HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM V-A CPA11-0001CITY OF * T` AUBURN WASHINGTON AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject CPA11 -0001, Terrace View Properties, LLC - Date: October 25, 2011 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment Building Department: Planning and Attachments: CPM #3 - See Budget Impact: N/A Development separate section within Finance Comprehensive Plan binder Fire Administrative Recommendation: Planning Commission to conduct public hearing and recommend to City Council approval of the Terrace View LLC Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment. Background Summary: APPLICANT /OWNER: Jon Cheetham Terrace View Properties, LLC P.O. Box 8500 Covington WA 98042 REQUEST: CPA11 -0001: CPM #3 Map amendment to change the land use designation from Light commercial to Heavy Commercial for two parcels. LOCATION: The two parcels are located at 5680 A Street SE, parcel numbers 3121059056 and 3121059010 within Section 31, Township 21 North Range 5 East, W.M. EXISTING ZONING: C1, Light Commercial COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Light Commercial SEPA STATUS: A Determination of Non - Significance was issued under city file SEP11 -0009 on September 9, 2011. The comment period ended September 23, 2011 and the appeal period ended October 7, 2010. wed by Council 8 Arts Commission Airport Hearing Examiner Human Services Park Board Planning Comm. Action: Committee Approval Council Approval: Referred to Tabled Committees: COUNCIL COMMITTE Finance Municipal Services Planning & D Public Works Other H YeseNo Yes No viewed by Departments & Divisions: Building M &O Cemetery Mayor Finance Parks Fire Z Planning Legal Police Public Works Human Resources Call for Public Hearing Until Until % / Councilmember: Staff: Dixon Meeting Date: November 9, 2011 Item Number: Page 1 of 12 AUBURN* MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Agenda Subject: CPA11 -0001 Terrace View LLC Comprehensive Plan Date: October 25, 2011 MaD Amendment A. Findings The City of Auburn adopted amendments to its Comprehensive Plan in 1995 in response to the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) requirements, as amended. The Auburn Comprehensive Plan has been amended annually each year since. 2. Comprehensive plan amendments can be initiated by the City of Auburn (city- initiated) and by private citizens (privately- initiated). The City received one privately initiated comprehensive Plan map amendment and one combined comprehensive plan map and policy /text amendment by the submittal deadline of June 10, 2011. 3. This staff report and recommendation addresses comprehensive plan map amendment CPM #1, the Terrace View LLC. request. The other private initiated Comprehensive Plan amendment application is addressed separately. 4. Comprehensive plan amendments are initially reviewed during a public hearing process before the City of Auburn Planning Commission, who then provides a recommendation to the City Council for final action. City Council consideration and action on the amendments will occur prior to the end of this year. 5. RCW 36.70A.130 (The Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA)) provides for amendments to locally adopted GMA comprehensive plans. Except in limited circumstances provided for in State law, comprehensive plan amendments shall be considered by the city or county legislative body no more frequently than once per year. The annual limitation and exceptions are also restated in city code at ACC 14.22.060. 6. The City of Auburn established a June 10, 2011 deadline for the submittal of privately - initiated comprehensive plan applications (map or policy /text amendments). Notice to the public of the filing deadline was provided on the City's website, the Seattle Times, and sent to a compiled notification list. The City received one privately initiated comprehensive plan map amendment and one combined privately- initiated map and policy /text amendment by the deadline. 7. A Determination of Non - Significance was issued for the Terrace View, LLC Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment under city file SEP11 -0009 on September 9, 2011. The comment period ended September 23, 2011 and the appeal period ended October 7, 2010. As of the writing of this report no comments were received or appeals filed. 