I 3/4" OR LESS WASHED ROCK FILTER OVER FILTER FABRIC -SEDIMENT SUMP BURIED FILTER FABRIC CATCH BASIN--' W/ GRATE TYPICAL (4 SIDES) SECTION A -A CATCH BASIN PROTECTION FOR GRADING PROJECTS NOT TO SCALE IMENT 2"x2"x4"(MIN.) WOODEN STAKES, DRIVEN INTO GROUND 18" (MIN.) IN DEPTH. SLOPE- 2:1 761, MIN. 6" DEEP x 12" WIDE - TOP BERM EL = 50.0 48" MIN. CMP STANDPIPE OPEN TOP, CLOSED BOTTOM ENCASED IN CONCRETE EL.=49.5 DISTANCE GREATER THAN MIN. HEAD TO EL.=49.0 PASS DESIGN STORM SILT FENCE AROUND GRAVEL CONE PER DETAIL BELOW 0.5'41 0 0 0 W.S. 1 1/2" WASHED 0 0 0 ROCK GRAVEL WATER TIGHT SEAL CONE 1' THICK LAYER 0 0 0 OF COARSE BARK DUST 41 Y.. O O O 12" PVC ... 0 0 0 0 :.46.0 12" PVC TEE W/ / 2 MIN - RUBBER GASKET JOINTS 1" DIA. TYP., 40 HOLES MIN. 0 10" O.C. PERFORATIONS SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN 12" RUBBER GASKET PLUG a . THE LIMITS OF THE GRAVEL CONE W/ ORIFICE DIA = 3 3/8" oDo 0 0 0 of o 0 0 6" CONC. BASE =1 ( I COMPACTED GRAVEL BASE NOTES POND BOTTOM- 1. PROVIDE A RIPRAP LINED SPILLWAY, 6" MIN. ABOVE STANDPIPE OPEN TOP. EL=42.0 2. A MULTIPLE PHASE POND SEPARATED BY PERVIOUS GRAVEL WINDOW MAY BE REQUIRED TO CONTROL AND TRAP SEDIMENT, AND TO REDUCE DISCHARGE ENERGY. 3. POND CHARACTERISTICS SUCH AS DESIGN VOLUME, INFLOW, OUTFLOW, MAX HEAD SHALL BE SHOWN ON PLANS. 4. THE OUTLET PIPE SHALL BE A MIN. OF 8" IN DIAMETER AND OVERSIZED ONLY WHEN APPROVED. 5. INDICATE SHGH GROUND WATER ELEVATION. GRADING/EROSION DISCHARGE CONTROL STRUCTURE NOT TO SCALE WIRE MESH SUPPORT FENCE FOR SLIT FILM FABRICS FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL 2"x2"x14 GA. WIRE FABRIC OR EQUIV. PROVIDE WASHED GRAVEL BACKFILL- OR COMPACTED NATIVE SOIL AS DIRECTED BY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BURY BOTTOM OF FILTER ' MATERIAL IN 8"x12" TRENCH 2"x2" WOOD POSTS, STANDARD OR BETTER, OR EQUIVALENT FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL IN CONTINUOUS ROLLS; USE STAPLES OR WIRE RINGS TO ATTATCH FABRIC TO WIRE WIRE MESH SUPPORT FENCE FOR SLIT FILM FABRICS 0 i N �r;' MIN. I=7 � I f-' III"'III III III=1 1 I I I I- I I BURY BOTTOM OF FILTER MATERIAL IN 8"x12" TRENCH- I I I i I I I 6' MAX u 2"x2" WOOD POSTS, STANDARD OR BETTER, OR EQUIVALENT SILT CONTROL FENCE NOT TO SCALE Z O aJ C O Z T W 0 - - - W - W W W C Q 5 U 5 U Z3 U Z Cl) a EL � O �O LL r 000 0CnV) �' �' �' OZ cr 4' MIN. DEAD ix W J STORAGE � a O c/� 4 U 0 m m m T m„� W �v 0 r M N O Z Record Drawing Certification These drawings conform to the Contractor's construction records. By Date Title/Position Confirmed by Clty. Date 6/ 3n/o3 Po 1 SAD PROJECT REF- GRA02-0008 � �' �lob i Q o These plans are approved for conformance with the City of Z Auburn 's Engineering Division requirements. 10- 24661 p �� Fs F� i S T E���`` ..�i✓w.•+-F A L Approved By Date Approved. • 4-Lj %.0 EXPIRES 6 11 0 O Q Z V 00 O = O Z 0o J O J a (n ; Z = W Q Z W D � m 0 Cn LL o 0 C 4 N Z y z N o > Q0 •" a C Y a + > CD NJ .91 C 3 V 2 N 0. 0 C3 U Q L x 0 0 ii 0 = V 0 U u Z W b O Z w U, W �J rn r-) Z w Q L` Z w gz d Q N N N O N 00 Z- o (D00 WZ c� 0-4I U-) I Lo w�'� N ~ LO LO W Yu� 0V u J Q 2 � o z w � b ., v a C* N Szo Ld O ro 1% LZ T zA1: 34.00 1+00 2+00 2+00 3+00 fly 4+00 5+00 SECTION A 5+00 SECTION B SCALE: 1 " 40' HORZ. 1' 2" ..... ...... ......... . . . . . . ... ........ ....... . . . . . . . . . OD .... ..... . . . . . . . . . 00 . .. ..... ... .... . . . . ...... . . . . . . ......... ......... .. ..... 0! ......... . . . . . . ......... UQ ...... , * * ......... * * ....... ..... ......... ...... ......... ......... ...... . . . . . . . . . ......... .... . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ......... . . . . . . . . . . ......... ......... . . . . . . . . . ...... �BOTTOM ...... EL.i-4 .0 2� ......... ......... ...... ......... . . . . . . 2+00 SECTION C SCALE: 1"=40' HORZ. 1'=2" 4+00 6+00 6+00 Muf DATUM MEV 44.00 7+00 7+00 8+00 8+00 9+00 M7, 10+00 10+00 11+00 11+00 E5 E5 ffi aCL (L El El 8 (A En 2525 na aq ..... :04 ....... U) . . . . ...... . r . . . . . . LO ..... ......... ......... ......... ....... . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2+00 3+00 SECTION D SCALE: 1 "=40' HORZ. 1'=2" PLC SAD WV Record Drawing Certification -1 WA S// C) Ibm &vw*W conform to the Contractor's constfuction records. BY Date 2 61 Title/Position NA L Confirmed by Clty. Date EXPIRES 5+00 6+00 C 0 j V PROJECT REF dilCl 0 60'* 8 w/o's These plans are approved for conformance with the C* of Aubum's Engineering Division requirements. Approved Date Approved: V V) V) W z Ui LL- C14 re) 04 04 BC-4o 00 si z C*4 r*- W 00 & 1: L" CN r- Ln W g LO C*4 04 LO 0 04 Go Z N C%4 co 1 x C V) O O V) Ln Ln C) Cl-j 0 Q0 0 E 0 lo-7 3 or- O1 061) /803& 10' LANDSCAPING -- r----_®�__ I I I ��!�► s+s�!•:o���e�a'�i��i�sAw!e`��si°��o�s!� BOX CULVERT (to be constructed under separate later building permit) EXISTING TRIBUTARY #0053 NEW SIDEWALK WITH CURB AND 6UTTER NEH STREET LIGHT 36" GONG INV=42.M &'x8' PAD OF 6"-5" QUARRY 5PALL5, 1' THICK, MIN. FUTURE CULVERT --` REPLACEMENT BY CITY (final design by others) 1=LAN LECFN:� PROPERTY LINE — - - - - — EXISTING DITCH • EXISTING WETLAND BOUNDARY VNETLANn IMPACTS AETLANP MITI 67ATI ON/FRESERVATI ON I„ •y W PRESERVED WETLAND 13G,404 sf (3.2 ac- ) W W W y ENHANCED WETLAND 156,762 sf (3.6 ac ((Represents a 4.85�1 mitigation ratio for filled wetland, and 3:1 mitigation ratio for vnb0fered wetland) ENHANCED STOR M POND Storm pond to be enhanced with native plants) ENHANCED BUFFER NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION AREA (NGPA) SIGNS PROP05ED NAREHOU5E -1 i,400 s f F.F.E. = 4c,1.0 EDGE OF PAVINCC WALL COALS $ OBJECTIVES W . .................. yj 1A I W W S / W y W W y w W W w W W y y W W W y y w y W W w W W y W W W w W w y y W W W y W W W y w w w `V W W W y w W w W y •V W y y y y y W w W W w W w W W w W w W W w W y W W y W W W W y w w W W W W W W W y y W y W W W W y w w y w W W W W y w y W W W y W W W w W y y y W W w W W v W y y y y y W y y W W y W y W y W y W W w W W W W W W y y W W W W W W W w y W y y W W y y W w y W W y W W y w W y W W W W w W W W w W W W W W W W W y W w W W W y w y W y W w W W w W y W w W W W w W W y w w w y W w W y W y w W W W W w W W W W W w W W W W W W W W y y W y w W W W w W y W W y y w W y y y w y W W W W w W W W W y y w W y W W W y W y w •Y w .Y W W y y y y y w v w W W W y w y w W w y W y .1• w w +• W w W w w y w W w y y w .Y .Y w W y W W W W W W W W W W W W W w y y W y W w W W W W y W y W W W W w W w W W y W W y W W W w W W y W W y w W w W W W w W W W w W w w y W W W W w w y y W W w W W W W W W W W w w W W W y W W W w W W w w W W W `✓ y W y v W W W W W y W y w W W y W W y WA�� W y W y y w W y y W y y 4,y w W y AETL.ANM WIJf, y W w W w y W y w y w W W w w y W y y y W w y w w y y v y W W y W w y y W y y y y w W y y W W w W y W W y 333�350 51 te) W W W y w y w W W W .4,w y w w w W W W w W y w w W W W W w w w W W W y w W W W W W w y W W W W W iv W W V� �S• w y W W W w y y w y W W W w W �L w W W W y W W W W w y v W y y W W W y w W y W y W W y W y y .tn y W W W y y W W y y W w y W y V j W y y y y W W w w W y w W y w y y y W W y W W W W W y w W y y W w w w W y W y W w w W w w W w W y y w w w y W W w W W W 4. W w w W y W W W y w y 4- W w W W W y y W W y W y y W w y w W W W W W W y W y y W W w w w W W w y W WIRE W W W y W W W W W W y W W y W W y y W W W W w W W W W w y W FENCE W W w W w W W y W y w w y W w W W W W y w W W y W W y W y y W W w 4' W y w w W TRUCK AGGE55 FROM ' EXI 5T1 NG FAG I L I T I ES EXISTING FAGILITIE5 6' CYCLONE FENCE COAL: GOAL: IMPROVE THE WETLAND FUNCTIONS AND VALUES L05T DUE TO FILLING 21,780 5f OF PROVIDE WETLAND WATER QUALITY PROTECTION AND INCREASE WETLAND FUNCTIONAL PASTURE WETLAND AND IMPROVE THE FUNCTION5 AND VALUES POTENTIALLY L05T VALUES THROUGH BUFFER ENHANCEMENT. DUE TO THE LAGK OF REQUIRED BUFFER BY ENHANCEMENT OF THE EXISTING NETLAND SYSTEM. OBJEOTI VE5: • RELEASE TREATED 51TE RUNOFF AT A CONTROLLED RATE VIA AN INFILTRATION/ OBJEOTIVES: P15PER51ON SYSTEM, • SUBSTANTIALLY ENHANCE 1051633 sf OF EXISTING PASTURE WETLAND AREA TO • PLANT A VARIETY OF SIZES OF EVERGREEN AND DECIDUOUS WOODY SPECIES TO MITIGATE FOR THE 21,780 sf FILLED WETLAND (MITIGATION RATIO OF 4.85:1), INGREA5E THE WETLAND BUFFER PLANT SPECIES AND STRUCTURAL DIVERSITY, • SUBSTANTIALLY ENHANCE 51,12ci 5f OF EXISTING PASTURE WETLAND AREA TO • INCORPORATE SNAGS, STUMPS, DOWN LOGS, BRUSH PILES, AND BOULDERS INTO THE MITIGATE FOR THE 17,043 sf OF UNBUFFERED WETLAND (MITIGATION RATIO OF 3:1), WETLAND BUFFER 5Y5TEM FOR USE AS WILDLIFE HABITAT, • REMOVE AND CONTROL EXOTIC AND INVASIVE PLANTS, • GONSTRUCT CAVITIES IN 5ELEGTED 5TUMP5 AND DOWN LOGS FOR CRITTERS AND PLANTINGS TO IMPROVE WILDLIFE HABITAT, and • RELOCATE THE TRIBUTARY #0053 AND CREATE A MEANDERING CHANNEL TO IMPROVE TREATMENT OF ROAD RUNOFF AND TO PROVIDE IMPROVED AQUATIC • INCORPORATE NGPA SIGNAGE TO INCREASE AWARENESS AND APPREGIATION OF THE HABITAT, ADJACENT WETLAND ECOSYSTEM. • REGONSTRUGT APPROXIMATELY 450 If OF NEW CHANNEL, 8-FEET WIDE, AND ESTABLISH 5,220 sf OF RIPARIAN ZONE ALONG THE MARGIN OF THE NEW CHANNEL, • EXCAVATE A MINIMUM 6-FOOT DEEP OFF-GHANNEL WETLAND, • EXGAVATE SHALLOW DEPRESSIONS TO INCREASE WATER DETENTION AND RETENTION FOR BOTH EXTENDED HYDROPERIOD AND ADDITIONAL GROUNDWATER RECHARGE OR THE HETLAND, • PROVIDE A DEPENDABLE SOURCE OF HIGH -QUALITY HATER TO THE ENHANCED WETLAND. TH15 WILL BE AGHIEVED BY: 1) SUPPLYING LOW FLOH5 OF GLEAN ROOF RUNOFF VIA AN INFILTRATION/DISPER51ON TRENCH, AND 2) PLANTING EMERGENT VEGETATION TO PROVIDE ENHANCED BIOFILTRATION THROUGHOUT THE ENHANCED WETLAND, • INCORPORATE SNAGS, DOWN LOGS, STUMPS, BRUSH PILES, AND BOULDERS INTO THE WETLAND AND BUFFER 5Y5TEM AS HILDLIFE HABITAT, • GON5TRUGT CAVITIES IN SELECTED 5TUMP5 AND DONN LOGS FOR CRITTERS AND PLANTINGS TO IMPROVE HABITAT DIVERSITY, • INSTALL BIRD -NESTING BOXES ON 5NA675, • PLANT A VARIETY OF NATIVE EVERGREEN AND DECIDUOUS TREE5 TO PROVIDE PLANT STRUCTURAL DIVERSITY, • PLANT A WIDE VARIETY OF HERBACEOUS SPECIES INTERSPERSED WITH OPEN HATER TO PROMOTE ENHANCED AMPHIBIAN HABITAT, • CREATE THE FOLLOHING COVER TYPES AND AREAS IN THE WETLAND ENHANCEMENT AREAS: OPEN HATER AQUATIC BED (17,300 5f), MAR5H/WET MEADOW (4a,880 sf), AND 5GRUB-SHRUB/FORE5TED WETLAND (89,580 sf), and GOAL ACHIEVE LOW IMPACT EFFEGT OF SITE DEVELOPMENT IN AREAS ADJAGENT TO WETLAND BUFFERS. 