HomeMy WebLinkAbout6388 ORDINANCE NO. 6 3 8 8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNGIL OF THE. _ CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 18.52 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE RELATING TO OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING WHEREAS, from time to time, amendments to the City of Aubum zoning code are appropriate, in order to update and better reflect the current development needs and standards of the City; and WHEREAS, a need has been ident�ed to address concems over the regulations on off-street parking and loading; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this ordinance is to establish regulations which provide for safe, attractive, and convenient off-streeY parking and loading and to ensure that parking a�eas are compatible with surrounding land uses; and ' WHEREAS; the .proposed zoning code amendments will increase the number of shared and reducecl parking strategies, allow for altemative parking surfaces and allow altemative parking layouts subject to approval by the planning director; and WHEREAS, following proper notice, the �City of Aubum Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 18, 2011, on the proposed code amendments regarding off-street pa�king and ioading, landscaping and screening, outdoor lighting, and variances; and - WHEREAS, after fully- considering the testimony and infirmation presented at the public hearing, on October 18;2011; the Planning Commission Ordinance No. 6388 December 14, 2011 Page 1 of 26 / made its recommendations foe code amendments to the City of Aubum City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the Planning Commission recommendations; and WHEREAS, environmental review on the proposal has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Acf (SEPA) with a final determination of non-sign�cance (DNS) issued September 15, 2011; and WHEREAS, putsuant to RCW 36.70A.106, the proposed zoning code amendments were sent to the Washington State Department of Commerce, Growth Management Services; and other state agencies as required for the 60- day state review; and WHEREAS, no comments regarding the proposed zoning code amendments have been received from the Department of Commerce or other state agencies; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposed amendments improve the readability and use of use of the City Code, updates technical aspects of the code, improves the City's development reyiew process, and promote sustainability concepts where feasible NOW, THEREFORE, THE GITY COUNGIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN as follows: OrdinanceNo. 6388 � December 14,2011 Page2 of 26 'Section 1. Amendment to Citv Code. That Chapter 18.52 of the Aubum City Code be and the sarrie hereby is amended to read as follows: Chapter 18.52 OFFSTREET PARKING AND LOADING Sections 18.52.005 Intent. 18.52.010 6eaera4Aooiicabiliri. 18.52.020 . Number of off-street oarkinq seaces reauired. 18.52.025 Disabled/Hanilicaooed Parkinq Reauirements. 18.52.030 Reductions of the quantity of required parking. 18.52.040 Drive-ir+ttirouqh iacilities. -busiaesses 18.52.050 - . Parkina Desian � and Develoament Standards. 18.52.060 _ _ . . duplexesRe eale . 18.52.065 Commer�cial vehicle"s in residential zones: 18.52.W0 .Re eale . 18.52.080 Repealed. 18.52.090 :Reoealed. 18.52.100 Re al . 18.52.110 Fractional spaces. - � 18.52.120 .Reoealed. 18.52.125 Stacked parking. I 18.52.130 Off=street loading space_ • � 18.52.135 Altemate oarkina lavouts. 18.52.005 - Intern. This chaoter establishes reaulations which orovide fior safe. attractive. and convenient off- street oarkina and loadina end to ensure that oarking areas are comoaUble with surroundinq land uses. The Citv discouraaeserovidina oarkina in excess of that reauired bv this Chaoter. 