8. Auburn City Code Chapter 14.22 outlines the process for submittal of private initiated amendments and the processing of comprehensive plan amendments as follows: Section 14.22.100 A. The planning commission shall hold at least one public hearing on all proposed amendments to the comprehensive plan. Notice of such public hearing shall be given pursuant to Chapter 1.27 ACC and, at a minimum, include the following: 1. For site - specific plan map amendments: a. Notice shall be published once in the official newspaper of the city not less than 10 calendar days prior to the date of public hearing; b. Notice shall be mailed by first class mail to all property owners of record within a radius of 300 feet of the proposed map amendment request, not less than 10 calendar days prior to the public hearing; Page 2 of 12 AUBURN* MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Agenda Subject: CPA11 -0001 Terrace View LLC Comprehensive Plan Date: October 25, 2011 MaD Amendment 2. For area -wide plan map amendments: a. Notice shall be published once in the official newspaper of the city not less than 10 calendar days prior to the date of public hearing; b. Notice shall be mailed by first class mail to all property owners of record within the area subject to the proposed amendment; c. Notice shall be posted in at least two conspicuous locations in the area subject to the proposed amendment not less than 10 calendar days prior to the date of the public hearing. B. Notwithstanding the above, the director may expand the minimum noticing provisions noted above as deemed necessary. C. Planning Commission Recommendation. The planning commission shall conduct a public hearing on all potential comprehensive plan amendments and shall make and forward a recommendation on each to the city council. The planning commission shall adopt written findings and make a recommendation consistent with those findings to the city council. D. The city council, if it elects to amend the comprehensive plan, shall adopt written findings and adopt said amendments by ordinance. E. State Review. All comprehensive plan amendments considered by the planning commission shall be forwarded for state agency review consistent with RCW 36.70A.106. F. Any appeal of an amendment to the comprehensive plan shall be made in accordance with Chapter 36.70A RCW. (Ord. 6172 § 1, 2008.) 9. Pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106, the proposed comprehensive plan amendments outlined in this agenda bill were sent to the Washington State Office of Commerce, formerly the Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) and other state agencies as required for the 60 -day state review on September 9, 2011. The Washington State Office of Commerce acknowledged receipt on September 14, 2011. No other comments have been received from Commerce or other state agencies as of the writing of this report. 10. Due to the nature of the city- initiated map amendments and the city- initiated policy /text amendments and the receipt of only one privately initiated policy /text change, the optional process for a public open house was not conducted. 11. The public hearing notice was published on October 28, 2011 in the Seattle Times at least 10 -days prior to the Planning Commission public hearing scheduled for November 9, 2011. 12. Public notice was also provided to property owners within 300 feet of the subject site and the property was posted with a land use notice board that included the public hearing notice. 13. The following report identifies comprehensive plan map amendment, CPM #3, Terrace View Properties, LLC scheduled for the Planning Commission's November 9, 2011 public hearing with a staff recommendation. CPM #3 — Staff Analysis The applicant submitted a comprehensive plan map amendment application on June 9, 2011 by the submittal deadline of June 10, 2011. The comprehensive plan map amendment application seeks to change the mapped land use designation for two parcels shown on Map No 14.1, titled Comprehensive Plan. Page 3 of 12 AUBURN* MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Agenda Subject: CPA11 -0001 Terrace View LLC Comprehensive Plan Date: October 25, 2011 MaD Amendment 2. The application was submitted by Jon Cheetham, Managing Member of Terrace View Properties, LLC on behalf of the limited liability corporation, applicant. 3. In addition to the Comprehensive Plan map Amendment, the applicant submitted an environmental checklist application. 4. The application seeks to change the comprehensive plan land use designation for two parcels located on the east side of A Street SE (a.k.a. East Valley Highway) from "Light Commercial" to "Heavy Commercial ". The parcels are identified as tax parcels: 3121059056 and 31221059010 and together contain approximately 2.22 acres. The properties are identified as being located at the address of 5680 A Street SE. 5. The two parcels have been previously cleared and developed. The majority of the area is graveled and the southern parcel contains a mobile home /office. 6. The adjacent street, A Street SE is designated a principal arterial street in the city's comprehensive Transportation plan. 7. The property is located within the King County portion of the City of Auburn. It was annexed to City in 1962 by Ordinance No. 1492 and was originally zoned UNCL, unclassified which assumes an R1, Single Family Residential standard (referring to the former code designation system). The properties were subsequently changed to R2, Single Family Residential (referring to the former code designation system) in 1987 and then subsequently changed to C1, Light Commercial. 