08JEGTIVES: • CONSTRUCT A 42" HOOD BLIND FENCE ALONG THE WETLAND BUFFER ADJACENT TO PARKING AREAS AND DRIVES TO REDUCE IMPAGT5 FROM HEADLIGHTS AND NOISE, and • PLANT A VARIETY OF NATIVE EVERGREEN AND DEGIDUOU5 TREES AND 5HRUB5 TO ACHIEVE A SOLID VEGETATED BARRIER. VIGINIT`r' MAP N.T.S. t. SOURCE: Thomas Brothers Guide, Snohomish County, Washington SHEET INC1 r-X W 1.0 OVERVIEW PLAN 1N2.0 GRADING PLAN and RELOCATED STREAM SECTION W2.1 GRADING SPEC I F I OATI ON5 and GRADING DETAILS 1N5.0 PLANTING PLAN and PLANTING DETA I L5 W5.1 PLANTING PLAN and PLANT SCHEDULE N5.2 PLANTING SPEC I F I GATONS and MON I TOM NG PLAN OVERV I Elul FLA SCALE: I" = 14 NOTES I. BASE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC., 18215 - 72nd AVE. 5., KENT, HA a8032. (425) 251-6222 2. SITE PLAN PREPARED BY LANCE MUELLER AND A550GIATE5, 130 LAKESIDE, 5EATTLE, HA ci8122 (206) 325-2553 3. WETLAND BOUNDARY DELINEATED BY TALA5AEA GON5ULTANT5, LLG IN AUGUST 2001. 4. WETLAND BOUNDARY HAS VERIFIED BY ALTMANN-OLIVER AND ASSOCIATES, LLG AND APPROVED BY DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY DECEMBER 2001. 5. SEE SHEET H3.2 FOR MONITORING GOALS AND OBJECTIVES AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. 6. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS ON SHEETS H2.1 AND H3.2 FOR DETAILS ON PLAN IMPLEMENTATION. PROJECTREF. SFPD2-Ool8, THIS PLAN SHEET REFLECTS THE CITY OF AUBURNS A41NIMUMLANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS Approved By." fiAA r..: RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE CONTRA CTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS BY DATE TI TLE/POSI TION_ CONFIRMED BYCITY.- DATE {1 o Date Scale I " A, _*_ , Designed AQ_ Drawn — O Checked _B5, AO Approved BS Project # Tal IGB Sheet # 10 i '� pr 9 I U A �M � 1 I� 24 GONG I INV=42.g5 r 24" GONG l . INV=43.02 T3OX CULVERT (to be, constructed under separate later building � permit) , EXI5TING TRIBUTARY #0053 aE 4' HIGH VINYL COATED GHAINLiNK FENCE (design by r others) i '. + NEW SIDEWALK HITH GURB AND GUTTER + NEW STREET LIGHT PERMANENT 6-FOOT I l + DEEP OFF-GHANNEL HETLAND 36" GONG INV =42.8g I SEDIMENT TRAP 5'xb' PAD OF 6"-8" QUARRY 5PALL5, I' THICK, MIN. FUTURE CULVERT --` REPLACEMENT BY CITY (final design by others) NEW 5' HIDE, 3' DEEP BOX CULVERT IO' LAND5CAPIN(5 (see Sheet LLO by TALA5AEA CONSULTANTS for Landscape Plan) for extension of conveyance system)___ �I BANK L065 - . (see Detall 1) PROP05ED WAREHOUSE i7,400 sf INFILTRATION/ i 015PER51ON TRENCH — x (to be constructed Lf�� :� 1 under separate later % 1 building permit) GHANNFI REINFORCEMENT (see Detall I, Sheet H2.0) STORMNATER DATA RISE IN HATER SURFACE ELEVATION WiTH 100-YEAR STORM BASIN A 0.5 FEET BA51N B 0.4 - 0.5 FEET BASIN C < 0.1 FEET SOURCE: BARGHAU5EN CIVIL ENGINEER5 RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS BY DATE TITLEIPOSITION: CONFIRMED BY CITY • DATE PROJECT REF: 4"C- P O L - i2 THIS PLAN SHEET REFLECTS THE CITY OF AUBURN'S MINIMUM LANDSCAPING REQUiREMEW-S ,approved By: Date Approved: '7 - 2 - O 3 A0 JU5TABLE WEIR TO REGULATE HATER - LEVELS IN HETLAND (to be constructed _ under separate later building rmit) I VOGK HIGH z _ ,®;/ � X INFILTRATION/ ` 015PER51ON TRENCH ' '° BA51N (to be constructed under s G separate later building permit) EDGE OF PAVING —KEY5T0NE HALT_ /` 7 ; in i� is / L / ( �' PROPO5E0 I -FOOT HIGH BERM TO CONTROL OFF -SITE _ FLOODING NHILE MAINTAINING ON 51TE 5ATURATED 46 WETLAND GONDITION5 ....46 ' -STORM CONTROL STRUCTURE /I J, �a o 61119 O � q (? o �D r K Q O O� G.I.P. GURE3 CONCRETE SIDEWALK a ' IN 4 (to be constructed un r 5e arate ,� I later building permit) + -43.s , INV. 46.5 77 TRUCK AGGE55 FROM EX 15T1 NO FANG I L I TI EB EXI5TING FACILITIES I 4' HIOH VINYL GOATEE) GHAINLINK FENGE r '\ 6, ^: �`�., A .% ry f/ t T�..... -... � �r fir..,✓_.,-•-� r �j�J`� •' � � � F �„•'Fi � .j� ys,.a �. -• � .rv.*` . �' � � .S.N' s�.r.f �F. ,t/+':�< �v i� �} EXPMTW RMJRE FAWW 6ROWM CEDAR. OR FIR W6 ZV DIA NO WIN U519 N SECURE FA INE RM&M WITN'5/6, REAR (xo Dotail 3, 5heet PQJ for faxhe wmtnxt;aV c— DUCKBILL ANCFIOR ROTATE ANCHOR INTO R NOTES- PERFOVIC.1JS_AR POSITION I. ANCHOR L065 WITH A DUCKBILL ANCHOR AT LOCATIONS 5HOHN ON 5HEET H2.0. 2. PLACE: LOG5 1/3 ABOVE EXI5TIN6 GRADE HITH UPSTREAM L06 ABUTTING DOHN5TREAM L06, ETC. (Do not place IOgs on top of each otherJ 3. DRIVE ANCHOR A MIN. OF 4' INTO THE GROUND WITH A HAMMER AND DRIVE STEEL. ONCE THE ANCHOR 15 AT THE PROPER DEPTH, REMOVE THE DRIVE STEEL. 4. WRAP THE STEEL CABLE AROUND THE DRIVE STEEL AND PULL UPWARD A DISTANCE SLIGHTLY LONGER THAN THE LENGTH OF THE ANCHOR BODY. THIS HILL ROTATE THE ANCHOR INTO A PERPENDICULAR POSITION. 5. NOTCH THE LOG HITH A SAW THE HIDTH AND DEPTH OF THE GABLE AROUND THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE LOG, AS SHOWN. 6• WRAP THE STEEL ANCHOR GABLE IN THE NOTCH AROUND THE LOG TO HIDE THE GABLE. CHANNEL RE I NIORCEMENT 4 E3ANK LO6 ANGH1 I NC PETAL I L N.T.S. PLAN LEC END — — PROPERTY LINE — — — GENTERLINE RELOCATED CHANNEL — — —41 — — — EXISTINC� GONTOUR PROPOSED CONTOUR �C SNAG H/BIRD NESTING SOX (see Detail I, Sheet W2.1) ® HABITAT FEATURES (down logs, 5tump5) -a-----�- 42" BLIND WOOD FENCE (see Detail 2, Sheet H2.1) NGPA SIGN (see Detail 4, Sheet 1^12.1) SILT FENGE/GLEARING LIMITS (see Detail 2, Sheet H2.1) CRA PI NC PLAN SCALE: I" = 50' v 25 t?V IOCJ 150 NOTES I. BASE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY BARGHAUSEN GON5ULTING ENGINEERS, INC., 18215 - 72nd AYE. 5., KENT, HA 98032. (425) 251-6222 2• SITE PLAN PREPARED BY LANGE MUELLER AND A550GIATE5, 130 LAKESIDE, 5EATTLE, HA 98122 (206) 525-2555 3. HETLAND BOUNDARY DELINEATED SY TALA5AEA CONSULTANTS, LLG IN AUGUST 2001. 4. HETLAND BOUNDARY HAS VERIFIED BY ALTMANN-OLIVER AND ASSOCIATES, LLG AND APPROVED BY DEPARTMENT OF EGOLOGY DEGEMBER 2001. 5. SEE SHEET 1^13.2 FOR MONITORING GOAL5 AND ` OBJECTIVES AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. ;- • 6. REFER TO 5PECIFIGATION5 ON SHEETS H2.1 AND H3.2 FOR DETAILS ON PLAN IMPLEMENTATION. 4r`•.,��i •�. � ,,,r✓y s�; �f;r-i ^�n5 ., ..•^-1 ..: 7" fU`�\\�l `'�.. r`"`aw. ,..;:v>Y..cr- g� t'^r�:`''•..a — - s;;.� P' ,, [ ��, X �;:3.:'✓il'' ';:''�"•� r'; ;j �j � -!P ,... `` � � �`f''. ..•'-.' .� �. ,,i'"` � �: �. � t - .W,;� � r'9�. 1 y �••a d�"`? i°�w'ff' 1 My' . • �„�l�r97� yf ,.. `'``.'+ "" , +"�' f l . P { ; L � � �6 � , ,:c17 / � `� r�,n..« �5...�:«.e............ ., f•� 4 � s-i Tjf ' .� .•.��jF`�' T } ,�e'^ ,� rT't. .;n�,., � � y: ,rq ucx..S� P r' �, � "' � ,..£„ . !�' $h_ fA '4 LS � -� : ,�� J t � "4, ,.-ww.....:.: ` c"/ .tom .• *....�.�^n" �;i' �� tF ^;�,�„x. 904 F, '"1 ' e �'a �" a < .;^�•�' ��. �" ~� �la .�+i � l - ,,,�,mNI ^'o-�a .�'••... '_........ "'"Ly...�. iffy i P iy ., ! .7i., ,fi 1 ' � y •� ff c •. � a .�. .b...m..�,..... s ..,.�. '`r,.,e� j��K�� 4� �.,+�"S„""""". � t� - "'° �5�� r '� ....�'•'" � . g - CEDAR OR ... ; FIR LOCH DUCKBILL ANCHOR STREET MIN, A EL 5' MIN. 5' M1N, N I S EXITG TRIBUTARY Ffi�.ONT�eC�E X1 ITRELOCATED J,••,b�Nj>SC,,�j� I NO 25 WIDE RELOCATED TRI BUTA�RY #0055 10' REG. TYPE III LANDSCAPI NO PARK I NO DRIVE LANE (RELOCATED GHANNEL PROPOSED TO MEANDER WITHIN THE 23-FOOT AREA) (see Sheet LI.O by Tala5aea Gon5ultant5) �04 1q, 94, FAFF001 Date I�-IZ-OI Scale AS NOTED Designed AO Drawn -1H, I_W Checked 135, AO Approved BS GONGRETE RETAINING HALL Project # Tal Iq8 �••,,, , 2V ENHANGED 5TREAWLAND50AFINO CORRIDOR a SECTION A —A' —_ - 5GALE:. 