HomeMy WebLinkAboutSECTION 8-CAPITAL PROGRAM 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summary SECTION VIII: CAPITAL PLANNING, PROGRAMMING AND BUDGETING The capital budget authorizes and provides the basis of control of expenditures for the acquisition of significant City assets and construction of all capital facilities. The City of Auburn maintains a comprehensive Capital Facilities Plan (CFP), which is implemented with the annual budgeting of Capital projects in this document. The CFP was adopted in 1995 as part of the City's Comprehensive Plan, upon which it is based. An updated CFP for the period 2003 through 2008 is currently in progress and should be adopted in early 2003. As a separate document in the planning process, the CFP focuses particularly on financing the Capital needs. A summary of the Capital Facilities Plan will provide a meaningful overview of the total capital needs of the City and the City's policy approach to those needs and related issues. Capital Planning System The CFP establishes a policy and management framework, which consists of the following components: 1. Capital Facilities Plan: The CFP studies the manner in which the capital needs of the City can be met and establishes policies and management programs to address those needs. 2. Capital Improvement Proqram List: The Capital Improvement Program List (ClP) is a comprehensive listing of the facilities needed to 'build out.' For each capital facility project, the list incorporates an estimated cost, brief descriptive characteristics, a general source of funding, general priority and a target date implementation. This list is annually updated. 3. Six Year ClP: This is a more detailed ClP project listing and a component of the CFP, which identifies those projects, which are expected to be implemented during the next six years. Once these projects are included in the six-year ClP, the actual design and feasibility studies can be undertaken. 4. Annual ClP: A further level of detail is provided by the annual ClP list included as a portion of each activity's yearly budget process. The list is adopted into the annual budget as a final projection of capital projects to be funded during that year. Actual funding of projects is on a project-by-project basis throughout the year. Only projects that have secure funding are identified. Page 217 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv Capital Planning, Programming and Budgeting System Annual City Goals Capitol Planning Elements Comprehensive Plan Capitol Facilities Plan Six-Year Project List Capital Funding Strategy In its Comprehensive Plan, the City has a developed policy system regarding how land use and development is to occur in the City. These policies also address the responsibilities for the financing of the needed facilities. The Plan establishes the City policy that new development is primarily responsible for funding those projects that benefit it, and projects that give a general benefit to the community should be financed by general revenues. In addition, the City water, sewer and storm plans provide for the funding of projects of general benefit in those utilities to be financed from the revenue bases of those utilities. Finally, there is a range of external financing aids in the form of grants and shared revenue. The draft CFP that is currently being updated identifies projects totaling $402,865,100. Page 218 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv 2003 Thru 2008 Draft Capital Facilities Plan (In Thousands) City /Fund Bonds/ Developer/ Impact Revenues Grants PWTF/Other LID Fees Total Transportation $ 13,697 $ 31,738 $ 945 $ 11,700 $ 1,005 $ 59,085 Community Center 3,300 3,300 Community Improvements 5,104 5,000 10,104 Fire 1,650 1,650 General Municipal Buildings 950 30,550 3l,500 Airport 219 1,652 1,871 Cemetery 160 330 490 Golf 800 2,775 3,575 Porks 3,485 2,340 275 2,100 8,200 Water 5,148 250 5,398 Sewer 6,621 1,809 8,430 Storm 6,250 6,250 Total $ 44,084 $ 35,730 $ 43,425 $ 15,609 $ 1,005 $ 139,853 2003 Capital Budget The following tables summarize the capital facility expenditures and planned funding sources in this budget. 2003 Capital Projects Summary (In Thousands) other Capital Projects Transportation Projects Water Division Sanitary Sewer Division Storm Drainage Division Total 2003 Capital Projects $ 886 5,149 1 All 652 1,843 9,941 $ Page 219 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv 2003 Capital Projects Funding Source (In Thousands) Trans- Source other portation Water Sewer Storm Total Bonds\Contracts Bonds $ $ $ $ $ $ Federal/State Grants 1,519 1,519 Public Works Trust Fund Loan 250 250 HUD Loan LID Transportation Mitigation Fees 20 20 Transportation Impact Fees 241 241 Transfer-in General Fund 416 416 REET 1 REET 2 300 350 650 Unrestricted street Revenue 1,869 1,869 Unrestricted Utility Revenue 1,161 652 1,843 3,656 Unrestricted Airport Revenue Unrestricted Cemetery Revenue Unrestricted Golf Course Rev 170 170 Other 1,150 1,150 Total 2003 Funding $ 886 $ 5,149 $ 1 All $ 652 $ 1,843 $ 9,941 The projects listed in this budget for 2003 funding are consistent with the draft CFP that is currently being updated. The City's approach to capital budgeting is financial in character. The budget serves to specify the amount of money available for capital construction by general category streets, water utility, storm drainage, etc. The budget authorizes a series of potential projects to be considered for funding. As the year progresses, some projects become ready for construction while others do not, depending on a variety of circumstances. The Council then cooperates with the administration to approve specific projects up to the funding approved in the budget. If more funds become available, or if third party funding can be arranged, a mid-year budget amendment may be considered. This approach creates a flexible administrative system, capable of responding during the year to a host of design and implementation issues, while maintaining a clear financial policy basis. Relationship to Operational Costs Capital facilities often increase operational costs of ongoing government. New facilities require personnel to manage, operate, and maintain them. The ability of ongoing revenue to support those costs varies significantly by the type of facility. In Auburn, new capital facilities associated with water, sewer, storm drainage, airport, and golf course operations are almost completely of an investment character that, if made prudently, should generate sufficient revenue do not only pay for the facility, but also to support operational costs. For example, a new waterline or reservoir creates new capacity for more water sales. While in these programs there are Page 220 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv also renovation needs, these are being met by means of ongoing programs funded from existing revenues. In the case of sanitary sewers and solid waste, there will be external costs imposed on these utilities to pay for secondary sewage treatment and garbage disposal. Since costs do not directly lead to new revenue, these costs will. at times, result in rate increases. Other major factors affecting the need for rate increases in the City's utilities are inflation and consumption. Since General Fund capital needs do not directly increase revenues, these costs are included in the planning for such facilities. While such costs for general