HomeMy WebLinkAbout02D1691LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL B OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 0022-98 UNDER RECORDING NO. 9812111807; THENCE NORTH 89e02'03" EAST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL B, A DISTANCE OF 431.82 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE EASTERLY WEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL B; THENCE NORTH 03957'52" WEST, ALONG THE EASTERLY WEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL B AND ITS SOUTHERLY EXTENSION, A DISTANCE OF 194.26 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL B; THENCE NORTH 05e16'43" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 253.75 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN; THENCE SOUTH 87e34'40" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION, A . DISTANCE OF 466.44 FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF "D" STREET NORTHEAST AND THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST HAVING A RADIUS OF 330.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31®11'42" AND BEING SUBTENDED BY A CHORD WHICH BEARS SOUTH 15s58'20" WEST 177.46 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND SAID MARGIN, A DISTANCE OF 179.67 FEET TO A POINT OF CUSP ON A CURVE, FROM WHICH THE RADIUS POINT BEARS SOUTH 58e26'25" EAST; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY, ALONG SAID MARGIN, A DISTANCE OF 143.10 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST HAVING A RADIUS OF 270.00 FEET AN0 A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 30s22'01"; THENCE SOUTH Ote11'25" WEST, ALONG SAID MARGIN, A DISTANCE OF 43.84 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 5 OF RPM -AUBURN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 126 OF PLATS AT PAGES 84 AND 85, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTH 88o48'14" EAST, ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 5, A DISTANCE OF 161.3 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH 0Oe13'26" WEST, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF LOT 4 OF SAID RPM -AUBURN, A DISTANCE OF 80.55 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. SITE DATA ZONING: M1 LOT SIZE: 225,572 SF = 5.18 ACRES TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: INN, SPRINKLERED OCCUPANCY' FIRST FLOOR SECOND FLOOR TOTAL EXISTING S2: 38,421 SF 0 SF 38,421 SF EXISTING B: 0 SF 8,601 SF 8,601 SF NEW S2: 55,338 SF 5,376 SF 60,714 SF NEW B: 0 SF 4,550 SF 4,550 SF TOTALS 93,759 SF 18,527 SF 112,286 SF SETBACKS: NORIH = 13.5' SOUTH = 70' EAST = 56' WEST = 97' + 30' ROW = 127' ALLOWABLE AREA: SETBACK INCREASE = .025X(56-20) = 0.9 SPRINKLER INCREASE = 3.0 FOR 1ST FLOOR, 2.0 FOR BOTH FLOORS MULTI -STORY INCREASE = 2.0 S2: FIRST - LOOR: 18,000 X 1.9 X 3 = 102,600 SF BOTH FLOORS: 18,000 X 1.9 X 2 X 2 = 136,800 SF B: FIRST FLOOR: 12,000 X 1.9 X 3 = 68,400 SF BOTH FLOORS: 12,000 X 1.9 X 2 X 2 = 91,200 SF CHECK ACTUAL AREAS: 1-STORYIBLDG.: 93,759/102,600 + 0/68,400 = 0.91 + 0.0 = 0.91 < 1.0 2-STORY' BLDG.: 99,135/136,800 + 13,151/91,200 = 0.72 + 0.14 = 0.86 < 1.0 PARKING (REQUIRED: WAREHOUSE (St): 99,135 SF/2500 = 39.7 SPACES OFFICE (B): 13,151 SF/300 = 43.8 SPACES TOTAL = 83.5 SPACES PARKING ,PROVIDED: STANDARD = 56 SPACES COMPACT = 25 SPACES (29.4 %) HANDICAP = 4 SPACES TOTAL = 85 SPACES > 83.5 OK LANDSCAPING: 20 % LANDSCAPING AND PEDESTRIAN AMENITIES REQUIRED BY THE AUBURN NORTH BUSINESS AREA PLAN. 20% X 225,572 SF = 45,114 SF REQUIRED LANDSCAPING PROVIDED = 43,743 SF (19.4 %) AMENITIES PROVIDED = 1,536 SF (0.7 %) TOTAL = 45,279 SF (20.1 %) > 45,114 SF OK SW 1 /4, SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 21 N, RANGE 5E, W.M. p GENERAL PLAN NOTES 1. ALL WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF AUBURN'S REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THESE DRAWINGS AND THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE *WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (WSDOT) STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE, AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION," 1998 OR LATEST EDITION, EXCEPT WHERE SUPPLEMENTED OR MODIFIED BY THE CITY OF AUBURN STANDARD DETAILS AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. 3. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO HAVE A COPY OF THE STANDARD CONSTRUCTION NOTES, STANDARD DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS AVAILABLE AT THE JOB SITE ALONG WITH A COPY OF THE APPROVED DEVELOPMENT PLANS. 4. A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY ON -SITE WORK FOR ALL PUBLIC FACILITY EXTENSION PROJECTS. 5. LOCATIONS SHOWN FOR EXISTING UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE. IDENTIFICATIONS, LOCATION MARKING AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR UNDERGROUND FACILITIES OR UTILITIES IS GOVERNED BY THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 19.122 REVISED CODE OF WASHINGTON (RCW). PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL ONE -CALL (1-800-424-5555) FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS (WATER, SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER, GAS, POWER, TELEPHONE AND TELEVISION.) 6. THE CONTRACTOR IS CAUTIONED THAT OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL LINES ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING THE EXTENT OF ANY HAZARD CREATED BY OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL POWER IN ALL AREAS AND SHALL FOLLOW PROCEDURES DURING CONSTRUCTION AS REQUIRED BY LAW AND REGULATION. 7. TRAFFIC CONTROL AND STREET MAINTENANCE FOR SAFETY OF THE TRAVELING PUBLIC ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND ALL METHODS AND EQUIPMENT USED WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN. CONTRACTORS AND THEIR SURETY SHALL BE LIABLE FOR INJURIES AND DAMAGES TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY SUFFERED BECAUSE OF THE CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS OR NEGLIGENCE CONNECTED WITH THEM. REQUIREMENTS FOR EXPOSED SOIL STABILIZATION 1. SEASONAL REQUIREMENTS: DENUDED AREAS AND SOIL STOCKPILES MUST BE STABILIZED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE OR EXCEPTED IN THE FIELD WHEN IN THE JUDGEMENT OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OR THE OFFICIAL'S REPRESENTATIVE, SUCH SCHEDULE IS NOT WARRANTED: FROM APRIL 2 TO SEPTEMBER 30 , ALL DENUDED AREAS AT FINAL GRADE AND ALL EXPOSED AREAS THAT ARE SCHEDULED TO REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN 30 DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 10 DAYS. FROM OCTOBER 1 TO APRIL 1, ALL EXPOSED SOILS AT FINAL GRADE SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY USING PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY MEASURES, EXPOSED SOILS WITH AN AREA GREATER THAN 5000 SQUARE FEET THAT ARE SCHEDULED TO REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS AND EXPOSED AREAS OF LESS THAN 5000 SQUARE FEET THAT WILL REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN 7 DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY. 2. STABILIZATION METHOD: HYDROSEEDING & MULCHING A. TIME OF PLANTING - DURING THE TIME PERIOD BETWEEN APRIL 1 THROUGH JUNE 30 AND SEPTEMBER 1 THROUGH OCTOBER 31. (NOTE: IF PLANTING BETWEEN JULY 1 AND AUGUST 31, IRRIGATION MAY BE REQUIRED. IF PLANTING BETWEEN NOVEMBER 1 AND MARCH 31, MULCHING WILL BE REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING.) B. SEEDBED PREPARATION - THE SEEDBED SHOULD BE FIRM, BUT NOT COMPACT, WITH A FAIRLY FINE SURFACE FOLLOWING SURFACE ROUGHENING. SURFACE ROUGHENING SHOULD BE DONE AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE SLOPE AND PREFERABLE "CAT WALKED" UP SLOPE. C. FERTILIZATION - AS PER SUPPLIER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. DEVELOPMENTS ADJACENT TO WATER BODIES AND WETLANDS MUST USE NCN-PHOSPHOROUS FERTILIZER. D. SEEDING - APPLY THE FOLLOWING MIXTURE TO THE PREPARED SEED BED AT A RATE OF 120 LBS/ACRE: PROPORTIONS PERCENT PERCENT NAME BY WEIGHT PURITY GERMINATION REDTOP(AGROSTIS ALBA) 10% 92 90 ANNUAL RYE (LOLIUM MULTIFLORUM) 40% 98 90 CHEWINGS FESQUE 40% 97 80 (RESTUCA RUBRA COMMUTATA) (JAMESTOWN, BANN ER,SHADOW OR KOKET) WHITE DUTCH CLOVER 10% 96 90 (TRIFOLIUM REPENS) E. "HYDROSEEDING" APPLICATIONS WITH APPROVED SEED -MULCH - FERTILIZER MIXTURES MAY ALSO BE USED. F. MAINTENANCE - SEEDING SHOULD BE SUPPLIED WITH ADEQUATE MOISTURE. SUPPLY WATER AS NEEDED, ESPECIALLY IN ABNORMALLY HOT OR DRY WEATHER, OR ON ADVERSE SITES. WATER APPLICATION RATES SHOULD BE CONTROLLED TO PREVENT RUNOFF, INADEQUATE AMOUNTS OF WATER MAY BE MORE HARMFUL THAN NO WATER. OWNER PETERSON CO. GEORGE LYDEN 1102 'D" ST. NE AUBURN , WA 913UO2 (253) 735-0313 PARCEL NUMBERS 072105-9026 ENGINEER RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. JEFF BAKER 1519 WEST VALLEY HWY. N. SUITE 101 AUBURN, WA. 98001 (253) 833-7776 DATUM (NGVD 29) CITY OF AUBURN BENCH MARK TBM 8-Q TOP OF BRASS DISC AT THE INTERSECTION OF 2ND STREET NORTHEAST AND "A" STREET NORTHEAST. ELEVATION 77.93 FEET. SITE: FOUND SURFACE BRASS DISK AT THE INTERSECTION OF "D" STREET NE. ELEVATION 68.67 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT REPORT NO. 20022-1 DATED FEBRUARY 29th, 2000 BY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. A COPY OF THIS REPORT SHALL BE KEPT AT THE JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED A PART OF THESE DRAWINGS. FOLLOW ALL EARTHWORK RECOMMENDATIONS PROVIDED BY THE REPORT. INSPECTION &MAINTENANCE EASEMENT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE OCCUPANCY PERMIT THE OWNER SHALL PROVIDE THE CITY OF AUBURN WITH AN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE EASEMENT FOR THE SITE'S STORM DRAINAGE FACILITIES. THE FORMAT FOR THE EASEMENT SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY. GROUNDWATER SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER ELEVATION IS APPROXIMATELY 63.0 PER THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. SUBMIT A HAUL ROUTE TO THE CITY OF AUBURN FOR EARTHWORK ACTIVITIES. 2. SCHEDULE AND ATTEND A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN OFFICIALS. 3. MAINTAIN EXISTING GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND FILTER FABRIC FENCE AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS AND AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF AUBURN. 4. MAINTAIN EXISTING TESC POND, AND TEMPORARY SWALES AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN. TEMPORARY SWALES SHALL BE ADDED AS NECESSARY TO ENSURE THAT ALL SLATE RUNOFF REACHES THE TESL POND. 5. BEGIN FILL AND GRADING OPERATIONS AND REMOVAL OF THE PRELOAD. PER THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT NO SILT-LAYDEN RUNOFF DISCHARGES TO THE ADJACENT PROPERTIES. 6. REVEGETATE ALL SLOPES AND DISTURBED AREAS AS SPECIFIED BY THE "REQUIiREMENTS FOR EXPOSED SOIL STABILIZATION". 7. BEGIN CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW BUILDING AND UTILITIES. EARTH WORK QUANTITIES & NOTES EXCAVATION: 1,000 CY RE -USE OF ON -SITE -SOILS: 1,000 CY EXPORT OF EXTRA PRE -LOAD: 8,700 CY IMPORT OF SELECT FILL: 0 CY THESE QUANTITIES ARE ESTIMATES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR BIDDING PURPOSES. IMPORTED FILL MATERK MUST ORIGINATE FROM A SOURCE APPROVED BY THE CITY OF AUBURN BUILDING OFFICIAL. SHEET INDEX CIVIL - 24X36 SHEETS Cl COVER SHEET C2 SITE PLAN (30' SCALE) C3 TESC PLAN (30' SCALE) C4 STORM AND GRADING PLAN (30' SCALE) C5 WATER AND SANITARY SEWER PLAN (30' SCALE) C6 SITE SECTIONS C7 SECTIONS AND DETAILS C8 SECTIONS AND DETAILS LANDSCAPING - 2036 SHEETS L1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L2 LANDSCAPE PLAN L3 LANDSCAPE PLAN L4 LANDSCAPE PLAN BUILDING DESIGN - 3OX42 SHEETS Al FIRST FLOOR PLAN (1 /16" SCALE) A2 SECOND FLOOR PLAN (1/16" SCALE) A3 FIRST FLOOR PLANS AND DEMO (1/8" SCALE) A4 PARTIAL SECOND FLOOR PLANS (1/8" SCALE) A5 FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR -NEW BUILDING(1/8" SCALE) A6 BUILDING ELEVATIONS AND INTERIOR ELEVATIONS(1 /16"&l /4" SCALE) A7 WALL SECTIONS (1/2" SCALE) A8 STAIR SECTIONS (1 /2" SCALE) A9 DETAILS ( 1 /2" SCALE) A10 GENERAL NOTES All GENERAL NOTES N Al2 ACCESSIBILITY NOTES A13 REFLECTED CEILING PLANS -EXISTING BUILDING �1/8" SCALE) A14 REFLECTED CEILING PLANS -NEW BUILDING (1/8 SCALE) A15 FINISH SCHEDULE A16 DOOR SCHEDULE STRUCTURAL DESIGN - 3OX42 SHEETS S1 FOUNDATION PLAN (1/16" SCALE) S2 ROOF FRAMING PLAN (1/16" SCALE) S3 FOUNDATION DETAILS S4 FOUNDATION DETAILS S5 PRECAST PANEL ELEVATIONS (1/8" SCALE) S6 PRECAST PANEL ELEVATIONS (1/8" SCALE) S7 EXISTING PANEL ELEVATIONS (1/8" SCALE) S8 STRUCTURAL DETAILS S9 STRUCTURAL DETAILS S10 SECOND FLOOR FRAMING PLAN ( 1/8" SCALE) S11 STRUCTURAL DETAILS S12 STRUCTURAL NOTES S13 STRUCTURAL NOTES DUST CONTROL NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE THE PERIOD OF SOIL EXPOSURE THROUGH USE OF TEMPORARY GROUND COVER AND OTHER TEMPORARY STABILIZATION PRACTICES SUCH AS SEEDING AND MULCHING, AND EROSION BLANKETS. 2. DURING CONSTRUCTION AND DRY WEATHER, SPRINKLE THE SITE WITH WATER UNTIL SURFACE AREA IS WET. REPEAT THE PROCESS AS NEEDED DURING THE DAY. 3. ALL TRUCK TRAFFIC MUST USE THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AS SHOWN ON THE T.E.S.C. PLANS TO PREVENT CARRYING MUD INTO STREET. 4. DURING CONSTRUCTION, ALL PROPERTIES AND ALL PUBLIC STREETS ADJACENT TO PROJECT WHICH WILL BE USED BY CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC SHALL BE KEPT CLEAN OF ALL MATERIAL DEPOSITS RESULTING FROM ON -SITE CONSTRUCTION. UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AI4D SURVEYING THE THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE O 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. VICINITY MAP NORTH ABBREVIATIONS ABBREVIATIONS BLC - BUILDING CORNER C - COMPACT CB - CATCH BASIN CL - CLASS CO - CLEAN OUT D - STORM DRAIN DDCV - DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE DI - DUCTILE IRON DS - DOWNSPOUT D/W - DRIVEWAY EL - ELEVATION ESMT - EASEMENT EXG - EXISTING FD - FOUNDATION DRAIN FDC - FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION FF - FINISH FLOOR FH - FIRE HYDRANT FL - FLANGE JOINT HC - HANDICAP IE - INVERT ELEVATION LF - LINEAR FEET LS - LANDSCAPING MH - MANHOLE MJ - MECHANICAL JOINT OH - OVERHEAD 'PL - PROPERTY LINE R - RADIUS RW - RIGHT-OF-WAY SS - SANITARY SEWER SQ FT - SQUARE FEET S/W - SIDEWALK TC - TOP OF CURB TP - TEST PIT UNO - UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE S - SOUTH W - WEST E - EAST N - NORTH NW - NORTHWEST SW - SOUTHWEST NE - NORTHEAST SE - SOUTHEAST 0 � Q a� N o d Z > 200 ` V CV i cn 00 1�7 W V) N U � W z O J 00 oD 3 V1 CC�J 0 0 Z 0 ` N Ln J LAJ V Z m O :D _ Q L,J Q M w z 0 � O �t w V) w 07 LJ F W LAJ `- 0-- 04 m o �- LEGEND DESCRIPTION NEW DOM � XJ E. 12" STORM STORM SEWER D X - - LtJ SANITARY SEWER S EX, 8 _SEWER_EX. 2" WATER = WATER ►p - - AC PAVING CONCRETE PAVING W DETENTION POND SPOT ELEVATIONS x .xx xx.xx O CONTOURS 50 ---- 50 --- w STORM MANHOLE 0 Q , r i STORM CATCHBASIN ■ O N SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE Q i ' (' " J ' N a i i i WATER VALVE Cl a CD FIRE HYDRANT TELEPHONE MANHOLE QT ' POWER VAULT H STREET LIGHT �- z 0 s UTILITY POLE -o FOUND CASE MON a a. CL GAS METER GUY WIRE ANCHOR Q TELEPHONE JUNCTION BOX f „ N d ROOF DRAIN POWER POLE W/TRANSFORMER p� A UNDERGROUND POWER SIGNAL POLE ST n NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES (D r 'k►AL , L \ BETWEEN PLANTERS RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. BY; K�7DATE: 3 • L TITLE/f OSMON: �r►91 M 4�" CONFIRMED BY CITY: DAX PROJECT REF: FAC00-0040, BLDOO-0422, SEPOO-0022 GQ Z4101 DATE 10/23/00 THESE PLANS ARE "APPROVED" FOR DRAWN CONFORMANCE VAIH THE CITY OF AL*KM A.M. ENGINEERING DIVISION'S REQUIREMENTS CHECKED D.B. APProved Br L4=4�- _. -- JOB NO. 00007 Date Approved: SHEET c 1 61% R.E.I. FILE:/ Cl-007.dwo , 10/30/00 13:23 PF C)7 1 oi- 16 Oa01�t1 SW 1 /4, SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 21 N, RANGE 5E, W.M. a EXG. RET. WALL EXG. BLDG �\ ZEXG. PARKING LOT C3-ZONE NEW CONCRETE WALK TO STREET SAWCUT PAVING AT END OF EXG. CURBS O C8 1 x= �7'iI e n — _- 2L EXG 20' FIRELANE EASEMENT, REC. NO. 8511061184 0 VICINITY MAP REMOVE EXG DRIVEWAY, ^ --- - .. :. 10 M4 ' SAWCUT PAVING 1-FOOT FROM :.:::( ':: e — — 6 3 I ........3 8. 1.0..` . I NEW 2nd FLOOR .. ��..... . EDGE OF GUTTER, PROVIDE 20.......7.......:......2.......................I... _ NEW DRIVEWAY PER COA .......... . OFFICE I �' EXG AT- BADE DOOR -. . . .�- ....... ... ::::..: 41AL::::::. �{ : : :.:.:.......... . STD DTL STDW-1 C. - . ........ t— / _ ............................................................................ R NEW FREEZER .......................................................................... EXLL%&E _ _. c ... ... . QREMOVE EXG 15 LF SIDEWALK /:::::::::.:'.::.:::::::::::..::....._:::::: .T ... -.. "COMPACT„ IN 12„ HIGH WHITE BLOCK /........................................................... ........................... ...::.:.:.::.:. r• BL C LETTERS REPLACE W/ NEW SIDEWALK / AT EA. COMPACT PARKING SPACE,TYP. PER COA STD DTL STSW-2 / S I C... . REMOVE EXG DR SAWCUT PAVING FROM EDGE OF NEW CURB & G� STD. DTL. STS - NEW 233 LF SIDEWALK E COA STD. DT 1 LIGHTS NEW 39' COA STD. Hydrant REki{3VE. EXG. SAVING . EXG DOCK ivi DOOR :::.:.:.:.:.: RE GRADE ..... SF.. C4. .:.:.:.:.:.:•:•::::•:•:::I DOOR, TYP C .....'..'. ............................REPAVE ...... T%C8 I FX WAREHOUSE I - 8 . .:.... ..:.:::::: :: —=— :1 I II .5 4 245 .......... ... i 5' CONC. WALK FLUSH W/ PAVING SITE PLAN t Cl-ZONE \, 40OW METAL-4 ALIDE LI W/ CUTOFF SHIELD-W 25' POLE, TYP. 5 PLACE UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: (LITHONIA FIXTURE KAD400MR3) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE ® 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE NORTH THE TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH LIGHTING LEGEND WALL -MOUNTED LIGHT RECESSED LIGHT d FLOOD LIGHT ON POLE TWO EXG TREES TO REMAIN, PROTECT DURING CONSTRUCTION PER SHT. L1 RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. BY; (24ADATE: TITLE/POSITION: ry ' ! i r..s.v- CONFIRMED BY CITY: DATE: NORTH PROJECT: 11 Ij! 1 : 1O1 1 ^ ' 11 11 MSE PLANS ARE . •.1 ai FOR CONFORMANCE NTH Tr CITY OF AUBURN ENGINEERING 1XVISION'S REQUIREMENTS ApK*vW By L6��_ -174a Date lot 0 Q j U V3 Q 0 5; N _ i `- LO q z L t9 Z b t9 � ti J O Ctn a V �CN z a _CN p U LO Lj _ C m w Z -•r "' r1 V) ry � I-_ Ij.J F_ W W m 6 TV w J F- F_ L W (J� V) N 6/9 Cn W � LUMd U w DATE 10/23/00 DRAWN A.M. CHECKED JOB NO. 00007 SHEET NO. C2 R.E.I. FILE:/ C2-00007.dwg , 1130191 02:01 PF tt 05-7 Z of I4o 00601 010169/ SW 1 /4, SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 21 N, RANGE 5E, W.M. , 69 6g51 Handicap 6a ° Edge of asphalt ramp Flow line of 3 vertical curb & gutter ° a Back of walk 1be, � AA 6P,05 91 . 