18.52.010 6er+eFal-Aoelicabilitv. _ Exceet as otherwise orovided in adooted contract rezones. develooment aareements. design standards and'quidelines. or.similar more spec�c orocess. off-street oarkinq and loadinq provisions of this chanter shall a��ly as follows: A. New Develooment. For all buildinqs or strucfures erected and all uses of land (orooertv) esfablished, oarkina and loadina facilities shall be Drovided as required bv this ChaDtec B. Chanae in Use. When the.use of anv buildina, structure. or land is chanaed. increasina the intensitv such thaf the chanae creates an increase of five or less oarkina soaces reauired b4 the chanqe. additional.off-street �arkinq soaces.:need`not be orovided in aocortlance with the reauirements of this chaoter. 1 Soecial orovisions forthe R0. Residential Office district: a. Within the RO.-Residential Office zoninp.district. 'if anv existinq, nonresidential use is chanaed to another use. 4he reauirements of this chauter shall anplv in full to the new use if Ordinance No. 6388 December 14, 2011 �Page 3 of 26 and onlv if the chanae in oarkina reauirements between the old and new uses is qreater than two spaces: except that if the aoplicant submits an altemate oarkina olan sufficientiv iustifvina that the existina oarkina meets the needs of the new use. the olannina director mav authorize the satisfaction of carkina throuah the Soecial Excection Process b. Whenever there is a chanqe from a residential use to a nonresidential use in an existinq buildinq within the RO. Residentiai Office zonina district, the reauirements of this Chaoter shall aoolv in full to the new use: except if the structure is beina used as both a residence and business. then if the a�vlicant submits an Altemate Parkina Plan sufficientiv iustifvina that the oarkinq meets the needs of both uses. the olannina director mav authorize the satisfaction of parkinq throuqh the Soecial Exceotion Process. C. Modification to Existina Structures or Uses of Land. Whenever an exisGna buildina or structure is modified or uses of land are modified such that the modification would reauire an increase of more than five off-street oarkina spaces, additional off-street oarkinq soaces shall be provided in accordance with the reauirements of this Chaoter. D. Modification to Existinq Parkinq Lots. eFFelesaEed- � � � � S1._Any parking lot hereafter physically aitered shall comply with all of the provisions of this Chapter, except that such lot which provides five percent of its area in landscaping and the landscapinq is healthv and qood maintenance shall be deemed to comply with ACC �:58:969EF�18.50.040(Cl(41. 52. For existing parking lots that are resurfaced in excess of 50 percent of their area, then at least five percent of the entire parking area shall be Iandscaped consistent with Chapter 18.50 ACC. � 63. If existing parking lots are restriped, then the new layout of the parking spaces shall be the same as the previous layout or, ff changed, then the changed layout shall conform to the existing dimensional requiremerrts of this chapter. Ordinance No. 6388 December 14, 2011 Page 4 of 26 � � � � �e� _ . a�e�- �� . Ord. 6287 §2, 2010; Ord. 6231 §7, 2009; Ord. 4949§ 1, 1997; Ord. 4229§2, 1987J I18.52.020 Number of offatreet parkins�snaces reauired Ordinance No. 6388 I December 14, 2011 Page 5 of 26 Each nrincipal use of the land, building, or structu . . shall qrovide the number of off-sheet aarkinq spaces reauired bv this Section. The following standards are not applicable in the DUC. Downtown Urban Center zone; refer to Chapter 18.29 ACC for specific requiremerrts for that zone. A. Parkina reauirements bv land use 1. Minimum number of �arkinu soaces. Each land use shall arovide the minimum number of off�treet parkinq spaces required bv Table 18.52.020. exce�t where a areater number of soaces are reauired throuqh a more spec'fiic aooroval orocess such as an administrative use permit or conditional use oermit approval. 