HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM V-A ��1 � �., � CiTY OF -.d�" * Memorandum " WASHINGTON Ta Planning Commission From: Stuart Wagner,AICP,Pianner Planning and Developrrienf DepartrneM CC: Elizabeth Chambedain,AICP, Planning Manager Date: December 6,2011 Re: Code Uodate Proiect-Phase 11 Discuss focusareas and timeline reiated to Grouping 2 Background AYits Octobe� 18, 2011 meeting the Planning Commission conducted a publiahearing onzoning code text amendments related to Phase 2 of the Code Update Project(Grouping 1). The proposed amendments are now under review the Planning and Community Development Committee. The purpose of this memorandum is to discuss the 2ntl set of zoning code text amendments(Grouping 2) that wiil be presented to the Planning Commission in early 2012. Jn short, Grouping 2 will handle uses and development standards within non-residential zones, non-conforming'uses, and other procedures contained within Title 18-Zoning. Discussion The 2n°grouping has two focus areas,which are identified below: 1. Non-residential Zoning Districts There are currenUy 13 non-residenUal zone designations(RO, CN, G1, C2, DUC, C3, M1, EP, M2, BP, P1, LF, and I). Each zone has an associated set of deVelopment standards and list of use activities that are permitted or adminisVatively/conditionally permitted. The Phase 2 Code Update Project-Grouping 2 will review; evaluate, and amend the development standards applicable the individual:zone and the set of uses wiftiin these zoning districts with the exception of the EP and DUC zoning the districts.The EP and DUC zones were receritly revised or curtenUy under evaluation and are not proposed to tie addressed as part of this effort. See attachment A for specific chapters to be amended. Outcome: • Convert land use provisions from a text format to a table fortnat. Tables will show permitted vs. non-permitted uses. The tables will also indicate if an administrative or conditional use permiYis required. • Delete outdated useson thelist; add uses that were not previously identified. • Expand Non-Industrial Uses in Light Industrial Zoning District. • New definitions will be added. • Convert dedelopment standards from a text format to a table format. �, ` • Improve development code readability and ease ofuse • Note: Ail zoning districts will remain the same 2. Other(Non-conforming uses and administrative processes applicable to all zoning disVicts) • Staff will review, evaluate;and amend ACC 18.54-Non-Conformina Uses and Structures. • Staff will review ACC 18.66- Hearinq Examiner. This chapter may be better situated in TiUe 2—Administration aritl Personnel. • The following chapters,have been more recently revised and are not proposed to be comprehensively revised except as maybe;neeiied for clean up or consi§tency revisions: ACC 18.18.46A-Temnorarv Uses, ACC 18.60- Home OccuoaHons, ACC 18:64- Administrative and Conditiorial Use'Pennits. The planning departrnent intends to bring forvvard the 2nd grouping of code amendments'in February of 2012, first as a discussion item; and then conduct a public hearing. Attachment A: Specific Chaptersto be amended 2 ,�1 ATTACHMENT'A: EXISTING AUBURN CITY CODE (BOLD INDICATES CHAPTERS TO BE ADDRESSED IN FOCUS AREAS 7 &2) Title 18 ZONING Chapters: 18.01 Use�Guide 18.02 General Provisions ___ ____ 18:04 Definitions 18.06 Repealed. 18.07 Residential Zones 18.08 ,Repealed 18:09 R-MHG Manufactured/Mobile,Home Community Zone 18:10 Repealed 18.12 Ftepealed 18.14 Repealed 18.16 Repeated 18.18 Repeated 18:20 Repealed 1821 Overlays 18:22 RO Residential Office and RO-H Residential Office-HospiWl District 18.24 C-N Neighborhood Shoppfng Distri 1825 Infill Residential DevelopmenEStandards 78.26 C,7 Light Commercial District 18:28 C-2 CeMral BusinessDistrict 18:29 DUC Downtown Urban Center DisVict �g�Commerciai and Industrial Zones-New 18.30 C-3 Heavy Commercial District 18.31 Supplemental Development Standards ChapteR 18.32 M-1 Light IndustHal Distrlct 18.33 Environmentat Park District 18.34 M-2 Heavy Industrial Distriet 18.36 BP Business Park District 18.38 LF Airport Landing Field District 18A0 P-1 Public Use District 18.42 UNC Unclassified Use District 18.44 I Instkutional Use District 18.45 Repealed 18.45A Repealed 18.46 Repealed 18.46A Temporary Uses 18.46 Repealed. 18.49 Flexible.DevelopmentAlternatives 18.50 Landscaping and Screening 18.52 Off-Street Parking and Loading 18.54 Nonconforming Structures,Land and Uses 18.56 Signs 18.58 . Repealed 18.60 Home Occupations 18.62 Surface Mining 18.64 Administrative and Conditional Use Permits 18.66 Hearing Examiner 18.68 Amendments 18.69 Repealed 18.70 Variances, Special Exceptions, andAdministrative Appeals 18:72 Administration and Enforcement 18.74 Location of.Sexually Oriented;Businesses 18.76 Planned Unit Development Disfict(PUD)-Lakeland.Hills Soutfi 18.78 Terrace�ew(l'� District