8. The current Comprehensive Plan designation, zoning designation and land uses of the site and surrounding properties are as follows: Page 4 of 12 AUBURN* MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Comprehensive Plan Zoning Land Use Site Light Commercial C1, Light Commercial Vacant with mobile home /office North Light Commercial C1, Light Commercial Single family residential South Light Commercial C1, Light Commercial Construction Contractor's yard in Pierce Co. portion of Auburn East Moderate Density R -7 (Residential 7 Undeveloped forested Residential du /acre) hillside West City limit boundary West of A Street SE & A Street SE and and in Burlington North Burlington Northern Pacific City limits, Railroad line designated railroad line within city designated "Open Space" "Open space" in the city - of Pacific. limits and vacant beyond city limits Page 4 of 12 AUBURN* MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Agenda Subject: CPA11 -0001 Terrace View LLC Comprehensive Plan Date: October 25, 2011 MaD Amendment 2011 Proposed Comprehensive P1anAmenchnent Map: CPA11 -0001, TV LLC PROPOSED w c x a Existing Land Lse Designation Moderate Density Residential �? Atibutn City- Limits ®� 1 /�/ 1 �oposed Ladd IIsz Designation Light Conunercial a � Parcels ���AAA 111 Single - Family Residential Heavy Commzrcixl YYY. m Page 5 of 12 AUBURN * M0B E THAN YOU IMAGINED Agenda Subject: CPA11 -0001 Terrace View LLC Comprehensive Plan Date: October 25, 2011 Map Amendment 9. The purpose of the comprehensive Plan is to provide a policy basis for the future zoning changes to ensure that the Comprehensive plan and Zoning Ordinance are consistent as required by the following city code section: "ACC 14.22.050 Conformance and consistency. The zoning, land division and other development codes contained or referenced within Auburn City Code shall be consistent with and implement the intent of the comprehensive plan. Capital budget decisions shall be made in conformity with the comprehensive plan. " 10. The City code provides certain criteria for decisions for comprehensive plan amendments as follows: "ACC 14.22.110 Decision criteria for plan amendments. A. The comprehensive plan was developed and adopted after significant study and public participation. The principles, goals, objectives and policies contained therein shall be granted substantial weight when considering a proposed amendment. Therefore, the burden of proof for justifying a proposed amendment rests with the applicant, who must demonstrate that the request complies with and /or relates to the following decision criteria: 1. The proposed change will further and be consistent with the goals and objectives of the plan and the plan will remain internally consistent; 2. Whether the capacity to provide adequate services is diminished or increased; 3. Assumptions upon which the comprehensive plan is based are found to be invalid; 4. A determination of change or lack of change in conditions or circumstances has occurred since the adoption of the latest amendment to the specific section of the comprehensive plan that dictates the need for a proposed amendment; 5. If applicable, a determination that a question of consistency exists between the comprehensive plan and Chapter 36.70A RCW, the countywide planning policies for either King and /or Pierce County, as appropriate, and Vision 2040: Growth and Transportation Strategy for the Puget Sound Region." 11. The first criterion is that the change must further and be consistent with the goals and objectives of the plan and the plan will remain internally consistent. The Comprehensive Plan contains a number of areas of policy guidance that relate to this application. Chapter 14, Comprehensive Plan Map, starting at page 14 -10 provides the following purpose and description of the `Light Commercial' Comprehensive Plan designation: "Purpose: To create people oriented commercial areas to supply a wide range of general commercial services to area residents." "Description: This category represents the prime commercial designation for small to moderate scale commercial activities. These commercial areas should be developed in a manner which is consistent with and attracts pedestrian oriented activities. The ambiance of such areas should encourage leisure shopping and should provide amenities conducive to attracting shoppers." Page 6 of 12 AUBURN* MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Agenda Subject: CPA11 -0001 Terrace View LLC Comprehensive Plan Date: October 25, 2011 MaD Amendment "Compatible Uses: A wide range of consumer oriented goods and services are compatible within this designation since the emphasis would be on performance criteria which create an attractive shopping environment. However, uses which rely on direct access by vehicles or involve heavy truck traffic (other than for merchandise delivery) are not appropriate in this category. Unsightly outdoor storage and similar activities should be prohibited. Permitted uses would consist of retail trade, offices, personal services, indoor eating establishments, financial institutions, governmental offices, and similar uses. Multiple family dwellings