2. Uses nat listed. Where a use is not listed in Table 18.52.020 the alanninq director shall determine the number of reauired �arkina and/or loadina sqaces. The planninq director shall use the requirements in Table 18.52.020 as a guide in determininq the number of off-street parkinq spaces required based on the simiiaritv of uses or mav consider a parkinq qeneration studv. B. Maximum number of oarkina spaces. Except for required parkinp sqaces for persons with disabilities, spaced provided in oark and ride lots o�erated bv a public transit aaencv. soaces for carpools. spaces for electric vehicle chargina and soaces within structured parkinq with 2 or more levels, the maximum number of oarkinp soaces for non-residential uses shall not exceed 125 oercent of the minimum spaces required bv Table 18.52.020 C. Measurement of floor area. In anv case where Table 18.52.020 establishes a parkinq requirement based on floor area in spuare feet (for examole: 2 soaces cer 1.000 sauare feet (sfl of floor areal. the floor area shall be construed to mean qross floor area fDel ACC 18.04.430). D. Use with accessorv comnonents. A sinale use with accessorv comqonents shall provide �arkinq for the orimarv use. and each comoonent. For example, a hotel with a meetinq room mav be reauired to �rovide the oarkina s�aces reauired bv Table 18.52.020 for a hotel (i.e. the auest rooms). and for a meetinq room. E. Obstruction. Removal of reauired oarkinq or loadina soaces from oractical use bv obstruction erection of buildinqs, or other actions as to reduce the oarkina or loadinq caoaciN or usefulness thereof below the minimum requirements established in this chapter is orohibited. Table 18.52.02�OH-Street Parkinq Reauirements bv Land Use Land Use Tvoe: Unit of Measure: Reauired Parkins� Rate (soaces oer unit of measure • � Residerrtial Cateqories Sinale familv. detached Dwellina unit 2.00 dwellina. Adult familv home � Twafamilv dwellina (duDlex) Dwellinq unit 2.00 IMultifamilv dwellina (one and Dweliinq unit 1.50 two bedroom unitsl Multifamilv dwellina fthree Dwellina unit 2.00 � bedroom units or more) � Mobite home dwellinas' Dwellina unit 2.00 � Assisted Livina Facilities 4 bedrooms 1.00 Ordinance No. 6388 December 14, 2011 Page 6 of 26 Plus one s�ace for each two emolovees IGrouo living (includes 2 bedrooms 1.00 su000rtive housina. boardinahousel � Commeraal Catectories Auto. boat. or recreational 5.000 sauare feet of outdoor 1.00 vehicle sales or leasina. new or sales area used 1.000 sauare feet of 1.00 showroom and service facilitles � Dav�are centers Each 10 children in care 2.00 Eatina and drinkinq 1.000 sauare feet of floor area 10_00 establishments � Food retail stores and markets 1.000 sauare feet of floor area 5.00 � Health and Fitness Ctubs 1.000 sauare feet of floor area 10_00 � Hotel or Motel Guest room or rerrtal unit 1.00 Mini-marts and self service aas 1.000 sauare feet of floor area 5.00 stations � Mortuaries or tuneral homes SeatZ 0.25 Motor vehicle reoair and 1.000 square feet of floor area 2.50 services � Personal service shops 1.000 sauare feet of floor area 2.50 Retail commercial 1.000 sauare feet of floor area 2.50 establishments, less than 15.000 sauare feet of floor area IRetail commercial 1.000 sauare feet of floor area 4.00 establishments, q2ater than 15,000 sauare feet of floor area � Sh000ina centers 1.000 sauare feet of floor area 4.00 � Office Cateaories IBusiness and orofessio�al 1.000 sauare feet of floor area 2.00 offices IMedical. dental. and other 1.000 sauare feet of floor area 5.00 doctor's offices ManuNacturina Processina and Warehousina Cateaories All manufacturinq. industrial. 1.000 sauare feet of floor area 1.00 and orocessina uses. exceot the followinq: � Warehousinq 2.000 square feet of floor area 1.00 Ordinance No. 6388 December 14, 2011 ' Page 7 of 26 IStoraqe- Personal storaaelmini- Storaae unit� Minimum of 2 soaces storaae facilities IRecreation. Education. Public Assemblv Cateaories IAuditoriums. stadiums. and Seat� 0.25 thea ers ICommercial recreation facilities 1.000 sauare feet of floor area 5.00 -Indoor, exce�t for Me followinq: � Bowlina allevs Lanes 5.00 � Pool and billiard rooms Tabie 2.00 � Skatina rinks 1.000 sauare feet of floor area 5.00 Commercial recreation facilities 1.000 square feet of usable 3.00 -Outdoor recreational area � Hosoitals Bed 1.75 � Librarv. museum 1.000 sauare feet of floor area 2.50 � Meetina faciliN. oublic or orivate Seat� 025 � Reliqious assemblv Seat� 020 � Schools(oublic and orivate) � Kinderaarten schools Emolovee° 1.00 � Elementarv/middle schools Teachina station 120 � Secondarv(hiah)schools Student 0.40 Colleae or universiN Student 0.75 (includina Vade and business SChools Studios (dance, martial arts. 1.000 sauare feet of Floor area 5.00 etc. TennislracquetbalUhandball or Court 2.00 other soort caurts Each 300 sf of floor area for 1.00 accessorv uses. Recreational uses not Iisted Same as retail, based on size elsewhere Notes: 1. Wilhin mobile home uarks. oarkina soace shall not be allowed within the reauired setbadcs. Guest parkina shall be orovided within the develooment: 5%of total reauirement. 