government and park facilities can be anticipated, maintenance costs of street development are not as easy to program and may be a significant fiscal pressure on future General Fund budgets. These costs are mitigated to some degree by the growth in tax revenue (including gas tax revenue). The Cemetery Endowed Care Fund generally secures capital improvements for the cemetery. Capital Financing Policies The capital financing policies below have been incorporated into the City's annual budget process to guide capital funding decisions for the year ahead. The financing policies have been developed to guide capital funding in terms of actual construction costs as well as operational costs. For example, the City's policy of requiring developers to finance new facilities for their developments recognizes that the general public will support operating costs. CFP Goal 2 Provide needed public facilities that are within the ability of the City to fund or within the City's authority to require others to provide. Policy 2.1 Establish level of service standards that are achievable with the financing plan of the Capital Facilities Plan. Policy 2.2 Base the financing plan for public facilities on realistic estimates of current local revenues and external revenues that are reasonably anticipated to be received by the City. Policy 2.3 Match revenue sources to capital projects on the basis of sound fiscal policies. 2.3.1 The City shall continue to fund utility costs through utility enterprise funds, based on user fees and grants. Public facilities that are utilities are sewer, solid waste, storm drainage and water. 2.3.2 Where feasible pursue joint venture facility construction, construction timing, and other facility coordination measures for City provided facilities, as well as with school districts and other potential partners in developing public facilities. 2.3.3 The City shall continue to assist through direct participation, LIDs and payback agreements, where appropriate and financially feasible. Where funding is available, the City may participate in developer initiated facility extensions or improvements, but only to the extent that the improvements benefit the broader public interest, and are consistent with the policies of this Capital Facilities Plan. Page 221 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv Policy 2.4 If the projected funding is inadequate to finance needed public facilities and utilities based on adopted level of service standards and forecasted growth, the City will do one or more of the following to achieve a balance between available revenue and needed public facilities: 2.4.1 Lower the level of service standard; 2.4.2 Increase the amount of revenue from existing sources; 2.4.3 Adopt new sources of revenue; 2.4.4 Require developers to provide such facilities at their own expense; and/or 2.4.5 Change the Land Use Element to reduce the need for additional public facilities. Policy 2.5 Both existing and future development will pay for the costs of needed capital improvements. 2.5.1 Ensure that existing development pays for capital improvements that reduce or eliminate existing deficiencies, and pays for some or all of the cost to replace obsolete or won out facilities. Existing development may also pay a portion of the cost of capital improvements needed by future development. Existing development's payments may take the form of user fees, charges for services, special assessments and taxes. 2.5.2 Ensure that future development pays a proportionate share of the cost of new facilities, which it requires. Future development may also pay a portion of the cost to replace obsolete or worn-out facilities. Future development's payments may take the form of voluntary contributions for the benefit of any public facility, impact fees, mitigation payments, capacity fees, dedications of land, provision of public facilities, and future payments of users fees, charges for services, special assessments and taxes. Page 222 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv 2003 Budgeted Capital Facility Outlay for Other and Transportation Projects Authorized Capital Projects The following pages present the planned other and transportation capital projects in detail. Maintenance Impacts The major street projects are expected to reduce maintenance costs over the short term, since these projects will replace inadequate roadbeds with improved facilities. However, in the long run, since these projects will add to the amount of pavement now in the system, these projects will increase costs. Additionally, many of the projects are being accomplished as a result of increased traffic congestion in the Puget Sound region. The impacts on future operations related to Other Capital Projects are determined on an individual project basis due to the unique characteristics of the each project. Page 223 2003 Final Budaet Other Capital Projects Summary Proiect Name Fund: 001-- General Fund 001 (0) Public Safety Building Design 001 (b) City Hall Court Yord Renovation C221 A Gateway Program Fund 001 Projects Total Fund: 328--Capital Project Fund 328 (0) Veterans Pork/Ballord Pork Playground Improvements 328 (b) West Beverly Pork Development Fund 328 Projects Total Fund: 437--Golf Course 437(0) Rebuild #12 Fairway Fund 437 Projects Total Total 2003 Other Capital Projects Page 224 Capitol Proaram Summarv Total Project Costs $ 186,000 200,000 30,000 416,000 100,000 200,000 300,000 1 70,000 170,000 $ 886,000 2003 Final Budaet Other Capital Projects (conI.) PROJECT TITLE: Public Safety Building Design PROJECT NO.: 001 (a) DESCRIPTION: Design Public Safety Building. Capitol Proaram Summarv HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL 186 186 186 186 FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund REVEN UE TOTAL: TIMELlNE: Start End EXPENDITURES: Desian Design Riaht ot Wav Right ot Way Construction Construction EXPENDITURES TOTAL: PROJECT MANAGER: Paul Krauss IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PROJECT TITLE: City Hall Courf Yard Renovafion PROJECT NO.: OOl(b) DESCRIPTION: Repair and renovate the City Hall Court Yard. FUNDING SOURCE: other 186 186 186 186 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL 200 200 200 200 General Fund HIST ACT REVEN UE TOTAL: TIMELlNE: Start End EXPENDITURES: Desian Design Riaht ot Wav Right ot Way Construction Construction EXPENDITURES TOTAL: PROJECT MANAGER: Lynn Rued IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: other 40 40 160 200 160 200 Page 225 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv Other Capital Projects (conI.) PROJ ECT TITLE: Gafeway Program PROJECT NO.: C221A DESCRIPTION: Ongoing program to market City and to design and initiate construction ot gateways throughout the City. FUNDING SOURCE: HIST ACT 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL 90 30 120 90 30 120 General Fund REVEN UE TOTAL: TIMELlNE: Start End EXPENDITURES: Desian Design Riaht ot Wav Right ot Way Construction Construction EXPENDITURES TOTAL: PROJECT MANAGER: Paul Krauss IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PROJECT TITLE: Veferans Park and Ballard Park Playground Improvemenfs PROJECT NO: 328(a) DESCRIPTION: Provide new park equipment that will bring the playground areas up to approved satety standards as well as provide park amenities that meet the current demands ot these parks, FUNDING SOURCE: Real Estate Excise Tax REVEN UE TOTAL: TIMELlNE: Start End