2003 Final Budaet
Budaet Summary
This section summarizes the 2003 Budget and provides comparisons to previous years' revenues and
expenditures. Figures for 2003 represent baseline amounts unless otherwise noted. This section begins with
a summary of the City's governmental and financial structure. The following graphs and figures are
designed to highlight major budgetary points of interest. This section was prepared to provide an overview
of significant budget features and of the City's financial condition. The reader is encouraged to refer to
the appropriate section of this document for more details about the summary information provided here.
City of Auburn
Government Structure
City Council
Municipal Court
Parks &
Public Works
Page 9
2003 Final Budaet
Budaet Summary
Fund Balance Trends
The facing page illustrates the budget balancing information and City financial condition by major fund
group and for the City as a whole. The table and graph present both 2000 and 2001 actual balances,
2002 original budgeted ending balance as well as the 2002 projected ending balance. For more detailed
information, please consult group summaries as highlighted in this section or see individual fund information
contained in the Baseline Budget Section.
Ending Fund Balance Trends 2000-2003
Fund Balances/Working Capital
$18,000,000 :J
~ Q) 0
:J ß
$15,000,000 Q) c 2
c Q)
Q) > û)
C) Q) c
0::: 0
$12,000,000 ro ü
$9,000,000 CI)
$6,000,000 "2: ë
CI) Q)
:E c
Q) E
$3,000,000 0
$0 IJI
C ro
:J ë
Q) 0:::
~ .~
:J 0-
~ llJ
112000 Ending
112001 Ending
02002 Budget
02002 Projected
112003 Budget
Page 10
2003 Final Budoet
Budoet Summary
2000 2001 2002 2002 2003
Fund Name Actual Actual Budget Projected Budget
General Fund Beg Balance $ 11,602,793 $ 15,288,352 $ 13,273,733 $ 17,279,327 $ 12,681,260
New Revenue 37,732,791 40,067,443 37,441,020 36,771,748 37,348,820
Expense (34,047,232) (38,076,468) (43,483,940) (41,369,815) (43,534,380)
End Balance 15,288,352 17,279,327 7,230,813 12,681,260 6,495,700
Gain (Loss) on Balance 3,685,559 1,990,975 (6,042,920) (4,598,067) (6,185,560)
Special Revenue Beg Balance 4,440,699 7,627,062 8,631,029 7,975,268 5,900,187
New Revenue 16,013,265 18,241,159 9,082,153 10,961,679 6,998,805
Expense (12,826,902) ( 17,892,953) (9,629,633) (13,036,760) (7,067,486)
End Balance 7,627,062 7,975,268 8,083,549 5,900,187 5,831,506
Gain (Loss) on Balance 3,186,363 348,206 (547,480) (2,075,081 ) (68,681)
Debt Service Beg Balance 2,143,766 1,775,422 1,823,800 1,844,896 1,810,096
New Revenue 450,808 392,287 361 ,200 283,000 339,000
Expense (819,152) (322,813) (317,200) (317,800) (314,940)
End Balance 1,775,422 1,844,896 1,867,800 1,810,096 1,834,156
Gain (Loss) on Balance (368,344) 69,474 44,000 (34,800) 24,060
Construction Beg Balance 8,725,482 9,978,160 11,350,000 11,856,614 10,735,638
New Revenue 6,724,330 5,485,184 4,737,200 5,304,782 2,132,236
Expense (5,471,651 ) (3,606,730) (4,424,000) (6,425,758) (3,501,600)
End Balance 9,978,161 11,856,614 11,663,200 10,735,638 9,366,274