should be encouraged as part of mixed -use developments where they do not interfere with the shopping character of the area, such as within the upper stories of buildings. Since taverns can break up the continuity of people oriented areas, taverns would be permitted generally only as a conditional use. Drive in windows should only be allowed as ancillary to a permitted use, and only when carefully sited under the conditional use permit process in order to ensure that an area's pedestrian environment is not seriously affected." (Emphasis added) "Criteria for Designation: This designation should include moderate sized shopping centers, and centrally located shopping areas. This designation should be preferred for commercial sites where visual and pedestrian amenities are an important concern outside of the downtown." "Considerations Against Applying this Designation: Commercial areas which cannot be readily separated from high traffic volumes (such as shallow lots along busy arterials) should not be included in this designation. Areas not large enough for separation from any adjacent heavier commercial or industrial area should not be designated as light commercial. (emphasis added)" "Appropriate Implementation: This designation is implemented by the C -1 Light Commercial District. This district provides for a wide range of small and moderate scale commercial oriented towards the leisure shopper and pedestrian oriented activities." 12. For comparison, Chapter 14, Comprehensive Plan Map, starting at page 14 -12 provides the following purpose and description of the `Heavy Commercial' Comprehensive Plan designation: "Purpose: To provide automobile oriented commercial areas to meet both the local and regional need for such services." "Description: This category is intended to accommodate uses which are oriented to automobiles either as the mode or target of providing the commercial service. The category would also accommodate a wide range of heavier commercial uses involving extensive storage or heavy vehicular movement." "Compatible Uses: A wide variety of commercial services oriented to automobiles are appropriate within this category. This includes automobile sales and service, drive in restaurant or other drive in commercial business, convenience stores, etc. Since these uses are also compatible with heavier commercial uses, lumber yards, small scale warehousing, contractor yards and similar heavy commercial uses are appropriate in this designation." Page 7 of 12 AUBURN* MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Agenda Subject: CPA11 -0001 Terrace View LLC Comprehensive Plan Date: October 25, 2011 MaD Amendment "Criteria for Designation: This designation should only be applied to areas which are highly accessible to automobiles along major arterials. Generally this category would characterize commercial strips. This zone is appropriate for the intersections of heavily traveled arterials, even if adjacent sites are best suited for another commercial designation." (emphasis added) "Considerations Against Applying this Designation: Areas which conflict with single family residential areas or areas more suited for other uses. Whenever possible this category should be separated from all uses by extensive buffering." "Appropriate Implementation: This category is implemented by the C -3 Heavy Commercial District." 13. Also, later in Chapter 3, Land Use, the document describes the purpose of the commercial land use designations of the plan. The comprehensive plan provides the following guidance on commercial uses located along transportation corridors: "Highway Commercial "While commercial uses along arterials (often called "strip commercial" development) provide important services to community residents, the proliferation of commercial uses along arterials raises several land use planning issues. On the negative side, strip commercial development creates traffic flow problems and conflict with adjacent land uses. Due to their "linear" nature, commercial strips result in a maximum area of contact between commercial uses and other land uses resulting in a high potential for land use conflicts. Poor visual character due to excessive signage and architectural styles designed to attract attention instead of promoting a sense of community is an additional concern. Pedestrian shopping is made difficult, resulting in greater generation of automobile traffic, and large fields of asphalt parking lots are needed to accommodate single purpose vehicle trips." "Despite the problems associated with commercial development along arterials, many such locations are often quite unsuitable for other uses, due to the impacts associated with heavy traffic volumes. Also, many commercial uses thrive at such locations due to high visibility and accessibility. The Plan seeks to manage existing arterial commercial areas to take advantage of the accessibility they provide, while minimizing traffic and land use conflicts and improving their visual appearance through an enhanced design review process and development