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} VC A L =2 5461 1. All workmanship and materials shall conform to the City of Auburn's requirements and specifications. 2. All work shall conform to these drawings and the rules and regulations of the "Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT/APWA) Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction" latest edition, except where supplemented or modified by the City of Auburn Standard Details and Development Project Specifications. 3. The Contractor is required to have a copy of City of Auburn Standard Construction Notes, Details and Specifications available at the job site along with a copy of the approved development plans. 4. A pre -construction meeting shall be required prior to any on -site work for all public facility extension projects. 5. Locations shown for existing utilities are approximate. Identification, location marking and responsibility for underground facilities or utilities is governed by the provisions of Chapter 19.122 Revised Code of Washington. Prior to starting construction, the Contractor shall call ONE - CALL (1-800-424-5555) for utility locations (water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, gas, power, telephone and television). 6. The Contractor is cautioned that overhead electrical lines are not shown on the drawings. The contractor is responsible for determining the extent of any hazard created by overhead electrical power in Lill areas and shall follow procedures during construction as required by law and regulation 7. Traffic control and street maintenance for safety of the traveling public on this project shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor and all methods and equipment used will be subiect to the approval of the City of Auburn. Contractors and !heir surety shall be liable for injuries and damages to persons and property suffered because of Contractors operations or negligence connected with them. Ir Diu OF NU&U R1-I �T-F�N►��Rb W T�fZ 4 NoTf s I VcaF_• N 1 L_ -,rAW CUT 1 '� ME tvT PATck F-15 SHA,,L� 1 A Mlr.ItMUM OF Csf W 10F . CMLT !►.1f .W.1/4 of ION 9, TOWNSHIP 21 N., RANGE 5 E., W.M. EAST HILL DEVELOPERS,. 19222 108t AVE. S.E. RENTON.9 WA. 98055 Phone** (253) 852-4682 Fax.* (253) 852-4342 srrE PLAN SCALE: 1" = 60' > � N - w V) W S E 304 ST . Q S I TE_- E 3 I. y � 9 F �p LEAD. N��� LSE R 312 ST. VICINITY MAP N.T.S. INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS SHEET No. TITLE 1 of 6 COVER SHEET 2 of 6 S.E. 310th ST.-BEGIN to M.L. STA. 4+50 PLAN & PROFILE 3 of 6 S.E. 310th ST.-M.L. 4+50 to END PLAN & PROFILE 4 of 6 TRACT "C" to 118th PL. S.E. PLAN & PROFILE 5 of 6 118th PIS, S.E.