1" - 2' Sheet # ALL CRA PING S 01FIGAITIONS PART 1• GRADING SPECIFICATIONS ''"L Landscape Contractor shall excavato graded areas per grading plan without GRADING 5GNEDULE removing grade stakes. Talasaea Gomultonts to make minor field adjustments to Grading, structure installation and seeding of all exposed ground within the mitigation grading pion, as necessary, to ensure proper function of mitigation areas. Excavated soils shall be used on -site; If possible, otherwise they shall be exported off site. areas shall be completed by August 319t. GENERAL 51TE CONDITIONS Fill soils proposed for use within the mitigation area shall be submitted to the Landscape Contractor shall give Talasaea Consultants a minimum of ten (10) days geotechnical engineer for analysts and approval prior to use. Fill soils located in the mitigation area shall meet specifications for fill 50115 from project geotechnical notice prior to Intention to proceed with construction. engineer. In areas of fill placement, Contractor shall compact soil In lifts according to No construction work shall commence until there is a meeting between the Client, a representative of the City, Talasaea Consultants, General Contractor, and participating geotechnicai engineering specifications. beotechnical engineer shall approve ail areas of fill placement to ensure adequacy of compaction. Landscape Contractor Landscape Contractor. The approved plans and specifications shall be reviewed to shall be notified as to who the geotechnical engineer will be by the General allow parties involved to understand the Intent and the specific details related to the Contractor. construction documents, specifications, and site constraints. Upon completion of excavation, Talasaea Consultants shall review subgrade in relation Locations of existing utilities have been established by field survey or obtained from available records and should be considered approximate only and not necessarily to original grade stakes. If grade stakes are removed prior to approval by Talasaea Consultants, an as -built survey will be required. The os-built survey, by a complete. It Is the sole responsibility of the Landscape Contractor to: (1) licensed surveyor, will include one -foot contour intervals with spot elevations of high and low points, pond surface elevations, and the created wetland boundaries. independently verify the accuracy of AIII y locations and (2) discover and avoid any utilities within the mitigation areas not shown which may be affected by implementation of this plan. Such areas are to be clearly marked in the field. Talasaea Consultants After subgrade is approved, Contractor shall place topsoil (if necessary) and habitat shall resolve any conflicts with the approved grading plan prior to start of features (see Part 3 and 4) per, plan. Talasaea shall approve topsoil and habitat feature placement. At that time, the Landscape Contractor shall remove the grade construction. stakes and smooth out any "bee hives" left by the grade stakes. A copy of the approved plans must be on site whenever construction is In progress and shall remain on site until project completion. PART 2• STRUCTURE INSTALLATION 5PEGIFICATIONS Construction must be performed in accordance with Agency standards, €odes, permit BANK LOFT PLACEMENT conditions, and other applicable ordinances and policies. Install bank logs at locations depicted on Sheet W2.0 (see Deta►I I on Sheet 1^12.0). The applicant is responsible for obtaining any other related or required permits prior Bank logs shall be cedar or fir spades, 24" dio. min., and a min. of 20-feet in length. Anchor log into subgrade with a duckbill anchor. Secure logs so that duckbill anchor to the start of construction. and cable connection Is invisible and will not create a hazard. A geotechnical A qualified wetland consultant shall be on site, as na=cessary, to monitor construction engineer shall determine length of cable based upon subgrade soils. and opprove minor revisions to the plan. IU5TA_► L WILOW FASCINES Topographic elevations represented on this pion are based upon topographic maps by Consulting Engineers. Final elevations may vary depending on Willow foscines shall be installed as shown in Detail 1, 5heet W2.0. Fascine bundles shall be prepared per Detail 3 on Sheet W2.1. Talasaea Consultants shall approve supplied Borghousen site -specific conditions. It is the responsibility of the Landscape Contractor to verify fascine location(s) prior to installation. The top fascine bundle shall be wrapped with pre -construction topographic elevations for accuracy prior to grading. Landscape Contractor shall notify Talasaea Consultants Immediately if any modifications to the coir matting, Bon Terra HP a0, or equivalent. plans may be necessary due to inaccuracies of the original survey. INSTALL 5NAG5 w/BIRD NEST BOXE5 Install each snag upon completion of subgrade earthwork at locations depicted on During construction, the Landscape Contractor must use materials and construction methods that prevent toxic material and other pollutants from entering the wetland Sheet W2.0. Snags shall be cedar or fir species, 20' dia. minimum at ground level after installation. Snags shall be anchored Into subgrade a minimum of 25% of the and buffer areas. total length as depicted in Detail I on Sheet W2.1. Talasaea Consultants shall approve the snag locations prior to installation. Preventative measures shall be used to protect existing storm drainage systems, existing utilities, and roads. Attach one nesting box to the installed snag (see Detail I on Sheet W2.1). Attach nesting box a minimum of 15-feet off the ground on the southerly side of the snag. 5UPZV `✓15TAKt=llELA6 LIMIT5 OF GLEARINC2 Prior to any construction, a licensed surveyor shall survey, stake, and flag clearing Boxes are available for purchase at: limits. Gleoring limits are depicted on Sheet W2.0. Talasaea Consultants shall review and approve flagging of clearing limits prior to any vegetation removal. It is the responsibility of the Landscape Contractor to verify actual locations of vegetation to Talasaea Consultants, (425)6bl-`7550 or Wild Birds Unlimited, (206) 5-5-4001 or Seattle Audubon Society, (206) 523-4483 be saved and request Talasaea Consultants to modify the grading plan as necessary to avoid all significant vegetation. PART 3: T0P5OIL PLACEMENT Landscape Contractor shall be responsible for avoiding disturbance to existing PLACE TOP501L/00MP05T vegetation located outside the clearing limits. No removal of any vegetation shall Talasaea Consultants shall approve subgrade earthwork in the mitigation area prior to occur without prior approval by Talasaea Consultants. placement of stockpiled or imported topsoil if necessary. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES Topsoil that has been stockpiled for reuse in mitigation areas or imported shall be Landscape Contractor shall Install slit -fencing downslope of the grading/clearing limits fertile, friable, sandy loam, surface soil, free of subsoil, clay lumps, brush, weeds and prior to any construction activity (see Detail 2 on Sheet 1^12.1). Landscape Contractor other litter, and free of roots, stumps, stones larger than I in any dimension, and other shall maintain erosion control facilities until completion of construction. Talasaea extraneous or toxic matter harmful to plant growth. Consultants to verify locations of erosion control measures prior to site grading. Provide additional topsoil from local sources or from areas having similar soil Site areas exposed during grading and construction must be covered with straw (maximum depth of straw to be 3"), erosion control netting, plastic sheeting, or characteristics to that found at project site. Obtain topsoil only from naturally, well -drained sites where topsoil occurs in a depth of not less than 4"; do not obtain permanent erosion control within 48 hours of disturbance on slopes steeper than 33 from bogs, marshes or other wetland areas. percent (3.