standards." "Objective 9.3. To encourage the appropriate use of areas adjacent to heavily traveled arterials while minimizing land use and traffic conflicts by: • "Managing the continued commercial development of existing commercial arterials in a manner which minimizes traffic and land use conflicts." "Conserving residential qualities along heavily traveled arterials which are not yet commercialized, by restricting commercial development to types which provide an appropriate buffer." • "Protecting existing, viable residential areas along lesser - traveled arterials, from commercial development." Page 8 of 12 AUBURN* MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Agenda Subject: CPA11 -0001 Terrace View LLC Comprehensive Plan Date: October 25, 2011 MaD Amendment The following excerpted policies relate to this discussion of commercial uses located along transportation corridors. "Policies: "LU -58 The City shall identify those existing commercial arterials that are appropriate for continued general (heavy) commercial development, and those arterials that are appropriate for continued or future limited (i.e. professional office type) commercial development." (emphasis added) "LU -60 The City shall encourage the grouping of individual commercial enterprises along commercial arterials to promote the sharing of parking areas, access drives and signs. Such grouping can be encouraged through land division regulations, sign regulations and development standards." "LU -62 Arterials experiencing strong pressure for commercial development, but not yet committed to general (heavy) commercial uses, shall be designated for mixed light commercial and moderate density multi- family uses. Development regulations should encourage the development of professional office and similar uses and small scale multiple family housing, with development and design standards carefully drawn to ensure preservation of a quality living environment in adjacent neighborhoods. Development regulations could also allow other light commercial and higher density multi - family housing, subject to an extensive public review, and possibly a design review process." (emphasis added) LU -66 The City should develop design standards and guidelines for development along arterials to improve their visual appearance." Thus, while commercial `strip' development along corridors is generally discouraged as sprawl and can result in negative visual and functional impacts, it is recognized by the Comprehensive Plan that the location of commercial services along corridors provides some community benefits and several policies are directed at implementing code changes and authorizing development only in a manner that seeks to minimize the negative effects. 14. In addition Chapter 14, Comprehensive Plan Map, recognizes that policy statements do not fit all circumstances. The Plan recognizes that in some cases the general policies established by this Plan need further articulation or clarification due to particular concerns associated with specific geographic areas. In other cases, the application of the Plan's general policies may be inappropriate for a specific area due to unique circumstances, requiring that specific "exceptions" to these general policies be established. The section entitled "Transitions" identifies these specific areas and establishes either supplemental policies or exceptions to the general policy. This transition section specifically recognizes and addresses the entirety of the A Street SE corridor within the city as follows: Page 9 of 12 AUBURN* MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Agenda Subject: CPA11 -0001 Terrace View LLC Comprehensive Plan MaD Amendment "A Street SE Area: A Street SE corridor, extending from the south, the BNSF rail lines /rail yard to 1 south) to the east. Date: October 25, 2011 Highway 18 to the north; to the city limits to ie west and D Street SE (extended to the Problem: A Street SE provides for a significant level of traffic that offers the potential to attract customers to support existing and future business along this corridor. Challenges include better definition of the transition between residential neighborhoods and future commercial development to provide predictability for both neighborhood residents and commercial uses, as well as how to address historical uses such as mobile home parks and industrial development along this corridor that occupy property that is better suited for other uses. (emphasis added) Policy III. H. Define appropriate transition boundaries between commercial and residential development in a manner that protects residential uses while providing for economic development opportunities along the corridor. Policy III. I. To ensure protection the of adjacent residential neighborhood and residential uses located east of B Street SE between 8th and 17th Streets SE from commercial development on the west side of B Street SE, , special development standards shall be adopted. The special development standards could include requirements for increased building