Gain (Loss) on Balance 1,252,679 1,878,454 313,200 (1,120,976) (1,369,364)
Permanent Beg Balance 1,038,477 1,081,180 1,173,179 1,185,832 1,188,832
New Revenue 117,702 104,652 92,000 49,700 55,000
Expense (75,000) (78,500) (46,700) (30,000)
End Balance 1,081,179 1,185,832 1,186,679 1,188,832 1,213,832
Gain (Loss) on Balance 42,702 104,652 13,500 3,000 25,000
Utilities Beg Balance 19,774,349 18,970,325 13,871,608 18,687,778 16,872,707
New Revenue 29,725,837 35,955,625 31,665,328 31,240,773 28,733,289
Expense (30,540,163) (36,238,172) (33,474,081 ) (32,755,844) (31,288,372)
End Balance 18,960,023 18,687,778 1 2,062,855 17,172,707 14,317,624
Gain (Loss) on Balance (814,326) (282,547) (1,808,753) (1,515,071) (2,555,083)
Other Enterprise Beg Balance 1,852,031 864,880 928,647 789,685 664,825
New Revenue 2,579,799 2,527,125 3,727,900 2,398,000 2,445,800
Expense (3,566,963) (2,602,320) (3,831,060) (2,522,860) (2,521,680)
End Balance 864,867 789,685 825,487 664,825 588,945
Gain (Loss) on Balance (987,164) (75,195) (103,160) (124,860) (75,880)
Insurance Fund Beg Balance 2,737,200 2,840,614 2,897,600 2,914,506 2,892,106
New Revenue 160,235 108,216 100,000 50,600 55,000
Expense (56,799) (34,324) (53,000) (73,000) (68,000)
End Balance 2,840,636 2,914,506 2,944,600 2,892,106 2,879,106
Gain (Loss) on Balance 103,436 73,892 47,000 (22,400) (13,000)
Equipment Rental Fund Beg Balance 3,169,200 3,370,089 3,631,140 3,863,699 3,514,649
New Revenue 2,481,063 2,027,583 1,630,400 1,580,400 2,134,870
Expense (2,280,123) (1,533,973) (1,989,450) (1,929,450) (2,461,700)
End Balance 3,370,140 3,863,699 3,272,090 3,514,649 3,187,819
Gain (Loss) on Balance 200,940 493,610 (359,050) (349,050) (326,830)
Fiduciary Funds Beg Balance 3,542,500 3,497,469 3,570,570 3,631,870 3,570,570
New Revenue 218,000 266,564 225,000 225,000 225,000
Expense (230,000) (230,166) (286,300) (286,300) (286,300)
End Balance 3,530,500 3,533,867 3,509,270 3,570,570 3,509,270
Gain (Loss) on Balance (12,000) 36,398 (61,300) (61,300) (61,300)
Total Beg Balance 59,026,497 65,293,553 6 1 ,151 ,306 70,029,475 59,830,870
New Revenue 96,203,830 105,175,838 89,062,201 88,865,682 80,467,820
Expense (89,913,985) (100,537,919) (97,567,164) (98,7 64,287) (91,074,458)
End Balance 65,316,342 69,931,472 52,646,343 60,130,870 49,224,232
Gain (Loss) on Balance $ 6,289,845 $ 4,637,919 $ (8,504,963) $ (9,898,605) $ (10,606,638)
Page 11
2003 Final Budoet
other Funds
2003 Budget by Fund
Human Resources
Public Works
Parks & Rec.
Special Revenue Funds
Debt Service Funds
Capitol Project Funds
other Enterprise Funds
Internal Service Funds
Fiduciary Funds
utility Funds
$0 $10,000,000 $20,000,000 $30,000,000 $40,000,000 $50,000,000
Page 12
Budoet Summary
2003 Final Budoet Budoet Summary
Revenue and Expenditure Summary: All Funds
Financial data presented below is based on the City's financial structure. The expenditure amounts listed
below are the total allocations in each fund or sub-category.