6g. El I 6a. 86A , Handicap -�\ g�9 ° 619 C3-ZONE I i 6' /1 rarrtip \" / Retaining wail 6' 68.80 6�0�1/ , _ -6g� 6 0 7008 �O ' ❑ ❑ oA S 6 Concrete 68.76 ,p IN Retoiining wall Driveway e� ,A �A 9$ F_xq Fire. r jj I ` 6$ 669 69i. _ .. ... Handica *117,01 ER o C Hydr{art -Io ram p 9 y9 69 j E:x,a Fire 6q,0. '03 699� ---- A °9 , 1ti 1 oaA Flow line of vertical curb & gutter QE / 3 Gas H % V-6, TYP.Toe �o' �!_. :__..- o6.-f I A` -'Toe Handicap 5 / 6 69`� ,1 6$, ' - s ramp 68� A6 60� s55 68. _ - --- 6 - -loe 0 466.71' �����16___ _ SBi34'40"W �1op Back of walk 6- - lop `e6 tia A �� ..-- - 9 mocker Ego - F9 Hid_ pP \ \ Toe 6 - _ 694 SI18� 9 m fail 6 77.5 0 ° / :- - j 9 A Q 1 �.L6 \ i / /.,�a 0 e.+. ,5 / ; 6 Co mn ,2 e ao Door ' // cp P 9. l , �� r�lolumn I J V 0 I 6P 6q J1 6 I ��o �\ r Tr I I Planter E=70.30 Sign J6 .�• I 1 Stop b Top O I I �� IE 69.I,$66 Cub � � /f 1 e �. - 'I j�e j I 'TOP P I i A A �;. i ° 69�0 90 I sk 1st floor p g I II (I A iT 6g. 6gpr<s Single white ggo �� e ��� 5 1 �� BOTTOM OF I ; � ,�, �. , P �V a^ Retoinin wall w th 5 - J ' ,�,, °g. g �� ' ��ti 9 FTG ELEV. - 69.4 p9 �, 80 J �� I I hand rail 6 A Signal pole M A� 0. 6 ` CB... Toe # urb I CO 6,6 b920 C6 I , J e�d#Op A / 9 J 693 I Ext uded curb e$ \ 69Aa 6g3a Ex uded curb 69 s9 0 ` Shed N ♦ R $. rs curb I ' I/ \� O 1 9 �, 6 I 69 6°/ IEs69.30 IE =69.80 5 s Oti �11 " 0 6�' , 6 �, � �,._ 9 - IN. . 5 9 r� � 0 ov I ,AL __ . ° a J-- I Creak tea C I *' ZON E / S'ihnal A EDGE OF EXG PAVING o ,L k' (i1 ,. x "Fire ---------- 3 Oo prle / 6,OdrarIt ti __. Q .__ , -__, 6 - - teak 1° ,: ' p"1 _ - -� - - - - 6 < teak _ - -rsoie �2 fllp),T P - �' N - v J / re 0$.HFeok 692 �o�� I,0 Cjt // 0/ J / 692q//' V�I l; Vigil,. 6 16 1p16 030 ,10A 2 'INS...! W EXG. INLET PROTECTION ray ( EXG.Gif4L FILTER sia --- ^° 69A2gi 69. sign °A jp -- 'Q � J pA ' Garb ss3g �-� EXG. GRAVEL CONE __..__._ .._��, �k 99 _ ° ,, ,_. °� 8 (P DOA STD �0. c1r ° CONTROL STRUCTURE DEV-10 6 6 6 sue\ ° ° COA STD DTL DEV-9 / 6 6 , TOP rj EXG TEMPORARY SWALE, TYP ic, DTL DEV-8 4, _ 6 9� 9 4 9 69 - tXG PRELOAD . EXG CB STANDARD GRATE / �¢ I03 1`2 RIM 67.69 Bg 6 6� Q h1 12 PVC IE 64.79 N / j` ° o� °p ° ,p6 �° 8 PVC IE 64.84E ' 1 _ �� � \ i A c 7 0 - -> '�. 6 ' 6 `"$b . _ - " 69 0 >t°° L A � 9 96 213.5' `. " 0 6 , 12 PVC IE 64.73 W � ��_... 603 66} 6g 6 ;.._.., 69a - ROUGH GRA E ° �.,- 70 g_ 32 4 6 I C6 ELEV=71.48 - 6a6---$g�a ROU�i-I GRADE ELEVs72 �4 � °, ° Op0 Sign l I / ROUGH GRA I p L p�3 69 - 3:1 TYP', �� 6a6g5 6a� 6 610'-"ICIIN. ..2--0---� Satellite 1 dish ° 6a. °� � LEV=68.65 ° ° A _ _ °$ 5 1 TYP. j RESTORE SIDE W PAVING, 6$$ CURB & GUTTE A �° ' 0 I ° 2'I ' ` 'IU7" 0 , L. gyp. I 0I .1 MATCH EXG AF PIKE 6 EXG.BERM IE=66. ,� 6 ,° I� \ �, ' o., 5 FUTURE BOTT TO,EXG I EXG CHECK DAM 100' Q.C. INSTALLATION I I IWORK ' 6a. BOTTOM OF °' _-- OF F'TG ELEV. 69.4 PER COA STD DTL DEV-9, TYP. 66' XG. 37 10 PVC SDR 35 � 44% '�- � � ' FTG ELEV=67.� WAS NOT N EIR stop l 50' OR LONGER ° ' 6a ,., I �° ` °69 �, °'� �` �,� �, THE GRADING M T o I XG. TESC POND _. 69 " r - i t� ���°' G1 ° A� ,°°� FSTEP,,,,, ° A I o IF NEE XG. 8 DUCTILE I � (_! FTG y' a 1 6" t `, BOT EL =65.0 �. Building �61 I o DW IRON CULVERT ® °p �` - - ��' °s4 A5 aA .1,5 o MAX WSEL =68.0 , o o - ° I O O O O 0 O O o TOP POND=69.0 SWALE CROSSINGS/ 69, 3°. 6- ,°,6 ° A ,N p 69� � 70.50 'S 8 bg;l 6 5A I i 00 0000000000 e 9A3 CEO o e 5 BOTTOM OF A 6$ a a ° 6 0 '�3 6 >0.22 �° 10FTG ELEV=67.4 IN 0.1 � 6 / 0 0 0 O 0 0 1 TOP DIM =100.5 x49 ;¢ gyp - I O o0o0000000 I p0 9sA o Boa •ll 9$ o o O o 0 0 �+ BOT DIM = 76.5 x 25 6g�1 m o I 6 0 o O O O O 6. 'O o6 6 0IN 000000000000 % 6g 9� 6 2' F J,t sae 6l. 1 1 [ Q Ll 6a. ° • A 6 I I 6 A9 �oA 2 6 2 \ Tio', 6sA i � 61 9 6� 6e . 120' S .1°a '1O9 11 6`;¢+;j�66,4 I °� ` 120' 11 6a . 65.5 6 88'48'14"E 161.30' - -�h I 64 6g3 69°k ti ° / Building I g I 09 + INC) 1\ \ 6 EXG. CONSfR UCTION ENTRANC�a, 6$� ° 69� °� 3 ° I ,5 J °a g I I COA STD DTL D V-5 Ta IE 68.4 [� �G. 9 09 6 6�'L5 a,\ \ p i oa0 v O I '� 69�9 5�° f / i I 6 1 �I 6 5 6 ------ / 6 Shed EXG. FILTER FENCE s \.. Swale o $ gyp. o OA gip. bq,p9 bq 70.5 10 S 1 , 6®� A co cV I ° Op Joe 1.10 I 7.4 Da�alight / 0 0 3 I I 69p , 6 i A 'I ,Voh 70.6 O 0 16�' - 6� 9 i p J / gyp. 6 jQ'i OO:S oP I°� GRADE TO A 6 9 �.S a 6g` W 3 5°°� °° SWALE, T-'P°1 p - 9 -' __ PROTECT AND RETAIN m is - I 0 lop,9 36 o Toe _ - 3 - 9 Toe -_ , _ - _ . ""i--` .. - back of walk .-._-. - _ _ _ _ THESE TWO TREES 6 6 se roe 6 - - ----- 5 �,:.. eA6 'Top I I Swale a - �.. - g�2 E.r 56 :9 r - 00 1 2 A� `, A9 OA9 7\ 0 Tap ,:5 9 _ 5 ._.___� y0 - gyp. -..) -.. ..._._� ,,�\':�J S .Lej- -.... ?Q 99 10. BOA �O g 70.5 , _-_-._ 5 ___v. � � °, .. ° GRADING OPERATIONS bg. A 6a. o o ° Flow line of '0 6A. _6� �p R� 06� Toe ° 9 ____ - be:_ tr' SHALL BE NO CLOSER 6 - o vertical curb C6 ti �,_ 3 r 4 !v �"6 0 j i; 9 ti THAN 5 FEET TO THE 09 �o / r 6� - / �/ - Brick trash o? Cur ` 60g6 Il ' enclosure TREE DRIP LINE E YJ5 K Y fil r v.k.3%�3K.i� 2 ii i 1§1 {�23 •'ii ��'�4Y.`�4.Z4�"�' '4k :'t - 1{ I �" �g PP--" z J S�Cyxq 3. W", Y4 4 n^{ 3 f� � � �4aY4�<kata/�s¢fi��➢S7R�y ��$�i/b,�$$�; �/ *t �y$' i � $. d�c3 �'�� .[ . i�,y.�. �iV3.R3SAi } yy OWN v i,yb _ � '�4kY� ' Y W U-) � � i{i�C�i � � �� 4%"3 a'Y � �i.2XX�f. .Y i 2 g�•3 ��ty '. ro : zo¢°i# x 1911 gtizsa�4k p .. .. .. 141 z •LAJ C14 its TESC AND GRADING NOTES 1. THE TESC MEASURES SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS ARE EXISTING AND WERE CONSTRUCTED UNDER GRADING PERMIT GRAOO-0010. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN THE EXISTING TESC MEASURES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT ANY TESC MEASURES THAT ARE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS BUT WERE NOT BUILT DURING THE GRADING OPERATIONS. 3. ADDITIONAL TESC MEASURES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED (AT NO ADDITIONAL COST) AS DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. 4. REMOVE THE PRELOAD TO AN ELEVATION 11-1 /2 INCHES BELOW THE FINISH FLOOR IN THE GENERAL WAREHOUSE AREA, AND 23 INCHES BELOW THE FINISH FLOOR IN THE FREEZER AND FUTURE FREEZER AREAS. 5. PLACE AND COMPACT STRUCTURAL FILL BETWEEN THE PRELOAD AND THE EXISTING BUILDING TO THE LEVELS INDICATED ABOVE. 6. ROUGH GRADE THE PARKING LOT AND LANDSCAPE AREAS. 7. SEE SHEET C1 FOR "CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE" AND "REQUIREMENTS FOR EXPOSED SOIL STABILIZATION" dro �i i 6g� ( / / /e /6i �& 6�. 66 , l i/ Building Toe ' C um �% �'� bTP79CC ~ _ �1j UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: 6�. / °� 5 C - ZONE ert'co/ o ��� ! A5 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, THESE DRAWINGS COf CERTIFICATIONREM DRAWING TO THE �e 9 I 169 a9 I 1 f ° 4rb �° DIMENSION, ANO DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHc 1I i IER SHOWN ON CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. A9 5A THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. `,� ��IHandicap ramp Boa' THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE 0 1-800-424-5555 Hydrant r• 69 , 9° Toe phalt 6�� % �vo.5 ,o0 bb AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS BY; DATE: 4#-,L tumn top OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER Sign f c 1 9� ` ®� OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS p ; .3 SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE TITLE/POSITION: I , TESC PLAN SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD cxxUR, 60lb • 1 =30 NORTH THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. CONFIRMED BY CITY: DATE. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. R.E.I. FILE:% C3--';00007.dwg 1/30/01 02:50 PI" 057 3 OF i W Ln Z I- w ) ry 0c, V) W W ^0 ^ m �- J w a►a o CN O 0 W 1 PROJECT REF: FAC00-0040, BLDOO-0422, SEPOO-0022 % DATE 10/23/00 THESE PLANS ARE "APPROVED" FOR 14 DRAWN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN A.M. ENGINEERING DIV4MS REOUREMENTS CHECKED J.D.B. Approved By. JD JOB NO. 00007 Date Approved: 1t- L o ( SHEET NO. r Qo409 C:5 0;L0 16g1 V FLAP GATE ON END OF WETPOND OUTLET PIPE IQNCB#1 8 EXG CB STANDARD GRATE J �� RIM 67.69 / 12" PVC IE 64.79 N 12" PVC IE 64.73 W / NEW 12" E 64.87 Q W 12" UPTURNED ON BYPASS PIF TOP OF ELBOW AT IE 66.06 Hy"ft(Int. y'" SW 1 /4, SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 21 N, RANGE 5E, W.M. 'NE�'�1/ 20 LF \ i 4 / 4 PVC SD 2 / / d A / / S 1.3% CB 16 I; ; ; 1 - 8" HORiZ. RAIN TRIM 69.78 ATTACHED LEADER A ` i:m A / / / TO FACE OF EXG 9 _/ _ SEE 8 �B � .�_ _ ._ _ - � CONC WALL, �, 0 •7 RIM 68:T3 RETAPtNG WALL WALL ELEVATIONS, # / / PER 3/C8\4XG RET X� G BUiLDIIJG 7 TYP 2 PLACES � 1•4 I �-V 75 FF ELEV 73.4i --� 01 o / WALLi 71_4 Y'/ / / I NEW ROOF DRAIN W/ / N / LEADER CORED THRU i � EXG CONC WALL, co I ' SEE WALL ELEVATIONS,3/0 t 1- -- CONNECT HORIZ. LEADER TO TYP 7 PLACES { 8,-- VERT. LEADER TO 8" PVC ft co PIPE UNDERGROUND CLEANOUT W/ACCESS 3 4 RIDGE Z CO I o 8 0o CO THRU NEW HIGH ROOF, _ I cn _IDLE Q ®12 5 7 ---68 CB 8 E OF - I 7 ___--- TYP 4 PLACES Cl �-� ZONE I-- / - / G RIM 68.55 EXC�LA -PAVING C8 ---- 70 I 69.2 -� l / 4 69.4 I / cn co IDOWNSPOUT COLLECTOR,- _y ' RIM 70.6 I v ET POND R\OGE PARKING LOT I PVC SDR21, SIZE AS 8Q p % // / POND LIMITS, I Q I 2 ROOF DRAINS W/ HORIZ ` INDICATED, S=0.5% 4 71.4 /b I TYP.® EL V. fig 0 I D QLEADERS, CONNECT TO LEADER7� p / � I ..•--- AT NORTH WALL OF BLDG. ADDN. �V V1 IE 0 BERM PER -�s �- I 69.4 �I I. 72.5 DTL. 7 C 7 O- i 0- I -� 7 •5 CB 7 / I 69.5 OWNSPOUT COLLECTOR, i RIM 68,18 PVC SDR 21 SIZE A NEW BUIL IN 3.4 S / I T I ; INDICATED, S=0.FF ELEV 73.4� 2 � 5% �,� I (MATCH EXG) _ I 70 5 ` I ' - I I 65.04 C7 69.4 F I Q /15) CONT. STRUCTURE ` &99 0 9 D. C8 I'oi D69.5 4" PVC SDR35 RI 14 DOWNSPOUT LEADER, RIM 69.2 CB #3 CB O I - - 1 T _ zz WET POND RIM 68. - - -� S=1.0% MIN BYPASS 0 CB 5 - IE POND=68.0 c►3 SOLID LID A. TYP 5 PLACES 1 4 Q 70.0 �, q _ 0 6H:1V 15 WIDE. 0 70.0 RIM 69.43 �.... * ►� 8, } 1' 11 '46"E 3 __ �$. � 0.0 10H:1 V U r ACCESS DRIVE, 43.84 �� O' I n 70.0 , _�� GRASSCRETE OR <- 6 O 1 4 9- SIMILAR PRODUCT ^~ _ 6 4 V 70.1 ' IE 6 DETENTION P ND, MAX. POND TOW 74.2 ELEVATION = 69.0 8 / S88'48' 14"E 161.30'r -' �� 7 4 69.E �, I 5.93 BUW 66.0 IE 65.64 70.2 TOW_ E9,6 TOW 6 0 70.3 70.3 s � �� -� 8 BOW 66.0 BOW a RID ; 'fik- - I 69.4 �,. RIM 69 03 _ . _., �r, A.„a; .. _ ........__.....,;, _ __ ... _ .. . _.- �12"x4'0'RIP RAP PADOLLJr1-4 0 0�� N� STORM & GRADING PLAN tioq�T;, J:\OU\UUUU/\C4-UU/.dwg I Drafter Name: A. MIOTKE I Plot Date: APR 02 2002 16:50:07 1 Last Modified Date: APR 02 2002 16:49:58 1 Submittal: AS BUILT SET UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE ® 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. ®!9 �n 11 p VICINITY MAP No RTH CATCH BASIN SCHEDULE CB NO. CB TYPE RIM ELEVATION INVERT ELEVATION DETAIL REMARKS DESIGN AS -BUILT DESIGN AS -BUILT 1 TYPE 2-48 71.00 70.84 64.85 8 NE 64.71 SOLID LID 12" S 64.67 8" NE PIPE HAS 12" W 64.64 FLAP GATE 2 TYPE 2-48 71.00 70.92 65.01 12 E 64.98 SOLID LID 12" N 64.78 3 TYPE 2-60" 71.00 70.90 65.13 12" W 65.06 2/C7 WETPOND BYPASS 12" E 65.03 12" W PIPE HAS OPEN 8" N 64.93 ELBOW W/ IE 66.06 4 TYPE 2-60 71.00 71.00 65.16 12 E 65.40 1 C7 CONTROL STRUCTURE 12" W 65.38 7" ORIFICE © 67.66 5 TYPE 2-72 69.40 69.43 65.30 8 SW 65.65 SOLID LID 12" SE 65.43 12" NE 65.33 12" W 65.54 6 TYPE 1 68.80 68.78 65.53 8" NE 65.70 GRATE 7 TYPE 1 68.50 68.18 65.50 8 NE 65.91 GRATE 6 SE 65.85 12" NW 65.56 12" SW 65.55 8 TYPE 1 68.58 68.55 65.73 8 N 65.98 GRATE 12" E 65.58 12" SE 65.88 9 TYPE 1 68.80 68.73 66.13 4 N 66.29 GRATE 8" S 66.14 10 TYPE 1 69.40 69.26 65.54 12 E 65.56 GRATE 12" NW 65.55 11 TYPE 1 69.60 69.76 65.88 12 NE 65.69 SOLID LID 12" W 65.61 12 TYPE 1 69.00 69.08 66.66 8" E 66.75 GRATE 13 TYPE 1 69.00 68.94 66.54 8" N 66.50 GRATE 14 TYPE 1 69.40 69.28 67.15 12 N 67.19 GRATE 12" SW 67.14 15 TYPE 1 71.00 70.62 67.58 8 N 67.66 GRATE 12" S 67.66 16 TYPE 1 1 69.80 1 69.78 68.10 8" S 68.13 GRATE PIPE SCHEDULE PIPE SCHEDULE CB TO CB PIPE LENGT "I & SIZE PIPE TYPE SLOPE REMARKS DESIGN AS -BUILT DESIGN AS -BUILT EXG. TO # 1 20 LF 12 20 LF 12 PVC SDR 35 0.30% -1 .15% #1 TO WETPOND 20 LF 8" 20 LF 8" PVC SDR 35 0.60% 1.45% # 1 TO #2 52 LF 12" 52 LF 12" PVC SDR 35 0.30% 0.27% #2 TO #3 42 LF 12" 42 LF 12" PVC SDR 35 0.307. 0.19% WETPOND TO #3 18 LF 8" 18 LF 8" PVC SDR 35 1.30% -0.61% #3 TO #4 11 LF 12" 11 LF 12" PVC SDR 35 0.30% 3.18% #4 TO #5 45 LF 12" 45 LF 12" PVC SDR 35 0.30% 0.31 % #5 TO #6 78 LF 8" 82 LF 8" PVC SDR 21 0.30% 0.06% #5 TO #7 66 LF 12' 58 LF 12" PVC SDR 21 0.30% 0.37% #7 TO #8 78 LF 12" 78 LF 12" PVC SDR 21 0.30% 0,41 % #8 TO #9 132 LF 8" 132 LF 8" PVC SDR 21 0.30% 0.12% #5 TO #10 144LF 12" 150LF 12" PVC SDR 21 0.247o 0.08% #10 TO #11 100 LF 12" 100 LF 12" PVC SDR 21 0.24% 0.05% # 1 1 TO POND 45 LF 12" 45 LF 12" PVC SDR 21 0.24% 0.53% POND TO #12 33 LF 8" 33 LF 8" PVC SDR 21 2.00% 2.33% POND TO #13 27 LF 8" 27 LF 8" PVC SDR 21 2.00% 3.18% POND TO # 14 40 LF 12" 40 LF 12' D.I. CL.50 0.40% 0.18% # 14 TO # 15 108 LF 12" 108 LF 12" D.I. CL.50 0.40% 0.44% 1115 TO # 16 130 LF 8" 1 130 LF 8" D.I. CL.50 0.40% 0.36% RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. BY; DATE: L u z TITLE/POSITION: CONFIRMED BY CITY: DATE: PROJECT REF: FAC00-0040. BLD00-0422, SEPOO-0022 �Q THESE PLANS ARE "APPROVED' FOR CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN ENGINEERING DIVISION'S REQUIREMENTS Approved By.��.•.,...: _> 14- Date Approved:-2- /2rr! Q U A Q �UU 1 > 00 `_o U N V) a' W W V) v Z x `` �uul C� z C Z W 3 c0 Z O J 00 mac) M V) 3 Z 0 L N a' U L Q LjLj V) Z C Q W Q O w Z � z O '� I- W w LLJ -•- ci) o m o Z 0 � z Q'd ME C) w �- L= '= V F-- w w V) N O M (0 \ 0 \ N ,a '- o l o 0 0 0 La':J: J Q0 cy- cr_ 0:: a l Y X w Y w Y w m cr I w CJ C=.J V V NI Q zz E T f/1 WAsIll F` 18536 p �4 / STERN' A L ECG DATE 10/23/00 DRAWN A.M. CHECKED J.D.B. JOB No. 00007 SHEET N0. C4 G oG ol o�LD 16V .. a SW 1 /4, SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 21 N, RANGE 5E, W.M. STA 10+16 8 Q r T 4 2 12" TAPPING TEE, FULL SADDLE I 12" G.V., FLxMJ CONC BLKG PER COA SID DTL WABL-1 ` C3-ZONE IMM I I I�- f _- -. --- -_------- 2 EXG i2 INf CP LW „-1- -1. "`nsiz•,.•,.;,.e. 2 F?( 12" W �' ------------`, ------------ — —_— .. _ �1� W tI------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J I --------- - I-1--- I-------- ----- 40 LF 12" DI I -1 - - - - - �-� I I 1 I I I I 1 I ; ` ► I EXG 20' WATER LINE EASEMENT k r _ REC. N0. 8511061183 } I I S8T34'40"W 466.71I - - - - - - -- - EXG. FH i I I 1 1 Exq r�C STA 9+59 AND 9+76 r 12 45' BEND CONIC. BLKG. PER El i I PCs. ` 17 LF 12" DI I ► COA STD. DTL. WABL-1 PI valve Q I } / J % } - r g 00 c c °° I I NEW 15' WATER LINE EASEMENT / CO / I / 15' - / 6" G.V. EXD gUI pL ING I / ! ✓ , I jI �# /_ 40 LF 6" PVC FR M NEW C 1 { CO SDR21, S=2.0% MIN. E3 NCO FL OR L)NAI r_ I f / 15 LF PVC SDR21, S=2.07o MIN. C +I • NEW 185 LF / `Lr 00 6" PVC SDR35, S=1.0% MIN (2.07 IF OSSIBLE) y C I R j C i l M 8 { NEW 450-GALLON OIL/WATER SEPARATOR y C / �V / I (660-SA BY UTILITY VAULT CO. OR Q / t / r _•. ,I ! APPROVED EQUIVALENT) RIM ELEVATION c l TO MATCH EXG, INLET IE I / / © , / r r, OUTLET IE -2.25 I ' C I I I 7- 0 1 _...._.__. _.._._... _ I I C °= Cl-ZONE ;I / f r ATER i 4 I EXG FH } T vS 1 CO - C- �I ct�i► � 5 ? I I I w i l c �I I {tit 0 0 i •/ / �' 1 I' WASTE LINE PER PLUMBING CODE I C TO EXTEND TO SOUTH END OF BLDG - i C i a 4,11Kwater / f SAWCUT PAVI G 2" ' I f BEYOND EXC A ION,I RE -PAVE TO M CH I I EXISTING i I I { I I { I I 31 I I XI ' I ^ L I I -SEE SHT. T � FOR --- y" WATER LINE IPQVILE ------,�---.--==`?-------- - - - - - - - - - p VICINITY MAP NORTH FIRE SPRINKLER NOTE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: A. A SEPARATE DETAILED PLAN FOR A SPRINKLER LINE SYSTEM MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE FIRE MARSHALL FOR APPROVAL. A POST INDICATOR VALVE WILL BE INSTALLED ON THE SPRINKLER LINE TO ISOLATE THE SYSTEM FROM THE CITY'S WATER SYSTEM WHEN REQUIRED FOR REPAIR. B. BACKFLOW PROTECTION IS REQURIED ON FIRE SPRINKLER LINES. C. A SEPARATE DETAILED PLAN OF THE UNDERGROUND FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE FIRE MARSHALL AND INSTALLED BY A STATE LICENSED "U" CERTIFIED FIRE SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR. NEW BUILDING 1 r } 11 1 } 4 �art6n�. STA 6+11 i 35 I 1 { 12026 TEE (MJxFLxFL) I I } 4 I 12" GV (FLxMJ) .-, I I { 6" GV (FLxMJ) FH ASSY PER COA STD DTL WAFH-1 CONC BLKG PER COA STD DTL WABL-1 - ----- 43.84 S88'48'14"E 161.30' STA 0+00 12" TAPPING TEE, FULL SADDLE NEW 15' WATER - LINE EASEMENT 12" G.V., (FLxMJ) CONC BLKG PER COA STD DTL WABL-1 STA 1+80 STA 2+57 3 12" 45' BEND CONC BLKG PER COA STD DTL WABL-1 0) IMM `►� 28 LF 12 DI - 8 LF 12" D 4 3 STA 2+85 12x12x JxFLxFI 12" GV (FLxMJ) 6" GV (FLxMJ) FH ASSY PER C A STD DTL WAFH-1 CONC BLKG PER C A STD DTL WABL-1 i -NEW SPRINKLER RISER 3 I (DRY SYSTEM) I I � N ` p► --1- - --6�— -- -- I I tO _ - / \ 4 1 I 23 LF 12" DI ENE FDC i J I \`�------.� -- - • --- Imo__ 295 LF 12" _ Dim W I c -}-----W -_ - n----------------------t---------------- C- C� AA NEW 1 5', WATER 16- - - --5 _. _..... I LINE ENMENT - - I STA 5+8 12" 90' BEND I CONC BLKG PER 4 COA STD WABL-1 STA 2+93AA 12x12x8" TEE (MJxMJxFL) \ 8" GV (FLxMJ) CONIC BLKG PER COA STD DTL WABL-1 Cl-ZONE WATER & SANITARY SEWER PLAN NORTH IN D4 2002 11:48:11 1 Lost Modified Dote: MAR 04 2002 11:10:29 1 Submittal: AS BUILT SET 11 UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: a THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE ® 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. BY; Z", DATE: 3 v 1- TITLE/'""+ Ord ; CONFIRMED BY CITY: DATE: PROJECT REF: FAC00-0040, BLD00-0422, SEPOO-0022 TIIESE PLANS ARE "APPROVED" FOR C014FORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN ENGINEERING DIVISION'S REQUIREMENTS Approved By. 0_,,p� EA Date Approved: 2f 12oc01 0,1D d r r� En :) o d Q J N O M n 04 N v (,i.� z z T 4 3 t 00 O� rM (� J oa 3�Ln z U "' a W in ry Z C)M <C W C) Q w Q Z C)F_ w LLJ Crf W J I�i- 0 m o ,. �- r 117101 to W �..� V) w c w Ln Z Z Z Z O O O O 0.. 2 2 � U 0 Ln w w w w a a a CL DATE 10/23/00 DRAWN CHECKED J.D.B. JOB NO. 00007 SHEET NO. C 5 16V 74 t. 72 70 1-13 •• s• 63 72 !