-S.E. 310th ST. to M.L. STA. 13+00 PLAN & PROFILE 6 of 6 EASEMENT -LOTS 28-31 PLAN & PROFILE ASSUMED BEARING OF N 86` 55'37" W BETWEEN FOUND MONUMENTS NEAR THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER AND THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 8, AS SHOWN ON SURVEY BY DOUGLAS DODDS, P.L.S. RECORDED IN VOLUME 8 OF SURVEYS, PAGES 223 AND 223A. VERTICAA L CONTROL DATUM,: CITY OF AUBURN (I-,1GN! D Zq VEFw BENCHMARK: 1. TOP OF BRASS DISC MONUMENT (ENCASED) AT THE INTERSECTION OF SE 312th STREET AND 116th AVENUE SE. ELEV. = 346,35 KC, 354.18 CITY OF AUBURN (BM 6-C) LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., AND THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON: EXCEPT THE SOUTH 30 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR LEE HILL ROAD UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 5167370. PWC�..-L Wo . Oq 2 I OS - CtI Z9 WETLAND DELINEATED BY: HAZTOX, INC. 12822 GATEWAY DR. SEATTLE, WA. 98168 ON --SITE TOPOGRAPHIC DATA PROVIDED BY: TOWNSEND—CHASTAIN & ASSOC., INC. 409 NTH 3rd AVENUE KENT, WA. 98032 BOUNDARY & OFF --SITE ROAD TOPOGRAPHIC DATA PROVIDED BY: HALLIN & ASSOC., INC. 31218 PACIFIC HWY. SOUTH, SUITE 'N' FEDERAL WAY, WA. 98003 PH. No. (253)941-5404 1— 800— 441— 5317 As_E5uiL,-F PAR FlELX> surer Y t j l LO) 01 RECM DRAWING CERTIFICA11ON These drawings conform to the Contractor's construction records. By..— Qa��� Date: Of U Title /position:-�c-�� �.►�2 Comfirmed by City Date: G/a f1e® ov PROJECT REF: F A G !J 9 - 001 & - l These plans are approved for conformance with the City of Auburn's Engineering Division requirements. Approved By. Date Approved:— REVISION& P-e 0Z ( , Ty (5 Z I C� W CL4 W Oooi Z �koko o Z Woo W�w � a W d� w W w �- _ 1� 3 n g h".1 o�j 1►� W� W�to� O�kQko kOW� CV 0 ti w a a. a *ri DATE. 99 SCALE: 1 "=20'H 1 "= 2'V DESIGN BY: JJJ DRWN. BY: DGL APP. BY. FILE No. WA —SS SHEET 1 OF V I Popt ® to 010163S 358 .W.1/49 N.W.1/4 of SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 21 N", RANGE 5 E., W.M. / / 3" / pjb , _ s Z2it: veer 5�. r ! + ®D� a+ 12*g0 38 ., t�1�-nc� B�r�� cC�r+ -- TH 1.5 St-Ci' •3+5D 446 3I i 12"SD SA . SEW. M.H. 5 i - 70 v STA. 1 +08 (SS)- 3" � 10 1 MIN. SEPARATION •.-� ®„ 24'SD 3+39.83, 4.41'LT.(S.E. 310th ST.) RIM EL.=353. .41'r I.E. 8" E)=346.-84-IN , 5� ( •i1 \, ., I IIA FO I.E. 8" 5 =346.•8#- iN . 510 (Z) - W SD a I.E. 8" W)=34f>. 4`OtJT . 51 C�52 - 1' MIN. �34, SEPARATION. 1 Q G SAN. SEW. M.H. 5 13 - Log 1 ++- SS= .rah, STA. 2+30, 5.0'LT.S.E. 310th ST.) ® RIM EL.=349.74 .4Z 57• 340 10L I ��, P`IC I.E. I.E. 8" E)=342.6#-1N 8" W)=342.-64-OUT . . 338 Ccmc- NOTE: CONTRAC OR TO VERI I.E. PRIG TO CONSTR JCTION Ex. smart 51 2- 01 1 +00 RIM EL=3463*.3t* If 12"ADS (N)=336.8 1E 1 "ADS (S)=336.&'i I 1E B,PvC (NW)=336.fl .9 LE 8" (E)= 36.9 IN (NM I I I I �s I J R/hf IE 12 �' E 12"ADS (N)a337.3 12 ADS (fd�'�3337 �3 r„ (�i r IC 12 ADS'' �FE_12"DS�.8,8P(NW), .9 33�-�(NEW) NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY I.E. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 1--8" TAPMNG I. w/8" TAPPING (MJ) 1-CONC. BLOCKING SAN. SEW. M.H. 513 - 1Pq STA. 1+5±- SS)= 2+30, 5.0`LT.(S.E. 310th ST.) RIM EL.=349.7-& . 4Z'k I.E. 8" E)=342.64-IN • 5-7 I.E. 8"�W)=342.61--OUT .5Z „D„ � �ActuIles �0 1 1 Vf *p v 4 \ \ PVC 3.�5% 10 MPd. 1 --8 PVCt O 3. toy /6 N -ea PERATION 3+00 i V. � I G9(,o'-8" D.I. s 11100, 4'--- I I RED FAgclnes PR to To - F i N NL_ RS FHPELT L- I FT-. R, I IL- - - ZYU =- H I SH E�R S. E. 310 th ST. p\F- j r R_ l l N ILL I_I FT.. I CIQNSTR CTION SEQUENCE I . ARRANGE AND ATTEND A PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN. 2. FLAG CLEANING LIMITS AND WETLAND AREAS. 3. CLEAR, GRUB AND ROUGH GRADE THE PROJECT. 4. STAKE THE SEWER MANHOLES AND PIPE CUTS. S. CONNECT TO AND PLACE NEW MAN HOLES WITHIN THE EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY. EXISTING PAVEMENT MUST BE SAW CUT. TRAWC CONTROL PLAN MUST BE SUBMITTED TO COUNTY INSPECTOR PRIOR TO WORK. 6. INSTALL THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM. 7. INSTALL THE STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM. 8. INSTALL THE WATER SYSTEM. CONNECTION TO EXISTING MAIN TO BE PERFORMED IN PRESENCE OF CITY INSPECTOR, AFTER w APPROVAL. FROM CITY OF PRESSURE TESTS AND PURITY T 9. SPA 1TA Ri SP_weP, To E�r-_ V, PEv .p eq COP4 T'f C'TDF; M014 F + Type Ar mg r ` for 111 22/ •-3c7'v�rtrt i LAJ H & Runt as W LtJ L�'1 stock* Rails • ... cn 7�1 . 2 Turntkuck s Ttwet l 6 t? 11, i SM - 3' ; ENE %q&_RncAL_ BeND MOTE. toNCRE.TV-_ BI_oc.r I Na 1. ALL MN14 HOLES SHNLL E5F- TYM .I - 4 5 " 2. AL.L WN'Ie R 9eRv c cEs sr -•tag". 1=_�'E 3/4 (PE4R_ CI-N OF Nc. MU RW STC). VET. * WASM - I m v n GRAPHIC SCALE S-p 20 0 10 20 40 �+ ..W✓ O H IN 1 itch •= 20 & 4 / 2 1'a 3t 2 I uYz� vim: B�r„jp, I �00 SAN. SEW. M.H. 513 STA. 1+08 (SS)= 3+39.83, 4.41'LT.(S.E. 310th ST.) RIM EL.=353.3i2�- . •41 I.E. 8" E)=346.84-IN . 15(, T 4 I.E. 8" S)=346.84--IN • S4o I.E. 8" W)=346. -OUT .sl 1-8"xto"Tr_rE_ (PA3KF4 1-400Gil.(FLC xM3) 1--STD. HYD. ASSY. 1-CONC. BLOCKING RECORD DRAYANG CERTIFICATION These drawings con to the Contractor's construction records. Date: o Title/position: E- Q. =0,.tE�.R Comfirmed by City Date: PROJECT REF: F= - 011S These plans are approved for conformance with the City of Auburn's Engineering Division requirements. Approved By. Date Approved: 3 d 80 RE\AS6 X4&, R�w�w UAL (5 I z r a: W©o Q Q M to W���o z�,°�; Cq C�l C11 Z, 0 � V �W w z co z N 1bLLj n Ro 4 � op �a M 0 W En fl �o 00 ca Cq � aw z a DATE SCALE: 1 "- 1 "_ 2' DESIGN 911' JJJ DRWN. BY- APP. BY. FILE No. Wes. SIM OF n S'i 0101 S.W.1/4, N.W.1/4 of SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 21 N., RANGE 5 E., W.M. SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. The location of the side sewers shall be marked at the end of the line inside property by a pressure treated 2 x 4, four feet (4') long buried in the ground a distance of three feet (3'). The lower end shall have a 2 x 4 cleat nailed to it to prevent withdrawal of the stake. The exposed one foot (1') shall be painted traffic yellow and the depth to the side sewer or tee shall be indicated in black paint on the 2x4. 