EXPENDITURES: Design Design Right ot Way Right ot Way Construction Construction EXPENDITURES TOTAL: PROJECT MANAGER: Daryl Faber IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: Other 90 90 90 30 30 30 120 HIST 2002 2003 2004 ACT EST BUD EST 100 100 2005 EST 2006 EST 2007 EST 2008 EST TOTAL r: I~ 100 100 100 100 Page 226 2003 Final Budaet Other Capital Projects (conI.) PROJ ECT TITLE: Wesf Beverly Park Developmenf PROJECT NO: 328(b) DESCRIPTION: Develop site to meet the growing demands ot the tamily neighborhood. Development will include a playground, picnic area, sports court, as well as territorial view. FUNDING SOURCE: Real Estate Excise Tax REVEN UE TOTAL: TIMELlNE: start End EXPENDITURES: Design Design Right ot Way Right ot Way Construction Construction EXPENDITURES TOTAL: PROJECT MANAGER: Daryl Faber IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PROJ ECT TITLE: Rebuild #12 Fairway PROJECT NO: 437(a) DESCRIPTION: Re-contour tairway tor surtace and sub- surtace drainage. Install a drainage system, an irrigation system, and tairway bunkers. Cap the tairway with eight inches ot sand. Seed and tertilize the tairway. FUNDING SOURCE: Golt Course Revenue REVEN UE TOTAL: TIMELlNE: Start End EXPENDITURES: Design Design Right ot Way Right ot Way Construction Construction EXPENDITURES TOTAL: PROJECT MANAGER: Kevin Van IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: HIST 2002 2003 2004 ACT EST BUD EST 200 200 2005 EST Capitol Proaram Summarv 2006 EST 2007 EST 2008 EST TOTAL r: I~ 200 200 200 200 HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST 170 170 2007 2008 EST EST TOTAL r: I~ 170 170 170 170 Page 227 2003 Final Budaet 21,000 18,000 15,000 (,000) 12,000 9,000 6,000 3,000 o Transportation Fund: 102 2003 Revenue Sources (,000) Grant-Federal $615 Impact Fees $241 Unrestricted $1,869 Grant-state $904 Grant-other $1,000 Capital Projects Expenditure History $5,149 ('f) '¢ LO (Q r- ex:> (J) 0 ..- N ('f) (J) (J) (J) (J) (J) (J) (J) 0 0 0 0 (J) (J) (J) (J) (J) (J) (J) 0 0 0 0 N N N N Page 228 Capitol Proaram Summarv 2003 Final Budaet 2003 Arterial streets Fund 102 Capital Projects Summary Description Projects currently in Construction phase PR562 S 277th Grade Separation C9052 Transit Center Pedestrian Bridge PR548 B St. NW Wetland Mitigation Projects currently in RjW acquisition phase Projects currently in Design phase C1014 Auburn Way S 6th Street SE to M Street SE (Phase 1,2 and 3) State Project Kersey Way - Oravetz Rd. Signal 3rd Street SE/ Cross Street SE - S. Division to Auburn Way South 105th Street Repair Lakeland Hills / East Valley Highway Signal Project (Pacific) C205A C1006 C219A C214A Projects currently in Predesign phase C222A S 277th - AWN to Green River Bridge C1017 Crossing Gate UPRR and West Main Street C207 A A' Street NW - Phase 1 Current Studies C213A Transportation Plan Update Proposed new projects to be initiated in 2003 TIP Proj. 14 41 st Street SE and A Street SE - Capacity Improvement TI P Proj. 1 7 'I ' Street N E - 40th Street N E to 52nd Street N E TIP Proj. 19 TIP Proj. 20 Downtown Lighting Program 'M' Street SE - 37th SE to 29th SE Annual Level of Effort Projects TIP Proj. 32 Citywide Sidewalk Improvement Projects TIP Proj. 33 Pavement Preservation Arterial (Auburn Ave - AWN/Main st) Citywide Pedestrian Crossing Program Street Asset Management Program Citywide Roadway Safety Infrastucture Improvements TIP Proj. 35 TIP Proj. 36 TIP Proj. 37 Total 2003 Arterial Streets Capital Projects Page 229 Capitol Proaram Summarv Total Project Costs $ 1,100,000 460,000 4,000 $ 1,564,000 1,130,000 6,000 430,000 75,000 60,000 1,701,000 90,000 249,000 85,000 424,000 135,000 135,000 325,000 100,000 150,000 50,000 625,000 50,000 350,000 50,000 100,000 150,000 700,000 $ 5,149,000 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv Fund: 102 Arterial Streets (cont.) PROJ ECT TITLE: Soufh 277fh Grade Separafion PROJECT NO.: PR562 DESCRIPTION: HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL FUNDING SOURCE: Unrestricted Street Revenue 933 128 1.061 REET 2 1,000 1,000 Developer - Trattic Mitigation 128 72 200 Grant - Federal 3,033 760 3.793 Grant - State 1.471 100 1,571 Other (King County, Ports, Railroad etc.) 2,801 1.940 1,000 5.741 Other (City Utilities, General Fund) 551 551 REVENUE TOTAL: 9,917 2,900 1. 100 13,917 End Design and construction ot a tour lane arterial that includes two grade separated rail crossings on South 277th Street between Auburn Way North and Frontage Road. TIMELlNE: Start Design Feb-98 Aug-99 Right ot Way Jul-99 Mar-02 Construction Jun-01 Feb-03 EXPEN DITU RES: Design 4,619 4,619 Right ot Way 2,026 400 100 2,526 Construction 3,272 2,500 1,000 6.772 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 9,917 2,900 1. 100 13,917 PROJECT MANAGER: Scott Nutter BUDGET NOTES: PROJ ECT TITLE: Transif Cenfer Pedesfrian Bridge PROJECT NO.: C9052 Grant-State HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL 460 460 460 460 DESCRIPTION: . Install a pedestrian overcrossing of the BNSF Railroad Right of Way at the Sound Transit Transit Center. The facility will enhance the safety and the functionality of the transit center and the railroad by reducing walking time and creating a safe, direct pedestrian link between parking, buses, and commuter trains. Sound Transit is completing the project with $940,000 of CMAQ funding transferred from the City of Auburn and with $460,000 of TIB funding administered by Auburn. FUNDING SOURCE: Grant -Federal REVEN UE TOTAL: TIMELlNE: Start End EXPENDITURES: Design J un-OO Nov-OO Right ot Way Construction May-01 J u n-03 Design Right ot Way Construction EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 460 460 460 460 PROJECT MANAGER: Jack Locke BUDGET NOTES: Project transterred to Sound Transit (ST) tor execution per letter trom Mayor to PSRC (tunds never obligated by City). Federal CMAQ grant tunds ot $940,000 to be obligated directly by ST. TIB State grant ot $460,000 to be obligated by Auburn. ST will bill Auburn tor work and Auburn will reimburse ST out ot TIB State grant. Page 230 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv Fund: 102 Arterial Streets (cont.) PROJECT TITLE: B Sf NW Improvemenfs PROJECT NO.: PR 548 DESCRIPTION: . Wetland mitigation tor the B street NW project. This involves a wetland monitoring program. The mitigation project ends in 2004. HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL 3.5 4.0 4.0 11.5 3.5 4.0 4.0 11.5 TIMELlNE: Start End Design Right ot Way Construction J un-99 Oct-04 PROJECT MANAGER: Ingrid Gaub BUDGET NOTES: FUNDING SOURCE: Unrestricted Streets Rev REVEN UE TOTAL: EXPENDITURES: Right ot Way Construction EXPENDITURES TOTAL: Annual monitoring inspections tor wetland mitigation site. PROJ ECT TITLE: Auburn Way S. 6fh Sf. SE fo M Sfreef SE PROJECT NO.: C1014 DESCRIPTION: . This project was created in response to a State safety study. The project includes safety improvements along Auburn Way South lAWS) between 6th Street SE and MStreet SE. The anticipated improvements include re-channelization of AWS to limit left turns, a new traffic signal at the intersection of Auburn Way South and 'F' Street SE signal interconnection, and widening for an additional lane between D Street SE and 6th Street SE. This project which is expected to be completed in 2003 will significantly improve the safety and caoacitv of the corridor. TIMELlNE: Start End Design Aug-01 Jun-01 Right ot Way J un-02 Mar-03 