-R 63 ft I 4 WATER LINE PROFILE C6 1"=30' HORZ 1"= 3' VERT j / NEW 12" DI WATER \ PACK W/ 5ANDI \0 I ETHA FOAM 220 / \ EXG. 8" SANITARY / 4VYER 60' EXG. PRELOAD ELEV 77.5 M NEW BLDG WALL 76 � EAST R / EXG EDGE BLDG 74 / / FF=73.4 FF=73.4 _ I I EKG CURB — ---- / 1 I I = ROUGH GRADE J 72 E> G GRADE I 70 0+00\ 1+00 TEMP SWALEPER PLAN A' �— [;! TEMP SWALE 2 SECTION PER PLAN C6 1"=20' HORZ 1 "= 2' VERT UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE 0 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. FTG ELEV PER PLAN 3 ROUGH GRADE DETAIL C6 1 /2"=1'— 0" rTLE/pOSff ,ONFIRMED BY MY: D. SEE GEOTECHNtCAL REPORT FOR GRADE/FILL/COMPACTION REOUIREMENTS PROJECT REF: FAC00--0040. BLDOO-0422. SEPOO-0022 ll THESE PLAIDS ARE "APPROVED" FOR CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY IF AUBURN ENgNF.F.RING DIVISION'S REQUIREMENTS Approved By. 0-j'd L,. Date Approved: Z'•J*- �} o �J 4 U -c 0 Z J S o� W Z 0 Z w � U F co-, :) z U W 0 W min (..,.J V) W J M_- H W w J W N rn M M (n N t1` m Q I D. 4 DATE 10/23/00 DRAWN A CHECKED J.D.B. JOB NO. 00007 SHEET NO. C 6 S:\00\00007\C6'007.dwg I Drafter Name: M. CORDICE I Plot Dote: MAR 04 2002 11:50:30 1 Last Modified Date: MAR 04 2002 11:10:24 1 Submittal: AS BUILT SET o2,01b9'- 0. RELEASE RATES DESIGN STORM Q (CFS) 50% OF 2 YR. 0.5 10 YR. 1.4 25 YR. 1.8 100 YR. 2.2 25 YR. WSE=68.17 10 YR. WSE=67.88 100 YR WSE=68.47 2 YR. 12" PVC WSE=67.29 Z& IE 65.40 8� 7"0 ORIFICE, CUT IN -/ TEE & NIPPLE AS REQ'D IE = 67.66 STANDARD GALVANIZED STEEL LADDER/STEPS co 0 , MULTI 2 ROUND SOLID COVER MARKED "DRAIN" r-ADJUSTMENT BRICK (4" MIN, 12" MAX) /,---OFFSET TOP SLAB 12" CAP, RUBBER GASKET -H PIPE SUPPORTS II SEE NOTE 3 12" OUTLET IE 65.38 80 A.C. OR G.P.K. MANHOLE ADAPTER 12" PVC TEE RUBBER GASKET JOINTS (REMOVABLE) 6" RUBBER GASKET PLUG W/ ORIFICE HOLE 3.75"0 ELEV. 64.66 ICE CONTRO 57' TO VARIES 10' NEW BLDG. S. It 12' 1lh" DIA STEEL PIPE GAURDRAIL, 42" HIGH, MATCH EXG FF 73.4 TOP POND 69.0 70.0 0 EL. 69.0 70 - - - -�\-44 5(3 ROCKERY PER 66.0 - - - 6 , DTL. 3/C7 H:1 V 10H:1 V LA HYDROSEED TREES, SHRU S & GROUNDCOVE4 PER 60 LANDSCAPE PLAN 4 DETENTION POND SECTION C7 SEE LANDSCAPE 25' TREES & LAWN ' PLAN is W. E� I 71. i 4H:1V 3H:1V 70 I� 60 SEASONAL HIqH GROUND WATER ELEVATION IS APPROX. 63.0 PER THE NOTES: 1. STRUCTURE SHALL BE TYPE I1-60"0 MIN. 2. OUTLET CAPACITY: MAX#AJM DEVELOPED DESIGN FLOW. 3. PROVIDE AT LEAST ONE 3"x.090 GAGE STAINLESS STEEL SUPPORT BRACKET WITH TURNBUCKLE ANCHORED TO CONCRETE WALL (MAX 3'-0" VERTICAL SPACING). 4. ROTATE OFFSET LID OVER ORIFICE TEE WHEN LESS THAN 3' OF COVER, INCREASE MH SIZE OR CASTING OPENING AS NECESSARY. 5. PIPE SIZES AND CONFIGURATION MAY REQUIRE A LARGER SIZE STRUCTURE. 6. THE OUTLET PIPE SHALL BE A MIN OF 12" LADDER RUNG 1 12" OUTLET PLAN VIEW N B #4 • SHRUBS & & GROUNDCOVER GROUNDCOVER 10 ca WATER SWACE ELEV. 65. - - - --- B6T101� - 3H:1V ELEV. 61. 18" TOPSOIL 30 MIL PLASTIC LINER TO EL. 65 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT 5 WETPOND SECTION C7 1"=10' CAI ORIFICE TOP OF RISER DETAIL N.T.S. n A "A APfICCC 12" INLET PLAN TENSAR UX1400 GEOGRID OR APPROVED EQUAL, WHERE ADJACENT TO VEHICLE AREAS, 5.6' MIN. WIDTH 0 24" VERT., PLACE ROCKERY AND FILL AT SAME TIME. TOP OF WALL (T.O.W.) GRADING PER PLAN PER PLAN FREE -DRAINING BACKFILL I (2" MAX. SIZE, 407. TO 60% GRAVEL METAL FRAME AND SOLID MAX. 57. FINES); MIN. 12" COVER RIM = 70.90 !� CHOKE COARSE OF 4" -6" 5 QUARRY SPALLS ADJACENT ADJUSTMENT BRICK (4" MIN., 12" MAX.) STANDARD GALV. STEEL LADDER/ 0 '- TO ROCKERY ,� STABLE CUT FACE IN STEPS NATIVE/FILL MATERIAL (SEE NOTE 6) ILL I-' I I-II(� ��i-III-'ll I I I_I � I -I I �� » MIN. 6 DIA. SLOTTED PIPE; OFFSET TOP SLAB I I_ -i I HEW MIN. 0.5% CONTINUOUS SLOPE 8" CAP RUBBER GASKET 4- 12 PVC W UPTURNED EL64W " / g0� WAIL P R PLAN B'©'W' ''+ % TO OUTLET; SURROUND WITH 1" MINUS ROCK 6" MIN. COVER OVER SHORT NIPPLE (LURE BYPASS 8»' --- " PIPE; 2 MIN. ROCK UNDER PIPE BOTH ENDS) WN. 66.06 ( OP OF OPEN ELBOW) Q A.C. OR G.P.K. 3'-0" 5' 6" MANHOLE ADAPTER ,--. MIN. Qo = 0.05 CFS IE 64.93 IE 3 GENERAL ROCKERY NOTES: TO WETPONt A 8 1. ROCK SHALL BE SOUND AND HAVE A MINIMUM DENSITY OF $Q 8" PVC SOR 35 12" PVC 160 POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT. ROCKS WEIGHING LESS THAN 8 8x8x8 PVC TEE � °O INLET 100 POUNDS SHALL NOT BE USED. RUBBER GASKET JOINTS 2. THE LONG DIMENSION OF ALL ROCKS SHALL BE PLACED PER- PENDICULAR TO THE WALL. EACH ROCK SHALL BEAR ON TWO 0 8" RUBBER GASKET PLUG 60" TYPE 11-C CATCH BASIN ROCKS IN THE TIER BELOW. W/ 1.36" 0 ORIFICE CONTROL STRUCTURE 3. HEIGHT BOTTOM SIZES TOP SIZES ELEV. 64.63 4' MAX. 3-MAN ROCK 2-MAN ROCK (7001-2000#) (200#-700#) WETPOND INLET CONTROL STRUCTURE CB 3 8' MAX. 3,4-MAN ROCK 2,3-MAN ROCK -=-• 2 C7 3/8"=l'-0" (1300# - 40001) (200#-1300#) 4. ROCKERIES 6' AND OVER IN HEIGHT REQUIRE ENGINEERING MONITORING BY SPECIAL INSPECTOR (UBC 306b), WHICH AT MINIMUM SHALL CONSIST OF INSPECTION AND EVALUATION OF SUBGRADE, PLACEMENT OF BASE COURSE AND DRAINAGE, AND FINISHED ROCKERY. 5. GUARDRAIL/FENCE (IF ANY) PER PLANS 6. ROCKERIES ARE EROSION -CONTROL STRUCTURES, NOT RETAINING WALLS. MATERIAL MUST BE STABLE AND FREE-STANDING IN CUT/FILL FACE. 7. COMPACT BACKFILL AT LEAST 95% OF MODIFIED PROCTOR MAX. DRY DENSITY (ASTM D1557-70, METHOD C OR D). ROCKERY C7 NTS nrnu 5' 86' TREES, SHRUBS, TREES, SHRUBS, & GROUNDCOVER WETPOND PLANTS & GROUNDCOVER 71.0 BERM & GRAVEL WATER SURFACE WINDOW PER DTI 7/C7 ELEV. 65.0 70 3H:1V BOTTOM ELEV. 61.0 5H:1 V 60 18" TOPSOIL 30 MIL PLASTIC LINER TO EL. 65 0 6 WETPOND SECTION 2 C7 1"=10' CROSS SECTION TOP OF GRAVEL WINDOW /- TOP OF BERM BYEOND ELEV. 65.0 A N � c� 1 1/2"-4" WASHED ' ROCK CORE 2 2 4"-8" QUARRY SPALLS 30 PLASTIC 18" TOPSOIL - L NERI GRAVEL WINDOW SECTION TO ELEV. 65.0 TOP OF BERM 5'-0" WATER SURFACE ELEV. 66.0 GRAVEL WINDOW BEYOND ELEV. 65.0 FILL COMPACTED TO 90% BOT. OF POND 2 2 ELEV. 61.0 1 I =1 I I=1 I I -III -III -III- I I -III -III -III -III- 30 MIL PLASTIC 18" TOPSOIL LINER TO ELEV. 65.0 BERM SECTION UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE 0 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS Of NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS Of SAID UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. 0 7 BERM DETAIL C7 1 -5 RECORD DRAWS CERTFICAT ON THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. DATE:BY' "IN FRYPE-1 WIN DATE: 4 TITLEkgf�'*N CONFIRMED BY CITY: '' V) -r- �. w W t) L'i s N a t > i 185 6, ST,VF AL it PROJECT, REF: FAC00-0040. f DOED422, SEPOO-0022 CP Zft4ol THIESE PLANS ARE 'APPROVED" FOR CO+t OR ANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN ENCICEWIG DIVISION'S REQUIREMENTS Approved B)c QSy& Date Approved: o 1 DATE 3 0/23/00 DRAWN S.S. CHECKED J.D.B. JOB NO. 00007 SHEET "�• S:\00\00007\C7-007.dwq I Drafter Nome: A. MIOTKE I Plot Dote: APR 02 2002 16:51:10 1 Last Modified Date: APR 02 2002 15:17:37 1 Submittal: AS BUILT SET EXTRUDED CONC. CURB 3" CLASS "B" .� A.C. PAVING r SLOPE I -GRADEW:. .O O.low �- PROVIDE 1'-O" LEVEL AREA WHERE GRADE SLOPES DOWNWARD OUTSIDE OF PAVING 6 - W MINUS CRUSHED ROCK 6" CLASS "A" FILL (ALTERNATE: 4" ATB) SUB -BASE, SEE NOTE SUB -tom (_IMPACTION PRO( oL 1. EXCAVATE TO THE ELEVATION OF THE BOTTOM OF THE CRUSHED ROCK. 2. COMPACT EXISTING SOIL TO 95% MIN. 3. PROOF -ILL THE EXISTING SOIL TO VERIFY A MINIMUM CBR OF 10. 4. ANY SOFT SPOTS ENCOUNTERED SHALL BE OVER -EXCAVATED AT LEAST 12 INCHES. FILL THE EXCAVATION WITH CLASS 'A' GRAVEL (LESS THAN 5% FINES). COMPACT THE FILL TO 95% MINIMUM. 5. PROOF -ROLL THE FILLED SST SPOTS TO VERIFY A MINIMUM CBR OF 10. i 1 CURB AND PAVING SECTION C8 NTS 4" CONC WALKWAY EXP JOINT MATERIAL -i EXPANSION JOINT (20' o.c.) WHERE WALL OCCURS DUMMY JOINT (10' o.c.) Y4" CHAMFER 1: 12 SLOPE A.C. PAVING - WHERE OCCURS (2) #4 CONT. 6" 12" MIN. CLASS "A" FILL ------- COMPACT TO 95% - CONCRETE SHALL HAVE 28-DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000 PSI AND 5% AIR ENTRAINMENT - REINFORCING SHALL BE PER ASTM A-615, GRADE 60 04 2 CONCRETE WALKWAY C8 NTS 5 PARTIAL PLAN C8 1"-10' I { 5' 5.5' 21.5' i 71.61 EXG DOOR l 73.4 23" HANDRAIL OWE STAIR EXTENSION 6R 0 7"=42" ° °° 5T 0 11 = 55" d a i 12" DRAB. a ° 70.2 EXTENSION ° ° - M ACCESSIBLE RAMP 6 .9 a PER 4/C8 JV i OW WALK d q. _ _ ° "' ° 1, FLIJSH W/ a ° ° ASPHALT 69.4 48 70.0 55' I PICNIC TABLES (BY OWNER) I 4" CONC SLAB I 7 PARTIAL PLAN CS 1 =10' R.E.I. FILE:/ C8-007.dwg 10/23/00 11:30 #4 0 12" HORIZ. PAVING PER PLAN 1 1/2" DIA. STEEL PIPE GUARDRAIL WHERE "H" EXCEEDS 30" 11 PER UBC SECT. 1006.9 I (PAINT ALL METAL PARTS) 11 GUARDRAIL SHALL MATCH EXG. II -3/4" CHAMFER I / -PAVING PER PLAN I I I —III - =I_ �-GRANULAR BACKFILL III "" "W" »t. »A. BARS 'B" BARS 2-0" 2'-0" 6" #4 @ 16" #4 0 16" 4'-0 3'-0" 6" #4 0 16" #4 0 16" 6'-0" 4'-6" 6" #4 0 16" #4 0 16" 8'-0 4'-6" 8" #4 0 16" #4 0 16" —_ COMPACT TO 95% -CONCRETE SHALL HAVE 28-DAY COMPRESSIVE -1 1/2" STRENGTH OF 3000 PSI - -REINFORCING SHALL BE PER ASTM A-615, "A" BARS GRADE 60 4" PERF. PIPE W/ 12"- 3/4" WASHED ROCK, TIGHTLINE TO CB OR SWALE Ir"B" BARS � SOIL UNDER FOOTNGS SHALL HAVE MIN. BEARING CAPACITY OF 2000 PSF. NOTIFY THE N' #4 ®12" ENGINEER IF OTHER CONDITIONS CONT. 'W° [ARE FOUND. 3 RETAINING WALL C$ NTS BUILDINI WALL 4" RAMP W/(4) #4 0 12" LONG., #4 0 18" SHORT, LAP W/ DOWELS EXPANSION --� JOINT MATERIAL ,ACCESSIBILITY RAMPS WHERE OCCURS 1 bi" STL. PIPE GUARDRAIL PER UBC SECT. 509 (WHERE "H" EXCEEDS 30") GUARDRAIL SHALL MATCH EXG. 11h" STL. PIPE HANDRAIL PER UBC SECT. 509 AND 1004.3.2.7 WHERE RAMP OCCURS c 4" CHAMFER TYP. " I I r6" 4�_LASS "A" FILL iL l OMPACT TO 95% -CONCRETE SHALL HAVE 28-DAY #4 0 12" HORIZ.\ COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000 PSI #4 0 16" VERT. - AND 5% AIR ENTRAINMENT -REINFORCING SHALL BE PER ASTM A-615, GRADE 60 #4 0 18" HORIZ.) 4'-6" 6 PARTIAL PLAN E1"-10' UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE 0 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. _:t—#4 x 018" 0/C 1'-6" p g NOTE: PAINT ALL EXPOSED 6L9 1/4" " 3'-0" x 9W FOOTING WITH 4 - #4 CONTINUOUS 4 ACCESS RAMP C8 NTS METAL PARTS a U Z Q J ' U cn o= W cn W 2 W P _llaol V) z O ` N LLJ Z --- m C) LjLj W Lli t/7 LLJ F_ p �. w LJ 0- w I Q V) C V) uj tok F tom: TER "ANAL. EXPIRES 5 U9 200 RECORD DRAWS CERTIFICATION PROJECT REF: FA OO— 40 422, SEPOO-0022 DATE 10/23/00 THESE DRAWINGS CWM TO THE THESE PLANS ARE "APPROVED" FOR CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. DRAWN A.M. CONFORMANCE NTH THE CITY � AUJ ENGINEERING DIV1i'S REQUIREMENTS CHECKED J.D.B. B^r- DV1TE: 314 0 s. Approwd B� .h�..�s t.[� JOB N0. 00007 TITLE/POS rre: �..t 0 sir Date Approved z 1 z) o l SHEET NO. Jr CONFIRMED BY CITY: GATE: C Q Q OX D 14 11 d � \ f f fi t' F ' • I 61 � ON� `I- D�i� l ^lam 4 0� V I1 r jy ty. Y r - � ;� r i,� � • i ��j�'"'��"'�./R�Ari►�is.� er=-�' �t ,l►�',�+''��+4:i�r1+"�i R a f_1 � y1 0 ,- C3-ZONE R ►► __ _ _ _ Ire! ; �1 { LL��E.ND} gtlrsWT..: - TAWICA.L. I , „Lq _ 1 C .FREE /� fJ 11 tA2/SST' OF 4G.' ! , RJA5TI-0. -4Gr R.ECs INAPU E- Er CAL, j i>�.�. ��nA�.G�>�A1z.is Nc�oTt�T>✓us►s`P>f utwt...,� W.�I�t� a�,s�t� c.�.aa.�Tz.. ' I i I 4 ' • - 1'1 I'P I�41(Ei2A, --$-T T44UJA-,..L'L CXTA_ Ql GtL'G("ATU/A tiltMll✓ /A�PL - _ _ _._ . -(G'3ex.c.._ �F�'i`c�s'r�++c,�t.,t�s V1�.--UJ2�1� :�: ... _ ` >E.INt-a1�-IN't..t•t�>�..__ _.__.._..�.. _ L , ���.__. A►�. i�t�;,1L.."Ii-k8fL.11�.0►�L�'ii+ �►L.� .._ � �- - 1��►Li ad . I I AIL► .IAA o -- P4�DT_tltt __.__� �QAr �r�.a�-rlt>Ea►�,� __... _� g° ®�_ � Pllrt�t'i►�P�.�:J��II-1• 'Ft�� :_.,_._,_,�t+r�txi�.� �tk'-�..;:.�f_'.1..._:�..r�_ ,i2�" f'2 U I l V a► U4U2UGi~F14!rS.2a 'tS?p L�2t�r<.it L,tI�E 4 :" l-�• V F*1.• _. 1$� o - Ti�•X US RQS.,V (FrOL.i _ _ QiAlr.•-i�i'�K « ..., _zo Ii . . O.G. 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K. t tt � � s t�/►• 1,,►I�_"_ pt✓A.h�?' f_µ� �?��A11.....:�_ r.t 13 I,,-i i l x �iRQUNdGOV.E. e'S`©,C. o 0 N 0 0 X 0 x( • f X UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: PROJECT REF: - FAC00-0040. BLD00-0422. SEPOO-0022 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON THIS PLAN SHEETS REFLECTS THE CITY OF THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE AUBURN'S PLANNING DEPARTMENT MINIMUM THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE ® 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER Approved By. OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE Date Approved: SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. z o_ V) W Z � � o W m LiJ = 7_ C I � Z Q JCL T 41 DATE �- 1o/23/Oo DRAWN CHECKED I JOB N0. 00©� 7 SHEET NO. L 1 R.E.L. FILE:/ C2--00007.dwg , 05/01/00 15:55 FF ' 0s7 16 QOco1 O;Lol4ql C3-ZONE � "=OEM �*w_�.Z_�" Cam' 0 ®� __" m0aa _�®®CCr7_���" �' 0r'�"r 00a iia"Mas rr ii�"ii -�. • • .�"� III^ .. 5 :� I "' .�rwtr:,.��..' i MIN ..� . � �` ���I Mlul�tw_w.�= ��NI,�_�w`�w�����+��_���I,.1�_■_���.lww!!�l�lw�I�l��sls! R1� • .. fir. I��®�/l.:�G�'!l ��l�.�!l�I�®R�!!�!�!R .�... __,....._ ._._ �..�....,....... � ITS i:' ��"�A*�-S �.����'..����iJ/�:�,�•tl8111111i�A—�^11�II� M�AM.iFry�,M�fI �IlY1i ii .wlYl4 ��I�1�liw�111 M�MIIU1��pb l �.�.iM�I R .r IT w IpIM M f lw, t��1 w,—Imm=z � ! s..Tm II�I���I��!�"!�!���-]Irk#arLP!!!4!�d!+•!A!��!!�lS9l��!�!I®11I � � �+r � rem w�i i•w'.S � .�.. �'� "'� �L'4 ..lip`'*. '!� t IJ.5t_s41hF�.2. iL:_YAt,. Vim._=.ci Cl -ZONE l N 0 v u G/ UIILIIT UQNI-UUI NUIL: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UU.ITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL. LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE ! 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE IRRIGATIONPLAN SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, 1 =� r+Jo xrm THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. �t. WT a p � Or r d Z 4 0, N RM a Z. 39 e LJ . 0 � m J ram„ Q j /L V cr m W I� LLJ Q Li ��C) V ♦ Lij ry.. ckL ~ L� LAJ w LAJ Q m Q F— �Q V w ter.. to s N z $' v y d PROJECT REF: FACOO-0040, BLD00-0422, SEPOO-0022 PATE 1F£SE PLANS ARE "APPROVED" FOR I✓Palo� CONFOMAMM NTH TW CITY OF All DRAWN B$W* ft DIVfSiON'S REQIARD"TS CHECKED n Approved Bx �'�"•►."'� -, JOB NO. CJf� 7 Date Approved: Z�10 SHEET NO. - L 2 Q©t0 ;L SECTION 02900 - LANDSCAPING A) GENERAL 1. The landscaping shall be installed using the materials as shown on Drawings and/or as specified in the Specifications. The landscaping shall be installed to grades and conform to areas and locations as shown on the Drawings. 2. The term "Contractor" as used in this Specification section shall refer to the Landscape Contractor. 3. Prior to final acceptance of the Landscaping, the Contractor shall submit a written "watering schedule" to the Owner, coordinated with the Irrigation Contractor, to ensure adequate watering of all plant materials during the Guarantee Period of this Contract. B) SCOPE OF WORK 1. Furnish all materials, equipment, labor and related items necessary to complete the work shown on the Drawings and/or as specified in Specifications. The work included in this Specifications (whether mentioned or not) shall consist of all labor, tools, materials, tests, permits and other related items necessary for the installation of all plant materials and other related items necessary for the installation of all plant materials in a first quality workmanlike manner. C) RELATEG WORK DESCRIBED ELSEWHERE 1. Related work in other sections of these Specifications includes but is not limited to: A. Irrigation System D) QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Standard Specifications. A. American Association of Nurserymen's; American Standard For Nursery Stock, ANSI- Z60. - 1 1986. B. American Joint Committee of Horticulture Nomenclature; Standard Plant names, Latest Edition. E) REVIEW OF PLANT MATERIALS 1. The review and approval of all plant materials by the Owner's Representative Architect prior to planting is mandatory. The Contractor has three (3) options to secure approval of plant materials: A. Submit plant samples to the Owner's Representative at the project site for review during scheduled site visits. B. Submit colored photographs (approximately 3"6") to Owner's Representative for review. Photographs are to be of sufficient quality to allow full review. More than one photograph per plant species may be required. C. Have the Owner's Representative review plants at the place of growth at the Contractor's expense. 2. Owner reserves the right to reject, through his/her agent, any or all plant material at any time until final review and acceptance. Remove rejected plants immediately from site. 3. Produce, upon request, sales receipts for all nursery stock and certificates of inspection from federal, state and other authorities. F) SUBMITTALS 1. Plant Material Documentation: A. Within fourteen (14) colender days after award of a Contract, submit written documentation to the Owner's Representative that specified plant materials have been ordered. Should the Contractor neglect to provide this documentation within the allocated time, Contractor may forfeit any substitution benefits. B. List suppliers names, addresses, and phone number. C. List respective growing or storage locations with addresses. 2. Soil tests: See Subgrade and Planting Soil Section. 3. Sod Sample: See Sod Lawn Section 4. Watering Schedule: See General Section G) CHANGE ORDERS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 1. The Contractor shall do no work for extra compensation without prior written approval of the Owner in the form of a Change Order. 2. The Contractor shall provide all plants of the size, species, variety and quality noted and specified. If unavailable, the Contractor shall no ' wr epre ntative in writing immediately and provide the names and telep ne numbers of five (5 urse uppliers that he has contacted. If substitution should permitted, it can be made onl with the piijr written approval of the Owner's Repres tative. artJ file C.& . H) CONDITIONS AT SITE 1. Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor s aIdeviatill s�d/or check all grades and verify all dimensions and conditions of k. 2. Contractor shall report to the Owner's Representative conflicts between Drawings, Specifications and site conditions. Extra work arising from failure to do so shall be done at the Contractor's expense. 1) MOVING PLANT MATERIAL 1. Transport carefully. Prevent damage. Tie branches as necessary. Use burlap bags to protect bark from rope chafing. Do not drag plant materials without proper root and branch protection. J) QUALIFICATIONS OF INSTALLER 1. Contractor must be a bonded landscape contractor. Contractor must be experienced in landscape work of best accepted trade practices and have equipment and personnel adequate to perform the work specified. Contractor must be familiar and comply with American Standard for Nursery Stock published by the American Association of Nurserymen. K) UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND OBSTRUCTIONS 1. Existing known utilities have been shown on the Architectural/Engineering and Survey Drawings and will be made available from the Owner or the Utility Companies, The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of known utilities. Promptly notify the Owner's Representative of any conflict between proposed work and obstruction(s). Failure to follow this procedure places upon the Contractor the responsibility and expense of making any and all repairs for damage from work there from, 2. In the event that undisclosed rock, soils contaminated with toxic substances, hardpan, or underground construction work and/or obstructions are encountered in any plant excavation work to be under this contract, alternate locations may be selected by the Owner's Representative. Where alternate locations are not approved, the obstruction shall be removed to a depth of not less than three (3) feet below the bottom of ball or roots when plant is properly set at the required grade or other solutions to the planting problem will be reviewed with the Owner. The Contractor shall be paid for work required to solve the planting problem, such as, the removal of such rock, contaminated sails, hardpan or underground obstruction encountered at a unit price basis and agreed upon by a Change Order prior to commencement of work. L) PROTECTION OF WORK, PROPERTY AND PERSONS 1. Take all necessary precautions to protect work in progress, all property, persons, walks, curbs, pavement and buildings from any damage that might be incurred arising from this Contract. Do not mix planting soil directly on paved surfaces. Locate all underground utilities prior to commencement of work. The Contractor shall pay for any damage at Contractor's expense. M) PERMITS, CODES AND REGULATIONS 1. Tl.c Contractor shall obtain and pay for all necessary permits and fees as required by Local Authority and prevailing ordinances and/or codes. 