2. Contractor shall obtain any necessary side sewer connection permits from the City of Auburn prior to construction. 3. Unless otherwise approved, the City of Auburn shall do all connections to existing sewer main with new tees. The contractor shall be responsible for trench and pavement excavation, pipe installation, backfill and pavement restoration. WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. Pipe for water mains shall be ductile iron meeting ANSI Specifications A-21.51 of latest revisions and shall be thickness Class 52. Pipe shall be cement -lined, in accordance with ANSI Specification A-21.4 of latest revision. 2. All public water mains shall have a minimum cover of forty-two inches (42"). 3. All valves for water mains shall be resilient wedge gate valves for twelve -inch (12") and smaller. Butterfly valves shall be used when over twelve-inch-(12"). 4. Joints, except where otherwise required or shown on the drawings, shall be either -o-v- �u ' run �� Ong gasket type, cogfarmsrg to American National Standard A-21.11. 5. Pipefittings shall be ductile iron and shall have the same kind of coating, lining and y tre th e-F,; ichraml�ectp�-we.i..N�,f ANSI Specifications--A- pecifications A-21.10 and A- - - 21.11 of latest revision. - 6. Hydrostatic tests on the new pipe line shall be made in accordance with the procedure for water -pressure testing water mains and the latest provisions of AWWA C 600, except as modified herein. The contractor shall furnish all equipment necessary to make the test, and the contractor shall conduct all tests under the supervision of the engineer. Pressure tests shall be made on all piping and appurtenances installed under this contract, including all connections to existing mains at a minimum test pressure of 200 psi. 7. Disinfection of the new water system shall be required prior to connection to the existing water mains and shall be in accordance with the latest provisions of AWWA C 601. 8. The contractor shall obtain all necessary water service connection permits from the City of Auburn prior to construction. 9. Installation of corporate stops, water service, lines and meters shall be per City of Auburn Standard Details numbers WASM 1, 2, 3 and 5. Services shall be a minimum 3/4 inch. The City of Auburn will install the meters. 10. Restrained joints shall be used at all bends. For tees, 90' bends, and special circumstances, concrete blocking shall also be used. See Standard Detail WABL-1. 11. AN water mains shall have a blowoff assembly at low point and an air vacuum relief valve at high point of main. See Standard Details WAAR-1 and WABO-1. 