and parking setbacks and /or landscape buffer treatment. The standards may also include the implementation of traffic calming measures as appropriate to reduce traffic impacts on the adjacent residential neighborhood located east of B Street SE between 8th and 17th Streets SE." Again, within this section, the Comprehensive Plan recognizes that commercial `strip' development along transportation corridors is generally discouraged as sprawl and if uncontrolled can result in negative visual and functional impacts. This language is balanced with recognition that commercial development along corridors provides convenient needed services. Additionally, this section prescribes that transitions should be provided between commercial uses and residential uses by city regulations and by the manner in which development is authorized. Considering the sum of all of the different sections of the Comprehensive Plan together, the more specific descriptions of each of the land use designations supports the requested change. The proposed comprehensive plan amendment seeks to change the designation to allow more intensive land uses and those which are attractive to vehicle service and the traveling public. Since the property is located along a heavily traveled principal arterial street, the proposed change more closely matches the description of the purpose of the "Heavy Commercial" designation; it is located along a major arterial and is highly accessible to automobiles. The current "Light Commercial designation is less appropriate for the properties since the development is readily accessible to vehicles and there is not sufficient width to separate the development from the heavily traveled corridor. However, the proposed amendment is not an expansion of an existing Heavy Commercial designated area and would interject a different designation between two areas currently designated as "Light Commercial ". It may be appropriate to re- evaluate this corridor. The City should consider docketing for a possible a future change to the land use designations along the east side of this corridor. This effort would provide an opportunity study and Page 10 of 12 AUBURN* MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Agenda Subject: CPA11 -0001 Terrace View LLC Comprehensive Plan Date: October 25, 2011 MaD Amendment potentially change a more significant portion of the corridor when impacts can be assessed and managed. 15. The second decision criterion is that the comprehensive plan amendment must not diminish or increase the ability to provide adequate services. The proposed change by itself, if approved will not affect the ability to provide adequate services. However, the change the Comprehensive Plan map, if approved could lead to cumulative applications by other properties in the vicinity for changes to the land use designation and intensification of development. While public services, such as police and fire could like accommodate the change in land use designation, full public infrastructure is not currently in place. The Valley Regional Fire Authority did not have any comments in response to the application. While there is adequate water (16 inch water main) in A Street SE, the road continues to be two lanes; it has not been widened in the area of the subject properties as done in other segments farther to the north and south and has roadside ditches to provide storm drainage. Also, a sewer would have to be extended to serve the site. However, to require that infrastructure as a precursor is not always viable as the City often relies upon development to provide the public infrastructure improvements needed to support the development as the development occurs. Under the current conditions, as with many properties in the city, the infrastructure improvements would be the responsibility of future development. At the time of development, adequate services would be provided for the development to be authorized so it is not anticipated that approval of the request negatively affects provision of services. 16. The third decision criterion is that the assumptions on which the comprehensive plan is based are found to be invalid. While not completely invalid, the comprehensive plan seeks to discourage commercial `strip' development along corridors since it can result in negative visual and functional impacts, balanced with this the Plan recognizes by the comprehensive plan that the location of commercial services along corridors provides community benefits. Also, the more specific language of the plan as found in the purpose statements of the land use designations for "Light Commercial" and "Heavy Commercial" support the application based on the site's proximity to a heavily traveled arterial. 