2. The Contractor shall keep fully informed and shall comply with all existing laws codes, ordinances and regulations which in any way affect the conduct of the work. N) SUBGRADE 1. The subgrade is to be established per these Specifications. 2. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to verify the existence of a proper subgrade prior to beginning finish grading. R.E.I. FILE:/ L3-007.dn , 10/23/00 09:29 P F 0 OS'7 11 of 16 0) FINISH GRADING 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for establishing a finished grade. The depths of planting soils will vary with existing conditions and as shown on the Drawings and/or as specified within these Specifications. P) CONDUCT OF WORK 1. The Contractor shall maintain continuously a competent superintendent or foreman during the progress of the work, with the authority to act for the Contractor in all matters pertaining to the work. The Contractor shall give personal attention to the fulfillment of the Contract and shall keep the work under control. Subcontractors shall not be recognized and all persons engaged in the work will be considered employees of the Contractor . and their work shall be subject to the provisions of the Contract and Specifications. 2. The Contractor shall confine operations to the working areas allotted by the Owner for operations, including material and equipment storage. 3. The Contractor shall progressively clean the work site of debris and rubbish as the work proceeds. Q) GUARANTEE 1. Guarantee work of this Specification section for one (1) year against all defects of materials and workmanship. The guarantee period begins after the date of final acceptance. Replace plants and grass/lawn areas not in normal healthy growing condition. Replace with plants with identical species and size. Final acceptance will be certified in writing by the Owner. 2. Any plant material that is twenty-five (25) percent or more dead or disfigured shall be considered dead and must be replaced at no charge. A tree shall be considered dead when the main leader has died back or there is twenty-five (25) percent of the crown dead. Plants shall be considered disfigured when excessive dead wood has been removed or when the symmetry, typical habit of growth, or sculptured form has been impaired by the removal of dead wood. 3. All plants are subject to one (1) replacement only per item, and the Contractor shall submit, after each replacement period, a marked planting plan showing the exact location of each item replaced at that time. THE OWNER MAY REQUIRE THE CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE DEAD PLANTS PRIOR TO THE END OF THE GUARANTEE PERIOD AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. This applies only after final acceptance. 4. Contractor has the right to enter upon the property for inspection and curative treatment of any materials needing such which are still under warranty during the entire warranty period. Owner is to be notified in advance of any corrective or curative treatment measures so as to arrange for convenient access to the area. 5. The above guarantee shall be applicable to any growing conditions through which plants of like kind could be expected to survive and any deformity or cause of death which could be attributed to, or affected by, the physiological condition of the plant shall be deemed replaceable cause; however, this would not apply to plant losses due to ABNORMAL WEATHER conditions such as, floods, excessive wind damage, drought, severe freezing or abnormal rains, as determined by the National Weather Service. 6. Replacements made by the Contractor shall be completed during the periods set out as planting periods and shall be subject to the same conditions and shall be made in the same manner as specified for the original planting, and shall be done at no extra cost to the Owner. 7. Replace all trees, shrubs, groundcovers and sod areas when plants are no longer in a satisfactory growing condition as determined by the Owner representative for the duration of the guarantee period. Make replacements within seven (7) days of notification from the Owner's representative. Remove dead plants within two (2) days of notification and mark planting plan showing the exact location of replaced plants. 8. It is expressly understood that the Contractor will be responsible during the Guarantee Period, for normal landscape maintenance of the project. Maintenance of the landscape shall include, but not be limited to, watering, mowing, weeding, monitoring and treating any disease and/or pest problems, cultivating and any other maintenance requirements (per standard trade practices) to keep the plant materials in a normal healthy growing condition. II PRODUCTS A) EXISTING SUBGRADE SOIL 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for all soil additives required for the performance of this Contract and for determining the quantity of additives required to fulfill Contract obligations. 2. Soil tests of the subgrade soil shall be made by the Contractor to determine MECHANICAL ANALYSIS (per USDA particle Size and Organic Matter Test) and FERTILITY ANALYSIS (to determine magnesium, nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus levels; soluble salts/conductivity and pH). Contractor shall send a minimum of three (3) representative samples of subgrade soil to an approved soil testing laboratory (state laboratory or recognized commercial laboratory ), The cost for testing must be born by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be paid for the soil additives at a unit price basis and agreed upon by a Change Order prior to commencement of work. TEST RESULTS AND LABORATORY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ORNAMENTAL PLANT GROWTH must be submitted to the Owner's Representative for approval prior to incorporating soil additives into the subgrade and placing planting soil. B) PLANTING SOIL 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for the supply of all natural soil and soil additives required for the performance of this Contract and for determining the volume of soil and additives required to fulfill Contract obligations. Soil shall be free of weeds, pests, toxic substances and other undesirable material harmful to ornamental plant growth. 2. All planting soil, including "Suggest Soil Sources" material, for on -grade and all other required planting locations, shall be a two-way mix planting soil consisting of two -third (2/3) natural soil and one-third (1/3) organic matter by volume thoroughly mixed together. Two-way mix soil shall have a pH range of 5.0 to 6.5, with dolomitic limestone added as necessary to attain this range. Contractor shall send a minimum of one (1) representative sample of MIXED SOIL; to an approved soil testing laboratory (state or commercial laboratory) to determine MECHANICAL ANALYSIS (per USDA particle size and organic Matter Test) and FERTILITY ANALYSIS (to determine magnesium, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus levels, soluble salts/conductivity and pH). The results shall be submitted to the Owner's Representative (WITH TEST RESULTS AND LABORATORY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ORNAMENTAL PLANT GROWTH) for approval prior to use on the project site. The Contractor shall be responsible for whatever soil additives may be required, as recommended by the testing laboratory. The cost for testing must be borne by the Contractor. A. Soil shall meet the following mechanical analysis. Size Sieve Percent Passing 3/8 ASTM E-11 100 No. 10 ASTM E-11 85-100 No. 270 ASTM E-11 25-45 0.002mm Clay 0-10 1. Organic Matter: Organic matter shall be "Steerco", "Fertil-Mulch" or approved equal. C) MULCH 1. Mulch shall be Bark Dust, "Fead-Mulch" or approved equal. D) FERTILIZER 1. Shall be complete commercial brand fertilizer with chemical analysis shown on unopened container when delivered. 2. Commercial Fertilizer "A" for trees, shrubs and ground cover during planting: AGRO "Transplanter', or equal. 3. Commercial Fertilizer "B", for lawn sod and erosion control planting areas during planting shall be granular fertilizer containing the following percentages by weight: 10 % Nitrogen (N) 20 % Phosphorus (P) 20 % Potash (K) Fertilizer "B" is a minimum requirement, additional fertilizer may be required per the planting soil test as described above. Fifty (50) percent of the nitrogen shall be derived from Nitroform "Blue Chip." Potash shall be derived from sulfate of potash. Fertilizer shall be standard free flowing. Fertilizer shall be packaged in new, waterproof, non - overlaid bogs clearly labeled as to weight, manufacturer and content. E) SOIL ADDITIVES 1. Soil additives for correction of pll and trace element deficiencies shall be factory labeled containers and approved prior to application. F) LIME 1. Lime shall be dolomite limestone containing not less than eighty-five (85) percent of total carbonates. Limestone shall be ground to such fineness that one hundred (100) percent will pass a No. 20 sieve. G) WATER 1. Contractor shall make, at Contractor expense, whatever arrangements are necessary to ensure an adequate supply of water to meet the needs of Contract. Contractor shall also furnish necessary hose, equipment, attachments, and accessories for the adequate irrigation of planted areas as may be required to complete the work specified. All costs for water incurred during the contract period shall be borne by the Contractor unless other arrangements are made with the Owner. H) ANTI -DESICCANT 1. Anti -desiccant shall be "Wilt-Pruf" or equal, delivered in manufacturers containers and used in accordance with manufacturer's recommendation. 1) TREE STAKING MATERIALS Use two (2) - 8' - 2x2's per tree, fasten trees to stake using hose and wire type ties. J) PLANTS 1. Trees, Shrubs and Groundcover. (See Planting Plan.) A. All plants shall be nursery grown, or normal habit of growth, healthy, vigorous and free of disease, insect eggs and larvae. Plants shall not be pruned prior to delivery. Plants shall have leaders and buds intact. Grading of plant material and root ball/container sizes shall be in accordance with the code of standards of the American Association of Nurserymen. Nomenclature shall conform with Standard Plant Names, latest edition. Names not present in this listing shall conform to accepted nomenclature in the nursery trade. B. No less than ten (10) percent of each variety and/or species of plant delivered to the project shall be accurately labeled, Whether or not labeled, any plants which do not conform to the Plant Schedule and/or Planting Plan shall be replaced immediately with plants conforming. Plant material labels shall be durable, legible labels stating the correct plant name. C. Provide the number of plants shown on the Drawings or listed on the Plant Schedule, whichever is greater, or to cover at specified spacings. D. Collected plant material may be used ONLY when approved by the Owner's Representative. E. Plants are required to be from stock acclimated to Project Site environmental conditions, having been consistently cultivated and grown under these conditions. K) SOD LAWN 1. General A. Sod shall be supplied by "J.B. Sod", "Emerald Turfgrass Farms", or approved equal. B. Sod shall be premium quality, free of all weeds, pests disease, PDA ANNUA and other undesirable material. It shall not be less than twelve (12) months old nor more than twenty-four (24) months old, grown in fumigated soil, healthy, and have a dense, vigorous developed root structure. C. The Contractor shall submit a thirty (30) square inch sample of sod for approval by the Owner. D. All sod delivered to the project shall be equal to or exceed the quality exhibited in the sod sample. It shall not be cut from the field more than one (1) day prior to delivery to the project site. III) EXECUTION A) GENERAL 1. All areas shall be to finish grade before commencement of planting. All areas shall allow for planting soil and mulch added to individual planting areas specified herein. All grades shall flow smoothly into one another and produce positive drainage. The contractor is responsible for any adverse drainage conditions that may affect plant growth unless the Contractor contacts the Owner's Representative immediately, indicating any possible problem. Verify all grades before commencement of planting. B) SUBGRADE 1. Verify acceptance of subgrade conditions as to proper grades, and compaction. Inform other trades on the requirements, at the proper time, to prevent delay or revisions. Be informed of the requirements of other trades and check over work for conflicts with the work of other trades. 2. Contractor shall review and identify planting areas that have been excessively compacted by construction equipment. Rotovate or scarify compacted subgrade soils to a minimum depth of six (6) inches prior to placement of planting soil. 3. Remove debris and rocks over one (1) inch in size, establish proper grades and lightly compact. 4. Placing of planting soil shall constitute acceptance of subgrade conditions by Contractor. C) SOIL PREPARATION 1. All areas to receive: tree, shrub, groundcover, lawn, sod, erosion control and shall be cleared of all debris before spreading eight inches (8") of topsoil in planting areas and six inches (6") in lawn areas. 2. Finish Grading - A. Finish grade is defined as the top surface of planting soil prior to installation of mulch and lawn sod. B. Finish grading shall consist of placing, grading and rolling planting soil, providing for surface drainage, cutting all necessary drainage swales and generally conforming to finish grades shown on the Drawings as directed by the Owner's Representative, C. Compact finish grade to eight -five (85) percent of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM:D 1557 unless otherwise defined in EARTH WORK Section. D. After settling, finish grades in lawn sod areas shall be one (1) inch below all walks, curbs and/or other hard surface edges. E. After settling, finish grades in tree, shrubs and groundcover planting areas shall be two (2) inches below all walks, curbs, and/or other hard surface edges, F. All planting areas shall be to finish grades before commencement of planting. D) STAKING AND LAYOUT 1. Staking and layout refers to locating and verifying all planting locations. Make required field adjustments as directed without additional cost to the Owner. No work shall commence on installation of materials until staking and layout is verified by the Owner's Representative. 2. Contractor shall notify Owner's Representative in writing immediately of any variance between plans and actual site conditions and await instructions before proceeding. E) TREE, SHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER INSTALLATION 1. Set all trees, shrubs and groundcover to spacing on Planting Plans. 2. Dig pits for trees, shrubs and groundcover as indicated on Drawings, consistent with good horticultural practice. Backfill material for plantings is to be two-thirds (2/3) planting soil as specified with one- third (1/3) existing soil thoroughly mixed together. If the Contractor encounters any unusual condition which may be detrimental to the new planting, the Contractor shall notify the Owner's Representative immediately. Unsuitable material, if encountered, shall be removed from the site and planting soil distributed to replace the unsuitable material as Extra Work in accordance with the Specification. Unsuitable material removal will be paid for as a Change Order in accordance with the Specifications. 3. Soak ro otballs which have dried before planting. Prune broken roots one-half (1/2) inch or more in diameter cleanly. Plant at time plant materials are available and in spring or fall of year in which dug and when weather conditions are consistent with good horticultural practice. If container stock looks to be rootbound, slash roots vertically with a sharp knife along outside of ball in three places minimum before planting: Apply Fertilizer "A" per manufacturer's recommendation to all trees, shrubs and groundcover. Hold plants in center of hole approximately two (2) inches above normal growing position and backfill to within six (6) inches of finish grade. Fill hole with water and allow to settle, complete backfill and tamp firmly. Finish grade at plants, after planting and settling, shall afford positive drainage away from crown at no greater than one -quarter (1/4) inch per foot, unless otherwise specified. 4. Stake ALL trees and stake all shrubs which are or may become loosened or tipped from their proper position during the first growing season. Staking must be in a workmanlike operation. 5. Provide all planting areas with uniform two (2) inch layer of mulch material over a properly cleaned and graded surface. 