2. Seat. 18 inches of bench.or 25 sauare feet of floor soace. 3 Parking shall be orovided bv oarkina/drivina lanes adiacent to buildinas. Two oarkina soaces shall be orovided adiacent to the manaaera auarters. 4 The2 shall be 2 visitor-oarkina stalls nrovided for each 10 reauired emolovee stalls �6�id6FlEia� Ordinance No. 6388 December 14, 2011 Page 8 of 26 I aFe� . . �Fkasis ��� . , ex,aa+iaeF Aeef�e� . Ord. 6167 §4, 2008; Ord. 6140 §2, 2007; Ord. 6071 §3, 2007; Ord. 5777§ 1, 2003; Ord. 5556§ 1, 2001; Ord. 5170§ 1, 1998; Ord. 4949§ 1, 1997; Ord. 4304§ � 1(40), (41), 1988; Ord. 4229§2, 1987.) 18.52.025. Disabled/Handicaqoed-R Parkina RequiremerKs A. Accessibie oarkinq soaces for the handicaooed/disabled shall be orovided in comoliance with the Intemational Buildinq Code (IBC). the Federel Accessibilitv Guidelines. and Washinqton Administrative Code, as aDDlicable. These snaces shall count towards fulfillinq the off-street oarkina reauirements of this Chaater. B. Accessible car and van oarkinq suace size shall be as follows: 1. Car carkina spaces shall be eiaht feet(96 inches) minimum in width. 2. Van oarkinq soaces shall be 11 feet 1132 inchesl minimum in width. C. Exceotion: Van parkinq soaces shall be oertnitted to be eiaht feet (96 inches) minimum in width where the adiacent access aisle is eiqht feet(96 inches) minimum in width. ITable 18.52.025—Accessible Parkina Soaees Reouired Total Parkina Minimum Number of Aceesslble Soaces Suaces Provided Ordinance No. 6388�Y December 14, 2011 Page 11 of 26 ' Table 18.52.�25-Aceessible Parkina Soaces Reauired I Total ParkMc Mlnimum Number of Accessible Spaces Soaces Prodided I 1 to 25 1 I 26 to 50 2 . I 51 to 75 3 I 7 01 0 4 I 101 to 150 5 I 151 to 200 6 I 201 to 300 . 7 I 301 to 400 8 I 401 to 500 9 . I 501 to 1.000 2%of totai IMore than 1.000 20. olus one for each 100 over 1.000 18.52.030 Reductions of the quantity of requlred parking. Except within the DUC zone, reductions of the quantity of required parking may be allowed based upon the fetlewicig-provisions tablein Table 18.52.030 Parkinq �uantiN Reductions. Table 18.52.030 Parkino Quantitv Reductlons 1. Joint Use of A reduction in the total number of reauired oarkinq soaces mav be Parkinp FacilRies allowed when two or more uses with different oeak �arkina demands will sliare a oarkina faciliN. In order for.the reduction to occur the-olannina directo� must detertnine. based on satisiactor4 evidence orovided bv the aoolicant. that there is no substantial conflict in the�rinciDal ope�atinp hours-and no substantial conflict in peak oarkinq tleinand of the use§•fo�'whicfi the sharina of parkinq is - pr000seiJ. To evaluate thie oeak:�arkinq demand oh'aract'eristics or differences in'-hours:arid/or-davs-of ooeration. evidenoe inGuiiina. but iiot:limitetl_to, a description of the uses and tFieir operational cfiaraateristics.-and a develooment plan shall.be provided bv the �olioarit anil"accomoanv the reauest.. If aoaroved, a bindina aqreement orovidinq-for-the shared use of arkin a�eas sfiall be executetl ti tlie -arties involved' and must Ordinance No. 6388 Decemberl4, 2011 Page 12 of26 be filed!with the Citv in a fortn aporoved bv the olannina director anH'tie'recorded. Shared.pat1cinq orivileaes will continue in effect onlv as lanq-as.the aareement: bindina on all oarties. remains in force.- Aqreements musY auarantee long-term availabiliN of the parkina. commensurete with the use served bv the oarkinq. If a shared oarkina agreement laoses or is no lonCer valid, then Darlcinq must be orovided as otherwise reauired bv this chaoter. 