Construction Mar-03 Dec-03 PROJECT MANAGER: Laura Philpot IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: Design 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 11.5 11.5 HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACT EST bud EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL FUNDING SOURCE: Unrestricted Streets Rev 4 59 824 887 REET 1 Grant - Federal 526 306 832 REVEN UE TOTAL: 4 585 1.1 30 1.719 EXPEN DITU RES: Right ot Way Construction Design 4 365 369 220 220 1.1 30 1.1 30 585 1.1 30 1.719 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 4 Page 231 2003 Final Budaet PROJ ECT TITLE: Kersey Way and Oravefz Rd. PROJECT NO.: C205A DESCRIPTION: . Install a trattic signal at the intersection ot Kersey Way and Oravetz Road. This project will improve the satety ot the intersection TIMELlNE: start End Design Jan-02 Dec-02 Right ot Way Construction Apr-04 Dec-04 PROJECT MANAGER: Roger Culleton BUDGET NOTES: PROJ ECT TITLE: 3rd Sfreef SE/Cross Sfreef SE PROJECT NO.: C1006 DESCRIPTION: . Widen 3rd Street SE/Cross Street from 3 to 5 lanes from A Street SE to Auburn Way South. Add a second left turn lane from northbound AStreet SE to westbound 3rd Street SE. The project includes signal modifications. Install a 12 inch ductile iron water pipe from A Street SE to Auburn Way South. The project is 0 continuation of the corridor enhanced by the 3rd St. SW Grode Separation Project. It will improve mobility and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. TIMELlNE: start End Design Jul-01 J u n-03 Right ot Way J un-03 Aug-03 Construction Aug-04 Dec-04 PROJECT MANAGER: Bill Helbig IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: Capitol Proaram Summarv Fund: 102 Arterial Streets (cont.) HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL FUNDING SOURCE: Impact Fees 22 22 Unrestricted revenue 6 14 20 Grant-Federal 160 160 REVEN UE TOTAL: 22 6 174 202 EXPENDITURES: Design 22 22 Right ot Way Construction 6 174 180 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 22 6 174 202 HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL 21 6 20 112 159 200 200 66 150 216 24 344 968 1,336 21 30 430 1.430 1.911 FUNDING SOURCE: Unrestricted Streets Rev REET II Impact tees (transter tund 124) Grant - State REVEN UE TOTAL: EXPEN DITU RES: Design 21 30 160 211 Right ot Way 270 100 370 Construction 1,330 1,330 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 21 30 430 1.430 1.911 Page 232 2003 Final Budaet PROJ ECT TITLE: Lea Hill Slide Slope Repair PROJECT NO.: C219A DESCRIPTION: A portion ot 105th PI SE (Lea Hill Rd/107th) has experiences sideslope tailure. This project will include sideslope repair as required. TIMELlNE: start Design J un-02 J an-03 Right ot Way Construction Mar-03 Jul-03 PROJECT MANAGER: Roger Culleton BUDGET NOTES: End Capitol Proaram Summarv Fund: 102 Arterial Streets (cont.) HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL FUNDING SOURCE: Unrestricted 25 75 100 REVENUE TOTAL: 25 75 100 EXPENDITURES: Design Right ot Way Construction 25 75 100 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 25 75 100 PROJEcrmLE: Lakeland Hills Way/ E Valley Tralfic Signal (Padfic) PROJEcr NO.: C214A DESCRIPnON: . Construct a traftic signal at the intersection ot East Valley Highway and Lakeland Hills Way. The intersection is located in the Oty ot Pacitic but the irrprovement wll enhance satety md relieve delay tor traftic in the surroundng Oty ot Auburn. includng significmt Aubum school dstrict bus moverrents related to two schools adjacent to the intersectior\ The project is being corrpleted in cooperation wth the Oty ot TIMELlNE: Start End Design Jun-02 üct-D2 Right ot Way Construction Feb-03 Jun-03 PROJ Ecr NlANAGER: Roger CUlleton BUDGET NOTES: H~T ACT FUNDING SOURCE: 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST 20 (20) 20 120 60 140 60 200 TOTAL Unrestricted Developer Traffic Mfigation Federal grant Urrestricted 20 180 REVENUE TOTAL: EXPENDITURES: Design 20 20 Right ot Way Construction 120 60 180 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 140 60 200 Page 233 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv Fund: 102 Arterial Streets (cont.) PROJECT TITLE: Soufh 277fh (AWN fo Green River Bridge) PROJECT NO.: C222A DESCRIPTION: · This is an RTID project. Major widening including the addition ot two lanes, one in either direction and completion ot a center turn lane and a Class 1 trail. · Water CFP shows a low priority project in the vicinity which may be accommodated by a developer. (Water CFP Proj DS-603-1 08, 1 09 and Proj DS-601-1 09, 11 OJ TIMELlNE: start End Design Jan-02 J u n-04 Right ot Way J un-04 Dec-05 Construction Apr-06 Nov-06 PROJECT MANAGER: scott Nutter BUDGET NOTES: W Main Sfreef/Union Pacific Crossing Gafe PROJECT NO.: C1017 DESCRIPTION: · This project will install crossing gates at the Union Pacitic Railroad and West Main Street. This is a mainline railroad crossing ot a minor arterial. The project is tully grant tunded, with no match required. TIMELlNE: start End Design Jan-02 J u n-03 Right ot Way Construction Apr-03 Dec-03 PROJECT MANAGER: Jack Locke BUDGET NOTES: HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL FUNDING SOURCE: Unrestricted 65 60 425 550 grant 260 240 1.700 2,200 Impact Fee Fund 10 90 100 REVEN UE TOTAL: 10 90 325 300 2,125 2,850 EXPENDITURES: Design 10 90 125 225 Right ot Way 200 300 500 Construction 2,125 2,125 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 10 90 325 300 2,125 2,850 HIST ACT 2002 EST 2003 BUD 2004 EST 2005 EST 2006 EST 2007 EST 2008 EST TOTAL FUNDING SOURCE: Unrestricted Streets Rev Grant-Federal 249 249 249 250 REVEN UE TOTAL: EXPENDITURES: Design Right ot Way Construction 249 249 249 250 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: Page 234 2003 Final Budaet PROJ ECT TITLE: A Sfreef NW Phase 1 PROJECT NO.: C207 A DESCRIPTION: · Complete engineering assessment and pre-design ot entire corridor trom Main street to 14th st. NW to accommodate development. · Construct a multi lane arterial trom the vicinity ot 7th st. NE to 14th st NW. It will improve mobility and is tied to a pending development. It is consistent with the comprehensive plan and TIMELlNE: start End Pre-Design Jan-02 Dec-03 Design Jan-06 Apr-07 Right ot Way Apr-07 Mar-08 Construction May-08 Nov-09 PROJECT MANAGER: Ingrid Gaub IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: Capitol Proaram Summarv Fund: 102 Arterial Streets (cont.) HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL FUNDING SOURCE: Unrestricted Streets Rev 150 150 270 570 Grant - State 760 1,280 2,040 Impact Fees 15 85 150 50 50 350 REVEN UE TOTAL: 15 85 300 960 1. 600 2,960 EXPEN DITU RES: Design 15 85 300 260 660 Right ot Way 700 400 1. 100 Construction 1,200 1,200 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 15 85 300 960 1. 600 2,960 Engineering work to be completed in 2002 for both phases of A Street NW. PROJ ECT TITLE: Transportafion Plan Updafe PROJECT NO.: C213A DESCRIPTION: · The project tunds the required update ot the City's Transportation Plan.. The document provides policy guidance and a reterence benchmark ot the state ot the city's transportation system as well as a list ot tuture proiects necessary to meet concurrencv. TIMELlNE: Start End Design Jan-02 Dec-03 Right ot Way Construction PROJECT MANAGER: Joe Welsh BUDGET NOTES: FUNDING SOURCE: HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL 40 135 175 40 135 175 Unrestricted Streets Rev REVEN UE TOTAL: EXPENDITURES: Design 40 135 175 Right ot Way Construction EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 40 135 175 Page 235 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv Fund: 102 Arterial Streets (cont.) PROJECT TITLE: 41Sf Sf SE/ A Sf SE Capacity Improvemenf PROJECT NO.: Tip Proj. 14 DESCRIPTION: Add an eastbound right turn lane on 41 st street S E approaching A street SE ana m(1b~ .~i(1n(11 TIMELlNE: start End Design J a n-03 Apr-03 Right ot Way J a n-03 Apr-03 Construction Jun-03 Nov-03 PROJECT MANAGER: TBA IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PROJ ECT TITLE: 1St NE (40th NE/52nd st NE) PROJ ECT NO.: Tip Proj 17 DESCRIPTION: . City plans to Conduct an engineering study including public involvement to assess the impacts of a continuous arterial from 52nd Sf NE to Harvey Rd and determine any necessary mitigation. Mitigation may require other companion projects. . Developer will most likely construct a five- lane arterial per the City Comprehensive Plan. It will improve mobility and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. It will complete a major north south arterial from S2d Street NE IS 277th Street) . to Harvey Rood. TIMELIN E: start End Pre-Design Feb-03 Aug-02 Design Right ot Way Construction PROJECT MANAGER: TBA IMPACT ON OPERATING BU DGET: HIST ACT 2002 EST 2003 BUD 2004 EST 2005 EST 2006 EST 2007 EST 2008 EST TOTAL FUNDING SOURCE: Unrestricted Streets Rev 325 325 Grant - State Impact Fees REVENUE TOTAL: 325 325 EXPENDITURES: Design 25 75 225 325 25 75 225 325 Right ot Way Construction EXPENDITURES TOTAL: FUNDING SOURCE: HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL 100 100 Unrestricted Streets Rev Grant - State Economic Development - State Impact Fees REVENUE TOTAL: 100 100 EXPEN DITU RES: Pre-Design 100 100 Design Right ot Way Construction EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 100 100 Page 236 2003 Final Budaet PROJECT TITLE: Downtown Lighting PROJECT NO.: TIP Proj. 19 DESCRIPTION: · Perform an engineering study to determine the adequacy of existing lighting in the downtown plan area. · Perform public information/involvement activities to determine appropriate improvements for downtown pedestrian lighting. · Design and construct downtown pedestrian lighting improvements. · Project is sponsored by the Auburn Downtown Association. TlMELlNE: Start End Pre-Design Jan-03 Jun-03 Design Right ot Wav Construction PROJECT MANAGER: TBA BUDGET NOTES: PROJECT TITLE: M st SE (37th/29th) PROJECT NO.: Tip Proj 20 DESCRIPTION: · Widen roadway from 2 to 3 lanes including a two-way left turn lane and accommodation of pedestrian traffic. It improves safety and mobility. · Predesign and teasibility study scheduled tor the end at 2003 and beginning at 2004. The intent is to program an interim project to remedy the pavement condition of the road tollowed by another project to upgrade the road to current standards. · Replace sewer tram 32nd Street SE north to 29th Street SE. TIMELlNE: start End Pre-Design J un-03 Dec-04 Design Right ot Way Construction PROJECT MANAGER: TBA IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: Capitol Proaram Summarv Fund: 102 Arterial Streets (cont.) HIST ACT 2002 EST 2003 BUD 2004 EST 2005 EST 2006 EST 2007 EST 200S EST TOTAL FUNDING SOURCE: Unrestricted Other 150 150 150 150 REVENUE TOTAL: EXPENDITURES: Design 150 150 Right ot Wav Construction EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 150 150 FUNDING SOURCE: HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL 50 50 100 Unrestricted Streets Rev Grant - TIB Grant - State Economic Development - State Impact Fees REVEN UE TOTAL: 50 100 50 EXPEN DITU RES: Pre-Design 50 50 100 Design Right ot Way Construction EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 50 50 100 Page 237 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv Fund: 102 Arterial Streets (cont.) PROJECT TITLE: Citywide Sidewalk Improvemenf Projecfs PROJECT NO.: TIP 32 HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 DESCRIPTION: ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL Identity and rate the condition ot sidewalk FUNDING SOURCE: citywide. Fund the improvement ot sidewalk improvements in a variety ot locations. Unrestricted Streets Rev 50 200 200 200 200 200 1,050 TIMELlNE: Start End 50 200 200 200 200 200 1,050 EXPENDITURES: Design 50 30 30 30 30 30 200 Right ot Way Construction 170 170 170 170 170 850 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 50 200 200 200 200 200 1,050 Design Jan-02 Dec-07 Right ot Way Construction Jan-03 Dec-07 PROJECT MANAGER: TBA BUDGET NOTES: PROJ ECT TITLE: Pavemenf Preservafion - Arterial PROJECT NO.: TIP Proj 33 HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 DESCRIPTION: ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL Maintain the city road system with minor FUNDING SOURCE: repairs and overlays. Unrestricted Streets Rev REET 2 20 350 400 500 500 500 500 2.770 REV EN UE TOTAL: 20 350 400 500 500 500 500 2.770 TIMELlNE: Start End Design Jan-03 J u n-03 Right ot Way Construction Jul-03 Sep-03 EXPENDITURES: Design 10 70 80 100 100 100 100 560 Right ot Way Construction 10 280 320 400 400 400 400 2,210 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 20 350 400 500 500 500 500 2.770 PROJECT MANAGER: TBA BUDGET NOTES: Page 238 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv Fund: 102 Arterial Streets (cont.) PROJECT TITLE: Citywide Pedestrian Crossing Program PROJECT NO.: TIP 35 HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 DESCRIPTION: ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL This project provides tor trattic signal satety, FUNDING SOURCE: operational and maintenance improvements citywide. Projects are prioritized annually Unrestricted Streets Rev 50 20 20 20 20 20 150 based on satety issues that arise. REVENUE TOTAL: 50 20 20 20 20 20 150 TIMELlNE: Start End Design Jan-02 Dec-02 Right ot Way Construction J an-03 Dec-07 PROJECT MANAGER: Dave Burdick BUDGET NOTES: EXPENDITURES: Design Right ot Way Construction 50 20 20 20 20 20 150 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 50 20 20 20 20 20 150 This is an annual level ot ettort project used to tund small pedestriansatety studies and improvement projects. PROJECT TITLE: Sfreel Asset Managemenf Program PROJECT NO.: TIP 36 DESCRIPTION: The project will enable the City to inventory intrastructure and identity opportunities to inventory and enhance our intrastructure including pavement condition, sign condition etc. TIMELlNE: Start End Design J an-D2 Dec-03 Right ot Way Construction PROJECT MANAGER: Laura Philpot BUDGET NOTES: HIST ACT 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL 100 100 200 100 100 200 FUNDING SOURCE: Unrestricted Streets Rev REVENUE TOTAL: EXPENDITURES: Design 100 100 200 Right ot Way Construction EXPEN DITU RES TOTAL: 100 100 200 Page 239 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv Fund: 102 Arterial Streets (cont.) PROJECT TITLE: Citywide Roadway Safety Infrasfructure Improvemenfs PROJECT NO.: TIP 37 HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 DESCRIPTION: ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL This project provides tor intrastructure FUNDING SOURCE: improvements to enhance trattic satety Projects are prioritized annually based on tield Unrestricted Streets Rev 45 150 200 200 200 200 200 1.195 studies. REVEN UE TOTAL: 45 150 200 200 200 200 200 1.195 TIMELlNE: Start End EXPENDITURES: Design 45 15 20 20 20 20 20 160 Right ot Way Construction 135 180 180 180 180 180 1,035 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 45 150 200 200 200 200 200 1.195 Design J un-02 J a n-03 Right ot Way Construction Mar-03 J u n-03 PROJECT MANAGER: Roger Culleton BUDGET NOTES: 2003 Oravetz Road 2004 Terrace Drive Page 240 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv 2003 Budgeted Capital Facility Outlay for Utilities Authorized Capital Projects The water, sewer, and storm projects proposed are projects that continue the ongoing development of the utilities and replacement of existing lines. Maintenance Impacts Water and sewer capital costs include both new lines to provide new services and to renovate existing services. The renovation projects will significantly reduce maintenance costs by replacing deteriorating lines as well as improve the quality of existing service. New service extensions will generate new revenue that will not only support operating costs, but also generate new capacity for capital projects. Page 241 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv Water Utility Fund: 430 2003 Revenue Sources (,000) Public Works Trust Fund $250 Reserved W/C $846 SDC $265 Assessment $50 Capital Projects Expenditure History 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 ($,000) 4,000 3,000 2,000 . 1,000 $1,411 0 " Cl) '<) "- OJ ~ 0 0 "" C") ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 "" "" "" "" Page 242 2003 Final Budaet 2003 Water Division Fund 430 Capital Projects Summary Description Repairs and Replacement Projects 430(a) PR-201 Annual Pipeline Replacements C211 A Resevoir Protective Coating: SR-1 02, 1 03,& 104; Academy Res. A&B &Lea Hill Res. Renewal/Replacement Projects Subtotal Improvement Projects 430(b) OP-108 Control System Reprogramming C8035 PZ-103 Lakeland Hills Rezone C8036 Academy Rezone C1013 WQ-107 Wellhead Protection Program 430(d) S-112 Well 4 Emergency Power 430(e) WS-119 Second Supply Pipeline Emergency Intertie 430(c) Coal Creek Springs Hatches Improvement Projects Subtotal Expansion Projects C 1 006 DS- 11 6-809 Cross Street Pipeline Construction Expansion Projects Subtotal Total 2003 Water Capital Projects Page 243 $ 100,000 250,000 Capitol Proaram Summarv Total Project Costs $ 350,000 78,000 660,000 25,000 50,000 45,000 100,000 100,000 3,000 1,058,000 3,000 $ 1,411,000 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv Fund: 430 - Water (conI.) PRO J ECT TITL E: PIPELlN E REPLACEMENTS PR-201 PROJECT NO.: 430(0) HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 DESCRIPTION: ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL Funding set aside tor replacing water lines as FUNDING SOURCE: predetermined by the Water Comprehensive Plan. Unrestricted Water Rev 100 100 111 115 119 126 107 778 REVEN UE TOTAL: 100 100 111 115 119 126 107 778 TIMELlNE: Start End EXPENDITURES: Design Design Right ot Way Right ot Way Construction Construction 100 100 111 115 119 126 107 778 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 100 100 111 115 119 126 107 778 PROJECT MANAGER: Varies IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: This project will have no signiticant impact on the Water division's operating budget. PROJ ECT TITLE: Reservoir Profective Coafing PROJECT NO.: C211A Reservoir repainting is required to maintain City's investment in the Lea Hill and Academy Reservoirs. Academy 1.0 MG and 1.5 MG reservoirs require interior and exterior repainting. Lea Hill 1.5 MG reservoir requires interior repainting only. HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL 75 41 116 425 250 675 500 250 41 791 DESCRIPTION: FUNDING SOURCE: Unrestricted Water Rev Public Works Trust Fund REVEN UE TOTAL: TIMELlNE: Start End EXPENDITURES: Design 25 25 Right ot Way Construction 475 250 41 766 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 500 250 41 791 Design 2002 2002 Right ot Way Construction 2002 2002 PROJECT MANAGER: Chris Thorn IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: This project will have no signiticant impact on the Water division's operating budget. Page 244 2003 Final Budaet Fund: 430 - Water (conI.) PROJ ECT TITLE: Confrol Sysfem Reprogramming OP-l 08 PROJECT NO.: 430(b) DESCRIPTION: Reprogram the existing control system to utilize equalizing storage capabilities of the system. FUNDING SOURCE: Unrestricted Water Rev REVEN UE TOTAL: Capitol Proaram Summarv HIST 2002 2003 ACT EST BUD 78 78 2004 EST 2005 EST 2006 EST 2007 EST 2008 EST . ~ TOTAL 78 78 End TIMELlNE: Start EXPENDITURES: Design Right ot Way Construction Design Apr-03 Dec-03 Right ot Way Construction 78 78 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 78 PROJECT MANAGER: Not assigned IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: This project will have no signiticant impact on the Water division's operating budget. PROJECT TITLE: PZ-103 Lakeland Hills Service Area Rezone PROJECT NO.: C8035 DESCRIPTION: Relocate and construct new pressure reducing stations FUNDING SOURCE: and modify booster pump station to adjust the current Bond Revenue pressure zones within the Lakeland Hills Service Area Unrestricted Water Rev to provide service pressures within the City's standards. REVEN UE TOTAL: TIMELlNE: Start EXPENDITURES: End Design Jan-01 Dec-01 Construction May-03 Dec-03 Design Right ot Way Construction EXPENDITURES TOTAL: PROJECT MANAGER: Not assigned IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: This project will have no signiticant impact on the Water division's operating budget. Project is rescheduled tor construction in 2003. Page 245 78 HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL 10 10 76 660 736 86 660 746 86 10 96 86 650 660 650 746 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv Fund: 430 - Water (conI.) PROJECT TITLE: PZ-10l Academy Service Area Rezone PROJECT NO.: C8036 DESCRIPTION: HIST ACT 2002 EST 2003 BUD 2004 EST 2005 EST 2006 EST 2007 EST 2008 EST TOTAL Construct two new pressure reducing stations to create a new FUNDING SOURCE: pressure zone to replace the existing individual zones which Bond Revenue currently exist. Unrestricted Water Rev REVEN UE TOTAL: 2 2 25 25 126 126 153 153 TIMELlNE: Start End EXPENDITURES: Design 2 25 27 Right ot Way Construction 126 126 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 2 25 126 153 Phase 1 Desig J a n-03 Dec-03 Right ot Way Construction May-04 Dec-04 PROJECT MANAGER: Not assigned. IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: This project will have no signiticant impact on the Water division's operating budget. PROJECT TITLE: WQ-107Wellhead Profecfion Program PROJECT NO.: ClO13 HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 DESCRIPTION: ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL Wellhead Protection Program will identity FUNDING SOURCE: potential hazards, identity actions, and begin the implementation program to protect the city's Bond Revenue water resources. Unrestricted Water Rev 4 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 329 REVEN UE TOTAL: 4 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 329 TIMELlNE: Start End EXPENDITURES: Plan Development Mar-OO Dec-OO Implementation Jan-01 on-going Plan 4 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 329 Right ot Way Implementation EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 4 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 329 PROJECT MANAGER: Chris Thorn IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: This project will have no signiticant impact on the Water division's operating budget. Proceeding to incorporate the water resource protection areas into the sensitive areas ordinance. Begin implementation ot Program recommendations Page 246 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv Fund: 430 - Water (conI.) PROJ ECT TITLE: S-112 Well 4 Emergency Power PROJECT NO.: 430(d) HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 ACT EST BUD EST EST 45 206 18 45 206 18 2006 EST 2007 EST 2008 EST TOTAL l: DESCRIPTION: Provide an on-site engine-generator system with an automatic transter switch allowing operation ot Well4 during power outages. FUNDING SOURCE: Unrestricted Water Rev Public Works Trust Fund REVEN UE TOTAL: 269 TIMELlNE: Start End Design Jan-03 Dec-03 Right ot Way Construction May-04 Dec-04 EXPENDITURES: Design 45 45 Right ot Way Construction 206 18 224 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 45 206 18 269 PROJECT MANAGER: Not assigned IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: This project will have no signiticant impact on the Water division's operating budget. PROJECT TITLE: Second Supply Pipeline Emergency Infertie WS-119 PROJECT NO.: 430(e) DESCRIPTION: HIST ACT 2002 EST 2003 BUD 2004 EST 2005 EST 2006 EST 2007 EST 2008 EST TOTAL Construct two new emergency intertie stations with the Second Supply Pipeline Project. The interties will be located on Lea Hill and in the Valley service TIMELlNE: Start End FUNDING SOURCE: Bond Revenue Unrestricted Water Rev 100 100 REVENUE TOTAL: 100 100 EXPEN DITU RES: Plan Right ot Way Implementation 100 100 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 100 100 Plan Development Design Jan-03 Dec-03 Implementation Jan-03 Dec-03 PROJECT MANAGER: not assigned IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: This project will have no signiticant impact on the Water division's operating budget. Actual construction has been deterred past the 6-year CFP. Page 247 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv Fund: 430 - Water (conI.) PROJ ECT TITLE: Coal Creek Springs Hafches PROJECT NO.: 430(c) DESCRIPTION: Coal Creek Springs Improvement project to moditiy the existing ingress vaults with security hatches and isolation valves. HIST ACT 2002 EST 2003 BUD 2004 EST 2005 EST 2006 EST 2007 2008 EST EST TOTAL FUNDING SOURCE: Bond Revenue Unrestricted Water Rev REVENUE TOTAL: 100 100 100 100 TIMELlNE: Start End EXPEN DITU RES: Plan Development Design Jan-03 Dec-03 Implementation Jan-03 Dec-03 Design Right ot Way Construction 10 10 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 90 100 90 100 PROJECT MANAGER: Gary McConnell IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: This project will have no signiticant impact on the Water division's operating budget. PROJ ECT TITLE: DS-116-809 Cross Sfreef Pipeline Consfruction PROJECT NO.: C1006 TIMELlNE: Start End HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2,008 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL FUNDING SOURCE: .~ Unrestricted Water Rev 5 3 136 REV EN UE TOTAL: 5 3 136 - 145 EXPENDITURES: Design 5 3 9 Right ot Way Construction 136 136 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 5 3 136 145 DESCRIPTION: Construct a new 12-inch pipeline in Cross Street From A Street SE to Auburn Way South. Project will be pertormed in two phases. Phase one will be limited to the intersection ot Cross and A SE. Phase two will be determined at a later date. Design 2002 2003 Right ot Way Construction 2004 2004 PROJECT MANAGER: Not assigned IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: This project will have no signiticant impact on the Water division's operating budget. Construction has been deterred to 2003, to coincide with road work improvements. Page 248 2003 Final Budaet 3,500 3,000 2,500 2000 ($,000) , 1,500 1,000 Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund: 431 2003 Revenue Sources (,000) Reserve in Working Capital $240 Assessment $12 SDC $400 Capital Projects Expenditure History . $652 0-. 0 001 C') 0-. 0 0 0 0 0-. 0 0 0 0 001 001 001 001 500 o " 0-. 0-. '" 0-. 0-. co 0-. 0-. Lf) 0-. 0-. 'Û 0-. 0-. Page 249 Capitol Proaram Summarv 2003 Final Budaet Sanitary Sewer Division Fund 431 Capital Projects Summary Expansion Projects C9056 Auburn Way South Sewer Phase B-3 Expansion Projects Subtotal Renewal/Replacement Projects C1005 2002 Sewer Replacement Program 431 (b) 2003 Sewer Replacement Program 431 (c) 2004 Sewer Replacement Program Renewal/Replacement Projects Subtotal Improvement Projects 431 (d) F Street Pump Station Investigation 431 (e) Rainier Ridge Pump Station Investigation Improvement Projects Subtotal Total 2003 Sanitary Sewer Capital Projects Page 250 Total Project Costs Capitol Proaram Summarv $ 1 72,000 172,000 $ 260,000 150,000 50,000 $ $ 10,000 10,000 $ 460,000 $ 20,000 $ 652,000 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv Fund: 431 Sanitary Sewer (conI.) PROJECT TITLE: Auburn Way Soufh Sewer Improvemenf PROJECT NO.: C9056 HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 DESCRIPTION: ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL Study the actual tlows within the Auburn FUNDING SOURCE: Way South transmission line. Establish tlow monitoring devices together with ensuring Muckleshoot Tribe 76 1,045 41 298 42 308 1,809 that the regulatory vault and monitoring Unrestricted Sewer Revenue 295 100 96 1,330 137 997 108 792 3,856 manholes are tunctioning correctly and will limit the tlows trom the MIT during surcharge REVEN UE TOTAL: 295 100 172 2,375 178 1.295 150 1. 100 5,665 events within Auburn's manholes. TIMELlNE: Start End EXPENDITURES: Design 295 35 20 25 375 Right ot Way Construction 65 152 2,350 178 1.295 150 1. 100 5,290 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 295 100 172 2,375 178 1.295 150 1. 100 5,665 Design 2001 2002 Right ot Way Construction 2003 2004 PROJECT MANAGER: Jet! Roscoe PROJ ECT TITLE: 2002 Sewer Replacemenf Program PROJECT NO.: C1005 REVENUE TOTAL: HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL 35 1.510 260 1,805 35 1.510 260 1,805 DESCRIPTION: Repair and replace tailing sanitary sewer pipe around the City. This is an annual project that will be broken down into various locations each year. FUNDING SOURCE: Unrestricted Sewer Rev TIMELlNE: 2000 2001 EXPEN DITU RES: Design 35 10 5 50 Right ot Way Construction 1,500 255 1.755 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 35 1.510 260 1,805 Design 2001 2002 Right ot Way Construction 2002 2003 PROJECT MANAGER: Scott Nutter IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: Page 251 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv Fund: 431 Sanitary Sewer (conI.) PROJ ECT TITLE: 2003 Sewer Replacemenf Program PROJECT NO.: 431(b) DESCRIPTION: HIST ACT 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL 50 150 200 50 150 200 Repair and replace tailing sanitary sewer pipe around the City. This is an annual project that will be broken down into various locations each year. TIMELlNE: Design 2002 2003 Right ot Way Construction 2003 2004 PROJECT MANAGER: Jet! Roscoe IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PROJ ECT TITLE: 2004 Sewer Replacemenf Program PROJECT NO.: 431(c) DESCRIPTION: FUNDING SOURCE: Unrestricted Sewer Rev REVENUE TOTAL: EXPEN DITU RES: Design 50 50 Right ot Way Construction 150 150 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 50 150 200 HIST ACT 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL 50 150 200 50 150 200 Repair and replace tailing sanitary sewer pipe around the City. This is an annual project that will be broken down into various locations each year. TIMELlNE: Design 2003 2004 Right ot Way Construction 2004 2005 PROJECT MANAGER: Jet! Roscoe IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: FUNDING SOURCE: Unrestricted Sewer Rev REVENUE TOTAL: EXPEN DITU RES: Design 50 25 75 Right ot Way Construction 125 125 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 50 150 200 Page 252 2003 Final Budaet PROJECT TITLE: F Sfreef Pump Sfafion Invesfigafion PROJECT NO.: 431(d) DESCRIPTION: Verity pumping capacity is adequate to handle current and tuture needs. Determine it impellars or motors need to be adjusted. Capitol Proaram Summarv Fund: 431 Sanitary Sewer (conI.) HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL 10 50 60 10 50 60 TIMELlNE: Design 2003 2004 Right ot Way Construction 2004 2004 PROJECT MANAGER: Jet! Roscoe IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: FUNDING SOURCE: Unrestricted Sewer Rev REVENUE TOTAL: EXPEN DITU RES: Design 10 10 Right ot Way Construction 50 50 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 10 50 60 PROJECT NO.: 431(e) PROJ ECT TITLE: Rainier Ridge Pump Sfafion Invesfigafion DESCRIPTION: Verity pumping capacity is adequate to handle current and tuture needs. Determine it impellars or motors need to be adjusted. HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL 10 50 60 10 50 60 TIMELlNE: Design 2003 2004 Right ot Way Construction 2004 2005 PROJECT MANAGER: Jet! Roscoe IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: FUNDING SOURCE: Unrestricted Sewer Rev REVENUE TOTAL: EXPEN DITU RES: Design 10 10 Right ot Way Construction 50 50 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 10 50 60 Page 253 2003 Final Budaet Storm Drainage Utility Fund: 432 2003 Revenues (,000) SDC $300 Reserved W/C $1,543 Capital Projects Expenditure History 5,000 4,000 3,000 ($,000) 2,000 1,000 0 " <.() 'Û i'- co 0- 0 "" 0') 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0 0 0 0 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0 0 0 0 "" "" "" "" Page 254 Capitol Proaram Summarv 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv storm Drainage Division Fund 432 Capital Projects Summary Total Project Costs Renewal/Replacement Projects 432 (3) D St. SE Conveyance Improvement $ 921,000 Renewal/Replacement Projects Subtotal $ 921,000 Expansion Projects 432 (8) 2003 Developer Participation $ 200,000 Expansion Projects Subtotal $ 200,000 Improvement Projects 432 (7) K st. SE Conveyance Improvement $ 185,000 432 (10) Hill Crest Estates East Pond Expansion 100,000 432 (11) E Basin Ditch Improvement 437,000 Improvement Projects Subtotal $ 722,000 Total 2003 Storm Drainage Capital Projects $ 1,843,000 Page 255 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv Fund: 432 Storm Drainage (conI.) PROJECT TITLE: D Sf. SE Conveyance Improvemenf PROJECT NO.: 432 (3) REVENUE TOTAL: HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL 921 921 921 921 DESCRIPTION: New conveyance line to remove cross connection to sanitary sewer, and replacement ot undersized line to relieve local tlooding areas and direct tlows into 21 st st. SE regional intiltration/detention pond. FUNDING SOURCE: Unrestricted Storm Rev TIMELlNE: Start End EXPEN DITU RES: Design 92 92 Right ot Way Construction 829 829 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 921 921 Design J a n-03 J un-03 Right ot Way Construction Jul-03 Oct-03 PROJECT MANAGER: Unassigned IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: This project will have no signiticant impact at this time. When the project is complete, impacts will be determined tor the Storm Drainage operating budget. PROJ ECT TITLE: 2003 Developer Parficipafion PROJECT NO: 432 (8) HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 DESCRIPTION: ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL Funding set aside tor upsizing storm lines being FUNDING SOURCE: installed by developers. These tunds will be expended when developers are installing Unrestricted Storm Rev 200 50 50 50 50 50 450 storm lines according to City code where REVENUE TOTAL: 200 50 50 50 50 50 450 larger lines are required as predetermined by the Storm Comprehensive Plan. EXPEN DITU RES: TIMELlNE: Start End Design Design Right ot Way Right ot Way Construction 200 50 50 50 50 50 450 Construction EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 200 50 50 50 50 50 450 PROJECT MANAGER: Unassigned IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: The impact ot this project cannot be determined until the specitic developer projects are identitied. Page 256 2003 Final Budaet PROJECT TITLE: K Sf. SE Conveyance Improvemenf PROJECT NO.: 432 (7) DESCRIPTION: Replacement ot undersized line to relieve local tlooding areas and direct tlows into 21 st st. SE regional intiltration/detention pond. TIMELlNE: start End Design Jan-03 J u n-03 Right ot Way Construction Jul-03 Oct-03 PROJECT MANAGER: Unassigned IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: Capitol Proaram Summarv Fund: 432 Storm Drainage (conI.) FUNDING SOURCE: HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL 185 185 Unrestricted Storm Rev REVEN UE TOTAL: EXPENDITURES: Design 20 20 Right ot Way Construction 165 165 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 185 185 This project will have no signiticant impact at this time. When the project is complete, impacts will be determined tor the Storm Drainage operating remain at existing levels. PROJECT NO.: 432 (10) PROJ ECT TITLE: Hill Cresf Esfafes Easf Pond Expansion DESCRIPTION: Expand existing storm drainage pond within existing tract to allow tor additional storage capacity. This pond was annexed on Lea Hill. and has a history ot overtlow and citizen complaints. TIMELlNE: Start End Design J a n-03 J un-03 Right ot Way Construction Jul-03 Oct-03 PROJECT MANAGER: Unassigned IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: FUNDING SOURCE: HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL 100 100 100 100 Unrestricted Storm Rev REVENUE TOTAL: EXPEN DITU RES: Design 15 15 Right ot Way Construction 85 85 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 100 100 This project will have no signiticant impact at this time. When the project is complete, impacts will be determined tor the Storm Drainage operating budget. Page 257 2003 Final Budaet Capitol Proaram Summarv Fund: 432 Storm Drainage (conI.) PROJ ECT TITLE: Cenfral Basin (E) Difch Improvemenf PROJ ECT NO.: 432 (11) REVENUE TOTAL: HIST 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACT EST BUD EST EST EST EST EST TOTAL 437 437 437 437 DESCRIPTION: Capacity improvement to the existing downstream ditch serving the "Downtown Area". FUNDING SOURCE: Unrestricted Storm Rev TIMELlNE: Start End EXPEN DITU RES: Design 50 50 Right ot Way Construction 387 387 EXPENDITURES TOTAL: 437 437 Design J a n-03 J un-03 Right ot Way Construction Jul-03 Oct-03 PROJECT MANAGER: Unassigned IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: This project will have no signiticant impact at this time. When the project is complete, impacts will be determined tor the Storm Drainage operating budget. Page 258