12. The fire hydrant assemblies shall conform to Standard Detail WAFH-1 and shall stand plumb. Set to finished grade with the lowest outlet being no less than 18 inches (18") from finished grade and a clear zone around hydrant of no less than 36 inches (36"). The pumper port shall face street or fire access. 13. All valve boxes in public rights -of -way or easements shall be adjusted to final grade after final paving is complete in accordance with the City of Auburn's Standard Detail No. STFG-1. 14. Backflcw devices required with fire protection and irrigation systems, and to be installed per the City of Auburn's Details. " underground fire sprinkler system shall be approved by the Fire Marshal and installed by a state licensed fire sprinkler contractor. 16. Street or parking lot curbs shall be painted with formula WID-Y1 (yeffow) t5 feet (15') each side of all fire hydrants, as directed by the City. GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 40 NDicNTES TEKPOPZPRt 'f F LE\l �PsTIct-1 PRl O R To �H Ps,L_ L I FT• R I l\ Val I L... 3TF� ( IN FEET ) I inch = 20 ft•~ RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION These drawings conform to the Contractor's construction records. By. Date: Title/position: .0 t-1c__itjF_-oR Comfirmed by City Date: 80 PROJECT REF: F=AQ 99 - O 013 These plans are approved for conformance wit the City of Auburn's Engineering Division requirements. Approved By. D Date Approved: o REVISIONS: Cl7\( REV ( F-\(k/ Qtrl/00 PErC V Z W U Z���-> W e� w �rN vl a� a� W Ldw W z z W N Q Vie W a x R o � t � C6a o W w 0 fy a Q, O �MkQkO CN 0000 q00 w ko ko o C�lC�� ►� ni! z Q ram, U �+1 a_ a a Q w DATE: 3 99 SCALE: 1 "=20'H 1 "= 2'V DESIGN BY: JJJ DRWN. BY: DGL APP. BY: FILE No. WA -SS J SHEET OF 0613 01 v ld36 S.W.1/47 N.W.1/4 of SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP P 2114, RANGE 5 E., W. I. kT T;I 368 / / / 366:/ 1366 / / / / 384 / 364 / 382 / / LO + 362 { FI " v V) RO 360 360 P / _z 1' MIN. 358 �- SEPARATION 358 U-) o ri V1 ' - CiONC.G 5Z 2-2%2° HOR e I?-Np '' ®•_ 356 HORiZ. 13&4 oSIEDVS�Eq GRAD1` Rir DUCE / ; 1¢wSD Sn 4-'1 354 / / 1ews / T"R cv-t-W` / . , ± 1 -8" PVC 3 'I'L +- I-►25 fR TL � TR w. " VC S L Lt`td- ,.Sp 142A l• H71 350 � � Z7 SANS SEW. M.H. 513- 350 SAN. SEW. M.H. STA. 2+34 ' oti o STA, 1446 . j•= RIM EL.=362.62-'� . 88 I.E. 6 S1N =351.6 -IN S1.11 a„ pVC �-"""� I.E. )_ IN ° I.E. 8" NE =36q.6-7-IN 50,4l0 q•� I.E. 8�`�II = ° OUT 3*1. I.E. 8" NW)= :ss7-OU 35U. ► 34,6 Tt- �+4 . 346 �. 346 0.5' MIN. -----' 0*00 SEPARATION [ SAN. SEW. M.H. -513-• -7o (cvsk`+10" W (TH STA. 0+00 (S)= FONM 4 S*4c 3+39.83, 4.41'LT.(S.E. 310th ST.) RIM EL.=353. *•4.1 I.E. 8" E =346.44•-IN I.E. 8" S)=346.84--1N I.E. 8" W)=346.7#-OUT •51 °/ / o" / M 1 + 2+00 S.E. 810th ST. to 118th PL, S.E. SCALE: 1" = 20' H ORZ. 1" = 2' VERT. SAN. SEW. M.H. 513 -70 STA. 0+00 (SS)_ 3+39.83, 4.41'LT.