6. As necessary, a follow-up fertilizer application for all planting beds shall be in accordance with recommendations from soil test fertility analysis. F) SODDED LAWN INSTALLATION 1. Soil Preparation A. Any sod lawn areas that may have become compacted prior to sodding must be scarified to a minimum depth of six (6) inches by approved means, then finish graded as herein before described. B. Apply fertilizer "B" at the minimum rate of twenty (20) pounds per one thousand (1,000) square feet of area or as required by the planting soil test. Thoroughly mix two (2) inches deep, taking care not to incorporate subsoil into planting soil mix. After mixing is complete, remove any debris or rock over one (1) inch in size. Rake to true grade and roll for firmness. If soil is dry, lightly sprinkle prior to rolling. Grades after rolling shall be approved by the Owner's Representative prior to laying of sod. 2. Sod Placement - A. Sod shall be brought onto lawn area by wheeled means with proper protection of sod beds. Sod layers shall be experienced, or if inexperienced, shall be constantly supervised by an experienced foreman. Sod layers shall kneel on plywood or some other platform during laying process. The Contractor shall ensure that the base immediately ahead of sod layer is moist. Sod shall be laid tight with no gaps. Allowance shall be made for shrinkage. Lay sod with long edges perpendicular to primary slope. B. All sod MUST be installed within twelve (12) hours after delivery to the project site. C. Sod shall be rolled with a two hundred (200) pound roller after installation to ensure proper contact between soil and sod. Final rolling must provide a uniform surface. After final rolling, the sod lawn shall be mowed and watered. Approval of sod lawns shall be based on uniform, healthy and vigorous growth with no dry or dead spots. G) PROTECTION 1. All planting materials shall be properly protected against harm from normal weather conditions and the public by the Contractor. Maintenance of all the planted areas shall include, but not be limited to, watering, mowing, weeding, and pruning as well replacement of any plants which appear to be in distress. Tree stakes shall be kept secure at all times. Although planting shall occur in spring or fall of year when weather conditions are favorable, special planting techniques, defoliating, wilt proofing or spray misting may be required should unseasonable planting conditions occur. No work shall be performed in, over or adjacent to planting areas without approved protection and safeguards. 2. Plant losses due to ABNORMAL WEATHER conditions such as, floods, excessive wind damage, severe freezing or abnormal rains; as determined by the National Weather Service, will not be the responsibility of the Contractor. H) CLEAN UP 1. Areas to be kept clean during progress of work and until completion. Water, dirt and rubbish to be kept off of all paved areas. Remove surplus materials and rubbish from planting beds, rake beds neatly to an even, fine grade around all plants and wash clean all paved areas. Leave project in first quality condition. 1) FINAL ACCEPTANCE 1. Final acceptance of all landscaping work described in this Specification section, with the exclusion of possible replacements of plant materials under the Guarantee, shall be made by the representative of the Owner to determine one hundred (100) percent completion of the Contract work. This review shall be made upon written request to the Owner's Representative no less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the anticipated date of inspection. 2. SHOULD ADDITIONAL FINAL ACCEPTANCE REVIEW(S) BE REQUIRED BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE DUE TO THE FAILURE OF THE CONTRACTOR TO HAVE THE PROJECT LANDSCAPING READY FOR FINAL ACCEPTANCE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PAY TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE THE SUM OF EIGHTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($85.00) PER HOUR AND ACTUAL COST OF EXPENSES FOR EACH ADDITIONAL FINAL ACCEPTANCE REVIEW. 3. MAINTENANCE Maintain landscape work immediately following installation, throughout the entire time of construction and through the (one year) guarantee period. Include: Watering, weeding, mowing and trimming lawn, pruning trees and shrubs, protection from insects and diseases, fertilizing; and all other operations as needed to ensure normal good health and growth of landscaping. The contractor shall remove all grass clippings, leaves and debris from the premises, and maintain the site in a neat appearing condition. The maintenance shall be to the full satisfaction of the owner, the prevailing maintenance ordinances and/or codes of the local authority. END OF SECTION 02900 S C .a s a L k o, " °• Check drainage of planting hole with water, o i�• adjust and correct any drainage Problem 104,1340-piffill • Prune diseased and broken branches o. 12 gauge goly steel wire double -strand through clear vinyl hose below first crotch Planting pit min. twice size of root 2x2 wooden stakes ball secure) driven into ground.Stainbrown. Topsoil 2" mulch 12" min. r �''ti '.�..• F#-. '" `%i� Topsoil 12 �� �,�� min.%`� ,,;��,�� �� �y�^� ;T��;% Planting soil per specs., water thoroughly, fertilize Unglazed planting pit surface DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL No Scale drainage of planting hole with water, and/correct any drainage problem #12 ga. dbl. strand steel wire through clear vinyl class 200 PVC pipe wire filch 8" top soil surface ;3) 2' long 3/4"0 ,_.. pipe stakes 0 120' spacing around tree EVERGREEN TREE AND LARGE SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL No Scale Check drainage of planting hole with water, adjust and/correct any drainage problem Prune diseased and broken branches 2" mulch 8" compacted topsoil water thoroughly, fertilize as req'd Planting hole min. twice size of root ball SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL No Scale NOTE: THIS SHEET APPLIES TO NON-WETPOND PLANTINGS ONLY. UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE ® 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. PROJECT REF: FAC00-0040, BLD00-0422 SEPOO-0022 THIS PLAN SHEET REFLECTS THE CITY OF AUBURN'S PLANNING DEPARTMENT MINIMUM LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS. Approved By. Date Approved: 2 - / - O / * as rtd-e,j to 4 C� U as � fn ® 0 Z J ((d 5 W W _Z W VT F Q 3 Z U LAJ 0 Z LJLJ Q V W LLJ V) LLJ CL V) C) V) z �--' Q LLJ 0 ig 0 R 10 0 DATE 10/23/QO DRAWN w CHECKED Joe No. 00007 SHEET 10. L3 VA D 16 V W Z r- W W V) r N O r-- 0 0(60#1 SECTION 02010 - IRRIGATION SYSTEM 1. GENERAL A) GENERAL 1. The underground sprinkler irrigation system shall be constructed using the sprinkler heads, valves, piping, fittings, controllers, wiring, etc., of sizes and types as called for on the irrigation plan and these Specifications. The system shall be constructed to the finish grades and conform to the site landscape plan. 2. The term "Contractor" as used in this Specification section shall refer to the Underground Sprinkler System Subcontractor. 3. The Contractor shall provide and install separate irrigation Meter(s) as required for the proper operation of the irrigation system. Water at the irrigation meter may or may not be available at the time of pipe installation. Temporary water will be available at the site for the Contractor's use. Contractor shall be responsible for transporting of water from temporary meter. Water Meter(s) for irrigation system to be an exempt meter(s) separate from building water meter(s). 4. The Irrigation Meter(s) capacity shall meet the following requirements: A.. The pressure loss through the water meter(s) shall not exceed ten (10) percent of the minimum static water pressure available in the Water Service Mainline. B. The maximum flow through the meter(s) for irrigation shall not exceed seventy-five (75) percent of the maximum safe flow of the meter(s). C. The velocity of flow through the water Service line shall not exceed five (5) feet per second. 5. The sprinkler irrigation system shall be constructed to allow proper watering of ALL plant materials shown on the Drawings. B) SCOPE OF WORK 1. Furnish and install a complete underground sprinkler irrigation system to provide efficient and even irrigation (WITH MINIMUM OVERSPRAY ONTO SIGNS, PAVED OR NON -PLANTED AREAS AND NO OVERSPRAY ONTO BUILDINGS) of all planting areas shown on the Landscape Planting Drawings and as specified in the Specifications, complete and ready for operation. (THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE HEAD TO HEAD COVERAGE.) The work included in this Specification (whether mentioned or not) shall consist of all labor, tools, materials, tests, permits and other related items necessary for the installation and operation of the irrigation system. 2. Irrigate ALL areas shown on the Planting Drawings. Provide controller wires, T's (capped), and sleeves for ail "Future Planting Areas". 3. Irrigation mainline and lateral line pipe shall be sized to avoid water velocities in excess of five (5) feet per second. 4. Irrigation equipment shall be coordinated with utility location to avoid blockage from above grade utilities, such as electric transformers, light standards, etc. 5. Any item of labor, material or equipment not specified or shown in detail, but incidental to or necessary for the complete installation and proper operation of the system, shall be furnished by the Contractor without additional cost to the Owner. 6. All sleeving required for the execution of the work is to be provided under this Section. C) RELATED WORK DESCRIBED ELSEWHERE 1. Related work in other sections of the Specifications includes but is not limited to: A. Landscaping. D) QUALIFICATIONS OF INSTALLER 1. _ Contractor must be a bonded irrigation contractor. The irrigation system must be installed by an experienced irrigation mechanic or journeyman plumber. All electrical service connection work must be done by a licensed Electrical Contractor. E) VERIFICATION 1. Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor shall inspect the site, carefully check all grades and verify all dimensions and conditions affecting the work in order to proceed safely. 2. Contractor shall report to the Owner Representative all deviation and/or conflicts i between Drawings, Specifications and site conditions. Extra work arising from failure �LL to do so shall be done at the Contractor's expense. 3.' Prior to the start of any work, the Contractor shall verify the available static water pressure (PSI) and gallons per minute at point of connection to water service and show PSI and GPM on Drawings. Any replacement, relocation or additional materials required as a failure to do so shall be done at the Contractor's expense. F) CHANGE ORDERS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 1. The Contractor shall do no work for extra compensation without prior written approval of the Owner in the form of a Change Order. 2. The intenthe Specifications is t provide a totally integrated irrigation system with of pee o p t y g g i y the landscape plantings. Substitutions will be accepted only if they are proven to be wholly compatible with this system. If standardization of products is requested by the Owner, NO SUBSTITUTIONS will be permitted. G) PERMITS, CODES AND REGULATIONS 1. The Contractor shall apply for and pay for all necessary permits and fees as required by Local Authority and prevailing ordinances and/or codes. 2. The Contractor shall keep fully informed and shall comply with all existing laws, codes, ordinances, and regulations which in any way affect the conduct of the work. H) PROTECTION OF WORK, PROPERTY AND PERSONS 1. Take all necessary precautions to protect work in progress, all property, persons, walks, curbs, pavements and buildings from any damage that might be incurred arising from this Contract. Repair, to the satisfaction of the Owner or Owner's Representative, any damage at Contractor's expense. 1) CONDUCT OF WORK 1. The Contractor shall maintain continuously a competent superintendent or foreman during progress of the work, with the authority to act in all matters pertaining to the work. The Contractor shall give personal attention to the fulfillment of the contract and shall keep the work under control. 2. The Contractor shall confine operations to the working areas allotted by the Owner, including material and equipment storage. 3. The Contractor shall progressively clean the work site of debris and rubbish as the work proceeds. 4. The Contractor shall repair to the satisfaction of the Owner or Owner's representative any damage to existing utilities. Existing known utilities have been shown on the Architectural/Engineering and Survey Drawings and will be made available from the Owner or Utility Companies for the Contractor to identify any known underground utilities. It will be the Contractor's responsibility to verify utility locations on the ground with a pipe -finder or by other means. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of existing known utilities. Should the ditching intercept and damage any existing utilities, all further work within said area shall stop until the Owner is advised and can supervise repair. 5. The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of barricades and safety guards, and any other structures or improvements necessary for the complete protection of the public. 6. Any of the Owner's property-, including existing buildings, equipment, piping, pipe covering, sewers, sidewalks, landscaping, etc., damaged by the Contractor shall be replaced or repaired by Contractor in a manner satisfactory to the Owner at the Contractor's expense before Final Payment is made. 7. Contractor is responsible for all damages to the grounds, walks, curbs, roads, buildings, piping systems, electrical systems and their equipment and contents caused by leaks in the piping systems being installed or having been installed by him/her. The Contractor shall repair all damages at his/her expense and in a manner satisfactory to the Owner. J) SYSTEM PROTECTION 1. As part of the guarantee under this contract, the Contractor shall be responsible for the deactivating and draining of the system prior to the onset of the freezing season and for reactivating the system at the onset of the spring growing season; each task must be accomplished once during the one (1) year guarantee. In the event the system is completed in a season when the system will not be in use, the Contractor will winterize the system upon completion of testing and reactivate the system in the spring. The Contractor shall, upon completion of the winterizing phase, submit a letter to the Owner certifying that the system was winterized and drained and indicate the date which such action was accomplished. The Contractor shall be liable for any damage resulting from failure to comply. The Contractor shall notify the Owner twenty-four (24) hours prior to the work so that an Owner's representative can be present during the winterizing and reactivation phases of work. K) GUARANTEE 1. The system shall be guaranteed for all workmanship and material for a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the system. During the guarantee period, the Contractor will check, clean and adjust sprinkler heads and otherwise ensure adequate operation of the system. L) TESTS 1. As specified in the Specifications tests are to be witnessed by the Owner's Representative. A. Pressure Test: All system joints, connections, couplings, valves and all other junction points shall be left exposed until completion and acceptance of the pressure test. All leaks, however minor, shall be repaired and corrected. The Owner's Representative shall be present during the test. The total irrigation system shall be pressure tested for acceptance. B. Performance Coverage Tests: Upon completion of the system installation and after the flushing and pressure tests are completed, the Contractor shall operate the system in the presence of the Owner's Representative. The Owner's Representative may request that up to five (5) percent of the total nozzles be substituted. Five (5) percent of the heads may also be relocated at no extra cost to the Owner. 2. The Contractor shall PRE -TEST FOR Pressure and Performance Coverage prior to the Owner's Representative review of said tests to confirm that the sprinkler irrigation system will meet their requirements of the specified tests. SHOULD ADDITIONAL TEST REVIEWS BE REQUIRED DUE TO THE FAILURE OF THE CONTRACTOR TO PERFORM SAID TESTS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PAY TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE THE SUM OF EIGHTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($85.00) PER HOUR AND ACTUAL COST OF EXPENSES FOR EACH ADDITIONAL TEST. M) SUBMITTAL 1. Contractor must submit four (4) sets of samples and/or manufacturers "Catalog Cuts" of all materials as noted in Specifications. Failure to do so may result in non -acceptance of materials already used or hauled to the site. Any removal or delays incurred will be at the expense of the Contractor. All samples submitted for approval must be unaltered and of quantity sufficient to allow for proper inspection and review. 2. Contractor shall submit such items as, As -Built Drawings; keys; tools; permits; water schedule; instructions; maintenance/operation information as required per these Specifications. N) AS BUILT DRAWINGS 1. The Contractor shall maintain a current record of all pipe and equipment placement and shall record any variation. Upon completion of the irrigation system and prior to release of the final payment, the Contractor shall provide a neat and legible reproducible mylor "As Built Drowing(s)" of the complete irrigation system. Any pipe not installed in accordance with the Drawings as originally contracted, shall be dimensioned to a permanent structure sufficient for location after burial. 0) PIPE SLEEVES 1. Contractor shall provide and install Class 200 PVC pipe sleeves where irrigation lines cross walks, drives, parking lots or any other hard surface pavements. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE LOCATIONS AND INSTALLATION OF PIPE SLEEVING WITH THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO PAVING OPERATIONS. II PRODUCTS A) GENERAL 1. All materials and equipment shall be new and of the best quality. All items of equipment or material shall be as specified or approved equal. B) PLASTIC PIPE 1. PVC pipe upstream of the control valves shall be Schedule 40 and conform to all requirements of ASTM D1785. 2. PVC pipe (zone lines) downstream of the control valves shall be Class 200 (pressure rate for 200 psi), and conform to all requirements of ASTM D1785. 3. PVC Pipe sleeving shall be Class 200 and conform to all requirements of ASTM D 1785. 4. All pipe shall be marked with the manufacturer's name, class of pipe and NSF seal. Pipe shall bear no evidence of interior or exterior extrusion marks. Pipe walls shall be uniform, smooth and glossy. Pipe may be pre -balled or with individual solvent -weld couplings. 5. All fittings shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D2466 SCHEDULE 40 PVC. 6. All pipe must be delivered in at least twenty (20) foot lengths. C) AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER CONTROLLER 1. Shall be electric Controller, see drawings, weatherproof cabinet (if cabinet is located outside of a building). 2. Controller wiring that is above ground shall be installed in a conduit. 