2. Reduction of A redudion of up to 50 oercent of.the total number of reauired parking for a use Darkina allowed-for the re-use of an existina buildinc, based on with low oarkina auantitafi4e-infomiation orovided bv.the aooliqnt-that documents demand the need fo�fewer soaces (ea sales receipts, dooumentation of - customer freauenav: information on oarkinq standards reauired for the orooertv land use bv other citiesl. In order for tfie reductioo to occur the olanninq director mu`st find, satisfactorv evidence has been orovided bv the aDDlicant, 3. Mixed Occunancies In the case of two or more orincioal uses in the �me buildina. the and Shared Uses rotal recuirements for off-street oarkina facilities shall be 75 oercent of the sum of the reauirements for the orinci�al uses computed seoaratelv. In order for a use to be considered a se�arate orincioal use under the terms of this section, the.uses must be �livsicallv and manaaeriallv seoarate in a manner which cleadv sets the orincioal uses aoart as seoarate businesses or ooerations. Various activities associated with sinale businesses shall riot be considered seoarate uses. 4. Transit Access A reduction in the tohal number of required oarkina soaces mav be reduced bv 25 oercentaae for sites located within a 'h mile (walkina distancel of a aublic trensit stoo. A oublic transit stoo includes but is not limited to a bus stoo. commuter train stoo. or nark and ride lot. Apoiicants reauestina this reduction must orovide a mao identifvina the site and transit service schedutes for all transit routes within '/. mile of the site. 5. Trio Reduction Plan A reduction of up to 25 cercent in the total number of required parkina soaces mav be allowed ior a business or other use that creates and imolements a.site-soecific Trin Reduction Plan and Proaram.. The Trio Reduction Plan and Proaram shall be reviewed and.aooroved bv the Citv and vearlv reoorts shall be orovided to evaluate the effeotiveness of the oroqram and ensure its continued maintenanoe and ooeraGOn. 6. Credit forOn-street All muNi-familv uses and non-residential uses located adiacent to a Parkina—Non- Publicriqht-of-wav where on-street oarkina is oermitted mav receive residential credit for-one off-street oarkina stall for each 22 linear feet of abuttin ri ht-of-wa for arallel arkin excludin curb cuts: This Ordinance No. 6388 December 14, 2011 Page 13 of 26 provision shali be aonlied for on-street oarkina on the same side of the slreet as the proposed land use. All oarkina for emolovees must be orovided on-site. 7. Valet Service A redudion of uo to 25 �ercent in the amourrt of required oarkina per Table 18.52.020 mav be cermitted, deoendinq on the size and Npe of the use if aporoved bv the olannina director. I - � CiEywi�e aanene I � � aFes Ale .�o ce n,ninv�.�aa.�io�� I W/A X66 �-(� 0 X96 A10 I ' . �es Ale ��� . �E�N t+�e xes I ����� Ne �es IN�d� a=es �es � � � � _ - Ordinance No. 6388 Decemberl4, 2011 Page 14 of 26 r _ �s � � � � � n�a� �. �� a.�. �s au� a:oo �:oo�. c:ao s:ao-a.m. � s;�a-�� � m�,� �. a�oo a:� aesi�e�a� ase^� �a^6 ea� �a^,� ea^� �uss� � ase�, �a;b � �c _ �s � eae� �ee� � �e�euaae�e+ �e;b � � �a;b aee^,� � � � sa�b �a^� ��Y6-e� � �e;b ae� aee;b �e^� aee^� sl+urehes 5ae 49°6 39"Je 3as;6 �a"k Pel�eEhers �A4°k �8846 �98�°Je 3844k �94% � 4 �ist�ists _ �: � � . Ordinance No. 6388 December 14,2011 Page 15 of 26 €Yalet-sea�ise- . (Ord. 6071 § 4, 2007; Ord. 5556 § 1, 2001; Ord. 5170 § 1, 1998; Ord. 4949§ 1, 199T, Ord. 4229§2, 1987.) 