17. The fourth decision criterion is that there has been a change or lack of change in conditions or circumstances has occurred since the adoption of the latest amendment to the comprehensive plan that dictates the need for a proposed amendment. Again, the comprehensive plan seeks to discourage commercial `strip' development along corridors since it can result in negative visual and functional impacts, balanced with this, the Plan recognizes that the location of commercial services along corridors provides community benefits. Also, the more specific language of the plan as found in the purpose statements of the land use designations for "Light Commercial" and "Heavy Commercial" support the requested change based on the site's proximity to a heavily traveled arterial street. 18. The fifth decision criterion is that the change must be determined to be consistent with the Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A), the Countywide Planning Policies of the relevant county and "Vision 2040: Growth and Transportation Strategy for the Puget Sound Region ". The change if approved would continue to be consistent with the Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A), the Countywide Planning Policies of King County and "Vision 2040: Growth and Transportation Strategy for the Puget Sound Region ". The proposal is consistent because it continues to allow commercial uses; only of a more intensive nature and more specifically oriented to the traveling public. Page 11 of 12 AUBURN* MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Agenda Subject: CPA11 -0001 Terrace View LLC Comprehensive Plan Date: October 25, 2011 MaD Amendment Staff Recommendation Planning Commission recommend to City Council approval of the Terrace View Properties LLC Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment. Page 12 of 12 AUBURN* MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED I AIDBURN f WASHINGTON f4l,- owl Planning, Building, and Conrnrunity Depas-tnient MASTER LAND USE APPLICATION —PLANNING APPLICATIONS p Project Name �/ra� / ~ ' U! Date 31 z Parcel Now �JZ /A5� 9�Jr6' a7 Site Address ��iQ J' Legal Description (attached separate sheet if necessary) 5ife A Applicant Name: Mailing Address: Telephone and Fax:, -f- Email: l Bd? C 'y l� ve�oay. C�fs7 Signature o Owner (if more than one attach another sheet) Name: Mailing Address: Telephone and Fax: Email: Signature: Engineer/Architecture/Other Name: �a/JT� Mailing Address: Telephone and Fax: Email: Description of Proposed Action: _ C%// 1� T7' 4 I'V' le,97111 r —v � ✓� ��Er1 s Type of Application Required Check all that Appli Administrative Appeal Administrative Use Permit* Annexation* Boundary Line Adjustment Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Text or Map)* Conditional Use Permit* Critical Areas Variance* Development Agreement* Environmental Review (SEPA)* Final Plat Preliminary Plat* PUD Site Plan Approval Reasonable Use Exc &pko& Rezone (site specific)* Area Wide Short Plat Special Exception* Special Home Occupation Permit* Substantial Shoreline Development* Surface Mining Permit* Temporary Use Permit Variance* *Please note that public notification is required. A separate cost is charged for the signs. City prepares signs but applicant responsible for sign posting. Page 1 of 2 1U� V11 PERMIT CEN'S'ER AUBURN * MORE: THAN YOU IMAGINED DPERTY TAX RPI C COUNT NUMBER 12105- 9010 -02 10379C NG ALL PARTS WHEN PAYING IN PERSON k ; -, c'_ t' e. 11- - t nv r_ JLMF ILL %VM ;,MiV4.400/ VEEP THIS PORTION 6 AA TERRACE VIEW PROPERTIES LLC990246 PO BOX 8500 COVINGTON WA 98042 31 -21 -05 9010 0120 31 21 05 PCL B OF AUBURN LLA VLLA -04 -0007 REC n20050705001692 SD LLA BEING LOCATED IN POR OF SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF SEC 31 -21 -5 LY SLY OF N 15 ACRES OF GOVT LOT 4 -- SEE REVERSE SIDE OPERTY TAX RP10 :COUNT NUMBER 312105 - 9056 -07 J10378C KEEP THIS G,ur..: I,nt.,,Kai ............... *OTHER CHARGES NOX WEED 2 81 4`I 1.20 125.94 178.69 21.16 115.55 45.16 29:304 10.30 ,ryt I !f I,. .q L•T p',a rif r,'I,F' LUd P•; :,p -I VI 30. ,I FULL AMOUNT 8ECOMES DELINQUENT as ptc <E :bed I,y pad hg Apvl; 30 FULL AMOUNT MAY BE ETC PAID APRIL 30th PORTION ING ALL PARTS WHEN PAYING IN PERSON Land Vii­ .- ... ..... Iniproven,.: to Lees: Erem ;d Valm. IAXABI.E VALUE ._.._. -_ Levy Rate .. -.- - _ ..... General Tax ................. 'Olher Clia,ges -'-. ----- _- TOTAL CURRENT 811 -LING Omaled Taxea.. - TOTAL CURB €NT BILLM(i INCLUDING OMITS , VOTER APPROVED 2.25 KING CD 98, 0C 98-1 0[ 12 .689E 1,243.[ 1,255. i 576.1 9.0 DELINQUENCY INFORMATION YEAR INTEREST PRINCMAI ENALT' DELINQUENT TOTAL 2010 KING COUNTY, WA, REAL ESTATE TAX RM 600 - 500 FOURTH AVE SEATTLE WA 98104 -2387 ~r' -- - - - - -- - -. -i r,IItI, i ........... 297.81 682.57 172.19 244.33 28.94 158.00 61.76 40:40 14.09 *OTHER CHARGES FIRE FEE KING CD F�:et II ='r r"wt 0, pamd of s;oslm�;aad ct .�p:14 3G c.- FULL AMOUNT BECOMES DELINQUENT ro•i accrv::_ . ,.:;ra anri pr:,elcV a: p•e<e:,6•:d by In. �. II ;.:et :,.i,� t an o,�• ;apnl 3U !S _, i•ac:.n;�� �- I:;a1.IU,1 rsrd FULL AMOUNT MAY BE PAID APRIL 30th L and Vall,t ............ .... ?nnp,ovo',I is Less. EXeropt Vmd .. . -.