Revenues by Source:
2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 Chg
Actual Actual Budget Projected Budget 02-03
Taxes $ 31,978,860 $ 34,343,322 $ 32,811 ,840 $ 32,156,140 $ 32,778,220 -0.1%
Lic/Permits 1,183,990 1,120,433 940,700 940,700 914,100 -2.8%
Intergov't 15,167,121 1 7,413,108 9,023,584 11 ,254,292 7,187,700 -20.3%
Charges/Serv 30,978,469 32,103,346 33,633,428 31,597,773 32,905,259 -2.2%
Fines/Forfeits 578,838 623,427 590,300 590,300 652,800 10.6%
Miscellaneous 4,403,906 4,1 61,244 3,056,654 2,220,239 2,264,236 -25.9%
Other Financing Sources 11,912,664 14,951,067 9,005,695 10,106,238 3,7 65,505 -58.2%
Beginning Fund Balances 59,026,479 65,293,553 61,1 51,306 69,729,475 59,830,870 -2.2%
Total Available Resources $ 155,230,327 $ 170,009,500 $ 150,213,507 $ 158,595,157 $ 140,298,690 -6.6%
Expenditures by Fund:
2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 Chg
Actual Actual Budget Projected Budget 02-03
General $ 34,047,232 $ 38,076,468 $ 43,483,940 $ 41,369,815 $ 43,534,380 0.1%
Mayor & Council 239,290 258,280 329,800 403,200 596,147 80.8%
Human Resources 1 ,233,647 1,420,595 2,1 64,900 1 ,890,900 2,177,940 0.6%
Finance 1 ,225,059 1 ,1 73,708 1,971,400 1 ,805,500 2,698,750 36.9%
City Attorney 743,026 878,373 1 ,036,600 1 ,036,600 1 ,085,850 4.8%
Planning 1 ,208,108 1,240,495 1 ,725,000 3,304,270 3,525,296 104.4%
Police 10,660,521 11,286,023 12,451,900 12,754,200 13,287,789 6.7%
Fire 6,976,304 7,309,648 8,005,700 7,925,700 8,247,703 3.0%
Public Works 2,898,200 3,185,137 3,700,000 2,046,320 2,619,900 -29.2%
Parks & Rec. 3,316,109 3,404,447 4,158,100 4,299,145 4,304,600 3.5%
Street 1,534,649 1,501 ,269 1 ,761,800 1 ,867,300 2,008,300 14.0%
Non-Departmental 4,012,319 6,418,493 6,1 78,740 4,036,680 2,982,1 05 -51 .7%
Special Revenue Funds 1 2,826,901 17,892,953 9,629,633 13,036,7 60 7,067,486 -26.6%
Debt Service Funds 819,152 322,81 3 317,200 317,800 314,940 -0.7%
Capitol Project Funds 5,471,652 3,606,730 4,424,000 6,425,758 3,501 ,600 -20.8%
Permanent Funds 75,000 0 78,500 46,700 30,000 -61.8%
utility Funds 30,540,1 63 36,238,1 72 33,474,081 32,755,844 31,288,372 -6.5%
Other Entprs Funds 3,566,963 2,602,320 3,831,060 2,522,860 2,521,680 -34.2%
Internal Service Funds 2,336,922 1 ,568,297 2,042,450 2,002,450 2,529,700 23.9%
Fiduciary Funds 230,000 230,1 66 286,300 286,300 286,300 0.0%
Total Expenditures 89,913,985 100,537,919 97,567,1 64 98,7 64,287 91,074,458 -6.7%
Ending Fund Balances 65,316,342 69,931,472 52,646,343 60,130,870 49,224,232 -6.5%
Total Expend & Fund Balance $ 155,230,327 $ 170,469,391 $ 150,213,507 $ 158,895,157 $ 140,298,690 -6.6%
Page 13
2003 Final Budoet
Budoet Summary
2003 Budget by Functlon
ral Gov't
Sewer utility
Solid Waste
other/Transfers Out
$0 $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 $12,000,000 $14,000,000
2003 Budget by FuncHon
Capitol Costs
Debt Service
Quality of Life
Interfund Transfers
General Government
Public Safety
Physical Environment
Page 14
2003 Final Budoet
Budoet Summary
Distribution of Costs by Functional Structure
Data presented below is on the basis of services provided by the City. Administrative and capital costs are
allocated in each function as appropriate rather than separately reported. More detailed information on
administrative costs is in Section V City Operations.