18.52.040 Drive-throuahiR-facilitiesbusiaesses. All banks, savings and loan associations, food dispensing establishments, and other businesses which maintain drive-throuahia tacilities which are intended to serve cusWmers who remain in their motor vehicles during business transactions, orare designed in such a manner that customers must leave theic automobiles temporarily in a driving lane located adjacent to the facility, shall provide on-site stacking spaoe for the stacking ofmotor 4ehicles as follows: A. Stacking Space. Tlie dri4e-throuahia facility shall be so located that sufficient stacking space is provided So accommbdate fec the #ar�ka�et es of motor vehicles using such facility during peak business tiours of such a facifiry. B. Driveway Location. The locatian of entrances and exits shall be determined by the city engineer. � C. Shopping Centers. When located in a shopping,center, drive-throuahi� facilities shall provide sufficient stacking space to liandle peak business demands and shall not in any way obstruct the normal circulation'patterti of tFie shopping center-and not unreasonable interfere-with non-motorized circulation. (Ord. 4949§ 1, 1997; Ord. 4229§2, 1987.) Ordinance No. 6388 Deeember 14, 2011 Page 16 of 26 18.52.050 arkina Desian.aa� Development.and Mairhenance Sfandards �Y-�F �� Reauired oarkina areas sliall.be desianed. cons4ructed and maintained in comoliance wfth this Section: A. LocaUon of oarkina. Off-sfreet oarkino areasshall be located as fotlows: 1. Residential oarkina. Residential oarkinq shall be ,located on the same site as each residential dwellina unit served: exceoF for a mixed-use develooment as defined bv ACC 18.04.625. No required residentiai oarkinq soace shall occuoJ an4 unimoroved area within the reauired front setback. or side and rear setback. exce�t as allowed bv ACC 18:52.050 E — Surfacinq of Parkinq Areas, Ordinance No. 6388 Deoember 14, 2011 Page 17 of26 2. Non-residential oarkina. Non-residential oarkinq shall be located on fhe same site as 4he:use served. oroff-sRe. If parkina is to be located off-site it is subiect to the foliowinq reauirements: a. The lot or area to tie utllized for parkinq-shall be Jeaallv encumbered by an easement or ottier aaorooriate means to en§ure continuous use of the oarkina tacilities followina the nrocedure contained in Table 18.52.030(11 Joint Use of Pa�kinc Facilities. b. Wheneve� reauired' parkina facilities are loCated off-site. sidewalks: or an anproved oedestrian facilitv. shall be orovided connectina the satellfte oarkinq faciliri to the develooment beina served: B Access to oarkina. Access to oarkino shall be orovided as foilows for all oarkina areas other than for'indiviclual sinqle familv dwellinas and duplexes. 1. The location. desian and construction of entrances and exits from the street riqht- of-wav shall be determined bv the citv enaineer. 2 A commercial or industrial use shall have access drivewavs from the oublic or private street that are not intersected bv a oarkinq aisle, oarkina soace. or anotHer aocess drivewa4 for a minimum distance of 40 feet from the streef riaht-of-wav: 40 orovide a queuina area for vehicles enterina and exitina the oarkina area. The citv enqineer mav reauire a areater distance for uses with hiqh vehicle trip qeneration or located alona heavily-traveled. citv desianated arterial streets. C Access to adiacent sites. The CiN mav reauire that the desiqn of a oarkina area to provide vehicle and oedesfian connections to oarkina areas on adiacent orooerties or to connect with adioinina oublic welkwavs (when a reciprocal access easement is available or can reasonablv be oroviifed). D. Parkinq stali and aisle dimensional standarda 1. Minimum dimensions. Each oarkina s�ace and parkina lot aisle shall comolv with the minimum dimension reauirements in Table 18.52.05� and further displaved in Fiaure 18.52.050. Table 18.52.050 Parkins�Soace and Drive Alsle Dimensions Miofmum Width for Minimum Stall Drive Aisle wkh Dlmensloas Parkin e I Parkina Stall Tvoe Width a Cenath(b) One-Wav Two-Wav I Standard parallel 9,�, � 12�f, �(f, I Standard 45�earee 9 ft 1�ft. 15ft. 20 ft. I Standard80-dearee 9_ft. 19 ft. � 2�ft. I Standard 90-dearee 9 ft. 19�t, 0�. 24�f. I m act 8 ft. 1� 20 ft. 22 . Ordinance No.6388 Decemtier 14,;2011 Page 18 of 26 Fls�ure 18.52.050-Parkinst Soaee and D�ive Aisle Dimensions 90 dey �aus 5o sm�h Aisk wldlh 2. C.ORIDBCt p8�1(InO. Ci0rtID8C� SpBCES R18Y b@ 8110W8C1 WIt111I1 0 pBfklnQ 102 Uq t0 8 maximum of 30 percent of the total number of soaces. This maximum oercentaqe can be increased to 50 oercent when aDqroval is obtained bv the olanninp director followina the procedures contained in ACC 18.52.135. Altemative Parkinq Lavouts. Compact svaces can be ctustered or disoersed throuahout the oarkina lot. Everv comoact oarkina soace created qursuant to this section shall be cleariv identified as such bv paintina the word "COMPACT' in uoaer case block letters usinq white oaint, on the pavement within the soace or throuah the use of siqnaae. 