HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM V-B * crnroF *�` * . - Memorandum ` WASHINGTON To: Planning Commission From: Elizabeth Chambedain AICP, Planning Manager Flanning and Development Depaitment CC: Kevin Snyder,AICP; Planning and Deveiopment Diredor Date: November 28,2011 Re: Upcoming Zoning Code Amendmerds Discussion During 2011, Planning Commission and staff worked on several zoning code text amendments that haVe been adopted by the City Council or in the review process with the City Council. Those amendments are the following: • Amendment to allow Microbreweries and Distilleries in certain zones within the City (City Council adopted July 2011) • Creation of a MasterPlan Process (City Council adopted November 2011) • Allowing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations wRhin the City (City Council adopted June 2011) • Expanding the keeping of Urban Farm Animals within Residential zones (City Council adopted August 2011) • Phase 2 Code Update Work Group 1 (parking, landscaping, administrative variance, and outdoor lighting)-Under reView by the City Council • Creation of new code language related to/�gri-tourism (City Council adopted June 2011) Continuing the City's code amendment.work, there are seyeral other zoning code amendments that staff will be bringing forward�to the Planning Commission in addition to the Phase 2 Code Update Group 2 amendments. Tliose other code amendments include the following: • Cottage Housing—Cartyover from Phase 1 Code Update Work • Cluster Subdivision—Carryover from Phase 1 Code Update Work • Collective Gardens—City has a curreM moratorium on collective gardens that expires August 3, 2012. Staff will be working on draft code language to address the use and location of collective gardens wi4hin the City to address changes in state law. e Sign Code—City Council enacted interim zoning regula6ons related to real estate signs with one year timeframe,to work on the pertnanent zoning regulations; one year expires April 26, 2012 unless extended. • Agri-tourism—during the amendment process for the Mosby Farms' code amendment. related to agri-toursim, the City Council reque§ted that staff explore expanding agri- toursim into other areas zoned Residential Conservancy. • Design Reqiew Code Amendment—expand the design review guidance and generai submittal requirements under Supplemental Development Standards,to include Downtown and Aubum Gateway. - • Food Carts�—ezplore tfie possibility of creating developmenf regulations for food carts. • Cell Antennas—expiore whether development regulations should 6e incluiied in tfie zoning code requiring stealtH design when cell antennas are placed on existing structures. • '`Housekeeping Amendments"—clarify definitions f�om the Phase 1 code update work, . conflicts within the code identified during project review. Staff will begin working on the amendments that are time sensitive firsYand bring for Planning Commission discussion in January and February 2012. 2 1