- 1). Landscape Contractor shall maintain erosion control measures during implementation of is by In all graded mitigation areas, 2" of stockpiled or Imported topsoil shall be placed over subgrade. In non -graded planted portions of the buffer, planting pits shall be imported topsoil and amended with fertilizer and a soil the mitigation plan. These measures shall remain in place until authorization given backfilled with stockpiled or Talasaea Consultants for removal or location adjustment. It i5 the responsibility of the moisture retention agent as noted In the planting specifications (see General Planting Landscape Contractor to remove all erosion control measures adjacent to sensitive Installation Notes on Sheet POD). areas when authorized by Talasaea Consultants. As construction progresses and seasonal conditions dictate, erosion control facilities Topsoil shall be lightly track -walked on sloped areas to prevent rilling and erosion. shall be maintained and/or altered as required by Talasaea Consultants to ensure continued erosion/sedimentation control. PART 4: HABITAT FEATURE PLACEMENT AND HYDR05EEDIN6 5PE_r,,iFI6ATIONS Mere possible, natural ground cover vegetation shall be maintained for silt control. FLAG LOCATIONS OF HABITAT FEATURES Landscape Contractor shall ensure that adjacent roods are maintained and clear of Talasaea Consultants shall flag placement locations for habitat features (down logs soil and/or other debris at all times during construction. Landscape Contractor shall and stumps) prior to installatlon. comply with the City codes regarding street maintenance%leaning during construction. E HABITAT FEATURES E�6 F_X15TIN6 VEGETATION TO REMAIN Talasaea Consultants shall flag existing vegetation to remain (if any) located within the mitigation and buffer areas. Prior to grading, Landscape Contractor shall Install orange barrier fencing 2-feet beyond the dripline of flagged existing vegetation. Flagged existing vegetation to remain shall not be disturbed beyond orange fencing, unless approved in writing by Talasaea Consultants. Fencing shall remain In place until the completion of earthwork. Any living woody plant that Is damaged during construction shall be treated within 24-hours of occurrence. Talasaea Consultants shall be notified immediately of incident. Wound shaping treatment shall be dW one. ound shaping includes, but Is not limited to, evenly cutting broken branches, exposed roots and damaged tree bark immedlately after damage occurs. Injured plants shall be thoroughly watered and additional measures shall be taken, as appropriate, to old in plant survivability. STOCKPILE HABITAT FEATURES TO REMAIN Talasaea Consultants to flag habitat features (trees designated for removal, snags, down logs, Stumps, branches, roots and boulders) to be removed from within the construction zone for placement In the mitigation area and enhanced buffer areas. Whenever possible, habitat features cleared on -site shall be moved directly to permanent locations. if necessary, habitat features shall be placed in stockpile areas am s near to permanent locations as possible. Talasaea Consultants shall designate stockpile areas. Habitat features shall only be moved twice: to stockpile location and to plan location. CLEAR AND GRUB Landscape Contractor shall clear and grub areas within the clearing limits of the mitigation and buffer areas with the exception of flagged existing vegetation to remain. In areas of existing vegetation, Landscape Contractor shall remove blackberry and other invasive species by hand, with minimal disturbance to the existing vegetation. Cleared and grubbed vegetation shall be exported from the site. Particular care must be given to ensure complete removal of tops and roots of reed canarygrass plants and any other Invasive/exotic plant species. Invasive/exotic plant species to be removed and treated in the mitigation and buffer areas are: 5cot's broom, English Ivy, Himalayan and evergreen blackberry, reed canarygrass, purple loosestrife, hedge bindweed (morning glory), Japanese knotweed, thistle, and creeping nightshade. Talasaea Consultants to designate any additional plant specles to be removed/treated prior to construction. 5 IRVEY/STAKE/FLA6 PROPO5ED GRADES A licensed surveyor shall survey, stake, and flag proposed grades within the enhanced wetland and buffer area at 20-foot intervals. Talasaea Consultants shall approve grade staking prior to excavation and shall monitor during construction. No slopes are to be graded steeper than 3-foot horizontal to I -foot vertical (3:1) unless specified by Talasaea Consultants. STOCKPILE TOP501L Talasaea Consultants shall flag topsoil donor areas, if cry, from areas within the project development area. Landscape Contractor shall scrape organic duff from the flagged areas to depths determined by Talasaea Consultants. Landscape Contractor to stockpile at designated locations adjacent to mitigation area. Stockpiled duff shall be separately covered immediately with plastic sheeting after dumping, to prevent erosion and establishment of weedy plant species. If duff contains debris, or is determined unsuitable by Talasaea Consultants, Landscape Contractor shall dispose of material off -site. PLAG Place habitat features (down logs and stumps) upon completion of topsoil placement at locations depicted on Sheet W2.0. All habitat features shall be broken into pieces (as defined below) prior to placement in the mitigation areas. Talasaea Consultants shall approve locations prior to placement. To cut/break down logs, first score the log at the desired length, by mechanical means; snap the log at the scored location to create a natural look to the break. Twist broken ends to disguise saw cuts. Gut ends of habitat features shall have no blunt ends. Down logs shall be a minimum of 20 feet in length and 16" diameter at breast height, with or without rootwad5. Stumps to be either well -decayed relocated Stumps, or cut live rootwads with a minimum of 10 feet of trunk and 15" diameter at breast height of stump. Additional habitat features can be located within the mitigation area that are under specified size. Talasaea Consultants shall be notified 45 hrs prior to Installation of the habitat features. Talasaea Consultants, shall review habitat features during placement and any features deemed unsatisfactory by Talasaea Consultants (due to damage during relocation or installation) shall be replaced with imported material at Contractor's expense. HYDROSEED Landscape Contractor shall hydroseed and water thoroughly all exposed soils with the seed mixes specified In the Plant Schedule (see Sheet W3.1) following habitat feature placement, and again (by hand) following plant Installation. Graded wetland areas, shall be seeded with the wetland Seed mix specified on the plant schedule and thoroughly watered. Graded buffer areas shall be seeded with the buffer seed mix specified on the plant schedule and thoroughly watered. Seeds for mixes shall have been harvested a maximum of one year prior to date of seed application, and stratified or otherwise processed to ensure optimal germination rate. Initial Seeding must occur by August 319t, or after April 15. PART 5; CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION POST GRADING EVALUATION Talo5oea Consultants shall approve grading work, structure and habitat feature placement, and seeding prior to plant in5tailatlon, to confirm that the mitigation plan was properly implemented. if items are to be corrected, a punch list shall be prepared by Talasaea Consultants and submitted to the Landscape Contractor for completion. After punch list Items have been completed, Talasaea Consultants shall review the project for final Internal acceptance of grading plan implementation and planting may then proceed. SOIL STABILIZATION If there 15 a delay in construction for any reason, Landscape Contractor, unless otherwise stated In writing, shall be responsible for maintenance of erosion control measures, drainage and temporary irrigation during construction delay period. Disturbed land areas in which construction activities would be suspended for 30 days or more shall be immediately hydroseeded with the mixes specified in the plant schedule (see Sheet W3.1). Seeded areas shall be Irrigated and maintained until acceptable seed germination has been determined by Talasaea Consultants. Upon construction completion, Landscape Contractor shall re -seed by hand, all exposed ground with the seed mixes specified in the plant schedule (see Sheet WARRANTY Landscape Contractor Shall ensure that construction related activities do not damage off -site features or adjacent vegetation. Talasaea Consultants shall be notlNed immediately If accidental damage occurs. Landscape Contractor shall ensure that adjacent roads are maintained and clear of soil and/or other debris at all times during construction. Landscape Contractor shall comply with the City codes regarding street maintenance/cleaning during construction. Any changes or modifications to this plan must receive prior approval from Talasaea Consultants. .LOW NEST BOX A6 SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF E16HT :ANCHE5, EVENLY DISTRIBUTED :OUND THE TRUNK. NIMUM BURIAL DEPTH OF 25%. IAG TO BE INSTALLED AS, NEAR TO RTICAL AS, P0551BLE. �CKFILLIN& AFTER SNAG PLACEMENT BE COMPACTED. TAGH ONE SWALLOW NEST BOX TO EACH AG APPROXIMATELY 15-FEET ABOVE :OUND WITH OPENING FACING SOUTH se 5pecifications). I=- SPECIFIGATION5 FOR 5UPPLIER5 OF E SWALLOW NEST BOXES. 5�R OR FIR TREE, 20" MIN. ,ROUND LEVEL .KFILL SHALL BE iPAGTED TO A MIN. FHE 501 L's MAX. DRY 51TY PER A5TMDbgB 12" 1 1/4" CRUSHED ROCK Ili= = Illr..--=111�-. � • 10, (min) NOTE- 5-1. 10" IN DIAMETER CIGAR -SHAPED BUNDLES OF LIVE WILLOW CUTTINGS WITH BUTTS ALTERNATING, TIED 12-15" O.G.. 2. USE LOCALLY GATHERED WILLOW 5PECIES (I.e., 'T0% Scouler, and 3096 Pacific). 3. BUNDLE LEN&TH5 TO BE A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET. 4. INSTALL A5 5HOWN IN DETAIL I, SHEET W2.0. I=ASG I NE 5UNPL E fi REFA "TI ON PETAL i L. (t !�J N.T.S. 42" G~14W TOP OF P05T 45 DEGREES, TO A 0 PTH OF I" ON ALL FOUR 51DE5. n ATTACH PRE-PRINTED 516N TO P05T WITH TWO 5/5' DIA. GALV. CARRIAGE BOLTS. 