General Special Debt Capital Enterprise Internal Fiduciary Permanent Grand
Fund Revenue Service Projects Funds Service Funds Fund Total
Funding Sources
Taxes $31.082,020 $ 96,200 $ $ 1,600,000 $ $ $ $ $ 32.778,220
License/Permits 914,100 914,100
Intergovernmental 1.425,300 5.717.400 45,000 7,187.700
Charges tor Service 1,597,500 209,000 22. 000 29,017,289 2,019.470 40,000 32,905,259
Fines and Forteitures 652,800 652,800
Miscellaneous 680,100 130,300 35,000 210,236 858,600 155,000 180,000 15,000 2,264,236
Other Financing Sources 997,000 845,905 304,000 300,000 1,303,200 1 5.400 3.7 65,505
Total Revenues and Other
Financing Sources 37,348,820 6,998,805 339,000 2,132,236 31.179,089 2,189,870 225,000 55,000 80.467,820
Beginning Fund Balances 12,681.260 5,900,187 1.810,096 10.735,638 17,537,532 6.406.755 3,570,570 1,188,832 59,830,870
Total Available Resources $50,030,080 $ 12,898,992 $2,149,096 $ 12,867,874 $ 48.716,621 $8,596,625 $ 3.795,570 $ 1,243,832 $ 140,298,690
Expenditures/ Expenses
General Government $ 6,558,687 $ $ $ 410,000 $ $ 98,000 $ $ $ 7,066,687
Security of Persons and Property:
Police 13,287.789 104,386 196,000 13,588,175
Fire 8,247.703 1,360,600 29,000 286,300 9,923,603
Physical Environment:
Engineering 2,619,900 48,000 2,667,900
Water utility 4.452,840 91. 000 4,543,840
Sewer utility 9,515,275 200,000 9.715,275
Storm utility 2,332,675 120,000 2.452,675
Solid Waste 8,958,982 8,958,982
Cemetery 630.790 630.790
Street 2,008,300 335,000 2,343,300
Airport 698,550 698,550
Economic Environment:
Community Services 580,580 786,000 1,366,580
Planning & Community 2,944.716 657,600 3,602,316
Culture & Recreation:
Parks & Recreation 4,304,600 26,500 300,000 45,000 4,676,100
Golt Course 794,600 794,600
Debt Service:
Principal 134,000 150,000 1.420,100 1.704,100
Interest 117,000 154,940 655,040 926,980
Capitalized Expenses 4,170,200 4,170,200
Road & street Construction 5,199,000 5,199,000
Non Capitalized Expenditures 1,367.700 1,367.700
other Uses/Transfers Out 2.731. 105 1,080,000 10,000 645,000 181.000 30,000 4,677,105
Total Expenditures/Expenses
and Other Uses 43,534,380 7,067.486 314,940 3,501,600 33,810,052 2,529.700 286,300 30,000 91.074.458
Ending Fund Balances 6.495.700 5,831.506 1,834,156 9,366,274 14,906,569 6,066,925 3,509,270 1,213,832 49,224,232
Total Fund Commitments &
Fund Balances $50,030,080 $ 12,898,992 $2,149,096 $ 12,867,874 $ 48.716,621 $8,596,625 $ 3.795,570 $ 1,243,832 $ 140,298,690
2003 Final Budoet
Budoet Summary
General Fund Budget Summary
The General Fund Budget is a particularly important part of the budget, since it allocates financial
resources derived mainly from the City's taxing powers. As such, the content of the General Fund Budget is
a major policy decision itself.
The page opposite summarizes the proposed General Fund Baseline Budget. Baseline expenses are those
expenses that are necessary to maintain existing programs. The top part of the table summarizes the
revenues that are anticipated to be available within the next year. Since this budget incorporates no new
significant revenue initiatives, these revenues are those expected to be provided within the existing
revenue authority as established by current City ordinances. All revenue growth will be due to increased
growth or activity.
General Fund
Revenue and Expense
Revenue 1
T ox Rev
Intergovernm ental
Charges for Service
other Fin Sources
$0 $S ,000 ,000 $1 0,000,000 $1 S ,000 ,000 $20,000,000 $2S ,000,000 $30,000,000 $3S ,000 ,000
Salaries & Wages
other Charges
Capitol Outlays
Interfund Services
$0 $S,OOO,OOO $10,000,000 $lS,OOO,OOO $20,000,000 $2S,000,000 $30,000,000
Page 16
2003 Final Budoet
Budoet Summary
Revenue & Expense Summary: General Fund
2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 $
Actual Actual Budget Projected Budget Change
Beginning Balance $ 11 ,602,793 $ 15,288,352 $ 13,273,733 $ 1 7,279,327 $ 12,681,260 $ (4,598,067)
T ox Revenue 30,113,140 32,812,677 31,313,740 30,182,140 31,082,020 899,880
Licenses & Permits 1,183,990 1 ,1 20,433 940,700 940,700 914,100 (26,600)
state/County Shared 1 ,743,071 2,059,441 1,631,600 2,078,928 1,425,300 (653,628)
Charges For Services 1 ,770,058 1 ,502,1 99 1 ,442,500 1,457,500 1 ,597,500 140,000
Fines & Forfeits 578,838 623,427 590,300 590,300 652,800 62,500
Miscellaneous 1,096,931 1,1 01,953 734,100 734,1 00 680,100 (54,000)
Other Financing Sources 1,246,763 847,313 788,080 788,080 997,000 208,920
Total Revenues $49,335,584 $ 55,355,795 $ 50,714,753 $ 54,051,075 $ 50,030,080 $ (4,020,995)
Salaries & Wages $ 17,509,209 $ 18,739,440 $ 21 ,056,100 $ 20,709,320 $ 22,575,800 $ 1 ,866,480
Benefits 4,044,875 4,183,366 5,263,000 5,328,600 6,226,273 897,673
Supplies 1 ,188,873 1 ,364,978 1,499,100 1,595,200 1 ,586,580 (8,620)
Other Charges 4,916,554 5,457,295 8,237,800 7,349,300 8,530,51 7 1,181,217
Inter-Governmental 3,416,851 6,269,114 5,130,215 4,078,555 1 ,963,805 (2,114,750)
Capitol Outlays 1 ,728,066 941,694 1,359,200 1 ,342,325 1,310,520 (31,805)
Debt Service: Principal 134,000 134,000
Debt Service: Interest 117,000 117,000
Interfund Services 1 ,242,804 1,120,581 938,525 966,515 1,089,885 1 23,370
Total Expenditures 34,047,232 38,076,468 43,483,940 41,369,815 43,534,380 2,1 64,565
Ending Fund Balance 15,288,352 1 7,279,327 7,230,813 12,681,260 6,495,700 (6,185,560)
Total $49,335,584 $ 55,355,795 $ 50,714,753 $ 54,051,075 $ 50,030,080 $ (4,020,995)
Page 1 7
2003 Final Budoet
Budoet Summary
Staffing Trends
The opposite page presents the current and past staffing of the various City departments. The data is
presented on the basis of the City's administrative structure, not on the basis of funds as in the case of the
financial data contained in this budget.