3. Vehicle Overhanq. Vehicular overhanq of uo to two feet is �ermitted. orovided no vehicle shall overhanq into a sidewalk or walkwav which would reduce the unencumbered width of a sidewalk or walkwav to less than four feet. A vehicle is oermitted to overhana into a landscaoed area bv two feet� orovided that the required landscaoe area of trees and shrubs are not reduced in quantiN and not subiect to ootential damaqe. E. Surfacina of oarkina areas. Areas used for oarkina on �rivate oro�ertv. includina interior drivewavs and access to a public street. shall be paved with as�halt concrete, cement concrete pavement or pervious oavement and shall have a�oropriate bumoer auards where needed Pavina is not required for temoorarv �arkinq facilities that have obtained a Temporarv Use Permit qursuant to the reauirements of ACC 18.46A — Temoorarv Uses: however dust mitlqation is required Where a drivewav crosses an imoroved oublic riaht-of-wav it shall be wnstructed with cement concrete. All oavement sections shall be desiqned to supoort the oost develooment ha�c loads anticioated due to the intended use as aooroved bv the citv enaineer. 1 Alternative oavina svstems mav be orovided subiect to the aoproval of the Citv. The altemative must orovide results eauivaleM to oavina. 2 For oarkinq areas servinq sinale-hamilv dwellinas and duplexes when located on individual lots. this section shall aoolv: a Each off-street oarkina s�ace shall be connected to an improved street or allev by a drivewav a minimum of 11 feet in width b. Not more than 50 oercent of tt�e front vard or 800 sauare feet. whichever is smaller can be used as off-sheet oarkinq surface. For the oumoses of calculatina the allowable area under this section the froM vard shall be the area between the riaht-of-wav and the portion of the sinqle-familv dwellina's front facade farthest from the riaht-of-wav The width of the front vard shall extend to each side orooertv line. Ordinance No. 6388 December 14, 2011 Page 19 of 26 c. Drivewavs that exclusivelv serve non-required off-street qarkina soaces are also subiect to the surfacina reauirement. d. Off streef vehicle �arkina soaces. includina those for trailers. recreational vehicles and boats on trailers. Mat are provided in addition to those reauired pursuant to ACC Table 18.52.020 shall be oaved with one the surfaces listed above (Section 18.52.050 E). or aravel orovided. that weeds:mud orother fine material do not work their wav to the surface of the aravel: and orovided, thatJoose aravel is contained on the subieot propertv. e. Boats not on trailers shell not be stored in the front vard. F. Grades of access drivewavs. The grade of access drivewavs for off-street parkina areas shall be subiect to the d�ivewav reaulations con4a'ined in ChaDter 10.04 of the Enaineerina Desiqn Standards: G. SideJualks or oedesVian walkwavs. Sidewalks or oedestrian walkwavs-shall be _ _ visibly marked with differentiated oavemerrt or other methods such as reflediveJLED markers. double row of landscapinq, or raised oavement. H. Landscapina. See Chapter'18.50 ACC. L L'iqhtinq: See Chaoter 18.53 ACC.(Ord. 6231 § 7, 2009; Ord. 4949 § 1, 1997; Ord.4229§2, 1987.) �� n icr o�� Ordinance No.6388 December 14,2011 Page20 of 26 � .. � �„��e�e� . _. �� . ereae�� _ � n..� eoea c � 1�(f7. /1..1. A00� G ^1 aeo�� ` � � 18.52.065 Commereial vehicles 1e►esidantial zones. A. No person shall park any commercial 4ehicle on any property within the follawing zoning districts in the city: Residential.Zones R5. R7: R10.-R16. and R20 (�-i�siagle-�ami4y �esider+tia4;and (PUD) planned unit developmerrt. brdinance No. 6388 . December 14, 2011 Page 21 of 26 B. No person shall park more than one commercial vehicle on any property within Uie R1' ResidenGal Zone ' ) ioning district in the city, and no person shali`park more than two,commercial vehides on any property within the ResidenUal Conservancv RC zoning district in the city. . (Ord. 6019§2, 2006.) a4tpe-eit��atieFaey- . 