4' x 4" PRE55URE TREATED P05T TO BE SET IN CONCRETE: (see spilt rail fence detail) PITCH SUFAGE TO DRAIN FINISH ELEVATION 24" -�--CONCRETE FOOTING I a l T,BAGKFILL WITH NATIVE 501L 4' -COMPACTED GRANULAR 5UB-BA5E 12" min. N67FA SIGN I7ETA I JOINTS IN FiLTER FABRIC SHALL BE SPLICED AT P05T5. USE 5TAPLE5, WIRE RiN65, OR EQUIVALENT TO ATTACH FABRIC TO POSTS. 2'x2" BY 14 GA. WIRE OR EQUIVALENT. IF 5TANC STRENGTH FABRIC USE FILTf L 1 6' MAX MINIMUM 4"x4" TRENCH BAGKFILL TRENCH WIT P05T 5PAGIN6 MAY BE NATIVE 501L INCREASED TO 8' IF WIRE BACKING 15 USED 2 x4 WOOD POST5, 5T i ENGE P05TS, REBAR G . NOTE FILTER FABRIC FENCES SHALL EQUIVALENT BE INSTALLED ALONG CONTOUR WHENEVER P0551BLE. ELEVATION GR055 5EGTION SILT FENCE MAINTENANCE STANDARDS: I. ANY DAMA6E SHALL 13E REPAIRED IMMEDIATELY. 2. IF CONCENTRATED FLOW5 ARE EVIDENT UPSLOPE OF THE FENCE, THEY MUST BE INTERCEPTED AND CONVEYED TO A SEDIMENT POND. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL GHEGK THE UP5LOPE SIDE OF THE FENCE FOR 516N5 OF CL0661N6 AND SUBSEQUENT GHANNELIZATION OF FLOWS PARALLEL TO THE FENCE. IF THIS OCCURS, REPLACE THE FENCE AND/OR REMOVE THE TRAPPED SEDIMENT. 4. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN ACCUMULATION EXCEEDS 6" IN DEPTH. • - -• NtT1� �I�A'�►t1'f�ltl�llt#i�INJl1Y►t�l�tl■l[11t�1i�[�i�IIIJit�i►'�(Ilit11 �1'{�Ilt� I [L11i111►1MR11fi111LIIt1f1�111#l� Il1111110L11t111Ti(ItJiw ll I� ifi�• n1fL1n� �tn111►ln1011FAlowlllYfli\fr\I�7<f► �rJ\fr7lir�� PITCH SMFACE TO DRAIN 11f I v ing if, 11m II I ' +: fi I!—{iili(—i{f=!I1�—Ili _ �' ' CONCRETE FOOTING 24" MIN. BAGKFILL WITH NATIVE 501L �d ••.. II- 4" II t • �---- COMPACTED GRANULAR SUB -BASE 12" MIN. NATIVE UROWM PROTECTION AREA THIS WETLAND, STREAM AND UPLAND SUFFER ARE PROTECTED TO PROVIDE WILDLIFE HA131TAT AND MAINTAIN WATER QUALITY. PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB THIS VALUABLE RESOURCE PLEASE CONTACT CITY OF AUBURN AT (253) 931-3090 WITH QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS. ATTACH 516N TO P05T WITH TWO 5/16 GALVANIZED LA6 BOLTS, WITH WA5HER5 5' TO GRADE 11 e PRE-PRINTED �} PLASTIC SIGN 8'- 4x4 CEDAR OR PRESSURE -TREATED POST SET 3' INTO HOLE 1. THE NGPA 516N 5HALL BE POSTED AT THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE 5EN51TIVE AREA BUFFER., 5E75ACK AREA OR 5ETBACK TRACT AND THE BUILDING SETBACK AREA. 2. ONE 516N SHALL BE POSTED PER LOT FOR EVERY 100-FEET OF 5EN51TIVE AREA BUFFER AND SHALL BE STATIONED IN A PROMINENT LOCATION, i.e.: AT THE CLOSEST POINT TO THE PROP05M DEVELOPMENT. 516NS MAY BE ATTACHED TO FENCES. 3. SIGNS ARE AVAILABLE FROM TALA5AEA CON5ULTANT5. N67FA S I C N PgTA PROJECT REF: g E PO Z- O D( Y THIS PLAN SHEET REFLECTS THE CITY OF AUBURN S MINIMUM LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS Approved By. C Date Approved: 7 RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. BY DATE TITLEIPOSiTiON_ CONFIRMED BY CiTY.- DATE V O Ll L V #--k of o IU a V �. ONE �f; IF$ 0 all Date Scate 1 " = 20' Designed AO Drawn LH Checked 55, AO Approved US Project # TO11C1B Sheet # JK2 L PF" 10-1 Tal.—!"nncn/renrc TIC W. IA .. 1•rwi IM - rr.a '`` -1• : I ♦ I• -I I '•.,, `� of -I r - ri ♦ J + I- I - I I d r * s i � � f `?, • - / • r �iD { �,.' I � �' - A ' ��� `li.,;. '� /,I .� ,t' � r r • _ I I r I - _ t��.��11 .�:w��n Iti�� .. - .- � I 1 ti �� � ��{ �! w�„ / I I _1I i ► - i �4' ape 0 e ,� � � •wumm�mnnnuznunur.�u�•-� •nun inunnnnuunaunu�nl„ml C� .�� 'Yltln(nrinl.nrll, .F... .. � Qe Pl t _� 'tom �'�►... ! ��� - ► • - i�'o'I�/i+��j'�a�� �� � 1 ''� � � � - I I r `I • I I i'112111' �� III +�•♦s`� A 1 �lI ,iia�,c�g �� • • - � V• � r `b I • n ,e k R�`+�i� ��� ', I • • r � �� I rr I • r r - IS I -II I /I I I • j I C .'l �es�' - -a •- -c . a I •-• �d O0i ��� a��0 I � r - - - - • I • - .1-' r _ r br .; I .. .. I • r � I • / r r r. �, • rl° ��OepesO& e00A�o01'w t� '� 0 r .I� -�• • •INDA (see Detail I, Sheet 1^12.0) PLAN LEIS ENS PROPERTY LINE CENTERLINE OF RELOGATED CHANNEL — — — -- — — EXISTING CONTOUR --- ---- 41 PROP05FD GONTOUR 5NA6 w/514ALLOH NE5TI N6 BOX (see Detail I, Sheet H2.1) _ HABITAT FEATLRE5 (down logs, stumps) WOOD BLIND FENGE (see Detail 4, 5heet H2.1) N6PA 516N (see Detail 5, 5heet H2.1) i 1 VV 1 1 11 V I I L6_I rt I . V L I I y.-V 1 V 1.-I.-LV 1 -- CLEAN ROOFTOP HATER TO ENHANCED HETLAND WHILE MAINTAINING SATURATED HETLAND GONDITION5 921 A%jT I M=Mkln I I`LLJ AGER GIRGINATUM VINE MAPLE GRATAE605 OMLA511 BLAGK HAWTHORN FRAXINL5 LATIFOLIA OREGON A51-1 MALLS FL5GA WE5TERN GRA13APPLE PIGEA 5ITGHEN515 51TKA 5PRUGE PINU5 GONTORTA SHORE PINE POPULU5 TRIGHOGARPA BLAGK GOTTONHOOD 5ALIX LA51ANDRA PAGIFIG WILLOW THUJA PLIGATA HE5TERN RED CEDAR 5HRUE35 SYMBOL 1 5GIENTIFIG NAME COMMON NAME 0 CORNU5 5ERIGEA RED-051ER 006HOOD O— LONIGERA INVOLUGRATA BLAGK THINBERRY MAHONIA AQUIFOLIUM TALL ORE60N-GRAPE -- PHY50GARPL6 GAPITATU5 PAGIFIG NINEBARK RIBE5 BRAGTE05UM 5TINK GURRANT 0 - RIBE5 5ET05UM BRI5TLY C-005EBERRY O R05A NUTKANA NOOTKA R05E 0 -- R05A PI50GARPA GLUSTERED R05E ®-- 5ALIX 56OULERIANA 5000LER WILLOW O 5ALIX 5ITGHEN515 51TKA WILLOW @ 5YMPHORIGARP05 ALBLS 5NOHBERRY VIBURNUM EDULE HIGH -BUSH GRANBERRY NOTES I. 5A5E INFORMATION PROVIDED BY BARGHAUSEN GONSULTING ENOINEER5, ING., 15215 - -72nd AVE. S., KENT, HA 98032. (425) 251-6222 2. SITE PLAN PREPARED BY LANCE MUELLER AND A550GIATE5, 130 LAKE5IDE, 5EATTLE, HA G8122 (206) 325-2553 3. HETLAND BOUNDARY DELINEATED BY TALA5AEA CONSULTANTS, LLG IN AUGUST 2001. 4. HETLAND BOUNDARY HAS VERIFIED BY ALTMANN-OLIVER AND ASSOGIATE5, LLG AND APPROVED BY DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY DEGEMBER 2001. 5. SEE SHEET 1,,3.2 FOR MONITORING GOAL5 AND OBJECTIVES AND PERFORMANGE STANDARDS. 6. REFER TO 5PEGIFICATION5 ON 5HEET5 H2.1 AND 1,3.2 FOR DETAILS ON PLAN IMPLEMENTATION. 10LANTIN FLAN SCALE: I" = 30' PROJECTREF.StEP OZ - 00I ? THIS PLAN SHEET REFLECTS 774E CITY OF AUBURN'S MINIMUM LANDSCAPING REQUIREMEWTS RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE CONTRA CTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS BY DATE TITLE/POSITION CONFIRMED BY C17Y.- DATE U to s a V1 Cd o $ o O r o N ro O � C/� v1 V O F- 0 Z f n T V zLl J , a Z Z (J z Cn Z 1 UJ Q 0-- :z : o F O J !- Ck — a Date 12-12-01 Scale III = 30' Designed AOA-V4 Drawn LH Checked gr2, AO Approved Ji Project # Tal IGiB Sheet # .• 1 O" t 7 OF 11 (`nnvrinhr _ W.,- s !'—flf-fr 1 r !' PLANT SCHECPULE TREE-5 xxa AGER GIRCINATUM VINE MAPLE A5 5HOHN 92 3'-4' HT. MULTI-5TEM (3 MIN) *I— CRATAE61.5 D01,161-A511 BLACK HAWTHORN AS SHOWN 9b 31-4' HT. 51N6LE STEM, WELL BRANGHED • FRAXINUS LATIFOLIA ORE60N ASH A5 5HONN bb 3'-4' HT. 51N6LE STEM, WELL BRANGI-ED ,w�.....,= MALLS F05GA HE5TERN GRABAPPLE AS 5HOWN 98 3'-4' HT. MULTI -STEM (3 MIN) z PIGEA 5ITCHEN515 51TKA SPRUCE A5 51-IONN 4b 3'-4' HT. 51N6LE STEM, WELL BRANCHED PINU5 CONTORTA SHORE PINE AS 5HOHN IS 4'-5' HT. 51N6LE STEM, WELL BRANCHED POPULUS TRIGHOGARPA BLACK GOTTONHOOD A5 5HOHN 53 3'-4' HT. 51N6LE STEM, HELL BRANCHED • — 5ALIX LA51ANDRA PACIFIC WILLOW 3/5YMBOL 114 4' GUTTING 1/2" DIA. MIN., BARK INTACT Q THUJA PLIGATA WESTERN RED CEDAR A5 5HOHN QI 4' HT. FULL d BUSHY ; r' SYMBOL _ SGIENTIFIG NAME COMMON NAME , 5PAGIN6 QUANTITY 51ZE (MIND NOTES 0 - GORNU5 5ERICEA RED-051ER DOGWOOD Y O.G. 888 IS' HT. 3 STEM MIN. �— - LONIGERA INVOLUGRATA BLACK THINBERRY 3' O.G. 72b IS" HT. 3 STEM MIN. �} MAHONIA AQUIFOLIUM TALL ORE6ON-6RAPE Y O.G. 450 18" HT. FULL d BU51-1Y �— PHY5OCARPU5 GAPITATUS PACIFIC, NINE3ARK 5' O.G. 123 18" HT. 3 STEM MIN. t�----- RIBS BRACTE05UM STINK CURRANT 3' O.G. 99 18" HT. 3 STEM MIN. RI[3E5 5ETOSUM BRISTLY 6005EBERRY Y O.G. 85 15' HT. 3 STEM MIN. o(� R05A NUTKANA NOOTKA R05E 3' O.G. 628 18" HT. 3 STEM MIN. 0 R05A P150GARPA CLUSTERED ROSE 31 O.G. 517 18" HT. 3 STEM MIN. 5ALIX 5GOULERIANA 5000LER WILLOW 3/5YMBOL 1,350 4' GUTTING 1/2" DIA. MIN., BARK INTACT 0-- - 5ALIX 5ITGHEN515 51TKA WILLOW 3/5YM130L 1�551 4' GUTTING 1/2" DIA. MIN., BARK INTACT 0 - 5YMPHORIGARPO5 ALHUS 5NOPeERRY 3' O.G. 44771 18" HT. 3 STEM MIN. VIBURNUM EDULE HIG1-1-BU51-1 GRANBERRY 5 O.G. 152 IS" HT. 3 STEM MIN. WETLAND 5EED M I X (Hydroseed in graded wetland areas oniy.) BEGKMANNIA 6067AGHNE AMERICAN 5LOU6H6RA55 HAND SEED 12#/6cre GA 0 +►UPTA 5LOU6H 5EDGE ELEOGHAR15 PALU5TRU5 GREEPIN6 5PIKERU5H 6LYGERIA ELATA TALL MANNA6RA55 BUFFF_R 5EEI) MIX (Hydroseed In graded buffer areas only) SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME ��,• An�nlication rate ner acre FE5TUGA RUBRA RED FE5C(JE 60# 5EED MIX A64;Z05TI5 TENJl5 COLONIAL BENT6RA55 120# HILBUR ELLIS FERTILIZER 5-5-10 50% IBPU, or equiv. 2000# ERO-FIBER WOOD FIBER MULGH, or equivalent 0 s v HJ FLAN LECCENC� PROPERTY LINE — GENTERLINE OF RELOCATED CHANNEL — — — 41 -- — — EX15TIN6 CONTOUR 41 PROP05ED CONTOUR Alu 5NA6 w/5WALLOW NE5TIN6 BOX (see Detail 1, Sheet H2.1) HABITAT FEATURES (down logs, 5tump5) - - - - WOOD BLIND FENCE (see Detail 4, 5heet H2.1) AML IV NGPA 516N (see Detail 5, 51heet H2.0 ZW4� 1. BASE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY BARGHAU5EN CONSULTING ENGINEER5, INC., 0215 - 72nd AVE. 5., KENT, WA ci8O32. (425) 251-6222 2. SITE PLAN PREPARED BY LANCE MUELLER AND A5500ATE5, 130 LAKESIDE, SEATTLE, WA 98122 (206) 325-2555 3. WETLAND BOUNDARY DELINEATED BY TALA5AEA 0ON5ULTANT5, LLG IN AUC-U5T 2001. 