(S.E. 310th ST.) RIM EL.=353.le- It.9•I I.E. 8" E =346.84-IN •� I o I.E. 8" 5�=346.Sk-IN •�� I.E. 8" W)=346.7-4--OUT•5I 1 4 1 �,/L E. 6"= 348.04 12.5'-6" PVC 0 2.00% / STA. 0+44 8"x6" TEE -LEFT �` rSif HIGH C�It" , C �} GRP+`+t� I SD NOTE : I N L) I GA -F_S TE-r� R Ry SSMH RIM E_LE\/PCTlo" PRIOR M FItQAL PHA L.T LI fT. K I M W I L.a,._, Be- AsDZUSTeb HIGHEZ 1 FTEFi FINam.,, L-IFT. 1- L" CG.V. ( PLx rn3) STK Is-t131 1-STD. HYD. ASSY. 1-e- 22 1 /2' BEND (MJ) 1-ex4" REDUCER (FL) 1-CONC. BLOCKING 1-4" ADAPTER (FLxMJ) 1-CONC. BLOCKING © MATCH LIE 1-4" 45' BEND (MJ) v STA. 13+0-te 2` 1-CONC. -BLOCKING (SEE SHT. 5) 17 t �& - 6" PVC ® 2.00% 8\� 1°0 / /'� 15 / ST 0+ MIN. FIN. FL. EL=356.5 w 8 x6" TEF� RIGHT I.E. 6"=351.73 �� � � \ �'' � � .� � I.E. 6"7352.27 4 3!--6* PVC 0 2.00% �: A,\ � � \ � // -C�" PVC � 2.00% %0, 20 WATER METER 6"=352.17 (TYP•) ..a > _ - - ® --6" PVC 0 2.00% 3V355 1-2" BLOW -OFF -� - s5'R , �'Y-'� SAN. i. M.H. 512 1-C N piR• P ts� ' � r4 STA. 2+34.1 � r` ' 9 (2' r-f rn Cv � � y k RIM EL.=36242 ,..� j e .� M�N•N 35s I.E. 6 SW)_ �-IN '351.1 360, 141 I.E. 8" N W -,35; .5:7-- / 8p X6 J . -8 t J ��, R� '6" PVC 0 2.�9 N' „ ,tom �- / / " / I.E. 6 =352�,'S5 /.. / 13 �tq / ''' '-6" P ®2-00% MIN. FIN. FL. EL.=355.5 '46 2'- 6" PVC ® 2. DOX Xij / �1•Qr,�.-50' 10,E E• 6 MIN. FIN. FL. EL=354.0 3 1 1 / / I.E. 6"=352.25 MIN. _FIX -FC EL=354.5 352 � 12 SAN. SEW. M.H. MIN. FIN. FL. EL.=355.0 13-� STA. 1 +46 RIM EL.=350.z3 351P,4 I.E. 8" SE)=389:49-IN 3� 60 118th PL. S.E. I.E. 8" NW)=359:•99-OUT -544.49 GRAPHIC SCALE 10 20 40 (IN FM ) 1 inch = 20 ft RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION 140 These drawings conform . to the Contractor's construction records. By: a Date: Title/position: ELLEatj R Comfirmed by City Date: (0 0 00 PROJECT REF: FAC - 0012) These plans are approved -for conformance with the City of Auburn's Engineering Division requirements. Approved By:_ C�� ---�.��.•- Date Approved: C�[, t3 REM ZPq( F_xI z W Z W� cl` w z Ul W N rag E-, c ec, C6 'd W co a 0,2 Q U) S2 J a W DATE: SCALE: 1 "=24'H 1 "= 2'V DESM BY: JJJ DRY4N. BY: DGL APP. BY: RLE No. VEE"f OF 0 If A 1 II( 3 376 374 0 to PROPO Q& SED FjNIS HED GRADE 372 z V \ 370 ` � ` I©-'� CL5sm Q F, Tifrli.) \ Qu G Y (FLX M- �1� S \ V \ I-N1? c P) 366 364 62 rs SAN. SEW. M.H_ 513 - -kv STA. 1 +5q SSA T L-. l Vc 360 11+40, 5'LT. 118th P. S.E.) RIM EL.=37?- &-* 3 I.E. 6" E=3�-10-IN 3t,1.IZ ..7 I.E. 8"�S =362.99—Ot1T 3PI.07 ° • TR 11 +0Q h I I 2'11 1 + o00 10+ 118th PL SE)= I / 6+70.82(SE 310th ST) I _T 7— .r ®ck W \ s �SkN. . H. ` \ � a N r; cps N CJ 24\�\ S SAN. SEW. M.H. 513 --74 S. 12+00 118t. PL. S.E. SCALE: 1" = 20' HORZ. 1" = 2' VERT. .1/4, NLW.1/4 of SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 21 N., RANGE 5 E., )i � 2 368 2 kf • J 366 c�s2 364 1' MIN. ARATI ON 362 360 go-a�Z •. 