As can be seen, the City's staffing has steadily increased over the last 10 years. This increase is due to
continued development and recent annexations. As depicted in the graph below, the staffing levels
compared to population have leveled off. As the population of Auburn increases, so does the demand for
additional staffing in areas directly affected by population. The two areas that are affected the most are
public safety and some administrative service functions. In public safety, increased staffing is needed not
only to keep up with the increased call demand, but also to maintain the City's existing level of service in
police and fire. With the increase in population and police officers, comes the increased case load for the
court, having an impact on both the court and legal department. In the area of finance, the need for
increased staffing is to ensure continued customer service in utility billing and collections. As the City
progresses into the age of technology, there is also a need for additional staff in information systems. As
always, the City is very cautious when approving the addition of new positions, ensuring the increased
staffing is clearly warranted. If possible, the City will take advantage of technology available to them to
aid in dealing with these increases in volume, and therefore avoiding the addition of staff. Two areas
within utilities that are current being given careful consideration as far as technology is concerned, are the
processing of on-line payments and automated meter reads. The other major staff increase in the last ten
years has been in the public works department. With the significant increase in both commercial and
residential development, Auburn is not alone in trying to keep up with new infrastructure needed to meet
additional traffic demands. In addition to extending and upgrading existing utility services to meet the
demands placed on the City's existing systems.
Population vs Staff Levels 1994 - 2003
- -
-- - =
400 !!!! ....... --
-- -- -
3S0 - - f-- - f-- - -
300 - - - - f-- - f-- - -
,g 2S0 - - - - f-- - f-- - -
'8 200 - - - - f-- - f-- - -
LL lSO - - - - f-- - f-- - -
100 - - - - f-- - f-- - -
so - - - - f-- - f-- - -
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
I c:::::J FT E 3S1 364 383 386 399 411 424 428 438 4S0
I-stoff/Pop (,000) 10.16 10.41 10.88 10.69 10.87 10.98 10.88 10.18 9.96 10.00
9.00 -s
3.00 ,g
Page 18
2003 Final Budoet
Budoet Summary
Mayor/Council 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4
Human Resources 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7
Municipal Court 6 6 7 7 7 9 10 11 12 12
Finance 18 18 18 19 20 25 25 26 27 28
Legal 5 9 9 9 10 11 13 13 13 13
Planning 14 13 14 14 14 12 12 12 13 31
Police 91 97 100 103 103 107 110 112 114 116
Fire 69 71 74 74 76 76 78 78 81 81
Public Works 43 47 54 55 56 58 62 62 62 49
Parks & Rec. 29 29 30 30 33 34 34 34 35 38
street 11 11 11 11 13 13 13 13 13 13
Water 15 14 14 13 13 13 14 14 14 16
Sewer 7 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7
Storm Drainage 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Solid Waste 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2
Airport 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 3 3
Cemetery 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7
Golf Course 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6
Equip. Rental 7 7 9 8 9 8 8 8 8 10
TOTAL 351 364 383 386 399 411 424 428 438 450 4
Chanqes from 2002 to 2003:
Mayor/Council: In 20020 Council Secretary position was added.
Finance: A new accounting specialist to support the solid waste utility is included in the 2003 budget.
Planning: In 2002, 0 reorganization added 16 positions; 0 second code enforcement office and on additional
janitor were added through the budget amendment process.
Police: In 2002, 0 second assistant chief position and 0 temporary backfill position were added.
Public Works: In 2002, 0 reorganization removed 14 positions. A utility hydraulic modeler position is included in the
2003 budget.
Parks & Rec: In 2002, 0 reorganization added one position. A new Teen Rec Specialist and changing 0 part-time
registration clerk to full time were added through the budget amendment process.
Water: In 20020 new water distribution specialist position was added. A water division manager is included in the
2003 budget.
Solid Waste: In 2002, 0 reorganization removed 4 positions.
Equipment Rental: In 2002, 0 reorganization added one position. A new emergency vehicle mechanic position is
included in the 2003 budget.
Page 19
2003 Final Budoet
Budoet Summary
Page 20