4. WETLAND BOUNDARY HA5 VERIFIED BY ALTMANN-OLIVER AND A550GIATE5, LLG AND APPROVED BY DEPARTMENT OF EGOLOGY DEGEMBER 2001. 5. SEE SHEET W3.2 FOR MONITORING GOAL5 AND OBJEGTIVE5 AND PERFORMANCE 5TANDARDS. 6. REFER TO 5PEGIFIGATION5 ON 5HEET5 H2.1 AND W3.2 FOR DETAILS ON PLAN IMPLEMENTATION. - - - XISTIN FAC-dLITI S FLANTINI FLAN SCALE: I = 30 F ECTREF: SE/DZ - pD/g LAN SHEET REFLECTS THE CITY OF N'S MINIMUM LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS. Approved By- Date Approved; 7 -,z - o a RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE CONTRAGTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. BY DATE TI TLEIPOSITION; CONFIRMED BY CITY.- DATE U O F V :z tLJ _l Z V o � r Q A � OL � 0 A --� F ILI x A Q z z < V- i-1 ILI - OL +v Q Date 12-12-0I Scate 1 ° = 30' Designed AO/LW Drawn LW Checked Be; AO Approved 135 Project # Ta1198 Sheet # L PL ANTINC- SPECIF-IGATIO MON I TOR I NE PLAN Woody plantings shall be fertilized with a slow -release (&-month), high -nitrogen, low In the ron-graded mitigation areas, the Landscape Contractor shall remove weedy or phosphorus granular fertilizer (21-3-1), with application rates as specified by exotic Invasive species (e.g., Scot's broom, English Ivy, Himalayan and evergreen manufacturer. blackberry, reed conarygrass, purple loosestrife, hedge bindweed (morning glory), Japanese knotweed, Canada thistle, and creeping nightshade) by manual or chemical Fertilizer shall be applied after planting pit is backfilled, and prior to application of means (as approved by regulatory agencies) prior to plant Installation. mulch. Fertilizer shall not be applied between November and March. Landscape Contractor shall verify that plant installation conditions are suitable within the mitigation and buffer areas. Any unsatisfactory conditions shall be corrected prior III LGH A 3" layer of mulch shall be placed around the base of each new tree (36' dia. ring) to start of work. When conditions detrimental to plant growth are encountered, such and shrub planting (24" dia. ring) for erosion, weed control, and moisture retention. as rubble fill, adverse drainage conditions, significant vegetation, or obstructions, Landscape Contractor shall notify Talasaea Consultants prior to planting. Beginning of work constitutes acceptance of conditions as satisfactory. STAKING Trees shall be staked with at least one stake and attached at a height of approximately 3/4 the height of the tree (see Sheet W3.0). Landscape Gontractor Plants installed in undisturbed areas shall be integrated with existing native shall remove stakes at the end of the one-year guarantee period, unless otherwise vegetation, and planted in a random, naturalistic pattern. directed by Talasaea Consultants. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY PLANT 5GHEDULE WITH PLAN Contractor Is responsible to verify plant locations and quantities of plants on the PART 4 WOOD BLIND fNGE NCPA 51GN5 AND IRRIGATION IN5TALLATION Plant Schedule with those represented on the plan. IN5TAl 1 WOOD BLIND FENCE AND 51GN5 Actual plant quantities shown on plans are to prevail over quantities shown on the Contractor shall construct a wood blind fence (per Detall 4 on Sheet W2.1) to be installed at locations depicted on Sheet WI.O. Plant Schedule in the event of a discrepancy. Contractor shall install Native Cr^owth Protection Area (N6PA) signs (per Details 5 I_OGATE/5TA1GE/VERIFY PLANTING AREAS Landscape Contractor shall field locate, stake, and verify planting areas and and 6 on Sheet W2.0 at locations depicted on Sheet HID. Signs shall be designed by Talasaea Consultants and approved by the City of Auburn. configurations prior to planting. Talasaea Consultants shall review and approve locations prior to planting. Proposed locations of trees and shrubs shall be staked and Identified with on approved coding system or by placement of the actual plant material. For large, groupings of a single species of shrub, Landscape Contractor may stake the plait+ng boundaries. Talasaea Consultants shall review and approve locations of all plants and plant groupings prior to planting. APPROVE PLANTING LOCATIONS AND 5P60IN6 Planting locations shown on planting plans are opproxf ate, based on anticipated site conditions. Actual planting locations may vary from those shown due to final site conditions and locations of existing vegetation. Nevertheless, orxs variations from the planting plan will require prior approval by Talasaea Consultants. Plant spacing for species listed is to be random (naturalistic), and not in a regular grid pattern. On -center spacing called out on plant list Indicates an average spacing dimension. For example, when the plan calls for 36" O.C., spacing shall vary from 30"-42" O.G., with an average spacing of 36 Inches. Talasaea Consultants shall review planting locations and spacing prior to plant installation. PART 2: P Talasaea shall examine plant material prior to planting. Any material not meeting the required specifications shall be immediately removed from the site and replaced with like material that meets the required standards. Plant material shall meet the requirements of State and Federal laws with respect to plant disease and Infestations. Innpection certificates, required by law, shall accompany each and eve shipment and shall be submitted to Talasaea upon Landscape Contractor's recelpt of plant material. Plant materials shall be locally grown (western WA, western OR, or western BC), healthy, bushy, In vigorous rowing condition, and be guaranteed true to size, name, and variety. If replacement of plant material is necessary due to construction damage or plant failure within one year of Installation, the sizes, species, and quantities shall be equal to specified plants, as Indicated on the plans. Plants shall be nursery grown, well-i^ooted, of normal growth and habit, and free from disease or Infestation. Talasaea Consultants reserves the right to require replacement or substitution of any plants deemed unsuitable. Trees shall have uniform branching, single straight trunks, (unless specified as multl-stemmed), and the central leader intact and undamaged. Balled and burlapped stock shall have been root -pruned at least once within the previous two years, and the plant stock shall have been grown In a container for at least one full growing season. Container stock shall be fully rooted but not root -bound. Plant material with damaged root zones or broken root balls will not be accepted. Coniferous trees shall be nursery grown, full and bushy, and Hith uniform branching and a natural non -sheared form. Original central leader must be healthy and undamaged. Maximum gap between branching shall not exceed Q", and length of top leader shall not exceed 12'. Shrubs shall have a minimum of three stems and shall be a minimum height of 15 inches. Native plant cuttings shall be grown and collected in the maritime Pacific Northwest. Cuttings shall be of one- to two -year -old wood, 1/2" dia. minimum. Cuttings shall be a minimum of 4' in length with 4 lateral buds exposed above ground after planting. The top of each cutting shall be a minimum of 1' above a leaf bud, the bottom cut 2" below a bud. The basal ends of the cuttings shall be cut at a 45 degree angle and marked clearly so that the rooting end is planted In the soil. Cuttings must be kept covered and moist during storage and transport, and no cuttings shall be stored more than three days from date of cutting. Cuttings shall only be used if planting occurs between December Ist and April Ist. For planting between April Ist and December Ist, rooted cuttings or saplings shall be used. Landscape Contractor shall submit documentation that specified plant materials have been ordered and secured. A list of supplier names, addresses, phone numbers and the storage/growing location of the materials shall be submitted to Talasaea Consultants within 30 days of contract award. 5TITUTION5 Substitutions of specified plant species, size, or condition will be allowed only If prior written approval is obtained by Talasaea Consultants and regulatory agencies prior to ordering material. Bareroot stock of equal Size to specified container or 545 plantings may be substituted for deciduous container or 1345 plantings when ovallabla, but only with prior approval by Talasaea Gonsultants. Evergreen plant material shall be container or VERIFY NUR5ERY STOCK CONDITION Talasaea Consultants shall inspect plant material at the job site, Including previously tagged trees, for compliance with required standards for plant size and quality prior to planting. This includes, but is not limited to, size and condition of rootbalis and rootsystems, presence of Insects, latent injuries and defects. Trees must be untied and separated for inspections. Talasaea Consultants reserves the right to refuse ony/ail plant material any time prior to final acceptance if it is determined that such material does not meet the specifications as described herein. Rejected material shall be Immediately removed from project site. VERIFY STrJRAGE SITE AND METHOD Plants shall be stored in a manner necessary to support their horticultural requirements. Plant material stored on -site shall be protected from weather damage, construction activity and the public. Balled and burlapped material which cannot be installed Immediately shall be 'heeled -In" to prevent desiccation prior to planting. Rootballs shall be protected by covering with moist soil, mulch or sawdust and watered as necessary. Plant specimens shall be kept moist (wetland species saturated) and shaded until the actual time of plant installation. immediately after planting, soils in the plaiting area shall be saturated to prevent capillary stress. T 3: PLANT iN 501L PR5PARATION/AMENDMENTS Prior to Installation of plantings, all construction debris and any other non-native material shall be removed from the mitigation area. Trees and shrubs shall be pit planted as shown in details on Sheet 1^13.0. A soil moisture retention agent (polymer) shall be included in planting backfill per manufacturer's specification (see General Planting Installation Notes on Sheet W3.0). Landscape Contractor shall Install a tree guard made of 4' diameter slit corrugated black plastic pipe on all planted deciduous trees to prevent rodent damage. Guards Shall be anchored 2' into the soil and shall be not less than W above ground. In non -graded planting areas, planting pits shall be backfllied with a 50/50 mixture of imported, weed -free topsoil and the native soil from the planting pit. In graded areas, plantings shall be installed directly into newly placed topsoil (see Part 3 for topsoil specifications). Landscape Contractor shall loosely tie a 2' piece of pink flagging to the top portion of all planted vegetation to facilitate post -construction performance and maintenance review by Talasaea Consultants and regulatory agencies. 501L M015TURE RETENTION AGENT 5oilMoi5t, or equivalent, shall be added to the topsoil backfill of all planting pits. The SollMolst shall be hydrated before being added to topsoil backflll. Manufacturers recommended application rates and usage shall be followed. IRRIGATION A temporary aboveground irrigation system shall be designed and installed by Landscape Contractor upon completion of planting and fence Installation in the graded wetland and buffer areas. The temporary irrigation system shall be tied Into the general irrigation system for the site. All mitigation areas shall receive full irrigation coverage, except for permanently ponded areas in the wetland area. It Is the Landscape Contractor's responsibility to verify that an operational backflow prevention device is installed per code, and to ensure proper function and connection of the Irrigation systems located within the mitigation area on the project site. Client shall provide water and electricity for the system. Landscape Contractor shall provide meter and hook-up to water and electrical source. Irrigation Is required within the mitigation area for at least two growing seasons following planting to ensure adequate establishment of plait material. It is the Landscape Contractor's responsibility to "winterize" installed Irrigation system prior to October 15th, and start up in the spring by April 15. It Is the Landscape Contractor's responsibility to maintain and/or repair the irrigation system as needed for the duration of the two -years in which It is required. At the end of the two-year period, and If plant establishment Is successful, as determined by Talasaea Consultants, the Landscape Contractor shall disassemble and remove the Irrigation system from within the mitigation area. REf2 1215TURBED AREAS Landscape Contractor shall re -seed (and thoroughly water) exposed soils with the seed mixes specified In the Plant Schedule following planting, fence, and irrigation Installation. RESTORE EXI5TIN6 NATURAL ORLAN05 APED AKLA5 Existing natural or landscaped areas that are damaged during construction shall be restored to their original condition, unless improvements or modifications are specified for those areas. Landscape Contractor shall exercise care to protect from Injury to trunk, roots, or branches, of any trees or shrubs that are to remain. Any living woody plant that is damaged during construction shall be treated within 24-hours of occurrence. Talasaea Consultants shall be notified immediately of Incident. "Wound shaping" to include evenly cutting broken branches and damaged tree bork. Talasaea Consultants shall be notified, and Landscape Contractor shall prune wounded portions of plant immediately after damage occurs. Injured plants shall be thoroughly watered and additional measures shall be taken, as appropriate, to aid in plant survivability. CLEM UP Landscape Contractor shall be responsible for the removal of construction materials and debris on the site following installation of plant materials. AR PLANT WARRANTY Landscape Contractor's warranty shall include replacement of plants (same size and species shown on the drawings) that prove either to be mislocated or unsuitable as to plant material standards. Except for loss due to excessively severe climatological conditions (substantiated by 10-year recorded weather charts), Installed plant materials are required to be guaranteed for one year against defects and unsatisfactory growth, except for cases of neglect by Owner or abuse/damage by others. Plants replaced shall be reinitlated under plant guarantee conditions. Any changes or modifications to this pion must receive prior approval from Talasaea Consultants. FINAL ACCEPTANCE Upon completion of planting, the Landscape Contractor shall provide Talasaea Gonsultants with a set of clearly marked prints designating the actual locations of plantings within the mitigation area. Landscape Contractor shall keep a complete set of prints at the job site during construction for the purpose of "red -lining" changes or modifications to the approved plans and shall update said information on a daily basis. Talasaea Consultants shall approve planting locations. If items are to be corrected, a punch list shall be prepared by Talasaea Consultants and submitted to the Landscape Contractor for completion. After punch list items have been completed, Talasaea Consultants shall review the project for final acceptance of plan Implementation. The date of final acceptance shall constitute the beginning of the one-year plant guarantee period. PART bi ONE-YEAR MAINTENANC.:E Landscape Contractor shall review landscape maintenance recommendations with a qualified wetland biologist from Talasaea Consultants who Is familiar with the stated goals and objectives of the mitigation plan. Landscape Contractor shall maintain trees and shrubs, as needed, for a period of one year from final acceptance, to maintain healthy growth and habitat diversity, including a) tighten and repair tree stakes, b) reset plants to proper grades and upright positions, and c) correct drainage problems as required. Landscape Contractor shall be responsible for watering plants immediately upon installation, and again over the entire planting area upon completion of landscape Installation. Irrigation is required within the wetland mitigation area for at least two growing seasons following planting to ensure adequate plant establishment. Landscape Contractor shall correct erosion and drainage problems as required. Landscape Contractor shall remove silt fencing upon receiving written permission to do so by Talasaea Consultants, usually one year after the Agencies have approved the mitigation construction. Restore the area by handseeding with seed mix consistent with that used on adjacent planted areas. Landscape Contractor shall remove irrigation system 2-years after planting. Upon completion of the one year maintenance, an inspection by Talasaea Consultants shall be conducted to confirm that the mitigation area was properly maintained. If Items are to be corrected, a punch list shall be prepared by and submitted to the Landscape Contractor for correction. Upon correction of the punch list Items, the project shall be reviewed by Talasaea Consultants for final closeout of plan implementation. MONITORING METHODOLOGY 60AL AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Performance monitoring of the mitigation area will be conducted for a period of eight The primary goal of the mitigation project Is to improve the wetland functions and years, with reports submitted annually (except for Year -1) to the City of Auburn and values that were lost due to wetland III, buffer encroachment, and other project other necessary agencies according to the schedule presented in Table I. Reports impacts. Wetland