- TAXABLEVAIUL 0,,vy Ralc --------- ..,... . General Tax_._ _._..... •Oiler Chmges TOTAL CURRENT BILLING Ommed Taxas ........... . TOTAL CURRENT BILLING iNC;LUDING OA71IS.... . VOTER APPROVED 164.01 NOX WEED 9.99 DELINQUENCY INK Yi-AR 'NTi531ST 1:'LNALTY DELINQUENT TOTAL 1,255•( 98 -1 OC 36,01 134,OC_ 12.689[ 1,876.1= 788-L 2•- TION PRINC'PM 1,876.E m N 1 ' •tea tiZ J� �{I0AP-tJ �S ti6o red 36i� -985 10V • OUGO 0 0 1•. Y � t oli co t, 0 1414'b '� m �4 4 Co • ��' �6Z MEi- t- E-�88N e .Iepa: :OE t� r8'C6� 3g9 °gE -895 7 Y e .0 uot4a ;off r x -n n M.1 .4 6V y ,. 3 of c�6. Zto Off' A y j . m N 1 ' •tea tiZ J� �{I0AP-tJ �S ti6o red 36i� -985 10V • OUGO 0 0 1•. Y � t oli co t, 0 1414'b '� m �4 4 Co • ��' �6Z MEi- t- E-�88N e .Iepa: :OE t� r8'C6� 3g9 °gE -895 7 Y e .0 uot4a ;off r x -n n M.1 .4 6V y ,. 3 0 r � OE'SF 39F -��- c L4l t of r A y j . 0 r � OE'SF 39F -��- c L4l t TERRACE VIEW PROPERTIES, LLC PO BOX 8500, COVINGTON, WA 98042 (253) 631-8290 NARRATIVE - COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE CHANGE I would like to request a comprehensive land use change to my property located at 5680 A ST. S.E. which is located in South Auburn close to the County line. The existing land use is C -1. Based on current conditions and compatibility with surrounding properties, I would like to request a change of land use to C -3. This change would allow me to clean up, improve, and utilize the property. I have been trying for years, unsuccessfully, to create interest in developing the property based on the current land use. Unfortunately, the surrounding area has not been compatible with this land use. Services have recently been upgraded and installed along A St. to meet any improvement requirements as well as be consistent with growth strategies. No significant impacts would be created with this change. Most likely, the traffic count would be less. This property is adjacent to an existing construction company and historical concrete plant. The terrain to the East is many acres of steep undevelopable hillside. West of the property is railroad and farm fields. Designated wetlands are adjacent to the construction company. Based on current conditions 1 believe the change from C1 to C3 would be more compatible with the existing terrain as well as existing properties. Most importantly, this change would allow me to use and improve the property rather than have it sit vacant and unsecure. Thank you for any consideration you can offer regarding this change request. Terrace View P erties LLC ion Che tham Managing Member CITY OF � AUBURN - Peter B. Lewis, Mayor + WASHINGTON 25 Wet Main Street Auburn WA 98001-4998 WWW. burn a. ov 253 -931 -3000 City of Auburn Planning Commission Notice of Public Hearing The Planning Commission of the City of Auburn, Washington, will conduct a public hearing oil Wednesday, November 9, 2011 a X7;00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Auburn City Hall located at 25 West Main Street on the following: Amendments consist of those proposed to the Comprehensive Plan Map (CPM) alid those affecting plan Policies and Text (P /T) as follows: Case Number CP S-0001: C 1 CPM 4 Map amendment to Map No 14.1 to change the subject property's land use designation from Light onimercial to Heavy Commercial for two parcels located at 5680 A Street SE. Location of 1 ry sal: Two parcels located at 5650 A. Street SE, Parcel Nos. 3121059056 and 3121059010 within the southwest quarter of Section 31, Tsownship 21 N, Range 5 East, W.M, Applicant: Jorl cheethatl , Managing Member Terrace View T Properties, LLC P, O. Box 8500 Covington, WA 980432 Case Number CP 1 -0002: CPII Map A mendment to Special Platy Areas, Map 14.2, for the addition of even parcels to the Stuck Riven Road p ecial Plan Area that are owned by the property owner of other parcels within Stuck River load Special Plan Area and are adjacent to the current boundaries PIT Hi I Revision to description and purpose of the Stuck rep• Road and Mount Rainer Vista Special Flan Areas, Chapter 14, Lard Use Map Location of proposal: The seven p arcels are located within Section 32, Township 21 North, range East, W.M. and are identift d as 3221059001, 3221059002, 3221059003, 3221059004, 3221059008, 3221059024, and 3221059026. Applicant: Jaini Balint Se ale Properties LLC P, O. Box 88028, Tukwila, WA 98038 Any interested person is invited to attend to express comments or opinions. Written comments may be submitted up until and at the public hearing to Jeff Dixon, Principal Planner, Planning and Development, I epailment, Mailing address: 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA 98001 - -4988. Physical address: 1 East Main Street, Auburn WA 98001. If your have further coni rents or questions, please call Jeff Dixon at (253) 804 -5033. For citizens with speech, sight or hearing disabilities wishing to review doeunicnts pertaining to this hearing, should contact the City of Auburn within 1 0 calendar days prior to the ineeting, as to the type o- - service or equipment needed. Each request will be considered individually according to the type of request, the availability of resources, and the fir atiei l ability of the City to provide the requested s r -vices on equipment. Page 1 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED