HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM II-A � �--* CITY OF -� • DRAFT PLANNING COMMISSION , November 9, 2071 � WASHINGTON , MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER ��•, Chair Judi Roland called the meeting to order at Z:02 p.m. in the's.C�,ouncil Chambers located on the first floor of Aubum Cfty Hall, 25 West Main $t�^`,'Aubum, WA. Commission Members present were: Chair Judi Roland, C8`�•'�.,C�'�iair Kevin Chapman, Bob Baggett, Ron Copple, Wayne Osbome, Joan Mas ��� ��ve Peace. *:�4� ��•� Staff present included: Principal Planner Jeff Dixon, Pt�a`nning ManaQer Elizabeth Chambe�lain, Plannin and Plannin Secreta '`����' 9 9 rY ,:1t3 ; riss. k,,4 k �i �,,;. Audience Members in attendance: Janet arad�$�ruce Koch, Jami L. Balintvand;Mark 9 :;,�.y .;.�,::;:. Se ale. :��;�,. *�;;;::. x`g:s:�r .w °.;:.:;�:�::, � �'s[`"<''l:ts .�{+;;` :>i?:. 11. APPROVAL OF MINUTES �����%"' ?a�e:� }�'':� A. October 18, 2017 ' • `y The Commission requested adding the name of fh •pdncipal planner under P/T#9. rvfi,'E�e.'9y�4 ��+ v��:���. . Commission Commissioner d' �me�,ll�eved and move�:ar�d Commissioner Copple seconded to approvethe Octotiei 8, 2���,tr�nutes as aroended. ,.�•:., .` . • •,�y�, "�i'�. ..y ' ,J,';�??tS '�'i;:., MOTIONCARRIED>UNANIMOUSLY�-0 '��"�`<�"'?�:* �� f.•:.. +'Z+��� �:\yLti:•\. }} K• • �f.i{yi\: L ? ,�::.�:?+ ��� i�y,.4 ,.}iiii: III. PUBLIC C NT� � ���:>rt:;,• `''�' � �f��::;�. There w�e'�o members F the public p�esent who wished to speak during the public commertf�' � '��•>: �::�::;. ti;....;, o- ' . �:a:�i;. IV. PLANNIN 6PART �� �;;iy�. f.ti ann,�ng Man�qe,�r,, .� eth a . �r�airtan#ormed the Commission Coastal Farm and �{�Ra�h: an Oregon ed company)l�a submitted a letter of interit to purchase the old f,v��;;�1Na1-Ma��u�lding. }3�>company is a farm and ranch retailer seliing a variety of <•:••s:'s��' products. 9t�f::and ttl,rl7ission discussed the status of other projects and properties. �'`<;;✓ s.�>� �s,�.h;r•, �.,k. ��� Y;���c� PUBLIC HEARi�S ``�;'����A. CPA11-0001 'zn�rrace ew LLC Amendment ��.. Principal Plann,e�csDixon provided a briefing for CPA11-0001. Staff and the �°���C.ommission reviewed designations, map changes, and the definitions of land uses ��., •as�s�ciated w,i�,���}ie designations. There was discussion about adjacent land uses. TIiBl�:yuas,�i9,�USSion about coordinating road improvements with any future �,..>� :; •:r•% develqptMttm . The Commission recommended studying the "A" Street corridor from Lakelanc� 'ills Way to Lake Tapps Parkway, for potential designation changes as long as traffic studies are done to address any traffic issues or congestion. Chair Roland opened the public hearing at 7:16 p.m. to receive commeMs on CPA11-0001. There being no public preseM for commerrt, Chair Roland closed the - public hearing at 7:17 p.m. Commissioner Peace moved and Commissioner Copple seconded to approve the CFA11-0001 with a recommendation that areas the area from Lakeland Hilis Way Flanning Commission Meeting Minutes November 9, 2077 south to Lake Tapps Parkway be studied for consideration of a potential change in designation to heavy commercial during thenext year's comprehensive plan amendment cycle. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7-0 B. CPA11-0002—Segale Properties LLC Principal Planner Dixon proyided a briefing on CPA11-0002. Map amendments to Maps 14.1 and 14.2 which are the Comprehensive Land Use Map and Special Area Plans'maps respectively were discussed. Staff and Commission also reviewed the related policy and text amendmentsfor the Stuck River Roatl•and Mt. Rainier�sta proposed special pian areas. Staff discussed the recorn 2ndation to include an eighth parcel in the proposed map amendment. �`'' ' Chair Roland opened the public hearing at 7:38p m. to re�'v.e comments on CPA11-0002. �r::`�. � , �c`�«:" <.4. s� Janet Koch, 2815—53'" Street SE, Au�}Washington. Mrs. Koch'�ated her and her husband live adjacent to the proaec�y�included m{ihe map amendment part of this application. Ms. Koch stated they did no�xeceive a�nap with the notice�n advance showing the parcels included in the ementl�ent„���additional parcel would directly affect them. Ms. Koch stated they are conce�''L�tt�'`about the text change adding industrial and recreational ���pro�perty owne�;,�understood the land was to be used for residential use only�rea��ghbors hav�nQt received amailed notice on this amendment individuals ace:aconcem;�d.about no#�ication so they can review and pose appropriate questions to th��City. Ms�iCo,ch`sta�ecl':•this is a large area of Iand and once the eV�(�?p��lents aro��K�}iVl7ajih(Ke�Sey 3 subdivisions) build out the area will ddacJditiqnal conge�Len� ere trafficiissues and inadequate infrastructure{exist; traffic"has quadrupled. 1�$,r � n Jami L ��`��tt, Compan��ounctl for�le Properties,LLC., P.O. Box88028, Tukwtla, W'"`�l �1�t�98736;''v�11t • B ui f;fntroduced Mark Segale, Vice President of ergate:Prop��,�C. Alette���'Planning Commissioners was provided by .�'.IN's�'BaGnt:. The afipE'rcant is in favon of Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA11- ,�,�;, 0002. The�'app,licat oih.is,the first step in moving forward.virith the sub-area plan � process for the�pprox'i115ate 871 acres of land within the City. Approximately 200 ��%acres is being adaed to tliesub-area plan. The Mt. Rainier Vista is a separate ``,�`�'.�p�posed specia�l�an area and is included within the 871 acres. The applicant feels �he�ext amendme�:is necessary given the request to add eight (8) additional pa�IS;.�The Co n;rehensive Plan has a limit on the number of unRs 4ha4 can be part of the`SpBpi�I,..�Px��.'X`n Process in the current language and with an additional 200 acres added to�s ecial plan area the previous dwelling unit limit is no longer appropriate� Ms. Balint does not believe the eighth (8`") parcel along the Kersey Way and 53rO will be directly adjacent to the Koch's property. The public notice boards required by the CRy were posted in two locations to infortn the public. Ms. Balint and Segale Properties, LLC appreciates the public's concem as to the use of the property; the purpose of the sub-area/special area plan is to determine the future appropriate use of the property with the public's concems in mind. WRh 871 acres, a large amount of property, there would be flexibility in arranging uses within the designated area. 2 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes November 9, 2011 Segale Properties, LLC requests approval of these amendments as modified by staff recommendations. Commissioner Peace asked if industrial uses were included in staffs recommendations(provided in the packet). Principal Planner Dixon stated they were not listed but could be included by staff within this amendment as a text addition if Commission directs staff to include the addition as paR of the amendment. Commissioner Chapman asked staff if the parcels designated as residential conservancy could be changed to single family residence. Principal Planner Dixon stated the special area designation is establishing the spe�.i�l area plan limits; which is essentially a study area, it does not make a change{S�underlying calored land use designations. The study area provides the app�.'�}t?and the City a chance to investigate and detertnine what the appropriate {Cc�"l' ° "°'ensive Plan designation �:: needs io be for the future. The parcels next to t{�e> och's�p�"r�`,perty would be included in the study. '��c;�,��, w�` y �;:;•.:.. ��� �:'��� Ms. Balint pointed out the special area�ptan��s noYonlydesigned to-'�etermine what uses are appropriate but also what irift�ivcture ma��e necessary��gupport future development as well as reviewing the surrounding;pro rty around the��special area plan to make sure all uses are compatible,,, :t ti y,�;;' Principal Planner Dixon p. x��pufiwhen the §peG;al area plans are developed any resulting proposed changes�ui�ys�lkbe broug��'�fore the Planning Commission and Gity Council as an amendment to�e::.Ci 's Comp�,r,ehensive Plan. Commissioner Peace stated industrial use'.;�� }11�1.include�'a factory and it does not 4� �iy�if�lYv�try;.. , seem appropr at����h�at area. ,���,���, �;�;;��: �` ''��s �`^�,'�' After hearirig[:�omment from the pulilie,on CPA11-0002 Chair Roland closed the .���r public h9anng at 8:04 p.�il� Chair Ro`land opened the public hearing a second time at 8:05 p.m�io}receive fu�he[comment`oJi<CPA11-0002. C�:. � : :^^•r �;� ��. �• b ,,i�'��;z:�.�`%;;.. ��kiGa,;Koch, 28:5• 3treet SE,.Au$um, Washington. Mr. Koch thanked the fi;"��.5,::...•v,k>. ,,,.r;;;�,�omtrnssion for tlieirswork. Mr. Koch stated everyone should get along and see what �.:;,;,;,; cuf �a ::.;• the right uS�;;�C Aubut'''�i >should be. He expressed his desiPe for both Mc Segale and ,1.:ii;i;;iy; �ryo?fl°. � :.;:.. the City of Ai�bLFn to Fi�avhat it needs for this area. Mr. Koch pointed out the fifth �''�i;;;'.l,(5th) bullet on th��fl;ower o� and stated it appears the City is approving commercial, '-;.,,. ;rristitutional, indu`stiial; and recreational uses without any type of study. It appears we z w s:tcc. ar�;�iving somethuay away without the necessary background. If each parcel is open F':?` . to offier.,land usQs:�hey should not be allowed uritil the studies are complete to back up th'�it;�Ses .:1f��trie parcel is good for recreation, make the proposal to the � . �k. Commiss'ton;atid move ahead. To just make this approval in mass I may be losing my future ngh�ts. He indicated his concem is similar to what Commissioners Peace and Chapman expressed; down a path commission has approved these activities when there was no basis for it. This is a ques4ion as much as a comment. After hearing comment.from the public on GPA11-0002 Chair Roland closed the public hearing at 8:05 p.m. Principal Planner Dixon clarified this text amendment only mod�es the purpose and description narratives of the special area plan in a manner that allows the applicant to go forward with additional study and evaluation for suitable uses and what 3 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes November 9, 2011 infrastructure is needed to support the future uses as the special area plan is developed. The amendment does not provide zoning code changes. CommissionerOsbome stated he felt it would be a mistake not to include the various uses since the special plan area includes 871 acres with a lot of buffer around. It could be used for an appropriate type of light industrial and we would not want to exclude light industry that is contained within a building. Not including options could be detrimentai for 4he entire 871-acre project. Chair Roland clarified the recommendation is to add eigM (8) parcels to the Stuck River Road Special Plan Area. �.'.c;.�. �af�: CommissionerOsborne moved and CommissionerJBag�ett.seconded to approve CPA11-0002, Segale Properties, LLC Comprehe��iue'"�'P,�Amendment CPA11- 0002 text amendment and map amendment to molude properLy taz iderrt�cation No. 322105-9031 (the eighth parcel). a '�.�; ,+.4.��> Commission and staff reviewed the arr����led wording to the origirt�<p�licy and text sections. Principal Planner Dixon claiifi�d the previou�version did niit�clude industrial uses and staff Yecommends adding on behal�'of the applican�industrial land uses. .s{��� �,;><:�� � > �: Jami L. Balint, on behalf of'�"�;2pplicant, stated`i�plusion of"industrial" land uses is appropriate and requested�#n:u sfle�ibility'as��slble so upon proceeding with the study so they are not limi�l;in any�,yva�r.,The uses for the property wili be determined based on a future s�Gdy, the��i�i�ki:;ask tliat#industrial uses be included within the speciat''2Yes<plan in orCtB'�t.t af�is'co�3ldv�:included within the study. ��` >" 3:;0• .Fz•r,, r�� +���;,. �.• Chair Rol��;stated a �on and s�c�ond has been proposed. Commissioner Peace clanfied��he•motion was�i,ased mater�als provided by s4affwhich did not include the addition�f°?tdustrial' fo�:�he text ame�i).''dment. A new motion needs to be propo§ed. ,[f St� C2;:.�, ••..r �y.�y,�•a.,.�`�+-•�'• G�it;��Qlancl as' d'z�ommissionev<(�borne if it was his intent in,the Motion to .x�.. z �itic(ude-i�ustria�uses. Commissioner Osbome said it was his intent to inblude it. «��%��;,, Commissitin�r}Bag ed it was not his interition to include industrial uses. M�:.;•• ��;< '�T� . .;,;?. �Ea`•.'I.�.�.. . '�-�r�.Chair Roland r ved tFie< otion from the floor. '°;�,;;.� ��., .� '`{�:>:�;� `�s:a Ciammission Ostioi�e moved and Commissioner Copple seconded to approve C?�°•;1�8,0002 as;��f,�t'�nded to include industrial uses as �ecommended tiy staff: '�::>:. ���, , MOTIOI��„' ' RIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-1 ti�f VI. OTHER BUSINESS There were no additional business items. Chair Roland confirmed the next meeting will be December 6`",2011. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no fuRher business to come before the Planning Commission, Chair Roland adjoumed the meeting at 8:24 p.m. 4