2#aissesHe� aee� !1M A7�f0 A 9 ��G7 \ - ' ' ' � , 1 • ' ' 18.52.080 Ofbetreet parking—In-lieu of fees. Repealed by Ord. 4949. (Ord.4688§2, 1994.) Ordinance.No. 6388 Decemberl4, 2011 Page 22 of 26 aessi�a� � I - - - a�-way �;,�-v+r�r � a � s s s ( ae e-a ��a �-a �aa � a� aa aa.� �s.a �e-a � �a aa z�.s: �a zaa� I es aa �a.a aaa �a iessi�aa-49-feeE: � . � - - - Aae-WaY �we-Way � A @ 6 9 8 � 36 @-� �48' a9-9' 28-� � 43 �.8 �.8 a3� 268 � 6B @-6 �a �Ga 2�9' � 89 �8 �' 2��.&' 2i 4 sba4l-�e-eea5alted- � Ordinance No. 6388 December 14, 2011 Page 23 of 26 a L a c , � \ \ ` '\ \ � . . ._ , , . , 18.52.770 Fraetioeal spaces. When units or measurements determining the number of required parking spaces result in requirements of a fractional space, any fraction up to one-half shall be disregarded, and fractions of one-half or over shall requiPe one parking space. (Ord. 4949§ 1, 1997; Orcl. 4229§2, 1887:j 18.52.125 Stacked parkirig, Stacked parking, i.e., parking one car behind another, is pertnitted for funeral homes, single-family homes .on individuai lots, and for deaignated employee parking within the RO, Residential Office distrid only, unless the use has complied with the re.quiremerits of ACC Table 18.52.030 Parkina QuantitV Reductions-(Valet Service) ��. (Ord. 6231 §9, 2009; Ord. 4949§ 1, 1997.) Ordinance No. 6388 December 14, 2011 Page 24 of 26 18.52.130 Off�treet loading space. Buildings devoted to retail trade, retail and wholesale food markets, warehouses, supply houses, wholesale and manufacturing trade, hotels, hospitals, laundry, dry cleaning establishments or other buildings where large amounts of gooiis are received or shipped stiall provide loading and unloading space on the same premises as the building as follows: A. Buildings of 6,000 square feet or more of floor area, one off=sVeet loading and unloading space plus one addftional off-sVeet loading space foreach 20,000 square feet of floor area; B. Each loading space shall,be not less than 10 feet in width, 25 feet in length and 14 feet in height; C: Loading space,exGusive of driveways and/or corridors leading thereto, shall not � be considered as providing off-street,parking space. (Ord. 4949§ 1, 1997; Ord.4229§2, 1987.) 18.52.135 Altemate parkins� lavouts. �outs and dimensions of off-street oarkina soaces. maneuverina aisles: drivewavs. drivewav ooeninas and other related features different from those ore§cribed in Sections 18.52.050 ACC mav be aooroved bwthe olanninq director uoon written findinas that demonstrate: A The number of off-street oarkinq spaces required bv Section 18.52.020 ACC (unless reductions are oermitted under Section 18.52.0301 are�rovided: B. THere is substantial.reason for varving 4he standa�d: and C Inqress and ea�ess is.aporoved bv the CiN Enqineer where he or she ensures that adeauate indress to and eqress-from each reauired off-street oarkina soace is orovided fora vehicle of the approoriate size.and that inqress to and eqress from the off-street oarkinu facilitv is possible with minimal tlisruotion of t�affic on the adiacent street. Section 2. Imalementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. Section 3. Severabilitv. The provisions 'of this ordinance are � declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, sec4ion or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of . ihe remainder of this ordinance; or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Ordinance No. 6388 December 14, 2011 Page 25 of26 Section 4. Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days from, and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: DEC 1 9 2011 PASSED: DEC 1 9 2011 APPROVED: DEC 1 8 201t AUBURN � PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST: ��(�' �,�..�...� Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED S TO FORM: Daniel B. Heid, ity , ttor , Pubiished: A�t�r.�ZZ 1-°��� �'u ��' � Ordinance No. 6388 Deeember 14, 2011 Page 26 of 26