functions and values that will be Improved include: stormwater will Include: a) photo -documentation, b) estimates of percent vegetative cover of detention, water quality protection, plant community structural and species diversity, and desirable and Invasive species, and plant survival, c) water quality and hydrology, d) wildlife habitat. wildlife usage, and e) an overall qualitative assessment of project success for the wetland mitigation. The following performance standards have been set to determine success In meeting the goals and objectives listed above. Performance 5tanda^d 1: Following the first year after planting, success will be based Table f: Pro acted Calendar for Performance Monitorin and Maintenance Events upon 10036 survival of planted woody malaria! For the second ear after land Year I Year 2 Baseline Conditions Assessment, MR 4 R MR PM-1 MR d R MR PM-2 MR b R Winter 2003/4 Spring2004 Fall 2004 Spring2005 Fall 2005 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 MR PM-3 MR It R MR PM-4 MR d R MR PM-5 MR # R Spring 2006 Fall 2006 Spring 2007 Fall2007 Spring 2006 Fall 2008 Year 6 Year -7 Year 5 MR PM-6 MR d R MR MR MR PM MR, R 4 FA in 20Cxi F-112004 rin 2010 Fall2010 rin 2011 Fail2011 PM = Performance Monitoring R = Report MR = Maintenance Memo and Review FA = Final approval to get release of bond from City of Auburn (presumes performance criteria are met). VeGatation Permanent vegetation sampling plots or transacts will be established at selected locations to incorporate all of the representative plant communities. The same monitoring plots will be re -visited each year with a record kept of plant species found (both planted and volunteer spades). Vegetation will be recorded on the basis of plant survival and relative percent cover of the dominant species. All monitoring will be conducted by a qualified biologist from Talasaea Consultants. Photo -points will be established from which photographs will be taken throughout the monitoring period. These photographs will document general appearance and progress in plant community establishment In the mitigation areas. Review of the photos over time will provide a semi -quantitative representation of success of the mitigation plan. Vegetation sampling plot and photo -point locations will be shown on an as -built drawing and submitted with the first monitoring report. Water Quality and Hydrology During each monitoring event, an assessment will be made of the water regime within the mitigation area to ensure that proper hydrological conditions exist within both the wetland and its buffer. Water quality will be assessed qualitatively, unless It Is evident there is a serious problem. in such an event, water quality samples will be taken and analyzed In a laboratory for suspected pollutants. Qualitative assessments of water quality may include: I. all sheen or other surface films, 2. abnormal color or odor of water, 3. stressed or dead vegetation or aquatic fauna, 4. turbidity, and 5. absence or presence of aquatic fauna. Hydrology of the mitigation wetland areas will be evaluated through the use of staff gauges and shallow groundwater wells. In each of the three basins (A, B, and G) within the wetland areas, a staff gauge and well will be Installed and monitored. Following any storm event producing one inch or greater precipitation within a 24-hour period, the gauges and wells will be monitored. Data obtained during monitoring events will then be evaluated to determine if the depth and duration of Inundation will negatively affect the wetland plant community. Standards for depth and duration of Inundation in the wetlands are based on those outlined In the Department of Ecology's 5tormwater Manual. Wildlife Birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates that are readily observable (either by direct or Indirect means) will be Identified and recorded in the wetland and buffer areas. Direct observations Include actual sightings, while Indirect observations include tracks, scat, nests, song, or other indicative signs. The kinds and locations of habitat with greatest use by each species will be noted, as will any breeding or nesting activities. success will be based upon &55Y survival of planted woocoj material. For years ti 9ee through eight, success w111 be measured through percent cover. For years three, five, and eight, a combination of native or naturalized wood vegetation will cover at least 305K, 40515, and 505iS, respectively, of the areas planted w/th woody vegetation In the wetland and bluffer. The areal coverage for herbaceous vegetation will be at least 4096 following the first Year after planting and will Increase to at least 60515 following the second year after planting, and will be at least 00% for the remaining years. Per Standard 2: By the end of the eight -year monitoring period, the mill tion area will contain a combination of at least 25 wo and he laxtt 9a! p spec les. Performance Standard 3: After construction and following every monitoring event for a period of eight years, exotic and Invasive plant species will be maintained at levels below 1536 total cover throughout the mfNgation area. These species Include Scots broom, Himalayan and evergreen blackberry, English Ivy, reed canorygrass, purple loosestrlfe, morning glory, Japanese knotweed, and creeping nightshade. Performance Standard 4; After construction and following every monitoring event for a period of eight years, the wetland areas will be, seasonally inundated or saturated for a continuous duration equal to or greater than 12.5% of the growing season (during years of normal rainfall). Performance Standard 5: The required plant communities and the areas of each that will be created care as follows: Open water aquatic bed (17,300sf) * Ma-sh/wet meadow (4cl e80 sf) * 5crub-shrub/forested wetland (89,5W SO Chamnel construction (450 if) Riparian zone (5,220 sf) MAINTENANCE (M) and CONTIN6ENGY (G) Maintenance will be performed twice per year to address any conditions that could jeopardize the success of the mitigation area. Established performance standards or the project will be compared to the monitoring results to judge the success of the mitigation project. If there is a significant problem with achieving the performance standards, the bondholder shall work with the City to develop a contingency plan. Contingency plans ccn include, but are not limited to: 1) re -grading, 2) additional plant Installation, 3) erosion control, 4) modifications to hydrology, and 5) plant substitutions of type, size, quantity, and location. Contingency will include many of the Items listed below and would be implemented if these performance standards are not met. Maintenance and remedial action on the site will be implemented immediately upon completion of the monitoring event (unless otherwise specifically indicated below). * During year one, replace all dead plant material. (M) * Water all plantings at a rate of I" of water at least every week between June 15 - September 15 during the first year after installation, and for the first year after any replacement plantings. (G +t M) * Replace dead plants with the some species or a substitute species that meets the goal and objectives of the mitigation plan, subject to Talasaea and agencyy approval. Replacement plant material must be native to the Puget Trough region. (G) * Re -plant area after reason for failure has been Identified (e g., moisture regime, poor plant stock, disease, shade/sun conditions, wildlife damage, etc). (G) * Remove/control weedy or exotic invasive plants (e.g., Scot's broom, reed canarygross, Himalayan blackberry, purple loosestrlfe, etc) by manual or chemical means approved by the City. Use of herbicides or pasticldes within the mitigation area would only be implemented if other measures failed or were considered unlikely to be successful, and would require prior agency approval. Trees and shrubs should be Headed to the dripline and mulched to a depth of three lnches. All non-native vegetation must be removed and dumped off -site. (G 6 M) * Glean -up trash and other debris. (M) * Selectively prune woody plants to meet the mitigation plan's goal and objectives (e.g., thinning and removal of dead or diseased portions of trees/shrubs). (M) Repair or replace damaged structures including fences, signs, and bird boxes. (M) After consulting with City staff, minor excavations will be made to correct surface drainage patterns. (G) PROJECT REl`:: SF_ Iy 'L - DO l q THIS PLAN SHEET REFLECTS THE C17Y OF AUBURN'S MINIMUM LANDSCAPING REQUIREMEINTS Approved BY., Data Approve` ( 7 " L - D 3 RECORD DR,4 WING GERTFICATM THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. BY DATE TITLEIPOSITIOM CONFIRMED BY CITY• DATE U b 04 ` h O *4� s� m� Y °� O 3 � n z 04j..� 0 Q }../ Ulei " O 10 V a c) f� n V o to o v A u- 0- o lu n� i 0 M Date Scale Designed AO/LH Drawn _LN Checked M. AD Approved B5 Project # Tcil IqB M 90 10-7 `1 c)F Sheet # n Cn ivhr - Talxcaea I f C