358 • 7$ �' 356 �p� I 04 C•® sr 9y 354 71 352 SAN. SEW. M.H. 513 --75 ® o STA. 0+67 (SS)= 12+94.97, 11.91T. (118th PL. S.E:.) RIM EL=365.79•- * .57 I.E. 6" E)=36-IN 3�51. I.E. 8" N)=382.1.9-IN 350 I.E. r SW)=3 2:89-OUT � !1. 348 12+00 13+00 SAN. SEW. M->H. 513 STA. 0+6 7 (SS)= 12+94.97, 11.91T. (118th PL. S.E.) RIM EL.=365.79• )* .57 STA. 1+59' (SS)= I.E. 6" E -35 19-IN =— I 11+40, 5'LT. (118th PL. S.E.) I.E. 8� N =39-IN 35I 4-7 RIM EL.=37t.,53 1 .3'1 I.E. 8 SW) —OUT u� I.E. CO6 E=36z�:18 IN I.IZ j' \ I.E. 8 ((5=3624)e OUTSLal .0-7 ► o �j " r"' ^" '' / / 1 ` \ I � � \ \ � \ \ '` -.•. — — -- — �. ` / 1 � 1 1 / o° oat � \ \t 20 I I 1 9 ` \\ \ 1 _ _ 1/7 1 1 hn%l CX I\ \. I I.E. 6 =36250 I.E. 6 =359. \ I.E. 6 = 5flCo 16 jam 20. 6 PVC O 2 00% 2Q —6 PVC 0 /L.00% 20'— 6 PVC ® 2. / STA. 1 + 02 STA. 0+�44.5 \ / 87x6" TEE—RIG1• t 8"x6" TEE— RIGHT\ \ 11+ 0 in 1 9 --8 PV 6.19?��2+00 g t.5 12+63.19PC \\ / TAI 1 + / STA. 0+8 cn STA. 0+62 / 29t; —8" DA " -- »x p" TEE --LEFT / 8"x6" TEE —LEFT N 8"x6" TEE —RIGHT 0 _ \ � � _ • ! V.M. N \\ / 4 1 30'-6" 1PVC 00 2.00 361'-6" PVC 2.00� 44% I AV STIN I.k 6"=361.64 / / \ ` I.E. 6"=357.93 1-8 TEE (FL) / 3-8" G.V. (FL.xJ / 'WATER METER 1—CONC. BI_09G 5 MIN. FIN. FL. EL.=366� MIN.�V. FL. EL.=3�6.0 ) I � � M co 118 th PL. S. E. e � ! " 3110 I -CON G. 7---- 66� I N Di cATF_s TF_MR)RPcR`( SSMH FRR t OR TO F I KJ NL_ L_ l F9-- R I1\ W l L..L.. 5 E_ PsD�USTEl� HtGHE R' KFTe R, P 11'J L1 PT GRAPHIC SCALE 10 20 ` 40 (INS) I fetch = 20 - tL RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION These drawings conform to the Contractor's construction records. 8y Date: O Title/position: Comfirmed by City Date: O J E C T REF: FAG - ©©13 &X0L/! Then Ions are approved for conformance with t City of Auburn's Engineering Division re irements. Approved By.^""'' :^ Date Approved: G►�s�/"' V z W� a� U V) ko Z, C �. `' C W q) W W W W Z� W � N W Q W o� w w 0 a ti v co W 4,00 Vol, D 0.� J a. a w DATE: 3 99 SCAL: 1 "=20'H 1 ":r- 2'V DESIGN BY: JJJ DRWN. BY: DGL APP. BY. FILE No. SHEET OF 6� Uj 3 (:3 v( V 16 JJ S.W. 1/4, N.W. 1/4 of SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 21 N., RANGE 5 E., W.M. 376 M GRAPHIC SCALE 0 10 20 40 ( IN FEET) 1 inch = 20 ft RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION These drawings conform to the Contractor's construction records. By. Date: 1 0l Title/position: ENGQJ� Comfirmed by City Date: v .? j oc PROJECT REF: FP-,Q. 9 9 - 0 013 These plans are approved for conformance with the City of Auburn's Engineering Division requirements. Approved By. _ Date Approved: i " M REVISIONS: G! l5lgg Per, cATY ; t t CO PF R CITY RSVI1=-W QQQ V Z Iry U W Z � ° °kO -� (� Z �- W a: v v o � W W w LQ W Z .�z W ti LLJ �d� S PRo4� O � � ti C^ W C�l C14 ka o wCo C4 00cc CQ N ti CQ M� ~ 0.�, z E'`I a J IL � w a DATE: SCALE: 1 "=20'H .. 1 "= 2' V DESIGN BY: JJJ DRWN. BY: DG APP. BY. FILE No. WA —SS SHEET V �M QSt3 010/63S