3. Electrical wiring shall be installed according to local code. The cost of all electrical work necessary to make the automatic equipment work shall be included in this contract. D) SPRINKLER HEADS 1. See drawings. E) AUTOMATIC VALVE 1. Shall be electric, see drawings. F) ANTI -DRAIN VALVE (IF REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM OPERATIONS) 1. Provide and install on low head lines anti -drain valves "KBI Spring Check Valve Series", "Rainbird 1800 SAM" or "Toro 570 Check Valve" spray heads or equal as required to eliminate siphoning on landscaped slopes. G) CONTROL WIRE FOR AUTOMATIC VALVE OPERATIONS 1. Control wire must be insulated single strand copper designed for twenty (20) to fifty (50) volts and UL approved as Type U.F. (Underground Feeder). 2. Copper conductor must meet or exceed ASTM B-3 requirements. 3. Red and white colors must be available. H) QUICK COUPLING VALVES 1. Shall be Rainbird manufacturer or approved equal. One-piece heavy-duty brass construction with vinyl locking cap. 2. Provide matching valve key, cap key, and swivel hose ell. 1) LOCKING LID 1. Valve cap shall be Weathermatic 906L, locking top with key or approved equal. Provide two (2) keys RLK-1 to Owner. J) MANUAL CONTROL VALVES 1. All gate valves of two (2) inches and smaller shall be all bronze (ASTM B-62) valve with bronze solid wedge, integral taper seats with a nonrising stem. All gate valves of two and one-half (2-1/2) inches and larger shall be threaded iron body, brass trimmed, resilient wedge, integral taper seats with nonrising stem. 2. All drain valves shall be three-quarter (3/4) inch bronze gate valves with cross handles or approved equal. Automatic drain valves Rainbird 16A-P or equal. Drain valves shall be enclosed in two inch (2) PVC pipe with a Weathermatic 906L with locking cap, or approved equal. Provide one (1) valve key for Owner's use. K) PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE (IF REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM OPERATIONS) 1. Shall be "Wilkins 600 Series" pressure reducing valves or equal. 2. Use pressure reducing valves as required to control sprinkler irrigation system water pressure. L) VALVE BOXES 1. Unless otherwise specified, all automatic valves or manual valves shall be enclosed in AMETEK Plymouth Valve Box of Superflexon with locking lid or approved equal, while single drain valves two (2) inches and smaller will be covered with a Weathermatic 906L locking cap and PVC pipe or approved equal. M) BACKFLOW PREVENTER 1. Shall be Tebco Model 850Y Series" double check backflow preventer or approved equal. All backflow preventers must be approved by the controlling agency. Enclose in Carson No. 1730 P12L Box or approved equal. (See drawings) N) IRRIGATION WATER METER(S) 1. Water Meter (s) shall be per Code. 0) OTHER SUPPLIES 1. Electrical tape shall be black plastic, three-quarter (3/4) inch wide and a minimum of 0.0007 inches thick and the all-weather type. 2. All flexible nipples or pipe joints shall be "Rainbird Swing Pipe"; "Toro Funny Pipe" or "Triple Swing Joint Assembly 3. All electrical wire splices must be made watertight with sealing Rainbird ST-03UL/PT-55 Snap-Tite or approved equal. 4. Thrust blocking shall be on three (3) inch and larger mainline only. III. EXECUTION A) TRENCHING 1. Trenches shall allow for twelve (12) inches of cover over sprinkler lateral lines, eighteen (18) inches of cover for irrigation main lines (see detail) and twenty-four (24) inches of cover for main supply line from point of connection to backflow preventer. Maintain a minimum clearance of three (3) inches between irrigation lines within a common trench. Trenches for sleeves shall allow for a minimum of eighteen (18) inches of cover unless otherwise noted on the Drawings. Excavate no wider at any point than is necessary to lay pipe or install equipment. Excavate with vertical sides and provide bracing and shoring as required. 2. All trenches must be straight and not have abrupt changes in grade. Trenching that may potentially disturb root systems of existing trees shall be brought to the attention of the Owner's Representative before proceeding with work. 3. The trench bottoms and bedding material surrounding all pipes must be free of rocks greater than one (1) inch in diameter or sharp -edged objects. Bed and surround all pipe with suitable soil or sand. B) INSTALLATION 1. PVC Pipe and Fittings (includes pipe sleeves): A. Due to the nature of the PVC pipe and fittings, the Contractor shall exercise care in handling, loading, unloading and storing to avoid damage. Any pipe that has been dented or damaged shall be discarded until such damage has been cut out and the pipe is rejoined with a coupling. B. PVC pipe ends shall be cut to ninety (90) degrees to the pipe length and cleaned of all cutting burrs prior to cementing. Use approved reaming tool. Pipe ends shall be wiped clean with a rag lightly wetted with PVC thinner. Cement shall be applied with a light coat on the inside of the fitting and a heavier coat on the outside of the pipe. Pipe shall be inserted into the fitting and given a quarter turn to seal the cement. Excess cement shall be wiped from the outside of the pipe. C. Backfilling shall be done when pipe is not in an expanded condition due to heat or pressure. Cooling of the pipe can be accomplished by operating the system for a short time before backfill, or by backfilling in the early part of the morning before the heat of the day. D. No PVC pipe may be threaded or connected to a threaded fitting without an adapter. E. Great care must be taken to insure that the inside of the pipe is absolutely clean. Any pipe ends not being worked on must be protected and not left open. F. All threaded joints are to have Teflon tape or pipe dope applied to male threads only. 2. Head Locations: A. Locate sprinkler heads nine (9) inches from building foundation unless otherwise noted. Heads immediately adjacent to walks, curbs, etc. shall have one (1) inch clearance between head and walks, curbs, etc. unless otherwise noted. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF PAVEMENT (THAT PORTION OF PAVEMENT FOR HEAD AND PIPE ONLY) ADJACENT TO CURBS TO ALLOW ONE (1)INCH CLEARANCE PER THE ABOVE. 3. Control Wire: A. Control wires are to be taped together at five (5) foot intervals; then this bundle is to be taped to the bottom of the supply line at ten (10) foot intervals with at least three (3) wraps of electrical tape. B. All splices must be made watertight with sealing Rainbird ST-03UL/PT-55 Snap-Tite and contained in valve boxes. C. Splices will be permitted only at the valves and never between valves or valve and controller. There must be a separate lead or "hot" wire to each automatic valve. One (1) common wire will be acceptable. D. Minimum size of wire is to be determined strictly by the wire sizing chart provided by Rainbird or approved equal. E. The control wires shall be color coded as follows: Ground wire - White; Lead -In Wire - Red 4. Automatic Controllers: A. Electrical wiring shall be installed according to local code. The cost of all electrical work necessary to make the automatic equipment operate properly shall be included in this contract. ELECTRICAL POWER FROM AN APPROVED SOURCE TO THE CONTROLLER LOCATIONS) SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. B. A diagram or schedule shall be posted in the controller to facilitate the selection of the valves to be operated. C. CONTROLLER LOCATION(S) AND TYPE OF MOUNTING OF CONTROLLER(S) SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OWNER. 5. Backflow Preventer: A. Install in accordance with local plumbing code. See "Backflow Preventer Assembly" detail. B. For proper maintenance, the "Backflow Preventer Assembly" will be located with sufficient clearance from other materials and away from the traffic pattern. C. A manual shut-off valve shall be located upstream of Backflow Preventer to allow full isolation of system from water supply. 6. Manual Drain Valve: A. Use three-quarter (3/4) inch drain valves FOR THE GENERAL DRAINAGE OF THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM. 7. Automatic Valves: A. Install as shown on drawings. B. Before installation of any automatic valves, the supply line must be thoroughly flushed. 8. Quick Coupling Valves: A. Locate all quick couplers in shrub and groundcover planting beds where ever possible and at points of easy access from paved and/or lawn areas. B. Provide and install quick coupling valves per drawings and Specifications. 9. Irrigation Water Meter(s): A. Coordination with the Governmental Agency for installation of the water meter shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. All work shall be per code requirements. Meter size, see drawings. 10. Pipe Sleeves A. All sleeves shall extend a minimum of twelve (12) inches beyond the edges of pavement. B. Pipe for irrigation mains and laterals may be installed with sleeves but shall not include any pipes with couplers whenever possible. C. Plug all ends of sleeves and irrigation mains and laterals to prevent soil from entering, 11. Pressure Testing: A. Before backfilling, flush all main water lines; then pressure test at ninety (90) psi. This pressure shall be maintained until all joints, fittings and pipes have been inspected. Correct any leakage and repeat test until the system is watertight. Maximum psi loss in a fifteen (15) minute test shall be five (5) psi. Contractor to test system prior to Owner's Representative final test. B. Before backfilling all PVC sprinkler lateral lines shall be flushed and pressure tested with the system exposed to static pressure. This pressure shall be maintained until all joints, fittings and pipes have been visually inspected. Correct any major leakage and repeat test until the system is watertight. Contractor to test system prior to Owner's Representative final test. DO NOT INSTALL HEADS PRIOR TO TESTING -PLUG RISERS AT LOCATION OF HEAD CONNECTION. C. To be valid, all final tests must be witnessed by the Owner's Representative. The Contractor must give twenty-four (24) hours notice to the Owner's Representative prior to the anticipated date of inspection. 12. Backfilling: A. In refilling trenches, the bedding around the pipe and fittings shall be sand or soil free from stones greater than one (1) inch in diameter and shall be well tamped. If necessary, provide suitable imported backfill. The earth fill within the trenches shall be reasonably rock free. Trenches shall be thoroughly water -settled. Trenches shall be backfilled uniform with the surrounding grade, raked to a slight mound, then rolled with a two hundred fifty (250) pound roller, or compacted with a vibrator. B. All roots, rocks and surplus excavation shall be removed from the site. C. Trenches or tunnels under roads or paved areas shall be backfilled and tamped with a mechanical tamper in successive six (6) inch lifts to at least ninety-five (95) percent density as determined by ASTM:D 1557, Paving shall be replaced to the satisfaction of the Owner's authorized representative. D. Before backfilling, all underground appurtenances including riser, valves, backflow preventers, drain valves, etc., must remain exposed so that they can be viewed during testing. It is suggested that the Contractor partially backfill the pipe as it is laid, leaving all joints exposed; then complete backfilling later after flushing, pressure testing, inspection and preparation of "As Built Drowings(s)". The location, inspecting and testing provisions of these specifications will be strictly adhered to. If, for any reason, any part of the sprinkler system is backfilled before it is approved by the Owner's Representative, it must be completely uncovered and exposed until approved for backfilling. 13. CLEAN UP Clean all areas adjoining the work area, such as paving, curbs, catch basins, manholes and lawn, or debris caused by the work on this project, or any part of project, on completion of operations and prior to watering. All hard surfaced areas shall be washed clean. Daily clean up shall be required on all areas used for circulation, parking or other daily use. 14. FINAL TESTING Before the sprinkler system will be accepted, the Contractor, in the presence of the Owner's Representative, shall perform a water "Performance Coverage Test" to determine if the water coverage and operation of the system is complete and satisfactory. If any part of the system is inadequate, it shall be repaired or replaced at the Contractor's expense and the test repeated until accepted. The Contractor must give twenty-four (24) hours notice to the Owner's Representative prior to the field review. The Contractor shall also adjust and balance sprinkler heads for optimum and uniform coverage without excessive fogging: overthrow on to pavement(s), structure(s) and building(s); check all sprinkler head heights and set all valve boxes to proper grade prior to final review by Owner's Representative. 15. SYSTEM FAMILIARIZATION Upon acceptance of the system by the Owner, the Contractor shall provide the necessary keys and/or other tools necessary to operate/drain/activate the system and spend sufficient time with the Owner to insure that the system operation/maintenance/winterizing can continue after the departure of the Contractor. The Contractor will be liable for all damages or losses resulting from failure to comply with the provisions of this paragraph. 16. FINAL ACCEPTANCE Upon completion and approval of all tests, final acceptance of the system will be contingent upon Contractor providing signed and approved sprinkler/plumbing/health/electrical permits as may be applicable in the area as well as reproducible mylar "As Built Drawings" and two (2) three (3) ring binders of all catalog cuts/manufacturer's instructions/maintenance and operation information. Prior to final acceptance of the irrigation system, the Contractor shall cooperate with Owner in recommending watering schedules. 17. GUARANTEE 1. The entire sprinkler system shall be guaranteed by the Contractor to give complete and satisfactory service as to materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance of the work by the Owner. 2. Should any trouble develop within one (1) year which, in the opinion of authorized Owner personnel, is due to inferior or faulty material and/or workmanship, the trouble shall be corrected, without delay, to the satisfaction of the authorized Owner's personnel and at the Contractor's expense. 3. Any settling of backfilled trenches shall be repaired by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense, including but not limited to; restoration of pavement, seeded, sodded and/or planted areas. 4. The contractor shall maintain the irrigation system throughout the entire time of construction and throughout the one year guarantee period. END OF SECTION 02810 FEBCCI 850 Double Check Valve Backflow Preventor Assembly N.T.S. PVC tee Rain Bird 16A-FDV automatic drain I-1 11=1 1=1 o III-IT_I-1I 00 _III -III_ =111-Ill- 0 o -III-I 1=I Li=1' o OP I I=I I I= 00 -'' i= 00 0 24" pit, use 2 cu. ft. of pea gravel Check drainage of pit with water, adjust/or correct any drainage problem Automatic Drain N.T.S. ^-^'-' 'n" circular box lock cover E" expansion coil wire alve ID PVC lateral line UU. I L of pea gravel Electric Remote Control Valve N. T. S. "'gather-matic H0906L ;king manual valve cover 2" pvc, length as req. impion 4W' angle fe Check drainage of pit with 24" pit, use 2 cu. ft. of water, adjust and /or correct pea gravel any drainage problem. Manual Drain Valve N.T.S. 1730D-P12L & -12L (with L-bolt lock) roved equivalent of pea gravel local code and testing its with adequate clearance una easy accessibility for testing and maintenance. Protect from freezing. Rocl boci Pop -Up Sprinkler N. T. S. UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT, DY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE ® 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. inish grade/top of mulch 'op -up Rainbird 1800 series ainbird SP series piral borb fitting ainbird SP swing pipe VC schedule 40 tee or ell k*-inch male npt x .490 inch orb elbow VC laterd pie Q U a D cc UO Z J_ d > U ❑� V) W �I�uun� W � [a Z W d � gZ_ i- L_,J V) L.JJ Z a Q t_ Q L_,J F-- Li J m 0 L .Li �- 0 z 1171,10 'r Q LamJ w -J w E N PROJECT REF: FAC00-0040. BLD00-0422, SEPOO-0022 P DATE 10/23/00 THESE PLANS ARE "APPROVED" FOR L �I DRAWN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN ENGINEERING DIVISION'S REQUIREMENTS CHECKED Approved By. j 5...� JOB NO. 00007 Date Approved: 2f z, Jdt SHEET NO. L4 W Z l- w LL.J CY U) N O 0 I6 R.E.I. FILE:/ LI-007.dwg 10/23/00 14:21 Q d401 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 7; THENCE NORTH 87' 28' 54" EAST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 1049.36 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 0' 82' 39" WEST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER 941.00 FEET; THENCE EAST 427.50 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 4' 59" 18" WEST 147.32 FEET; THENCE NORTH 86'19' 51" EAST 239.27 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF STATE ROAD NO. 5 AS ESTABLISHED BY DEED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 3715490; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF STATE ROAD NO. 5 TO AN INTERSECTION WITH A LINE BEARING DUE EAST FROM A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 7, WHICH LIES 891 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE WEST TO SAID POINT ON SAID WEST LINE; THENCE NORTH 0' 28' 39" WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE 50 FEET; THENCE EAST 427.50 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF AUBURN BY DEED FILED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9408040873, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION LYING NORTHERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND OF GOVERNMENT LOT 4, SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 7; THENCE NORTH OV25' 05" EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 655.59 FEET; THENCE NORTH 87' 16' 30" EAST 255.17 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88' 25' 08" EAST 173.06 FEET; THENCE NORTH 87' 15' 30" EAST 217.20 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 87' 15' 30" EAST 200.61 FEET; THENCE NORTH 87' 45' 26" EAST 195.91 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00 17639'19" EAST 228.34 FEET; THENCE EAST 583.97 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY MARGIN OF AUBURN WAY NORTH; THENCE ALONG SAID MARGIN AND THE ARC OF SPIRAL CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST THE CHORD OF WHICH IS SOUTH 31' 01' 17" WEST 287.28 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 33' 25' 44" WEST 190.44 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 1402.50 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, PASSING THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 06' 06' 24" A DISTANCE OF 149.48 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 39' 32' 08" WEST 34.94 FEET; THENCE NORTH 40' 27' 52" WEST 81.10 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 700.00 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, PASSING THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 52' 16' 38" A DISTANCE OF 638.69 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; (ALSO KNOWN AS PARCEL B OF CITY OF AUBURN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LLA-0008-89 RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8911131464); EXCEPT THAT PORTION DEEDED TO THE CITY OF AUBURN UNDER RECORDING NO'S. 8911060344 AND 8911060345; ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION LYING NORTHERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE MOST NORTHERLY NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY; THENCE NORTH 89' 55' 52" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY A DISTANCE OF 573.27 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF AND THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF STATE ROAD NO. 5 AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THIS LINE; THENCE SOUTH 89' 01' 09" WEST 573.41 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE; (BEING KNOWN AS PARCEL B OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 0022-98 UNDER RECORDING NO. 9812111807.) PARCEL B: A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 7; THENCE NORTH 86' 28' 54" EAST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 7 1049.36 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 00' 28' 39" WEST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER 1110.67 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 90' 00' 00" EAST 119.74 FEET; THENCE NORTH 85' 08' 45" EAST 295.08 FEET; THENCE NORTH 06' 18' 09" WEST 207.37 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 86' 19' 51" WEST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE 393.52 FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 00' 28' 39" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE 205.91 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; ALSO, LOTS 5 AND 6 OF RPM -AUBURN, ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 126 OF PLATS AT PAGE(S) 84 AND 85, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; (BEING KNOWN AS A PORTION OF LLA-2-85 UNDER RECORDING NO. 8503140963.) PARCEL C: 072105-9027 THE WEST 100 FEET OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 86' 28' 54" EAST ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 7, 1049.36 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00% 28' 39" WEST 941.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE EAST 202.30 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01' 45' WEST 176.53 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 85' 08' 45" WEST 81.74 FEET; THENCE WEST 119.74 FEET TO A POINT FROM WHICH THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING BEARS SOUTH 00' 28' 39" EAST; THENCE SOUTH 0' 28 '39" EAST 169.67 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL D: 072105-9028 THAT PORTION OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 86' 28' 54" EAST ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 7, 1049.36 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0' 28' 39" WEST 941.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE EAST 202.30 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01' 05' WEST 176.53 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 85' 08' 45" WEST 81.74 FEET; THENCE WEST 119.74 FEET TO A POINT FROM WHICH THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING BEARS SOUTH 0' 28' 39" EAST; THENCE SOUTH 0' 28' 39" EAST 169.67 FEET TO POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THE WEST 100 FEET THEREOF. R.E.I. FILE:/ Cl-00007.dwg , 05/01/00 11:55 PF� as`7 130�1G SW 1 /4, SECTION %, TOWNSHIP 21 N, RANGE 5E, W.M. PARCEL E: 072105-9029 COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 86' 28' 54" EAST 1049.36 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0' 28' 39" WEST 941 FEET; THENCE EAST 427.30 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 4' 59' 18" WEST 147.32 FEET; THENCE NORTH 6' 18' 09" WEST 48 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 85' 08' 45" WEST 112.98 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01 17645'00" EAST 185 FEET; THENCE EAST 125 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL F: 072105-9030 COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 86' 28' 54" EAST ON SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 0' 28'39" WEST 941 FEET; THENCE EAST 7, 1049.36 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0*02.30 FEET TO POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 1' 45' WEST 176.53 FEET; THENCE NORTH 85' 08' 45" EAST 100.36 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1' 45' EAST 185 FEET; THENCE WEST 100 FEET TO POINT OF BEGINNING. GENERAL PLAN NOTES 1. All workmanship and materials shall conform to the City of Auburn's requirements and specifications. 2. All work shall conform to these drawings and the rules and regulations of the "Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction," 1998 or latest edition, except where supplemented or modified by the City of Auburn Standard Details and Development Project Specifications. 3. The Contractor is required to have a ccpy of the Standard Construction Notes, Standard Details and Specifications available at the job site along with a copy of the approved development plans. 4. A pre -construction meeting shall be required prior to any on -site work for all Public Facility Extension projects. 5. Locations shown for existing utilities are approximate. Identifications, location marking and responsibility for underground facilities or utilities is governed by the provisions of Chapter 19.122 Revised Code of Washington (RCW). Prior to starting construction, the Contractor shall call ONE -CALL (1-800-424-5555) for utility locations (water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, gas, power, telephone and television.) 6. The Contractor is cautioned that overhead electrical lines are not shown on the drawings. The contractor is responsible for determining the extent of any hazard created by overhead electrical power in all areas and shall follow procedures during construction as required by law and regulation. 7. Traffic control and street maintenance for safety of the traveling public on this project shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor and all methods and equipment used will be subject to the approval of the City of Auburn. Contractors and their surety shall be liable for injuries and damages to persons and property suffered because of the Contractor's operations or negligence connected with them. REQUIREMENTS FOR EXPOSED SOIL STABILIZATION 1. SEASONAL REQUIREMENTS: DENUDED AREAS AND SOIL STOCKPILES MUST BE STABILIZED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE OR EXCEPTED IN THE FIELD WHEN IN THE JUDGEMENT OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OR THE OFFICIAL'S REPRESENTATIVE, SUCH SCHEDULE IS NOT WARRANTED: FROM APRIL 2 TO SEPTEMBER 30 , ALL DENUDED AREAS AT FINAL GRADE AND ALL EXPOSED AREAS THAT ARE SCHEDULED TO REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN 30 DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 10 DAYS. FROM OCTOBER 1 TO APRIL 1, ALL EXPOSED SOILS AT FINAL GRADE SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY USING PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY MEASURES. EXPOSED SOILS WITH AN AREA GREATER THAN 5000 SQUARE FEET THAT ARE SCHEDULED TO REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS AND EXPOSED AREAS OF LESS THAN 5000 SQUARE FEET THAT WILL REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN 7 DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY. 2. STABILIZATION METHOD: HYDROSEEDING & MULCHING A. TIME OF PLANTING - DURING THE TIME PERIOD BETWEEN APRIL 1 THROUGH JUNE 30 AND SEPTEMBER 1 THROUGH OCTOBER 31. (NOTE: IF PLANTING BETWEEN JULY 1 AND AUGUST 31, IRRIGATION MAY BE REQUIRED. IF PLANTING BETWEEN NOVEMBER 1 AND MARCH 31, MULCHING WILL BE REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING.) B. SEEDBED PREPARATION - THE SEEDBED SHOULD BE FIRM, BUT NOT COMPACT, WITH A FAIRLY FINE SURFACE FOLLOWING SURFACE ROUGHENING. SURFACE ROUGHENING SHOULD BE DONE AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE SLOPE AND PREFERABLE "CAT WALKED" UP SLOPE. C. FERTILIZATION - AS PER SUPPLIER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. DEVELOPMENTS ADJACENT TO WATER BODIES AND WETLANDS MUST USE NON -PHOSPHOROUS FERTILIZER. D. SEEDING - APPLY THE FOLLOWING MIXTURE TO THE PREPARED SEED BED AT A RATE OF 120 LBS/ACRE: PROPORTIONS PERCENT PERCENT NAME BY WEIGHT PURITY GERMINATION REDTOP(AGROSTIS ALBA) 10% 92 90 ANNUAL RYE (LOLIUM MULIIFLORUM) 40% 98 90 CHEWINGS FESQUE 40% 97 80 (RESTUCA RUBRA COMMUTATA) (JAMESTOWN,BANNER,SHADOW OR KOKET) WHITE DUTCH CLOVER 10% 96 90 (TRIFOLIUM REPENS) E. "HYDROSEEDING" APPLICATIONS WITH APPROVED SEED -MULCH - FERTILIZER MIXTURES MAY ALSO BE USED. F. MAINTENANCE - SEEDING SHOULD BE SUPPLIED WITH ADEQUATE MOISTURE. SUPPLY WATER AS NEEDED, ESPECIALLY IN ABNORMALLY HOT OR DRY WEATHER, OR ON ADVERSE SITES. WATER APPLICATION RATES SHOULD BE CONTROLLED TO PREVENT RUNOFF. INADEQUATE AMOUNTS OF WATER MAY BE MORE HARMFUL THAN NO WATER. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. SUBMIT A HAUL ROUTE TO THE CITY OF AUBURN FOR EARTHWORK ACTIVITIES. 2. SCHEDULE AND ATTEND A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN OFFICIALS. 3. ESTABLISH "CLEARING AND GRADING LIMITS" FOR THE SITE. 4. CONSTRUCT GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND FILTER FABRIC FENCE AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS AND AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF AUBURN. 5. DEMOLISH ALL EXISTING STRUCTURES, PAVING, WATER LINES, SEWER LINES, AS NOTED ON THE PLAN. 6. LOCATE EXISTING SEPTIC TANKS. PUMP THE TANKS DRY BY A DEPT, OF ECOLOGY APPROVED CONTRACTOR. EXCAVATE AND REMOVE TANKS, DRAINFIELD PIPES. SEND A COPY OF THE SEWER PERMIT TO THE DEPT. OF HEALTH SO THAT THEY CAN CLOSE THE FILE ON THE SEPTIC SYSTEMS FOR THE SITE. 7. CONSTRUCT THE TESC POND, AND TEMPORARY SWALES AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN. TEMPORARY SWALES SHALL BE ADDED AS NECESSARY TO ENSURE THAT ALL SITE RUNOFF REACHES THE TESC POND. 8. OVEREXCAVATE THE TOPSOIL/ORGANIC LAYER IN THE FOOTING AND SLAB AREAS AND BACKFILL WITH STRUCTURAL FILL, AS SHOWN IN DETAIL 7/G4. 9. BEGIN FILL AND GRADING OPERATIONS. PER THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT NO SILT -LADEN RUNOFF DISCHARGES TO THE ADJACENT PROPERTIES. 10. REVEGETATE ALL SLOPES AND DISTURBED AREAS AS SPECIFIED BY THE "REQUIREMENTS FOR EXPOSED SOIL STABILIZATION". EARTH WORK QUANTITIES & NOTES EXCAVATION: 8,700 CY RE -USE OF ON -SITE -SOILS: 4,700 CY EXPORT OF UNSUITABLE SOIL: 3,700 CY IMPORT OF SELECT FILL: 16,900 CY THESE QUANTITIES ARE ESTIMATES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR BIDDING PURPOSES. IMPORTED FILL MATERIAL MUST ORIGINATE FROM A SOURCE APPROVED BY THE CITY OF AUBURN BUILDING OFFICIAL. PETERSON CO. GEORGE LYDEN 1102 "D" ST. NE AUBURN , WA 98002 (253) 735-0313 nATIRA ENGINEER RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. JEFF BAKER 1519 WEST VALLEY HWY. N. SUITE 101 AUBURN, WA. 98001 (253) 833-7776 CITY OF AUBURN BENCH MARK TBM 8-Q TOP OF BRASS DISC AT THE INTERSECTION OF 2ND STREET NORTHEAST AND "A" STREET NORTHEAST. ELEVATION 77.93 FEET, NGVD '29 VERTICAL DATUM. SITE: FOUND SURFACE BRASS DISK AT THE INTERSECTION OF "D" STREET NE. ELEVATION 68,67 PARCEL NUMBERS 072105-9026 072105-9023 (PORTION) 072105-9027 072105-9028 072105-9029 072105-9030 SHEET INDEX G1 COVER SHEET G2 DEMOLITION PLAN G3 GRADING/TESC PLAN G4 SECTIONS DETAILS & NOTES DUST CONTROL NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE THE PERIOD OF SOIL EXPOSURE THROUGH USE OF TEMPORARY GROUND COVER AND OTHER TEMPORARY STABILIZATION PRACTICES SUCH AS SEEDING AND MULCHING, AND EROSION BLANKETS. 2. DURING CONSTRUCTION AND DRY WEATHER, SPRINKLE THE SITE WITH WATER UNTIL SURFACE AREA IS WET. REPEAT THE PROCESS AS NEEDED DURING THE DAY. 3. ALL TRUCK TRAFFIC MUST USE THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AS SHOWN ON THE T.E.S.C. PLANS TO PREVENT CARRYING MUD INTO STREET. 4. DURING CONSTRUCTION, ALL PROPERTIES AND ALL PUBLIC STREETS ADJACENT TO PROJECT WHICH WILL BE USED BY CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC SHALL BE KEPT CLEAN OF ALL MATERIAL DEPOSITS RESULTING FROM ON -SITE CONSTRUCTION. DEMOLITION NOTES: 1. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE DEMOLITION PERMIT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE CITY OF AUBURN BUILDING OFFICIAL WITH THE INFORMATION REGARDING PROPER DISPOSAL OF DEMOLITION MATERIALS. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN PROOF IN THE FORM OF A RECEIPT OR SIMILAR DOCUMENT, PROVIDED TO THE CITY OF AUBURN UPON REQUEST, THAT THE DEMOLITION MATERIALS WERE DISPOSED OF AT AN APPROVED SITE. 3. THE CONTRACTOR IS ENCOURAGED TO PURSUE SALVAGE, REUSE AND RECYCLING OF DEMOLITION MATERIAL IN LIEU TOTAL DISPOSAL. 4. ALL ASBESTOS IDENTIFIED IN THE ASBESTOS SURVEYS (IN#200832-35) SHALL BE REMOVED AND 'DISPOSED OF IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH PUGET SOUND AIR POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY (PSAPCA) REGULATIONS. PRIOR TO DEMOLITION THE CONTRACTOR MUST FILE A PSAPCA NOTICE OF INTENT TO PERFORM DEMOLITION. BLC - BUILDING CORNER C - COMPACT CB - CATCH BASIN CL - CLASS CO - CLEAN OUT D - STORM DRAIN DDCV - DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE DI - DUCTILE IRON DS - DOWNSPOUT D/W - DRIVEWAY EL - ELEVATION ESMT - EASEMENT EXG - EXISTING FD - FOUNDATION DRAIN FDC - FIRE DEPT, CONNECTION FF - FINISH FLOOR FH - FIRE HYDRANT FL - FLANGE JOINT HC - HANDICAP IE - INVERT ELEVATION LF - LINEAR FEET LS - LANDSCAPING UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE ® 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH SITE DATA VICINITY MAP ZONING: M1: LIGHT INDUSTRIAL N.T.S. LOT SIZE: 225,572 SF = 5.18 ACRES GEOTECHNICAL REPORT REPORT NO. 20022-1 DATED FEBRUARY 29th, 2000 BY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. A COPY OF THIS REPORT SHALL BE KEPT AT THE JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED A PART OF THESE DRAWINGS. FOLLOW ALL EARTHWORK RECOMMENDATIONS PROVIDED BY THE REPORT. r err 13 � Q ry U ❑r = Q F�-, Q J_ ao fn W W � W � U Z QJ Z Z O U LL.1 V) LLJ 171, � (D .Q C) 0 Q V) LaJ CD I'- W L.LJ m 0 00 C-0 cli 01 O r7 Ln 0 0 LIC z T O 3 S o�� o� r7 Q00 V) N .n Qw C:D LEGEND �--- F- DESCRIPTION NEW EXISTING L..a.J STORM SEWER D EX. 12_STORM L L J SANITARY SEWER S EX. 8 SEWER = Q_ WATER W EX.-2" WATER V AC PAVING 0 CONCRETE PAVING L I J , DETENTION POND >_ MJ - MECHANICAL JOINT SPOT ELEVATIONS xx.xx XX.XX OH - OVERHEAD �- PL - PROPERTY LINE CONTOURS 50 w CD Z - RADIUS CD RW - RIGHT-OF-WAY f= SS - SANITARY SEWER STORM MANHOLE 0w SQ FT - SQUARE FEET _ S/W - SIDEWALK STORM CATCHBASIN ■ ❑ V) TC - TOP OF CURB o TIP - TEST PIT SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE o N UNO - UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE WATER VALVE co S - SOUTH FIRE HYDRANT W - WEST E - EAST TELEPHONE MANHOLE TQ N - NORTH NW - NORTHWEST POWER VAULT P o SW - SOUTHWEST ❑ NE - NORTHEAST C SE - SOUTHEAST STREET LIGHT `s V) a Y LLJ UTILITY POLE -0 FOUND CASE MON Cl- GAS METER GUY WIRE ANCHOR TELEPHONE JUNCTION BOX y ROOF DRAIN Z ,I D 6q POWER POLE W/TRANSFORMER G ����pE WASy�y F. � Q � UNDERGROUND POWER © v Du SIGNAL POLE 18536��`1��� STEM �a 7pNA L ECG PIRES 5/09/2002 RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION PROJECT REF: GRAOO-0010 DATE 5/1/00 THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE THESE PLANS ARE "APPROVED" FOR DRAWN CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN A.M. ��� ENGINEERING DIVISION'S REQUIREMENTS �t�N CHECKED J.D.B. BY; DATE: a/ .0 / 9 h I D o Approved By. ,0 , JOB NO. 00007 TITLE/POSTION: - Date Approved: 9�%/� U SHEET NO. CONFIRMED BY CITY: DATE: G 1 00601 D 16 it SW 1 /4, SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 21 N, RANGE 5E, W.M. Edge of asphalt ramp Flow line of EXG WATER LINES & HYDRANTS vertical curb &gutter EASEMENT, REC. NO 9808312291 Back of walk �a Ira+ i .Q EXG 20' WATER LINE EASEMENT, I cn r Catch basin standard grate ❑ REC. NO. 8511061183, Fjandicap I "z EXG WATER MAIN, SANITARY SEWER C3-ZONE AND EXG 20' FIRELANE EASEMENT, I ramp \ &APPURTENANCES EASEMENT, REC. N0. 8511061184 -- � _ �_ 12" - - - REC. NO 7811170958 Retaining wall SSCO S�rm drainag Water - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - Concrete �� 8 tch basin standard grate EWER MANHOLE valve - - - .- - '�, � C tch basin slid lid RIM 170 51 S anhole valves ■ �z a a-_ _ _ _ _ _ - tVa#er - �-+VTli$%�"•• �- �s-.ram � _-I------ 300LF8 PVC _--_----- „--- - 8 PVCIE65.50W ----S=0.0163 -_-- meter �-�-aj------' J - - � - - - � 29$ LF 8 PVC e arncn wTill ----_ _------- I- - 6" PVC IE 65.82 NE SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE I -------'---------- -- RIM PVC I I SANITA�Y SEWER M6HOLE� S=0.002 - - 12"PVCIE59.12N � � �) 12" PVC IE 59.51 S Cave ay cLl I RIM 69.�9 I Ex Fir I ----------------�" EXG TRA SFORME 8" PVC IE 64.86 E n - ------ 8" PVC IE 59.38E � N ndica T - ----- - 6" PVC IE 60.61 SW loo p EXG STAIR 8" PVC 64.25 W Ex Fire I Handicap I JIo rZp �r TO 2nd FLOOR col I Want) - �___ I Flow line of vertical curb & gutter ramp P i �I lol ---- -- - - - - - - - _ -bn I �t I� I ❑ so "W 466.74____�Exq _ - - _ - _-�=�- --„�..r--..err-,.. - - - _ . - _ Back of walk I I I Rocker H d - -' - - - FDC ra ll I ACCESS TO REMAIN BARRICADED SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE ° - RIM 69.26 \, I ) I C mn _.. - Door , I- Colu PI valve I REMOVE EXG 12" PVC IE 59.56 N �,�8 Roof drain EX6 CB STANDARD IRIIE STORM 12" PVC IE 59.56 SW Sign %+ / s`� ,ko Planter RN 70.69 1` tap/ ar '00� ,(�/]� I IrO l G CB S ANDAF GRRA LF 8" PV I 4�PVC IEIE 67.53 W I W21 Cub / / S=0.00 �u dr p 1st floor _-i--� Go r I/ `y I Retaining walywith - I Roof drain I' hand rail I Signal pole ///v / O^AD EXISTING BUILDING urb RIXG M CB STANDARD ORATE / FF ELEV 73.4 drop 18" CONC IE 65.95 / ____ - 4" CONC IE 66.40E / i 8" PVC IE 64.19 W I / OUTFALL IE 66.81W / Gate c 'lam �r e u + Shed b ll a✓I �/`��/l E�xtrwded cyrb IN Asdt Ln c� / o I I Roo( drain � I / /�' EXG CR STAND ARD,.I3R _-_-�-_ fi l Ma p�l►� i / / I RIM 68.58 -"- Roof drain � W / I 18 } CONC IE 65.64 N I d SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 12' PVC IE 65.56 F- = -- Roof drain in O 1 PMC M.57 N RIM 68.42 / 12" PVC IE 60.01 NE / -� � �., / / � � �� � � � �/ '�/ �"I 12" PVC IE 60.01 SW �' /., EXG EDGE EXG CB & CAP EXG � � ' ' SDR�1 0) Cl-ZONE /,o Si nal ' Fire . # 11 .Ifl�1lC, P 6* PVC IE 60.27 W ,� t-Tie �rarzt PAVING STORM PIPES I STORM PIPE d ° 1� ,� 6 PVC IE 59.05E �>/ / �' TO REMAIN Water q� 4' hog wire / Wafer I� �e i �/ / �- _ / �./ -.�. �=- _ - - w fence 0.3E EXG CB STANDARD GRATE / / now aaaw arm tiara• _ - - - _ - -y .1"" ¢; _�� fir- _ -/ - -' - ; ,� _ _ dTence Me a 3' barbed wire �4 of east property Ut line RIM 67.69 Curb ycrt" ' L' - �` - - Fence osL F 4r� Alder I property aas/ REMOVE fence o.8'E / / / aar�w ■rrr♦ ■� _u-_____-.-- I : � o f east / 12" PVC IE 64,79 N w drop �/ / Barbed wire fence _�P EXG STORM 8" PVC IE 64,84E - -' - - - - EMBVE $XG 1 124" fruit 'tree line 12" PVC IE 64.73 W / O i n - - - -F Aar+ I cluster 20" Bifrh Fence post , /Si d �?1" Eirch p� 6' wood fence I t , © � / I -� I I / � '� fruit `� t 4' wood fence / c EXG LOT LINES I / Shed with TO BE REMOVED, a / I I overhang 1.1'E of east Water volve / I 12" fruit tree 12" trait tree Fence I _ - I property line TYP. I * I i post I Brick 1 Water meter -�=- I / I I " I a r, i. Sign I Clc}thesline c: n` '`` 5' wood fence I r� 1.4'E of east Satellitepais dish Water property�er ith line vulve ,0ciduous overhang T Brick I fireplace i l ( 6il . in a we � /'- I Concrete �.? (?ecid+.,rnil rc w r o / I a r� rYtn -� Stop .i, , cluster . / p Water II Ste , % EXG WALL -HUNG HEATING OIL => ` �' = o I ' �� - �VaI`re SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE I I 11 t Wood floivef box ti - oncre e a RIM 68.43 I TANK HAS ALREADY PEEN �: � rte a� I I Building s" PVC IE 60.38 W I I REMOVED BY THE PR PERTY I Q 12" PVC IE 60.26 S I I I I OWNER NO UNDERG IbUND I 12" PVC IE 60.22 N I � II I II i S� tepTANKS EXIST) ; 1 I / 2u" �nag12,iruR 24( fruit .> I / / -tree Concrete tr / i �V1.�,F l �`> I r.3 rl ' Ur I., R+re h �� i { ' t " I I I of I REM6�/ ALL EXG REMOVE6AtLood fence I N 1' 11'46"E o ;U: ( I II ( I 11 C/ 1 aste BUILDINGS, STRUCTU TREES WITHIN 2Eo e 43.84' n e PARKING, ETC. WHIN CLEARING LIMITS property line CLEARING LIMITS I °' 32" Fir I to b I I I y 24" fruit OverhangWBkow CNTt 1 NI _pia, ra! +�• .. tree � ?2' fruit. I,.,. a�rr i_nark . v tree vG Building S88'48'14"E 161.30' REMOVE LL. I °<� '" Pine l (� 16 FENCES THIS �1 ,. ,, 1�" I b s� ��a .� COORDINATE W, aus II I * 20" fruit CLEARING L deciduous o `; tree 311 I / I REGARDINQ�� WVAL 8" fO _ � �� � � h rEc, I - - - - -' l,5" st {�,r+ ,� ant POWER`LES I I I l I1 ``t6" Tine I ump 1 2il" Fir _ t, r _ - - '�E1 - ' � � - dE-SERVICES -�- Shed II - - - - - -- ---- =-j�--- ----------- Water ,` / ti „ WITHIN CLEARING L1MI TS'" CAP EXG 2" WATER tp ORDINATE meter ntettrr % �t t r . e I tree nenta! AT PROPERTY i� W/CITY ( AUBURN I r v ( itce LINE REGARDING REMOVAL I. / nice L -� - - --------------- -s Z - - - - _.OE_WkTM M€TE-RS-- - - - -t - - - - - - - -� - - - / dge of gravel top I CLEARING IV) AT SERVICESY.At iIIttee / r e► o I� ( I LIMITS CLEARING 12" fruit tree r e TYP Fruit tre"'�r y APPROX LOCATION a T 10" fruit tree r)p��dr�or;s 0" deciduous M° ,ocluster 2 WATER LINE, REMOVE WITHIN CLEARING LIMITS _ PROTECT AND RETAIN •..• -- ---- .� -"" "'�°' "` �` ""�'" '� .� __ �� "Ob w..� THESE TWO TREES. DEMOLITION r 7 3 431. 2 &GRADING OPERATIONS SHALL BE 3' barbed wire �- - - � fence 1.8'E and Flow line of / `3Jater l+n� .__...� .. a �� { - NO CLOSER THAN 5 FEET TO THE fence 1. property 1 vertical curb ~j Brush Brick trash O �t13' ADS TREE DRIP LINE. P P Y Water line. 1 W► C corner t, culvert enclosure o, dSWA111Y SM VA MI 6� I 1 13' ADS 3' cyclone !�i 71.50 F• _A ,/ ,� Building i fence top it PVC IE OM N a / �r 4cyclone ✓Ir PVC IE 84.01 S v� 3 fence top Co um Gate e, Cl-ZONE tica� Water I vo{ve1 p p f /Handica ram UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: DCrgACM MAWrAIn nCDTrnnATinu Hydrant Asphalt / THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, ,.`%R%01%U "'v""'"' �"NIII Mo,rr..rll Water valve l THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE column top DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON �r THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. 0 3:��,( Jul r THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE 0 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS BY, DATE: Water Catch ba* OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER valve standard gate OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS T[TLE/P0 DEMOLITION PLAN SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, Double Yellow NORTH 1 =_ THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. CONFIRMED BY CITY: DATE: TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH VICINITY MAP NORTH N.T.s. PROJECT REF: GRACO-0010 THESE PLANS ARE "APPROVED" FOR CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN ENGINEERING DIVISION'S REQUIREMENTS a)*VVN n� 9/'1 100 Approved By. �•Piww., Cp Date Approved: 1117100 0 � 4 D a � U l3\ D 2 nd V � d > 00 `2 U C'4 I ❑� o VU � W > t_-t a z Z W3 >. d 0 _�� © z�� J ()0 �� � � 00 ¢ 00 Z ` N Cn �� LAJ V) z C m i LJ Qf �z W O � W lY � l- LAJ d w LLJ _ tJ-- Cl- r- C 4 m �- 0- C) F_ _J C) M Litt J F- r- w S rn r�k4�_ { D" q DATE 5 /.1/00 DRAWN A.M. CHECKED J.D.B. JOB NO. 00007 SHEET NO. G2 R.E.I. FILE:/ G2-00007.dwg , 08/31 /00 13:35 2� * 05* 7 0 o(1 b Qocot oD,D 1641 SW 1/4, SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 21N, RANGE 5E, W.M. b0N 6g51 Handicap 6gyo Edge of asphalt ramp Flow line of vertical curb & gutter 6abg: Back of walk �` 1bt, s, EXG WATER LINES & HYDRANTS EASEMENT, REC. NO 9808312291 Buildino EXG 20' WATER LINE EASEMENT, 6q�' "� I 6"° E' �' ,I REC. N0. 6511061183, a I 01 686° LL. a ❑ i �� eA "I " 19q EXG WATER MAIN, SANITARY SEWER q 616gh6q� 1q ° $, AND EXG 20 FIRELANE EASEMENT, I$. � �r'r 6 C3—ZONE 6a °�' 1°� 1° 1°9 REC. N0. 8511Q61184 Handicap 1� 6$. �6 & APPURTENANCES EASEMENT, 6 ►0 ' e0. R!#aining wail-�'- eq°� 066 gq 106 q f° REC. NO 7811170958 9� 0 1 1 Concrete a ^ 6 68.7 06 O \ 1 roe etgnln wall / 1 . ' a \�, eq�6q e FILTER F q Hy4rart°r _ Fir.. __. _oq/,ob.__.._{ 1°11 Dr1V�iay \\ 68� 6� EXG ►RAi�.7r 1� /' Handicap, �' ` 6q° EXG STAIR AB�, ,\, 1o�gA , 1 ,� _ Flow Line of vertical curb do gutter 1 ram �q2q 6 TO 2nd FLOOR Ex Fire 6q � � '03 0qq � 102 �T� D�V-6, TYP. TOE 101, 1°q �L j° - 110 ,6 11a1Toe \ 1)p Handicap I i' e eq rh 1ti 60,E 6q� So+---"� T oq e e 1 e -_ = 6 � Toe T ramp 6 9j I 6qA e bs� 0 . _.__-. S8T34 "W 466.71 — — To 86 1,,q.� 065 _ 1 P p 1, /rE _ Toe Back of wank I ► ! bqf 6 5 a" -. 6q°— e`. 'Hfl�d �. -- 07$ _ - a 77 I q -'--- q. Rocker - _ !' oil 6g. ..Shed. ._._.__�_.--�--,o 1.,-- —1 �6 T e JJ, ; /\� l 11 1z. 1,. ° .....- - _ o� 06 __$9A$gA ALIGN TOP, Oi'= PAD 1 }!�, -, 0 1 I I / ! -0ap eq ° ( C min e ? a a Door W/ EXG BLDG. \ 1 i Sn q`� / iI ' ,I q I — '=olumn ,� , \ O 1 6 I `YI �89 ' 6q 10 11 * Pionter IE=70.30 '; i i' 1 I ,' sb� Sion 41.r q 1 \ 4 1 1 fft� ( by �' 1' T� `L �6` 6e \ 1 i ° A IN IE - I , ,� IE 69.5 �� b 'I ( ' �� _ I e I �� Top m ° I W or e i tst floor 11a\ r, E, i 1 �$ \ I 1 + 4 1 , 1 b, Door q O `\ 9q'1 x I i1-lgie 'white 6g00 I 1�'1.y1$ .1,, I 6 q I l 1 ..� op !/- � °6 IN A FUTURE BOTTOM OFi \ � t � 1 Retaining wall w th i, 1, '. 1 �, # &ti 11 �° FTG ELEV. = 69.4 / 1 °q S:11 I hand rail 6 ge 7,5 Signal pole I 6q 6q�$ eq .e EXISTING BUILDING F 1 �4 ' Toe N M., �� I b FF ELE 7V 3.4 6 / 6e� / �/// urb I �� eq�° A a drop i 6q Ext uded curb � ,4 Ex ruded curb try. 1 Shed 1N. 0 ,I og EXtrVd e , s9QL 35 ed curb MONITORING RE -DIRECT EXG DOWNSPOUTS P�iTS,TYP 5 SEE GEOTECH 1 c 1q0 6q�O o6 TO TEMP SWALE, TYP. Ci4 REPORT h °til 1 1 1°� 6, I bq. - IE=69.30 1N. 0 1 IE=69.80 1` 1 try 1 g$9 °h qqE=0&42 J I '1 _. _ - - - - - °('"'•.'/"' 1\` Break 1 Break C1 "ZONE / - St nal'' xc�aFire EDGE OF EXG PAVIN ... ... 1 n ti °q p, e /' rant 1 fEa 1 - 1 �� 6 reak - - - - - - - - ere k D 1TOE FIhLIITYP ` i ti b--------� 1 t' \ $re - - - `. �a_6os_$cetfk 6q? 7� 50 1011 1 W 6q 2q-`r,S.,•_,_ w \ Glo e wi .- % f I / CRA11�� FILTER" J c o o qaz 6 Sign _ - INLET PROTECTION �, I` ('..., GRAVEL CONE ,a 6qq 1 1r 10� /1 0 � � T�, OF, �,� --' I TEMPORARY SWALE, TYP Curb e®' -- - - 51 q q1 1°� 6 COA STD DTL DEV-9 COA STD 6' I �ap egry 6°j 6q 9 4 9 6q 6q. 1 6 "ELEV. °� 10. 6 CONTROL STRUCTURE DEV-10 � 6 � , �'� ° � � DTL DEV-8 � � �Tl . l G4 ��_ .�- � EXG CB STANDARD GRATE / 6$' RIM 67.69 r ���' `. IE=68.00 e$1 eeg.i,, 9 -- 1°? o ° �` 1°� 1°6 64.7 N / i`'`t!'d` 1°.� I n 6q9 1°ry 6q� 1°� \\1TA ,i 1 12 PVC IE 9 / SE TLEMENT 8" PVC IE 64.84 E / // 70 2 k 5 b10 6q6 10 c� a& 066 7 _.._ . 11� 1 70 " � _ / 6 6q L 6q ALIGN TOP OF PAD 6q. M "" TYP 1q 1q. 1°' 1 12 PVC IE 64.73 W , _ ! ., jj ! �� 1^1 69y6 J 6g. � .66� 66� 0� W/EXG BLDG 11 1\0 \ �q °. �° 2�4 1°5 20'_-- I / 4 ! 686e 1At . Satellite Sign I 1 G4 I \'` 102 _ 101 1 dish 3:1 TYP ; 6ea 6s 6e5 665 o5i 6 ,� h g. 91 �� 1. 'L 109 O® 1°1 0. TYP. RESTORE SIDEW PINING, f `` q� 0 10. 1°p1 q 1 Ir `� 1 1 ' �e� 68g a 6 407 ,10t ST. NE o ,� -_., k 2:1 TYP CURB & GUTTE ! a° - ; 68. z I 1°% 1q L1 ��\ 1 1° 70.4 511 10th 9T. f 10� 1° FUTURE BOTT 1 __ '�_ MATCH EXG AFTE PIKE � (61 BERM IE-66. 11/ � � ° `_ / TO E�(G � CHECK DAM 0100 O.C. INSTALLATION j I �� " DTL 3 G4 ~\ q . 6 FUTURE BOTTO OF 1 q OF FTG ELEV. .69.4 0 11 PER COA STD DTL DEV-9, TYP. 6e. 37 10 PVC SDR 35,® 4.44% r 11 6 1 1 FTG ELEV=67. 1q 1° 11 J I Stnp t ' e® sjQ� OR LONGER TESC POND EXG 11e1:° TNG QI - ' o' 1 1 °1 1° 1°� FTG STEP,,,,, 1° I oa I q Building L I 1\ �.� 1 1 0 ° �6, g ! o IF NEEDS \ BOT EL =65.0 NK HAS ' 8 DUET ° I _ 1, �64 11 ah 1 I I o \ v BYE Q o tiq 1 1 I',6 ° MAX WSEL =68.0 1° n -_-1q 11 ,, 60. I o o 0 0-0-0- TOP POND=69.0 OS INGS, 6q' 5° FUTURE BOTTOM OF a i 1 0 0 000O 0 0 E N °q ��� CEO. 6 61°. 7022 ,037 so 1°5 1°� D� FTG ELEV=67.4 6$5 r I I 0 0 0 0 0° 0° 0° 0° l TOP DIM =1 Q0.5'x49' Tra,�J 6 a 6 �a 1° 1q1 1 ° �1 N u+a O 0000000000 ;n ! BOT DIM = 76.5' x 25' qe 0000OON �6q, 6q 1 1°6 515 10th ST. e1 0 000000°000 1 a, 1` (ft O O O O O O 0 6q: �6q� q 1A 6 1, 05 t I �O OQ 6a 6 \ O 1' 11 46 g ° a$ I 3.8 '�� 6 3 1 ° 1 � . a 1 '� I 6°'~ �ati 69s 6�'' 1 �\ 120 1D 1Ci 0.. !�68.4 11, N� q. � 120' 0 6q d1 R \ 10 °j 1°$ 1, ;y T r ,0 ,_ _ _ _ _ 65.5 J 10 \ ; J Building 5 0 1` ° tCONSTRUAN 14 E 161.3© 1° Lti ENTRANCE eg 6$9 / IE 68.4 q I COA STD DTL DEN-5 TOP 6 to ° ,�5.10.°g 1° 01 q I 10 1 10 1 °g 6 10q 6 e2g • , ,66� 0� ® eq 6q'I 6 , 1 10• 1° Swale c OOI ° e 105 1°' 10' 1° i Shed 6q 6.9 6 \\, / 70.5 '\`a q 68� . , O 3 6q? 1n'5 I 1 �r 6eR 110� 10� 1 r�r 1°q op Daylight rQe 61e 91 6q ' (n I 6q p // It` 0 1 g q 5 160q G Q I689� 619 c ( j 10 T" �Q a 6gS ttr ° ' GRADE TO m 68k b 1 103 1 SWALE, TV 1°1 3 _ ��1�.. 6 -_ °, PROTECT AND RETAIN y o bq o° 10, 1036 105° Toe oa ;� .- .1.-5' back of wdlk - 1 _�� 6q Toe �q� 1 _.�. woe — — �---- — _ THESE TWO TREES DEMOLITION i- �- _ - 2�3-"E$2 _ ---- S 99 1°' q & GRADING OPERATIONS SHALL BE 6$k6 Top Swale 10 _a,ti - -- o"� �\ 1pAq o Top 1\� ' ; q - 1,,, 775 1 . �. 1 1 20 10. q.�- , 5 a °. b 7 6 1 �- 6 o \ Flow line of '�.10°" y�tr�`iet:�?r' -- ~•="-� �' 1 a 0 10. NO CLOSER THAN 5 FEET TO THE bq' ;� Toe'] 10 q ..�--..— 6 1 �._ /'-�.._.�._.-..- 1. 9 0 6$' e to =, -=-- - -' $ 1'% 10 10k 33 " TREE DRIP LINE. e1- - vertical curb 1 6e 1°�, o ° 16et/ r r Brick trash C $e5 I ,1 61 7 1 ° lit enclosure _ .... v I 6 °� ; 67.9 - 1 UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: RECORD CiRiIFIG11iK)N c Toe Ca1um V c Cl—ZONE erticai �1` - i THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE v) 3 o .10! 105` curb 10 DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON CONTRACTOR'S i;ONSj'jZUCT1ON RECORDS. '� 1°,q 1° THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 1 0°� THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE 0 1-800-424-5555 Handicap ramp 1 D AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS BY, DATE: 3A `t Hydrani: 69 o Toe I Pholt 61$ OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER oq' i q, blumn top S,gr� � 6gti 6 . OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS TITLE/POSMON• �.., `, SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE 6q�° U' ' ( \� GRADING TESC PLAN SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR,17 5 . 9 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. CONFIRMED BY CITY: DATE: 6ql616 1 I 6®16 1 =30 TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH VICINITY MAP ti ORTH Q o U c7% d Z (g < 00 `U! 0_ N U � W cn C14 Z o L�J 6 Z Z o W 3 r` F00 J ' a00 O Q Ul Z p U Q LAJ VP)co Q:D LaJ 171000 0 L.Li LLJ Li V)00-00 W_ 0 L,J F W W ^ Q— O m n V) W W W a= t_ o 00 u T c ck: O L0 a U Q1 = O U V PROJECT REF: GRAOO-0010 DATE 5 I/1/00 THESE PLANS ARE 'APPROVED" FOR DRAWN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN A'` ENGINEERING DIVISION'S REQUIREMENTS 9� CHECKED Approved By. o-r, , ��. JOB NO. 00007 Date Approved: A00 SHEET NO. G 3 R.E.I. F1LEJ G3-00007,dwg , 08/31/00 13:29 pF�oS-� I$oF�la 06©q O;L ID-1-61V WHEN ADJACENT GRADES ARE LOWER THAN 1.0' FREEBOARD, CONSTRUCT 2.0' WIDE BERM ALONG LOW SECTION OF POND PERIMETER. SEE "BERM COMPACTION" NOTE. TOP OF POND / FREEBOARD = 69.0 MIN. OVERFLOW ELEV = 68.5 BERM COMPACTION ALL POND BERM EMBANKMENTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF SOIL COMPACTED TO 95%, PLACED IN 6" LIFTS, WITH THE FOLLOWING SOIL CHARACTERISTICS: 20% MIN. OF SILT AND CLAY, 609: MAX. OF SAND, 607. MAX. OF SILT, WITH NOMINAL GRAVEL AND COBBLE CONTENT. 48" CMP STANDPIPE FILTER FABRIC FENCE OPEN TOP, CLOSED BOTTOM AROUND GRAVEL CONE ENCASED IN CONCRETE / =-� I I III TOP OF PONDING = 68.0 i ° ° o (DURING 25-YR, 24-HR STORM) lu ' I / ° -10 ° tJ of �.b WATER TIGHT 1=- , a Q ° ° 0 6 ,.� SEAL cor ° 0 , © ° `%� %'D. ° ° ° � g 2,y,L 1 Yi" WASHED ROCK o GRAVEL CONE 10' PVC SDR 35 2H:1V, TYP. DWARGE = 0.62 CFS IE 65.5 ° ° ° -YR, 24 -RR- p°' �° ° PREDEVELOPED STORM) ►a�g 0 0 o!� 00� o ,00 1 10" x 10" x 10" PVC TE RUBBER GASKET JOINTS oO 1" DIA. TYP., 40 HOLES MIN. • 10" 10" RUBBER GASKET ..O.C. PERFORATIONS SHALL BE LOCATED PLUG W/ 3.65" DNA. Old ."WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE GRAVEL CONE `x NEE; iNK AT 0.5' ABOVE OUTLET INVERT. �'� ` • r f /' ''' 6" CONC. BASE COMPACTED GRAVEL BASE GRAVEL CONE CONTROL STRUCTURE G4 J NTS NOTES: 1. BASE CONSISTS OF 1 /2' THICK, 2'X2' PLYWOOD WITH CENTER DRILLED 5/8" DIAMETER HOLE. 2. BEDDING MATERIAL, IF REQUIRED, SHOULD CONSIST OF CLEAN, COARSE SAND. _ 3. MARKER ROD IS 1/2" DIAMETER STEEL ROD THREADED AT BOTH ENDS. 4. MARKER ROD IS ATTACHED TO BASE BY NUT AND WASHER ON EACH SIDE OF BASE. 5. PROTECTIVE SLEEVE SURROUNDING MARKER ROD SHOULD CONSIST OF 2" DIAMETER PLASTIC TUBING. SLEEVE IS NOT ATTACHED TO ROD OR BASE. 6. ADDITIONAL SECTIONS OF STEEL ROD CAN BE CONNECTED WITH THREADED COUPLINGS. 7. ADDITIONAL SECTIONS OF PLASTIC PROTECTIVE SLEEVE CAN BE CONNECTED WITH PRESS -FIT PLASTIC COUPLINGS. 8. STEEL MARKER ROD SHOULD EXTEND AT LEAST 6" ABOVE TOP OF PLASTIC PROTECTIVE SLEEVE. 9. STEEL MARKER ROD SHOULD EXTEND AT LEAST 1" ABOVE TOP OF FILL SURFACE. STEEL ROD em /- PROTECTIVE SLEEVE •' SURCHARGE •� Fj' 'VARIES. OR'•FILL. •(S*E� NOTES), 2 SETTLEMENT MARKER G4 NTS PROPOSED GRADE EXG GRADE 2' I uiw PCO I BOTTOM OF POND ELEV. 65.0 U HIGH GROUND WATER ELEV. 63f 74 72 70 76 74 72 70 4 SECTION G4 1"=20' HORZ 1 "= 2' VERT 168' ....... ......... ......... 10,. .... ....... . ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... ......... ......... �.�. �...... PRELOAD EL . VARIES PER FLAN ...... . ... ... .... .. ... .... ... ......... .... .. ... .. .. ... FUTURE: BLDG � ::::: f :::.� ::: . ..... .. .. ...: WALL..... {{ ... ....... . ......... ... ..... .... ... ......... ..— ......... ......... ....... ....... ......... . .. .. ...... FUTUREFLV_734 EXG FF_ ...... ....... .. . ......... ......... SOUTH ......... ......... .... ......... ......... ........ ......... ........ :I::: I::::I::: I.... ... ......... ......... ...... ... ::::: ......... ......... : ,.... : . ......... ......... ......... ... ......... ......... ........ ......... ......... . . . . . I . . . ......... I I ....... ......... .........LLL ..I...... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ ...... ... ...I.... I........ ........ ......... ........ .... -... ... ...I. k :::: j :.. XGEOGE ... .... I .... __ ...... .... ......... ....... _ L I... .. .... ......... ......... ... .... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ......... ......... ......... ....... .. :EXG GRADE : ......... ...... ::/::: ......... ..... .' . .. . V\\ .. ....... ......... ...... .. ....... 3H:1V, TYP. ......... .... �:� : !: ..... ... ......... EXG ASPH BE REM LT TO).... D ..::.:.: TEMP SWALE PER PLAN: ... ......... ......... ....... .. ...... ......... .. .. ... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ TYP.. ........ ......... ..... ......... ... I..... ......... TEMP SWA E ......... ........ ......... PER PLAN ......... ......... . ......... ......... .....I... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ... ......... ......... ......... .......I ......... ......... ......... ......... 0+00 1+00 2+00 5 SECTION G4 1"=20' HORZ 1"= 2' VERT TEMP SWALE PER PLAN 60' 6 SECTION 24 1"=20' HORZ 1"= 2' VERT FUTURE BL�DGj WALL t- TYP 1 +00 TEMP SWALE PER PLAN 10' MIN. TO EXG BLDG. 10' MIN. 2 EXG GRADE BOTTOM OF FUTURE FTG ELEV PER PLAN SLOPE AS REQUIRED --' 7 rKLU G4 J Vi"=1'- L I PRELOAD ELEV. PER PLAN — — — FF ELEV. 73.4 — — — I:i FUTURE WALL, SLAB & FTG P IV DIC wI I IV imi 6' MIN ►UR' S z ' g WET -WEATHER STRUCTURAL FILL (LESS THAN 5% FINES) STRUCTURAL FILL, USE WET -WEATHER FILL IF NECESSARY )VER EXCAVATION LINE SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR GRADE/FILL/COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS DETAIL 0 Q U P--n Q co i j'— w �N{ Z >. @ O F Q °° � Z N O � , L. -i _ V C m L.J rtol C) Q IQ w Z� Z CQ r V w � LLJ F— o w LJ . F_ IZ N p m o {) E'— L Lj I� V) Z C) F_ LLi L,_J H rVjI ) I— w z V) �1{ D. 9�q'tl �� DE WAS �F M a STRIP TOPSOIL AND KEY BERM kPRES S O9 20 INTO NATIVE SOIL. BERM COMPACTION DATE 5 1 00 / 2' CENTERED BERM COMPACTION ALL POND BERM EMBANKMENTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF SOIL COMPACTED TO 95%, PLACED IN 6" LIFTS. WITH THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERISTICS: 20% MIN. OF SILT �,© CLAY 3 BERM DETAIL 60% MAX. OF SILT WITH NOMINAL GRAVEN AND COBBLE CONTENT. G4 N.T.S. SHALL BE PER WSDOT. (1994) SPEWC. 2-03.3 (14) (COMPACTED TO 95% DRY DENSITY PER ASTM D-1557 MODIFIED PROCTOR). UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE 0 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST, LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION THESE DRAWHVGS CONFORM TO THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. �`DATE:D TITLE/�OSON. PROJECT REF: GRAOO-0010 THESE PLANS ARE 'APPROVED' FOR CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN > ENGINEERING DIVISIONS REQUIREMENTS Approved By. 00 ,..irX� Dote Approved: d% 7 O pI DRAWN A.M. CHECKED J.Q.B. JOB NO. 00007 SHEET N0. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. CONFIRMED BY CITY: DATE: TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH 4 CONSTRUCTION. R.E.I. FILE:/ G4-00007.dwg , 08/31 /00 13:28 051 Ic U r i�-